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The Law of Roller Skating Cricket

(1st Edition-2011)

Law 1 - The Players Law 2 - Substitutes; batsman retiring Law 3 - Equipment Law 4 - The Umpires Law 5 - The S !rers Law " - The #all Law $ - The #at Law % - The Pit h Law & - The 'i (ets Law 1) - The b!wling* p!pping an+ return reases Law 11 - ,nnings Law 12 - ,nter-als Law 13 - S !ring runs Law 14 - #!un+aries Law 15 - L!st ball Law 1" - The !-er Law 1$ - The result Law 1% - .ea+ ball

Law 1& - /! #all Law 2) - 'i+e ball Law 21 - #ye an+ Leg-bye Law 22 - 0ppeals Law 23 - The 'i (et ,s .!wn Law 24 - #atsman !ut !1 his gr!un+ Law 25 - #!wle+ Law 2" - Time+ !ut Law 2$ - 2aught Law 2% - 3an+le+ the ball Law 2& - 3it the ball twi e Law 3) - 3it wi (et Law 31 - Leg be1!re wi (et Law 32 - 4bstru ting the 1iel+ Law 33 - 5un !ut Law 34 - Stumpe+ Law 35 - The wi (et-(eeper Law 3" - The 1iel+er Law 3$ - Un1air Play 0PPE/.,6 1- Pr! e+ure 1!r the 4ne 4-er Per Si+e Eliminat!r 0PPE/.,6 2- 2rease 7ar(ing

0PPE/.,6 3- 8r!un+ 7ar(ing

Law 1 - The players

19 /umber !1 Players an+ 2aptain
A match is played between two sides each of eight Players, one of whom shall be Captain !n the e"ent of the Captain not being a"ailable at any time a #ep$ty shall act for him %he dep$ty m$st be one of the nominated members from the playing eight

29 /!minati!n !1 Players
Each captain shall nominate & players pl$s a ma'im$m of ( s$bstit$te fielders in writing to the one of the $mpires before the toss )o player (member of the playing eight) may be changed after the nomination witho$t the consent of the opposing captain

39 5esp!nsibility !1 aptains
%he captains are responsible at all times for ens$ring that play is cond$cted within the spirit and traditions of the game as well as within the *aws

Law 2 - Substitutes; batsman retiring 19 Substitutes

+$bstit$tion wo$ld be allowed for a fielder, at any time from the start of the match to the end of the match witho$t any ,$estion, b$t the captain has to inform the $mpires that who acts as s$bstit$te

29 4b:e ti!n t! Substitutes

%he opposing Captain shall ha"e no right of ob-ection to any player acting as +$bstit$te on the field, nor as to where he shall field

39 5estri ti!ns !n the r!le !1 substitutes

A s$bstit$te shall not be allowed to bat, bowl and wic/et-/eeping or as captain on the field of play

49 Player returning with!ut permissi!n

!f a player after coming o$t of the field either way or in the s$bstit$tion bench enters in to the field of play and get in contact with the ball while it is in play, then (!) %he ball shall immediately becomes dead and the $mpire shall award 0 r$ns (penalty r$ns) to the batting side %he ball shall not be co$nted in the o"er (ii) %he $mpire shall inform the other $mpire, the captain of the fielding side, the batsmen and, as soon as practicable, the captain of the batting side of the reason for this action

59 #atsman Lea-ing the ;iel+ !r 5etiring

A 1atsman may lea"e the field or retire at any time owing to illness, in-$ry or other $na"oidable ca$se, ha"ing pre"io$sly notified the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end 4e may res$me his innings at the fall of a wic/et, which for the p$rposes of this *aw shall incl$de the retirement of another 1atsman !f he lea"es the field or retires for any other reason he may only res$me his innings with the consent of the opposing Captain 5hen a 1atsman has left the field or retired and is $nable to ret$rn owing to illness, in-$ry or other $na"oidable ca$se his innings is to be recorded as 6retired, not o$t6 7therwise it is to be recorded as 6retired, o$t6

Law 3 < Equipment

E,$ipment here describes the +/ating e,$ipments Either 8$ad shoe (4yper wheel) or !nline +hoe witho$t stopper will be allowed to play and strictly Ad-$stable wheel shoe will not be allowed for play +/ating 4elmet is a m$st and witho$t that no player will be allowed in the field +afety /it ($sed in s/ating) can be $sed if necessary for the player

Law 4 < The Umpires 19 0pp!intment

1efore the toss for innings two 2mpires shall be appointed, one for each end, to control the game with absol$te impartiality as re,$ired by the *aws

29 2hange !1 Umpire
)o 2mpire shall be changed d$ring a match witho$t the consent of both Captains other than in e'ceptional circ$mstances, $nless he is in-$red or ill (

39 Spe ial 2!n+iti!ns

1efore the toss for innings, the 2mpires shall agree with both Captains on any special conditions affecting the cond$ct of the match

49 The 'i (ets

%he 2mpires shall satisfy themsel"es before the start of the match that the wic/ets are properly pitched

59 2l! ( !r 'at h
%he 2mpires shall agree between themsel"es and inform both Captains before the start of the match on the watch or cloc/ to be followed d$ring the match

"9 2!n+u t an+ ,mplements

1efore and d$ring a match the 2mpires shall ens$re that the cond$ct of the game and the implements $sed are strictly in accordance with the *aws 4ow e"er the decision of the $mpire shall be final in case of any contro"ersy regarding the play

$9 ;air an+ Un1air Play

%he 2mpires shall be the sole -$dges of fair and $nfair play

%9 ;itness !1 8r!un+* 'eather an+ Light

(a) %he 2mpires shall be the sole -$dges for the fitness of the gro$nd, weather and light for play (i) 4owe"er, before deciding to s$spend play or not to start play or not to res$me play after an inter"al or stoppage, the 2mpires shall establish whether both Captains (the 1atsmen at the wic/et may be the dep$ties for their Captain) wish to commence or to contin$e in the pre"ailing conditions9 if so, their wishes shall be met (ii) !n addition, if d$ring play, the 2mpires decide that the light is $nfit, only the batting side shall ha"e the option of contin$ing play After agreeing to contin$e to play in $nfit light conditions, the Captain of the batting side (or a 1atsman at the wic/et) may appeal against the light to the $mpires, who shall $phold the appeal only if, in their opinion, the light has deteriorated since the agreement to contin$e was made 0

(b) After any s$spension of play, the 2mpires, $naccompanied by any of the Players or 7fficials shall, on their own initiati"e, carry o$t an inspection immediately the conditions impro"e and shall contin$e to inspect at inter"als !mmediately the 2mpires decide that play is possible they shall call $pon the Players to res$me the game

&9 E= epti!nal 2ir umstan es

!n e'ceptional circ$mstances, other than those of weather, gro$nd or light, the 2mpires may decide to s$spend or abandon play 1efore ma/ing s$ch a decision the 2mpires shall establish, if the circ$mstances allow, whether both Captains (the 1atsmen at the wic/et may be dep$ties for their Captain) wish to contin$e in the pre"ailing conditions: if so their wishes shall be met

1)9 P!siti!n !1 Umpires

%he 2mpires shall stand where they can best see any act $pon which their decision may be re,$ired +$b-ect to this o"erriding consideration the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall stand where he does not interfere with either the 1owler3s r$n $p or the +tri/er3s "iew %he 2mpire at the +tri/er3s end may elect to stand on the off instead of the leg side of the pitch, pro"ided he informs the Captain of the fielding side and the +tri/er of his intention to do so

119 Umpires 2hanging En+s

%he 2mpires shall change ends after each o"er bowled

129 Signals
%he following code of signals shall be $sed by 2mpires who will wait $ntil a signal has been answered by a +corer before allowing the game to proceed #!un+ary >4?@ by wa"ing the arm from side to side #!un+ary >"?@ by raising both arms abo"e the head #ye@ by raising an open hand abo"e the head .ea+ #all@ by crossing and re-crossing the wrists below the waist Leg #ye@ by to$ching a raised /nee with the hand /! #all@ by e'tending one arm hori;ontally 4ut@ by raising the inde' finger abo"e the head !f not o$t the 2mpire shall call 6not o$t6 Sh!rt 5un@ by bending the arm $pwards and by to$ching the nearer sho$lder with the tips of the fingers 'i+e@ by e'tending both arms hori;ontally <

149 2!rre tness !1 S !res

%he 2mpires shall be responsible for satisfying themsel"es on the correctness of the scores thro$gho$t and at the concl$sion of the match

Law 5 < The S !rers 19 5e !r+ing 5uns

1 7ne scorer sho$ld be appointed 4is -ob is to record the score from the signal gi"en by the $mpire %he $mpires m$st chec/ the n$mber of r$ns scored by a side, the n$mber of wic/ets that ha"e fallen and the n$mber of o"ers bowled 2 +corers m$st chec/ with each other =all the time>, to ens$re that there is no discrepancy between them %hey ha"e the responsibility for seeing that the scores are correct +corers m$st chec/ the two (three) items abo"e with the $mpires e"ery time the players come off the field for an inter"al Chec/ing at the end of an innings, and e"en more at the end of the match, is "ital

29 0 (n!wle+ging Signals
%he +corer shall accept and immediately ac/nowledge all instr$ctions and signals gi"en to them by the $mpires

L0' "@ T3E #0LL 19 'eight an+ SiAe

%he ball, when new, shall weigh not less than 0-1?2 o$nces? 100 g nor more than 0-.?( o$nces?1<. g : and shall meas$re not less than &-1.?1< inches?22 ( cm nor more than @ inches?22 @ cm in circ$mference %he type of the ball shall be g$ided by the board from time to time for the betterment of the game

29 0ppr!-al !1 #alls
1efore the toss, after balls ha"e been appro"ed, the $mpires ta/e possession of all these balls 7ne will be in $se d$ring play9 the others remain in the $mpires> possession thro$gho$t the match %he $mpire who will be at the bowler>s end for the ne't deli"ery is required to ta/e the ball c$rrently in $se from the fielders $nder these circ$mstances, 5hene"er a wic/et falls 5hene"er %ime is called for an inter"al !n case, if any disp$te or contro"ersy arises A

