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Through this intellectually paralyzing atmosphere, Dr. Biskind had the composure to argue what he thought was the most obvious explanation for the polio epidemic: Central nervous system diseases such as polio are actually the physiological and symptomatic manifestations of the ongoing government and industry sponsored inundation of the worlds populace with central nervous system poisons. Today, few remember this poignant writer who struggled with the issues of pesticides, issues that Rachel Carson would be allowed to politely bring to public awareness nine years later, as the lead story in The New Yorker magazine and then as a national best seller, by limiting her focus to the environment and wildlife. Biskind had the audacity to write about human damage. I found M.S. Biskind in the endnotes to Hayes and Laws diatribe. What could possibly have motivated Hayes and Laws biased genuflection towards germ theory? Such offerings, commonly written into the final paragraphs of scientific articles, are usually done with an appearance of impartiality. With great anticipation, I went to a medical library and found Biskinds 10-page 1953 article in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases. Presented below are excerpts regarding polio from the article.



In man, the incidence of poliomyelitis has risen sharply; It was even known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts. Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite, the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign. Early in 1949, as a result of studies during the previous year, the author published reports implicating DDT preparations in the syndrome widely attributed to a virus-X in man, in X-disease in cattle and in often fatal syndromes in dogs and cats. The relationship was promptly denied by government officials, who provided no evidence to contest the authors observations but relied solely on the prestige of government authority and sheer numbers of experts to bolster their position. [X-disease] ...studied by the author following known exposure to DDT and related compounds and over and over again in the same patients, each time following known exposure. We have described the syndrome as follows: ...In acute exacerbations, mild clonic convulsions involving mainly the legs, have been observed. Several young children exposed to DDT developed a limp lasting from 2 or 3 days to a week or more. Simultaneously with the occurrence of this disorder [X-disease] a number of related changes occurred in the incidence of known diseases. The most striking of these is poliomyelitis. In the United States the incidence of polio had been increasing prior to 1945 at a fairly constant rate, but its epidemiologic characteristics remained unchanged. Beginning in 1946 the rate of increase more than doubled. Since then remarkable changes in the character of the disease have been noted. Contrary to all past experience, the disease has remained epidemic year after year. DDT vs Polio (1945-1953) In the graph above, I provide confirmation of Biskinds observations for 1945-1953, in terms of polio incidence and pesticide production. I have utilized pesticide data from Hayes and Laws which they had derived from US Tariff Commission data. Polio incidence data was gathered from US Vital Statistics. Although I argue herein against Hayes characterization of Biskinds work, credit goes to Hayes for publishing arcane pesticide data. All graphs refer to paralytic polio.

In 1953, when Biskinds writings were published, the United States had just endured its greatest polio epidemic. The entire public was steeped in dramatic imagesa predatory poliovirus, nearly a million dead and paralyzed children, iron lungs, struggling doctors and dedicated nurses. The late president Franklin D. Roosevelt had been memorialized as a polio victim who was infected with the deadly poliovirus near the beautiful and remote island of Campobello. The media was saturated with positive images of scientific progress and the marvels of DDT to kill disease-carrying mosquitoes. Jonas Salk was in the wings, preparing to be moved center stage.

In 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT (chlorophenoethane, dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane) was released in the United States and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide. Since the last war there have been a number of curious changes in the incidence of certain ailments and the development of new syndromes never before observed. A most significant feature of this situation is that both man and all his domestic animals have simultaneously been affected.

Physiological Evidence So we find that especially the cerebellum and the spinal cord are histologically affected by DDT. Biskind also describes physiological evidence of DDT poisoning that resembles polio physiology: Particularly relevant to recent aspects of this problem are neglected studies by Lillie and his collaborators of the National Institutes of Health, published in 1944 and 1947 respectively, which showed that DDT may produce degeneration of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord in animals. These changes do not occur regularly in exposed animals any more than they do in human beings, but they do appear often enough to be significant. He continues, bearing his exasperation in trying to make the obvious plain. When the population is exposed to a chemical agent known to produce in animals lesions in the spinal cord resembling those in human polio, and thereafter the latter disease increases sharply in incidence and maintains its epidemic character year after year, is it unreasonable to suspect an etiologic relationship? Before finding Biskinds work, I had spent months engaged in a nearly futile search for the physiology of acute DDT poisoning. I began to sense that American DDT literature as a whole intends to convey that DDT is not dangerous except with regard to its general environmental effects due to persistent bioaccumulation, and that the physiology of acute DDT poisoning is therefore trivial. DDT literature uniformly jumps from descriptions of symptoms, over physiology, to the biochemistry of DDT-caused dysfunction in nerve tissue. It was as though detectives had come upon a massmurder scene and immediately became obsessed with the biochemistry of dying cells around bullet holes, while ignoring the bullet holes. Eventually, I did find one study (in Germany) of the physiology of acute DDT poisoning by Daniel Dresden (Physiological Investigations Into The Action Of DDT, G.W. Van Der Wiel & Co., Arnhem (1949)). This study confirms that DDT poisoning often causes polio-like physiology: Conspicuous histological degeneration was, however, often found in the central nervous system. The most striking ones were found in the cerebellum, mainly in the nucleus dentatus and the cortex cells. Among other things an increase of the neuroglia and a necrotic degeneration and resorption of ganglionic cells was found. The Purkinje cells were less seriously affected than the other neurons. Also in the spinal cord abnormalities of a degenerative nature were found. ...such changes were not found invariably... there is neither an obvious relation between the size and spreading of the lesion and the quantity of DDT applied... information of adequate precision about the nature of the anomalies is lacking. And more recently, in the works of Ralph Scobey, MD, I found that from ancient times to the early 20th century, the symptoms and physiology of paralytic poliomyelitis were often described as the results of poisoning. It wasnt until the mid-19th century that the word poliomyelitis became the designation for the paralytic effects of both severe poisoning and polio-like diseases assumed to be germ-caused. Today, various other forms of the word polio are still used to describe the effects of neurotoxins, although usually with regard to paralysis in animals. A search of Medline (polio and poison) finds numerous contemporary articles where poison causation is attributed to polio. The terminology found: polioencephalomalacia, poliomyelomalacia, neurological picture similar to that of poliomyelitis, polioencephalomyelomalacia, lumbal poliomyelomalacia, cerebrocortical necrosis (polioencephalomalacia), multifocal-poliomyelomalacia, spinal poliomalacia, Polio and high-sulfate diets, Atypical porcine enterovirus encephalomyelitis: possible interaction between enteroviruses and arsenicals, Polioencephalomalacia and photosensitization associated with Kochia scoparia consumption in range cattle, bovine polioencephalomalacia. In contemporary Britain, a farmer turned scientist, Mark Purdey, has found substantial evidence that mad cow disease, a form of polio-like encephalitis, was caused by a government mandated cattle treatment consisting of organophosphate pesticide and a compound similar to thalidomide. Unlike most scientists, Mark Purdey became legally embroiled with the government during his research, and . . . was shot at, blockaded in his home to prevent him giving a lecture, and saw a new farmhouse go up in flames the day he was due to move in. ( Morton S. Biskind had the courage to write about humans. His views fell into disfavor after the introduction of the polio vaccines, which was a grand act that proved in most peoples minds that polio was caused by a virus. By October, 1955, Biskind, whose works had been published in established medical journals and who testified before the Senate on the dangers of pesticides, was forced to self-publish his writings, one of which I found while browsing through an old card catalog. A scan of MEDLINE finds no other works by him except for a very tame article in 1972, warning that diseases incurred during a patients stay in a hospital are not necessarily due to microbes. He died not long thereafter, in his late 60s. I dont have the precise date of death, though his birth was in 1906. A Contemporary Study Below are three graphs that confirm Biskind, utilizing data that spans far beyond his observations. Due to the paucity of data regarding pesticide exposure and locale, these findings of production data are presented as an in-

dication of exposure, keeping in mind the great changes in public awareness and legislation beginning circa 1950, which also served to reduce DDT exposure. Pesticide production data comes from Hayes and Laws. DDT vs Polio (1940-1970) In this graph (next page) I did not include DDT data for the period of 1954 onward because DDT distribution was then being shifted out of the U.S. and into developing nations, while its U.S. production skyrocketed. Governmental hearings, including those with Biskind, Scobey and others, brought about greater awareness of DDT dangers, as well as better labeling and handling methods. Due to public governmental debate in 1949-51 and numerous policy and legislative changes afterward, DDT production figures after these dates do not correlate with US usage or exposure to DDT. DDT Before 1950 Before 1950, DDT was hailed as a miracle of progress that was virtually non-toxic to humans, in spite of FDAs warnings and attempts to keep it off the market. This photo on the left is one of several similar photos from Zimmerman, et al, DDT: Killer of Killers (1946). The advertisement on the right is from an unknown source, though it appears to be circa 1954. DDT after 1950 Governmental hearings, including Biskind and Scobey, et al, brought about greater awareness of the dangers, better labeling and handling methods. DDT after 1954 This period is given special consideration for DDT. After 1954, DDT production increased tremendously, but mainly as an export product. Due to public governmental debate in 1950-51 and numerous policy and legislative changes afterward, its production figures thereon do not at all correlate with U.S. usage or exposure to DDT. As many studies demonstrate, DDT exposure after 1954 declined sharply, and this decline is represented in the following graph, along with supporting data. DDT production is not shown, post-1954. Historical context: DDT was incriminated from 1950 until its registration cancellation in 1968 and ban in 1972. Thus, 1950-1951 represent a point of increased public awareness, changes in legislation and policy, voluntary phase-out, and labeling requirements. It is significant for this comparison of DDT against infantile paralysis, that before the period of increased awareness, DDT was mandated on dairies, yet afterward, ruled out of dairies. Much of the domestic usage was shifted to forestry applications, placing less DDT directly into the food chain. The visual impact of all the persistent pesticide graphs rests upon the assumption that production correlated with human exposure. Given the lack of regulation and the extreme media hype surrounding DDT before 1953, this is not an unrealistic assumption. It is clear that post-1954 DDT production did not correlate with human exposure. Yet, it is possible to estimate relative values for exposure post-1954. This can be accomplished by reviewing DDT levels in adipose tissue (National Adipose Tissue Survey, and other studies), considering DDT in imported food, and considering the daily amounts of ingested DDT.

The early trend of National Adipose Tissue Surveys can be interpolated back to 1944, six years from 1950, the first Survey year, because it is safe to assume that DDT tissue levels were zero in 1944, since DDT was introduced for domestic usage in 1945. The estimate of DDT exposure is a reasonable because DDT has a half-life of about one year. To achieve any downward trend in the DDT/adipose line, DDT exposure had to have decreased sharply. Note that no scale or factor is provided for relative DDT exposure. The Survey values are presented without distortion, linearly, with the starting point at 1954, and values for DDT exposure are estimates based on the the Survey and DDT ingestion data. Error is limited by two boundaries, for the estimated values of DDT exposure. 1) Exposures downward slope must be much greater than the Survey lines downard slope, because of DDTs half-life. 2) Exposure values must continue at least through 1968. Hayes and Laws also used a secondary evaluation, DDT intake per day, to explain that from 1954 to 1964-67, DDT ingestion decreased by an approximate factor of five. Significantly, the Salk vaccine program began in 1954. The observed decrease in the concentration of DDT in food (Walker et al., 1954; Durham et al., 1965a; Duggan, 1968) offers an adequate reason for the decrease in storage in people. The average intake of p,p-DDT and of total DDT-derived material was 0.178 and 0.280 mg/human/day, respectively, in 1954, but only 0.028 and 0.063 mg/human/day, respectively, during the period 1964-1967. - Hayes and Laws, page 303. BHC vs Polio (1940-1970) BHC (benzene hexachloride), a persistent, organochlorine pesticide, is several times more lethal than DDT, in terms of LD50, i.e., the lethal dosage required to kill 50 percent of a test population. Unlike the situation with DDT, in which there have been few recorded fatalities, there have been a number of fatalities following poisoning by the cyclodiene and hexachlorocyclohexane-type insecticides. The chlorinated cyclodiene insecticides are among the most toxic and environmentally persistent pesticides known. - Hayes & Laws As shown in the graph below, BHC was produced in 1945-1954 at quantities similar to DDT. In spite of BHCs lethal quality, it has received much less publicity than DDT. While DDT was banned for such things as an association with the thinning of eagles eggs, BHC was phased out of production because it was found, after 15 years, to impart a bad taste to food. It is still used in developing nations. It is tempting to ask whether highly public DDT was fronting for the more dangerous BHC. BHCs correlation with polio incidence is astonishing.

