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Information on Non-Conforming Measures referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 64 of the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Indonesia for

an Economic Partnership July 1, 2008 Indonesia

The Sector or Matter specified in Annex 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Small-Scale Electric Power Plant (up to 10 MW) Travel Agent Art Studio Tourism Guide Service Business related to Non-Timber Forest Products (Sugar Palm, Candlenut, Tamarind, Raw Material of Charcoal, Cinnamon, etc.) In-Nature Swallow Nest Business Sawn Timber Industry (Production Capacity up to 2000M3/Year) Primary Industry of Rattan Processing Semi-Finished Product Industry from Mangrove Primary Industry of Non-wood Forest Products (Pine Resin, Bamboo, Atsiri Oil) Catching of Wild Plants and Wild Life Animals (TSL) from Natural Habitat Fisheries by Using Fishing Vessel in a Size up to 30 GT, within Maritime Areas up to 12 Miles Inland Water Fishing Fishery Products Processing (UPI), Fermentation, Reduction/Extraction, Processing of Surimi and Fish Jelly. Community Broadcasting Service (LPK) of Radio and Television Courier Services/Custody Services: Printing Materials Deliveries Newspaper Parcels Packages Money Transfer

(Small-Scale) 17. Telecommunications Services covering: Telecommunications Stall Internet Stall Cable Installation to Houses and Buildings

18. Construction Services (Small-Scale Contractor) 19. Business Services/ Construction Consultant Services for Small-Scale 20. Business Services/ Construction Consultant Services: Advisory and Consultative Engineering Services Engineering Design Services for Industrial Process and Production Engineering Design Services n.e.c. 2

21. Public Transportation a. Route - City Bus/Village Bus b. Non-Route - Taxi 22. Water Transport in Small Scale 23. Industry of Salting, Drying and Boiling (Fish and Other Waters Biota) 24. Manufacture of Yarn or Thread, made of Natural or Synthetic Fiber, for Hand-looming 25. Hand-made Batik Industry 26. Rubber Processing by Smoking 27. Industry of Hand-tools being Manufactured in Manual or Semimechanical Basis for Carpentry and Cutting 28. Manufacture of Glazed and Non-glazed Clay and Ceramic Products for Household Utilities 29. Motorcycle Maintenance and Reparation Services except Those Integrated in the Sales Business of Motorcycle (Agent/Distributor), and Reparations Industry for Personal Belongings and Households 30. Manufacture of Traditional Handicrafts Using Natural or Artificial Materials 31. Industry of Hand-made Hand-tools for Agriculture except Mattocks and Spades 32. Brown Sugar 33. Processing of Foods made of Grains and Tuberoses, Sago, Melinjo (Tree with Edible Seeds/gnetum genemon) and Copra 34. Peeling and Cleaning of Tuberoses 35. Industry of Drying and Processing of Tobacco 36. Cultivation of Rice, Cassava, Corn and Other Food Crops (in an Area not exceeding 25 Ha) 37. Breeding and Farming of Pigs in a Quantity not exceeding 125 Pigs 38. Breeding and Farming of Non-pedigreed Chicken and its Cross-breeding 39. Processing Industry of Plantation Products 40. Plantation and Plantation Seedbed Industry in an Area less than 25 Ha 41. Film Production 42. Film Promotion-related Business (Advertisement, Poster, Still, Photo, Slide, Plate, Banner, Pamphlet, Ballyhoo, Folder, etc.) 43. Film Technical Services: Shooting Studio Film Production Facilities 3

Facilities of Editing, Dubbing, Text Processing, Film Duplication, etc.

