The Knowledge of God

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Deah et HaShem

The Knowledge of G-d

Written by Shimon Markel Edited by Rabbi Amiram Markel

-The Knowledge of G-d-

Copyright !!" # !!$ Torah Tr%e &%dai'm( )n*+

-The Knowledge of G-d-

-The Knowledge of G-d-

The Knowledge of G-d

Table of Content'

Part One: Seder Hishtalshelut - The Chaining Down of the Worlds

-+ The So%l of Man + The So%l of Creation ,+ The So%r*e of All E.i'ten*e "+ The )nner Self of Man /+ Heyulie 0 Koach # Ability 0 1otential $+ The Sing%lar E''en*e of the So%l 2+ A 3ighlight in the Sing%larity 4+ The E'timation Within 3im'elf 5+ The E''ential 6ight of the So%l -!+ Ohr Ein Sof # The )nfinite 6ight --+ Yachid Sing%lar - + Echad 7ne -,+ Kadmon The 1rimordial -"+ The 8eed for Re'traint 0 Con*entration -/+ Tzimtzum # Re'traint -$+ The 1oint and )mpre''ion -2+ Reshimu # )mpre''ion -4+ Kav VChut # The 6ine 0 Thread -5+ Kav Ha idah # The Mea'%ring 6ine !+ The Three Abilitie' -+ Ha!adol" Ha!i#or" VHa$orah - The Great( The Mighty( and The Awe'ome + The Ten Sefirot ,+ The Three 9pper Sefirot : ochin ;rain'< "+ The Se=en 6ower Sefirot : idot # Emotion'< /+ The Realm of >e'ire $+ The 1rimal >e'ire 2+ Ratzon HaKadoom # The 1rimal >e'ire 4+ The Sefirot of %&ullim # Cir*le' 5+ The Sefirot of Yosher # 9pright ,!+ 'dam Kadmon # 1rimal Man :Ratzon (Ratzon< ,-+ alchut and Keter , + Keter of 'tzilut" 'ti) Yomin 0 'rich 'n*in :1lea'%re 0 >e'ire< ,,+ The En*lothement of 'ti) in 'rich ,"+ +inah Comprehen'ion ,/+ Hit#onenut # Contemplation 0 Analy'i' ,$+ ,aat # Con*entration ,2+ '##a 0 %mma :?ather 0 Mother<


-The Knowledge of G-d,4+ The World of Tohu # Chao' ,5+ The World of Ti))un # Re*tifi*ation "!+ The World' of ')udim" $e)udim" 0 +rudim "-+ The Three 6ine' of the Sefirot of Yosher " + The )nner Keter of 'tzilut ",+ )n*l%'ion 0 S%bdi=i'ion ""+ The En*lothement of 'rich 'n*in into '##a 0 %mma :?rom >e'ire to Tho%ght< "/+ The Thirteen Attrib%te' of Mer*y "$+ )nfl%en*e from the Two azalot $otzer 0 V$a)eh "2+ The @Arm'A of 'rich 'n*in be*ome En*lothed in '##a 0 %mma "4+ )ntelle*t )nfl%en*ed by $etzach" Hod 0 Yesod of 'rich 'n*in "5+ The Three 6e=el' of the )ntelle*t of '##a 0 %mma /!+ Cha+a-, of '##a 0 %mma /-+ Cha!a-T of '##a 0 %mma / + $eHi-Y of '##a 0 %mma /,+ The 9nifi*ation of $eHi-Y of '##a 0 %mma /"+ Orot VKelim # 6ight' 0 Be''el' //+ The 8ame' /$+ The ?%n*tion of the Be''el' /2+ The 1ower to 6imit 0 A*t%al 6imitation /4+ Spirit%al ?orm 0 1hy'i*al ?orm /5+ The Thi*kening of the 6ight' $!+ The So%r*e of the Be''el' $-+ The )n*l%'ion of 7ppo'ite' in the Be''el' $ + The ;ody of the King $,+ .eir 'n*in # The Emotion' $"+ The Thirty Two 1athway' $/+ The 9nity of .eir 'n*in to the Self $$+ The ;irth of the Emotion' $2+ The Mat%ration of .eir 'n*in $4+ Yisrael The )nternality of the Emotion' $5+ Yaa)ov The E.ternality of the Emotion' 2!+ Yosef Yesod of .eir 'n*in 2-+ The Boi*e of Yaa)ov 2 + (eah 0 Rachel # Tho%ght 0 Spee*h 2,+ The 9nifi*ation' of .eir 'n*in 2"+ The So%r*e of the 6etter' 2/+ Be''el' 0 Clothing 2$+ So%l' Taken from the Clothing 22+ The Two Type' of Tho%ght 24+ Analyti*al 0 Comprehen'i=e Tho%ght 25+ A*tion of Tho%ght 4!+ Spee*h of Tho%ght 4-+ Tho%ght of Tho%ght 4 + The >i=iding 0 Combining of the 6etter' 4,+ That Whi*h i' 3igher 9p( Come' 6ower >own

-The Knowledge of G-d4"+ Tho%ght( Spee*h 0 A*tion of Tho%ght( )n the E''en*e 4/+ Tho%ght( Spee*h 0 A*tion of Tho%ght 4$+ achshevet Sechel # )ntelle*t%al Tho%ght : alchut of Tvunah< 42+ Speaking 0 Saying # ,i#ur 0 'mirah 44+ The Clo'ed em 0 The 7pen em 45+ The 8ame Elo)im 5!+ The ?irmament on the 3ead' of the Chayot 5-+ The Garment Called @the ChashmalA 5 + Shvirat HaKelim # The Shattering of the Be''el' 5,+ The Cloak of 6eather 5"+ The Cloak of 6ight 5/+ The Sleep of .eir 'n*in 5$+ The Eight King' of Tohu 52+ oshiach +en Yosef # Me''iah the Son of &o'ef 54+ The So%r*e of $o&ah 55+ S%mmery of the Shattering 0 Re*tifi*ation -!!+ alchut of 'tzilut -!-+ The Tenth -! + 'chor +'chor ;a*k to ;a*k -!,+ /anim +'chor ?a*e to ;a*k 0 'chor +/anim # ;a*k to ?a*e -!"+ /anim +/anim ?a*e to ?a*e -!/+ A 1oint 9nder Yesod 0123 alchut -!2+ Keter alchut # The >e'ire for King'hip -!4+ The Sefirot of alchut -!5+ Tho%ght( Spee*h 0 A*tion of Spee*h --!+ The >i=i'ion' 0 Combination' of the 6etter' of Spee*h ---+ '##a Yasad +arta The ?ather ?o%nded the >a%ghter -- + The Combination' of the Si. >ay' of Creation --,+ +riyah" Yetzirah 0 'siyah in General --"+ The asach # The S*reen( ;etween 'tzilut 0 +riyah --/+ The So%r*e of the asach --$+ The E.pan'ion' of the 3oly 8ame --2+ The 6ower 9nity --4+ The World of +riyah # Creation --5+ The World of Yetzirah # ?ormation - !+ The World of 'siyah # A*tion - -+ E=erything That G-d >e'ired 3e >id - + Hechalot 4 alachim The Chamber' 0 Angel' - ,+ Keli*at $o&ah # The )ntermediary Shell - "+ Olam HaShafel # The 6owly World

-The Knowledge of G-d-

Part Two: Contemplation & Meditation

-+ What i' Contemplation # Hit#onenut + !irsah # S%rfa*e St%dy ,+ 6ength( Width 0 >epth "+ 3eight /+ Chochmah" +inah 0 ,aat $+ The >epth of a Con*ept 2+ %yun # >eep Analy'i' :Hit#onenut< 4+ ,aat # Con*entration 5+ @MeditationA -!+ Chochmah # Wi'dom --+ @;e 9nder'tanding with Wi'dom( and Wi'e in 9nder'tandingA - + +inah 0 Tvunah :Comprehen'ion 0 Appli*ation< -,+ 6o=e 0 ?ear of G-d -"+ The Effe*t' of Hit#onenut -/+ The 1%rpo'e of Hit#onenut

Part Three: Divine Inspiration

-+ >i=ine )n'piration + ;odie' witho%t So%l' ,+ ?al'e E.*itement of the Emotion' "+ >i=ine E.*itement or Alien Ser=i*e /+ 1roper and )mproper Approa*h to the Toil of Hit#onenut $+ 6e=el 7neC @Cold Tho%ghtA 2+ 6e=el TwoC @A Good Tho%ghtA 4+ 6e=el ThreeC 8at%ral 6o=e 0 ?ear 5+ 6e=el ?o%rC )ntelle*t%al 6o=e 0 ?ear -!+ 6e=el ?i=eC 1%re >e'ire --+ The ?i=e 6e=el' of the 8at%ral So%l - + The >ifferen*e ;etween the >i=ine 0 Animal So%l' -,+ The Three General 6e=el' of Comprehen'ion -"+ The Three General 6e=el' of E.*itement -/+ The 6owe't 6e=el of the >i=ine So%l -$+ The ?i=e 6e=el' of the >i=ine So%l

-The Knowledge of G-d-

Part One: eder !ishtalshel"t -#:#)t i' *lear that there i' a for*e whi*h enli=en' the body+ The e.ternal body it'elf i' nothing more than an inanimate =e''el whi*h *ontain' and i' animated by thi' for*e+ Thi' i' readily ob'er=able by the fa*t that when one pa''e' away( G-d forbid( hi' body remain' inta*t( b%t witho%t any life for*e+ At thi' point the body no longer ha' the fa*%ltie' of a li=ing being+ The brain no longer think' nor do the eye' 'ee+ )t *an no longer 'mell with it' no'e nor hear with it' ear'( nor *an it mo=e it' limb'+ The heart no longer beat' nor doe' the blood '%rge thro%gh the =ein'+ There are no feeling' and emotion'D no lo=e( no fear( no plea'%re( ang%i'h( anti*ipation( Eoy or regret+ )n 'hort( there i' no *on'*io%'ne'' what'oe=er+ The body be*ome' a ma'' of de*aying fle'h( an empty 'hell de=oid of life( a 'hadow of it' former 'elf when it wa' =ibrant and =ital+ Thi' matter i' 'o 'elf-e=ident that e=en a *hi*ken or a =%lt%re *an di'ting%i'h between a li=ing *reat%re and one that i' dead( between a body that ha' the breath of life in=e'ted in it and one that doe' not+ Mo't importantly( it i' thi' =ery breath of life( the 'o%l( whi*h i' the a*t%al =itality and *on'*io%'ne'' of the per'on and whi*h i' hi' a*t%al identity+ The body it'elf i' like a garment for the 'o%l( and E%'t a' it i' with a garment( it be*ome' animated only when the 'o%l i' in=e'ted in it+ E=ery a*tion of the phy'i*al limb' i' merely a re'%lt of the *ontrol of the 'o%l+ E=ery de'ire( tho%ght or emotion( i' merely a f%n*tion of the 'o%l and i' *ompletely *a%'ed and *ontrolled by it( and %pon the 'o%lF' depart%re the fa*%ltie' al'o immediately depart with it+

-#:$?rom the abo=e( it i' %nder'tood that there m%'t be a 'o%l whi*h animate' and enli=en' the phy'i*al body+ 8ow( E%'t a' thi' i' 'o in man( who i' a mi*ro*o'm( likewi'e( in the ma*ro*o'm( it appear' that there i' a for*e whi*h enli=en' and animate' the entire %ni=er'e+ ?or the phy'i*al %ni=er'e i' no more ali=e than the body of man( and yet we 'ee from ob'er=able phenomena( '%*h a' the re=ol%tion' of the 'tar' and planet'( the m%ltit%de' of li=ing organi'm' on o%r planet( and e=en the atomi* and '%batomi* parti*le'( that e=erything i' mo=ing+ There i' nothing in the %ni=er'e whi*h i' 'tationary( b%t rather( e=erything i' teeming with a*ti=ity+ ;%t where doe' all thi' a*ti=ity *ome from( for E%'t a' manF' body *annot mo=e it'elf( 'o too( no body in the %ni=er'e *an mo=e it'elfG ?rom thi' it appear' that there m%'t be a for*e whi*h propel' and enli=en' the %ni=er'e+ Were thi' life for*e to be remo=ed( the %ni=er'e wo%ld be like a body witho%t a 'o%l+ &%'t a' we *an *learly 'ee that e=erything that take' pla*e in the phy'i*al body of man *ome' from the 'o%l( 'o too( in the ma*ro*o'm( it m%'t be thi' life for*eD the 'o%l of the world( if yo% will( whi*h animate' e=erything in the %ni=er'e+ E=erything that take' pla*e m%'t be a dire*t re'%lt of thi' enli=ening for*e whi*h *a%'e' it+

-The Knowledge of G-dAn e.ample i' the infl%en*e of the '%n on o%r planet+ E=erything on o%r planet get' it' '%'tenan*e and life for*e from the '%n+ )f the ray' of the '%n were too inten'e or not inten'e eno%gh( e=erything wo%ld die+ Were the '%n too *lo'e( we wo%ld all b%rn %p and were it too far( we wo%ld all freeHe+ The weather on the planet i' a dire*t re'%lt of the infl%en*e' of the '%n+ The *lo%d' are *a%'ed by the e=aporation of o*ean water and the wind' are whipped %p thro%gh the *olli'ion of warm and *old atmo'pheri* front'+ The weather( in t%rn( determine' how o%r *rop' will grow( whether the year will be bo%ntif%l( or whether it will be a year of food 'hortage'( G-d forbid+ E=en the '%pply of meat and po%ltry will be determined by the weather( for the *attle and the po%ltry m%'t eat the gra''e' and grain'+ ?%rthermore( the milk prod%*tion i' determined by the heat+ >%ring hot 'ea'on' the milk *ow' will prod%*e le'' milk whi*h will be of lower I%ality( et*+ 6ikewi'e( the infl%en*e of the '%n power' o%r entire e*onomie'+ The weather *a%'ed by the '%n( determine' the amo%nt of money 'pent on heating or air *onditioning+ 7ne will need to p%r*ha'e *lothe' '%ited for the weatherD warm *lothe' for the winter and *ool one' for the heat of the '%mmer+ Moreo=er( food pri*e' will be determined by it' a=ailability( all of whi*h i' dependant on the weather+ The weather( in t%rn i' dependant on the ray' of the '%n( the tide' of the moon and other planetary infl%en*e'+ The entire planet i' dependant on the'e for*e'+ Were the'e' infl%en*e' greater or 'maller than ne*e''ary( world *hao' wo%ld er%pt+ ;%t( in a*t%ality( the '%n( moon and planet'( in and of them'el=e'( are no more ali=e than anything el'e in the %ni=er'e( and *ertainly no more than the h%man body+ Therefore( it appear' that there m%'t be a *ontrolling for*e whi*h i' their life for*e and the life for*e of e=erything el'e in the %ni=er'e+ Thi' for*e make' the world ti*k+ )t make' it' heart beat( 'o to 'peak+

-#:%We *on*l%ded abo=e that the %ni=er'e and e=erything in it( in*l%ding the h%man body( appear' to ha=e an animating for*e within it to enli=en it( and that witho%t thi' for*e it wo%ld be nothing more than dead matter+ 3owe=er( it i' a*t%ally more than thi'( for the phy'i*al body of man and the materiality of the world *annot e.i't in and of them'el=e'( witho%t a for*e *ompelling them into e.i'ten*e at all time'+ E=ery phy'i*al thing( whether it i' the h%man body( the planet Earth( the entire gala.y or the whole %ni=er'e( i' limited+ A phy'i*al thing( by it' =ery definition( ha' a beginning and an end+ )t ha' a beginning and end both in time and 'pa*e+ A phy'i*al thing( by definition( i' three dimen'ional+ )n order for it to e.i't in 'pa*e( it m%'t ha=e length( width and depth+ Anything with length( width and depth i' mea'%rable and therefore limited+ Thi' mean' that the %ni=er'e ha' a beginning and an end+ There al'o i' a beginning and an end to the time of the %ni=er'e+ Time it'elf i' a *reated thing+ There wa' infinite timele''ne'' before the %ni=er'e e.i'ted( there will be infinite timele''ne'' after it *ea'e' to e.i't( and the d%ration of it' e.i'ten*e i' limited+ 8o matter how m%*h time the %ni=er'e will e.i't( relati=e to the infinity that pre*ede' it and the infinity that follow' it( it' e.i'ten*e i' literally in'ignifi*ant+ )t i' not e=en a bleep on the radar '*reen of e.i'ten*e+ We therefore 'ee that the e.i'ten*e of the %ni=er'e i' not intrin'i* to it+ )t doe' not ha=e to e.i't+ 7n the *ontrary( it' e.i'ten*e i' an anomaly whi*h

-The Knowledge of G-dm%'t be impo'ed %pon it( by a being who'e e.i'ten*e i' intrin'i* and abo=e time+ Thi' being i' G-d+ &%'t a' in the 'plitting of the Red 'ea( the water' 'tood %pright( *ontrary to their nat%re to de'*end( be*a%'e of the *on'tant for*e of the ea't wind p%'hing them %p( 'o too( there m%'t be a *on'tant *reati=e for*e from G-d( @p%'hingA the %ni=er'e and e=erything therein( in*l%ding the h%man body( into e.i'ten*e at all time'+

-#:&)f we wo%ld 'trip away all the propertie' of man( we wo%ld be left with the I%inte''ential 'elf of the per'on( for oneF' arm' are not him( hi' leg' are not him and neither i' hi' tor'o+ 8either the o%ter nor the inner organ' are him+ 8either i' hi' will and de'ire nor i' hi' tho%ght him+ 3e i' not hi' %nder'tanding nor i' he hi' emotion'( nor hi' a*tion'+ Will i' an effe*t( not a *a%'e+ There m%'t be an inner identity of the one who i' willing in order for will to be+ Thi' inner identity i'( likewi'e( the thinker who think' the tho%ght'( the feeler who feel' the feeling' and the a*tor who a*t' the a*t'+ ?or( all the'e fa*%ltie'D plea'%re( will( in'ight( analy'e'( fo*%' of attention( kindne''( 'ternne''( mer*y et*+( are effe*t' rather than *a%'e'+ When we 'trip away all the'e fa*%ltie'( we find that there i' the 'imple 'ing%lar I%inte''ential 'elf of the per'on who i' abo=e and beyond the '%m total of all hi' fa*%ltie'( and that thi' I%inte''ential 'elf i' not made %p of any of the'e I%alitie'+ 6et %' e.amine the power of de'ire+ >e'ire *annot e.i't on it' own+ ?or de'ire to e.i't( there m%'t be 'omeone de'iring( b%t a per'onF' identity *annot be defined a' hi' de'ire+ Thi' i' *learly %nder'tood( 'in*e if he *hange' hi' de'ire( hi' identity doe' not *hange+ 3e remain' the 'ame per'on with a different de'ire+ We( therefore( 'ee that de'ire i' e.ternal to hi' inner 'elf+ 3i' inner 'elf might be en*lothed in the de'ire( b%t the de'ire i' not him+ The 'ame prin*iple may be applied to the power of mo=ement+ The I%inte''ential 'elf *annot be identified a' mo=ement+ Mo=ement i' one o%t of many abilitie' that the 'elf po''e''e'( '%*h a' the power of 'ight( the power of hearing( the power of 'melling( et*+ To 'ay that a per'on i' hi' mo=ement' wo%ld therefore be erroneo%'+ ?%rthermore( tho%gh he i' the one mo=ing( the mo=ement i' not him+ When he doe' a kindne''( '%*h a' gi=ing *harity( it i' not the mo=ement of hi' hand that did the kindne''+ Rather( he him'elf did the kindne''( thro%gh the mo=ement of hi' hand+ ?rom all the abo=e( we may *on*l%de that the 'elf of the per'on( hi' identity( i' an ab'ol%te I%inte''ential 'ing%larity whi*h i' abo=e the '%m total of it' part' and i' not made %p of I%alitie' altogether+ ;eing that thi' i' the *a'e( how i' it that the'e I%alitie' e.i't within itG )f in the 'o%l( all that e.i't' i' the 'ing%larity of the 'elf( how *an di'tin*t I%alitie' e.i'tG Altho%gh( on the one hand( a' demon'trated abo=e( we *annot 'ay that they e.i't there( on the other hand( we *annot 'ay that they donFt e.i't there( be*a%'e if they donFt( where did they *ome fromG A' we mentioned abo=e( the'e I%alitie' donFt ha=e an e.i'ten*e of their own+ There m%'t be a per'on who de'ire'( think' and feel' et*+ Sin*e all the'e I%alitie' *ome o%t of the I%inte''ential 'elf of the per'on( they m%'t 'omehow be there( otherwi'e how *o%ld they *ome abo%tG


-The Knowledge of G-d-

?or e.ample( if a per'on doe' many a*t' of kindne''( we know that he i' kind in the e''en*e of hi' 'o%l+ )f thi' wa' not 'o( then how did de'ire' to do a*t' of kindne'' ari'eG Where did the kind tho%ght' *ome from( and what bro%ght abo%t kind emotion' in hi' heartG ?inally( why did he do kind deed'G We 'ee from thi'( that indeed( the whole *haining down :Seder Hishtalshelut<( from the original will of the kindne''( to the intelle*t of the kindne''( the feeling' of the kindne''( and the tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion of the kindne''( originate in the I%inte''ential 'ing%larity of the 'elf( and are in*l%ded and e.i't there a' well+ We now ha=e a *ontradi*tion+ 7n the one hand( we 'tated that the I%inte''ential 'ing%larity of the 'elf i' an ab'ol%te 'imple e''en*e not made %p of part' at all+ 7n the other hand( we 'tated that in order for all the I%alitie' to e.i't( they m%'t be there too+ )n order to %nder'tand how they *an be there and not be there( all at on*e( we m%'t fir't thoro%ghly *omprehend the differen*e between an ability :heyulie< and a potential :Koach<+

-#:'There are two type' of potentialitie'+ The fir't i' *alled a @ Heyulie- @abilityA( and the 'e*ond i' *alled a @Koach- 5potentialA+ The e.ample %'%ally gi=en to e.plain the differen*e between the'e two potentialitie' i' the differen*e between how fire e.i't' in a *oal a' oppo'ed to how it e.i't' in a flint+ There i' potential fire in a *oal+ Thi' potential energy i' mea'%rable+ 7ne *an *al*%late( by the 'iHe and den'ity of the *oal( e.a*tly how m%*h energy may be e.tra*ted from it( how long it will b%rn( how m%*h heat it will prod%*e et*+ The energy in the *oal i' limited+ A' 'oon a' it i' b%rned %p( it no longer *ontain' any energy+ )n *ontra't( the fire in the flint *annot be mea'%red+ )t i' %nlimited+ A' many time' a' one hit' the flint( that i' a' many time' a' it will bring o%t fire( and yet( there i' no potential fire in the flint+ The *oal i' an e.ample of a Koach # a potential+ The flint i' an e.ample of a Heyulie # an ability+ Another e.ample of the'e two type' of potentiality i' a r%bber-band+ When a r%bberband i' 'tret*hed ta%t( there i' potential energy in it+ 7ne *an a*t%ally *al*%late and mea'%re the potential energy in it and determine e.a*tly how far it will fly when relea'ed+ The potential energy i' limited+ >epending on how ta%t the r%bber-band i'( that i' a' far a' it will fly and no farther+ Thi' i' the )oach the potential( in the r%bber-band+ 8ow( in*l%ded in the r%bber-band i' al'o a heyulie power+ Thi' heyulie i' the ability of the r%bber-band to 'pring ba*k+ Thi' ability i' immea'%rable( for a' many time' a' it i' 'tret*hed ta%t and relea'ed( that i' how many time' it will 'pring ba*k+ )t doe' not ha=e a potential for only one tho%'and 'pringing motion'( for in'tan*e( whi*h be*ome %'ed %p and red%*ed ea*h time it i' relea'ed( %ntil all it' power to 'pring i' %'ed %p+ 8o matter how many time' it 'pring' ba*k( it' ability to 'pring i' not red%*ed+ ?%rthermore( the r%bber band po''e''e' thi' heyulie to 'pring ba*k( at all time'( e=en when it i' not 'tret*hed ta%t+ E=en when it i' 'imply re'ting in the *abinet drawer( it 'till po''e''e' the ability to 'pring ba*k( and yet( there i' no 'pring in the r%bber-band( e=en in the form of potential energy+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

Thi' i' 'imilar to the power of 'pee*h( whi*h i' al'o a 3ey%lie ability+ A' m%*h a' a per'on may 'peak( it doe' not at all red%*e hi' ability to 'peak+ )t i' not that a per'on i' born with the potential for fi=e million word' and that( a' he 'peak'( he deplete' hi' power of 'pee*h( %ntil he r%n' o%t of word' and be*ome' m%te+ Rather( hi' ability to 'peak i' infinite( and the only fa*tor whi*h limit' it( i' hi' limited life 'pan+ ?%rthermore( e=en when he i' 'leeping( and hi' power of 'pee*h i' @re'tingA( he 'till po''e''e' the ability to 'peak+ Thi' i' 'o( e=en tho%gh d%ring 'leep he i' %n*on'*io%'( and ha' no intention to 'peak+

-#:(8ow that we %nder'tand the differen*e between a heyulie :ability< and a )oach :potential<( we may now %nder'tand how the abo=e mentioned fa*%ltie' 'im%ltaneo%'ly do and donFt e.i't in the 'ing%lar e''en*e of the 'o%l+ A *a'e in point i' the power of mo=ement+ E=en before one mo=e' at all( he po''e''e' the power of mo=ement in hi' e''ential 'elf+ There( it i' not 'eparate from the e''en*e of hi' 'o%l( what'oe=er+ 8ow( e=en tho%gh( when it i' re=ealed o%t of the 'elf( in a parti*%lar mo=ement( it di=ide' into 'e=eral differentiated detail' of the *ompo'ite mo=ement( it i' impo''ible to 'ay that all the parti*%lar mo=ement' were @in*l%dedA or @%nifiedA within the e''ential power of mo=ement( a' it i' in the 'o%l+ Thi' i' be*a%'e( a' it i' in the 'o%l( before being re=ealed in any parti*%lar mo=ement( it wa' not yet within the definition of @mo=ementA altogether+ )t did not e.i't a' the di'tin*t I%ality of @mo=ementA for in the 'o%l there i' no mo=ement what'oe=er+ There( all that e.i't' i' the e''ential 'elf of the 'o%l+ 8onethele''( be*a%'e we *an *learly 'ee( that when thi' power i' re=ealed in a*t%al mo=ement( there are an infinite n%mber of po''ible mo=ement' that *o%ld ha=e been made( had *ondition' warranted it( we are for*ed to 'ay( that e=ery detail of e=ery po''ible mo=ement( i' in*l%ded a' a heyulie :ability<( in the e''ential 'elf of the 'o%l+ Another e.ample of thi' may be drawn from the infl%. of life for*e from the 'o%l to enli=en the body+ Tho%gh( on*e it be*ome' in=e'ted in the body( it i' re=ealed a' 'e=eral differentiated fa*%ltie'( '%*h a' the power of 'ight in the eye'( the power for hearing in the ear'( et*+( *ertainly( while thi' life for*e wa' 'till in the e''en*e of the 'o%l( all that e.i'ted wa' the e''ential 'ing%larity of the 'o%l( 'imilar to what wa' 'tated abo=e abo%t the power of mo=ement+ 8onethele''( we *annot 'ay that the'e fa*%ltie' were not in*l%ded there+ We *annot 'ay that the 'pirit%al power of 'ight to the eye and the 'pirit%al power of hearing to the ear( the power to 'mell to the no'e and the power of tho%ght to the brain( were not there( for if that were the *a'e( where did they *ome fromG We *an *learly 'ee that e=ery per'on po''e''e' the'e I%alitie' in the re'pe*ti=e part' of the body( b%t before the infl%. of the 'o%l into the body to enli=en it( all of the'e f%n*tion' were in*l%ded in the 'elf of the 'o%l a' heyulies :abilitie'<+ )n other word'( they did not ha=e an a*t%al e.i'ten*e there at all( b%t were rather the ability to bring them abo%t+

-The Knowledge of G-dThi' i' 'imilar to the abo=e mentioned power of 'pee*h+ All the word' that a per'on will 'ay d%ring hi' life time ha=e their 'o%r*e in the power of 'pee*h of the 'o%l( b%t they e.i't there in a way of abilitie'+ The power of 'pee*h i' a)le to bring o%t all the'e word'( b%t they donFt ha=e an e.i'ten*e there in a way of a )oach :potential<+ There i' no 'toreho%'e of potential word' within the power of 'pee*h( whi*h be*ome' depleted a' the word' *ome o%t+ Rather( all that e.i't' i' the e''ential 'ing%larity of the 'o%l+ All the I%alitie'( in*l%ding the power of 'pee*h( are 'o totally one with the 'elf that they are %ndifferentiated from the 'o%l it'elf+ ;efore the infl%. of the 'o%l into the body( there i' only the 'ing%lar 'imple e''en*e of the 'o%l it'elf+ ?or thi' rea'on it *annot be defined a' @in*l%'ionA or @%nifi*ationA( whi*h implie' the *on=ergen*e of the many into one+ Thi' i' not 'o( 'in*e( in the fir't pla*e( they are in a way of an ab'ol%te 'ing%larity+ 7nly later( when the intention to enli=en the body *ome' %p( are the'e I%alitie' @highlightedA( 'o to 'peak( a' a preparation for the infl%. into the body+ 7nly then *an we 'peak of the @%nifi*ationA or @in*l%'ionA of the power' of 'ight( hearing( feeling( 'melling et*+( in the 'o%l+ 8onethele''( a' the fa*%ltie' e.i't in the =ery e''en*e of the 'o%l( a' it i'( %nrelated to an infl%. into the body( only the e''en*e of the 'o%l e.i't'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the e''en*e of the 'o%l i' *ompletely beyond and %nrelated to the infl%. into the body+ )n *ompari'on to the e''ential 'elf of the 'o%l( the infl%.( whi*h enli=en' the body( i' E%'t another ability of the 'o%l( 'imilar to all it' other abilitie'+ )n the 'o%l it'elf( nothing at all ha' *ome o%t into re=elation( a' of yet+ All that e.i't' i' the 'elf of the 'o%l( whi*h in*l%de' the power' in it( in a way of heyulies :abilitie'<+ Thi' i' the mo't e''ential 'tate of the 'o%l+

-#:*8ow( in order for di'ting%i'hable I%alitie' to be re=ealed from thi' I%inte''ential 'ing%larity( there m%'t be intention+ Wherea' prior to intention( the I%inte''ential 'o%l i' not within the definition of relating to a body( nonethele''( %pon intent( the'e I%alitie' are @highlightedA( 'o to 'peak( a' a preparation for the infl%. of life into the body+ The I%alitie' now relate to being re=ealed+ A *a'e in point i' the intent to re=eal kindne''( from the e''ential heyulie de'ire for kindne''( thro%gh a 'pe*ifi* a*t of kindne''+ )t ha' not a*t%ally been re=ealed yet+ Rather( it i' in preparation to be re=ealed( for he now de'ire' to do a kind deed+ The opport%nity may not ha=e yet ari'en( b%t the de'ire for it has ari'en in hi' 'imple will( b%t it i' 'till totally within him'elf+ 8onethele''( one parti*%lar I%ality ha' be*ome @highlightedA and i' di'ting%i'hable from the other'+ 3ere it i' appli*able to %'e the terminology of @in*l%'ionA and @%nifi*ationA in regard to the many detail' of thi' I%ality+ ?or in'tan*e( if the general I%ality i' the de'ire to do a kindne''( thi' in*l%de' the intelle*t of the kindne''( the emotion' of the kindne''( and the tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion of the kindne'' et*+ We wo%ld 'ay that they are all one within the I%ality of kindne''+ Another e.ample of thi' i' when a per'on daydream'+ 3e think' abo%t him'elf in hi' dream ho%'e+ )t ha' a h%ge kit*hen( a banI%et hall to 'er=e hi' g%e't'( a ballroom to


-The Knowledge of G-dentertain them( an e.ten'i=e library( billiard room'( an 7lympi* 'iHe 'wimming pool 'traddled by fi=e different &a*%HHi' of =arying temperat%re' and 'iHe'( pl%' many other fan*ie'+ All the detail' of the detail' are there a' well+ The kit*hen ha' a 'ink( the 'ink ha' a fa%*et and the fa%*et ha' knob'( and 'o on+ ;%t what he i' really thinking abo%t i' not 'o m%*h the detail'( a' m%*h a' hi' own 'elf in hi' dream ho%'e+ 3i' daydream in*l%de' all the detail' tho%gh( b%t all of it ha' yet to be realiHed+ The detail' of thi' general de'ire ha=e yet to be*ome *on*rete and finaliHed+ There are many po''ibilitie'( and all the po''ibilitie' are in*l%ded in hi' daydream+

-#:+?ollowing the abo=e mentioned 'tage( in whi*h a 'pe*ifi* I%ality and de'ire i' @highlightedA a' a preparation to being re=ealed( there *ome' a third 'tage+ )n thi' third 'tage( all the detail' of the de'ire whi*h ha' emerged( ha=e already been e'timated and finaliHed and are ready for a*t%aliHation+ 3e ha' re'ol=ed to a*t %pon hi' de'ire( b%t a' of yet( it i' all 'till within him+ 3e i' abo%t to do it( b%t 'in*e nothing ha' a*t%ally been done yet( the entire line of a*tion may 'till be aborted+ 3e may *hange hi' mind in the la't moment or 'omething might delay him from doing it E%'t yet+ )n the analogy of the de'ire for a dream ho%'e( thi' i' when the per'on ha' already worked o%t and finaliHed all the detail' for it( in him'elf+ 3e ha' de*ided what *olor it will be( what type of wallpaper ea*h room will ha=e( the 'tyle of flooring and de*or( et*+ E=erything i' de*ided to the fine't detail( b%t he might not ha=e the f%nd'( and that i' 'topping him from p%tting it into a*tion+ Ret%rning to the analogy of the power of mo=ement( thi' i' when a per'on i' abo%t to mo=e hi' hand to rea*h for a bottle of 'oda re'ting on the table+ At thi' point( be'ide' hi' de'ire for the 'oda( he ha' *ompletely *al*%lated the entire mo=ement that he i' abo%t to make( all the way to the final a*tion of drinking the 'oda( whi*h f%lfil' the originating de'ire+ Tho%gh thi' *al*%lation i' to the fine't detail of the a*tion( it i' 'till *ompletely within him and *annot be differentiated from the 'elf+ 8ow( E%'t a' he i' abo%t to rea*h for the bottle( 'omeone el'e rea*he' for it and grab' it fir't+ 3i' own mo=ement i' aborted and ne=er 'ee' the light of day+ )t ne=er *ome' o%t from the potential to the a*t%al altogether+ We 'ee( then( that in thi' 'tage( be*a%'e the a*tion i' abo%t to *ome o%t into a*t%aliHation( all it' *omponent' are there( to the fine't detail'( a' di'tin*t abilitie'+ 8onethele''( they are in no way o%t'ide of and di'tin*t from the 'o%l and ha=e no real being on their own+ Therefore they are 'aid to be di'tin*t I%alitie' witho%t being+ Sin*e thi' i' only the preparation for a*t%aliHation( b%t no a*tion ha' yet *ome o%t( it may 'till be delayed or aborted altogether+ )n regard to the analogy of the infl%. of the life for*e of the 'o%l to enli=en the body( thi' i' the 'tage when the 'o%l i' abo%t to be*ome in=e'ted in the body to enli=en it( b%t ha' not yet a*t%ally *ome o%t+



-The Knowledge of G-d8ow( being that all awarene''D the awarene'' of plea'%re and de'ire( of in'ight( *omprehen'ion( intere't and emotion'( a' well a' the awarene'' of all the other fa*%ltie'( '%*h a' 'eeing( hearing( 'melling et*+( ha=e their 'o%r*e in the I%inte''ential 'elf of the 'o%l( we m%'t 'ay that it( in it'elf( i' aware+ Thi' i' the awarene'' of the 'o%l of it'elf( that i'( the 'elf-knowledge and *on'*io%'ne'' of the 'o%l+ Thi' i' the e''ential light of the 'o%l+ )t i' 'imilar to light( be*a%'e the property of light i' to re=eal the reality of what i'+ ?or in'tan*e( a per'on may be 'tanding in a dark room in front of a deep pit+ ;e*a%'e it i' dark( he doe' not re*ogniHe the danger he i' in+ 3e doe' not re*ogniHe the reality of what i'+ The moment the light i' 'wit*hed on( he immediately 'ee' the pit( re*ogniHe' the danger and 'tep' ba*k+ 8ow( tho%gh thi' 'elf awarene'' i' the e''ential light of the 'o%l( it i' not the a*t%al e''en*e of the 'o%l( E%'t a' a ray of light i' not the l%minary it'elf+ Rather( the property of light i' that it re=eal' the l%minary from whi*h it emanate'+ )n the 'ame way( thi' e''ential light of the 'o%l i' a re=elation of the e''en*e from whi*h it emanate'+ 8onethele''( it i' not o%t'ide of the 'elf( b%t i'( rather( the re=elation of the 'elf to the 'elf+

-#:#-G-d know' 3im'elf+ 3i' 'elf-knowledge i' infinite be*a%'e 3e i' infinite+ Thi' 'elfknowledge i' *alled( Ohr Ein Sof :The %nfinite (i&ht<3 Tho%gh thi' 'elf-knowledge re=eal' the e''en*e of G-d( it it'elf( i' not the e''en*e of who 3e i'( b%t i' rather 3i' infinite re=elation+ 8onethele''( it i' not o%t'ide of 3im( b%t i'( rather( the re=elation of 3im'elf to 3im'elf+ Thi' *an be f%rther %nder'tood by the 'tatement( @;efore the *reation of the world( there wa' 3e and 3i' name alone+A :1irke >FRabbi ElaHar( Chapter ,<+ The word @3eA refer' to G-d 3im'elf and @3i' nameA refer' to the )nfinite 6ight( the re=elation of 3im'elf+ The effe*t of a name i' that it draw' o%t and re=eal' the identity of the one being *alled+ When a per'on i' *alled by name( it draw' o%t hi' e''ential 'elf( hi' identity( 'o that hi' attention i' t%rned toward the *aller+ ?%rthermore( a name identifie' that whi*h i' *alled by it+ 3owe=er( a name i' not the thing it'elf( it only bring' to light the identity of the thing named+ Another 'imilar a'pe*t of a name i' what the Tana*h 'tate' in regard to King >a=id( that he( @Made a name for him'elfA+ Thi' i' to 'ay that he be*ame well known+ 6ikewi'e( in referen*e to G-d( @3i' nameA mean' 3i' 'elf-knowledge+ G-d know' 3im'elf and( 'o to 'peak( thi' i' how 3e wo%ld identify 3im'elf+ Thi' may be di'*erned from the tetra&rameton( the fo%r letter proper name of G-d+ Thi' name( J-3-B-3( i' made %p of the three letter root( 3B3( whi*h mean'( @To beA( pl%' the prefi. J( whi*h modifie' the =erb and make' it a *on'tant+ The name J-3-B-3 therefore mean'( @The tr%e ;eing( who wa'( i' and will be( at on*e( and i' the 'o%r*e of all beingA+ Thi' i' to 'ay that it i' the infinite re=elation of G-d 3im'elf+ Sin*e the Ohr Ein Sof i' the re=elation of G-d( a' 3e tr%ly i'( therefore it bear' all hi' propertie'+ &%'t a' 3e i' a 'imple I%inte''ential 'ing%larity with no part'( 'o i' hi' light+ Con=er'ely( E%'t a' 3e i' Kol Yachol" that i'( 3e ha' infinite abilitie' :Heyulies<( 'o doe' hi' light+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

?rom the analogie' abo=e *on*erning the h%man 'o%l( we may now %nder'tand the three matter' mentioned abo=e( a' they apply to the )nfinite 6ight+ The fir't i' *alled Yachid 'ing%lar+ Thi' le=el in*l%de' all ten sefirot( b%t here they are *alled( Esser Sefirot Ha!noozot :The ten hidden 'efirot<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e they are *ompletely hidden in the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight and *annot be di'ting%i'hed from it at all+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the analogy of the power of kindne'' or the power of mo=ement a' they are in the I%inte''ential 'ing%larity of the 'o%l+ 6ikewi'e( abo=e( in the e''ential 'ing%larity of the Ohr Ein Sof( the ten sefirot are there a' well( in a way of a heyulie" and are indi'ting%i'hable from the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight+ At thi' le=el( it i' impo''ible to 'peak of a @%nifi*ation or in*l%'ion of I%alitie'A( that the ten sefirot are a' one( 'in*e all that e.i't' i' G-dF' ab'ol%te and total 'ing%larity+ 8onethele''( we *annot 'ay that the ten sefirot do not e.i't there( be*a%'e if they do not( where did they *ome fromG Rather( we m%'t 'ay that they do e.i't there( b%t that their e.i'ten*e i' in a way of a heyulie # an ability+ They ha=e no a*t%al e.i'ten*e apart from G-dF' I%inte''ential 'ing%larity( and are totally indi'ting%i'hable from 3im+ Abo%t the'e sefirot it 'tate' in the Kohar( @3e i' wi'e( b%t not with a knowable wi'dom( 3e i' %nder'tanding( b%t not with a knowable %nder'tanding et*+ 3e i' not of any of the'e I%alitie' altogether+A :1ata*h Eliyah%<+ 8ow( the differen*e between the e''ential 'ing%larity of the Ohr Ein Sof and the e''ential 'ing%larity of the h%man 'o%l( i' a' follow'D Sin*e the h%man 'o%l i' limited( therefore it' heyulies are limited( wherea'( 'in*e G-d i' infinite( the heyulies of the Ohr Ein Sof are %nlimited+ ?or e.ample( the heyulie of a flint i' limited to bringing o%t fire+ 8o matter how many time' one hit' the flint( it will ne=er bring o%t water+ 6ikewi'e( the h%man 'o%l po''e''e' limited heyulies+ )t i' limited to h%man abilitie'+ A man doe' not ha=e the heyulie to fly like a bird+ 8either doe' a bird ha=e the heyuli to 'peak like a man+ )n *ontra't( the heyulie of the )nfinite 6ight( i' not limited in any way what'oe=er+ G-d i' Kol Yachol :3e ha' infinite abilitie'<+

-#:#$The 'e*ond le=el in the )nfinite 6ight i' *alled Echad :7ne<+ 3ere( an intention ari'e'( the de'ire to do a kindne''+ Thi' de'ire i' @3ighlightedA( 'o to 'peak( within the 'ing%larity+ 8ow( thi' de'ire for kindne'' i' *ompri'ed of ten I%alitie'+ There i' the de'ire for the kindne'' :Keter of Chesed<( the in'ight of the kindne'' :Chochmah of Chesed<( the %nder'tanding of the kindne'' :+inah of Chesed<( the emotion' of the kindne'' : Chesed" !evurah" Tiferet" $etzach" Hod and Yesod of Chesed < and the deed of the kindne'' : alchut of Chesed<+ All the sefirot are( therefore( pre'ent and we may now 'peak of them a' %nified and in*l%ded a' one within the e''en*e+ Thi' de'ire to do kindne'' i' the 'o%r*e of the 'o%r*e of Creation+ Thi' i' be*a%'e Creation i' a form of re=elation and all re=elation i' a f%n*tion of the I%ality of kindne'' : Chesed<+ )n *ontra't( the I%ality of re'traint :!evurah< i' the withholding of re=elation+ ?or e.ample( when one i' happy( he be*ome' o%tgoing and %ninhibited in re=ealing hi' tho%ght' and feeling' to other'+ )f a per'on i' depre''ed or angry( on the other hand( he be*ome' withdrawn and intro=erted+ 6ikewi'e( abo=e( the fa*t that there i' a de'ire for *reation and re=elation i' a f%n*tion of the I%ality of kindne''+ Thi' intention for kindne'' be*ome' @3ighlightedA and


-The Knowledge of G-dre*ogniHable( 'o to 'peak+ ;e*a%'e the de'ire to do kindne''( along with all itF' implied '%b-I%alitie'( '%*h a' the in'ight of the kindne'' and the %nder'tanding of the kindne'' et*( i' now @highlightedA( thi' le=el i' *alled Echad( whi*h i' the 3ebrew word for @oneA+ The word Echad # LMN( hint' at the in*l%'ion and %nifi*ation of the ten sefirot a' one 'imple %nity+ The =al%e of the letter N # Aleph i' -+ Thi' hint' at the fir't sefirah whi*h i' Chochmah+ The =al%e of the letter M # Chet i' 4+ Thi' hint' at the eight sefirot %nder Chochmah :from +inah thro%gh Yesod<+ The letter L # >alet 'ignifie' the sefirah of alchut3 :The word OL # P,al mean' poor+ alchut i' *alled @poorA 'in*e it ha' nothing of it' own and re*ei=e' e=erything from the other nine sefirot+ Thi' will be e.plained later+< A' mentioned before( on the le=el of Echad( it i' appli*able to %'e the terminology of P%nifi*ationF or Pin*l%'ionF( wherea'( in the higher le=el of Yachid( only the ab'ol%te I%inte''ential 'ing%larity e.i't'+ 8onethele''( on the le=el of Echad( the sefirot only e.i't a' @impliedA abilitie' within the @'imple %nityA of Ohr Ein Sof3 Thi' i' not a @*ompo'ite %nityA( '%*h a' a gro%p of indi=id%al' who make %p the %nit of a nation+ )n the *a'e of a nation( the member' remain a' 'eparate indi=id%al' %nder the banner of the @*on*eptA of a nation+ There i' no a*t%al entity of a nation+ 3ere the general entity i' a @legal fi*tionA and the parti*%lar' are real+ 8either i' the 'imple %nity of Echad 'imilar to the @*ompo'ite %nitA of a *ontinent( in whi*h the general %nit i' real b%t it' parti*%lar' are @legal fi*tion'A+ ?or in'tan*e the *ontinent of 8orth Ameri*a i' a real entity( b%t it' parti*%lar' are @legal fi*tion'A( '%*h a' the 9SA( Canada and Me.i*o( ea*h of whi*h break down into 'maller fi*tion'( '%*h a' the indi=id%al 'tate' of Me.i*o and the 9SA and the pro=in*e' of Canada+ ?%rthermore( the 'imple %nity of Echad *annot be *ompared to an entity who'e general %nit( a' well a' it' parti*%lar' are real( '%*h a' a hor'e+ A hor'e i' made %p of many limb' and organ'( b%t it i' more than E%'t a *onglomeration of organ'+ There i' an a*t%al hor'e( o=er and abo=e the '%m total of hi' part'+ Rather( we m%'t 'ay that Echad i' a 'imple %nity whi*h ha' no part'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e nothing ha' *ome o%t yet+ The sefirot are merely implied heyulie6 abilitie' whi*h are one with the 'imple e''ential Self+ Thi' i' be*a%'e all the detail' are only implied( b%t no definite *o%r'e of a*tion ha' been *on*l%ded+ There are 'till infinite po''ibilitie'( for all that ha' th%' far been e'tabli'hed i' E%'t the intention to *reate+

-#:#%The third le=el of the )nfinite 6ight i' *alled Kadmon :1rimordial or 1re*eding<+ 3ere( all the detail'( to the fine't detail( of Creation ha=e been determined and e'tabli'hed+ All that i' left i' to bring it into a*t%ality+ Thi' le=el *orre'pond' to the analogy of a per'on who i' abo%t to mo=e hi' hand to rea*h for a bottle of 'oda+ The re'ol=e to get the 'oda ha' been e'tabli'hed and the entire pro*e'' ne*e''ary to a*I%ire it ha' been e'timated within him'elf( down to the la't detail+ 3e know' e.a*tly how m%*h 'trength he will %'e( what mo=ement' he will make and e.a*tly how far he will ha=e to rea*h( and he i' ready to do 'o+ 6ikewi'e( abo=e( Kadmon i' the e'timation within G-d( of the entire pro*e'' of *reation+ E.a*tly what will be ne*e''ary to bring abo%t the final re'%lt of the original de'ire for Creation( i' in pla*e and abo%t to pro*eed+ 8onethele''( nothing at all ha' a*t%ally happened+ )t i' all 'till totally within and in'eparable from him+


-The Knowledge of G-d8ow( it m%'t be pointed o%t that the'e three le=el' of Yachid" Echad and Kadmon are them'el=e' only heyulie abilitie' of the Ohr Ein Sof and do not ha=e any a*t%al e.i'ten*e there+ 7nly the I%inte''ential Self of Ohr Ein Sof e.i't'( a' an ab'ol%te 'imple 'ing%larity+ 8onethele''( a' e.plained abo=e( tho%gh we *annot 'ay that they e.i't there( we *annot 'ay that they do not+

-#:#&)n order to %nder'tand the tran'ition from Kadmon to the beginning of a*t%aliHation( we m%'t ret%rn to the mi*ro*o'm( the h%man being+ )n order for an intention to *ome o%t into a*t%ality from the heyulie 'tate to a 'pe*ifi* line of mo=ement( there m%'t be an initial re'traint and *on*entration :Tzimtzum<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the heyulie for mo=ement( a' it e.i't' in the power of mo=ement of the 'o%l i' %nlimited+ )t therefore *ontain' within it'elf the hey%lie for e=ery po''ible mo=ement that one *o%ld make( a' one 'imple %ndifferentiated %nity+ Sin*e all the mo=ement' e.i't there a' one( at thi' point he i' in*apable of making any mo=ement+ Thi' i' be*a%'e a mo=ement i' 'pe*ifi* and th%' e.*l%de' all other mo=ement'+ An e.ample of thi' i' the *a'e of a per'on who i' '%ddenly atta*ked by a wild animal( '%*h a' a mo%ntain lion+ The atta*k i' 'o*ted and 'ho*king that he freeHe'+ Why doe' thi' happenG Why doe'nFt he r%n to 'a=e him'elfG The rea'on i' be*a%'e at that moment( he i' 'o frightened that he want' to r%n in e=ery dire*tion( all at on*e+ Therefore he *annot r%n in any dire*tion+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the entire heyulie for mo=ement want' to *ome o%t at on*e+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( he *annot limit him'elf to any one dire*tion and i' immobiliHed+ 8onethele''( after a moment( when he get' hold of the de'ire to r%n in all dire*tion' and *on*entrate' on one 'pe*ifi* line of mo=ement( he regain' hi' ability to mo=e( and r%n' for hi' life+ Another e.ample i' a per'on who 't%tter'+ The rea'on he 't%tter' i' be*a%'e he i' trying to bring o%t the whole tho%ght in one 'hot+ There are a wide =ariety of way' that one tho%ght may be e.pre''ed( a' we 'ee( that two people may e.pre'' the 'ame idea with *ompletely different word'( b%t he *annot limit him'elf and *on*entrate on one 'pe*ifi* line of 'pee*h to the e.*l%'ion of all other'+ ?rom the'e' e.ample' we *an *learly 'ee the need to re'train one'elf from all the po''ibilitie'( and *on*entrate on one 'pe*ifi* line of tho%ght or mo=ement in order to be able to bring them o%t+ Another e.ample of thi' i' the tea*her-'t%dent relation'hip+ When a tea*her want' to tea*h a 't%dent( he m%'t 'et a'ide the deep and broad %nder'tanding of how he know' the '%bEe*t and *on*entrate on it' *entral point( a' it applie' to the 't%dent+ 7nly then *an he draw o%t a line of e.planation' from thi' point( '%ited to the mind and temperament of the 't%dent+ Were he to attempt to tea*h the '%bEe*t( a**ording to hi' own deep and broad %nder'tanding of it( witho%t fo*%'ing on the point( to the e.*l%'ion of all el'e( the 't%dent wo%ld fail to *omprehend the '%bEe*t at all+ Again we 'ee that in order to a*t( there need' to be re'traint and *on*entration+

-#:#'8ow that we ha=e %nder'tood the need for re'traint for a h%man being to bring o%t an a*tion( we may likewi'e di'*ern the matter of re'traint abo=e( in the )nfinite 6ight+ )n


-The Knowledge of G-dorder for there to be a tran'ition from the infinite re=elation of Ohr Ein Sof( to a limited line of re=elation( there m%'t be a Tzimtzum # a re'traint+ The Ein Sof :The )nfinite 7ne< *on*ealed the )nfinite 6ight within 3im'elf( 'o that the *entral point( a' a finite re=elation( *o%ld be re=ealed+ Thi' may be %nder'tood from the tea*her-'t%dent relation'hip+ The tea*her %nder'tand' the '%bEe*t in a broad and deep manner+ ;e*a%'e the 't%dent i' not on the 'ame intelle*t%al le=el a' he( the tea*her m%'t remo=e from hi' own mind( the entire breadth and depth of it( 'o that all that remain' i' an impre''ion of the '%bEe*t( the *entral point+ 7f *o%r'e( the tea*her did not a*t%ally forget anything+ 3e merely p%t it a'ide( for the time being( and *on*ealed it+ 3e ha' not forgotten it at all( tho%gh he ha' p%t it @in the ba*k of hi' headA( 'o that it i' not at the forefront of hi' *on'*io%'ne''+ 3owe=er( if 'omeone were to a'k him a deep I%e'tion on the '%bEe*t( he *o%ld an'wer it immediately and e.po%nd on it at great length( e=en tho%gh he i' pre'ently tea*hing the 't%dent with bre=ity+ So too( abo=e( in order to *reate a limited world( G-d *on*ealed the re=elation of the )nfinite 6ight into 3im'elf+ Thi' *on*ealment bro%ght abo%t the re=elation of the finite a' a @*entral pointA( 'o to 'peak+ ;%t thi' *on*ealment i' not an a*t%al *on*ealment( in the way of forgetf%lne''+ E=en tho%gh 3e ha' @'et it a'ideA( 'o to 'peak( 3e know' it totally+ Thi' mean' that e=en following *reation( the entire )nfinite 6ight and re=elation of G-d @en*ompa''e'A the entire Creation in a hidden way+ We al'o 'ee( that the Tzimtzum i' not a tr%e *on*ealment be*a%'e it' entire intent i' a*t%ally to re=eal( E%'t a' a tea*herF' tr%e intent i' to re=eal knowledge to the 't%dent rather than to *on*eal it+ 8onethele''( he *on*eal' the way he know' it and re=eal' it a**ording to the *apa*ity of the 't%dent+ )n the 'ame way G-d did not *reate the world a**ording to 3i' ability( b%t a**ording to o%r *apa*ity+ Were a tea*her to @re=ealA the entire length( breadth( and depth of a '%bEe*t to the 't%dent( the way he him'elf %nder'tand' it( it wo%ld be beyond the *apa*ity of the 't%dentF' =e''el to re*ei=e+ )n a*t%ality( thi' wo%ld not be re=elation at all( b%t *on*ealment+ ;%t e=en more than thi'( the tea*herF' tr%e intention i' not merely to tea*h the 't%dent a le''er knowledge( b%t rather( hi' %ltimate goal i' that the 't%dent 'ho%ld re*ei=e the f%ll knowledge( a' he him'elf know' it+ Thi' i' analogo%' to a great mathemati*ian who i' tea*hing 'mall *hildren mathemati*'+ 3e *annot tea*h it to them the way he %nder'tand' it( be*a%'e he know' geometry( algebra( trigonometry( n%mber' theory et*+( all of whi*h are *ompletely abo=e their head'+ 3e m%'t fir't remo=e the way he %nder'tand' mathemati*' from hi' mind and fo*%' on the *entral @themeA or @pointA of mathemati*'+ Then from thi' point he will @draw o%tA 'maller point'( whi*h will be the b%ilding blo*k' for greater and greater %nder'tanding of mathemati*'+ ?ir't he will tea*h them to add( then to '%btra*t( m%ltiply( di=ide et*+ )n thi' way( he will mo=e from point to point( on hi' line of e.planation+ 3i' %ltimate goal( tho%gh( i' not that they E%'t know to add and '%btra*t et*+ 9ltimately( he want' then to know mathemati*' a' he doe'+ )n the 'ame way( it m%'t be %nder'tood( that G-dF' goal in Creation i' not E%'t to re=eal G-dline'' in a limited fa'hion+ Rather( thro%gh greater and greater re=elation( the %ltimate goal i' that we tr%ly know G-d( a' 3e know' 3im'elf( 'o to 'peak+ Thi' will *ome abo%t in the World to Come+ Abo%t thi' )'aiah $"C, 'tate'( @8o eye ha' 'een it+A


-The Knowledge of G-d-

?%rthermore( the entire length( breadth and depth of the '%bEe*t a' the tea*her %nder'tand' it( i' implied in the *entral point that remain'+ Thi' may be %nder'tood by the fa*t that in the 'hort r%ling' of the ishnah" i' in*l%ded( in an implied( hidden fa'hion( the entire length and breadth of the Talmud+ )n the word' of the brief e.planation( the entire length( breadth and depth of the f%ll %nder'tanding i' implied+ 6ikewi'e abo=e( an impre''ion of the entire )nfinite 6ight i' *on*ealed in the *entral point that remain' after the Tzimtzum3 ?or thi' rea'on( thi' *entral point i' *alled the Reshimu @The )mpre''ionA( be*a%'e it retain' in it'elf( in a hidden way( an impre''ion of the entire re=elation of the Ohr Ein Sof" whi*h wa' withdrawn+ We now may '%mmariHe 'e=eral point' in regard to the Tzimtzum7 -< The Tzimtzum *annot be %nder'tood literally( for thi' wo%ld imply a limitation in G-d( 3ea=en forbid+ Rather( we m%'t 'ay that it i' only the Ohr Ein Sof6 @The re=elation of the )nfiniteA( whi*h wa' withdrawn( and not the Ein Sof6 @The )nfinite 7neA( 3im'elf+ ?%rthermore( thi' *on*ealment of hi' re=elation i' only in relation to %'( the re*ei=er'( rather than 3im( the gi=er+ ?rom 3i' point of =iew( nothing ha' *hanged( a' the =er'e 'tate'( @) 3aShem ha=e not *hanged+A &%'t a' 3e wa' one and alone before the *reation( 'o i' 3e one and alone( after the *reation+ < The *on*ealment bro%ght abo%t by the Tzimtzum i' for the p%rpo'e of re=elation rather than *on*ealment+ )f G-d wo%ld re=eal hi' light a**ording to hi' ability( rather than o%r *apa*ity( that re=elation wo%ld a*t%ally be *on*ealment( be*a%'e it wo%ld be totally beyond %'+ Therefore( e=en thi' *on*ealment i' a*t%ally part and par*el of 3i' de'ire to do kindne''( whi*h wa' the moti=ating fa*tor of *reation+ ,< G-dF' %ltimate intention i' not to re=eal a limited re=elation of G-d+ Tho%gh 3e re=eal' a**ording to o%r *apa*ity to re*ei=e( nonethele''( the %ltimate intention i' a f%ll awarene'' of G-dline''+ Thi' will happen in the f%t%re( in the World to Come+ "< An impre''ion of the entire )nfinite 6ight i' hidden in the *entral point of the Reshimu3 /< )t m%'t be %nder'tood that thi' Tzimtzum :holding ba*k< and Reshimu :impre''ion of the point<( are 'till totally within 3im'elf+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the tea*her who 'et' a'ide hi' own %nder'tanding of the '%bEe*t and *on*entrate' on it' *entral point( )efore he draw' o%t an a*t%al line of tea*hing from thi' point( or in the analogy of the per'on who i' atta*ked by a mo%ntain lion( thi' i' when he re'train' hi' %rge to r%n in all dire*tion'( and *on*entrate' on the point of r%nning in a 'pe*ifi* dire*tion( )efore he draw' o%t an a*t%al line of mo=ement from thi' point+

-#:#(?rom the abo=e( we %nder'tand that a *entral point( whi*h *ontain' an impre''ion of the e''ential light of the 'o%l remain'+ )n the analogy of the tea*her-'t%dent relation'hip( it i'

-The Knowledge of G-dfrom thi' impre''ion( thi' point( that the entire line of tho%ght i' drawn from the tea*her to the 't%dent+ 6et %' now e.amine e.a*tly what thi' impre''ion i'+ A' mentioned before( when the tea*her @hold' ba*kA the broad and deep way of how he %nder'tand' the '%bEe*t( a *entral point remain'+ Thi' point i' the *entral @themeA or @pointA of the *on*ept and *ontain' the entire *on*ept within it'elf( in an implied( hidden manner+ 7nly afterward'( when he *on*entrate' on bringing o%t the point( i' it po''ible for him to bring o%t a *lear line of e.planation from it( tailored to the *apa*ity of the 't%dent+ 8ow( when one e.plain' a *on*ept( he m%'t %'e many word' to bring it o%t+ All the word' of the e.planation are @'tr%ng togetherA by the @lineA of tho%ght( whi*h i' an e.ten'ion of the point and hold' the tho%ght together+ Thi' line i' drawn o%t by going from point to point in the e.planation( for a line i' made %p of many point'+ Ea*h point along the line i' one parti*%lar of the tho%ght( and when they are 'tr%ng together they make %p a *omplete e.pre''ion of the tho%ght+ 3owe=er( tho%gh the line of tho%ght and the parti*%lar point' whi*h make it %p( e.tend from their 'o%r*e in the *entral point( ne=erthele''( the *entral point i' pre'ent thro%gho%t the entire *ontin%%m of the line from beginning to end+ )f thi' were not the *a'e( neither the line nor it' parti*%lar' *o%ld e.i't+ Thi' *an be readily %nder'tood by the fa*t that in any a*tion the *entral point m%'t be pre'ent thro%gho%t+ )t 'ometime' happen' that a per'on goe' to the refrigerator to take o%t 'omething to m%n*h on+ 3e open' the refrigerator door and 'tand' there with a blank e.pre''ion on hi' fa*e+ 3e know' he m%'t ha=e *ome there for 'omething( b%t he *annot remember what( 'o he make' an abo%t fa*e and goe' ba*k to the bedroom+ The rea'on thi' happened i' be*a%'e he forgot the *entral point of why he went thro%gh all the parti*%lar point' in the line of a*tion whi*h bro%ght him to the refrigerator+ ;e*a%'e he wa' di'tra*ted and forgot the point( the whole a*tion wa' aborted+ ?rom thi' it i' 'elf %nder'tood that e=en when only the *entral point e.i't'( before the line of a*tion with all it' parti*%lar' i' drawn o%t( the entire line of a*tion already e.i't' a' a hey%lie-ability within the point+ )n the 'ame way( in the analogy of the tea*her-'t%dent relation'hip( thi' *entral point in*l%de' within it'elf an impre''ion of the entire depth and breadth of the tea*herF' intelle*t( E%'t a' the brief tea*hing' of the ishnah imply the entire depth( length and breadth of the Talmud3 Another e.ample of how the entire light i' in*l%ded in thi' impre''ion i' from a bl%eprint whi*h in*l%de' the entire 'tr%*t%re of the b%ilding in it( to the fine't detail+ )t i' from thi' bl%eprint that the *ontra*tor' will b%ild the b%ilding+ 8ot a 'ingle detail of the b%ilding i' mi''ing from the bl%eprint+ 8onethele''( a bl%eprint i' not a b%ilding+ )t i' E%'t an impre''ion of the ar*hite*tF' imagination+ :A f%rther e.ample of an impre''ion whi*h in*l%de' the entire light( b%t in a way of greater *on*ealment( i' the analogy of a per'on who ge't%re' a 'ign with hi' finger'( like the B for =i*tory+ Thi' ge't%re i' =ery meaningf%l to all who %nder'tand it' 'ymboli'm( e'pe*ially d%ring time' of ad=er'ity( b%t by it'elf it i' nothing more than two finger' held

-The Knowledge of G-d%p in the form of a B+ )t ha' no real *o-relation to the *on*ept being *on=eyed+ 8onethele''( when thi' ge't%re wa' pop%lariHed by Sir Win'ton Ch%r*hill d%ring the Se*ond World War( it be*ame a 'o%r*e of great hope and en*o%ragement to million' of people thro%gho%t the world+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the analogy of 'omeone who tie' a 'tring aro%nd hi' finger a' a reminder of 'omething+ Thi' little 'tring might bring to mind =ery deep and profo%nd *on*ept'( b%t only to one who know' it' meaning+ The 'tring it'elf i' not at all related to the *on*ept'( for after all( it i' only a 'tring+ An e=en greater e.ample of *on*ealment i' the analogy of 'omeone who throw' a ball+ 7n*e the ball lea=e' the hand of the pit*her( it i' totally 'eparate and remo=ed from him+ 8onethele''( the power of mo=ement of the pit*her i' 'till in=e'ted in it+ )t i' thi' power whi*h propel' the ball into the air+

-#:#*?rom the abo=e( we %nder'tood that following Tzimtzum there remained a point whi*h *ontained an impre''ion of the entire )nfinite 6ight( in a hidden way( and that it i' 'imilar to a bl%eprint+ The bl%eprint i' the de'ign of the 'tr%*t%re in all it' detail'+ ?rom the bl%eprint the entire b%ilding i' *on'tr%*ted e.a*tly a**ording to the intent of the ar*hite*t+ 8ot a 'ingle detail i' mi''ing+ 6ikewi'e abo=e( altho%gh the )nfinite 6ight i' *on*ealed in the Reshimu :)mpre''ion<( nonethele''( it i' all there+ 8ot a 'ingle detail i' mi''ing+ ?%rthermore( it i' from thi' point and impre''ion that the entire Creation i' *on'tr%*ted+ Thi' i' %nder'tood by the fa*t that a line i' drawn from a point( E%'t a' the letter Q :vav< begin' with the letter R :yud<+ We 'ee that the Reshimu repre'ent' two oppo'ite'( *on*ealment and re=elation+ The )nfinite light( whi*h pre*ede' it( i' *on*ealed in it( wherea' all that follow' it( i' re=ealed thro%gh it+ All of Creation i' drawn from thi' point and in*l%ded in it+

-#:#+The Kav VChut66ine and Thread( whi*h i' the ne.t 'tage in the *reation pro*e'' i' the e.a*t oppo'ite of what pre*eded it+ Wherea' the Reshimu :)mpre''ion< i' a *omplete withdrawal into a point( in whi*h there i' no e.ten'ion or re=elation( the 6ine and Thread repre'ent e.ten'ion and re=elation+ A point ha' no dimen'ion'+ 8e=erthele''( a line *annot e.i't witho%t a point for e=ery line m%'t begin with a point+ A line i' drawn from a point( th%' *reating the dimen'ion' of %p and down( beginning and end+ )n the analogy of the tea*her-'t%dent relation'hip( thi' i' the line of e.planation that *ome' o%t of the *entral point and theme of the '%bEe*t+ >%e to thi' a re=elation from top to bottom( from the tea*her to the 't%dent( be*ome' po''ible+ Similarly( when a per'on want' to think( 'peak or a*t( he m%'t fir't fo*%' on the point+ Then the point m%'t be e.tended and @threadedA thro%gh the entire line of a*tion+ Thi' i' analogo%' to the line whi*h i' threaded thro%gh the pearl' of a ne*kla*e to hold them together+ Similarly( if a per'on de'ire' to e.pre'' a tho%ght to hi' friend( he m%'t fo*%' on the point and hold it in hi' mind thro%gho%t the *on=er'ation+ )f he will be di'tra*ted in

-The Knowledge of G-d'ome way he will forget the point and lo'e the @threadA of tho%ght+ 7nly when he i' reminded of the point will he again be able to *ontin%e where he left off+ ?%rthermore( d%ring the time that a 't%dent re*ei=e' a tea*hing( he m%'t make him'elf into a point( 'o to 'peak+ Thi' mean' to 'ay that he m%'t 'tay totally fo*%'ed and in=e't hi' whole being into ab'orbing the tea*hing'+ 7nly afterward'( when he re=iew' the '%bEe*t in hi' mind( *an he analyHe and *ontemplate all it' ramifi*ation' and appli*ation'( th%' bringing o%t it' length and breadth+ )t i' only then that he will be able to draw o%t a length of e.planation to a fellow 't%dent+ ?rom all the abo=e it i' *lear that if one *annot fo*%' on the point he will think and 'peak in a rambling and di'Eointed manner+ Thi' i' be*a%'e a per'on i' *apable of 'peaking only one letter at a time+ The line of tho%ght whi*h *ontain' the point m%'t be @threadedA thro%gho%t hi' 'pee*h in order to make %p word' and 'enten*e' whi*h gi=e 'hape to a whole tho%ght+ )n hi' a*tion' too( if a per'on *annot fo*%' on the point of the line of a*tion( he will E%mp from one a*ti=ity to the ne.t( ha=ing diffi*%lty fini'hing any one ta'k and ne=er a**ompli'hing m%*h+ Thi' i' be*a%'e there i' no flow or *lear line of tho%ght or a*tion from a *entral fo*al point+ ?rom all thi' we 'ee that the point i' the heyulie for the line( and that the line e.tend' from the =ery beginning of the re=elation pro*e'' to it' final *%lmination+ )n the 'ame way( in the *reation pro*e''( the Reshimu :)mpre''ion< i' the *entral point whi*h remain' after the Tzimtzum :3olding ba*k<3 Thi' Reshimu *ontain' within it'elf e=erything that will *ome o%t in the entire @line of a*tionA of *reation( to it' fine't detail+ 3owe=er( in the Reshimu" all thi' i' in a way of a Heyulie :Ability<3 8othing ha' a*t%ally *ome o%t yet+ E=erything i' 'till in a 'tate of total *on*ealment+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally the Kav VChut" the line and thread that e.tend' from the point of the Reshimu" whi*h bring' abo%t re=elation to the world'+ 9nlike the Ohr Ein Sof( whi*h i' an %nlimited( infinite re=elation of G-d( the Kav VChut i' a @thin bandA of re=elation 'pe*ifi*ally tailored to the *apa*ity of the world+ )t i' the @threadA of re=elation that r%n' thro%gh all the 'pirit%al world' from the highe't 'pirit%al le=el' to thi' lowly phy'i*al world+ The Kav VChut :6ine and Thread< i' the @*onne*tionA between the Gi=er and the re*ei=er+ )n thi' fa'hion the Kav VChut repre'ent' both *on*ealment and re=elation+ )t i' a *on*ealment in that it re=eal' only a @thin bandA of finite re=elation( rather than the *omplete )nfinite 6ight+ 7n the other hand( it i' a re=elation in that it re=eal' a**ording to the *apa*ity of the re*ipient' to re*ei=e+ 3owe=er( it m%'t be noted that tho%gh thi' e.ten'ion of the Kav VChut *ome' from the Reshimu" in a*t%ality it doe' not go o"t of it at all( b%t in to it+ A' mentioned before( the Reshimu i' the *entral point whi*h wa' left after the withdrawal of the Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight<3 A' '%*h( it i' *alled the( a)om /anooy :The Empty Spa*e of the world<+ A' long a' the )nfinite wa' in a 'tate of total re=elation( there wa' no po''ibility for the re=elation of the finite+ There wa' no @roomA for it( 'o to 'peak+ The Tzimtzum( whi*h i' the withdrawal of infinite re=elation( bro%ght abo%t a Reshimu" a @'pa*eA( and @impre''ionA( where the )nfinite wa' not re=ealed( th%' gi=ing ri'e to the po''ibility of the finite+ All of e.i'ten*e( from the highe't world to the lowe't world( i' within thi' a)om

-The Knowledge of G-d/anooy :Empty Spa*e<+ Therefore( when we 'ay that the Kav VChut e.tend' from the Reshimu" it mean' that it e.tend' from it( b%t into it( rather than o"t of it+

