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Project overview

The system provides information regarding the passport application and its status (enquiry). The tedious jobs such as verifying all the records of the applicant, confirming that all the personal details are furnished, submission of emigration check documents, passing of police enquiry, positive report from the previous applied section, etc., are done in the most convenient way to the administrator. Also security is being provided in the most proficient way. All the intermediate stages starting from receiving of the application form to revealing the passport number along with the dispatch of the passport are being dealt.

Project Objective:
The main aim of the project is to design innovative software, which deals with the passport authority management. The motto of the project is to simplify the job of the administrative people and to render a user friendly package.

Company Profile
!oonik Technology was established, to cater to the needs of the software industry and provide niche focus to "T, "T#$, %!&, '()*,"nsurance. &ur services are designed to drive innovation and e+pansion into new marketplaces while reducing overall costs. "n today,s competitive global market, businesses need technology partners who can understand business strategy and deliver seamless solutions with emerging technologies. &ur consulting group is committed to offer a resource pool of highly skilled, industry savvy professionals with a wide range of e+perience to meet the client,s project requirement or as permanent addition. !oonik Technology offers the most strategic and integrated approach to "T , "T#$, %!&, '()*, )ustomer $ervice, %anking, "nsurance services in the industry backed by our e+tensive global resources, technical innovation out of technical team, and the deep industry knowledge through our e+perience. !oonik Technology has helped numerous clients meet their global sourcing needs by helping them identify, evaluate and configure their "T, %!&, )ustomer $ervice, '()* and %anking across multiple geographies to reduce costs, mitigate risks and ma+imi-e performance. .e are committed to remaining competitive by providing innovative services that meet the constantly changing needs of our customers. To achieve this goal, we cultivate long term relationships and work towards a better understanding of the requirements and priorities of our clients and employees.

System St !y
The e+isting system is full of manual process. (anual system maintains the limited number of transactions and storing the data/s is very difficulty. The e+isting system is found time consuming and comple+ procedure. "t is difficult to get the details of all the particulars. 0ots of paperwork is involved and human efforts are needed in the manual system. 1ecord storage is irregular. This system is time consuming and risky.

The main objective of the proposed system is to reduce time consuming and make the system more user friendly, efficient, accurate and fast processing. "t reduces the manual work and confusion occurring by maintaining files. The details of the transaction are added to the table automatically. The proposed system facilities the management to maintain the transactions easily and fast to their convenience. (ore facilities can be added in future if needed.

Re" irement New System

2ser friendly

To avoid paperwork 3uick reference and understandable !rocessing time must be decreased.

Project #nvironment $ront #n! 4"$2A0 %A$") 5.6 #74"1&7(#7T

4isual basic is the quickest and easiest way to create powerful applications for (icrosoft operating system. The visual basic programming system allows to create robust and useful applications that fully make of the graphical user interface. The visual basic programming is descendent of basic languages its name suggests ,is big portion of the programming with visual basic is accomplished visually . This means that during design time, we able to see how our program look during design. This is a great advantage over the other programming languages because we are also able to change and e+periment with our design until we are satisfied with the colors, si-es, images that are indicated in our program.

The visual basic language is quite powerful if we are able to remember a programming , task it can be probably accomplished using visual basic . "n visual basic the 8visual9 part refers to the methods used to create the graphical user interface (*2"). 1ather than writing numerous lines of code to describe the appearance and location of interface elements, we simply drag and drop rebuilt objects and place on the screen . "f we have ever used drawing program such as paint, we already have the most of the skill necessary skill to create in effective user interface "n visual basic the 8basic9 part refers to the basic language used by more programmers than any other language in the history of computing . 4isual basic has evolved from the original %A$") languages and now contains several hundreds of statements, functions and key words ,many of which relate directly to the windows 2". %eginners can create useful application by learning just a see of the keywords, yet the power of this language allows all the professionals to accomplished anything that can be also be accomplished using any other windows programming language. The visual basic programming language is not unique to visual basic programming system . Applications edition included in (icrosoft access, and many other windows applications use the language .the visual programming system, scripts edition internet programming is a subset of the visual basic language . The investment we make learning visual basic will carry over to these other areas. .hether our goal is to create a small utility for us or outwork group large enterprise wide systems, or even to distributed application spanning the globe via internet. although it retains much of the user friendly , easy to use

feeling of the earlier basic, by &T has added an immensely rich and powerful features set with an incredible capability for e+tension. "t/s now certainly possible to design complies visual basic applications in a high structured and rigorous fashion. The characteristics have helped to make world/s best selling programming language . visual basic as implemented ,lets the developer do almost anything in almost any way. particularly with all the third party tools that are others, is tremendous variety of ways to do almost any thing .this means that we can do things in right way or wrong way. visual basic wont stops us from designing the system badly. Therefore , it is very critical to learn and make habit of using correct programming and design techniques.