From The DDT Patent Issued June 17th, 1952:

DT presents a definite toxicity hazard to warm-blooded animals

From The DDT Patent Issued June 17th, 1952:

An insecticidal composition having prolonged residual effectiveness

Lead-Arsenic vs. Polio (1940-1970) After viewing the DDT and BHC graphs above, note that the period of 1940-46 is unaccounted for in terms of polio-pesticide correlation. The missing piece of the puzzle for this six-year period is supplied by the lead and arsenic compounds. These types of central nervous system (CNS) poisons have been the central component of pesticides since their widespread use beginning approximately 1868 until the advent of the organochlorine pesticides in the early 1940s. For those who have thought that organic food was the norm before the release of DDT to the civilian sector in 1945, the immense production of lead-arsenic compounds presented in this graph is disappointing. This data requires a reconsideration of any perception regarding natural quantities of arsenic found in apple seeds, apricots, or almonds, where pesticides can accumulate systemically from contaminated earth.

the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history

Pesticide Composite: Summary Just over three billion pounds of persistent pesticides are represented in the graph below. Virtually all peaks and valleys correlate with a direct one-to-one relationship with each pesticide as it enters and leaves the US market. Generally, pesticide production precedes polio incidence by 1 to 2 years. I assume that this variation is due to variations in reporting methods and the time it takes to move pesticides from factory to warehouse, through distribution channels, onto the food crops and to the dinner table. A composite of the three previous graphs, of the persistent pesticides lead, arsenic, and the dominant organochlorines (DDT and BHC) is represented in the following:

These four chemicals were not selected arbitrarily. These are representative of the major pesticides in use during the last major polio epidemic. They persist in the environment as neurotoxins that cause polio-like symptoms, polio-like physiology, and were dumped onto and into human food at dosage levels far above that approved by the FDA. They directly correlate with the incidence of various neurological diseases called polio before 1965. They were utilized, according to Biskind, in the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history.

Virus Causation A clear, direct, one-to-one relation between pesticides and paralytic polio over a period of 30 years with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context of the CNS related physiology just described, leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a co-factor, unless there exists a rigorous proof for virus causation. Polio shows no movement independent from pesticide movement as one would expect for the virus model. Medical propagandists promote images of a predatory, infectious virus, invading the body and quickly replicating to a level that causes disease, however, in the laboratory, poliovirus does not easily behave in such a predatory manner. Attempts to demonstrate virus causation are performed under extremely artificial and aberrant conditions. Poliovirus causation was first established in the mainstream mind by publications of an experiment by Landsteiner and Popper in Germany, 1908-1909. Their method was to inject a pulverized pure of diseased tissue intraperitoneally into two monkeys. One monkey died after six days and the other was sickened. Proof of poliovirus causation was headlined by orthodoxy. This, however, was an assumption not a proof of virus causation. The weakness of this method is obvious to everyone except certain viropathologists and has recently been criticized by the molecular biologist Peter Duesberg regarding a modern-day attempt to establish virus causation for kuru, another CNS disease. Since 1908, the basic test has been repeated successfully many times using monkeys, dogs and genetically altered mice. The injected material has even been improved scientists now use a saline solution containing purified poliovirus. However, a crucial weakness exists polio epidemics do not occur via injections of poliovirus isolate into the brains of the victims through a hole drilled in their skull except, of course, in laboratories and hospitals. If injection into the brain is really a valid test for causation then it should serve especially well as a proof for pesticide causation. I propose that pesticides be injected directly into the brains of test animals. If paralysis and nerve degeneration subsequently occur, we then would have proved that pesticides cause polio. Going further, towards much higher standards of proof than those used to prove virus causation, pesticides could be fed to animals and found to cause CNS disease. This has already been done with DDT and the histology of the spine and brain was poliomyelitis. Virus proofs require injection, often intracranial, to get any reaction from the experimental animal. It is axiomatic that a theory is only as good as its ability to predict future events. I predict that such a test would prove pesticides to be the most reliable causative factor. The injection of pure of diseased brain tissue into the brains of dogs was the method preferred by Louis Pasteur to establish virus causation with rabies, another CNS disease. A recent, definitive biography of Pasteur finds him to be a most important publicist for germ theory, a crucial promoter for the notion that rabies is caused by a virus. Unfortunately, his rabies experiments were biased and unsupported by independent studies. Therefore, in my opinion, even a cofactor theory, where pesticides catalyze predatory poliovirus activity, or where pesticides weaken the immune system to allow opportunistic predatory poliovirus activity, cannot stand up to simple, common sense explanations that include the concept of a symbiotic virus. Neurotoxins are enough of a cause for neurological disease. The most obvious theory pesticide causation should be the dominant theory. But the opposite exists, a pervasive silence regarding pesticide causation juxtaposed against a steady stream of drama regarding virus causation. In light of the evidence presented herein, the silence could ultimately discredit mainstream medical science, institutions of the environmental movement, and the World Health Organization (which directs both DDT application for mosquito campaigns and polio vaccination, world-wide).

Virus Presence When the symptoms of polio are recognized, there is often a claim of virus presence in the body of the polio victim. Sometimes a virus is found. Sometimes that virus is an enterovirus (a virus of the digestive tract). Sometimes that enterovirus is a poliovirus. During polio epidemics, orthodoxy blames the poliovirus, and therefore, my argument for the innocence of the poliovirus requires an explanation of these claims of virus presence and the presence of an agent called the poliovirus. Here are three points: a) Economic Impetus: During the great epidemic of 1942-1962 polio victims were diagnosed with polioviruscaused polio, regardless of whether or not the poliovirus was found, because the NFIP (March of Dimes) funds paid only for this kind of polio. Therefore, if patients were going to spend time hospitalized, in iron lungs and undergoing therapy, it would have been economically imperative for the hospital to diagnose them in this way. Thus, presence of poliovirus in poliomyelitis was rarely determined in order to arrive at a diagnosis of polio. b) Other Pathogens: Even if one believes in virus culpability, other viruses are also claimed by orthodoxy to be the cause of polio-like CNS diseases which are clinically indistinguishable from polio. In the 1940-50s, relatively few polio victims were confirmed technically for presence of the poliovirus. In 1958, a laboratory analyses of 222 diagnosed polio victims (Detroit epidemic) found poliovirus in only 51% of the cases. When multiple pathogens are hunted, a mix of pathogens, multiple viruses, fungi, and bacteria, can be associated with a single diagnosed case of polio. Coxsackievirus and echoviruses can cause paralytic syndromes that are clinically indistinguishable from paralytic poliomyelitis. (John H. Menkes, Textbook Of Child Neurology, 5th ed., (1995 p420) During a polio epidemic, such cases, would have likely been diagnosed as polio. After the 1970s, with the supposed approaching extinction of the poliovirus, such cases would have been diagnosed as encephalitis or meningitis. c) Benign Virus: The poliovirus is considered to have been endemic throughout the world going back to ancient times, yet this is not the case with paralytic polio. According to Arno Karlen, author of Man and Microbes, the polio virus lives only in people; it probably adapted to the human small intestine countless millennia ago. He continues, . . . some historians have claimed that [paralytic] polio goes back to ancient Egypt; it may, but the evidence is thin. Karlen makes a lot of sense here in view of the pesticide graphs, Biskinds arguments and ancient historians describing paralysis from the inhalation of vaporized chemicals during blacksmithing operations. However, Karlen goes on to write that the first undisputed case dates from the late eighteenth century. This statement, however, must be invalid (in its attempt to establish polio images that have a basis in early history) because of Menkes statement (above) that other viruses can also be causative for polio symptoms and because common industrial poisons such as arsenic and lead compounds can cause polio-like symptoms. Poisoning, as a method of assassination has also been frequently employed. It is not unreasonable to assume that unsuccessful poisonings may have left their victims paralyzed. Thus, Karlens offer of an undisputed case as early as the late 18th century can be no more than a guess. Orthodox medical literature can offer no evidence that the poliovirus was anything else than benign until the first polio epidemic, which occurred in Sweden in 1887. This small epidemic occurred 13 years after the invention of DDT in Germany, in 1874, and 14 years after the invention of the first mechanical pesticide crop sprayer, which was used to spray formulations of water, kerosene, soap and arsenic. The epidemic also occurred immediately following an unprecedented flurry of pesticide innovations. This is not to say that DDT was the actual cause of the first polio epidemic, as arsenic was then in widespread use and DDT is said to have been merely an academic

exercise. However, DDT or any of several neurotoxic organochlorines already discovered could have caused the first polio epidemic if they had been used experimentally as a pesticide. DDTs absence from early literature is little assurance that it was not used. We need to remember that the poliovirus is an enterovirus. There are at least 72 known enteroviruses discovered to date. According to Duesberg, many enteroviruses are harmless passenger viruses. In view of the material presented here, probably unknown to Duesberg, it is reasonable that we also view poliovirus as harmless outside of extreme laboratory conditions. The Symbiotic Poliovirus Having now established the possibility of an innocent poliovirus, its presence in polio can be explained as follows, with five more points: a) Accelerated Genetic Recombination: Genetic recombination is accelerated whenever a biological system is threatened. Pesticides can be that threat. The proliferation of viruses are known to be part of the process of accelerated genetic recombination. b) The SOS Response: When a cell is critically threatened, accelerated genetic recombination (which may include virus proliferation) is just one of a set of events that may occur. This set of events is called the SOS response, which is known to be triggered by exposure to toxic chemicals or radiation. Arnold Levine, writing in Fields Virology, provides an example: When lysogenic bacteria were lysed [split open] from without, no virus was detected. But from time to time a bacterium spontaneously lysed and produced many viruses. The influence of ultraviolet light in inducing the release of these viruses was a key observation that began to outline this curious relation between a virus and its host. Is this mere irony? Common medical procedures such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and the use of toxic pharmaceuticals accelerate genetic recombination and thus the potential for a necessary virus proliferation. c) The Ames Assay Test: The SOS response is utilized in the Ames Assay Test, a standard test whereby chemical toxicity is determined. According to the procedure, bacteria are exposed to a chemical solution in question, and if a genetic recombination accelerates via the spontaneous proliferation of viruses from these bacteria, then the chemical is determined to be a poison. The phenomenon is analogous to a poker player with a bad hand who must request an exchange of cards and a reshuffled deck to improve the possibilities for survival. In the Ames Assay Test, bacteria are concerned with their genetic hand in order to improve their abilities to metabolize poisons, create utilizations for poisons, and shield against poisons. Thus they engage in this well-known phenomena of gene shuffling, facilitated by virus proliferation.