39 /ew #all
!ndicates that normally there will be a new ball at the start of each innings, b$t allows for agreement otherwise %his agreement is to be =before the match> so m$st either be part of the match reg$lations or made -ointly by the two captains with the appro"al of the $mpires, at latest before the toss

49 #all L!st !r #e !ming Un1it 1!r Play

A ball will ha"e to be replaced if the one in $se 2ann!t be 1!un+ B is perhaps lost in some b$shes o$tside the bo$ndary, $nder a b$ilding, etc 2ann!t be re !-ere+ B is st$c/ $p a tree, has fallen into the ri"er bordering the gro$nd, etc has become $nfit for play %he $mpires will decide if this is the case, tho$gh often it will be a player who draws attention to its condition

L0' $@ T3E #0T

19 'i+th an+ Length
1 %he length is not more than .& inches *ength "aries with the stat$re of the batsman %he ma'im$m of .& inches is rarely reached in practice9 the width is not more than ( 1?( inches 2mpires sho$ld chec/ any bat that appears to be too wide 1at ga$ges are a"ailable for this p$rpose 2 %here is nothing to indicate material other than wood in the blade, the s$rface of antisc$ff material or any binding on the blade is not li/ely to damage the ball beyond normal wear and tear 1rittle plastic which can crac/ and de"elop sharp edges, a hard grained s$rface which co$ld be abrasi"e are two e'amples of $nacceptable materials

Law % -The Pit h 19 0rea !1 pit h

%he minim$m dimensions of the playing field are .0 mts ' 10 mts A bigger co$rt is acceptable

29 Sele ti!n an+ preparati!n

1efore the match, the Cro$nd A$thority shall be responsible for the selection and preparation of the pitch #$ring the match, the $mpires shall control its $se and maintenance &

39 2hanging the pit h

%he pitch shall not be changed d$ring the match $nless the $mpires decide that it is $nreasonable or dangero$s for play to contin$e on it and then only with the consent of both captains will be co$nted in the decision

Law & < The 'i (ets 19 'i+th an+ Pit hing
%wo sets of wic/ets, each @ inches?22 &< cm wide, and consisting of three wooden st$mps with two wooden bails $pon the top, shall be pitched opposite and parallel to each other at a distance of 22 yards?20 12m between the centers of the two middle st$mps

29 SiAe !1 Stumps
%he st$mps shall be of e,$al and s$fficient si;e to pre"ent the ball from passing between them %heir tops shall be 2& inches?A1 1cm abo"e the gro$nd, and shall be dome-shaped e'cept for the bail groo"es

39 SiAe !1 #ails
%he bails shall be each (-.?& inches?11 1cm in length and when in position on top of the st$mps shall not pro-ect more than 1?2 inch?1 . cm abo"e them

49 .ispensing with #ails

!f the bails become dislodged d$ring play, it is possible that they will not be replaced $ntil the ball is dead Accepting that there will therefore be a short time d$ring which they are not in position on top of the st$mps is not =dispensing with bails> %hat description can be applied only when the $mpires, acting together, ta/e a definite decision that no bails will be $sed !t is for the $mpires to ma/e s$ch a decision !t is not one to be ta/en lightly %he reason for s$ch a decision is that the bails fre,$ently fall from the st$mps spontaneo$sly, ca$sing fr$stration and delay Poor bail groo"es and?or windy conditions will probably be the ca$se E"en tho$gh not all the bails are ca$sing tro$ble, both sets m$st be dispensed with !f conditions impro"e s$fficiently the $se of bails m$st be res$med

Law 1) - The b!wling* p!pping an+ return reases 19 The #!wling 2rease

%he bowling crease shall be mar/ed in line with the st$mps at each end and shall be & ft & inches?2 <( m in length, with the st$mps in the centre

29 The P!pping 2rease

%he popping crease, which is the bac/ edge of the crease mar/ing, shall be in front of and parallel with the bowling crease !t shall ha"e the bac/ edge of the crease mar/ing ( ft?1 22 m from the centre of the st$mps and shall e'tend to a minim$m of < ft?1 &. m on either side of the line of the wic/et %he popping crease shall be considered to be $nlimited in length

39 The 5eturn 2rease

%he ret$rn crease mar/ing, of which the inside edge is the crease, shall be at each end of the bowling crease and at right angles to it %he ret$rn crease shall be mar/ed to a minim$m of ( ft ?1 22 m behind the wic/et and shall be considered to be $nlimited in length A forward e'tension shall be mar/ed to the popping crease

Law 11 - ,nnings 19 /umber !1 innings

All matches will consist of one innings per side, each innings being limited to a ma'im$m of 10 o"ers

29 The t!ss
%he Captains shall toss for the choice of innings on the field of play not later than 10 min$tes before the time sched$led for the match to start, or before the time agreed $pon for play to start

39 .e isi!n t! be n!ti1ie+
%he captain who wins the toss m$st be ready with his choice of batting or fielding first 4e m$st notify the other captain abo$t it and at the same time informing the $mpire(s) present As with all information gi"en to an $mpire, the latter will ens$re that both the other $mpire (if not present) and the scorers /now %his decision cannot be changed once it has been notified to the opposing captain, whate"er the circ$mstances %he time restriction is important A captain needs to organi;e his team9 batsmen and wic/et-/eeper need to p$t on pads etc %he start of play co$ld be $nnecessarily delayed, if the captain does not /now in good time whether his side is to bat or to field

49 /umber !1 4-ers per #!wler


)o bowler shall bowl more than ( o"ers in an innings !n a delayed or interr$pted match where the o"ers are red$ced for both teams or for the team bowling second, no bowler may bowl more than one-forth of the total o"ers allowed 5here the total o"ers are not di"isible by (, one additional o"er shall be allowed to the ma'im$m n$mber per bowler necessary to ma/e $p the balance !n the e"ent of a bowler brea/ing down and being $nable to complete an o"er, the remaining balls will be allowed by another bowler +$ch part of an o"er will co$nt as a f$ll o"er only in so far as each bowler>s limit is concerned %he scoreboard shall show the total n$mber of o"ers bowled and the n$mber of o"ers bowled by each bowler

59 7inimum 4-er 5ates

%he minim$m o"er rate to be achie"ed in a match will be 12 o"ers for .< min$tes %he act$al o"er rate will be calc$lated at the end of the match by the $mpires !n calc$lating the act$al o"er rate for the match, allowances will be gi"en for the act$al time lost as a res$lt of any of the following: a b c d e %reatment gi"en to a player by an a$thori;ed medical personnel on the field of play9 a player being re,$ired to lea"e the field as a res$lt of a serio$s in-$ry9 all third $mpire referrals and cons$ltations9 time wasting by the batting side9 and all other circ$mstances that are beyond the control of the fielding side

Law 12 < ,nter-als 19 ,nter-al between ,nnings

!nter"al between !nnings will be 10 min$tes 4owe"er, following a lengthy delay or interr$ption prior to the completion of the innings of the team batting first, the Datch Eeferee may, at his discretion, red$ce the inter"al between innings from ( min$tes to not less than < min$tes

29 ,nter-als 1!r +rin(s

%he minim$m time for the !nter"als for drin/s will be . min$tes An indi"id$al player may be gi"en a drin/ either on the bo$ndary edge or at the fall of a wic/et, on the field, pro"ided that no playing time is wasted )o other drin/s shall be ta/en onto the field witho$t the permission of the $mpires

Law 13 - S !ring runs 19 0 5un


%he score shall be rec/oned by r$ns A r$n is scored:(a) +o often as the 1atsmen, after a hit or at any time while the ball is in play, shall ha"e crossed and made good their gro$nd from end to end (b) 5hen a bo$ndary is scored +ee (c) 5hen penalty r$ns are awarded

29 Sh!rt 5uns
(a) !f either 1atsman r$ns a short r$n, the 2mpire shall call and signal 6one short6 as soon as the ball becomes dead and that r$n shall not be scored A r$n is short if a 1atsman fails to reach the crease on t$rning for a f$rther r$n (b) Altho$gh a short r$n shortens the s$cceeding one, the latter, if completed shall co$nt (c) !f either or both 1atsmen deliberately r$n short the 2mpire shall, as soon as he sees that the fielding side ha"e no chance of dismissing either 1atsman, call and signal 6dead ball6 and disallow any r$ns attempted or pre"io$sly scored %he 1atsmen shall ret$rn to their original ends (d) !f both 1atsmen r$n short in one and the same r$n, only one r$n shall be ded$cted (e) 7nly if three or more r$ns are attempted can more than one be short and then, s$b-ect to (c) and (d) abo"e, all r$ns so called shall be disallowed !f there has been more than one short r$n the 2mpires shall instr$ct the +corers as to the n$mber of r$ns disallowed

39 Stri(er 2aught
!f the +tri/er is ca$ght, no r$n shall be scored

49 #atsman 5un 4ut

!f a 1atsman after hitting the ball and trying to get on to the other end and in between his wic/et remo"ed by the fielders with a ball then its is E$n 7$t !n that case only that r$n which was being attempted shall not be scored

59 #atsman 4bstru ting the ;iel+

!f a 1atsman is o$t 7bstr$cting the Field, any r$ns completed before the obstr$ction occ$rs shall be scored $nless s$ch obstr$ction pre"ents a catch being made in which case no r$ns shall be scored

"9 5uns S !re+ 1!r Penalties


E$ns shall be scored for penalties $nder *ost 1all, )o 1all, 5ide 1all and Fielding the 1all

