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Tom Schreiner RECOMMENDED NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES The numbering system is not significant.

It is best to have a number of commentaries on each book. Commentaries with an asterisk (*) require a knowledge of the Greek text. Some of the commentaries listed are excellent commentaries, but argue for critical views that are unpersuasive. It is best not to buy sets of commentaries, but the best volumes on each book. AB=Anchor Bible; BECNT=Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament; BNTC=Black's New Testament Commentary; EBC=Expositor's Bible Commentary; EGGNT=Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament; Harper=HNTC; HERM=Hermeneia; Int=Interpretation; ICC=International Critical Commentary; NAC=New American Commentary; NCB=New Century Bible; NIBC=New International Biblical Commentary; NICNT=New International Commentary on the New Testament; NIGTC=New International Greek Testament Commentary; NIVAC=New International Version Application Commentary; NTC=New Testament Commentary; PNTC=Pillar New Testament Commentary; TNTC=Tyndale New Testament Commentaries; WBC=Word Biblical Commentary; ZEC=Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Matthew 1 D. A. Carson, EBC: clear first choice for pastors since it is exegetically and theologically rich 2 * D. Hagner, WBC, 2 vols.: a helpful commentary on the Greek text, more accessible than Davies and Allison 3 * W. D. Davies and D.C. Allison, ICC, 3 vols.: massive and technical Greek commentary 4 R. T. France, TNTC: a shorter treatment that is helpful 5 C. BlombergNAC: a shorter but helpful commentary for pastors 6 R. T. FranceNICNT: a longer exposition than TNTC and excellent as well 7 U. LuzHERM, 3 vols.: a careful and massive commentary Mark 1 W. Lane, NICNT: an excellent exegesis of the English text. Highly recommended for the pastor and scholar 2 * R. H. Gundry: a massive commentary for the student engaging in technical research 3 M. Hooker, BNTC: a shorter commentary that is accessible to pastors 4 * R. Guelich and C. Evans, WBC, 2 vols.: a Greek text commentary for technical research 5 J. Edwards, PNTC: a helpful and clear exposition for pastors 6 * R. T. France, NIGTC: a careful exegesis of the Greek text, the most accessible 7 Greek text treatment for pastors D. Garland, NIVAC: a very helpful exposition of Mark 8 * R. Stein, BECNT: a helpful exegesis of the Greek text Luke 1 R. H. Stein, NAC: a lucid and clear commentary for pastors and scholars. 2 * D. Bock, BECNT, 2 vols.: a massive commentary that is very helpful for pastors 3 * I. H. Marshall, NIGTC: a careful treatment of the Greek text by a well-known evangelical 4 L. Johnson: SP: a clear exposition by a Roman Catholics scholar. 5 * J. Nolland, WBC, 3 vols.: a massive Greek text exposition for those engaged in technical research

6 7 John 1 2 * 3 4 5

J. Fitzmyer, AB, 2 vols.: a careful exegesis that is invaluable for interpreting Luke J. Green, NICNT: a useful exposition D. A. Carson, PNTC: the first choice for pastors, exegetically and theologically rich G. R. Beasley-Murray, WBC: a fine treatment of the Greek text C. K. Barrett: an excellent exposition by a famous British scholar R. E. Brown, AB, 2 vols.: a careful exposition by the renowned Roman Catholic scholar L. Morris, NICNT: a thorough and reverent exposition of the English text by a wellknown evangelical. A. Kstenberger: an excellent work on the Greek text H. N. Ridderbos: theologically insightful C. Kruse: TNTC: a solid exposition for pastors