1% &is al 'asic co!e lines an! comments

7ormally , we enter visual basic on one line, meaning that end of the physical line indicates the end of the statement . Thus we can think of the lines as an usual implicit end of statement marker. This stand in contrast with usage in more highly structured languages . There is essentially no limit to theoretical length of visual basic statement entered this way on a single line. :owever , it is poor coding practice to create statements that don/t fit on one line is either a print out or the code window.

(% Uses of &is al 'asic

;ata access objects allows us to create database and front end tools applications for most popular database formats, including (icrosoft $30 server and other enterprise level database. Active< technologies allows us the functionality provided by the other applications ,such as (icrosoft word processor , (icrosoft e+cel spread sheet, and other windows applications. .e can even automate and objects created using the professional or enterprise edition of visual basic. internet capabilities make it easy to provide access to documents and applications

across the internet from with n our applications. our finished application is a true e+e file that users a run time dynamic link library (;00) that we can freely describe.

)% &is al 'asic #!ition:

4isual %asic is available in three versions, each geared to meet a specific set of development requirements . All are => bit applications. *earnin+ e!ition The visual basic learning edition allows the programmers too easily create powerful applications for (icrosoft windows ?@ and windows nt. includes all intrinsic controls, plus grid ,tab, and data bound controls. Professional e!ition The visual basic professional edition provides the computer professional with full Afeatured set of tools for developing solution for others. it includes all the features of learning edition , plus additional Active< controls ,including all internet controls , and the data report writer. #nterprise e!ition

The visual basic enterprise edition allows professionals to create robust distributed applications in a term setting. it includes all the features of the professional edition ,plus the automation manager, component manager, data base management tools, the Microsoft visual source safe project-oriented version control system and more.

'ac, en!
S-* Server $ ll Te.t Searc/: *an+ a+e $eat res
$30 'ull te+t $earch ($30 'T$) is an optional component of $30 $erver B and later,

which allows fast and efficient querying when you have large amounts of unstructured data. This is the first of a two part article that e+plores the full te+t language features that ship with $30 $erver versions B, >666, and >66@, with particular focus on the new language features in $30 >66@. :ere, in part C, we e+amine the in!e. time language optionsD how words or tokens are broken out and stored in a full te+t inde+. "n part >, we will switch focus to the query time language options. S-* $TS arc/itect re $30 'T$ builds a f ll0te.t in!e. through a process called pop lation, which fills the inde+ with words and the locations in which they occur in your tables and rows. The full te+t inde+es are stored in catalo+s. Eou can define multiple catalogs per database, but the catalog cannot span databasesF it is database specific. $imilarly a table can be full te+t inde+ed in a single catalogF or to put it another way a table,s full te+t inde+ cannot span catalogs. :owever, in $30 >66@ you can

full te+t inde+ views which may reside in different catalogs than the underlying base tables. This provides performance benefits and allows partitioning of tables. There is a useful depiction of the $30 'T$ architecture in %&0. " won,t repeat it here, but " do encourage you to familiari-e yourself with it, and how the various 'T$ components interact. 4ery briefly, during the population process the inde+ing engine (($$earch in $30 B G >666 and ($'T#$30 in $30 >66@) connects to $30 $erver using an &0# ;% provider (!H( !ublishing and Hnowledge (anagement) and e+tracts the te+tual content from your table on a row by row basis. ($$earch uses the services of )&( components called i$ilters to e+tract a te+t stream from the columns you are inde+ing. i$ilters The i'ilter used depends on the data type of the column in which the data is stored and on how you have configured your full te+t inde+D

'or columns of the CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, TEXT, and NTEXT data types the inde+ing engine applies the te.t i'ilter. Eou can,t override this i'ilter. 'or the columns of the <(0 data type the inde+ing engine applies the 12* i'ilter. Eou can,t override the use of this i'ilter. 'or columns of the IMAGE, and VARBINARY data type, the inde+ing engine applies the i'ilter that corresponds to the document e+tension this document would have if stored in the file system (i.e. for a .ord document, this e+tension would be doc, for an #+cel $preadsheet this would be +ls). !lease refer to the later section on Indexing BLOBs for more information on this.

