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Grammar worksheet

NAME:_____________________________________________________DATE: _____/_____/_____ TEACHERS NAME: TIME: ROOM:______


Circle the letter of the answer that correctly completes each sentence.(5 points) 1. A: Can I bring a friend to the party? B: Sure, _________ you like a. Whoever b. whenever 2. A: Can I !tay over ne"t week? B: #eah, ______ you like. a. whoever b. whatever $. A: Where !hall we go to tonight? B: _______ you like. a. whenever b. whatever %. A: &o you want tea or coffee? B: __________. a. whenever b. wherever

c. whatever

d. wherever

c. whenever

d. wherever

c. wherever

d. Whoever

c. whatever

d. whoever

'. A: I! it () if we co*e a bit late? We+ve ,u!t *i!!ed a bu!B: #eah, co*e ________ you like. a. Whoever. b. whenever c. whatever

d. wherever

d. Complete the sentences with the correct participle of the verbs in parenthesis. (5 points) 1..he children were////////// of the dark roo*. 0frighten1 2..he re!ult! of the te!t were/////////// 0!hock1 $. Were you//////////.by *y direction!? 0confu!e1 %. 2i! !peech wa! very/////////// 0 touch1 '.It wa! a //////..walk through the wood!. 0tire1 e. Complete each sentence with either the SIMPLE P S!" the P#ESE$! PE#%EC!" or the P#ESE$! PE#%EC! C&$!I$'&'S. (() points) 1. 2. $. %. '. ;. <. >. @. 1A. 34a*e! couldn5t believe I had never been to a rock concert, !o we 0go1////... to one la!t week.6 3I!n5t he a great piano player? 2e 0play1 ////////. at thi! club !ince it fir!t opened.6 3I hear that you are a 7ian 8arco fan. 2ow *any ti*e!0!ee1////.////.hi* ?6 3I had never !een 9va :yllon before. I loved the !how, !o I went right out and 0buy1///////// three of her C&!.6 3Wow- #ou play the piano beautifully. I can tell that you 0practice1/////////// a lot lately. 3Why are you crying?6 3 I 0chop1 //////////. (nion!.6 =eethoven wa! a very difficult *an. .hat i! why he never 0*arry1/////// Cu?co i! wonderful. I 0travel1/////////. there three ti*e!. 8y fa*ily and I 0live1 ///////////. in .ru,illo for 1A year!. When I wa! in high !chool, I 0get up1//..///////. very early to arrive at !chool in ti*e.

f. Parallel structure : correct and circle the mistakes in these sentences ( 5pts)
9"a*pleB 1. .he book contained !torie!, poetic, and play!. //poetry///.. ////////.. ////////.. ////////.. ///////.. ////////..

2. .he cour!e wa! very intere!ting and practical but co!t!. $. .he paper contained *i!take! in 7ra**ar, !pelling, and !tyli!tic. %. In the *orning, he u!ually ha! !o*e coffee, read! the new!paper, and will ,og. '. She needed !o*e !hoe! that were inexpensivel , hardCwearing, and attractive. ;. 8o!t vi!itor! to Dondon or Eari! !pend their ti*e vi!iting the *u!eu* and to !hop

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