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Role of Moon in Dhana and Jnana yogas. By Jayasree Saranathan Published in Sep 2013 issue of The Astrological Magazine, Bangalore.

Wealth is of two types material and spiritual. A mans life begins with a quest for material wealth and then transforms into a search for spiritual wealth. The Ashrama-dharma envisages the same, with the first stage of life being spent on learning, which becomes the basis for both material and spiritual wealth. The Grahastha period is spent on acquisition of wealth while the last stage, namely Sanyasa period signifies the inevitability of reaching the state of Jnana yoga. Thus we find that both material wealth and spiritual wealth are like two sides of the same coin. When the basic attitude towards understanding the search and attainment of the two is vitiated, one struggles to attain both. Prarabdha karma being the facilitator for this, the quest and attainment of these two wealth is indicated in a horoscope as Dhana and Jnana yogas. The basic attitude is signified by Moon. In this article we will see how the Dhana and Jnana yogas are like the 2 sides of the same coin and the role of Moon in the creation of these yogas.

A mans life is dominated by four Purusharthas. The right attitude in Dharma, Artha and Kaama would help one attain Moksha. The horoscope therefore signifies how these four are manifest as a result of Prarabdha karma. It can be depicted as follows.

The above illustration shows the relationship between the opposite bhavas. For our analysis, we will take up dhana and Vyaya bhavas. It can be seen that the two crucial houses for Dhana and Jnana happen to be the immediate neighbours of the 1st house that signifies oneself. The Dhana bhava (2nd bhava) signifies material wealth while the Vyaya bhava (12th bhava) signifies spiritual wealth. By their placement adjacent to lagna, it is indicated how important these two are over and above everything else. Jupiter is the Signifcator for both these bhavas.

2 Furthermore Dhana or artha is signified by 2nd, 6th and 10th bhavas. Moksha is signified by 4th, 8th and 12th bhavas. The wealth accrued by the 2nd is the result of 10th house of Jeevana by Karmaphala and if it is not accrued by proper karmaphala, the effect will be manifest in the 6th house of debts. In contrast the spiritual emancipation is caused by what remains after 8th house of death whose seeds are sown in the 4th house of Vidya. We can see that this Moksha trikona is futuristic whereas Artha trinkona is derived from the past. Our past actions are manifest in Dhana yogas and our future state of spiritual Liberation is manifest in Jnana yogas. One of the rarest horoscopes having both these configurations can be found in the recently born young Prince of United Kingdom, son of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

The 2nd lord Jupiter and 6th Lord Mars join the 8th lord Mercury in the 8th. The 10th lord Sun goes to the 9th house which is the Dhana bhava for the 8th. This child is born as a Royal but the inheritance of the Title as King would come as a matter of 8th house benefits. More over the 9th and 10th lords are in Kendra to each other to make Dharma- Karmadhipathi Yoga, the Yoga which is first rate in bestowing benefits of a positive Prarabdha karma. The Jnana Trikona is also well placed in this horoscope. The 4th, 8th and 12th lords are well connected. The 4th lord is exalted in the 12th and the 8th lord joins the Dhana indicators in the 8th. The result is that this child born with a golden spoon is likely to have level headedness in dealing with the riches and also growing mature in spirituality.

In this scenario, where is the role for Moon? There may be many permutations for ensuring wealth. One can see a good many of them in the book Three hundred important combinations written by Dr B.V. Raman. Most of them are related to the bhava lords and their connection to specific bhavas. But if we attempt to single out the planets, Moon comes foremost, though Jupiter continues to be the Dhana and Jnana karaka. Moon signifying the mind, is responsible for our actions. The realisation of wealth of both the types can happen only if the mind has worked in the right way considered to be Dharmic and therefore capable of conferring these yogas in a future birth. To justify this in the case of Dhana yogas, let me draw the attention of readers to the malefic yoga called Kemadruma Yoga. It concerns Moon being alone and not aspected by benefics like Jupiter from a Kendra. When Moon becomes desolate like this, even a Prince would become a pauper, so

3 says the texts. This shows that moons position can wipe off whatever wealth that one has accumulated. It must be noted that the above illustrated chart of the Royal Prince of UK has Moon being alone and not aspected by Jupiter from a Kendra. There is every likelihood to characterise this as Kemadruma Yoga. But the child is born as a Prince! Here an important combination connected with Moon overrides the formation of Kemadruma yoga. Moon is in Adhi Yoga with the three benefics Jupiter, Mercury and Venus occupying one of the houses of 6, 7 and 8 from the Moon. Of them Jupiter and Mercury happen to be Dhana and Labha lords. Jupiter and Mars happen to be Artha lords as per our reckoning mentioned above.

