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Financial Numerology As Financial Astrology has got 4 branches - viz - Forex Astrology, Stock Market Astrology, Jackpot Astrology

Astro-lottology !"ottery Astrology#, so also has Numerology got many $iverse branches Financial Numerology uses the Nine Numbers %or speculation& 'ythagorus averre$ that each number has a vibration an$ that certain bene%icial numbers can give luck ( Stock Market Numerology Stock Market speculation is an art& )% only you kno* the market values an$ con$itions, i% only you can exercise one man+s intelligence an$ six men+s patience, i% only you kno* ho* to select shares base$ on your lucky numbers ! an$ the in$ustry # , then only can you hope to succee$& ,he Name Number - ,he Number to be use$ %or stock market speculation Numerologists have assigne$ $igits to all the letters o% the alphabet& ,here%ore your name has a Name Number& ,he numbers assigne$ to the letters o% the alphabet are A)J-. / 012 3 45"S 6 7M, 4 89N: ; <=> ? @A B F' C No letter has been assigne$ the number nine& ,he Name Number is arrive$ by a$$ing all the $igits *hich correspon$ to the letters in your name& ) have 4 as my Name Number& ,he number 4 is rule$ by 2ahu an$ 2ahu rules ),& ) picke$ up shares on the basis o% Astro Numerology& )n%osys, Mphasis 0F", Satyam 4omputers, Mastek etc *ere picke$ up on the basis o% my Name Number& 7uring last boom ) ma$e soli$ pro%it an$ exite$ the market *hen the Sensex *as ;;DD& EDF o% my port%olio *ere tech stocks an$ they $i$ give me pro%it( "ast *eek, ) entere$ )n%osys an$ playe$ the bear %or 4 consecutive $ays& ) use$ to sell )n%y in the morning an$ cover it up at D4DD 'M& @n the %irst 6 $ays ) *as success%ul, gaining as many as /DD points per $ay& @n the %ourth $ay, on ,hurs$ay, )n%y reverse$ course an$ ) ha$ to book a nominal loss& ) covere$ it up

an$ on the next $ay it *ent up by 333 points ! Fri$ay *as the $ay o% )n%osys results an$ the results beat the street #& Still tech stocks give me goo$ gains ( 'lanet Number )n$ustry Sun / 'S<s Moon 3 'harma Jupiter 6 0anking 2ahu 4 ), Mercury ; ,elecommunications =enus ? Auto, automotive components 1etu B @il Saturn C Machinery, heavy engineering Mars E 8lectricity, real estate Market lea$ers 9ere *e are giving some scrips *hich are potential *inners on the )n$ian bourses& 'S<s )@4, =SN", 4M4 'harma 7r 2e$$y+s, 7ivi+s, 2anbaxy, Aventis 0anking S0), )4)4) 0ank, @riental 0ank, 4anara 0ank ), )n%osys, 9ughes, 0F", Mastek, Satyam ,elecommunications 0harti ,ele, M,N", Shyam ,ele, ,ata ,ele Auto, automotive components Maruti, ,ata Motors, M)4@, 0harat Forge @il 2eliance, 9'4", 0'4" Machinery, heavy engineering 098" 8lectricity, real estate 2eliance 8nergy, ,ata 'o*er, 48S4

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