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0129-2014-New Year broadcast from Jonah 12 minutes to a hour 25 minutes S: he has some good info on the NAME and

the purpose of the DBA and how to use the DBA the right way to take you out of jurisdictions and how to use UCC1 non-filing for public record and where you are authorized to do that. I dont agree with all of it but it puts more pieces to the puzzle. Good results on the w4 and we chatted with Ussiger and Marc and he has some new ideas with the w4 and the closed checking accounting that make sense. Ussiger found a new address for the w4 and that is the one in Philadelphia 10) Address of the Director, Philadelphia Service Center. Any written communication directed to the Director, Philadelphia Service Center is to be addressed as follows: P.O. Box 21086, Drop Point 8731, FIRPTA Unit, Philadelphia, PA 191140586. S: Ussiger (NC) still has electric, phone, gas same with Mike OBrien. Steve sent 3 in and hes testing the waters. Steve sent the 1040V separately. S: Ussiger is adding 35% on the w4. The one box bottom is where the account number goes. In 1.441 in the w4 code their fee is 35%. So put withheld+35%. They cannot access money on the private on the private side without our permission. S: Listen to the audio and there are other remedies with foreclosures. Its on the NAME, the BC and how to access them. They are doing the lien search with the SOS on the NAME especially on foreclosures and IRS liens and the call explains how to do that with credit bureaus. Do a UCC11 and get it back on the name that there is no debt; they never filed a UCC1 or a UCC3. The law says IRS and mortgage have to do that. Do an affidavit with the UCC11 and send it to the credit bureau stating there is no money due and the credit bureau is responsible to report those entities reporting on the public record. Now it goes back to permissible purpose, then they are committing fraud. How many inquiries are there on my credit report and who did you authorize? If there are inquiries that you didnt authorize they didnt have permissible purpose and they are in violation of the act. That means money in your pocket. Anything on that credit reportgo through that credit report and take the highlighter and highlight anything that is incorrect, the name, an initial, a dollar amount, a total amountthese are all in violation of the fair debt reporting out. You report this to the credit bureau and to lexis-nexus. Its all laid out in steps. You can increase the credit score really quickly. You can go from 520 to 750 in 30 days. You are operating in commerce and when you do the DBA then you are controlling the commerce. S; Go to the state court administer and get his EIN as he is over all the courts. This audio gets into the county clerk stuff and into notaries and who the dejure notary is. He explains on how you have to get the BC authenticated at the county, state, and US SOS. We had the info a couple of years ago and they just did it through US SOS. This is in 9-302. We arent authorized to use the UCC but they tell you everything you are supposed to do. Its all based on ecclesiastical law. He gets to the w8ben and what it means under the ecclesiastical law. Theres some really good stuff that we knew. Weve gotten more new info in the last 3 to 4 days than we have in the last few weeks. The UCC1 is the non-filing and the county recorders will then do the filing. That is public record and that is what the UCC non-filing is for. This clarifies a lot of things and the misconception of the county clerks not recording documents. You do an affidavit with the UCC1 filing. Jonahs Call: January 2014 If my cows go to the neighbor I have to prove they are mine when I go to my neighbor; youll show the sheriff your branding iron and some paperwork from the blacksmith when he created

the branding iron. Most of your neighbors will give you back your cattle. This was 100 years ago and there were no taxes; it was pre-1933 and before America went bankrupt. You go to get your cattle at another neighbors house and this neighbor is a feisty cow thief neighbor; he made a branding iron that looked just like yours. How do you get the cattle back? Its simple and its regular commerce. When you got your brand and your farm land you were supposed to take that stuff and register you farm and branding iron at the county level. Most people now say if you register your stuff with them it allows them to keep it and own it. That was not the case 100 years ago. There is duality in our system today and 100 years ago there was none and you only had what we call today, the private side. So you would take your stuff and register it at the county level and you were the owner. They would make a copy of it what you gave them and you would get back your originals. Today you dont get the originals back. Now you approach the cattle thief neighbor and bring the sheriff because the sheriff has your paperwork from the county. That neighbor is forced to give you back your cattle or get arrested as a cattle thief. That is called first in time, first in line. That is part of the UCC, the Uniform Commercial Code. Im talking about the law of commerce. When that man registered himself at the owner it had nothing to do with whether he was a Moor, a Christian, or any of his political or religious associations. What worked was that he followed the rules of commerce and he registered what he owned which keeps everyone else from trying to take what is his, or trespassing. In every-day commerce today there is no difference between cattle and chattel. Chattel is used the same as cattle. The chattel property and the chattel is the ALL CAPS NAME, the strawman. Unknown to most people some of the major issues we are having is that we have not registered ourselves as the owner of the strawman ALL CAPS NAME. Most people out there have been told they are not supposed to be the strawman, its not theirs, they cant own the strawman. That is not true and that is the direction they want to take you in and that is not to claim what is yours. There is a rule in Minnesota called Rule 220 of the Minnesota Court Rules> MINNESOTA COURT RULES GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE Rule 220.Birth Certificates The Registrar of Titles is authorized to receive for registration of memorials upon any outstanding certificate of title an official birth certificate pertaining to a registered owner named in said certificate of title showing the date of birth of said registered owner, providing there is attached to said birth certificate an affidavit of an affiant who states that he/she is familiar with the facts recited, stating that the party named in said birth certificate is the same party as one of the owners named in said certificate of title; and that thereafter the Registrar of Titles shall treat said registered owner as having attained the age of the majority at a date 18 years after the date of birth shown by said certificate. Task Force Comment - 1991 Adoption This rule is derived from 4th Dist. R. 11.05 This is plainly telling you that the birth certificate is your certificate of title of the strawman or the ALL CAPS NAME. But you must first agree in an affidavit that it is yours and you are the owner. Then you are not counted as a minority anymore. You will now be seen as one of the majority according what is written in Minn. Court Rule 220. This is a legal process. The word minority is nothing more than what we call legalese; its a legal definition or status. So you are going to change your status from being a minor and someone who cannot take care of himself to actually being a majority and someone who can handle his own affairs. According to that law you are supposed to register the fact that you are the owner. The registered owner has rights to bring up when someone is trespassing on his property. Without

that registration anyone can take anything from you that is part of the United States. They can take all your possessions that are in the NAME of the ALL CAPS strawman. Many people have heard of Ratification of Commencement. Ill take you to what the federal government calls it and its Rule 17 FRCP. These are the rules of the court. Rule 17. Plaintiff and Defendant; Capacity; Public Officers (a) Real Party in Interest. (1) Designation in General. An action must be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest. The following may sue in their own names without joining the person for whose benefit the action is brought: (A) an executor; (B) an administrator; (C) a guardian; (D) a bailee; (E) a trustee of an express trust; (call note: your lawyer) (F) a party with whom or in whose name a contract has been made for another's benefit; and (G) a party authorized by statute. (Call note: that is you coming in as the strawman). (2) Action in the Name of the United States for Another's Use or Benefit. When a federal statute so provides, an action for another's use or benefit must be brought in the name of the United States. (Call note: whenever they bring an action against you it will say UNITED STATES or STATE OF GEORGIA, WYOMING, etc against YOUR NAME.) (3) Joinder of the Real Party in Interest. The court may not dismiss an action for failure to prosecute in the name of the real party in interest until, after an objection, a reasonable time has been allowed for the real party in interest to ratify, join, or be substituted into the action. After ratification, joinder, or substitution, the action proceeds as if it had been originally commenced by the real party in interest. (b) Capacity to Sue or Be Sued. Capacity to sue or be sued is determined as follows: (1) for an individual who is not acting in a representative capacity, by the law of the individual's domicile; (2) for a corporation, by the law under which it was organized; and (3) for all other parties, by the law of the state where the court is located, except that: (A) a partnership or other unincorporated association with no such capacity under that state's law may sue or be sued in its common name to enforce a substantive right existing under the United States Constitution or laws; and (B) 28 U.S.C. 754 and 959(a) govern the capacity of a receiver appointed by a United States court to sue or be sued in a United States court. (c) Minor or Incompetent Person. (1) With a Representative. The following representatives may sue or defend on behalf of a minor or an incompetent person: (A) a general guardian; (B) a committee; (C) a conservator; or (D) a like fiduciary. (2) Without a Representative. A minor or an incompetent person who does not have a duly appointed representative may sue by a next friend or by a guardian ad litem. The court must appoint a guardian ad litemor issue another appropriate orderto protect a minor or incompetent person who is unrepresented in an action.

