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Family of Thomas and Elizabeth Daniel Skinner

The family of Thomas Skinner was contemporaneous with that of John and Jane Skinner. It is not known
whether they were related. However, there are no records that obviously relate the two families.

1. Thomas Skinner and Elizabeth Daniel Children of Samuel Skinner and Lucy Randolph
9. William Skinner. He was born before 1716.
GENERATION 2 10. Lucy Skinner. She was born before 1716. She
Children of Thomas Skinner and Elizabeth married M Cook.
Daniel 11. Elizabeth Skinner. Born Before 1716.
2. Samuel Skinner. He was born about 1686 and
died during the summer of 17371 in Elizabeth Children of Samuel Skinner and Elizabeth
City County, VA. He first married Lucy Randolph
Randolph. He second married Elizabeth 12. Samuel Skinner Jr.
Randolph. 13. Unborn
3. Joseph Skinner. He was born by 1694 and died
in 1725. He married Mrs. Hannah Bright, Children of Ann Skinner and _____ Carter
widow of Robert Bright2 by 1725. 14. Thomas Carter
4. Ann Skinner. She married ______ Carter. 15. Rosie Carter
5. Jonathan Skinner.
6. Martha Skinner. She married Mark Powell.
7. Mary Skinner. She married Mark James Bullock.
8. Darby Skinner. Born by 1710.


1. Thomas Skinner was born before 1664 and died about 17233 in Elizabeth City County, VA. He married
Elizabeth Daniel about 1684 in Elizabeth Co., VA. She was the daughter of Darby Daniel4 (born about
1629 in England, died after 1698 in York County, VA) and Ann.5 Elizabeth’s grandparents were Roger
Daniel and Anne. Elizabeth died by early 1723, presumably about the same time as her husband.

1737, Aug p. 220 Will of Samuel Skinner Planter. Leg, Wife Elizabeth; son William, Daughter Loosee; Daughter
Elizabeth; Son Samuel Jr. when of age; Provision for unborn child. Dated Aug 1737. Recorded 16 Nov 1737. Bk.
1737/49 p.19 original will. Estate appraised by Samuel Gult, Alexander Kenedy, William Henry, Francis Middlehurst
[Riddlehurst?] 17 May 1738 bk. 1737/49 pg. 49
1722/23, 19 January. Robert Bright Will. Legacy wife Hannah. Execs: Wife. Dated 19 January, 1722/23. Book
1721/23, page 169.
--1725, 19 May. Hannah Skinner qualifies the will of her late husband, Robert Bright. Ord, Book 1723/29, page. 92.
Also Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 169-70.
Sec, 1723. Joseph Skinner, Admin of Thomas Skinner. Jno King and Charles King security. Page 194 John Pitts.
Est; bond for Joseph Skinner as admin sec, Bryan Penne & Hugh Ross. 21 February 1722/23, book 1721/23. Photostat
LDS Library.
Payne Daniel’s website shows: Darby Daniel's estate was appraised in March 1698 (Order Book 1689-1699, page
130). Darby Daniel has been linked to John Daniel of York but this does not appear to be the case. He died interstate,
probation granted to Ann Daniell, executrix – appraisers for the orphans of Darby Daniel, Henry Robinson and John
Cooper. Appraiser for the widow, Henry Royall and George Cooper – dated 18 March 1698. (However, John Daniel of
York County, VA may be the John Daniel shown as his brother per this lineage)
Will of Ann Daniell of 3 October 1715, recorded/probated 15 August 1716 (Book 1715-1721, pg. 41) (This is the will
of Ann Harrison (Grove?) Copeland Daniel). To son Samuel Daniel, cattle at Thomas Skinner’s plantation. To Ann,

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Thomas and Elizabeth had the following children (listed in the order they occur in Ann Daniel’s
1715 will):
2. Samuel Skinner. Born about 1686 and died in 17376 in Elizabeth City County, VA.
He first married Lucy Randolph. He second married Lucy’s sister Elizabeth Randolph.
3. Joseph Skinner. Born about 1694 and died about 1735. He married Mrs. Hannah Bright
4. Ann Skinner. She married Hursley Carter.
5. Jonathan Skinner.
6. Martha Skinner. She married Mark Powell.
7. Mary Skinner. She married Mark James Bullock.
8. Darby Skinner. Born by 1711, died 1737.


