Expired Fire Extinguisher Incident

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Preliminary Incident Report IR-1

Incident ID Incident Category

Committee Number

Miscellaneous Incident at Amm-1 MISC-2014-29

Process Safety Incident 28 Injury/Occupational Illness


Date of Incident


Time of Incdient


Title Unit / Area of Incident

Score Emlpoyee Belongs to (In case of injury) Contractor

Expired Fire Extinguisher found in the area

Amm-1 1 - 74 EFERT PAEC On Feb. 14, 2014 at 0930 hours an audit of the tool room container at Ammonia-1 was done. During the audit, fire extinguishers were found expired. The fire extinguishers were removed from the area and sent to safety section for certification. Detail investigation of the incident was carried out to find the root cause; - Amm-1 dismantling activities remained close for 02 months after management decision in Dec-2103. - Job resumed at site in 2nd week of Feb-2014 to complete the remaining scope of work. - During audit of tools and equipments of PAEC by Efert team, fire extinguishers inspection dates were found over. - Immediately the extinguishers were removed from site and sent to safety section. Contractor Both None

Description Of Incident:

What Resulted & Action Taken? Key Findings

Activity Type PSRM (Process / Risk) Violation Factors PSM (Behavioral / Cultural) Violation Factors Conclusion
The extinguisher at Amm-1 site were found expired as site remained close for 02 months and all equipments were not verified before work resumption at site.


All tools to be inspected before starting work at site after interval to avoid any incident. Carry out spot audit of tools and equipment used by PAEC at Amm-1 site

Job Type
SJ - Simple Job SJ - Simple Job


Daniyal Hassan/EFERTDHK/EN

Daniyal Hassan/EFERTDHK/EN

Accountability Measures Taken: Notes for Filing the Reports: First Information Report File Incident Report on IR-1 for: Fill IR-1 without Conclusion / Recommendations for all Incidents. Injury is classified as 1st Aid Score is 1 - 74. Also, Mention name of "IR-1 Assigned Person".

File Incident Report on IR-3 for:

All other incidents. Also, Mention name of "IR-3 Assigned Person".

Daniyal Hassan/EFERTDHK/ENGRO 14-02-2014

Initiator Name Submission Date Report to be filled by: IR-1 Assign Person Incident Status Due Date Completion Date Attachments / Reference Reports Comments

Bilal Qasim/ECPLDHK/ENGRO Completed 19-02-2014 19-02-2014


Is Detailed Report Required? Investigation Team



2/14/2014 2/14/2014 2/17/2014 2/17/2014 2/19/2014 2/19/2014 2/19/2014

5:08:47 PM: Safety Informed by Daniyal Hassan 6:51:38 PM: Incident Report Routed to CN=Bilal Qasim/OU=ECPLDHK/O=ENGRO and by Azmat Hayyat Bhatti 4:09:20 PM: Incident Report Routed to CN=Bilal Qasim/OU=ECPLDHK/O=ENGRO and by Asim Jamil 4:23:41 PM: Incident Report Routed to CN=Azmat Hayyat Bhatti/OU=ECPLDHK/O=ENGRO and by Bilal Qasim 10:49:02 AM: Incident Report Completed by Azmat Hayyat Bhatti 10:49:04 AM: Incident Report Completed by Azmat Hayyat Bhatti 10:49:56 AM: Intercommunicate by Azmat Hayyat Bhatti

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