(d) Public Officer's Title and Name. A public officer who sues or is sued in an official capacity may be designated by official title rather than by name, but the court may order that the officer's name be added 1 What this is saying is that you must enter into the court in your true name. What the government or your county has not told is that you have not been using your real name. Your mother named you with whatever your name is in the hospital. But the registrar of the birth certificates had your mother register it a different way: they had you last name first, your first name after that and then your middle name. So it would be Doe, June Hannah. But I use June Hannah Doe every day. That is what I was told my name was. But the registered owners name is Doe, June Hannah. (Notetaker: see page 5 from county register of births, 1940)

If you are considered a domestic trust you have no control. I am going to show you through title 26 in awhile what I mean by that. If you go into a case and you dont go in as Doe, June Hannah, you are not coming in as the real party of interest. That is your name on the private side. On the public side it would be June Hannah Doe. If I dont come in as Doe, June Hannah, then they are going to appoint an executor. The executor of the trust that they just created will be the judge and he is called the executor de son tort which means he took over the position even though no one appointed him as that. Then he will take over a position as an administrator and then he will express the trust because the real party of interest (Doe, June Hannah) is not there in court. It allows him to take over the trust because your ALL CAPS NAME is considered a domestic trust, which is bad in this system.
Next well check the IRC which are the laws of the Internal Revenue or you can find them in Title 26. What it is saying under every term is that if you go into court with the name that is not the registered owner then they can control what happens in court by being an executor or administrator. So that is what is happening when you go into court. This is why they dont listen to anything you have to say because according to them you have no interest in the matter because you are not the real party of interest. Now well look at the NY Law, continued on page 6. Some people know this as the doing business as certificate and each state does it a little differently. Ill read 6 and then for you. N.Y. GBS. LAW 130: NY Code - Section 130: Filing of certificates by persons conducting business under assumed name or as partners. Search N.Y. GBS. LAW 130: NY Code - Section 130: Filing of certificates by persons conducting business under assumed name or as partners 6. A copy of a certificate filed under the provisions of this section, duly certified to by the county clerk or secretary of state in whose office the certificate is filed, shall be presumptive evidence in all courts of this state of the facts therein contained; provided, however, that

neither the certificate itself nor the filing thereof shall, for any purpose other than this section, constitute or be construed as an admission by the filing person, or be used as evidence,

that such person does or has done business or has carried on, conducted or transacted business in this state or any county therein, or intended to do so. What they are saying is that you can use it as evidence that you are the owner, because of the certificate they will give you and no one can deny that you are the owner of the name. But it is also saying that they cannot use that certificate against you to say that you conducted business in the United States because then they could hold you liable for taxes. So this is saying that they cannot hold you liable for taxes but you are registered as the owner. That is a totally different jurisdiction that this law is in. This law is dealing with your doing something on what is considered the private side but they cannot hold you accountable on the public side. 9. Any person or persons carrying on, conducting or transacting business as aforesaid, who knowingly fails to comply with the provisions of this section or who knowingly makes a false statement in a certificate filed there under shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person or persons carrying on, conducting or transacting business as aforesaid who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be prohibited from maintaining any action or proceeding in any court in this state on any contract, account or transaction made in a name other than its real name until the certificate required by this section has been executed and filed in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The law just broke down that if you dont do the certificate you cannot maintain any lawsuit and you cannot maintain any contract unless you come in your real name. Those are 2 laws that are making the statement that you must conduct yourselves in your proper name. What we call this is civically dead. Now well check on civil death and see if that applies. What happens is that we listen to a lot of people without checking things out for ourselves and I come from a school where my master teacher taught me not to believe him but to check it out. Look it up yourself. This is from wikipedia and you can go to any encyclopedia or dictionary also to look this up. A few hundred years ago all the nobles were taught out of encyclopedias, even today when you go to Harvard and Yale, those people from private schools have been taught from Encyclopedias. They are not taught from the same school books we get in the public schools.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Civil death (Latin: civiliter mortuus)[1] is a term that refers to the loss of all or almost all civil rights by a person due to a conviction for a felony or due to an act by the government of a country that results in the loss of civil rights. We lost our rights by an act of government. The act that made us lose our rights was when they created this fictitious name and they did it for the purpose of the 1933 Bankruptcy Act. Its the only way they could keep on moving was to use us, our labor, as credit. So, we are physically dead unless we do this name registration. I want you to be clear on that. Now well look at the Internal Revenue Manual at This is called the definition and instructions of Foreign Entities. I am also going to break down how you get the elusive 98 EIN because if you look up the following code it teaches you how to get a 98 EIN which is a foreign number and considered what you would call tax exempt and is a foreign instead of domestic number. (10-01-2013) Foreign Entities - Definitions and Instructions

1. Mailed and faxed Forms SS-4 from foreign entities are assigned EIN prefix 98 and are only processed by the Cincinnati International Unit. If a paper or faxed application is received in a location other than Cincinnati, forward the Form SS-4 to Cincinnati for processing via fax (859) 6695987. 6

2. EIN international phone calls from foreign entities are worked by Cincinnati and Ogden. If a call is received in a location other than Cincinnati or Ogden, provide the caller with the EIN International phone number 2679411099 (not a toll-free number) and/or fax number 8596695987 and hours of operation 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday. 3. The table below provides legal definitions of both domestic and foreign entities. These definitions may be useful when trying to determine, on a phone call, whether the entity is domestic or foreign: Entity IRC 7701 Definition The term "domestic," when applied to a corporation or partnership, means created or organized in the United States or under the law of the United States or of any State unless, in the case of a partnership, the Secretary provides otherwise by regulations. Domestic Call notes: if you use a United States address you are domestic; Corporation or if you use any of the laws of the United States you are domestic. Partnership If you have a location of one of your head employees such as secretary, CEO, executor of your trust, you are going to be considered a domestic corporation. You can pull up title 26 7701 and that gives the definitions for everything the IRS is talking about. Get familiar with title 26 7701, or 26 USC 7701. The term "foreign, when applied to a corporation or partnership, means a corporation or partnership which is not Foreign domestic. Corporation or Call notes: They dont want to give you too much information Partnership here and they dont want you to know how to do this. It is the opposite of the domestic. Foreign would be the private side and domestic would be the public side. The term "domestic trust" means a trust in which a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust and one or more U.S. persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust. Call note: this is the strawman and that is what happens in court and no matter what laws you bring up in court in the public, they Domestic Trust will control the strawman and make you lose because they can control everything that a domestic trust does by their code. You dont have a winthe judge will decide if he will let you win; title 26 says this and so does the IRS code. To stop this is bring foreign law: public and private dont mix. Bring up the private law; it stops them cold; they dont have permission to administer something that is foreign. 7


IRC 7701 Definition The term "foreign trust" means any trust other than a domestic trust described above.