6 * 7 8 Acts 1 J. Polhill, NAC: an invaluable and clear exposition for pastors and scholars 2 F. F. Bruce, NICNT: a lucid commentary by a famous NT scholar 3 R. Longenecker, EBC: a helpful and brief exposition for the busy pastor 4 * C. K. Barrett, ICC, 2 vols.: a technical commentary for research purposes 5 I. Howard Marshall, TNTC: a brief exposition for the pastors and scholars. 6 A. Fernando, NIVAC: a clear exposition with helpful application to today's world 7 J. Fitzmyer, AB: a concise and clear commentary from a well-known scholar 8 * D. Bock: BECNT: an excellent and clear commentary 9 D. Peterson, PNTC: an outstanding commentary for pastors and teachers Romans 1 D. Moo, NICNT: a careful and theologically astute exposition 2 * J. D. G. Dunn, WBC, 2 vols.: a commentary from an exponent of "the new perspective" on Paul 3 J. A. Fitzmyer, AB: a brief commentary, including interaction with the church fathers, by a famous Roman Catholic scholar 4 * T. R. Schreiner, BECNT: one of my favorite commentaries 5 * C. E. B. Cranfield, ICC, 2 vols. : a technical but outstanding commentary on Romans, with rich theological insights 6 J. Murray, NICNT: Murray's commentary is still worth reading today, especially for its theological depth 7 P. Stuhlmacher: a helpful brief exposition of Romans from a famous German NT scholar 8 J. Stott: a meaty exposition with application to today from a famous preacher 1 Corinthians 1 G. Fee, NICNT: an outstanding exposition of the letter with attention paid to its relevance for today 2 C. K. Barrett, HNTC: a brief but helpful exposition 3 * H. Conzelmann, HERM: helpful especially in terms of background 4 * A. Thiselton, NIGTC: a massive and technical commentary for research purposes 5 C. Blomberg, NIVAC: a helpful exposition that applies 1 Cor to today 6 B. Witherington: a social scientific and rhetorical commentary 7 * D. Garland, BECNT: a solid exposition of the Greek text 8 R. Hays: Int: a fine brief exposition 2 Corinthians 1 S. Hafemann, NIVAC: exegetically and theologically satisfying with application to today

2 * R. P. Martin, WBC: a technical but clear exposition of the letter V. Furnish, AB: an insightful interpretation of the letter. 3 4 * M. Thrall, ICC, 2 vols.: a technical commentary for research purposes C. K. Barrett, Harper or BNTC: a brief but insightful exposition 5 6 * M. J. Harris, NIGTC: a technical but excellent commentary on the Greek text P. Barnett, NICNT: a useful exposition of the letter 7 P. Hughes, NICNT: this older version of the NICNT is still helpful and insightful 8 D. Garland, NAC: an excellent and lucid commentary on the text 9 Galatians 1 T. George, NAC: an excellent theological exposition, with a focus on the history of interpretation 2 J. D. G. Dunn, BNTC: an interesting exposition from an advocate of "the new perspective" 3 R. Fung, NICNT: a brief and helpful exposition for pastors 4 * F. F. Bruce, NIGTC: a technical but meaty exposition from a famous scholar 5 * R. Longenecker, WBC: the most helpful Greek commentary on Galatians 6 J. L. Martyn, AB: a massive study from a scholar who interprets Galatians from the perspective of "apocalyptic" 7 * H. D. Betz, HERM: a technical but learned commentary 8 G. Fee, PC: a fresh and clear exposition 9 * T. R. Schreiner, ZEC: another family favorite (forthcoming) Ephesians 1 P. O'Brien, PNTC: the best volume on Ephesianslucid exegesis, solid theology, and defends Pauline authorship 2 F. F. Bruce, NICNT, Colossians & Philemon in same volume: a clear exegesis of these letters 3 * A. Lincoln, WBC: an excellent technical commentary, though he rejects Pauline authorship. 4 M. Barth, AB, 2 vols.: a massive commentary that is more of a Pauline theology than a commentary, but there is good material if you dip in here and there 5 * E. Best, ICC: a technical commentary that should be consulted, though he rejects Pauline authorship 6 * H. Hoehner: a massive and technical commentary that defends Pauline authorship Philippians 1 * M. Silva, BECNT: an insightful brief exposition 2 * P. O'Brien, NIGTC: a technical but enormously useful commentary 3 G. Fee, NICNT: a clear and excellent commentary from this well-known scholar 4 * G. Hawthorne, rev. by R. P. Martin, WBC: helpful Greek exegesis 5 F. Thielman, NIVAC: an outstanding exposition for pastors 6 M. Bockmuehl (BNTC): a helpful exposition Colossians & Philemon 1 * P. O'Brien, WBC: an outstanding exposition of the Greek text 2 * J. D. G. Dunn, NIGTC: a technical but very helpful interpretation of the letter 3 N. T. Wright, TNTC: a brief and insightful commentary from a famous British scholar 4 * M. J. Harris, EGGNT: a commentary to help students with the Greek text 5 * E. Lohse, HERM: a technical commentary from a German NT scholar 6 D. Garland, NIVAC: an excellent exposition for pastors 7 D. Moo, PNTC: an outstanding exposition for pastors 8 M. Barth and H. Blank, AB: a helpful exposition