Central nervous system diseases (CNS) such as polio are actually the physiological and symptomatic manifestations of the ongoing government and industry-sponsored inundation of the worlds populace with central nervous system poisons

Thus, I propose that the poliovirus is a symbiotic (and possibly a dormant) virus that behaves in a manner suggested by the phenomenon found in the Ames Assay Test, a test used to determine toxicity. One could object to this analogy on the grounds that because the Ames Test utilizes prokaryote cells (bacteria-like cells) rather than eukaryote cells (nucleus-containing cells that comprise multicellular tissue) and because it is asserted that poliovirus invokes damage by infecting eukaryote cells, the explanation is invalid. However, the evolution of eukaryotes includes structures and functions inherited from symbiotic unions of prokaryotes. Eukaryotes continue to possess to this day prokaryote functionality such as found in the genetic independence of the organelles within the eukaryote cells, such as mitochondria (Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, What Is Life? (1995), and, Lynn Margulis, Dorion Sagan, Slanted Truths: Essays on Gaia, Symbiosis, and Evolution (1997)). Thus, generalizations derived from the Ames Test can contribute well to a valid hypothesis for the presence of poliovirus in polio. d) Dormant Virus: When a cell is critically threatened by toxic chemicals (or radiation) it can invoke survival mechanisms (the SOS Response) such as the suspension of metabolism, or the activation of dormant viruses, triggering their proliferation from the cell such viruses are said to be dormant or latent. These words are not my preference because the way that they are popularly used implies that viruses are only externally generated and are found in the cell in a condition of temporary rest (dormancy). In cyclical phenomena, such as the life cycle of the virus, the starting point is a political-philosophical decision. The orthodox virus image (possibly a projection of the orthodox mind) is of an external, selfish, non-living parasite that tricks cells into infecting themselves with the virus and then to replicate said virus with cell machinery. Dormant viruses are publicized as external life forms that spend most of their time (as much as several decades) waiting inside cells, awaiting activation to perform parasitic activities. Recently it has become known that a tremendous amount of human DNA is devoted to virus proliferation. The virologist, Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, stated in Continuum, Autumn 1997: ...its accepted that endogenous retroviral DNA forms about 1% of human DNA... thats about 3,000 times larger than what the experts claim is the size of the HIV genome. And whats more, new retroviral genomes can arise by rearrangements and recombination of existing retroviral genomes. Like the retroviruses, the poliovirus is an RNA virus and has a genome of similar weight and length. There is suspicion of dormant characteristics because enteroviruses have been found by several independent investigators, in post-polio (PMID: 8818905, UI: 96415998 (Lyon, France, Aug., 1996) and others).

e) Gene Sharing: Viruses represent shared capability, shared data, and data in transit. They are genetic couriers. Shared data decreases the burden on each cell to carry all capabilities. Capability, in the form of genetic information, can be stored in the environment as virus gene packets, and different capabilities can be stored in different cells, just as humans each have, to some degree, uncommon capabilities which are shared with the community as needed. In the microbiotic world, when a specific capability is needed, cells share genetic information from the dynamically changing universal library of free floating genetic material, such as exists in viruses, free organelles, symbiotic parasites, and free nucleic acid, in addition to straight sexual intercourse where nucleic acid is transferred directly form cell to cell. It could be said that cells can carry unused (dormant) genetic information in the form of nucleic acid and when that information is required, share it through the proliferation of viruses. For example, in terms of disease, a symbiotic virus presence could be explained as a provider of cathartic capabilities or mechanisms, appropriate for various toxic or stressed environments. These cathartic mechanisms are manifested as disease symptoms, in the form of masses of sacrificed leucocytes, obviously found in boils, pimples, and pocks. Orthodoxy gives the label transduction to the processes of virus infection. Transduction is one of several modes of intercellular transport of genetic material, which allows for direct, laterally passed genetic data. Such data is routinely used to alter cell structure and metabolism modes dynamically, without engaging in the slower, more formal, sexual reproduction cycles. The concept of the symbiotic virus is explained in Encyclopedia Britannica, Macropaedia (1990) p507: Although viruses were originally discovered and characterized because of the diseases they cause, most viruses that infect bacteria, plants, and animals (including humans) do not cause disease. In fact, bacteriophages [bacteria viruses] may be helpful in that they rapidly transfer genetic information from one bacterium to another, and viruses of plants and animals may convey genetic information among similar species, aiding the survival of their hosts in hostile environments. Britannica continues with a praise of industrial biotechnology, and abruptly converts the probable-present into a future-made-possible by dependent consumers: This could in the future be true for humans as well. Recombinant DNA biotechnology may allow genetic defects to be repaired by injecting afflicted persons with harmless viruses that carry and integrate functional genes to supplant defective ones. The implication is that humans are not part of nature, however, in the next sentence Britannica states that we humans may already utilize symbiotic viruses: Such events may actually occur in nature in the transmission of good viruses from one person to another.

under the subtitle, Infection: A Rare Event in Fields Virology. 2. Eukaryote cells have a wide arsenal of activities to control the half-lives of mRNAs, and these nucleases have made it difficult to isolate intact RNA viral genomes from cells. (Virus Evolution, Ellen G. Strauss, et al, Fields Virology, Lippincott - Raven Publishers, Philadelphia (1996), v1p163) In view of item 1, this appears to be another careful way of saying never. 3. The poliovirus does not always infect in accordance to its notoriety, For every 200 or so virus particles that encounter a cell, only one will successfully enter and replicate, so research in this area is often confounded by the rarity of successful entry. ( Cellular.html) 4. Only herpesvirus has been traced enroute to site of disease from site of infection. Viruses during retrograde transport on their way up to the cell bodies have so far been localized ultrastructurally only in the case of herpes simplex and herpes virus suis. (Martin E. Schwab and Hans Thoenen, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, edited by George Adelman, pub, Birkhaser Bros. Inc., Boston (1987), Chapter 39, p102-3) 5. A poliovirus has been electrophotographed in cell tissue. Due the lack of any photos of the virus as an infectosome, these photos should be interpreted as evidence of the cells SOS response rather than of poliovirus causation. Electrophotography has existed for several decades and has yet to photograph a poliovirus infectosome. An infectosome is a membrane-associated particle... which transfers genomic viral RNA through the membrane. (Fields Virology (1996), p635) 6. It seems likely that all viruses trace their origins to cellular genes and can be considered as pieces of rogue nucleic acids. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropaedia (1997), Virus) This demonstrates the great potential for a symbiotic relation between viruses and hosts. 7. The point in history when known viruses began their evolution has been calculated by molecular biochemists who have interpolated backwards through time the speed and direction of virus evolution. They found that most viruses we know today have probably evolved since the last ice age. (Virus Evolution, Ellen G. Strauss, et al, Fields Virology (1996), p164)

Delousing at Dachau with DDT

8. Viruses are involved in a process called transduction, one of the three modes of genetic transfer between cells, a process that can accelerate genetic recombination when cells are critically threatened by poisons.

9. The nature-friendly view, that viruses are effective genetic symbionts, dilutes the market impact of genetic-based treatments alluded to by Britannica, and threatens biotech profits. Perhaps this explains certain aspects of the current worldwide war against virus-carrying mosquitoes? Virus Contradictions The concept of a predatory poliovirus becomes less certain in the context of these little known virus facts: 1. Poliovirus [I]nfectosomes have yet to be experimentally demonstrated, writes Roland R. Rueckert,

Virus infection is used by clone technology to transfer genetic material into cells.

10. Genetic information moves between viruses and their hosts to the point where definitions and classifications begin to blur. (Fields Virology (1996) p6) 11. In terms of genetic similarity, [T]here was a remarkable continuum... from virus to host. (Fields Virology (1996) p6) 12. Carrel (1926) was able to produce tumors resembling Rous sarcoma and transmissible by cell-free filtrates with indol, arsenic, or tar in chicken embryo. Carrels observations have been confirmed by other workers.

Fischer (1926), by treating cultures of normal cells with arsenic obtained on one occasion a filtrable virus capable of causing tumors. (Ralph R. Scobey, M.D., Poliomyelitis Caused by Exogenous Virus?, Science, v71 (1954)) Redefinition Any of the items listed above can be used to direct work towards a refreshing view of viropathology. For instance, Alexis Carrel and Albert Fischers experiments, in 1925-1926, preceded the discovery of the cellular SOS Response by decades. Their work is important in its impact on the basic tenants of viropathology, the contemporary proofs of virus causation, and definitions of immunity. Carrel, who happens to be one of the most recognized of all the Nobel Laureates, has stated without equivocation that the Rous sarcoma tumour is not infective, is caused by an agent within the cells themselves, yet is transmissible by cell-free Berkfeld filtrate of tumour extract. He states that the agent could not be a virus because of his assumption that a virus is an external, disease-causing, infectious entity. In retrospect such statements reveal the first (unrecognized) discovery of the dormant retrovirus. Carrel also clearly demonstrates poison causality for cancer. These landmark experiments are very simple, very clear, and totally ignored by orthodoxy. If one views Carrel and Fischer as a reinforcement of the symbiotic virus paradigm, then two strong alternative views can be defined regarding work that has been based on injections. Virus Disease In the case of classical induction of disease by injection of extremely high quantities of virus, the alternative view would be that the presence of such quantities of virus serve as an informational context, a context that indicates imminent toxic death to nave tissue, with an expected tissue reaction (disease). Or in other words, disease induction (via injection) is no more than an over-reaction (like jumping out of a window when someone yells fire) in terms of inflammation and catharsis (disease manifestations). Immunity: In the case of the classical demonstration of immunity whereby surviving subjects are found immune to attempts to induce disease by subsequent injections of virus, the alternative view is you cant fool them twice. Thus, a) inducement of disease by the injection of high-quantities of virus, and b) acquired immunity in survivors of these injections, can both be viewed as parlour tricks, though claimed to be demonstrations of virus causation for disease. Conclusion The word virus is ancient Latin, meaning slime or poison. Mainstream science admits that most viruses are harmless, yet the word virus adds to a biased and highly promoted language of fear regarding nature. Definitions of viruses range from pathogenic to not usually pathogenic the more popular the media source, the more frightening the definition. Less fearful definitions would change the relationship between the medical industry and its patients.

Paradoxically, early virus studies considered virus filtrates to be a poison, not a microbe, thus the name virus. Today, we know that viruses are information. Now, nearly a half-century later, the validity of Dr. Biskinds work appears even more certain. Again, according to Biskind: It was even known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts. Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite, the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign. The unique correlations between CNS disease and CNS poisons present a variety of research opportunities not only in medical science, but political science, philosophy, media studies, psychology, and sociology. Peregrine Falcons and DDT Understanding Bio-accumulation Of Toxins In The Environment Scanning EM comparing eggshell thickness between 1896 and 1969Even the youngest students that we talk to in the third and fourth grade seem to understand what it means to be listed as endangered and that the peregrine falcon and bald eagle were added to the endangered species list largely because of the impact of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT). DDT was considered to be a safe and effective insecticide in the 1940s and 1950s. It was used worldwide as an agricultural insecticide, and to combat lice and mosquitos responsible for the spread of human diseases such as typhus, and malaria. At the time, there were no known significant adverse effects to either animal or human health. Scientists later discovered the harmful effects of this pesticide and its derivatives in the environment. Select image at right to enlarge view. Crushed Wild EggWhen DDT was in wide and common use, daily doses of the chemical accumulated in the fatty tissue of the peregrine. The use of DDT was diminished and for some uses banned in 1972, however residual DDT in the environment today continues to contaminate peregrine falcons. Through a biological coincidence, the stored chemicals acted to block the movement of calcium during eggshell formation causing the shells to be thin. Peregrine falcon eggs broke and embryos died at an alarming rate around the world, alerting biologists long-term to search for a cause. Chemical Structure of DDT (C14 H9 Cl5)DDT is an organochlorine, and is highly persistent in the environment. In soil DDT is reported to have a half life between 2-15 years. Its metabolic products (DDE, DDD) accumulate through the food chain, with top level predators such as raptors having a higher systemic concentration of the chemicals than other animals sharing the same environment. DDE (dichloro-diphenyl-ethylene) is the most stable and toxic of the DDT metabolites.