Something that is foreign. They want you to know this is the opposite of the foreign trust; inside the court in the United States they cannot exercise primary supervision over your foreign trust. They are saying the US person doesnt have the authority to control all the substantial decisions of a foreign trust. Its exactly opposite of domestic. They are telling you that public and Foreign Trust private dont mix and when you register yourself under your true name you have become a foreign trust. I answered to the court, I styled it with the proper name and the court took my name off all their paperwork and when we arrived they did not speak my name or my wifes name. We knew they were talking to us only by blurting out Defendant, and the address and we had to ask if they meant us and they said yes. It got dismissed; they cannot go forward if they cannot use your name on paperwork. That name is the last name, comma first and middle name. There is no SSN with the name as done that way. Any estate other than a "foreign" estate. Domestic Estate The term "foreign estate" means an estate the income of which, from sources outside the United States which is not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the U.S., is not includible in gross income under Chapter 26, subtitle A. Call notes: They are saying if you are foreign you are not Foreign Estate included in anything the United States is doing because you are not a part of the United States corporation. We want to be outside of the United States corporation and that is called foreign or private and that is where the dejure constitution sits. But all the statutes sit inside what they call domestic. We have to remove ourselves from their realm of domestic into a foreign jurisdiction.
4. Use the table below when processing Forms SS-4 received by mail or fax to determine whether an entity is "foreign", and therefore will be assigned EIN Prefix 98 by the Cincinnati campus: If A corporation indicates on Line 9b of SS4 form that it was incorporated in a foreign country Then Assign EIN Prefix 98.

If There is language anywhere on Form SS-4 such as:


Tax treaty Foreign entity Treas. Reg. 1.1441-1(e)(4)(viii) 897(i) Election Form 1120-F Form 5471 (Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations) W-8IMY (Certificate of Foreign Intermediary, Foreign Flow-Through Entity, or Certain U.S. Branches for United States Tax Withholding) W-8EXP (Certificate of Foreign Government or Other Foreign Form Organization for United States Tax Withholding)

Assign Prefix 98.

W-8BEN (Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding) An entity checks the box on Line 10 for "Compliance with IRS withholding regulations"

Assign Prefix 98. Assign a regular series EIN. Note:

None of the foreign indicators listed above are present, and

The location address is domestic, A foreign individual may be listed as the responsible party for a domestic entity and may not have a valid and ITIN. Regardless, assign a regular series EIN in this The mailing address is foreign situation. See IRM None of the foreign indicators listed above Fax the application to the Cincinnati campus for are present and the only address on the further review and assignment of the EIN. Form SS-4 is foreign Call notes: now you know what to put on theSS4 form to get the 98 EIN. If you open a bank account they will not be able to tax that bank account; I know that for a fact because I have done this for plenty of people and some of those people had problems with OID. When the IRS was trying to garnish them, they couldnt get anything from the (bank) account and these people still got their money. Then we did something else to get rid of that supposed lien that was on them but they were protected. This is what the manual says, that it will protect them. So for people who have foreign currency that might revalue you might want to get a 98 number because it tells you that they cannot withhold on portfolio assets which is what foreign currency is considered. (10-01-2009) Foreign Entities/Persons Not Required to File a U.S. Tax Return

1. Foreign entities/persons that do not have income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business, and do not have an office or place of business or fiscal agent or paying agent in the United States, (call note: this means you dont have an accountant in the United States) are not required to obtain an EIN. However, a foreign entity may need an EIN to comply with IRS withholding regulations, avoid withholding on portfolio assets, or to claim tax treaty benefits. In this case, the taxpayer should complete Form SS-4 as shown below: 1. When completing Line 7b of Form SS-4, the taxpayer should write "N/A" in the block asking for an ITIN or SSN unless the taxpayer has an SSN or ITIN. Call note: I assure you when you put your last name, comma, first and middle name you do not have an SSN; that name came from your certificate of live birth. That is the birth certificate that is at your county level. Then you have that state thing called the Birth Certificate which you get from vital statistics because that the fictitious name that the state actually created from the original trust document which I am calling the Certificate of Live Birth. It does not have an SSN. 2. On Line 10, the taxpayer should check the other box and specify on the line one of the following conditions: For W-8BEN Purposes Only, For Tax Treaty Purposes Only, Treas. Reg. 1.1441-1 (e) (4) (vii), or Form 5471. Call note: the one you want to put down is for W-8BEN Purposes Only. I will show you what W8BEN means and it is coded. 3. The taxpayer should enter "N/A" on Lines 11 through 17 of Form SS-4. Call note: that is the whole form. You just finished the whole form and you really didnt put any information on there and they gave you a 98 number. 2. Establish these entities on the "O" file. 3. If the foreign entities/individuals above receive a letter from the IRS soliciting the filing of a U.S. tax return, the foreign entity/individual should respond to the letter immediately by stating that it has no requirement to file any U.S. tax returns. Failure to respond to the IRS letter may result in a procedural assessment of tax by IRS against the foreign entity. Call note: so what are they saying here? If you ignore their letter then you give acquiescence and that acquiescence becomes the contract which will make you liable now for taxes. If you get that letter all you have to do is write that you are not required to file any US tax returns and it goes away. Check these codes yourself and look at title 26 7701 for definitions and you want to look in the IRS manual which gives the exact location inside the manual on how to fill out the SS4 to get the tax exemption and it will also tell you that you are not responsible for the US tax return as long as you keep everything foreign. Note: If the foreign entity later becomes liable to file a U.S. tax return, the foreign entity should not apply for a new EIN, but instead use the EIN it was first issued on all U.S. tax returns filed thereafter. 4. If the application is received over the phone, ask for the caller's name, SSN/ITIN, date of birth, and position with the entity. If the caller does not have an SSN/ITIN (and therefore cannot be authenticated using CC INOLE), the new EIN will still be disclosed to the caller, as long as their position with the entity authorizes them to receive it. See IRM, Persons Who May Have Access to Returns and Return Information Pursuant to IRC 6103(e).


Call notes: for all you people like my friend who did OIDs and you got in a bit of trouble with the IRS, we took care of it and Ill show you why you were having trouble with IRS. Whether you did a Bill of Exchange, a Money Order or whatever, the reason why some people get locked up or they get frivolous filings and all, it is actually Title 18, 914.. Or 18 USC 914. 18 U.S. Code 914 - Creditors of the United States Whoever falsely personates any true and lawful holder of any share or sum in the public stocks or debt of the United States, or any person entitled to any annuity, dividend, pension, wages, or other debt due from the United States, and, under color of such false personation, transfers or endeavors to transfer such public stock or any part thereof, or receives or endeavors to receive the money of such true and lawful holder thereof, or the money of any person really entitled to receive such annuity, dividend, pension, wages, or other debt, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Call notes: this shows that you have been impersonating a creditor of the United States when you are not using your proper name which is that last name, comma, first and middle names. By the way if you ever fill out any government form, United States government forms, they will make you put your surname first and then your first and middle names or middle initial. You have been using both names your whole lives. You have not noticed that you were sometimes using a separate name. When you had a foreclosure case and you said the bank never mentioned any money that is absolutely correct. The banks are intermediaries and that is according to the UCC. The intermediary is a go-between person. The bank goes between your true creditor which is last name, comma, first name, middle name to your STRAWMAN NAME which is first name, middle name, and last name. So when you were saying the Strawman was the creditor you were breaking this code. 18 USC 914. You were impersonating a true and lawful holder or creditor of the United States. You have to pay attention when they are saying lawful and legal. Those are two separate things. Lawful is anything that was mandated by the dejure constitution; legal is anything that is mandated by the corporation. So, lets be clear on that. That is the dejure constitution once again and it is private and the United States Corporation constitution is your public. Lets be clear on that. This is another law and its the 4th law I have shown you showing that you must use your true name. We have to become accustomed to knowing that we have not been using our real names. This is where I differ from a lot of gurus and I have done enough processes such as doing the UCC1 and sending it to my SOS and put in my hold harmless agreement and my BC bond and my other bond and none of that worked. It did nothing for me. So I knew that wasnt the correct way to do it. Then I went back to the drawing board and I actually started studying Article 9 of the UCC and that is the part of the UCC that controls the whole UCC, Uniform Commercial Code. Inside Article 9 they actually tell you how to secure what is owed to you in that name. It actually breaks down how you actually get back some of your securities and actually get paid from that. You will have to check out article 9 of the UCC yourself. Heres one part: UCC9-312 ! ! 9-312. PERFECTION OF SECURITY INTERESTS IN CHATTEL PAPER, DEPOSIT