44. Film Distribution (Export, Import and Distribution) 45. Screening: Movie/Film Theater 46. Recording Studio (Cassette, VCD, DVD, etc.) 47. Utilization of Timber from Natural Forest (IUPHHKHA) 48. Utilization of Water Environment in Forest Area 49. Supply and Distribution Plantation Forest (Export and Import) of Seeds and Germs of

50. Fisheries by Fishing Vessel in a Size of 100 GT or more within Offshore Capture Areas 51. Fisheries by Fishing Vessel in a Size above 30 GT, within Maritime Areas beyond 12 Miles 52. Pit Sand Mining 53. Pharmaceutical Wholesales 54. Raw Material Pharmaceutical Wholesales 55. Traditional Medicine Industry (Jamu Processing) 56. General Medical Services/ General Hospital/General Clinic 57. Health Care Support Services (Ambulance Services) 58. Individual Medical Practitioner 59. Residential Health Services and Basic Health Service Facilities 60. Health Research Center/ Institute 61. Health Supporting Services (Pest Control/Fumigation Services) 62. Private Maternity House 63. Pharmacist Profession Practice 64. Small-Scale Drugstore/Pharmacy 65. Pension Fund 66. Rural Bank (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat/BPR) 67. Syariah BPR 68. Money Changer 69. Private Broadcasting Services (LPS) 70. Subscribed Broadcasting Services (LPB) 71. Printed Press Company 72. Retails Trading: Street Vendors Traveling Vendors Vendors in/around Supermarket, Department Store, Hypermarket etc. Community Store 4

Convenience Store Mini Market Retails through Media etc.

73. Wholesales (Based on Fee or Contract) Agency Services Commission Agent Distributor (Note) Note: Distributor, herein, means a distributor who may sell products to end-customers. 74. Wholesales and Retail Sales of Alcoholic Beverages (Importer, Distributor, Sub- distributor and Retailer) 75. Trading Survey Services 76. Property/Real Estate Broker (Based on Fee or Contract) 77. Rental Services for Land Transport (Rental Without Operator) 78. Rental Services for Other Machineries and Equipments 79. Building Cleaning Services 80. Other Cleaning Services 81. Non-classified Company Services (Stenography, Auction, Translation, Copy Services, Telephone Services) 82. Other Service Activities (Laundry, Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor)

83. Production of Weapons, Ammunition, Explosive Devices, and Armaments 84. Placement of Indonesian Domestic Workers Abroad 85. Worker Supplier Services (Registration, Recruitment and Other Formality Processes) 86. Loan, Grant and Capital Participation offered by Indonesia to Stateowned Enterprises 87. Subsidies 88. Form of Business Enterprise 89. *Off-shore Oil and Gas Drilling Services outside Eastern Area of Indonesia 90. *On-shore Oil and Gas Drilling Services 91. *Operation and Maintenance Services for Oil and Gas Facilities 92. *Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) Services 93. *Power Plant 94. *Transmission of Electric Power 95. *Electric Power Consultant 96. *Construction and Installation of Electric Power Instrument 97. *Maintenance and Operation of Electric Power Instrument 98. *Development of Technology of Power Plant Equipment Supplies 5

99. *Distribution of Electric Power 100. *Nuclear Power Plant Note: * indicates that these reservations will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into forth of this Agreement, and subject to review, after the end of such three years period. Note: For the purpose of this Information, the KBLI means Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia/Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification set out by Central Bureau of Statistic.

Sector or Matter:

Small-Scale Electric Power Plant (up to 10 MW) KBLI 40101

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.

Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Travel Agent KBLI 63420

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.

Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Art Studio KBLI 92142

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.

Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Tourism Guide Service KBLI 63430

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.


Sector or Matter:

Business related to Non-Timber Forest Products (Sugar Palm, Candlenut, Tamarind, Raw Material of Charcoal, Cinnamon, etc) KBLI 02039

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.


Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

In-Nature Swallow Nest Business KBLI 02052

Central Government

National Treatment((Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.


Sector or Matter:

Sawn Timber Industry (Production Capacity up to 2000M3/Year). KBLI 20101

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment((Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.


Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Primary Industry of Rattan Processing KBLI 20104

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.