[V] c1685 Married Elizabeth Daniel ca 1685. She was the daughter of Darby Daniel and a sister of Samuel
Daniel. There are a number of records related to the Daniel family in Elizabeth City County records.
[L] 1689 An account of John Smyth's estate lists Thomas Skinner as Cr (creditor?). Sworn in court 18 Jul
1692. [Elizabeth City Deed, Wills, Etc. p121(35)] Smith was a silversmith.
[X] 1694 May 20 Delivery by turf & twigg made to Henry Royall. Wit, Tho. (X) Skiner and Wm. Latham.
[L] 1695 Aug 19. License for ordinary granted to Tho. Skinner at Hampton Town. Returned 15 Oct 95.
[Elizabeth City Deed, Wills, Etc. p156(70)]
[L] 1696 Aug 18. At a Court held on that date, Augustine Moore complains that Tho. Skiner and John
Skinner among others had been summoned to serve on a Jury of Inquest and failed to appear. The Sheriff is
ordered to summon them to "answer for such contempt." [Elizabeth City Deed, Wills, Etc. p.100]
[L] 1695/6 Jan 20. Sheriff is ordered to act concerning the non-appearance of Thomas Roberts to answer
the suit of Thomas Skinner in an action of the case for 45 shillings. [Elizabeth City Deed, Wills, Etc. p80]
[L] 1696/7 Jan 28. Judgment granted agt Thomas Robert for 35 sh due by specialty to Wm. Mallory as
assignee of Thomas Skiner, with costs at exon. [Elizabeth City Deed, Wills, Etc. p.109]
[L] 1698 May 18. At a court held on that date, Tho. Skinner served on a jury. [Elizabeth City Deed, Wills,
Etc. page 133]
**The main Elizabeth City County deeds, wills, court orders records from 1702 through 1715 are
[L] 1721, Oct 30. First mention of suit in Chancery between Thomas and Elizabeth Skinner, friend to
Darby and Samuel Skinner [infants], and John Mitchell, Executer of Samuel Daniel estate is referred to the
next court. This suit which relates to how the estate is to be divided among the heirs is delayed a number of
times over the coming months. On page 82, it is agreed that the attorneys will appraise the estate and
propose a fair distribution. On page 149, although difficult to read, it appears that the suit may have finally
been settled (late 1722).
[L] Thomas Skinner to be paid for giving evidence against Mitchell. Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 159.
[L] Thomas Skinner appointed executor for John Pett’s estate. Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 159.
[L] 1721. Petition of Thomas Skinner against the estate of William Smelt is rejected because it was brought
to the Court in an improper manner. Page 69.
[L] 1722 Nov [21?]. Petition of Thomas Skinner for his [maintenance?] of Philip Petts, an orphan, being
brought irregularly to the Court is dismissed. P. 128

Jonathan, Martha, Mary and Darby Skinner (grandchildren). To Samuel Skinner (grandson) and his mother Elizabeth
Skinner (daughter). To Martha Pitt (grandaughter). To Sarah Pitt (granddaughter). To Ann Mitchel (may be Hannah,
her daughter). To my daughter Catherine Pitt (her daughter). To Elizabeth Riddlehurst (unknown relationship).
Executor: son Samuel Daniel. Witness: John King, Edward Richards, Joseph Skinner
1737, Aug p. 220 Will of Samuel Skinner Planter. Leg, Wife Elizabeth; son William, Daughter Loosee; Daughter
Elizabeth; Son Samuel Jr. when of age; Provision for unborn child. Dated Aug 1737. Recorded 16 Nov 1737. Bk.
1737/49 p.19 original will. Estate appraised by Samuel Gult, Alexander Kenedy, William Henry, Francis Middlehurst
[Riddlehurst?] 17 May 1738 bk. 1737/49 pg. 49

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[L] 1722/3 Feb 21. Thomas Skinner obligation to administer estate of Johnn Petts, dec’d. Bond recorded.
Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 98. Entry shows Thomas Skinner’s mark (an X).
[W] 1723? Joseph Skinner came into Court and made oath that his father Thomas Skinner had died without
making a will. He is granted Letters of Administration. P. 223.
[W] 1723 Dec 18. Estate ordered appraised. Estate appraised by Edward Latimer, George Cooper, Charles
Cooper and Charles Jenings. Among items, to legacies left by Ann Daniel [their grandmother] to Skinner's
children. [Book 1704-30, p.13] See also the Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 259.
[W] 1723/24 Jan 10. Inventory of estate of Thomas Skinner. L25-08-9. Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 175.
[W] 1723/24 Jan 15. Account of charges L6-6-1/2 expended at my father and Mother's funerals ordered
paid out of the estate. Signed, Joseph Skinner. Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 176. Thomas Skinner’s mark
appears to be the same as John Skinner’s (|||). Need to go back and picture to show once and for all that this
is Joseph not John. But what is going on with Mother’s funeral? So who is the Elizabeth Skinner in the
1731 record?
[W] 1731 Dec 15. Elizabeth Skinner made oath to the last will and testament of Thomas Skinner, deceased.
Mentions Joseph Skinner, Charles Jennings. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 16.

