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4.10) PACKA GE
A load case with safety valve popoff forces and other occasional loading areshown below. D1 is

initial displacement. F2 & F3 are safety valve forces. WNCstands for weight without contents. One can enter fluid

weight in input and run acase without considering its weight.Refer Annexure I, pages 30 & 31 for details.3.2.2 Outp

ut viewingThe Static Output Processor screen has three tables, Load Cases Analyzed,Report Options, General Computed

Results. Load cases analyzed gives thescreens shown above in section Report Options have displacements,res

traint summary and stresses as the most commonly used ones.Displacem ent gives movements of each node for a

particular load case intranslation and rotation directions. Restraint Summary gives forces andmoments for

a single or combined group of load cases. (If evoked in 132columns, it gives the translation di splacement

too). Restraint summary printsreports for nodes that are identified as having supports, anchors, displacementsand

nozzles alone. To view forces and moments for all nodes one can useGlobal Element Forces option load case

wise. Stresses and its summary can

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DOC No. : 29040 -PI-UFR0030Rev. : R0Pa ge :

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be viewed load case wise by the Stresses option. The option Sorted Stressesgives a stress report sorted by

combined stresses. General Computed Resultshas options for printing hanger output results,

input echo and certainmiscellane ous data (coefficient of expansion, BOM of pipes etc). ReferAnnexure I, pages

32,33,34,35,36 & 37 for details.3.2.3 Outp ut interpretation( 1) Isometric check: - Before starting the input, one has to check

and review theisometrics w.r.t supporting and flexibility. Basic supports and guides should beprovided to cater for weight

and loading on connected equipment. Supportsshould be feasible, economical and aesthetic to view. Large posts

andcantilevers should be avoided. Pipes and supports should be grouped togetherto be supported by

common supports rather than multiple individual supports.Springs should be avoided at initial stage itself. One

should try to put in rigidsupports, which would make the lines stable, however assuring that enoughflexibility is provided to it

so as not to over stress the piping system or over loadequipment and structure.(2) Stress check: On creation of output files, one

has to first check thesustained stresses and expansion stresses. Sustained stress should be lessthan 65%.

Only in exceptional cases can one go to 70%. ASME B 31.3 does notcover SIF calculation for tees other than 90

. CAESAR II uses SIFs of normaltees for all angular tees. SIFs at the shorter angle side of such tees will

be largerthan SIFs of a normal tee. Hence one has to assure that sustained stressescalculated at such tee junctions, with

this package, are low. However SIFs for allsections can be calculated using finite element packages. It would be best

tocalculate SIFs using a finite element package and input it in CAESAR IIseparately. Expansion stresses should be

less than 75% except in exceptionalcases. Although ASME B 31.3 allows one to use liberal stresses for calculationof

stress range, a stress run, without liberal stresses should be taken, to makesure that too many node points are not found

over stressed. (This run, withoutliberal stresses, should not be documented, or the soft file preserved

unlessspecificall y required in the project).(3) Displacement: Displacement for pipes in vertical direction (sag) forsustained

condition should be limited to the following - 3 mm for 3NB and below- 5 mm for all other pipesAlthough deflection

permitted is 5mm one should try to restrict deflection within 2mm as a good engineering practice. Ideally a line should not

lift in expansionconditi on at any support. If at all it lifts, one should recheck sustained stresses byrunning a

dummy file without the lifting support in the input and ascertain thatstresses are still within allowable values.

A lift of less than 1 mm may beneglected. Allowable displacement of the pipe in expansion depends on

thelayout condition. For pipes on pipe rack, the horizontal movement in theperpendicular direction should

be limited to 25mm. If the displacement is more,the possibility of fouling with a second pipe or structure should

be checked. Inaxial direction, especially within loops, the displacement can be higher (100 to120 mm).