INVESTMENT PROPERTY, LETTER-OF-CREDIT RIGHTS, AND MONEY; PERFECTION BY PERMISSIVE FILING; TEMPORARY PERFECTION WITHOUT FILING OR TRANSFER OF POSSESSION. Call notes: so they actually tell you how to perfect your security interest in the ALL CAPS NAME once you become the registered owner of that NAME. That is 9-312. You also want to look at 9-311 which is perfection of security interest in property. This total goes against what the gurus have taught in the past: 9-311. PERFECTION OF SECURITY INTERESTS IN PROPERTY SUBJECT TO CERTAIN STATUTES, REGULATIONS, AND TREATIES. (a) [Security interest subject to other law.] Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), the filing of a financing statement is not necessary or effective to perfect a security interest in property subject to: (1) a statute, regulation, or treaty of the United States whose requirements for a security interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor with respect to the property preempt Section 9-310(a); Call notes: So they are saying in 9-311 that if you have a law or a statute that is giving you ownership, it takes priority over the actual lien creditor. See the list below: (2) [list any certificate-of-title statute covering automobiles, trailers, mobile homes, boats, farm tractors, or the like, which provides for a security interest to be indicated on the certificate as a condition or result of perfection, and any non-Uniform Commercial Code central filing statute]; or Call notes: in (2) above they are telling you that you have to do what is called a non-commercial code central filing. This means the UCC1. But you have to check off that it is a non-UCC it becomes a public record. I am trying to tell you that they actually hid the true public record inside the UCC. That is the elusive record we have been looking for over many years that we want to drop our affidavits in. Study this code. (3) a certificate-of-title statute of another jurisdiction which provides for a security interest to be indicated on the certificate as a condition or result of the security interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor with respect to the property. Call notes: I want you to go back to Rule 220 of Minnesota. They call your Certificate of Live Birth a Certificate of Title for your ALL CAPS NAME. So, when you claim it and you do that DBA which is under a statute on the county level, you have just perfected your claim on the ALL CAPS NAME. What I am saying is, and excuse the language, you own that bitch. When you own it you take priority over all the lien creditors and you can now challenge anyone and say that you are the real party of interest. That is why I told you about Rule 17; if you have the Certificate of the Fictitious Name, you can enter that into the Court record and now walk in as the real party of interest and they wont put your name on any of their paperwork. That means you are going to get off. Of course every state has done this a little differently. Some states might have a little more that you have to do, but this has to be done for the most part. I have not researched every state and I do know that this is a fact in New York as I have researched it. UCC 9-311 goes on: (b) [Compliance with other law.] Compliance with the requirements of a statute, regulation, or treaty described in subsection (a) for obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor is equivalent to the filing of a financing statement under this article. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) and Sections 9-313 and 9-316(d) and (e) for goods covered by a certificate of title, a security interest in property subject to a statute, regulation, or treaty described in subsection (a) may be perfected only by compliance with those requirements, and a security interest so perfected remains perfected notwithstanding a change in the use or transfer of possession of the collateral. (c) [Duration and renewal of perfection.]


Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) and Section 9-316(d) and (e), duration and renewal of perfection of a security interest perfected by compliance with the requirements prescribed by a statute, regulation, or treaty described in subsection (a) are governed by the statute, regulation, or treaty. In other respects, the security interest is subject to this article. (d) [Inapplicability to certain inventory.] During any period in which collateral subject to a statute specified in subsection (a)(2) is inventory held for sale or lease by a person or leased by that person as lessor and that person is in the business of selling goods of that kind, this section does not apply to a security interest in that collateral created by that person. Call notes: So basically it goes into exactly how you are going to take your security interest and perfect it over anyone. I can explain to you exactly why you are given priority interest over a lien creditor. Because, every bank whether its the car lot, or whatever, are just intermediaries. They did not loan you any money; they went o your private side and got money out of that private account and gave it to your public side, AKA the STRAWMAN NAME. So you have first in time, first in line. That means that if you go back and register the Certificate of Live Birth and you take priority over the STRAWMAN NAME, because the Strawman Birth Certificate was created after the Certificate of Live Birth. Some states dont call it the Certificate of Live Birth; some states call it the long form, they call it an abstract. If you try to get that document, that trust, you want the picture of the original Birth Certificate or the photocopy of it. They call it the long form. That will normally get you the proper one. When you actually get that one there is a process that is listed in the UCC on what you must do. It is in UCC9-313. 9-313. WHEN POSSESSION BY OR DELIVERY TO SECURED PARTY PERFECTS SECURITY INTEREST WITHOUT FILING. Call notes: So you could actually have a perfected security interest without ever filing a regular UCC. It basically is rehashing what the other one said. 9-313(a) [Perfection by possession or delivery.] Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), a secured party may perfect a security interest in negotiable documents, goods, instruments, money, or tangible chattel paper by taking possession of the collateral. A secured party may perfect a security interest in certificated securities by taking delivery of the certificated securities under Section 8-301. Call notes: a certificated security is the actual birth certificate of the STRAWMAN. That is the ALL CAPS and looks like a bank or stock document. That is what that is. Call note: the certificate of Title is your Certificate of Live Birth. 9-313(b) [Goods covered by certificate of title.] With respect to goods covered by a certificate of title issued by this State, a secured party may perfect a security interest in the goods by taking possession of the goods only in the circumstances described in Section 9-316(d) which is: (d) [Goods covered by certificate of title from this state.] Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e), a security interest in goods covered by a certificate of title which is perfected by any method under the law of another jurisdiction when the goods become covered by a certificate of title from this State remains perfected until the security interest would have become unperfected under the law of the other jurisdiction had the goods not become so covered. 9-313(c) [Collateral in possession of person other than debtor.] With respect to collateral other than certificated securities and goods covered by a document, a secured party takes possession of collateral in the possession of a person other than the debtor, the secured party, or a lessee of the collateral from the debtor in the ordinary course of the debtor's business, when:


