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Daily time divisions and the Tamyid Sacrifice in the Old Covenant

The Romans divided the day into 24 divisions of time with two 12 hour periods; beginning each new day at 12 midnight (ref. Pliny the Elder: Natural History vol.2.79.188). We keep Roman time. The new day for the Jews began at sunset and was divided into 24 divisions of time with 12 divisions of dark and 12 divisions of daylight. The 12 divisions of darkness were measured by 4 "watches": FIRST WATCH SECOND WATCH THIRD WATCH FOURTH WATCH SUNSET TO 9PM 9PM TO MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT TO 3AM 3AM TO DAWN

The 12 daylight hours were measured by four different time divisions that coincided with the daily sacrifice & whole burnt offering of the 2 lambs at the Temple in Jerusalem. This sacrifice was called the Tamyid [also spelled Tamid in Hebrew and pronounced "tah-meed"] meaning "Standing" as in "perpetual" Sacrifice. Exodus 29:38 "This is what you must offer on the

altar: two yearling male lambs each day inperpetuity. The first lamb you will offer at dawn, and the second at mid-day"(literal meaning is "between the
twilight" = bayin ha ereb meaning the midpoint between dawn and dusk which is 12 noon). See Exodus 29:38-46; Leviticus 6:1-16; Numbers 28:4-8; 1Kings 18:29; 2Kings 16:15. The time divisions of the day and daily prayer times were associated with the perpetual [literally = standing] sacrifice of the two perfect lambs. The Daily Time Divisions

FIRST HOUR The first lamb is brought out and tied to the altar at dawn
Tamyid 3:2-3:3 Mishnah:

DAWN TO 9AM The high priest prepares the altar

[see: Exodus 29:39; Leviticus 6:1-6; Mishnah:

Tamyid 1:2]

THIRD HOUR The first lamb is sacrificed at 9AM*

Mishnah: Tamyid 3:7

9AM TO NOON 9AM is the first hour of prayer

[see Acts

2:15] Temple gates open "Shacharit"(morning)

SIXTH HOUR The second lamb is brought out and tied to the altar at noon
Mishnah: Tamyid 4:1

NOON TO 3PM Noon is the second hour of prayer

3:1; 10:9] "Minchah" (gift-offering) [Acts

NINTH HOUR The second lamb is sacrificed at 3PM*

Antiquities of the Jews 14.4.3
(14:65); Philo Special Laws I, XXXV (169)

3PM TO SUNSET 3PM is the third hour of prayer

Jewish evening= next day began at sundown) [3 hours of prayer see Mishnah Berakhot] [Acts

3:1; 10:9] "Maariv" (evening: our afternoon is the

. *dawn and high noon were easily determined but the actual sacrifices three hours later at 9AM and 3PM were determined by the use of a sundial or a waterclock. These times of sacrifice directly correspond with the time frame of Jesus Passion even thought these sacrifices were set c.1,5001,300 years before the birth of Jesus. Jesus the Messiah fulfilled the Tamyid sacrifice! Each day for the daily Tamyid Sacrifice two male lambs a year old in their perfection are chosen for sacrifice along with two cakes of fine flour mixed with oil [one offered with each lamb] and wine. What is the significance of the two lambs? The Son of God has come to redeem man as the perfect Lamb of Sacrifice in His humanity and in His divinity:

-At dawn the first lamb of the daily sacrifice is tied to the altar: Jesus was condemned by the Sanhedrin [the Jewish Law Court] at dawn (Matthew 26:63-66; Mark 15:61-15:1; Luke 22:66-23:1; Mishnah: Tamyid 3:2-3:3). After Jesus was condemned by the High Priest and the Sanhedrin He is immediately brought before the Roman governor, Pilate. The Greek word proi can mean "very early in the morning" or "dawn" (see John 18:28). It is also the name of the 4th Roman Watch, which is from 3AM-Dawn. Later in John 19:14 John writes that Jesus is condemned by Pilate on "Preparation Day" = the 6th day of the week and the day the Jews prepared for the Sabbath, Friday, at about the 6th hour. If John is using Roman time instead of Hebrew time in his Gospel, he is in accord with the Synoptic Gospel accounts which all record that Jesus is brought to Pilate just after dawn. It would be more reasonable for a late first century largely gentile Romanculture Christian community in Asia Minor to be using Roman time. If this is the case, then John is indicating it is about 6AM, our time (we use Roman time). Then too, considering the importance of symbolism in Johns Gospel, it may be that the reference to the number "6" is entirely symbolic to help us recall that it was on the 6th day that God created man and it is on the 6th day of the week, at the 6th hour that Christ will begin His redemption of man through His Passion and sacrifice. Just as the High Priest selected the lamb of sacrifice for the sins of the people in the Feast of Atonement, Jesus is the last true sacrifice selected by the High Priest. He is the perfect Lamb of God chosen to die for the sins of the people and pronounced "innocent", without sin, by a gentile Roman prefect. -At the 3rd hour/9AM the first lamb of the daily sacrifice is sacrificed for the sins of the people on the great sacrificial altar at the Temple: Jesus was crucified at the 3rd hour Jewish time = 9AM. (Mark 15:25 "They crucified

him, and shared out his clothing, casting lots to decide what each should get. It was the third hour when they crucified him.").
-At noon the second lamb of the daily sacrifice is brought out and tied to the altar: The sky turned dark at noon. (Matthew 27:45 "From the sixth

hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour."Also Mark
15:33 Luke 23:44-49) -At the ninth hour/ 3PM the second lamb of the daily sacrifice is offered up on the altar for the sins of the people: Jesus gave up his life at 3PM. See Matthew 27:46-50; Mark 15:34-36;Luke 23:44-46.

In Revelation 5:4-8 St. John, standing before the throne of God is told to look at "the Lion of the Tribe of Judah". He turns to look and sees " the

middle of the throne with its four living creatures and the circle of elders, a Lamb standing that seemed to have been sacrificed;.." John has seen the
glorified, risen Christ as the true Standing [Tamyid] Sacrifice perpetually offering Himself for the sins of the people before the throne of God! Tamyid references: 1. Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War 6.2.1 2. Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 14.4.3: "..the priests were not

at all hindered from their sacred ministrations, by their fear during this siege, but did still twice each day, in the morning and about the ninth hour, offer their sacrifices on the altar."
3. Philo of Alexandria: Special Laws I, XXXV (169): "Accordingly it is

commanded that every day the priests should offer up two lambs, on at the dawn of the day, and the other in the evening; each of them being a sacrifice of thanksgiving [eucharistia]; the one for kindnesses which have been bestowed during the day, and the other for the mercies which have been vouchsafed in the night, which God is incessantly and uninterruptedly pouring upon the race of men. And on the seventh day he doubles the number of victims to be offered"
4. Talmud: Mishnah, Tamyid 1:1-7:4. Temple gates open for morning prayer at 9AM 5. The Temple its Ministry and Services, Alfred Edersheim, page 108-114

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