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Professional Indemnity

Marketing, Advertising and
Communication Consultants

• Breach of confidence and privacy We exclude or limit cover

• Inadvertent computer virus for claims arising out of
transmission the following:
• Loss of documents and data • Claims and circumstances of which
the insured are, or ought reasonably
up to the limits of indemnity provided to be, aware
by the policy (please check the • Claims made by related entities
quotation/policy schedule for further details).
• Fines, penalties and liquidated
Also included damages

• All litigation costs and expenses • Pollution

What is covered? are covered when incurred with our • Claims from outside the policy territory
agreement, (costs may be in addition or jurisdiction
Our professional indemnity policy for to or inclusive of the limit of indemnity
marketing, advertising and communication as stated in the quotation/policy • Dishonest, reckless, fraudulent acts
consultants is a broad civil liability based schedule). • Infringement of a third party’s patent
wording which provides the insured with
cover for claims brought against them by • The insureds own irrecoverable fees • The insureds’ liability to their
third parties during the period of insurance when we agree that a counter claim employees as their employer
which are the result of work undertaken is likely and would be successful in
the event of your taking legal action • The insureds’ own property damage
after the policy’s retroactive date relating
to their business activities. The policy also to recover such unpaid fees. • The insolvency of the insureds’
provides tailored cover for the following: • The rectification costs involved business
in correcting a fault in the work • Deliberate or reckless acts of
• Negligent misstatement or negligent undertaken by the insured which defamation or misleading advertising
misrepresentation would otherwise lead to a claim
against the insured. • Claims arising from the outcome
• Product disparagement and breach
of any game promotion, contest
of advertising regulations • Financial compensation per person or lottery
• Intellectual property rights infringement for every day a director or an
employee are required to attend • Obscene, blasphemous
• Dishonesty or fraudulent act court in connection with a claim or pornographic material
of any employee covered under the policy. • Stunts and mimicking
• Defamation

Intended for broker use only. Please refer to our policy wordings
for full terms and conditions and any exclusions that might apply.

QBE European Operations is a trading name of QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited and QBE Underwriting Limited. QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited
and QBE Underwriting Limited are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. QBE Management Services (UK) Limited and
QBE Underwriting Services (UK) Limited are both Appointed Representatives of QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited and QBE Underwriting Limited.

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