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Facts: A search warrant authorizing the search and seizure of an "undetermined quantity of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride commonly known as shabu and its paraphernalias" in the premises of appellant's house was issued by RTC Judge Arturo de Guia. The said warrant was not implemented immediately due to the lack of police personnel to form the raiding team. After a raiding team was finally organized, it was agreed upon that PO1 Venerando Luna will buy shabu from appellant and after his return from appellant's house; the raiding team will implement the search warrant. PO1 Luna with a companion proceeded to appellant's house to implement the search warrant. Barangay Capt. Maigue, Del Rosario and appellant witnessed the search at appellant's house. The police found a black canister containing shabu, an aluminum foil, a paltik .22 caliber atop the TV set, three used ammunitions in a cup and three wallets, one containing the marked money. Normando del Rosario was charged with Illegal Possession of Firearm and Ammunitions and Illegal Sale of Regulated Drugs. Issues: 1. Whether or not the implementation of the search warrant was lawful and that the object seized may be used to prove Del Rosarios guilt? 2. Whether the ammunition was validly seized as an incident to a lawful arrest? Held: 1. No. According to the version of the prosecution, during the alleged buy-bust operation, accusedappellant handed over to Veneracion Luna, the alleged poseur-buyer, a quantity of shabu, and Luna in turn paid accused-appellant a marked 100 bill and then returned to the police station and informed the raiding team that he had already bought the shabu from accused-appellant. Thereupon, the raiding team proceeded to the house of accused-appellant to implement the search warrant. The version of the prosecution is highly incredible. The record is devoid of any reason why the police officers did not make any attempt to arrest accused-appellant at the time he allegedly sold the shabu to Veneracion Luna who was accompanied by another police officer. That was the opportune moment to arrest accused-appellant. The version foisted by the prosecution upon this Court is contrary to human experience in the ordinary course of human conduct. The usual procedure in a buy-bust operation is for the police officers to arrest the pusher of drugs at the very moment he hands over the dangerous drug to the poseur-buyer. That is the every reason why such a police operation is called a "BUY-BUST" operation. The police poseur-buyer "buys dangerous drugs from the pusher and bust" (arrests) him the moment the pusher hands over the drug to the police officer. We thus entertain serious doubts that the shabu contained in a small canister was actually seized or confiscated at the residence of accused-appellant. In consequence, the manner the police officers conducted the subsequent and much-delayed search is highly irregular. Upon barging into the residence of accused-appellant, the police officers found him lying down and they immediately arrested and detained him in the living room while they searched the other parts of the house. Although they fetched two persons to witness the search, the witnesses were called in only after the policemen had already entered accused-appellant's residence and, therefore, the policemen had more than ample time to plant the shabu. At any rate, accused-appellant cannot be convicted of possession of the shabu contained in a canister and allegedly seized at his house, for the charge against him was for selling shabu. Sale is totally different from possession.

Moreover, the search warrant implemented by the raiding party authorized only the search and seizure shabu and paraphernalia for the use thereof and no other. The described quantity of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride commonly known as shabu and its paraphernalia". A search warrant is not a sweeping authority empowering a raiding party to undertake a fishing expedition to seize and confiscate any and all kinds of evidence or articles relating to a crime. The Constitution itself and the Rules of Court, specifically mandate that the search warrant must particularly describe the things to be seized. Thus, the search warrant was no authority for the police officers to seize the firearm which was not mentioned, much less described with particularity, in the search warrant. 2. NO. Neither may it be maintained that the gun was seized in the course of an arrest, for as earlier observed, Del Rosario's arrest was far from regular and legal. Said firearm, having been illegally seized, the same is not admissible in evidence.

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