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2. Samuel Skinner. He was born about 1686 and died during the summer of 17377 in Elizabeth City
County, VA. As his children were all under 21 when he died in 1737, he married Elizabeth Randolph?
probably between 1716 and 1720.
Some sources say that he first married Lucy Randolph. However, the 1728 will of a Lucy
Randolph, widow, names son-in-law Samuel Skinner as Executor, and mentions daughter Ann Carter
(presumably wife of Hurlsey Carteri) and grandchildren Lucy and Thomas Cook (son of Lucy Skinner and
M Cook?).
Elizabeth died in 1748/9.
Samuel’s children were all under age when he wrote his will in August 1737 which means they
were born after 1716. After the death of Elizabeth, the children were adopted by various individuals in
early 1749. William chose Hursley Carter as his guardian. The youngest children, Samuel and Sarah
Skinner, went to Francis Riddlehurst. Lucy and Elizabeth were to let the Court know their choice, but I
have not found a record indicating who they chose.
Samuel and Lucy had the following children [how do we know this?]
9. William Skinner. He was born perhaps around 1729.
10. Lucy Skinner. She was born perhaps around 1731. She married M Cook.
11. Elizabeth Skinner. She was born perhaps around 1733
Samuel and Elizabeth had the following children:
12. Samuel Skinner Jr. He was born perhaps around 1735.
13. Sarah. Assuming Sarah was the unborn child in Samuel’s will, she was born late 1737
or early 1738.

--1735 Jan 2?. Ordered that the church wardens bind out Joseph [?] to Samuel Skinner. Elizabeth City
County, VA 1731-1747, p. 106.
--1737 Aug? 7. The Ejectione brought by Benjamin Robins plantiff. against Samuel Skinner, defendant,
dismissed, the defendant being dead. Elizabeth City County, VA, 1731-1747, p. 145.
--1737 Nov 16. William of Samuel Skinner, deceased, was proved by the oaths of George Morgan and John
Riddlehurst. Elizabeth City County VA 1731-1747, p. 154.
--1737 [?] Elizabeth Skinner made oath to the last will and testament of Samuel Skinner, deceased, and was
granted a certificate for obtaining probate. Elizabeth City County VA 1731-1747, p. 166.
--1738 May 17. The appointment of the estate of Samuel Skinner deceased being returned is ordered to be
recorded. Elizabeth City County VA 1731-1747, p. 174.
--1738 [?] The Ejectione brought by Benjamin Robins plaintiff against Elizabeth Skinner [and ? Skinner[
defendents, is continued. Elizabeth City County VA 1731-1747, p. 188.
--1748/9 May 2. On the motion of Samuel Sweny and William Westwood, security for Elizabeth Skinner,
executor of Samuel Skinner, deceased. Ordered that Thomas Whittledge give the said Sweny security or
surrender the estate of the said Elizabeth Skinner in his hands to the said Sweny and Westwood. Elizabeth
City County Order Book 1747-1755, p.85.

3. Joseph Skinner. He was born by 1694 and died in 1725. He married Mrs. Hannah Bright, widow of
Robert Bright8 by 1725. No children were named in his will.

1737, Aug p. 220 Will of Samuel Skinner Planter. Leg, Wife Elizabeth; son William, Daughter Loosee; Daughter
Elizabeth; Son Samuel Jr. when of age; Provision for unborn child. Dated Aug 1737. Recorded 16 Nov 1737. Bk.
1737/49 p.19 original will. Estate appraised by Samuel Gult, Alexander Kenedy, William Henry, Francis Middlehurst
[Riddlehurst?] 17 May 1738 bk. 1737/49 pg. 49

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--Born ca 1694, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Daniel Skinner. Married Mrs Hanna Bright, widow of Robert
--1715, 3 Oct. Joseph Skinner was a witness to will of Ann Daniel.
-- 1722/23, 19 Jan. Will of Robert Bright, dated January 19, 1722/23 and recorded May 19, 1723. Son,
John; wife, Hanah; daughter Elizabeth; daughter Anne. Executors, wife, my brother Charles Tucker and my
cousin Anthony Tucker. Witnesses were William Lowry, Fleet Cooper, and Wil Westwood. Book 1721-23,
page 169, Elizabeth City County, Virginia. Estate apparaised by Charles Jenings, John Robinson, and
Joseph Harris.
--1723, he was Administrator of his Father’s estate. Jno King and Charles King security. Page 194 John
Pitts. Est; bond for Joseph Skinner as admin sec, Bryan Penne & Hugh Ross. 21 February 1722/23, book
1721/23. Photostat LDS Library.
--1725/26, 5 Feb. Book 1704-30, page 48. Hannah Skinner qualified on the will of her late husband, Robert
Bright. Order Book 1723-29, page 92, Elizabeth City County, Virginia.
--1733 Nov 20. Joseph Skinner, Charles Jennings, Thomas Tucker, and Charles Cooper or any three of
them to appraise the estate of Robert [?]. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 83
--1734 May 2. Joseph Skinner acknowledged his deed of lease and release to Darby Skinner. Elizabeth City
County, VA 1731-1747, p. 92.
--1734 May 2. Matthew [Williams?] appointed guardian of the road in the room of [John? Joseph?]
Skinner. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 93.
--1734 Sep 17. Deed from Joseph Skinner and Hannah his wife to William Tucker. Elizabeth City County,
VA 1731-1747, p. 98.
--1735, 18 March Joseph Skinner's estate was appraised in Elizabeth City County, VA.
--1735, March 18. Hannah Skinner receives letters of administration for the estate of Joseph Skinner,
deceased. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 109.
--1735, 18 June. Charles Cooper. Will proved by William King and Joseph Skinner. Ord, Book 1731-47,
page 95..
-- 1735/6 Feb 17. Joseph Skinner estate ordered appraised by any three of William King, Henry Walker,
Charles Jenings and Frances Riddlehurst. Ord, Book 1731-47, page 109.
--1736 Jul 2. The appraisal of the estate of Joseph Skinner deceased being returned is ordered recorded.
Elizabeth City County VA 1731-47, p. 118.