Original Documents: Long history of DDT trouble, from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Because raptors and especially peregrine falcons exist at the top of food chains, regular surveys of their population status can reveal threats to environmental health before they become hazards to human beings. The Predatory Bird Research Group continues to study the peregrine falcon and monitor its breeding status because we believe it is an important indicator of ecosystem health. Our longterm studies of the peregrine falcon population in California could be very important to future assessments of the natural environment and have value for predicting future threats to human health. Organic Versus Man Made A panel of experts, put together by the president and known as the cancer panel, released a report yesterday that brings to light the potential danger of all sorts of chemicals found in everyday products that Americans use. The report also shines a spotlight on the negative effects of under-regulation and points out that out of 80,000 or so products, only several hundred have even been tested for safety. The final report included a slew of suggestions for consumers, including the use of organic foods and products (I can just see how the right will characterize this as Obamas organic arugula report?). The fact that people are seeing this report as being a departure from the norm should tell us a lot about our priorities as a society. The struggle against companies out to make a profit, no matter what the risk to our health, has been around for ages. Remember DDT? Then theres the entire tobacco industry. Oh, and dont forget our more recent struggle with the plastic additive BPA. Though federal legislation has been proposed to ban its use, the bill is none too popular, especially considering the lobbying powers of the food industry. Corporations have never really had our best interests at heart, it seems. Just the other day I listened to Maureen Storey - Senior Vice President, Science Policy, American Beverage Association try to argue on NPR that soda is comprised mostly of water, and therefore its good for you. Uh, yeah. Sort of like Bill Cosbys conclusion that its ok to eat chocolate cake for breakfast because it contains eggs and milk (except that hes a comedian, and shes scientist). The panel also pointed out that when evidence of the effect of a substance is unclear, we err on the side of the chemical, rather than our health. Though the government may urge us to steer clear of endocrine disruptors(which sound like something from a sci-fi thriller), they wont go so far as to ban them from the products we use in our everyday lives. I cant help assuming that these decisions are being motivated by some companys bottom line. Is it silly to think that this new report could be the beginning of a shift in values? Might we begin to place more emphasis on protecting Americans from chemicals that cause cancer and other health issues and less emphasis on protecting a corporations right to make a profit at any cost? I suppose theres always hope. And until then, you should very carefully check out the safety of all of the products you use and avoid known poisons. Archives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) reveal a long history of trouble with DDT, almost from the first uses of the chemical as an insecticide during World War II. Youll find extensive links to historic press releases from FWS below the fold. Critics of the various restrictions on DDT use often claim that DDT is a God-sent chemical that nearly eradicated malaria from the world (absolutely untrue) and which was banned only because of hysteria caused by Rachel Carsons 1962 book, Silent Spring (untrue at both ends, hysteria and the power of Carsons book). This is history revisionism at its worst, it is bogus history. A careful study of the history of the use of DDT shows that scientists were concerned about its dangers from the first uses as a pesticide. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported dangers in a press release on August 22, 1945, just a week after the surrender of Japan ended World War II (VJ Day was August 15 in Tokyo, August 14 in Washington). In that release FWS noted the beneficial uses of DDT to fight insect and lice infestations that threatened troops and civilians with typhus and other diseases, but cautioned that such use should not become common, that more study was needed: Praising DDT as an outstanding scientific achievement and a very valuable tool, Dr. Clarence Cottam, Director of Wildlife Research of the Fish and Wildlife Service, said that caution in its use is essential because of our incomplete knowledge of its action on many living things, both harmful and beneficial. Its use by the armed forces in Europe and the Pacific in killing disease-carrying insects was so effective and the need so urgent that its effects on other organisms had to be overlooked. Present information is based largely on single applications of DDT spray. The effects of repeated applications are little known. FWS had good reason for concern. Their tests had already shown DDT could kill waterfowl, which started the agency on a long quest for alternatives to DDT spraying of estuaries and swamps, in order to protect migratory waterfowl and the ecosystems that maintain their habitat. Repeatedly through the next 50 years FWS noted serious problems with DDT and its effects on wildlife. FWS created an on-line archives of their press notices on DDT which traces this history clearly and convincingly. Teachers can use these documents for document-based questions (DBQ) and exercises. Students can track the history of the ban of DDT through this one series of press releases, or supplement projects they may propose on DDT and its effects.

Policy makers and concerned citizens will notice that in these releases are direct refutations of claims made by pseudo-science groups such as, that the 1927 EPA ban on most uses of DDT was not fully considered, not based on long-term research, or not based on research at all. These releases directly refute claims that DDT was not found harmful to birds and other wildlife. A collection of these Press Releases appears below: MERE TRACE OF PESTICIDE KILLS AQUATIC LIFE, INTERIOR DEPARTMENT STUDY REVEALS DEAD AND DYING BIRDS ARE FOUND INTERIOR ENDORSES RESEARCH PROGRAM ON EFFECTS OF PESTICIDES ON WILDLIFE SECRETARY UDALL TESTIFIES ON PESTICIDE PROBLEMS, WARNING OF HAZARDS


Mutant Polio Virus Spreads in Nigeria

124 Children Afflicted This Year By A Paralyzing Disease Believed To Be Caused By The Same Vaccine Used To Fight It
Aug. 14, 2009 (AP) Polio, the dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria. And health officials say in some cases, its caused by the vaccine used to fight it. In July, the World Health Organization issued a warning that this vaccine-spread virus might extend beyond Africa. So far, 124 Nigerian children have been paralyzed this year - about twice those afflicted in 2008. The polio problem is just the latest challenge to global health authorities trying to convince wary citizens that vaccines can save them from dreaded disease. For years, myths have abounded about vaccines - that they were the Western worlds plan to sterilize Africans or give them AIDS. The sad polio reality fuels misguided fears and underscores the challenges authorities face using a flawed vaccine. Nigeria and most other poor nations use an oral polio vaccine because its cheaper, easier, and protects entire communities. But it is made from a live polio virus - albeit weakened - which carries a small risk of causing polio for every million or so doses given. In even rarer instances, the virus in the vaccine can mutate into a deadlier version that ignites new outbreaks. The vaccine used in the United States and other Western nations is given in shots, which use a killed virus that cannot cause polio. So when WHO officials discovered a polio outbreak in Nigeria was sparked by the polio vaccine itself, they assumed it would be easier to stop than a natural wild virus. They were wrong. In 2007, health experts reported that amid Nigerias ongoing outbreak of wild polio viruses, 69 children had also been paralyzed in a new outbreak caused by the mutation of a vaccines virus. Back then, WHO said the vaccine-linked outbreak would be swiftly overcome - yet two years later, cases continue to mount. They have since identified polio cases linked to the vaccine dating back as far as 2005. It is a worrying development for officials who hope to end polio epidemics in India and Africa by the end of this year, after missing several earlier deadlines. Its very disturbing, said Dr. Bruce Aylward, who heads the polio department at the World Health Organization. This year, the number of polio cases caused by the vaccine has doubled: 124 children have so far been paralyzed, compared to 62 in 2008, out of about 42 million children vaccinated. For every case of paralysis, there are hundreds of other children who dont develop symptoms, but pass on the disease.

When Nigerian leaders suspended polio vaccination in 2003, believing the vaccine would sterilize their children and infect them with HIV, Nigeria exported polio to nearly two dozen countries worldwide, making it as far away as Indonesia. Nigeria resumed vaccinations in 2004 after tests showed the vaccine was not contaminated with estrogen, anti-fertility agents or HIV. Experts have long believed epidemics unleashed by a vaccines mutated virus wouldnt last since the vaccine only contains a weakened virus strain - but that assumption is coming under pressure. Some experts now say that once viruses from vaccines start circulating they can become just as dangerous as wild viruses. The only difference is that this virus was originally in a vaccine vial, said Olen Kew, a virologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The oral polio vaccine used in Nigeria and elsewhere contains a mild version of the live virus. Children who have been vaccinated pass the virus into the water supply through urine or feces. Other children who then play in or drink that water pick up the vaccines virus, which gives them some protection against polio. But in rare instances, as the virus passes through unimmunized children, it can mutate into a strain dangerous enough to ignite new outbreaks, particularly if immunization rates in the rest of the population are low. Kew said genetic analysis proves mutated viruses from the vaccine have caused at least seven separate outbreaks in Nigeria. Though Nigerias coverage rates have improved, up to 15 percent of children in the north still havent been vaccinated against polio. To eradicate the disease, officials need to reach about 95 percent of the population. Nigerias vaccine-linked outbreak underlines the need to stop using the oral polio vaccine as soon as possible, since it can create the very epidemics it was designed to stop, experts say. WHO is researching other vaccines that might work better, but none is on the horizon. Until a better vaccine is ready, WHO and U.S. CDC officials say the oral vaccine is the best available tool to eradicate polio and that when inoculation rates are nearly 100 percent it works fine. Nigeria is almost a case study in what happens when you dont follow the recommendations, Kew said. Since WHO and partners began their attempt to rid the world of polio in 1988, officials have slashed the diseases incidence by more than 99 percent. But numerous deadlines have been missed and the number of cases has been at a virtual standstill since 2000. Critics have also wondered whether it is time to give up, and donors may be sick of continuing to fund a program with no clear endgame. Eradication is a gamble, said Scott Barrett, an economist at Columbia University who has studied polio policies. Its all or nothing ... and there is a very real risk this whole thing may fall apart. Aside from Nigeria, polio persists in a handful of other countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Chad, Angola and Sudan. Aylward agreed the Nigeria situation was another unwelcome hurdle, but was confident eradication was possible. We still have a shot, he said. Were throwing everything at it including the kitchen sink.

Whooping Cough and Pesticide Programs

California Counties 2010 by Jim West This is in response to unsupported mainstream media claims that vaccine exemptions caused the recent Whooping Cough (pertussis) epidemic. Those claims were made by omitting the obvious toxicology of pertussis epidemics. I have created a table (see below) with toxicological data included with pertussis data for California. The table demonstrates that pest quarantines (implicit pesticide spray programs) correlate well with the recent 2010 pertussis epidemic. June, 2010, pertussis spiked in California. June-Aug is the season for pertussis epidemics, which is also the season for pesticide spray programs, quarantines, and peak outdoor air pollution. Legend for Table Quarantine programs These implicity require pesticide applications. Produce cannot be moved unless it is certified pest-free. [lbam]= light brown apple moth; [egm]= euro grapevine moth; [mff]= medfly; [kb]= karnal bunt; [acp]= asian citrus psyllid; [off]= oriental fruit fly Spray programs These explicitly require pesticide application. [chp2 = chp2_Prog Desc.pdf map] Light Blue= Counties with zero pertussis incidence and no quarantine programs. Yellow= Counties with quarantine programs. Light Blue-Green= Counties with no quarantine programs listed. Disease incidence is cases per 100,000 population. Other environmental factors are included.

