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Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects

II Semester

Paola Almeida Guerra [email protected]

Course Politics
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Reference books
Evaluacin de Impacto Ambiental Garmendia, A. et al. Pearson Prentice Hall

en Biblioteca ESPAE Peas: 2 libros Manual de Evaluacin de Impacto Ambiental. Canter, Larry. Segunda Edicin. Mc Graw Hill.

Reference books
Fundamentals of Environmental Impacts Assessment Espinoza G. & Richards B. Inter-American Development Bank IDB Trainers Course on Environmental Management and Assessment for Investment Projects


1. 2. 3.

5. 6. 7.


Main concepts, type of impacts Introduction to the Environmental Evaluation EIA Impact Prediction Impact Mitigation (PMA) Legal Framework Indicators and Environmental Indexes Methodologies to impact valuation odologas de Valoracin de Impactos Environmental Auditories

Chapter 1

Main concepts, Type of impacts

Fuente: Canter, 1998. CEQ 1997, pag. 955

Most important definitions

Everything surrounding us: land, aquatic, aerial, where all living organisms, born, grow, develops and die.

It is the physical surrounding where life takes place.

Any action that produce a change or alteration on the environment. It can be positive or negative. If positive, the action must be re-enforced and if negative it must be cancelled or improved. Assessment Study


Impact = effect activity = cause

Fuente: Canter, 1998. CEQ 1997, pag. 955

Environmental Impact
Examples of environmental impact:

Construction of a road A harbor A tourist location

Any of these activities have an impact on the environment


Impacts can be located in different cathegories:

Positive or Negative Reversible (natural processes) or Non-reversible Recoverable or Non-recoverable Short or long term Temporal or continuous Local, regional, national or global Accidental or predictive Accumulative or Simple Direct or Non-direct

Positive and Negative Impact

Positive Impact: The technical community as well as scientists define this type of impact as the one that gives benefits without comprimising environmental quality.

Negative Impact: Its effects on the environmental are not good and have to be mitigated

Direct / Indirect

Direct Impact:

Produced by one of the projects activity, it occurs in the same place and at the same time as the activitiy is executed

Fuente: Canter, 1998. CEQ 1997, pag. 955

Indirect Impact:

It is produced by one of the projects activity and it occur after or at a certain distance of the project location, but they are completely related with the project and are predictable.

Fuente: Canter, 1998. CEQ 1997, pag. 955


Construction of a road in a not populated zone

Direct Impact/effect: Cutting of vegetation Indirect effect: settlements on sides of the road. Direct.: Increase of noise in the zone where the project is located. Indirect: Pression on the roads that communicate to the airport.

Construction of an airport


Results when the individual effects are repetitive so it can be added after some time and finally they result in more severe impacts.

According on how much the impact last:

(1) short term: the impact last less than 1 year

(2) mid term: the impact last between 1 and 10 years

(3) long term: the impact last more than 10 years

According to its recoverable capacity

Reversible Impact: The environment can recover itself after some time (short, mid or long term) due to natural processes and autodepuration of the environment.

Pollution of a lake

Non Reversible Impact: It is so severe that it can not come back to its original condition (without impact) by natural means.

Areas that are being degradated by erosion

Recoverable: The effect of an impact can be

eliminated or mitigated by human action by taking into consideration corrective measures and using technology as well in order to get back to the original state without impact.

Clinker ovens in order to eliminate certain residues.

Non recoverable: The alteration or effect produced in the environment can not be repaired neither by natural or artificial means.

Extinction of species

Mitigable Impact: The effect of the alteration can be mitigated in a sustainable way by the application of corrective means.

Spills control. Highway design according to migratory bird routes

Temporal: The magnitude of the impact does not generate to many consequences and allows to the environment that it can recover and come back to its original condition.

Water discharge with organic matter

Persistent: Actions that occur in the environment has a long term influence

Spills or emissions of certain substances

Local Impact: The effect is located nearby the activity or where the action takes place.

Ex:Noise produced in a highway

Regional: The effect or impact is located in a complete region due to its facility to be spread or dissiminated.
Ex: River pollution by mining activities

National Impact: The effect of the activity is spread all over the nation due to its speed to be spread all over or due to the impact movility. Ex: Distribution and consumption of polluted products due to pesticides or chemicals.

Global Impact: The effect is spread all over the planet.

