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The Wizard of OZ

Directions: Read the question and choose the best answer. Erase your mistakes completely. 1. Dorothy is originally from what U.S. State? a. ichigan c. !ansas #. $ow does Dorothy get to %&? a. train c. magic carpet '. (hat color are Dorothy)s magic slippers? a. red c. sil*er +. (hat is a !alidah? a. a happy little short person c. a tree that talks and throws apples -. (hich character gets stuck in the poppy field? a. the .ion c. the Scarecrow b. !entucky d. "llinois b. tornado d. enchanted closet door b. white d. gold b. an elf who wears all blue clothing d. a beast with a bear body , a tiger head. b. the /in (oodsman d. the Unicorn 0ueen

1. $ow does the character who is stuck in the poppy field escape? a. /he 2ood (itch 2linda sa*es him or her. b. /he field mice carry him or her out. c. /he timid unicorn uses its horn powers. d. /hey wait a week for him3her to wake. 4. E*erything in the Emerald 5ity appears to be what color? a. blue b. red c. yellow d. green 6. (hat does the /in (oodsman want from the (i7ard of %7? a. a heart b. a new a8e c. a brain d. courage 9. (hat does the Scarecrow want from the (i7ard of %7? a. courage b. a new pair of o*eralls c. a brain d. a heart 1:. (hat does the .ion want from the (i7ard of %7? a. a heart c. courage b. a brain d. $e wants a sli*er remo*ed from his paw.

11. %7 the 2reat and /errible does not appear in which form? a. a big head b. a ball of fire c. a lo*ely lady d. a great bird 1#. (hat does %7 want Dorothy and her friends to do? a. kill the (icked (itch of the (est b. steal the (icked (itch)s golden cap c. deli*er a message to the (icked (itch d. take the (icked (itch)s magic crystal

1'. (hat must e*ery *isitor to the Emerald 5ity wear? a. a hat b. spectacles c. a colorful sash d. fancy dress up clothes 1+. /he (icked (itch does not send which of the following creatures to attack Dorothy? a. wol*es b. crows c. cats d. winged monkeys 1-. (hat does the (icked (itch plan to do with the .ion? a. eat him b. put him in her wicked circus c. turn him into a house cat with her magic d. harness him like a horse 11. (hich special power does the golden cap gi*e its owner? a. /he wearer can create and throw fireballs. b. /hey can summon the winged monkeys. c. /he wearer can fly on a broom stick. d. /he wearer can talk to animals. 14. $ow does the (icked (itch of the (est die? a. /he /in (oodsman hits her with his a8e. c. /he .ion mauls and eats her. b. /he 2ood (itch 2linda 7aps her. d. Dorothy throws a bucket of water on her.

16. ;fter getting lost in the scarlet fields< how do Dorothy and her friends get back to %7? a. /he winged monkeys carry them . b. /hey make a hot air balloon. c. /oto sniffs out the way back to %7. d. Dorothy uses her magic slippers. 19. (hat is the (i7ard of %7 most ner*ous about after Dorothy returns to the Emerald 5ity? a. $e is afraid that the (inkies will retaliate. b. /he (itch of the South might attack %7. c. $e cannot keep the promises he made. d. $e fears he will lose his throne. #:. (hat did %7 the 2reat and /errible do before he became the ruler of Emerald 5ity? a. $e was a *entriloquist. b. $e was a black smith. c. $e was a ringleader in a circus. d. $e was a magician)s apprentice. #1. (hat does %7 gi*e the Scarecrow? a. a diploma c. bran oats< pins< , needles ##. (hat does %7 gi*e the .ion? a. a medal of bra*ery c. a wardrobe #'. (ho rides out of %7 in a hot air balloon? a. Dorothy and /oto c. the 2ood (itch 2linda b. a squeaky rubber heart d. a girl friend b. liquid =courage> d. $e remo*es the splinter from his thumb. b. !alidah d. the (i7ard of %7

#+. /he Dainty 5hina 5ountry is called such because ??????????. a. the residents are made of fine 5hina b. the residents are small ;sian people c. the residents guard a path to 5hina d. the residents ha*e a train route to 5hina #-. /he $ammer $eads attack Dorothy and her friends by ??????????. a. $eat butting them b. Shooting their heads at them c. Di*ing at them head first d. !nocking down trees with their heads

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