All zero-incidence counties are not quarantined. All pertussis counties are quarantined or have explicit spray programs. What About Claims Of Bacterial Causation? Diagnostics can include tests for B. Parapertussis bacteria, however, Because the symptoms during the catarrhal stage are nonspecific, pertussis is usually not diagnosed until the appearance of the characteristic cough of the paroxysmal stage. [wiki pertussis] The diagnosis for pertussis is usually based on symptoms, not germ diagnostics. The bacteria is said to be infectious. The bacterial paradigm deserves critical investigation due to the problems often found with other germ paradigms, because for example, poliovirus and HIV isolations have not actually been demonstrated. Apparently the pertussis paradigm originated as a Petri-dish disease, and such bacterial cultures obviously cannot exhibit the symptoms of asthma-like coughing, in order to fulfill Koch Postulate 3, that requires symptoms to establish a germ paradigm. Aside: Wiki claims 2 (isolation) can be dispensed with if the germ cannot be isolated, but that is false. xxx With Octave Gengou, he [Bordet] isolated Bordetella pertussis in pure culture in 1906 and posited it as the cause of whooping cough. [wiki gengou] Vaccines were devised and immunization programs soon followed. Pertussis bacterial paradigm was declared by laboratory researcher Bordet around 1906, and then vaccine programs Three Postulates On the basis of the table and a distrust of the bacterial paradigm, we can postulate three revisions: 1) Pertussis is a seasonal pesticide disease, although it possibly can occur any time due to indoor air pollution, such as stove exhaust, indoor pesticide application, etc., or other sources. Pertussis could also occur due to outdoor air pollution, mining, refineries, vehicular, etc. Pertussis is a respiratory disease and its symptoms are the bodys attempts to avoid breathing polluted air. The symptoms are a call for help and community alert. 2) Pertussis is not germ caused. 3) The bacterial paradigm is misinfo to confuse pesticide and other pollution diagnostics and to exploit the resulting confusion and disorders. This Research This article is a response to recent mainstream propaganda from The New York Times, The Bay Citizen, and California Watch, which promotes the idea that vaccine exemptions cause pertussis, utilizing manipulative titles such as, Are 10,000 kindergartners driving whooping cough epidemic? and Vaccination Rate Lags As an Epidemic Spreads. Journalist Cristina Jewett, or California Watch, wrote on 7/20/2010: Last month, I reported on the high rate of cases in Marin County, where the countys health officer pointed to personal-belief vaccine exemptions as a possible culprit. The Bay Citizen expanded on my piece in an article in the New York Times, talking to Marin parents who declined to immunize their kids. The controversy over kids and vaccines tends to pit public health officials, who favor vaccines, against jittery parents uncertain about the role that shots play in unexplained increases in autism and similar disorders. Researchers took a global look at how personal-belief waivers drive whooping cough in a 2006 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association. They found that states like California that have easy-to-obtainvaccine waivers saw a 90 percent higher incidence of whooping cough than other states. I wrote Jewett on 7/21/2010, twice, to inform her of the association of pesticides and pertussis, and have received no reply to date. Jewetts researchers omitted the obvious toxicology of pertussis. Jesse McKinley, of The New York Times, wrote on 6/23/2010:

After the deaths of five infants, California health authorities declared an epidemic of whooping cough in the state on Wednesday, urging residents particularly those of Latino background to get vaccinated against the disease. With regard to NY Times, particularly those of Latino background, obviously, Latinos in California are often agricultural workers, i.e., those who are maximally exposed to pesticide spray programs. Such literature, that advocates germ-theory and omits toxicology, is, at best, moot, since the character of the germ cannot be known in the absence of toxicology. Obviously, the treatments, prescribing poisons (antibiotics) would be disastrous if pertussis is a toxicological disease. That is, most pertussis deaths could be the result of antibiotics exacerbating a toxicological disease. Wikipedia, an example of mainstream medical norms, avoids toxicology and advocates antibiotics (poisons) while claiming that bacteria are causative. See Map: California Counties

Exploring The Polio Vaccine

A critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences
Polio (poliomyelitis) is a potentially dangerous viral ailment. To combat this disease, researchers developed two polio vaccines (inactivated and live) grown in cultures made from monkey kidneys. Beginning in the 1950s, these vaccines were administered to millions of people in the United States and throughout the world. Officially, the polio vaccine is considered safe and effective, and has been credited with singularly reducing the incidence of this disease. These tenets are not supported by the data. A cancer-causing monkey virus SV-40 was discovered in polio vaccines administered to millions of people. SV-40 has been found in brain tumors, bone cancers, lung cancers and leukemia. SV-40 is transmitted through sexual intercourse, and from mother to child in the womb. Monkeys that were used to make polio vaccines were infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a virus closely related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the infectious agent associated with AIDS. Some researchers question whether HIVs may simply be SIVs residing in and adapting to a human host. Polio vaccines also contain calf serum, glycerol and other parts of the cow that may have been infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease, a fatal brain-wasting ailment that some researchers link to Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), its human equivalent. Current disease reduction techniques that emphasize short-term gains over long-term health consequences need to be reevaluated and discontinued while new and safer health paradigms are researched and implemented. What Is Polio? Polio is a contagious disease caused by an intestinal virus that may attack nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat, and vomiting. Some victims develop neurological complications, including stiffness of the neck and back, weak muscles, pain in the joints, and paralysis of one or more limbs or respiratory muscles. In severe cases it may be fatal, due to respiratory paralysis. How Is Polio Contracted? Polio can be spread through contact with contaminated feces (for example, by changing an infected babys diapers) or through airborne droplets, in food, or in water. The virus enters the body by nose or mouth, then travels to the intestines where it incubates. Next, it enters the bloodstream where anti-polio antibodies are produced. In most cases, this stops the progression of the virus and the individual gains permanent immunity against the disease. Many people mistakenly believe that anyone who contracts polio will become paralyzed or die. However, in most infections caused by polio there are few distinctive symptoms. In fact, 95 percent of everyone who is exposed to the natural polio virus wont exhibit any symptoms, even under epidemic conditions. About 5 percent of infected people will experience mild symptoms, such as a sore throat, stiff neck, headache, and fever often diagnosed as a cold or flu. Muscular paralysis has been estimated to occur in about one of every 1,000 people who contract the disease. This has lead some scientific researchers to conclude that the small percentage of people who do develop paralytic polio may be anatomically susceptible to the disease. The vast remainder of the population may be naturally immune to the polio virus. Injections Several studies have shown that injections (for antibiotics or other vaccines) increase susceptibility to polio. In fact, researchers have known since the early 1900s that paralytic poliomyelitis often started at the site of an injection. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940s, cases of paralytic poliomyelitis skyrocketed (Figure 1). This was documented in Lancet and other medical journals. In 1949, the Medical Research Council in Great Britain set up a committee to investigate the matter and ultimately concluded that individuals are at increased risk of paralysis for 30 days following injections; injections alter the distribution of paralysis; and it did not matter whether the injections were subcutaneous or intramuscular. Figure 1. Polio cases skyrocketed after diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced. Several studies show that injections increase susceptibility to polio. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940s, cases of paralytic poliomyelitis skyrocketed. This chart shows the average number of polio cases per 100,000 people during five year periods before and after the vaccines were introduced. Source: National Morbidity Reports taken from U.S. Public Health surveillance reports; Lancet (April 18, 1950), pp. 659-663.


A 1992 study, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, validated earlier findings. Children who received DPT (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) injections were significantly more likely than controls to suffer paralytic poliomyelitis within the next 30 days. According to the authors, this study confirms that injections are an important cause of provocative poliomyelitis.

Does A Polio Vaccine Exist?

In 1947, Jonas Salk, an American physician and microbiologist, became head of the Virus Research Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh. He was interested in developing a polio vaccine. In 1952, Salk combined three types of polio virus grown in cultures made from monkey kidneys. Using formaldehyde, he was able to kill or inactivate the viral matter so that it would trigger an antibody response without causing the disease. That year he In 1995, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study showing that children who received a single began his initial experiments on human subjects. In 1953, his findings were published in the Journal of the Ameriinjection within one month after receiving a polio vaccine were 8 times more likely to contract polio than children can Medical Association. And in April of 1954 the nations first who received no injections. The risk jumped 27-fold when children polio immunization campaign, directed at school children, was received up to nine injections within one month after receiving the A cancer-causing monkey virus SV-40 was discovered launched. However, shortly thereafter hundreds of people conpolio vaccine. And with ten or more injections, the likelihood of detracted polio from Salks vaccine; many died. Apparently, his veloping polio was 182 times greater than expected. Why injections in polio vaccines administered to millions of people killed-virus vaccine was not completely inactivated. The vacincrease the risk of polio is unclear. Nevertheless, these studies and cine was redeveloped, and by August 1955 over 4 million doses others indicate that injections must be avoided in countries with were administered in the United States. By 1959, nearly 100 other countries were using Salks vaccine. In 1957, endemic poliomyelitis. Health authorities believe that all unnecessary injections should be avoided as well. Albert Sabin, another American physician and microbiologist, developed a live-virus (oral) vaccine against polio. He didnt think Salks killed-virus vaccine would be effective in preventing epidemics. He wanted his vaccine to Nutritional Deficiencies simulate a real-life infection. This meant using an attenuated or weakened form of the live virus. He experimented with thousands of monkeys and chimpanzees before isolating a rare type of polio virus that would reproduce in A poor diet has also been shown to increase susceptibility to polio. In 1948, during the height of the polio epidemthe intestinal tract without penetrating the central nervous system. The initial human trials were conducted in forics, Dr. Benjamin Sandler, a nutritional expert at the Oteen Veterans Hospital, documented a relationship between eign countries. In 1958, it was tested in the United States. And in 1963 Sabins oral sugar-cube vaccine became polio and an excessive use of sugars and starches. He compiled records showing that countries with the highest available for general use. per capita consumption of sugar, such as the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, and Sweden (with over 100 pounds per person per year) had the greatest incidence of polio. In contrast, polio was practically unheard of Which Vaccine Is In Use Today? in China (with its sugar use of only 3 pounds per person per year). Dr. Sandler claimed that sugars and starches lower blood sugar levels causing hypoglycemia, and that phosphoric acid in soft drinks strips the nerves of proper nourishment. Such foods dehydrate the cells and leech calcium from the body. A serious calcium deficiency precedes polio. Weakened nerve trunks are then more likely to malfunction and the victim loses the use of one or more limbs. Researchers have always known that polio strikes with its greatest intensity during the hot summer months. Dr. Sandler observed that children consume greater amounts of ice cream, soft drinks, and artificially sweetened products in hot weather. In 1949, before the polio season began, he warned the residents of North Carolina, through the newspapers and radio, to decrease their consumption of these products. That summer, North Carolinians reduced their intake of sugar by 90 percent and polio decreased by the same amount! The North Carolina State Health Department reported 2,498 cases of polio in 1948, and 229 cases in 1949 (data taken from North Carolina State Health Department figures). One manufacturer shipped one million less gallons of ice cream during the first week alone following the publication of Dr. Sandlers anti-polio diet. Soft drink sales were down as well. But the powerful Rockefeller Milk Trust, which sold frozen products to North Carolinians, combined forces with soft drink business leaders and convinced the people that Sandlers findings were a myth and the polio figures a fluke. By the summer of 1950 sales were back to previous levels and polio cases returned to normal. Can Polio Be Treated? Paralytic polio is rarely permanent. Usually there is a full recovery. Muscle power begins to return after several days and continues to improve during the next 12-24 months. A small percentage of cases will experience residual paralysis. In rare cases, paralysis of the muscles used to breathe can lead to death. Treatment mainly consists of putting the patient to bed and allowing the affected limbs to be completely relaxed. If breathing is affected, a respirator or iron lung can be used. Physical therapy may be required. In 1963, Sabins oral vaccine quickly replaced Salks injectable shot. It is cheaper to make, easier to take, and appears to provide greater protection, including herd immunity in unvaccinated people. However, it cannot be given to people with compromised immune systems. Plus, it is capable of causing polio in some recipients of the vaccine, and in individuals with compromised immune systems who come into close contact with recently vaccinated children. As a result, in January 2000, the CDC updated its polio vaccine recommendations, reverting back to policies first implemented during the 1950s: Children should only be given the killed-virus shot. The oral polio vaccine should only be used in special circumstances. Are Polio Vaccines Safe? When national immunization campaigns were initiated in the 1950s, the number of reported cases of polio following mass inoculations with the killed-virus vaccine was significantly greater than before mass inoculations, and may have more than doubled in the U.S. as a whole (chart at right). For example, Vermont reported 15 cases of polio during the one-year report period ending August 30, 1954 (before mass inoculations), compared to 55 cases of polio during the one-year period ending August 30, 1955 (after mass inoculations) a 266% increase. Rhode Island reported 22 cases during the before inoculations period as compared to 122 cases during the after inoculations period, a 454% increase. In New Hampshire the figures increased from 38 to 129; in Connecticut they rose from 144 to 276; and in Massachusetts they swelled from 273 to 2027, a whopping 642% increase.