Sector or Matter:

Semi-Finished Product Industry from Mangrove KBLI 20293, 20294, 20299

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment((Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Primary Industry of Non-wood Forest Products (Pine Resin, Bamboo, Atsiri Oil) KBLI 02059

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment((Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Catching of Wild Plants and Wild Life Animals (TSL) from Natural Habitat KBLI 01501

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Fisheries by Using Fishing Vessel in a Size up to 30 GT, within Waters Areas up to 12 Miles. KBLI 05011

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Inland Water Fishing KBLI 05031

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Fishery Products Processing (UPI), Fermentation, Reduction/ Extraction, Processing of Surimi and Fish Jelly KBLI 15129

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Community Broadcasting Service (LPK) of Radio and Television KBLI 92132

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Courier Services / Custody Service: - Printing Materials Deliveries - Newspaper - Parcels - Packages - Money Transfer (Small Scale) KBLI 64130

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles. 22


Sector or Matter:

Telecommunication Services Covering: - Telecommunication Stall - Internet Stall - Cable Installation to Houses and Buildings KBLI 64314, 64325, 64319

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Construction Service (Small-Scale Contractor) KBLI 45100, 45215, 45222, 45242, 45314, 45328, 45500 45243, 45216, 45223, 45245, 45315, 45401, 45211, 45217, 45224, 45311, 45316, 45402, 45213, 45218, 45229, 45312, 45317, 45403, 45214, 45221, 45241, 45313, 45319, 45409,

Industry Classification Codes:

Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Business Services / Construction Consultant Services for Small Scale KBLI 74210

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Business Services / Construction Consultant Services - Advisory and Consultative Engineering Service - Engineering Design Service for Industrial Process and Production - Engineering Design Service n.e.c KBLI 74210

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Public Transportation a. Route - City Bus/ Village Bus b. Non-Route - Taxi KBLI 60211, 60212, 60213, 60214, 60215,60221

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Water Transport in a Small Scale KBLI 61118

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, Small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Industry of Salting, Drying and Boiling (Fish and Other Waters Biota) KBLI 15122, 15125

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Manufacture of Yarn or Thread, made of Natural or Synthetic Fiber, for Handlooming KBLI 17115

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Hand-made Batik Industry KBLI 17124

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure ;

Rubber Processing by Smoking KBLI 25121

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Industry of Hand-tools being Manufactured in Manual or Semi-mechanical Basis for Carpentry and Cutting KBLI 28932, 28933, 28939

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Manufacture of Glazed and Non-glazed Clay and Ceramic Products for Household Utilities KBLI 26321

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Motorcycle Maintenance and Reparation Services except Those Integrated in the Sales Business of Motorcycle (Agent/Distributor), and Reparations Industry for Personal Belongings and Households KBLI 93050, 93061, 93062

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Manufacture of Traditional Handicrafts Using Natural or Artificial Materials KBLI 17293, 20291, 20292, 20293, 20294, 20299, 36921

Central Government

National Treatment((Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Industry of Hand-made Hand-tools for Agriculture except Mattocks and Spades KBLI 28931

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Brown Sugar KBLI 15422

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Processing of Foods made of Grains and Tuberoses, Sago, Melinjo (Tree with Edible Seeds/gnetum genemon) and Copra KBLI 15494, 15498

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Peeling and Cleaning of Tuberoses KBLI 15317

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Industry of Drying and Processing of Tobacco KBLI 16001

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Cultivation of Rice, Cassava, Corn and Other Food Crops (in an Area not exceeding 25 Ha) KBLI 01111, 01112

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Breeding and Farming of Pigs in a Quantity not exceeding 125 Pigs KBLI 01221

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Breeding and Farming of Non-pedigreed Chicken and its Cross-breeding KBLI 01223

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Processing Industry of Plantation Products. KBLI 15141, 15143, 15144, 24294, 15313, 15314, 15315, 15318

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter:

Plantation and Plantation Seedbed Industry in an Area less than 25Ha KBLI: 01113, 01114, 01115, 01116, 01117, 01118, 01119, 01133, 01134, 01135, 01136, 01137, 01138, 01139 Central Government

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment, Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) and Article 13 para (1). Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 9/1995 concerning Small Businesses. Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/1992 concerning Cooperative.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sectors is reserved for SMEs or Cooperatives owned by Indonesian nationals. SMEs are businesses with a maximum net asset up to IDR 10 billion (excluding land and buildings). Cooperatives are a legal entity that run business based on cooperative principles.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Film Production KBLI 92112

