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A Short Sadhana for Chd Retreat Combining Prajnaparamita and the Five Great Mother Dakinis

AccordingtothepureandunbrokenGandenlineagetradition ofTibetanBuddhism

byGe.LhungNgul.chuDharmaBhadra (17721851C.E.) Translated and phoneticized from the original Tibetan into English by The Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received the appropriate initiation from a qualified Lama Gaden for the West Version 1.2 September 2007

September 2007 Ver. 1.2

Table of Contents
Retreat Instructions .............................................................................................................................................1 Preliminary Practices ..........................................................................................................................................2 Self-Generation as the Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita ................................................................4 Front-Generation of the Five Great Mother Dakinis ......................................................................................6 The Four Torma Offerings ...............................................................................................................................10

The First Torma Offering: To the Guru, Yidam and the Five Great Mother Dakinis ................. 10 The Second Torma Offering: To the Dharma Protectors ................................................................. 11 The Third Torma Offering: To all Sentient Beings ........................................................................... 12 The Fourth Torma Offering: To the Local and Worldly Spirits ..................................................... 13
Concluding Practices:........................................................................................................................................14 Colophon ............................................................................................................................................................16


NAMO GURU DEVA DAKINI BEH Homage to all the Gurus, Devas, and Dakinis.
Ku sum wang chuk tsa gyud lama dang Yer med gyal yum kha dro tsog la dud De nyed nyen ching drob pi cho ge tsul Dang po lay chen dun du dor du ja. I bow down to the assembly of Great Mother Dakinis who are no different from the root and lineage Gurus who have achieved the three Buddhakayas. I shall write this short and concise sadhana practice especially for those who have the opportunity to practice CHD for the very first time.

Retreat Instructions
Here are the instructions for those who wish to do retreat of Prajnaparamita and the five Dakinis and who have received the empowerment of Mahaanuttarayogatantra as well as the Chd initiation which is called Opening the Door of the Sky and have kept the vows and commitments: This retreat should be done at a clean and conducive place. One should arrange five heaps of rice which have the five colours similar to the colours of the five Dakinis on the four petals of the lotus flower which are based on the mandala plate. The tormas are made from ingredients of barley flour, butter, sugar, and dry meat. I f possible each of the five tormas are marked by a picture of one of the five Dakinis. On the altar also set up one red torma for the Lama, Dakinis, and Dharma protectors; one white torma for the sentient beings of the six realms and spirits of the land; two sets of seven offering bowls filled with water, flower, incense, etc., for the front and self-generation deities. On the table in front of oneself one should have the inner offering cup, dorje, bell, chang teu (large damaru), mala, etc.; i.e. all the necessary things for the retreat. While sitting comfortably on a cushion, one should visualize the Objects of Refuge. Then generate the thoughts that are the causes of refuge and cultivate pure motivation as follows:

September 2007 Ver. 1.2

Preliminary Practices
Taking Refuge

Palden lama dampa namla kyabsu chiwo Zogpi sang.gye chomdenday namla chabsu chiwo Dampe cho namla chabsu chiwo Pagpe gendun namla chabsu chiwo.
Generating good motivation

I take refuge in all the holy Lamas, I take refuge in all the Buddhas, I take refuge in all the teachings of the Dharma, I take refuge in all the members of the Sangha.

Ma sem chen tam ched chi dun du nyur wa nyurwar lama sang.gye chi go phang tob par ja Di cher du yum chen kha dreu tsog chi gom dey Zab mo nyam su lang war jewo.
Instant Self-Generation

I would like to quickly, quickly attain the Enlightened state of Guru Buddha for the sake of all beings. For this reason, I shall practise the profound sadhana of the Assembly of the Great Mother Prajnaparamita and the Five Dakinis.


Rang nyi ke chig ge yum.chen mor sel we

Invitation of the Merit Field

Instantantly, I arise as the Great Mother Prajnaparamita.

Thug ki AH A yig gi ser ji Og min ney lama dang nyi su me pe yum chen mo Machig khadro de nga dang chai pa la Sanggye dang jangchub sempei tsog chi kor wa.

Light shines from the AH A at my heart, inviting, from the pure space of Ogmin, the Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita and the Five Dakinis, who are all one with the Guru, surrounded by all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
[Ring bell]

OM VAJRA SAMA DZA As a result of this invitation the Merit Field appears on a cloud in the space in front of me. Prostrating to the Merit Field NAMO GURU MAHAMATA PANCHA DAKINI SAPARIWARA BEH I prostrate to Guru Mahamata, the Five Dakinis and their entourage.