When national immunization campaigns were initiated in the 1950s, the number of reported cases of polio following mass inoculations with the killed-virus vaccine was significantly greater than before mass inoculations, and may have more than doubled in the U.S. as a whole. Doctors and scientists on the staff of the National Institutes of Health during the 1950s were well aware that the Salk vaccine was causing polio. Some frankly stated that it was worthless as a preventive and dangerous to take. They refused to vaccinate their own children. Health departments banned the inoculations. The Idaho State Health Director angrily declared: I hold the Salk vaccine and its manufacturers responsible for a polio outbreak that killed several Idahoans and hospitalized dozens more. Even Salk himself was quoted as saying: When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you dont sleep well for two or three weeks. But the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, and drug companies with large investments in the vaccine coerced the U.S. Public Health Service into falsely proclaiming the vaccine was safe and effective. In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the killed-virus vaccine used in the 1950s, testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively in the U.S. from the early 1960s to 2000) was the principal if not sole cause of all reported polio cases in the U.S. since 1961. (The virus remains in the throat for one to two weeks and in the feces for up to two months. Thus, vaccine recipients are at risk, and can potentially spread the disease, as long as fecal excretion of the virus continues.) In 1992, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an admission that the live-virus vaccine had become the dominant cause of polio in the United States. In fact, according to CDC figures, every case of polio in the U.S. since 1979 was caused by the oral polio vaccine. Authorities claim the vaccine was responsible for about eight cases of polio every year. However, an independent study that analyzed the governments own vaccine database during a recent period of less than In the mid-1990s, during a period of less than five years, five years uncovered 13,641 reports of adverse there were 13,641 documented adverse reactions to the events following use of the oral polio vaccine. oral polio vaccine. 6,364 of these were serious enough These reports included 6,364 emergency room to require hospital emergency room visits. 540 people visits and 540 deaths (chart above). Public died. Source: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System outrage at these tragedies became the impetus (VAERS); OPV Vaccine Report: Doc. #14. for removing the oral polio vaccine from immunization schedules. The following story is typical of the damage associated with oral polio vaccines: Four months ago my son was taken to a local clinic for his polio vaccine. I wasnt aware that he was going to have one, and would have prevented it if I had known. Unfortunately, he changed from that day high-pitched screaming, smelly stools, nonstop crying, difficulty in breathing, high temperature, and lethargy. He also lost weight. Weeks of sleepless nights for all of us followed. His development ceased. He had been able to stand and move around, but he went back to remaining in basically whatever position we left him in. My wife was six months pregnant at the time, and about a week after our sons polio vaccine, she began to have headaches, loss of balance, muscular weakness, and frequent tiredness. I panicked because everything seemed to be pointing to polio infection. Then, a week after her continuous headaches began, she had to go to the hospital because there was something wrong with the pregnancy; she lost our daughter. I tried to get a polio test, and to find the cause of this tragic series of events, but the medical profession was extremely unhelpful. They laughed

at me. I will never know why our son suddenly stopped growing or why his development regressed. I will never know why we lost our daughter. The only thing I am sure about is that the precursor to these events was the polio vaccine. [From an unsolicited e-mail received by the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institutewww.thinktwice. com] Today, fact sheets on polio published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, warn parents that the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) can cause serious problems or even death... The company that manufactures the current inactivated polio vaccine warns that Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a debilitating ailment characterized by muscular incapacitation and nervous system damage, has been temporally related to administration of another inactivated poliovirus vaccine. And although this company makes the claim that no causal relationship has been established, it also admits that deaths have occurred after vaccination of infants with IPV. Yet, like the days of old, despite these danger alerts, medical authorities continue to assure parents that the currently available inactivated polio vaccine is both safe and effective. How Effective Are Polio Vaccines? Polio is virtually nonexistent in the United States today. However, according to Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, medical investigator and pediatrician, there is no credible scientific evidence that the vaccine caused polio to disappear. From 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 47 percent and 55 percent, respectively (chart at left). Statistics show a similar decline in other European countries as well. And when the vaccine did become available, many European countries questioned its effectiveness and refused to systematically inoculate their citizens. Yet, polio epidemics also ended in these countries. The chart at left show that from 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 47 percent and 55 percent, respectively. Source: International Mortality Statistics (1981) by Michael Alderson. Source: Congressional Hearings, May 1962; and National Morbidity Reports taken from U.S. Public Health surveillance reports. The standards for defining polio were changed when the polio vaccine was introduced. The new definition of a polio epidemic required more cases to be reported. Paralytic polio was redefined as well, making it more difficult to confirm, and therefore tally, cases. Prior to the introduction of the vaccine the patient only had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and tests to determine residual paralysis were not required. The new definition required the patient to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days, and residual paralysis had to be confirmed twice during the course of the disease. Also, after the vaccine was introduced cases of aseptic meningitis (an infectious disease often difficult to distinguish from polio) and coxsackie virus infections were more often reported as separate diseases from polio. But such cases were counted as polio before the vaccine

was introduced. The vaccines reported effectiveness was therefore skewed (chart at right). Source: Congressional Hearings, May 1962; and National Morbidity Reports taken from U.S. Public Health surveillance reports. The fact that dubious tactics were used to fabricate efficacy rates was corroborated by Dr. Bernard Greenberg, chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 1950s. His expert testimony was used as evidence during Congressional hearings in 1962. He credited the decline of polio cases not to the vaccine, but rather to a change in the way doctors were required to report cases: Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization... two examinations at least 24 hours apart was all that was required... In 1955 the criteria were changed... residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset... This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease... Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis. Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic criteria, the number of paralytic cases was predetermined to decrease. Polio Vaccines And Cancer In 1959, Bernice Eddy, a brilliant government scientist working in Biologics at the National Institutes of Health, discovered that polio vaccines being administered throughout the world contained an infectious agent capable of causing cancer. When Eddy attempted to report her findings and halt production of these contaminated polio vaccines, her government superiors barred her from publicly revealing the problem. Instead, her lab and equipment were taken away and she was demoted. In 1960, Drs. Ben Sweet and M.R. Hilleman, pharmaceutical researchers for the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research, were credited with discovering this infectious agentCSV-40, a monkey virus that infected nearly all rhesus monkeys, whose kidneys were used to produce polio vaccines. Hilleman and Sweet found SV-40 in all three types of Albert Sabins live oral polio vaccine, and noted the possibility that it might cause cancer, especially when administered to human babies. According to Sweet, It was a frightening discovery because, back then, it was not possible to detect the virus with the testing procedures we had... We had no idea of what this virus

would do... Sweet elaborated: First, we knew that SV-40 had oncogenic (cancer-causing) properties in hamsters, which was bad news. Secondly, we found out that it hybridized with certain DNA viruses... such that [they] would then have SV-40 genes attached [to them]... When we started growing the vaccines, we just couldnt get rid of the SV-40 contaminated virus. We tried to neutralize it, but couldnt... Now, with the theoretical links to HIV and cancer, it just blows my mind. Further research into SV-40 uncovered even more disturbing information. This cancer-causing virus was not only ingested via Sabins contaminated oral sugarcube vaccine, but was directly injected into peoples blood streams as well. Apparently, SV-40 survived the formaldehyde Salk used to kill microbes that defiled his injectable vaccine. Experts estimate that between 1954 and 1963, 30 million to 100 million Americans and perhaps another 100 million or more people throughout the world were exposed to SV-40 through illconceived polio eradication campaigns. Studies published in eminent journals throughout the world appear to confirm that SV-40 is a catalyst for many types of cancer. It has been found in brain tumors and leukemia. More recently, in 1996, Michele Carbone, a molecular pathologist at Chicagos Loyola University Medical Center, was able to detect SV-40 in 38 percent of patients with bone cancer and in 58 percent of those with mesothelioma, a deadly type of lung cancer. Carbones research indicates that SV-40 blocks an important protein that normally protects cells from becoming malignant. In 1998, a national cancer database was analyzed: 17 percent more bone cancers, 20 percent more brain cancers, and 178 percent more mesotheliomas were found in people who were exposed to SV-40-tainted polio vaccines. The National Institutes of Health created a map showing the geographic distribution of contaminated stock. Using this map, researchers found osteosarcoma bone tumor rates to be 10 times higher than normal in some regions where this tainted vaccine was used (chart above). Between 1954 and 1963, up to 100 million Americans were inoculated with SV-40-contaminated polio vaccines. This chart (above) shows areas of the country in 1955 where 10 million people received polio vaccines with either no, low, or high amounts of SV-40 in them. Source: National Institutes of Health. Perhaps the most alarming aspect of this ongoing simian virus debacle can be found in other studies suggesting that SV-40, introduced to humans through the polio vaccine, can be passed from human to human and from mother to child. A study of nearly 59,000 women found that children of mothers who received the Salk vaccine between 1959 and 1965 had brain tumors at a rate 13 times greater than mothers who did not receive those polio shots. Another study published in the U.S. medical journal Cancer Research found SV-40 present in 23 percent of blood samples and 45 percent of semen taken from healthy subjects. Apparently, the virus is being spread sexually and from mother to child in the womb. According to biology and genetics professor Mauro Tognon, one of the studys authors, this would explain why brain, bone, and lung cancers are on the rise a 30 percent increase in U.S. brain tumors alone over the past 25 years and why SV-40 was detected in brain tumors of children born after 1965 who presumably did not receive polio vaccines containing the virus. Despite official denials of any correlation between polio vaccines, SV-40, and increased cancer rates, by April

2001, 62 papers from 30 laboratories around the world had reported SV-40 in human tissues and tumors. The virus was also discovered in pituitary and thyroid tumors, and in patients with kidney disease. Even the National Cancer Institute issued a statement that SV-40 may be associated with human cancer. Studies yet to be conducted may provide additional clues about the link between contaminated polio vaccines, SV-40, and new diseases. But scientists have their hands full. The latest research has uncovered correlations between polio vaccines, another monkey virus, and AIDS. Polio Vaccines And AIDS SV-40, the cancer-causing monkey virus found in polio vaccines and administered to millions of unsuspecting people throughout the world, was just one of numerous simian viruses known to have contaminated polio vaccines. As monkey kidney culture is host to innumerable simian viruses, the number found varying in relation to the amount of work expended to find them, the problem presented to the manufacturer is considerable, if not insuperable, one early vaccine researcher wrote to a congressional panel studying the safety of growing live polio-virus vaccine in monkey kidneys. As our technical methods improve we may find fewer and fewer lots of vaccine which can be called free from simian virus. According to Harvard Medical School professor Ronald Desrosier, the practice of growing polio vaccines in monkey kidneys is a ticking time bomb. Evidently, some viruses can live inside monkeys without causing harm. But if these viruses were to somehow cross species and enter the human population, new diseases could occur. Desrosier continued: The danger in using monkey tissue to produce human vaccines is that some viruses produced by monkeys may be transferred to humans in the vaccine, with very bad health consequences. Desrosier also warns that testing can only be done for known viruses, and that our knowledge is limited to about 2 percent of existing monkey viruses. Craig Engesser, a spokesman for Lederle Laboratories, a large vaccine manufacturing company, acknowledged that you cant test for something if you dont know its there. Virus detection techniques were crude and unreliable during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s when polio vaccines were initially produced and dispensed. It wasnt until the mid 1980s that new and more sophisticated testing procedures were developed. That was when researchers discovered that about 50 percent of all African green monkeys the primate of choice for making polio vaccines were infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a virus closely related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the infectious agent thought to precede AIDS. This caused some researchers to wonder whether HIVs may simply be SIVs residing in and adapting to a human host. It caused others to suspect that SIV may have mutated into HIV once it was introduced into the human population by way of contaminated polio vaccines. Vaccine authorities were so concerned about the possibility that SIV was a precursor to HIV, and that polio vaccines were the means of transmission from monkey to human, that The World Health Organization (WHO) convened two meetings of experts in 1985 to explore the data and consider their options. After all, SIV was very similar to HIV and occurred naturally in the monkey species predominantly used by vaccine manufacturers. Nevertheless, WHO concluded that the vaccines were safe and insisted that vaccination campaigns should continue un- abated.