Ex: Climate Change

Construction of a hydroelectric plant


of natural habitats (-, non reversible, regional or global) Destruction of local communities (-, permanent, local) Employement (+, temporal, regional)

Decrease on the cost of energy (+, permanent, regional)

Decrease on the emission of greenhouse gases (+, permanent, global)

Chapter 2

Introduction to the Environmental Evaluation Types of environmental evaluations Types of projects Main components of an EIA Baseline Cycle of the project

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

The study applied in order to define if an action applied to the environment will cause a positive or negative impact. It can be applied before an action, in this case it is preventive, so its main objective is to prevent negative impacts to take place. Ex-Post: It can also be applied during or after an action has taken place, in this case its main objective is to mitigate or remediate a negative impact that already have caused evident consequences in the environment.

Concept 1

The EIA is a systematic process performed to identify, predict and evaluate the environmental effects of proposed actions. Why systematic?? The EIA helps in the decision making process referred to take best decision in order to remediate or prevent impacts.

Concept 2

The EIA is the identification and grading of the potential impacts (effects) coming from projects, relative to the physical-chemical, biological, cultural and socio-economical components of the surroundings (Canter, 1998).

Types of Environmental Evaluations

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (Ex Post)

Follow up Auditories

EIA Expost

Auditoria Ambiental Inicial EIA Expost

Difference with follow up auditory


The EIA must be applied:

As soon as possible, preventive better than remediative. Along the cycle of the proposed project To those development proposals that have the potential to produce environmental impacts. In order to include and encourage the participation of all interested/affected people According to the normative and legal agreements established.

Main components of an EIA

1. 2.


Base line Environmental Impact Evaluation Environmental Management Plan

How measures will be apply and when

Base line

What is a baseline

It refers to the original environmental conditions existing at a given moment before a change It is like a photograph on time referring to the environment before the execution of project.

Anexo 2 - Norma de Calidad Ambiental, Libro VI, TULSMA

What is Background?

There are the environmental conditions that governs before any alteration or impact. Example

Types of vegetation like mix forest, mangrove, etc. Flora: white mangrove, red mangrove, etc

Description of the Baseline

Physical Environment (Air, Soil, Water, Climate) Biological Environment (Flora, Fauna and their Habitats) Socio-cultural environment (Archeology, social aspects, etc)

Physical Environment

Climate Noise Surface Water Underground Water Regional Geology Quality of Air Soil


Taken on a meteorological station closer to the project. (INAMHI)

Precipitation (mean, monthly, yearly) mm Wind Temperature C Atmospheric humidity % Evaporation/ Evapotranspiration %







ENE Nubosi dad 6














ENE FEB 86 M AR 86 ABRI 87 M AY 85 JUN 80 JUL 78 AGO 76 SEP 80 OCT 83 NOV 83 DIC 85 85


Relative Humidity


Fuente: Anuarios Meteorolgicos INAMHI

Quality of air

Particulated matter PM10 y PM2.5 Particles concentration less than 10 micras or 2.5 micras.

Ver Anexo 5, Libro VI TULSMA

Muestreador de partculas PARTISOL FRM MODEL 2000-H, de bajo caudal (16,7 litros/min), provisto con cabezal de entrada para PM10

Quality of Water

Describes the physical conditions of water, both surface or underground in the area where the project is going to take place. Samples must be taken

Calidad del Agua

Ver Fotos Monitoreo

Concentraciones de Parmetros Fsico Qumicos Muestras de Agua

Unidad. E-1 Lmite Mximo -Criterio de Calidad(1) Mtodo EPA #

pH Sl. Tot. Dis. Sl. Susp. Sl. Totales Sl. Sedimentables Oxgeno Disuelto Salinidad Dureza Aceites y grasas DBO Cloro residual Amonio Nitrato Nitrito N Kjeldahl total Sulfato Coliform. Tot.
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

7,7 134 108 242 6 3,6 <2.6 97 2,9 14 0,35 <0.10 <1.5 <0.025 0,36 <1.0 930

6 9 (1) 3 000 (1) n.d. 100 (3) n.d. 3,0 (1) Agua Salobre n.d. 0,3 100
(1) (3)

150.1 Clculo SM 2540D 160.3 160.5 360. 1 Clculo 130.1 1664 HEM SM 5210D 330.5 350.3 353.3 354.1 351.1 375.4 SM 9221

mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L


0,01 (2) n.d. n.d. 1,0 (1) 40 (3) n.d. 1000 (1)
Prom. Mensual. <5000 (1)

Coliform. Fec.