-#:#,3owe=er( before there *an be any a*t%al re=elation( there m%'t fir't be a determination a' to how long the 6ine and Thread 'ho%ld be+ )n the tea*her-'t%dent relation'hip the line of e.planation i' what *onne*t' the tea*herF' intelle*t to the 't%dentF' intelle*t+ The length of the line repre'ent' the length of the de'*ent whi*h i' ne*e''ary from the tea*herF' mind to the 't%dentF' mind+ >epending on the intelle*t%al le=el of the 't%dent( that i' @how farA the tea*her will find it ne*e''ary to @bring down the '%bEe*tA to the le=el of the 't%dent+ )n order for the tea*her to 'hape hi' tea*hing' to the *apa*ity of the 't%dent( he m%'t a''e'' e.a*tly who it i' he i' tea*hing+ Thi' a''e''ment i' at the =ery beginning of the line( 'o to 'peak( and i' a 'light protr%'ion from the point+ )t i' *alled Kav Ha idah :The Mea'%ring line< or 'mat Ha+inyan :The +uilders Rod<( be*a%'e( tho%gh it i' 'hort( like a b%ilderF' rod or a mea'%ring line( ne=erthele''( all the mea'%rement' of the b%ilding are done with it+ )n the 'ame way( the Kav Ha idah :Mea'%ring 6ine< i' the ability of the tea*her to @mea'%reA and @a''e''A the 't%dent before the a*t%al line of e.planation it'elf+ 3e m%'t mea'%re and a''e'' the *apability and intelle*t%al le=el of the 't%dent+ )f he i' tea*hing *ollege 't%dent' he will tea*h one way and if he i' tea*hing third grader' he will tea*h another wayG 6ikewi'e( whene=er 'omeone 'peak'( before he begin'( there m%'t be a mea'%ring pro*e'' of who e.a*tly he i' 'peaking to+ 7nly after he ha' mea'%red the li'tener( will he be able to tailor hi' word' a**ording to that per'on+ The type of per'on he i' 'peaking to will determine the length of the line+ )f he i' 'peaking to hi' intelle*t%al eI%al( he will not ha=e to bring the *on*ept down too far and the line will be =ery 'hort+ )f he i' e.plaining a deep *on*ept to a 'mall *hild( howe=er( the *on*ept will ha=e to be bro%ght down =ery m%*h and the line will be I%ite long+ Thi' applie' to e=ery a*tion+ )f one i' doing a 'imple ta'k( the line need not be long+ )f one i' doing a great ta'k( '%*h a' 't%dying a diffi*%lt '%bEe*t( the line m%'t be longer+ )n the 'ame way( in the *reation pro*e''( the Kav Ha idah repre'ent' the ability to mea'%re all of Creation( on all it' le=el'+ A**ording to ea*h 'pirit%al le=el within the Seder Hishtalshelut" :Chaining down of the world'< 'o will be the @lengthA of the line ne*e''ary to rea*h them+ )t i' thro%gh thi' 'hort @Jard 'ti*kA that the @mea'%rementA of e=erything that e=er e.i'ted or e=er will e.i't *ome' abo%t+ )t i' all determined by the Kav Ha idah( the 'hort mea'%ring line whi*h protr%de' from the Reshimu3 ?%rthermore( tho%gh a mea'%ring line i' 'hort( it *an mea'%re anything+ Thi' repre'ent' G-dF' infinite ability to re=eal 3im'elf on an. le=el( whether it i' the highe't or the lowe't+

-#:$-?rom the abo=e( we 'ee three general abilitie' in G-dline''+


-The Knowledge of G-d-+ The Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight< repre'ent' the general ability for infinite >i=ine re=elation+ + The Tzimtzum and Reshimu :Re'traint and )mpre''ion< repre'ent the general ability for the ab'ol%te withdrawal and *on*ealment of >i=ine re=elation+ ,+ The Kav VChut :6ine and Thread< repre'ent' a *ombination of the two( re=elation and *on*ealment( b%t both in a limited way+ Thi' i' to 'ay that there i' a limited re=elation of G-dline'' a**ording to the =e''el' of the re*ipient'+ Thi' repre'ent' the general ability to re=eal G-dline'' on any le=el( whether it i' the highe't or the lowe't+

-#:$#The'e three abilitie' *orre'pond to the three >i=ine attrib%te' whi*h are mentioned three time daily in the fir't ble''ing of the 'midah prayerD Ha!adol" Ha!i#or VHa$orah :The Great( The Mighty and The Awe'ome< -+ @The GreatA( refer' to the Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight< whi*h i' G-dF' ability to re=eal infinitely+ + @The MightyA( refer' to the Tzimtzum and Reshimu :Re'traint and impre''ion< whi*h i' 3i' ability to re'train and *on*eal 3i' re=elation ab'ol%tely+ ,+ @The Awe'omeA refer' to the Kav VChut :6ine and thread< whi*h i' 3i' limitle'' ability to re=eal in a re'trained manner on any le=el between the two e.tremitie' of either infinite re=elation or ab'ol%te *on*ealment+

-#:$$;efore we *ontin%e e.plaining the *reation pro*e'' we m%'t fir't introd%*e the *on*ept of the Sefirot+ E=erything in e.i'ten*e *ontain' *ertain I%alitie' that gi=e it *hara*teri'ti*' whi*h di'ting%i'h it from other'+ E=ery per'on po''e''e' I%alitie' that gi=e him hi' %niI%e per'onality and indi=id%ality+ E=ery phy'i*al obEe*t i' made %p of 'pe*ifi* I%alitie' and *hara*teri'ti*' whi*h differentiate it from other'+ 3owe=er( all e.i'ten*e may be *ategoriHed into ten general I%alitie'+ )t i' the *ombination' and perm%tation' of the'e ten e''ential I%alitie' that are the 'o%r*e for e=ery I%ality and *hara*teri'ti* that e.i't'+ All other I%alitie' and *hara*teri'ti*' are merely deri=ati=e' of the'e ten+ The'e I%alitie' are *alled the ten Sefirot+ Ea*h Sefirah '%bdi=ide' into ten and tho'e in t%rn al'o '%bdi=ide into ten( et*+ ad infinit%m+ E=erything that e.i't' deri=e' from the *ombination' and di=i'ion' of the'e I%alitie'+ The ten Sefirot areC -+ Keter # Crown + Chochmah Wi'dom ,+ +inah # 9nder'tanding "+ Chesed # Kindne''

-The Knowledge of G-d/+ !evurah # Might $+ Tiferet # ;ea%ty 2+ $etzach # ConI%e't 4+ Hod # MaEe'ty 5+ Yesod # fo%ndation -!+ alchut # Kingdom

-#:$%The fir't 'et of Sefirot i' *alled The Three 9pper Sefirot3 Thi' i' be*a%'e they *orre'pond to the intelle*t%al fa*%ltie'+ They are al'o *alled ochin :;rain'<+ They areC -< Keter :Crown<( whi*h *orre'pond' to the I%ality of plea'%re and de'ire+ :There al'o i' a Sefirah *alled ,aat :Knowledge<( whi*h i' a*t%ally one with the Sefirah of Keter and *orre'pond' to the a'pe*t of fo*%'ing and *onne*ting to a '%bEe*t+ Thi' Sefirah repre'ent' the intelle*t%al intere't into a '%bEe*t( whi*h relate' to the a'pe*t of de'ire+< < Chochmah :Wi'dom<( whi*h i' the ability to ha=e a new in'ight into a '%bEe*t+ All wi'dom deri=e' from thi' Sefirah+ ,< +inah :9nder'tanding or Comprehen'ion<( whi*h *orre'pond' to ha=ing a *omprehen'i=e gra'p and %nder'tanding into the '%bEe*t by way of detailed analy'i'+

-#:$&The ne.t 'et of sefirot i' *alled The Se=en 6ower Sefirot( and *orre'pond' to the emotion' : idot<+ They areC -< Chesed :Kindne''<( whi*h i' the I%ality of gi=ing and re=ealing to other'+ < !evurah :Might<( whi*h i' the diametri* oppo'ite of Chesed+ Thi' i' the I%ality of withholding and *on*ealing from other'+ ,< Tiferet :;ea%ty<( whi*h repre'ent' the merging of the I%alitie' of Chesed and !evurah whi*h bring' abo%t the I%ality of mer*y+ "< $etzach :ConI%e't<( whi*h i' the I%ality of o=er*oming all ob'ta*le'+ /< Hod :MaEe'ty<( whi*h i' the I%ality of grande%r and 'plendor+ $< Yesod :?o%ndation<( whi*h i' the de'ire and ability to infl%en*e other'+

-The Knowledge of G-d2< alchut :Kingdom<( whi*h *orre'pond' to 'pee*h and a*tion+ )t i' *alled alchut :Kingdom<( be*a%'e for a king( 'pee*h i' regarded a' an a*tion+ What a king de*ree' with hi' mo%th( happen'+ alchut al'o repre'ent' the de'ire to r%le o=er other'+ All the abo=e will be e.plained later in greater length and detail+

-#:$'We will now e.plain the ne.t 'tep in the pro*e'' of re=elation and *reation( the realm of de'ire :Keter<+ A' e.plained abo=e( the Kav Ha idah :The Mea'%ring line<( i' 'imilar to the a''e''ment that the tea*her make' of the 't%dent before the a*t%al line of e.planation 3 A' '%*h( the Kav Ha idah pre*ede' the Kav VChut :The line and Thread<" whi*h i' the a*t%al line of re=elation it'elf+ The =ery beginning of the Kav VChut i' the general de'ire for the whole of Creation+ Thi' i' *alled the %&ul HaRishon :The ?ir't Cir*le<+ )t i' *alled a *ir*le be*a%'e it i' an all en*ompa''ing general de'ire that in*l%de' e=erything in it+ )t i' al'o *alled the Ratzon 3aKadoom :The 1rimal >e'ire<( be*a%'e it i' the general all in*l%'i=e de'ire whi*h in*l%de' all '%b'eI%ent de'ire'+ 8ow( it m%'t be %nder'tood that there i' a profo%nd differen*e between the @Simple e''ential de'ireA :Ratzon Ha/ashoot +'tzmooto< before the Tzimtzum" mentioned abo=e( and thi' de'ire after Tzimtzum+ The de'ire before the Tzimtzum i' 'till ab'ol%tely one with the e''ential 'imple 'ing%larity of Ohr Ein Sof+ ;efore Tzimtzum there wa' G-d and 3i' name alone( a' e.plained abo=e+ Therefore( the way the de'ire e.i't' in Ohr Ein Sof *annot be defined a' a general de'ire whi*h in*l%de' parti*%lar' within it+ Sin*e it i' totally one with the e''en*e( only the e''en*e e.i't'( a' a 'imple 'ing%larity with no part'+ E=en the le=el' of Yachid" Echad and Kadmon" mentioned abo=e( ha=e no a*t%al e.i'ten*e at all( b%t are rather merely Heyulie abilitie' of G-d( who i' Kol Yachol :ha' infinite abilitie'<+ They therefore *annot be defined a' general de'ire' whi*h in*l%de parti*%lar'+ 7nly after Tzimtzum" when the de'ire be*ome' re=ealed( *an it be defined a' a general de'ire whi*h in*l%de' many parti*%lar'+ 3owe=er( e=en tho%gh there i' a di'tin*tion between the de'ire before Tzimtzum and the de'ire after Tzimtzum" and they are not at all *omparable to ea*h other( nonethele''( the po't-Tzimtzum de'ire i' like a @Carbon *opyA( 'o to 'peak( of the 'imple e''ential de'ire before the Tzimtzum3 The entire Creation( from beginning to end( i' implied in thi' general po't- Tzimtzum de'ire+ Ea*h parti*%lar of the general de'ire i' '%bdi=ided into 'maller parti*%lar de'ire'( and ea*h of tho'e '%bdi=ide' into e=en 'maller parti*%lar' et*+ Ea*h de'ire i' only a parti*%lar( relati=e to the general de'ire that en*ompa''e' it( b%t i' a general de'ire( relati=e to the parti*%lar' in*l%ded in it+ )n thi' 'en'e( the de'ire' are like *on*entri* *ir*le'+ The mo't general de'ire en*ompa''e' all the parti*%lar de'ire' within it and ea*h '%b'eI%ent de'ire i' en*ompa''ed by the de'ire' abo=e it( b%t en*ompa''e' the de'ire' below it( like layer' of an onion+

-The Knowledge of G-dThi' may be ill%'trated by the general de'ire to ha=e a dwelling pla*e+ There are many parti*%lar' of what a dwelling pla*e *o%ld be+ )t *o%ld be a 1ala*e( a *a'tle( a bri*k ho%'e( a wooden 'ha*k( a 'traw h%t or an igloo et*+ Ea*h of the'e i' one parti*%lar in the general de'ire for a dwelling pla*e+ 7n the other hand( ea*h i' a general de'ire relati=e to it' own parti*%lar'+ ?or in'tan*e( a bri*k ho%'e i' *ompri'ed of many room'( '%*h a' a li=ing room( bath room( kit*hen et*+ 3ere the de'ire for a bri*k ho%'e i' the general de'ire( wherea' the de'ire for a kit*hen i' only a parti*%lar of the general de'ire for a ho%'e+ 6ikewi'e( the de'ire for a kit*hen i' general relati=e to it' parti*%lar'( '%*h a' the de'ire for a refrigerator( an o=en( a toa'ter and a 'ink et*+ The de'ire for an o=en( likewi'e( i' general( relati=e to it' parti*%lar' et*+ )n the 'ame way( the general de'ire for all of Creation in*l%de' within it'elf all the parti*%lar de'ire' for all the le=el' of e.i'ten*e whi*h re'%lt from it+ Ea*h of the'e le=el' i' a general de'ire relati=e to the le=el' that follow it( b%t a parti*%lar de'ire relati=e to the le=el' that pre*ede it+ The general primal de'ire of Creation( the Ratzon HaKadoom" i' an all en*ompa''ing @*ir*leA whi*h *ontain' all '%b'eI%ent de'ire' and ea*h '%b'eI%ent de'ire en*ompa''e' all the parti*%lar de'ire' that follow it and i' *ontained by the de'ire' that pre*ede it+ 8ow( the differen*e between the de'ire before the Tzimtzum and the de'ire after the Tzimtzum may be *ompared to the h%man 'o%l before it i' in=e'ted in a body and after it i' in=e'ted in a body+ ;efore a per'on i' born( we *annot 'peak of any @nat%ral tenden*ie'A or @de'ire'+A 7nly after he i' born in a body *an we 'ay( with *ertainty( that a baby po''e''e' primal %rge' and de'ire' that will affe*t and en*ompa'' hi' entire life+ ?or e.ample( we *an 'ay with *ertainty that he will de'ire a pla*e to li=e in( e=en tho%gh( at thi' point( he ha' no *l%e of what a ho%'e i'+ ;efore hi' 'o%l wa' in=e'ted in a body( on the other hand( we *o%ld not 'ay thi' at all+ 8onethele''( *on*ealed within the 'o%l( e=en before it wa' in=e'ted in a body( wa' the Heyulie for thi' de'ire( b%t only in the way of a Heyulie" not in an a*t%al way+ 8ow that the 'o%l i' in=e'ted in a body( howe=er( there are a*t%al primal %rge' and de'ire'+ ?or thi' rea'on( before the 'o%l i' in=e'ted in the body( 'in*e all that e.i't' i' the e''ential 'ing%larity of the 'o%l( we *annot 'peak of general and parti*%lar de'ire'+ 3owe=er( on*e the 'o%l enter' the body( we may now 'peak of a general primal de'ire whi*h in*l%de'( hidden in it'elf( e=ery de'ire thi' per'on will e=er ha=e d%ring hi' lifetime+

-#:$(?rom the Kav Ha idah :The Mea'%ring 6ine<( whi*h( in a per'on( i' the 'light e.ten'ion from the Reshimu :)mpre''ion< of hi' 'o%l( a general de'ire that in*l%de' hi' entire life i' re=ealed+ Thi' general de'ire i' hi' =ery identity+ )t define' who and what he i'+ Thi' general de'ire i' hi' Ratzon Kadoom :1rimal >e'ire<3 Thi' i' to 'ay that hi' nat%ral tenden*ie' and primal defining de'ire' *ome into being+ 3idden in the'e primal tenden*ie' are all the de'ire' he will ha=e d%ring hi' lifetime+ ?or e.ample( e=ery per'on ha' the primal de'ire and need to %nder'tand and be %nder'tood( to lo=e and be lo=ed( to *omm%ni*ate et*+ The'e primal de'ire' in*l%de e=ery '%b'eI%ent de'ire that 'ho%ld e=er ari'e d%ring the *o%r'e of hi' life+ Thi' i' e=iden*ed in the fa*t that a newborn 'I%irrel i' born with the nat%ral tenden*y and primal %rge to li=e in a hole in a tree and that he enEoy' eating a*orn' et*+ The'e are all defining *hara*teri'ti*' of a 'I%irrel+ A h%man

-The Knowledge of G-dnewborn( on the other hand( i' born with the de'ire to li=e in a ho%'e and may grow %p lo=ing 'trawberry '%ndae' topped with *ho*olate f%dge and whipped *ream( all of whi*h a 'I%irrel wo%ld *on'ider to be I%ite inedible+ )n the 'ame way( 'in*e the Ratzon HaKadoom :The 1rimal >e'ire of Creation<( i' the de'ire for e=erything in e.i'ten*e+ )t define' all of e.i'ten*e and i' it' e''ential identity( 'o to 'peak+

-#:$*?rom the abo=e we %nder'tood that the Kav :line< draw' the inner de'ire from the heyulie of the 'elf into re=elation+ Thi' primal de'ire en*ompa''e' the entire Creation and in*l%de' all the parti*%lar de'ire' whi*h i''%e afterward' into a re=ealed 'tate+ We *ompared it to the nat%ral tenden*ie' of a h%man being that define who and what he i'+ 3owe=er( the analogy i' not a*t%ally like the analog%e( be*a%'e in regard to G-d( we *annot 'ay that 3e ha' a nat%re whi*h *ompel' 3im to a*t in any parti*%lar way+ 3e define' nat%re( rather than being defined by it+ Rather( it m%'t be %nder'tood that 'in*e the Ratzon HaKadoom :1rimal >e'ire< follow' the Tzimtzum and Reshimu :Re'traint and impre''ion< and e=en the Kav Ha idah :Mea'%ring 6ine<" therefore( from G-dF' per'pe*ti=e it relate' to the world rather than to 3im'elf+ The Ratzon HaKadoom i' the all-en*ompa''ing defining de'ire of the Creation+ )t define' the world rather than G-d+ 3owe=er( 'in*e itF' %ltimate 'o%r*e i' in G-d' 'imple e''ential de'ire abo=e Tzimtzum" therefore( the Ratzon HaKadoom i' like a @*arbon *opyA of it and i' th%' the moti=ating fa*tor for Creation+ )t( therefore( i' the primal de'ire for the entire Creation and in*l%de' within it'elf e=ery de'ire that will e=er be+ ;e*a%'e it i' an identi*al @*arbon *opyA of G-dF' @E''ential de'ireA( therefore( from o"r per'pe*ti=e( we 'ee it a' being totally one with G-d and 3i' original de'ire for *reation+ 3owe=er( thi' i' not at all the *a'e from G-d/s per'pe*ti=e+

-#:$+8ow( the Ratzon HaKadoom in*l%de' ten general sefirot within it'elf" like *on*entri* *ir*le'+ ?or thi' rea'on it i' al'o *alled( @The ?ir't Cir*leA : %&ul HaRishon<3 Thi' fir't *ir*le i' the primal de'ire for plea'%re and de'ire : Keter<+ The ne.t *ir*le' are the primal de'ire' for wi'dom and %nder'tanding :Chochmah 0 +inah<+ 8e.t i' the *ir*le of Chesed" whi*h i' the primal de'ire for kindne'' and lo=e+ )t i' followed by the *ir*le of !evurah" whi*h i' the primal de'ire for might+ ?ollowing i' the primal de'ire for mer*y :Tiferet<+ Then( i' the primal de'ire to tri%mph : $etzach<+ Thi' i' followed by the primal de'ire for honor and 'plendor :Hod<( after whi*h i' the primal de'ire to be infl%ential :Yesod<+ The final( innermo't *ir*le i' the primal de'ire for a*tion or *omm%ni*ation : alchut<+ The'e ten *on'tit%te the sefirot of primal de'ire+ Ea*h of the'e sefirot in*l%de' ten parti*%lar sefirot et*+ 3owe=er( the parti*%lar sefirot are not re*ogniHable+ At thi' point there i' no =i'ible di=i'ion into parti*%lar de'ire'( e=en tho%gh all the parti*%lar' are in*l%ded there and *ome from there+ ?or e.ample( a per'onF' de'ire to %nder'tand a 'pe*ifi* wi'dom i' hidden within hi' primal de'ire to be wi'e( hi' de'ire to do a 'pe*ifi* kindne'' i' hidden within hi' primal de'ire to be kind( et*+

-The Knowledge of G-d3ere( tho%gh( the sefirot are general primal de'ire'+ The'e sefirot are *alled %&ullim :Cir*le'<+ ?rom thi' it i' apparent that in the Sefirot of %&ullim :Cir*le'<" whi*h are primal de'ire'( the original primal de'ire i' the o%termo't *ir*le( while the de'ire for the a*tion i' the innermo't *ir*le+

-#:$,?rom the la't *ir*le of the Ratzon HaKadoom :1rimal >e'ire<( whi*h i' the primal de'ire for a*tion( the Ratzon (ratzon :the >e'ire for the >e'ire<( *ome' into being+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the primal de'ire for a*tion( gi=e' ri'e to a de'ire to fa*ilitate and bring abo%t the a*tion+ Thi' 'e*ond le=el of de'ire i' a *ompletely new e.i'ten*e relati=e to the le=el of primal de'ire( for it m%'t be %nder'tood that the primal de'ire i' not an a*ti=e de'ire at all+ Rather( it i' the defining @identityA of the per'on+ Thi' i' to 'ay( that imbedded in hi' identity i' the fa*t that he will ha=e *ertain want' and de'ire'+ )f a per'onF' primal de'ire i' the de'ire to be honored( for in'tan*e( thi' will gi=e ri'e to a de'ire for the mean' to bring abo%t honor+ Therefore( a' the mean' to a*t%aliHe hi' primal de'ire to be honored( it may bring abo%t a @de'ire for a de'ireA to be wi'e+ Thi' Ratzon (Ratzon :>e'ire for a >e'ire< i' hi' @Self per*eptionA of him'elf a' a per'on who i' wi'e+ 3e will ha=e a dri=e to a*I%ire wi'dom( b%t it will really be 'e*ondary to the tr%e %nderlying moti=ating de'ire to be honored+ 3e may not be *on'*io%'ly aware of thi' altogether and will a*t%ally per*ei=e him'elf a' a per'on who 'eek' wi'dom( b%t in tr%th he i' 'eeking honor( for if honor wo%ld not be gi=en to him( hi' enth%'ia'm for wi'dom wo%ld di''ipate+ 7f *o%r'e( a per'onF' primal de'ire may tr%ly be to be wi'e( whi*h will gi=e ri'e to a 'elf per*eption of being a per'on who 'eek' wi'dom+ S%*h a per'on will *ontin%e to 'eek wi'dom whether or not he re*ei=e' honor+ We 'ee from the abo=e( that in the Sefirot of Yosher :The 9pright Sefirot<" the original primal de'ire i' en*lothed within the 'e*ond de'ire+ The 'e*ond de'ire i' then en*lothed in tho%ght( whi*h i' then en*lothed in emotion'( %ntil the final a*t%aliHation of the de'ire( whi*h i' it' o%termo't @garmentA( 'o to 'peak+ 9nlike the Sefirot of %&ullim :Sefirot of Cir*le'<" here the original primal de'ire i' the innermo't thing and the final a*tion i' the o%termo't thing+ When we look at a h%man being( for e.ample( what we 'ee are hi' final a*tion'+ En*lothed within hi' a*tion' are hi' emotion'( and en*lothed within hi' emotion' are hi' tho%ght'+ En*lothed within hi' tho%ght' i' hi' 'elf-per*eption :Ratzon (Ratzon8 and en*lothed within hi' 'elf-per*eption i' hi' @1rimal de'ireA : Ratzon HaKadoom8+ We therefore 'ee that the o%termo't thing i' the a*tion and the innermo't i' the primal de'ire+ Thi' i' *alled 'dam ,Yosher :The 9pright an<( be*a%'e it operate' a' a h%man being :who 'tand' %pright< wo%ld+

-#:%-A' 'tated abo=e( from the de'ire for a*t%aliHation of the %&ullim : alchut of %&ullim<( whi*h i' the la't *ir*le of the Sefirot of %&ullim :Cir*le'<( *ome' abo%t the @>e'ire for the de'ireA :Ratzon (Ratzon8( whi*h i' in the form of an %pright man( : 'dam ,Yosher<+ Thi' P%pright manF i' *alled 'dam Kadmon :1rimal Man<+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

7n*e a per'onF' primal de'ire *ome' to the final primal de'ire to bring it into a*t%ality( he form%late' a Ratzon (Ratzon :>e'ire for a de'ire<" whi*h i' a new de'ire ba'ed on how the primal de'ire will relate o%t( to other'+ Thi' 'e*ondary de'ire may be 'een a' @Selfper*eptionA+ Thi' i' how he per*ei=e' him'elf a' being for the entire d%ration of hi' life 'pan+ )t i' how he want' to be 'een after a lifetime of 'e=enty or more year' et*+ ?or in'tan*e( be*a%'e of hi' primal de'ire to be honored( he may per*ei=e him'elf a' being a =ery wi'e per'on+ Thi' de'ire i' @*reatedA( 'o to 'peak( to fa*ilitate the primal de'ire to be honored+ 8ow( thi' @'elf per*eptionA( likewi'e( i' a general de'ire whi*h en*ompa''e' many parti*%lar de'ire'+ Thi' i' to 'ay that be*a%'e he per*ei=e' him'elf a' a wi'e per'on( he ha' parti*%lar de'ire'( '%*h a' the de'ire to 't%dy profo%nd book' on many important '%bEe*t'+ 3e will want to be well =er'ed in all the art' and '*ien*e'( a' well a' 3i'tory( philo'ophy( law( great literat%re et*+ 7n the other hand( if he wo%ld be offered a p%lp roman*e or a *omi* book to read( he wo%ld reEe*t it with di'dain( 'in*e it doe' not fit hi' 'elf-per*eption+ Another e.ample of thi' i' a per'on who 'ee' him'elf a' a kind per'on+ Thi' 'elf-per*eption in*l%de' e=ery kind a*t he will e=er do+ ;e*a%'e he 'ee' him'elf a' kind( he will de'pi'e *r%elty and *allo%' beha=ior+ 8ow( altho%gh the Ratzon (Ratzon :>e'ire for a de'ire< i' hi' @Self-per*eptionA and en*ompa''e' all hi' '%b'eI%ent de'ire'( ne=erthele''( it i' 'till '%bEe*t to *hange by being re=amped or reform%lated+ ?or e.ample( a per'on who'e @primal de'ireA i' for honor( b%t who'e @de'ire for a de'ireA i' for wi'dom( may *hange hi' @de'ire for a de'ireA to de'ire wealth( if he think' it will bring him greater honor+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that wherea' the Ratzon HaKadoom :The original primal de'ire<( relate' 'olely to the end re'%lt and a*t%ally only to him'elf( on the other hand( the de'ire for the de'ire( whi*h i' how he 'ee' him'elf( already relate' to that whi*h i' o%t'ide of him'elf and *onform' to it( e=en tho%gh it i' 'till all abo%t him'elf+ Thi' i' to 'ay that if hi' Ratzon HaKadoom i' for honor( hi' Ratzon (Ratzon may =ary a**ording to what i' =al%ed in that 'o*iety+ )f it i' a 'o*iety that =al%e' wi'dom he will 'eek wi'dom( if it i' a 'o*iety that =al%e' fame( he will 'eek fame and if it i' a 'o*iety that =al%e' wealth( he will 'eek wealth+ The @>e'ire for the de'ireA :Ratzon (Ratzon< may *hange( b%t the @1rimal de'ireA :Ratzon HaKadoom< remain' the 'ame+ ?%rthermore( the @1rimal de'ireA :Ratzon HaKadoom< i' the a*t%al intended end re'%lt+ 3owe=er( it m%'t be noted that in regard to how it i' abo=e( in the pro*e'' of *reation( we *annot 'ay that the @o%t'ideA 'hape' G-dF' de'ire for a de'ire( 'in*e there is no @o%t'ideA in relation to 3im+ A*t%ally( it i' the other way aro%nd+ ;e*a%'e G-d de'ired to *reate the world to be 'omething that ha' the appearan*e of being o%t'ide of 3im'elf( 3e therefore *reated the de'ire for a de'ire for the world+ 8ot =i'a =er'a+ ?rom the abo=e we 'ee that 'dam Kadmon :The de'ire for the de'ire-Ratzon (Ratzon< i' the link between the Emanator and the emanated( between G-d and the world+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( the term( @The de'ire for the de'ireA ha' two meaning'+ 7n the one hand it mean' the


-The Knowledge of G-dde'ire to f%lfill the de'ire that pre0eeds it( and on the other hand( it mean' the de'ire to bring abo%t the de'ire that follows it+ ?%thermore( 'in*e the Ratzon (Ratzon :The >e'ire for the de'ire< i' like a @newA *reation in *ompari'on to the Ratzon HaKadoom :1rimal >e'ire< and i' *hangeable( a' e.plained abo=e( it i' therefore *alled( @The General 'dam ,+riyah :The General Man of the Created Realm<+

-#:%#8ow( the general r%le i' that the lowe't le=el of the %pper realm( be*ome' the highe't le=el of the lower realm+ Thi' i' to 'ay( that the alchut of the %pper world( be*ome' the Keter of the lower world+ ?or in'tan*e( a' mentioned before( the sefirah of Keter i' de'ire( and the sefirah of alchut i' 'pee*h+ ?rom thi' we %nder'tand that the 'pee*h of the king be*ome' the inner moti=ating de'ire of the 'er=ant or that the 'pee*h of the tea*her be*ome' the inner moti=ating de'ire of the 't%dent et*+ 6ikewi'e( the la't le=el of 'dam Kadmon :1rimal Man< be*ome' the 'o%r*e of 'tzilut :The World of Emanation<+ Thi' i' to 'ay that alchut of 'dam Kadmon be*ome' the Keter of 'tzilut3

-#:%$The fir't sefirah of e=ery le=el i' it' Keter whi*h i' the de'ire to bring it abo%t( for if there were no de'ire for it( it *o%ldnFt e.i't+ Thi' prin*iple applie' both abo=e( in regard to the *reation of the world( and below( in man+ )t i' an ob'er=able fa*t( that if one doe' not de'ire 'omething( he will not do it+ Thi' i' tr%e e=en when he doe' 'omething he doe' not want to do+ )n '%*h a *a'e( there i' another( o=erriding de'ire whi*h *ompel' him to do that whi*h he wo%ld not otherwi'e do+ ?or in'tan*e( if a per'on hate' hi' Eob( he doe' it anyway be*a%'e hi' de'ire to '%r=i=e o=erride' hi' hatred for the work+ Abo=e too( the de'ire for 'omething i' what gi=e' it it' e.i'ten*e+ Therefore( the Keter of 'tzilut i' the de'ire to bring abo%t the world of 'tzilut3 8ow( there are really two part' to the sefirah of Keter3 The e.ternal a'pe*t of Keter i' de'ire( and it' inner a'pe*t i' plea'%re+ )n tr%th( the'e two a'pe*t' are in'eparable from ea*h other( for the one *annot be fo%nd witho%t the other+ ?%rthermore( plea'%re doe' not ne*e''arily pre*ede de'ire nor m%'t de'ire pre*ede plea'%re+ )n any *a'e( of the two( plea'%re i' the internal and de'ire i' the e.ternal( 'imply be*a%'e a de'ire i' for the plea'%re+ Therefore( e=en tho%gh de'ire may pre*ede plea'%re( ne=erthele''( it i' only for the plea'%re+ We may therefore *on*l%de that there i' a de'ire and a plea'%re for e=erything that e.i't' and that plea'%re i' the internal of the two+ )t i' the de'ire and plea'%re for 'omething that bring' it into being and keep' it in e.i'ten*e+ Thi' prin*iple applie' in the negati=e 'en'e a' well+ There i' e=en a plea'%re and de'ire whi*h gi=e' e=il it' e.i'ten*e+ 3ow *an thi' be %nder'toodG What plea'%re or de'ire *o%ld G-d po''ibly ha=e in e=ilG A' we 'ee( mo't game'( 'port'( 'torie'( no=el' and mo=ie' in=ol=e an opponent in order to *reate a *hallenge+ E=en *omp%ter game' ha=e @bad g%y'A+ The rea'on for their e.i'ten*e i' to de'troy them+ )t i' the ad=er'ity of the opponent that *reate' the *hallenge and gi=e' e.*itement and p%rpo'e to the game+ )f there were no oppo'ition to o=er*ome(

-The Knowledge of G-dthere wo%ld be no plea'%re or 'en'e of a**ompli'hment in the game what'oe=er+ 6ikewi'e( tho%gh it i' not a game( the e.i'ten*e of e=il in the world i' for the plea'%re gained by it' de'tr%*tion and to *reate free *hoi*e and *hallenge' for h%man being'+ The'e two part' of Keter are *alled 'ti) Yomin :The An*ient of >ay'<( and 'rich 'n*in :The 6ong ?a*e<+ 'ti) Yomin *orre'pond' to plea'%re and 'rich 'n*in *orre'pond' to de'ire+ The differen*e between the de'ire of 'rich 'n*in :The long ?a*e< and the de'ire of 'dam Kadmon :1rimal Man< i' that the de'ire of 'dam Kadmon i' not yet for any 'pe*ifi* thing+ Rather( it i' the general per*eption of him'elf( a' a whole( whi*h in*l%de' many parti*%lar de'ire' in it+ )n 'dam Kadmon the 'pe*ifi* de'ire' are *ompletely *on*ealed in a way of a heyulie3 'rich 'n*in" on the other hand( i' already a de'ire for 'omething @o%t'ide of him'elfA( 'o to 'peak+ )t i' a de'ire for the re=elation of a 'pe*ifi* thing+ ?%rthermore( in 'dam Kadmon" the de'ire i' a*t%ally not for anything e.ternal altogether+ )t i' all 'till 'olely for him'elf+ An e.ample of thi' i' a per'on who de'ire' a bea%tif%l *ar+ )n hi' 'K :'dam Kadmon< it i' not a*t%ally a *ar that he want'+ Rather( the de'ire of hi' '-K :'dam Kadmon<" i' that he en=i'ion' himself in the *ar+ )t i' all abo%t him'elf( not the *ar+ 7nly in 'rich 'n*in doe' the de'ire for the *ar itself be*ome re=ealed+ We( therefore( 'ee that the de'ire of 'rich 'n*in i' already for 'omething o%t'ide of 3im'elf( wherea' in 'dam Kadmon it i' 'till all abo%t 3im'elf+ Thi' i' the way it i' in the desire( whi*h i' 'rich 'n*in3 3owe=er( the pleas"re of it( is 'till all abo%t 3im'elf+ ?or thi' rea'on( 'ti) Yomin" whi*h i' the plea'%re of it( 'till relate' to the Self( and i' 'till *on'idered to be part and par*el of the Self+ )n *ontra't( 'rich 'n*in already relate' o%tward( toward the world+ ?or thi' rea'on it i' *on'idered to be the 'o%r*e of 'tzilut :the world of Emanation<+

-#:%%More parti*%larly 'peaking( it i' only the %pper three sefirot of 'ti) whi*h are *on'idered to be part of the Self+ Thi' may be %nder'tood a' follow'+ Ea*h of the'e two part' of Keter" *ontain ten sefirot a' well+ The 'e=en lower emotional sefirot of the plea'%re :'ti) Yomin< are en*lothed in the sefirot of the de'ire :'rich 'n*in< and enli=en them+ The sefirah of Chesed of 'ti) :Kindne'' of 1lea'%re< i' en*lothed in Keter of 'rich :>e'ire of >e'ire<+ Thi' may be *omprehended by %nder'tanding what Chesed of 'ti) i'+ ;eing that the general matter here i' plea'%re( therefore all it' parti*%lar sefirot( are a'pe*t' of plea'%re+ Chesed i' when 'omething 'pread' forth in great ab%ndan*e+ Therefore( Chesed of 'ti) :Kindne'' of 1lea'%re< repre'ent' an ab%ndan*e of plea'%re in 'omething+ 8ow( when there i' an ab%ndan*e of plea'%re in 'omething( thi' enli=en' the de'ire for it+ We therefore %nder'tand how Chesed of 'ti) :Kindne'' of 1lea'%re< i' en*lothed in Keter of 'rich :>e'ire of >e'ire<3 8ow( a' mentioned before( !evurah :Sternne''< i' the oppo'ite of Chesed :Kindne''<+ Therefore( if Chesed of 'ti) repre'ent' ab%ndant plea'%re in 'omething( !evurah of 'ti) repre'ent' the pain in 'omething+ We now *an %nder'tand why !evurah of 'ti) :Sternne'' of 1lea'%re< i' en*lothed within Chochmah of 'rich :)n'ight of >e'ire<+ The


-The Knowledge of G-dChochmah :)n'ight< of a de'ire mean' that it 'ho%ld be in a 'pe*ifi* way( with pre*i'ion+ )f nothing wa' painf%l( there wo%ld be no need for any 'pe*ifi* de'ire'( that it 'ho%ld be one way and not the other+ )t wo%ld make no differen*e at all what we did( be*a%'e the plea'%re for e=erything wo%ld be eI%al+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally Chochmah :)n'ight< whi*h determine' what i' or i'nFt de'irable+ ?or thi' rea'on Chochmah of 'rich :)n'ight of >e'ire< i' the 'o%r*e of the mitzvot :*ommandment'< of the Torah+ :The abo=e prin*iple applie' to the en*lothement of all the 'e=en lower sefirot of 'ti) :1lea'%re< within the 'e=en %pper sefirot of 'rich :>e'ire<3 An additional e.ample i' how alchut of 'ti) :Kingdom of 1lea'%re< i' en*lothed in $etzach of 'rich :ConI%e't of >e'ire<+ alchut of 'ti) repre'ent' the great plea'%re of being the king and r%ling o=er other'+ )t therefore i' ea'y to 'ee why alchut of 'ti) i' en*lothed within $etzach of 'rich whi*h repre'ent' the de'ire for *onI%e't+<

-#:%&;efore we *an %nder'tand how the infl%en*e *ome' down from Keter :>e'ire< to Chochmah :)n'ight< and +inah :Comprehen'ion<( and their interrelation'hip'( we m%'t fir't %nder'tand what Chochmah and +inah are and how they work+ )n order to %nder'tand thi' we m%'t e.amine the matter of how *on*ept' are *omprehended+ There are three dimen'ion' to e=ery *omprehen'ionC length( breadth and depth+ -< The breadth of a *on*ept i' that it may be e.plained in many different way'+ There i' not E%'t one way that it may be %nder'tood+ )t may be e.amined from =ario%' different angle'+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the width of a ri=er+ < The length of a *on*ept i' that it *an be bro%ght down thro%gh allegorie' and analogie'( %ntil it *an e=en rea*h the le=el of a *hild+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the length of a ri=er+ )t begin' high in the mo%ntain' and flow' down %ntil it rea*he' 'ea le=el+ ,< The depth of a *on*ept i' 'imilar to the depth of a ri=er+ )t i' it' %nderlying *%rrent+ The depth of a *on*ept i' it' %nderlying point+ 8ow( a**ording to the depth of the *on*ept( will be it' length and breadth+ Thi' too( i' 'imilar to a ri=er+ The depth and 'trength of the %nder*%rrent will determine the amo%nt of e.*e'' water that 'pread' from the depth to *reate a length and breadth+ 3owe=er( in the depth it'elf( there i' no length and breadth+ )f there i' a deep '%bEe*t '%*h a' medi*ine( then a%tomati*ally there will be a great width and length to it' %nder'tanding+ A 'hort '%bEe*t( '%*h a' how to play ti* ta* toe( i' not =ery deep at all+ Therefore( there i' only one 'imple way to e.plain it+ )t ha' a narrow width and a 'hort length be*a%'e it i' not deep+ All thi' applie' to the matter of *omprehen'ion( *alled +inah+ 8ow( the depth of a ri=er rea*he' all the way to it' 'o%r*e( in the 'pring+ 6ikewi'e( the depth of a *omprehended *on*ept flow' from( and rea*he' ba*k( to it' 'o%r*e in the 'pring of Chochmah+ Chochmah i' the in'ight and int%ition whi*h fla'he' into the *omprehending mind of +inah( 'eemingly materialiHing from nothing to 'omething+ Thi'


-The Knowledge of G-d*orre'pond' to the tri*kle of water that flow' o%t of the inner depth of the 'pring+ A' thi' water be*ome' re=ealed from it' original *on*ealment beneath the earth( it be*ome' the 'o%r*e of the ri=er+ 8ow( E%'t a' there i' a length( width and depth in the *omprehen'ion of +inah" likewi'e( there i' a length( width and depth in the 'pring of Chochmah+ )t' depth i' the 'o%r*e of the in'ight it'elf( before it 'pread' forth to break o%t a' drop' into the *omprehen'ion of +inah3 Thi' *orre'pond' to the original 'o%r*e of the 'pring a' it i' in the aI%ifer( deep %nder the earth+ The depth of the *on*ept a' it i' *omprehended in +inah i' not at all *omparable to it' depth in Chochmah it'elf+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the depth of Chochmah i' the 'o%r*e of all *on*ept'( wherea' the depth of the *omprehen'ion of +inah i' E%'t the depth of a 'pe*ifi* '%bEe*t or detail+

-#:%'A' mentioned abo=e( Chochmah i' the fla'h of int%iti=e in'ight+ 9'ing the analogy of the ri=er( it i' *lear that the only way to a*hie=e the int%iti=e fla'h of in'ight i' by 'wimming the length and width of the ri=er+ Thi' i' to 'ay that thro%gh *ontemplation and analy'i' on the gi=en e.planation'( one may ha=e a fla'h of in'ight into the *on*ept and *on'eI%ently de=elop it into an inno=ation+ Thi' i' *learly apparent from the following famo%' 'tory of Ar*himede'+ The king *ommi''ioned Ar*himede' to weigh the royal throne in order to determine whether it' b%ilder' had pilfered gold while *on'tr%*ting it+ Ar*himede'( who wa' the greate't mathemati*ian of hi' time( analyHed the problem o=er and o=er again witho%t '%**e''+ 7ne day( he wa' abo%t to bathe+ A' he 'at in the t%b he noti*ed the di'pla*ement of water and '%ddenly the 'ol%tion fla'hed into hi' mind+ )t all *ame together for him in a '%dden int%iti=e fla'h+ 3e E%mped o%t of the t%b and ran down the 'treet' of Athen'( 'tark naked( yelling E%rekaS E%rekaS ) fo%nd itS ) fo%nd itS Thi' wa' a fla'h of Chochmah+ 1eople had been taking bath' for tho%'and' of year'+ Why didnTt thi' prin*iple o**%r to themG )t i' for the 'imple rea'on that they did not do the analy'i' and *ontemplation( *alled Hit#onenut+ What i' Hit#onenut9 Hit#onenut mean' *ontemplation or analy'i'+ )t i' the a*t of trying to %nder'tand+ Therefore( if +inah i' the %nder'tanding it'elf( then +inah of +inah i' Hit#onenut whi*h i' the a*t of trying to %nder'tand+ )n normal Engli'h thi' wo%ld be *alled( PlearningF or P't%dyF+ 8ow( there are two different type' of 't%dy+ 7ne *an 't%dy in a general way( going o=er the gi=en material in a pa''ing fa'hion( E%'t to get the general idea+ Then there i' analyti*al 't%dy( in whi*h one re=iew' the gi=en material o=er and o=er again( 'eeking to %nder'tand the inner and o%ter working' of it+ :The 3ebrew word Hit#onenut *ontain' two PnunsF :8<+ )t wo%ld ha=e been no le'' grammati*ally *orre*t to 'pell thi' word %'ing a 'ingle nun - Hit#onut+ The rea'on it i' written with two( i' to 'ignify that in order to gain %nder'tanding( one m%'t go o=er the re=ealed e.planation' again and again+< We 'ee from the abo=e 'tory that only tho'e that do the analy'i' on the '%bEe*t # Hit#onenut( will di'*o=er no=el idea' and inno=ation' into it+ )t i' 'imple to %nder'tand that only a phy'i*i't will ha=e fla'he' of wi'dom in the field of phy'i*'( be*a%'e he ha' done the analy'i' into it+ )t i' only a do*tor who will ha=e fla'he' of wi'dom in the field ,/

-The Knowledge of G-dof medi*ine( be*a%'e he ha' 'pent many year' analyHing the known body of knowledge of medi*ine+ Therefore( he will ha=e the fla'h of in'ight and di'*o=er that whi*h i' not yet known+

-#:%(A**ording to the abo=e( it i' *learly %nder'tood that *on*entration( in and of it'elf( *an only a*t a' a =e''el for %nder'tanding+ Thi' i' a' 'tated( @)f there i' no ,aat( there i' no +inahA :1irke A=ot<+ )t i' *lear( that in order to ha=e any in'ight( whether into a 'pe*ifi* field of 't%dy or whether into the nat%re of reality( it *an only *ome abo%t thro%gh *ontemplation and analy'i'+ Con*entration alone( witho%t *ontent( *annot a*hie=e thi'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e *on*entration *an only a*t a' an in'tr%ment to arri=e at %nder'tanding+ ,aat *on'tit%te' the intere't( fo*%' and atta*hment to the '%bEe*t( to the e.*l%'ion of all el'e+ Thi' *an be gleaned from the meaning of the =er'e( @And Adam knew E=e # VeHa'dam Yada et Chava et*+ And 'he ga=e birth to a 'onA+ >aFat i' %'%ally tran'lated a' being @knowledgeA( b%t a' we 'ee from the abo=e =er'e( ,aat mean' the intere't and atta*hment to 'omething+ )t i' I%ite a 'imple matter that a per'on who doe' not ha=e intere't in a '%bEe*t will not be able to *on*entrate on it and will ha=e diffi*%lty %nder'tanding it *learly+ ?rom thi' it i' *lear that *on*entration i' only like a =e''el to hold the %nder'tanding+ 6ikewi'e( a per'on who does *on*entrate( b%t not on any 'pe*ifi* '%bEe*t( '%*h a' the @*on*entrationA pra*ti*ed in many ea'tern meditation'( will not gain any tr%e in'ight into any '%bEe*t at all and *ertainly not into the tr%e nat%re of reality+ Sin*e there i' no *ontent( all he ha' i' the empty =e''el of *on*entration+ We *an be '%re that any @in'ight'A that he may ha=e( are nothing more than fal'e imagination' and del%'ion'+ Thi' i' analogo%' to a per'on who *laim' to ha=e learned medi*ine 'imply by 'itting and meditating on a mantra for -! year'+ Certainly( no one in their right mind wo%ld go to him for medi*al treatment+ 8ow( ,aat :*on*entration< al'o ha' the three dimen'ion' of length( breadth and depth+ ?or e.ample there are people who ha=e a 'hort attention 'pan and other' who ha=e a longer attention 'pan+ Some people *an *on*entrate with great inten'ity( while other' may be ea'ily di'tra*ted+ The differen*e between deep *on*entration and 'hallow *on*entration i' 'imilar to the differen*e between the ability of a *hild to *on*entrate a' oppo'ed to the *on*entration of an ad%lt+ 8ow( the three dimen'ion' of ,aat are related to ea*h other+ ?or e.ample( a per'on who *annot *on*entrate deeply will tend to ha=e a 'hort attention 'pan+ )n *ontra't( a per'on with deep *on*entration will tend to ha=e a long and wide attention 'pan+

-#:%*A' mentioned abo=e( Chochmah :Wi'dom< i' the int%ition and in'ightf%l wi'dom whi*h fla'he' into the *omprehending brain of +inah :9nder'tanding<+ 8ow( if one doe' not immediately gra'p on to the 'eminal in'ight of Chochmah and begin analyHing it( it will begin to di''ipate and he will 'oon forget the in'ight *ompletely+ )t i' only when the fla'h ,$

-The Knowledge of G-dof int%ition i' gra'ped in a way of analy'i' and *omprehen'ion that it *an de=elop into a f%ll blown *on*ept( gi=ing ri'e to tr%e inno=ation+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that Chochmah and +inah are al'o *alled by the term' '##a :?ather< and %mma :Mother<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e they are analogo%' to the 'eminal drop of the father being de=eloped into a f%lly de=eloped *hild in the womb of the mother+ Thi' i' al'o the rea'on that they are *alled( Trein Rayin ,(o it*arshin :The two lo=er' who ne=er 'eparate<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the two m%'t alway' *ome together+ )n order for the 'eminal int%iti=e *on*ept of Chochmah not to di''ipate it m%'t be analyHed and de=eloped in +inah+ Con=er'ely( if there i' no @*on*eptA or @'%bEe*tA to analyHe( +inah i' barren( 'o to 'peak( and ha' nothing to de=elop+

-#:%+We will now di'*%'' the re=elation of the de'ire+ )n order to %nder'tand thi' it i' ne*e''ary to introd%*e the *on*ept' of Tohu :Chao'< and Ti))un :Re*tifi*ation<+ )n general( the differen*e between *hao' and re*tifi*ation i' that in Tohu" there i' m%*h light and few =e''el'+ )n Ti))un( on the other hand( there i' le'' light and many =e''el'+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the differen*e between Ti))un and Tohu i' 'imilar to the differen*e between rational and irrational beha=ior+ Tohu :Chao'< i' when the point of the e''ential de'ire i' re=ealed in it' e''ential 'tate+ Thi' i' to 'ay that tho%gh e=ery 'pe*ifi* de'ire( '%*h a' a de'ire to be kind or a de'ire to be 'tern( ha' ten sefirot( nonethele''( they are indi'ting%i'hable from the de'ire+ The tho%ght' and emotion' for the de'ire are not obEe*ti=e at all+ Rather( they are *ompletely @en'la=edA to and @dri=enA by the de'ire+ Thi' mean' that the intelle*t merely *ome' %p with intelle*t%al rea'on' to rationaliHe the de'ire rather than engaging in an obEe*ti=e analy'e' of it+ Tohu" therefore( i' *ompared to e''ential point'( ea*h of whi*h ha' no re*ogniHable di=i'ion' within it+ ;e*a%'e of thi' the =ario%' de'ire' of Tohu are in*ompatible with ea*h other and *annot *oe.i't one with the other+ ?or e.ample( in Tohu the e''ential de'ire for kindne''( tho%gh it i' *ompo'ed of intelle*t and emotion'( *annot Eoin with the e''ential de'ire for 'ternne''+ Thi' i' 'o e=en tho%gh 'ternne'' too( i' *ompo'ed of intelle*t and emotion'+ The rea'on for thi' i' be*a%'e the intelle*t and emotion' of the de'ire to be kind are ab'ol%te kindne'' and e.i't 'olely to E%'tify the kindne''( wherea' the intelle*t and emotion' of the de'ire to be 'tern are ab'ol%tely 'tern and e.i't 'olely to E%'tify the 'ternne''+ ;e*a%'e they are ab'ol%te oppo'ite'( they are in*ompatible with ea*h other and *annot *oe.i't 'im%ltaneo%'ly+ The one m%'t be de'troyed before the other *an be re=ealed+ Thi' bring' abo%t *hao'+ The e''ential de'ire for kindne'' want' e=erything to be done e.*l%'i=ely thro%gh kindne''( and 'in*e it i' an e''en*e( there i' no room for *ompromi'e in thi' attit%de+ )n addition( e=en tho%gh the kindne'' ha' intelle*t( it i' not obEe*ti=e intelle*t at all+ Rather( the intelle*t i' bent on rationaliHing the e''ential de'ire to be kind+ 3owe=er( a*ting %pon thi' de'ire lead' to *hao'( be*a%'e at time' indi'*riminate kindne'' may be the wrong approa*h+ )f one were to alway' a*t in a way of indi'*riminate kindne''( '%*h a' donating money to all *haritable *a%'e'( whether they are worthy one' or not( or by being kind to ,2

-The Knowledge of G-dall people( e=en to hi' enemie' who are bent on hi' de'tr%*tion( or by relea'ing all *riminal' from pri'on( e=en %nrepentant p'y*hopath'( the oppo'ite of kindne'' wo%ld re'%lt+ Another e.ample of thi' i' parent' who a=oid di'*iplining their *hild by 'etting beha=ioral limit' with *on'eI%en*e'+ They may feel they are @being ni*eA to their *hild( b%t in tr%th( they are *reating a @mon'terA and de'troying him+ We 'ee from thi' that indi'*riminate kindne'' will e=ent%ally lead to negati=ity and de'tr%*ti=ene'' ending in re'%lt' that are I%ite the oppo'ite of the original intent+ The 'ame hold' tr%e for indi'*riminate 'ternne''( et*+ Thi' 'elf de'tr%*tion on the part of the e''ential emotional I%alitie' of Toh% i' *alled Shevirat HaKeilim :The breaking of the =e''el'<+ ?rom thi' we %nder'tand that an e''ential de'ire to be kind will be*ome fi.ated 'olely on the e.ternal e.pre''ion of kindne''( o=erlooking it' inner intent to affe*t po'iti=e re'%lt'( and will not tolerate any re'traint of kindne''+ ;e*a%'e it i' an e''ential( %ndil%ted de'ire( it be*ome' *ompletely irrational often bringing abo%t the oppo'ite of the de'ired effe*t+ A' a re'%lt( ea*h de'ire m%'t be *ompletely eradi*ated before it *an be repla*ed by a different one+ An e.ample of thi' prin*iple i' the *a'e of a =ery narrow minded per'on who i' in*apable of *ompromi'e+ When '%*h a per'on i' kind( hi' kindne'' know' no re'traint+ 3e will be indi'*riminately kind to e=eryone and he will be e.*e''i=e in thi' kindne''+ E=ent%ally( tho%gh( hi' kindne'' will( of ne*e''ity( break down be*a%'e he will find him'elf being 'e=erely taken ad=antage of( and will be*ome *ompletely drained( both monetarily and emotionally+ S%*h a per'on might then 'wing to the oppo'ite e.treme( be*oming o=erly '%'pi*io%' of other'( e.*e''i=ely *allo%' of their need' and e.tremely %nkind+ Thi' approa*h too( will e=ent%ally break down( when people begin di'liking and a=oiding him be*a%'e of hi' mean 'pirit+ The abo=e prin*iple applie' when the de'ire *ome' in the form of an e''ential point( in whi*h the intelle*t and emotion' are @'la=e'A that are @dri=enA to f%lfill it in an ab'ol%te manner in whi*h there are no *ompromi'e'+ Thi' may be *ompared to the %n*ompromi'ing fanati*i'm of a Mo'lem f%ndamentali't terrori't who i' hell bent on p%'hing hi' agenda no matter what the o%t*ome+ Thi' le=el of Tohu i' *alled $e)udah :1oint<+ ;e'ide' the $e)udah :1oint< there i' another le=el in Tohu" *alled Sefirah+ Thi' i' when the point di=ide' into ten re*ogniHable trait'+ ;e*a%'e of thi' there i' the appearan*e of rational beha=ior+ )t appears to be an obEe*ti=e( rea'onable intelle*t whi*h i' open to *ompromi'e+ )n tr%th tho%gh( here too the intelle*t( emotion' and a*tion' e.i't merely to fa*ilitate the de'ire that dri=e' them+ An e.ample of thi' i' a Chri'tian mi''ionary+ 3e talk' and a*t' a' if he i' an obEe*ti=e( rea'onable per'on( b%t in reality he i' neither rea'onable nor obEe*ti=e+ )n reality he i' *ompletely bent on *on=erting yo% to hi' religion and hi' 'pee*h and a*tion' are there merely to fa*ilitate thi'+ Thi' i' why he kno*ked on yo%r door in the fir't pla*e+ Tho%gh it appear' that a rea'onable *on=er'ation i' taking pla*e( if he i' ref%ted in debate( he will a%tomati*ally re=ert ba*k to the e''ential point of the irrational de'ire in whi*h there i' no *ompromi'e and no re*ogniHable intelle*t at all( '%*h a' 'aying( @)t i' tr%e be*a%'e ) know it in my heartA( et*+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

)n '%mmary( Tohu i' when the light :re=elation< of the de'ire i' too 'trong for the =e''el' and o=erpower' them( 'o that they *an no longer be obEe*ti=e b%t rather be*ome *ompletely %nre'trained and dri=en by the de'ire+

-#:%,7n the other hand( the a'pe*t of ti))un :re*tifi*ation< i' when a I%ality emerge' from it' e''ential point( to e.tend o%t'ide of the bo%nd' of the e''ential de'ire and intelle*t+ Thi' i' to 'ay( that he allow' him'elf to be obEe*ti=e+ An e.ample of the I%ality of kindne'' a' it e.i't' in ti))un( i' when a de'ire and intelle*t%al leaning of kindne'' i' aro%'ed toward hi' fellow be*a%'e he did him a fa=or+ 3ere it i' not 'olely be*a%'e of the e''ential goodne'' and kindne'' of hi' 'o%l+ 7n the *ontrary( when one i' a*ting obEe*ti=ely( a**ording to the way of ti))un" it i' po''ible that tho%gh he may be *r%el by nat%re( nonethele''( to 'omeone who wa' gra*io%' to him and 'a=ed him from death or the like( he will de'ire to be kind+ 3e will alway' =iew that per'on kindly and *on'ider hi' merit' in hi' mind( et*+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he wa' pro=en worthy of hi' kindne''( et*+ Thi' i' *alled a @*ompo'iteA kindne'' or goodne''+ )t i' not at all the 'imple and e''ential kindne'' whi*h re'%lt' 'olely from hi' e''ential nat%re+ ;e*a%'e it i' a *ompo'ite( *omple. kindne''( it no longer i' merely the 'imple will to a*t kindly( b%t *ome' abo%t a**ording to the 'it%ation+ 3e will be kind to 'ome and not to other'( all a**ording to rational 'en'e and rea'on+ The 'ame prin*iple applie' to the oppo'ite of kindne''( whi*h i' the *ompo'ite I%ality of 'ternne''+ 3e will fo*%' hi' de'ire and intelle*t toward *ontemplating the g%ilt of hi' enemy( who *a%'ed him m%*h harm+ Thi' will be 'o e=en tho%gh he may be a =ery kind and *ompa''ionate per'on by nat%re( et*+ ;a'ed on thi'( we %nder'tand that it i' po''ible for the *ompo'ition of oneF' de'ire' to be engineered in e.tremely different way'( a**ording to the *on'ideration' whi*h form the feeling'+ )n*l%ded in thi'( are *ompo'ite lo=e and *ompo'ite hate( be*a%'e they are dependent on 'ome rational *on'ideration( a' mentioned abo=e+ )t i' th%' po''ible to find 'omething that from one angle( one will lo=e+ ?rom thi' angle he will only ha=e good and kind tho%ght' and de'ire' toward' thi' thing+ Sim%ltaneo%'ly( from another angle of the =ery 'ame thing it'elf( he will E%dge it 'ternly and ha=e tho%ght' and de'ire' to harm and de'troy it+ ;e*a%'e of thi' prin*iple of *ompo'ite I%alitie' it i' po''ible for the matter of *ompromi'e to e.i't( whi*h take' both kindne'' and 'ternne'' into a**o%nt and *ome' to a *on*l%'ion 'omewhere between the two oppo'ite pole'+ Ti))un :re*tifi*ation< i' al'o *alled /artzuf( whi*h mean' @fa*eA or @per'onalityA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e at thi' point there are re*ogniHable di=i'ion' of the sefirot into ten( ea*h of whi*h i' di=ided into '%b'eI%ent di=i'ion' of ten+ The *on*ept of a *artzuf i' the in*l%'ion of all oppo'ite' et*+( like a h%man being( who ha' many fa*et' to hi' per'onality( all of whi*h Eoin to make him who and what he i'+ ;e'ide' thi'( hi' phy'i*al body too i' made %p of many part' with different and e=en oppo'ite nat%re' and f%n*tion'( and yet( not only do they not *ontradi*t ea*h other( b%t they work in *onE%n*tion a' a %nified 'y'tem+ Ea*h organ perform' the f%n*tion it i' '%ited for while allowing the other' to perform their


-The Knowledge of G-df%n*tion+ ?%rthermore( in order to perform properly( e=ery organ depend' on the other' for it' health and =itality( for e.ample( if a per'on ha' nagging foot pain'( thi' will affe*t hi' brain and he will ha=e diffi*%lty *on*entrating on hi' 't%die'+ Thi' m%t%al *oe.i'ten*e and 'ymbio'i' i' not po''ible in Tohu( where the sefiros e.i't a' p%re e''en*e' and are therefore in*ompatible with their *o%nterpart'+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally in ti))un that m%t%al *oe.i'ten*e and 'ymbio'i' *an e.i't( 'in*e in ti))un ea*h point *ome' abo%t a' an e.ten'ion o%t'ide of it' e''en*e+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally then that they *an be in*l%ded one with the other thro%gh the many =ario%' type' of =e''el' for e.pre''ion( of whi*h they are *ompo'ed et*+ The =e''el integrate' 'omething of ea*h sefirah+ Thi' being the *a'e( they all find e.pre''ion in it+ Thi' allow' all the sefiros to *oe.i't within the de'ire for the 'ame a*t+ )n addition( be*a%'e it integrate' all of them( it i' powered by the de'ire for all of them to find e.pre''ion+ Thi' allow' for a *omplete e.pre''ion of all the I%alitie' in a 'ettled and f%lfilling manner+

-#:&-8ow( the two le=el' of the world of Tohu( pl%' the le=el of the world of Ti))un *orre'pond to the three world of ')udim" $e)udim and +rudim+ The'e term'( whi*h mean @bo%ndA( @'pe*kledA and @'plot*hedA( ha=e their 'o%r*e in the Torah a**o%nt of how 6a=an :6eah and Ra*helF' father< tried to 'windle Jaako= o%t of the wage' d%e him for tending 6a=anF' flo*k+ After working witho%t pay for fo%rteen year' in ret%rn for marrying hi' da%ghter'( 6a=an agreed that Jaako= wo%ld re*ei=e hi' payment with tho'e 'heep that were born with @band'A aro%nd their ankle' : ')udim<( 'mall 'pe*kle' :$e)udim< or large 'plot*he' :+rudim<+ The'e Torah term' hint at the three abo=e mentioned le=el' of $e)udah" Sefirah and /artzuf3 -< The term ')udim :band'< repre'ent' the le=el of $e)udah" in whi*h the sefirot are all @bo%ndA %p in a 'ingle =e''el and are th%' indi'ting%i'hable from ea*h other+ They are all e.pre''ed in the e''ential de'ire( '%*h a' the e''ential de'ire for kindne''( for e.ample( 'imilar to a band whi*h i' *ir*%lar( repre'enting that it i' bo%nd %p within it'elf+ < The 'mall 'pe*kle' :$e)udim< repre'ent the le=el of sefirah( in whi*h the parti*%lar di=i'ion' of ea*h sefirah are re*ogniHable( b%t nonethele''( remain di'Eointed and do not inter*onne*t to work in *onE%n*tion a' a %nified 'y'tem+ ,< The large 'plot*he' :+rudim< repre'ent the le=el of /artzuf" in whi*h the 'efirot are re*ogniHable a' di'tin*t I%alitie'( b%t nonethele''( %nite and *onne*t to work in *onE%n*tion a' a %nified 'y'tem+ Thi' i' *omparable to the merging of many 'pe*k' into one large 'plot*h+ 8ow( tho%gh the'e three le=el' refer to the parti*%lar world' of ')udim" $e)udim and +rudim" generally 'peaking only two world' are mentioned( the world of Tohu and the world of Ti))un3 The'e *orre'pond to the world' of


-The Knowledge of G-d')udim and +rudim whi*h *orre'pond to the a'pe*t' of $e)udah and /artzuf" a' mention abo=e+ When the world' of Tohu and Ti))un are referred to in '%*h a way( $e)udim i' regarded to be a le=el within Tohu3

-#:&#With the abo=e in mind( the di=i'ion of the ten sefirot of Yosher and their in*l%'ion and *onne*tion with ea*h other may be %nder'tood+ The sefirot of Ti))un are di=ided into three line' of e.pre''ion+ The'e are Kindne''( &%dgment and Mer*y :Chesed" ,in" Rachamim<+ The I%ality of kindne'' i' repre'ented a' a line to the right( the I%ality of &%dgment a' a line to the left and the I%ality of mer*y a' a line in the middle( between the other two line'+ The three sefirot Chochmah" Chesed and $etzach make %p the right line( the sefirot +inah" !evurah and Hod make %p the left line( and the sefirot ,aat" Tiferet and Yesod make %p the middle line+ 8ow( it m%'t be %nder'tood that on the le=el of Keter of Keter( whi*h i' the inner a'pe*t of Keter( there i' no di=i'ion into three line'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e Keter of Keter i' a 'imple e''ential de'ire whi*h i' indi=i'ible into part'+ Rather( the three line' begin to 'eparate a' di'tin*t mode' of e.pre''ion beginning with the e.ternal a'pe*t of Keter+ Thi' e.ternal a'pe*t begin' with Chochmah of Keter onward+ 8ow( the in*l%'ion and *onne*tion of the right and left line' with ea*h other *ome' abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the middle line whi*h repre'ent' the I%ality of *onne*tion+ The e.planation of the matter i' a' follow'C )n the right line( tho%gh Chochmah" Chesed( and $etzach are related to ea*h other( nonethele'' they are 'eparate matter' from ea*h other+ ?or e.ample( Chochmah i' an intelle*t and rea'oning whi*h lean' toward being kind+ Thi' i' be*a%'e Chochmah( whi*h i' the int%iti=e fla'h of in'piration( =iew' thing' in a holi'ti* fa'hion+ )t will( therefore( tend to lean toward kindne''+ ?or e.ample( in a *riminal *o%rt *a'e( if we look at the whole per'on( '%*h a' what hi' %pbringing( e*onomi* and 'o*ial *ir*%m'tan*e' are et*+( for the mo't part( there will be a greater tenden*y to =iew the defendant fa=orably( than if only the detail' of the *rime it'elf are '*r%tiniHed+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that Chesed( whi*h i' the gi=ing of infl%en*e( i' an off'hoot of Chochmah+ )n t%rn( $etzach i' an off'hoot of Chesed+ Chesed i' the I%ality of e.pan'i=e and ab%ndant 'preading forth of infl%en*e+ Sin*e $etzach i' the I%ality of ConI%e't( whi*h i' the matter of 'preading forth by e.panding the border' of hi' infl%en*e( we 'ee that it i' an off'hoot of Chesed+ ;%t( on the other hand( it i' an altogether 'eparate matter from Chesed( E%'t a' Chesed i' a 'eparate matter from Chochmah" tho%gh it i' an off'hoot of it+ $etzach i' not a form of Chesed+ 8onethele''( when there i' a de'ire to do a Chesed( all ob'ta*le' to it' f%lfillment m%'t be o=er*ome in order for it to *ome to fr%ition+ Thi' i' a f%n*tion of $etzach( whi*h i' the I%ality of per'e=eran*e( o=er*oming of ob'ta*le'( and =i*tory+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the I%ality of kindne'' ne*e''itate' the dri=e to tri%mph( in order to bring abo%t the a*t%aliHation of that kindne'' et*+ An e.ample of thi' may be %nder'tood from the parentU*hild relation'hip+ When a parent want' to infl%en*e hi' *hild in a way of $etzach( he e.plain' to him why he 'ho%ld think or a*t in a *ertain way %ntil he ha' @won him o=erA to hi' way of thinking or a*ting+


-The Knowledge of G-d)n the left line too( tho%gh +inah" !evurah and Hod are related to ea*h other( nonethele'' they are 'eparate matter' from ea*h other+ Thi' i' be*a%'e +inah" *on'tit%te' *lo'e '*r%tiny and *omprehen'i=e analy'i'+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally in +inah that fa%lt' will begin to be noti*ed and E%dgment' will be aro%'ed+ Therefore( there will be a greater tenden*y toward being E%dgmental+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that !evurah" whi*h i' the I%ality of re'traint and the withholding of infl%en*e( i' an off'hoot of +inah3 ?or thi' rea'on the =er'e 'tate'( @) am +inah" !evurah i' mine+A )n t%rn( Hod i' an off'hoot of !evurah3 !evurah i' the I%ality of re'traint and the withholding of infl%en*e+ Hod" whi*h i' the I%ality of '%bmi''ion to a%thority( i' it' off'hoot+ )n the parentU*hild relation'hip( thi' i' when the parent demand' that the *hild 'ho%ld a*t or de'i't from a*ting in a *ertain way( not be*a%'e he ha' @won him o=erA to hi' way of thinking( a' with $etzach( b%t by for*e of a%thority alone+ @Jo% m%'t do it be*a%'e ) 'aid 'o+ ) donFt owe yo% e.planation'+A )n the *a'e of a *itiHen of a *o%ntry( thi' i' the fa*t that a per'on m%'t '%bmit to the law' of the land( whether he agree' with them or not+ When he i' 'topped for a traffi* =iolation( he *annot arg%e the merit' or demerit' of the law with the poli*e offi*er+ 3e m%'t '%bmit( and if he doe' not( he will be arre'ted and re'trained+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the I%ality of !evurah ne*e''itate' the '%bmi''ion to a%thority of Hod in order to bring abo%t the a*t%aliHation of !evurah3 8ow( the in*l%'ion of the'e' two oppo'ite line'( 'o that they be*ome *onne*ted and 'ynthe'iHed a' one( i' bro%ght abo%t thro%gh the middle line whi*h i' made %p of ,aat" Tiferet and Yesod" et*+ The fir't e.ample of thi' i' ,aat( whi*h a*t' a' a mediator and tip' the mind from intelle*t%al kindne'' to intelle*t%al 'ternne''( or =i'a =er'a+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally the fa*%lty of ,aat whi*h di*tate' how the'e intelle*t%al leaning' will be+ Thi' i' e=iden*ed by the =er'e in whi*h G-d 'aid after the flood( @) will not *ontin%e to *%r'e the earth be*a%'e of mankind( be*a%'e the in*lination of manF' heart i' e=il from hi' yo%th( ) will( therefore( not *ontin%e to p%ni'h any li=ing thing( a' ) had done+A 3ere( manF' in*lination to e=il i' gi=en a' the logi* and rea'on for E%dging them fa=orably( wherea' prior to the flood( the identi*al rea'on wa' gi=en for E%dging them a' g%ilty( a' i' written( @And 3aShem 'aw that the e=il of man wa' great on earth( and that all the in*lination' of hi' heart were only e=il all day long+A ?rom thi' we 'ee that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally in ,aat that the two *on*ept%ally oppo'ite I%alitie' of Chesed and !evurah be*ome *onne*ted( leaning toward kindne'' in one manner and toward E%dgment in another( e=en in regard to the 'ame *a'e+ 6ikewi'e( it i' the I%ality of Tiferet( whi*h i' the ne.t I%ality of the middle line( whi*h tip' the '*ale' between heartfelt kindne'' and heartfelt 'ternne''+ Thi' i' be*a%'e Tiferet repre'ent' mer*y+ 3owe=er( mer*y i' only appli*able after the I%ality of E%dgment ha' *on*l%ded that the per'on i' g%ilty+ Thro%gh Tiferet( e=en tho%gh there wa' a g%ilty =erdi*t( mer*y relea'e' him+ &%'t a' Chesed i' the I%ality of A=raham and !evurah i' the I%ality of JitH*hak( 'o i' the mer*y of Tiferet the I%ality of Jaako=( a' will be e.plained later+ The I%ality of Yesod( whi*h i' the ne.t le=el of the middle line( al'o a*t' a' a mediator and *ombine' the two oppo'ite g%t emotion' of $etzach and Hod+ The g%t emotion' of