Law 14 - #!un+aries 19 The #!un+ary !1 the Playing 0rea

1efore the toss for innings, the 2mpires shall agree with both Captains on the bo$ndary of the playing area %he bo$ndary shall, if possible, be mar/ed by a seeable line, or a fence !f flags or posts only are $sed to mar/ a bo$ndary, the imaginary line -oining s$ch points shall be regarded as the bo$ndary An obstacle, or person, within the playing area shall not be regarded as a bo$ndary $nless so decided by the 2mpires before the toss for innings +ight screens within, or partially within, the playing area shall be regarded as the bo$ndary and when the ball stri/es or passes within or $nder or directly o"er any part of the screen, a bo$ndary shall be scored

29 5uns S !re+ 1!r #!un+aries

1efore the toss for innings, the 2mpires shall agree with both Captains the r$ns to be allowed for bo$ndaries, and in deciding the allowance for them, the 2mpires and Captains shall be g$ided by the pre"ailing c$stom of the gro$nd %he allowance for a bo$ndary shall normally be 1 r$ns, ( r$ns, and < r$ns for all hits pitching o"er and clear of the bo$ndary line or fence, e"en tho$gh the ball has been pre"io$sly to$ched by a Fieldsman < r$ns shall also be scored if a Fieldsman, after catching a ball, carries it o"er the bo$ndary

39 0 #!un+ary
A bo$ndary shall be scored and signaled by the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end whene"er, in his opinion:(a) A ball in play to$ches or crosses the bo$ndary, howe"er mar/ed (b) A Fieldsman with ball in hand to$ches or gro$nds any part of his body on or o"er a bo$ndary line (c) A Fieldsman with ball in hand gro$nds any part of his body o"er a bo$ndary fence or board %his allows the Fieldsman to to$ch or lean on or o"er a bo$ndary fence or board in pre"enting a bo$ndary

49 5uns E= ee+ing #!un+ary 0ll!wan e

%he r$ns completed at the instant the ball reaches the bo$ndary shall co$nt if they e'ceed the bo$ndary allowance

59 4-erthr!ws !r 'ill1ul 0 t !1 a ;iel+sman


!f the bo$ndary res$lts from an o"erthrow or from the willf$l act of a Fieldsman, any r$ns already completed and the allowance shall be added to the score %he r$n in progress shall co$nt pro"ided that the 1atsmen ha"e crossed at the instant of the throw or act

Law 15 - L!st ball 19 ;iel+er t! all l!st ball

!f a ball in play cannot be fo$nd or reco"ered, any fielder may call lost ball %he ball shall then become dead

29 #all t! be repla e+
%he $mpires shall replace the ball if the last played ball was lost or become irreco"erable or $nfit for play %he new ball which replaces the lost ball sho$ld be in the same condition as that of the lost ball ? irreco"erable ? $nfit to play

39 5uns s !re
(a) %he penalty for a )o ball or a 5ide, if applicable, shall stand, together with any penalties $nder either of that is applicable before the call of lost ball

Law 1" - The result 19 0 'in

%he side which has scored in its one innings a total of r$ns in e'cess of that scored by the opposing side in its one completed innings shall win the match

29 0 Tie
!f the scores are e,$al, the res$lt will be a tie and no acco$nt shall be ta/en of the n$mber of wic/ets which ha"e fallen !n the e"ent of a tied match the teams shall compete in a one o"er per side eliminator to determine the winner

39 ,nterrupte+< 2al ulati!n !1 the Target S !re

!f, d$e to s$spension of play after the start of the match, the n$mber of o"ers in the innings of either team has to be re"ised to a lesser n$mber than originally allotted (minim$m of 0 o"ers), then a re"ised target score (to win) sho$ld be set for the n$mber of o"ers which the 1(

team batting second will ha"e the 7pport$nity of facing %his re"ised target is to be calc$lated total a"erage

49 5esult n!t t! be hange+

7nce the $mpires ha"e agreed with the scorers the correctness of the scores at the concl$sion of the match Bthe res$lt cannot thereafter be changed

Law 1$ - The !-er 19 /umber !1 balls

E"ery o"er will consist of < balls

29 Start !1 an !-er
An o"er has started when the bowler starts his r$n $p or, if he has no r$n $p, his deli"ery action for the first deli"ery of that o"er A bowler is not allowed to bowl two consec$ti"e o"ers.

39 2all !1 4-er
5hen < balls ha"e been bowled other than those which are not to co$nt in the o"er and as the ball becomes dead the $mpire shall call 7"er before lea"ing the wic/et

Law 1% - .ea+ ball 19 #all is +ea+

(a) %he ball becomes dead when (i) it is finally settled in the hands of the wic/et-/eeper or the bowler (ii) A bo$ndary is scored (iii) A batsman is dismissed (i") 5hether played or not it becomes trapped between the bat and person of a batsman or between items of his clothing or e,$ipment (") 5hether played or not it lodges in the clothing or e,$ipment of a batsman or the clothing of an $mpire ("i)!t lodges in a protecti"e helmet worn by a member of the fielding side ("ii) %here is a contra"ention of either of (Fielding the ball) or (Protecti"e helmets belonging to the fielding side) ("iii) %here is an award of penalty r$ns $nder (Player ret$rning witho$t permission) (i') *ost ball is called (*ost ball) (') %he $mpire calls o"er or %ime 10

(b) %he ball shall be considered to be dead when it is clear to the $mpire at the bowler3s end that the fielding side and both batsmen at the wic/et ha"e ceased to regard it as in play

29 #all 1inally settle+

5hether the ball is finally settled or not is a matter for the $mpire alone to decide

39 Umpire alling an+ signaling .ea+ ball

(a) 5hen the ball has become dead $nder 1 abo"e, the bowler3s end $mpire may call #ead ball, if it is necessary to inform the players (b) Either $mpire shall call and signal #ead ball when (i) 4e inter"enes in a case of $nfair play (ii) A serio$s in-$ry to a player or $mpire occ$rs (iii) 4e lea"es his normal position for cons$ltation (i")7ne or both bails fall from the stri/er3s wic/et before he plays the ball (") 4e is satisfied that for an ade,$ate reason the stri/er is not ready for the deli"ery of the ball and, if the ball is deli"ered, ma/es no attempt to play it ("i)%he stri/er is distracted by any noise or mo"ement or in any other way while he is preparing to recei"e or recei"ing a deli"ery %his shall apply whether the so$rce of the distraction is within the game or o$tside it )ote howe"er, the pro"isions of (#eliberate attempt to distract the stri/er) the ball shall not co$nt as one of the o"er ("ii) %he bowler drops the ball accidentally before deli"ery ("iii) %he ball does not lea"e the bowler3s hand for any reason other than an attempt to r$n o$t the non-stri/er before deli"ering the ball (i') 4e is re,$ired to do so $nder any of the *aws

49 #all eases t! be +ea+

%he ball ceases to be dead B that is, it comes into play B when the bowler starts his r$n $p or, if he has no r$n $p, his bowling action

Law 1& - /! #all 19 7!+e !1 .eli-ery

%he 2mpire shall indicate to the +tri/er whether the 1owler intends to bowl o"er or aro$nd the wic/et, o"er arm or $nderarm, or right or left-handed Fail$re on the part of the 1owler to indicate in ad"ance a change in his mode of deli"ery is $nfair and the 2mpire shall call and signal 6no ball6

29 ;air .eli-ery - The 0rm


For a deli"ery to be fair the ball m$st be bowled not thrown--see )ote (a) below !f either 2mpire is not entirely satisfied with the absol$te fairness of a deli"ery in this respect he shall call and signal 6no ball6 instantly $pon deli"ery

39 ;air .eli-ery - The ;eet

%he 2mpire at the bowler3s wic/et shall call and signal 6no ball6 if he is not satisfied that in the deli"ery stride (a) the 1owler3s bac/ foot has landed within and not to$ching the ret$rn crease or its forward e'tension, or (b) some part of the front foot whether gro$nded or raised was behind the popping crease

49 #!wler Thr!wing at Stri(erBs 'i (et be1!re .eli-ery

!f the 1owler, before deli"ering the ball, throws it at the +tri/er3s wic/et in an attempt to r$n him o$t, the 2mpire shall call and signal 6no ball6 +ee (1atsman 2nfairly +tealing a E$n) and (E$n 7$t)

59 #!wler 0ttempting t! 5un 4ut /!n-Stri(er be1!re .eli-ery

!f the 1owler, before deli"ering the ball, attempts to r$n o$t the non-+tri/er, any r$ns which res$lt shall be allowed and shall be scored as no ball +$ch an attempt shall not co$nt as a ball in the o"er %he 2mpire shall not call 6no ball6 (1atsman $nfairly stealing a r$n)

"9 ,n1ringement !1 Laws by a 'i (et-Ceeper !r a ;iel+sman

%he 2mpire shall call and signal 6no ball6 in the e"ent of the 5ic/et-Geeper infringing (Position of 5ic/et- Geeper) or a Fieldsman infringing (*imitation of 7ff H 7n-+ide Fieldsmen) or (Position of Fieldsmen)

$9 5e-!(ing a 2all
An 2mpire shall re"o/e the call 6no ball6 if the ball does not lea"e the 1owler3s hand for any reason +ee (Either 2mpire +hall Call and +ignal 6#ead 1all6)

%9 Penalty
A penalty of one r$n for a no ball shall be scored if no r$ns are made otherwise

&9 5uns 1r!m a /! #all


%he +tri/er may hit a no ball and whate"er r$ns res$lt shall be added to his score E$ns made otherwise from a no ball shall be scored no balls

1)9 4ut 1r!m a /! #all

%he +tri/er shall be o$t from a no ball if he brea/s (4it the 1all %wice) and either 1atsman may be E$n 7$t or shall be gi"en o$t if either brea/s (4andled the 1all) or (7bstr$cting the Field)

119 #atsman 8i-en 4ut 411 a /! #all

+ho$ld a 1atsman be gi"en o$t off a no ball the penalty for bowling it shall stand $nless r$ns are otherwise scoredI /!tes@