SM 9221

(1) Tabla 8: Criterios de Calidad de aguas para uso pecuario. Anexo 1, del RLGAPCCA:, Texto Unificado de Legislacin Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente. D.E. 3399 R.O. 725, Diciembre 16, 2002 & D.E. 3516 R.O. Edicin Especial No. 2, Marzo 31, 2003. (2) Tabla 3: Criterios de Calidad admisibles para la preservacin de la flora y fauna en aguas dulces, fras o calidas, y en aguas marinas y de estuario. Anexo 1, del RLGAPCCA:, Texto Unificado de Legislacin Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente. D.E. 3399 R.O. 725, Diciembre 16, 2002 & D.E. 3516 R.O. Edicin Especial No. 2, Marzo 31, 2003. (3)Tabla 13: Lmites de descarga a un cuerpo de agua marina. Anexo 1, del RLGAPCCA:, Texto Unificado de Legislacin Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente. D.E. 3399 R.O. 725, Diciembre 16, 2002 & D.E. 3516 R.O. Edicin Especial No. 2, Marzo 31, 2003.

Biological Environment

(Flora, Fauna and their Habitat)

Vegetation, Birds Reptiles Mammals Invertebrates

Socio Economical and Cultural Environment

Use of soils Life conditions Basic services Cultural heritage Education Jobs

Life conditions

Educational level

Primary, secondary, university

Illiteracy Economical active Population

Type of activity

Basic services (energy, drinkable water, sewage system, waste disposal and collection) Communication services Transportation Tourism Archeogology


Site conditions must be described not only check listed Critical aspects must be identified Emphasis must be put on critical or sensitive elements of the environment Legislation must be considered as well as authorities related to each type of project

Cycle of a Project and its relation to the Environmental Impact Evaluation

The EIA as part of the projects phases

Projects profile Pre-Feasibility Feasibility Final design Definition of the Environmental Management Plan Follow up auditories

Environmental Impact Evaluation

Project execution
Operation/Maintenance Abandon/close up

If at the beginning the project is to be proposed with an environmental criterium the EIA will be easier. Measurements and solutions to be applied will be lower at cost (cheaper) since they have been identifyed before the project started.

Cycle of life of a Project

It include three phases

Design Execution and Abandon / Close up

Cycle of life of a project

In the design important elements to be judged in order to take decisions according to the needs and requirements of the project Technical aspects are analyzed as well as economical, institutional, environmental

Execution: It implies the construction activities and operation activities Abandon: Close up phase

Projects evaluation use the EIA as an important tool for the detection and infomation source to take decisions

The EIA helps with the identification of potential impacts both negative and positive and also takes into consideration other environmental measurements

The EIA is one of the most important tools in order to incorporate an environmental point of view into the decisions to be taken by the project from the investment perspective.

Environmental Project Classification

According to the World Bank (1999)

Category A: Normally the project needs and EIA since the impacts are to be significant Category B: The projects only needs an environmentl revision (impacts are less significant) not such a deep study Category C: Projects does not need an environmental analysis just a brief description

Project classification according to MAE

Category A: Project located in urban zone already modificated, common species are found. Needs only a environmental review. Category B: Located in zones with secondary vegetation and with species of middle size. Needs EIA. Category C: Located in zones of forest, fragile ecosystems, where species of bigger size live and might be under an extinction risk or threatened. Needs EIA.

What information does a EIA needs?

What is the project about? Where it is located? How much time does the project intend to operate? Potential impacts that might occur during the operation of the project? What does the project need to be executed? What other alternatives might exist to replace the original project?

EIA Team .How to select it?

It must be a multidisciplinary At least 3, maximum 10. For example we can have: - Biologist - Sociologist - Geologist - Hydrologyst - Environmental Engineering

Characteristics of the EIA team

Experience in related topics Must be able to work as a team Listen to others point of view Must have good writting and spoken skills

Delays on the EIA happens when:

The EIA starts later on the projects cycle The TOR are not precise The EIA does not follow a schedule Lack of technical information

Chapter 3

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Main steps for performing an EIA Approval process Authorities Environmental License Alternatives

EIA very important document

It was recognized as a very important document byt the Principle 17 during the Rio Meeting in 1992

Main steps for performing an EIA

Main steps for an EIA
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

Have a clear idea of the objective of the project that will be performed. Collect information, historical, present, contact with society that will be affected. Visit the area that will be affected, know the place. Built a baseline in order to know the previous stage or original stage before the action takes place. Determine the impacts (negative or positive) that will cause the project, the intensity, duration,etc. Propose solutions in order to solve or prevent the possible negative impacts, or, propose solutions to mitigate and remediate negative impacts already existing. Apply the solutions and put into practice the proposed solutions. Feedback and follow up, in order to know if the proposed solutions and measures have been effective, need to be changed or continue.

