Pump Piping Analysis

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Every process piping industry uses several pumps in each process unit. Sometimes the analysis is very critical.

In this article I will try to elaborate the method followed for stress analysis of a centrifugal pump piping system. The stress system consists of typical discharge lines of two centrifugal pump (Pump A and Pump B . !luid from this two pumps are pumped into a heat e"changer. As per P#I$ only one pump will operate at a time% other pump will be a stand by pump. I will e"plain the stress analysis methodology in three parts&' a (odeling of Pump b Preparation of analysis )oad cases and c Analysing the output results.

!ig. *& Sample pump piping model as it loo+s in ,aesar II A. Modeling of Pump: !or modeling the pump we re-uire vendor general arrangement drawing or outline drawing. All rotary e-uipments are modeled as a weightless rigid body in ,aesar II. !rom the outline drawing we need to ta+e the dimensions till some fi"ed point. )et us ta+e the e"ample of the outline drawing shown in figure ..

!ig. .& Sample outline drawing for a centrifugal pump !rom the above drawing we can get the dimensions for elements */'0/// as 1.0 inch and element 0///'0/./ as 2.*3 inch. At node 0/./ we will provide fi"ed anchor. $uring modeling of the above elements we need to use line si4e and thic+ness as diameter and thic+ness of the e-uipment. )ine temperature and pressures as e-uipment properties. 5e have

to provide anchor (with cnode at node */ for chec+ing no44le loads which we will compare with the allowable value as provided in !ig. 6 below&

!ig. 6& Allowable no44le load values as mentioned in E-uipment 7A drawing In absence of allowable load value the Pump design code (API 2*/ for API pumps% A8SI 9I 3.2.. for non API pumps can be followed for the same. After the pump is modeled as rigid body the piping modeling need to be done from pump' piping interconnection flanges. B. Preparation of Analysis Load Cases: Along with normal load cases two additional load cases need to be prepared. 8ormally in refinery and petrochemical industry one pump operates and other acts as a stand by pump. So we have prepare load cases as follows& *. 9ydrostatic case (55:9P 9;$ <PE

.. <perating case with both pump operating (5:T*:P*

6. <perating case with total system in ma"imum design temperature ( 5:T.:P* <PE 4. Operating case with pump A operating and pump B Stand y !"#$%#P& ). Operating case with pump B operating and pump A Stand y !"#$4#P& OP'( 2. <perating case with total system in minimum design temperature ( 5:T0:P* <PE 8e"t all normal load cases li+e static seismic% static wind% etc are to be built as per stress analysis or fle"ibility specification. 5hen pump A is in operating condition and pump B stand by then normal pipe operating temperature has to be inserted till Tee connection for pump A and ambient temperature will be the input input for pump B as shown in !ig. =. Similarly reverse the input when pump B is operating. OP'(

!ig. =& <perating'Stand By Temperature profile for two pump system After e-uipment is modeled completely start modeling the piping following dimensions from piping isometric drawings. Try to ma+e a closed system. 8ormally pump lines are connected to some vessel% tan+ or heat e"changers. So it will create a close system. Then run the analysis to chec+ stresses% displacements and loads. C. Analysing the output *esult: <nce ,aesar completes its iteration process we can see the output results in output window. At no44les (the nodes which we anchored with a cnode we can chec+ the force values. These values we have to compare with the allowable values. If the actual values are less than the allowable values then the no44le is safe. <therwise we have the ma+e changes in supporting or routing to bring the no44le load values within allowables. A sample output restraint is provided in !ig. 0 for your reference.

!ig 0. Typical output results for two pump system As can be seen from the above figure that we are chec+ing no44le loads in load case .% =% 0 and 2. !or rotary e-uipments normally no44le -ualification in design or upset temperature is not re-uired. Special Consideration for *otary '+uipments: 8ow we have to ma+e one separate caesar file and we have to chec+ sustained displacement at no44le at 58, (weight no content case. This chec+ing will ensure proper alignment of piping flange and e-uipment no44le flange. Always remember to provide first piping support from pump no44le as an ad>ustable support (or a spring support to aid in alignment. In case of 6 pump system% normally two pumps will be operating and one pump will be stand by. So input and prepare load cases accordingly. If you have any confusion or want to add more please write in comments section.

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