[3x, ring bell]

ShortSadhanaforChodRetreat Prayers to the Merit Field

Kun chog sum la dag chab chi Deg pa tam chid so sor shag Dro we ge la ji yi rang Sanggye jangchub yid chi zung.

I go for refuge to the Three Jewels. I declare all my negative actions. I rejoice in the virtues of all living beings, And I hold with my mind Buddha and Buddhahood.

Four limitless meditations

Sem chen tam chid dewa dang den par jur chig Duk nal dang dral war jur chig De wa dang me dral war jur chig Tang nyum la nay par jur chig. [3x]

May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. May all beings be spared suffering and the causes of suffering. May all beings abide in the state of joy that knows no sorrow. May all beings transcend attachment to friends and aversion to enemies, and live believing in the equality of all that lives.

September 2007 Ver. 1.2

Self-Generation as the Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita

OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHOH HAM All phenomena become empty of inherent existence.

Cho tam chid tong pa nyid du jur.

Tung pe nyang le PAM P le padme te war AH A ley dawae kyilkhor Ji ting du rang ge sem nyid AH A serpo de le osel tru. Don nyi jay, du yong su jur pa lae rang nyi yum chenmo Ku dog ser mo zal chig Chag zi yay chi dang po na ser je dorje tse gupa dang Yon chi dang po na yum je pot-te nyam shing. Chag og ma nyi nyam zag zed pa Tsen pi zi shing lung ku cha jed chen Rinpo chi gyen dang dar je na zey lub shing. Zab dorje chil trung gi zhug pi chi wor OM Drin par AH A. Thuk kar HUM .

Everything becomes empty.

From emptiness, there arises a white PAM P syllable, which transforms into a lotus cushion. In the centre of this lotus is a white AH A syllable, which transforms into a moon disc. Upon this moon disc is a golden AH A syllable, which is actually the nature of my own mind. Light shines forth from the AH A, achieving the two purposes. Then the light returns, and I transform into golden Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita, with one face and four arms. My first right hand holds a nine-spoked golden vajra. My first left hand holds the text of the Prajnaparamita. My second right and left hands form the mudra of meditational equipoise.

I am radiant, and bear all the auspicious signs and marks of the Buddhas. As a Sambhogakaya Buddha, I am adorned with precious ornaments and silk dresses. I am seated in the vajra position. There is a white OM syllable at my crown chakra, a red AH A syllable at my throat chakra, and a blue HUM syllable at my heart chakra

Inviting and Absorbing the Wisdom Beings into Oneself, and Receiving Empowerment

Thuk kai HUM lai oser tru pe gompa dang Dra we yeshe pa dang wang gi lha nam.

Light shines forth from the HUM H at my heart chakra, inviting the Wisdom Beings as Great Mother Prajnaparamitas, as well as the Empowering Deities.


Dam tsig pa dang nyi su me par gyur. Wang gi lhai wang kur. AH A yig gi u gyen par gyur.

The Wisdom Beings dissolve into me, becoming one with myself, the Commitment Being. The Empowering Deities grant me the empowerment. A golden AH A syllable appears on the crown of my head.

ShortSadhanaforChodRetreat Consecrating and Presenting Outer Offerings to Oneself as Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita

Chd pa nam phul du jung wi lha zey su gyur.


The offering substances become perfect and acceptable to the Deities.

OM MAHAMATA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DUPE, ALOKE, GANDHE, NEWIDYE, SHABDA AH HUM Praise to Oneself as the Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita
[play chd drum and bell]

Ma sam jud me she rab pha rol chin Ma chi me gag nam khai ngo wo nyid So so rang rig yeshe Chd yul wa Du sum gyal we yum la chag tsal lo.


Prajnaparamita is inconceivable, beyond speech and thought, and beyond samsara. Prajnaparamita is unborn and unending like space. Prajnaparamita is the only object of Buddhamind. I prostrate to the Great Mother of all the Buddhas of the three times.

Visualization for the Mantra Recitation of the Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita

Rang gi thuk kar dawe chil khor gyi teng du HUM nyonpo AH A serpo tsen pi thar. Ngak ting gi kor wa lay oser tru. Don nye je cher so sum gyi nal jor dang den par gyur.