--1748 May 3. John Bright and Thomas Wilson on Grand Jury. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 33.
--1780 May 19. Virginia Gazette (Clarkson & Davis), Richmond, May 19, 1780.
“ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. FOR taking up my negro fellow Peter. He is near
six feet high, and well made, rather of a yellowish complexion, Virginia born, and not above twenty-four or
twenty-five years of age, has lost all the toes on both feet with the frost. He once belonged to A. Hoges near
the Great Bridge, Norfolk county, and is well known thereabouts. He run away last May, and was the
greater part of the summer lurking about Hampton; he has since been seen in Nansemond county and North
Carolina, where he passed for a freeman. I will pay the above reward to any person who will deliver him to
me near Williamsburg, or to Mr. Francis Riddlehurst, Hampton, with all reasonable charges. FRANCIS
BRIGHT.” Reprint: Windley, vol. 1, p. 282. Also related to Francis Riddlehurst: Virginia Gazette (Dixon &
Hunter), Williamsburg, August 8, 1777. “WILLIAMSBURG, August 8, 1777. RUN away from the
Subscriber, in Amelia County, the 19th of last June, a large young Mulatto Fellow named SAM, of the
Indian Breed. I expect he is in James City County, as he has a Mother who lives there with one Mr. Francis
Riddlehurst. I will give THREE POUNDS to any Person who will take up the said Slave, and confine him
so that I get him again. DANIEL HARDAWAY.” Reprint: Windley, vol. 1, p. 186.

1722/23, 19 January. Robert Bright Will. Legacy wife Hannah. Execs: Wife. Dated 19 January, 1722/23. Book
1721/23, page 169.
--1725, 19 May. Hannah Skinner qualifies the will of her late husband, Robert Bright. Ord, Book 1723/29, page. 92.
Also Order Book #10 1721-23, p. 169-70.

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--1751 May 7. Ordered that Thomas Lattimer, John? Bright, John Jennings and Jane Naylor or any three to
appraise estate of Jane Cooper. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 227.

4. Ann Skinner. She married Hursley Carter. Hursley Carter’s 1763 will names wife Ann, son Robert, son
William (not 14), daughter Elizabeth, son John, son Lemuel, son Hursley, with provision for unborn child.
Children of Ann and Hursley Carter?:
William, born about 1740
Unborn child


--1793 Jan 4. Will. Legacies son Thomas, daughter Rosey. Executor Mark Hall. Witnesses Mark Hall, John
Been (sp?). Elizabeth City Bk 1787-1800 p. 114. Who is this Ann.

5. Jonathan Skinner.

He is referred to as Jonathan only in Ann Daniel’s 1715 will. He died after 1733, perhaps in the presumed
epidemic of 1737.

Sources (All of the sources for John Skinner are listed here even though some of these may belong to the
John Skinner who married Jane Smith or his son John):

[L] 1693 Dec 14 Will of William Jarvis.