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Film Promotion-related Business (Advertisement, Poster, Still, Photo, Slide, Plate, Banner, Pamphlet, Ballyhoo, Folder, etc.) KBLI 74300

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Film Technical Services: - Shooting Studio Film Production Facilities - Facilities of Editing, Dubbing, Text Processing, Film Duplication, etc. KBLI 71290

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Film Distribution (Export, Import and Distribution) KBLI 92112

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Screening: Movie/ Film Theater KBLI 92120

Central Government National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Recording Studio (Cassette, VCD, DVD, etc) KBLI 22130

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Utilization of Timber from Natural Forest (IUPHHKHA) KBLI 02020

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Utilization of Water Environment in Forest Area KBLI 02059

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Supply and Distribution (Export and Import) of Seeds and Germs of Plantation Forest KBLI 02039

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Fisheries by Fishing Vessel in a Size of 100 GT or more within Offshore Capture Areas KBLI 05011

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Fisheries by Fishing Vessel in a Size above 30 GT, within Maritime Areas beyond 12 Miles KBLI 05011

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Pit Sand Mining KBLI 14105

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Pharmaceutical Wholesales KBLI 51900

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Raw Material Pharmaceutical Wholesales KBLI 51900

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Traditional Medicine Industry (Jamu Processing) KBLI 24234

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment((Article 59))

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

General Medical Services/General Hospital/ General Clinic KBLI 85114

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Health Care Support Service (Ambulance Services) KBLI 85193

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Individual Medical Practitioner KBLI: 85121, 85122, 85123, 85191, 85192

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Residential Health Services and Basic Health Service Facilities KBLI 85119

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Health Research Center/Institute KBLI 73120

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Health Supporting Services (Pest Control/ Fumigation Services) KBLI 85193

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Private Maternity House KBLI 85113

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Pharmacist Profession Practice KBLI 52312

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Small Scale Drugstore/Pharmacy KBLI 52313

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Pension Fund KBLI 66020

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Rural Bank (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat/BPR)

KBLI 65191 Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Syariah BPR

KBLI 65192 Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Money Changer KBLI 67191

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure :

Private Broadcasting Services (LPS) KBLI 92132

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes : Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Subscribed Broadcasting Services (LPB) KBLI 92132

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Printed Press Company KBLI 22120

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Retails Trading: - Street Vendors; - Traveling Vendors; - Vendors in/around Supermarket, Department Store, Hypermarket etc. - Community Store - Convenience Store - Mini Market - Retails through Media etc. KBLI 52111, 52514, 52523, 52529, 52535, 52543, 52548, 52554, 52561, 52574, 52582, 52594, 52723, 52728, 52211, 52514, 52223, 52229, 52315, 52321, 52326, 52332, 52337, 52343, 52348, 52354, 52364, 52371, 52381, 52386, 52394, 52403, 55240, 52712, 52191, 52515, 52524, 52531, 52536, 52544, 52549, 52555, 52569, 52575, 52583, 52595, 52724, 52729, 52213, 52215, 52224, 52311, 52316, 52322, 52327, 52333, 52338, 52344, 52349, 52359, 52365, 52372, 52382, 52389, 52395, 52404, 50102, 52713, 52511, 52516, 52525, 52532, 52539, 52545, 52551, 52556, 52571, 52576, 52591, 52600, 52725, 55250, 52214, 52219, 52225, 52312, 52317, 52323, 52328, 52334, 52339, 52345, 52351, 52361, 52366, 52373, 52383, 52391, 52399, 52405, 50202, 52714, 52512, 52521, 52527, 52533, 52541, 52546, 52552, 52557, 52572, 52577, 52592, 52721, 52726, 52112, 52512, 52221, 52227, 52313, 52318, 52324, 52329, 52335, 52341, 52346, 52352, 52362, 52367, 52374, 52384, 52392, 52401, 52406, 50302, 52719. 52513, 52522, 52528, 52534, 52542, 52547, 52553, 52559, 52573, 52581, 52593, 52722, 52727, 52192, 52513, 52222, 52228, 52314, 52319, 52325, 52331, 52336, 52342, 52347, 52353, 52363, 52368, 52375, 52385, 52393, 52402, 52409, 52711,

