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March 13, 2014

Dear Prayer Partners:

As most of you know, after 24 years of missionary service, God has expanded our ministry beyond the borders of Chile. Now, our missionary service extends to all of Latin America. We have been asked to serve as the Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. Thus, we will be serving in all of South America, Central America (including Mexico, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica), and the islands of the Caribbean. Serving Latin America and the Caribbean With this new ministry role, we will be responsible for our operations and some 230 missionaries serving throughout these regions. Just to be clear, with this new ministry role, we are still missionaries and 100% dependent on donations and support from churches and individual families. As we travel to these regions, we will be helping with church building projects, camp ministries, strategizing for future church plants and mission movements, teaching and training nationals in the area of theological education on the fields, training missionaries on the field, counseling, and other special missionary projects. At the time of this writing, according to ABWEs support requirements for us, we are short $1778 in monthly support. In part we are under-supported right now because of rising healthcare costs, and also in part due to our ministry funds going up due to the amount of travel this new ministry role requires. In an effort to reduce our monthly support deficit, we are looking for ones individual families that could become our Travel & Ministry Partners ones that would support us on a monthly basis or perhaps send in one support check per year to help offset our ministry costs as we travel to our regions in Latin America to minister. These travel costs include Nikkis being able to travel with me. I need her in this ministry! She is a vital part of our ministry (especially to women and families) and it is always best if we travel as a couple. I need her by my side. Perhaps you prefer to send in a monthly amount instead of one check per year. Scott with Dave Southwell. Scott is transitioning into this Either way is fine. Pray God would lay this burden on the new missionary ministry role that Dave is vacating. hearts of ones that have a desire to help us as Ministry Partners. If you would like to become a Ministry Partners, you can give online or just sign up for it at: When you go there, you may choose from a list of options on the left side of the page exactly what you would like to do. Our account number with ABWE is #110033. If you need help, please dont hesitate to email us. We are excited about this new missionary ministry role for several reasons: 1. It will keep us directly connected to the missionary side of things in this ministry. 2. It will allow us to stay in the Latin culture that we know so well having lived and served in Chile for over 20 years. We love this culture and understand it very well. 3. It will continue to allow us to use our Spanish and allow us to preach and teach throughout South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. 4. With our knowledge and experience in the culture and Spanish and church planting, we will be able to help many missionaries doing the same throughout this region.

5. It allows us to serve in the areas of our strengths especially where we have been trained and prepared. 6. We will be able to teach in Bible Colleges on a modular basis throughout South America and Central America. 7. We already know all the field leaders, regional administrators and other missionaries serving in this region and we have a great relationship with them. In this new ministry role, we do have some goals. These are just a few: 1. We want to open up new fields and countries in South America and Central America where we currently have no missionaries serving. 2. We want to help our missionary teams get excited about training nationals to go out as missionaries themselves - especially to the countries that are located in the 10/40 window, that is, countries in Northern Africa, Middle East, and North of the Mediterranean Sea. The Latin culture more closely aligns with the cultures represented in the 10/40 window and so Latins make great missionaries to reach people living in this part of the world. We need missionaries from the USA to go to South America and train national leaders to go out as missionaries to serve in countries in the 10/40 window.

* Peruvian family serving in Northern Africa seeking to reach Muslims for Christ

Apart from the prayer requests referred to above, please also pray for: 1. Nikki and I will be traveling to Mexico, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua departing in early May. Please pray for our ministry in these 3 countries and for Gods financial provision for this trip. 2. Brazil We have some urgent legal paperwork to complete so that our missionary team is able to transfer properties to Brazilian churches. 3. Our team in Lima, Peru needs to sell a camp property as soon as possible to free up funds so that we might be able to purchase a Bible seminary property that is being offered to us at a fraction of the cost. 4. We desperately need more church planters, church planter assistants, Bible Institute teachers, camp workers, youth workers, school teachers, and others to answer the call of missions to come and help us in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. 5. We also have an urgent need for a short term 3rd/4th grade teacher for our English speaking Christian School in Chile (housing is provided) needed to start teaching in late July. We need both short term missionaries and long term missionaries. If you can help us, please send us an email. Wed love to hear from you. 6. I mentioned before but I will mention here again due to the severity and urgency of the need, please prayerfully consider supporting us. If you already support us, please prayerfully consider increasing your support if you are able. We are thankful for all the churches and 24 individual families that personally support us. If you would like to join our Ministry Partners, please follow the instructions listed previously. If God were to give us 18 new families at $100 per month, we would meet the goal. Thanks for praying! Our hearts were deeply touched a few weeks ago when we received notice that we have a new individual supporter. It touched our hearts because this particular family is another missionary family that currently serves in South America a missionary couple we barely know. They said that since God has placed us in this new expanded ministry, and because the need is great, God has led them to personally support us on a monthly basis. My, how humbling that a missionary that barely knows us wishes to be a part of our own ministry in a financial way. We serve with some wonderful people in Latin America and the 23 other individual families that also support us are wonderful folks that we love and thank God for. Reaching Out with a Hug for All of You, Scott: [email protected] Nikki: [email protected] * Name withheld to protect the family and their ministry. Phone: 717-903-6730

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