[L] 1693/4 Feb 19 At a Court held on that date, "James Omeney ordered to pay 40 lbs tobacco to John
Skinner for one day's attendance as an evidence for him agt Joseph White." [Page 30]
[L] 1693 Dec 14 Will of William Jarvis.
[L]1693/4 Feb 19 At a Court held on that date, "James Omeney ordered to pay 40 lbs tobacco to John
Skinner for one day's attendance as an evidence for him agt Joseph White." [Page 30]
[L] 1693/4 Mar 26. Wages for digging the grave of Jno. Hill. [Deed Book, p185(100)]. A Jno. Smith is also
[L] 1694 Nov 19. At a court held on that date, John Skinner registered his Marke for Cattle and Hoggs Vizt.
Two slitts on ye right eare, one slitt under [fold?] in ye left ear. Recorded 6 Jan 1694/5. [1684-1699 Estate
Records. LDS Microfilm 0031120.
[L] 1696 Aug 18. At a court held on that date, Augustine Moore complains that Tho. Skiner and John
Skinner had been summoned to serve on a Jury of Inquest and failed to appear. The Sheriff is ordered to
summon them to answer for such contempt. [p.100] The last record could well belong to the John Skinner
who was son of Thomas Skinner. If not, it raises the possibility that Thomas was John’s brother or other
[L] 1699 Nov 21 John Skinner's petition for the freedom of Eliza. Farrow is referred to next Court. [page
160]. Who is Elizabeth Farrow?
[C] 1704. Jno. Skinner was listed as owning 50 acres in "A true and perfect rent roll of the land in Elizabeth
City Co." for the year 1704 [Louis des Cognets, Jr. English duplicates of lost Virginia records, page 182]
[L] 1714 May 11 A John Skinner was appraiser for estate of John Lettitts (Jegits?).
[L] 1717 May 11 Witnesses will of William Bowtell Refers to land at Fox Hill, daughter Sarah. [Elizabeth
City Deeds, Wills, Inventories p. 72].
[L] 1717 May 16 At Court held on that date, gives oath as to intentions of Wm. Boutwil. [p.70].
[L] 1718 May ?. John Skinner one of four men ordered to appraise estate of Tho. Casey. [p. 102]
[L] 1718 May 30 Appraiser for estate of Tho. Casy. [Elizabeth City Deeds, Wills, Inventories p. 122,123].

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[L] 1718 May 21 At Court held on that date, John Skinner was authorized to appraise estate of Tho. Casy
along with John Jeggets. [p.102].
[L] 1718 Sep 18 At a Court held on that date, John Skinner was granted time to answer suit of Jno. King
seeking 40 pounds for a broken "Covnt." [p.120].
[L] 1718/19 Jan 22 "Judgmt by Nihill Dicet granted agt John Skinner to answer the suit of John King Gent
in an action of Covenant Broken damage 40 pounds." [p.129].
[L] 1720 July Jno. Skinner received the balance of his account 0-3-0 from the estate of Andr. Thomson
[Elizabeth City Deeds, Wills, Inventories p.263-4]
[L] 1722. Thomas [Umphries?]. Thomas Hawkins and John Skinner appointed to appraise estate of John
Jiggits [Jeggits] decid. P. 106
[L] 1731 June 16. Case between John Skinner and [?] Jones. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-
1747, p. 2.
[L] 1731/32 Feb 16. Case between John Skinner and [?] Jones dismissed by consent. Elizabeth City
County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 19.
[L] 1733 Jun 24. Ordered that John Skinner be summoned to answer the complaint of John Turner, his
servant. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 59.
[L] 1733 Jun 24. Ordered that John Skinner be summoned to answer the complaint of John Turner, his
servant. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 59. Several earlier records relate to a John
Turner of Ireland who may or may not be the same person. For example, see Order Book #10 1721-23, p.
[L] 1733 July 17. John Skinner is appointed overseer of road. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book
1731-1747, p. 81.
[ ] 1733 [?] On the complaint of Matthew Williams and his swearing the [peace?] against John Skinner, the
said John Skinner, Darby Skinner, and John Marshall came into court and acknowledg’d [themselves
indebting?] to our Sovereign Lord the King, [?] principal John Skinner in the sum of 20 pounds and the
securities in the sum of [10?] pounds each under this condition that the said John Skinner shall keep the
peace for all his Majesty’s [liege?] subjects, especially the said Matthew Williams for one year and a day.
Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 83.
[L] 1733 Nov 2. Action between John Skinner and Dixon Brown, neither party appearing, is dismissed.
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 86.
[L]1734 May 2. Matthew [Williams?] appointed guardian of the road in the room of [John? Joseph?]
Skinner. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 93.
[L] 1735 Dec 17. Case between Thomas Hatton and John Skinner: Skinners attorny’s petition is granted.
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 102.
[L] 1735 Dec 17. Case between Thomas Hatton and John Skinner is continued. Elizabeth City County, VA
1731-1747, p. 105.
[L] 1735/6 Feb 17. In the action between Thomas Hatton plaintiff and John Skinner defendant, the plaintiff
not appearing, defendant to receive [recover?] 5 shillings. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-
1747, p. 107.
[L] 1736 May 19. In the action between Thomas Hatton plaintiff and John Skinner defendant, the plaintiff
not appearing, defendant to receive [recover?] 5 shillings. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-
1747, p. 114.
[L] 1736 Jul 2. From the land which he has purchased of John Skinner of church wardens, it is ordered that
Anthony Tucker, John Moor[e] and John Massenburgh do [?] road from the said road on Monday noon.
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 119.
[L] 1736 May 19. Case dismissed? between Thomas [?] and Jno. Skinner, the plaintiff not appearing.
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 114.
[L] 1736/7 Jan 19. John Skinner is a member of the jury in the case of Mary Bordland vs. William King.
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 127.
[L] 1736/7 Jan 19. The case between John Skinner plantiff and William Skinner defendant is continued.
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 128.
[L] 1736/7 Feb 16. The case between John Skinner plaintiff and John King defendant is dismissed, the
plaintiff being dead. Elizabeth City County VA 1731-1747. p.132.

