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Exercise 4 on Prepositions Place

Complete the exercise according to the picture. 1. the picture, I can see Santa Claus and a girl. a chair. Santa. each other. her hands. the tree. the $loor.

2. Santa is sitting 3. The girl is standing

4. Santa and the girl are looking 5. The girl has a present 6. 7. There are more presents . Santa!s "ig "ag is l#ing

the girl, there is a Christmas tree.

Exercise 3 on Prepositions Place

Complete the exercise according to the picture. Green shirt 1. the picture, there are three kids. the t%o "o#s. the right. his hands. his game"o#.

2. The girl is standing 3. The "o# %ith the green shirt is 4. &e has a game"o# 5. The kids are looking

'&ome%ork( e)ercise 1, 2, 5 at the "ottom o$ this page( http(***en*cram+up*grammar*prepositions, 1

Exercise 1 on Prepositions Time

Fill in the correct prepositions. 1. -eter is pla#ing tennis 2. .# "rother!s "irthda# is 3. .# "irthda# is 5. .a#. the %eekend. night. t%o #ears. se0en o!clock. 4. 1e are going to see m# parents 6. I don!t like %alking alone in the streets 7. 1hat are #ou doing 4. I ha0e "een %aiting $or #ou the a$ternoon3 . .# $riend has "een li0ing in Canada

Sunda#. the 5th o$ /o0em"er.

1666, a great $ire "roke out in 2ondon.

'&ome%ork( 5time5 e)ercise 2 at the "ottom o$ this page( http(***en*cram+up*grammar*prepositions,

Exercise on Prepositions A picture

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions. 1. 2ook 2. this painting. the painting, #ou can see a little girl.

3. So, it is a painting a girl. 4. 6 $amous painter painted it. So it is a painting a $amous painter. 5. .# grandma once o%ned the painting, "ut she ga0e it to me on m# "irthda#. So it is a picture m# grandma.

Exercise on Prepositions A photograph

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions. 1. I got these photos 2. These photos %ere taken 3. 5. 2ook 4. So, these are pictures m# $riend 7ane. her "o#$riend, %ho is a ho""# photographer. a gira$$e.

these pictures #ou can see a gira$$e. these pictures. 6ren!t the# %onder$ul3

Exercise on Prepositions Buses

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions. 1. I$ #ou %ant to go 2. 8ou look 3. Then #ou %ait 5. 8ou "u# a ticket 6. 1hen #ou arri0e "us, #ou ha0e to go the time ta"le. #our "us. the "us. the dri0er or sho% #our ticket #our destination, #ou get the dri0er. the "us. another "us stop. the "us stop.

4. 1hen the "us arri0es, #ou get

7. Sometimes #ou e0en ha0e to change "uses

'&ome%ork( e)ercise 5The 1ampanoag5 at the "ottom o$ this page( http(***en*cram+up*grammar*prepositions,

Exercise on Prepositions George Washington

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions. 1. 9eorge 1ashington %as "orn 2. the Commander+in+Chie$ 3. 1ashington pla#ed an important role States. 4. &e "ecame the $irst -resident 5. &e %as -resident 6. 9eorge 1ashington died =ecem"er 1744. 7. The capital the <nited States and one $ederal state are named 9eorge 1ashington. 17 4 the age :irginia the 6merican $orces. the $ounding the <nited States. 1747. 67, the 14th the <nited 1732. 1775 and 17 3, he %as

the 6merican ;e0olutionar# 1ar '

Exercise on Prepositions Uluru

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions. 1. <luru is located honour South 6ustralia 3. <luru is listed cultural 0alues. 4. It is sacred 5. di$$erent times central 6ustralia. 6#ers ;ock Sir &enr# 6#ers, %ho %as a -remier 1 73. a 1orld &eritage 6rea the 6"original people "oth its natural and the area.

2. The large sandstone rock $ormation is also kno%n

the da#, <luru seems to change colour. minerals that re$lect the red light

6. The sandstone is in$used sunrise and sunset.

'&ome%ork( e)ercise 5&enr# >ord5 and 5.c=onald?s5 at the "ottom o$ this page( http(***en*cram+up*grammar*prepositions,

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