In my heart, on a moon disc, is a blue HUM syllable which is marked with a golden AH syllable.


The HUM is surrounded by the golden syllables of the mantra, which stand in the clockwise direction. Light shines forth from the mantra to all realms, achieving the two purposes. I, myself, practise the three yogic perceptions: all that I see, hear, and think is Prajnaparamita .

Mantra Recitation of the Great MotherMahamata Prajnaparamita [TAYATHA] OM GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SOHA
[recite 300,000x, or 100,000x,or at least 10,000x to fulfill the commitment of the retreat. Say as many times as possible during the retreat.]


Ge wa di ye nyur du dag Yum chen sher chen drub gyur nay Dro wa chig kyang ma lu pa De yi sa la go par shog

By the merit of this practice, may I achieve the Enlightened state of the Great Mother Mahamata Prajnaparamita. Then may I assist all beings without exception to reach that same state.

September 2007 Ver. 1.2

Front-Generation of the Five Great Mother Dakinis


Tong pa nyi du gyur. Tung pi nang lai don chid chi nay su pe me dong Po yang shen gya che wa te wa dab ma she dhang chay pi u su da den la ngo wo rang gi tsa wey lama dang yir med pi yum chenmo yen pa la. Nam pa sanggye rig che khadroma Machig Labkyi Dronma ku dok kar mo chak yeh damaru trol wa. Shar ge ped dab la dorje rigchi khadroma ku dok nyon mo chak yeh dorje dzin pa. Lho-e ped dab la rinchen rigchi khadroma ku dok ser mo Chak yeh rinpoche dzin pa. Nubchi ped dab la ped mae rigchi khadroma ku dok mar mo Chak yeh pedma dzin pa. Jang gi ped dab la laichi rigchi khadroma ku dok jang mo Chak yeh ral dre dzin pa. Tam chid chang yon pa nam drel wu sil shing Chen sum dang den pai zal.chig chag.nyi ma Lang tso chu drug lun pi nyam chen U tral ral pi thor chok ching shing ru pi gyen drug gi gyen pa. Zhab yeh kum shing yon kyang pe chil trung chid pe gar tab chi zhuk pa. Teng du tsa gyud chi lama nam zhuk nye dang chey pa trin tep pa ta wur yud pa Tha kor du yidam sanggye jang sem.


Everything becomes empty. From a state of emptiness, there arises before me a huge white 4-petalled lotus. In the middle of the lotus, there arises a moon disc. Upon this moon disc stands white Buddha Dakini Machig Labkyi Dronma, who is one with my Root Guru and Great Mother Prajnaparamita. She plays a damaru with her right hand. In front of Buddha Dakini Machig Lab.Dron, on the eastern petal of the lotus, stands blue Vajra Dakini. She holds a vajra with her right hand. To Buddha Dakini Machig Lab.Drons right, on the southern petal of the lotus, stands yellow Ratna Dakini. She holds a jewel with her right hand. To Buddha Dakini Machig Lab.Drons left, on the northern petal of the lotus, stands green Karma Dakini. She holds a sword with her right hand. All five Great Mother Dakinis ring bells with their left hand. They each have one face, three eyes, and two arms. They each stand in the dancing posture on their left They have the appearance of sixteen year old maidens. Their hair is long, tied in a top-knot. They are adorned with the six bone ornaments. Above and behind the Five Great Mother Dakinis, like a cloud, are the Root and Lineage Gurus. Surrounding the Five Dakinis and the Gurus are all the other Yidams, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dakas, Dakinis and Dharmapalas. All these Enlightened Beings have a white OM at their crown, a red AH A at their throat, and a blue HUM

Pa wo pa mo chu chung sung mae tsok chi kor nay zhuk pe chi wor OM , den par AH A, thuk kar HUM

I at their heart.

ShortSadhanaforChodRetreat Inviting the Wisdom Beings and the Empowering Deities

Thuk key HUM lai ser tru pe gom pa dang dra we ye she pa dang wang ge lha nam chen drang.


Light shines out from the HUMs at their hearts. By means of this they invite the Wisdom Beings, which look like themselves, and also the Empowering Deities, such as the Five Dhyani Buddhas.
[Ring Bell]

Praise to the Five Great Mother Dakinis and their Entourage

Cho ying dak pe dang nay Gyu trul dra we kur thon pa Ney sum kha droe wang chuk ma Tse war gong la ney dir shik.


