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Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E!

P.O. Box 26182, Ledroit Park Station, Washington, DC 200001! (202) 670-1732 |!

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Alexander M. Padro, Chair (6E01), Rachelle P. Nigro, Vice Chair (6E04),! Marge Maceda, Secretary (6E05), Kevin Chapple, Treasurer (6E02)! Frank Wiggins, Public Safety Committee Chair (6E03), Alvin Judd, (6E06), Alfreda Judd (6E07)!

Honorable Judge Stuart G Nash! District of Columbia Superior Court! Moultrie Courthouse! 500 Indiana Avenue NW! Washington DC 200001!

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Re: ! 2013 CF2 001589: District of Columbia v Antonio Peoples! ! 2012 CF2 016141: District of Columbia v Isaiah Green! ! ! Honorable Judge Nash:! One of the primary roles of government is to keep residents safe. The cash only street sales of drugs is often accompanied by violence, threats of violence and armed drug dealers. The Shaw community has been plagued by drug related violence for decades. Antonio People and Isaiah Green are before you today because of their involvement in perpetuating this poisonous and dangerous trade in our community. ! This is not a rst-time offense for either Mr Peoples or Mr Green; indeed, later this year they are both scheduled to take part in a jury trial related to these cases, along with ve other criminal gang associates, which involved a violent armed robbery related to the distribution of cocaine. Indeed, Mr Peoples and Mr Green have been warned previously on several occasions by the Court, their attorneys, law enforcement and others not to continue with their wicked and inhumane activities. ! The Shaw community has, for the past several years, been the site of one of the Districts most exciting revitalizations with new residents, businesses and opportunities for vital jobs locating to our neighborhood nearly every month. Along with the many cranes that have flown above our community in the past few years, which have since come down as establishments in new developments have started to open their doors, hundreds of high paying and low skilled jobs have been available to local residents. Indeed, many developers and local business owners have been encouraged and have demonstrated a willingness to ignore irrelevant criminal histories of some hires and provided desperately needed jobs to those who are willing to put in an honest days work, show up regularly on time and drug free, and take pride in being a part of the resurgence of our community and providing for their families.!

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So, it is truly bizarre that Mr Peoples, Mr Green and their associates, in January 2013, were being brought to court because of their involvement in a vicious violent robbery scheme, drug pushing and sales that could not have proted them enough to pay their rent for one month in our community even at low income rates.! Mr Peoples and Green have at least pled guilty to their involvement in virulent cocaine sales which took place in a drug free zone within 500 feet of Cleveland Elementary School. Our ANC will not tolerate any violence in our community, we will particularly not tolerate drug related violence in the vicinity of locations where our young children should be able to learn and recreate in absolute safety.! It has been long reported that drug pushers often prey and corrupt children as recruits in their criminal endeavors. In January 2014, in District Superior Court, as part an unrelated matter, Ricardo Epps, a member of a violent drug gang that operated a few blocks from Shaw in the U Street Corridor, clearly !

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alluded to the fact that he and his associates involved young children as young as 14 and 15 #into their drug trade and routinely violently attacked innocent people for sport. The fact that these drug gangs also prey and exploit those with mental illness, substance addiction, women and other vulnerable persons make their trade one that we as a community are eager to put out of business.! Mr Peoples and Mr Green have been arrested before; they are not non-violent drug offenders; they and their trade are a menace to the peace, tranquility and safety of our community. They have been prosecuted and found guilty of other Felony gun and drug related offenses. They have demonstrated on many occasions that they are have little interest in pursuing lawful honest productive careers when opportunities abound, but would prefer to continue peddling illegal drugs in our community which without a doubt attracts violence to our streets.!

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We cannot tolerate the menace of Mr Peoples or Mr Green any longer or stand by while they are given sentences that amount to mere slaps on the wrist and enable their continued criminal behavior by giving them and their associates the impression that criminal drug dealing near a school isnt deserving of long incarceration or worthy of any real meaningful rehabilitation.! Metropolitan Police Department data (at right) suggest that our Commission area is still plagued with an alarming amount of violent crime though public statistics do not reveal how much of this is drug related.!

We ask that you give Mr Peoples and Green maximum sentences for this case. Given that years of incarceration will no doubt make them even less qualied for gainful lawful employment upon their release, we urge you to ensure that their sentences include meaningful and effective psychological therapy and counseling (unlike whatever theyve received up until now) and job preparedness and skills training that will give them at least a chance at competing in an increasingly competitive employment market in which even those with experience, advanced degrees and zero criminal history are nding it nearly impossible to nd work. That is, understandably, a tall order, but they will have nothing else to do while incarcerated than read and prepare for the daunting challenges ahead of them. With the boom in online learning opportunities available, our correctional facilities should ensure that all convicts have digital literacy training and supervised and monitored access to the internet strictly limited to educational resources.!

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Thank you very much for your time, consideration and service to the District of Columbia and assisting us with protecting our residents, visitors and children.! Sincerely,! Advisory Neighborhood Committee 6E

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