A complete list of built in i'ilters is accessible fromD Eou can also obtain a list of the signed i'ilters that are currently accessible on your $30 $erver >66@ by issuing the following query in any databaseD select document_type, path sys" ullte#t_document_types The i'ilters are listed in the pat/ and the document types that are inde+ed by the i'ilters are listed in the !oc ment3type column. 7ote that although there are i'ilters for asp and asp+ pages, these pages will not be generated by the asp or asp+ rendering engines, rather the :T(0 (etaTags and te+tual content between the body tags will be inde+ed and searchable. 4 note on i$ilters an! '*O's 'or $30 >666, the correct i'ilter for the %inary 0arge &bject (%0&%) column you wish to inde+ must be installed on your &$ (use the filtreg utility, available from the !latform $;H in the binn folder, to tell which i'ilters will be applied for a specific document type). 'or $30 >66@, if you wish to inde+ a document type for which a pre installed i'ilter does not e+ist, you must install the appropriate i'ilter on the &$, and then load it using the following commandsD e#ec sp_ ullte#t_se!$%ce &load_os_!esou!ces&, '( e#ec sp_ ullte#t_se!$%ce &$e!% y_s%)natu!e&, *( )o $o, for e+ample, if you wish to store and inde+ !;'s in columns of the IMAGE or VARBINARY+MAX, data type you must install the Adobe !;' i'ilter and issue !om

the two commands above. &therwise you will get errors of the following form in the full te+t gatherer log (found at )DI!rogram 'ilesI(icrosoft $30 $erverI($$30.CI($$30I0og)D -**./*'/'* '012-134"-4 sp%d-5s 6a!n%n)1 7a%led to )et M87TE89: %nde#e! %nte! ace ull/te#t catalo) &%#_8T8_ctcspp;e<*'_'& +&3&, %n data<ase &My=ata<ase& +&''&," E!!o!1 *#5*****'5" S-* $TS Overview "n essence, in order to perform full te+t searching on a table you need toD C. #nsure that the table has a unique, not null column (e.g. primary key) >. )reate a full te+t catalog in which to store full te+t inde+es for a given table =. )reate a full te+t inde+ on the te+t column of interest 'or a brief tutorial on how to create a full te+t inde+ on $30 >66@ please click on the COD# DO5N*O4D link in the bo+ to the right of the article title. Eou can build full te+t inde+es on te+tual data stored in CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, TEXT, NTEXT columns as we as on IMAGE ($30 >66+), VARBINARY+MAX, ($30 >66@), and XM: ($30 >66@) data type columns that contain formatted binary data (such as this word document, for e+ample). In! Te.t o!

The sophisticated language features of full te+t search then allow you to perform a range of advanced searches on your te+tual data, using the C>NTAIN8 and 7REETEXT T $30 predicates (as well as the C>NTAIN8TAB:E, and 7REETEXTTAB:E functions), returning a list of rows that contain a word or a phrase in the columns that you are searching on. Eou can performD

$imple searches for specific words or phrases Thesaurus searches for synonymous forms of word A a search on IE might return hits to Internet Explorer and IE (thesaurus based e+pansion search)F a search on Bombay might also return hits to Mumbai (thesaurus based replacement search) $earches that will return all different linguistic forms of a word (called generations) A a search on bank would return hits to banking, banked, banks, banks' and bank's, etc. (all declensions andJor conjugations of the search term bank) Accent insensitive searches A a search on caf would return hits to cafe and caf

"n short, $30 'T$ provides a very powerful te+t searching mechanism. "t is many orders of magnitude faster than a :I?E operatorF especially for larger tables. This is because when you use the :I?E operator it does a byte by byte search through the contents of a row looking for a match to the search phrase. $30 'T$ references the full te+t inde+ to instantly return a list of matches. $30 'T$ also supports a large number of different languages and language characters. As well as accents, it also seamlessly handlesD compound words (in *erman and )hinese) and compound characters which occur in )hinese.

Eou may have noticed in some of the earlier )T!s ()ommunity Technology !reviews) for $30 $erver >66@, >= languages were supported, in the 1T( version of $30 $erver >66@ only CB languages are supported. !lease refer to us for more information on how to enable the missing 5 languages. In! '*O's .ith $30 >666 and later, you also have the ability to full te+t inde+ %0&%s (%inary 0arge &bjects or binary files) stored in the IMAGE ($30 >66+) and VARBINARY data type column ($30 >66@). $30 B did not have the capability to inde+ %0&%s. 'or %0&%s to be successfully full te+t inde+ed you must ensure that the document e+tension is stored in an additional column (referred to as a !oc ment type column), and that you have configured your full te+t inde+ to use this document type column (i.e. the content of the document type column would be !oc for rows containing .ord documents, .ls for rows containing #+cel $preadsheets, .ml for rows containing <(0 documents, and so on). 2se VARCHAR+0, or VARCHAR+2, as the length of the document type column because, in some of the earlier versions of $30 'T$, if your document e+tension was less than the length of your document e+tension column the CHAR data type would pad the row contents with spaces, and consequently ($$earch would not launch the i'ilter correctly. 'or e+ample if your content was a .ord document with the doc file e+tension, stored in a CHAR+2, document type column, ($$earch would attempt to launch the i'ilter corresponding to Mdoc M instead of