-The Knowledge of G-d$etzach and Hod are no longer heartfelt emotion' b%t are rather emotion' a' they relate to a*tion+ ?or in'tan*e( a g%e't at a wedding banI%et feel' the heartfelt emotion of Eoy for the bride and groom+ The g%t emotion( on the other hand( i' that he ha' an %rge to get %p and dan*e for Eoy+ Thi' i' the matter of the @ad=i'e of the kidney'A whi*h repre'ent $etzach and Hod+ They *o%n'el( either @Je'A or @8oA before the infl%en*e *ome' o%t from the infl%en*er into a*tion+ Thi' take' pla*e whene=er it i' ne*e''ary to infl%en*e the e''ential I%alitie' of Chesed and !evurah and bring them into a*tion et*+ )t i' Yesod( whi*h repre'ent' the f%l*r%m( that tip' the '*ale' and de*ide' how the $etzach and Hod will be p%t into a*tion and e.a*tly in what proportion they will be( E%'t a' e=ery time that a de*i'ion i' made( it *ome' abo%t thro%gh tipping the balan*e of the '*ale' to one 'ide or the other+ When the =erdi*t i' de*ided( it i' weighed on the @S*ale' of Righteo%'ne''A whi*h are $etzach and Hod+ They de*ide e.a*tly how to bring the infl%en*e o%t to the re*ipient+ )f the de*i'ion i' fa=orable( there will be a greater proportion of $etzach to Hod( and if it i' not( there will be a greater proportion of Hod to $etzach+ The general matter of the middle line of ,aat" Tiferet and Yesod( i' that it *onne*t' the two line' to it' right and left+ ?%rthermore( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the sefirot of the middle line whi*h ha=e the ability to *onne*t the I%alitie' of the right and left( be*a%'e %nlike the other sefirot whi*h ne*e''itate ea*h other b%t are not dire*t e.pre''ion' of ea*h other( the sefirot of the middle line are dire0tl. related to ea*h other+ Thi' i' 'o be*a%'e they all repre'ent different manife'tation' of the I%ality of *onne*tion+ ,aat repre'ent' mental *onne*tion( Tiferet repre'ent' emotional *onne*tion and Yesod repre'ent' *onne*tion on the g%t le=el a' it relate' to a*tion+ 8ow( the parti*%lar' of how the 'efirot are *ombined( are *alled the( @Twel=e diagonal line'A( :Yud +eit !vulay 'lachson< wherea' the middle line i' *alled( @The inner beamA( :+reeach Hatichon< that r%n' thro%gh from one end to the other end+ 7n the one end it rea*he' %p into the de'ire of Keter and on the other end it rea*he' down into the 'pee*h and a*tion' of alchut+ Thi' mean' that it goe' all the way %p to the inner a'pe*t of Keter :plea'%re and de'ire<( whi*h it'elf i' higher than the di=i'ion into line'+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of thi' that it ha' the power to %nify and 'ynthe'iHe the two oppo'ite line' to the right and left( and to go down and *onne*t with alchut :'pee*h and a*tion<+ )n thi' way the middle line i' a*t%ally made %p of the sefirot of Keter" ,aat" Tiferet" Yesod and alchut3

-#:&$8ow for the e.planation of the matter of the @)nner Keter of 'tzilutC Thi' i' *alled Keter of Keter :>e'ire of >e'ire<+ )t i' the inner re=elation of de'ire :'rich< and plea'%re :'ti)< and i' the inner light of Keter+ )t likewi'e( ha' ten 'efirot+ 3owe=er( the ne.t le=el of Keter( whi*h i' Chochmah of Keter :)n'ight of >e'ire<" *on'tit%te' the intelle*t%al rea'on for the de'ire and i' *alled( @The hidden rea'on of the de'ireA : Taam Kamoos (aRatzon<+ )t too ha' a Chesed and a $etzach+ All thi' i' 'till in a way of %nlimited de'ire( e=en tho%gh Chochmah of Keter i' a re=elation that ha' already *ome


-The Knowledge of G-do%t from the hidden e''ential de'ire( a' mentioned abo=e+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that the emotion' of the plea'%re and de'ire are *alled( @The pre*eding day'A : Yemay Kedem<( meaning that they @pre*edeA or are @higherA relati=e to the emotion' a' they e.i't in Chochmah and +inah proper+ The emotion' of Chochmah and +inah proper( *ome abo%t in a limited fa'hion( and are a**ording to the limitation' of re=ealed intelle*t only( a' will be e.plained+ The %nlimited a'pe*t of Keter *ontin%e' down a' far a' the a'pe*t of the alchut of Keter( whi*h i' the =ery most e.ternal le=el of Keter+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally from the e.ternal a'pe*t of Keter that there *ome' abo%t a di=i'ion into three line'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e in the hidden rea'on for the de'ire( :whi*h i' Chochmah of Keter and i' e.ternal relati=e to Keter of Keter<( the de'ire i' already regarded a' being di=ided to into Chesed( !evurah and the intermediate I%ality of Tiferet+ 3owe=er in Keter of Keter" whi*h i' beyond the hidden rea'on for the de'ire( there i' only the 'imple e''ential de'ire witho%t any rea'on at all+ Thi' i' be*a%'e in a*t%ality( de'ire i' 'omething whi*h tran'*end' rea'on altogether+ There i' not e=en a hidden rea'on for the de'ire on thi' le=el+ Thi' i' be*a%'e it i' an e''ential de'ire whi*h i' abo=e the intelle*t+ Therefore( thi' le=el of de'ire i' higher than the di=i'ion into right and left et*+ e=en tho%gh it be*ome' re=ealed from the lowe't le=el of the hidden de'ire of 'dam Kadmon :1rimal Man<+ Abo%t thi' differen*e between Keter of Keter and Chochmah of Keter it 'tate'( @And the *%rtain 'hall be for yo% a 'eparation between the holy and the holy of holie'A+ Thi' i' referring to the a'pe*t of the /arsa :'pa*e< between Keter of Keter and Chochmah of Keter( whi*h i' *alled Krooma ,'virah :The @airy membraneA that e.i't' between the 'k%ll and the brain+< ?or thi' rea'on we 'ay in o%r prayer'( @May it be de'irable )efore Jo%A( meaning before or @3igherA than the /arsa+ Thi' i' to 'ay that we appeal to G-d on the le=el of 3i' de'ire :Keter of Keter< whi*h tran'*end' e=en the hidden rea'on for the de'ire :Chochmah of Keter<+ ;e*a%'e of thi' it *an o=erride the intelle*t and rea'on of the de'ire and *hange from a de'ire to be 'tern to a de'ire to be kind( or the like+

-#:&%A' mentioned abo=e( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally in Ti))un where there *an be an in*l%'ion of one sefirah with it' oppo'ite( and where a *ompo'ition of two oppo'ite sefirot *an take pla*e to form a *ompo%nd I%ality or a*t+ Another differen*e between Tohu and Ti))un whi*h ill%'trate' how one a*tion may in*l%de two oppo'ite' may be %nder'tood from the well known e.periment that ga%ge' the intelligen*e of animal'+ An animal i' pla*ed in an area '%rro%nded by a %-'haped fen*e+ ?ood i' then pla*ed on the o%t'ide of the middle fen*e+ An intelligent animal will *ome to the realiHation that it m%'t initially go in the oppo'ite dire*tion than the food( th%' di'tan*ing it'elf from the obEe*t of itF' de'ire( in order to go aro%nd the fen*e to a*I%ire it+ An animal of le''er intelligen*e( on the other hand( will attempt to go in the dire*tion of the food and will fore=er be fr%'trated in a*hie=ing it' goal+ 8ow( the a*t of 'tepping away from the food i' the diametri* oppo'ite of the de'ire+ The de'ire i' for the food( b%t the animal m%'t a*t%ally go away from it+ )n *ontra't( the other animal does go in the dire*tion of the food+ ;%t( whi*h animal get' the foodG )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally the animal who *an 'tep away from the obEe*t of hi' de'ire and obEe*ti=ely analyHe the 'it%ation+ The rea'on i' be*a%'e he i' able to make a *ompromi'e( and ""

-The Knowledge of G-da*t%ally go again't hi' de'ire+ The a*t of mo=ing away from the food in*l%de' two oppo'ite'+ The light of the a*tion( it' intent( i' for the food( b%t the a*tion it'elf i' it' oppo'ite( in that he mo=e' awa. from the food+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of thi' that he get' the food+ The raw de'ire of the other animal( on the other hand( i' too o=erpowering( and it i' therefore %nable to obEe*ti=ely analyHe the 'it%ation+ The abo=e e.ample gi=e' *lear in'ight into the world' of Tohu :Chao'< and Ti))un :Re*tifi*ation<+ )t i' only in Ti))un where *ompromi'e and in*l%'ion of two oppo'ite' *an take pla*e+ )t i' therefore 'pe*ifi*ally in Ti))un where there are '%bdi=i'ion' of ea*h sefirah into ten and tho'e into ten( infinitely '%bdi=iding in order to make it po''ible for any n%mber of *ombination' of in*l%'ion and *ompromi'e to e.i't+ 3owe=er( in Tohu only ten indi=i'ible e''ential point' e.i't( :or( a' mentioned abo=e( only a 'ingle '%bdi=i'ion into ten within ea*h point( whi*h i' *alled a sefirah< thereby making in*l%'ion and *ompromi'e impo''ible+

-#:&&We will now *ontin%e e.plaining the pro*e'' of the *reation and the *haining down of the world'( and %nder'tand how 'rich :>e'ire< be*ome' en*lothed within '##a and %mma :)n'ight and Comprehen'ion<+ There are three general way' that de'ire *an de'*end to infl%en*e the intelle*t+ The intelle*t will( therefore( be affe*ted a**ording to how the infl%en*e de'*end' into it+ )n the book Etz Chaim of the 'ri-zal :Rabbi JitH*hak 6%ria<( three general way' are mentioned of how the infl%en*e de'*end' from 'rich into '##a and %mma :>e'ire into in'ight and *omprehen'ion<C -< A light from the e.ternality of $etzach" Hod and Yesod of 'rich i' en*lothed within '##a and %mma3 < The @Arm' of 'richA :Chesed and !evurah of 'rich< be*ome en*lothed in '##a and %mma+ ,< '##a '%*kle' '%'tenan*e from the eighth mazal" whi*h i' *alled $otzer and %mma '%*kle' '%'tenan*e from the thirteenth mazal whi*h i' *alled Ve$a)eh+ What doe' thi' meanG

-#:&')n order to %nder'tand thi' we m%'t fir't e.plain what the two azalot mentioned abo=e are+ There are thirteen attrib%te' of Mer*y whi*h G-d re=ealed to Mo'he+ :1ar'hat Ki Tee'a< They areC -+ E6( - ;ene=olent G-d + Rachum - Compa''ionate ,+ V:Chanun - and Gra*io%' "+ Erech - 6ong :'low< /+ '*ayim - S%ffering :to anger< $+ V:Rav Chesed - and Abo%nding in Kindne'' "/

-The Knowledge of G-d2+ V:Emet - and Tr%th 4+ $otzer Chesed - 3e 1re'er=e' Kindne'' 5+ (:'la*him - for two tho%'and generation' -!+ $oseh 'von - 1ardoning )niI%ity --+ Va/eshah - and Tran'gre''ion - + V:Chata:a - and Sin -,+ V:$a)eh - and 3e Clean'e'+ The 'o%r*e of the'e thirteen attrib%te' i' in Keter of 'rich+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that they are *alled the thirteen attrib%te' of mer*y+ ;e*a%'e they are higher than Chochmah of 'rich whi*h( a' mentioned abo=e( :in *h+ , < i' the 'o%r*e of the law' of the Torah( they therefore ha=e the ability to o=ert%rn a >i=ine de*ree from har'hne'' to lenien*y( thro%gh mer*y+ Thi' i' how Mo'he wa' able to aro%'e G-dF' mer*y( and appea'e G-d in 3i' wrath again't the &ewi'h people+ )t wa' 'pe*ifi*ally by appealing to G-dF' mer*if%lne'' a' e.emplified by the'e thirteen attrib%te' of mer*y+ The eighth and the thirteenth attrib%te'( $otzer and V$a)eh" are *alled azalot3 The 3ebrew word azal *ome' from the root $ozel whi*h mean' @To flow downA+ They ha=e thi' name be*a%'e it i' from the'e two attrib%te' that infl%en*e flow' down to Chochmah and +inah+

-#:&(A' mentioned abo=e( Chochmah :Wi'dom< i' the fla'h of int%itional in'ight whi*h 'eem' to appear from nowhere+ 7n the other hand( +inah :9nder'tanding< i' when thi' wi'dom i' *omprehended in a way of tangible gra'p+ ?or thi' rea'on Chochmah i' *alled Ein :8othingne''< wherea' +inah i' *alled Yesh :Something<+ The'e two sefirot( Chochmah and +inah( are *alled @the two lo=er' who ne=er 'eparateA :Trein rein dlo mit*arshin<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the one *annot f%n*tion witho%t the other+ Thi' i' to 'ay that in order for the mind to *omprehend( there m%'t be a 'eminal *on*ept to gra'p thro%gh analy'i'+ 7n the other hand( the *on*ept *annot e.i't in a =a*%%m+ There m%'t be a =e''el to *ontain it and de=elop it+ Thi' =e''el i' the *omprehen'ion of +inah3 ?or thi' rea'on the'e two sefirot are alway' fo%nd together+ When one i' thinking( he m%'t think a)o"t 'omething+ The *reation of @'omething from nothingA i' when the fla'h of int%ition : Chochmah< break' thro%gh like a lightning bolt( to the le=el of %nder'tanding : +inah< from that whi*h i' abo=e intelle*t :Keter<+ Thi' *ome' from the 'o%r*e of intelle*t whi*h i' *alled @Koa*h Ha as)il- :Chochmah of 'rich<+ Koach Ha as)il i' the ability to bring o%t new in'ight' into the intelle*t+ We may now %nder'tand the meaning of the 'tatement in Etz Chaim that '##a :Cho*hmah< re*ei=e' from the eighth mazal whi*h i' *alled $otzer and that %mma :;inah< re*ei=e' from the thirteenth mazal whi*h i' *alled Ve$a)eh+ The eighth mazal( $otzer( i' the ability to re=eal new in'ight'+ )t i' the 'o%r*e and potential for intelle*t%al in'ight a' it e.i't' in the de'ire :Ari*h<+ Thi' @1otential for intelle*t%al in'ightA :Koach Ha as)il< i' the @)n'ight on the le=el of de'ireA+ Thi' i' indi*ated by the fa*t that the letter' of the word $otzer may be rearranged to make %p the "$

-The Knowledge of G-dword Tzinor :1ipe<( meaning that in'ight flow' down from there+ The thirteenth mazal( Ve$a)eh" i' the ability to de=elop the in'ight 'o that it @de=elop' and grow'A+ )t i' the 'o%r*e of the intelle*t%al *omprehen'ion of the in'ight a' it e.i't' on the le=el of the de'ire :Ari*h<+ Thi' i' @Comprehen'ion on the le=el of de'ireA+ Thi' i' indi*ated by the fa*t that the 3ebrew word $a)eh ha' the 'ame etymologi*al root a' the word Yeni)ah whi*h mean' @to '%*kleA+ Thi' i' analogo%' to a *hild who '%*kle' hi' motherF' milk( whi*h *a%'e' him to de=elop and grow+ A' mentioned abo=e( in order for there to be a fla'h of in'ight : Chochmah< into a '%bEe*t( there m%'t be the %nifi*ation of Chochmah and +inah+ Thi' *ome' abo%t thro%gh the a*t of analy'i' :Hit#onenut<+ So too( higher than the intelle*t( within the =ery 'o%r*e of Chochmah and +inah( whi*h i' 'rich :>e'ire<( there m%'t al'o be a %nifi*ation of the two mazalot3 Thi' i' in order to gi=e birth to new in'ight' and to de=elop them+ )f the ability to bring o%t new in'ight' alone e.i't'( b%t not the ability to gra'p and de=elop them( new in'ight will not *ome abo%t+ The oppo'ite i' al'o tr%e+ )f there i' only the ability to de=elop in'ight b%t there i' no in'ight to de=elop( the power to gra'p and *omprehend remain' barren+ The %nifi*ation of both of the'e power' of 'rich :de'ire8 i' no le'' e''ential than the %nifi*ation of Chochmah and +inah+ ?%rthermore( a' mentioned earlier( Chesed of 'ti) :kindne'' of plea'%re< i' en*lothed in Keter of 'rich :de'ire of de'ire<+ )n other word'( great plea'%re i' what gi=e' ri'e to great de'ire+ Thi' mean' that the great de'ire :Keter of 'rich< i'( in t%rn( the 'o%r*e of the two mazalot" a' mentioned abo=e+ We( therefore( 'ee that in order to ha=e a fla'h of in'ight into a '%bEe*t( one m%'t ha=e great plea'%re and de'ire in del=ing into the '%bEe*t+ ?or e.ample( a per'on who be*ome' a do*tor o%t of a de'ire for wealth rather than a de'ire to heal will mo't likely not *ome %p with great in'ight' into medi*ine+ Thi' i' be*a%'e hi' plea'%re i' into the finan*ial benefit' rather than the '%bEe*t of medi*ine+ 6ikewi'e( a per'on who goe' into *omp%ter '*ien*e be*a%'e he want' to make a fort%ne( mo't likely will not *ome %p with great inno=ation' in *omp%ter '*ien*e+ )f he goe' to *ollege and 't%die' he will be*ome a *omp%ter '*ienti't( b%t it i' %nlikely that he will di'*o=er any new inno=ation and bring it o%t @'omething o%t of nothingA+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that the power of inno=ation i' 'pe*ifi*ally rooted in the de'ire : 'rich< and e=en higher( in the plea'%re :'ti)<+ The e.ample' abo=e ill%'trate that plea'%re :'ti)< and de'ire :'rich< i' the 'o%r*e of the fla'h of in'ight :Chochmah<+ 3owe=er( the'e e.ample' them'el=e' a*t%ally fit later on in the *haining down of the world'+ Rather( they were %'ed here for la*k of better e.ample'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the '%bEe*t we are o**%pied with here( i' the matter of the two mazalot and that whi*h re'%lt' from their %nifi*ation+ 3owe=er( in the e.ample'( the tho%ght and inno=ation i' dire*ted o%tward( toward' 'omething o%t'ide of oneF' 'elf+ That le=el of tho%ght *ome' abo%t from $etzach" Hod" and Yesod of 'rich :The g%t emotion' of the de'ire<" a' will be e.plained later+ 7n the other hand( the fla'h of int%ition we are dealing with here i' an int%itional in'ight that goe' %p( into the 'elf it'elf( rather than down( o%t'ide of the 'elf( and repre'ent' deep intro'pe*tion+ Thi' i' like an int%iti=e fla'h of in'ight into the tr%e nat%re of reality+ )n other word'( the analy'i' i' not into e.ternalitie'( '%*h a' making a better *omp%ter( or di'*o=ering a medi*al breakthro%gh+ Rather( the analy'i' i' inward( into the e''ential 'elf+ ?or e.ample( the analy'i' i' to %nder'tand the de'ire( p%rpo'e and intent behind all of Creation+ Therefore( thi' fla'h of int%ition *ome' "2

-The Knowledge of G-dfrom Keter of 'rich :>e'ire of >e'ire< within whi*h 'ti) Yomin :Emotion' of 1lea'%re< i' en*lothed( whi*h( a' mentioned before( i' 'till part and par*el of the Self+ )n tr%th( it *an a*t%ally rea*h e=en higher( into the original 'imple de'ire and intent in the e''en*e of the Self it'elf :Ratzon Ha/ashoot +'tzmooto<+

-#:&*8ow( we m%'t %nder'tand the 'e*ond way the infl%en*e *ome' down from 'rich 'n*in :>e'ire< to '##a :)n'ight< and %mma :Comprehen'ion<3 )t wa' 'tated that '##a and %mma en*lothe the @Arm'A of 'rich3 Thi' mean' that Chesed and !evurah of 'rich be*ome en*lothed within '##a and %mma+ )n order to %nder'tand thi'( we m%'t fir't %nder'tand e.a*tly what the emotion' of 'rich 'n*in are+ A' mentioned abo=e( 'rich 'n*in i' de'ire+ Thi' being the *a'e( Chesed and !evurah of 'rich are the emotion' of de'ire+ They are not a*t%al heartfelt emotion' at all+ 8either are they intelle*t%al+ Rather( thi' i' to 'ay that the de'ire it'elf lean' either toward kindne'' or 'ternne''+ When the'e sefirot be*ome en*lothed within Chochmah and +inah" the intelle*t be*ome' like a garment that *o=er' o=er them+ The intelle*t *onform' to the leaning' of the de'ire( E%'t a' a garment take' on the mo=ement' of the per'on who i' wearing it+ )f the per'on mo=e' to the left( hi' *lothing will mo=e along with him and if he mo=e' to the right( hi' *lothing will mo=e along with him+ Thi' may be %nder'tood by the e.ample of a E%dge who ha' been bribed+ ;e*a%'e the E%dge a**epted a bribe from the defendant( he *an no longer be %nbia'ed in E%dgment+ 3i' de'ire i' to treat the defendant with kindne''+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( hi' intelle*t will al'o lean toward kindne'' in regard to the defendant and he will *ome %p with logi*al E%'tifi*ation' to e.onerate the defendant+ Thi' ill%'trate' how the intelle*t *onform' to the de'ire+ Another e.ample whi*h ill%'trate' thi' i' that of a *hild who de'ire' a bi*y*le+ 3i' intelle*t will *ome %p with rea'on' why he needs it+ ?or in'tan*e( he will tell hi' mother( @) need a bike to get to '*hoolA+ @)Fll dri=e yo% thereA( 'he an'wer' him+ @) realiHe yo%Fre =ery b%'y and dri=ing me to '*hool will be too m%*h tro%ble for yo%A( he 'ay'+ @ThatF' okay( itF' no tro%ble at all+ )Fll dri=e yo% to '*hool( and be'ide'( we *anFt afford it+A @;%t ) donFt want yo% to dri=e me to '*hool+ ) want a bike+A We 'ee that e=en tho%gh hi' @tran'portation problemA ha' been 'ol=ed by hi' mother dri=ing him to '*hool( he 'till want' the bike+ The rea'on i' be*a%'e that i' what he wanted in the fir't pla*e+ 8ow( he may be*ome *ompletely %nrea'onable and throw a tantr%m+ Thi' i' be*a%'e hi' intelle*t wa' E%'t a @garmentA whi*h *onform' to the emotion' of the de'ire( not =i'a =er'a+ Thi' e.ample ill%'trate' how the intelle*t be*ome' a garment within whi*h the @arm'A of 'rich 'n*in :Emotion' of >e'ire< are en*lothed+ Thi' i' a type of re=elation of the world of Tohu :Chao'<+

-#:&+The third le=el i' when infl%en*e *ome' from $etzach" Hod and Yesod of 'rich 'n*in into '##a and %mma3 )n order to %nder'tand thi'( we m%'t %nder'tand e.a*tly what $etzach" Hod and Yesod of 'rich are+ )n general( the .ohar *all' the'e three sefirot" @the "4

-The Knowledge of G-drighteo%' '*ale'A : oznei Tzede)<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the'e sefirot generally mea'%re how to bring o%t the infl%en*e+ They de*ide whether it will be thro%gh $etzach( whi*h mean' to e.plain it %ntil the per'on 'ee' thing' yo%r way( whether it will be thro%gh Hod( whi*h mean' a**eptan*e on the part of the per'on 'olely by for*e of a*knowledgment and '%bmi''ion( or whether it will be thro%gh Yesod( whi*h i' a 'ynthe'i' of the two+ We may now %nder'tand the le=el of infl%en*e whi*h *ome' down to '##a and %mma from $etzach" Hod and Yesod of 'rich3 The de'ire' of $etzach" Hod and Yesod( are the g%t emotion' of the de'ire a' they relate to bringing 'omething o%t into a*t%ality+ ?or in'tan*e( the de'ire i' to a*t%ally de=elop a better *omp%ter( or an a*t%al medi*al ad=an*ement+ ;e*a%'e thi' i' hi' plea'%re and de'ire( hi' intelle*t will bring o%t new in'ight' into bringing abo%t the'e thing' in a*t%ality+ A' mentioned abo=e( thi' le=el relate' o%tward+

-#:&,8ow( within '##a and %mma :Chochmah and +inah< there are al'o ten sefirot+ Thi' i' to 'ay that in Chochmah :'##a< there are ten 'efirot and in +inah :%mma< there are al'o ten sefirot3 )n general( the ten sefirot *an be di=ided into three *ategorie'+ The fir't *ategory i' the innermo't of the ten+ The'e are the mental fa*%ltie'( Chochmah" +inah and ,aat+ )n Kabbali'ti* te.t' the'e three are gi=en the a*ronym Cha+a-,3 :When referring to Keter" Chochmah and +inah the a*ronym KoCha-+ i' %'ed+< The ne.t three are the heartfelt emotional fa*%ltie' Chesed" !evurah and Tiferet+ The'e are gi=en the a*ronym Cha!a-T+ The third gro%p i' the mo't e.ternal+ The'e are $etzach" Hod and Yesod+ They repre'ent the e.ternal Pg%t emotion'F+ The'e three are gi=en the a*ronym $eHi-Y+ We will now pro*eed to e.amine and %nder'tand the ten sefirot of '##a and %mma them'el=e'+

-#:'-The fir't le=el of intelle*t i' the innermo't+ )t i' intelle*t p%rely to %nder'tand( 'imilar to what wa' e.plained abo=e on the matter of *omprehen'ion and analy'i'+ A' e.plained( '##a :Chochmah< i' the 'eminal fla'h of int%iti=e in'ight whi*h fla'he' into %mma :+inah<+ ?%rthermore( in both Chochmah and +inah there are three dimen'ion'( length( breadth and depth+ The fla'h of int%iti=e in'ight i' the =ery mo't e1ternal le=el of Chochmah3 )t i' Chochmah a' it *ome' into +inah+ 3igher than thi' i' Chochmah a' it i' in and of it'elf( before the drop' of the 'pring of Chochmah tri*kle forth into the ri=er of tho%ght+ A' mentioned before( altho%gh there are dimen'ion' in Chochmah( nonethele''( Chochmah it'elf i' beyond dire*t gra'p or *omprehen'ion+ )t e.i't' in a way whi*h i' not dire*tly tangible+ )t i' only thro%gh the gra'p and *omprehen'ion of +inah that the Pnothingne''F of Chochmah be*ome' tangible+ ;e*a%'e of thi' Chochmah *orre'pond' to Sha##at( wherea' +inah *orre'pond' to Yom Tov+ 7n Sha##at( a &ew i' 'eparate from all worldly matter'+ 3e doe' not do any form of work+ )t i' a day de=oted to prayer( 't%dy and intro'pe*tion+ )n *ontra't( on Yom Tov :The &ewi'h holiday'< a &ew i' permitted to do 'ome form of work( '%*h a' *ooking+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that +inah relate' to Yom Tov3


-The Knowledge of G-d+inah i' an intermediary le=el between Chochmah whi*h i' 'eparate and holy( and the emotion' and a*tion :The sefirot from Chesed thro%gh alchut<+ :)t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of thi' that Chochmah i' *alled @1lea'%reA wherea' +inah i' *alled @?iery &oyA+ )n the 'ame way that plea'%re i' intro=erted( and only @drop'A of it *an tri*kle o%t( 'o i' it with Chochmah whi*h the .ohar *all'( @A thing %nto it'elfA+ )n *ontra't( +inah i' tangible *omprehen'ion( whi*h *an be felt and e.pre''ed+ )n *ontra't to the intro'pe*ti=e plea'%re of Chochmah( +inah i' a fiery Eoy( whi*h i' felt and e.pre''ed+< Thi' i' be*a%'e( a' mentioned abo=e( Chochmah i' how the *on*ept i' in it' 'o%r*e before it *ome' into *omprehen'ion( wherea' +inah i' how the *on*ept be*ome' tangible within *omprehen'ion+ :A' mentioned earlier( both Chochmah and +inah ha=e dimen'ion' of length( breadth and depth+ The'e three dimen'ion' *orre'pond to Keter" Chochmah and +inah of Chochmah and Keter" Chochmah and +inah of +inah+ )n +inah the'e three dimen'ion' are a' follow'D -+ The length of a *on*ept in +inah *orre'pond' to +inah of +inah3 Thi' i' be*a%'e +inah i' the *omprehen'i=e e.planation of a '%bEe*t( to bring it down( into tangibility( all the way %ntil e=en a *hild may %nder'tand it+ + The breadth of a *on*ept in +inah *orre'pond' to Chochmah of +inah+ Thi' i' be*a%'e Chochmah( :)n'ight< i' what gi=e' breadth to an e.planation+ )n other word'( when one thoro%ghly %nder'tand' two different wi'dom'( like medi*ine and phy'i*'( he will 'ee the *orrelation between the two+ Thi' i' a breadth+ ,+ The depth of a *on*ept in +inah *orre'pond' to Keter of +inah+ Thi' i' be*a%'e Keter i' the e''ential point of the *on*ept( from whi*h the width and length 'pread forth+ )n +inah thi' depth i' *alled Ome) Hamoosa& :The depth of *omprehen'ion<+ )n Chochmah the three dimen'ion' are a' follow'D -+ The length of the *on*ept in Chochmah *orre'pond' to +inah of Chochmah+ Thi' i' the power of e.planation within Chochmah it'elf+ )t i' the fa*t that the in'ight *an be e.plained in any n%mber of way'+ )t i' the length of Chochmah that rea*he' down into +inah( *a%'ing the *on*ept to fla'h into tangibility and *omprehen'ion+ 3owe=er( +inah of Chochmah i' not a*t%al *omprehen'ion and tangibility+ Rather( it i' the potential for tangible e.planation' and *omprehen'ion of any wi'dom and e.planation+ + The breadth of the *on*ept in Chochmah *orre'pond' to Chochmah of Chochmah+ The breadth of Chochmah i' how ever. indi=id%al intelle*t and wi'dom e.i't' a' one in it' 'o%r*e in Chochmah+ )t i' the 'o%r*e of the fa*t that two indi=id%al intelle*t' *an be interrelated to form a breadth in +inah+ ,+ The depth of the *on*ept in Chochmah *orre'pond' to Keter of Chochmah( whi*h i' the de'ire to bring all wi'dom into being+ Thi' i' the 'o%r*e and depth of all wi'dom in *ontra't to the depth of an indi=id%al wi'dom in +inah+<


-The Knowledge of G-d-

-#:'#8ow( the 'e*ond le=el of the intelle*t *on'tit%te' the emotion' of Chochmah and the emotion' of +inah+ )n +inah thi' i' intelle*t in a way of *omprehendible term' and rea'oning( whi*h lean either toward kindne'' or 'ternne''+ )n Chochmah it i' the power of the intelle*t whi*h lean' toward kindne'' or 'e=erity+ The differen*e between the two i' that in +inah thi' i' in a way of *omprehen'ion and rea'oning+ )n *ontra't( in Chochmah( altho%gh the intelle*t lean' either to the right or to the left( it i' not yet in a way of *omprehen'ion and rea'oning+ An e.ample for thi' i' when two people are ha=ing an arg%ment in whi*h one intelle*t lean' toward Chesed and the other lean' toward !evurah3 8ow( e=en when the per'on who'e intelle*t lean' toward 'ternne'' di'pro=e' the other per'onF' logi* and rea'oning( nonethele''( the other per'on *annot *on*ede that hi' friend i' *orre*t+ 3i' intelle*t lean' toward Kindness and that i' how he 'ee' thing'( and e=en tho%gh( at the moment( he doe' not ha=e a logi*al proof to '%pport hi' po'ition( he E%'t know' he i' right+ Thi' may be ill%'trated by a 'tory in the Talm%d in whi*h Ra= wa' *hallenged on the logi* of hi' po'ition and remained 'ilent+ 3e *o%ld not *on*ede to the oppo'ing po'ition nor *o%ld he arg%e again't it+ )n'tead he remained 'ilent+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he knew that he wa' *orre*t in a way of Chochmah rather than in a way of +inah+ 7n the le=el of in'ight he knew he wa' right b%t he hadnFt yet bro%ght it down to a *omprehendible e.planation on the +inah le=el+

-#:'$The third le=el of the intelle*t ha' two a'pe*t'+ ?ir'tly( it determine' how to bring the intelle*t%al infl%en*e o%t( a' e.plained before+ Se*ondly( it repre'ent' the matter of 'trong mindedne''( a' follow'C The .ohar *all' the sefirot $etzach and Hod( @the two thigh' :or leg'<A+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the leg' hold %p the entire body+ 6ikewi'e( in the mind( the sefirot $etzach and Hod are the 'trength of mind that %phold the intelle*t+ A' 'een from the e.ample of Ra= abo=e( he remained firm in hi' opinion e=en tho%gh he *o%ld not *ome %p with a logi*al arg%ment to pro=e it+ )t wa' hi' 'trength of mind and intelle*t%al re'ol=e whi*h %pheld hi' opinion+ Thi' i' $eHi-Y of '##a :The g%t emotion' of in'ight<+ Thi' *an be %nder'tood by what wa' e.plained abo=e( that $etzach i' the de'ire to *onI%er and o=er*ome ob'ta*le'( and Hod i' the de'ire for 'plendor and re'pe*t+ Therefore $etzach and Hod of Chochmah repre'ent' the re'ol=e that oneF' intelle*t%al opinion 'ho%ld tri%mph again't all oppo'ing opinion' and 'ho%ld be honored and re'pe*ted a' the *orre*t opinion+ )n *ontra't to the abo=e( 'omeone with weak intelle*t%al $eHi-Y( will not ha=e '%ffi*ient re'ol=e and *onfiden*e in hi' own intelle*t and will tend to ba*k down in the fa*e of intelle*t%al oppo'ition+ 3e will not be firm in hi' po'ition and will ea'ily *hange hi' mind+ The $eHi-Y of %mma :+inah< i' the @ThereforeA that follow' the analy'i' of +inah+ Thi' i' to 'ay that after he ha' done the analy'i' : +inah of +inah<( whi*h i' the inner le=el of +inah( and hi' intelle*t ha' already leaned toward either kindne'' or 'ternne''( hi' intelle*t then *ome' %p with a @ThereforeA+ ?or e.ample( he analy'e' the matter of *rime


-The Knowledge of G-dand lawle''ne'' :+inah of +inah<+ The o%t*ome of thi' analy'i' i' an intelle*t%al leaning toward 'ternne'' :!evurah of +inah<+ ?rom thi' *ome' the mo't e.ternal part of the intelle*t :$eHi-Y of +inah< whi*h i' the @Con*l%'ionA that @ThereforeA *rime and lawle''ne'' i' a bad thing whi*h m%'t be 'tamped o%t+

-#:'%8ow( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the %nifi*ation of the $eHi-Y of Chochmah with the $eHi-Y of +inah whi*h gi=e' ri'e to a*t%al heartfelt emotion' that are rooted in rea'on+ Thi' i' to 'ay that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the %nifi*ation of the @Re'ol=eA and the @*on*l%'ionA that the heartfelt emotion' *ome abo%t+ 6et %' ret%rn to the e.ample of the analy'i' of *rime and lawle''ne''+ )t i' only when there i' a @*on*l%'ionA that *rime and lawle''ne'' i' bad( and a @determination and re'ol=eA that thi' *on*l%'ion i' *orre*t( that emotion' of anger will be aro%'ed at the o**%rren*e of *rime and lawle''ne''+ )t i' *lear that if one of the'e i' not pre'ent( no a*t%al heartfelt emotion' will be aro%'ed+ ?or e.ample( e=en if there i' E%'t the intelle*t%al @*on*l%'ion of the thereforeA( b%t there i' no @determination and re'ol=eA in hi' po'ition( when oppo'ition ari'e'( he will falter and ba*k down( rather than be aro%'ed to a*t%al heartfelt anger abo%t *rime+ 7r if there i' E%'t @the *on*l%'ion of the thereforeA( b%t no a*t%al re'ol=e( then again( he will falter+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that it i' only the %nifi*ation of the $eHi-Y of Chochmah with the $eHi-Y of +inah" :The @determination and re'ol=eA with the @*on*l%'ion of the thereforeA< that gi=e' ri'e to heartfelt emotion' whi*h are rooted in rea'on+

-#:'&8ow( before we *an *ontin%e to e.plain the =ario%' part' of the emotion' and their interrelation'hip' with ea*h other( the intelle*t( the de'ire and the 'elf( we m%'t fir't %nder'tand 'e=eral important matter' in regard to light' and =e''el'+ The .ohar 'tate' that @3e and 3i' life for*e are oneA and @3e and 3i' organ' are oneA+ @3e and 3i' life for*e are oneA refer' to the light' of the sefirot( and @3e and 3i' organ' are oneA refer' to the =e''el' of the sefirot+ The Sefer Yetzirah *all' the light' of the ten sefirot" @The ten sefirot witho%t whatne''A :Esser Sefirot +lee ah8+ )n other word'( the light' them'el=e' are beyond form or de'*ription+ A' we learned abo=e( the E''ential 6ight i' a I%inte''ential 'ing%larity whi*h i' beyond de'*ription altogether+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally the =e''el' whi*h gi=e de'*ription and tangible e.i'ten*e to the light'+ Thi' will now be e.plained in greater detail+

-#:''The ten sefirot ha=e name'+ The'e name' are the =e''el' for the sefirot+ The rea'on for thi' i' be*a%'e a name draw' o%t the e''en*e and 'pread' it forth into re=elation+ Thi' i' %nder'tood by the fa*t that when oneF' name i' *alled o%t( it draw' that per'onF' e''ential identity and attention toward the *aller+ ?%rthermore( a name i' what gi=e' de'*ription to

-The Knowledge of G-d'omething+ Thi' i' to 'ay that a de'*ription is a name+ 8ow( a name i' not the a*t%al thing it'elf+ Rather( it bring' the e''en*e of the thing to light and define' it' 'pe*ifi* form+ )f 'omeone were to go to a *raft'man and tell him( @make it for meA( witho%t defining it by name( '%*h a' make a *hair for me or make a table for me( the *raft'man wo%ld '%rely not know what to make+ 3e wo%ld 'imply not know what i' wanted of him+ E=en if the per'on who pla*ed the order ha' a *lear pi*t%re in hi' own mind of what he want'( nonethele''( 'in*e no de'*ription wa' gi=en( the obEe*t will ne=er be made+ )t i' the de'*ription of thi' thing( i+e+ it' name( whi*h re=eal' it to the *raft'man( and make' it po''ible for the obEe*t to *ome into a*t%ality+ 6ikewi'e abo=e( the name' of the sefirot et*+ are the de'*ription' whi*h *ontain and bring the G-dly light into re=elation+ Witho%t the =e''el' of the name' and de'*ription'( the G-dly light' *o%ld not be tangible and wo%ld remain *ompletely beyond tangible *omprehen'ion and definition+-

-#:'(The =e''el' ha=e two a'pe*t' whi*h are interrelatedC -< The fir't a'pe*t i' that the =e''el' gi=e form and definition to the light'+ Thi' i' in

:?ootnoteC )n general( the ineffable name of G-d ha' fo%r letter'( J-3-B-3 : !e)rew2+ Ea*h of the'e letter' *orre'pond' to and repre'ent' parti*%lar sefirot+ The thorn of the fir't letter( Yod" *orre'pond' to Keter+ Thi' i' be*a%'e it i' from thi' tiny point that e=erything originate'+ 8onethele''( it remain' *ompletely hidden+ The body of the Yod it'elf( *orre'pond' to Chochmah+ Thi' i' be*a%'e( a' mentioned abo=e( Chochmah" like the Yod" i' a point( the 'eminal drop whi*h fla'he' into +inah+ +inah *orre'pond' to the fir't Heh of the 3oly 8ame+ Thi' i' be*a%'e thi' i' where the point of Chochmah be*ome' e.panded and de=eloped into a tangible *omprehendible tho%ght with a length and width( 'imilar to the 'hape of the Heh+ The ne.t letter i' Vav" who'e n%meri*al =al%e i' $+ The Vav *orre'pond' to the $ emotional sefirot+ The final letter i' Heh+ Thi' *orre'pond' to alchut( whi*h repre'ent' tangible a*t%aliHation+ More parti*%larly( E%'t a' the sefirot '%bdi=ide into many '%bdi=i'ion'( 'o too( thi' name *an be e.panded a' well+ 8ow 'in*e a name i' a de'*ription or e.planation of 'omething( then an e.pan'ion of a name mean' that it i' an e.planation of the e.planation+ There are fo%r general e.pan'ion' of the ineffable name of G-d whi*h al'o *orre'pond to the '%bdi=i'ion' of the 'efirot+ The'e e.pan'ion' too *an be f%rther e.panded et*+ )n general( the following fo%r e.pan'ion' of the ineffable name are %'edC The fir't i' J7>-3J-BJB-3J :!e)rew< and i' e.panded with Jod'+ Thi' i' the name of 2 -AVB : !< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to Chochmah+ The 'e*ond i' J7>-3J-BAB-3J :!e)rew< and i' e.panded with Jod' and an Aleph+ Thi' i' the name of $,-SAVG :!< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to +inah3 The third i' J7>-3A-BAB-3A : !e)rew< and i' e.panded with Aleph'+ Thi' i' the name of "/-MVA3 :!< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to .eir 'n*in( the 'i. emotional attrib%te'+ The la't i' J7>-33-BB-33 :!e)rew<+ Thi' i' the name of / -;VA8 : !< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to alchut+ The'e =ario%' name' are the =e''el' of parti*%lar sefirot whi*h bring o%t their e''en*e into tangibility( de'*ription and e.i'ten*e+ All of thi' will be di'*%''ed later at greater length+<


-The Knowledge of G-dorder to gi=e them defined e.i'ten*e+ ?%rthermore( it i' be*a%'e of the =e''el' that a tran'formation from 'pirit%al e.i'ten*e to phy'i*al e.i'ten*e take' pla*e+ ?or e.ample( be*a%'e of the =e''el of the phy'i*al eye( the 'pirit%al power of 'ight tran'form' from 'pirit%al 'ight to phy'i*al 'ight+ Thro%gh the =e''el of the phy'i*al arm( the 'pirit%al power of mo=ement tran'form' from 'pirit%al mo=ement to phy'i*al mo=ement+ The phy'i*al brain tran'form' the 'pirit%al ability to think 'o that one *an think only in phy'i*al term'+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of the =e''el that a tran'formation from 'pirit%al e.i'ten*e to phy'i*al e.i'ten*e( from beyond definition to definition( from infinite to finite take' pla*e+ < The 'e*ond a'pe*t i' that the =e''el' limit the light+ ?or e.ample( the h%man eye limit' the power of 'ight to 'eeing only 'o far+ The phy'i*al arm limit' the power of mo=ement to the limited *apability and 'trength of the arm+ The phy'i*al brain limit' the power of tho%ght+ 7ne *an think 'o m%*h before he ha' o=erloaded hi' brain and m%'t re't+ S%*h i' not the *a'e with the 'pirit%al light it'elf+ )t i' %nlimited+ 7n rare o**a'ion' the %nlimited 'pirit%al light of the 'o%l may break forth+ E.ample' of thi' are the well known *a'e' of a mother who re'*%e' her *hild who i' trapped %nder the wheel' of a =ehi*le+ With '%perh%man 'trength 'he lift' the =ehi*le and re'*%e' the *hild+ Another e.ample i' a per'on r%nning for hi' life from hi' enemie'+ 3e will '%ddenly be able to r%n m%*h fa'ter and m%*h f%rther than he i' nat%rally *apable of+ ;oth of the'e are *a'e' of the light of the 'o%l breaking forth in an %nre'trained fa'hion+

-#:'*There are two kind' of limitationC -< The fir't i' the e''ential @ability to limitA+ ?or e.ample( a per'on ha' the @ability to limitA the %nlimited power of mo=ement to a 'pe*ifi* mo=ement+ Thi' @ability to limitA e.i't e=en )efore it be*ome' limited to any @a*t%al mo=ementA+ < The 'e*ond i' the @a*t%al limitationA to a 'pe*ifi* mo=ement when he mo=e' hi' hand+ 8ow( e=en tho%gh the limitation into an @a*t%al mo=ementA depend' on the @power to limitA of the 'o%l( nonethele''( the @power to limitA and the @a*t%al limitationA are not *omparable to ea*h other+ ?ir'tly( the one i' 'pirit%al and e''ential( while the other i' phy'i*al and 'eparate from the 'elf+ Se*ondly( the ability to limit i' not an @a*t%alA limitation+ )t i' only that he limit' hi' power a**ording to hi' de'ire and *hoi*e+ )t i' not that he i' a*t%ally limited and that he doe' not ha=e the power to 'pread forth to a greater degree+ Rather( it i' 'imply that he doe' not ha=e the de'ire to do 'o+ Altho%gh it i' the 'o%r*e of a*t%al limitation in the mo=ement( it it'elf i' not a*t%al limitation at all+ 6ikewi'e abo=e in the sefirot( thi' @1ower to limitA i' the e''ential power to limit : Koach


-The Knowledge of G-dHa a&#il<( whi*h i' the 'o%r*e of the =e''el' whi*h define the light' of the sefirot+ ?%rthermore( the @a*t%al limitationA i' di*tated e.a*tly a**ording to the @power to limitA+ Therefore( altho%gh the =e''el' define the light thro%gh name' :definition'<( nonethele''( it only goe' a**ording to the de*i'ion in G-dF' e''ential ability to limit :Koa*h 3aGe=ool<+ ?%rthermore( the ability to limit be*ome' one with the limited a*tion+ ?or e.ample( the ability to limit the power of mo=ement of the hand be*ome' one with the a*t%al limited mo=ement of the hand+ Thi'( then( i' the meaning of the 'tatement( @3e and 3i' organ' are one+A

-#:'+)t i' *lear that there are two matter' to e=ery =e''elC form and '%b'tan*e+ ?or e.ample( in an eye( the '%b'tan*e i' the phy'i*al =e''el of the eye( wherea' the form i' the 'pirit%al power of 'ight+ )n a brain( the '%b'tan*e i' the phy'i*al organ of the brain( wherea' the form i' the 'pirit%al power to think et*+ )t i' *lear that the '%b'tan*e of the eye limit' the 'pirit%al form of the eye whi*h i' the power of 'ight+ 8onethele''( 'omehow( the '%b'tan*e of the eye i' patterned after the 'pirit%al form for 'ight+ ;e*a%'e of thi' it *an *ontain it+ )t i' be*a%'e of thi' that it be*ome' a =e''el to it( like a glo=e to the hand+ 6ikewi'e( the phy'i*al '%b'tan*e of the brain limit' the 'pirit%al form whi*h i' the power to intelle*t%aliHe+ 3owe=er( tho%gh the two are e''entially different( the one being a 'pirit%al hey%lie and the other being a phy'i*al organ( nonethele''( the phy'i*al '%b'tan*e of the brain i' 'omehow patterned after the 'pirit%al form of the hey%lie to think+ )t thereby i' a =e''el de'igned to *ontain it+ 8ow( the '%b'tan*e i' made %p of the @thi*keningA of the form+ ?or e.ample( i*e i' nothing more than @thi*kenedA water+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally when the water thi*ken' that it lo'e' it' fl%idity and be*ome' 'olid+ ?%rthermore( it i' the la't le=el of form whi*h be*ome' the fir't le=el of '%b'tan*e+ ?or e.ample( from the la't le=el of the power of growth( a*t%al phy'i*al growth *ome' abo%t+ Another e.ample i' that it i' the la't le=el of the 'o%l whi*h be*ome' in=e'ted in the phy'i*al body+ A f%rther e.ample i' that the phy'i*al power of 'ight *ome' from the la't le=el of the 'pirit%al power of 'ight+ ?or thi' rea'on when a *hild grow'( the 'pirit%al growth of hi' intelle*t i' 'im%ltaneo%' to the growth of hi' brain+ The '%b'tan*e of the =e''el grow' a**ording to the growth of the form( whi*h i' the light+

-#:',A' mentioned abo=e( the =e''el' *ome abo%t from the @thi*keningA of the light'+ Thi' *an be %nder'tood a' follow'+ A' e.plained earlier( the *on*ept of a name i' that it define' and de'*ribe' 'omething+ )t wa' f%rther e.plained that the lowe't le=el of the %pper world( be*ome' the highe't le=el of the lower world+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the alchut of the %pper world be*ome' the Keter of the lower world+ A more tangible e.ample of thi' i' that from the letter' of thi' book( whi*h *on'tit%te it' mo't e.ternal le=el( the inner intelle*t and moti=ation of the reader *ome abo%t+ When thi' book i' 't%died thoro%ghly %ntil it' idea' @'ettleA in the mind( they be*ome @thi*kenedA to the


-The Knowledge of G-dpoint that they *ongeal a' @*on*reteA *on*ept'+ At thi' point( not only do they be*ome totally a''imilated and @oneA with the mind of the 't%dent( b%t he then will be able to *on=ey them and e.plain them to other'+ ?rom the la't le=el of the letter' of hi' tho%ght'( the idea' will *ome into hi' 'pee*h to *on=ey them to 'omeone el'e+ Thi' i' how name' work in general+ ?rom the e.ternal name and de'*ription of Chochmah of 'dam Kadmon" the tangible light and re=elation of Chochmah of 'tzilut i' re=ealed+ )t i' from the @thi*keningA of the internal light that the =e''el' of that light *ome abo%t+ The'e =e''el'( in t%rn( be*ome the @lightA of the ne.t le=el+ So( a' in the abo=e e.ample of a *%'tomer pla*ing an order with a *raft'man( from the internal letter' of the 'eminal idea in the mind of the *%'tomer( *ome the letter' of tho%ght in the *%'tomerF' mind( of the detail' of the obEe*t he want'+ Then( from tho'e letter'( *ome the letter' of 'pee*h of the *%'tomer+ Thi' i' when he orally @name'A the obEe*t( '%*h a' 'aying @*hairA or de'*ribe' it to the *raft'man( and a' wa' 'tated abo=e( to de'*ribe 'omething i' to name it+ When the *raft'man %nder'tand' what the *%'tomer want'( thi' be*ome' hi' inner de'ire and hi' tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion( %ntil at the end of the pro*e''( he *raft' the a*t%al obEe*t+ 8ow( when the *%'tomer goe' to the *raft'man and tell' him to make a @tableA( thi' i' it' e.ternal name+ 7n the other hand( when the *on*ept and de'*ription of the @tableA i' in hi' mind( thi' i' it' internal name+ We 'ee that there are internal name' and e.ternal name'+

-#:(-?rom the abo=e( we %nder'tood that the @=e''el'A *ome abo%t from the @lightA+ )t wo%ld( therefore( 'eem that the 'o%r*e of the light' i' higher than the 'o%r*e of the =e''el'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the =e''el' *ome abo%t from the @thi*keningA of the light+ 3owe=er( thi' i' problemati*+ )t i' *learly ob'er=able that when( G-d forbid( a per'on pa''e' away( hi' 'o%l depart' b%t hi' body remain' inta*t+ 8ow( if the =e''el' only e.i't a' a re'%lt of the thi*kening of the light'( then how i' it po''ible that the =e''el *o%ld remain inta*t witho%t the lightG 3ow *o%ld the body e.i't witho%t a 'o%lG ?%rthermore( in order for there to be any @thi*keningA( there m%'t be an original =e''el( a' in the e.ample of the i*e+ )f there i' no original =e''el to halt the fl%idity of the water how *o%ld it freeHe into i*eG Another e.ample i' that of a balloon+ When one blow' air into a balloon( the air thi*ken' d%e to the pre''%re of the wall' of the balloon+ Thi' e.pand' the balloon( gi=ing it it' form+ 8ow( if there wa' no original =e''el of the balloon( how *o%ld there e=en be a thi*kening of the air to begin withG )t i'( therefore( *lear that the 'o%r*e of the =e''el' pre*eded the 'o%r*e of the light'( for it *annot be otherwi'e+ )f thi' were not 'o( then how *o%ld the =e''el' ha=e the power to *ontain the light'G The *ontainer m%'t be of a higher order than the thing *ontained+ ?%rthermore( how wo%ld it be po''ible for the =e''el to remain inta*t after the light i' withdrawnG That the 'o%r*e of the =e''el' pre*ede' and i' higher than the 'o%r*e of the light'( re'ol=e' 'e=eral i''%e'C -< ?ir'tly( it gi=e' %' in'ight into how it i' that the =e''el' ha=e the *apability and power to re'train the light'+ /$

-The Knowledge of G-d< ?%rthermore( it re'ol=e' the fa*t that the =e''el' ha=e their own e.i'ten*e 'eparate and apart from the light'+ Therefore( they *an remain inta*t e=en after the withdrawal of the light+ ,< E=en more( it e.plain' how there m%'t be an original =e''el in order to thi*ken the light'+ )n *on*l%'ion( the =e''el' are independent of the light'+ 8onethele''( they re*ei=e their form from them+ Therefore( what i' meant when we 'ay that the =e''el' *ome abo%t from the @thi*keningA of the light'( i' only that the =e''el' re*ei=e their form from the @thi*keningA of the light'+ 7n the other hand( the a*t%al s")stan0e of the =e''el i' independent of the light and i' from a higher 'o%r*e than it+ Thi' may be %nder'tood from the e.ample of a balloon+ The balloon e.i't a' a @formle'' '%b'tan*eA before the air i' blown into it+ Afterward'( when the air i' blown into it( it take' on form+ )n the 'ame way( the '%b'tan*e of the =e''el' e.i't' )efore the light i' *ontained within them( b%t it i' the light whi*h gi=e' them form on*e it i' in=e'ted within them+

-#:(#8ow( there i' an ad=antage of the =e''el' o=er the light' in the fa*t that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of the =e''el' that the in=e'tment of a light in it' oppo'ite =e''el *an take pla*e+ A' mentioned before( thi' i' the mo't important I%ality of Ti))un+ Thi' mean' that a =e''el of !evurah *an *ontain a light of Chesed" or that a =e''el of Chesed *an *ontain a light of !evurah+ ?or e.ample( when a parent di'*ipline' hi' or her *hild( it i' an a*t of !evurah whi*h *ontain' the light of Chesed+ The inner moti=ation i' lo=e( not anger+ Rather( it i' in the be't intere't of the *hild( 'o that he will mat%re into be a re'pon'ible h%man being+ 3owe=er( the a*t it'elf i' one of 'ternne'' :Ge=%rah<+ Thi' i' an e.ample of how the a*t :=e''el< *o%ld be !evurah( b%t it' inner intent :light< *o%ld be Chesed+ The oppo'ite i' al'o tr%e+ The =e''el *o%ld be Chesed and the light *o%ld be !evurah+ An e.ample of thi' i' a b%'ine'' man who '%'pe*t' hi' employee of embeHHling+ 3e i' =ery angry at him and want' to harm him+ )n'tead of firing him( he doe' the oppo'ite+ 3e do%ble' hi' 'alary for 'e=eral month' and then fire' him+ ;y then( the employee ha' be*ome 'o a**%'tomed to earning do%ble the 'alary( that he will find any Eob that pay' le'' below hi' dignity+ Thi' will literally r%in hi' life+ )n thi' *a'e( the inner intent :light< i' !evurah( b%t it' =e''el( whi*h i' the a*t of gi=ing him a rai'e in 'alary( i' a Chesed+ ?%rthermore( a' *an be 'een from any h%man being( e=ery organ i' *onne*ted to e=ery other organ of the body( and depend' on it for it' well being+ All the part' of the body work together a' one integrated 'y'tem+ ?or thi' rea'on if 'omeone ha' an ingrown toenail( it will affe*t hi' ability to f%n*tion on the Eob or to *on*entrate on hi' 't%die'+ Thi' inter*onne*tedne'' of the organ'( one with the other( i' the ba'i' of a*%p%n*t%re( where( in order to heal a per'onF' eye'ight( for e.ample( needle' will be 't%*k into hi' foot+ Thi' in*l%'ion and 'ymbio'i' of the =e''el'( one with the other( doe' not apply to the light'+ )f a per'on i' ha=ing tro%ble with hi' eye'( for in'tan*e( no matter how many good intention' he may ha=e( it will not impro=e hi' eye'ight+ ?%rthermore( a' mentioned before( oppo'ite light' *annot *oe.i't+ The light of Chesed and the light of !evurah are /2

-The Knowledge of G-dm%t%ally e.*l%'i=e and *annot *oe.i't+ Rather( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the =e''el' whi*h ha=e the ability to bring abo%t the *ompromi'e and 'ynthe'i' of oppo'ite'+ Th%'( a' mentioned before( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the ab%ndan*e of =e''el'( that Ti))un :re*tifi*ation< *an take pla*e+

-#:($There are three main organ' :=e''el'< in a h%man being whi*h are the *hief organ' of the body+ The'e are the brain( heart and li=er+ The brain i' the =e''el for the intelle*t( the heart i' the =e''el for the emotion' and the li=er i' the =e''el for the phy'i*al life for*e+ The brain i' the =e''el for the $eshamah le=el of the 'o%l( whi*h animate' the intelle*t+ The heart i' the =e''el for the Ruach le=el of the 'o%l( whi*h i' the 'pirit of life and emotion' and the li=er i' the =e''el for the $efesh le=el of the 'o%l( whi*h i' the phy'i*al life for*e in=e'ted in the blood+ The two higher le=el' of the 'o%l( the Chaya and Yechidah are not *ontained within =e''el' and are therefore *alled @en*ompa''ing light'A+ :Thi' will all be e.plained in greater detail in '%b'eI%ent *hapter'< 8ow( it i' *learly ob'er=able that a =e''el ha' three part'+ There i' the inner part of the =e''el( whi*h i' the inner '%rfa*e of the =e''el that *ome' in *onta*t with that whi*h i' *ontained in it+ There i' the e.ternal part of the =e''el( whi*h i' it' o%ter '%rfa*e( and there i' the inner part of the =e''el( whi*h i' it' thi*kne'' between the inner and o%ter wall'+ :Thi' will all be e.plained later< )n general the emotion' are *alled .eir 'n*in :Small ?a*e< in *ontra't to 'rich 'n*in :6ong ?a*e<+ A h%man being ha' "4 limb' and organ'+ 6ikewi'e abo=e( there are "4 =e''el' or Porgan'F of .eir 'n*in+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that .eir 'n*in i' 'ometime' referred to a' @The body of the KingA+ :?ootnoteC The e.planation of the limb' of .eir 'n*in i' a' follow'C .eir 'n*in *ontain' nine sefirot within it+ The tenth sefirah i' alchut" whi*h a' we will later e.plain( i' 'eparate( for it be*ome' it' own indi=id%al 'tat%re :*alled $u)va<+ 8ow( a' mentioned abo=e( the sefirot '%bdi=ide into '%b'eI%ent sefirot3 The 5 sefirot of .eir 'n*in m%ltiplied by the ; sefirot whi*h ea*h of the 5 sefirot *ontain( eI%al' 4-+ 4- m%ltiplied by the three part' of the =e''el'( :)nner( middle and o%ter< eI%al' ", :whi*h i' the n%meri*al =al%e of the name A=ram<+ 1l%' the / kindne''e'( whi*h make the body grow( eI%al' "4 :whi*h i' the n%meri*al =al%e of the name A=raham+ Thi' i' the name that he wa' *alled after G-d added the letter Heh to hi' name+< The'e "4 limb' and organ' *orre'pond to the "4 po'iti=e *ommandment' in the Torah+ Altogether( there are $-, Commandment' in the Torah+ The "4 po'iti=e *ommandment' *orre'pond to the "4 limb' and organ' in the body( and the ,$/ negati=e *ommandment' *orre'pond' to the ,$/ 'inew' in the body( a' well a' the ,$/ day' in the 'olar year+<

-#:(%8ow that we ha=e %nder'tood all of the abo=e( we m%'t ret%rn to the e.planation of the emotion' of 'tzilut :Emanation< whi*h are born o%t of the %nifi*ation of $eHi-Y of '##a and %mma :The g%t emotion' of )n'ight and Comprehen'ion< "whi*h are the lowe't le=el /4

-The Knowledge of G-dof the emotion' of the intelle*t of 'tzilut" a' e.plained earlier+ The emotion' of 'tzilut" on the other hand( are *alled .eir 'n*in :The Small ?a*e<+ 8ow( a' i' known( .eir 'n*in i' 'till *on'idered to be part of the )nfinite( a' 'tated( @3e and 3i' organ' and life for*e are oneA+ Thi' will now be e.plained in greater detail+ A' mentioned abo=e( the %pper two le=el' of the 'o%l( the Chaya 0 Yechidah" are en*ompa''ing light' whi*h do not be*ome limited within the =e''el'+ The Yechidah i' the a'pe*t of the 'imple e''ential plea'%re and de'ire wherea' the Chaya i' the a'pe*t of the 'o%r*e of the intelle*t it'elf( : as)il<+ The'e two le=el' of the 'o%l are not :%'%ally< en*lothed and limited within =e''el' at all+ )t i' only Chochmah and the sefirot below it( that are drawn into =e''el' and limited by them+ A' mentioned abo=e( the $eshamah i' the intelle*t in the brain and the Ruach i' the emotion' of the heart while the $efesh i' the life for*e in the li=er+ 8ow( altho%gh the'e two en*ompa''ing light' of the 'o%l( the Chaya and Yechidah" do not be*ome en*lothed or limited within the =e''el'( nonethele''( light 'hine' forth from them into the intelle*t and below+ ?or e.ample( the de'ire i' re=ealed within the intelle*t( in the brain of Chochmah and from there i' drawn down into the *omprehen'ion of +inah3 from +inah it i' drawn down e=en f%rther to 'tim%late the a*t%al heartfelt emotion'+

-#:(&8ow( the way the infl%en*e *ome' from the *omprehen'ion of +inah to the heart( to aro%'e heartfelt emotion' i' thro%gh the @Thirty two pathway' of +inah- :(amed +eit Shvilin ,+inah83 There are fo%r main *hamber' in the brainC Chochmah" +inah" Chesed of ,aat and !evurah of ,aat3 :The rea'on ,aat i' di=ided into two *hamber' i' be*a%'e it i' 'pe*ifi*ally ,aat that *a%'e' the intelle*t to lean either toward' kindne'' or 'e=erity+< The'e fo%r *hamber' ea*h ha=e eight *hamber' within themC Chochmah" +inah" Chesed and !evurah going %p into the 'elf( and Chochmah" +inah" Chesed and !evurah going down toward the o%t'ide+ All in all( there are thirty two main *hamber' in the brain+ The'e are *alled the @Thirty two pathway' of +inahA+ The'e thirty two pathway' are the 'o%r*e of the emotion' of the heart+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that the 3ebrew word for heart i' @6e=A : 34< whi*h ha' the n%meri*al =al%e of , + )t m%'t be noted that the'e thirty two *hamber' *ontain 'maller and 'maller *hamber' ad infinit%m+ The e.planation of the abo=e i' a' follow'+ When one i' gi=en a pie*e of information( hi' brain immediately pro*e''e' it and pla*e' it in one of the fo%r main *hamber'+ )t pro*e''e' by a'king '%*h I%e'tion' a'( @>o ) need to analyHe thi' informationGA @Sho%ld ) be*ome e.*ited and happy abo%t itGA @Sho%ld ) be angry and %p'et abo%t itGA Et*+ 3i' brain regi'ter' the information and pla*e' it in one of the fo%r main *hamber'+ Ea*h of the'e fo%r *hamber' i' made %p of eight 'maller *hamber'+ A' 'oon a' the information i' *ategoriHed in one of the fo%r *hamber'( it immediately %ndergoe' f%rther pro*e''ing and i' *hanneled to one of the eight '%b-*hamber' of that main *hamber+ Thi' i' done by a'king '%*h I%e'tion' a'( @>oe' thi' information relate %pward( into the 'elf or doe' it relate downward toward the emotion'GA @>oe' it relate to me or doe' it relate to other'GA Et*+


-The Knowledge of G-d8ow( in order for the emotion' to *ome down from the *omprehen'ion and %nder'tanding of +inah and gi=e ri'e to the a*t%al heartfelt emotion' of .eir 'n*in( there m%'t be a tzimtzum :Re'traint< and withdrawal of the intelle*t+ Thi' bring' abo%t a I%alitati=e *hange of e.i'ten*e from the emotion' of intelle*t :whi*h are 'till intelle*t and not a*t%al emotion' at all< to a*t%al re=ealed heartfelt emotion'+ 8onethele''( the heartfelt emotion' are e.a*tly patterned after the emotion' of the intelle*t+ The only differen*e i' that they are now a*t%al heartfelt emotion' rather than intelle*t%al leaning'+ 8onethele''( the heartfelt emotion i' the 'ame a' the emotion of the intelle*t+ Thi' i' to 'ay that when the brain lean' a *ertain way( the heart will al'o lean that way+

-#:('8ow( a' mentioned before the three le=el' of Cha+a-," Cha!a-T and $eHi-Y al'o e.i't in .eir 'n*in :Emotion'<+ They *orre'pond to the intelle*t of the emotion'( the heartfelt emotion' of the emotion'( and the nat%ral g%t emotion' of the emotion'+ :An e.ample of a nat%ral e.ternal *on'eI%en*e of the emotion' i' that one may begin to hyper=entilate a' a re'%lt of 'trong emotion'( et*+< A' mentioned earlier( ea*h of the'e le=el' in t%rn( ha' three =e''el'C it' internal =e''el( it' middle =e''el and it' o%ter =e''el+ 8ow( e=en in regard to the @E.ternal =e''el' of $eHi-Y of .eir 'n*in-( whi*h *orre'pond' to the aro%'al of an emotion a' it i' abo%t to be e.pre''ed o%twardly( it i' 'tated( @3e and 3i' organ' are oneA+ Thi' i' to 'ay that e=en the e.ternal =e''el' of .eir 'n*in" are 'till *ompletely %nified with G-d 3im'elf( and are( therefore( %nlimited+ Thi' i' 'imilar to how it i' in a h%man being+ There i' an entire pro*e''( whi*h take' pla*e in'tantaneo%'ly( of the @Chaining downA of hi' de'ire from the =ery beginning( in the original de'ire in the Yechidah of hi' 'o%l %ntil the final e.ternal emotional rea*tion( '%*h a' hyper=entilating or rapid heartbeat+ The beginning and the end are 'o profo%ndly *onne*ted with ea*h other that they literally are a' one+ E=en the a%tomati* phy'i*al re'pon'e' to the g%t emotion'( '%*h a' hyper=entilation( rapid heart beat or the relea'e of adrenalin into the blood 'y'tem are *onne*ted to the e''en*e of the 'o%l to '%*h a degree that( a' one i' e.perien*ing them( it i' diffi*%lt to differentiate them from it+ 8ow( a' it i' in Man( 'o it i' abo=e in the I%inte''ential Self of the )nfinite 6ight of G-d before Tzimtzum" the 'o%r*e of all e.i'ten*e+ The @Chaining downA pro*e'' i' a' follow'C -< )n the 'ame way that the e''ential nat%re in the 'o%l of a kind per'on i' to de'ire kindne''( 'o too( in Ohr Ein Sof there i' an e''ential heyulie de'ire for kindne''+ Thi' e.i't on the le=el of Yachid < A de'ire for a 'pe*ifi* kindne'' aro'e and be*ame @highlightedA in the 'imple will of Ohr Ein Sof+ Thi' i' the le=el of Echad+ ,< 3e e'timated within 3im'elf what wo%ld be ne*e''ary to bring abo%t thi' kindne''+ Thi' i' the le=el of Kadmon and in*l%de' within it'elf the heyulie e'timation for the entire Creation+ "< The Tzimtzum and Reshimu :Re'traint and )mpre''ion< within 3im'elf( a' e.plained abo=e( whi*h bro%ght abo%t the po''ibility to gi=e >i=ine infl%en*e


-The Knowledge of G-da**ording to the *apa*ity of the re*ipient'+ /< The Kav Ha idah :Mea'%ring 6ine<( whi*h i' the 'o%r*e of all mea'%re and definition( a' e.plained abo=e+ $< The de'ire de'*ended from the Kav Ha idah :Mea'%ring 6ine< to the ten sefirot of %&ullim :The Sefirot of Cir*le' :>e'ire'<3 2< The de'ire de'*ended from the la't le=el of the sefirot of %&ullim to Keter of 'dam Kadmon :>e'ire of 1rimal Man<+ 4< The light of the e''ential de'ire de'*ended from hidden de'ire to re=ealed de'ire+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the de'ire de'*ended from the Ratzon (Ratzon :>e'ire for the >e'ire< whi*h are the sefirot of 'dam Kadmon( to 'ti) Yomin :1lea'%re for Emanation< and 'rich 'n*in :>e'ire for Emanation<+ 5< ?rom the re=ealed @1lea'%reA :'ti)< and @>e'ireA :'rich<( the 'imple de'ire for kindne'' de'*ended to @)n'ightA :Chochmah< and @Comprehen'ionA :+inah<( whi*h are *alled '##a and %mma :?ather and Mother<+

-!< ?rom $eHiY of '##a :The g%t emotion' of in'ight< and the $eHi-Y of %mma :The g%t emotion' of *omprehen'ion< whi*h are the lowe't emoti=e le=el' of Chochmah and +inah( the light of the 'imple de'ire for kindne'' de'*ended to the Cha+a-, of .eir 'n*in : The intelle*t of Emotion'<+ --< ?rom the intelle*t of the emotion' :Cha+a-, of .eir 'n*in< the light of the 'imple de'ire de'*ended to the emotion' of the emotion' : Cha!a-T of .eir 'n*in<" - < ?rom the emotion' of the emotion' :Cha!a-T of .eir 'n*in< the light of the 'imple de'ire de'*ended to the g%t emotion' of the emotion' :$eHi-Y of .eir 'n*in<" -,< ?rom the g%t emotion' of the emotion' : $eHi-Y of .eir 'n*in< the light of the 'imple de'ire de'*ended to the mo't e.ternal =e''el' of $eHi-Y of .eir 'n*in+ Thi' i' *alled the @;reath of the 3eartA : Hevel Ha(ev< or @The ;reath of the Che'tA :Hevel HaChazeh<+ 8e=erthele''( here too( in the @;reath of the heart or *he'tA the light of the 'imple de'ire of the e''ential 'elf it'elf 'hine'+ ?%rthermore( the entire pro*e'' i' instantaneo"s( from @The de'ire whi*h aro'e in the I%inte''ential SelfA :Ratzon Ha/ashoot She#a'tzmut<( %ntil the heartfelt emotion' and e=en the e.ternal =e''el' of the g%t emotion' of .eir 'n*in+ )t i' literally a' if they are one thing( E%'t a' it i' in the allegory of a h%man being+ The de'ire doe' not be*ome dimini'hed what'oe=er thro%gho%t the entire *haining down pro*e'' :Seder Hishshtalshelut<+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that the e.ternal emotion' of the heart of .eir 'n*in are 'till totally bo%nd %p and %nified with the Simple E''ential de'ire a' it e.i't' in the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight before the Tzimtzum+ Thi' being the *a'e( e=en the e.ternality of the heart of .eir 'n*in i' 'till *on'idered to be part and par*el of the )nfinite be*a%'e( @3e and 3i' life for*e and organ' are oneA+ Thi' i' 'imilar to how it i' in a h%man being( who'e e''ential de'ire' a' they e.i't in the 'o%l( heartfelt de'ire'( g%t de'ire'( and e=en phy'i*al rea*tion'( are totally bo%nd %p with ea*h other to the point that it i' diffi*%lt to


