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Tina Lansdell S9

20th September 2013

The White Devil - Flamineo Revealed

The Machiavel The stock character of Machiavel is based on the Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist and writer Niccolo Machiavelli. o The name is used negatively to describe politicians with no morals, such as the type Machiavelli described in his book, The Prince. According to the OED, Machiavellianism is defined as the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct The Machiavel is presented in Jacobean drama almost as a plague, entering and corrupting politicians. o An example is The Jew of Malta by Christopher Marlowe where the Machiavel appears in the prologue, claiming not to be dead, but to have possessed the soul of the Duke of Guise. Machiavellism is related to self-centeredness, greed and inner motives, manipulating people in any way possible for their own personal gain, no matter what the consequences on other people. Flamineo is shown as a Machiavel Pursue your noble wishes, I am prompt/ As lightning to your service, Oh my lord! / (Whispers) The fair Vittoria, my happy sister / Shall give you present audience. o Here he is openly offering his married sister to Brachiano, a married man which goes against morality, and shows that he is purely doing this as in return, he wants praise and social elevation from Brachiano.

The Malcontent The Malcontent is a character which is not happy with the social situation and questions other people and social standards for this reason, he can be seen as somewhat of an outsider, due to the characters questioning of conformity. The Malcontent will observe a lot of the happenings and comment on it, sometimes even acknowledging the fact that they are in a play, emphasising how a lot of the actions of other characters are all for show to other characters. Often, the Malcontent will disagree with a lot of the Machiavellian political viewpoints brought up. o Whilst this is the case, the morality and sympathy of a Malcontent can vary quite a lot, and whilst a Malcontent may disagree with a Machiavel, their views may not be the most morally just either the key point is that they are malcontent, or unhappy, with the situation. Flamineo as Malcontent God refuse me / Might I advise you now your only course / Were to look up your wife o He tells Camillo to lock up his wife, hence going against his plans and words as Machiavel but his words are questionable as the audience know this is a double deal to trick Camillo into trusting him through reverse psychology.

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