Important Dhana Yogas. If we check the horoscopes of the richest people, there is either the presence of Adhi Yoga or Bahu Dravyarjana Yoga (129th Yoga in the book of Three Hundred Important combinations by Dr BV Raman) or both together. In Bahu Dravyarjana Yoga, the 2nd lord goes to the 11th house while the 11th lord comes to occupy the Lagna and the lagna lord goes to the 2nd. To check this, the horoscope of Carlos Slim, the richest person in the Forbes list of Billionaires for 2013 has Bahu Dravyarjana Yoga in near complete terms. One can also note that the Jnana Trikona is manifest well in his horoscope. He is well known for his philanthropy.

In this horoscope the 2nd lord Venus is in 11th and the 11th lord is in Lagna. The Lagna lord goes to the 12th joined by the 12th lord Jupiter. The debility of Saturn is not a deterrent when it is completes that Dhana yoga cycle. Same kind of debility happens for Libra ascendant too, if the Bahu Dravyarjana Yoga is manifest. In that case, the 11th lord Sun will be in debility in Lagna. But the above horoscope shows that such debility in Yoga connection does not affect the Dhana yoga. The presence of Adhi Yoga can be seen in the horoscope of the 2nd richest person of the world according to Forbes list for 2013. This person is the well known software tycoon, Bill Gates.

Bill Gates has a lone Moon like the Royal baby, but has the three benefics in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the moon. The other important combination for Dhana yoga having Moon as a pivot is the Sunapha yoga. Planets other than Sun located in the 2nd from Moon cause this yoga which confers wealth apart from the factors indicated by the planet.

Effect of debilitated and exalted Moon. Saturn and Sun in debility in Bahu Dravyarjana Yoga does not affect wealth acquisition, but Moon in debility does. There is an opinion that Moon does not suffer debilitation as it is in Kendra to itself. But Saravali says that if weak moon is in her deep degree of debilitation, the Raja yogas get destroyed just as a king going against an astrologer. (Saravali - 39- 14). Needless to say that wealth is one of the benefits of a Rajayoga. Another combination is of two planets among Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Sun going into debility with one of them occupying the lagna. This could upset any raja yoga found in the horoscope. But such an upset can happen only if Moon is in debility! (Saravali - 39-2). An exalted moon stops the nullification of Raja Yoga. The exalted Moon can reverse the Raja yoga- bhanga created by upto 5 planets that are in inimical signs or in combustion. (Saravali 39- 21). The importance of role of Moon in creating wealth can be understood from Indu lagna which is pivotal in judging the money flow for a person.

The same Moon has a crucial role in making one attain the status of a Jnani. Whatever be the sanyasa yoga present in the rashi chart, the presence of Moon in the Martian navamsa aspected by Saturn makes one a Jnani par excellence. This can be found in the horoscope of Kanchi Sankaracharya Chandrsekara Saraswati, popularly remembered as Paramacharya.

Moon in debility afflicts the Dhana yogas, but confers jnana yoga when other factors are conducive. Two more yogas needs to be mentioned in indicating Liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Both have Moon in crucial places. If Moon, Sun and the Lagna lord are in exalted or own or friendly houses in Kendra or Kona to the lagna, the person would not be reborn and would attain Kailasa after death. This yoga is known as Srikanta Yoga.

Another combination ensures Parama padam, after death. This is possible for one born in Aries Lagna with Navamsa lagna in Sagittarius (born in Krithika 1st pada) while Moon is posited in Virgo, Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in Aries. (Source Brahma rishi Vakyam, chapter on 8th house).

In this combination one can see the 12th lord going to the 1st and 2nd lord going to the 10th, with 4th lord Moon going to the 6th from where Moon casts its aspect on Moksha sign, Pisces.


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