-The Knowledge of G-ddifferentiate between them+ 8ow altho%gh the =e''el' of .eir 'n*in are totally limited and tiny( in *ompari'on to the way the emotion' e.i't in the I%inte''ential Self( nonethele''( .eir 'n*in i' 'till *on'idered to be the( @End of the beginningA( 'o to 'peak+ )t i' be*a%'e of thi' that the emotion' are *alled .eir 'n*in :The 6ittle ?a*e<( be*a%'e *ompared to 'rich 'n*in :The 6ong ?a*e< whi*h i' analogo%' to an ad%lt who ha' a*I%ired wi'dom( .eir 'n*in i' like a 'mall *hild+ The one i' *ompletely mat%re while( in *ompari'on( the other i' the I%ite immat%re+ 8onethele''( they are 'till of the 'ame *ategory( that of h%man being'+ Altho%gh the emotion' of a *hild are @'mallA in *ompari'on to a wi'e ad%lt( nonethele''( they are 'till the 'ame e.a*t emotion'+ 6o=e i' lo=e and hate i' hate( et*+ The only differen*e i' that one i' like a 'mall *hild and the other i' like a mat%re ad%lt+ A' 'tated( .eir 'n*in :Emotion'< i' *ompletely 'mall and immat%re relati=e to 'rich 'n*in :Re=ealed >e'ire'<( who i' *ompared to @A 'age who ha' a*I%ired wi'domA+ 3owe=er( e=en 'rich 'n*in :Re=ealed >e'ire'< i' *on'idered to be *ompletely immat%re relati=e to the greater @ManA of 'dam Kadmon :3idden >e'ire'<+ 8onethele''( a' mentioned abo=e( the de'ire' and emotion' are e.a*tly the 'ame+ The only e.*eption i' that one i' tiny and the other i' in*omparably greater+ An e.ample for thi' i' a map+ A 'hort line on a map may repre'ent a ri=er that flow' for fi=e h%ndred mile'+ Another e.ample i' that when one ob'er=e' an e*lip'e thro%gh the %'e of a pinhole( he will be able to 'ee e=ery detail of the '%n in the tiny ray that pa''e' thro%gh the pinhole( e=en tho%gh the ray i' infinite'imal relati=e to the greatne'' of the '%n and i' not at all *omparable to it+ 8onethele''( it i' all there+ 8ot a 'ingle detail of the '%rfa*e of the '%n i' mi''ing+

-#:((8ow( within .eir 'n*in there are different a'pe*t' and le=el'+ ?or e.ample( there i' the e.ternal e.pre''ion of the emotion'( the internal felt emotion'( and the intelle*t of the emotion'( '%*h a' the fleeting tho%ght' of the heart+ ?%rthermore( there i' how the emotion' *ome o%t into 'pee*h or how the emotion' relate inward( into tho%ght+ An e.ample of the emotion' relating inward i' when one i' worried+ The heartfelt emotion of worry will b%bble %p from the le=el of emotion' into hi' tho%ght' and he will think( @Man( am ) ner=o%'SA Thi' will bring to mind e=erything he i' worried abo%t+ An e.ample of the emotion' relating o%tward and *oming into hi' 'pee*h( i' that when he 'peak'( hi' ner=o%'ne'' and worry be*ome in=e'ted and heard in hi' =oi*e( e=en tho%gh he might arti*%late the oppo'ite( 'aying( @)Fm not ner=o%' or worried at allA( et*+ A' e.plained earlier( in order for there to be emotion'( there m%'t be the %nifi*ation of the $eHi-Y of Chochmah and of +inah3 8ow( with the a*t%al birth of the emotion'( the $eHi-Y of +inah re*ede'( b%t the $eHi-Y of Chochmah remain'+ What doe' thi' meanG An e.ample of thi' i' that when one ha' an aro%'al of the emotion of anger( all that remain' of the intelle*t whi*h bro%ght abo%t the anger( i' a holi'ti* o=er=iew :Chochmah< of what he i' angry abo%t+ 3e *annot analyHe the detail' of the matter : +inah< %ntil hi' emotion' re*ede and he *alm' down+ 3owe=er( the 'trength of hi' po'ition in the general o=er=iew of why he i' angry :$eHi-Y of Chochmah<( remain'+ Th%'( $eHi-Y of

-The Knowledge of G-dChochmah remain' and i' pa''ed o=er to the emotion'+ )n *ontra't( $eHi-Y of +inah" *annot *oe.i't with the aro%'al of the emotion' and re*ede'+ 7nly when he *alm' down and the emotion' die down( *an he on*e again analyHe the detail'+ We 'ee *learly that when the emotion' are greatly aro%'ed and e.*ited( obEe*ti=e rea'oning *ea'e'+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that Chochmah and ;inah are *alled '##a and %mma3 Thi' i' be*a%'e at fir't the emotion' are in*l%ded in %mma :+inah< like a fet%' in it' motherF womb+ &%'t a' a fet%' i' *on*ealed in it' motherF' womb where it de=elop'( 'o too( the emotion' are in*l%ded and *on*ealed in +inah where they grow and de=elop+ When the emotion' are born a' a*t%al emotion'( on the other hand( the intelle*t re*ede'+ When 'omeone i' told( @Jo% know what 'o and 'o 'aid abo%t yo%+++A )t will fir't be pro*e''ed in her mind+ The more 'he think' abo%t it( the more the intelle*t%al emotion' de=elop( b%t it i' 'till totally in her mind+ )t ha' not yet *ome into a*t%al emotion'+ 8e=erthele''( 'he keep' thinking and *h%rning it o=er and o=er in her mind+ ?inally( 'he e.plode' with rage+ 8ow the intelle*t i' gone+ The emotion' are @bornA( 'o to 'peak+ Thi' i' 'imilar to a newborn infant who now ha' an identity 'eparate and apart from hi' mother+ 8onethele''( the holi'ti* o=er=iew and 'trength of po'ition of her anger : $eHi-Y of '##a<( remain and tran'fer to the emotion'+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the fa*t that a *hild de=elop' from the 'eminal drop of the father+ Altho%gh the drop de=eloped into a f%lly de=eloped *hild in the motherF' womb( it' e''en*e i' 'till there+

-#:(*Contin%ing the e.ample of a *hild( after the *hild i' born( it goe' thro%gh a pro*e'' of mat%ration( in whi*h it' fa*%ltie' de=elop+ 6ikewi'e abo=e( .eir 'n*in too goe' thro%gh a mat%ration pro*e''( %ntil it' fa*%ltie'( the sefirot of .eir 'n*in" be*ome f%lly de=eloped+ A' mentioned before( ea*h of the ten sefirot *ontain' ten sefirot within it+ )t i'( therefore( %nder'tood that Cha+a-, ha' Cha+a-," Cha!a-T and $eHi-Y within it3 6ikewi'e Cha!a-T ha' Cha+a-," Cha!a-T and $eHi-Y within it" and $eHi-Y ha' Cha+a-," Cha!a-T and $eHi-Y within it+ The e.planation of the mat%ration pro*e'' i' a' follow'C -< When a *hild i' newly born( all that i' re=ealed i' $eHi-Y( whi*h i' the mo't e.ternal a'pe*t of it' being+ A*t%ally( at thi' point only $eHi-Y of $eHi-Y i' re=ealed+ A newborn infant only ha' in'tin*ti=e beha=ior and *ond%*t+ Thi' i' the fir't 'tage( immediately at birth+ Afterward'( when he re*ei=e' infl%en*e from hi' mother by '%*kling her milk( the *hild grow' and mat%re'+ Thi' initial mat%ration d%ring the '%*kling period i' *alled @!adlut ,Yeni)ah :The mat%ration of '%*kling<+ The infl%en*e from the mother *ontin%e' %ntil age $ when hi' $eHi-Y be*ome f%lly de=eloped+ Thi' i' to 'ay that now( not only are $eHi-Y of $eHi-Y revealed( b%t Cha!a-T and Cha+a-, of $eHi-Y al'o be*ome re=ealed+ The *hild now ha' intelle*t and emotion'+ 8onethele''( they are 'till totally e.ternal and in'tin*ti=e( 'omewhat like that of an animal+ ?or e.ample( an animal *an *ome %p with all 'ort' of mean' and way' to get food+ )n the 'ame way( a *hild of thi' age po''e''e' intelle*t+ 3owe=er( hi' intelle*t i' *ontrolled by hi' in'tin*ti=e emotion'+ A' 'tated abo=e( the fir't mat%ration take' pla*e between the age' ! thro%gh $+ $,

-The Knowledge of G-d< At age 'i.( the *hildF' $eHi-Y be*ome' f%lly de=eloped+ 3e now ha' all three *ategorie' of Cha+a-,( Cha!-aT and $eHi-Y" b%t only of $eHi-Y+ ;eginning from age $ thro%gh 5 a 'e*ond mat%ration take' pla*e( in whi*h hi' Cha!a-T be*ome' de=eloped+ At thi' point( hi' intelle*t i' de=eloped to the point where he *an di'ting%i'h between proper and improper beha=ior+ 3e doe' not merely beha=e in'tin*ti=ely( b%t rather( *an *onform hi' beha=ior to the intelle*t+ ?or e.ample( if another *hild hit' him( he *an *ontrol him'elf and not hit him ba*k( e=en tho%gh hi' emotion' tell him to do 'o+ Rather( he will deal with the problem differently( by a'king a re'pon'ible ad%lt to inter=ene+ 8onethele''( e=en at thi' point( 3i' intelle*t only relate' to the a*tion le=el+ 3e i' not yet *ontemplating the( @1%rpo'e of lifeA or any other intelle*t%al in=e'tigation' into tr%th and reality et*+ Thi' 'tage of mat%ration *ontin%e' to age 5( at whi*h point hi' Cha!a-T be*ome f%lly de=eloped+ Thi' in*l%de' Cha+a-," Cha!a-T and $eHi-Y of Cha!a-T3 Thi' 'e*ond le=el of mat%ration i' *alled !adlut Rishon ,%mma :The fir't mat%ration from the mother+< ,< At age 5 the ne.t 'tage of mat%ration begin'+ Thi' i' the mat%ration of Cha+a-,3 3e now ha' more intelle*t than what i' ne*e''ary to g%ide the emotion' alone+ 3i' intelle*t *an now be de=eloped 'o that the intelle*t *an *ontrol the emotion'+ Thi' i' to 'ay that now the emotion' *an be dire*ted by the intelle*t+ Thi' mat%ration *ontin%e' %ntil hi' emotion' entirely follow the intelle*t+ )n *ontra't( before age 5( hi' emotion' were not in a**ordan*e to intelle*t at all+ 3owe=er( in thi' 'tage tho%gh he may a0t in a**ordan*e to hi' intelle*t( nonethele''( the emotion' them'el=e' ha=e not *hanged+ Rather( he i' now *apable of o=erpowering and o=ert%rning hi' emotion' and beha=ior to *omply *ompletely with the intelle*t+ Thi' i' the third 'tage in the mat%ration pro*e''( where%pon ea*h sefirah of .eir 'n*in now ha' Cha+a-," Cha!a-T and $eHi-Y+ 3owe=er( the Cha+a-, on thi' le=el of mat%ration i' only the e1ternalit. of Cha+a-,+ "< The ne.t 'tage of mat%rity *ome' at age -,+ Thi' i' the le=el of a +einoni+ At thi' point he i' in *omplete *ontrol of hi' =ery de'ire' and nat%re+ 3e ha' not tran'formed them( b%t he i' in *omplete *ontrol+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that a**ording to Torah law( a *hild may 'ell mo=able property at the age of -,+ /< The ne.t 'tage take' pla*e at age !+ Thi' i' the le=el of a Tzaddi)+ At thi' point not only *an he o=erpower and *ontrol hi' de'ire'( b%t he ha' a*t%ally tran'formed hi' =ery nat%re+ An e.ample of thi' i' what took pla*e d%ring the binding of JitH*hak+ The =er'e 'tate'( @Abraham 'ent hi' hand( and took the knife et*+A Why did it not 'imply 'tate( @Abraham took the knifeAG The rea'on i' be*a%'e Abraham had 'o tran'formed hi' nat%re to be '%blimated to G-dF' de'ire that hi' hand ref%'ed to re'pond+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the binding of JitH*ha*k wa' E%'t to te't A=raham+ G-d ne=er a*t%ally intended for JitH*hak to be 'a*rifi*ed( therefore A=raham had to for*e hi' hand to go again't it' nat%re+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that a**ording to the Torah a ! year old may 'ell hi' fatherF' real e'tate+ ;efore thi' le=el of mat%rity( he *o%ld 'ell it irre'pon'ibly( for the wrong rea'on'+ 3e *o%ld handle the pro*eed' of the 'ale irre'pon'ibly and regret it later+ ;%t at thi' age( be*a%'e he i' the ma'ter o=er hi' de'ire'( he may now 'ell real e'tate+



-The Knowledge of G-d-

The fir't a'pe*t of the emotion' i' *alled Yisrael+ Thro%gh %nder'tanding why it i' *alled by thi' name we may %nder'tand what thi' a'pe*t of the emotion' i'+ )n the Torah( when Yaa)ov '%**e''f%lly wre'tled with the angel of Esav( the angel 'aid( @from now on yo% 'hall be named Yisrael" be*a%'e yo% ha=e r%led o=er Elo)im+A :The letter' of the word Yisrael W45678X may be rearranged to 'pell Yasar E6l W678 495X meaning @R%led o=er E6 l+A< Thi' *orre'pond' to the age of ! a' mentioned abo=e( where a per'on ma'ter' hi' =ery nat%re and de'ire'+ :8oteC The name Elo)im ha' the 'ame n%meri*al =al%e a' the word HaTeva whi*h mean'( nat%re+< 8ow( there are different le=el' in YisraelC -+ There are the emotion' of Chochmah3 Thi' i' *alled Yisrael Sa#a :The Elder Yisrael<+ + The )ntelle*t of the emotion' of .eir 'n*in3 Thi' i' *alled Yisrael .uta :The Small Ji'rael<+ )n general tho%gh( the *on*ept of Yisrael i' either the emotion' of the intelle*t or the intelle*t of the emotion'+ The le=el of Yisrael in the intelle*t :Chochmah<" i' *alled Yisrael Sa#a" wherea'( the intelle*t of the emotion' i' *alled Yisrael .uta+ )t m%'t be noted that in *ontra't to the other a'pe*t' of the emotion'( '%*h a' the a*t%al phy'i*al re'pon'e to the emotion'( a' in the relea'e of adrenaline et*( thi' a'pe*t of the emotion' i' the mo't internal+

-#:(,The 'e*ond a'pe*t of the emotion' i' *alled Yaa)ov+ A' i' known ea*h of the forefather' repre'ent' one of the sefirot of .eir 'n*inC -+ 'vraham repre'ent' Chesed a' 'tated( @Chesed to 'vrahamA+ + Yitzcha) repre'ent' !evurah a' in the =er'e( @The fear of Yitzcha)A+ ,+ Yaa)ov repre'ent' Tiferet a' in the =er'e( @Yaa)ov wa' a p%re man who dwelt in tent' # that i'( between the tent of 'vraham and the tent of Yitzcac)+ ?%rthermore( a' i' known Yaa)ov repre'ent' the a'pe*t of Tr%th( a' 'tated( @Gi=e tr%th to Yaa)ovA+ Tr%th end%re' and remain' tr%e from the beginning to end+ Thi' i' e=ident in the 3ebrew word for tr%th( @EmetA W:;5X+ The fir't letter of thi' word :'le*h< i' the fir't letter in the 3ebrew alphabet+ The 'e*ond letter : em< i' the middle letter of the alphabet and the third letter :Tav< i' the la't letter of the alphabet+ Thi' mean' that tr%th 'tay' tr%e from the beginning( thro%gho%t the middle( and to the end+ )n *ontra't to the sefirot of Chesed and !evurah( whi*h are in the right and left line'( there i' no red%*tion in the middle line of Tiferet what'oe=er+ )t remain' tr%e( all the way from Keter to Yesod+


-The Knowledge of G-dA' mentioned before( Chesed bran*he' o%t from Chochmah and $etzach bran*he' o%t from Chesed3 ?or e.ample( in a h%man being( there i' a great red%*tion from the intelle*t%al power of Chochmah in the brain( %ntil it rea*he' the right hand whi*h repre'ent' the emotion of Chesed+ There i' an e=en greater red%*tion from the right hand :Che'ed< to the right thigh :$etzach<+ 6ikewi'e( in the left line( there i' a great red%*tion from +inah to !evurah to Hod+ 8ow( a' i' known( +inah :9nder'tanding< only goe' down to Hod :A*knowledgement<+ An e.ample of thi' i' that it i' po''ible for one to analyHe the 'moking of toba**o and *ome to the intelle*t%al *on*l%'ion that it i' e.tremely damaging to one' health( yet( in and of it'elf( thi' will not be '%ffi*ient moti=ation to *a%'e him to I%it 'moking+ 7ne may be o=erweight and will *ome to the *on*l%'ion that 'he need' to go on a diet( b%t thi' will not be '%ffi*ient to 'top her from eating that *ho*olate bar+ )n *ontra't( in the middle line( there i' no red%*tion what'oe=er from ,aat to Tiferet to Yesod to alchut+ ?%rthermore( the *onne*tion between the sefirot of the middle line i' in'tantaneo%'( for it i' a' if they are one thing+ ?or e.ample( it 'ay'( @Adam knew E=e+A 7f *o%r'e( thi' doe' not mean that he 'imply knew her+ Rather( there wa' a phy'i*al *onne*tion between them+ Thi' being the *a'e( why did the Torah %'e the terminology of ,aat :Knowledge<G The rea'on i' be*a%'e there *annot be a phy'i*al *onne*tion between a man and a woman witho%t a mental *onne*tion and intere't+ Another rea'on i' be*a%'e the *onne*tion of the mental with the phy'i*al i' in'tantaneo%'+ 1hy'i*al aro%'al o**%r' 'im%ltaneo%' to the mental aro%'al( a' if they are one thing+ Another fa*tor i' that all the sefirot of the middle line are e''entially one matter( that of atta*hment( *onne*tion and intere't+ ,aat i' the mental atta*hment and *onne*tion+ Tiferet i' the heartfelt emotional atta*hment and *onne*tion( and Yesod i' the a*t%al or phy'i*al atta*hment and *onne*tion+ Another fa*tor in the *onne*tion that e.i't' between the sefirot of the middle line i' that the inten'ity of Tiferet :Compa''ion< i' dire*tly determined by the inten'ity of ,aat :Mental Conne*tion<+ ?or e.ample( a *hild( whoF' ,aat :Attention Span and mental *onne*tion< i' 'hort( will not tend to be =ery *ompa''ionate+ ;e*a%'e he doe' not ha=e a 'trong mental bond( he *annot ha=e a 'trong emotional bond+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the internal mental *onne*tion of ,aat 'hine' forth into the heartfelt *onne*tion of Tiferet of the heart+ The main point( i' that the light of the middle line doe' not dimini'h from the beginning of the pro*e'' to the end+ 7n the *ontrary( a**ording to the mental *onne*tion( :,aat<( will be the heartfelt *onne*tion of Tiferet+ Thi' i' not tr%e of the right and left line'( in whi*h the light dimini'he' between Chochmah and Chesed" et*+ Thi' e.plain' the 'tatement in Talmud( @7%r father Yaa)ov did not die+A Thi' i' be*a%'e death ha' no grip or foothold on tr%th( for tr%th end%re' fore=er+ E=erything that wa' 'tated abo=e abo%t Yaa)ov being the attrib%te of Tr%th( a*t%ally refer' to the @)nnerA 'o%r*e of Yaa)ov+ Thi' inner a'pe*t i' *alled Yisrael and repre'ent' the middle line+ 7n the other hand the @E.ternalA a'pe*t of Yaa)ov are the g%t emotion' :$etzach and Hod< whi*h repre'ent the right and left line' and 'tem from the heartfelt emotion' :Chesed and !evurah< whi*h al'o repre'ent the right and left line'+ Abo%t thi' e.ternal a'pe*t of Yaa)ov it 'tate' that the angel of Esav @hit him on hi' thighA th%' $$

-The Knowledge of G-ddi'lo*ating hi' hip and *a%'ing him to limp+ A per'on who limp' *annot walk 'traight+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the e.ternal g%t emotion' *an be*ome 'eparated from the original intelle*t and rea'oning+ Thi' may o**%r in the e.ternal a'pe*t a' they 'tem from Chesed and !evurah" rather than the internal a'pe*t in whi*h they are *onne*ted to ,aat3 They *an therefore be*ome 'eparated from the original intelle*t and rea'oning+

-#:*-The ne.t a'pe*t of .eir 'n*in to be %nder'tood i' the a'pe*t of Yosef :Yesod<+ A' i' known( Yosef i' *alled Yosef HaTzaddi) :&o'eph the Righteo%'<+ 6ikewi'e( the sefirah of Yesod i' *alled Tzaddi) :Righteo%'< a' in the =er'e( @Tzaddi) Yesod Olam- # @The Righteo%' i' the fo%ndation of the worldA+ 1'alm'( 'tate'( @Hashem" yo%r' i' the greatne'' :Chesed<( the might :!evurah<( the bea%ty :Tiferet<( the *onI%e't :$etzach<( the maEe'ty :Hod<( for all :Yesod< i' in the hea=en' and the earth+ To yo% Hashem i' the king'hip : alchut< et*+A 8ow( in the Aramai* tran'lation of 7nkolo' the =er'e( @All i' in the hea=en' and the earthA i' tran'lated a'( @3e %nite' the hea=en' and the earthA+ ?rom thi' it i' %nder'tood that the f%n*tion of Yesod i' to %nite the hea=en' and the earth+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the *onne*tion between tea*her and 't%dent et*+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( Yesod i' al'o *alled @GoodA :Tov<( be*a%'e it i' the nat%re of the good to be'tow goodne'' %pon other'+ The a'pe*t of Yesod i' the *apability of %niting the gi=er with the re*ipient by bringing the infl%en*e o%t from the gi=er to the re*ipient+ A tea*her who him'elf %nder'tand' a deep *on*ept( b%t i' in*apable of tailoring it to the *apa*ity of hi' 't%dent' with e.planation' and e.ample' whi*h they *an %nder'tand( ha' *learly not rea*hed the a'pe*t of Yesod+ )n *ontra't( one who po''e''e' the ability to bring o%t e=en the loftie't *on*ept in a manner that the 't%dent %nder'tand' i' *alled Yesod for he i' %niting the @hea=en'A and the @earthA- the gi=er and the re*ipient( 'o to 'peak+ 8ow( all the infl%en*e from Yaa)ov :The emotion'<( gather' in Yesod before it a*t%ally *ome' o%t into re=elation+ Thi' i' the meaning of the =er'e( @The'e are the off'pring of Yaa)ov( Yosef ect3A Thi' mean' that all the infl%en*e of the emotion' fir't gather' in Yesod" whi*h i' the ability to bring the infl%en*e o%t into re=elation+ ?%rthermore( thi' ability of Yesod( to bring the infl%en*e down a**ording to the re*ipient'( i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e it i' rooted e=en higher than the intelle*t and infl%en*e it'elf+ Thi' i' be*a%'e it i' 'pe*ifi*ally one who %nder'tand' a *on*ept at it' =ery e''en*e and 'o%r*e( who i' *apable of bringing it down to the *omprehen'ion of a *hild+ 7ne who doe' not %nder'tand the *on*ept at it' e''en*e and 'o%r*e will ha=e diffi*%lty %nder'tanding it him'elf( let alone e.plaining it to 'omeone el'e+ 3e will *ertainly be in*apable of bringing it down 'o that a *hild *o%ld %nder'tand it+ :)n the Torah Yosef i' al'o known a' @The )nterpreter of >ream'A+ Thi' will be e.plained later+<


-The Knowledge of G-d-

-#:*#;efore we *an e.plain the letter' of tho%ght : (eah< and the letter' of 'pee*h :Rachel<( we m%'t fir't e.plain @The =oi*e of Yaa)ovA+ There i' an inner( %nheard =oi*e and an o%ter( heard =oi*e+ The =oi*e i' made %p of three element'( 'ish :fire<( ayim :water< and Ruach :air or =apor<+ Water *orre'pond' to Chesed :Kindne''<( fire *orre'pond' to !evurah :Sternne''<( and =apor *orre'pond' to Tiferet :Compa''ion<+ &%'t a' the =oi*e i' made %p of the'e three phy'i*al element'( likewi'e the @breath of the heartA : Hevel Ha(ev< it'elf in*l%de' the'e three element'( b%t in a more refined and 'pirit%al form+ The'e are the heartfelt emotion' of kindne'' :Chesed<" 'ternne'' :!evurah< and *ompa''ion :Tiferet<+ Thi' *an be %nder'tood a' follow'+ When a per'on i' happy( the light and infl%en*e of the kindne'' of hi' heart : Chesed< 'pread' forth+ )n *ontra't( when he i' 'ad( he be*ome' intro=erted and re'er=ed+ Thi' i' !evurah" whi*h i' the la*k of the 'preading forth of light and infl%en*e+ Tiferet" on the other hand( i' an intermediary *ond%*t whi*h in*l%de' both Chesed and !evurah+ 8ow( the phy'i*al *ompo'ition of the =oi*e i' affe*ted by the emotional *ompo'ition in the heart+ )f there i' an e.*e'' of !evurah( hi' =oi*e will ha=e m%*h fire in it and will be dry and ra'py+ )f there i' an e.*e'' of Chesed( hi' =oi*e will ha=e m%*h water in it and will be *lear and bell like+ Tiferet" whi*h i' the intermediary between Chesed and !evurah( will prod%*e a =oi*e whi*h i' a mi.t%re of fire and water+ A**ording to the *ompo'ition of the emotion' will be the *ompo'ition of the =oi*e+ )t i' al'o *lear that a per'onF' =oi*e re=eal' the admi.t%re of hi' or her inner emotion'+ ?rom the 'o%nd of the =oi*e it'elf( it i' po''ible for one to hear if one i' happy( 'ad( angry( h%rt( Eoyf%l( or ner=o%' et*+ ?or e.ample( a h%'band *ome' home from work and realiHe' that hi' wife i' %p'et+ 3e a'k' her( @WhatF' wrong( 3oneyGA She replie'( @8othingSA 8ow( e=en tho%gh a**ording to her word'( nothing i' wrong( he *an( nonethele''( hear the emotion' in her =oi*e whi*h be'peak otherwi'e+ Thi' matter of being able to di'*ern a per'onF' emotion' from hi' or her =oi*e i' tr%e e=en if the hearer doe' not %nder'tand the lang%age of the 'peaker+ All thi' i' in regard to the @e.ternal =oi*eA :The emotion'< whi*h may be heard in the =oi*e+ :Thi' %nifi*ation of the emotion' with the letter' of 'pee*h i' *alled( @The %nifi*ation of Yaa)ov and Rachel-" a' will be e.plained 'hortly+< 8ow( there i' al'o an inner =oi*e whi*h *annot be heard in the 'pee*h+ Thi' i' the a'pe*t of the @)ntelle*t of the emotion'A+ The intelle*t of the emotion' i' not made %p of @a%dibleA fire :Sternne''<( water :Kindne''< and air :Compa''ion<+ )n other word'( one may be able to hear the anger in 'omeoneF' =oi*e b%t not the reason for the anger+ 8ow altho%gh it i' tr%e that the @)ntelle*t of the emotion'A i' al'o a *ompo'ite of Chesed" !evurah and Tiferet( nonethele''( they e.i't in the innerne'' of the heart :rather than it' e.ternality( a' mentioned abo=e<+ The'e emotion' of the inner heart are infl%en*ed by the inner =oi*e of +inah :Comprehen'ion and 9nder'tanding<( whi*h i' drawn from the brain to the heart+ A' we 'aid abo=e( the reasoning for the emotion'( whi*h gi=e' ri'e to the emotion'( i' not heard in the =oi*e it'elf( a' in the *a'e of the h%'band who *an hear that 'omething i' wrong in hi' wifeF' =oi*e+ 8onethele''( he i' in*apable of hearing what it i' that i' bothering her+ Thi' i' the @inner =oi*eA whi*h *annot be heard in the a%dible =oi*e+ $4

-The Knowledge of G-d-

-#:*$A' 'tated before( Yaa)ov married two 'i'ter' who'e name' were (eah and Rachel3 The'e two 'i'ter' repre'ent the two Heh' in the tetra&rameton" the fo%r letter name of G-d+ A' mentioned pre=io%'ly( the fir't Heh repre'ent' +inah( whi*h i' tho%ght( and the 'e*ond Heh repre'ent' alchut" whi*h i' 'pee*h+ A*t%ally( (eah repre'ent' the letters of tho%ght of +inah" whi*h i' the la't and mo't e.ternal le=el of tho%ght( while Rachel repre'ent' the letters of 'pee*h+ (eah and Rachel are al'o referred to a'( @The Con*ealed WorldA and @The Re=ealed WorldA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e a per'onF' tho%ght' are internal and hidden from other people+ Spee*h( on the other hand( re=eal' hi' tho%ght' and emotion' to other'+ The detail' of tho%ght( 'pee*h and their letter'( will be di'*%''ed at length later+ At thi' point it i' '%ffi*ient to %nder'tand that (eah repre'ent' tho%ght and Rachel repre'ent' 'pee*h+

-#:*%We will now di'*%'' the %nifi*ation of Yaa)ov with Rachel and the %nifi*ation of Yisrael with (eah" et*+ whi*h repre'ent the relation'hip' between the *omponent' of the emotion'+ The'e %nifi*ation' are a' follow'C -< A' mentioned abo=e( when the @E.ternality of the emotion'A : Yaa)ov<( whi*h i' the *ompo'ition of the fire :Sternne''<( water :Kindne''< and =apor :Compa''ion< of the breath of the l%ng'( *ome o%t into 'pee*h :Rachel<( thi' i' *alled the %nifi*ation of Yaa)ov and Rachel+ The e.ample for thi' wa' gi=en abo=e( in the *a'e of the h%'band and wife+ < An additional %nifi*ation i' that of Yisrael and (eah+ Thi' i' when the @)nnerne'' of the emotion'A :Yisrael<( whi*h i' the intelle*t of the emotion'( ri'e' %p into the letter' of tho%ght+ ?or e.ample( when one i' worried in hi' heart( the worry will ri'e into hi' tho%ght'+ The rea'on' for hi' worry :The innerne'' of the emotion'< will *ome %p in hi' tho%ght' :(eah<+ Thi' i' *alled the %nifi*ation of Yisrael and (eah+ ,< A f%rther %nifi*ation i' that of Yisrael and Rachel+ Thi' i' when the @)nnerne'' of the emotion'A :Yisrael<( whi*h i' the intelle*t of the emotion'( i' e.pre''ed in 'pee*h+ :An e.ample of thi' i' when one e.pre''e' the rea'on' why he i' worried in hi' 'pee*h+< "< There *an al'o be a %nifi*ation of Yaa)ov and (eah+ Thi' i' when the e.ternality of the emotion' :Yaa)ov< ri'e %p to the letter' of tho%ght :(eah<+ Thi' i' al'o *alled @The fleeting tho%ght' of the heartA :Hirhoorei (ee#a<+ An e.ample of thi' i' when one i' 'trolling down the 'treet and tho%ght' are E%'t popping into hi' head( like @what a ni*e dayA or @) '%re like *ho*olateA et*+ At time' the %nifi*ation *an be a' follow'D -< The inner emotion' of the heart :Yisrael< ri'e %p and %nify with tho%ght :(eah<( and then the tho%ght *reate' an e.ternal e.*itement of the emotion' of the breath of the heart :Yaa)ov<+ Then( the e.ternal emotion' of the heart :Yaa)ov< *ome o%t into 'pee*h $5

-The Knowledge of G-d:Rachel<+ The order of thi' %nifi*ation wo%ld th%' be Yisrael < (eah < Yaa)ov < Rachel+ 7r 'ometime' the %nifi*ation may be a' follow'D < The e.ternal emotion' of the heart : Yaa)ov< ri'e %p to tho%ght :(eah<( for there *annot be tho%ght witho%t emotional in=ol=ement and de'ire+ 3e then 'peak' : Rachel< what he think'+ Thi' i' known a' @The heel' of (eah enter the head of RachelA :%)vei (eah $ichnaseem Toch Rosh Rachel< The order of thi' %nifi*ation wo%ld th%' be Yaa)ov < (eah < Rachel3

-#:*&8ow( in order to %nder'tand the *on*ept of the en*lothement' of tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion( we m%'t fir't %nder'tand the 'o%r*e of the letter'+ A' mentioned earlier( in relation to name'( the letter' define and gi=e de'*ription to e=erything+ The letter' gi=e ea*h thing tangibility and defined e.i'ten*e+ )t may therefore be 'tated that the 'o%r*e of the letter' i' literally in the =ery e''en*e of the 'o%l it'elf+ )f thi' were not 'o( there *o%ld not be any kind of re=elation from the e''en*e at all+ ?or e.ample( a de'ire *annot be re=ealed a' a de'ire witho%t it' letter' of de'*ription+ Thi' i' be*a%'e witho%t the letter' that -+< >efine it a' a de'ire( and +< >e'*ribe the de'ire( there *o%ld be no re=elation of the de'ire from the e''en*e at all+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally( by way of the letter' that the de'ire *an be re=ealed in the intelle*t of the de'ire+ Witho%t the letter' whi*h define it( it wo%ld be %nable to de'*end from one le=el to the ne.t( that i'( from the de'ire of the de'ire :Keter of Keter< to the intelle*t%al rea'oning for the de'ire :Chochmah and +inah of Keter<+ ?%rthermore( the intelle*t and rea'oning of the de'ire m%'t ha=e letter' in order for the de'ire to de'*end to the emotion' of the de'ire :CHa!aT" and $eHiY of Keter<+ We are 'till 'peaking here in regard to the de'ire it'elf whi*h i' abo=e the a*t%al intelle*t and *omprehen'ion of Chochmah and +inah them'el=e'+ 8onethele''( from thi' e.ample it i' *lear that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the letter' whi*h gi=e 'omething it' de'*ription and tangibility 'o that it may de'*end and tran'form from one le=el to the ne.t( from de'ire to intelle*t and from intelle*t to emotion' et*+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the e.ample gi=en abo=e of a per'on who want' a *raft'man to make a *hair for him b%t only tell' him( @Make PitF for meA+ 8othing *an be made be*a%'e the *raft'man ha' ab'ol%tely no de'*ription or definition of what hi' *lient want'+ 7nly when he name' or de'*ribe' what he i' pi*t%ring in hi' mind will it be po''ible for the *hair to be*ome a reality+ 7nly then( when he gi=e' o=er letter' of tangible de'*ription and definition of the *hair( *an the *raft'man tran'late hi' de'ire into the a*tion of making a *hair+ Clearly( only thro%gh letter' *an there be a *haining down of *a%'e and effe*t : Seder


-The Knowledge of G-dHishtalshelut<( from the e''en*e of the 'o%l to the final a*tion+ What we f%rther %nder'tand from thi' i' that the =ery e''en*e of the 'o%l i' the 'o%r*e of thi' power of de'*ription :i+e+ the letter'<+ ?or thi' rea'on it i' 'tated in Etz Chaim that the e''en*e of the 'o%l i' f%ll of letter'+ Thi' i' al'o the rea'on why the h%man 'o%l i' *alled a @Speaking 'o%lA+ 6ikewi'e( in G-dline''( it i' %nder'tood that the 'o%r*e of the letter' i' the e''ential ability to gi=e de'*ription and tangible e.i'ten*e to e=erything+ Thi' in*l%de' gi=ing definition to both the infinite and the finite+ )n other word'( infinity too i' a defined 'tate( E%'t a' the finite i' a defined 'tate( in that it i' defined to being infinite+ 8ow( being that the letter' are the 'o%r*e of the @Somethingne''A of e=erything that e.i't'( their 'o%r*e m%'t be higher than e=erything el'e+ The 'o%r*e of the letter' i'( therefore( in the =ery e''en*e it'elf+ ?or thi' rea'on G-d i' *alled the @Tr%e SomethingA :Yesh Ha'meety<+

-#:*'We m%'t now %nder'tand why at time' the letter' are *alled @=e''el'A and at time' they are *alled @*lothingA+ )n general( a' e.plained earlier( the =e''el' or organ' are 'till *on'idered to be a part and par*el of the e''en*e and *ompletely *onne*ted with it( E%'t a' oneF' brain( or heart( i' part and par*el of him+ 6ikewi'e( the letter' are *alled =e''el' be*a%'e altho%gh they limit the light( they( nonethele''( are =e''el' whi*h bring the light into tangible de'*ription and being+ 3owe=er( at time' the letter' are *alled *lothing+ An arti*le of *lothing i' not part and par*el of the wearer+ )t i' '%bEe*t to *hange or e.*hange with other *lothing+ 6ikewi'e( the letter' are *alled *lothing be*a%'e they are not bo%nd to thi' parti*%lar light and may be e.*hanged for different letter'+ Thi' mean' to 'ay that the 'ame idea may be 'aid in more than one way( a' we 'ee that two people may e.pre'' the 'ame idea %'ing different word'+ ;e'ide' thi'( the letter' may be p%t into a different order to mean 'omething radi*ally different then their original meaning( a' we 'ee with the letter' of a ran'om note whi*h are *%t o%t from a magaHine+ The differen*e between the'e two a'pe*t' of the letter' may be %nder'tood from the letter' of the Torah+ The letter' of the Torah are ordered in a 'pe*ifi* manner+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally the'e letter' in thi' parti*%lar order whi*h make' it the Torah+ 7nly thi' *ombination of letter' re=eal' the light of the Torah to %' and the letter' may not be *hanged or e.*hanged+ )n thi' regard the letter' of the Torah are it' =e''el'+ 3owe=er( there i' another a'pe*t in the letter' of the Torah+ Thi' i' the a'pe*t of the e.ternal letter' them'el=e'+ )t i' po''ible to rearrange the e.ternal letter' of the Torah and make a whole new book o%t of them( a book that 'ay' 'omething totally different+ The'e are the letter' whi*h are *alled en*lothement' or @*lothingA+ The'e e.ternal letter' are not *onne*ted to the inner e''en*e of the Torah( be*a%'e if one were to rearrange them( he wo%ld not ha=e *hanged the Torah altogether+ The Torah wo%ld *ontin%e to be the Torah+ Rather the book lying before him wo%ld not be the Torah at all+ )t wo%ld be a different book written with the 'ame letter'( ordered differently+ ?or thi' rea'on we are told that when the Roman' b%rned the Torah '*roll( the letter' of the Torah were not b%rned at all( b%t rather floated %p to hea=en+ What wa' b%rned wa' merely the 2-

-The Knowledge of G-d@*lothingA( the e.ternal letter' whi*h may be *hanged or e.*hanged+ The e''ential letter' of the Torah it'elf remained inta*t+ ?rom thi' we %nder'tand that altho%gh letter' whi*h are @=e''el'A and the letter' whi*h are @*lothingA look e.a*tly alike( they( nonethele''( are two 'eparate matter'+

-#:*()t i' 'tated in the .ohar( @3e made *lothing for them :the sefirot< from whi*h the 'o%l' of h%man being' *ome o%t+A 8ow( a**ording to what wa' e.plained abo=e( how i' it po''ible that from a totally 'eparate thing( like *lothing( the e''en*e of the h%man 'o%l *an *ome o%tG )t m%'t therefore be %nder'tood that what i' *on'idered to be a @garmentA on one le=el *an be*ome the e''ential light of another le=el+ Thi' may be %nder'tood by e.amining what take' pla*e when one per'on *omm%ni*ate' a de'ire or an idea to another+ ?rom the e''ential de'ire of the fir't per'on( hi' de'ire de'*end'( in the fa'hion e.plained earlier( %ntil it i' en*lothed within hi' tho%ght+ )t then de'*end' f%rther to hi' emotion'( and finally( i' @en*lothedA in hi' 'pee*h+ 3owe=er( in and of them'el=e'( the word' he 'peak' are merely a *onglomeration of e.ternal 'o%nd' whi*h ha=e no intrin'i* *onne*tion to hi' de'ire'( tho%ght' and feeling'+ 6etF' 'ay he *omm%ni*ate' hi' de'ire or idea o=er the telephone+ The e.ternal 'o%nd' of hi' 'pee*h be*ome @en*lothedA and *on=erted into ele*troni* imp%l'e' that tra=el thro%gh the telephone line'+ They then are re*on'tit%ted in the re*ei=er on the other end of the line+ The per'on on the re*ei=ing end i' not hearing the =oi*e or 'pee*h of the 'peaker at all+ 3e i' only hearing an artifi*ial appro.imation of hi' =oi*e( re*on'tit%ted from ele*tri*al imp%l'e'+ 3e *ertainly *annot hear the tho%ght' of the 'peaker( and *ertainly not hi' de'ire+ A*t%ally all he i' hearing are *on'e*%ti=e 'o%nd'+ 3owe=er( en*lothed within the'e 'o%nd' i' the de'ire( intelle*t( emotion'( and 'pee*h of the 'peaker+ )f the li'tener i' infl%en*ed by the'e tho%ght' and idea'( thi' @en*lothementA may be*ome hi' inner de'ire( intelle*t and moti=ation+ What i' a mo't e.ternal le=el relati=e to the 'peaker be*ome' the deepe't moti=ating fa*tor for the li'tener+ An additional e.ample may be %nder'tood from the letter' of thi' book+ The letter' them'el=e' are nothing more than phy'i*al 'I%iggle' of ink on paper+ 8onethele''( when they are ab'orbed by the reader they be*ome hi' e''ential inner moti=ation and intelle*t+ )t i' al'o %nder'tood that the e.ternal 'pee*h of a politi*al or 'pirit%al leader be*ome' the inner moti=ation and intelle*t of hi' de=oted follower'+ ?rom thi' it i' *lear( that what i' an en*lothement relati=e to one le=el( may be an e''ential de'ire and moti=ation relati=e to the ne.t le=el+ We may now %nder'tand the abo=e 'tatement of the .ohar that what may be regarded a' the e''ential 'o%l relati=e to one le=el( may be regarded a' a 'eparate @garmentA relati=e to the le=el abo=e it+


-The Knowledge of G-d;efore we *ontin%e to e.plain the en*lothement' of tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion( it m%'t be %nder'tood that there are different type' of tho%ght( ea*h of whi*h e.i't' on many le=el'+ The fir't type i' tho%ght whi*h i' de'ire+ The 'e*ond type i' analyti*al tho%ght+ )n regard to the fir't type( a de'ire may al'o be *alled a tho%ght+ ?or e.ample( @3e tho%ght to do '%*h and '%*hA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e de'ire be*ome' immediately en*lothed in tho%ght+ Therefore( the de'ire and the tho%ght of the de'ire are a' one+ Therefore( to 'ay( @)t aro'e in hi' de'ireA i' the 'ame a' 'aying( @)t aro'e in hi' tho%ghtA be*a%'e thi' type of tho%ght i' 'till de'ire+ We *an *learly ob'er=e that when a de'ire ari'e' in the brain it may 'tim%late the ner=e' in the brain witho%t be*oming en*lothed in analyti*al tho%ght at all+ ?or e.ample( when one mo=e' hi' hand to pi*k 'omething %p( he doe' not need to think abo%t it+ The de'ire goe' immediately from the ner=e' of hi' brain to the a*tion of mo=ing hi' hand( witho%t be*oming en*lothed in tho%ght at all+ 8ow( of *o%r'e( there i' tho%ght here too+ The tho%ght here( tho%gh( are the letter' parti*%lar to the de'ire+ Thi' tho%ght i' *alled( @The 3idden Tho%ght of 'rich 'n*inA :@ achshava Stimaah ,'rich 'n*in- or @+inah of 'rich 'n*in-<+ Thi' prin*iple( that tho%ght and de'ire are inter*hangeable( applie' e=en to the highe't le=el'+ Thi' being the *a'e( the @1rimal de'ireA :Ratzon HaKadoom< of 'dam Kadmon i' often *alled @The 1rimal Tho%ghtA : achshavah HaKedoomah< of 'dam Kadmon( be*a%'e it too be*ome' immediately en*lothed in it' letter'+ Thi' prin*iple e=en applie' higher( in the e''en*e it'elf( 'o that the @Simple e''ential de'ireA : Ratzon Ha/ashoot She+a'tzmoot<( mentioned earlier( *an al'o be *alled @The 'imple e''ential tho%ghtA : achshavah /ashoota She+a'tzmoot<+ All the abo=e i' the fir't type of tho%ght( whi*h may al'o be *alled a de'ire+ The 'e*ond type of tho%ght i' the a*t%al analyti*al and *omprehen'i=e tho%ght in the brain of +inah+ Thi' type of tho%ght *annot be *alled a de'ire at all+ Thi' will now be e.plained in greater detail+

-#:*+)n general( there are three le=el' of the 'e*ond type of tho%ght( whi*h i' gra'pable( analyti*al tho%ght+ -< The lowe't le=el i' (eah( whi*h *on'tit%te' the letter' of tho%ght+ The'e are the letter' them'el=e'+ The letter'( in and of them'el=e'( ha=e no meaning+ ?or e.ample( a *hild who know' the alphabet *an *opy the letter' of thi' book( witho%t e=en realiHing that there i' any meaning behind them+ Another e.ample of thi' i' the fa*t that 'omething *o%ld be 'aid in one lang%age whi*h ha' a different meaning in another lang%age+ )n Chine'e( for in'tan*e( V*owV mean' VdogV( b%t in Engli'h( V*owV mean' V*owV+ A' we 'ee( the letter' them'el=e' are I%ite e.ternal to the meaning+ E=en when they are pla*ed in the 'ame order( @*owA( they mean different thing' in different lang%age'+ The'e are the letter' of tho%ght( whi*h are *alled (eah+


-The Knowledge of G-d< The ne.t le=el i' alchut of Tvunah+ Thi' i' the le=el of the inner letter'( i+e+ the meaning+ ?or e.ample( if yo% hear the word V*owV( there i' an inner meaning there+ Jo% think of a *ow rather than a *at+ )f we 'ing VRow( row( row yo%r boat gently down the 'tream( merrily( merrily( merrily( merrily( life i' b%t a dream+V there i' the 'imple meaning of the word' whi*h e=ery *hild %nder'tand'+ Thi' le=el i' al'o *alled achshevet Sechel :Tho%ght of the )ntelle*t<+ 3owe=er( the achshevet Sechel i' al'o a =e''el for the following le=elD ,< The ne.t le=el i' achshavah %yunit( :Analyti*al tho%ght<+ Thi' i' the tho%ght of +inah+ Thi' i' when we take the 'ame ditty( VRow( row( row yo%r boat gently down the 'tream( merrily( merrily( merrily( merrily( life i' b%t a dreamV( and analyHe it( to %nder'tand it' deeper meaning+ To do thi' we m%'t begin with the 'traightforward meaning of the achshevet Sechel :Tho%ght of the )ntelle*t<+ ?ir't we '%rmi'e that the fir't part of the 'enten*e( VRow yo%r boat gently down the 'treamV m%'t be related to the 'e*ond part of the 'enten*e( VMerrily( life i' b%t a dreamV( 'in*e they are two part' of a 'ingle 'tatement+ 8e.t( we attempt to %nder'tand it' deeper meaning( by analyHing the relation'hip between the two part' of the 'tatement and the *omponent' of ea*h part( %ntil we ha=e a fla'h of Chochmah :)n'ight< into the inner meaning of the 'ong+ We now %nder'tand that there i' a profo%nd philo'ophi*al 'tatement abo%t life in thi' 'ong+ The @'treamA i' the flow of life( whi*h( a' a 'tream( flow' in only one dire*tion+ Time only goe' forward+ )t i' impo''ible to t%rn the *lo*k of o%r life ba*kward'+ The @boatA repre'ent' the body( whi*h i' the =e''el for the 'o%l a' long a' it remain' in the phy'i*al world+ Another word for a boat i' a @=e''elA+ To @RowA the boat mean' to dire*t it+ Thi' 'ho%ld be done @gentlyA( whi*h mean'( @ea'ygoingA+ Thi' mean' that we 'ho%ld take the %p' and down' of life in an a**epting( tr%'ting fa'hion+ ?inally( @Merrily( life i' b%t a dreamA mean' to be happy with life and take ad=antage of it' opport%nitie' while we 'till *an be*a%'e it doe' not la't fore=er+ 8ow( d%ring the entire pro*e'' of analy'i'( the achshevet Sechel :Tho%ght of the intelle*t< i' a =e''el for the achshava %yunit :Analyti*al Tho%ght<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e thro%gho%t the analy'i' one i' thinking into the meaning of the word'+ After all( what i' being analyHed i' the 'imple 'traightforward meaning of the word'+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally the meaning of the word' whi*h *an *ontain the deeper( analyti*al meaning+ ?or e.ample( the reader of thi' book pre'ently ha' all three le=el' in hi' mindC -+ The letter' them'el=e' :(eah< + The letter' of meaning : achshevet Sechel or alchut of Tvunah< ,+ The letter' of analy'i'+ : achshava %yunit of +inah< The letter' of tho%ght *ontain the letter' of the meaning( and the letter' of the meaning *ontain the letter' of the analy'i'+ ?%rthermore( on*e one ha' the fla'h of Chochmah" mentioned abo=e( and realiHe' the inner meaning of the 'ong( it too i' a meaning+ ?%rthermore( e=ery time he hear' that 'ong in the f%t%re( that will be the new 'imple( 'traightforward meaning whi*h will *ome to mind+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the achshavah %yunit :Analyti*al Tho%ght< i' *ontained in the achshevet Sechel :Tho%ght of )ntelle*t<


-The Knowledge of G-dand the Chochmah :)n'ight< whi*h i' *a%'ed thro%gh the achshava %yunit :Analyti*al Tho%ght< be*ome' the new 'imple meaning+ All of thi' i' en*lothed within the letter' of tho%ght whi*h are *alled (eah+

-#:*,8ow( in tho%ght it'elf( there are three le=el'+ There i' tho%ght of tho%ght( 'pee*h of tho%ght and a*tion of tho%ght+ There i' pi*torial imaginati=e tho%ght whi*h i' not in *ombination' or perm%tation' of letter'( E%'t imagery+ Thi' i' like the tho%ght of a *hild( who doe' not yet ha=e tho%ght in *ombination' of letter'+ 3e only ha' pi*torial tho%ght with imagery re*ognition( whi*h *ome' from the power of imagination+ 8ow( altho%gh it i' tr%e that e=en in thi' pi*torial tho%ght there are di=i'ion' of parti*%lar'( nonethele''( it i' only imagery and *annot yet be *alled tr%e tho%ght+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that it i' 'tated that a *hild doe' not ha=e tho%ght at all+ 6ater( the *hild mat%re' 'omewhat( 'o that he ha' *ombination' and di=i'ion' of letter' of tho%ght+ 3owe=er( they are not yet *omplete+ 3e 'till i' only able to think in a =ery limited fa'hion+ ?or e.ample( he *an think abo%t 'omething that he i' gi=en( and *hoo'e between it and 'omething el'e( ha=ing a de'ire for one thing and a di'ta'te for another+ Thi' i' the beginning of a*t%al tho%ght( and i' *alled @A*tion of tho%ghtA+ 8ow( an ad%lt al'o po''e''e' @A*tion of tho%ghtA+ )n an ad%lt thi' wo%ld be when he i' thinking how to do 'omething( '%*h a' writing( drawing or b%ilding 'omething et*+ )t *o%ld al'o be when what he need' to do( ari'e' in hi' intelle*t+ ?or e.ample( he think'( @) need to *lean thi' roomA or @) need to lo'e 'ome weightA et*+ Thi' i' @A*tion of tho%ghtA+ We 'ee that there are two general le=el' in a*tion of tho%ght+ The lowe't( *annot yet be *on'idered tr%e tho%ght+ Rather( it i' the power to *onE%re an image in hi' mind+ :A*t%ally( thi' le=el i' lower than @A*tion of tho%ghtA+ 8onethele''( it i' 'till higher than the imagery of dream'+< The 'e*ond le=el( whi*h i' tr%e @A*tion of tho%ghtA( i' like the *hild who ha' mat%red 'lightly( a' mentioned abo=e( or like the ad%lt who i' thinking abo%t what he need' to do+

-#:+-The ne.t le=el %p in tho%ght i' @'pee*h of tho%ghtA+ There are two general le=el' here a' well+ The lower le=el of @'pee*h of tho%ghtA i' when one i' li'tening to 'omeone el'e 'peaking and it regi'ter' in hi' mind+ Thi' type of tho%ght i' lower than when he i' thinking to him'elf( rather than hearing 'omeone el'e 'peak+ The higher le=el of @'pee*h of tho%ghtA i' when he i' thinking how to 'peak( or how to phra'e what he i' trying to 'ay( before he a*t%ally 'peak'( and then he immediately 'peak'+ ?rom thi' le=el of @'pee*h of tho%ghtA there i' a de'*ent to be*ome @tho%ght of 'pee*hA :whi*h will be di'*%''ed later<+ Thi' i' to 'ay that hi' thinking how to 'peak will be*ome the tho%ght of hi' 'pee*h( when he a*t%ally begin' to 'peak+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

-#:+#The third le=el i' @tho%ght of tho%ghtA+ )n *ontra't to the abo=e( thi' i' when he i' thinking to him'elf( witho%t any intention of bringing o%t hi' tho%ght' into 'pee*h+ ?or e.ample( thi' i' when one i' thinking the lyri*' of a 'ong to him'elf( in hi' head+ Thi' i' a higher le=el of tho%ght than if he were to hear 'omeone el'e 'inging the 'ong+ 3owe=er( he i' not really thinking into the meaning of the word' on thi' le=el of tho%ght+ 3e merely i' thinking the word' of the 'ong( a' if they are playing in hi' head+ Thi' le=el i' the lowe't le=el of @tho%ght of tho%ghtA and i' *on'idered to be @'pee*h of tho%ght of tho%ghtA+ :)n @tho%ght of tho%ghtA there al'o are the three le=el'( tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion+ Thi' le=el wo%ld be @'pee*h of tho%ght of tho%ghtA+< The ne.t le=el higher i' a*t%al tho%ght in whi*h he i' thinking into the a*t%al meaning+ The word' and *ombination' of the letter' follow a%tomati*ally( a' i' *learly ob'er=able that when one i' thinking into the meaning of 'omething( the *ombination' of letter' of tho%ght will a%tomati*ally follow a**ording to the idea' he i' thinking+ ?or e.ample( if he i' thinking abo%t b%'ine''( the *ombination' and form%lation' of the letter' of hi' tho%ght :(eah< will be a**ording to what he i' thinking : achshevet Sechel<+ )f he i' thinking abo%t b%'ine'' matter'( the *ombination' of letter' will not be @ba'eballA+ When he i' thinking into the meaning of 'omething( thi' i' *alled @tr%e tho%ght of tho%ghtA+ Thi' i' the power of the intelle*t to think any thing he wi'he'( E%'t a' the power of 'pee*h( i' the power to 'peak anything he wi'he'+ A' mentioned before( thi' le=el of tho%ght : achshevet Sechel< i' the =e''el for analyti*al *ontemplati=e tho%ght : achshava %yunit<+ Thi' type of tho%ght i' dependant on the power of ,aat( whi*h i' the power of attention and *on*entration to *onne*t to a '%bEe*t matter+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that it 'ay' that toddler' do not ha=e tho%ght( be*a%'e they ha=e a weak attention 'pan+ A' e.plained earlier( ,aat :Attention< i' the =e''el for *omprehen'i=e and analyti*al tho%ght+ Therefore( to the degree of ,aat that one po''e''e'" will be hi' *apa*ity for the analyti*al tho%ght of +inah+ :8onethele''( the depth of the tho%ght *an only be a**ording to the depth of the '%bEe*t being *omprehended( a' mentioned earlier+<

-#:+$We m%'t now %nder'tand the power' to di=ide and *ombine the letter' of tho%ght( on the third le=el whi*h i' @Tho%ght of tho%ghtA+ Thro%gh thi'( we will gain in'ight into the 'o%r*e of the power' to di=ide and *ombine the letter' of 'pee*h+ A' e.plained earlier( +inah i' the analyti*al *omprehen'ion and e.planation of a '%bEe*t to it' length and breadth+ When one i' thinking into the depth of a '%bEe*t( 'in*e hi' mind i' into the depth of *omprehen'ion( it i' not yet di=ided into a*t%al di=i'ion' and *ombination' of letter'+ Rather( it i' *ompletely in achshevet Sechel( whi*h( a' mentioned before( i' the matter of thinking the meaning in a holi'ti* manner+ ?or e.ample( when ) think @*arA and when an a%tomobile me*hani* think' @*arA( we are both


-The Knowledge of G-dholi'ti*ally thinking the 'ame thing+ 8ow( the @?i=e 'e=eritie' of 9nder'tandingA :Hey !evurot ,+inah<" are the ability to bring down the light of thi' tho%ght into di=i'ion' of =ario%' *ombination' in a detailed manner of 'pe*ifi*'( rather than only holi'ti*ally+ We m%'t therefore %nder'tand what the fi=e !evurot of +inah are+ The'e @?i=e !evurot of +inahA are al'o known a' @the protr%'ion' of the 'ealA :1etoo*hei Chotam<+ When making a 'eal( or a 'tamp( one *ar=e' away the r%bber lea=ing a protr%'ion of the remaining r%bber( th%' forming letter'+ 6ikewi'e( the @?i=e !evurot of +inahA repre'ent' the ability to remo=e part of the whole+ The parti*%lar' that remain be*ome the fo*al point and 'tand o%t( 'o to 'peak+ ?or e.ample( when an a%tomobile de'igner or engineer need' to think abo%t de'igning the ne.t model of =ehi*le( he no longer think' @*arA holi'ti*ally+ 8ow he think' @engineA or @'eat'A et*+ )n effe*t( he ha' remo=ed part of the whole( and now fo*%'e' on 'pe*ifi*'+ :8onethele''( he m%'t 'till remember that he i' thinking abo%t the 'eat of a *ar( rather than any type of 'eat+ Thi' ability( to remember the holi'ti* o=er=iew e=en when he i' fo*%'ing on the 'pe*ifi*'( *ome' from Chochmah+ A' mentioned earlier( Chochmah i' the o=er=iew of the entire thing in a holi'ti* way+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that the power of memory 'pe*ifi*ally *ome' from Chochmah+< 8ow( it i' apparent from the abo=e( that the f%n*tion of the @?i=e !evurot of +inahA i' a matter of le''ening and *on'tri*tion+ 8onethele''( the 'o%r*e of the power to *ombine the letter' i' a*t%ally higher than the power of the analyti*al *omprehen'ion of +inah whi*h i' the power to di=ide the letter'+ The 'o%r*e of the power to *ombine the letter' i' from Chochmah3 Thi' may be %nder'tood from the fa*t that a toddler( who doe' not yet ha=e the ability to 'peak( nonethele'' ha' the ability to *hoo'e between one thing and another+ Thi' i' the power to di=ide+ ;e*a%'e of thi' he *an di'ting%i'h between one thing and another+ 8onethele''( 'in*e he *annot 'peak( it i' not yet in letter' of tho%ght+ 3owe=er( a' 'oon a' he i' able to *ombine the letter' in hi' tho%ght( he will al'o ha=e the ability to arti*%late them in 'pee*h+ :Thi' i' a' mentioned earlier that the feet of (eah :The letter' of tho%ght< enter into the head of Rachel :The letter' of 'pee*h<+ Thi' i' to 'ay that from 'pee*h of tho%ght *ome' tho%ght of 'pee*h+< ?%rthermore( it i' e=ident that when one arti*%late' hi' tho%ght in 'pee*h( in it' *ombination' of letter'( hi' ability to think a*t%ally be*ome' enhan*ed+ Thi' i' be*a%'e 'pee*h for*e' him to analyHe it in hi' mind+ Thi' analy'i' i' the power to di=ide and di''e*t the '%bEe*t+ When one i' abo%t to 'peak( a' he i' thinking how to arti*%late hi' tho%ght( he i' not thinking how to *ombine and form%late the word' at all+ Rather( he i' analyHing the idea in hi' mind( tearing it apart and di''e*ting it+ 7nly then *an he 'peak+ Thi' i' the meaning of the 'tatement in .ohar that( @The mother :+inah69nder'tanding< lend' the *lothing :the fi=e !evurot< to the da%ghter : alchut-Spee*h<A+ :Thi' i' al'o e.plained in the .ohar on the =er'e( @VKol HaTor $ishma +'rtzeinu The =oi*e of the do=e i' heard in o%r landA+ The word @ TorA mean' @do=eA( b%t it i' al'o the ma'*%line form of Torah3 Thi' i' referring to the Gi=er of the Torah+ The .ohar e.plain' that @'retzA :land< refer' to alchut :Spee*h<+ ?rom thi' we %nder'tand that when one 'peak' the word' of Torah( the =oi*e of the Gi=er of the Torah i' heard in hi' 'pee*h+ ?%rthermore( the Halacha :Torah law< reI%ire' that when learning Torah it i' in*%mbent


-The Knowledge of G-dto arti*%late it in 'pee*h+ Thi' i' for the abo=e rea'on+ )n addition( a' mentioned abo=e( when one 'peak' 'omething o%t lo%d( it help' him to think it better a' well+ Thi' i' be*a%'e 'pee*h *a%'e' the di=i'ion' of the letter' in the intelle*t( a' mentioned abo=e+< ?rom the abo=e( it i' *lear that the 'o%r*e of the power to *ombine the letter' i' not in +inah at all+ Rather( +inah i' the 'o%r*e of the power to di=ide+ The power to *ombine i' from Chochmah( whi*h i' a higher 'o%r*e+ We 'ee that a *hild *an di'ting%i'h and *omprehend the differen*e between 'omething good and 'omething bad( or between what he like' and di'like'( e=en before he i' *apable of 'pee*h+ 3owe=er( e=en tho%gh he ha' the power to di=ide and *omprehend( he *annot *ombine the letter' of tho%ght %ntil he be*ome' *apable of 'pee*h+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the power to *ombine i' higher than the *omprehen'ion of +inah+ The fi=e organ' of 'pee*h of the mo%th :the throat( palate( tong%e( teeth and lip'< di=ide the letter' of 'pee*h e.a*tly a**ording to how they were di=ided and *ombined in tho%ght+ :Thi' i' a' e.plained abo=e that @The mother :+inah< lend' the *lothing :the fi=e !evurot< to the da%ghter : alchut<A et*+< 8onethele''( it i' al'o 'tated in the .ohar( that @The father :Chochmah-)n'ight< fo%nded the da%ghter : alchut-Spee*h<A+ )n other word'( wherea' the power to di=ide the letter' *ome' from +inah( the power to *ombine them *ome' from Chochmah+ ?%rthermore( thi' *ome' abo%t a%tomati*ally( a' e.plained before( that the fla'h of int%ition whi*h bring' e=erything together( *ome' abo%t a%tomati*ally+ ?or e.ample( if while di'mantling a wat*h( a per'on fo*%'e' and pay' *lo'e attention( *aref%lly '*r%tiniHing ea*h pie*e and noting it' relation'hip to all the other *omponent' of the wat*h( he will a%tomati*ally be able to p%t it ba*k together+ 6ikewi'e the di=iding of the letter'( how the idea i' di''e*ted and analyHed( *ome' from the fi=e !evurot of +inah( wherea' the *ombining of the letter'( in whi*h the word' *ome together( *ome' abo%t a%tomati*ally from Chochmah+ Thi' i' a' e.plained before( that Chochmah and +inah are @The two lo=er' who ne=er 'eparateA+ The one *annot f%n*tion witho%t the other+ 6ikewi'e in order for lang%age to take pla*e( both the a*ti=e di=iding of the letter' thro%gh +inah and the a%tomati* *ombining of the letter' thro%gh Chochmah m%'t take pla*e+ )n '%mmary( there are two general power' in tho%ght( and two parti*%lar power' in tho%ght+ The fir't general power i' the power of *omprehen'ion( to di'ting%i'h and *omprehend the differen*e between one thing and another+ Thi' i' the analyti*al tho%ght of +inah+ The 'e*ond general power i' the power to bring thing' together+ Thi' i' the fla'h of int%ition whi*h *ome' a%tomati*ally( from Chochmah+ The fir't parti*%lar power in tho%ght i' the power to di=ide the letter'( whi*h *ome' from the fi=e !evurot of +inah+ The 'e*ond parti*%lar power in tho%ght i' the power to *ombine and form%late the'e letter' into word'( whi*h *ome' a%tomati*ally from Chochmah+ :Thi' i' *alled the Pthread of tho%ghtF( whi*h tra=el' thro%gh the word( 'enten*e or tho%ght( th%' holding it together+< )n 'pee*h( both power' are re=ealed 'im%ltaneo%'ly+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the di=i'ion' of the letter' of 'pee*h are e.a*tly a**ording to the di=i'ion' of the letter' of tho%ght+ 8onethele''( the *ombination' of the letter' are 'pe*ifi*ally from Chochmah+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that altho%gh the *hild may ha=e tho%ght( and be able to *omprehend the


-The Knowledge of G-ddifferen*e between one thing and another( he *annot thin< in *ombination' of letter' %ntil he i' able to 'peak in *ombination' of letter'+ Therefore( when we 'aid before that @A *hild doe' not ha=e tho%ghtA( we were 'pe*ifi*ally referring to the letter' of tho%ght+

-#:+%?rom the abo=e 'tatement in the .ohar( @The father :Chochmah< fo%nded the da%ghter :S*eech<A( we 'ee that the 'o%r*e of 'pee*h i' a*t%ally higher than the 'o%r*e of tho%ght+ :+inah( only( @=ends the *lothing to the da%ghter+A< Why then doe' tho%ght pre*ede 'pee*hG ?%rthermore( a h%man being i' *alled a @'peaking 'o%lA or @'peaking 'piritA+ Why i' thi' 'o if we 'ee that tho%ght pre*ede' 'pee*h by 'e=eral year'G The rea'on for thi' i' be*a%'e a' 'tated in Sefer Yetzirah( @The beginning i' bo%nd %p with the end and the end with the beginningA+ Therefore 'pee*h( whi*h i' the end( i' bo%nd %p with the beginning :Chochmah<+ ?%rthermore( from thi' we 'ee that 'omething whi*h e''entially i' higher de'*end' f%rther down+ The e.ample for thi' i' a =ery large bonfire( who'e light *an be 'een at a great di'tan*e+ )n *ontra't the light of a 'mall fire will not be =i'ible from far off+

-#:+&?rom all of the abo=e( whi*h i' the allegory( we may now ha=e a greater %nder'tanding in the analog%e( whi*h i' the fir't 'o%r*e( the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight of G-d+ When the de'ire to do kindne'' aro'e in 3i' 'imple e''ential de'ire before the Tzimtzum( the'e three le=el' of tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion of tho%ght e.i'ted in the way of a Heyulie+ The e''ential heyulie @A*tion of tho%ghtA( in the e''en*e it'elf( i' like the end a*tion whi*h aro'e fir't in tho%ght( a' if 3e pi*t%re' in 3i' mind e=ery 'ingle detail of all Creation( to the fine't detail+ ?%rthermore( 3e pi*t%re' it a' if it i' 'omething o%t'ide of 3im'elf+ Thi' i' 'imilar to @A*tion of tho%ghtA in a h%man being( when he pi*t%re' what he need' to do( a' mentioned abo=e+ The e''ential heyulie @Spee*h of tho%ghtA i' that 3e e'timated within 3im'elf( in potential( e=erything that will *ome o%t in the entire *reation pro*e''+ Thi' i' 'imilar to what wa' mentioned earlier abo%t the @Spee*h of tho%ghtA in a h%man being( in whi*h he think' what to 'peak immediately before a*t%ally 'peaking+ Thi' i' what i' meant by the fir't 'tatement in the .ohar" that @)n the beginning of the r%le of the King( 3e engra=ed an engra=ing in the %pper p%rity+A @)n the beginning of the r%le of the KingA( i' alchut :Spee*h<( 3owe=er( the @>eginning of 'pee*hA i' @Spee*h of tho%ghtA( a' mentioned before+ The .ohar *ontin%e'( @3e engra=ed an engra=ingA+ Thi' i' to 'ay( an engra=ing of letter' in @Spee*h of tho%ghtA of e=erything that will *ome o%t after Tzimtzum" into re=elation+ Thi' i' a' e.plained( that from @Spee*h of tho%ghtA *ome' @Tho%ght of 'pee*hA :*%lminating with @Spee*h of 'pee*hA( when 3e a*t%ally 'peak'+ Thi' will be di'*%''ed later+< Thi' i' the e''ential heyulie @Spee*h of tho%ghtA of the )nfinite 6ight :Ohr Ein Sof< before Tzimtzum+ The e''ential heyulie @Tho%ght of tho%ghtA i' when 3e think' the a*t%al meaning in 25

-The Knowledge of G-d*ombination' of letter'+ Thi' i' when it aro'e in 3i' 'imple tho%ght and de'ire( @) Shall R%leA :'na Emloch< et*+ Thi' tho%ght i' in a**ordan*e to 3i' e''ential heyulie de'ire :Keter< and heyulie wi'dom :Chochmah<( a' e.plained abo=e+ :;e*a%'e of thi' when a per'on below perform' the *ommandment' and '%blimate' hi' de'ire to G-dF' de'ire( thi' rea*he' all the way %p( to renew and awaken the e''ential original intention of G-d in 3i' e''ential de'ire and tho%ght for *reation+< :A' mentioned before( all of the'e detail' e.i't in the e''ential 'ing%larity of Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight< before the Tzimtzum( be*a%'e if they do not( where did they *ome fromG 3owe=er( they do not ha=e an a*t%al e.i'ten*e there at all( b%t rather are there in a way of a heyulie :Ability<+ They are not anything 'eparate and di'ting%i'hable from the Self( 'in*e only 3i' I%inte''ential 'ing%larity e.i't'+<

-#:+'?rom the abo=e( we *an %nder'tand how the'e three a'pe*t'( @Tho%ght of tho%ghtA( @Spee*h of tho%ghtA and @A*tion of tho%ghtA e.i't thro%gho%t the entire *haining down of the world'+ &%'t a' in the e''ential de'ire of the I%inte''ential Sing%larity before Tzimtzum" the'e three le=el' e.i't( 'o too they e.i't after Tzimtzum+ A' mentioned abo=e( the'e three le=el' of tho%ght e.i't in the 1rimal Tho%ght : achshavah HaKedoomah<+ ?ollowing that( they e.i't in the tho%ght of 'dam Kadmon+ The'e three le=el' of tho%ght then e.i't in the tho%ght of 'ti) Yomin and 'rich 'n*in+ Similarily( in a h%man being( from the hidden tho%ght in the e''en*e of hi' 'o%l( the tho%ght de'*end' f%rther and f%rther thro%gh all the abo=e le=el' %ntil it finally *ome' o%t in re=ealed tho%ght( en*lothed in the emotion' of the heart( whi*h i' *alled (eah3 The'e three le=el'( tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion( are al'o in*l%ded on the le=el of (eah" a' e.plained+ :Generally 'peaking( the'e three le=el' of tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion( *orre'pond to the world' of +riyah :Creation<( Yetzirah :?ormation< and 'siyah :A*tion<+ Tho%ght *orre'pond' to the world of Creation( a' mentioned abo=e that tho%ght i' like a *reation of 'omething from nothing+ Spee*h *orre'pond' to the world of ?ormation( and of *o%r'e( A*tion *orre'pond' to the world of A*tion+ ?rom an e=en broader( more general per'pe*ti=e( 'dam Kadmon i' *alled @The Man of CreationA :'dam ,+riyah<+ 'ti) Yomin and 'rich 'n*in are *alled @The Man of ?ormationA :'dam ,Yetzirah<( and .eir 'n*in i' *alled @The Man of A*tionA :'dam ,'siyah<+ Thro%gh the *ontemplation of thi' matter one may *ome to an %nder'tanding of a great many detail' in the *haining down of the world' : Seder Hishtalshelut< all the way from the @E''ential tho%ghtA( %ntil the @A*tion of tho%ght of .eir 'n*inA+<

-#:+()t i' 'elf %nder'tood that the 'o%r*e of the letter' of (eah( whi*h i' *alled alchut of Tvunah or achshevet Sechel( and i' the tho%ght of the meaning of the word' of (eah" a' e.plained before( al'o e.i't' in the e''ential 'ing%larity of the )nfinite 6ight before Tzimtzum :'tzmoot Ohr Ein Sof<+ )t wa' e.plained that the letter' of the tho%ght of the 4!

