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One word substitutes


/o e Essential )ra ar Learning 'ourse 2ay 0o 2ay English Vocabulary 1iscellaneous



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Englishkitab >> Vocabulary >> One Word Substitutes-3

One Word Substitutes One Word Substitutes-4 One Word Substitutes-5 One Word Substitutes-6 One word can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or co unicating precisely! List of so e co on oneword substitutions are gi"en below! #lease learn it to i pro"e your word power! Ek shabd kabhi kabhi puray vakyansh ya vakya ko vyakt kar sakta hai. Kuch aisay common shabd nichay diyay hai. Prabhavshali English bolnay aur samajhnay kay liye inki jankaari avashyak hai. Har shabd ka arth aapki suvidha kay liyay simple English aur Hindi main diya hua hai. Words start with $lphabet >> $-% & '-( & )-* & +-O & #-,

List of One Word Substitutions

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9es * 'an 'hange %ook 0aking '$0: %uy #hilips 1#3 #layer

Words Start with $lphabet >> )-*

Word Meaning *rregular lu inous band of stars! $ shed for otor car! Arth Aakash-ganga, Tara samooh, ishisht mandali !otar ghar, "airaaj #aj patra, $arkaari ga%ette &huvigyaan #oganu nashi, jivanu nashi eaning! $habdavali, $habd sangrah Petu, khau yaakaran Ann-bhandar, Annagaar 'ishulk (hund main rehnayvala, milansaar &hola bhala )gra, Prabhaavshali bhashan $hav vaahan $hakbhakshi janvar Parampara, *harohar, irasat, )ttaradhikar ijatiya, vividh prakaar Tantu vigyaan !anav vadh, nar hatya

)alaxy )arage )a-ette )eology )er icide )lossary )lutton )ra )ratis )regarious )ullible /arangue /earse /erbi"orous /eritage /eterogeneous /istology /o icide

$ go"ern ent publication relating to order. notification etc! Study of Earth $ edicine that kills ger s

$ long list of words with their One who eats too uch


$rt and science dealing with a language! $ store house for a threshed grain! Without pay ent Of ani als li"ing in flocks One who is easily decei"ed $ noisy and loud speech before a long gathering! Vehicle to carry dead bodies! $ grass eating ani al what is got fro ancestors


0hings of different nature Study of 0issue 1urder of a hu an being



One word substitutes

/o ogeneous /oney oon

0hing of sa e nature! 0he first night of newly arried couple!

$ajaatiya, $amarup ivah kay baad dampatya sehvaas ka pratham mahina $ammananiya, avaitnik, bina vetan ka pud to Kshitij, $eema !ehmaan 'a+aaj, !ehajbaan *ushmani, durbhavana !anavtavadi, paropkari

/onorary /ori-on /ospitable /ostility /u anitarian /ung /ydra /ydrophobia /ygienist /ypocrite /ypothesis *conoclast *diosyncrasy *dolatry *gnorant *llegal *llegible *llicit *lliterate *llusion * itable * * igrant o"able

$ position for which no salary is paid 0he point where the earth and sky see eet! (ond of entertaining guests! *ntense aggression or anger state of antagonis One who feels sy pathetic towards hu an beings

$sse bly or parlia ent in which no party has Trishanku got clear a;ority $ serpent with $ fear fro any heads &ahut siro vala saanp (alantak, jal sey bhaya $+asthya vigyaan visheshagya Pakhandi, kapati Anumaan lagana, Kalpana !urti puja virodhi, #udhigat vichaaro ka virodhi $anak, avanchhaniya adat !urti puja Anjaan, Agyani, Aprichit Avaidh, gair kanuni Apathniya, aspasht 'iyam ya vyavhaar virudh, gair kanuni, avaidh Ashikshit, anabhigya !atibhram, !areechika, "alat phahmi 'akal honay yogya Apravasi, videsh main basnayvala Achal, atal Abhaidhya, (isko bheda na ja sakay, Agamya Atisukshm, alakshya Aprabhavit, avhedya


a specialist in the pro otion of clean conditions for the preser"ation of health One who pretends to be what he is not $ tentati"e assu ption. 1ade to dri"e a logical conclusion! %reaker of art and literature! $ person<s peculiar habit Worship of idols #erson ha"ing no knowledge of any happening! 0hat which is against law $ handwriting that cannot be read 0hat is prohibited by law $ person who cannot read or write (alse sensual proposition! Which can be i itated! One who li"es in a foreign country Which cannot be o"ed. fixed!