>a? .e1initi!n !1 a Thr!w

A ball shall be deemed to ha"e been thrown if, in the opinion of either 2mpire, the process of straightening the bowling arm, whether it is partial or complete, ta/es place d$ring that part of the deli"ery swing which directly precedes the ball lea"ing the hand %his definition shall not debar a 1owler from the $se of the wrist in the deli"ery swing (b) )o 1all not co$nting in o"er a no ball shall not be rec/oned as one of the o"er +ee ()o 1all or 5ide 1all)

Law 2) - 'i+e ball 19 Du+ging a 'i+e

!f the 1owler bowls the ball so high o"er or so wide of the wic/et that, in the opinion of the 2mpire it passes o$t of reach of the +tri/er, standing in a normal g$ard position, the 2mpire shall call and signal 6wide ball6 as soon as it has passed the line of the +tri/er3s wic/et %he 2mpire shall not ad-$dge a ball as being a wide if:(a) %he +tri/er, by mo"ing from his g$ard position, ca$ses the ball to pass o$t of his reach (b) %he +tri/er mo"es and th$s brings the ball within his reach

29 Penalty

A penalty of one r$n for a wide shall be scored if no r$ns are made otherwise

39 #all 2!ming t! 5est in ;r!nt !1 the Stri(er

!f a ball which the 2mpire considers to ha"e been deli"ered comes to rest in front of the line of the +tri/er3s wic/et, 6wide6 shall not be called %he +tri/er has a right, witho$t interference from the fielding side, to ma/e one attempt to hit the ball !f the fielding side interfere, the 2mpire shall replace the ball where it came to rest and shall order the Fieldsmen to res$me the places they occ$pied in the field before the ball was deli"ered %he 2mpire shall call and signal 6dead ball6 as soon as it is clear that the +tri/er does not intend to hit the ball, or after the +tri/er has made one $ns$ccessf$l attempt to hit the ball

49 5e-!(ing a 2all
%he 2mpire shall re"o/e the call if the +tri/er hits a ball which has been called 6wide6

59 #all /!t .ea+

%he ball does not become dead on the call of 6wide ball6-- see (%he 1all is )ot #ead)

"9 5uns 5esulting 1r!m a 'i+e

All r$ns which are r$n or res$lt from a wide ball which is not a no ball shall be scored wide balls, or if no r$ns are made one shall be scored

$9 4ut 1r!m a 'i+e

%he +tri/er shall be o$t from a wide ball if he brea/s (4it 5ic/et) or (+t$mped) Either batsman may be E$n 7$t and shall be o$t if he brea/s (4andled the 1all) or (7bstr$cting the Field)

%9 #atsman 8i-en 4ut 411 a 'i+e

+ho$ld a 1atsman be gi"en o$t off a wide, the penalty for bowling it shall stand $nless r$ns are otherwise made /!tes (a) 5ide 1all not co$nting in o"er A wide ball shall not be rec/oned as one of the o"er -- see ()o 1all or 5ide 1all) 1@

Law 21 - #ye an+ Leg-bye 19 #yes

!f the ball, not ha"ing been called 6wide6 or 6no ball6 passes the +tri/er witho$t to$ching his bat or person, and any r$ns are obtained, the 2mpire shall signal 6bye6 and the r$n or r$ns shall be credited as s$ch to the batting side /!te@ !f the ball to$ches bo$ndary line 2 r$ns scored

29 Leg-#yes
!f the ball, not ha"ing been called 6wide6 or 6no ball6 is $n-intentionally deflected by the +tri/er3s dress or person, e'cept a hand holding the bat, and any r$ns are obtained the 2mpire shall signal 6leg-bye6 and the r$n or r$ns so scored shall be credited as s$ch to the batting side +$ch leg-byes shall only be scored if, in the opinion of the 2mpire, the +tri/er has: (a) attempted to play the ball with his bat, or (b) tried to a"oid being hit by the ball

39 .isall!wan e !1 Leg-#yes
!n the case of a deflection by the +tri/er3s person, other than in 2(a) and (b) abo"e, the 2mpire shall call and signal 6dead ball6 as soon as one r$n has been completed or when it is clear that a r$n is not being attempted or the ball has reached the bo$ndary 7n the call and signal of 6dead ball6 the 1atsmen shall ret$rn to their original ends and no r$ns shall be allowed

Law 22 - 0ppeals 19 Umpire n!t t! gi-e batsman !ut with!ut an appeal

)either $mpire shall gi"e a batsman o$t, e"en tho$gh he may be o$t $nder the *aws, $nless appealed to by the fielding side %his shall not debar a batsman who is o$t $nder any of the *aws from lea"ing his wic/et witho$t an appeal ha"ing been made /!te@ howe"er, the pro"isions of A below

29 #atsman +ismisse+
A batsman is dismissed if either (a) he is gi"en o$t by an $mpire, on appeal or (b) he is o$t $nder any of the *aws and lea"es his wic/et as in 1 abo"e 20

39 Timing !1 appeals
For an appeal to be "alid it m$st be made before the bowler begins his r$n $p or, if he has no r$n $p, his bowling action to deli"er the ne't ball, and before %ime has been called %he call of 7"er does not in"alidate an appeal made prior to the start of the following o"er pro"ided %ime has not been called +ee (Call of %ime) and (+tart of an o"er)

49 0ppeal E3!wBs ThatFE

An appeal 64ow3s %hatI6 co"ers all ways of being o$t

59 0nswering appeals
%he $mpire at the bowler3s end shall answer all appeals e'cept those arising o$t of any of (4it wic/et), (+t$mped) or (E$n o$t) when this occ$rs at the stri/er3s wic/et A decision not o$t by one $mpire shall not pre"ent the other $mpire from gi"ing a decision, pro"ided that each is considering only matters within his -$risdiction 5hen a batsman has been gi"en not o$t, either $mpire may, within his -$risdiction, answer a f$rther appeal pro"ided that it is made in accordance with . abo"e

"9 2!nsultati!n by umpires

Each $mpire shall answer appeals on matters within his own -$risdiction !f an $mpire is do$btf$l abo$t any point that the other $mpire may ha"e been in a better position to see, he shall cons$lt the latter on this point of fact and shall then gi"e his decision !f, after cons$ltation, there is still do$bt remaining the decision shall be not o$t

$9 #atsman lea-ing his wi (et un+er a misapprehensi!n

An $mpire shall inter"ene if satisfied that a batsman, not ha"ing been gi"en o$t, has left his wic/et $nder a misapprehension that he is o$t %he $mpire inter"ening shall call and signal #ead ball to pre"ent any f$rther action by the fielding side and shall recall the batsman

%9 'ith+rawal !1 an appeal
%he captain of the fielding side may withdraw an appeal only with the consent of the $mpire within whose -$risdiction the appeal falls and before the o$tgoing batsman has left the field of play !f s$ch consent is gi"en the $mpire concerned shall, if applicable, re"o/e his decision and recall the batsman

&9 UmpireBs +e isi!n

An $mpire may alter his decision pro"ided that s$ch alteration is made promptly %his apart, an $mpire3s decision, once made, is final 21

Law 23 - The 'i (et ,s .!wn 19 'i (et .!wn

%he wic/et is down if:(a) Either the ball or the +tri/er3s bat or person completely remo"es either bail from the top of the st$mps A dist$rbance of a bail, whether temporary or not, shall not constit$te a complete remo"al, b$t the wic/et is down if a bail in falling lodges between two of the st$mps (b) Any player completely remo"es with his hand or arm a bail from the top of the st$mps, pro"iding that the ball is held in that hand or in the hand of the arm so $sed (c) 5hen both bails are off, a st$mp is str$c/ o$t of the gro$nd by the ball, or a player stri/es or p$lls a st$mp o$t of the gro$nd, pro"iding that the ball is held in the hand(s) or in the hand of the arm so $sed

29 4ne #ail 411

!f one bail is off, it shall be s$fficient for the p$rpose of p$tting the wic/et down to remo"e the remaining bail, or to stri/e or p$ll any of the three st$mps o$t of the gro$nd in any of the ways stated in 1 Abo"e

39 0ll the Stumps 4ut !1 the 8r!un+

!f all the st$mps are o$t of the gro$nd, the fielding side shall be allowed to p$t bac/ one or more st$mps in order to ha"e an opport$nity of p$tting the wic/et down

49 .ispensing with #ails

!f owing to the strength of the wind, it has been agreed to dispense with the bails in accordance with *aw & )ote (a) (#ispensing with 1ails) the decision as to when the wic/et is down is one for the 2mpires to decide on the facts before them !n s$ch circ$mstances and if the 2mpires so decide the wic/et shall be held to be down e"en tho$gh a st$mp has not been str$c/ o$t of the gro$nd /!tes@ >a? Eema/ing the 5ic/et !f the wic/et is bro/en while the ball is in play, it is not the 2mpire3s d$ty to rema/e the wic/et $ntil the ball has become dead-- see *aw 2. (#ead 1all) A member of the fielding side, howe"er, may rema/e the wic/et in s$ch circ$mstances

Law 24 - #atsman !ut !1 his gr!un+


19 'hen !ut !1 his gr!un+

A batsman shall be considered to be o$t of his gro$nd $nless his bat or some part of his person is gro$nded behind the popping crease at that end

29 'hi h is a batsmanBs gr!un+F

(a) !f only one batsman is within a gro$nd (i) it is his gro$nd (ii) it remains his gro$nd e"en if he is later -oined there by the other batsman (b) !f both batsmen are in the same gro$nd and one of them s$bse,$ently lea"es it, (a) (i) abo"e applies (c) !f there is no batsman in either gro$nd, then each gro$nd belongs to whiche"er of the batsmen is nearer to it, or, if the batsmen are le"el, to whiche"er was nearer to it immediately prior to their drawing le"el (d) !f a gro$nd belongs to one batsman then, $nless there is a stri/er with a r$nner, the other gro$nd belongs to the other batsman irrespecti"e of his position (e) 5hen a batsman with a r$nner is stri/er, his gro$nd is always that at the wic/et/eeper3s end 4owe"er, (a), (b), (c) and (d) abo"e will still apply, b$t only to the r$nner and the non-stri/er, so that that gro$nd will also belong to either the non-stri/er or the r$nner, as the case may be