-The Knowledge of G-dmeaning( whi*h i' *alled @)ntelle*t%al Tho%ghtA : achshevet Sechel<" i' the 'o%r*e of the letter' of tho%ght( whi*h i' *alled (eah+ 6ikewi'e( in the Ohr Ein Sof before Tzimtzum( the 'o%r*e of the letter' of tho%ght of @ 'na EmlochA :@) Shall R%leA< i' in alchut of Tvunah of 'tzmoot Ohr Ein Sof3 Thi' i' al'o *all( @The )ntelle*t%al Tho%ghtA : achshevet Sechel< of the E''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight :'tzmoot Ohr Ein Sof<+ ?%rthermore( *learly( if the tho%ght *ea'e'( 'pee*h *ea'e' a' well+ ?or e.ample( if one i' 'peaking and lo'e' hi' thread of tho%ght( hi' 'pee*h *ea'e' a' well( and all he *an 'ay i' @%hhhhA+ When he regain' hi' thread of tho%ght( he *an *ontin%e to 'peak+ Thi' e.plain' what wa' 'tated earlier that( @The feet of (eahA :Tho%ght<( i' the 'o%r*e of @The head of RachelA :Spee*h<+ 6ikewi'e( abo=e( were the e''ential tho%ght of HaShem to *ea'e( 3i' 'pee*h( whi*h i' the 'o%r*e of o%r e.i'ten*e( wo%ld likewi'e *ea'e+ Thi' wo%ld bring an abr%pt end to o%r e.i'ten*e( G-d forbid+

-#:+*)t m%'t be pointed o%t that there are two type' of @'pee*hA+ There i' a*t%al 'pee*h and inner 'pee*h( whi*h *annot be heard by other'+ A' e.plained before( when we refer to 'pee*h( we are referring to G-dF' 'pee*h+ ?or thi' rea'on the fa*%lty of 'pee*h i' *alled alchut :Kingdom<+ When a king 'peak' it i' tantamo%nt to a*tion+ When a king 'ay'( @Mo=e thi' mo%ntainA( the mo%ntain mo=e'+ 3owe=er( if a king only de'ire' 'omething in hi' tho%ght or in hi' heart b%t doe' not e.pre'' it in 'pee*h( he *annot hold anyone a**o%ntable for not doing hi' will+ When the king de'ire' 'omething in hi' mind( thi' i' @Tho%ght of tho%ghtA and when he de'ire' 'omething in hi' heart( thi' i' @Spee*h of tho%ghtA+ 3owe=er( be*a%'e he did not e.pre'' it in a*t%al 'pee*h( it doe' not be*ome a*t%aliHed+ 8ow( forty day' before a *hild i' born( hi' entire life i' determined for him+ E=ery detail of hi' entire life( who he will marry( where he will li=e( how m%*h money he will make( e=en what pie*e of *hi*ken he will eat on the Shabbat of a *ertain week of a parti*%lar year( ha' already been determined+ E=erything *ame into a*t%al 'pee*h and ha'( therefore( been de*reed+ 3owe=er( whether a per'on will be righteo%' or wi*ked i' not predetermined( a' the Talm%d 'tate'( @Whether a per'on will be righteo%' or wi*ked( 3e :G-d< did not 'ay+A )t wa' not bro%ght o%t into a*t%al 'pee*h+ ;e*a%'e of thi' there i' the po''ibility of repentan*e( for if G-d a*t%ally 'aid it( repentan*e wo%ld be impo''ible+ 3owe=er( altho%gh G-d did not a*t%ally 'peak it( 3e nonethele'' tho"ght it( on the le=el of @Spee*h of tho%ghtA+ Thi' *a%'e' a per'on to ha=e a nat%ral tenden*y and predi'po'ition toward good or e=il+ Thi' i' e=ident from the 'tory of Yaa)ov and Esav+ Yaa)ov wa' righteo%'( wherea' Esav wa' wi*ked+ Their father( Yitzcha)" fa=ored Esav o=er Yaa)ov+ The *ommentarie' e.plain that thi' wa' be*a%'e Esav fooled Yitzcha) into belie=ing he wa' righteo%'+ 3owe=er( if Esav wa' righteo%'( wa' Yaa)ov not E%'t a' righteo%'G Thi' being the *a'e( why did Yitzcha) fa=or EsavG The rea'on i' be*a%'e Yitzcha) knew that in tho"ght? G-d had determined that Esav wo%ld be wi*ked and that Yaa)ov wo%ld be righteo%'+ When Esav fooled Yitzcha) to think that he too wa' righteo%'( Yitzcha) regarded him a' being m%*h greater than Yaa)ov for ha=ing o=er*ome hi' nat%ral tenden*ie'( wherea' Yaa)ov already had a nat%ral predi'po'ition toward 4-

-The Knowledge of G-drighteo%'ne''+ 3e felt that Esavs a**ompli'hment wa' greater and therefore more prai'eworthy+ We 'ee that there are two type' of 'pee*h+ There i' @Spee*h of 'pee*hA( whi*h i' a*t%al 'pee*h and there i' @Spee*h of tho%ghtA( whi*h i' not a re=ealed 'pee*h+ When one think' 'omething in hi' mind or feel' 'omething in hi' heart( he doe' not ne*e''arily ha=e to re=eal it to other' in 'pee*h+ Thi' i' the matter of( @The heart did not re=eal it to the mo%th+A )n Kabbalah( a*t%al 'pee*h i' *alled ,i#ur( wherea'( @Spee*h of tho%ghtA i' *alled 'mirah+ 8ow( a' e.plained earlier( the 'o%r*e of a*t%al 'pee*h i' higher than the 'o%r*e of 'pee*h of tho%ght+ Thi' *an be %nder'tood from the =er'e in the Torah where G-d tell' oshe to 'peak :,a#er< to the men( and to 'ay :Emor< to the women+ The rea'on for the differen*e in terminology i' be*a%'e of the fa*t that men relate more to Chochmah wherea' women relate more to +inah+ :A' i' known( women were gi=en an additional portion of +inah+<

-#:++8ow( a' e.plained abo=e( there i' a*t%al 'pee*h and there i' 'pee*h of tho%ght+ Spee*h i' known a' the open em :;<( be*a%'e of the fa*t that it i' open and re=ealing+ )n *ontra't( tho%ght i' known a' the *lo'ed em :@<( for it i' hidden and *on*ealed+ :A' mentioned earlier 'pee*h i' *alled @The Re=ealed WorldA wherea' tho%ght i' *alled @The Con*ealed WorldA+< 8ow( in the tho%ght of +inah it'elf( there i' al'o an open em :;< and a *lo'ed em :@<+ The'e are *alled the @7pen SayingA and the @Clo'ed SayingA+ )n order to %nder'tand the differen*e between the'e two in tho%ght( we m%'t %nder'tand that whi*h i' e.plained in Kaballah( that the en*ompa''ing light' of +inah are 'I%are+ )f a per'on i' in the middle of a 'I%are room( part of the *eiling i' dire*tly abo=e him and *lo'e to him( and part of it i' a*ro'' the room and far from him+ 6ikewi'e( the en*ompa''ing light' of +inah :9nder'tanding< are 'I%are+ )n other word'( the part of the *on*ept %nder analy'i' whi*h he %nder'tand' i' @dire*tly abo=e himA+ The part of the *on*ept whi*h he doe' not yet %nder'tand i' @a*ro'' the roomA and far from him+ Thi' i' like the 'hape of the *lo'ed em :@<( whi*h i' a 'I%are+ Therefore( within tho%ght it'elf( the *lo'ed em :@< refer' to the en*ompa''ing light'( a' e.plained+ :The en*ompa''ing light' of +inah are different than other en*ompa''ing light'( whi*h are ro%nd+ Something whi*h i' ro%nd i' eI%idi'tant on all 'ide'+ Thi' i' not the *a'e in regard to the en*ompa''ing light of +inah whi*h i' not eI%idi'tant+ Thi' i' be*a%'e( when it *ome' to %nder'tanding( there alway' i' a part he %nder'tand'( and a part whi*h i' *on*ealed from him( whi*h he ha' yet to %nder'tand+< )n *ontra't( the open em :@< refer' to how the ray from the en*ompa''ing light i' re=ealed in di=i'ion' and *ombination' of letter' of tho%ght+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

We may now %nder'tand the name Elo)im whi*h i' the a'pe*t of the di=i'ion' of the *ombination' of letter' of tho%ght+ Elo)im i' the a'pe*t of !evurah :Con*ealment and re'traint<( a' in the =er'e( @?or a '%n and a 'hield i' Y6H6V6H Elo)imA+ )n other word'( the name Elo)im *on*eal' the name J-3-B-3( whi*h i' the a'pe*t of re=elation( like the '%n+ A**ording to Kaballah( the one h%ndred and twenty *ombination' of the name Elo)im are the 'o%r*e of *reation+ )t i' therefore the name Elo)im whi*h repre'ent' the di=i'ion' and *ombination' of letter'( th%' *on*ealing the holisti0 re=elation of the name J-3-B-3 and bringing abo%t the re=elation of parti*%lar'+ A' e.plained abo=e( the fi=e !evurot( the di=i'ion of the letter'( and the name Elo)im( are all like @The protr%'ion' of the 'ealA+ They bring parti*%lar' into a 'tate of re=elation from the holi'ti* tho%ght of Chochmah( a' e.plained abo=e+ )n other word'( thi' i' the power to re'train the holi'ti* tho%ght( lea=ing parti*%lar' of it in a re=ealed 'tate( 'imilar to the protr%'ion' of a 'eal+ 8ow( a' e.plained before( all the'e matter' e.i't on different le=el'+ Thi' prin*iple in*l%de' the name Elo)im3 The %ppermo't a'pe*t of Elo)im i' in the e''ential tho%ght of the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight+ Thi' name Elo)im i' the a'pe*t of the Tzimtzum and *on*ealment of the Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight<( lea=ing re=ealed only that whi*h i' ne*e''ary for *reation( a' e.plained before+ ?%rthermore( a' e.plained before( the entire p%rpo'e of the @le''eningA of the light i' for the p%rpo'e of re=elation( and the entire light a' it e.i'ted before Tzimtzum i' *ontained within the Reshimu+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally the name Elo)im :The power of re'traint< a' it e.i't' in the e''en*e( whi*h bring' forth thi' parti*%lar line of *reation( from the holi'ti* @wholeA of the )nfinite 6ight+ ?rom thi' we %nder'tand the meaning of the fir't =er'e of the Shema prayer( @3ear oh )'rael( Y6H6V6H Elo)einu" Y6H6V6H i' oneSA )n other word'( they are literally one and the 'ame+ A' e.plained abo=e( the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight before the Tzimtzum i' an ab'ol%te 'ing%larity( and therefore the'e two power' are totally one and the 'ame+ Thi' i' not E%'t in a way of a @%nity of part'A( b%t rather in a way of an ab'ol%te e''ential 'ing%larity+ The a'pe*t of Elo)im al'o e.i't' on the le=el of the 1rimal Tho%ght( after Tzimtzum3 3ere it *on*eal' the holi'ti* @wholeA of the 1rimal Tho%ght and de'ire( b%t bring' forth parti*%lar re=elation'+ The name Elo)im al'o e.i't' on the le=el of @Tho%ght of 'dam Kadmon-+ 7n*e again( it *on*eal' the whole( b%t bring' forth parti*%lar' 3 ?ollowing thi' i' the a'pe*t of Elo)im of 'ti) and 'rich et*+ Thi' *ontin%e' %ntil the a'pe*t of Elo)im of the fi=e !evurot of the di=i'ion' of letter' in +inah and (eah et*+ :We now gained in'ight into how to f%lfill the *ommandment to @*ontemplateA G-dF' %nity while re*iting thi' =er'e+ 7ne *ontemplate' how e=erything that e.i't'( whether it i' the highe't le=el of the highe't world or the fine't detail of the lowe't world( i' ab'ol%tely bo%nd %p and '%blimated within the %ltimate %nity and 'ing%larity of G-d( whi*h i' it' 'o%r*e+<

-#:,-The *omprehen'ion of +inah i' al'o *alled by the term Ra)iya :?irmament<+ Thi' i' to 'ay


-The Knowledge of G-dthat before a *on*ept *ome' *ompletely into *omprehen'ion( it i' on a le=el higher than being limited within letter'+ ?or e.ample( thi' i' the e.planation of a deep *on*ept whi*h ha' not yet *ompletely 'ettled in hi' mind in '%*h a way that he ha' a @gra'pA of it+ Thi' 'tate i' *alled @flowing water'A : ayim ,$aidie<( be*a%'e it doe' not yet ha=e any definite form and *an manife't in any n%mber of way'+ )n *ontra't( on*e the *on*ept i' *ompletely gra'ped in the mind( in a way that it i' limited and *omprehended within the =e''el of the brain( it i' *ompared to @water whi*h ha' be*ome froHenA : ,'&leedie aya<( and i' now e'tabli'hed+ )n other word'( now it ha' definite form+ Thi' i' the meaning of the =er'e in EHekiel( @7n the head' of the Chayot angel'( a firmament with the likene'' of i*e+A The @ ChayotA refer' to the emotion'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the word Chayot whi*h mean' @li=ing being'A al'o mean' @life for*eA : Chayoot<+ Thi' refer' to the =itality of the emotion' of the heart( whi*h i' the 'eat of the life for*e+ @ On the head of the ChayotA refer' to +inah( for it i' the *omprehen'ion and intelle*t of +inah whi*h gi=e' ri'e to the emotion'+ The prophet e.plain' f%rther( that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally a @firmamentA of the *omprehen'ion( in the @likene'' of i*eA( that gi=e' ri'e to emotional life for*e+ Thi' i' a' e.plained before( that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally *on*rete *omprehen'ion that gi=e' ri'e to emotion'+ )t i' from thi' @firmamentA that the @garmentA of the @ChashmalA i' drawn down( to en*ompa''e' and @en*lotheA the emotion'+ Thi' will now be e.plained+

-#:,#The @ChashmalA i' *alled @The 1rote*tor of the Emotion'A+ The e.planation i' a' follow'+ 7n*e a per'on ha' already done the analy'i'( or ha' already *ome to an %nder'tanding of 'omething( he doe' not need to rethink the entire matter o=er and o=er again( ea*h time the '%bEe*t *ome' %p+ ?or e.ample( if a per'on *ontemplate' the ill effe*t' of *igarette 'moking( on*e he ha' done the analy'i'( and *ome' to the *on*l%'ion that *igarette' are dangero%' to oneF' health( he doe' not need to rethink the whole matter e=ery time he 'ee' 'omeone 'moking or e=ery time he i' offered a *igarette+ 3owe=er( e=en tho%gh he doe' not rethink it( we nonethele'' 'ee that hi' emotion' *an be*ome I%ite aro%'ed abo%t it+ 3e doe' not *ontemplate and analyHe the whole logi* of it( all o=er again( b%t nonethele''( he be*ome' all @fired %pA o=er it+ 3e may no longer remember the detail' of the analy'i' or be able to logi*ally e.plain why 'moking i' %nhealthy( b%t( nonethele''( hi' emotion' are aro%'ed with di'g%'t and indignation et*+ Thi' i' *alled a Chashmal+ :)n mankind( Chashmals do not only e.i't on an indi=id%al le=el( a' in the abo=e e.ample( b%t al'o on a national le=el and e=en a m%ltigenerational le=el+ So for e.ample( a pre=io%' generation may ha=e done the analy'i' into a '%bEe*t and *ome to a *on*l%'ion( and the following generation' may E%'t operate on the Chashmal whi*h remained from pre=io%' generation'+ An e.ample of thi' i' the theory of e=ol%tion+ )n a pre=io%' generation *ertain indi=id%al' did an @analy'i'A of the a=ailable data and *ame to the *on*l%'ion that h%man' @e=ol=edA from ape'+ Mo't people today( howe=er( who '%b'*ribe to thi' belief ha=e not done the analy'i' to arri=e at thi' *on*l%'ion+ Rather( 4"

-The Knowledge of G-dthey a**ept it a' fa*t( and may e=en 'wear by it+ ?%rthermore( if one were to tell them otherwi'e( their emotion' wo%ld be ignited with fiery indignation and they wo%ld *on'ider him to be an %nenlightened ignoram%' and a boor et*+ 8onethele''( they *annot logi*ally e.plain the tr%th of their po'ition+ Their emotion' are merely operating on the ba'i' that @S*ien*eA 'ay' 'o( and therefore it m%'t be tr%e+ Another e.ample of thi' i' Chri'tianity+ Million' %pon million' of people belie=e in Chri'tianity blindly witho%t e=er ha=ing e.amined the tr%th or fal'ene'' of it( and yet they ha=e fiery emotion' abo%t it+ The'e emotion' are not the re'%lt of their own intelle*t%al in=e'tigation and %nder'tanding( b%t are the re'%lt of the @*on*l%'ion'A of pre=io%' generation' et*+ They E%'t @take their word for itA a' ab'ol%te tr%th( witho%t any tho%ght or analy'i' into the a*t%al tr%th or ab'%rdity of it+ Thi' too i' a Chashmal" b%t on a m%ltigenerational or national le=el+< ?rom thi' we 'ee that the @garmentA of the Chashmal *an ha=e a life of it' own( e=en when it be*ome' di'*onne*ted from it' 'o%r*e+ 3ow i' thi' po''ibleG 3ow *an it e.i't di'*onne*ted from it' 'o%r*eG WThe rea'on i' be*a%'e the root of the Chashmal i' higher( in the e''ential Self( literally+ Thi' i' 'imilar to what wa' 'aid before abo%t the matter of allegorie'+ The 'o%r*e of the allegory i' a*t%ally higher than the analog%e+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of thi' that it *an *ontain it+ Thi' i' 'imilar to how the letter' ha=e the *apability of *ontaining the *on*ept' et*+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e their 'o%r*e i' higher than the *on*ept+ Their 'o%r*e i' literally in the e''en*e it'elf+ 8onethele''( the letter' them'el=e' are E%'t 'eparate @garment'A whi*h *ontain the *on*ept' and re=eal them( a' e.plained abo=e+ )n the 'ame way( the original 'o%r*e and root of the garment *alled Chashmal i' within the =ery e''en*e )t'elf+ )t( therefore( *an be*ome di'*onne*ted from the intelle*t( yet remain =ital+X

-#:,$The Torah 'tate'( @G-d made a *loak of leather for Adam and hi' wife( and he *lothed them+A Thi' *loak i' known a' the a'pe*t of the Chashmal whi*h en*ompa''e' .eir 'n*in and alchut of 'tzilut( whi*h are *alled 'dam and hi' wife+ 8ow( the word for @leatherA in 3ebrew( i' @OrA :6AB< and i' 'pelled with an 'yin :B<+ 3owe=er( in the Torah of Rabbi Meir( thi' word wa' not 'pelled with an 'yin :B< b%t with an 'le*h :5<+ When it i' 'pelled with an 'le*h( it mean' @lightA rather than @leatherA+ Therefore( in the Torah of Rabbi Meir( rather than 'aying that he *lothed them with a *loak of @leatherA( it 'ay' that he *lothed them with a *loak of @lightA+ Thi' will now be e.plained in great detail+ )n order to %nder'tand thi'( we m%'t e.plain the matter of the @'hattering of the =e''el'A :Shevirat HaKeilim< and their re*tifi*ation :Ti)un<+ A' e.plained( the @=e''el'A are the letter'( and a' 'tated in Etz Chaim( they 'hattered be*a%'e of the o=er ab%ndan*e of light( whi*h they *o%ld not *ontain+ The e.planation of thi' i' a' follow'+ When one take' a =ery lofty idea( and attempt' to e.plain it to a per'on who i' in*apable of gra'ping it( like a *hild( the idea will be*ome garbled and *onf%'ed in the *hildF' mind+ Thi' i' be*a%'e there i' @too m%*h lightA for hi' =e''el'+ )n *ontra't( when he e.plain' thi' 'ame *on*ept to a per'on of eI%al intelle*t a' him'elf( there will be 4/

-The Knowledge of G-dno @*onf%'ion of the letter'A( be*a%'e the idea *an be *ontained by the =e''el' of the re*ipient+ )f he *annot @*ontainA and @gra'pA the idea( there will *ertainly be a @*onf%'ion of letter'A and the idea will be*ome garbled in hi' mind et*+ Thi' i' 'imilar to dream'+ )n the dream 'tate( the letter' of the @fleeting tho%ght' of the heartA :Hirhoorei (ee#a< that he had d%ring the day( be*ome garbled and *onf%'ed+ ?or e.ample( a per'on who worried abo%t hi' @'alaryA d%ring the day may dream he i' being atta*ked by a 'talk of @*eleryA at night+ Thi' *ome' abo%t be*a%'e of the *onf%'ion of the letter' of the tho%ght' that he had d%ring the day et*+ ;e*a%'e of thi' the Talm%d 'tate' that( @>ream' 'peak non'en'eA( be*a%'e often they are a *onf%'ion of the tho%ght' he had d%ring the day+ Thi' *onf%'ion i' *alled a 'hattering into many fragment'+ An e.ample for thi' i' a *hild who doe' not yet know how to read b%t know' the Alphabet+ When he 'ee' a word( all that regi'ter' in hi' mind i' a *onglomeration of di'*onne*ted letter' that ha=e nothing to do with ea*h other+ To him they are E%'t indi=id%al letter'( not word'+ At thi' point of mat%rity hi' mind *annot yet gra'p the *on*ept that the letter' Eoin to form word' and 'enten*e' whi*h are ripe with meaning+ 3e gra'p' the letter' a' di'Eointed pie*e' almo't de=oid of any meaning+ 6ikewi'e in a dream( ea*h letter of the dream *ontain' 'ome of the light of the tho%ght' of the day( b%t only in a =ery min%te way+ Thi' i' be*a%'e they are *onf%'ed and di'Eointed( and do not *ontain the light of the tho%ght a' a whole+ The 'hattering and *r%mbling *an *ontin%e %ntil the meaning i' *ompletely different than the original intent( a' in the fir't e.ample of a per'on who e.plain' a lofty *on*ept to 'omeone who i' in*apable of gra'ping it+ The idea *an be*ome 'o *onf%'ed in hi' mind that he *an a*t%ally %nder'tand it in a way whi*h i' the oppo'ite of it' original meaning+ Thi' 'hattering *ome' abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e the light' are the light' of Tohu+ A' e.plained abo=e( the light' of Tohu are e''ential light' and( therefore( their light doe' not dimini'h when re=ealed+ An e.ample for thi' i' a profe''or who ha' a =ery deep and broad %nder'tanding of hi' field of 't%die'+ 3owe=er( when he tea*he' hi' 't%dent'( he i' in*apable of bringing the '%bEe*t down to the le=el of the 't%dent'( a**ording to the *apa*ity of their =e''el'+ 3e *an only e.plain it the way he %nder'tand' it rather than in a way tailored to their *apa*ity to %nder'tand+ Thi' bring' abo%t a @'hatteringA+ Either the 't%dent' will not %nder'tand the '%bEe*t at all or their %nder'tanding of it will be erroneo%'+ The error *o%ld be 'o e.treme that their %nder'tanding *o%ld literally be the opposite of the tr%e meaning+ When tho'e 't%dent' them'el=e' be*ome tea*her'( the problem will be f%rther aggra=ated 'in*e they will tea*h their 't%dent' fal'e imagination' and mi'*on*eption'( and will end %p( literally *alling darkne'' light+ :To o%r great 'orrow( thi' phenomenon ha' be*ome 'o pre=alent today in the field of Kaballah that in almo't all *a'e' both the tea*her and the 't%dent' are in error+ Thi' i' a *a'e of the blind leading the blind+< 7n the other hand( if the profe''or %nder'tand' the '%bEe*t properly and le''en' hi' e.planation a**ording to the *apability of the 't%dent'( they will readily %nder'tand it witho%t *onf%'ion+ Thi' i' the 'ign of a tr%e tea*her+ )n addition( the fa*t that he *an bring the '%bEe*t down and e.plain it to anyone( i' the '%re 'ign that he tr%ly %nder'tand' it( at the =ery *ore of it' e''en*e( *ompared to a per'on who %nder'tand' b%t *annot e.plain it to other'+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

)t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of thi' @'hatteringA of the =e''el' that it i' po''ible for thing' that appear to be 'eparate and di'*onne*ted from G-d to *ome into e.i'ten*e( 'imilar to a @garmentA whi*h i' 'eparate from it' wearer and *on*eal' him+ Thi' 'hattering i' the 'o%r*e of the @Cloak of leatherA+ )t i' *alled a *loak of leather rather than to a *loak of light( be*a%'e it *on*eal' rather than re=eal'+ The re'%lt of thi' *on*ealment i' that we ha=e the appearan*e of being 'eparate and apart from G-d+ There i' *on*ealment of G-d( in'tead of re=elation+ 3owe=er( not only i' there a 'en'e of 'eparatene'' from G-d( there al'o i' a 'tate of *onf%'ion and the appearan*e of randomne'' and m%ltipli*ity( in whi*h thing' 'eem' di'*onne*ted from ea*h other and from their 'o%r*e in the one G-d+ 7ne in*ident 'eem' di'*onne*ted from another and one '%bEe*t 'eem' %nrelated to another+ ?or e.ample( one field of '*ien*e 'eem' %nrelated to another field of '*ien*e+ Thi' phenomenon bring' abo%t *onf%'ion in the world a' to the tr%e nat%re of reality( be*a%'e ea*h ideology po''e''e' a different pie*e of the @Tr%thA and e=en thi' 'mall pie*e i' in a 'tate of total *on*ealment+ All thi' *onf%'ion i' the re'%lt of the @Shattering of the =e''el'A+ Thi' i' *alled the @Cloak of 6eatherA( whi*h *on*eal' the tr%e nat%re of reality+ Another a'pe*t of thi' @Cloak of 6eatherA i' that it i' like an allegory+ An allegory i' 'eparate from the *on*ept it *on=ey'+ The *on*ept i' only @en*lothedA within it+ 8onethele''( the 'o%r*e of the allegory i' higher than the *on*ept it i' *on=eying be*a%'e the allegory i' *apable of @*ontainingA the *on*ept and it i' only thro%gh it that the *on*ept may be gra'ped+ )f one were to e.plain the *on*ept by it'elf( howe=er( witho%t the allegory( no matter how m%*h he wo%ld e.plain it( it wo%ld not be gra'ped+ 3owe=er( a' 'oon a' it be*ome' @dre''edA in an allegory( it may be gra'ped+ Thi' i' why allegorie' are %'ed+ )f one %nder'tand' the allegory properly( he may e=en gra'p the *on*ept to it' =ery depth+ 3owe=er( if the allegory i' mi'%nder'tood( it ha' the oppo'ite effe*t+ )t hide' and *on*eal' the *on*ept rather than re=eal' it+ When the allegory *on*eal' the meaning within it( it i' *alled( @A *loak of leatherA+

-#:,&8ow( a' mentioned earlier( in the Torah '*roll of Rabbi Meir( the word P Or wa' not 'pelled with an 'yin :B< b%t with an 'le*h :5<( meaning P6ightF( rather than P6eatherF+ )n other word'( rather than thi' @*lothingA being a *on*ealing garment( it i' a re=ealing garment in'tead+ ?or e.ample( when one take' an allegory( whi*h by it' nat%re i' a 'eparate thing( and fail' to analyHe it to %nder'tand the inner meaning( then the allegory i' 'eparate and *on*eal'+ )n *ontra't( when one take' the 'ame allegory( analyHing and *ontemplating it( in an attempt to %nder'tand the analog%e( then not only will the allegory not *on*eal the *on*ept from him( b%t( on the *ontrary( it will 'hed light on it+ The =ery 'ame allegory whi*h wa' a @Cloak of leatherA that *a%'ed *on*ealment be*ome' a @Cloak of lightA that re=eal'+



-The Knowledge of G-dThi' re=elation( in whi*h the 'eparate @GarmentA it'elf 'hine'( take' pla*e only after the re*tifi*ation :Ti)un<( whi*h *ome' abo%t thro%gh ashiach +en Yosef :Me''iah the Son of &o'ef<( a' will be di'*%''ed+ The Torah i' *alled ashal HaKadmonie :The 1rimal Allegory<+ 8ow( it i' 'tated that @G-d looked into the Torah and *reated the worldA+ Thi' mean' that the world and all therein( i' an allegory of an allegory+ The Torah i' an allegory on G-d and the world i' an allegory on the Torah+ The world wa' *reated a**ording to o%r *apa*ity to *omprehend G-dline'' thro%gh it+ ;e*a%'e of the @Shattering of the =e''el'A the world appear' to be 'eparate from G-d and the tr%th of reality i' *on*ealed+ To %'( the 'ing%larity of G-d i' hidden( b%t thi' i' only be*a%'e( like in the analogy of the *hild who only 'ee' the di'Eointed letter' of the alphabet( we do not yet know how to @readA+ We do not %nder'tand how the letter' *ome together to make %p word' and how the word' *ome together to make %p 'enten*e' and paragraph'( and that there i' meaning there+ We ha=e not *ontemplated the allegory to %nder'tand and 'ee that whi*h i' being allegoriHed+ )n o%r mind'( e=en the fragment' :The letter'< whi*h we do %nder'tand are '*attered and we *annot %nder'tand the @meaningA within them+ Thi' i' be*a%'e we ha=e not analyHed them and pla*ed them in their proper order a' @word'A and @'enten*e'A( 'o to 'peak+ ?or thi' rea'on !alut :E.ile< i' *ompared to a dream 'tate in whi*h the tr%th of reality i' *onf%'ed+ The world( in general( i' *ompared to !alut and i' al'o like a dream3 E=en the tiny glimmer' of tr%th that do *ome thro%gh to %' are *onf%'ed and o%t of order+ Thi' i' be*a%'e d%ring 'leep the intelle*t withdraw' and all that remain' are glimmer' of the tho%ght' of the day+ )n the dream the'e glimmer' of tr%th are *onf%'ed and o%t of order+ )n *ontra't( the *onf%'ion di''ipate' immediately %pon waking+ 9pon waking( reality be*ome' *lear and apparent+ Thi' 'tate of *onf%'ion below( in the world( where thing' 'eem fragmented from ea*h other and *ertainly from the 'ing%larity of G-d( i' the re'%lt of the la*k of *ontemplation and the withdrawal of the intelle*t of .eir 'n*in+ Thi' 'tate i' *alled @,urmita ,.eir 'n*inA :The Sleep of .eir 'n*in<+ W)n other word'( the emotion' are r%nning rampant and not a**ording to the di*tate' of the intelle*t+X

-#:,(The 'hattering of the =e''el' take' pla*e in the @emotion' of +inahA : idot ,+inah<+ A' e.plained earlier( the emotion' of +inah are the @ThereforeA and *on*l%'ion whi*h re'%lt' from the analy'i'+ ?or e.ample( one may analyHe the matter of abortion+ 8ow( the analy'i' it'elf may be totally *orre*t and tr%e+ 7ne a**%m%late' the data and analyHe' it et*+ 3e e.amine' and 't%die' the fa*t' repeatedly et*+ 3ere there i' no 'hattering of the =e''el'+ )t i' only in the @ThereforeA that one may arri=e at *on*l%'ion' whi*h are *ompletely di=or*ed from the original intention( and may e=en be the oppo'ite of it+ The analy'i' on abortion it'elf i' an analy'i' into the fa*t'+ 7ne fa*t i' that a *hild may grow %p in an ab%'i=e home+ Another fa*t i' that hi' parent' may not ha=e the mean' to pro=ide for him or that he may not re*ei=e a proper ed%*ation et*+ All the'e fa*t are tr%e( and %p to here the analy'i' i' *orre*t+ 3owe=er( in the *on*l%'ion of the @ThereforeA there *an be a @;reaking of the =e''el'A+ A per'on *o%ld arri=e at a @wonderf%lA 'ol%tion+ @Therefore( 44

-The Knowledge of G-dlet %' kill the *hildrenA+ The problem here i' that the @*on*l%'ionA and @'ol%tionA be*ome di'*onne*ted from the original intent and de'ire+ )n the e.ample( the original intention i' to benefit mankind( e'pe*ially *hildren( who are the mo't =%lnerable member' of 'o*iety+ The 'ol%tion( howe=er( *reate' a 'o*iety whi*h t%rn' women( who by nat%re are n%rt%ring and *ompa''ionate( to deny life to their own *hildren et*+ A 'ol%tion more *onne*ted to the original intention *o%ld go along the line' of opening *haritable organiHation' whi*h wo%ld pro=ide food( *are( '*hooling et*+ for the'e *hildren+ )t i' *lear that the 'hattering of the =e''el' take' pla*e only in the @*on*l%'ionA( in the 'e=en lower I%alitie'( whi*h are the emotion' of +inah+ )n *ontra't( there i' no 'hattering in the analy'i' of +inah of +inah it'elf( altho%gh it i' the 'o%r*e of the @'hattering of the =e''el'A whi*h take' pla*e in the *on*l%'ion+ 8ow( there are eight I%alitie' whi*h are a''o*iated with the @'hattering of the =e''el'A+ The'e are the eight lower sefirot of +inah+ The'e are +inah of +inah" ,aat of +inah" Chessed of +inah" !evurah of +inah" Tiferet of +inah" $etzachUHod of +inah" Yesod of +inah and alchut of +inah+ The'e sefirot of +inah are known a' the PEight King' of TohuF+ They are *alled the eight king' of Tohu be*a%'e the Torah 'tate'( @And he reigned and he died et*+A in referen*e to the king' of the Edom( the de'*endent' of Esav( Yaa)ovs twin brother+ The'e twin' repre'ent the twin world' of Tohu :*hao'< and Ti)un :re*tifi*ation<+ Esav( wa' a wild and imp%l'i=e man( while Yaa)ov wa' @a whole'ome man who dwelt in tent'+A While Esav wa' off 'tealing( killing and raping( th%' embodying the world of Tohu :Chao'<( Yaa)ov wa' b%'y a*I%iring wi'dom and perfe*ting hi' *hara*ter( th%' embodying the world of Ti)un+ The eight king' of Edom are therefore referred to a' the king' of Tohu( repre'enting the I%alitie' of Tohu+ ;e*a%'e the'e are the @King' of TohuA( the one m%'t die before the other *an reign+ A' e.plained abo=e( thi' i' like the e.ample of a =ery narrow minded per'on who i' in*apable of *ompromi'e+ )f '%*h a per'on i' kind( hi' kindne'' will know no re'traint+ E=ent%ally( hi' kindne'' break' down and he goe' to the oppo'ite e.treme of be*oming =ery %nkind( et*+ 8ow( it i' %nder'tood from the abo=e that @deathA only affe*t' 'e=en of the king'+ The'e are the 'e=en lower king' of Tohu whi*h are the emotion' of +inah+ )n the eighth king of Tohu( whi*h i' +inah of +inah( there i' no a*t%al death+ Thi' i' be*a%'e( a' e.plained abo=e( p%re( %ndil%ted analy'i'( doe' not lead to a @'hatteringA+ 7n the *ontrary( it i' the 'o%r*e of re*tifi*ation+ Thi' will now be e.plained+

-#:,*The Torah *all' Yosef @The )nterpreter of >ream'A be*a%'e it i' he who interpret' the dream( p%tting e=erything into it' *orre*t order( th%' making 'en'e of *onf%'ion and bringing o%t the tr%e and *orre*t meaning+ @ Yosef the interpreter of dream'A( repre'ent' 45

-The Knowledge of G-dthe eighth king of Tohu whi*h i' +inah of +inah+ )n other word'( when one thoro%ghly analyHe' 'omething whi*h i' in a 'tate of *onf%'ion( e.amining it' e=ery fa*et repeatedly( t%rning it o=er and o=er in hi' mind and del=ing into it' e=ery parti*%lar( he will finally arri=e at a fla'h of int%ition whi*h will bring e=erything together in it' *orre*t order( th%' binding it a' a *omplete %nity+ ;e*a%'e he went thro%gh the *ontemplation( the re'%lt i' that he will re*ei=e an a%tomati* fla'h of int%ition into the @Tr%th of the reality of what i'A+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he i' %'ing hi' intelle*t( wherea' when he wa' @a'leepA hi' intelle*t wa' withdrawn+ When he wa' @a'leepA he did not *ontemplate or in=e'tigate the reality of what i'+ )t wa' E%'t a @dreamA that pa''ed him by( witho%t hi' 'topping to e.amine it for a moment+ E=en if he did *ontemplate it 'omewhat( he E%mped to *on*l%'ion' and did not analyHe hi' *on*l%'ion'( to make '%re they were *orre*t( or how they fit into the general '*heme of thing'( et*+ The eighth king of Tohu( howe=er( doe' not die( a' do the emotional sefirot of +inah+ Thi' i' be*a%'e in +inah of +inah" e=en when there i' error( nonethele''( be*a%'e of *ontin%ed analy'i' and *ontemplation( the error' e=ent%ally are weeded o%t and %prooted+ The analy'i' *ontin%e' %ntil( finally( tr%e reality i' re=ealed and %nder'tood+ 3owe=er( thi' i' onl. so if the @1rimal de'ireA of the per'on i' to %nder'tand+ 3owe=er( if there are any %lterior moti=e'( :a' e.plained earlier( in the e.planation of the Parm' of 'rich 'n*inF< then he will not '%**eed( for hi' analy'i' will be a rationaliHation+ )t will not be obEe*ti=e( and will( therefore( not be tr%e +inah :9nder'tanding<+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( +inah of +inah( whi*h i' the eighth king of Tohu( i' *alled ashiach #en Yosef :Mo'hia*h the Son of Jo'ef( The )nterpreter of >ream'<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e it i' 'pe*ifi*ally *ontemplation and analy'i' whi*h tran'form' the @Cloak of leatherA into a @Cloak of lightA+ An e.amining mind and a *omprehending intelle*t make the differen*e between a *onf%'ed @dreamA and the @waking 'tateA of tr%e reality re=ealed+ :?rom thi' we may al'o %nder'tand the =er'e in the Shema prayer( @>o not 'tray after yo%r eye' or after yo%r heart et*+A What yo%r heart feel' and what yo%r eye' 'ee may de*ei=e yo%+ 3owe=er( the =er'e doe' not 'ay do not 'tray after yo%r intelle*t+ Thi' i' be*a%'e if 'omething i' hone'tly analyHed to it' %ltimate *on*l%'ion( the tr%th will %ltimately be re=ealed+< :Thro%gh >eep *ontemplation and analy'i' into the @Tr%th of what i'A( new emotion' are born+ The @Cloak of 6eatherA i' when the emotion' are *%t off from their 'o%r*e be*a%'e they are ba'ed on the del%'ion' of a *onf%'ed intelle*t+ Thro%gh the *ontemplation of Tr%th e=erything re*onne*t' to it' tr%e 'o%r*e in G-d and hi' intelle*t gi=e' ri'e to new emotion'+ The'e are the emotion' of tr%e lo=e and awe of G-d( whi*h are born o%t of a deep and profo%nd atta*hment to G-d+ Thi' will be e.plained later at great length+<

-#:,+8ow( thi' @Cloak of 6eatherA whi*h i' *alled the Chashmal( 'pe*ifi*ally *ome' in a tangible and @*on*reteA way+ Thi' i' 'imilar to how an allegory i' tangible and *on*rete relati=e to what i' being allegoriHed+ The Chashmal i' al'o *alled by the term @$o&ahA( whi*h mean'( @GlowingA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e a 'mall light whi*h 'hine' in the darkne'' ha' a far greater appearan*e of brillian*e than a great light whi*h 'hine' in a pla*e of brillian*e( 5!

-The Knowledge of G-da' the Talm%d 'tate'( @7f what benefit i' a *andle glowing in broad daylightGA )t' light i' ineffe*t%al and a' na%ght+ )f one were to take the 'ame *andle into a dark room( on the other hand( it' light wo%ld appear brilliant and it wo%ld be of great benefit+ Thi' i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e it i' 'hining in a pla*e of darkne''+ )n a*t%ality the *andle 'hed' no more light in a dark room a' it doe' in broad daylight+ Rather( it i' the *ontra't with the darkne''( whi*h i' it' oppo'ite( that gi=e' it the appearan*e of brillian*e+ 8ow( the word $o&ah ha' two meaning'+ )t *an mean( @To glowA( a' in the =er'e( @Ya&iyah Chash)i :My darkne'' glow'< or it *an mean to( @Stand or E%t o%tA or @;e*ome prono%n*edA( a' in the =er'e( @K'sher Ho&ah in Ha esilah :When he E%t' o%t of the path< or the 'tatement( @HaHo&eh Et HaShem :7ne who prono%n*e' the 8ame of HaShem<+ A*t%ally( both the'e meaning' are related+ A' in the e.ample abo=e( the *andle light 'pe*ifi*ally @Stand' o%tA and be*ome' noti*eable in the dark+ )f not for the darkne'' it wo%ld be hardly re*ogniHable+ Another e.ample of thi' may be %nder'tood from the intelle*t+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally when a *on*ept be*ome' tangible thro%gh an allegory or an appli*ation( that it @Stand' o%tF and 'hine' with brillian*e+ When the light of analyti*al tho%ght be*ome' tangible thro%gh the letter' of tho%ght( the depth of the *on*ept 'tand' o%t and be*ome' re*ogniHable and *omprehendible+ 7r a' in the e.ample of allegorie'( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the allegory that the *on*ept 'tand' o%t in a way of *omprehen'ion( rather than if he were to attempt to e.plain it witho%t an allegory+ )n general( the $o&ah of the ten sefirot i' the a'pe*t of the'e I%alitie' @Standing o%tA and @;eing feltA+

-#:,,;efore we begin to e.plain the Sefirah of alchut :Spee*h and A*tion<( let %' re*ap what we ha=e learned %p to thi' point+ ?rom the abo=e( we %nder'tand 'e=eral matter' pertaining to the 'hattering of the =e''el'D -+ The Shattering of the =e''el' take' pla*e only in the 'e=en lower emotion' of +inah+ 3owe=er( altho%gh it may be the 'o%r*e of *onf%'ion( there i' no @ShatteringA in +inah of +inah :or Hit#onenut< it'elf+ )t i' only in the *on*l%'ion of the @ThereforeA that there *an be an a*t%al depart%re from tr%th+ + The @Cloak of 6eatherA refer' to the *ondition of the Chashmal before the re*tifi*ation :Ti)un<( and bring' abo%t *on*ealment( wherea' the @Cloak of 6ightA refer' to it' *ondition after the re*tifi*ation( and bring' abo%t re=elation+ The'e two @*loak'A are a*t%ally one and the 'ame garment( e.*ept that after the re*tifi*ation( it 'hed' light on the 7ne who i' en*lothed in it :Gd<( wherea' before re*tifi*ation it a*t%ally *o=er' o=er and *on*eal' 3im+ Thi' i' 'imilar to an allegory+ When we fail to realiHe the *onne*tion between the allegory and that whi*h i' being allegoriHed( the allegory *on*eal' rather than re=eal'+ )n *ontra't( when we realiHe the *onne*tion( the =ery 'ame allegory re=eal' the e''en*e of the *on*ept+ 5-

-The Knowledge of G-d,+ The @ShatteringA i' %ltimately for a po'iti=e p%rpo'e+ )t *reate' the po''ibility of @>arkne''A and @Conf%'ionA+ When the light of tr%th i' 'een within the darkne''( it' radian*e and brillian*e i' more greatly re*ogniHed and appre*iated+ ?or e.ample( if one were to in'tantly %nder'tand e=erything( witho%t any toil or effort( there wo%ld be no plea'%re and appre*iation in it+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e he toiled and labored to %nder'tand that he deri=e' great plea'%re and appre*iation when he finally doe' %nder'tand+ "+ Another p%rpo'e of the @ShatteringA i' to gi=e the po''ibility of e.i'ten*e to *reat%re' that appear to be 'eparate entitie' from G-dF' ab'ol%te %nity and 'ing%larity+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the allegory whi*h appear' to be 'eparate from that whi*h i' being allegoriHed+ 3owe=er( when the *on*ept being allegoriHed i' %nder'tood thro%gh the allegory( the allegory it'elf be*ome' a @Garment of 6ightA( whi*h ill%minate' and 'hed' light on that whi*h i' being allegoriHed+ /+ Another matter whi*h ari'e' from the @Shattering of the Be''el'A i' the *on*ept of good and e=il+ Good mean' that G-dline'' i' re=ealed( e=il mean' that G-dline'' i' *on*ealed+ )n other word'( when the allegory i' *onne*ted to that whi*h i' being allegoriHed( it i' good( for it i' one with it' 'o%r*e+ 3owe=er( when the allegory i' 'eparate from it' 'o%r*e( it i' e=il( be*a%'e it be*ome' a 'eparate entity( with a 'en'e of it'elf( 'eparate and apart from G-d+ Thi' 'en'e of 'elf( a' a being 'eparate and apart from G-d( i' the 'o%r*e of all e=il( and in e''en*e( i' the belief in d%ali'm and m%ltipli*ity( whi*h i' tantamo%nt to idolatry+ :The'e two @Cloak'A are al'o known a' 's*a)elaria Ha eirah and 's*a)laria She(o eirah+ )n other word'( it i' either like a magnifying gla'' whi*h magnifie' the light( or it i' like a mirror( in whi*h one *an only 'ee hi' own refle*tion+< $+ The re*tifi*ation :Ti)un< of the 'hattering *ome' abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh intelle*t%al in=e'tigation and analy'i'+ Thi' i' the eighth king of Tohu( al'o known a' Yosef the )nterpreter of >ream'( or ashiach +en Yosef+ Thi' i' be*a%'e when one hone'tly *ontemplate' and analyHe' 'omething to it' =ery 'o%r*e( he will %ltimately arri=e at G-d+ )n other word'( the allegory will re*onne*t to that whi*h i' being allegoriHed( di'pelling all *onf%'ion and di'%nity+ 2+ Thro%gh the %ltimate re*tifi*ation( e=il will be de'troyed *ompletely+ A' e.plained( e=il i' the ab'en*e >i=ine re=elation+ Thi' being the *a'e( when Gdline'' i' re=ealed e=il *ea'e' to be+ When the allegory will be re=ealed a' being one with that whi*h i' being allegoriHed( there no longer will be any 'en'e of 'elf( 'eparate and apart from G-dF' ab'ol%te 'ing%larity+

-#:#--We will now e.plain the a'pe*t of alchut of 'tzilut" whi*h i' *alled @The world of Spee*hA or the @re=ealed worldA( a' mentioned before+ A' e.plained abo=e( 'pee*h i'

-The Knowledge of G-dthe a'pe*t of Rachel( and i' repre'ented by the la't letter Heh :C< of the fo%r letter name of G-d :The Tetragramaton<+ Thi' i' be*a%'e +inah repre'ent' the fir't Heh of the name of G-d and a' 'tated in EHekiel -$C""( @6ike mother : +inah< like da%ghter : alchut<A and @The mother :+inah< lend' her *lothing :the fi=e &evurot< to the da%ghter : alchut<A+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the di=i'ion' of the letter' of 'pee*h follow e.a*tly a**ording to the di=i'ion' whi*h took pla*e in tho%ght+ ;efore we e.plain how the sefirah of alchut i' b%ilt into a 'eparate 'tat%re in and of it'elf( whi*h i' *alled @$u)vah- :The ?emale<( one more thing need' to be e.plained+ A' pre=io%'ly mentioned( 'dam repre'ent' .eir 'n*in while Chava repre'ent' $u)vah : alchut<+ )n the Torah( before 'dams wife Chava" wa' *reated( the Torah tell' %' that G-d p%t 'dam to 'leep+ Thi' tea*he' %' that the @Sleep of .eir 'n*inA i' a ne*e''ary prereI%i'ite to hi' wife being 'eparated from him+ ;efore the 'eparation( the female :$u)vah< wa' in*l%ded in .eir 'n*in( E%'t a' Chava wa' in*l%ded in 'dam+ 7nly after the 'eparation of 'dams @ribA wa' Chava b%ilt into a 'eparate h%man being in and of her'elf( with a 'eparate life for*e and body+ :7ne *annot do analyti*al tho%ght and 'peak at the 'ame time( he m%'t fir't think and then he *an 'peak+ Therefore( in order for alchut :Spee*h<( to *ome into being a' an e.i'ten*e of it' own( the tho%ght need' to re*ede and then immediately the 'pee*h may begin+ Therefore( it i' ne*e''ary for there to be a dormita d.-' :The 'leep of .eir Anpin< before the @b%ilding %pA of alchut *an take pla*e+<

-#:#-#With the abo=e introd%*tion( we will now e.plain the *reation and @b%ilding %pA of the sefirah of alchut :A*tion of Spee*h<+ alchut i' *alled @the TenthA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e it i' made %p of the tenth sefirah of ea*h of the other sefirot of .eir 'n*in+ A' mentioned abo=e( ea*h of the sefirot in*l%de' ten sefirot within it+ Thi' being the *a'e( ea*h sefirah *ontrib%te' from it' alchut to make and @b%ild %pA the sefirot of alchut+ ?or e.ample( alchut of Chochmah *ontrib%te' to make %p Chochmah of alchut( alchut of +inah *ontrib%te' to make %p +inah of alchut" alchut of Chesed *ontrib%te' to make %p Chesed of alchut et*+ Thi' i' e.plained a' follow'+ A' e.plained abo=e( the a'pe*t of the alchut of ea*h sefirah repre'ent' the letter' of that sefirah whi*h gi=e it it' de'*ription( e.i'ten*e and re=elation+ ?or e.ample( alchut of Chesed i' the letter' of the kindne''( whi*h gi=e it it' defined e.i'ten*e( a' a kindne''+ 3owe=er( alchut of Chesed 'till e.i't' *ompletely within the 'elf+ )t i' a definable feeling( b%t it ha'nFt yet been e.pre''ed at all( not in 'pee*h or in a*tion+ A' e.plained before( thi' i' the matter of( @3e and hi' organ' are oneA+ 8ow( from alchut of Chesed *ome' Chesed of alchut+ )n other word'( from the letter' of the emotion of kindne''( *ome' the kindne'' of the letter' of 'pee*h+ Thi' may be %nder'tood from the letter' of a 'ignet+ A' e.plained before( the letter' a' they e.i't in .eir 'n*in are like the letter' that protr%de from a 'tamp or 'ignet+ Thi' mean' that they are 'till totally part and par*el of the 'ignet+ The 'ignet i' then 'tamped into wa.+ The re=elation and de'*ription of the letter' of the 'ignet( bring' abo%t a re=elation and de'*ription of letter' in the wa.+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the re=elation and de'*ription in the 5,

-The Knowledge of G-dletter' of 'pee*h( i' a re=elation of a re=elation+ The differen*e between the re=elation and the re=elation of the re=elation i' that before it *ome' into 'pee*h( it i' 'till totally within him( and i' 'till part and par*el of him'elf+ ?%rthermore( altho%gh any de'*ription i' a limitation( nonethele'' the letter' a' they e.i't in .eir 'n*in are 'till only a**ording to how he de'ire' to limit him'elf within him'elf( and ha=e not yet *ome o%t into the a*t%al limitation of a*tion+ 3owe=er( when the de'*ription be*ome' re=ealed in 'pee*h( it now be*ome' a re=elation of a re=elation( a @Something of a 'omethingA( whi*h now i' a 'eparate entity %nto it'elf+ )t be*ome' Chesed of alchut whi*h *ome' abo%t from alchut of Chesed et*+ )n the 'ame way( all the other sefirot of alchut are bro%ght abo%t from the sefirot of .eir 'n*in+ ?rom the tenth sefirah of ea*h sefirah :The alchut of that sefirah< ea*h *orre'ponding sefirah of alchut *ome' abo%t+ ?rom alchut of Chochmah of .eir 'n*in( *ome' Chochmah of alchut( from alchut of +inah of .eir 'n*in( *ome' +inah of alchut et*+

-#:#-$There are 'e=eral 'tage' in the @b%ilding %pA of the female 'tat%re : $u)vah or alchut<+ The fir't 'tage i' *alled 'chor +'chor :;a*k to ;a*k<+ >%ring thi' 'tage( 'dam 0 Chava :.eir 'n*in 0 $u)vah< were literally one+ 8onethele''( they were ba*k to ba*k and were therefore %naware of ea*h other and *o%ld not relate to ea*h other+ When two people are ba*k to ba*k( they *o%ld( literally( be 'tanding an in*h away from ea*h other( and nonethele'' be *ompletely %naware of ea*h other+ Thi' i' 'o( e=en if they are literally one being( b%t ba*k to ba*k+ 6ikewi'e( before the 'eparation of alchut into a f%ll 'tat%re( .eir 'n*in :The Gi=er< who i' al'o *alled Kudsha +rich 3oo :The 3oly 7ne( ;le''ed ;e 3e<( wa' @%nawareA :'o to 'peak< of the &ewi'h 1eople( who repre'ent alchut :the re*ipient<+ )n thi' 'tate( the &ewi'h people too( were %naware of @The Gi=er of all thing'A( Kudsha +rich Hoo :The 3oly 7ne( ;le''ed ;e 3e<( and there wa' no relation'hip between them+

-#:#-%There al'o i' a 'tage *alled /anim +'chor :?a*e to ;a*k<+ )n thi' 'tage( .eir 'n*in # Kudsha +rich Hoo i' aware of the &ewi'h 1eople( b%t they are %naware of 3im+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the time beginning with the e.od%' from Egypt %ntil the de'tr%*tion of the fir't Temple+ >%ring thi' period( there wa' great infl%en*e from abo=e to below( from G-d to the &ewi'h people( b%t little re*ipro*ation from below to abo=e+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( immediately after re*ei=ing the Torah dire*tly from G-d and hearing 3im 'peak at Mt+ Sinai( the &ewi'h people were *apable of making the golden *alf+ 6ikewi'e( d%ring the time of the fir't Temple( tho%gh there were many prophet' of G-d and many open mira*le' whi*h o**%rred on a reg%lar ba'i'( the &ewi'h 1eople( ne=erthele''( were drawn to idolatry( et*+ Another po''ibility i' the re=er'e of thi' 'tage+ Thi' i' the 'tage of 'chor +/anim :;a*k 5"

-The Knowledge of G-dto ?a*e<+ )n thi' *a'e( there i' infl%en*e from below to abo=e b%t no re*ipro*ation from abo=e to below+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the period of the 'e*ond Temple( in whi*h the &ewi'h people repented( b%t nonethele''( the mira*le' whi*h had taken pla*e d%ring the time of the fir't Temple did not o**%r+ Thi' i' the meaning of the =er'e( @They will *all Me( b%t ) will not hear them+A

-#:#-&The final 'tage i' *alled /anim +/anim :?a*e to ?a*e<+ Thi' i' when both .eir 'n*in and alchut ha=e a f%ll awarene'' and knowledge of ea*h other+ )n other word'( Kudsha +rich Hoo :The 3oly 7ne( ;le''ed ;e 3e< and the &ewi'h 1eople are *ompletely aware of and @knowA ea*h other intimately+ ?%rthermore( the relation'hip i' re*ipro*al from both 'ide'+ Thi' will o**%r in the time of the final redemption( may it happen 'peedily( in o%r day'+ Amen We now may *ontin%e to e.plain the pro*e'' of the @b%ilding %pA of $u)vah :The ?emale<+

-#:#-'At fir't( the 'tat%re of alchut i' like a point %nder Yesod+ Afterward' it i' @b%ilt %pA into a Heh :the final Heh of G-d' fo%r letter name< a' before :a' the Heh of +inah<+ The e.planation i' a' follow'C -< ?rom the angle of the gi=er( before a per'on *an 'peak( he m%'t fir't fo*%' on the point he want' to *on=ey thro%gh hi' 'peaking+ 7nly after thi' *an the point e.pand into a @HehA+ Thi' mean' that only on*e there i' a point whi*h he want' to gi=e o=er( *an he 'peak+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the relation'hip between Chochmah and +inah a' e.plained before+ < ?rom the a'pe*t of the re*ipient( when for e.ample( one i' re*ei=ing a tea*hing( he *annot lengthen or broaden the *on*ept in hi' mind a' long a' he i' 'till re*ei=ing+ The 't%dent 'ho%ld not *ontemplate and analyHe what the tea*her i' 'aying while he i' 'till in=ol=ed in re*ei=ing the knowledge et*+ Rather( he m%'t fo*%' hi' mind *ompletely on the tea*her and the '%bEe*t he i' tea*hing( making him'elf into a @pointA( 'o to 'peak( 'o that he may f%lly ab'orb the knowledge being tran'mitted to him+ 7nly afterward'( when he re=iew' the '%bEe*t in hi' mind( *an he analyHe and *ontemplate what he ha' learned and @e.pandA on it in hi' mind by *ontemplating all it' ramifi*ation' and appli*ation'+ Another way to %nder'tand how alchut begin' a' a @point %nder YesodA i' a' follow'C ?ollowing the abo=e e.planation( we %nder'tand thi' @pointA a' being the a'pe*t of '%blimation to that whi*h i' abo=e it+ Thi' applie' to a*tion a' well a' 'pee*h+ ?rom thi'


-The Knowledge of G-dwe %nder'tand that the beginning of a*tion : alchut< i' it' '%blimation to the de'ire( intelle*t and emotion' et*+ 6ikewi'e( thi' applie' to the relation'hip between the gi=er and the re*ipient+ ;efore a re*ipient or 'er=ant( *an f%lfill the will of hi' ma'ter( before he *an e=en hear what the ma'ter want' of him( there m%'t be a '%blimation of him'elf to the ma'ter+ 7nly after thi' '%blimation *an the @f%ll 'tat%reA of a*tion or 'pee*h begin to operate et*+ Thi' e.plain' how alchut begin' a' a @point %nder YesodA+

-#:#-(A' mentioned before( alchut i' *alled @,alA whi*h mean' @poorA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e @ alchut ha' nothing of her ownA : alchut" (eit la m&arma )loom<+ She only ha' what 'he re*ei=e' from abo=e+ Thi' i' why alchut i' *ompared to the moon whi*h re*ei=e' all it' light from the '%n+ A' with all the other sefirot( the fir't sefirah of alchut i' it' Keter3 Thi' i' the de'ire and power to 'peak+ The de'ire and power to 'peak i' rooted in .eir 'n*in( a' %nder'tood from the =er'e( @?ore=er 3aShem yo%r word 'tand' in the hea=en'+A Another name for .eir 'n*in i' Shamayim( whi*h mean' @The hea=en'A+ The word Shamayim i' a *ompo'ite of two word'( @'ishA and @ aYimA :?ire and Water<+ The'e repre'ent the primary emoti=e I%alitie'( Chesed and !evurah of .eir 'n*in" a' mentioned before+ The power of 'pee*h i' *ontrolled by the'e two I%alitie'+ ?or e.ample( when a per'on feel' happy( he ha' a great de'ire to 'peak and 'hare hi' tho%ght' and feeling' with other'( and to a*ti=ely do thing' et*+ )n *ontra't( when he feel' 'ad( he be*ome' intro=erted( %nintere'ted in 'peaking and 'haring hi' tho%ght' and feeling' with other'( and doe' not feel like doing anything+ )t i' therefore 'tated that the 'o%r*e of the @b%ilding %pA of alchut :Spee*h or A*tion<( i' from the Chassadim :The Kindne''e'<+ We will now e.plain the a'pe*t of the intelle*t of alchut+ A' mentioned earlier( the @Tho%ght of 'pee*hA *ome' from the @Spee*h of tho%ghtA+ A' e.plained before( @Spee*h of tho%ghtA i' when he i' thinking e.a*tly what he want' to 'ay( immediately before he 'ay' it+ The di=i'ion' and *ombination' in hi' a*t%al 'pee*h will be e.a*tly a**ording to how he tho%ght to 'peak+ Thi' i' the intelle*t of 'pee*h+ The @Emotion' of 'pee*hA( i' the emotion whi*h i' heard in the =oi*e( a' e.plained abo=e in regard to the @Boi*e of Yaa)ovA+ The'e are the =ario%' *ombination' of water( fire and =apor :Chesed" !evurah and Tiferet<( whi*h gi=e emotion to the 'pee*h( a' e.plained abo=e+ All of the le=el' abo=e alchut be*ome re=ealed in alchut of 'tzilut( whi*h i' likened to the 'pee*h of the King+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that alchut :Spee*h< i' termed @'lma ,%t&alia :The realm of re=elation<( be*a%'e all the %pper le=el' be*ome re=ealed in alchut of 'tzilut" from the fir't e''ential heyulie de'ire for kindne'' in the e''ential Self( thro%gh the entire *haining down :Seder Hishtalshelut<( from the *ir*le' of de'ire :Sefirot ,%&ullim<( %ntil the intelle*t and emotion' of 'dam Kadmon( to 'rich 'n*in( and to the intelle*t and e.ternal emotion' of .eir 'n*in" all the way to the e.ternal =e''el' and *ompo'ition' of fire( water and =apor of the e.ternal @breath of the heartA of .eir 'n*in+ Thi' i' the meaning of the =er'e( @) am fir't and ) am la't+A @) am fir'tA refer' to the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight before the Tzimtzum( and @) am la'tA refer' to alchut of 5$

-The Knowledge of G-d'tzilut( whi*h the .ohar *all'" @The end of all le=el'A :Sof Kol ,ar&in<+ A' pre=io%'ly 'tated( Yesod i' the @Gi=erA or @)nfl%en*erA and i' *alled @ Kol:E=erything<( a' in the =er'e @Ki Kol +aShamayim 4+a'retzA( whi*h mean' @E=erything in the hea=en' and the earthA and whi*h tran'late' into Aramai* a'( @3e %nite' the hea=en' and the earthA+ The rea'on Yesod i' *alled @Kol- :E=erything< i' be*a%'e all the infl%en*e gather' there before it *ome' o%t into re=elation+ The .ohar *all' thi'( @Knishu ,Kol $ehorin :The gathering pla*e of all the light' before they *ome o%t into re=elation<+ )n *ontra't( alchut" the re*ipient( i' *alled @Kalah- :;ride<+ 3owe=er( the word Kalah al'o i' the feminine form of the word Kol and likewi'e mean' @E=erythingA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e 'in*e 'he @ha' nothing of her ownA( alchut i' the re*epta*le for e=erything abo=e her+ The Sefirah of alchut will now be di'*%''ed in greater detail+

-#:#-*The sefirah of alchut i' %niI%e and different than all the other sefirot in that it reI%ire' an @otherA+ All the other I%alitie' may e.i't witho%t the e.i'ten*e of an @otherA+ A per'on may ha=e de'ire and intelle*t witho%t ne*e''itating the e.i'ten*e of an @otherA+ E=en the heartfelt feeling'( '%*h a' the feeling' of kindne'' or 'ternne'' may e.i't witho%t there being an @otherA+ Thi' i' 'o( e=en tho%gh the re=elation of kindne'' entail' the a*t of doing kindne'' to another+ Still and all( the originating 'o%r*e of the kindne'' *ome' from within the per'on him'elf+ E=en tho%gh there may be no one to benefit from hi' kindne''( nonethele''( he him'elf i' a kind per'on in the =ery e''en*e of hi' being+ The re*ipient of the kindne'' i' not the 'o%r*e of hi' de'ire to do kindne''+ )n *ontra't( by it' =ery e''en*e( the I%ality of alchut :King'hip<( whi*h i' the de'ire to r%le o=er other'( reI%ire' the e.i'ten*e of another to r%le o=er+ Altho%gh in the e''en*e of the 'o%l( there i' plea'%re in it( nonethele''( the de'ire for thi' I%ality i' aro%'ed 'pe*ifi*ally by @other'A o%t'ide of him'elf+ Thi' i' the meaning of the 'tatement( @There i' no king witho%t a nationA( be*a%'e at it' e''ential *ore the I%ality of king'hip depend' on the '%blimation of a 1eople to their king+ Thi' i' e'pe*ially e=ident by the fa*t that what *a%'e' the I%ality of alchut to be aro%'ed and 'pread forth i' the '%blimation of the '%bEe*t' to the king( that the. %plift him and a**ept him a' their king+ Con=er'ely( if their '%blimation to him dimini'he'( 'o too doe' the I%ality of hi' king'hip+ ?or e.ample( oneF' de'ire to 'peak i' aro%'ed onl. when there are tho'e who de'ire to li'ten to him+ )f there i' no one li'tening and he feel' he i' talking to him'elf( hi' de'ire to 'peak di''ipate'+ 6ikewi'e( in regard to king'hip( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the de'ire of the people to '%blimate them'el=e' to him that aro%'e' hi' de'ire to be their king+ )n *ontra't( the I%ality of kindne'' i' not dependent on the re*ipient of that kindne''+ Thi' i' 'o( e=en tho%gh there are differen*e' in how the kindne'' will *ome o%t( whi*h are re'pon'i=e to the re*ipient+ ?or in'tan*e( if the re*ipient make' hi' reI%e't with a pleading tone of =oi*e he will tend to eli*it greater mer*ie' than if he make' hi' reI%e't in a demanding tone of =oi*e et*+ 8onethele''( the f%ndamental de'ire to do kindne'' i' not at all dependant on the re*ipient+ The gi=er i' kind be*a%'e he i' kind( %nrelated to 52

-The Knowledge of G-dwhether or not there i' a re*ipient or how worthy or %nworthy he may be+ )n *ontra't( a per'on i' not a king be*a%'e he i' a king+ What make' him a king i' the '%blimation of the 1eople to him( a' 'tated abo=e+ 3owe=er( 'in*e in the world there alway' i' an @otherA( thi' *on*ept i' not readily ob'er=able+ )n addition it i' e=ident that e=en a *hild po''e''e' an e''ential de'ire to r%le o=er other'+ A *hild( by nat%re( de'ire' to dominate o=er all thing'( e=en animal'+ :Thi' de'ire to r%le i' %niI%e to Mankind( a' oppo'ed to other I%alitie' '%*h a' kindne''( whi*h may be fo%nd in animal' a' well+< E=en 'o( %nlike the other I%alitie'( it i' *lear that the plea'%re and de'ire to r%le 'pe*ifi*ally relate' to 'omething or 'omeone o%t'ide of the 'elf+ A per'on may be kind to him'elf or 'tri*t with him'elf( b%t he *annot be king o=er him'elf( and altho%gh he may*i'e @*ontrolA o=er him'elf( thi' 'elf-*ontrol i' a f%n*tion of the I%ality of !evurah rather than alchut3 8ow( when it *ome' to G-d( there i' no @otherA( a' 'tated( @There i' nothing el'e be'ide' 3imA+ )f 'o( how *an thi' prin*iple be applied to G-dG There i' no @otherA o=er whi*h to r%leS 3owe=er( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of thi'( that the @b%ilding %pA of alchut into a *omplete 'tat%re( whi*h po''e''e' plea'%re( de'ire( intelle*t and emotion'( et*+( i' only po''ible if G-d de'ire' that there be 'omething o%t'ide of 3im'elf( o=er whi*h to r%le+ Thi' wa' the rea'on for the fir't Tzimtzum( whi*h bro%ght abo%t an @Empty pla*eA :Makom 1anooy<+ )t' p%rpo'e wa' to bring abo%t 'omething o%t'ide of 3i' e''en*e into e.i'ten*e( th%' making it po''ible for alchut of Ein Sof to r%le o=er it+ ?%rthermore( it i' for thi' p%rpo'e that 3e *reated the matter of free *hoi*e( to make it po''ible for %' to *hoo'e to '%blimate o%r'el=e' to 3im( th%' aro%'ing 3i' de'ire for the e.i'ten*e of the world+ Thi' i' the meaning of the =er'e( @Jo%r kingdom i' the kingdom of all world'A+ G-dF' de'ire to be king i' the 'o%r*e of all world'( and o%r de'ire to '%blimate o%r'el=e' to 3i' King'hip( i' what aro%'e' 3i' de'ire to be king+ Therefore( e=en before the fir't THimtH%m( the moti=ating fa*tor for the Creation wa' the po''ibility of o%r freely *hoo'ing G-d a' o%r king+ )f we *hoo'e G-d( the world ha' p%rpo'e+ 3owe=er( if we( G-d forbid( *hoo'e otherwi'e( the world loo'e' it' p%rpo'e and G-d no longer de'ire' to *reate it+ ?rom abo=e we 'ee that alchut" 'imilar to the other I%alitie'( ha' an e''ential e.i'ten*e e=en before the e.i'ten*e of an @otherA b%t that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the @otherA whi*h enli=en' and awaken' it+ Thi' i' why we re*ite the ten =er'e' of G-dF' King'hip on Rosh HaShana :&ewi'h 8ew Jear<+ ;y doing 'o( we a**ept the Joke of G-dF' King'hip %pon o%r'el=e' anew+ Thi' rea**eptan*e and renewed '%blimation to G-d on o%r part( awaken' the e''ential de'ire for king'hip in the e''en*e of Ohr Ein Sof before Tzimtzum" and thereby gi=e' *ontin%ed e.i'ten*e to the world 3 Thi' i' the awakening of Keter of alchut of Ohr Ein Sof :The 1lea'%re and >e'ire for King'hip in the )nfinite 6ight< and i' *alled @'na EmlochA :) 'hall be R%le< a' e.plained before+ Thi' plea'%re and de'ire for king'hip i' the fir't of the ten sefirot of alchut+ )t( therefore( i' *alled Keter alchut :The Crown of King'hip<+ A' mentioned pre=io%'ly( alchut *orre'pond' to the fa*%lty of 'pee*h and a*tion( be*a%'e the 'pee*h of a king i' tantamo%nt to an a*tion+ )f a king *ommand' 'omething with hi' mo%th( it happen'( a' 'tated( @,var elech Shilton :The word of the king r%le'<+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

-#:#-+?rom the abo=e( we may now %nder'tand how alchut of 'tzilut whi*h i' @The end of all le=el'A :Sof Kol ,ar&in< i' G-dF' de'ire and plea'%re to be king o=er the *reated world' of +riyah( Yetzirah and 'siyah :Creation( ?ormation and A*tion<+ 8ow( in order for thi' king'hip to be realiHed( there m%'t be a Tzimtzum and a 'eparation between 'tzilut and the *reated world'+ Thi' i' *alled a asach :S*reen<( and will be di'*%''ed later+ ?rom the abo=e( we may al'o gain in'ight into the 'tatement in Sefer Yetzirah that( @The beginning i' bo%nd %p with the end( and the end i' bo%nd %p with the beginningA+ )n other word'( the @endA( in whi*h G-d a*t%ally r%le' o=er the world( i' dependant on the e''ential de'ire to r%le( whi*h i' in the @beginningA+ 3owe=er( the @beginningA m%'t al'o be bo%nd %p with the @endA+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the e''ential de'ire to r%le m%'t be awakened by the @endA( i+e+ by the re*ipient'+ 8ow( before we begin to e.plain the *reated world'( let %' %nder'tand the 'pe*ifi* detail' of alchut of 'tzilut+ A' e.plained pre=io%'ly( the 'imple e''ential plea'%re and de'ire whi*h *ome' to enli=en a I%ality( i' it' Keter+ ?ollowing the Keter of ea*h sefirah are the intelle*t%al sefirot of ea*h sefirah( a' e.plained before+ 6ikewi'e( in the sefirah of alchut( there i' a le''ening from the Keter of alchut" whi*h i' the plea'%re and de'ire to r%le and i' abo=e intelle*t and rea'oning( to the intelle*t of alchut3 Thi' i' the a'pe*t of the Chochmah and +inah of alchut3 Chochmah of alchut i' *alled @The 6ower ChochmahA :Chochmah Tataa< and it' original 'o%r*e i' in @The 9pper Chochmah- :Chochmah %laa<+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the original 'o%r*e of the Chochmah of alchut i' alchut of Chochmah( whi*h i' *alled @The 9pper ChochmahA+ +inah of alchut i' *alled @The 6ower MotherA :%mma Tataa< and it' original 'o%r*e i' in @The 9pper MotherA :%mma %laa<+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the original 'o%r*e of +inah of alchut i' alchut of +inah whi*h i' *alled @The 9pper MotherA+ A' e.plained before( the sefirot of alchut are deri=ed from the alchut of ea*h of the sefirot of .eir 'n*in+ 6ikewi'e( the Chochmah and +inah of .eir 'n*in are deri=ed from the general sefirot of Chochmah and +inah of 'tzilut3 Therefore( the Chochmah of alchut originate' from alchut of Chochmah a' it *ome' down thro%gh alchut of Chochmah of .eir 'n*in" et*+ :Thi' e.plain' the 'tatement that the word @+ereshit- :)n the beginning<" whi*h i' the fir't word of the Torah( i' al'o one of the ten %tteran*e' of *reation :@ +ereshit $ami aamar HooA<+ Tar&um Yonatan tran'late' @+ereshitA into Aramai* a' @+Chochmetah :With wi'dom<+ Thi' mean' that @+ereshitA refer' to G-dF' @)ntelle*t of Spee*hA :Chochmah of alchut<+ The emotional sefirot of alchut are drawn after the intelle*t of alchut( a' e.plained abo=e( that from the alchut of ea*h emotional sefirah of .eir 'n*in" a *orre'ponding sefirah of alchut i' drawn :A' e.plained before abo%t the =oi*e of Yaa)ov<+ We may now %nder'tand the =er'e( @Jo% ha=e made them all with wi'domA+ Thi' mean' that from the emotional sefirot of alchut %ntil the final a*tion of alchut of alchut( 55

-The Knowledge of G-dall are in*l%ded in Chochmah of alchut+ )n other word'( the intelle*t of the 'pee*h or a*tion will determine what the a*tion will be and how it will *ome o%t+ ?%rthermore( it i' 'tated( @3e renew' e=ery day the a*t of *reation : aaseh +ereshit<+ A' e.plained abo=e( the word +ereshit tran'late' a'( @ChochmetahA :Wi'dom<+ Thi' mean' that the intelle*t of alchut( whi*h determine' the final o%t*ome( i' dependant on the infl%en*e it re*ei=e' from the general intelle*t%al sefirot of 'tzilut( whi*h are *alled '##a and %mma :Chochmah and +inah of 'tzilut<" a' e.plained earlier+ 8ow( the intelle*t%al sefirot of 'tzilut :'##a and %mma<( are them'el=e' infl%en*ed by the de'ire :Keter<( whi*h rea*he' %p to the e''ential de'ire in the =ery e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight before the Tzimtzum+ >%e to all the abo=e( at time' the re=elation whi*h *ome' into alchut may be great and e.pan'i=e while at other time' it may be the oppo'ite+ Thi' i' a' e.plained before *on*erning the mat%ration of .eir 'n*in3 A' e.plained( the @mat%rityA of the emotion' :.eir 'n*in< all depend' on how and what it re*ei=e' from the intelle*t+ The 'ame i' tr%e of alchut+ ?or e.ample( depending on the e.pan'i=ene'' of the intelle*t and emotion'( 'ometime' 'pee*h will be e.pan'i=e( while 'ometime' it will be the oppo'ite+

-#:#-,The =e''el' of the ten sefirot of alchut are the letter' of 'pee*h of the ten %tteran*e' of *reation+ 8ow( E%'t a' we e.plained before in regard to the letter' of tho%ght( that there are three le=el' of tho%ghtD tho%ght of tho%ght( 'pee*h of tho%ght and a*tion of tho%ght( 'o too( in regard to 'pee*h( there are three le=el'+ The'e three le=el' are tho%ght of 'pee*h( 'pee*h of 'pee*h and a*tion of 'pee*h+ The e.planation of the'e three le=el' i' a' follow'C Tho%ght of 'pee*h i' like the tho%ght of the per'on whi*h i' en*lothed in hi' 'pee*h+ ?or e.ample( when a per'on i' 'peaking( *ertainly in ea*h parti*%lar word and letter of hi' 'pee*h there i' en*lothed the parti*%lar tho%ght for thi' parti*%lar 'pee*h+ )n other word'( a' e.plained earlier( the letter' of 'pee*h will be e.a*tly a**ording to the *ombination' of the letter' of tho%ght+ :Thi' wa' e.plained earlier in the e.planation of how @the feet of (eah enter into the head of RachelA - that 'pee*h of tho%ght be*ome' tho%ght of 'pee*h+< ?or e.ample( in the %tteran*e( @6et there be lightA i' en*lothed the tho%ght of thi' %tteran*e :within whi*h i' en*lothed the meaning and intent et*+ a' e.plained abo=e+<+ Relati=e to a*t%al 'pee*h( thi' tho%ght of 'pee*h i' *alled a @*lo'ed 'ayingA a' oppo'ed to the @open 'ayingA of the a*t%al 'o%nd' of the letter' @6et there be lightA whi*h are heard+ Thi' tho%ght of 'pee*h( i' the =e''el for the @)ntelle*t of 'pee*hA :Cha+a-, of alchut<+ 8ow( the a'pe*t of 'pee*h of 'pee*h i' the =e''el for the emotional attrib%te' of 'pee*h :Cha!a-T of alchut<+ )n other word'( in the 'pee*h of the king( there are the'e three I%alitie'( either a 'pee*h of kindne''( 'pee*h of 'e=erity( or the intermediary I%ality of 'pee*h of mer*y+ Thi' refer' both to the *ombination of the letter' and word' them'el=e' and to the tone of the 'pee*h( i+e+ the har'hne'' or kindne'' in the word'+ The a'pe*t of a*tion of 'pee*h i' the =e''el for the g%t emotion' of 'pee*h : $eHi-Y of alchut<+ A' e.plained earlier( the a'pe*t of $eHi-Y alway' denote' the bringing of the infl%en*e o%t( into re=elation or a*tion+ Thi'( then( refer' to the a'pe*t of the a*t%al *ommand of the king( that he *ommand' that 'omething be done and bro%ght o%t into -!!