(1) the person in possession authenticates a record acknowledging that it holds possession of the collateral for the secured party's benefit; or Call notes: this part of the UCC you have just read described what Minnesota Rule 220 told you to do. You have to an affidavit acknowledging that you are the owner and you have it in your possession and you have to do it on an authenticated birth certificate or a Certificate of Live Birth. So what you want to do is get that Certificate of Live Birth from your county and you want your county to acknowledge that they gave you this record, it is a true record and it has the full faith and credit of the United States of being a true document. Then from the county you need to take it to the state and on the state level you want the SOS to give you full faith and credit acknowledging that it really came from the county. Then once you do this level you send it to Washington DC. When you send it to the SOS in Washington DC you want them to authenticate it there that it came from the State and its a true and correct document. When you get this back, and I did mine awhile ago and got mine back from Hilary Clinton, on that document on the left hand corner it has a bunch of laws and those laws actually break down how you just became the holder in due course which is a UCC term for the person who possesses all rights to that instrument. The actual law breaks down how that copy just became an original and it is no longer a copy once you authenticate it all the way up. That is the one that you want to do that affidavit on. That is what the UCC means by perfecting the NAME. And, you didnt even do a UCC. You only followed the law for the rules to the UCC. You have to get more familiar with just following the laws of the UCC, not just the form. Theres another thing I want to cover; when people are going through foreclosures they are always talking about assignments. The bank didnt have the proper assignment. Most people are saying that and they arent really recognizing what they are really saying. What they are really saying is that the bank did not register the loan. The registered loan is according to the law of commerce which is the UCC. They have to put this on a UCC1 as a debt against you and they have to put a lien on the actual house and they never do that. Then once they do have the lien, they are supposed to transfer the lien on a UCC3 which is an assignment. They are not following the UCC and you are not calling them out on it. There is a form called the UCC11 which shows IRS Notices of Lien. Do the UCC11 on the name, the STRAWMAN NAME, and you can do it on true name: last name, comma, first and middle name. What will come back is that you dont anyone any money; there are no liens on your name. When you have that certified certificate from your SOS proving that you dont owe anyone any money, you can now do your affidavit and challenge them or the real party of interest because there is no debt registered. If it is not registered, they must verify it. They cant verify anything because they are intermediaries. If you want to clean up your credit that is the way you do it. You send that UCC11 with your affidavit saying that you dont owe anyone with the proof and you send it to Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. They are going to send that to your alleged creditors and challenge them. You are going to step up to the boss. Its quicker to do the credit check this way and you are going to make them take responsibility for the false information. If you use this for a mortgage, a foreclosure, it will work, but not as easy as your credit because you have to come in your proper person, your proper name and you have to start a dejure court case. In other words you are going to move it to federal court and you are going to invoke the actual court by using the constitution. You are not going to use money to pay for that case; you are actually going to use the constitution that tells you that no man can be denied his day in court. That is a paraphrase so go do the actual research. 9-313(2) the person takes possession of the collateral after having authenticated a record acknowledging that it will hold possession of collateral for the secured party's benefit.


(d) [Time of perfection by possession; continuation of perfection.] If perfection of a security interest depends upon possession of the collateral by a secured party, perfection occurs no earlier than the time the secured party takes possession and continues only while the secured party retains possession. (e) [Time of perfection by delivery; continuation of perfection.] A security interest in a certificated security in registered form is perfected by delivery when delivery of the certificated security occurs under Section 8-301 and remains perfected by delivery until the debtor obtains possession of the security certificate. (f) [Acknowledgment not required.] A person in possession of collateral is not required to acknowledge that it holds possession for a secured party's benefit. (g) [Effectiveness of acknowledgment; no duties or confirmation.] If a person acknowledges that it holds possession for the secured party's benefit: (1) the acknowledgment is effective under subsection (c) or Section 8-301(a), even if the acknowledgment violates the rights of a debtor; and (2) unless the person otherwise agrees or law other than this article otherwise provides, the person does not owe any duty to the secured party and is not required to confirm the acknowledgment to another person. (h) [Secured party's delivery to person other than debtor.] A secured party having possession of collateral does not relinquish possession by delivering the collateral to a person other than the debtor or a lessee of the collateral from the debtor in the ordinary course of the debtor's business if the person was instructed before the delivery or is instructed contemporaneously with the delivery: (1) to hold possession of the collateral for the secured party's benefit; or (2) to redeliver the collateral to the secured party. (i) [Effect of delivery under subsection (h); no duties or confirmation.] A secured party does not relinquish possession, even if a delivery under subsection (h) violates the rights of a debtor. A person to which collateral is delivered under subsection (h) does not owe any duty to the secured party and is not required to confirm the delivery to another person unless the person otherwise agrees or law other than this article otherwise provides. By the way, when I was talking about authentication that came straight from the constitution. To show you what I mean, Ill pull up Georgias constitution to give you the example. It says that a notary has more power than the Supreme Court. Of course it does, if you do it properly, the Notary will be the judge on the private side. The superior court as it is run today is run on the public side. So you have two different jurisdictions. I went to Georgia constitution and pulled 1877, the one that is just before 1933 when they were still dejure. Go to Article 6 on Judiciary and it says in section 1, paragraph 1: The judicial powers of this state shall be vested in a supreme court superior court, courts of ordinary, justice of the peace, commissioned notary publics and such other courts as has been or may be established by law. Call notes: I pointed out each comma because each comma denoted it was a separate sentence; I didnt write it out as separate sentences its a run on paragraph. Now Ill read it as a run-on paragraph: paragraph 1: the judicial powers of this state shall be vested in commissioned notary public. See commission. Call notes: When you are dealing with your every day notary that is not a real notary; that is called a deputy notary which means that she or he has been deputized by the clerk of the court. The clerk of the court handed this power of being the notary over to an individual. Now that is not dejure; its corporate. Dejure in this constitution breaks down that a real notary has to be voted in by the people. Now Ill show you that there is only one notary in your state that went into power according to the dejure constitution of that state. Now you find that the clerk of the court is only a deputy. Why? Who did she get her power from? The Secretary of State, SOS. The only true commissioned notary is the SOS. Everyone else is just deputized. Ill give you a


picture of what deputized means. You may have watched the old Westerns and when they had to rustle up a posse to go after the bad guys they would take regular common people and say, I deputize you and put the shield on their chest and say that you are now an officer of the law, so lets get the posse together. So these notaries are deputies and the only true notary according to the private say which is the dejure constitution is the actual SOS. This is why you have to get your regular notary to notarize the document and then you take it back to the county which is her boss and says yes, the notary works for me, and then you take the county clerks stamp to the SOS and then the SOS is the real commissioned notary and says it is the true county clerk and she works for me. Now you are on the dejure side. So there is a dual system when you are talking about getting stuff notarized. You can do it the corporate way by using a regular notary or you can do it the dejure way where you get it authenticated all the way up to the SOS (United States). There is a maxim of law that says that anything that can be proven, must be proven and that is one of the main reasons and the main law that says you will have to authenticate it up to the US SOS , saying this came from a commissioned notary. I want you to know that authentication is not the same as the apostille. The apostille is done by the Hague convention and that is the corporation, the public side. Authentication is the constitutional, private side. Be clear about this so you know the jurisdictions and the difference between public and private or domestic and foreign. Domestic is anything that is within the United States Corporation. Anything outside the United States Corporation is considered to be foreign. That is where you have to be with your paper work. That is where your Strawman needs to be put. That is what Ive been trying to show you today, that we have been doing stuff in reverse. Instead of doing it in the way that we can get our remedies. I want to be clear that it is not me telling you this; I am just showing you the laws that tell you that you are doing it in reverse. There will be a lot of questions. Moderator: when I started studying trust law its all about privacy and public and private and knowing how to stay private and understanding what minimum contacts are. I tell people to look that up and how to maintain your privacy and how to manage your trusts. Once you get that 98 EIN you have to learn how to maintain the integrity of that particular trust. Do you want to comment on the Moors and the nationality in Commerce? Nationality and commerce dont have anything to do with each other. I read law. You arent in the proper venue in the court. In a foreclosure they say they are not there to talk about title and they are only there for possession. This is a commercial matter. If you are going to be your own nation, you need gold, land and a military. When I read what the Supreme Court justices are saying they are saying that they are conquerors and they took all this by force and there are here to enforce commerce. Im not sure they will allow you to break away and do your own thing. If you have your own nation in my opinion you have to have your own currency. If you call yourself a nation and you have no money to do business with you are in an insular environment. You have to have money backed by an asset and if you dont have that, then how are you going to call yourself your own nation? A: I agree with this: commerce has nothing to do with political affiliation. It means nothing if you say you are a Moor. What they are asking that Moor is, Do you own that item? Do you have your perfected security interest in this item? What we are finding out is that they dont have it registered that they are the owner. The Moor, the Christian, and the Muslim register ownership rights in the same way. When it comes to nationality I am keeping it real plain for people. You are not a national unless their whole system recognizes you as a national. They have people out there that are registering as nationals and there is no way to recognize a national unless your Strawman is recognized as a national. Ill tell you it goes back to first in time, first in line which means now when your mom did receive that birth certificate with the ALL CAPS she might have taken that document to the