Great Dakinis, from the Pure Palace of Dharmakaya and Dharmadatu, you manifest the Illusory Body. You who have power over the three realms, please come before me by your great compassion.

Merging of the Wisdom Beings and Receiving of the Empowerment OM VAJRA SAMA DZA DZA HUM BAM HO dang nye su med par gyur. Wang gi lhai wang kur. Rang rang ge rig dak gi u gyen par gyur.


The Wisdom Beings become one with the visualized Commitment Beings. The Empowering Deities bestow the empowerment. Each of the Five Great Mother Dakinis is crowned with the Buddha of her own Buddha family,

September 2007 Ver. 1.2


Tong pa nyi du gyur. Tong pe ngang lai YAM y lai lung. RAM R lai me ting du men go jed pu sum la nay pe AH A lai jung we tod pa che kar la nang mar we nang du sha nga dutsi nga jang tok bhar sum jay pa lai jung we zag pa med pe yeshe chi dutsi gyatso chen pur gyur.


Everything becomes empty. From the state of emptiness, a blue YAM y syllable transforms into a blue bow-shaped wind mandala. On top of this, a red RAM R syllable transforms into a red triangular fire mandala.


On top of this, three AHs A transform into a tripod of three human heads. Upon this tripod, a white AH A transforms into a broad and expansive skullcup. The skullcup is white on the outside and red on the inside. In the skullcup are the five meats and the five nectars. By means of the three syllables OM HUM , the five meats and the five nectars are purified, transformed and increased into a great ocean of uncontaminated nectar of exalted wisdom.

, AH A and

OM AH HUM Consecration of the Outer Offerings OM AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHOH HAM 20 Everything becomes empty. Tong pa nyi du gyur.


Tong pa nang lai AH A lai jung we tud pe nang du HUM lai jung we Chd ze nam zak med chi dewa ched par chen ched par gyur.

From the state of emptiness, there arise eight white AH A syllables. These transform into eight vast skullcups.

Inside the skullcups arise eight HUM syllables. These HUM syllables transform into the outer offering substances, which bestow great and uncontaminated bliss. OM ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DUPE, ALOKE, GANDHE, NEWIDYE, SHABDA AH HUM

Presenting the Outer Offerings to the Five Great Mother Dakinis and their Entourage

Presenting the Inner Offering to the Five Great Mother Dakinis and their Entourage OM GURU MAHAMATA PANCHA DAKINI SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM

ShortSadhanaforChodRetreat Offering Praise to the Five Great Mother Dakinis

[with Chd drum and bell]

Chu ku nam kha shin du yer med kyang Zuk ku gya tson shin du so sor sel Thab dang she rab chok la nya nye pa Rig nga kha dro tsok la chag tsal lo.


Although your Dharmakaya aspect is indistinguishable, like the sky, your Nirmanakaya aspects appear individually, like a rainbow. I prostrate to you Five Great Mother Dakinis, possessors of the methods and the wisdom of all the Buddhas activities.

Visualization for the Mantra Recitation of the Five Great Mother Dakinis

Lama khadro dro de ngae thuk kar da den La sa von je thar ngag ting ge kor we ser gye tro du lai tam ched drub par gyur


The Five Great Mother Dakinis and the Lama are one in essence. Each Dakini has a moon disc at her heart chakra. On top of the moon disc stands a HUM surrounded by her own mantra.

I syllable, I

Light emanates from and returns to the HUM and the mantra, and achieves all siddhis and activities.
Mantra recitation for each of the Five Great Mother Dakinis

OM BUDDHA DAKINI HUM HUM PHAT SOHA OM VAJRA DAKINI HUM HUM PHAT SOHA OM RATNA DAKINI HUM HUM PHAT SOHA OM PADMA DAKINI HUM HUM PHAT SOHA OM KARMA DAKINI HUM HUM PHAT SOHA [Recite each mantra 10,000x in order to fulfill the retreat commitments.] Recitation of the Mantra for all Dakinis OM AH HUM GURU BAM HA RI NI SA SIDDHI DZA [This is the general mantra of all dakinis together: it is best to say 100,000recitations. If not, one should say it 10,000 times in order to fulfill the retreat. After reciting 100,000 mantras, say 10,000 of the wisdom shower (absorption) mantra by adding the 6 syllables HUM HA ANZE SOHA to the end of the mantra. It would be auspicious to recite OM GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SOHA 10,000x during the retreat at this point.] Vajrasattva Mantra to purify improper mantra recitation and help blessings to stay firmly with us
[ringing bell]