-The Knowledge of G-da*t%ality+ ?or e.ample( the fa*t that the %tteran*e( @6et there be lightA( i' a *ommand and 'ho%ld be f%lfilled( i' @a*tion of 'pee*hA+ )n other word'( a*tion of 'pee*h i' the a*t%al *ommand for the a*tion of( @6et there be lightA or @6et there be a firmamentA+ :Another a'pe*t of a*tion of 'pee*h i' the a*t%al mo=ement' of the mo%th and lip' that bring o%t the parti*%lar 'o%nd' of 'pee*h+ Thi' too i' *alled a*tion of 'pee*h( 'in*e he i' a*t%aliHing hi' de'ire to 'peak et*+ There are time' when 'pee*h i' not a *ommand and doe' not pertain to a*tion+ )n '%*h *a'e' too( a*tion of 'pee*h i' when the 'o%nd' of 'pee*h are bro%ght o%t into a*t%ality( a' e.plained abo=e+< 8ow( the effe*t whi*h *ome' abo%t from the 'pee*h of @6et there be lightA( whi*h i' the a*t%aliHation of @And there wa' lightA( i' *alled alchut of alchut of 'tzilut+ )n other word'( thi' i' when the infl%en*e of the light of the 'pee*h *ome' o%t to be*ome the 'o%r*e of e.i'ten*e( in the *reation of 'omething o%t of nothing+ Thi' o**%r' when the a'pe*t of alchut of alchut of 'tzilut :whi*h i' 'till an emanation whi*h i' in'eparable from the Emanator< break' thro%gh the @ asachA :S*reen< to be*ome the 'o%r*e of the world of +riyah :Creation of 'omething from nothing+<( a' will 'oon be e.plained+ :)t too i' 'till *on'idered to be part of the world of 'tzilut :Emanation<( and i' al'o *alled by the term( @A*tion of alchut of 'tzilutA+ The rea'on for thi' *an be %nder'tood from the following allegory+ When one throw' a ball( there i' the power of mo=ement in the ball whi*h i' 'eparated from the power of mo=ement in the hand of the thrower+ The power of the mo=ement of the per'on wo%ld be alchut of 'tzilut( wherea' what *ome' o%t of thi' power into the ball i' *alled alchut of alchut of 'tzilut+ 8onethele''( the power of mo=ement in the ball i' e.a*tly a**ording to the energy that wa' applied to it from the power of mo=ement of the per'on+<

-#:##-We e.plained before( that @The mother : +inah< lend' the *lothing :the fi=e !evurot< to the da%ghter : alchut<+ The'e fi=e !evurot are *alled @ enatze*achA( whi*h i' an a*ronym made %p of the fi=e letter' in the 3ebrew alphabet whi*h end word'+ The'e letter' are YZ[\] and only *ome at the end of word'+ ;e*a%'e they are end letter' whi*h @'topA and end the word'( they are *on'idered to be an a'pe*t of !evurah :Con'tri*tion and limitation<+ 6ikewi'e( there are fi=e organ' in the mo%th from whi*h the letter' i''%e+ The'e are the throat( tong%e( palate( lip' and teeth+ The fi=e organ' of 'pee*h are al'o *alled the fi=e !evurot be*a%'e they limit and define the =oi*e into 'pe*ifi* letter'+ )n 3ebrew( all the letter' of the alphabet are *on'onant'( whi*h 'top and gi=e form to the =oi*e+ The letter' 'le*h" Chet" Hei and 'yin are formed by the *on'tri*tion of the throat+ The letter' !imel" Yud" Chaf and Kuf are formed in the palate+ The letter' +eit" Vav" em and /eh are formed by the lip'+ The letter' ,alet" Tet" (amed" $un and Tav are formed by the tong%e( and the letter' .ayin" Samech" Tzadi)" Reish and Shin are formed with the teeth+ Ea*h organ of 'pee*h gi=e' form to it' 'pe*ifi* letter'+ )t i' thro%gh the %nifi*ation' and in*l%'ion' of the'e letter' in =ario%' *ombination' that word' are formed+ All thi' *ome' abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the fi=e !evurot" whi*h 'eparate and di=ide the =oi*e to *reate 'pee*h+ -!-

-The Knowledge of G-d)t i' apparent that there are two *omponent' to 'pee*h+ There i' the @'imple '%b'tan*eA of 'pee*h and there i' the @formA of 'pee*h+ The @'imple '%b'tan*eA i' the @breath and =oi*eA of the 'pee*h+ The @breath and =oi*eA( in and of it'elf( i' 'imple and ha' no 'pe*ifi* form+ Thi' @breath and =oi*eA i' made %p of a *ompo'ite of the fire( water and =apor of the breath of the l%ng'( a' e.plained before+ 7n the other hand( the @formA of 'pee*h i' the di=i'ion' and *ombination' of the letter' whi*h are formed by the fi=e organ' of the mo%th from whi*h they i''%e+ 8ow( it i' the @'imple '%b'tan*eA( the =oi*e it'elf( whi*h bind' the *ombination' of letter' together( 'imilar to a *ord whi*h i' threaded thro%gh a pearl ne*kla*e+ &%'t a' the thread hold' all the pearl' together( %nifying them into one ne*kla*e( 'o too the =oi*e tra=el' thro%gh the di=i'ion' of the letter' and bind' them to form word' and 'enten*e'+ :A' mentioned pre=io%'ly( a 'imilar phenomenon take' pla*e d%ring the tho%ght pro*e''+ The @thread of tho%ghtA( whi*h i' the point of the general o=er=iew( tra=el' thro%gh hi' @line of thinkingA and bind' e=erything together into one 'ingle @flow of tho%ghtA+ )f he were to lo'e the general o=er=iew for a moment( he wo%ld lo'e hi' @train of tho%ghtA+ 6ikewi'e( in 'pee*h( if the @tho%ght of 'pee*hA( mentioned abo=e( i' lo't momenterily( a per'on will be*ome in*apable of *ontin%ing to form%late word'+ Thi' may be ob'er=ed in people who interr%pt their 'pee*h and 'ay @%hhhA+ They *an only *ontin%e when they regain their @'pee*h of tho%ghtA thereby regaining their @tho%ght of 'pee*hA+

-#:###)t i' 'tated that( @the father fo%nded the da%ghterA : '##a Yasad +arta<+ A' mentioned before( the @?atherA :'##a<( refer' to Chochmah :)n'ight<( wherea' the @>a%ghterA refer' to alchut :Spee*h<+ The e.planation of thi' i'( a' e.plained pre=io%'ly( that the power to %nify and *ombine *ome' from Chochmah+ 8onethele''( we 'ee that the a*t%al *ombination' of the letter' of 'pee*h are only a**ording to the di=i'ion' of the fi=e !evurot3 A' mentioned abo=e( the'e di=i'ion' *ome from +inah and are *alled the @protr%'ion' of the 'ealA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e they f%n*tion by limiting the @holi'ti*A tho%ght and lea=ing @parti*%lar'A whi*h 'tand o%t+ Thi' i' al'o *alled 'pee*h of tho%ght+ 7f *o%r'e( thi' i' an a*t of Tzimtzum and limitation+ Thi' mean' that in order for one to 'peak *oherently( he need' to limit him'elf and 'ele*t a 'pe*ifi* manner of how he will arti*%late hi' tho%ght' and feeling'+ A' 'tated pre=io%'ly( a 'ign of one who i' in*apable of doing thi' i' 't%ttering+ The rea'on he 't%tter' i' be*a%'e he *annot limit him'elf to a parti*%lar line of 'pee*h and word'+ ;e*a%'e he *annot limit him'elf( he *annot *ome %p with 'pe*ifi* word' in hi' tho%ght( and '%b'eI%ently in hi' 'pee*h+ We 'ee from thi'( and from what wa' di'*%''ed pre=io%'ly( that the *ombination' of the 'pee*h are e.a*tly a**ording to the di=i'ion' and *ombination' in tho%ght+ Thi' i' a' 'tated before that @The mother : +inah< lend' the *lothing :the fi=e !evurot< to the da%ghter : alchut<+ :)n other word'( from the %pper mother :+inah<( infl%en*e i' drawn down to the lower mother :+inah of alchut<+ A' e.plained before( from @'pee*h of tho%ghtA *ome' @tho%ght of 'pee*hA+< The 'tatement that( @The father :Chochmah< fo%nded the da%ghter : alchut< refer' 'pe*ifi*ally to the 'o%r*e of the power to *ombine+ 3owe=er( it *ombine' a**ording to the -!

-The Knowledge of G-dtho%ght of +inah( a' e.plained before that the power of +inah i' to @take thing' apartA wherea' the power that *ombine' *ome' from Chochmah a%tomati*ally+ When one de'ire' to 'peak( he doe' not need to analyHe how to *ombine the letter'+ E=en a *hild( *an arti*%late hi' de'ire' witho%t any prior preparation what'oe=er+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the power to *ombine *ome' a%tomati*ally from the 'o%r*e of the Chochmah" whi*h i' abo=e the *omprehen'ion of +inah+ :A' e.plained abo=e( thi' 'o%r*e i' *alled @Koach Ha as)ilA @The power of *on*ept%aliHation< and i' Chochmah of 'rich 'n*in+< Thi' then e.plain' the 'tatement abo=e that @the father fo%nded the da%ghterA+ ?%rthermore( thi' i' the main rea'on why a h%man being i' *alled a @'peaker - eda#erA+ At fir't glan*e( one wo%ld think that he 'ho%ld be *alled a @thinkerA+ 3owe=er( from the abo=e we %nder'tand that the 'o%r*e of the power to 'peak i' a*t%ally higher than the 'o%r*e of the power to think+ A h%man being i' therefore *alled a @'peaking 'o%lA+ :)n other word'( when the 'o%r*e of the letter'( whi*h are literally within the 'o%l it'elf( are re=ealed in 'pee*h( he i' *alled a 'peaking 'o%l+<

-#:##$?rom the abo=e( we may %nder'tand why in the a**o%nt of *reation in the Torah( the name Elo)im i' %'ed( '%*h a' @And Elo)im 'aid( let there be lightA( @And Elo)im 'aid( let there be a firmamentA( et*+ )t i' be*a%'e of the fi=e !evurot ( whi*h ha=e their 'o%r*e in the name Elo)im( whi*h limit the @holi'ti* wholeA th%' bringing o%t 'pe*ifi* %tteran*e' and *ombination' of letter'+ A' i' known( e=erything i' made %p of letter'+ E=erything in e.i'ten*e ha' it' 'pe*ifi* *ombination' of letter'+ The 'o%r*e of *ombination' of letter' in all of e.i'ten*e( are the ten %tteran*e' of Elo)im d%ring the 'i. day' of *reation+ The letter' of e=ery *reat%re( be it mineral( =egetable( animal or h%man( gi=e it it' form and propertie'( and make it what it i'+ ?or e.ample( the *ombination of the >8A *ode of a *at i' what make' it a *at+ 8o matter what the *at eat'( it will t%rn it into a *at+ )f a dog eat' the 'ame food( it will t%rn into a dog+ The *ombination' of the'e letter' *ome from alchut of 'tzilut+ Thi' will now be e.plained+ The *ombination' of ea*h of the 'i. day' of *reation *orre'pond to the 'i. emotional sefirot of alchut of 'tzilut+ ?or e.ample( the *ombination' of the fir't day( @Yehi OhrA :6et there be light<( *orre'pond to the a'pe*t of infl%en*ing Kindne'' : Chesed< to the world' of +riyah" Yetzirah and 'siyah :Creation( ?ormation and A*tion<+ )n *ontra't( the *ombination' of the 'e*ond day( @Yehi Ra)iyaA :6et there be a firmament< *orre'pond to an infl%en*e of !evurah et*+ :Ea*h of the'e I%alitie' i' the 'o%r*e for a millenni%m of infl%en*e to the *reated world' of +riyah" Yetzirah and 'siyah( a' 'tated( @one tho%'and year' i' like a day et*+A The 'i. tho%'and year' of thi' world are drawn from the 'i. emotional attrib%te' of alchut+< The *ombination' of the 'pee*h of alchut *hange from Chesed to !evurah et*+ a**ording to the effe*t of the intelle*t%al sefirot :Chochmah and +inah< on the emotion'+ When '%*h a *hange take' pla*e there i' likewi'e( a%tomati*ally( a *hange in the *ombination' of the 'pee*h( from Chesed to !evurah+ ?%rthermore( e=erything follow' the intent of Chochmah( whi*h i' the 'o%r*e of the *ombination'( and i' a*t%ally higher than the light of the intelle*t whi*h i' re=ealed in -!,

-The Knowledge of G-d'pee*h( a' e.plained abo=e that @the father fo%nded the da%ghterA+ :The power to *ombine i' higher than the *ombination it'elf or e=en the *on*ept being re=ealed( a' e.plained before+< Thi' may be %nder'tood from the following in*ident related in the Talm%d+ Rabbi Chanina ben >o'a wa' a =ery poor man+ 7ne ?riday hi' da%ghter told him 'he did not ha=e any oil to light the Shabbat light'+ All they had in their po''e''ion wa' 'ome =inegar+ Rabbi Chanina ben >o'a 'aid @May he who told oil to b%rn( tell the =inegar to b%rnA+ 3i' da%ghter %'ed =inegar in the lamp and it b%rned+ 3owe=er( the =inegar remained =inegar+ The *ombination of it' letter' 'tayed the 'ame+ What *hanged wa' G-dF' intent+ The tho%ght behind the *ombination of letter' *hanged+ )n other word'( the meaning of the *ombination *hanged( while it' a*t%al letter' remained the 'ame+ 3ad the a*t%al *ombination' *hanged( the =inegar wo%ld ha=e t%rned to oil( b%t it remained =inegar+ ?or e.ample( if ) arrange with yo% that when ) 'ay @ye'A ) mean @noA and when ) 'ay @noA ) mean @ye'A( yo% know that my @ye'A i' a @noA+ The letter'( howe=er( 'tay the 'ame+ 7nly the meaning of the *ombination *hange' :i+e+ the intelle*t of alchut<+ Thi' mean' that the =inegar remained =inegar b%t now G-d intended that it 'ho%ld b%rn like oil+ G-d li'tened to Rabbi Chanina ben >o'a be*a%'e he wa' a righteo%' man :A Tzaddi)<( a' it 'ay'( @The righteo%' r%le' with hi' fear of Elo)imA( i+e+ with the - ! *ombination' of the name Elo)im+ 3owe=er( the primary *hange take' pla*e in the intelle*t of alchut( in other word'( in the intention behind the *ombination+ G-d li'tened to Rabbi Chanina be >o'a and *hanged hi' intention of what the nat%re of the =inegar 'ho%ld be+ )n 'pee*h the =inegar remained the 'ame( b%t in tho%ght( it' nat%re wa' *hanged+ Thi' i' the meaning of the =er'e( @E=erything that G-d de'ired he didA+ ;eing that 3e *reated nat%re and i' infinitely abo=e it( he i' not bo%nd by any of it' r%le' and *an *hange them at will( all the way from the e''ential de'ire before the Tzimtzum( to alchut of alchut of 'tzilut( and e=en lower( all the way down %ntil the final phy'i*al a*t%aliHation in thi' phy'i*al and lowe't world+

-#:##%;efore we *ontin%e to e.plain the ne.t part of the *reation and e.pre''ion of G-d( let %' fir't ha=e a general o=er=iew of the ne.t three world'( +riyah( Yetzirah and 'siyah :Creation( ?ormation and A*tion<+ )n general( the'e three world' are known by the a*ronym +iY-'+ Generally( the world of 'tzilut *orre'pond' to the general sefirah of Chochmah+ The rea'on for thi' i' be*a%'e 'tzilut it'elf i' 'till totally bo%nd %p with the e''en*e( and i' therefore 'till *on'idered to be part and par*el of the infinite world of total G-dline''+ ?%rthermore( E%'t a' Chochmah i' *alled @'inA :8othingne''< and +inah i' *alled @YeshA :Somethingne''<( thi' applie' likewi'e( to the world of 'tzilut relati=e to the lower world' whi*h follow it+ )n *ontra't( the world' of +riyah" Yetzirah and 'siyah generally *orre'pond to tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion+ +riyah *orre'pond' to tho%ght( Yetzirah *orre'pond' to 'pee*h and 'siyah *orre'pond' to a*tion+ A' wa' e.plained before( it i' only in the'e realm' of tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion( where @'omethingne''A ari'e'+ ;eing that +inah repre'ent' *omprended tho%ght( it i' *alled Yesh :Somethingne''<+ 6ikewi'e( the 'i. emotion' are felt emotion' of the heart( and alchut i' the @re=ealed worldA of a*tion or 'pee*h+ Therefore( they too are in the realm of 'omethingne''+ -!"

-The Knowledge of G-d:;e*a%'e of thi' 'en'e of 'omethingne''( it i' in the'e three world' that e=il ari'e'( a' will be e.plained later+<

-#:##&We will now e.plain the *haining down of the world' of +riyah( Yetzirah and 'siyah :Creation( ?ormation and A*tion<+ 3owe=er( we m%'t fir't %nder'tand the partition between 'tzilut and +riyah+ Thi' partition i' *alled the asach :S*reen<+ )t i' 'tated that alchut of 'tzilut break' thro%gh the '*reen( th%' be*oming the Keter of +riyah+ :Thi' wa' e.plained earlier that the infl%en*e from the alchut :Spee*h< of the %pper world be*ome' the moti=ating de'ire :Keter< for the lower world+ The allegory wa' gi=en of a king and hi' 'er=ant or a tea*her and hi' 't%dent+< We will now e.plain thi' '*reen+ The meaning of the =er'e @?or with Jo% i' the 'o%r*e of life( in Jo%r light we 'ee lightA( i' that from G-dF' primary light( a 'e*ondary light be*ome' =i'ible+ What i' 'een i' only a radian*e of a radian*e+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the impre''ion of the letter' of a 'ignet into to the wa.+ The impre''ion that remain' in the wa. i' only an impre''ion of the letter' of the 'ignet+ 6ikewi'e( the light and life for*e of the world of +riyah i' only a @radian*e of a radian*eA of the alchut of alchut of 'tzilut" whi*h only 'hine' thro%gh a partition and be*ome' the Keter of +riyah+ Thi' may be %nder'tood a' follow'+ A' mentioned abo=e( the world of 'tzilut *orre'pond' to the general sefirah of Chochmah+ 3owe=er( it i' only from the la't le=el of Chochmah that a fla'h of int%ition *ome' into +inah+ ?%rthermore( it i' only thro%gh the intermediary medi%m of letter' of de'*ription( that the light of the *on*ept *an be %nder'tood in +inah :Comprehen'ion and gra'p<+ The a*t%al light of the Chochmah it'elf i' altogether beyond the gra'p of +inah+ When a per'on ha' an int%iti=e fla'h( he doe' not per*ei=e the light of Chochmah dire*tly+ The @lightA whi*h he @'ee'A i' a*t%ally only the letter'( whi*h *ontain the light of int%ition+ 8onethele''( thro%gh the 'e*ondary @lightA of the letter' of the Chochmah a' they *ome into +inah" the primary @e''ential lightA of Chochmah i' re*ogniHed+ )t i' only =iewed thro%gh the '*reen and partition of the letter'( whi*h i' *alled a asach+ Thi' may be %nder'tood by how a tele=i'ion work'+ ;ehind the tele=i'ion '*reen there i' a @ray g%nA whi*h emit' a ray onto the ba*k of the '*reen+ When the ray hit' the pho'phor%' point' on the '*reen( they light %p+ What the =iewer 'ee' on the tele=i'ion '*reen i' not the original light of the @ray g%nA( b%t the 'e*ondary light of the pho'phor%'+ ?%rthermore( the ray g%n it'elf i' E%'t re*ei=ing the letter' of binary *ode( whi*h re*ei=e' from the letter' of the tele=i'ion wa=e'( whi*h re*ei=e from the letter' of the broad*a't( whi*h re*ei=e' from the letter' of the =ideo feed( whi*h re*ei=e' from the letter' of the a*tor' on the 'et( whi*h re*ei=e' from the letter' of the dire*tor et*+ The entire pro*e'' *hain' down many le=el' and there i' a profo%nd @'wit*h o=erA between one le=el and the ne.t( 'o that one le=el i' *ompletely different from the other+ 8onethele''( the %ltimate p%rpo'e of thi' *haining down of light' and =e''el' i' 'o that the =iewer *o%ld 'it in hi' li=ing room and wat*h the 'how+ Thi' final a*t wa' the original de'ire and intention in the mind of the prod%*er+ Thi' too i' the a'pe*t of a asach+ 6ikewi'e( the light and life for*e of the world of +riyah only re*ei=e' it' light thro%gh a -!/

-The Knowledge of G-dasach :S*reen<( whi*h i' made %p of the e.ternal letter' of the higher world of 'tzilut+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the alchut of alchut of 'tzilut :The mo't e.ternal letter' of the %pper world of 'tzilut<( be*ome' the light and life for*e of the Keter of +riyah :The de'ire to bring abo%t the world of +riyah<+

-#:##'8ow( the 'o%r*e of thi' asach :'*reen< i' from the @GarmentA of the Chashmal whi*h en*ompa''e' from the e.ternality of +inah %ntil %nder alchut of alchut+ :A' e.plained before( the Chashmal i' *reated from the letter' of +inah+ )n other word'( the Chashmal only *ome' abo%t on*e the *on*ept be*ome' firmly e'tabli'hed in oneF' mind in a way of a*t%al letter'+ )t wa' e.plained abo=e that the Chashmal i' al'o *alled @The 1rote*tor of the Emotion'A( and that the emotion' are en*ompa''ed by it+ ?%rthermore( the letter' of the Chashmal e=en en*ompa'' and *a%'e the 'pee*h and a*tion+ )n other word'( a' e.plained abo=e( after a per'on ha' done the analy'i' into 'omething and *ome %p with a *on*l%'ion( he will %'%ally a*t %pon it witho%t going ba*k and rethinking the whole matter o=er and o=er again in hi' mind+ Thi' indi*ate' that the garment of the Chashmal en*ompa''e' from the e.ternality of +inah :Analy'i' and *omprehen'ion< thro%gh alchut of alchut+< )t wa' f%rther e.plained that thi' garment i' 'imilar to an allegory( whi*h en*lothe' a deep *on*ept within it+ )t i' thro%gh the medi%m of the allegory that the light of the *on*ept may radiate and be per*ei=ed+ 8onethele''( the light of the *on*ept may only be per*ei=ed when the letter' of the allegory are in order+ 3owe=er( if the letter' are *onf%'ed( the allegory a*t%ally *on*eal' the *on*ept rather than re=eal' it+ Thi' may be *ompared to a tea*her+ )f he pre'ent' the '%bEe*t in a logi*al( orderly fa'hion( e.plaining it 'tep by 'tep and with great pre*i'ion( then the 't%dent' will %nder'tand the *on*ept *learly+ Thi' i' be*a%'e hi' letter' were in order+ 3owe=er( if the oppo'ite i' tr%e( and he pre'ent' the '%bEe*t o%t of order( the 't%dent' will not %nder'tand the '%bEe*t at all+ E=en if they do %nder'tand 'ome point' 'omewhat( they will not 'ee how all the @1ie*e' of the p%HHleA fit together+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the letter' are not in order+ ?rom all the abo=e( it i' %nder'tood that 'in*e there i' no *ompari'on between 'tzilut and +riyah( between Chochmah and +inah or between the infl%en*er and re*ipient( there m%'t be the Tzimtzum of thi' asach( E%'t a' the fir't Tzimtzum wa' needed between the @E''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight :Ohr Ein Sof< and the line of a*tion :The Kav<+ 3owe=er( there i' a differen*e+ There wa' not an a*t%al asach in the fir't Tzimtzum3 There wa' only a *on*ealment of the )nfinite 6ight+ A' mentioned before( thi' i' be*a%'e it wa' all 'till *ompletely within him'elf+ )n *ontra't( from the a'pe*t of 'tzilut whi*h i' 'till infinite( to the a'pe*t of +riyah whi*h i' finite( there need' to be a '*reen :A asach<( whi*h *ompletely 'eparate' and limit' the light+ Thi' i' to 'ay that for there to be a *hange from intangible to tangible( there m%'t be an @allegoryA+ Thi' i' like the e.ample gi=en abo=e of the differen*e between Chochmah whi*h i' intangible and +inah whi*h i' f%lly tangible+ 8onethele''( there i' a benefit to the fa*t that it i' G-d him'elf who *reate' thi' Tzimtzum and asach :S*reen<+ Thi' i' like the tea*her who *reate' the allegory for the analog%e or -!$

-The Knowledge of G-d*on=er'ely( like a tea*her who p%rpo'ely E%mble' %p the letter' or the pie*e' of a p%HHle in order to *hallenge the 't%dent' to p%t it ba*k together again+ )n '%*h a *a'e the *onf%'ion i' only on the part of the 't%dent' rather than the tea*her+ )n the 'ame way( for G-d( no *hange ha' taken pla*e+ ?rom 3i' angle it i' all part and par*el of 3im'elf( 'imilar to a 'nail who'e 'hell i' part and par*el of it'elf+ To G-d( the Tzimtzum too( i' not a tr%e Tzimtzum and i' not a 'eparation from 3i' per'pe*ti=e+ )t i' only 'o from the per'pe*ti=e of the re*ipient'+ Thi' al'o e.plain' the 'tatement( @) am fir't and ) am la'tA+ @) am fir'tA( refer' to the fir't Tzimtzum( and ) am la't( refer' to the la't Tzimtzum+ )t i' all an a*t of G-d( from beginning to end+ Moreo=er( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the la't Tzimtzum( whi*h i' the final a*t( whi*h aro'e fir't in G-dF' tho%ght and de'ire+<

-#:##(We may now %nder'tand what wa' mentioned earlier abo%t the e.pan'ion' of the 3oly 8ame of G-d( Havayah+ We e.plained earlier that there are fo%r general e.pan'ion' of the ineffable name of G-d+ The fir't i' J7>-3J-BJB-3J :!e)rew< and i' e.panded with Jod'+ Thi' i' the name of 2 -AVB :!< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to Chochmah+ The 'e*ond i' J7>-3J-BAB-3J :!e)rew< and i' e.panded with Jod' and an Aleph+ Thi' i' the name of $,-SAVG : !< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to +inah3 The third i' J7>-3A-BAB-3A :!e)rew< and i' e.panded with Aleph'+ Thi' i' the name of "/-MVA3 :!< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to .eir 'n*in( the 'i. emotional attrib%te'+ The la't i' J7>-33-BB-33 :!e)rew<+ Thi' i' the name of / -;VA8 :!< whi*h i' it' n%meri*al =al%e+ Thi' name *orre'pond' to alchut+ The'e name' *an be f%rther e.panded( 'o that for e.ample the @J7>A *an be e.panded to @J7>-BAB->A6ETA :whi*h i' the 'pelling of the letter @J7>A<+ )n general( e=erything in e.i'ten*e i' an e.pan'ion of an e.pan'ion of an e.pan'ion et*( of the ineffable name of G-d( a' 'tated( @) Havayah ha=e not *hangedA+ &%'t a' 3e wa' one and alone before the *reation of the world( 'o i' 3e one and alone after it' *reation+ The'e e.pan'ion' are e1planations( 'o to 'peak+ ?or e.ample( the e.pan'ion of the letter @J7>A to @J7>-BAB->A6ETA i' an e.planation of the letter @J7>A+ The letter' @BABA and @>A6ETA *an al'o be e.plained+ )n other word'( the e.pan'ion of @BABA i' @BAB-A6E?-BABA+ The entire e.pan'ion i' nothing more then the re=elation and e.planation of the detail' and the detail' of the detail'( %ntil the fine't detail+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the 'tatement that King Solomon 'aid three tho%'and allegorie'+ Thi' mean' that he 'aid an allegory( whi*h i' an e.planation of the analog%e+ )n order for the allegory to be %nder'tood( he 'aid another allegory on the fir't allegory( i+e+ an e.planation on an e.planation+ Then he 'aid a third allegory on the 'e*ond allegory( i+e+ an e.planation on an e.planation on an e.planation( %ntil be bro%ght the '%bEe*t down( le=el by le=el( three -!2

-The Knowledge of G-dtho%'and time'+ The analog%e wa' en*lothed in the fir't allegory and the fir't allegory wa' en*lothed in the ne.t allegory( et*+ Ea*h '%b'eI%ent allegory bro%ght abo%t greater and greater re=elation+ 6ikewi'e( a' e.plained before( a name i' a de'*ription and e.planation whi*h re=eal' the e''en*e of the thing being de'*ribed+ Therefore( the e.pan'ion' of the name of G-d are e.planation' of e.planation'( re=ealing re=elation' %pon re=elation' of the %nder'tanding of G-d( who i' the original analog%e+ The e.pan'ion' of the name of G-d are the detail' whi*h re=eal the whole+ 3owe=er an allegory may *on*eal rather than re=eal+ )f the re*ipient i' %naware that thi' i' an allegory whi*h *ontain' deeper meaning( he will learn nothing from it+ E=en if he know' it i' an allegory( b%t *annot de*ipher it' meaning( he will *ome %p with wrong or 'hallow interpretation' that will ha=e little or nothing to do with the analog%e+ )n the 'ame way( the e.pan'ion' of the name of G-d( may *on*eal rather than re=eal+ Ea*h '%b'eI%ent e.pan'ion will *on*eal more( to the point where there i' a *on*ealment of a *on*ealment of a *on*ealment et*+ )n other word'( when one ha'nFt got a *l%e a' to what i' being e.plained( ea*h detail that i' gi=en to him( will *onf%'e hi' %nder'tanding all the more( and the analog%e be*ome' more and more *on*ealed and remo=ed from him( %ntil to he i' totally lo't and 'eparate from it+ Thi' i' 'imilar to an allegory that i' mi'%nder'tood( '%*h a' the allegorie' of King Solomon+ When the allegorie' are mi'%nder'tood( the la't allegory( whi*h i' the three tho%'andth one( be*ome' the mo't *on*ealed and appear' to be a *ompletely 'eparate entity from the analog%e+ )n the 'ame way( thi' world i' an allegory of an allegory or an e.pan'ion of an e.pan'ion et*( of the name of G-d+ )f it i' %nder'tood *orre*tly it re=eal' G-d all the more+ 3owe=er( if it i' mi'read or mi'%nder'tood it may *on*eal G-dF' light totally+

-#:##*?rom all the abo=e we may %nder'tand the 'tatement of the twel=e 'on' of Yisrael to their father+ They told him( @3ear 7 )'rael( The 6-rd o%r G-d( The 6-rd i' oneSA :@ Shma Yisrael" Havayah Elo)einu" Havayah EchadA<+ )t i' e.plained in the Talm%d that what they were 'aying wa' that E%'t a' in yo%r heart there i' only one :7nly G-d e.i't'<( 'o too in o%r heart' there i' only one+ A' e.plained abo=e( Yaa)ov i' Tiferet of the world of 'tzilut( whi*h i' totally bo%nd %p with the 'elf of !6d3 )n *ontra't( the *on'*io%'ne'' of the 'on' of Yaa)ov wa' in the world of +riyah+ What they meant wa' that E%'t a' in 'tzilut @3e and 3i' life for*e :light'< and organ' :=e''el'< are oneA( likewi'e( in +riyah only G-d e.i't'+ )n other word'( E%'t a' before Tzimtzum there wa' @3e and 3i' name aloneA( 'o too after Tzimtzum" there i' only 3e and 3i' name alone( a' e.plained abo=e on the =er'e( @) Havayah ha=e not *hangedA+ Thi' i' al'o the e.planation of the =er'e( @Havayah i' one( and 3i' name i' oneA :The name i' bo%nd %p with the bearer of the name<+ :A' mentioned before( 'dam Kadmon( i' *alled the General Man of +riyah3 Thi' being the *a'e( Ohr Ein Sof wo%ld be *alled the General Man of 'tzilut3<



-The Knowledge of G-d-

We will now e.plain the world' of +riyah( Yetzirah and 'siyah( whi*h are *alled the three @garment'A of tho%ght( 'pee*h and a*tion+ All the prin*iple' ne*e''ary to %nder'tand the'e three world' were e.plained abo=e+ All that remain' i' for the 't%dent to apply them to the'e world'+ ?rom thi' point( the detail' will be gi=en in 'hortened form d%e to the *on'traint' of thi' book+ :With G-dF' help there will be '%b'eI%ent book' that will del=e into the'e world' at greater length and breadth+< A' e.plained abo=e( from the alchut of the higher world be*ome' the Keter of the lower world+ Therefore( from the alchut of alchut of 'tzilut i' drawn the 'ti) and 'rich of +riyah :The plea'%re and de'ire to *reate 'omething o%t of nothing<+ &%'t a' it aro'e in G-d' 'imple and e''ential de'ire :Ratzon Ha/ashoot< to emanate :'tzilut<( 'o too( it aro'e in hi' 'imple de'ire : Ratzon Ha/ashoot< to *reate :+riyah<+ Thi' i' *alled Keter alchut of +riyah :The de'ire to a*t%aliHe the world of +riyah<+ ?rom thi' plea'%re and de'ire for *reation( i' drawn the intelle*t for the de'ire( i+e+ Chochmah and +inah of +riyah" whi*h are *alled( @'##a 0 %mma of +riyahA+ ?rom '##a and %mma of +riyah( :The intelle*t for the de'ire to *reate<( are drawn the emotion' of *reation( whi*h i' *alled .eir 'n*in of +riyah+ ?rom .eir 'n*in of +riyah # :The emotion' for *reation< i' drawn the a*t%aliHation of the world of +riyah( : alchut of +riyah<+ A' mentioned before alchut i' the letter' and =e''el' for the light+ Therefore( alchut of +riyah i' the letter' of a*t%aliHation and re=elation of the light of the world of +riyah+ alchut of +riyah i' therefore the 'o%r*e of the a*t%aliHation of the 'o%l' and angel' from nothing to 'omething in the world of +riyah+ 8ow( E%'t a' abo=e in 'tzilut there are ten sefirot( light'( =e''el'( en*lothement'( *hamber'( and %nifi*ation' et*+ 'o too in +riyah all the'e matter' apply+ 3owe=er( a' mentioned before( there i' no *ompari'on between 'tzilut" whi*h in general *orre'pond' to Chochmah( and +riyah whi*h in general *orre'pond' to +inah+ 7ne who %nder'tand' thi' will be able to *ontemplate and %nder'tand the relation'hip between the'e world'+

-#:##,8ow( E%'t a' the world' of 'tzilut and +riyah aro'e in G-dF' 'imple and e''ential de'ire :Ratzon Ha/ashoot<( 'o too( Yetzirah aro'e in 3i' 'imple e''ential de'ire+ ?rom alchut of alchut of +riyah i' drawn 'ti) and 'rich of Yetzirah :The plea'%re and de'ire for the world of ?ormation<+ 3ere too( there i' a asach between +riyah and Yetzirah E%'t a' there i' between 'tzilut and +riyah+ )n other word'( E%'t a' there i' no *ompari'on between tho%ght and emotion and there m%'t( therefore( be a Tzimtzum in between them( 'o too( between +riyah :tho%ght< and Yetzirah :the emotion'< there i' a asach+ &%'t a' abo=e( Keter alchut of +riyah i' the de'ire to a*t%aliHe the world of +riyah" 'o too( Keter alchut of Yetzirah i' the de'ire to a*t%aliHe the world of Yetzirah+ ?rom thi' plea'%re and de'ire for Yetzirah :emotion'<( there i' drawn the intelle*t for the de'ire( i+e+ Chochmah and +inah of Yetzirah" whi*h are *alled @'##a 0 %mma of YetzirahA+ ?rom '##a and %mma of Yetzirah( :The intelle*t for the de'ire for ?ormation<( i' drawn the emotion' of ?ormation( whi*h i' *alled .eir 'n*in of Yetzirah+ ?rom .eir 'n*in of Yetzirah" The emotion' for ?ormation are drawn into the a*t%aliHation of the world of -!5

-The Knowledge of G-dYetzirah( : alchut of Yetzirah<+ A' mentioned before alchut i' the letter' and =e''el' for the light+ Therefore( alchut of Yetzirah i' the letter' of a*t%aliHation and re=elation of the light of the world of Yetzirah+ Therefore( alchut of Yetzirah i' the 'o%r*e of the a*t%al e.i'ten*e of the 'o%l' and angel' of the world of Yetzirah+

-#:#$-8ow( E%'t a' the world' of 'tzilut" +riyah and Yetzirah aro'e in 3i' 'imple e''ential de'ire :Ratzon Ha/ashoot<( 'o did the world of 'siyah+ ?rom alchut of alchut of +riyah i' drawn 'ti) and 'rich of 'siyah :The plea'%re and de'ire for the world of A*tion<+ 3ere too( there i' a asach between Yetzirah and 'siyah" E%'t a' there i' between 'tzilut and +riyah and +riyah and Yetzirah+ )n other word'( E%'t a' there i' no *ompari'on between emotion' and a*tion' and there m%'t be a Tzimtzum between them( 'o too between Yetzirah :emotion'< and 'siyah :a*tion< there i' a asach+ &%'t a' Keter alchut of +riyah i' the de'ire to a*t%aliHe the world of +riyah" and Keter alchut of Yetzirah i' the de'ire to a*t%aliHe the world of Yetzirah" likewi'e( Keter alchut of 'siyah i' the de'ire to a*t%aliHe the world of 'siyah+ Thi' i' a' 'tated( @?or my glory( ) ha=e *reated( formed and madeA+ ?rom thi' plea'%re and de'ire for a*t%aliHation( i' drawn the intelle*t for the de'ire( i+e+ Chochmah and +inah of 'siyah" whi*h are *alled @'##a 0 %mma of 'siyahA+ Then( from '##a and %mma of 'siyah( :The intelle*t for the de'ire for a*t%aliHation<( are drawn the emotion' of a*t%aliHation( whi*h are *alled .eir 'n*in of 'siyah+ ?rom .eir 'n*in of 'siyah( the emotion' for the world of 'siyah are drawn into a*t%aliHation in alchut of 'siyah+ A' mentioned before alchut i' the letter' and =e''el' for the light+ alchut of 'siyah then( i' the letter' of a*t%aliHation and re=elation of the light of the world of 'siyah+ Therefore( it i' alchut of 'siyah whi*h i' the 'o%r*e of the a*t%al e.i'ten*e of the 'o%l' and angel' of the world of 'siyah+ The lowe't angel' of the lowe't le=el of 'siyah re*ei=e their life for*e from alchut of alchut of 'siyah+ Then( from the dro'' of the light of the'e angel' life for*e de'*end' to power the planet' and *on'tellation'+ Thi' i' the 'o%r*e of all the energy and infl%en*e of o%r %ni=er'e+ The energy and infl%en*e of the planet' and *on'tellation'( in t%rn( affe*t e=erything that e.i't' on o%r planet( be it inanimate( =egetati=e( li=ing( or 'peaking being'( in*l%ding the *limate'( whi*h affe*t the e*onomie'( a' 'tated before+ ?%rthermore( they are the 'o%r*e of the *ompo'ition' of the fo%r fo%ndation' of fire( =apor( water and earth( from 'pirit%al *ompo'ition' to phy'i*al *ompo'ition'+ ?or e.ample( it i' 'tated that( @the land gi=e' ri'e to wi'e peopleA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e it fall' %nder the infl%en*e of the *on'tellation( @ ach)imA :The one who make' wi'e<+ Thi' i' tr%e of e=erything that e.i't' on thi' planet( e=en to the 'malle't blade of gra''+ All thing' re*ei=e their energy and infl%en*e from the planet' and *on'tellation'+ They( re*ei=e their energy from the dro'' of the angel'( whi*h re*ei=e' it' energy from the angel'( whi*h re*ei=e their energy from alchut of alchut of 'siyah+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

-#:#$#?rom all the abo=e( it i' *learly %nder'tood how e=erything that e.i't' and that take' pla*e( i' e.a*tly a**ording to the 'imple e''ential de'ire :Ratzon Ha/ashoot< in the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight+ 7ne may now %nder'tand the pro*e'' from the 'imple e''ential de'ire for kindne'' whi*h aro'e in G-dF' 'imple will( %ntil the la't parti*%lar de'ire for a*t%aliHation( both in general and parti*%lar( whi*h i' *alled Keter and 'ti) of 'siyah+ Thi' i' a' 'tated( @E=erything that G-d de'ired 3e didA( in a*t%ality+ All of the'e de'ire' were in*l%ded in the 'imple e''ential de'ire of hi' e''en*e+ &%'t a' when a h%man being ha' a de'ire for a *ertain thing( e=en tho%gh it immediately be*ome' di=ided into parti*%lar de'ire' from one le=el to another( %ntil the final de'ire for the final a*t( nonethele''( all of it aro'e in one in'tant in hi' e''ential de'ire( witho%t a differentiation of le=el' at all+ ?or e.ample( when it ari'e' in a per'onF' de'ire to eat piHHa( hi' de'ire immediately di=ide' into 'e=eral other de'ire'( '%*h a' the de'ire to get hi' wallet( hi' key'( to get into hi' *ar( to dri=e to the piHHa parlor( to order the piHHa( to pay for it and then finally the de'ire to 'it down and a*t%ally eat the piHHa+ All the'e de'ire' were in*l%ded in the original de'ire+ :Moreo=er( it i' the final a*t of eating the piHHa whi*h aro'e fir't in tho%ght+< Therefore( be*a%'e in hi' e''en*e all the'e de'ire' are literally one( therefore( in reality( there i' ab'ol%tely no differen*e between the de'ire to emanate and the de'ire to *reate( form and a*t and all their parti*%lar' et*+ )n other word'( @) am fir'tA whi*h refer' to alchut of the )nfinite 6ight whi*h i' the 'o%r*e of the de'ire for Emanation( and @) am la'tA( whi*h refer' to the la't de'ire of alchut of 'siyah whi*h i' the de'ire for thi' world :Olam HaShafel The 6owly World<+ Relati=e to G-d 3im'elf( the 'o%r*e of 'tzilut and the 'o%r*e of 'siyah are eI%al+ Thi' i' al'o the meaning of the 'tatement( @E=erything that G-d de'ired 3e did( in the hea=en' and the earthA+ @The hea=en'A refer' to the %pper p%rity before the Tzimtzum :The En*ompa''ing )nfinite 6ight - Sovev Kol 'lmin<( and @the earthA refer' to the lower p%rity after the Tzimtzum :whi*h in*l%de' the entire *haining down of the line of re=elation<+ ?or e.ample( in the e=ening prayer we 'ay( @3e arrange' the 'tar' at their wat*he' a**ording to 3i' de'ireA+ Thi' mean' that the 'tar'( planet' and *on'tellation'( whi*h only re*ei=e from the e.ternal =e''el' of alchut of alchut of 'siyah" are al'o only a**ording to 3i' 'imple de'ire within the e''en*e of the )nfinite 6ight+ Thi' i' tr%e to the fine't detail of the fine't atom or '%batomi* parti*le et*+

-#:#$$)n ea*h of the lower world' of +riyah( Yetzirah and 'siyah there are 'e=en *hamber' within whi*h the angel' re'ide+ To %nder'tand what the'e are( we m%'t %nder'tand the 'o%r*e of the *hamber'+ ?%rthermore( we m%'t %nder'tand why in 'tzilut the'e *hamber' do not e.i't+ The 'o%r*e of the *hamber' i' the Chashmal( whi*h i' al'o *alled $o&ah" a' mentioned earlier+ Thi' Chashmal en*ompa''e' from the e.ternality of +inah %ntil below alchut(


-The Knowledge of G-dthat i'( it en*ompa''e' 'e=en sefirot+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that there are 'pe*ifi*ally 'e=en *hamber' and not ten+ ?%rthermore( be*a%'e Chochmah it'elf i' abo=e any definition of a Chashmal( it i' not appli*able to 'peak of Hechalot :Chamber'< or alachim :Angel'< in 'tzilut+ +inah" howe=er( i' the 'o%r*e of the Chashmal+ )t i' therefore appli*able to begin to 'peak abo%t Chamber' and Angel' in +riyah3 )t m%'t be %nder'tood that the Chamber' and Angel' *ome from the Keli*ah :The e.ternal 'hell of the world they are in<+ )n other word'( their 'o%r*e i' not from the light'( b%t rather from the e.ternal =e''el'+ )n e''en*e( what the angel' are( i' the @'omethingne''A of the world they are in+ Thi' i' how they re*ei=e their e.i'ten*e+ 3owe=er( tho%gh they ha=e a felt e.i'ten*e and 'en'e of 'elf( :Sin*e they are from the Keli*at $o&ah6Shining Shell of that world<( nonethele''( they are 'till totally '%blimated before G-d+ )n order to %nder'tand thi' properly( we m%'t *learly %nder'tand Keli*at $o&ah # @The )ntermediary ShellA or @The Shining ShellA+

-#:#$%)n order to %nder'tand the @)ntermediary 'hell # Keli*at $o&ahA we m%'t %nder'tand the progre''ion from ab'ol%te '%blimation and 'elfle''ne'' to total 'elf ab'orption and egoti'm+ Chochmah i' totally '%blimated to the e''ential 'elf+ ;e*a%'e of thi' a per'on ha' no *on'*io%' awarene'' of Chochmah( 'in*e it i' totally '%blimated to it' 'o%r*e+ Thi' i' *alled @+ittul + etziutA :8%llifi*ation of e.i'ten*e<+ Chochmah i' therefore *alled @'in- :8othingne''<3 )n *ontra't( in +inah one i' aware of hi' tho%ght'+ 3e *an feel hi' tho%ght'( pl%' hi' tho%ght' ha=e feeling( :3e @feel'A the idea<+ 8ow( the tho%ght le=el of +inah i' al'o '%blimated to the 'elf+ 3owe=er( 'in*e +inah *on'*io%'ne'' i' a @YeshA :A Something<( relati=e to the @nothingne''A of Chochmah( it therefore i' only on the le=el of( @ +ittul HaYeshA :The '%blimation of the 'omethingne'' of +inah to the nothingne'' of Chochmah<+ Thi' mean' that hi' tho%ght' :+inah< are '%blimated to and *annot e.i't witho%t hi' Chochmah :)n'ight< and Keter :>e'ire<+ ?%rthermore( altho%gh in relation to the in'ight( whi*h i' abo=e it( the tho%ght of +inah i' a @'omethingA( nonethele''( relati=e to that whi*h i' below it( tho%ght i' =ery refined+ )n other word'( it i' refined relati=e to the emotion' whi*h are below it+ 8ow( a' mentioned before( the emotion' are felt in the way of a Yesh :Something< to an e=en greater degree than the tho%ght'+ 8onethele''( e=en in the emotion'( and e=en in the g%t re'pon'e' of the emotion'( they re*ei=e from that whi*h i' abo=e them( and are totally '%blimated to the de'ire( and the tho%ght+ Thi' too i' in the way of @ +ittul HaYeshA :The '%blimation of the @'omethingne''A of the emotion' to the @nothingne''A of tho%ght and de'ire<+ )n other word'( the e.i'ten*e of the emotion' i' re*ogniHable and felt( b%t( on the other hand( the emotion' *annot e.i't on their own witho%t the de'ire' and tho%ght' whi*h bring them into e.i'ten*e+ They are not independent entitie'+ Their entire being and a*ti=ation *ome' abo%t from the de'ire and the intelle*t( E%'t a' intelle*t e.i't' and i' a*ti=ated by the de'ire :Keter<( a' e.plained abo=e+ 8ow( relati=e to a*tion( the emotion' are refined+ 8onethele''( it i' 'elf %nder'tood( that altho%gh the a*tion al'o *ome' totally in a way of a @Yesh- :A 'omethingne''<( --

-The Knowledge of G-dnonethele''( it too i' *ompletely '%blimated to the de'ire'( intelle*t and emotion'( and *annot e.i't witho%t them+ We 'ee that in Chochmah there i' no 'en'e of 'elf and 'eperatene'' at all( in +inah there i' a 'en'e of 'elf and 'eperatene'' b%t in a =ery refined way( in the emotion' there i' a greater @feltA emotion and 'en'e of 'elf( and in a*tion there i' an e=en greater and total 'en'e of 'elf+ 8onethele''( all the'e le=el' are totally '%blimated to the e''en*e of the 'o%l and *annot e.i't witho%t it( a' 'tated at the beginning of the book( that there i' an inner identity( the 'o%l( who de'ire' the de'ire'+ Thi' inner identity i'( likewi'e( the thinker who think' the tho%ght'( the feeler who feel' the feeling' and the a*tor who a*t' the a*t'( and tho%gh he i' not hi' de'ire'( tho%ght'( feeling and a*tion'( nonethele''( they are not 'omething o%t'ide of him and ha=e no independent e.i'ten*e 'eparate from him+ )n the 'ame way( 'tzilut :Chochmah< i' *ompletely '%blimated to G-d and *annot e.i't a' 'omething 'eparate from 3i' e''en*e( a' mentioned before that( @3e and 3i' life for*e and organ' are oneA+ &%'t a' in'ight *annot e.i't independently of the 'o%l( 'o too( 'tzilut *annot e.i't independently of G-d+ )n +riyah :+inah6Tho%ght<( tho%gh there i' a 'en'e of 'eparatene''( it i' in a totally refined way and E%'t a' tho%ght *annot e.i't independent of the thinker( 'o too +riyah *annot e.i't independently from G-d+ The 'ame prin*iple hold' tr%e in Yetzirah and 'siyah3 )n Yetzirah :.eir 'n*in # the emotion'< there i' an e=en greater 'en'e of 'elf and 'eparatene''( and in 'siyah : alchut 6 a*tion< there i' a total 'en'e of 'elf+ 3owe=er( they too( are *ompletely and totally '%blimated to the e''en*e of G-d and *annot e.i't independent of 3im( a' e.plained abo=e+ ?rom the abo=e we %nder'tand that 'tzilut i' *ompletely good( +riyah i' a mo'tly good with a little e=il( Yetzirah i' half good and half e=il( and 'siyah i' mo'tly e=il and a little good+ )n tr%th( 'in*e all the'e world' are G-dF' tho%ght'( feeling'( and a*tion'( 'o to 'peak( they all are good+ 3owe=er( here( the definition of @goodne''A i' @awarene'' of G-dA( and the definition of @E=ilA i' @awarene'' of 'elfA+ )n 'tzilut( there i' total awarene'' of G-d and no awarene'' of 'elf+ )n +riyah there i' a maEority awarene'' of Gd and a minority awarene'' of 'elf+ )n Yetzirah there i' an eI%al di=i'ion of the two( and in 'siyah there i' a maEority of awarene'' of 'elf and a minority of awarene'' of G-d+ 8onethele''( there is awarene'' of G-d in all of them and ea*h one i' '%blimated to G-d in it' own way+ Moreo=er( none of them *an e.i't independently of him+ )n *ontra't( o%r world( whi*h i' *alled @The 6owly WorldA i' a world of total @e=ilA and @'elf ab'orptionA( meaning that there i' no innate '%blimation to G-d at all+ E=en tho%gh( of *o%r'e( thi' world i' no le'' dependent on G-d than the %pper world'( howe=er( thi' i' totally *on*ealed( and the world and e=erything therein 'eem to be independent entitie'+ 8ow( thi' @feltA awarene'' of 'elf in ea*h world i' *alled Keli*at $o&ah( :The intermediary 'hell<+ Thi' Keli*at $o&ah i' the 'o%r*e of all the angel' and *hamber' of ea*h world+ ?rom the abo=e( it i' %nder'tood that the angel' ha=e no e.i'ten*e of their own( and *an only a*t in a**ordan*e to G-dF' e''ential de'ire+

-#:#$&8ow( o%r world i' the world of total Keli*ah :E.ternal 'hell'<+ ;e*a%'e of thi' we


-The Knowledge of G-dper*ei=e o%r'el=e' a' independent entitie'( totally 'eparate from G-d and G-dline''+ Moreo=er( thi' i' the =ery rea'on we per*ei=e o%r'el=e' at all+ )n other word'( e=ery h%man being ha' an awarene'' of 'elf 'olely be*a%'e we li=e in a world of Keli*ah+ Thi' i' in *ontra't to the world' detailed abo=e( whi*h are higher than o%r world+ There( there i' a balan*e between @goodA and @e=ilA+ 7%r world( howe=er( i' ba'i*ally *ompletely @e=ilA+ There i' an ab'ol%te *on*ealment of G-dline'' :whi*h i' the =ery definition of @e=ilA<+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of thi' that there i' no innate '%blimation to G-dline''( what'oe=er( on the part of h%man being'+ 3owe=er( for thi' =ery rea'on( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally h%man being' who ha=e the free *hoi*e and the ability to a**ept the yoke of G-dF' king'hip %pon them'el=e' and '%blimate them'el=e' to G-dF' *ommandment' and de'ire( solel. be*a%'e they freely *hoo'e to do 'o( a' oppo'ed to the angel' who are *ompelled by their nat%re+ Therefore G-d 'pe*ifi*ally lo=e' and de'ire' %' o=er and abo=e all the angel'( e=en the highe't angel' in the highe't world'+ Thi' phy'i*al world i' made %p of two general le=el' of Keli*ah :E.ternal 'hell'<+ The fir't le=el i' Keli*at $o&ah" whi*h *ontain' 'ome good in it :in a *on*ealed way<+ )t *an therefore be tran'formed and '%blimated to G-dline'' thro%gh the effort' of Man+ An e.ample i' a Cow+ )t *an be %'ed for either Ko'her or non-Ko'her meat+ A &ew ha' the ability to ele=ate and '%blimate the meat to G-d when he make' a ble''ing o=er it( and eat' it with the intention of 'er=ing G-d and doing 3i' *ommandment'+ ?%rthermore( when he a*t%ally %'e' the energy deri=ed from the food in the 'er=i*e of G-d( he ele=ate' it f%rther( and tran'form' it into holine''+ 3owe=er( there i' another *ategory of Keli*ot :E.ternal 'hell'< whi*h *annot be re*tified or tran'formed( e.*ept by G-d 3im'elf+ Thi' *ategory i' *alled @The Three )mp%re Keli*otA( be*a%'e they ha=e no goodne'' in them at all( and *annot be %plifted or tran'formed into holine'' by man+ An e.ample of thi' i' pork+ Sin*e G-d forbade the *on'%mption of pork to a &ew( it *an ne=er be %plifted( e=en if he eat' it with the holie't of intention'+ The'e Keli*ot will only be re*tified by G-d 3im'elf in the world to *ome( at the time of the re'%rre*tion of the dead+ Thi' i' a' 'tated( @>eath will be 'wallowed %p fore=er+A 8ow( it i' 'olely thro%gh the *ontemplation of G-dline'' that a per'on *an ha=e any emotion' or relation'hip with G-d+ A' e.plained before( the emotion' are born of the intelle*t+ 7ne *annot ha=e any tr%e emotion' abo%t what he doe' not know+ Sin*e G-d de'ire' that we ha=e an emotional atta*hment and delight in 3im( rather than in the fal'e imagination' of thi' world( the only way to a*hie=e thi' i' thro%gh the deep *ontemplation and 't%dy of the 'e*ret' of the Torah( whi*h i' Kabbalah( and more 'pe*ifi*ally( the 'e*ret' of the 'e*ret'( whi*h i' Cha''id%t+ :3owe=er( one m%'t take great *are to follow thi' path in a way of Tr%th( for there are many way' that a per'on may del%de him'elf( a' will be di'*%''ed in part three of thi' book+< A' mentioned before( e=erything in e.i'ten*e may either be a re=elation or a *on*ealment of G-dline''+ G-d ha' pla*ed it into o%r hand' to tran'form the @*loak of leatherA( whi*h i' an e.ternal garment that *on*eal' G-d( into a @*loak of lightA whi*h re=eal' G-d+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the deep *ontemplation and analy'i' of G-dline'' that thi' @newA garment i' *reated+ ?%rthermore( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the deep *ontemplation on all the abo=e( on the part of all people( that an era of G-dly re=elation will be %'hered in( an era in whi*h o%r phy'i*al eye' will behold G-dline''( and we will literally be able to point and 'ay( @Thi' i' my G-d and ) 'hall prai'e 3imA+


-The Knowledge of G-dA' mentioned before( the %ltimate intention in *reation i' for the *omplete re=elation of G-dline''+ 3owe=er( G-d de'ired that the re=elation 'ho%ld be a**ording to o%r effort'( and that only then will there be a tr%e and *omplete appre*iation of it+ 6ight *an only be appre*iated when it i' re=ealed o%t of the darkne''+ Thi' i' a' 'tated( @The reward i' *ommen'%rate to the diffi*%ltyA+ :Thi' i' the rea'on for the long and dark e.ile' whi*h the &ewi'h people ha=e had to end%re+< G-d( therefore( *reated o%r world( a world of h%man being'( where there i' a *omplete *on*ealment of G-d( no awarene'' of 3im( and a total 'en'e of 'elf e.i'ten*e 'eparate and apart from 3im+ Thi' i' to 'ay that thi' phy'i*al world i' a pla*e of total darkne''+ Then( at Mt+ Sinai( he ga=e %' the Torah+ The Torah *ontain' G-d him'elf within it( a' i' 'tated( @) ha=e pla*ed My'elf within My '*ript%re'A+ Thro%gh the 't%dy of Torah( 'pe*ifi*ally Kaballah( whi*h i' the @Se*ret' of the TorahA( and parti*%larly Cha''id%t( whi*h i' the @Se*ret' of the 'e*ret'A( we gain a tr%e awarene'' of G-d( to the point that we *an f%lly realiHe that( @There i' nothing be'ide' 3imA+ Thi' i' the tr%e redemption and freedom from the 'la=ery of error and fal'e imagination'+ Thi' i' the 'pirit%al redemption whi*h will bring the phy'i*al redemption in it' wake( and i' the f%lfillment of the *ommandment( @Jo% 'hall know thi' day :*ontemplate thi'<( and 'et it %pon yo%r heart :to the point that yo%r =ery heart be*ome' aware of it<( that HaShem" 3e i' Elo)im :G-dF' ab'ol%te %nity and total 'ing%larity<( in the hea=en' abo=e :That 3e en*ompa''e' and tran'*end' all world'<( and %pon the earth below :That 3e permeate' all world'<( there is nothing else+A Therefore( it i' in*%mbent %pon ea*h indi=id%al to *ontemplate and analyHe all the tea*hing' of thi' book in a way of Hit#onenut( whi*h mean' to go o=er and o=er it and to analyHe it deeply( a' it 'ay'( @T%rn it o=er and o=er :in yo%r mind<( for e=erything i' in itA+ 7ne 'ho%ld analyHe and in=e'tigate e=ery detail in depth( 'o that he will *ome to tr%ly gra'p it' tr%e e''en*e+ ?%rthermore( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the imparting of thi' @Knowledge of G-dA to other' whi*h will %'her in the Me''iani* Age( a' the Rambam :Maimonide'< r%le' *on*erning the time of ashiach( @The entire o**%pation of the world will be only to know G-d( therefore the &ewi'h people will be great 'age' who know the hidden matter' and gra'p the knowledge of their Creator a**ording to the *apa*ity of Man( a' it 'ay'( P?or the earth 'hall be filled with The Knowledge of G-d a' the water' *o=er the o*ean floor+FA


-The Knowledge of G-d-

Part Two: Contemplation & Meditation -$:#8ow that we ha=e e.plained the entire *haining down of the world'( from the e''en*e of Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight< %ntil o%r world( we m%'t e.plain the proper approa*h thi' type of 't%dy+ We will( therefore( now del=e into the methodology of Kabbali'ti* *ontemplation+ )n e''en*e( Hit#onenut :Contemplation< i' the 'trong gaHing of the mind into the depth of a '%bEe*t+ )n other word'( one e.amine' the '%bEe*t in hi' mind %ntil he %nder'tand' it in all it' part' and detail'+ )n the terminology of the Talm%d( thi' i' *alled %yun :)n depth Analy'i'<+ There are two ba'i* method' of 't%dy+ The fir't i' *alled %yun # )n depth Analy'i'( and the 'e*ond i' *alled !irsah :S%rfa*e 't%dy<+

-$:$!irsah # S%rfa*e 't%dy( i' the %nder'tanding of the '%bEe*t at fir't glan*e( witho%t 'topping to del=e into it' detail' with any great '*r%tiny or analy'i'+ )n Talm%d 't%dy( thi' i' %'ed mainly to *o=er m%*h gro%nd and gain a broad familiariHation with the '%bEe*t matter+ 3owe=er( 'in*e it doe' not in=ol=e in-depth in=e'tigation( the knowledge gained i' inherently 'hallow+ Thi' i' analogo%' to a 'hip 'ailing on the '%rfa*e of the o*ean( rather than a '%bmarine whi*h '%bmerge' into it' =ery depth'+ )t i' 'imilar to one who *a'%ally glan*e' at an obEe*t he i' %nfamiliar with( witho%t '*r%tiniHing it *aref%lly in hi' mind( to %nder'tand what it i' and how it i'+ 3e make' no attempt to %nder'tand it' depth by e.amining all it' inner and e.ternal *omponent'( b%t( rather( take' it at fa*e =al%e+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( he may forget it *ompletely with the pa''age of time+ )f a'ked( he will find it diffi*%lt to de'*ribe and e=en if he doe' de'*ribe it( it will be in the mo't general of term'+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he only 'aw it in a pa''ing way( and did not e.amine it *aref%lly+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that witne''e' to a *rime will often ha=e haHy or di'parate re*olle*tion' of the in*ident( 'in*e they only 'aw it in a pa''ing way+ )n *ontra't( a dete*ti=e or poli*e offi*er( who witne''e' a *rime( will take noti*e of the detail'( be*a%'e after year' of e.perien*e( he ha' de=eloped a @trained eyeA+ 3e ha' a**%'tomed him'elf to noti*e detail'+ The 'ame i' tr%e of the @mindF' eyeA( whi*h @ob'er=e'A *on*ept'( 'o to 'peak+ When one 't%die' in a way of !irsah :S%rfa*e 't%dy<( he %nder'tand' the '%bEe*t in a pa''ing way+ 3e will( therefore( only gra'p it in the mo't general of term' and will I%i*kly forget the detail'+ Sin*e he ha' not pl%mbed the '%bEe*t to it' depth'( hi' %nder'tanding of it will be


-The Knowledge of G-de.ternal and general and he will be in*apable of e.plaining it in detail+ 3e will be able to e.plain it only in the mo't general of term'+ ;efore e.plaining %yun :)n depth analy'i'< we m%'t fir't %nder'tand the make%p of any intelle*t%al *on*ept+

-$:%There are three @dimen'ion'A to e=ery intelle*t%al *on*eptC -< The length of a *on*ept i' the @lowering downA of the *on*ept to make it a**e''ible to the mind+ )n other word'( thi' i' the @de'*entA of the *on*ept thro%gh the %'e of e.ample' and analogie' 'o that e=en a =ery lofty and ab'tra*t *on*ept i' e.pre''ed in term' that are tangible( e=en to the %nder'tanding of a *hild+ Thi' i' analogo%' to the length of a ri=er+ )t' 'o%r*e i' in the mo%ntain peak' from whi*h it flow' down %ntil it rea*he' 'ea le=el+ Thi' may be *ompared to a great mathemati*ian tea*hing arithmeti* to a 'mall *hild+ 8%mber'( in and of them'el=e'( are ab'tra*t *on*ept'( %nrelated to phy'i*ality+ 8onethele''( the mathemati*ian lower' the *on*ept by %'ing phy'i*al e.ample' to bring it within the '*ope of the *hildF' *omprehen'ion+ ?or )n'tan*e( he a'k' the *hild( @)f ) gi=e yo% one apple and yo%r mommy gi=e' yo% another apple( how many apple' do yo% ha=eGA @Two apple'+A @)f yo% find two more apple'( now how many apple' do yo% ha=eGA @?o%r apple'+A @8ow( if yo% eat one of tho'e apple'( how many apple' do yo% ha=e leftGA @Three apple'+A )n order to e.plain addition and '%btra*tion( whi*h them'el=e' are ab'tra*t *on*ept' %nrelated to phy'i*al obEe*t'( he had to @lowerA the *on*ept and p%t it into tangible term' that the *hildF' intelle*t *o%ld a**ept+ )n the 'ame way( whene=er a per'on 't%die' any deep '%bEe*t( he m%'t @lowerA the *on*ept to hi' own intelle*t%al %nder'tanding by finding analogie' and e.ample' for him'elf( whi*h will make the *on*ept more a**e''ible and @gra'pableA to him+ < The width of a *on*ept i' the many different way' and angle' in whi*h it may be %nder'tood+ )n other word'( a 'ingle *on*ept may be e.plained or =iewed from many different per'pe*ti=e' and approa*he'( rather that E%'t 'ingle way+ Thi' i' what gi=e' @breadthA to the *on*ept+ Thi' i' analogo%' to the width of a ri=er+ ,< The depth of a *on*ept i' analogo%' to the depth of a ri=er+ The depth of the ri=er i' it' %nder*%rrent and it' @'trengthA+ )n it' depth( the ri=er doe' not ha=e m%*h of a width+ 8onethele''( it i' from the power of thi' depth( the for*e of the %nder*%rrent( from whi*h the width and length o=erflow+ 6ikewi'e( in a *on*ept( the depth of the *on*ept i' what bring' abo%t it' length and breadth+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the depth of the *on*ept i' it' e''ential point e=en before it 'pread' to the length and breadth of e.planation+ Thi' i' *alled( Ome) Ha oosa& :The depth of that whi*h i' being gra'ped<+ The game of @Ti*-Ta*-ToeA i' not deep at all+ Therefore( it ha' little breadth( in that it may be e.plained in only one way+ ;e*a%'e it i' not deep( it i' al'o 'hort+ )n order to be