6. Martha Skinner.

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She married Mark Powell. He died 1762 in Elizabeth City County, VA. Martha was one of the
executors. Who is the Thomas Skinner who was a witness and provided security?

--1747/8 Feb 2. Mark Powell vs. William Mallory. Dismissed. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 19.
[W] 1761 Dec 17. Will of Mark Powell. Legacy wife Martha with reversion of bequest to son William Powell;
reversion to his sister’s children; to sister Rebecca Weymouth’s sons, William and James Weymouth. Exs. Wife
Martha and William Weymouth. Recorded 4 May 1762. Wit. Samuel Roland, John Casey, Thomas Skinner. Security
for Martha Powell: William Read and Thomas Skinner. Book 1758-64, p. 320. Estate appraised by Samuel Roland,
Anthony Hawkins and Henry Humflet. 4 May 1762. Book 1758-64, p. 355.
Some of these may relate to this family.
--1747/8 Mar 1. Settlement of the estate of John Powell.
--1747/8 Mar 1. Ordered that Johnson Mallory pay Hannah Powell 9.7.1/2 due to her out of her father Mark Powell’s
estate. Is it possible that this is John rather than Mark? Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 26.
--1749 Jun 7. William ? agst Jane Powell. Dismissed. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p.95.

7. Mary Skinner. She married Mark James Bullock.

8. Darby Skinner. Born by 1710. Died early in 1738.

He lived in Hampton and kept an Ordinary, as had his father. There is no evidence that he was
married, but he is appears in several records with a Rachel Skinner who also kept an Ordinary.

---1715 Oct 3. Daniel, Ann. Leg.-son Samuel, cattle at Thomas Skinner's plantation; to Ann, Jonathan,
Martha, Mary and Darby Skinner; to Samuel Skinner and his mother Elizabeth Skinner; to Martha Pitt (or
Pett); to Sarah Pitt; to Ann Mitchel; to my daughter Catherine Pitt; to Elizabeth Riddlehurst. Ex. son
Samuel Daniel. D. October 3, 1715. R. August 15, 1716. Wit: John King, Edward Richards, Joseph
Skinner. Book 1715-21, pg. 41.
--1718 Mar 25. Daniel, Samuel. Leg. --nephew Samuel Skinner; wife Jude all the tobacco left to her before
her marriage; sister Hannah Mitchell and her husband; to the child unborn of Hannah Mitchel; sister
Elizabeth Skinner; nephews Robert and Martha Taylor. Ex. brother-in-law John Mitchel. D. March 25,
1718. R. Feb. 19, 1718. Wit: Abraham Mitchel, Nicholas Parker, Jo. Wragg. Book 1715-1721, p. 165.
--1731 June 16. Darby Skinner member of Jury in case between Charles Jennings and John Allen. P. 4
--1731 July 2. Darby Skinner and John Skinner on jury in case between Robert Wil[?] and[?] Sheffield. P. 6
--1731 July 2. Darby Skinner and John Skinner on jury in case between Richard Nus[?] and M[?] A[?]. p. 7
--1731 July 2. Darby Skinner and John Skinner on jury in case between John Hollway and Andrew Giles.
P. 8
--1731 July 2. Darby Skinner, Rachel Skinner and William Copland have each of them an order for three
days attendance against John [Mitchell?] in the suit between him and [Moss?] Armistead. P. 8
--1732 June 22. In the action between Darby Skinner and Thomas? Goodman? Mentions Wm. Westwood?
And W. Jennings. Elizabeth City County Court Records 1731-1747, p. 29.
--1732 July 20. Action between Darby Skinner and [Gordon? Goodman?] dismissed. Elizabeth City
County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 30.
--1732 August 16. Case between Darby Skinner and Thomas [Goodman?] ends with Skinner being
awarded 15 shillings. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 32.
--1732 August 16. Member of a jury in the case between Francis? And John Hawkins. Elizabeth City
County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 32.
--1732/3 Jan 2. The action upon the case between Darby Skinner and John [?] is continued. Elizabeth City
County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 43. See also p. 51 (jury reached verdict?).

