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AIX for System Administrators


System - Kernel

The AIX Kernel is the heart (central core) of the operating system. It has complete control over everything that occurs in the system. A kernel can be contrasted with a shell (ksh, bash, csh) which is the outermost part of the operating system and the shell interacts with users via commands. The kernel does not interact directly with the user. It interacts with the shell, with other programs and with the hardware devices (CPU, memory, disk drives..) The kernel is the first part of the operating system which is loaded during startup (booting) and it remains there continuouly because its services are required all the time. Because of its critical nature, the kernel code is loaded into a protected are of the memory, which prevents it from being overwritten by other programs. The kernel performs its tasks (for exapmle handling interrupts, executiong processes) in kernel space. A normal user performs its tasks (for example writing text...) in user space. This separation is made in order to prevent user data and kernel data from interfering ith each other. (When a computer crashed it actually means the kernel has crashed. If only a single user program has crashed, then the kernel itself has not crashed.) The kernel provides basic services for all other parts of the operating system: memory/process/IO - management (for example accessing peripheral devices). These services are requested by other parts of the oprating system or by application programs through a specified set of program interfaces referred to as system calls. The AIX kernel device is the sys0. Some operating system settings can be viewed by lsattr -El sys0 and changed by chdev -ls sys0 ... (smitty chgsys) who -b slibclean uname uname uname uname uname -a -M -n -m -L -K -y -p -a -b -B <disk> -s <disk> -t -z -v -r info about the last boot Removes any currently unused modules in kernel and library memory shows the OS of the machine shows the machine model displays the hostname shows the cpuid shows LPAR ID and LPAR name the running kernel 32-bit or 64-bit shows if the machine (hardware) 32 or 64 bit displays the hardware platform (chrp is necessary from 5.2, chrp: powerpc specification that can run multiple ?same as bootinfo -p, just with numbers (3: CHRP) reports last device system booted from shows if the device is capable for booting (1:yes, 0:no)) disk size in MB specifyes the type of boot (1:DISK 3:CD-ROM 4:TAPE 5:NETWORK) shows if the machine multiprocessor capable (0: not MP capable 1:MP capable) shows boot logical volume name, from which the system booted shows system installed memory size uniprocessor or multiprocessor kernel: /unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_up # 32 bit uniprocessor kernel /unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp # 32 bit multiprocessor kernel /unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 # 64 bit multiprocessor kernel shows firmware level (permanent level: aka the backup level, temporary level: aka the installed level) shows system firmware level (same as above) shows firmware level of all supported device (or lscfg -vp | grep -p "ROM") general info reports logical partition ( LPAR ) related information and statistics shows the Power Supplies of a system lists kernel extensions currently loaded onto the system obtain the list of loaded objects for each running process

FS - LVM FS LV Mirror Pool PV VG

GENERAL AIX History Backup Commands CPU - Processes Crontab - At Date - Time Devices Dump - Core Errpt - Diag - Alog Syslogd Firmware IO - AIO, DIO, CIO

bootinfo bootinfo bootinfo OSes) bootinfo bootinfo bootinfo bootinfo bootinfo bootinfo bootinfo bootinfo

Memory - Pag.Space ODM Printing SRC Startup - Shutdown System - Kernel Tunables User - Group User Login


ls -l /unix

Appl. Monitor Basics Build - Configure Clverify

lsmcode lsmcode -c lsmcode -A prtconf lparstat lsvpd|grep 'AC PS' genkex genld -l

Commands - Cases Config too long DARE - Snapshot Disk Heartbeat Storage - VG, NFS

HMC - ISD ASMI HMC Basics - Console HMC CLI

-----------------------Switch from 32 bit mode to 64 (and back): ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /unix ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /usr/lib/boot/unix bosboot -ak /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 shutdown -Fr The kernel mode of your AIX host system is If your host system is currently running in commands in the given order: ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp /unix ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp /usr/lib/boot/unix bosboot -ak /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp shutdown -Fr ------------------------

HMC/P7 Install ISD Basics RMC


switched 64-bit


64-bit you

mode can

after it

the system to

restarts. by typing the following

Basics - Devices, Routing Basics - Protocol, Subnet Basics - Vlan Commands Eth. Chan. Ethernet Adapter IVE - HEA Netcd NFS



32-bit mode


RSH - RCP Sendmail

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SSH - SCP SSH - X11 Telnet - FTP

NIM Basics Install LPP Source Machines MKSYSB Nimadm SPOT

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04/06/2013 16:43

AIX for System Administrators

PERFORMANCE Basics CPU I/O - Disk, Adapter Memory Network svmon - RAM

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topas - nmon vmstat - CPU/RAM VMM concepts VIO

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STORAGE Adapter Basics - SAN Basics - Settings EMC Hitachi HP EVA - SSA MPIO SDD


VIO Basics Commands AME - AMS CDROM - DVDROM LPM NIB - LA NPIV SEA Shared Storage Pool VIOS update/upgrade Virt. Eth. Ad. Virt. Proc.-Ent. Cap. VSCSI VSCSI - Stor. Pool

+EXTRAS +others alt_disk awk - sed bash citrix java kdb ksh locale multibos perl profiles rbac Rsh samba screen script sudo vi

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04/06/2013 16:43

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