-The Knowledge of G-de.plained it need not be in=e'ted into e.ample' and analogie'+ )t may be e.plained 'imply( a' i'+ )n *ontra't( a '%bEe*t( '%*h a' phy'i*' or medi*ine i' m%*h deeper+ Therefore it i' =ery broad+ There are many field' of phy'i*' and medi*ine( and many parti*%lar' to ea*h one+ )t al'o ha' great length+ )t take' many year' of earne't 't%dy to be*ome either a phy'i*i't or a medi*al do*tor+ Thi' i' to 'ay that one m%'t go thro%gh the length and breadth of the e.planation of phy'i*' or medi*ine before he *an gra'p their depth' and tr%ly be *alled a phy'i*i't or a do*tor+

-$:&;e'ide' depth( length and breadth( there i' an additional dimen'ion to e=ery *on*ept( it' @heightA+ Thi' i' the fa*t that a *on*ept may be %'ed a' a @b%ilding blo*kA to %nder'tand higher and higher *on*ept'+ ?or e.ample( the %nder'tanding of addition lead' to '%btra*tion whi*h lead' to m%ltipli*ation and di=i'ion et*+ 3owe=er( the height of a '%bEe*t i' *ommen'%rate to it' depth+ The deeper the *on*ept( the higher it *an go+ We 'ee that the length( width( and height of a *on*ept are all dependent on it' depth+

8ow( the abo=e ill%'tration i' not a perfe*t analogy( for we m%'t %nder'tand a f%rther point in regard to the *ompari'on between a ri=er( and the *omprehen'ion of a *on*ept+ Thi' i' the 'o%r*e of the *on*ept+ Thi' 'o%r*e determine' it' 'trength and depth+ The 'pring i' the 'o%r*e of the ri=er+ ?rom the 'pring( drop' of water tri*kle forth to form the ri=er+ The tr%e depth of the ri=er i' thi' tri*kle of water whi*h flow' from the 'pring+ The pre''%re and *on'tan*y of the water flowing from the 'pring will determine the 'trength of the ri=er( th%' affe*ting it' length and breadth+ 6ikewi'e( the a*t%al depth of a *on*ept i' it' original 'o%r*e+ ;%t what i' thi' 'o%r*eG To %nder'tand thi' we m%'t %nder'tand the intelle*t%al fa*%ltie'+ What are they and how do they f%n*tionG

-$:'There are three intelle*t%al fa*%ltie'C Chochmah :Wi'dom<( +inah :9nder'tanding<( and ,aat :Knowledge<+ 9p to thi' point we ha=e e.plained the *omprehended *on*ept' in the brain of +inah" whi*h i' the brain of *omprehen'ion and gra'p+ +inah" 'pe*ifi*ally( i' analogo%' to a ri=er+ Thi' i' be*a%'e E%'t a' a ri=er flow' *ea'ele''ly( 'o the brain of *omprehen'ion flow' *ea'ele''ly+ Thi' i' *alled the( @Ri=er of Tho%ghtA( and a' 'tated abo=e it ha' length( breadth and depth 'imilar to a ri=er+ The fa*%lty of ,aat i' the ability to ha=e fo*%'( intere't( and mental atta*hment to a '%bEe*t+ Thi' i' %nder'tood from the =er'e( @Adam knew e=e and 'he ga=e birth to a


-The Knowledge of G-d*hildA+ ?rom here it i' *lear that knowledge mean' bonding+ Thi' i' the fa*%lty of ,aat whi*h i' the ability to mentally *onne*t to a '%bEe*t+ The fa*%lty of Chochmah( howe=er( i' not a brain of *omprehen'ion nor i' it a brain of fo*%'+ Rather( thi' brain i' the 'o%r*e of the intelle*t+ )t i' from Chochmah that the *on*ept' 'pring forth+ ;e*a%'e of thi' it i' analogo%' to a 'pring from whi*h fla'he' of int%iti=e in'ight tri*kle forth+ Chochmah :)n'ight< i' *alled 'in :8othingne''<( wherea' +inah :Comprehen'ion<( i' *alled Yesh :Somethingne''<( be*a%'e E%'t a' a 'pring begin' deep beneath the gro%nd where it i' %n'een( 'o too the fa*%lty of Chochmah *annot be *omprehended+ 7ne *annot ha=e dire*t *on'*io%'ne'' of Chochmah it'elf+ Chochmah only be*ome' re=ealed in int%iti=e fla'he' whi*h 'pring forth into the *omprehending brain of +inah3

-$:(?rom the abo=e( we %nder'tand that the depth of a *on*ept i' it' e''ential point a' it fla'he' from the 'pring of Chochmah+ )n other word'( it i' the fla'h of int%iti=e in'ight into the '%bEe*t( whi*h i' it' depth+ 3ow i' it( then( that one rea*he' the depth of a *on*ept to ha=e a fla'h of int%iti=e in'ight and %nder'tanding of the *on*ept a' a wholeG 3ow doe' one a*hie=e thi' in'pirational fla'h of %nder'tanding into the '%bEe*t matterG The way to attain the depth of a '%bEe*t matter( the Ome) Hamoosa& :The depth of that whi*h i' being *omprehended<( i' 'olely thro%gh the *ontemplati=e method *alled %yun :>eep Analy'i'<+ )t i' only thro%gh *limbing the length of the re=ealed knowledge( and del=ing to the depth of the *on*ept( keeping hi' mind fo*%'ed on analyHing it %ntil he %nder'tand' ea*h parti*%lar n%an*e of the *on*ept *learly and thoro%ghly( that an a%tomati* fla'h of int%iti=e in'ight into the '%bEe*t will re'%lt+ Thi' 'eminal fla'h of int%iti=e in'ight *ontain' within it'elf( in a way of a Heyulie" all the length and breadth of the e.planation' that *ome o%t of it+

-$:*?or e.ample( only one who ha' in=e'ted him'elf into the deep 't%dy of medi*ine will ha=e inno=ati=e in'ight into it+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he ha' rea*hed into the depth of the '%bEe*t( at it' =ery 'o%r*e( from where the drop' of in'ight b%bble forth+ )n *ontra't( one who ha' not 't%died and analyHed medi*ine deeply will ne=er ha=e a fla'h of in'ight into the field of medi*ine+ )f he think' he doe'( he i' merely ha=ing del%'ional imagination'+ 8ow( the *ontemplation of %yun *on'tit%te' keeping oneF' mind on the *on*ept and greatly analyHing both it' e.ternal and internal a'pe*t'( with the 'pe*ifi* intent of arri=ing at it' inner( e''ential *ore+ )n the abo=e mentioned e.ample of ob'er=ing an obEe*t( thi' wo%ld *on'tit%te the *lo'e '*r%tiny of the obEe*t in a way of thoro%gh e.amination+ ;e'ide' being *alled %yun" thi' kind of *ontemplation and meditation i' al'o *alled Hit#onenut+ The word Hit#onenut i' 'pelled with two 8F' :^<+ )t wo%ld ha=e been no le'' grammati*ally *orre*t if it had been 'pelled with one 8 :^<+ The rea'on it i' 'pelled with


-The Knowledge of G-dtwo to 'ignify that one m%'t analyHe the known body of knowledge o=er and o=er %ntil he know' it thoro%ghly+ )t i' only thro%gh the repeated 't%dy and re=iew of the '%bEe*t( in whi*h e=ery parti*%lar i' e.amined( that one will %nder'tand it *learly and a*hie=e a tr%e depth and %nder'tanding of it+

-$:+?rom the abo=e it i' %nder'tood( that the a'pe*t of ,aat" :Con*entration<( i' only a =ehi*le and =e''el for the a'pe*t of +inah :Analyti*al Comprehen'ion<+ A' mentioned abo=e( the intelle*t%al fa*%lty of ,aat i' the ability for *on*entration+ )t i' the ability to *onne*t one' mind to a '%bEe*t+ :Thi' i' al'o the fa*%lty of intere't be*a%'e the intere't in the '%bEe*t i' what gi=e' ri'e to the *onne*tion and deep *on*entration into it+ The fo*%' and *on*entration will be *ommen'%rate to the amo%nt of intere't+ The fa*%lty of intere't and de'ire i' *alled Keter and the fa*%lty of fo*%' and *on*entration i' *alled ,aat+ 3owe=er( in tr%th( they are one and the 'ame( a' we ha=e E%'t e.plained+ They are two 'ide' of the 'ame *oin( 'o to 'peak+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( in the en%meration of the sefirot( if Keter i' *o%nted( ,aat i' omitted and if ,aat i' *o%nted( Keter i' omitted+ 8ow( in the fa*%lty of ,aat # *on*entration( there al'o are the three dimen'ion' of length( breadth and depth+ There are people with broad *on*entration( and people with narrow *on*entration+ Thi' i' to 'ay that 'ome people are intere'ted in many different '%bEe*t' wherea' 'ome 'pe*ialiHe in one 'pe*ifi* field+ Tho'e with broad ,aat will ha=e a general knowledge in many field' b%t no e.perti'e in any of them+ ;e*a%'e their ,aat i' broad it i' al'o 'hallow 3 Tho'e with narrow ,aat will be intere'ted in one field and will de=elop a deep ,aat in it+ They will be*ome e.pert'( b%t only in their field+ >eep ,aat :Con*entration< mean' that they are not ea'ily di'tra*ted from the '%bEe*t and 'hallow ,aat :Con*entration< mean' they are ea'ily di'tra*ted+ ?%rthermore( there are people with long *on*entration or 'hort *on*entration+ ?or e.ample( a *hild ha' a 'hort ,aat # *on*entration+ Therefore he doe' not ha=e a deep atta*hment of hi' attention to anything+ Thi' i' why a *hild i' fi*kle and de'ire' a *ertain toy one min%te( I%i*kly tire' of it and goe' to the ne.t toy+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he doe' not ha=e a parti*%larly 'trong *onne*tion to the obEe*t of hi' de'ire+ )t i' *lear that ,aat i' the a'pe*t of the total fo*%' of oneF' mind to *onne*t with the '%bEe*t to the e.*l%'ion of all el'e+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( the fa*e of a per'on who i' *on*entrating deeply will be*ome *ontra*ted and hi' brow' will be*ome f%rrowed et*+ )n *ontra't( the a'pe*t of +inah :Comprehen'ion or Analy'i'< i' the oppo'ite of ,aat+ Rather than *ontra*tion and fo*%'( it i' an e.pan'ion of the mind with great breadth+ ?or thi' rea'on +inah i' *alled Rechovot Ha$ahar :The E.pan'e of the Ri=er<+ Thi' i' the *lo'e e.amination of all the many detail' and parti*%lar' of the '%bEe*t+ ?rom the abo=e we %nder'tand that the fa*%lty of ,aat :Con*entration< i' a =e''el for the fa*%lty of +inah :Analy'i'<( and m%'t pre*ede it+ )n other word'( the ability for deep

- !

-The Knowledge of G-danaly'i' will be *ommen'%rate to the depth of *on*entration+ 7ne who doe' not ha=e a deep *on*entration *annot penetrate to the =ery *ore of the '%bEe*t+ 3e will only be *apable of '%rfa*e le=el %nder'tanding+ )n *ontra't( one who ha' deep *on*entration will ha=e the ability to analyHe to the =ery depth of the '%bEe*t and bring o%t new in'ight' from it' depth+

-$:,?rom the abo=e it i' *lear that the order of deep *ontemplati=e meditation i' a' followD -+ There m%'t be an initial ,aat whi*h i' the fo*%' and *on*entration of the mind on the '%bEe*t matter to the e.*l%'ion of all el'e+ + A' 'oon a' the mind i' fo*%'ed on the '%bEe*t( analy'i' m%'t begin+ Thi' i' the intelle*t%al in=e'tigation into the matter+ 7ne t%rn' it o=er and o=er in hi' mind in an attempt to tr%ly "nderstand all the parti*%lar' of the *on*ept and the relation'hip' between it' =ario%' *omponent'+ 3owe=er( what he i' a*t%ally trying to %nder'tand i' the =ery essen0e of the *on*ept+ ,+ The a%tomati* re'%lt of the *on*entration of ,aat *o%pled with the analy'i' of +inah i' an in'ightf%l fla'h of %nder'tanding :Chochmah< into the '%bEe*t+ Thi' i' the depth of intelle*t( whi*h i' the 'pring of Chochmah from where fla'he' of in'ight tri*kle forth into the *omprehen'ion of +inah( like lightning bolt'+ ?rom the e.amination of the'e three fa*%ltie' of the mind( it be*ome' *lear that all form' of @meditationA *on'i'ting of mantra' and *on*entration*i'e' et*+ whi*h p%rport to bring abo%t @in'ight into tr%e realityA are fal'e by definition+ A' e.plained( the fa*%lty of *on*entration *an only a*t a' a =e''el for the fa*%lty of analy'i'+ 3owe=er( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the analy'i'( and only the analy'i'( whi*h lead' to the int%iti=e fla'h of in'ight into the '%bEe*t+ :7f *o%r'e *on*entration i' a ne*e''ary prereI%i'ite to analy'i'+ 3owe=er( *on*entration( by it'elf( i' only an empty =e''el+ 7nly when thi' =e''el i' filled by analy'i' *an there be a fla'h of int%iti=e %nder'tanding and in'ight into the '%bEe*t+< Thi' may be ill%'trated by the well known 'tory of Ar*himede'+ A' mentioned in 1art 7ne( the king *ommi''ioned Ar*himede' to weigh the royal throne in order to determine whether the b%ilder' had pilfered gold in it' *on'tr%*tion+ Ar*himede'( who wa' the greate't mathemati*ian of hi' time( repeatedly analyHed the problem witho%t '%**e''+ 7ne day( he wa' abo%t to bathe+ A' 'at in the t%b he noti*ed the di'pla*ement of water and '%ddenly the 'ol%tion fla'hed into hi' mind+ )t all *ame together for him+ 3e E%mped o%t of the t%b and ran down the 'treet' of Athen'( 'tark naked( yelling E%rekaS E%rekaS ) fo%nd itS ) fo%nd itS Thi' wa' a fla'h of Chochmah # )nt%iti=e )n'ight+ 1eople had been taking bath' for tho%'and' of year'+ Why didnTt thi' prin*iple o**%r to themG Sin*e they did not do the analy'i' :3itbonen%t<( they did not ha=e the fla'h of %nder'tanding+ Thi' 'how' how it i' that( 'pe*ifi*ally( Hit#onenut :Analy'i'< a*ti=ate' Chochmah+ )f 'omeone were to *laim that he a*hie=ed a ma'tery of medi*ine 'imply by meditating on the word @medi*ineA for many year'( only a fool wo%ld ri'k hi' life by p%tting him'elf - -

-The Knowledge of G-d%nder hi' *are+ A' mentioned abo=e( the *on*l%'ion' of one who merely *on*entrate' witho%t analy'i' *learly *annot be re=elation' into the tr%th of reality+ )n'tead( he ha' ind%*ed del%'ional hall%*ination' in him'elf+ Thi' i' 'elf e=ident to tho'e who are hone't and do not del%de them'el=e'+

-$:#-;efore we *ontin%e e.plaining the =ario%' le=el' of %nder'tanding one may attain( we m%'t fir't prefa*e with an %nder'tanding of the fa*%lty of Chochmah+ A' mentioned earlier( Chochmah i' *ompared to a 'pring( from whi*h fla'he' of %nder'tanding into a '%bEe*t tri*kle forth+ A*t%ally( thi' i' only Chochmah a' it relate' to +inah :Comprehen'i=e gra'p<+ The'e fla'he' of %nder'tanding *ome from the @Ein :8othingne''< of Chochmah into the Yesh :Somethingne''< of +inah( that i'( they take on tangibility within the @gra'pA of +inah( in a way of a @'omethingne''A+ )n Chochmah too( there i' length( breadth and depth( E%'t a' there i' in +inah+ Thi' i' to 'ay that e=en tho%gh a 'pring may be *on*ealed beneath the gro%nd( it( nonethele''( ha' dimen'ion'+ The depth of the 'pring i' the aI%ifer( whi*h i' it' '%bterranean 'o%r*e in the depth' of the earth+ ?rom thi' depth there 'pread forth a length and breadth( %ntil drop' of water tri*kle forth into re=elation a' the beginning of the ri=er+ Thi' being the *a'e( the term' Ein :8othingne'''< and Yesh :Somethingne''< are relati=e+ +inah i' only *alled @'omethingA relati=e to it' depth( whi*h i' the @nothingne''A of Chochmah+ 3owe=er( Chochmah i' likewi'e *alled a Yesh :Something< relati=e to it' depth( a' 'tated( @Chochmah i' fo%nd from @nothingne''A+

-$:##?rom the abo=e( we %nder'tand that there are different depth' within the intelle*t( '%*h a' the depth and 'o%r*e of Chochmah :)n'ight< and the depth and 'o%r*e of +inah :Comprehen'ion<+ Thi' *larifie' the 'tatement in Sefer Yetzirah( @;e %nder'tanding in wi'dom( and wi'e in %nder'tanding+A Thi' 'tatement refer' to +inah of Chochmah and Chochmah of +inah+ ;e wi'e in %nder'tanding( refer' to Chochmah of +inah :)n'ight of Comprehen'ion<+ Thi' i' the inno=ati=e in'ight into the '%bEe*t of oneF' 't%dy+ A' e.plained abo=e( thi' i' the a%tomati* re'%lt of the analy'i' into the parti*%lar' of the '%bEe*t matter in whi*h he *larifie' in hi' mind the e.planation of ea*h parti*%lar+ :The analy'i' i' the a'pe*t of +inah of +inah+ Chochmah of +inah i' the fla'h of int%iti=e %nder'tanding into the '%bEe*t matter whi*h re'%lt' from it+< 8onethele''( thi' Chochmah( the fla'h of in'ight( i' only into the 'pe*ifi* '%bEe*t %nder analy'i'( and not into any different '%bEe*t+ 3e 'ee' a whole new angle and inno=ati=e in'ight( b%t only into the parti*%lar '%bEe*t he i' 't%dying+ @;e wi'e in %nder'tandingA(

-The Knowledge of G-dmean' that it i' an in'ight( b%t in that '%bEe*t alone+ )t i' a Chochmah" b%t only of that parti*%lar +inah+ 7ne who ha' attained thi' le=el *an only bring o%t new in'ight' and inno=ation' into hi' parti*%lar field of 't%dy+ S%*h a per'on i' *alled a Chacham :a wi'e man<+ 7n the other hand( @;e %nder'tanding in wi'domA( refer' to +inah of Chochmah :Comprehen'ion of )n'ight<+ Thi' i' the power of *omprehen'ion and e.planation within the fa*%lty of Chochmah it'elf+ 8ow( Chochmah of Chochmah i' the wi'dom of all %nder'tanding'( therefore( the +inah of Chochmah i' the ability to e1plain all *on*ept'+ )t i' how all *on*ept' are %nified at their 'o%r*e+ 7ne who ha' attained thi' le=el i' *apable of %nder'tanding one '%bEe*t from another+ S%*h a per'on i' *alled a $avon :A man of %nder'tanding<+ :A*t%ally( Chochmah of +inah( whi*h i' the fla'h of int%ition into a parti*%lar '%bEe*t( %ltimately i' al'o rooted in +inah of Chochmah+ 3owe=er( in Chochmah of +inah" +inah of Chochmah :whi*h i' the ability to e.plain all thing'<( remain' hidden and only the in'ight into the 'pe*ifi* matter %nder e.amination be*ome' re=ealed+<

-$:#$There are two general le=el' in +inah+ The'e are +inah and Tvunah+ +inah i' the a'pe*t of analy'i' and *omprehen'ion+ )n *ontra't( Tvunah i' the a'pe*t of the e.ten'ion of the light of *omprehen'ion+ Thi' i' to 'ay that be*a%'e one ha' a good and 'olid gra'p into the depth of the '%bEe*t it 'pread' forth from the e''ential *omprehen'ion it'elf and bring' abo%t in'ight' and appli*ation' in many different matter' whi*h are 'eparate from the e''ential *omprehen'ion( in and of it'elf+ S%*h a per'on i' *alled an %sh Tvunah :A man of Tvunah %nder'tanding<( a' in the =er'e( @A man of Tvunah draw' o%t the deep water'A+ Thi' mean' that he *an bring o%t the deep water'( whi*h repre'ent the depth of +inah( into 'tate of re=elation( in many different way'+ Thi' i' 'imilar to a 'hepherd who draw' water from the depth of the well( and bring' it to the le=el of the 'heep( to I%en*h their thir't+ A man of Tvunah i' able bring o%t a =ery deep and lofty *on*ept :The Ome) Hamoosa&<( whi*h i' beyond the le=el of the =a't maEority of people( from it' 'tate of *on*ealment into open re=elation+ 3e bring' it within their gra'p( 'o that it appear' to them a' if it wa' ne=er deep at all+ Thi' i' 'imilar to a 'hepherd who bring' forth life gi=ing water from the =ery depth' of the well to hi' flo*k+ Thi' i' to 'ay that he ha' the ability to bring the =ery depth' of e=en the deepe't and loftie't *on*ept' within the gra'p of all people+ 3owe=er( one who i' not an %sh Tvunah( tho%gh he may gra'p the *on*ept him'elf( will not be able to bring it down to the gra'p of other'+ Moreo=er( he( him'elf( will only %nder'tand it a' it applie' to this '%bEe*t alone( b%t not other '%bEe*t'+ E=en tho%gh hi' *omprehen'ion ha' a length( breadth and depth( nonethele''( it all remain' within *omprehen'ion it'elf( witho%t 'preading forth to other '%bEe*t' or other people who are not on hi' le=el of %nder'tanding+ ?or e.ample( many profe''or' who are e.pert' in their

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-The Knowledge of G-dfield may not be *apable of applying it to other field'( and may ha=e diffi*%lty bringing the *on*ept down( within the gra'p of their 't%dent'+ To f%rther ill%'trate( the Talm%d i' replete with a great deal of dialog%e and analy'i' with m%*h rea'oning and e.planation into the '%bEe*t' %nder di'*%''ion+ 3owe=er( tho%gh Talm%d 't%dy in=ol=e' *omprehen'ion in a way of +inah( nonethele''( a*t%al 3ala*hi* :legal< r%ling'( :either to the po'iti=e or to the negati=e< do not ne*e''arily *ome to final re'ol%tion+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the intelle*t of the Talm%d i' *ompletely intelle*t%ally oriented witho%t ne*e''arily 'preading forth into pra*ti*al appli*ation+ Applied *on*ept' e.i't there( b%t only in the way of a Heyulie( in whi*h the ramifi*ation' and appli*ation' are not yet re'ol=ed+ A *learer e.ample of thi' i' the fa*t that the original in=ention of the 'team engine took pla*e appro.imately !!! year' ago( d%ring the time of the Greek'+ 3owe=er( tho%gh they %nder'tood the '*ientifi* prin*iple' of the 'team engine and a*t%ally b%ilt a working prototype( it ne=er dawned on them to apply it in pra*ti*al term'( '%*h a' harne''ing it' power to operate ma*hinery et*+( th%' delaying the ad=ent of the ind%'trial re=ol%tion by -4!! year'+ They po''e''ed +inah( whi*h i' the analy'i' and *omprehen'ion( b%t la*ked Tvunah( whi*h i' the appli*ation and re=elation+ We therefore %nder'tand that in e''en*e( the power of Tvunah i' the 'preading forth and re=elation of the light of +inah into 'eparate matter'+ Thi' in*l%de' the pra*ti*al appli*ation of a *on*ept( or the birth of heartfelt emotion' from intelle*t%al %nder'tanding( or the ability to bring o%t and e.plain a *on*ept on many different le=el'+ All the'e *on'tit%te the 'preading forth of the light of +inah into 'omething 'eparate+ Thi' fa*%lty of Tvunah i' gained by deep *omprehen'ion into the '%bEe*t( whi*h i' gained only thro%gh the a'pe*t of Hit#onenut # repeated analy'i' and *ontemplation into the '%bEe*t matter %ntil one %nder'tand' all the in' and o%t' of a '%bEe*t thoro%ghly( to it' =ery depth+ 3i' ability to bring the *on*ept o%t in many different way' and e.planation'( or hi' ability to apply the *on*ept( 'hed' light on E%'t how well the depth of the *on*ept ha' 'ettled in hi' mind+ Moreo=er( how deeply he %nder'tand' the *on*ept will di*tate E%'t how far down he will be able to bring it when he e.plain' it to other'+ :?rom the abo=e it i' %nder'tood that E%'t a' there i' a length( breadth and depth in Chochmah( +inah and ,aat( 'o too i' there a length( breadth and depth in Tvunah+ ?%rthermore( a' e.plained before( a**ording to the depth will be the length and breadth+ So too in Tvunah( a**ording to the depth will be it' length and breadth+< :?rom the abo=e it i' 'elf e=ident( that be*a%'e of a la*k of Tvunah( many who 't%dy Kabbalah( :S%*h a' the *haining down of the world'( a' detailed in 1art 7ne< are at a lo'' of how it applie' to their daily li=e' or what to do with thi' body of knowledge( altogether+ )t 'eem' to them to be a =ery intere'ting intelle*t%al endea=or( b%t with no bearing on @realityA+ E=ent%ally( they will a'k them'el=e'( @7f what %'e i' thi' knowledgeGA Thi' i' d%e to their la*k of Tvunah3 Any *omprehen'ion they may ha=e a*hie=ed remain' a' it i'( witho%t 'preading forth into their emotion' or a*tion'( and

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-The Knowledge of G-dwitho%t any appli*ation to real life what'oe=er+ A' e.plained abo=e( the 'ol%tion to thi' problem i' to go ba*k to the beginning and learn it thoro%ghly( *aref%lly analyHing and *ontemplating all of it' fa*et' %ntil one gain' a 'trong gra'p of them+ E=ent%ally( Tvunah will re'%lt( a%tomati*ally( a**ording to the depth of the %nder'tanding+< ?rom all of the abo=e( we %nder'tand the order of 'e=eral thing'C -< There m%'t fir't be an a*ti=ation of the fa*%lty of ,aat # attention and *onne*tion of the mind to the '%bEe*t matter( to the e.*l%'ion of all el'e+ < Thi' initial mental fo*%' i' a =e''el for the ne.t le=el( whi*h i' in +inah and *on'tit%te' Hit#onenut" the *ontemplati=e analy'i' into the gi=en and re=ealed e.planation' of the '%bEe*t+ 8onethele''( the depth i' 'till *on*ealed+ ,< The Hit#onenut :Analy'i' and Contemplation< i' a =e''el for the ne.t le=el whi*h i' the a'pe*t of Tvunah+ Thi' *ome' abo%t when he a*t%ally gra'p' the =ery depth of the *on*ept it'elf( to it' e''en*e( a' a re'%lt of hi' deep *ontemplation and analy'i'+ ;e*a%'e he ha' gra'ped onto the a*t%al Heyulie depth of the *on*ept( hi' mind will immediately e.pand with all 'ort' of inno=ati=e in'ight'( e.planation' and appli*ation' of the *on*ept in regard to other matter'+ The e.tent of the in'ight' and appli*ation' depend' on how well he ha' gra'ped the *on*ept to it' =ery depth( and i' an a%tomati* re'%lt of the *ontemplation+ "< Moreo=er( the fa*%lty of Tvunah aro%'e' the emotion' of lo=e and fear of G-d and bring' them to life+

-$:#%Many people *onf%'e fear of G-d with fear of p%ni'hment and retrib%tion+ Tr%e fear of G-d i' the fear of being 'eparated from 3im( and i' the flip 'ide of 6o=e of G-d+ )f a per'on lo=e' 'omeone deeply and take' great plea'%re in being with that per'on( therefore( when he i' 'eparated from the one he lo=e'( hi' pain and '%ffering will be *ommen'%rate to the plea'%re he feel' when he i' with hi' belo=ed+ Thi' *an be %nder'tood from the relation'hip between >a=id and Jehonatan( a' the =er'e 'tate'( VThey Ki''ed and CriedV+ Their grief o=er their 'eparation wa' in dire*t proportion to their plea'%re in being together+ ?rom thi' we 'ee that lo=e and fear of G-d *ome in eI%al proportion to ea*h other+ A**ording to the degree of lo=e of G-d will be the degree of fear of 'eparating from 3im+ ?ear of p%ni'hment( on the other hand( i' not a*t%al lo=e of G-d at all( b%t rather a lo=e of 'elf+ The rea'on he doe' not 'in i' be*a%'e he fear' >i=ine retrib%tion and it i' therefore not related to lo=e of G-d at all+ 7n the *ontrary( if a per'on =iew' hi' relation'hip to G-d with '%*h a per'pe*ti=e( he may *ome to the *on*l%'ion that G-d i' tyranni*al( 3ea=en forbid+ Thi'( in t%rn( may bring him to harbor feeling' of re'entment toward' G-d( 3ea=en forbid+ ?ear of p%ni'hment i'( therefore( not at all a le=el of >i=ine 'er=i*e( b%t i' rather the kind of fear of G-d a''o*iated with )dolater'+ - /

-The Knowledge of G-dTr%e lo=e and fear of G-d are *alled VTrayn !ad*hin ,:/archin (:Eiylah # The two wing' whi*h fly %pwardV+ &%'t a' the two wing' of a bird m%'t work in *onE%n*tion and with eI%al for*e in order to *a%'e flight( 'o too( in o%r 'er=i*e of G-d( the lo=e and fear of 3im m%'t be in eI%al proportion to ea*h other( in order for o%r 'er=i*e to 'oar %pward+ The two *ome together a' one+ ;%t( how are tr%e lo=e and fear of G-d to be attainedG We re*ite three time' daily( @3ear P7 )'rael et*+(A and we then 'ay( @And yo% will lo=e HaShem yo%r G-d et*A+ A' i' known @hearingA refer' to the *ontemplation and %nder'tanding of +inah( wherea' @'ightA refer' to the in'ight of Chochmah+ Thi' mean' that only after one ha' done Hit#onenut :Analy'i' and Comprehen'ion< will he arri=e at lo=e and fear of G-d( a' a nat%ral re'%lt of that *ontemplation+ ?rom the abo=e e.planation of lo=e and fear it i' *learly %nder'tood that the two are born of ,aat( whi*h *on'tit%te' the atta*hment and intere't in 'omething+ 8ow it i' al'o 'tated( V)f there i' no ,aat" there i' no +inah and if there i' no +inah( there i' no ,aat+V The e.planation of thi' i' a' follow'+ The fir't part of the 'tatement refer' to @fo*%'A and @analy'i'A+ Thi' i' to 'ay that before one *an begin to analyHe any gi=en '%bEe*t( he m%'t fir't fo*%' hi' mind on it( a' e.plained earlier+ )t i' only then that he *an begin to analyHe the '%bEe*t+ Therefore( the fir't part of the 'tatement i' %nder'tood to mean( @)f there i' no fo*%'( there *annot be analy'i'+A )n the 'e*ond part of the 'tatement +inah refer' to @%nder'tandingA and ,aat refer' to @intere'tA+ Thi' i' to 'ay that one who doe' not ha=e %nder'tanding into a '%bEe*t al'o will not ha=e intere't in it+ The 'e*ond part of the 'tatement therefore mean'( @)f there i' no %nder'tanding there will not be intere't+A )n *ontra't( when one %nder'tand' a '%bEe*t( thi' *reate' a mental bond to it+ The greater of an %nder'tanding he ha'( the greater will the bond of intere't be+ The greater the bond he ha' to it( the greater plea'%re will he ha=e in it+ The more plea'%re he ha' in it( the greater will hi' intere't be in it+ Thi' propel' him to greater and greater %nder'tanding in a type of @'nowballA effe*t( whi*h get' bigger and bigger+ Con=er'ely( the more plea'%re he ha' in it( the greater will be hi' ang%i'h in what he doe' not %nder'tand+ We may now %nder'tand why lo=e and fear are *alled the @wing'A( be*a%'e they propel one to greater and greater height' in G-dline''+ 3owe=er( if one doe' not ha=e +inah :9nder'tanding< he will be in*apable of ha=ing a *onne*tion+ Thi' may be %nder'tood by the e.ample of one who o=erhear' a *on=er'ation+ ;e*a%'e he %nder'tand' the lang%age and the '%bEe*t they are talking abo%t( hi' intere't and attention i' a%tomati*ally drawn to li'ten into their *on=er'ation+ 3owe=er( if they wo%ld be 'peaking a foreign lang%age( whi*h he doe' not %nder'tand( hi' intere't will not be drawn to their *on=er'ation altogether+ )n the 'ame way( lo=e and fear of G-d are the nat%ral *on'eI%en*e' of the %nder'tanding of G-dline''( and are( therefore( in dire*t proportion to how well one %nder'tand'+ Moreo=er( it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the lo=e and fear of G-d whi*h propel one to 'er=e G-d in deed+

-$:#&)t i' *lear from all the abo=e( that it i' 'pe*ifi*ally the fa*%lty of +inah :Analy'i' and *omprehen'ion<( whi*h aro%'e' and enli=en' all the other fa*%ltie'+

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-The Knowledge of G-dWhen one analyHe' a '%bEe*t greatly( he will fir'tly *ome to %nder'tand it in all it' inner and o%ter detail' :+inah<+ Hit#onenut :Analy'i'< i' the power of the mind to take thing' apart+ Thro%gh thi'( one a%tomati*ally a*ti=ate' the higher mental power of Chochmah :)n'ight<( whi*h i' the power of the mind to bring thing' together( and he will ha=e a fla'h of in'ight and %nder'tanding into the depth of the *on*ept+ Thi' i' a fla'h of Chochmah :)n'ight<+ Thi' 'how' how Hit#onenut :Analy'i'< a*ti=ate' Chochmah :)n'ight<( both Chochmah in general and Chochmah of +inah in parti*%lar( a' mentioned abo=e+ 8ow( Hit#onenut :Analy'i'< i' an a*t whi*h one m%'t a*ti=ely 0hoose to do+ 7n the other hand( one *annot *hoo'e to ha=e a fla'h of in'ight+ Rather( that i' the a%tomati* re'%lt of Hit#onenut+ A*t%ally( thro%gh Hit#onenut( one *an rea*h e=en higher into the depth and e''en*e of the *on*ept it'elf+ )n other word'( he *an *omprehend the =ery e''en*e of the '%bEe*t and therefore bring o%t totally no=el e.planation' and relate it to entirely different '%bEe*t'+ ?%rthermore( thi' e=en a*ti=ate' the general sefirah of Keter it'elf+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the %nder'tanding will bring him great plea'%re :'ti) Yomin< and a great de'ire :'rich 'n*in< whi*h will moti=ate him to f%rther hi' %nder'tanding+ Thi' in t%rn will *ement hi' great atta*hment to the '%bEe*t of hi' %nder'tanding :,aat<+ Thi' in t%rn aro%'e' the emotion' of the heart( Chesed and !evurah( the lo=e for it and the fear of being 'eparated from it+ The'e in t%rn bring one to $etzach" Hod" and Yesod whi*h are the g%t emotional re'pon'e' whi*h *ompel one to a*t %pon it( whi*h finally lead' to a*tion : alchut<+ We( therefore( 'ee that Hit#onenut :Analy'i' and *ontemplation< i' the go=erning fa*%lty in o%r 'er=i*e of G-d+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally in the fa*%lty of Hit#onenut that we *an 0hoose to 'er=e G-d+ )n other word'( one *an not *hoo'e to be intere'ted in G-d : ,aat<+ 3e *an not *hoo'e to ha=e a fla'h of in'piration or in'ight into G-dline'' : Chochmah<+ 8either *an he *hoo'e to ha=e tr%e lo=e and fear of G-d : idot< nor a plea'%re and de'ire in G-d :'ti) 0 'rich<+ ?inally( a*tion alone : alchut< witho%t intelle*t and emotion'( i' 'imilar to a body witho%t a 'o%l+ 3owe=er( o%r only *hoi*e lie' in *hoo'ing to tr. to %nder'tand G-dline''+ ?%rthermore( we ha=e an o)ligation to try to %nder'tand( a' 'tated( V,a Et Elo)ai 'vicha # Know the G-d of yo%r fatherV+ Maimonide' a*t%ally begin' the *ode of &ewi'h law with thi' *ommandment( for it i' the prereI%i'ite to all other *ommandment'+ Thi' i' *learly %nder'tood from the 'tatement in )'aiah( @The o. know' hi' ma'ter( the donkey know' hi' ma'ter' tro%gh( )'rael doe' not know :Yada( i++e ,aat<( my 1eople do not *ontemplate :Hit#onan<A+ The following =er'e immediately *ontin%e'( @Woe( yo% 'inf%l nation( a folk laden with iniI%ity et*+A )n other word'( the dire*t re'%lt of la*k of *ontemplation i' 'in and iniI%ity+ The la*k of Hit#onenut :Contemplation< re'%lt' in the diametri* oppo'ite of what may be a*hie=ed( a' e.plained abo=e and a' will be e.plained at great length in 1art Three of thi' book+ )n other word'( when one doe' not *ontemplate the tea*hing' detailed in 1art 7ne( fir'tly( he will not %nder'tand it at all : +inah<+ Therefore( the power of Chochmah :)n'ight< will not be a*ti=ated+ 3e will not ha=e a fla'h of in'ight and %nder'tanding into the Tr%th of reality( what'oe=er+ ?%rthermore( he will not aro%'e the fa*%lty of Keter toward' G-d+ Thi' i' to 'ay that be*a%'e he i' de=oid of %nder'tanding( he will not ha=e plea'%re :'ti) Yomin< or de'ire :'rich 'n*in< in 'er=ing G-d+ ;e*a%'e of thi' he will not ha=e an

- 2

-The Knowledge of G-datta*hment to G-d :,aat<+ ;e*a%'e hi' ,aat wa' ne=er aro%'ed( the emotion' in hi' heart :Chesed and !evurah<( whi*h are the lo=e of G-d and the fear of being 'eparated from 3im( will al'o ne=er be aro%'ed+ ;e*a%'e of thi' hi' $etzach" Hod" and Yesod :The g%t emotion' whi*h *ompel one to a*t %pon hi' feeling'<( will al'o not be aro%'ed+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( there will either be no final a*tion : alchut<( or the final a*tion will be like a body witho%t a 'o%l+ Whate=er *ommandment' : itzvot< he perform'( will be done *ompletely by rote( with no life or enth%'ia'm( what'oe=er+ Moreo=er( tho'e who attempt to work them'el=e' into an emotional froth of for*ed enth%'ia'm and who attempt to aro%'e plea'%re and emotional e.*itement in their >i=ine 'er=i*e( witho%t the prereI%i'ite of Hit#onenut" are making a gra=e error+ ;e*a%'e they 'kip thi' ne*e''ary prereI%i'ite( whate=er emotion and intere't they hype them'el=e' into( are nothing more than del%'ion'( for they ha=e no tr%e intere't in G-d 3im'elf+ They are not tr%ly intere't in Tr%th or the tr%e nat%re of reality :G-d<+ )n e''en*e they are nothing more than plea'%re 'eeker'( who attempting to e.*ite them'el=e' and gi=e them'el=e' a fal'e 'en'e of f%lfillment+ Thi' i' 'imilar to an a*tor who ha' been in'tr%*ted to a*t a' if he ha' E%'t won the lottery+ 3e E%mp' %p and down and 'ho%t' with *omplete 'elf abandon( a' if he i' the happie't g%y on earth+ 3owe=er( he may not be happy at all+ After all( he did not really win the lottery+ )n a*t%ality( he *o%ld a*t%ally be a =ery depre''ed per'on in hi' real life+ Altho%gh he appear' to be the happie't per'on on earth( it i' *ompletely fal'e+ )n the 'ame way( it i' impo''ible to ha=e tr%e emotion' abo%t G-d E%'t by working one'elf into an emotional high+ Tr%e emotion' toward G-d *an only *ome from knowledge of Gd( and knowledge of G-d *an only be a*hie=ed thro%gh *ontemplation :Hit#onenut<+ We 'ee that there are two general error' in the 'er=i*e of G-d+ There are tho'e who de*ei=e them'el=e'( and hype them'el=e' into an e.*ited frenHy in their 'er=i*e of G-d( b%t witho%t any Hit#onenut+ Then there are tho'e who do not e=en do that+ They 'er=e G-d *ompletely by rote( in a roboti* manner( with no emotion or @lifeA at all+ They( literally( are like bodie' witho%t 'o%l'+ 3ow *an the'e error' be *orre*tedG 7nly thro%gh *ontemplation : Hit#onenut< on how Gd en*ompa''e' :Tran'*end'< all world'( and permeate' all world'( a' detailed in 1art 7ne of thi' book+ All one m%'t *on*ern him'elf with i' the a*t of *ontemplation of G-d+ E=erything el'e follow' a' an a%tomati* re'%lt of Hit#onenut( a' e.plained+ 8ow( '%rely( if the re'%lt of not doing Hit#onenut i'( @Woe( a 'inf%l people( a nation laden with iniI%ityA( then *ertainly( the re'%lt of doing Hit#onenut i' righteo%'ne''( tr%th and The Knowledge of G-d+

-$:#'Th%' far we ha=e di'*%''ed what Hit#onenut i' and ha=e gi=en the material whi*h one i' to *ontemplate+ 7ne I%e'tion remain'( perhap' the mo't important I%e'tion of all+ What i' the p%rpo'e of Hit#onenutG The an'wer i' I%ite 'imple+ The %ltimate p%rpo'e of Hit#onenut i' to know the Creator( who i' the Tr%th of what i'( and to *ome *lo'e to 3im+ A per'on may li=e hi' entire life in darkne''( '%nken in the tran'ient plea'%re' of thi' lowly phy'i*al world and following - 4

-The Knowledge of G-dpath' that lead to nowhere( witho%t ha=ing I%e'tioned why he i' here and how he i' here+ ;e*a%'e he doe' not 'eek Tr%th( hi' life flie' by witho%t hi' ha=ing f%lfilled the p%rpo'e of hi' e.i'ten*e+ 3e might not e=en realiHe or *ontemplate that there is a p%rpo'e+ A' mentioned before( e=en many people who 't%dy Torah and keep it' itzvot :Commandment'<( do 'o by rote( witho%t enth%'ia'm and emotion'( or del%de them'el=e' into a fal'e 'en'e of emotional e.*itement( witho%t tr%ly 'eeking G-d+ Thi' i' be*a%'e they ha=e not *ontemplated and gra'ped( in a way of Hit#onenut( to tr%ly %nder'tand the p%rpo'e of their e.i'ten*e+ )n *ontra't( one who ha' ta'ted the re'%lt' of hi' effort' in the path of Tr%th *an te'tify to the fa*t that lo=e and fear of G-d ha=e been aro%'ed within him a' the a%tomati* re'%lt of Hit#onenut+ 3e *an bear witne'' to the fa*t that what re'%lt' from Hit#onenut i' tr%e lo=e and fear( only for G-d+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( he begin' to di'dain the fal'e plea'%re' of thi' lowly world( and e=en the %pper 'pirit%al world' *annot 'ati'fy him+ G-d alone i' hi' pa''ion and *%re+ Tr%th i' the only path %pon whi*h hi' feet trod( and there i' profo%nd p%rpo'e to hi' e.i'ten*e+ 3e gi=e' hi' life o=er to hi' Creator( and hi' 'ole de'ire i' to f%lfill the will of hi' Ma'ter and King+ Tr%ly( thi' i' the p%rpo'e of Man( a' 'tated( @)n *on*l%'ion( after e=erything ha' been heard :whi*h( a' mentioned before( refer' to the %nder'tanding and *omprehen'ion of +inah<( fear G-d( and f%lfill 3i' *ommandment'( for thi' i' the whole :p%rpo'e< of Man+A 6a'tly( it m%'t be pointed o%t that( @The reward i' *ommen'%rate to the effortA( a' the Talm%d 'tate'( @3e who *laim' that he ha' toiled b%t ha' not fo%nd( i' not to be belie=ed( he who *laim' to ha=e fo%nd witho%t toil( i' not to be belie=ed+ 3owe=er( he who *laim' that he ha' toiled and ha' fo%nd i' to be belie=ed+A

- 5

-The Knowledge of G-d-

Part Three: Divine Inspiration -%:#We will now e.plain the =ario%' le=el' of di=ine 'er=i*e( and their effe*t'( 'o that no one 'ho%ld err and 'tray from the tr%e and 'traight path in the 'er=i*e of G-d+ )t i' in*%mbent %pon e=ery indi=id%al to f%lly appre*iate the *ommandment( @Jo% 'hall pla*e it %pon yo%r heartA and @yo% 'hall lo=e 3aShem yo%r G-d with all yo%r heartA+ 7%r holy 'age' e.plained that the word @(evavechaA :Jo%r heart< i' written with two letter' Beit :B< to denote that one i' to 'er=e G-d( not with hi' G-dly 'o%l alone( b%t with hi' animali'ti* 'o%l a' well+ We will( therefore( e.plain the le=el' of di=ine 'er=i*e and in'piration( a**ording to the le=el' of the G-dly 'o%l( a' well a' the animali'ti* 'o%l+ Thi' @lo=eA 'poken of in the =er'e( i' the lo=e of G-d( and refer' to the >i=ine e.*itement whi*h may be aro%'ed only thro%gh the deep *ontemplation and knowledge of the greatne'' of G-d+ Abo%t thi' we are *ommanded( @Jo% 'hall know thi' day and pla*e it %pon yo%r heart+A Clearly( the pla*ing @%pon the heartA *an only *ome abo%t following @knowing todayA+ Therefore( ha=ing *ompleted the fir't part of thi' book( whi*h dealt with @knowing todayA( we will now di'*%'' >i=ine in'piration( i+e+ the effe*t' whi*h thi' @knowingA ha' %pon the heart+ The fir't two part' of thi' book *ontained a detailed e.planation of what one i' to *ontemplate pl%' the methodology of how to approa*h Hit#onenut *ontemplation+ We will now e.plain the =ario%' le=el' of how one be*ome' di=inely in'pired a' a *on'eI%en*e of the toil of Hit#onenut+

-%:$The fir't *ategory of @'er=i*eA *annot be *on'idered to be a le=el in >i=ine 'er=i*e at all+ 9nfort%nately( mo't people fall into thi' *ategory and it m%'t therefore be di'*%''ed in order to di'pel the del%'ion' whi*h people ha=e fallen into( in imagining that they are 'er=ing G-d+ The'e are people who f%lfill the *ommandment' : itzvot< *ompletely by rote( with no tho%ght into their a*tion' what'oe=er+ 7n the *ontrary( the *ommandment' : itzvot< are a*t%ally a b%rden to them+ Their mind' and heart'( and their =ery 'o%l'( are not in=ol=ed in the Torah whi*h they learn or the a*tion' whi*h they perform+ Therefore their performan*e of the *ommandment' : itzvot< i' *ompletely me*hani*al by nat%re and de=oid of =itality+ Altho%gh( when they pray( it appear' they are praying to G-d( in'ide( their mind' are el'ewhere( either o**%pied with b%'ine'' or worldly and m%ndane affair'+ Thi' *annot be otherwi'e( for *ertainly( their mind' 0annot be o**%pied with tho%ght' of G-d+ 8e=er ha=ing *ontemplated G-dline''( they do not know G-d+ 3ow then( *an they ha=e 3im in mind d%ring prayerG E=en if they think @G-dA d%ring their prayer'( it i'


-The Knowledge of G-dde=oid of meaning to them and doe' not aro%'e any feeling what'oe=er( for thi' i' no different than mentioning the name of an indi=id%al that one doe' not know+ Certainly( the only rea*tion *an be one of indifferen*e+ Tho'e who fall into thi' *ategory are no better than trained animal' whi*h ha=e been ta%ght to a*t in a *ertain way+ Certainly( they *annot be regarded a' 3%man being'( 'in*e what di'ting%i'he' man from bea't i' hi' intelle*t( and tho%gh they ha=e been endowed with it( they make no %'e of it+ They do not ponder the way' of the Creator( and of all e.i'ten*e+ They do not a'k them'el=e'( @Where did all thi' *ome fromGA and @What i' the p%rpo'e of o%r e.i'ten*eA+ E=en if( o**a'ionally( they ha=e fleeting tho%ght' pertaining to lofty matter'( it i' *ompletely e.ternal and doe' not penetrate and affe*t their way of life what'oe=er+ Thi' type of @'er=i*eA i' not >i=ine 'er=i*e at all+ 1eople of thi' type ha=e no lo=e and fear of G-d at all+ Their only fear( if an.( i' the fear of p%ni'hment and retrib%tion for their e=il deed'+ Their only lo=e i' for the promi'e of reward for their good deed'+ Thi' i' not tr%e lo=e and fear of G-d+ Rather( it i' a lo=e and fear of 'elf+ They fear pain and '%ffering( and if they de'i't from e=il( it i' only be*a%'e of thi'+ )f they do good deed' and f%lfill the *ommandment'( they imagine the great reward that await' them+ )n a*t%ality( thi' i' *omplete 'elf *enteredne''( whi*h i' the antithe'i' of G-dline''+ :8onethele''( at time' it i' ne*e''ary for one to awaken thi' type of lo=e and fear within him'elf( in order to re'train him'elf from falling to 'inf%l temptation'+ ?or( *ertainly( the e=il deed it'elf i' wor'e than thi' type of fear+<

-%:%The 'e*ond *ategory i' al'o not a le=el of >i=ine 'er=i*e+ 9nfort%nately( many people fall into thi' *ategory a' well+ We( therefore( m%'t e.plain it( to *orre*t it+ Thi' le=el i' the e.ternal 'tim%lation of the emotion'( whi*h 'tem' from fal'e del%'ion' and imagination'+ 7ne fire' %p hi' emotion'+ 3e may 'ing and dan*e and be =ery animated or *ry o%t d%ring prayer( b%t it i' all from the e.ternality of the heart+ )n tr%th( there i' no inner ill%mination or =itality( and it i' not at all dire*ted toward' G-d+ 3ow *an thi' be 'aid with '%*h '%retyG ?or the 'imple rea'on that in hi' mind( no >i=ine *ontemplation ha' taken pla*e( and if there wa' any( it wa' only in the mo't general of term' and did not a*t%ally penetrate and affe*t hi' 'o%l altogether+ Rather( he i' merely e.*iting him'elf into a frenHy+ 3e doe' thi' be*a%'e he ha' been told that one m%'t @'er=e G-d with EoyA( or pray @with a broken and *ontrite heart and with 'in*erityA+ ;%t in tr%th( thi' i' neither tr%e nor 'in*ere+ 3ow *o%ld it beG 3e doe' not know anything of G-d( that hi' emotion' 'ho%ld be 'o aro%'ed toward' 3imS Sin*e he doe' not know G-d( it i' not po''ible for him to think abo%t 3im+ What( then( i' he getting 'o e.*ited abo%t( if not fal'e del%'ion' and imagination'G Thi' i' analogo%' to an a*tor on a mo=ie 'et( who i' told to a*t a' if he ha' E%'t won the lottery+ 3e E%mp' %p and down and 'ho%t' for Eoy b%t all hi' e.*itement i' an a*t+ E=en if he doe' ro%'e hi' emotion'( a' good @methodA a*tor' are *apable of doing( nonethele''( it *ertainly i' not be*a%'e he won the lottery( for he did not win anything+ 3e i' E%'t a*ting as if he ha' won 'omething+ 6ikewi'e( in the 'er=i*e of G-d( one who work' him'elf into


-The Knowledge of G-da froth of @e.*itementA d%ring prayer and @>i=ineA 'er=i*e( b%t ha' not tr%ly *ontemplated G-dline'' in detail( i' merely fooling him'elf with fal'e del%'ion' and imagination'+ Thi' i' not at all a le=el of >i=ine 'er=i*e+ A per'on '%*h a' thi' only 'er=e' him'elf( rather than G-d( for he doe' not de'ire to toil in the 'er=i*e of G-d( whi*h i' Hit#onenut" b%t only 'eek' the plea'%re and thrill of aro%'ing hi' emotion'+ 3i' fo*%' i' not on G-d( b%t rather( on getting hi' blood boiling and whipping hi' emotion' into a froth( in order to feel good+ S%*h a per'on doe' not 'eek %nder'tanding( b%t rather( i' wor'hiping hi' fal'e del%'ion' and imagination'( and %ltimately him'elf+ Thi' i' tantamo%nt to 'vodah .arah :)dolatry<( and i' a gra=e error+ Thi' @'er=i*eA( a' with e=ery form of 'vodah .arah :)dolatry<( re'%lt' in an in*rea'ed awarene'' of 'elf( whi*h *a%'e' him to fall to hi' l%'t' and de'ire'+ )n 'hort( he ha' no '%blimation to G-d( and *ompletely *a't' off the yoke of 3ea=en+ 3e who ha' ta'ted tr%e >i=ine 'er=i*e will ha=e *omplete di'dain and *ontempt for thi' *oar'e and alien wor'hip+ The more atta*hed and *onne*ted he i' to G-d( thro%gh tr%e 'er=i*e( the more will he de'pi'e and be di'g%'ted by thi' fal'e and 'trange wor'hip whi*h i' the antithe'i' of G-dline''+

-%:&)n order to differentiate between holy and %nholy e.*itement( we m%'t %nder'tand the primary differen*e between the holy and the %nholy+ E''entially( by definition( good i' the re=elation and awarene'' of G-dline''( wherea' e=il i' the re=elation and awarene'' of 'elf+ Thi' i' the differen*e between G-dly e.*itement( and itF' oppo'ite+ A' e.plained abo=e( there *annot be any e.*itement into G-dline'' if it i' not pre*eded and in'pired by *ontemplation of the >i=ine( a' 'tated( @Jo% 'hall know thi' dayA and only afterward' @and yo% 'hall pla*e it %pon yo%r heartA+ Tr%e G-dly e.*itement i' aro%'ed 'olely thro%gh the toil of Hit#onenut on G-d and the tr%e nat%re of e.i'ten*e in a detailed way :a' e.po%nded in 1art 7ne of thi' book<+ 3owe=er( the alien e.*itement( whi*h i' foreign to G-dline''( *ome' abo%t when a per'on intend' to aro%'e hi' emotion' and be*ome e.*ited+ )n *ontra't( G-dly e.*itement i' the a"tomati0 and 'pontaneo%' re'%lt of Hit#onenut+ 3ere( there i' no intention to @be*ome aro%'edA+ 7n the *ontrary( the fo*%' i' entirely on tr%ly knowing and %nder'tanding G-dline''+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( the re'%lt' are radi*ally different+ The aro%'al of a per'on who doe' not de'ire to toil in the 'er=i*e of Hit#onenut( will be *ompletely felt+ Thi' i' to 'ay that he will be aware of himself thro%gho%t+ )n *ontra't( G-dly e.*itement of the emotion' i' not felt at all+ 3e will not be *on'*io%' of him'elf or hi' e.*itement+ An e.ample of how oneF' emotion' may be greatly aro%'ed while he remain' %naware of it i' what happen' when one hear' good or bad new'+ ?or e.ample( 'omeone who ha' E%'t a0t"all. won the lottery will 'tart E%mping %p and down and 'ho%ting for Eoy( b%t he will be *ompletely %naware of him'elf be*a%'e hi' mind i' 'o totally and *ompletely


-The Knowledge of G-dengro''ed in the fa*t that he E%'t won million' of dollar'+ 7nly later( when he 'ee' him'elf in a =ideo doe' he realiHe he wa' E%mping %p and down with total and *omplete abandon( and he 'ay'( @>id ) a*t%ally do thatGA ?%rthermore( thi' *ome' abo%t 'pontaneo%'ly and a%tomati*ally+ 3e doe' not need to in'tigate the e.*itement what'oe=er+ )t i' altogether a nat%ral re'pon'e to the good new'+ 3e doe' not think to him'elf( @) 'ho%ld be e.*ited now( time to 'tart E%mping %p and down and dan*ing for EoyA+ Rather( he i' totally and *ompletely %naware of hi' e.*itement+ )t i' a 'pontaneo%' re'%lt of the knowledge he wa' imparted+

-%:'The third *ategory of people( are tho'e who a*t%ally do toil in Hit#onenut and analyHe G-dline'' deeply+ 3owe=er( they do thi' only in order to rea*h a le=el of e.*itement by aro%'ing their emotion'+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( their entire approa*h i' f%ndamentally flawed+ 3ere too( any e.*itement whi*h will be aro%'ed i' not tr%e G-dly e.*itement( and he will be aware of 'elf+ ?%rthermore( thro%gho%t the toil of Hit#onenut he will wonder to him'elf( @When will ) attain >i=ine in'piration and e.*itementGA and he will be pained if thi' doe' not o**%r+ )f he i' aro%'ed( b%t not a' m%*h a' he wi'hed( thi' will pert%rb him+ )n tr%th( thi' per'on too( i' merely a plea'%re 'eeker+ 3e i' not tr%ly intere'ted in %nder'tanding the reality of G-d altogether+ )n'tead( he p%r'%e' the effe0ts of *ontemplation and analy'i'+ ;e*a%'e thi' i' the tr%e %nderlying moti=ation of hi' *ontemplation( he ne=er a*t%ally arri=e' at Tr%th and all hi' toil in =ain+ Thi' *an be %nder'tood from the following e.planation on the way the intelle*t work'+ When one approa*he' a '%bEe*t whi*h he de'ire' to learn( there m%'t fir't be a *omplete fo*%' and del=ing of hi' mind into the '%bEe*t matter+ Thi' i' *alled Haama)at Ha,aat # the del=ing of the ,aat+ A' e.plained before( the fa*%lty of ,aat i' the fa*%lty of *on*entrating oneF' mind on a '%bEe*t matter( to the e.*l%'ion of all el'e+ )f he doe' not in=ol=e the entire power of hi' intelle*t( *onne*ting hi' mind to the '%bEe*t with m%*h toil( he will ne=er rea*h a tr%e %nder'tanding of it+ When one del=e' with all hi' intelle*t%al fa*%ltie' into a *on*ept he i' trying to %nder'tand( hi' intelle*t be*ome' '%blimated to the *on*ept+ 7nly after the *omplete '%blimation of hi' intelle*t to the *on*ept( *an he *on*ept%aliHe it in a re=ealed and tangible way( and e=en bring o%t new in'ight' from it+ :Thi' pro*e'' of del=ing with all the intelle*t%al fa*%ltie' and '%blimating them to the *on*ept i' *alled Haalaat ayim $u)vin # the ri'ing of the feminine water'+ Thi' *a%'e' what i' *alled Hamshachat ayim ,churin # the drawing down of the ma'*%line water' of in'ight+< ?%rthermore( when one i' 't%dying a '%bEe*t( he will ne=er rea*h the tr%th of it %nle'' hi' intent i' only to gra'p it' tr%e meaning+ ?or e.ample( many people go to '*hool and learn many different *on*ept' and '%bEe*t'+ 3owe=er( who i' it who gra'p' their tr%e depth and ha' in'ight' into them( only tho'e who'e entire intent and fo*%' i' on the '%bEe*t it'elf( who 't%dy it repeatedly( analyHing it' e=ery fa*et( to %nder'tand it in depth+ )f a per'on goe' to medi*al '*hool to plea'e hi' parent'( b%t really want' to be a lawyer( tho%gh he will learn the material( he will ne=er %nder'tand it to it' depth' and he will


-The Knowledge of G-d*ertainly not ha=e any new in'ight' into medi*ine+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he ha' no deep intere't in it+ )n *ontra't( the @nerdA who'e 'ole intere't and plea'%re lie' in %nder'tanding e=ery fa*et and detail of medi*ine and gra'ping it' tr%e e''en*e( will gra'p it' depth+ 3e will ha=e new in'ight' and inno=ation' into medi*ine( 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e he ha' gra'ped it' depth+ The abo=e i' e'pe*ially tr%e when one approa*he' >i=ine *ontemplation+ 3i' de'ire m%'t 'olely be to gra'p the tr%th of what i'( i+e+ G-dline''+ Any other de'ire i' a gro'' error( and will impede any progre''+ A' long a' he hold' on to @AlienA de'ire' he will ne=er tr%ly %nder'tand G-dline'' at all+ Thi' prin*iple in*l%de' not only tho'e who de'ire the e.*itement and aro%'al of their emotion'( b%t all tho'e who ha=e any %lterior moti=e'( what'oe=er( '%*h a' to be honored be*a%'e he i' a @wi'e manA who know' the hidden matter'+ ;e*a%'e of thi' the 'age' 'aid( @Who i' wi'e( he who learn' from all men+A )n other word'( he doe' not 'eek honor( b%t rather( to %nder'tand Tr%th+ Therefore( it i' not below hi' dignity to learn from 'omeone el'e+ )t make' no differen*e to him whether he arri=e' at tr%th on hi' own or by learning it from other'+ 3e reEoi*e' in Tr%th where=er he may find it and who'oe=er 'peak' it+ )n *ontra't( one who 'eek' honor will not a*knowledge Tr%th if it i' 'poken by 'omeone who he *on'ider' to be hi' inferior or hi' *ompetitor+ Moreo=er( 'in*e he i' not fo*%'ed on the a*I%i'ition of Tr%th( b%t on 'ome 'ide i''%e( he will not be '%blimated to it+ 3e will( therefore( ne=er gain tr%e in'ight and %nder'tanding+ Whate=er %nder'tanding he imagine' him'elf to ha=e i' e.ternal in nat%re and not into the tr%e e''en*e of G-dline'' at all+ 7ne who 't%die' Kabbalah to rea*h lofty le=el' of holine'' and >i=ine in'piration( prophe*y or my'ti*al re=elation'( '%*h a' the re=elation of Eliyah% et*( fall' into thi' 'ame *ategory+ The only le=el he will rea*h i' the lowly le=el of fal'e del%'ion' and imagination'+ 9ltimately( howe=er @loftyA and @holyA he think' the'e goal' are( in tr%th( they are totally 'elf *entered( and are no different than the de'ire for plea'%re and aro%'al mentioned abo=e( e.*ept that in addition( he i' al'o g%ilty of arrogan*e and i' '%ffering from del%'ion' of grande%r+ )n tr%th( he ha' no '%blimation to G-d( what'oe=er( and i' th%' not a fit =e''el for any re=elation' of any kind+ 3e too( i' 'er=ing him'elf rather than G-d+ )t m%'t be pointed o%t that tho%gh they are not *on'idered to be >i=ine 'er=i*e( all the abo=e mentioned le=el' ha=e 'ome *on*ealed good in them+ Thi' i' the fa*t that( to aro%'e their plea'%re( all the'e people are drawn 'pe*ifi*ally to matter' of G-dline''( '%*h a' Torah 't%dy( mitzvot and prayer+ 3owe=er( the rea'on they are drawn to thi' ha' nothing to do with the toil of Hit#onenut+ Rather( thi' i' the effe*t of a tiny glimmer of en*ompa''ing light from their G-dly 'o%l+ ;y it' =ery nat%re the G-dly 'o%l i' drawn to G-dline''+ )t' lowe't general le=el( whi*h i' the $efesh( i' the 'o%r*e of the de'ire and p%ll to f%lfill the po'iti=e *ommandment' of G-d( and to de'i't from doing any e=il+ A*t%ally( the abo=e *ategorie' of people( do not


-The Knowledge of G-de=en ha=e a re=elation of thi' lowe't general le=el of the G-dly 'o%l( b%t rather( E%'t a glimmer of a glimmer of it( in a =ery *on*ealed way+ The di'ad=antage of thi'( howe=er( i' that 'in*e they ha=e del%ded them'el=e' to think they already 'er=e G-d( they feel that their @belly i' f%llA( 'o to 'peak( and ha=e a 'en'e of 'elf 'ati'fa*tion+ They( therefore( ha=e a great re'i'tan*e to the tr%e 'er=i*e of Hit#onenut" a' oppo'ed to one who feel' he i' =ery far from G-d and re*ogniHe' that he i' impo=eri'hed of G-dline''+ 3e will( therefore( be more open to the tr%e 'er=i*e of Hit#onenut3

-%:(8ow( the fir't le=el whi*h re'%lt' from a*t%al 'er=i*e of G-d( thro%gh Hit#onenut6 *ontemplation and analy'i'( i' a' follow'C Thro%gh hi' analy'i' and *ontemplation into G-dline''( he %nder'tand' the matter' whi*h he 't%die' and re*ogniHe' them to be ab'ol%te tr%th+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( he pla*e' great =al%e in matter' of G-dline'' and >i=ine 't%dy( o=er all other matter' of thi' lowly world+ 3e re*ogniHe' that e=erything i' a' nothing *ompared to G-dline''+ Therefore( he regard' matter' of G-dline'' highly and re*ogniHe' the lowline'' of worldly p%r'%it'+ 8onethele''( the e''en*e of the matter i' 'till far from him+ 3e will I%e'tion the ne*e''ity of the p%r'%it of G-dly knowledge( and will wonder( @7f what benefit i' itGA Thi' i' be*a%'e hi' 't%dy and *ontemplation ha' not yet *a%'ed any a0t"al re=elation of G-dline'' in hi' 'o%l+ All that ha' been a**ompli'hed th%' far i' that he a*knowledge' the ab'ol%te tr%th of it+ 3owe=er( he doe' de'ire that G-dline'' be embedded in hi' 'o%l( in a re=ealed way( e=en tho%gh( a' of yet( it i' 'till *on*ealed+ S%*h a per'on i' on the *orre*t path( and altho%gh he ha' not yet rea*hed tr%e G-dly aro%'al altogether( he nonethele''( =al%e' >i=ine *ontemplation highly+ 9nlike the pre=io%' le=el'( hi' de'ire i' not 'elfi'h+ Rather( he tr%ly de'ire' *lo'ene'' to G-d( and that G-dline'' 'ho%ld tr%ly be embedded in hi' =ery 'o%l+ The way to ga%ge if thi' *ommitment i' tr%e i' a' follow'C 3e think' highly of matter' of G-dline'' and de'ire' that G-dline'' be tangibly re=ealed in hi' 'o%l and he realiHe' that he i' 'till =ery far from it be*a%'e of hi' lowly 'o%l and pa't mi'deed'+ 3e feel' great 'hame and embarra''ment and i' di'g%'ting in hi' own eye'( be*a%'e of hi' lowly 'o%l and hi' di'tan*e from all matter' of G-dline''+ ;e*a%'e he =al%e' G-dline'' 'o m%*h( all worldly matter' be*ome meaningle'' and of no =al%e to him+ Rather( he worrie' that he i' far from G-d( both in mind and heart+ Thi' bring' abo%t a 'trong re'ol=e and *ommitment in him( to *orre*t the 'it%ation by de'i'ting from all e=il and doing only that whi*h i' good and proper in G-dF' eye'( in order to prepare hi' mind and heart to be fitting re*epta*le' for G-dline''( at lea't thro%gh the f%lfillment of the itzvot :Commandment'<+


-The Knowledge of G-d8ow( a' e.plained abo=e( thi' le=el i' not an a*t%al le=el of G-dly e.*itement be*a%'e it only *ome' abo%t a' a re'%lt of a desire to be *lo'e to G-d+ 3owe=er( there i' not yet any a*t%al *lo'ene'' to G-d+ 8onethele''( there i' an a'pe*t of G-dline'' in it( whi*h i' apparent from the 'trength of hi' *ommitment+ ?%rthermore( he i' on a 'traight path whi*h will e=ent%ally lead him to re=ealed G-dline''+

-%:*The ne.t le=el of >i=ine e.*itement i' the fir't le=el of a*t%al lo=e and fear of G-d( b%t only a' it relate' to a*tion+ Thi' i' *alled a @good tho%ghtA whi*h *onne*t' to the performan*e of the itzvot( th%' enabling them to a'*end+ :6o=e and fear of G-d are *alled the @two wing' that fly %pwardA+< The differen*e between thi' le=el and the pre=io%' le=el i' a' follow'C )n the pre=io%' le=el( altho%gh hi' intent i' 'pe*ifi*ally for G-dline''( nonethele''( hi' de'ire i' only that he 'ho%ld be *lo'e to G-d( rather than far from 3im+ Thi' de'ire *ome' abo%t only o%t of the pre*io%'ne'' and greatne'' of G-d in hi' mind+ 8onethele''( there i' no a*t%al e.*itement for G-dline'' in hi' mind( for it i' 'till far from him+ 3e de'ire' to *ome *lo'e( b%t ha' not yet a**ompli'hed it+ 3e ha' only *ome to a*knowledge the ab'ol%te tr%th of matter' of >i=inity( thro%gh Hit#onenut+ Thi' i'( therefore( not *alled a @good tho%ghtA( b%t rather( a @*old tho%ghtA+ The differen*e between the two i' like the differen*e between thinking abo%t yo%r own money a' oppo'ed to thinking abo%t 'omeone el'eF' money+ Thi' i' like thinking abo%t the fa*t that 'omeone el'e won the lottery( rather than winning it yo%r'elf+ ?or e.ample( if a b%'ine'' man hear' that another b%'ine'' man( who he greatly admire' be*a%'e he ha' ama''ed billion' of dollar' in wealth( ha' E%'t *%t a m%lti-billion dollar deal( thi' will aro%'e tho%ght' of awe and re'pe*t in hi' mind+ 3e will *on'ider the h%ge '%m' of money( :whi*h he =al%e' greatly<( o=er and o=er in hi' mind( and will be 'tr%*k by the awe'ome 'iHe of the deal+ 3owe=er( if he hear' that a h%ndred tho%'and dollar deal that he( him'elf( ha' been working on ha' E%'t *ome thro%gh( he will be*ome far more e.*ited in a way whi*h i' in*omparable( both I%antitati=ely and I%alitati=ely to hi' e.*itement o=er the billion dollar deal+ WhyG Sho%ldnFt he be more e.*ited abo%t the billion dollar' than a mea'ly h%ndred tho%'and dollar'G The rea'on i' be*a%'e the billion dollar' i' not hi'+ Whate=er e.*itement he might ha=e o=er it( i' not be*a%'e he E%'t earned a billion dollar'( b%t rather( be*a%'e he wishes that he did+ Thi' i' *alled a @*oldA or @di'pa''ionateA tho%ght+ 3owe=er( the h%ndred tho%'and dollar' i' hi'+ )t affe*t' him per'onally and will ha=e a profo%nd effe*t on hi' life'tyle+ Therefore( it i' in*omparably more important to him than 'omeone el'eF' billion dollar'+ )f he hear' good new' or bad new' in relation to hi' own b%'ine'' deal( hi' tho%ght' be*ome *ompletely aro%'ed( fo*%'ed and engro''ed in it and he take' it per'onally+ 3i' mind be*ome' e.*ited and *ompletely in=ol=ed in it( and he i' gen%inely mo=ed by it+ The 'e*ond le=el whi*h ari'e' from *ontemplation of G-dline''( i' thi' type of tho%ght( in whi*h the mind be*ome' atta*hed to G-dline'' a' 'omething whi*h i' dire*tly rele=ant and meaningf%l to him+ Thi' i' *alled a @good tho%ghtA whi*h be*ome' atta*hed to