September 2007 Ver. 1.2

The Four Torma Offerings

The First Torma Offering: To the Guru, Yidam and the Five Great Mother Dakinis Consecration of the Torma OM AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHOH HAM

Tong pa nyi du gyur. Tong pe nyang lai YAM y lai lung. RAM R lai me ting du men go jed pu sum la nay pe AH A lai jung we tod pa che kar la nang mar we nang du sha nga dutsi nga jang tok bhar sum jay pa lai jung we zag pa med pe yeshe chi dutsi gyatso chen par gyur.


Everything becomes empty. From the state of emptiness, a blue YAM y syllable transforms into a blue bow-shaped wind mandala. On top of this, a red RAM R syllable transforms into a red triangular fire mandala. On top of this, three AHs A transform into a tripod of three human heads. Upon this tripod, a white AH A transforms into a broad and expansive skullcup. The skullcup is white on the outside and red on the inside. In the skullcup are the five meats and the five nectars. By means of the three syllables OM

HUM , the five meats and the five nectars are purified, transformed and increased into a great ocean of uncontaminated nectar of exalted wisdom. OM AH HUM [3x] Presenting the Torma Offering to the Guru, Yidam and the Five Great Mother Dakinis OM GURU MAHAMATA PANCHA DAKINI SAPARIWARA IDAM BALIMTA KHA KHA KHAHI KHAHI [ recite 3x with offering (lotus-turning) mudra, snapping the fingers at the end of each recitation]
Presenting the Outer Offerings to the Guru, Yidam and the Five Great Mother Dakinis OM GURU MAHAMATA PANCHA DAKINI SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DUPE, ALOKE, GANDHE, NEWIDYE, SHABDA PRATITSA YE SOHA Presenting the Inner Offering to the Guru, Yidam and the Five Great Mother Dakinis OM GURU MAHAMATA PANCHA DAKINI SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM Request to the Gurus, Yidams, Three Jewels, Dakinis and Entourage
[ring bell each syllable for Tibetan]

, AH A and

Dud yon nya den zak med Chd tor de. Lama yidam khadro tsok la bul. She ney dak dang kha nyam dro kun la. Chog dang thun mong ngo.drub tsal du sol.

24 I offer this uncontaminated torma, which contains the

objects of the five senses, to the Lama, the Yidams, the Three Jewels, the Dakinis and the Assembly. Please grant me and all beings supreme uncommon and common siddhis.


ShortSadhanaforChodRetreat The Second Torma Offering: To the Dharma Protectors Consecration of the Torma OM AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHOH HAM

Tong pa nyi du gyur. Tong pe nyang lai YAM y lai lung. RAM R lai me ting du men go jed pu sum la nay pe AH A lai jung we tod pa che kar la nang mar we nang du sha nga dutsi nga jang tok bhar sum jay pa lai jung we zag pa med pe yeshe chi dutsi gyatso chen par gyur.


Everything becomes empty. From the state of emptiness, a blue YAM y syllable transforms into a blue bow-shaped wind mandala.

On top of this, a red RAM R syllable transforms into a red triangular fire mandala. On top of this, three AHs A transform into a tripod of three human heads. Upon this tripod, a white AH A transforms into a broad and expansive skullcup. The skullcup is white on the outside and red on the inside. In the skullcup are the five meats and the five nectars. By means of the three syllables OM , AH A and HUM I , the five meats and the five nectars are purified, transformed and increased into a great ocean of uncontaminated nectar of exalted wisdom.

OM AH HUM Presenting the Torma Offering to the Dharma Protectors OM SHRI DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA IDAM BALIMTA KHA KHA KHAHI KHAHI Presenting the Outer Offerings to the Dharma Protectors OM SHRI DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DUPE, ALOKE, GANDHE, NEWIDYE, SHABDA PRATITSA YE SOHA Presenting the Inner Offering to the Dharma Protectors OM SHRI DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM Request to the Dharma Protectors


[recite 3x with offering (lotus-turning) mudra, snapping the fingers at the end of each recitation]

[Ringing bell)

Dud yon nga den zak med Chd tor di Dam chen cho chung sung me tsok la bul Zhi ney sanggye ten pa sung we chir Zhi gye wang dag lai kun zed du sol.