39 P!siti!n !1 n!n-stri(er
%he non-stri/er, when standing at the bowler3s end, sho$ld be positioned on the opposite side of the wic/et to that from which the ball is being deli"ered, $nless a re,$est to do otherwise is granted by the $mpire

Law 25 - #!wle+ 19 4ut #!wle+

(a) %he stri/er is o$t 1owled if his wic/et is p$t down by a ball deli"ered by the bowler, not being a )o ball, e"en if it first to$ches his bat or person (b) )otwithstanding (a) abo"e he shall not be o$t 1owled if before stri/ing the wic/et the ball has been in contact with any other player or with an $mpire 4e will, howe"er, be s$b-ect to (4andled the ball), (7bstr$cting the field), (E$n o$t) and (+t$mped)

29 #!wle+ t! ta(e pre e+en e


%he stri/er is o$t 1owled if his wic/et is p$t down as in 1 abo"e, e"en tho$gh a decision against him for any other method of dismissal wo$ld be -$stified

Law 2" - Time+ !ut 19 4ut Time+ !ut

(a) 2nless %ime has been called, the incoming batsman m$st be in position to ta/e g$ard or for his partner to be ready to recei"e the ne't ball within1min$tes of the fall of the pre"io$s wic/et !f this re,$irement is not met, the incoming batsman will be o$t, %imed o$t (b) !n the e"ent of protracted delay in which no batsman comes to the wic/et, the $mpires shall adopt the proced$re of (2mpires awarding a match) For the p$rposes of that *aw the start of the action shall be ta/en as the e'piry of the 1 min$te referred to abo"e

29 #!wler +!es n!t get re+it

%he bowler does not get credit for the wic/et

Law 2$ - 2aught 19 4ut 2aught

%he stri/er is o$t Ca$ght if a ball deli"ered by the bowler, not being a )o ball, to$ches his bat witho$t ha"ing pre"io$sly been in contact with any member of the fielding side and is s$bse,$ently held by a fielder as a fair catch before it to$ches the gro$nd

29 2aught t! ta(e pre e+en e

!f the criteria of 1 abo"e are met and the stri/er is not o$t 1owled, then he is o$t Ca$ght, e"en tho$gh a decision against either batsman for another method of dismissal wo$ld be -$stified E$ns completed by the batsmen before the completion of the catch will not be scored )ote also (5inning hit or e'tras) and (Penalty r$ns)

39 0 1air at h
A catch shall be considered to ha"e been fairly made if (a) thro$gho$t the act of ma/ing the catch (i) any fielder in contact with the ball is within the field of play +ee ( below (ii) the ball is at no time in contact with any ob-ect gro$nded beyond the bo$ndary


%he act of ma/ing the catch shall start from the time when a fielder first handles the ball and shall end when a fielder obtains complete control both o"er the ball and o"er his own mo"ement (b) the ball is h$gged to the body of the catcher or accidentally lodges in his clothing or, in the case of the wic/et-/eeper, in his pads 4owe"er, it is not a fair catch if the ball lodges in a protecti"e helmet worn by a fielder (#ead ball) (c) the ball does not to$ch the gro$nd, e"en tho$gh the hand holding it does so in effecting the catch (d) a fielder catches the ball after it has been lawf$lly str$c/ more than once by the stri/er, b$t only if the ball has not to$ched the gro$nd since first being str$c/ (e) a fielder catches the ball after it has to$ched an $mpire, another fielder or the other batsman 4owe"er, it is not a fair catch if the ball has to$ched a protecti"e helmet worn by a fielder, altho$gh the ball remains in play (f) a fielder catches the ball in the air after it has crossed the bo$ndary pro"ided that (i) he has no part of his person to$ching, or gro$nded beyond, the bo$ndary at any time when he is in contact with the ball (ii) the ball has not been gro$nded beyond the bo$ndary (+coring a bo$ndary) (g) the ball is ca$ght off an obstr$ction within the bo$ndary, pro"ided it has not pre"io$sly been decided to regard the obstr$ction as a bo$ndary

49 ;iel+er within the 1iel+ !1 play

(a) A fielder is not within the field of play if he to$ches the bo$ndary or has any part of his person gro$nded beyond the bo$ndary +ee *aw 1@ . (+coring a bo$ndary) (b) < r$ns shall be scored if a fielder (i) has any part of his person to$ching, or gro$nded beyond, the bo$ndary when he catches the ball (ii) catches the ball and s$bse,$ently to$ches the bo$ndary or gro$nds some part of his person o"er the bo$ndary while carrying the ball b$t before completing the catch

59 /! runs t! be s !re+
!f the stri/er is dismissed Ca$ght, r$ns from that deli"ery completed by the batsmen before the completion of the catch shall not be scored, b$t any penalties awarded to either side when the ball is dead, if applicable, will stand (1atsman ret$rning to wic/et he has left) shall apply from the instant of the catch


Law 2% - 3an+le+ the ball 19 4ut han+le+ the ball

Either batsman is o$t 4andled the ball if he willf$lly to$ches the ball while in play with a hand or hands not holding the bat $nless he does so with the consent of the opposing side

29 /!t !ut han+le+ the ball

)otwithstanding 1 abo"e, a batsman will not be o$t $nder this *aw if (i) he handles the ball in order to a"oid in-$ry (ii) he $ses his hand or hands to ret$rn the ball to any member of the fielding side witho$t the consent of that side )ote: howe"er, the pro"isions of (Eet$rning the ball to a member of the fielding side)

39 5uns s !re+
!f either batsman is dismissed $nder this *aw, any r$ns completed before the offence, together with any penalty e'tras and the penalty for a )o ball or 5ide, if applicable, shall be scored +ee (E$ns scored when a batsman is dismissed) and (Penalty r$ns)

49 #!wler +!es n!t get re+it

%he bowler does not get credit for the wic/et

Law 2& - 3it the ball twi e 19 4ut 3it the ball twi e
(a) %he stri/er is o$t 4it the ball twice if, while the ball is in play, it stri/es any part of his person or is str$c/ by his bat and, before the ball has been to$ched by a fielder, he willf$lly stri/es it again with his bat or person, other than a hand not holding the bat, e'cept for the sole p$rpose of g$arding his wic/et +ee . below and (4andled the ball), (7bstr$cting the field) (b) For the p$rpose of this *aw, 3str$c/3 or 3stri/e3 shall incl$de contact with the person of the stri/er

29 /!t !ut hit the ball twi e

)otwithstanding 1(a) abo"e, the stri/er will not be o$t $nder this *aw if (i) he ma/es a second or s$bse,$ent stro/e in order to ret$rn the ball to any member of the fielding side )ote: howe"er, the pro"isions of *aw .A ( (Eet$rning the ball to a 2<

member of the fielding side) (ii) he willf$lly stri/es the ball after it has to$ched a fielder )ote: howe"er, the pro"isions of (7$t 7bstr$cting the field)

39 #all law1ully stru ( m!re than !n e

+olely in order to g$ard his wic/et and before the ball has been to$ched by a fielder, the stri/er may lawf$lly stri/e the ball more than once with his bat or with any part of his person other than a hand not holding the bat )otwithstanding this pro"ision, the stri/er may not pre"ent the ball from being ca$ght by ma/ing more than one stro/e in defense of his wic/et (7bstr$cting a ball from being ca$ght)

49 5uns permitte+ 1r!m ball law1ully stru ( m!re than !n e

5hen the ball is lawf$lly str$c/ more than once, as permitted in . abo"e, only the first stri/e is to be considered in determining whether r$ns are to be allowed and how they are to be scored (a) !f on the first stri/e the $mpire is satisfied that either (i) the ball first str$c/ the bat or (ii) the stri/er attempted to play the ball with his bat or (iii) the stri/er tried to a"oid being hit by the ball then any penalties to the batting side that are applicable shall be allowed (b) !f the conditions in (a) abo"e are met then, if they res$lt from o"erthrows, and only if they res$lt from o"erthrows, r$ns completed by the batsmen or a bo$ndary will be allowed in addition to any penalties that are applicable %hey shall be credited to the stri/er if the first stri/e was with the bat !f the first stri/e was on the person of the stri/er they shall be scored as *eg byes or )o ball e'tras, as appropriate (*eg byes) (c) !f the conditions of (a) abo"e are met and there is no o"erthrow $ntil after the batsmen ha"e started to r$n, b$t before one r$n is completed, (i) only s$bse,$ent completed r$ns or a bo$ndary shall be allowed %he first r$n shall co$nt as a completed r$n for this p$rpose only if the batsmen ha"e not crossed at the instant of the throw (ii) if in these circ$mstances the ball goes to the bo$ndary from the throw then, notwithstanding the pro"isions of (7"erthrow or wilf$l act of fielder), only the bo$ndary allowance shall be scored (iii) if the ball goes to the bo$ndary as the res$lt of a f$rther o"erthrow, then r$ns completed by the batsmen after the first throw and before this final throw shall be added to the bo$ndary allowance %he r$n in progress at the first throw will co$nt only if they ha"e not crossed at that moment9 the r$n in progress at the final throw shall co$nt only if they ha"e crossed at that moment (1atsman ret$rning to wic/et he has left) shall apply as from the moment of the final throw 2A

(d) !f, in the opinion of the $mpire, none of the conditions in (a) abo"e ha"e been met then, whether there is an o"erthrow or not, the batting side shall not be credited with any r$ns from that deli"ery apart from the penalty for a )o ball if applicable Doreo"er, no other penalties shall be awarded to the batting side when the ball is dead +ee (Penalty r$ns)

