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This chapter presents the research design, the population sampling technique, the instruments and procedures in data gathering, statistical treatment, and the procedures utilized in completing the study. It is presented in an organized manner to show important details in conducting this study.

Research Design This study will utilize descriptive-correlational design. Study habits served as predictor variable, which academic performance in terms of Grade Point Average (GPA) as a criterion variable. This study is descriptive because it identified the respondents study habits such as reading, writing, note-taking and study time. It describes the content of the respondents profile in terms of age, gender, and socioeconomic status. It is also correlational because the study will determine the extent to which criterion and predictor variables relate to each other. It will explain whether there is a significant difference between study habits and academic performance considering age, gender, and socioeconomic status.

Population and Sampling The research study will be conducted in Adventist University of the Philippines in Putingkahoy, Silang, Cavite. The respondents will be Level II nursing students who will

be officially enrolled in the College of Nursing during the school year 2014-2015, regardless of race. The researchers will use convenience sampling since all respondents will be having their clinical duties and classes. Moreover, the population is quite big, so the study considered the time of convenience of the respondents and their availability to conduct research during their busy schedule. There will be 58 level II nursing students who will be participating in the study.

Instrumentation Upon the approval of the thesis proposal, the instrument that will be used is a questionnaire adapted from Virginia Gordons University Survey: A Guidebook and Readings for New Students. A demographic Questionnaire will be used to obtain the relevant information of the respondents. The questionnaire contains a series of questions or items that attempt to collect information on a particular topic. To measure the extent of study habits of the respondents, it was divided into three parts: Note-taking Skills, Reading Skills, and Writing Skills, each one contains 6 questiones. To measure the extent of each skills, a 4-point scale will be utilized. Student will be required to encircle the answer of their choice and will be asked to count how many letter As and Bs they get in each part of the questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedures Before conducting the final data gathering, necessary approval from the administrators of Adventist University of the Philippines College of Nursing will be

secured. After receiving the approval to conduct the test, the researchers will be given a schedule of classes that will be used to determine the convenient time of the respondents. Upon knowing, the researchers will proceed using their convenient schedule. During the allotted time, the questionnaires will be administered to the respondents. Before the administration of the instruments, the researchers gave reminders and oriented the respondents about the purpose of the study. After the respondents receive the questionnaires, the examiner will instruct the respondents on the mechanics of the test. They will be asked to check the box of frequency after every statement that shows their study habits. The student will be asked to write their student identification (ID) numbers, gender, residency, and their socioeconomic status. When the examiner will observe that the respondent is done, the examiner will check if the questionnaires were completely answered. After the respondents were done answering their papers, the questionnaires will be rechecked by the examiners to see if there are any invalid papers. After all respondents are done with the questionnaires, permission letter will be made to get the grade point averages of the respondents from the level II chair. After the final data gathering, the researchers will score and bring the data to the qualified statistician for statistical treatment and analysis. The statistical outputs will be interpreted, and base from those results, findings and conclusions will be made. Out of the findings and conclusions, recommendations will be given to highlight the importance of the study.

Statistical Treatment This research study will use the descriptive statistics to show the demographic profile of the respondents. To answer the subroblem 1, frequency and percentage will be used. Mean and Standard Deviation will be used to answer subproblems 2 and 3. To determine if there is a significance between study habits and academic performance considering moderator variables, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used. To know the relationship between study habits and academic performance, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient will be used. This was used to answer problem 4. To determine which study habit activity predicts academic performance, multiple regression analyses will be utilized.

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