Social Security office and she filled out the SS5 form. When she did that the form asked if she was a US citizen and she checked yes. Are you black, African American? Lets say she checked yes. Or the forms long ago asked if she was colored. What she created was a legal person that is now a 14th amendment citizen and you will never get out of that because that is when you became a domestic trust. The only way to come out of that is to do that form over. When you do that you must leave it blank when they ask if you are black or US Citizen. You must put other. Some of might put that you are a Moors National and you better have proof. The proof I suggest that you use is Resolution 75. Moderator: understand what minimum contracts are; understand what a public charge is. These are legal words and you should also understand what necessaries are. People claim there was fraud. But, no, the birth certificate was necessary because they had to make print up money so you get a job and buy groceries and get a home and cars. Its called a social contract. They have a form for you to get rid of your social security number. But people dont want to get rid of it because they know there is money in that account. A: let them get rid of it. Until that money is transferred to somewhere foreign they wont let you take that money. They wont let you close it down; they dont care if you do that form. I tried it before I knew what I was doing and it didnt work. Moderator: when I started studying trust law, what I noticed with the 98 EINs is that if you put anything, and if the trustee is a US citizen and the beneficiary is a US citizen you need an SSN when you apply for the 98 EIN. They will give you another kind of number and try to trick you when you call the number in Philadelphia. Its all about being foreign and domestic. That is another way of saying public and private. If its foreign you are private and you are saying that you have no trade or business that is connected within the US. You have the form w8ben. A: you are a foreign sophisticate. Let me bring up the w8ben. W is a hieroglyphic for Allah. Anyone should know Islam when they see that. It is Allah. 8 is a hieroglyphic for infinity and BEN in Hebrew and Arabic means son. You put it together and they tell you that it is Allahs infinite son and the only way to get to heaven is through Allahs infinite son. So they are trying to say under Rule 144a of the Securities Act exempted security is the 144,000. You get to heaven through exemption through ecclesiastical law. All of this is based on ecclesiastical law. I use the word law because that is true law. Go back to the dejure constitution and those ancestors of some of you who they say are Moors, what did they set up? We allowed these people to come and set up a corporation for commerce from the beginning of the United States. The US was set up only to do commerce. You are the one who has forgotten how to do commerce and you get mad at these people for doing their jobs which is regulating commerce. They are doing what they are supposed to do. The only thing to be concerned about is how you are doing your business. Are you going to handle your own business or is the system going to handle your business for you? Moderator: are you competent to handle your own commercial affairs or not? This is what I am saying. The Moors are upset because they are not businessmen. They dont know how to do business. Thats not an attack. There is 1.3 trillion going through our communities and we are all consumers. A: dont get mad at me; Im just telling you the truth. People dont read the laws. We can go through life everyday and see exactly what is going on. I remember, growing up in the Bronx, we created hip hop and re-created break dancing. How is getting paid to break dance on TV today? White people! When we were doing it we were getting locked up. But the white man only takes everything that we leave behind and he claims it as his own. He was never the creator. Moderator: I got into an argument with someone who said the UCC is only about 50 years old. The UCC comes from the Law Merchant. Its the Code of Hamurabi coming straight out of


Babylon. These are the microwave scholars who read something on the internet and post something. I read everyday and I come from a school of though and study language. I dont know everything and no one can make that claim. I do know what is public and private. I have come to the conclusion that the average citizen doesnt understand what freedom or responsibilities are. Freedom has a lot of responsibility associated with it. They talk about stuff in the 1800s and at that time there were no police, there were sheriffs. They had their land, grew their own food, educated their own kids, and that was real sovereignty. If you are going to be independent you have to live your life like that. The dejure constitution is still in force and effect but if you are taking benefits and privileges from any type of statutory entity they want you to regulate whatever activity you are engaged in. A: the only way they dont do that is if you own that entity and separate it from their corporation. People look at the word on the card, social security. Social means public and security means what it says. When you use that NAME with the number without it being corrected you are creating public securities. Go to the UCC and the actual form and law. The gurus have you check off transmitting utility. If you look up the definition of transmitting utility your Strawman is not a transmitting utility. Guess what it is: it is public finance. That means your Strawman is used to finance the public. Isnt that what it said? It said that American people are the moneytheir labor, the full faith and credit of the American people. They call your personal paperwork chattel paper; you can own and collect that chattel/cattle paper as long as you set yourself up correctly. We really do have to learn these rules of commerce because we are doing commerce every day all day long. On this phone, this is commerce. If you dont handle your commercial business they will do it. Q: what advice can you give a person as the first thing to start, say with the W8BEN to prepare for going to court? How can they separate themselves? A: you didnt get the beginning of the call. Do you remember a few years back when Prince got rid of his name and used a symbol? He stopped using his name and he wrote on his forehead he was a slave. After 3 years he started using his name again. What Prince had to learn was he needed to own that ALL CAPS NAME. He did the process where he now owns the name. He copyrighted it and all that. Now he gets everything with the name Prince on it. Another one who did that was Michael Jackson. There are many people who are doing these things and taking over the NAME. According to the article UCC9-313 and FRCP Rule 17 if you were in a court procedure what you would want to do. When they call your Strawman NAME you are going to stand up and say my name is: Doe, John Henry, the registered owner of the ALL CAPS NAME. Who are you to bring up this meeting? What you just did was to express the trust. When you express the trust, you just merged both names together. They call that collapsing the trust. When you do that they are going to have a bunch of marshals bum rush behind you and that judge is going to say, get him out of my court room! you will get kicked out of court. No one will understand why you got kicked out of court except for you and that judge. But, one of two things will happen. Either they will cancel that case out and its going to be dismissed, or they are going to make you come in another day. The only reason why you have to come in another day if he doesnt dismiss it that day is because what you dont realize that when you get arrested the cops do what is called an incident report. When he does his incident report they send it to the dejure jurisdiction. So they send it to the actual real clerk of court and it goes on the real public record. Now, an unrebutted affidavit in commerce stands as truth. That means that you are still going to lose unless you rebut that original affidavit from the cop. And, you have to put it in the real jurisdiction. Remember that I told you that the county clerks are deputized? So my suggestion to get it in the right jurisdiction, when you have your affidavit where you are going to rebut the copy, you ask the bailiff to pass that to the clerk that is sitting next to the judge. The clerk is the court. The judge is just an actor. Im trying to give you what is called the private side. You have to deal with the boss and the boss on the private side is the clerk.