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(4) Restraint summary (Loads): Restraint summary of operating and sustainedcase will give the

loads that would come at a support point/equipment nozzle.Loads on the support point should be practical. One should check for

abnormallyhigh expansion loads, which could come on guides or other supports, ifsupporting is not done properly. For example, two

axial stops on a straight line,or a guide immediately after an elbow etc. Nozzle loads should not be higherthan

allowable values.(5) Spring support loads: Once restraint summary checking is over, one shouldcheck the spring

selected by the program. The deflection should be largeenough to justify its requirement. If the deflection is very low, one

should try toavoid the spring. An ideal spring would have zero displacement at sustainedconditio n i.e. the

sustained load is the same as that which would have appearedwith a normal rigid support. If the load were

different, it would result in push andpull of the pipe in sustained condition.(6) Occasional loading: Stresses for

occasional loading should be restricted to85%. Deflection and loads due to occasional loading should be

checked for itsacceptability. It might not be possible to transfer very large magnitude loads tothe structure. In such

cases, the loads will have to be distributed with larger no.of supports. Guides and stops required for occasional load

analysis should notadversely hamper thermal run requirements. A balance has to be made with boththese situations.(7)

Equipment check: CAESAR II gives provisions for checking nozzle loads bysome of the standard

practices. If allowable loads are not available from vendoror MQ/PE, these subroutines wherever applicable can be

used. However oneshould go through the code and understand it before using it. The subroutinesareNEMA SM23 -

This covers nozzl e load requiremen ts of steam turbin e. Thereare three stages of nozzle load checking, viz. Resultant force and

momentimposed on the turbine by each nozzle, Combined resultant of forces andmoments of all major nozzles (inlet, outlet,

extraction etc), and check ofComponents of combined forces and moments of all nozzles, in each directionseparatel

y. Refer Annexure I, pages 38,39,40,41,42,43 & 44 for details.API 610 This code is the most commonly used

code for centrifugal pu mps.It specifies the minimum requirement for allowable loads. When the loads aremore than the

values specified in Table 2.1A, then the calculations inAPPENDIX F of the code (to check nozzle loads with respect

to misalignment)can be used to qualify the piping. This calculation can be done in thesubroutine. Refer Annexure I,

pages 45,46,47,48,49,50 & 51 for details.API 617 This covers nozzl e load requirements of centrifugal comp

ressors.Until 1988, nozzle loads for compressors were computed as 1.85 times NEMASM23 values.

Afterwards it has been covered in API 617 APPENDIX G. It hasthe same three conditions that is followed in NEMA SM23.

Refer Annexure I,pages 52 & 53 for details.

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- API 661 - This covers nozzle load requirements of Air Coolers. It givesallowable loads in Figure 8 of the code. Refer

Annexure I, pages 54,55,56,57,& 58 for details.- API 560 - This code covers nozzle load requirements for Fired Heaters.Allowabl

e loads are listed in Table 7 of the code. It give loads and movementsfor both radial and convection terminals in

vertical and horizontal directions.Refer Annexure I, pages 59 & 60 for details.- HEI Standards - This code covers

requirement for nozzle qualification of Heatexchangers. Refer Annexure I, pages 61 & 62 for details.-WRC 107 -

This bulletin covers steps for calculating stresses at nozzleequipment junctions of pressure vessels. This calculation is

available inCAESAR II program. Refer Annexure I, pages 63,64,65,66,67,68 & 69 fordetails.

Uhde India Limited

DOC No. : 29040 -PI-UFR0030Rev. : R0Pa ge :

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4.0 SAMPLE PR OBLEMA sample problem is shown below. This system consists of a pump line takingsuction

from a heat exchanger. The pump has two working situations. The first,case 1 is when the first pump is working

and the second is stand by. Thesecond, case 2 is when the first pump is stand by and the second is working.The load cases are as

below.T1 and T2 are the two temperature cases. SUS stands for sustained case, OPEfor operating and EXP for

expansion case. For the standby pump, thetemperature from the valve to pump nozzle is considered as ambient.

C-30 Guide to Ceaser 2

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Sal Mendoza

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C-30 Guide to Ceaser 2

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