MdocM and fail. The VARCHAR data type does not pad the data with white space, and so this problem is circumvented. Eou configure your full te+t table to reference this document type column by using the sp_ ullte#t_column stored procedure (in $30 >666) or by the CREATE 7@:: TEXT IN=EX statement in $30 >66@. $cript C in the download code for this article provides a worked e+ample of inde+ing a %0&%. S-* $TS *an+ a+e $eat res The language features of $30 'T$ come into play both at M"nde+ing TimeM and M3uery TimeM. At inde+ time we are essentially building an inde+ of words or to,ens on the te+tual data. A token is a character string, delineated from other character strings by white space or punctuation, which may or may not have linguistic significance but is not normally construed as a word, e.g. ($'T, <<<, !art7o C>=C, C@? >= L=5L, or even ;uring the inde+ing process, linguistic analysis is performed. .ord boundaries are located by application to the te+t data of language specific components called word breakers, thus identifying our tokens. %asically, the word breakers will control how the te+tual content is broken into words and how these words are stored in the full te+t inde+. .ord breakers may tag the word as currency, a date, and for some languages (especially *erman, and 'ar #ast languages) will sometimes analy-e the word and e+tract constituent words or characters. At query time, the user supplies a query, such as the followingD

8E:ECT A 7R>M Ta<leName 6HERE C>NTAIN8+ColumnName,&<anB&, .hen the query is submitted, a language specific component called a stemmer is used to e+pand the search phrase, depending on language specific rules that are in place. These rules are controlled by $30 $erver settings, or your $30 'ull te+t query arguments. $o, in the above e+ample, the search term, bank, would be e+panded to incorporate variants such as banking, banked, banks, banks' and bank's, etc (all conjugations of the search term bank). The inde+ will then be searched for these words and the matching rows will be returned. 5or! 'rea,ers The i'ilters return a te+t stream to the inde+ing engine which then applies language specific word breakers to the te+t stream to break the stream into words or tokens typically at white space or punctuation boundaries. Specifyin+ t/e 5or! 'rea,er ;ifferent language word breakers are loaded depending on how you configure $30 $erver, or how you configure full te+t inde+ing or, sometimes, even on the content being inde+ed. &ia $ ll0Te.t In!e. Settin+s The language word breaker will be used that corresponds to the *CID (0o)ale ";entifier) specified in the sp_add ullte#t_column (for $30 B and >666) or the language specified in the CREATE 7@:: TEXT IN=EX statement in $30 >66@, as illustrated belowD

CREATE 7@::TEXT IN=EX >N 7ullTe#tTa<leIma)e +%ma)eCol TYCE C>:@MN =ocumentTypeColumn :ANG@AGE &7RENCH&, $ee $cript > in the download code for a full worked e+ample 'or $30 >66@, you can get a list of supported full te+t languages in $30 >66@ by issuing the following queryD select A !om sys" ullte#t_lan)ua)es

"n $30 >666 you would issue this query to #p_ms ullte#t which will return the language name and its 0)";. "f no language word breakers e+ist for an 0)";, the neutral word breaker is used (0)";N6). &ia S-* Server Settin+s "f no language is specified in the sp_add ullte#t_column or CREATE 7@::TEXT IN=EX statement then the default full te+t language setting for your $30 $erver is used. Eou can checkJmodify the default full te+t language setting usingD sp_con %)u!e &de ault ull/te#t lan)ua)e&

Eou may have to set advanced options to MonM to see or use this option. &ia lan+ a+e ta+s in t/e content bein+ in!e.e! $ome documents have language tags and, if the i'ilter understands these language tags, it might (depending on the i'ilter implementation) launch a different word breaker than the one specified by any the 'ull Te+t inde+ or $30 $erver settings.

The language aware document formats that " know of are .ord, <(0, and :T(0. illustrates these features. These language tags will override all of the above settings. 'or .ord, the entire document, or a portion of the document, can be tagged as having a different language than the default for the machine on which they were created, and there can be multiple different language tags in the same document (i.e. 'rench, *erman, and )hinese). Eou set the .ord language tags in two waysD C. At the document levelD open up your document in .ord and click 'ormat, in the $howD drop down bo+, select )ustom, and click $tyles, )ustom, and select (odify. )lick 'ormat and select 0anguage. >. At the te+t levelD highlight a portion of te+t, and click Tools, click 0anguage and $et 0anguage and select the language with which you wish this portion of te+t to be tagged. 'or :T(0 documents, you can use the ms%locale meta tag. 'or e+ample, for *reek the tag would beD Dmeta nameEFM8":>CA:EF contentEFel/)!F G 'or <(0 documents, you can use the .ml:lan+ tag. 'or e+ample, for 2krainian useD D#ml1lan)EFuBFG 64RD54R# SP#CI$IC4TION


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