1 & 2 Thessalonians 1 I. H. Marshall, NCB: a brief and insightful exposition of the letters 2 * C. Wanamaker, NIGTC: a technical and helpful exposition 3 E. Best, Harper/BNTC: a thorough investigation of various exegetical options 4 * F. F. Bruce, WBC: a solid commentary based on the Greek text 5 G. Fee, NICNT: a sparkling and clear exposition of the letters 6 G. Green, PNTC: an useful exposition of the letters 7 G. K. Beale, NTC: the best non-technical commentary for pastors 8 A. Malherbe, AB: a fine commentary by an expert in Hellenistic literature Pastoral Epistles 1 * G. Knight, NIGTC: a technical commentary of the pastorals from a defender of Pauline authorship. 2 G. Fee, NIBC: a brief commentary for the busy pastor. 3 J. N. D. Kelly, BNTC: a bit longer than Fee, with many insights. 4 * W. Mounce, WBC: a technical and conservative exposition of the pastorals. 5 * I. H. Marshall, ICC: a massive and technical commentary that is very learned, though he rejects Pauline authorship 6 L. T. Johnson, AB: a helpful commentary from this Roman Catholic scholar who accepts Pauline authorship 7 A. Kstenberger, EBC: a clear exposition of the text 8 P. Towner, NICNT: a useful exposition by a scholar who has devoted his career to the pastorals Hebrews 1 * W. Lane, WBC, 2 vols.: a technical but enormously helpful commentary on Hebrewsthe best in my judgment 2 F. F. Bruce, NICNT: a clear exposition of the letter 3 * P. Ellingworth, NIGTC: technical detail is supplied, but it is hard to see the big picture 4 P. Hughes: a theologically astute exposition 5 * H. Attridge, HERM: a technical and very helpful exposition of the letter 6 D. A. Hagner, NIBC: a brief and insightful interpretation for the busy pastor 7 G. Guthrie, NIVAC: lucid exposition with application to todays world 8 D. DeSilva, Eerdmans: a social scientific commentary James 1 * P. Davids, NIGTC: a technical but very helpful interpretation of James 2 * R. Martin, WBC: a technical and clear exposition of the letter 3 S. Laws, Harper: a lucid exegesis of the letter 4 D. Moo, PNTC and TNTC: a careful interpretation with attention to the theology of the letter 5 * D. McCartney, BECNT: a very fine exposition of the Greek text 6 L. T. Johnson, AB: an insightful commentary from a Roman Catholic scholar 1 Peter 1 P. Davids, NICNT: a brief but lucid exposition of 1 Peter 2 * J. R. Michaels, WBC: a technical and interesting interpretation of the letter 3 W. Grudem, TNTC: a helpful brief exposition for busy pastors 4 P. Davids, NICNT: useful exposition of the letter 5 * P. Achtemeier, HERM: an outstanding technical interpretation of the letterthe best commentary in my judgment 6 L. Goppelt: an insightful and theologically deep commentary 7 J. Elliott, AB: a massive but clear and lucid commentary

8 T. R. Schreiner, NAC: preferred by many in my family 9 * K. Jobes, BECNT: an exposition of the Greek text 2 Peter/Jude 1 * R. Bauckham, WBC: a technical but enormously useful commentarythe best on 2 Peter and Jude 2 J. N. D. Kelly, Harper: a very helpful and clear exposition 3 M. Green, TNTC: a good commentary for the busy pastor 4 D. J. Moo, NIVAC: solid exegesis and theology, with application for today 5 T. R. Schreiner, NAC: another one of my favorites 6 P. Davids, PNTC: exposition of the English text 7 * G. Green, BECNT: an interpretation of the Greek text Johannine Epistles 1 * S. S. Smalley, WBC: an insightful exposition of the Greek text 2 R. E. Brown, AB: a massive commentary by a famous Roman Catholic scholarfor technical research 3 I. H. Marshall, NICNT: a clear and brief exposition for the busy pastor 4 J. Stott, TNTC: reliable as always and accessible to the busy pastor 5 C. Kruse, PNTC: a very helpful exposition of the letters 6 * R. Yarbrough: a very fine exposition of the Greek text Revelation 1 R. Mounce, NICNT: an excellent and lucid interpretation of the book 2 * G. Beale, NIGTC: a massive and learned commentary from an amillennial perspective 3 S. Smalley, Eerdmans: a helpful English commentary 4 G. Ladd, Eerdmans: a lucid interpretation from the historical premillennial viewpoint. 5 G. B. Caird, Harper: a provocative and helpful interpretation 6 * D. Aune, WBC, 3 vols.: excellent on background, but lacking theologically 7 D. Johnson, Presbyterian and Reformed: a helpful and clear exposition for busy pastors from an amillennial perspective 8 R. Thomas, WEC, 2 vols.: a thorough commentary from the dispensational premillennial viewpoint 9 * G. Osborne, BECNT: a clear exposition from the premillennial perspective The following text may be helpful to you as well in choosing a commentary: D.A. Carson, New Testament Commentary Survey, 6th ed. (Baker, 2007)

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