59 #all law1ully stru ( m!re than !n e < a ti!n by the umpire

!f no r$ns are to be allowed, either in the circ$mstances of ((d) abo"e, or beca$se there has been no o"erthrow and (a) if no r$n is attempted b$t the ball reaches the bo$ndary, the $mpire shall call and signal #ead ball and disallow the bo$ndary (b) if the batsmen r$n and (i) neither batsman is dismissed and the ball does not become dead for any other reason, the $mpire shall call and signal #ead ball as soon as one r$n is completed or the ball reaches the bo$ndary %he batsmen shall ret$rn to their original ends %he r$n or bo$ndary shall be disallowed (ii) a batsman is dismissed, or if for any other reason the ball becomes dead before one r$n is completed or the ball reaches the bo$ndary, all the pro"isions of the *aws will apply e'cept that the award of penalties to the batting side shall be as laid down in ((a) or ((d) abo"e as appropriate

"9 #!wler +!es n!t get re+it

%he bowler does not get credit for the wic/et

Law 3) - 3it wi (et 19 4ut 3it wi (et

(a) %he stri/er is o$t 4it wic/et if, after the bowler has entered his deli"ery stride and while the ball is in play, his wic/et is p$t down either by the stri/er3s bat or by his person as described in (a)(ii) and (iii) (5ic/et p$t down) either (i) in the co$rse of any action ta/en by him in preparing to recei"e or in recei"ing a deli"ery, or (ii) in setting off for his first r$n immediately after playing, or playing at, the ball, or (iii) if he ma/es no attempt to play the ball, in setting off for his first r$n, pro"iding that in the opinion of the $mpire this is immediately after he has had the opport$nity of playing the ball, or (i") in lawf$lly ma/ing a second or f$rther stro/e for the p$rpose of g$arding his wic/et within the pro"isions of *aw .( . (1all lawf$lly str$c/ more than once) (b) !f the stri/er p$ts his wic/et down in any of the ways described in (a)(ii) and (iii) (5ic/et p$t down) before the bowler has entered his deli"ery stride, either $mpire shall call and signal #ead ball 2&

29 /!t !ut 3it wi (et

)otwithstanding 1 abo"e, the batsman is not o$t $nder this *aw sho$ld his wic/et be p$t down in any of the ways referred to in 1 abo"e if (a) it occ$rs after he has completed any action in recei"ing the deli"ery, other than in 1(a) (ii), (iii) or (i") abo"e (b) it occ$rs when he is in the act of r$nning, other than in setting off immediately for his first r$n (c) it occ$rs when he is trying to a"oid being r$n o$t or st$mped (d) it occ$rs while he is trying to a"oid a throw-in at any time (e) the bowler, after entering his deli"ery stride, does not deli"er the ball !n this case either $mpire shall immediately call and signal #ead ball +ee *aw 2. . (2mpire calling and signalling #ead ball) (f) the deli"ery is a )o ball

Law 31 - Leg be1!re wi (et 19 4ut - L#'

%he +tri/er shall be o$t * 1 5 in the circ$mstances set o$t below:-

>a? Stri(er 0ttempting t! Play the #all

%he +tri/er shall be o$t * 1 5 if he first intercepts with any part of his person, dress or e,$ipment a fair ball which wo$ld ha"e hit the wic/et and which has not pre"io$sly to$ched his bat or a hand holding the bat, pro"ided that:(i) %he ball pitched, in a straight line between wic/et and wic/et or on the off side of the +tri/er3s wic/et, or was intercepted f$ll pitch and (ii) %he point of impact is in a straight line between wic/et and wic/et, e"en if abo"e the le"el of the bails

>b? Stri(er 7a(ing /! 0ttempt t! Play the #all


%he +tri/er shall be o$t * 1 5 e"en if the ball is intercepted o$tside the line of the offst$mp, if, in the opinion of the 2mpire, he has made no gen$ine attempt to play the ball with his bat, b$t has intercepted the ball with some part of his person and if the other circ$mstances set o$t in (a) abo"e apply

Law 32 - 4bstru ting the 1iel+ 19 4ut !bstru ting the 1iel+
Either batsman is o$t 7bstr$cting the field if he willf$lly obstr$cts or distracts the opposing side by word or action !t shall be regarded as obstr$ction if either batsman willf$lly, and witho$t the consent of the fielding side, stri/es the ball with his bat or person, other than a hand not holding the bat, after the ball has to$ched a fielder +ee ( below

29 0

i+ental !bstru ti!n

!t is for either $mpire to decide whether any obstr$ction or distraction is willf$l or not 4e shall cons$lt the other $mpire if he has any do$bt

39 4bstru ting a ball 1r!m being aught

%he stri/er is o$t sho$ld willf$l obstr$ction or distraction by either batsman pre"ent a catch being made %his shall apply e"en tho$gh the stri/er ca$ses the obstr$ction in lawf$lly g$arding his wic/et $nder the pro"isions of (1all lawf$lly str$c/ more than once)

49 5eturning the ball t! a member !1 the 1iel+ing si+e

Either batsman is o$t $nder this *aw if, witho$t the consent of the fielding side and while the ball is in play, he $ses his bat or person to ret$rn the ball to any member of that side

59 5uns s !re+
!f a batsman is dismissed $nder this *aw, r$ns completed by the batsmen before the offence shall be scored, together with the penalty for a )o ball or a 5ide, if applicable 7ther penalties that may be awarded to either side when the ball is dead shall also stand +ee (Penalty r$ns) !f, howe"er, the obstr$ction pre"ents a catch from being made, r$ns completed by the batsmen before the offence shall not be scored, b$t other penalties that may be awarded to either side when the ball is dead shall stand (Penalty r$ns)

"9 #!wler +!es n!t get re+it


%he bowler does not get credit for the wic/et

Law 33 - 5un !ut 19 4ut 5un !ut

(a) Either batsman is o$t E$n o$t, e'cept as in 2 below, if at any time while the ball is in play (i) he is o$t of his gro$nd and (ii) his wic/et is fairly p$t down by the opposing side (b) (a) abo"e shall apply e"en tho$gh )o ball has been called and whether or not a r$n is being attempted, e'cept in the circ$mstances of ()ot o$t +t$mped)

29 #atsman n!t 5un !ut

)otwithstanding 1 abo"e, a batsman is not o$t E$n o$t if (a) he has been within his gro$nd and has s$bse,$ently left it to a"oid in-$ry, when the wic/et is p$t down (b) the ball has not s$bse,$ently been to$ched again by a fielder, after the bowler has entered his deli"ery stride, before the wic/et is p$t down (c) the ball, ha"ing been played by the stri/er, or ha"ing come off his person, directly stri/es a helmet worn by a fielder and witho$t f$rther contact with him or any other fielder rebo$nds directly on to the wic/et 4owe"er, the ball remains in play and either batsman may be E$n o$t in the circ$mstances of 1 abo"e if a wic/et is s$bse,$ently p$t down (d) he is o$t +t$mped (Eefer 7$t +t$mped) (e) he is o$t of his gro$nd, not attempting a r$n and his wic/et is fairly p$t down by the wic/et-/eeper witho$t the inter"ention of another member of the fielding side, if )o ball has been called +ee *aw ()ot o$t +t$mped)

39 'hi h batsman is !utF

%he batsman o$t in the circ$mstances of 1 abo"e is the one whose gro$nd is at the end where the wic/et is p$t down (%ransgression of the *aws by a batsman who has a r$nner) and (5hich is a batsman3s gro$nd) .1

49 5uns s !re+
!f a batsman is dismissed E$n o$t, the batting side shall score the r$ns completed before the dismissal, together with the penalty for a )o ball or a 5ide, if applicable 7ther penalties to either side that may be awarded when the ball is dead shall also stand (Penalty r$ns) !f, howe"er, a stri/er with a r$nner is himself dismissed E$n o$t, r$ns completed by the r$nner and the other batsman before the dismissal shall not be scored %he penalty for a )o ball or a 5ide and any other penalties to either side that may be awarded when the ball is dead shall stand (Penalty r$ns)

59 #!wler +!es n!t get re+it

%he bowler does not get credit for the wic/et

Law 34 - Stumpe+

19 4ut Stumpe+
(a) %he stri/er is o$t +t$mped if (i) he is o$t of his gro$nd (ii) he is recei"ing a ball which is not a )o ball (iii) he is not attempting a r$n (i") his wic/et is fairly p$t down by the wic/et-/eeper witho$t the inter"ention of another member of the fielding side (Position of wic/et-/eeper) (b) %he stri/er is o$t +t$mped if all the conditions of (a) abo"e are satisfied, e"en tho$gh a decision of E$n o$t wo$ld be -$stified

29 #all reb!un+ing 1r!m wi (et-(eeperBs pers!n

(a) !f the wic/et is p$t down by the ball, it shall be regarded as ha"ing been p$t down by the wic/et-/eeper if the ball (i) rebo$nds on to the st$mps from any part of his person or e,$ipment, other than a protecti"e helmet or (ii) has been /ic/ed or thrown on to the st$mps by the wic/et-/eeper (b) !f the ball to$ches a helmet worn by the wic/et-/eeper, the ball is still in play b$t the stri/er shall not be o$t +t$mped 4e will, howe"er, be liable to be E$n o$t in these circ$mstances if there is s$bse,$ent contact between the ball and any member of the fielding side )ote, howe"er, . below


39 /!t !ut Stumpe+

(a) !f the stri/er is not o$t +t$mped, he is liable to be o$t E$n o$t if the conditions of *aw .& (E$n o$t) apply, e'cept as set o$t in (b) below (b) %he stri/er shall not be o$t E$n o$t if he is o$t of his gro$nd, not attempting a r$n, and his wic/et is fairly p$t down by the wic/et-/eeper witho$t the inter"ention of another member of the fielding side, if )o ball has been called

Law 35 - The wi (et-(eeper 19 Pr!te ti-e equipment

%he wic/et-/eeper is the only member of the fielding side permitted to wear glo"es and e'ternal leg g$ards !f he does so, these are to be regarded as part of his person for the p$rposes of (Fielding the ball) !f by his actions and positioning it is apparent to the $mpires that he will not be able to discharge his d$ties as a wic/et-/eeper, he shall forfeit this right and also the right to be recogni;ed as a wic/et-/eeper for the p$rposes of (A fair catch), (+t$mped), (Protecti"e e,$ipment), (*imitation of on side fielders) and (Fielders not to encroach on the pitch)

29 8l!-es
!f, as permitted $nder 1 abo"e, the wic/et-/eeper wears glo"es, they shall ha"e no webbing between the fingers e'cept -oining inde' finger and th$mb, where webbing may be inserted as a means of s$pport !f $sed, the webbing shall be (a) a single piece of non-stretch material which, altho$gh it may ha"e facing material attached, shall ha"e no reinforcement or t$c/s (b) s$ch that the top edge of the webbing (i) does not protr$de beyond the straight line -oining the top of the inde' finger to the top of the th$mb (ii) is ta$t when a hand wearing the glo"e has the th$mb f$lly e'tended

39 P!siti!n !1 wi (et-(eeper
%he wic/et-/eeper shall remain wholly behind the wic/et at the stri/er3s end from the moment the ball comes into play $ntil (a) a ball deli"ered by the bowler either (i) to$ches the bat or person of the stri/er, or (ii) passes the wic/et at the stri/er3s end ..