-The Knowledge of G-da*tion( a' mentioned abo=e+ )n other word'( thi' type of tho%ght gi=e' ri'e to a0t"al heartfelt lo=e and fear of G-d a' it relate' to doing the mitzvot :Commandment'<+ 3owe=er( on the le=el of @*old tho%ghtA( altho%gh he de'ire' to *ome *lo'e to G-d and be di=inely in'pired( thi' ha' not yet happened+ )t i' an a*knowledgement and *ommitment to G-dline''( b%t from afar+ The only thing born of it i' hi' embarra''ment and 'hame when he realiHe' E%'t how far he i' from G-dline''+ ;e*a%'e he realiHe' the lowline'' of thi' world and it' affair'( he make' a *ommitment to de'i't from e=il :the ,$/ negati=e *ommandment'< and to f%lfill the "4 po'iti=e *ommandment'+ 3owe=er( thi' i' only be*a%'e he realiHe' that thi' i' a =ery proper and good thing to do( and i' the tr%e path to a*hie=ing hi' goal( whi*h i' *lo'ene'' to G-d+ Thi' i' 'imilar to one( who after the @*old tho%ghtA %pon hearing that 'omeone el'e ha' won the lottery( a' mentioned abo=e( i' moti=ated to go and b%y a lottery ti*ket+ Thi' le=el i' therefore not a*t%ally a tr%e le=el of lo=e and fear of G-d( for it i' not dire*tly rele=ant to him+ 8onethele''( it i' 'till the fir't le=el on the proper path to G-d+ ?%rthermore( there is an a'pe*t of G-dline'' here( d%e to the *ontemplation on G-dline''+ 3owe=er( it i' 'till not an a*t%al e.*itement of lo=e and fear of G-d+ :Thi' i' in *ontra't to the le=el' detailed abo=e whi*h ha=e no G-dline'' in them what'oe=er( 'in*e there( hi' only de'ire i' for hi' 'elf gratifi*ation and plea'%re( rather than for G-dline''+< 3owe=er( it m%'t be pointed o%t that the le=el of a @good tho%ghtA i' not an a*t%al e.*itement of the heart( b%t rather( only of the tho%ght+ ?%rthermore( thi' lo=e only relate' to a*tion( i+e+ de'i'ting from e=il and doing good+ )t i' not at all an internal aro%'al of the emotion' of the heart+ 8onethele''( in regard to the a*tion( it i' higher than the le=el of @*old tho%ghtA( whi*h i' E%'t the matter of *ommitment and re'ol%tion+ )n the le=el of @good tho%ght( altho%gh there i' no a*t%al aro%'al of the emotion' in the heart( nonethele''( the mind is aro%'ed with great yearning and de'ire+ There i' a great yearning for the re=elation of G-dline''( to f%lfill the po'iti=e *ommandment' and to de'i't from e=il+ Therefore( tho%gh it i' rele=ant to a*tion only( it i' 'till *on'idered to be lo=e and fear of G-d+ Thi' i' 'imilar to what wa' e.plained abo=e regarding oneF' tho%ght' in per'onal matter' that( at the =ery lea't( there i' an e.*itement of the emotion' of the intelle*t+

-%:+The third le=el i' the a*t%al aro%'al and e.*itement of the emotion' of the heart+ Thi' i' when immediately following the aro%'al of hi' tho%ght' :a' detailed abo=e<( hi' heart be*ome' aro%'ed a' well+ Thi' aro%'al i' felt with m%*h =itality+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the aro%'al of hi' tho%ght' i' immediately e.panded in hi' heart( a' i' known( that the e.*itement of the heart i' more e.pan'i=e *ompared to the e.*itement of the mind+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( the e.*itement of thi' le=el i' felt to a greater degree than the e.*itement of the pre=io%' le=el'+ :3owe=er( thi' i' not an aro%'al of a*t%al G-dline''( in whi*h the heart a*t%ally @feel'A the G-dline''+ 3ere( we are dealing with le=el' of aro%'al of the nat%ral( animali'ti* 'o%l+ When G-dline'' it'elf i' felt by the heart( it i' a le=el of aro%'al


-The Knowledge of G-dof the >i=ine 'o%l rather than the animal 'o%l+ Moreo=er( that le=el i' higher than e=en the fifth and highe't le=el of the nat%ral( animali'ti* 'o%l( a' will be e.plained+< 8ow( it i' 'tated abo%t this le=el( @Jo% 'hall lo=e the 6-rd yo%r G-d with all yo%r heart+A The word @yo%r heart # (evavechaA i' written with two letter' Beit+ The Sage' tea*h that thi' mean' the one m%'t 'er=e G-d with both hi' >i=ine 'o%l and hi' animali'ti* 'o%l+ The animal 'o%l too( m%'t lo=e G-d+ Thi' i' to 'ay that one m%'t toil with hi' mind thro%gh deep Hit#onenut *ontemplation( to the point that e=en hi' heart of fle'h be*ome' aro%'ed with lo=e of G-d+ ?%rthermore( the word @all :yo%r heart<A inform' %' that thi' e.*itement and aro%'al m%'t be with all the heart( not E%'t that whi*h relate' to a*tion alone+ The Kohar *all' thi'( @/ulchana ,Rechimuta #A 6abor of 6o=eA+ )t i' *alled @6aborA be*a%'e the aro%'al of thi' lo=e reI%ire' great toil and labor( a' oppo'ed to aro%'ing the heart toward' worldly matter'+ When it *ome' to worldly matter'( a' 'oon a' a de'ire enter' oneF' mind( it be*ome' aro%'ed and immediately affe*t' the heart( aro%'ing it with great yearning and flaming de'ire+ The oppo'ite i' al'o tr%e+ When 'omething negati=e *a%'e' the mind to be*ome embittered( the heart too( re'pond' immediately with great bitterne'' and di'dain again't it+ 3owe=er( in regard to the 'er=i*e of G-d( thi' i' not 'o+ )n matter' of G-dline''( the heart i' not ea'ily mo=ed by the aro%'al of the mind+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the G-dline'' in the *omprehen'ion of hi' mind doe' not permeate hi' =ery being( 'in*e it i' re=ealed only in an en*ompa''ing manner+ Therefore( he doe' not gra'p the a*t%al G-dline'' it'elf+ )f thi' i' the *a'e in re'pe*t to the a*t%al letter' of *omprehen'ion in the mind( then *ertainly the re=elation to the heart will be e=en more mini'*%le+ )t therefore reI%ire' great *ontemplati=e toil and labor( to bring the G-dly light it'elf into the letter' of hi' *omprehen'ion+ When thi' i' a**ompli'hed( hi' heart will a%tomati*ally and 'pontaneo%'ly be ignited a' well( in the manner e.plained abo=e+ Thi' 'er=i*e i' therefore *alled @6aborA 'in*e it reI%ire' great toil and labor+ Another rea'on it i' *alled @'vodah # WorkA( i' from the terminology @Orot 'vudim # Worked hide'A+ 3ide' are @workedA to 'often and make them fit for %'e+ 6ikewi'e( the toil of Hit#onenut *on'tit%te' the matter of @workingA on the *hara*ter trait' of the animal 'o%l and redire*ting them to G-d( in'tead of toward worldly de'ire'+ Thi' may only be a**ompli'hed thro%gh Hit#onenut 6 *ontemplation+ 8ow( there are many different way' that the heart may be*ome aro%'ed+ 7ne per'on may be*ome aro%'ed more in hi' heart than hi' intelle*t+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he ha' to%*hed the =ery 'o%r*e of the emotion' on the le=el of the de'ire and plea'%re( and be*a%'e of thi' hi' emotion' are aro%'ed to a greater degree than hi' mind+ Some people are aro%'ed more thro%gh bitterne'' o=er their great di'tan*e from G-d( while other' are aro%'ed with great delight and Eoy+ All thi' depend' on the 'o%r*e of a per'onF' 'o%l( whether it *ome' from the 'ide of kindne'' or the 'ide of 'ternne'' : Chesed or !evurah<+ Therefore( there i' an entire range of po''ible re'pon'e' to the Hit#onenut( depending on the 'o%r*e and *ompo'ition of oneF' 'o%l+


-The Knowledge of G-d8ow( what i' born of thi' le=el i' an a'pe*t of great =itality in the performan*e of the itzvot :Commandment'<+ Thi' i' to 'ay that in regard to f%lfilling the po'iti=e *ommandment'( he perform' them with great lo=e and de'ire and hi' itzvot are f%ll of warmth and =itality+ )n regard to e=il( on the other hand( he will be greatly embittered by it( and will di'tan*e him'elf from it a' if from death it'elf+ 3i' emotion' will be*ome pro=oked again't all form' of e=il and he will g%ard him'elf greatly from them+ Thi' i' 'imilar to one who i' in=ol=ed in hi' per'onal affair' or hi' b%'ine'' dealing' with all hi' heart+ Anything that in*rea'e' or ad=an*e' hi' b%'ine'' he will do with great 'wiftne'' and enth%'ia'm+ 3owe=er( he will di'tan*e him'elf and g%ard him'elf again't anything that he per*ei=e' a' being detrimental or de'tr%*ti=e to hi' b%'ine''+ Thi' al'o will be with a great aro%'al of the emotion'+ 6ikewi'e( lo=e of G-d i' the 'o%r*e of the de'ire to f%lfill the "4 po'iti=e *ommandment'( while fear of G-d i' the 'o%r*e of the de'ire to de'i't from tran'gre''ing the ,$/ negati=e *ommandment'+ Thi' le=el i' *alled @8at%ral lo=e and fear of G-dA( and i' a lo=e and fear of the heart+ :8onethele''( thi' i' the lo=e and fear of the animal so"l( a' e.plained abo=e+<

-%:,The fo%rth le=el( whi*h i' higher than the pre=io%' le=el( i' a matter and a'pe*t of the intent and fo*%' of the heart( whi*h i' higher than the *on'*io%' e.*itement of the emotion' of the heart+ The e.planation of thi' i' a' follow'C When oneF' heart be*ome' e.*ited thro%gh hi' Hit#onenut and hi' emotion' are *ompletely aro%'ed( either with great longing( Eoy or bitterne'' et*+( the entire length and breadth of the G-dly matter whi*h he wa' *ontemplating be*ome' 'hortened d%ring the a*t%al emotional re'pon'e+ &%'t an impre''ion of the *ontemplation remain'( a' it relate' to the e.*itement and aro%'al of hi' emotion' only+ The length and breadth of the *ontemplation( re*ede' and be*ome' *on*ealed from *on'*io%'ne''+ 3e i' only left with what i' *alled a @TamtzitA :The final e''ential *on*l%'ion<( whi*h i' the @ThereforeA that follow' the *ontemplation+ The re*ognition of the tr%th of the @thereforeA i' what *a%'e' the e.*itement and aro%'al of hi' heart+ :Thi' i' al'o the e.planation of the =er'e in Gene'i'( @Therefore a man 'hall lea=e hi' father and hi' mother et*A+ We e.plained earlier that @father and motherA refer' to the )ntelle*t%al fa*%ltie' of Chochmah and +inah+ The word @man # %shA refer' to .eir 'n*in( i+e+ the emotion' of the heart+< An e.ample i' one who *ontemplate' how G-d permeate' and @fill'A all world' : emaleh Kol 'lmin<+ When hi' emotion' toward' G-d be*ome aro%'ed thro%gh thi' *ontemplation all that remain' in hi' mind i' the tr%th of the @ThereforeA( in that he realiHe' the tr%th that G-d fill' all world'+ 7n*e he i' aro%'ed emotionally( the entire *ontemplation whi*h pre*eded the @ThereforeA re*ede' from hi' *on'*io%'ne'' and be*ome' *on*ealed+ Thi' le=el i' *alled ochin ,Katnut # @;rain' of Smallne''A+ Thi' mean' that the intelle*t :brain'< be*ome' 'mall and it' light i' *on*ealed+ All that remain' i' the Tamtzit :The final e''ential *on*l%'ion<" mentioned abo=e+ Thi' le=el


-The Knowledge of G-d*ome' abo%t when hi' *ontemplation doe' not rea*h the depth of the *on*ept+ Rather( he only bring' the >i=ine *on*ept *lo'er to the *omprehen'ion of hi' mind by gra'ping it e.ternally thro%gh the allegorie' and e.planation' of hi' tea*her+ The depth of the *on*ept :The Ome) Hamoosa&< remain' *on*ealed+ :8ow( the differen*e between the Tamtzit and the Ome) Hamoosa& may be %nder'tood a' follow'C There are two type' of e''en*e+ The @e''en*e of mintA i' not it' tr%e e''en*e( b%t i' rather what remain' after it ha' been thoro%ghly pro*e''ed %ntil only it' e''ential oil remain'+ Thi' i' the Tamtzit3 )n the 'ame way( the Tamtzit of a *on*ept i' the @ThereforeA( whi*h follow' the thoro%gh pro*e''ing of the *on*ept thro%gh Hit#onenut6 *ontemplation+ )n *ontra't( the tr%e e''en*e of mint i' the 'o%r*e of the mint it'elf+ Thi' i' 'imilar to the Ome) Hamoosa& the a*t%al depth of the *on*ept3 The Ome) Hamoosa& i' the =ery depth and 'o%r*e of the *on*ept it'elf+ 7ne who gra'p' the Ome) Hamoosa&" whi*h i' it' =ery e''en*e and 'o%r*e( ha' a radi*ally different e.perien*e( a' will now be e.plained+< When oneF' e.*itement and aro%'al i' *a%'ed by the a*t%al e''en*e of the wi'dom( the Ome) Hamoosa&( whi*h i' the =ery depth and e''en*e of the *on*ept( the =ery oppo'ite of the abo=e i' tr%e+ )n'tead of the intelle*t re*eding and be*oming @'hortenedA d%ring the aro%'al of the emotion'( it a*t%ally e.pand' d%e to the emotion' of the heart+ The aro%'al of the emotion' doe' not be*ome 'eparated from the intelle*t( a' in the pre=io%' le=el( b%t on the *ontrary( it a*t%ally 'trengthen' the *ontemplation and i' bo%nd %p with the *omprehen'ion+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the =ery depth' of hi' mind( heart and 'o%l are *ompletely in=ol=ed and engro''ed in the matter %nder *ontemplation+ An e.ample of thi' i' that when a per'onF' entire heart and mind are *ompletely in=ol=ed in a per'onal or b%'ine'' matter or the like( hi' entire being be*ome' in=ol=ed and drawn after it+ ;e*a%'e of thi' deep in=ol=ement( 'in*e hi' entire mind( heart and 'o%l are in=ol=ed( the emotion' of the heart are not *on'*io%'ly felt and a*t a' an enhan*ement to the *omprehen'ion( rather than a di'tra*tion+ Thi' le=el i' *alled ochin ,!adlut # @;rain' of 6argene''A+ )n other word'( hi' mental *apa*itie' are a*t%ally enhan*ed by the in=ol=ement and e.*itement in the =ery depth of hi' heart+ :Thi' i' in *ontra't to the e.ternal e.*itement of the emotion' of the pre=io%' le=el'+ Thi' i' an internal e.*itement and in=ol=ement in the =ery depth of the heart+ 3owe=er( thi' i' not to 'ay that the e.ternality of hi' heart i' not al'o e.*ited with great aro%'al+ Rather( it i' not 0ons0io"sl. felt be*a%'e it i' *ompletely ab'orbed and '%blimated to the light of the intelle*t+< Thi' i' the fo%rth le=el of >i=ine 'er=i*e( and i' *alled @)ntelle*t%al 6o=e and ?earA+ 8ow( thi' @)ntelle*t%al lo=e and fearA i' higher than the third le=el *alled @8at%ral lo=e and fearA+ :The differen*e between the two i' the differen*e between one who'e heart be*ome' aro%'ed by the Tamtzit :The final e''ential *on*l%'ion< and one who ha' gra'ped the =ery Ome) Hamoosa& :The depth of *omprehen'ion<+ Another differen*e between @)ntelle*t%al 6o=e and ?earA and @8at%ral 6o=e and ?earA( i' that nat%ral lo=e and fear i' not *on'tant( wherea' the intelle*t%al lo=e and fear i'+ )n the *a'e of nat%ral lo=e and fear( hi' heart be*ome' aro%'ed for a time and he will then fall from it+ 6ater( he may


-The Knowledge of G-dret%rn and be*ome aro%'ed again+ Thi' i' not the *a'e with the intelle*t%al lo=e and fear in whi*h the lo=e and fear are *on'tant and ne=er *ea'e+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that thi' fo%rth le=el of 'er=i*e i' no longer *alled @toilA a' with the pre=io%' le=el'( be*a%'e here the @6ower fire b%rn' witho%t *e''ationA :8ehora TataFa KFari Tadir<+ ?%rthermore( thi' gra'p of the depth of the *on*ept( the Ome) Hamoosa&( i' *alled @gaHing at the pre*io%'ne'' of the KingA :(%sta)la +Yi)ra , al)a<+ :Thi' le=el i' al'o *alled Shalhevet K-ah # The flame of G-d+ 3ere( the name of G-d i' K-ah whi*h i' 'pelled Yud Heh+ The'e two letter'( a' e.plained pre=io%'ly refer to Chochmah and +inah" i+e+ the @fireA of the intelle*t+<

-%:#-8ow( the re'%lt of the fo%rth le=el( mentioned abo=e( i' that one ha' a great longing and yearning to withdraw from the limitation' of hi' body and the world and to tran'*end phy'i*ality by totally merging with G-dline''+ Thi' i' *alled( @Ratzo R%nning toward' G-dA( with an o=erpowering %rge to totally merge and be *on'%med by G-dline''+ :Thi' i' another rea'on why it i' *alled @fireA( 'in*e fire i' *on'%ming+< G-d re'pond' to thi' withdrawal on the part of man below( by withdrawing the Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight< from all le=el' of the *reated world'+ 3owe=er( thi' i' *ontrary to the %ltimate intention of G-dF' %pper de'ire( whi*h i' that there be a dwelling pla*e for G-d below( in thi' world+ ?or thi' rea'on there m%'t be a @ ShoovA - A Ret%rn( after the @RatzoA of r%nning toward' G-d+ Thi' ret%rn *ome' abo%t thro%gh the ne.t le=el of >i=ine 'er=i*e( whi*h i' the re=elation of the Yechidah( the 'ing%lar e''en*e of the 'o%l+ Thi' le=el of the 'o%l i' *ompletely and totally bo%nd %p with G-d and i' indi'ting%i'hable from 3im :a' e.plained in 1art 7ne in regard to the le=el of Yachid<+ When thi' le=el of the 'o%l i' re=ealed( the per'on @'hare'A the 'ame e''ential de'ire :Keter< with G-d :for he i' totally bo%nd with 3im<+ 3e( therefore( likewi'e de'ire' that there be a dwelling pla*e for G-d in thi' world+ G-d re'pond' to the @ ShuvA :Ret%rn< of the Yechidah a' well+ 3e *a%'e' the Ohr Ein Sof :The )nfinite 6ight< to be*ome in=e'ted within all le=el' of the *reated world'( th%' re=ealing G-dline'' in all world'( and th%' f%lfilling the %pper intent and de'ire in Creation+ :Thi' i' the oppo'ite re'%lt of the pre=io%' le=el in whi*h the per'on de'ire' to withdraw from hi' own e.i'ten*e( th%' bringing abo%t the withdrawal of G-dline'' from the *reated world'+< Thi' i' the meaning of the 'tatement in the Mi'hnah( @8%llify yo%r de'ire before 3i' de'ireA+ Thi' le=el i' a p%re e''ential de'ire to f%lfill the will of the Ma'ter of the 9ni=er'e( at all time'( in a re=ealed way+ )n other word'( hi' =ery e''en*e( whi*h i' literally one with G-d( be*ome' re=ealed *on'tantly( and i' not E%'t there in an e.ternal en*ompa''ing way+ An e.ample of thi' i' that when a per'on i' in=ol=ed in 'a=ing hi' own life from death( hi' =ery e''en*e be*ome' re=ealed and hi' entire being be*ome' f%lly in=e'ted in it+ Moreo=er( when thi' happen' he ha' no 'elf-awarene'' at all( b%t i' *ompletely in=e'ted in thi' alone+ 6ikewi'e( on thi' le=el of p%re de'ire( hi' =ery e''en*e( hi' entire being(


-The Knowledge of G-dbe*ome' re=ealed and engro''ed in the 'er=i*e of G-d( and there i' no awarene'' of 'elf what'oe=er+ 7ne who rea*he' thi' le=el doe' not fall from it( for it end%re' fore=er+

-%:##?rom all the abo=e we %nder'tand that there are fi=e general le=el' of the aro%'al of the mind and heart whi*h re'%lt from the Hit#onenut6*ontemplation of G-dline''+ The'e *orre'pond to the fi=e le=el' of the 'o%l( $efesh" Ruach" $eshama" Chayah and Yechidah+ The le=el of $efesh i' the re'ol=e and *ommitment that relate' to a*tion only and i' *alled @Cold Tho%ghtA+ 3ere he a*knowledge' and '%bmit' to the tr%th of the G-dly matter' he ha' learned+ The 'e*ond le=el( Ruach( i' the @Good Tho%ghtA in whi*h he feel' that G-dline'' i' dire*tly rele=ant to him+ ;e*a%'e of thi' there i' a greater =itality to hi' 'er=i*e of G-d than the pre=io%' le=el+ The third le=el( $eshamah( i' the @8at%ral 6o=e and ?ear of G-dA+ Thi' i' when the intelle*t a*t%ally *a%'e' great emotional e.*itement in the heart :b%t only from the Tamtzit # The ?inal E''ential Con*l%'ion<+ Abo%t thi' le=el it i' 'tated( @+inah (i#ah" Oo+a Ha(ev evin # +inah i' the heart( for thro%gh it the heart %nder'tand'A+ The ne.t le=el i' the re=elation of the Chayah+ Thi' i' *alled @)ntelle*t%al 6o=e and ?ear of G-dA+ 3ere hi' entire being i' in=ol=ed and engro''ed in matter' of G-dline'' and the e.*itement of hi' heart e.pand' hi' intelle*t%al *apa*itie'( literally+ Thi' i' when he gra'p' the Ome) Hamoosa& :The >epth of Comprehen'ion< to the point that he de'pi'e' anything 'hort of G-d 3im'elf and yearn' to merge and be *on'%med by G-dline''+ The ne.t le=el i' the re=elation of the Yechidah+ Thi' i' the 'imple e''ential de'ire to f%lfill the will of G-d( whi*h i' *ompletely abo=e the rational intelle*t( for de'ire i' abo=e rea'on( a' i' known+ 7n thi' le=el G-dF' will i' his will+

-%:#$All the abo=e le=el' are le=el' of the nat%ral( animal 'o%l( in that it too m%'t be '%blimated to G-d+ Thi' i' *alled( @7ne who 'er=e' G-d with hi' bodyA( a' *ompared to @7ne who 'er=e' G-d with hi' 'o%lA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the >i=ine 'o%l i' literally a G-dly for*e( 'in*e that i' it' =ery nat%re+ Moreo=er( all the fi=e le=el' of the >i=ine 'o%l are in a *on'tant 'tate of >i=ine aro%'al( whi*h i' not related to phy'i*al aro%'al at all+ )n *ontra't( the abo=e mentioned le=el' are le=el' of the phy'i*al aro%'al of the animal 'o%l( whi*h i' phy'i*al+ Altho%gh it i' *a%'ed by G-dly *ontemplation( the a*ti=ation of the emotion' and aro%'al of the animal 'o%l i' not the re'%lt of a*t%al G-dline''+ Rather( the emotion' are *ompletely phy'i*al in nat%re+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the animal 'o%l i' phy'i*al+ )n *ontra't( by nat%re( the >i=ine 'o%l i' a G-dly being+ Therefore it' aro%'al i' not phy'i*al at all+ 8onethele''( it too may be in=e'ted in the phy'i*al brain and heart to 'pread forth and radiate within them+ Thi' too i' on fi=e le=el'+ 3owe=er( before we e.plain the fi=e le=el' of aro%'al whi*h 'tem from the >i=ine 'o%l( we m%'t fir't *learly %nder'tand the differen*e between the >i=ine 'o%l and the animal 'o%l+


-The Knowledge of G-d:Clearly( the %ltimate p%rpo'e i' the aro%'al and re=elation of the >i=ine 'o%l+ 3owe=er( thi' i' not to 'ay that the aro%'al of the animal 'o%l i' not important+ A' mentioned earlier( one who ha' aro%'ed hi' animal 'o%l with lo=e and fear of G-d( i' *ertainly on the *orre*t path( and i' f%lfilling the =er'e @with all yo%r heartA+ 8onethele''( the a*t%al %nifi*ation and *lea=ing to G-d and the re=elation of G-dline'' in oneF' heart *ome' abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally from the >i=ine 'o%l+< )n order to %nder'tand the differen*e between the >i=ine 'o%l and the animal 'o%l( we m%'t note a *learly ob'er=able phenomenon+ )t i' ob'er=able that when a &ew hear' *on*ept' of G-dline'' :i+e+ Cha''id%'<( hi' intelle*t be*ome' greatly aro%'ed by it+ Thi' effe*t i' not merely be*a%'e of the depth of the *on*ept'( for there are many *on*ept' and field' of 't%dy whi*h are deep and broad+ ?%rthermore( we *learly ob'er=e that 'ome will be*ome more aro%'ed %pon hearing the =ery 'ame tea*hing' of Cha''id%' than other'+ :Thi' i' to 'ay that 'ome will a0t"all. be*ome aro%'ed while other' will 'imply be for*ed to a*knowledge the tr%th of Cha''id%'+ 3owe=er( it will not ne*e''arily affe*t them per'onally+< 8ow at fir't glan*e( it *o%ld be 'aid that one per'on ha' in=e'ted him'elf to a greater degree into the 't%dy of Cha''id%'( p%tting greater effort into it( th%' reaping greater re'%lt'( while the other ha' not+ 3owe=er( in tr%th( thi' i' not 'o( for it i' po''ible that a per'on *o%ld toil in the 'er=i*e of the mind and heart and ha=e the fear of G-d embedded in hi' heart( and yet not ha=e a @talentA for Cha''id%'+ :Thi' matter i' *lear to all tho'e who ha=e toiled and fa*ed thi' *hallenge in their >i=ine 'er=i*e+< 8ow( if thi' i' the *a'e( it *annot be 'aid that Cha''id%' i' 'olely dependant on toil+ Rather( thi' *ome' from the G-dly power of hi' >i=ine 'o%l( who'e e.*itement i' a G-dly e.*itement+ Thi' mean' that hi' >i=ine 'o%l be*ome' aro%'ed 'pe*ifi*ally by the G-dline'' in=e'ted in the *on*ept+ Therefore( when he hear' a G-dly *on*ept of Cha''id%'( hi' >i=ine 'o%l be*ome' aro%'ed by the G-dline'' in=e'ted in it+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the Yechidah le=el of hi' 'o%l i' *ompletely G-dly and bo%nd to G-d+ )t( therefore( i' drawn o%t and 'hine' forth when he hear' the word' of the li=ing G-d( i+e+ Cha''id%'+ :Thi' e.plain' why he i' aro%'ed 'pe*ifi*ally by Cha''id%' a' oppo'ed to m%ndane matter' or *on*ept'+< 3owe=er( there are =ario%' degree' of aro%'al depending on how the light of the Yechidah be*ome' in=e'ted within the lower le=el' of the 'o%l : $efesh" Ruach and $eshamah<+ Some people will ha=e a *ertain le=el of >i=ine e.*itement be*a%'e only their $efesh i' in a re=ealed 'tate and the Yechidah i' in=e'ted within it+ 7ther' will ha=e a greater degree of >i=ine e.*itement be*a%'e their Ruach i' in a re=ealed 'tate and the Yechidah i' in=e'ted within it+ Thi' i' be*a%'e here( the Yechidah 'hine' thro%gh a higher( more refined garment+ Therefore there i' a greater degree of re=elation+ :Thi' e.plain' why two people who ha=e learned and *omprehended the =ery 'ame *on*ept will ha=e different degree' of aro%'al+ Thi' i' be*a%'e of the =ario%' degree' of re=elation depending on the different 'o%r*e' of their 'o%l'+ Someone who ha' a $eshamah from the world of +riyah" for in'tan*e( will ha=e a m%*h greater aro%'al and re=elation than 'omeone who ha' a $efesh from the world of 'siyah+ Thi' i' tr%e e=en if the one who ha' a $eshamah from +riyah ha' not de=eloped hi' intelle*t to the 'ame degree a' the one who ha' a $efesh from 'siyah+<


-The Knowledge of G-d-

6et %' now %nder'tand the differen*e between the aro%'al of the >i=ine 'o%l and the aro%'al of the animal 'o%l+ The main differen*e i' a' follow'C Altho%gh the >i=ine 'o%l i' aro%'ed thro%gh *omprehen'ion too( nonethele''( it' aro%'al *ome' abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally be*a%'e of the G-dline'' in=e'ted in the *omprehen'ion( rather than the *omprehen'ion it'elf+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the >i=ine 'o%l gra'p' the G-dline'' it'elf+ 3owe=er( 'in*e it i' not at all *omparable to the >i=ine 'o%l( the animal 'o%l i' aro%'ed mainly thro%gh tangible( *on*rete *omprehen'ion+ E=en tho%gh the animal 'o%l too be*ome' aro%'ed from the G-dline'' of the *omprehen'ion( :for we 'ee that he wo%ld not be*ome e.*ited from other m%ndane *on*ept' or matter'< nonethele''( thi' aro%'al i' not the re'%lt of the G-dline'' it'elf+ Rather( it *ome' thro%gh the @garment'A of e.planation' and *omprehen'ion' whi*h *on*eal the e''ential G-dly light it'elf+ Thi' i' *alled the garment of $o&ah" a' e.plained in 1art 7ne+ The rea'on the animal 'o%l *an only a**e'' G-dline'' thro%gh the garment of $o&ah and not thro%gh the e''ential light of G-dline''( i' be*a%'e the 'o%r*e of the animal 'o%l i' $o&ah+ :Thi' i' to 'ay that it' 'o%r*e i' from the e.ternal garment'( in *ontra't to the >i=ine 'o%l who'e 'o%r*e i' the e''ential light of G-d+< ?%rthermore( the garment of $o&ah" whi*h i' the 'o%r*e of the animal 'o%l( i' made %p of an admi.t%re of good and e=il+ :A' e.plained in 1art 7ne the @allegoryA or garment of the Chashmal *an be either *on*ealing or re=ealing+ ?%rthermore( the allegory bring' o%t the *on*ept in the way of @'omethingne''A+ Thi' 'omethingne'' i' the 'o%r*e of e=il+ )t i' for thi' rea'on that anything whi*h ha' it' 'o%r*e in $o&ah may be %tiliHed for either good or e=il+ ?or e.ample( the 'o%l' of tr%e *on=ert' to &%dai'm ha=e their 'o%r*e in $o&ah+ ;e*a%'e of thi' they are drawn to &%dai'm and may *on=ert( th%' entering the domain of the holy+ 7n the other hand( 'in*e they ha=e free *hoi*e( they are not *ompelled by their nat%re to do 'o and may *hoo'e to 'tay in the domain of the %nholy+< A' e.plained( it i' the @'omethingne''A of the *omprehen'ion of >i=ine *on*ept' that the animal 'o%l adhere' to and be*ome' aro%'ed by+ )n *ontra't( the >i=ine 'o%l re*ei=e' and be*ome' aro%'ed by the @nothingne''A of the *on*ept( i+e+ by the G-dline'' in it+ )n order to %nder'tand the e''ential differen*e between the e.*itement of the >i=ine 'o%l and the e.*itement of the animal 'o%l( we m%'t fir't e.plain another phenomenon+ )t i' po''ible for two people to hear and *omprehend the 'ame G-dly *on*ept and ha=e totally different rea*tion' to it+ 7ne per'on may be aro%'ed by the great e.pan'i=ene'' of hi' tea*herF' e.planation'+ Thi' i' to 'ay that hi' e.*itement *ome' in rea*tion to the breadth and length of the e.planation'+ ;e*a%'e of thi' hi' aro%'al *ome' only after he re*ei=e' the e.planation'+ 7n the other hand( another per'on may be*ome aro%'ed immediately from the G-dline'' of the *on*ept+ ;e*a%'e he i' 'en'iti=e to the e''ential G-dly light in=e'ted within it( :whi*h in*l%de' the entire *on*ept<( he will be able to bring o%t the entire e.planation him'elf( e=en before he hear' it all+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he *onne*t' to the inner G-dly intention of the tea*herF' word'+ 3e gra'p' the inner e''ential G-dline'' of the *on*ept+ A' a re'%lt( the length( breadth and depth of the e.planation *ome a%tomati*ally into hi' mind+


-The Knowledge of G-d:8ow( 'ome may del%de them'el=e' to belie=e that they do not ha=e the e.pan'ion of the length( breadth and depth of the *on*ept be*a%'e 'in*e they are aro%'ed by the inner e''ential G-dline''( they e.perien*e a >i=ine aro%'al whi*h i' abo=e gra'p and *omprehen'ion+ 3owe=er( a*t%ally( thi' i' not G-dly e.*itement at all( b%t rather fal'e del%'ion' that *ome from the power of their imagination+ They del%de them'el=e' to think that they e.perien*e that whi*h i' beyond *omprehen'ion+ A*t%ally( they fall into one of the abo=e mentioned *ategorie' of people who are '%ffering from fal'e imagination' and del%'ion'+ 8ot only i' their e.perien*e not @abo=eA *omprehen'ion( it i' below it+ Thi' will be e.plained later+< The ga%ge for knowing if he i' ha=ing tr%e G-dly e.*itement i' if he i' analyHing and *larifying all the detail' of the e.planation( all the parti*%lar' of the @thereforeA( and i' del=ing e=er deeper into the depth of the *on*ept :Ome) Hamoosa&< whi*h ari'e' from all the detail' of the e.planation' and allegorie'+ )t i' 'pe*ifi*ally from thi' that he will *ome to the length( width and depth of %nder'tanding one thing from another( with a great breadth( more than do%ble and I%adr%ple the information gi=en to him by hi' tea*her or whi*h he learned from book'+ :Thi' i' be*a%'e he ha' gra'ped the =ery e''en*e and G-dline'' of the *on*ept it'elf # the Ome) Hamoosa&( and ha' toiled to pl%mb it' depth'( whi*h bring' abo%t new in'ight' from the heyulie 'tate into tangible re=elation+< )n *ontra't( for the fir't per'on( who only gra'p' the e.ternal e.planation'( witho%t the inner heyulie e''en*e and G-dline''( the *on*ept' remain a' they are in hi' mind+ 3e will not e.perien*e an e.plo'ion of in'ight and %nder'tanding of greater and greater depth' into the *on*ept+ Rather( he will remain with the e.ternal e.planation' a' they were gi=en to him+ Moreo=er( the'e e.planation' will not be @ali=eA for him and will therefore be*ome abbre=iated in hi' mind+ 3e will only remember bit' and pie*e' or only the @main point'A( b%t will forget the entire length and breadth of the e.planation'+ After 'ome time he may e=en *ome to forget thi' a' well+ E=en what he doe' remember( will only be in a *ompletely e.ternal way+ E=en if he doe' remember the general e.planation( be*a%'e he ha' re=iewed it many time'( it( nonethele''( will be lifele'' and de=oid of G-dline''+ 3e will remember it in the 'ame way he remember' other m%ndane matter' of the world+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he ha' not felt the G-dly light and =itality in=e'ted in the *on*ept at all+ :8ow( there are tho'e who err and be*ome e.*ited by the @thereforeA of the *on*ept+ They mi'takenly belie=e that they ha=e already gra'ped the a*t%al G-dline'' of the *on*ept+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( they reEe*t the f%ll e.planation of the *on*ept and *annot bear to hear it+ Thi' too i' a gra=e error for they ha=e not gra'ped the e''ential G-dline'' at all+ Rather( thi' e.*itement *ome' abo%t from the nat%re embedded in the >i=ine 'o%l of e=ery &ew( to be*ome aro%'ed by matter' of G-dline''( e=en witho%t rea'on+ Thi' *ome' from the lowe't le=el of the lowe't le=el of the >i=ine 'o%l :the $efesh< a' will be e.plained 'hortly+< 8ow( the a*t%al 'en'iti=ity and feeling for the G-dline'' of the *on*ept( i' a 'en'iti=ity to the Chassidus of the *on*ept+ )n other word'( thi' i' the e''ential heyulie of the Ome) Hamoosa& :The e''ential depth of the *on*ept<+ Thi' i' the =ery e''en*e of the *on*ept


-The Knowledge of G-dfrom whi*h all the e.planation' are born+ )t i' analogo%' to the e''en*e of a be=erage( for e.ample+ ?rom thi' 'mall I%antity of e''en*e many drink' may be prepared+ Thi' i' *alled the @'imple matter :Chomer /ashoot< or heyulie matter+ Thi' a'pe*t of the @depth of the *on*eptA wa' e.plained earlier in the e.planation of the Ome) Hamoosa& :The e''ential depth of the *on*ept<+ ?%rthermore( there *an be different le=el' of depth'( a' mentioned before( 'o that one per'on may gra'p a @'hallowA depth and ha=e a *ertain le=el of gra'p and re=elation( while another per'on may ha=e a gra'p on an entirely different le=el of depth+ A per'on may e=en rea*h into the greate't of depth'( the Ome) Rom :The >epth of the 3eight'<+ S%*h a per'on will ha=e f%ll awarene'' of G-dline''+ Thi' i' the le=el of a tr%e Tzaddi)+ :)n other word'( not only ha' he atta*hed hi' @ri=erA to the @'pringA( b%t to the =ery @aI%iferA it'elf+ 3e i'( therefore( *apable of drawing from there+< Thi' gra'p of the G-dline'' of the *on*ept i' *alled the @'en'e of the ChassidusA :Choosh HaChassidus<+ :)t m%'t be f%rther pointed o%t that the @ ChassidusA of the *on*ept e.i't' in e=ery field and le=el of Torah( e=en in the re=ealed le=el' of Torah+ ?%rthermore( it i' the =ery e''en*e of all e.i'ten*e+ 3owe=er( 'in*e it i' more readily re=ealed and a=ailable in 'ome matter' of Torah than in other'( the beginner 'ho%ld 'ti*k to the e.planation' of the 7rder of Creation :Seder Hishtalshelut<( whi*h *on'tit%te the %nderpinning' of all e.i'ten*e+ )f he doe' thi'( and *ontemplate' them to %nder'tand their depth( the G-dline'' of other area' of Torah will a"tomati0all. be*ome apparent+< The 'ign for whether or not a per'on ha' gra'ped the G-dline'' of the *on*ept i' if all the detail' of hi' %nder'tanding of it are drawn to one general point and all the parti*%lar' %nify in thi' one e''ential point+ :Thi' i' the a'pe*t of Tr%th( in whi*h the beginning middle and end are all bo%nd %p with ea*h other( a' e.plained in 1art 7ne+< Another 'ign for thi' i' if thro%gh hi' gra'p of the'e tea*hing' he %nder'tand' deep and hidden matter'( '%*h a' ha=ing deep in'ight' in Torah( the hidden rea'on' for the *ommandment'( or the profo%nd meaning' of the holy word' of the prayer'+ Thi' i' a 'ign that he i' aware of the G-dly a'pe*t of the *on*ept( whi*h i' the Chassidus of the *on*ept( a' the 'age' 'tated that( @3e who learn' Torah (ishmah :Selfle''ly( for it' own 'ake<( merit' many thing' and be*ome' like an o=erflowing 'pringA+ Thi' i' be*a%'e thro%gh learning Torah (ishmah( the )nfinite 6ight in=e'ted in the Torah 'hine' forth+ )n *ontra't( one who doe' not learn Torah (ishmah only gra'p' the e.ternal e.planation' them'el=e'( rather than the G-dly light in=e'ted in them+ 3i' *omprehen'ion i' therefore limited+ Thi' i' analogo%' to a ri=er whi*h i' *onne*ted to the 'pring( a' oppo'ed to a ri=er whi*h i' not+ The one whi*h i' *onne*ted will alway' ha=e fre'h water drawn into it+ )n *ontra't( the ri=er whi*h i' di'*onne*ted will be*ome par*hed and dry+ 6ikewi'e( the awarene'' of the G-dline'' of the Torah i' 'imilar to a ri=er whi*h i' *onne*ted to the 'pring+ )t will ne=er dry %p+ 7n the *ontrary there will alway' be a *on'tant flow of new li=ing water'+ ?rom the abo=e( we %nder'tand the =a't differen*e between the e.*itement that *ome' abo%t from the e.planation of the *on*ept a' oppo'ed to the e.*itement whi*h *ome' abo%t from the G-dline'' in=e'ted in it+ 6ikewi'e( there i' a =a't differen*e between the


-The Knowledge of G-daro%'al of the >i=ine 'o%l a' oppo'ed to the e.*itement of the animal 'o%l+ 3owe=er( the e.*itement and *omprehen'ion of the animal 'o%l i' a @garmentA for the e.*itement of the >i=ine 'o%l( and *o=er' and *on*eal' it+ So too( the de'ire and plea'%re of the animal 'o%l :when properly aligned with G-dline'' thro%gh the abo=e mentioned fi=e le=el'< i' a @garmentA for the de'ire and plea'%re of the >i=ine 'o%l+ :3owe=er( the differen*e between them i' like the differen*e between the phy'i*al plea'%re of *omprehending a phy'i*al phenomenon and the plea'%re of the 'o%l' in !an Eden :Spirit%al 1aradi'e<+ 7f *o%r'e( there i' no *ompari'on between the two+ The main rea'on for thi' i' that the 'o%r*e of the >i=ine 'o%l i' in the @6ight'A : Orot<( wherea' the 'o%r*e of the animal 'o%l i' in the e.ternal 'hell' : Keli*ot<+ Therefore( the animal 'o%l *an only a**e'' di=inity thro%gh a ashach :A '*reen< a' e.plained in 1art 7ne+ )n *ontra't( the >i=ine 'o%l a**e''e' G-dline'' dire*tly+ 8onethele''( all ten power' of the >i=ine 'o%l be*ome in=e'ted within the ten power' of the animal 'o%l+ Thi' i' to 'ay that the plea'%re of the >i=ine 'o%l be*ome' in=e'ted in the plea'%re of the animal 'o%l( the de'ire of the >i=ine 'o%l be*ome' in=e'ted in the de'ire of the animal 'o%l( the intelle*t in the intelle*t and the emotion' in the emotion' et*+ Therefore( the +inah of the >i=ine 'o%l i' in=e'ted in the *omprehen'ion of the nat%ral animal 'o%l :The +inah of the animal 'o%l<+ Thi' being the *a'e( in the e.*itement and aro%'al of the animal 'o%l thro%gh >i=ine *ontemplation and *omprehen'ion( i' in=e'ted the e.*itement of the >i=ine 'o%l from it' +inah+ 3owe=er a' e.plained before( the differen*e between them i' like the differen*e between the light of the ray of G-dline'' it'elf and the light a' it i' 'een thro%gh a asach :S*reen<+ 8onethele''( from the abo=e it i' apparent that the phy'i*al and tangible *omprehen'ion of the animal 'o%l bring' re=elation to the >i=ine 'o%l and that they are literally intertwined and interdependent+ Therefore( the '%blimation of oneF' 'elf to the G-dly @nothingne''A will( literally( be *ommen'%rate to hi' *omprehen'ion and %nder'tanding in a way of @'omethingne''A+ )f he i' mi''ing the one( it i' a 'ign that he i' mi''ing the other a' well+ )n other word'( if he @*omprehend'A b%t ha' a la*king in hi' '%blimation to G-d( thi' i' a *lear 'ign that he i' la*king in *omprehen'ion a' well and that he ha' not tr%ly gra'ped anything at all+ The oppo'ite i' al'o tr%e( if he doe' not ha=e the *omprehen'ion b%t @feel'A that he i' '%blimated to G-d( he i' del%ding him'elf and he ha' real no '%blimation to G-d at all+ 7nly when there i' tr%e *omprehen'ion on the part of the animal 'o%l :in the manner e.plained abo=e( to the =ery e''en*e of the *on*ept thro%gh deep *ontemplation and 't%dy<( *an there be a re=elation of the tr%e '%blimation of the G-dly 'o%l to itF' 'o%r*e in G-d( a' well+ ;e*a%'e the two are interdependent( the one *annot be fo%nd witho%t the other+ ?rom the abo=e we %nder'tand that the e.*itement of the >i=ine 'o%l i' beyond *ompari'on to the e.*itement of the *omprehen'ion of the animal 'o%l+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the nat%re of the >i=ine 'o%l i' that it i' literally a G-dly and 'pirit%al being+ The e.*itement of the animal 'o%l i' *ompletely phy'i*al by nat%re( wherea' the e.*itement of the >i=ine 'o%l( i' 'pirit%al and >i=ine+ The animal 'o%l be*ome' aro%'ed by phy'i*al


-The Knowledge of G-dmatter' be*a%'e it( it'elf( i' phy'i*al+ 7n the other hand( the >i=ine 'o%l be*ome' e.*ited from matter' of G-dline''( be*a%'e that i' it' 'o%r*e+ E=ery a'pe*t of the >i=ine 'o%l i' only 'pirit%al by nat%re+ Therefore( the >i=ine 'o%l *ertainly take' no plea'%re from the phy'i*al matter' of thi' world and i' totally remo=ed from them+ :Similarly( it i' =ery diffi*%lt for the animal 'o%l to be*ome aro%'ed regarding matter' of G-dline''+ )t reI%ire' great toil and effort+ A*t%ally( the only rea'on it i' po''ible for the animal 'o%l to be aro%'ed in matter' of G-dline'' at all( i' be*a%'e it i' deri=ed from Keli*at $o&ah :The 'hining 'hell< whi*h ha' 'ome good :G-dline''< in it( a' e.plained in 1art 7ne+< We 'ee that there i' a =a't differen*e between the aro%'al of the >i=ine 'o%l and the animal 'o%l+ :A' e.plained abo=e( the >i=ine 'o%l i' in=e'ted within the animal 'o%l like a garment+ A*t%ally( the only rea'on the'e two oppo'ite' *an relate to ea*h other altogether i' be*a%'e G-d de'ire' it+ ;y nat%re they are in*ompatible+ The only rea'on the >i=ine 'o%l i' in=e'ted within the animal i' to p%rify and %plift it+<

-%:#%?rom the abo=e it i' *lear that there are three general le=el' of *omprehen'ion of G-dline'' and that there are three way' of e.*itement and aro%'al whi*h re'%lt from *omprehen'ionC -< The fir't le=el i' when a per'on be*ome' aro%'ed and e.*ited by the greatne'' of the e.planation+ Altho%gh he i' aro%'ed from the G-dline'' =e'ted in the *omprehen'ion( it( nonethele''( *ome' abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh the light of the G-dly *on*ept a' it 'hine' thro%gh the e.planation+ 3e *annot be*ome aro%'ed by the e''ential G-dline'' of the *on*ept before he hear' the entire e.planation+ The aro%'al *ome' mainly from the e.planation it'elf+ 3e only be*ome' aro%'ed when he realiHe' the @ThereforeA after re*ei=ing the entire e.planation and only e.perien*e' the G-dline'' thro%gh the e.planation+ < The 'e*ond le=el i' when he be*ome' aro%'ed by the e''ential G-dline'' of the *on*ept it'elf+ Sin*e thi' i' the 'o%r*e of hi' aro%'al( a' 'oon a' he hear' and @'en'e'A the G-dline'' of the matter( e=en before he re*ei=e' the entire length and breadth of the e.planation( he will be*ome aro%'ed+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he 'ee' and gra'p' the tr%th and e''ential G-dline'' of the *on*ept( how it i' in e''en*e( E%'t by hearing the 'hort introd%*tory remark'+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( he will be able to e.po%nd on it with great breadth and length( of hi' own a**ord+ ,< The third le=el i' an e=en higher le=el+ )n the 'e*ond le=el he gra'p' the G-dline'' a' it i' in=e'ted and th%' limited within the brief word' of hi' tea*her :before the length of the whole e.planation<+ 3owe=er( in thi' third le=el( be*a%'e he *an 'ee the e''ential G-dline''( a' it i'( e=en before being in=e'ted and limited in word'( he *an 'ee the =ery e''en*e of the matter+ 3e i'( therefore( able to bring o%t new in'ight' witho%t limit+ 3e ha' gra'ped the heyulie e''en*e( the =ery G-dline'' it'elf( before it take' on any limitation' what'oe=er+< 3owe=er( the pre=io%' le=el and thi' le=el are generally interdependent+ Thi' i' be*a%'e when one gra'p' the e''en*e of the *on*ept a' it i'


-The Knowledge of G-dlimited in the e''ential point of the *on*ept :a' in the pre=io%' le=el<( he will *ome to 'ee the e''en*e of the G-dly matter it'elf( a' it i' in it' %nlimited heyulie 'tate+ ;e*a%'e of thi' he will be *apable of bringing o%t the f%ll e.planation+ :The differen*e between the'e two le=el' i' like the differen*e between a Chacham and a $avon3 Thi' wa' e.plained in 1art Two in regard to( @;e %nder'tanding with wi'dom and wi'e in %nder'tandingA+<

-%:#&-< The fir't le=el of e.*itement i' the aro%'al of the >i=ine 'o%l a' it i' in=e'ted within the animal 'o%l+ Thi' i' *alled the @e.ternal manA of the @Tzelem 'dam :The form of manA<+ Thi' aro%'al of the >i=ine 'o%l *a%'e' an e.*itement of the animal 'o%l too( and *orre'pond' to the fir't general le=el of the aro%'al of the animal 'o%l( a' mentioned abo=e( in whi*h a per'on be*ome' aro%'ed by the G-dline'' =e'ted in the length of the e.planation of the *reation of all the world' from the G-dly @nothingne''A( whi*h bring' them into e.i'ten*e :a' e.plained in 1art 7ne<+ The more he del=e' and *ontemplate' into the parti*%lar' of thi' matter( the more he be*ome' aro%'ed+ 8onethele''( he doe' not 'en'e and feel the e''en*e of the *reated+ < The 'e*ond le=el of e.*itement i' the e.*itement of the >i=ine 'o%l it'elf( a' it 'pread' forth into the body+ Thi' mean' to 'ay that %nlike the abo=e le=el( it i' a ray of the >i=ine 'o%l it'elf whi*h doe' not be*ome in=e'ted in the body( b%t 'hine' forth( a' it i'+ Thi' i' *alled the @intermediary manA of the Tzelem+ Thi' aro%'al *ome' abo%t be*a%'e he 'ee' the e''en*e of the G-dly light whi*h i' in=e'ted in the general point of the *on*ept( and *orre'pond' to the 'e*ond general le=el of the aro%'al of the animal 'o%l( a' e.plained abo=e+ Thi' mean' that he 'ee' the e''en*e of the G-dly light whi*h bring' abo%t the entire *haining down of the world'( in hi' mindF' eye+ Thi' le=el be*ome' re=ealed after he ha' gra'ped the entire order of *reation : Seder Hishtalshelut< in a way of *omprehen'ion( with all of it' detail'( and when they are all fo*%'ed on one general intent and point+ )t i' then that the e''ential tr%th of the heyulie nothingne'' of the *reated be*ome' re=ealed+ Tho'e who ha=e attained the'e two le=el' are *alled( @tho'e who 'er=e G-d with their bodie'A+ ,< The third le=el of e.*itement i' the e''ential aro%'al and e.*itement of the >i=ine 'o%l it'elf( a' it be*ome' re=ealed+ :Thi' mean' the whole of the >i=ine 'o%l( not E%'t a ray from it+< Thi' *ome' abo%t when he gra'p' and 'ee' the a'pe*t of the tr%e nothingne'' it'elf+ )n other word'( the *reated @nothingne''A be*ome' *ompletely n%llified and '%blimated to the Creator( who i' the @Tr%e SomethingA+ Thi' bring' abo%t a limitle'' aro%'al and e.*itement of the 'o%l that *ea'ele''ly ri'e' from le=el to le=el :A' e.plained abo=e( that he e.perien*e' new in'ight' *ea'ele''ly<+ ?%rthermore( 'in*e thi' aro%'al i' e''ential( hi' entire being( not E%'t a portion of hi' 'o%l( be*ome' aro%'ed toward' G-d( who i' the @Tr%e SomethingA+ Thi' *a%'e' hi' animal 'o%l to al'o be *ompletely mo=ed and aro%'ed( to the point that he no longer ha' any *onne*tion to matter' of thi' world+ 3e i' drawn after G-d with @ Dll hi' heartA+ Tho'e who ha=e attained thi' le=el are *alled @tho'e who 'er=e G-d with their 'o%l'A+ Thi' le=el i' the %ltimate intent of the 't%dy of Chassidus( and it' entire methodology+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

-%:#'We will now e.plain the =ario%' le=el' of the >i=ine 'o%l+ The lowe't le=el of the >i=ine 'o%l i' 'imilar to the le=el mentioned earlier in the animal 'o%l of one who doe' not a*t%ally de'ire G-dline'' b%t rather de'ire' plea'%re+ 6ikewi'e( in the >i=ine 'o%l there i' a le=el whi*h i' not *on'idered to a*t%ally be part of the fi=e le=el' of the 'o%l( b%t i'( rather( the lowe't le=el of the lowe't le=el of the >i=ine 'o%l+ Thi' i' *alled $efesh of $efesh( or @Katnut ,$efesh :The )mmat%re 'tate of $efesh<+ 6et %' now %nder'tand what e.a*tly thi' le=el i'+ Certainly( the f%lfillment of the "4 po'iti=e and ,$/ negati=e *ommandment' i' dependant on free *hoi*e+ Thi' i' the *a'e for e=ery &ew( whether he i' on the highe't or the lowe't of 'pirit%al le=el'+ Moreo=er( the *hoi*e' he make' depend on hi' le=el of >i=ine 'er=i*e( i+e+ whether he ha' aro%'ed a le=el of lo=e and fear of G-d within him'elf or not+ 3owe=er( regardle'' of hi' 'pirit%al attainment or la*k thereof( e=ery &ew i' drawn to de'i't from the negati=e *ommandment' and to f%lfill the po'iti=e *ommandment'( by the =ery nat%re of hi' >i=ine 'o%l+ )n thi' all &ew' are eI%al+ Thi' mean' that by nat%re a &ew doe' not wi'h to =iolate Sabbath ob'er=an*e( to engage in idolatry( or to *ommit 'e=ere tran'gre''ion' '%*h a' m%rder( ad%ltery( in*e't and the like( G-d forbid+ 6ikewi'e( in regard to the po'iti=e *ommandment' '%*h a' eating atzah on 1a''o=er( performing the *ommandment' of Teffilin and Tzitzit et*+( e=en the 'imple't &ew' who la*k all knowledge in Torah ha=e a nat%ral di'po'ition and in*lination to do them( witho%t any prior tho%ght or *ontemplation+ The rea'on a &ew i' drawn to the itzvot :Commandment'< i'( 'pe*ifi*ally( be*a%'e of hi' e''ential &ewi'hne'' :The >i=ine 'o%l<+ 8ow( tho%gh there may be many who take lenien*ie' when it *ome' to f%lfilling of the po'iti=e *ommandment'( thi' i' only be*a%'e of the e=il in their animal 'o%l' whi*h o=erpower' the nat%re of the >i=ine 'o%l+ 3owe=er( the nat%re of the >i=ine 'o%l i' the diametri* oppo'ite of the animal 'o%l+ &%'t a' the animal 'o%l i' drawn to phy'i*al plea'%re( 'o i' the >i=ine 'o%l drawn to f%lfill the *ommandment' of G-d+ ;e*a%'e G-dline'' i' it' plea'%re( the >i=ine 'o%l dete't' e=il( whi*h i' the antithe'i' of G-dline''+ 8ow( when a per'on i' nat"rall. dete't' e=il and i' drawn to matter' of G-dline''( as the. relate to a0tion( thi' i' the lowe't le=el of the lowe't le=el of the >i=ine 'o%l+ A*t%ally( thi' le=el i' not a*t%ally *on'idered to be part of >i=ine 'er=i*e at all+ 3owe=er( in thi' generation it i' =ery rare to e=en find a per'on who ha' thi' le=el of the >i=ine 'o%l re=ealed+ )f there i' anyone who i' 'imilar to thi' at all( it i' only a tiny ray or 'park of thi' le=el whi*h i' re=ealed in him+ :)n other word'( in o%r generation it i' almo't impo''ible to find an indi=id%al who ). nat"re dete't' the phy'i*al plea'%re' of thi' world and i' nat"rall. drawn to f%lfill the *ommandment'+ 8onethele''( in e=ery &ew( e=en in o%r generation( there i' 'till a 'park of a 'park of a 'park of the >i=ine 'o%l+ 3owe=er( thi' 'park doe' not ne*e''arily e=en draw a per'on to f%lfill the *ommandment'+ All that it doe' i' keep him from di=e'ting him'elf of hi' @&ewi'hne''A altogether and *on=erting to another religion( G-d forbid+


-The Knowledge of G-d-

Thi' may be ob'er=ed in the Reformed or Con'er=ati=e &ew'( and all other 'o *alled( @form' of &%dai'mA being e'po%'ed today+ There i' not e=en an o%n*e of Tr%th or G-dline'' in their @religionA+ The entire @religionA only re=ol=e' aro%nd their own per'onal @*omfort le=el'A and de'ire'( and ha' nothing at all to do with G-d+ 8e=erthele''( tho%gh their @ReligionA ha' nothing at all to do with tr%e &%dai'm a' defined by G-d in 3i' Torah( they 'till feel an inner need to identify them'el=e' a' &ew'+ Why i' thi' 'oG )t i' only be*a%'e of their inner e''ential nat%re( that tiny 'park of a 'park of the >i=ine 'o%l whi*h remain' within them+

-%:#(-< The fir't le=el( the $efesh of the >i=ine 'o%l( i' the nat%ral p%ll and lo=e for the *ommandment' of G-d( and the nat%ral di'dain for e=il and any brea*h of the negati=e *ommandment'+ Thi' le=el of the >i=ine 'o%l i' in=e'ted within the fir't le=el of aro%'al of the animal 'o%l( *alled @*old tho%ghtA( whi*h( a' e.plained abo=e( i' the tho%ght to de'i't from e=il and to f%lfill the *ommandment'( b%t only in relation to a*tion+ < The 'e*ond more internal le=el( i' the Ruach of the >i=ine 'o%l+ Thi' le=el *orre'pond' to the 'e*ond le=el of the animal 'o%l( whi*h i' the e.*itement and aro%'al of a @good tho%ghtA+ ;e*a%'e there i' a per'onal in=ol=ement and atta*hment of the >i=ine 'o%l to it' ?ather in 3ea=en he de'ire' to f%lfill the *ommandment'+ 3ere( hi' intent i' not merely to f%lfill the itzvot in a*tion( b%t to *ome *lo'e to hi' ?ather in 3ea=en( in the manner that a 'mall *hild follow' hi' father and ne=er want' to be 'eparated from him+ :Thi' le=el *an be 'een in *on=ert' and ret%rnee' who are per'onally @mo=edA from their @pla*eA of e=il by a great longing and de'ire to *ome *lo'e to G-d+ Thi' i' what moti=ate' them to begin f%lfilling the *ommandment' or *on=ert to &%dai'm+< ,< The third le=el( whi*h i' higher then the pre=io%' two( i' the e''ential aro%'al of the a'pe*t of the $eshamah of the >i=ine 'o%l+ Thi' i' *orre'pond' the third le=el of the animal 'o%l( mentioned abo=e( in whi*h hi' heart of fle'h a*t%ally be*ome' aro%'ed in a felt way( with great pa''ion and de'ire for G-dline''+ )n the >i=ine 'o%l( thi' i' the e''ential aro%'al of the heart of fle'h thro%gh the gra'p of the G-dline'' itself( whi*h i' in=e'ted in the *omprehen'ion of the animal 'o%l+ :3owe=er( a' e.plained abo=e( in the animal 'o%l the e.*itement i' 'pe*ifi*ally from the Tamtzit :The final e''ential *on*l%'ion<" rather than the Ome) Ha oosa& :The >epth of *omprehen'ion< ?%rthermore( a' e.plained( altho%gh hi' phy'i*al heart of fle'h i' aro%'ed and be*ome' e.*ited( he i' not aware of it what'oe=er+ Thi' i' like one who i' filled with either Eoy or bitterne'' from G-dline''( and b%r't' into 'ong( from the =ery depth' of hi' heart( with great aro%'al b%t witho%t awarene'' of 'elf at all+ :The e.ample gi=en abo=e wa' like one who win' the lottery( or hear' bad new' et*+< Thi' le=el i' the beginning of a*t%al re=elation of G-dline'' in the heart+ )t i' 'tated abo%t thi' le=el( @ Kol Ha$eshamah TeHallel Y-ahA :The entire 'o%l prai'e' G-d<+ A' e.plained earlier( the letter' Yud and Heh refer to Chochmah and +inah+ Thi' le=el i' how the intelle*t *ome' down into the


-The Knowledge of G-dheart to aro%'e an e.*itement toward G-d+ :Thi' i' in *ontra't to the ne.t le=el( where the heart goe' %p to aro%'e and e.pand the intelle*t+< "< The fo%rth le=el( the le=el of Chayah i' when the depth of hi' heart and mind be*ome *ompletely in=ol=ed and o**%pied with the matter of G-dline''+ 3i' entire being( to hi' =ery 'o%l( i' *ompletely ab'orbed in the matter+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( the e.ternality of hi' heart doe' not be*ome e.*ited a' in the abo=e le=el'( b%t rather( the e''ential point of hi' heart i' engro''ed in the G-dly matter %nder *ontemplation+ Thi' le=el i' *alled @)ntelle*t%al 6o=e and ?earA in whi*h the intelle*t it'elf be*ome' e.*ited and aro%'ed by the Ome) Hamoosa& :>epth of *omprehen'ion< and not E%'t from the Tamtzit :The final e''ential *on*l%'ion<+ 3ere too( he i' not aware of 'elf at all( and( *ertainly( thi' le=el of aro%'al *ome' '%ddenly and a%tomati*ally :a' a re'%lt of hi' toil<+ 8ow( there are two general le=el' in thi' :be*a%'e there are two le=el' of Chochmah<+ A< The fir't le=el i' when he gra'p' the Ome) Hamoosa& :>epth of *omprehen'ion<" whi*h i' the @dropA of Chochmah that fla'he' into +inah+ 3e gra'p' the heyulie of thi' e''ential point it'elf( in hi' *omprehen'ion+ Thi' i' the le=el of Chochmah a' it *ome' into +inah+ When one gra'p' thi' le=el( hi' amaHement and *on'*io%'ne'' i' of how e=erything i' literally a' nothing before G-d+ :Thi' mean' that +inah i' '%blimated to Chochmah+< ;< The 'e*ond le=el i' how Chochmah i' within it'elf+ Thi' i' how Chochmah it'elf i' '%blimated to the nothingne'' of Keter( a' 'tated( @Chochmah i' fo%nd from nothingne''A+ At thi' le=el( a per'on literally 'ee' G-dline'' it'elf and the Tr%th of e.i'ten*e( that there i' nothing be'ide' G-d+ Thi' *a%'e' a total '%blimation of hi' =ery e.i'ten*e a' an a%tomati* re'%lt of @'eeingA the Tr%th of G-dF' e.i'ten*e a' the @Tr%e 'omethingA+ :The differen*e between the'e two le=el' i' the differen*e between how Chochmah *ome' downward a' oppo'ed to how Chochmah relate' %pward+< /< The fifth le=el i' the a'pe*t of the 'imple and e''ential Yechidah of the 'o%l it'elf+ Thi' i' a 'imple and e''ential plea'%re whi*h i' higher than the a'pe*t of a *ompo'ite plea'%re+ ?or thi' rea'on it i' e=en higher than the Koach Ha as)il :The power of *on*ept%aliHation of Chochmah< of the pre=io%' le=el+ :Thi' i' a' e.plained in 1art 7ne regarding the differen*e between the inner Keter of 'tzilut" whi*h i' abo=e di=i'ion into three line'( and the Chochmah of Keter" whi*h i' *alled the @hidden rea'oningA or the Koach Ha as)il et*+< Therefore( thi' 'imple e''ential plea'%re *a%'e' the 'o%l to be*ome *ompletely and totally in*l%ded in the e''en*e of G-d :like the a'pe*t of Yachid<+ Thi' de'ire i' 'imilar to the @Simple E''ential >e'ireA :Ratzon Ha/ashoot +'tzmooto<( in whi*h all other de'ire' are 'o in*l%ded in it and n%llified to it( that it *annot e=en be defined a' a @general de'ireA :a' e.plained in 1art 7ne regarding the )nfinite 6ight- Ohr Ein Sof( before Tzimtzum+< An e.ample of thi' i' that when one i' in=ol=ed in re'*%ing hi' own life from death( the e''ential point and de'ire of the e''en*e of hi' 'o%l( i' aro%'ed and to%*he' hi' =ery e''en*e+ Therefore( all the de'ire' whi*h 'pread forth from the e''en*e toward 'omething 'eparate from him( '%*h a' the lo=e of money or the lo=e of hi' wife and e=en of hi' *hildren( be*ome( literally( like nothing *ompared to hi' de'ire


-The Knowledge of G-dfor 'elf pre'er=ation+ Thi' i' the aro%'al of the entire e''en*e of hi' being+ When thi' le=el of hi' being i' aro%'ed( there doe' not remain anything left to hi' awarene'' of 'elf at all+ At time' thi' le=el 'hine' forth in e=ery &ew+ >%ring the day of Shabbat thi' le=el 'hine' forth in an en*ompa''ing way+ )t i' then *alled @the additional 'o%l of ShabbatA+ 6ikewi'e( when one gi=e' %p hi' life for the 'an*tifi*ation of G-dF' name( thi' power 'hine' forth a' well in a re=ealed way+ )n '%*h a *a'e( rather than to be for*ibly *on=erted to a different religion( he de'ire' to die and lo'e hi' phy'i*al life( in order to 'a=e the life of hi' 'o%l( whi*h i' hi' tr%e life+ )n Tzaddi)im !emurim :1erfe*tly Righteo%' 1eople< thi' le=el of the 'o%l 'hine' forth at all time'( e=en d%ring the week day'( with an e''ential plea'%re in G-d+ )n tr%e ret%rnee' to G-d :+aalei Teshuva<( thi' le=el of the 'o%l 'hine' in the 'ame way a' with tho'e who gi=e %p their li=e' to 'an*tify G-d name+ The rea'on for thi' i' be*a%'e a tr%e +aal Teshuva i' 'o di'g%'ted with hi' phy'i*al life that he want' to 'eparate him'elf from it+ Thi' i' be*a%'e he feel' ad=er'ity in the phy'i*al+ Thi' i' to 'ay that he feel' the *on*ealment of G-dline'' hi' phy'i*al life( with e=ery fiber of hi' being+ ;e*a%'e of thi' hi' 'o%l *an literally lea=e him( like the 'o%l of RF ElieHer ;en >ordiyah who'e 'o%l left him thro%gh weeping+ ?rom all the abo=e( we %nder'tand that there i' a*t%ally an ad=antage in the aro%'al of the animal 'o%l( o=er and abo=e the aro%'al of the >i=ine 'o%l+ Thi' i' be*a%'e the aro%'al of the animal 'o%l *ome' abo%t( 'pe*ifi*ally( thro%gh toil and effort in the *ontemplation of G-dline''( on the part of man below+ Thi' lea=e' a la'ting impre''ion and effe*t on man+ )n *ontra't( the aro%'al of the >i=ine 'o%l may be initiated from G-d abo=e+ Thi' may o**%r at 'pe*ial time' to awaken %' to repentan*e( '%*h a' on the day of Jom Kipp%r et*+ ;e*a%'e of thi'( the effe*t i' not ne*e''arily long la'ting+ Thi' may be %nder'tood from the generation that left Egypt+ The &ewi'h 1eople e.perien*ed many re=elation' from abo=e+ Many mira*le' o**%rred for them+ 8onethele''( immediately after re*ei=ing the Torah at Mo%nt Sinai( they 'inned with the 'in of golden *alf+ 3owe=er( in o%r generation :Whi*h i' the generation whi*h will e.perien*e the tr%e and *omplete redemption thro%gh o%r righteo%' Mo'hia*h<( the effort i' from below( on the part of man+ Thi' will bring abo%t a re*ipro*al re'pon'e of infl%en*e and a''i'tan*e from G-d abo=e+ Therefore( this redemption will be an e=erla'ting redemption whi*h will not be followed by f%rther e.ile'+ Moreo=er( a' e.plained abo=e( the >i=ine 'o%l i' nat%rally drawn toward' G-d+ )n *ontra't( the animal 'o%l i' nat%rally drawn toward' phy'i*al plea'%re'+ Thi' being the *a'e( one who ha' o=ert%rned hi' animal 'o%l and ha' aro%'ed it to be fo*%'ed 'olely on G-d( ha' a**ompli'hed an infinitely greater wonder than fo*%'ing the >i=ine 'o%l on G-d( 'in*e the >i=ine 'o%l i' nat%rally drawn to G-d anyway+ ?%rthermore( a' i' known( the animal 'o%l i' a*t%ally 'tronger than the >i=ine 'o%l+ Thi' i' be*a%'e it' 'o%r*e i' in the e''ential de'ire' of Tohu+ Therefore it *ome' from a higher 'o%r*e than the >i=ine 'o%l( who'e 'o%r*e i' in 'tzilut :Ti))un<+ Thi' being the *a'e( it i' an infinitely greater


-The Knowledge of G-da**ompli'hment to tran'form the animal 'o%l and de=ote it to G-d+ G-d deri=e' great plea'%re and delight from thi'+ Spe*ifi*ally( be*a%'e of thi' there will not be f%rther e.ile'( be*a%'e the animal 'o%l it'elf will be tran'formed and fo*%'ed toward G-d+ Thi' will be bro%ght abo%t 'pe*ifi*ally thro%gh Hit#onenut :Contemplation<( 'in*e the only rea'on one 'in' altogether i' be*a%'e he i' la*king awarene'' of G-d+ The only rea'on he i' la*king awarene'' of G-d i' be*a%'e he doe' not *ontemplate+ Thi' i' a' 'tated in )'aiah( @An o. know' hi' ma'ter( a donkey know' hi' ma'ter' tro%gh( b%t )'rael doe' not know( my nation doe' not *ontemplate :Hit#onan<A+ The following =er'e immediately 'tate'( @Woe( a 'inf%l nation( a people laden with iniI%ity et*+A )n other word'( the a%tomati* effe*t and re'%lt of la*k of *ontemplation i' 'in+ 7b=io%'ly( the a%tomati* re'%lt of *ontemplation i' that )'rael will know their Ma'ter+ Thi'( in t%rn( will bring abo%t de'tr%*tion of e=il and the immediate arri=al of o%r righteo%' King Mo'hia*h( with the tr%e and *omplete redemption( immediately+


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