Shortly thereafter, Japanese researchers conducted their own investigation and found that African green monkeys used to produce polio vaccines had antibodies against SIV. The implication was clear: monkeys used to produce polio vaccines were natural carriers of a virus that looked and acted like HIV, the infectious agent linked to AIDS. In 1989, they recommended that monkeys infected with SIV not be used to make polio vaccines. In 1990, wild chimpanzees in Africa were found to be infected with a strain of SIV that was nearly identical to HIV. Some researchers called it the missing link to the origins of human immunodeficiency virus. And since chimpanzees were used to test viruses for potential use in vaccines, and were kept in captivity by research laboratories, they could have been a source of vaccine contamination. Scientific concerns were also heightened when researchers found some West Africans who were infected with an SIV-like virus that was a fundamental twin to HIV. They called it HIV-2, and like the initial HIV subtype, it was implicated in the development of AIDS. According to Robert Gallo, an expert on the AIDS virus, some versions of the SIV monkey virus are virtually indistinguishable from some human variants of HIV: The monkey virus is the human virus. There are monkey viruses as close to isolates of HIV-2 as HIV-2 isolates are to each other. In May 1991, virus-detection techniques were improved once again, and researchers found SIV DNA in the kidneys of infected monkeys. Minced monkey kidneys were (and still are) used to produce the live polio vaccine. SIV was also found in the cancer cells of an AIDS victim, and in other people as well. To many researchers, this trail of evidence had become too persuasive to deny. Apparently, millions of people were infected with monkey viruses capable of causing AIDS, and this cross-species transfer most likely occurred by way of SIV-contaminated polio vaccines. Didnt AIDS Originate In Africa? Most historians agree that AIDS originated in Africa. But Salk tested his vaccine in the U.S., and Sabins trials were conducted in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. If tainted polio vaccines were responsible for introducing SIV and HIV into humans, why did the initial cases of AIDS show up on this remote continent? In March 1951, several years before Drs. Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin would scuffle over whose vaccine was the true prophylactic, Dr. Hilary Koprowski announced at a medical conference that he had become the first doctor in history to test a polio vaccine on humans. His volunteers included several institutionalized children with mental handicaps. They drank the vaccine in chocolate milk. From 1957 to 1960, after years of tinkering with monkey kidneys and polio germs, Koprowski tested his own experimental polio vaccine on 325,000 equatorial Africans, including 75,000 citizens of Leopoldville, Belgian Congo (now Kinshasa, Zaire). Called by drums, rural natives traveled to local villages where they had a liquid vaccine squirted into their mouths. Ninety-eight percent of the vaccine recipients were infants and toddlers. The youngest children received 15 times the adult dosage. Though Koprowski claimed he had the backing of the World Health Organization, WHO denied sanctioning the large-scale trials. In 1959, Dr. Albert Sabin reported in the British Medical Journal that Koprowskis polio vaccine used in the African trials contained an unidentified cell-killing virus. It was never identified. However, in 1986 the earli-

est known blood sample containing antibodies against HIV was traced back to 1959. The serum came from a patient visiting a clinic in Leopoldville. There is no evidence that HIV infected humans before 1959. Gerald Myers, a genetic sequencing expert with Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico, tracked the evolution of HIV and confirmed that todays major subtypes of the AIDS virus in humans appear to have arisen as recently as 1960. Koprowskis vaccine was not approved for human use, so it was discontinued in 1960 following the African trials. Thus, it was only administered to inhabitants of the Belgian Congo, Rwanda and Burundi the precise area where high levels of HIV infection were identified by researchers 30 years later. Furthermore, the AIDS virus is known to infect mucous cells, prevalent in the mouth [59:60]. The African vaccines were squirted into peoples mouths. Could squirting an HIV-contaminated polio vaccine into peoples mouths cause AIDS? According to Tom Folks, chief retrovirologist at the CDC, Any time a person has a lesion in his mouth, then there could be transmission of the virus. Dr. Robert Bohannon of Baylor College of Medicine maintains that the process of squirting the polio vaccine into peoples mouths would tend to aerosolize some of the liquid. Tiny drops could then go directly into the lungs, and from there to the blood cells susceptible to infection. This would have been an efficient mode of HIV transmission. Disease experts believe that the average time between HIV infection and the development of AIDS is 8-10 years. If the African polio vaccine was indeed contaminated with SIV/ HIV, initial outbreaks of AIDS would have occurred from the mid-1960s to early 1970s. This period accurately coincides with the emergence of AIDS in equatorial Africa. Test The Polio Vaccines Authorities are reluctant to acknowledge the possibility that medical scientists, preoccupied with growing polio vaccines in virus-laden monkey kidneys, may have been responsible for bringing about the AIDS pandemic. For example, Dr. David Heymann, who heads the World Health Organizations Global Program on AIDS, flatly stated that the origin of the AIDS virus is of no importance to science today. William Haseltine, a Harvard pathology professor and AIDS researcher also believes that any discussion about the origin of AIDS is distracting and nonproductive. Its not relevant, and Im not interested in discussing it. Jonas Salk wont discuss the subject either. He is now working on an AIDS vaccine. Albert Sabin believes you cant hang Koprowski with that. And Koprowski dismissed the idea with a laugh, then later claimed this is a highly theoretical situation. However, samples of the polio vaccines used in Africa are kept in freezers at the Wistar Institute where Koprowski did much of his research. They could be tested. Tom Folks of the CDC thinks its a good idea to test the seed stocks of polio because any time we can learn more about the natural history [of AIDS], it helps us understand the pathogenesis and... the transmission. Robert Gallo also thinks its important to determine whether a monkey virus sparked AIDS. Questions like this are of more than academic interest because answering them may help avoid future zoonotic catastrophes that is, transmission of disease from lower animals to humans. Responding to these concerns, some AIDS researchers formally requested samples of the original polio vaccine seed stocks. But the government will neither release nor test them because there are only a small number of vials of the material, and tests might use it all up. AIDS Within The Gay Community If AIDS originated in Africa via contaminated polio vaccines, how did this disease spread to male homosexuals in America? In 1974, clinics in New York and California began experimental treatments for gay men afflicted with herpes. Therapy consisted of multiple doses of the live polio vaccine. As noted earlier, this vaccine was produced

in the kidneys of the African Green monkey, a known reservoir for simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a likely precursor to HIV. Beginning in the early 1980s, simultaneous outbreaks of Kaposi sarcoma and serious opportunistic infections (later associated with AIDS) were reported among homosexual men, especially in New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. This time span coincides with the average incubation period between HIV infection and the development of AIDS. In 1982, the CDC concluded that such outbreaks strongly suggests the occurrence of a single epidemic of underlying immunosuppression... The following year, HIV was identified as the causative agent. And in 1992, Lancet published the first scientific explanation showing how repeated doses of SIV-contaminated polio vaccines may have seeded HIV among American homosexual men. AIDS With No Identified Risk Factor (NIR) Another unusual event occurred in the 1980s. Hundreds of people diagnosed with AIDS had no identified risk factor (NIR). They did not engage in risky behaviors related to AIDS infection. The CDC also listed numerous children as NIR. Some parents believe HIV-contaminated polio vaccines infected their loved ones. On February 12, 1994, Bruce Williams filed a civil suit against the American Cyanamid Company, claiming its polio vaccine caused his daughters illness. The suit alleges that the live oral poliovirus vaccine was produced, tested, and approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration pursuant to measures inconsistent with accepted standards of medical practice. The lawsuit also asserts that the product was FDA approved despite the known presence of contaminants, including retroviruses such as HIV. Walter Kyle, the Williams lawyer, identified the specific lots of vaccine the child received, but the CDC and federal health officials have refused to test them. Kyle believes The CDC could disprove my entire hypothesis by testing the vaccines they have in their possession. The fact that they havent done so is evidence theres something wrong with the vaccine. Some researchers believe the true number of NIR cases could be in the thousands. When health officials examine people with AIDS, they try to identify a risk factor. If a patient admits he once had unprotected sex, that becomes his factor, even though theres no proof that is how he was infected. The evidence implicating polio vaccines grown in monkey kidneys with our current epidemics of cancer and AIDS continues to grow. But what if polio vaccines were produced in cow serum? Would that make a difference? Polio Vaccines And Mad Cow Disease Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a progressive neurological disorder of cattle. Infected cows lose weight, drool, arch their backs, wave their heads, teeter back and forth, threaten other cows, act crazy, and eventually die. The first case of the disease was observed in 1984. Since then, BSE has killed more than 200,000 cows. Mad cow disease is related to scrapie, a similar disease afflicting sheep. In fact, authorities believe it spread to cows from sheep when they were fed scrapie-infected bone meal. Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and vCJD (a newly discovered variant) are the human equivalents of mad cow disease. They cause a comparable wasting of the brain leading to muscle incoordination, sensory loss, and mental confusion. It is always fatal. There is no known cure.