7r (b) the stri/er attempts a r$n !n the e"ent of the wic/et-/eeper contra"ening this *aw, the $mpire at the stri/er3s end shall call and signal )o ball as soon as possible after the deli"ery of the ball

49 7!-ement by wi (et-(eeper
!t is $nfair if the wic/et-/eeper standing bac/ ma/es a significant mo"ement towards the wic/et after the ball comes into play and before it reaches the stri/er !n the e"ent of s$ch $nfair mo"ement by the wic/et-/eeper either $mpires shall call and signal #ead ball !t will not be considered a significant mo"ement if the wic/et-/eeper mo"es a few paces forward for a slower deli"ery

59 5estri ti!n !n a ti!ns !1 wi (et-(eeper

!f, in the opinion of either $mpire, the wic/et-/eeper interferes with the stri/er3s right to play the ball and to g$ard his wic/et, "i) (2mpire calling and signaling #ead ball) shall apply !f, howe"er, the $mpire concerned considers that the interference by the wic/et-/eeper was willf$l, then (#eliberate attempt to distract stri/er) shall apply

"9 ,nter1eren e with wi (et-(eeper by stri(er

!f, in playing at the ball or in the legitimate defense of his wic/et, the stri/er interferes with the wic/et-/eeper, he shall not be o$t, e'cept as pro"ided for in (7bstr$cting a ball from being ca$ght)

Law 3" - The 1iel+er 19 Pr!te ti-e equipment

)o member of the fielding side other than the wic/et-/eeper shall be permitted to wear glo"es or e'ternal leg g$ards !n addition, protection for the hand or fingers may be worn only with the consent of the $mpires

29 ;iel+ing the ball

A fielder may field the ball with any part of his person b$t if, while the ball is in play he willf$lly fields it otherwise, (a) the ball shall become dead and 0 penalty r$ns shall be awarded to the batting side (Penalty r$ns) %he ball shall not co$nt as one of the o"er (b) the $mpire shall inform the other $mpire, the captain of the fielding side, the batsmen and, as soon as practicable, the captain of the batting side of what has occ$rred .(

(c) the $mpires together shall report the occ$rrence as soon as possible to the E'ec$ti"e of the fielding side and any Co"erning 1ody responsible for the match who shall ta/e s$ch action as is considered appropriate against the captain and player concerned

39 Pr!te ti-e helmets bel!nging t! the 1iel+ing si+e

Protecti"e helmets, when not in $se by fielders, shall only be placed, if abo"e the s$rface, on the gro$nd behind the wic/et-/eeper and in line with both sets of st$mps !f a helmet belonging to the fielding side is on the gro$nd within the field of play, and the ball while in play stri/es it, the ball shall become dead 0 penalty r$ns shall then be awarded to the batting side +ee (E$ns scored when ball becomes dead) and (Penalty r$ns)

49 Penalty runs n!t t! be awar+e+

)otwithstanding 2 and . abo"e, if from the deli"ery by the bowler the ball first str$c/ the person of the stri/er and if, in the opinion of the $mpire, the stri/er neither (i) attempted to play the ball with his bat, nor (ii) tried to a"oid being hit by the ball, then no award of 0 penalty r$ns shall be made and no other r$ns or penalties shall be credited to the batting side e'cept the penalty for a )o ball if applicable (*eg byes not to be awarded)

59 Limitati!n !1 !n si+e 1iel+ers

At the instant of the bowler3s deli"ery there shall not be more than two fielders, other than the wic/et-/eeper, behind the popping crease on the on side A fielder will be considered to be behind the popping crease $nless the whole of his person, whether gro$nded or in the air, is in front of this line !n the e"ent of infringement of this *aw by the fielding side, the $mpire at the stri/er3s end shall call and signal )o ball

"9 ;iel+ers n!t t! en r!a h !n the pit h

5hile the ball is in play and $ntil the ball has made contact with the bat or person of the stri/er, or has passed the stri/er3s bat, no fielder, other than the bowler, sho$ld any person or part of the personJs body gro$nded on or e'tended o"er the pitch !n the e"ent of infringement of this *aw by any fielder other than the wic/et-/eeper, the $mpire at the bowler3s end shall call and signal )o ball as soon as possible after the deli"ery of the ball

$9 7!-ement by 1iel+ers
Any significant mo"ement by any fielder after the ball comes into play and before the ball reaches the stri/er is $nfair !n the e"ent of s$ch $nfair mo"ement either $mpires shall call and signal #ead ball )ote also the pro"isions of (#eliberate attempt to distract stri/er)

%9 .e1initi!n !1 signi1i ant m!-ement


(a) For close fielders anything other than minor ad-$stments to stance or position in relation to the stri/er is significant (b) !n the o$tfield, fielders are permitted to mo"e in towards the stri/er or stri/er3s wic/et, pro"ided that 0 abo"e is not contra"ened Anything other than slight mo"ement off line or away from the stri/er is to be considered significant (c) For restrictions on mo"ement by the wic/et-/eeper see (Do"ement by wic/et-/eeper)

&9 5estri ti!ns !n the pla ement !1 1iel+smen

%hese fielding restriction areas sho$ld be mar/ed by contin$o$s painted white lines %wo fieldsmen shall be permitted o$tside this fielding restriction area at the instant of deli"ery !n the e"ent of an infringement of any of the abo"e fielding restrictions, the s,$are leg $mpire shall call and signal =)o 1all>

Law 3$ - Un1air Play 19 5esp!nsibility !1 2aptains

%he Captains are responsible at all times for ens$ring that play is cond$cted within the spirit of the game as well as within the *aws

29 5esp!nsibility !1 Umpires
%he 2mpires are the sole -$dges of fair and $nfair play

39 ,nter-enti!n by the Umpire

%he 2mpires shall inter"ene witho$t appeal by calling and signal- ling 6dead ball6 in the case of $nfair play, b$t sho$ld not otherwise interfere with the progress of the game e'cept as re,$ired to do so by the *aws

49 Li1ting the Seam

A Player shall not lift the seam of the ball for any reason +ho$ld this be done, the 2mpires shall change the ball for one of similar condition to that in $se prior to the contra"ention

59 2hanging the 2!n+iti!n !1 the #all

Any member of the fielding side may polish the ball pro"ided that s$ch polishing wastes no time and that no artificial s$bstance is $sed )o-one shall r$b the ball on the gro$nd or $se .<

any artificial s$bstance or ta/e any other action to alter the condition of the ball !n the e"ent of a contra"ention of this *aw, the 2mpires, after cons$ltation, shall change the ball for one of similar condition to that in $se prior to the contra"ention %his *aw does not pre"ent a member of the fielding side from drying a wet ball, or remo"ing m$d from the ball

"9 ,n !mm!+ing the Stri(er

An 2mpire is -$stified in inter"ening $nder this *aw and shall call and signal 6dead ball6 if, in his opinion, any Player of the fielding side incommodes the +tri/er by any noise or action while he is recei"ing a ball

$9 4bstru ti!n !1 a #atsman in 5unning

!t shall be considered $nfair if any Fieldsman willf$lly obstr$cts a 1atsman in r$nning !n these circ$mstances the 2mpire shall call and signal 6dead ball6 and allow any completed r$ns and the r$n in progress or alternati"ely any bo$ndary scored

%9 The #!wling !1 ;ast Sh!rt Pit he+ #alls

%he bowling of fast short pitched balls is $nfair if, in the opinion of the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end, it constit$tes an attempt to intimidate the +tri/er 2mpires shall consider intimidation to be the deliberate bowling of fast short pitched balls which by their length, height and direction are intended or li/ely to inflict physical in-$ry on the +tri/er %he relati"e s/ill of the +tri/er shall also be ta/en into consideration !n the e"ent of s$ch $nfair bowling, the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall adopt the following proced$re:(a) !n the first instance the 2mpire shall call and signal 6no ball6, ca$tion the 1owler and inform the other 2mpire, the Captain of the fielding side and the 1atsmen of what has occ$rred (b) !f this ca$tion is ineffecti"e, he shall repeat the abo"e proced$re and indicate to the 1owler that this is a final warning (c) 1oth the abo"e ca$tion and final warning shall contin$e to apply e"en tho$gh the 1owler may later change ends (d) +ho$ld the abo"e warnings pro"e ineffecti"e the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall:(i) At the first repetition call and signal 6no ball6 and when the ball is dead direct the Captain to ta/e the 1owler off forthwith and to complete the o"er with another 1owler, .A

pro"ided that the 1owler does not bowl two o"ers or part thereof consec$ti"ely +ee (1owler !ncapacitated or +$spended d$ring an 7"er) (ii) )ot allow the 1owler, th$s ta/en off, to bowl again in the same innings (iii) Eeport the occ$rrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as the Players lea"e the field for an inter"al (i") Eeport the occ$rrence to the E'ec$ti"e of the fielding side and to any go"erning body responsible for the match who shall ta/e any f$rther action which is considered to be appropriate against the 1owler concerned