I offer this uncontaminated torma, which contains the objects of the five senses, to you committed Dharma Protectors. Please enjoy it. I request you please to protect the Buddha's teachings and grant the four activities of pacification, increase, power and wrath.


September 2007 Ver. 1.2

The Third Torma Offering: To all Sentient Beings Consecration of the Torma OM AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM 27 Everything becomes empty. Tong pa nyi du gyur.

Tong pe ngang lai DROM lai rinpoche nyud yang shing gya che we nang du OM lai t orma zag pa medpe yeshe chi dutsi gyatso chen par gyur.

From the state of emptiness arises a DROM syllable. The DROM transforms into a great and vast precious vessel. Inside the precious vessel arises an OM syllable.

The OM transforms into torma nectar of uncontaminated wisdom. OM AH HUM

Presenting the Torma Offering for All Sentient Beings NAMA SARVA TATHAGATA AVALOKITE OM SAMBARA SAMBARA HUM


[recite 3x with lotus-turning mudra, snapping fingers at the end of each recitation]

Offering Prostrations to the Buddhas Chom-den-de-de-shin sheg-pa gyal-wa rin-chen mang-la chag tsal lo. De-shin sheg-pa zug-dze dam-pa-la chag tsal lo. De-shin sheg-pa kujam-lay-la chag tsal lo. De-shin sheg-pa jig-pa-tam-cha dang-dralwe-la chag tsal lo.


To the Tathagata Buddhas: De.shin Gyal.wa Rin.chen, I prostrate to you. De.shin Zug.dze, I prostrate to you. De.shin, I prostrate to you. De.shin Tam.chey, I prostrate to you.

Torma Offering and Compassionate Prayer of Request 29 I offer this uncontaminated torma, which contains Dud yon nga den torma di. rig.drug sem.chen ngho. the objects of the five senses, Chd gyen tormai leg par tsem gyur nay. to the Father and Mother Rang rang dug nyal gyu chai zhe gyur chig. and the six classes of beings. All sentient beings are greatly satisfied by this torma. May all beings be freed from their individual sufferings and the causes of suffering.


ShortSadhanaforChodRetreat The Fourth Torma Offering: To the Local and Worldly Spirits Consecration of the Torma OM AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM

Tong pa nyi du gyur. Tong pe ngang lai DROM lai rinpoche nyud yang shing gya che we nang du OM lai torma zag pa medpe yeshe chi dutsi gyatso chen par gyur.


Everything becomes empty. From the state of emptiness arises a DROM syllable. The DROM transforms into a great and vast precious vessel. Inside the precious vessel arises an OM syllable. The OM transforms into torma nectar of uncontaminated wisdom.

OM AH HUM Presenting the Torma Offering to the Local and Worldly Spirits NAMA SARVA TATHAGATA AVALOKITE OM SAMBARA SAMBARA HUM


[recite 3x with lotus-turning mudra, snapping fingers at the end of each recitation]

Offering Prostrations to the Buddhas Chom-den-de-de-shin sheg-pa gyal-wa rin-chen mang-la chag tsal lo. De-shin sheg-pa zug-dze dam-pa-la chag tsal lo. De-shin sheg-pa kujam-lay-la chag tsal lo. De-shin sheg-pa jig-pa-tam-cha dang-dralwe-la chag tsal lo. Torma Offering Dud yon nga den zak med torma di Yul lha she dak ney pue tsok la bul Zhe ney ru nga tag dok ma zed par Dam cho drub pe thun chen tung drog zod


To the Tathagata Buddhas: De.shin Gyal.wa Rin.chen, I prostrate to you. De.shin Zug.dze, I prostrate to you. De.shin, I prostrate to you. De.shin Tam.chey, I prostrate to you. I offer this uncontaminated torma, which contains the object of the five senses, to the Devas and Spirits of the land, who are the owners of the earth. Please enjoy it and be happy. Do not become agitated, anxious or jealous. Please provide the causes and conditions for successful Dharma practice.



September 2007 Ver. 1.2

Concluding Practices:
Vajrasattva Purification Mantra
[Ring bell]


Ma nye yong su ma she dang Gang yang nu pa ma chi pa De ne ja wa gang je pa De kun chd chi zo zod chig.


Whatever mistakes I have made out of ignorance, being unable to please you, or not having the ability or strength, I request you please be patient with all of these.