Q: how would you notarize the name? Where do I go to that? A: get your name notarized? You want to get your certificate of life birth authenticated, not notarized. When you get the certificate of live birth you are going to get a certified copy. Certified is a legal process and to turn it into a lawful process you have to get it authenticated. You have to prove that the registrar for the birth county is a real registrar. Then when you prove that the county proves the registrar is real, and then you need the county to prove that they are real. And you take it all the way up and that becomes a lawful process instead of a legal process. When I am saying lawful then it is going in accord with the dejure constitution. Moderator: well do a webinar this weekend where you can see how these processes are done. [email protected] Q: I have recently gotten in to article 9 and Im looking at foreclosure. You talked about UCC9-313, the priority of a lien. Doesnt the attachment of the security interest come before priority? Its the attaching to the collateral under UCC9-203. A: Absolutely and Im glad you mentioned that. Q: Then you walk that back to UCC9-102a3 where it talks about an account debtor not being obligated on the promissory note. This whole foreclosure thing has never been about the promissory note and the mortgage. It is solely about the mortgage and the Deed of Trust. That is it. A: its about the res. Res means any property in the ALL CAPS NAME. We are always discussing the ALL CAPS NAME, the trust, the Strawman. You do labor every day and when you do your labor you acquire things. They call that commerce; when you get the car what NAME does it do into? It has always gone to the STRAWMAN NAME. So the problem is that you are not recognized as being the owner of the STRAWMAN. The STRAWMAN becomes what they call someone who is leasing the product. He is leasing it because the UCC says that you dont own it unless there is a lien and when you have the lien it moves from the public trust into the private trust. So even if you paid off the house you would never receive the title to the house because they have the intermediary there called title insurance. Now what they do with that title is that they actually send it back to the county where you were born. It is sitting there in the same file as your original certificate of Live Birth. Now they make a copy of that title and they send it to the DTC and that is where it is traded on the public stock market. The DTC is an intermediary for the county and the county is considered the trustee and the owner of the NAME unless you say to the county that you own the NAME. That is a real problem with real estate and cars. They have the DMV registered as the lien holder on your car. To get it from the DMV you take the certificate of title from the car and write on the bottom: first lien holder. There is another form that you use and on that one you put down lien holder. The county tax commissioner has to put a seal on it, and when they seal it you are no longer paying taxes on that car every year. Every year you get a free sticker. So you need to see how to do commerce the way it is written. Q: when you say they are sending a free sticker they are sending a free coupon? A: they actually send the sticker registration. I live in Georgia so here the only thing that changes is a sticker for your plate that has 2014 on it. I get the sticker in the mail and I just got it the other day. We drive around in cars that arent ours because we havent registered ourselves as the first lien holder. That is what I was talking about when I referred to Article 9-911 where is says, if another statute says that you own it then you own it and you got it perfected doing it without the UCC. Q: with regard to a foreclosure you wont be in the right status and the judge can do whatever the judge feels like that day. A: exactly. As long as you ____ taking over that name then he will do whatever he wants because you are a domestic. Q: were not in rights status and we are chasing the deed and the note and that has nothing to do with it. That was a cash deposit and that deal is gone. You got tricked into the deed of trust where we got no consideration so the security instrument never attached to the collateral.


A: you can throw a monkey wrench into the whole thing by filling out the UCC11 so they verify it. When we say verify the debt they ignore it. You were never able to bring forth proof that they did not have a lien on the house. Now you can. Some judges will let you win that house when you bring that forward. Some wont because they still know that you dont own the NAME. You start the case off and you sue them and when you do that you put last name, comma, first name, and middle name in your real name. That is because of Rule 17who may bring a claim in their own name? So you are walking into the case as the creditor. A: that is how we have been defending foreclosure and that is from the debtors side of it, and not the creditors side of it. We are the true creditors. When you look at the law, it shows that the promissory note was a cash transaction. Then you get to article 9 and it says the account debtor cannot be sold as obligated as the promissory note because it is cash. The problem we have is the education of knowing the rules. Q: I just got this understanding about 30 days ago. A: you are way ahead of a lot of people with your understanding. Q: I have to thank the moderator for this forum for people to get understanding. Q: you made a comment about taking the ALL CAPS NAME. Theres no sense in having to turn it over if we control it. A: exactly. Do you know that they are calling that a 508 corporation sole? If you get the chance I want you to Google Corporation sole and you will find it was established under ecclesiastical law which means that it comes out of the Bible, Koran, and more. That is the law that governs you by Almighty God. They say that when you rule you do so because God gave you permission to. They call this a 508 corporate sole. The United States itself is a 508 corporate sole. The SOS, each one in every state is a corporate sole. The Vatican is a corporate sole. London is a corporation sole. Everything is upon the religious order and it goes so deep that when you were born in the hospital, the actual registrar on your certificate of live birth on the county took an oath as a Jesuit priest under the Roman Catholic Church or under the Episcopal Church. That is how you became what is called Christian property under Roman Catholic rule. That is why everyone is under the Pope as it is under his church charter or papal bull. Its ecclesiastical and you have to separate state from church which means you are going to separate your 508 corporate sole which is a church away from the state which is a corporation. Q: so I was letting someone know about the live birth certificate. Some people dont know there are twoone was for the live and the other is for the dead entity. What you just said is when we get a copy of this we can take control of the ALL CAPS NAME. We cant do it with the dead one? A: you cant do it with the dead one. Remember first in time, first in line. One was created before the other. I like to tell people that is the trust document. On that trust document it has your name, your moms name, the doctor as a witness and the trustee which is the registrar of the county. No where on that form, that original trust document, does it mention the state. It doesnt mention the United States and you are not in a contract with those people. The only time you enter into a contract with those people which is the state is when they create the birth certificate, the dead one. That one is done under the state and that is another trust document. Now they are the beneficiary and the creator of that one. Your certificate of life birth is the certificate of title to the dead one. Q: some of my brothers got rejected for filing UCCs. If you look at the code for filing A: make them look up rule 220. They may be denying you from doing the UCC to protect you from doing it wrong. Many were taught to do it from the gurus like Sam Kennedy and Winston Shrout. Im telling you theirs is done wrong and you are not a transmitting utility. Its called public finance and you dont want to do a UCC, you want to do a non-UCC. I want people to look at the UCC form and every box need to be cut and pasted into Google and searched and the UCC law will come out and give you the definition and what it is. We need to do that and you dont need to be filling it out until you understand what it is asking for. We didnt do that before and now we will do it. We are past 2012 and that means everything that was hidden cannot be hidden


any more. We have the computer. You can ask the computer. We have more information up there than they wanted and now they are trying to create laws to try to get rid of some of this information and stop you from going to certain sites. They didnt realize when they made the tool to enslave the world; they made the tool that is going to get us out of it. Q: the remedy is in their own codes and statutes and we have to decipher what is there. A: The moderator and I were taught that the only way to get right knowledge was to get all knowledgethe bad and the good knowledge. We have to keep them in a box. When we ruled we were the masters in everything including language and commerce. We have to become the best. We do that naturally and its built into our DNA. All we have to do now is to apply that knowledge again. You need to come into harmony with the bad and live with the good and the bad.. Q: my first question is about a person who has been married. Does she go under her maiden name? A: let me ask you this; did you change your name on the SSN? You filled out the form. Did you change the name on the BC? How about the drivers license? Let me explain this; even if you changed it on the BC that would not change the name on the certificate of live birth. When you get your certificate of live birth, whatever name is on there is the name you are going to capture. The rest was created off that. First in time, first in line. All you have to do is get that certificate of live birth and you know which name you are dealing with. Q: if you are dealing with an issue in court and you are under the new legal NAME you write that? A: with the new legal NAME what they did was to merge you into his 508 corporate sole. So, your proper name would be your husbands last name, then your first and middle name in that court. Then you would say, I am the registered owner of that Strawmans NAME. Who are all of you at this court? You are throwing a monkey wrench in there. But, let me say this. You can get away with it and it will work. I just a seminar about a month ago and told someone with a bad traffic case to do this. He did this and he got run out of that court by 20 marshals and they balled up the paper. They kicked him out because he knows what he is talking about. But now he has to go back and answer that affidavit which is called the incident report by the police officer. You are going to authenticate it all the way up and put it back into the lawful jurisdiction. He is going to dismiss that because now the officer would have to come in and rebut your affidavit. He cant let you have your affidavit out there unrebutted or he loses. Thats the way it works when you have an affidavit in commerce. Q: will the webinar be available later? The last question is the clerk. The court has a deputy court, an administrative clerk and another clerk. A: when you go to court all those clerks are deputy clerks. There is only one real clerk. If you pull up your constitution of that state it will tell you who it is. First you want to find the main court of your state. Here is Georgia it is called superior court. Some states will call it circuit court. You will find the main court and you will Google superior court clerk. Let me show you how dastardly they are. In Georgia if you pull up superior court clerk guess where she is? She is at the SOS building and right where we get our UCCs done and where we get it authenticated. So, everybody else at the courthouse that you hand that to is not the real clerk and not the public record. So I have to send it to another building at the capital to get it into the clerks hands which is the public record. They have always had you answering in the wrong jurisdiction. The cops police report goes to that building near the capital. But they have you go to a rinky dink courthouse in another county and that means you didnt answer and you put your answer into a corporation instead of giving it to the real clerk of court, the superior court clerk. You have to know the difference between public and private. They got us because we put all our stuff inside their corporation. Q: the name change?