&9 The #!wling !1 ;ast 3igh ;ull Pit hes

%he bowling of fast high f$ll pitches is $nfair A fast high f$ll pitched ball shall be defined as a ball that passes, or wo$ld ha"e passed, on the f$ll abo"e waist height of a 1atsman standing $pright at the crease +ho$ld a 1owler bowl a fast high f$ll pitched ball, either 2mpire shall call and signal 6no ball6 and adopt the proced$re of ca$tion, final warning, action against the 1owler and reporting as set o$t in & abo"e KPre"io$s abo"e was replaced with the following amendment, appro"ed by the DCC at a +pecial Ceneral Deeting held on < Day, 1@@& %his amendment applies to all grades of cric/et with immediate effect L Any high f$ll pitched ball (regardless of its pace) which passes or wo$ld ha"e passed abo"e waist height of the 1atsman standing $pright at the crease shall be called and signaled 3)o 1all3 by the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end !n the e"ent of a 1owler bowling a 3fast3 high f$ll pitched ball (i e a 6beamer6), the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall adopt the proced$re of ca$tion, final warning, action against the 1owler and reporting as set o$t in 4owe"er if the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end considers that s$ch a 3fast3 high f$ll pitch has been bowled 3deliberately3 at the 1atsman he shall call and signal 3)o 1all3 and direct the Captain of the fielding side to ta/e the 1owler off forthwith witho$t adopting the proced$re of ca$tion and final warning

1)9 Time 'asting

Any form of time wasting is $nfair (a) !n the e"ent of the Captain of the fielding side wasting time or allowing any member of his side to waste time, the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall adopt the following proced$re:.&

(i) !n the first instance he shall ca$tion the Captain of the fielding side and inform the other 2mpire of what has occ$rred (ii) !f this ca$tion is ineffecti"e he shall repeat the abo"e proced$re and indicate to the Captain that this is a final warning (iii)%he 2mpire shall report the occ$rrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as the Players lea"e the field for an inter"al (i")+ho$ld the abo"e proced$re pro"e ineffecti"e the 2mpire shall report the occ$rrence to the E'ec$ti"e of the fielding side and to any go"erning body responsible for that match who shall ta/e appropriate action against the Captain and the Players concerned (b) !n the e"ent of a 1owler ta/ing $nnecessarily long to bowl an o"er the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall adopt the proced$res, other than the calling of 6no-ball6, of ca$tion, final warning, action against the 1owler and reporting as set o$t in & abo"e (c) !n the e"ent of a 1atsman wasting time other than in the manner described in (%imed 7$t), the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall adopt the following proced$re:(i) !n the first instance he shall ca$tion the 1atsman and inform the other 2mpire at once, and the Captain of the batting side, as soon as the Players lea"e the field for an inter"al, of what has occ$rred (ii) !f this pro"es ineffecti"e, he shall repeat the ca$tion, indicate to the 1atsman that this is a final warning and inform the other 2mpire (iii)%he 2mpire shall report the occ$rrence to both Captains as soon as the Players lea"e the field for an inter"al (i") +ho$ld the abo"e proced$re pro"e ineffecti"e, the 2mpire shall report the occ$rrence to the E'ec$ti"e of the batting side and to any go"erning body responsible for that match who shall ta/e appropriate action against the Player concernedI

119 Players .amaging the Pit h

%he 2mpires shall inter"ene and pre"ent Players from ca$sing dam- age to the pitch which may assist the 1owlers of either side (a) !n the e"ent of any member of the fielding side damaging the pitch the 2mpire shall follow the proced$re of ca$tion, final warning and reporting as set o$t in 10(a) abo"e (b) !n the e"ent of a 1owler contra"ening this *aw by r$nning down the pitch after deli"ering the ball, the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall first ca$tion the 1owler !f this ca$tion is ineffecti"e the 2mpire shall adopt the proced$res, other than the calling of 6noball6, of final warning, action against the 1owler and reporting as set o$t in & abo"e .@

(c) !n the e"ent of a 1atsman damaging the pitch the 2mpire at the 1owler3s end shall follow the proced$res of ca$tion, final warning and reporting as set o$t in 10(c) abo"e

129 #atsman Un1airly Stealing a 5un

Any attempt by the 1atsman to steal a r$n d$ring the 1owler3s r$n-$p is $nfair 2nless the 1owler attempts to r$n o$t either 1atsman -- see *aw 2( ( (1owler %hrowing at +tri/er3s 5ic/et 1efore #eli"ery) and *aw 2( 0 (1owler Attempting to E$n 7$t )on-+tri/er before #eli"ery) -- the 2mpire shall call and signal 6dead ball6 as soon as the 1atsmen cross in any s$ch attempt to r$n %he 1atsmen shall then ret$rn to their original wic/ets

139 PlayersB 2!n+u t

!n the e"ent of a player failing to comply with the instr$ctions of an 2mpire, critici;ing his decisions by word or action, or showing dissent, or generally beha"ing in a manner which might bring the game into disrep$te, the 2mpire concerned shall, in the first place report the matter to the other 2mpire and to the Player3s Captain re,$esting the latter to ta/e action !f this pro"es ineffecti"e, the 2mpire shall report the incident as soon as possible to the E'ec$ti"e of the Player3s team and to any Co"erning 1ody responsible for the match, who shall ta/e any f$rther action which is considered appropriate against the Player or Players concerned

149 Penalty runs

Penalty r$ns sho$ld be gi"en for the following offences: )o ball - 1 r$n in addition to any others scored wide - 1 r$n in addition to any others scored #eliberate attempt to distract the stri/er when recei"ing ball - 0 r$ns for a second offence #eliberate distraction or obstr$ction of either batsman after ball has been recei"ed - 0 r$ns %ime wasting by fielding side d$ring an o"er - 0 r$ns for a second offence %ime wasting by batting side - 0 r$ns for a second offence 1atsmen $nfairly stealing a r$n d$ring bowler3s r$n $p - 0 r$ns Player ret$rning to the field of play witho$t permission and coming into contact with the ball - 0 r$ns !llegal fielding - 0 r$ns +hort r$ns - when deliberate - 0 r$ns for a second offence /!tes (a) %he Condition of the 1all 2mpires shall ma/e fre,$ent and irreg$lar inspections of the condition of the ball (b) #rying of a 5et 1all A wet ball may be dried on a towel or with sawd$st (c) Fast +hort Pitched 1alls (0

As a g$ide, a fast short pitched ball is one which pitches short and passes, or wo$ld ha"e passed, abo"e the sho$lder height of the +tri/er standing in a normal batting stance at the crease (d) %ime 5asting by 1atsmen 7ther than in e'ceptional circ$mstances, the 1atsman sho$ld always be ready to ta/e stri/e when the 1owler is ready to start his r$n-$p

0PPE/.,6-1 Pr! e+ure 1!r the 4ne !-er per Si+e Eliminat!r >4!pse?
%he following proced$re will apply sho$ld the pro"ision for a one o"er per side eliminator be adopted in any match (1

1 +$b-ect to weather conditions the one o"er per side eliminator will ta/e place on the sched$led day of the match at a time to be determined by the referee !n normal circ$mstances it shall commence 10 min$tes after the concl$sion of the match 2 Prior to the commencement of the one o"er per side eliminator each team elects three batsmen and one bowler . %he nominated players are gi"en in writing to the match referee ( Each teams o"er is played with the same fielding restrictions as those that are in place for the last o"er of a normal !nternational match 0 %he team batting second in the match will bat first in the one o"er eliminator < %he same ball (or a ball of a similar age if the original ball is o$t of shape or lost) as $sed at the end of the teams innings shall be $sed for the Me'traN o"er A !f the one o"er eliminator is played as a conse,$ence of the Final being a no res$lt, the captains shall toss a coin for the right to decide which team bowls first or second in the one o"er per side eliminator & %he loss of two wic/ets in the o"er ends the team>s one o"er innings 1. !n the e"ent of the teams ha"ing the same score after the one o"er per side eliminator has been completed, the team that hit more bo$ndary si'es d$ring its innings in the main match (ignoring the one o"er per side eliminator) shall be the winner 1( !f the n$mber of bo$ndary si'es hit by both teams is e,$al, the team whose batsmen scored more bo$ndaries d$ring its innings in the main match (ignoring the o"er per side eliminator) shall be the winner 10 !f still e,$al, a co$nt-bac/ from the final ball of the one o"er eliminator shall be cond$cted %he team with the higher scoring deli"ery shall be the winner !f a team loses two wic/ets d$ring its o"er, then any $n bowled deli"eries will be co$nted as dot balls )ote that for this p$rpose, the r$ns scored from a deli"ery is defined as the total team r$ns scored since the completion of the pre"io$s legitimate ball, i e incl$ding any r$ns res$lting from wides, no ball or penalty r$ns

E=ample@ E$ns scored from: %eam 1 %eam 2 1all < 1 1 1all 0 ( ( 1all ( 2 1 1all . < 2 (2

1all 2 1all 1

0 2

1 <

!n this e'ample both teams scored an e,$al n$mber of r$ns from the <th and 0th ball of their innings 4owe"er team 1 scored 2 r$ns from its (th ball while team 2 scored a single so team 1 is the winner 1< !f still e,$al the following shall apply: !n the Cro$p stage and +$per Eights matches the res$lt will be a tie and the points shared accordingly !n the Final B the teams are declared -oint winners



8r!un+ 7ar(ing

2 B 2mpire (0

5 B 5ic/et Geeper 1 B 1owler F B Felder E B Eestriction *ine %he minim$m dimensions of the playing field are .0 mts ' 10 mts A bigger co$rt is acceptable.


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