Industry Classification Codes:

Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)


Legal Source of the Measure:

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Wholesales (Based on Fee or Contract) - Agency Service - Commission Agent - Distributor (Note) Note: Distributor, herein, means a distributor who may sell products to end-customers. KBLI 51100, 54100

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Wholesales and Retail Sales of Alcoholic Beverages (Importer, Distributor, Subdistributor and Retailer) KBLI 51220, 52226, 52526

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Trading Survey Services None

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Property/Real Estate Broker (Based on Fee or Contract) KBLI 70200

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Rental Services for Land Transport (Rental Without Operator) KBLI 71110

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure :

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Rental Services for Other Machineries and Equipments KBLI 71210, 71220, 71230, 71290

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Building Cleaning Services KBLI 74930

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Other Cleaning Services KBLI 90002

Central Government National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Non-classified Company Services (Stenography, Auction, Translation, Copy Services, Telephone Services) KBLI 74990

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Other Service Activities (Laundry, Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor) KBLI 93010, 93021, 93022, 93091, 93094

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Production of Weapons, Ammunition, Explosive Devices, and Armaments KBLI 29270

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 2, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Placement of Indonesian Domestic Workers Abroad. KBLI 74910

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Worker Supplier Services (Registration, Recruitment and Other Formality Processes) KBLI 74910

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ). Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Investment in this sector requires 100% domestic capital participation.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter:

Loan, Grant and Capital Participation offered by Indonesia to a State Owned Enterprises None

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 17/2003 concerning State Finance, Article 24 para (1) and para (7) The government can offer capital support to State-owned Enterprises in the form of loan, grant or capital participation. In certain circumstances, for example, to accelerate economic recovery, such supports can be extended to private domestic legal person, subject to the parliaments approval.

Succinct Description of the Measure



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Subsidies None

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 19/2003 concerning State-owned Enterprises. Only State-owned Enterprises having special task to serve public interest are eligible to get governments subsidies.

Succinct Description of the Measure:



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure: Succinct Description of the Measure

Form of Business Enterprise None

Central Government

National Treatment(Article 59)

Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 5. Foreign investment in Indonesia shall be in the form of a limited liability company constituted or organized under Indonesian laws and regulations.



Sector or Matter:

Off-shore Oil and Gas Drilling Services outside Eastern Area of Indonesia KBLI 11200

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure :

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para ( 1, 4 & 5 ) Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure :

On-shore Oil and Gas Drilling Services KBLI 11200

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter:

Operation and Maintenance Services for Oil and Gas Facilities KBLI 11200

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter:

Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) Services KBLI 74140

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59) Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Power Plant KBLI 40101

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Transmission of Electric Power KBLI 40102

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Electric Power Consultant KBLI 4010

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter:

Construction and Installation of Electric Power Instrument KBLI 45312

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter:

Maintenance and Operation of Power Instrument KLBI 4010


Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter:

Development of Technology of Power Plant Equipment Supplies KBLI 4010

Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter: Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Distribution of Electric Power KBLI 40103

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.



Sector or Matter: Industry Classification Codes: Level of Government: Obligation under this Agreement: Legal Source of the Measure:

Nuclear Power Plant KBLI 40101

Central Government

National Treatment (Article 59)

Law of the republic of Indonesia Number 25/2007 concerning Investment Article 12 para (1, 4 & 5). Presidential Decree No 111/2007 concerning Criteria and Requirements for Formatting Lines of Business Closed and Open with Conditions to Investment.

Succinct Description of the Measure:

Business sectors are open to investment activity except those declared as being totally closed or opened for foreign investment with certain conditions based on national interests: protection of natural resources, protection of micro, small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, supervision of production and distribution, increase of technological capacity, participation of domestic capital and joint venture with companies appointed by government. Foreign investment in this sector is subject to foreign equity restrictions up to 95%. The reservation will be maintained for three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to a review after the end of the three-year period.


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