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--1733 Aug 15. Darby Skinner is member of jury. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p.
--1733 Aug 15. Darby Skinner is member of jury in action between George Nicholas and [?].Elizabeth City
County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 64.
--1733 Sep 19. The petition of Thomas [?] against Darby Skinner, neither party appearing, is dismissed.
Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 64.
--1733 May 15. Action between William King and Darby Skinner, Skinner is to recover costs. Elizabeth
City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 76.
--1733 May 15. Darby Skinner ordered to pay [?] Armistead for two days attendance as Evidence against
William King. Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 76.
--1733 [?] On the complaint of Matthew Williams and his swearing the [peace?] against John Skinner, the
said John Skinner, Darby Skinner, and John Marshall came into court and acknowledg’d [themselves
indebting?] to our Sovereign Lord the King, [?] principal John Skinner in the sum of 20 pounds and the
securities in the sum of [10?] pounds each under this condition that the said John Skinner shall keep the
peace for all his Majesty’s [liege?] subjects, especially the said Matthew Williams for one year and a day.
Elizabeth City County, VA Order Book 1731-1747, p. 83.
--1733 Dec 18. On the [ facias?] brought by Darby Skinner against John [Moth?], the former judgment
… Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 88. See also page 86, 20 Nov 1733.
--1734 Mar 20. License is granted Darby Skinner to keep an Ordinary. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-
1747, p. 90.
--1734 Mar 20. Action between Darby Skinner and John M[?] is continued, Skinner’s attorney being
absent. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 91.
--1734 Feb 19. William [Tucker?] ordered to pay Joseph Skinner for 2 days Evidence against James [?].
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 91.
---1734 May 2. Joseph Skinner acknowledged his deed of lease and release to Darby Skinner. Elizabeth
City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 91.
--1734 May 2. Joseph Skinner acknowledged his deed of lease and release to Darby Skinner. Elizabeth City
County, VA 1731-1747, p. 92.
--1735 Jun 18, Action between Darby Skinner and John M[?] is dismissed. Elizabeth City County, VA
1731-1747, p. 95. See aslso page 94 (May 2?).
--1735 Sep 17. Darby Skinner is appointed to keep the Ferry at Hampton, Mr. [?] Sweeny being his
security. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 96.
--1735 Nov 19. Ordered that [?] pay Darby Skinner for 1 days attendance as evidence. Elizabeth City
County, VA 1731-1747, p. 100.
--1736 Feb 17. Case between Darby Skinner and John Anderson is dismissed. Elizabeth City County, VA
1731-1747, p. 108.
--1736 Mar 12, Darby Skinner against Henry Block, Block ordered to pay Skinner 3 shillings and 3/4.
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 111.
-173? See Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 114.
--1736 May 19. In the action upon the case between Darby Skinner plaintiff and John [?] defendant, the
defendant was granted an imparlance. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 114.
--1736 May 19. In the action upon the case between Darby Skinner plaintiff and [Patrick?] [?] defendant,
the defendant not appearing, the case was dismissed. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 114.
--1736 May 19. On the petition brought by Henry [Block?] plaintiff against Darby Skinner defendant …
Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 115.
--1736 May 19. Ordered that Henry [Block?] pay John [?] for 1 days attendance as an Evidence against
Darby Skinner. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 115.
--1736 Jun 16. Ordered that John A[?] pay Darby Skinner for 3 days attenance as evidence against John
A[?].Elizabeth City County VA 1731-47, p. 116.
--1736 Jul 2. The action of Scandal brought by Darby Skinner plaintiff and John [Mitchell?] defendant is
referred for trial. Elizabeth City County VA 1731-47, p. 119.
--1736 Aug 19. In the action of Scandel brought by Darby Skinner plaintiff against John [Mitchell?]
defendant for words spoke by the defendant of the plaintiff. Jury awards Skinner damage of 6 pence current
money. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 122.
--1736 Aug 19. Darby Skinner received payment or made payment to others for 3 days attendance as
evidence in a court case. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 123.

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--1736 Aug 19. Darby Skinner ordered to pay Samuel Hawkins and others for 3 days attendance as
evidence in a court case. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 123.
--1736 November. Virginia Gazette (Parks), Williamsburg. From November 5 to November 12, 1736.
Text: WHEREAS a white Servant Boy, nam'd John Turner, belonging to Mr. Darby Skinner, of Hampton,
was sent by his said Master, to Williamsburg, and is not yet return'd ; it is suspected he is run away. He had
on a blue Jacket and Trowsers and had with him a small Bay Horse, with a Blaze in its Face, a Switch Tail,
and a large Scar under his Tail, where it has been burnt. Whoever will bring the said Boy and Horse to Mr.
Darby Skinner aforesaid, shall have a reasonable reward, over and above what the Law allows.
--1736/7 Jan 19. The action of scandal brought by Darby Skinner plaintiff against John Mitchell defendant
is dismissed by the death of the plaintiff. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 127.
--1736/7 Feb 16. Certificate is granted for obtaining letters of administration on the Estate of Darby
Skinner, dec’d. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 131. [Who was the executor?]
--1736/7 Feb 16. John [ ], William Tucker, Samuel Hawkins, and John Batts or any 3 of them to apprasise
estate of Darby Skinner, deceased. Elizabeth City County, VA 1731-1747, p. 131.