Approval Process of the EIA as part of environmental license:

0. Certificado de Interseccin

EIA Process

screening Decide if the EIA must be done and at what level scoping -identify the most important topics and prepare the TOR Impact analysis Evaluate the potential effects of the proposals and evaluate its significance mitigation - Proposal of measurements in order to prevent, reduce and compensate the impacts

Principal Authorities related to the EIA Process

National Environmental Authority : Ministry of Environment

Other Authorities


Mayors, Directors, etc (designed by the Ministry)

Environmental License (EL)


Promotor.- Natural of juridic person, from the private or public sector interested in the development of a project, responsable of the actions of development of a project.

Environmental license: Is the authorization that the designed authority will give to the natural or juridic person in order to the project to be executed.

Steps for EL
1.Certificado de Interseccin (CI) 2.Terms of REference (TDR) 3.EsIA and EMP 4.Public participation 5.EL 6.Environmental Follow up (auditories) 7.Cancellation of the license

1. CI
The promotor make a solicitude to the Ministry in order to obtain this certificate to proof that the project will not be located on a protected area. The solicitude will include: Main information of the promotor Name Address Email Name of the project Location of the project (UTM coordinates) Surface Printed map (digital also) Bank deposit of 50 dollar into an specific account

1. CI
The Direccin Nacional de Prevencin de la Contaminacin Ambiental (DNPCA) del MAE, gives the CI with the following map

2. TOR
They indicate the scope of the study and how deep it might be, telling how detailed the EIA studies should be.

Content of the TOR: Description of what should the baseline include, description of the project, alternative analysis, impact evaluation, environmental management plan, legal framework, consultancy group

They must be submited both printed and digital

Subsecretaria de Calidad Ambiental aprove or reject the TOR

Example of TOR Caso Relleno Sanitario

3. EIA and EMP

Executive Summary (understandable language) List of professionals Introduction, objective, Influence areas Legal framework Alternatives Impact Identification Mitigation of impacts (EMP) Conclusions and Recommendations

Example of the content of an EIA

3. EsIA and EMP

Analysis of the alternatives for the activity or project At least two alternatives

Alternatives of the EIA

Every EIA should include at least two alternatives Option Zero: no project execution Other types of alternatives

Location Alternative Design Alternative Construction, exploitation or abandon Alternative Size of the project Alternative


Public Participation

Previous to the public participation a draft of the EIA must be presented to the authority to verify that all the requirements have been fulfilled.

Then the EIA is presented to the community

The Subsecretara de Calidad Ambiental from the Environmental Ministry (MAE) will evaluate the studies and notify to the promotor the aproval of the EIA and EMP, otherwise about the observations that must be corrected in order to be aproved.

5. LA
The promotor ask for the EL at the MAE: Aproval of the EIA and EMP Proof of your bank deposit Certification of the total budget of the project Insurance policy covering environmental damages to third parts Insurance Policy of full commitment to perform the EMP Among others

5. LA
The Promotor must submit to the SCA of the MAE the following information: Solicitude of the environmental license Razn Social of the promotor Name of the project Reference number given with the process of the C.I. (when obtained) Deposit certificate to the bank account of the MAE in the BNF, to cover the value of the emission of the environmental license Warranty of fulfillment of the yearly EMP equivalent to the 100% of the yearly valued cronogram on behalf of the MAE Insurance policy for environmental damages o damages to third parties in behalf of the MAE What for?????

5. LA
The Ministry will give the EL in order to authorize the execution of the project. There can be other local authorized institutions (must be authorized by the MAE) to give the EL. El Ministerio, otorga la LA para ejecutar el proyecto. The EL must be renewed everty two years (following a re-certification process) Spectific types of projects (in protected areas, electric-CONELEC and others) can only be authorized by the Ministry in order to obtain their EL.

6 - 7. Environmental follow up (SA)

1. Cancellation of the license for 15 days in order to justify or give solutions to the problems identified 2. If it is not any justification in 15 days the license is cancelled 3. The MAE presents all the documentation to initiate all the legal actions 4. Execution of the warranties.

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