A: you are going to change that social security SS5 form anyway so you dont have to change it to any other name now that you are the owner of the NAME and they cannot interfere with you while you are doing commerce. We have to realize that we have to change the status of the person who is in commerce which is the Strawman. That is the only one they deal with. They always use your Strawman name when you get locked up even if you have done a name change. Now if you change the name on the Social Security Card they still locked you up. The SSN is what determines if you are a debtor or not. So you have to change the status of that number with that name. They have it as domestic or foreign. That is why I showed you IRC and title 26. Everything is a tax. Going to prison is a tax; child support is a tax; traffic citations are a tax. Q: are you from NY? A; Im from Atlanta but I had to do my procedure in NY. They have what they call home rule which means you are accountable for the rules where you were created. Your 508 corporate sole, your DBA ALL CAPS NAME was created on the county, so you have to go back to the county where you started. You look on your certificate of live birth and they give the registrars name. They have a new registrar so I just put down the clerk of the county. Its actually the comptroller. Heres a jewel for you: if you pull up the county where you were born, pull up its charter and the charter is the rules of how the county operates. That is the countys constitution. It will tell you everything about that county and who is actually holding your trust. It will tell you that they are trading it and giving it to the DTC to trade on the stock market. Q: Ive been using my birth registration card in place of my birth certificate and a lot of people dont they have it. It says live birth registration. My name on it and it shows the deputy register of deedwould that be the trustee? A: yes, thats the original trustee. Be sure you change the SS5. You become a non-citizen national. Q: how do I submit to my employer? A: do the SS5 and get them to admit that you are a national on the SS card. Its supposed to say national on it. Then you will have no choice but to use the EIN. They cannot use it for anything else. You have to correct that you are not a US citizen and you must have an affidavit with it saying that you are not a US citizen but a national and you must have supporting proof to go with that. You must put other on that. You absolutely need the affidavit. On the webinar I will give the public law that it is not your intention to be a US citizen but a national. The Moors will use resolution 75. Moor only means black. Im not part of the Moors Zion Temple. Before the 1500s when people were this skin color they called them Moors. Your skin tone was called Moor. Amore means love. We were called loving people. Moor is just a description of black skin. Q: what about judges bonds? A: I do not talk about that. When you are in your proper name under rule 17, the real party of interest if that judge rules against you in your proper name and then you do an appeal you dont have to worry about going after his bond. The ________ will go after the bond. Q: I am the plaintiff. A: you need to know how to go into the court properly. When you go start your court cases most people start the court case by giving money, the FRNs. Did you know when you hand them FRNs you admitted that you are 14th amendment because they are the only ones that can have FRNs. A FRN according to their laws is an internal document, an internal bill of exchange only for the United States. You cant pay for case with FRNs. You are automatically telling people you are a debtor when you give them the FRNs.


remember Jonah's call notes? remember that 4 cases have been dismissed when he went in as doe, jonah henry? remember rule 17 that the court has no jurisdiction
government calls it and its Rule 17 FRCP. These are the rules of the court. Rule 17. Plaintiff and Defendant; Capacity; Public Officers (a) Real Party in Interest. (1) Designation in General. An action must be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest. The following may sue in their own names without joining the person for whose benefit the action is brought: (A) an executor; (B) an administrator; (C) a guardian; (D) a bailee; (E) a trustee of an express trust; (call note: your lawyer) (F) a party with whom or in whose name a contract has been made for another's benefit; and (G) a party authorized by statute. (Call note: that is you coming in as the strawman). (2) Action in the Name of the United States for Another's Use or Benefit. When a federal statute so provides, an action for another's use or benefit must be brought in the name of the United States. (Call note: whenever they bring an action against you it will say UNITED STATES or STATE OF GEORGIA, WYOMING, etc against YOUR NAME.) (3) Joinder of the Real Party in Interest. The court may not dismiss an action for failure to prosecute in the name of the real party in interest until, after an objection, a reasonable time has been allowed for the real party in interest to ratify, join, or be substituted into the action. After ratification, joinder, or substitution, the action proceeds as if it had been originally commenced by the real party in interest.

(b) Capacity to Sue or Be Sued. Capacity to sue or be sued is determined as follows: (1) for an individual who is not acting in a representative capacity, by the law of the individual's domicile; (2) for a corporation, by the law under which it was organized; and (3) for all other parties, by the law of the state where the court is located, except that: (A) a partnership or other unincorporated association with no such capacity under that state's law may sue or be sued in its common name to enforce a substantive right existing under the United States Constitution or laws; and (B) 28 U.S.C. 754 and 959(a) govern the capacity of a receiver appointed by a United States court to sue or be sued in a United States court. (c) Minor or Incompetent Person. (1) With a Representative. The following representatives may sue or defend on behalf of a minor or an incompetent person: (A) a general guardian; (B) a committee; (C) a conservator; or (D) a like fiduciary. (2) Without a Representative. A minor or an incompetent person who does not have a duly appointed representative may sue by a next friend or by a guardian ad litem. The court must appoint a guardian ad litemor issue another appropriate orderto protect a minor or incompetent person who is unrepresented in an action. (d) Public Officer's Title and Name. A public officer who sues or is sued in an official capacity may be designated by official title rather than by name, but the court may order that the officer's name be added[1] What this is saying is that you must enter into the court in your true name. What the government or your county has not told is that you have not been using your real name. Your mother named you with whatever your name is in the hospital. But the registrar of the birth certificates had your mother register it a different way: they had you last name first, your first name

after that and then your middle name. So it would be Doe, June Hannah. But I use June Hannah Doe every day. That is what I was told my name was. But the registered owners name is Doe, June Hannah. (Notetaker: see page 5 from county register of births, 1940)

notice that those names are proper names and capitalized as such by the county clerk. If you are considered a domestic trust you have no control. I am going to show you through title 26 in awhile what I mean by that. If you go into a case and you dont go in as Doe, June Hannah, you are not coming in as the real party of interest. That is your name on the private side. On the public side it would be June Hannah Doe. If I dont come in as Doe, June Hannah, then they are going to appoint an executor. The executor of the trust that they just created will be the judge and he is called the executor de son tort which means he took over the position even though no one appointed him as that. Then he will take over a position as an administrator and then he will express the trust because the real party of interest (Doe, June Hannah) is not there in court. It allows him to take over the trust because your ALL CAPS NAME is considered a domestic trust, which is bad in this system. Something that is foreign. They want you to know this is the opposite of the foreign trust; inside the court in the United States they cannot exercise primary supervision over your foreign trust. They are saying the US person doesnt have the authority to control all the substantial decisions of a foreign trust. Its exactly opposite of domestic. They are telling you that public and private dont mix and when you register yourself under your true name you have become a foreign trust. I answered to the court, I styled it with the proper name and the court took my name off all their paperwork and when we arrived they did not speak my name

or my wifes name. We knew they were talking to us only by blurting out Defendant, and the address and we had to ask if they meant us and they said yes. It got dismissed; they cannot go forward if they cannot use your name on paperwork. That name is the last name, comma first and middle name. There is no SSN with the name as done that way.


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