Sources on Rachel Skinner (on the chance that she may be related to Darby Skinner):
[L] 1731 July 2. Darby Skinner, Rachel Skinner and William Copland have each of them an order for three
days attendance against John [Mitchell?] in the suit between him and [Moss?] Armistead. P. 8
[L] 1737 Nov 23. To Rachel Skinner for attending Eliz Barber, 8 pounds. Page 157.
[L] 1738 Aug 16. Ordered that Rachel Skinner who keeps the ferry be summoned to answer complaint of
Samuel Sweny, her security, presumably that she is not keeping the ferry as required by law. Page 187. On
page 189 the complaint was dismissed.
[L] 1738 Nov 15. License is granted Rachel Skinner to keep an ordinary. P. 193.
[L] 1739 Nov 22. License is granted Rachel Skinner to keep an ordinary. P. 220.
[L] 1740 Nov 19. License is granted Rachel Skinner to keep an ordinary. P. 242.


Children of Samuel and Lucy Skinner

9. William Skinner. He was born before 1716. A XXXX deed gives his wife as Susannah.
The 1748/9 guardianship record means that the William Skinner referred to therein must have been
born after 1727/8 so who does it belong to?

--1748/9 Mar 7. William Skinner, orphan of Samuel Skinner, chose Hursley Carter as guardian. John
Jennings and John Cooper, bond. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 71.
--1765 Aug 23. William Skinner Sr and William Skinner [Jr] listed in a Poll for the Election of Burgesses
for the County of Elizabeth City.
--1781 Jan 19. Will of James Baker mentions land adjoining William Skinner. Robert Bright is executor.
--1786 Mar 13. Executer for will of Ann Wilson. John Wilson Sr.? witnesses and John Skinner, Jr.
appraises.Book 1787-1800. Problemantic. This probably belongs with John and Jane Skinner’s family line.

10. Lucy Skinner. She was born before 1716. She married M Cook*.

--1748/9 Mar 7. Lucy Skinner and Elizabeth Skinner, orphans of Samuel Skinner, deceased, to be
summoned to court to make their choice of guardian. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 71.
--1749/50 Mar 6. Ordered that Lucy Skinner pay Elizabeth Skinner 150 pounds of tobacco for 10 days
attendance as a witness in her suit of Duncan McCory. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p.
150. Perhaps relatedly at the same court: Upon petition of Duncan McCory against Thomas Wittledge that
the plaintiff recover against the defendant 1-8-2. And, Duncan McCory to pay Thomas Priest 250 pounds

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tobacco for ten days attendance as a witness against Lucy Skinner. Elizabeth City County Order Book
1747-1755, p. 150.

11. Elizabeth Skinner; Born Before 1716.

--1748/9 Mar 7. Lucy Skinner and Elizabeth Skinner, orphans of Samuel Skinner, deceased, to be
summoned to court to make their choice of guardian. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 71.
--1749/50 Mar 6. Ordered that Lucy Skinner pay Elizabeth Skinner 150 pounds of tobacco for 10 days
attendance as a witness in her suit of Duncan McCory. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p.

Children of Samuel and Elizabeth Skinner

12. Samuel Skinner Jr.

--1748/9 Mar 7.Francis Riddlehurst appointed guardian of Samuel Skinner and Sarah Skinner. Hursley
Carter and John Bright, security. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 71.
--1750 Aug 8. Francis Riddlehurst made oath on the account of the profits and disbursements of the estates
of Samuel Skinner and Sarah Skinner, orphans of Samuel Skinner, dec’d. Elizabeth City County Order
Book 1747-1755, p. 178.
--1750 Dec 4. Ordered that the church wardens bind out Samuel Skinner and Sarah Skinner, orphnas of
Samuel Skinner, dec’d, according to law. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 204.
--1787 Listed in the 1787 census 0-0-0-2-8

13. Sarah Skinner.

--1748/9 Mar 7.Francis Riddlehurst appointed guardian of Samuel Skinner and Sarah Skinner. Hursley
Carter and John Bright, security. Elizabeth City County Order Book 1747-1755, p. 71.
--1750 Aug 8. Francis Riddlehurst made oath on the account of the profits and disbursements of the estates
of Samuel Skinner and Sarah Skinner, orphans of Samuel Skinner, dec’d. Elizabeth City County Order
Book 1747-1755, p. 178.

Will of Hursley Carter dated 4 Feb 1763 names wife Ann Carter.

Last Updated 3/26/05

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