There is very strong evidence that mad cow disease and the newly discovered variant of Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease are caused by the same infectious agent. For example, a 1996 study showed that monkeys injected with BSE developed symptoms remarkably similar to vCJD. Another study showed that BSE and vCJD had similar molecular characteristics unlike classical CJD. Two later studies, one published in 1997, the other in 1999, appear to confirm that BSE from cattle causes vCruetzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. Researchers think that mad cow disease can be passed from cows to humans if they ingest BSE-infected beef, or if they receive vaccines contaminated with BSE. BSE associated infectious agents are capable of contaminating polio vaccines because they are not only grown in monkey kidneys, but in calf serum as well. In fact, many parts of the cow are used in vaccine production. Glycerol is derived from cow fat; gelatin and amino acids come from cow bones; and the growth medium for viruses and other microorganisms may require cow skeletal muscle, enzymes, and blood. Authorities knew that vaccines could be infected with BSE associated transmissible agents as early as 1988. Yet, in England, vaccine manufacturers waited months before switching to cows less likely to be infected, and refused to remove current stock off the shelves and out of doctors offices until it was all sold, or expired five years later towards the end of 1993. One outraged legislator declared that the Department of Health was potentially criminally negligent in not requiring the immediate withdrawal or cessation of use of vaccines from potentially contaminated sources. Despite nationwide apprehension, manufacturers continued to disregard European guidelines. Finally, in October 2000, the Department of Health became so concerned about the likelihood of children being infected with BSE-contaminated vaccines and falling prey to vCruetzfeldt-Jakob disease (dozens of people, including children, had already contracted it) that they issued a recall of hundreds of thousands of polio vaccines made using fetal bovine serum extracted from British cows.

e v a H t a h W ? e n o We D

In the United States, authorities waited until December 1993 before issuing a recommendation that U.S. manufacturers not use bovine material from countries reporting BSE. The FDA issued a second warning to manufacturers in 1996 informing them to take whatever steps are necessary to reduce potential risk of transmission of BSE agent. But in March 2000, the FDA discovered that its recommendations were ignored. Vaccines were still being made in bovine materials obtained from countries reporting BSE. Americans have something else to be concerned about as well. Although U.S. cows do not exhibit mad cow symptoms, every year in the United States tens of thousands of cattle are severely incapacitated; they cannot stand and walk on their own. Farm Sanctuary, a national non-profit organization dedicated to halting irresponsible agricultural practices, believes that these downed animals may harbor a new variant of BSE, and is critical of the Food and Drug Administrations BSE surveillance efforts. Despite early warning signs, downed cows are not examined for a new variant of BSE, and have not been ruled out of vaccine production. Dr. Richard Marsh of the Department of Animal Health and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, conducted research providing evidence that downed cattle in the U.S. may harbor a new variant of mad cow disease. He inocuPolio Eradication lated cows with TME, a variant of BSE. They became downed instead of mad. A Vicious Other scientists inoculated cows with scrapie from U.S. sheep. They, too, became downed instead of mad. Responding to the FDAs apparent indifference, Farm Sanctuary issued the following statement: We are distressed that economic priorities have tended to take precedence over the health of consumers. We are also concerned that, like in Britain, a powerful economic incentive exists to ignore evidence that BSE, or a variant of BSE, exists in the U.S. We urge the FDA to examine the scientific evidence regarding BSE carefully and to act in the interest of American consumers. Regardless, the FDA did not modify its BSE surveillance policies, and vaccines made in bovine material obtained from countries reporting BSE were not going to be removed from the market for at least another year, until 2002 after all existing stock had been purchased and consumed. More Animal Viruses Thousands of viruses and other potentially infectious microorganisms thrive in monkeys and cows, the preferred animals for making polio vaccines. SV-40, SIV, and BSE associated transmissible agents are just three of the disease-causing agents researchers have isolated. For example, scientists have known since 1955 that monkeys host the B virus, foamy agent virus, haemadsorption viruses, the LCM virus, arboviruses, and more. Bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV), similar in genetic structure to HIV, was recently found in some cows. In 1956, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was discovered in chimpanzees. According to Dr. Viera Scheibner, who studied more than 30,000 pages of medical papers dealing with vaccination, RSV viruses formed prominent contaminants in polio vaccines, and were soon detected in children. They caused serious cold-like symptoms in small infants and babies who received the polio vaccine. In 1961, the Journal of the American Medical Association published two studies confirming a causal relationship between RSV and relatively severe lower respiratory tract illness. The virus was found in 57 percent of infants with bronchiolitis or pneumonia, and in 12 percent of babies with a milder febrile respiratory disease. Infected babies remained ill for three to five months. RSV was also found to be contagious, and soon spread to adults where it has been linked to the common cold. Today, RSV infects virtually all infants by the age of two years, and is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia among infants and children under one year of age according to the CDC. It also causes severe

respiratory disease in the elderly. RSV remains highly contagious and results in thousands of hospitalizations every year; many people die from it. Ironically, scientists are developing a vaccine to combat RSV the infectious agent that very likely entered the human population by way of a vaccine. Dr. John Martin, a professor of pathology at the University of Southern California, has been warning authorities since 1978 that other dangerous monkey viruses could be contaminating polio vaccines. In particular, Martin sought to investigate simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV), a stealth virus capable of causing neurological disorders in the human brain. The virus was found in monkeys used for making polio vaccines. The government rebuffed his efforts to study the risks. However, in 1995, Martin published his findings implicating the African green monkey as the probable source of SCMV isolated from a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome. In 1996, Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, a microbiologist, founder and chief science officer of Calypte Biomedical in Berkeley, California spoke at a national AIDS conference where he revealed that up to 26 monkey viruses may have been in the original Salk vaccines. These included the simian equivalents of human echo virus, coxsackie, herpes (HHV-6, HHV-7, and HHV-8), adenoviruses, Epstein-Barr, and cytomegalovirus. Urnovitz believes that contaminated Salk vaccines given to U.S. children between 1955 and 1961 may have set this generation up for immune system damage and neurological disorders. He sees correlations between early polio vaccine campaigns and the sudden emergence of human T-cell leukemia, epidemic Kaposis sarcoma, Burkitts lymphoma, herpes, Epstein-Barr and chronic fatigue syndrome.

With Vaccines: Cycle?

Urnovitz also discussed jumping genes normal genes that may recombine with viral fragments to form new hybrid viruses called chimeras. He believes that this is exactly what happened when monkey viruses and human genes were brought together during early polio vaccine campaigns. And because the chimera has the envelope of a normal human gene, typical cures wont work. How do you develop a vaccine or other antidote against the bodys own DNA? Mutated Polio Strains Several years ago, the World Health Organization launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, with 2000 as its target date for eliminating the disease. However, by 2000 it became clear that not only was polio still around, but new strains of the disease derived from the vaccine itself were emerging. Researchers first noticed something unusual in 1983. Outbreaks of polio in Egypt were being caused by a vaccine-derived polio virus. In 1993, Dr. Radu Crainic of the Pasteur Institute, discovered that strains of the polio virus have the ability to spontaneously recombine with themselves and create new strains. Crainic showed that if you vaccinate a child with polio strains 1, 2, and 3, you can produce a new strain, strain 4, out of the childs stool. Crainic concluded that the polio vaccine creates favorable conditions contributing to the evolution of viral recombinations. In October 2000, virologist Hiromu Yoshida of Japans National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Tokyo reported finding a new infectious polio virus in Japanese rivers and sewage. Genetic sequencing confirmed that the virus had mutated from the polio vaccine and regained much of its original virulence. According to Yoshida, it poses a persistent environmental threat. In December 2000, researchers reported on a polio outbreak in Haiti and the Dominican Republic that resulted in numerous cases of flaccid paralysis. Laboratory examinations confirmed health authorities worst suspicions: the disease was caused by an unusual viral derivative of the polio vaccine. The virus demonstrates genetic similari-

ty to the parent vaccine strain, but it has assumed the neurovirulence and transmissibility of the wild polio virus. Health officials are obviously concerned, because a wild poliovirus has not circulated in the Western Hemisphere since 1991, and if the newly mutated polio virus spreads, it could cause new epidemics of the disease. The wild polio virus brought about the development of polio vaccines, which spawned mutations of the polio virus, resulting in new vaccine-derived wild polio viruses. Source: Virology 1993; 196:199-208; Lancet (October 28, 2000); Reuters Medical News (December 4, 2000) How Is Todays Polio Vaccine Produced? Despite the polio vaccines long history of causing polio, and the manufacturers inability to protect the public from dangerous microorganisms that perpetually contaminate their ever growing repertoire of new and improved products, the currently available inactivated, or killed-virus polio vaccine continues to be manufactured in much the same way as earlier versions. Animal matter and questionable drugs are still used. In the United States, todays polio vaccine is a sterile suspension of three types of poliovirus. The viruses are grown in cultures of a continuous line of monkey kidney cells... supplemented with newborn calf serum... The vaccine also contains two antibiotics (neomycin and streptomycin), in addition to formaldehyde as a preservative. In Canada, the inactivated polio vaccine is produced in human diploid cells instead of monkey kidneys. Some researchers believe this is a safer alternative. According to Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center in Vienna, Virginia, With mounting evidence that cross-species transfer of viruses can occur, the United States should no longer be using animal tissues to produce vaccines. However, Dr. Arthur Levine of the National Institutes of Health believes that making polio vaccines using human cells isnt risk-free either, because they must be tested for human infections. Are Positive Changes Possible? Government officials worry that even debating the issue will frighten parents. Levine probably speaks for many people within the vaccine industry when he declares: We do a grave disservice to the public if we were now to question the safety of the current polio vaccines... But Barbara Loe Fisher would like to see changes in the way vaccine safety is governed. She believes that agencies like the FDA have an inherent conflict of interest because of their mandate to promote universal vaccination on the one hand and regulate vaccine safety on the other. Whos minding the store when the FDA has allowed drug companies to produce vaccines grown on contaminated monkey kidneys? Fisher asks. What happened to protecting the public health? Dr. John Martin agrees. He believes that we need to immediately determine the prevalence of stealth viruses of simian origin in the United States, and whether they may be contributing to chronic immune system and brain disorders in children and adults. Dr. Urnovitz is even more resolute in his convictions. He thinks that an extensive study of human exposure to simian microbes is long overdue. Half of the people in this country are baby boomers who were born between 1941 and 1961 and are at high risk for having been exposed to polio vaccines contaminated with monkey viruses. Are we just a time bomb waiting to happen, waiting to develop lupus, Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease? Urnovitz also challenged medical science to prove him wrong. What we are saying here is that there is a strong probability that no human retroviruses existed before the polio vaccines... You have to realize that if you mess around with nature, youre going to pay the price... The objective here is a better, healthier world... References For This Article [1] Okonek BM, et al. Development of polio vaccines. Access Excellence Classic Collection, February 16, 2001:1. [2] Volk WA, et al. Basic Microbiology, 4th edition. Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1980:455. [3] Physicians Desk Reference (PDR); 55th edition. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics, 2001:778.

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Vaccines, Autism and Childhood Disorders (2003); Immunizations: The People Speak (1996); and Immunization Theory Versus Reality (1995). He is a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows, including Donahue and Montel Williams, where he is often seen and heard debating doctors and other health officials. Mr. Miller has a degree in psychology, is the director of the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute (, and is a member of Mensa, the international high-IQ society. He lives in Northern New Mexico with his family. Mr. Miller began his crusade against mandatory vaccines when his son was born. Very little data could be found on this topic. His search for the truth led him to scientific journals. There he discovered numerous studies warning medical practitioners that vaccines are often unsafe and ineffective. His shock and anger at the suppression of this information culminated in his passionate advocacy of health freedom and informed parenting options. Neil Miller is a health pioneer who presented documentation about vaccine safety and efficacy problems long before these concerns were made public. For example, several years ago he complained about toxic mercury being put into childhood vaccines and provided evidence linking vaccines and autism. During the past decade, cases of autism skyrocketed by more than 500 percent in countries that use the MMR vaccine. In some parts of the United States, one of every 150 children is autistic. Recently, Congress commanded the FDA to remove mercury from vaccines, and new studies by several world-renowned scientists confirmed an MMR-autism link. Despite the many problems uncovered in Mr. Millers research, he does not tell parents to reject the shots: Every year, more than 12,000 people in the United States file vaccine-damage reports with the FDA documenting serious adverse reactions to mandated immunizations (children are mainly affected). The FDA estimates that this represents just 10 percent of the true rate. Yet, even these figures pale in comparison to the number of cases of new diseases scientifically linked to inoculations: MMR and autism, polio vaccines and cancer, the hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis, the Hib vaccine and diabetes, to name just a few. For these reasons, among others, I am opposed to mandatory vaccines. I do not recommend for or against the shots. I want everyone to think through this enigmatic and controversial subject on their own. I believe that parents are capable of obtaining the facts and making knowledgeable choices regarding the care and welfare of their children. Mr. Miller has publicly debated the pros and cons of mandatory vaccines with several pediatricians and other health practitioners, including the chief medical epidemiologist for the National Immunization Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He conducts lectures throughout the United States and is available to discuss his research on vaccines.

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