Ge wa de yi tsi rab tam ched du Ma nor lam ton thek chok she nyen chi Dral wa med par je su dzin pa dang Sung ge dutsi ngom med thung war shog.


De ye thu lai nyi jung jang chub sem Yang dag ta dang chen drug rim pa nyi Khor dang chai pe nyam len thar chin te Tob chu nga we go phang nyur tob shog.


By the merit of this practice, may I never be separated, in all my lives, from the great Mahayana gurus who explain the correct path to Enlightenment. May I be accepted by my gurus without ever being separated from them. May I enjoy the happiness of drinking the speech nectar of their teachings. As a result of this, may I accomplish renunciation and bodhicitta, realize shunyata and the six paramitas, and attain the two stages of Tantra. May I quickly attain the stage of the ten powers of Buddhahood.

During the retreat one should practice four sessions a day. The yoga of activities between sessions should accord with the general traditions of retreat.


ShortSadhanaforChodRetreat Prayer for Auspiciousness Yed shin nor dang bum zang dud ju ba Pak sam shin tar dud pe re wa kun Bed med tsol zed lama yidam lha Kadro cho chung sung me tashi shog

May we have the endless and effortless auspiciousness of the Guru, Yidam, Dakinis and the Dharma Protectors, whose activity is like the precious jewel, the good vase, the wish-fulfilling cow and the wish-fulfilling tree, fulfilling all wishes.
[Bell and damaru] [If you have Statues or Thangkas of Chd Gurus and Yidams:]

De nye tan dang lhen chig tu Dro we don du zuk nye kyang Ned nzed tse dang wang chuk dang Chog nam lek par tsal du sol.


Please stay here with the statues and other holy objects. Stay for the sake of sentient beings. We pray to be free from all illnesses. We pray for long life and spiritual attainments. Please grant us these excellent siddhis.
[Request to remain as blessing with holy objects:] [Ring bell] [If you don't have objects:]


OM ched chi sem chen dun kun zed Je su thun pe ngu drub sol Sanggye yul du shik nye kyang Lhar yang jhun par zed du sol.


OM You work for the benefit of sentient beings, and you give great siddhis. Please, Buddhas, after returning to your Pure Lands, come back again when requests are made.


Yeshe pa rang shen ge nye su shik.


The Wisdom Beings return to their Pure Lands.

OM VAJRA SAMA DZA 40 The Commitment Beings dissolve into me. Dam tsig pa rang nyed la them par gyur. Prayer for Auspiciousness

Yed shin nor dang bum zang dud ju ba Pak sam shin tar dud pe re wa kun Bed med tsol zed lama yidam lha Kadro cho chung sung me tashi shog


May we have the endless and effortless auspiciousness of the Guru, Yidam, Dakinis and the Dharma Protectors, whose activity is like the precious jewel, the good vase, the wish-fulfilling cow and the wish-fulfilling tree, fulfilling all wishes.
[Bell and damaru]


September 2007 Ver. 1.2

Authors Colophon

This text contains the essence of the speech of the previous great lamas of the Chd practice. This retreat sadhana of the Five Great Mother Dakinis is written by Ge.Lhung Dharma Bhadra of Nyul.Chu at the mountain cave of Nyul.Chu at the request of the most devoted beautiful nun Getsulma Kelsang Cho Kyed.
Translators Colophon

This English translation with Tibetan phonetics was done by the Very Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, a follower of the Great Ganden Chd Tradition. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Bob Kapitany and Sheryl Dore for their support and help in preparing the manuscript. I confess in front of my Gurus, Yidams, Dakinis and Dharmapalas whatever mistakes I have made through lack of awareness and inability.
Copyright1990,ZasepTulkuRinpoche.Allrightsreserved. Noportionofthistextmaybecopiedorreproducedwithouttheexpresspermissionoftheauthor

This edition has been privately sponsored so that it may be freely distributed without charge to practitioners. The merit of this action is dedicated to the flourishing of Je Tsong Khapas stainless tradition and to the long life of all the venerable gurus. Gaden for the West Colophon Under the kind supervision of the Venerable 13th Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, this Gaden for the West (GFTW) version of A Short Sadhana for Chd Retreat Combining Prajnaparamita and the Five Great Mother Dakinis has been formatted by Peter Lewis and edited by Chuck Damov. We dedicate any and all merit of this effort to the study and pure practice of the precious Vajrayana teachings. Image on cover page source:


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