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Scheme of work

Grade:12 class:12 BA2

semester: 1
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson3 Lesson4 Lesson5 Lesson6

Week1 Ice breaking Theme 1 U1 U1 U2 Reading Exam

3-7/ Oct Collecting books U1
Week2 U3 U3 U4 U4 U5 U5
Week3 U5 Theme Exam Theme 2 U1 U1 U1 U2
17-21/ Oct
Week4 U2 Grammar Exam U3 U3 U3 U3
24-28/ Oct
Week5 U4 U4 U5 U5 U5 Theme Exam
Week6 Theme 3 U1 U1 U1 U2 U2 Vocabulary
7-11/Nov Exam

Week7 U3 U3 U4 U4 U4 U4
14-18/ Nov
Week8 U4 U5 U5 U5 Theme Exam General Review
21-25 Nov
Week9 National Day and Eid Al Daha Holiday
Week10 Theme 4 U1 U1 U1 U2 U2
5-9 Dec U1

Week11 Listening Exam U3 U3 U4 U4 U4

12-16 Dec
Week12 U5 U5 U5 Theme Exam Theme 5 U1 U1
Week13 U1 U2 U2 The Final U3 U3
26-30 Dec Exam Practice
Week14 U4 U4 U5 U5 U5 Theme Exam
Week 15 & 16 Practicing Final Exam and General Review and Practice

Today is your day!  Your mountain is waiting. 

So... get on your way. - Dr. Seuss
Theme: One Topic: Retail Therapy
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
Fair Exchange What's in the Name? Shop Till You Drop Malls & Markets Advertisement:
Appealing or Appalling
*Introducing the theme *grammar recall (past *definition of addiction *comparing malls to * Discuss the difference
*New Vocabulary simple & past simple and different types markets between commercial and
*Introducing the Unit passive) *recognize the different *TopTip advertisement.
*Irregular verbs techniques to learn * WB. T. 1 Predict *CB, T. 2-3
vocabulary answers read slogans and
vocabulary related to ads
*Skimming a txt for *practice the rule *use dictionary to find *WB. T.2 Listening for *Write an advertisement
general information *WB T. 2 meaning specific information (group work)
*TopTip *more activities *collocations *Sound Bites WB. T 4
*identifying new (worksheets practicing) *practice WB. T. 4 *Speaking
*Authors Purpose
*Reading for specific Notes:
*Time to Talk
Theme: Two Topic: A learning Experience
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
Faster Reading Speed Learning in an Universities Old and Alleviating Exam Schooldays-The Best
Electronic Era New Anxiety Days of Your Life
*Introducing the theme *Reading a text about E- * Skimming a text about *Lead in. * Adverbs.
*Quotations Discussion Learning. Oxford & Cambridge Un. *Group Discussion. *Top Tip.
*New vocabulary. *Discussing Qs. *New Vocabulary. *Pre-Listening. *Matching two parts to
*Listening for infor to *Text Discussion. *Matching words with make sentences.
write a letter. meanings. *reading an essay to
answer qs.
*Reading Hot Tips. *Reading for details. *Affixes. *Listening WB-22. *Plan an Essay.WB-24
*Listening. *Grammar (Past Perfect) *Synonyms. WB-21 *Asking, checking & *Top-Tip.
*Time reading WB-16 *Practicing P.P WB-18 *Diagram.WB-20 confirmation. *Working in Group to
*Discussing qs WB-19 *Making notes of advice. write an essay WB-25
*Sound bites.
*Reading & answering qs
reading time WB-17. Notes:
*Time to Talk
Theme: Three Topic: On The Move
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
Flights of Fancy Copying with Congestion Making Our Roads A Rewarding Career Travel-A Pleasure or a
Safer Pain
*Discussing the theme *Discussing Qs. *Discussing Qs. *Discussing Qs in Group. * Discussing Qs.
*Skimming an article. *Reading a letter about *Matching Voc to * Reading to answer Qs. *TopTip.
*Matching Voc with traffic congestion WB-33 meanings. *Matching Vocabulary. *Writing Supporting
meanings. *Matching words with ph *Listening with *Listening to answer Qs details for Gen ideas.
comprehension-Qs. TopTip WB-36. *Reading essay.
*Comprehension Qs.
*Giving facts and *Grammar P.P &P.PC. *Asking & Answering Qs *Listening \missing inf *Matching Conjunctions
opinions. *Choosing correct forms. WB-35. WB-36. WB-38.
*T\F \NG WB-30 *Using for\since WB-34 *Using V\N describing *Numbering qualities.36 *Using conjunctions for
*Finding meaning of *Making dialogue with Trends WB-34 *Listenig\orderWB-37 different purposes.38.
words.WB-30 pairs. *Using adj\adv WB-35 *Sound Bites. * Discussing an essay.
*Writing Sentences with *Making notes & discussion *Filling missing info 39
aadj\adv.WB-35 *Top Tip
*Comprehension Qs about Notes:
a text WB-31-32
*Writing verbs next to
words WB-32
*Time to Talk.
Theme: Four Topic: Energy
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
Sources of Energy Ecocities of the Future When Things Go Wrong Renewable Energy Energy for the Future
*Talking about the theme. *Reading to answer Qs. *Discussing Qs. *Listening\Discussion. *Reading\Asking\Answer
*Timing of Reading. *Model verbs. *Matching words with *Sound Bites. *Comprehension Qs.
*Reading with *Using MV in agreement definitions. *Numbering Stp WB-50 *Top Tip.
comprehension Qs. WB-46. *Pre-reading Qs. *Making notes.WB-50
*Circling MV WB-46
*Top Tip. *Choosing MV for Pred. *Finding missing words- *Listening \Qs\Speaking. Writing Suitable Pronoun
*Writing names of *Making Predictions. 48. *Listening to check WB-52.
Energy sources WB-44. *Creating sentences from *Completing Sent with answers WB-51. *Writing process.WB-52
*Renewable\non- clauses WB-47. forms48. *Using Linking words-51 *Exchanging work with
renewable energy WB-44 *Interviewing.WB-47 *Filling Crossword 49. partners WB-53
*Completing sents with Notes:
*Reading for comparison
*Time To Talk.
Theme: Five Topic: A Warm Welcome
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
Space Tourism Employment Destinations Service With a Smile Dream Restaurants

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