* penetrable * perceptible * per"ious

*ncapable of being penetrated! 0hat which cannot be noticed $ person who re ains un o"ed and unaffected by other people<s opinions. suggestions

= Vocabulary Words

= English 1o"ie

= /indi Song

= English /indi


Meaning One who assu es na e or title or so eone

Arth &ehrupiya, dhongi

* poster



* poster * practicable * pregnable * probable *naccessible *nad issible *nani ate *naudible *nco bustible *nco prehensible *ncorrigible *ncredible *ncurable *ndefatigable *ndefensible *ndescribable *ndestructible *ndispensable *ndi"isible *ndoor *neligible *ne"itable *nexcusable *nexhaustible *nexplicable *nexplicit *nexpressible *nfallible *nfanticide *nfection *nfinite *nfla able

One word substitutes

else for decei"ing others! 0hat which cannot be practiced *ncapable of being sei-ed by attack 0hat which is not likely to happen *ncapable of being reached! *ncapable of being ad itted or allowed! Without life $ sound that cannot be heard *ncapable of being burnt! $ state ent which cannot be understood One who cannot be corrected 0hat which cannot be belie"ed 0hat which cannot be cured One incapable of being tired 0hat which cannot be defended 0hat which cannot be described *ncapable of being destroyed! So ething that is essential and cannot be dispensed with *ncapable of being di"ided! So ething carried on within door or under co"er! >ot being able to be elected or selected under the rules! 0hat which cannot be a"oided *ncapable of being ;ustified! *ncapable of being tired out! 0hat which cannot be explained >ot definitely or clearly expressed! *ncapable of being expressed in words! $ re edy which ne"er fails 0he act of killing an infant $ disease spread by contact >ot li ited by person or nu ber! So ething that is ?uickly and easily set on fire and burned $ ethod that cannot be i itated Avyavharik Ajey, abhaidya Asambhavya Agamya, Pahunch sey bahar As+ikarya, Amanya 'irjeev, achetan 'a sunaaye denay vala, ashravya (isay aag na lag sakay *uruh, abodhya Asudharya, (isay theek na kiya ja sakay. Avishvashniya Asadhya, achikitsya Athak, ashrant, na thaknay vala Asamarthaniya, arakshaniya Avarnaniya Avinashi, Atoot Anivarya, jaroori Avibhajya, (ika bhag na ho sakay &hitari, Anatarik, "har kay anadar Apaatra, Ayogya, Anuchit 'ishchit, anivarya, apariharya Akshamy Anant *uruh, jiski vyakhya na ki ja sakay Aspasht Avarnaniya, Akathniya Achuk, raambaan $hishuhatya $ankraman, bura asar, sankramak rog, bimari ki chhut Anant, Aseem, ishal, ,shvar (valanshil, j+alantashil Anokha, jiski nakal na ki ja sakay, ananukarniya Atripya, jo tript na ho sakay Keet nashak Padaarth

*ni itable *nsatiable *nsecticide

0hat which cannot be satisfied 0hat which kill insects!



One word substitutes

*nsoluble *nsol"ent *nso nia *nsur ountable *nterpolate *nter"ene *ntestate *ntrospection *n"incible *n"isible *n"ulnerable *rreconcilable *rreco"erable *rrele"ant *rreparable *rre"ocable *rritable *tinerant *tinerary

*ncapable of being dissol"ed in a li?uid One who is unable to pay his debts Loss of sleep *ncapable of being o"erco e! *nserting new atter in a book

'a ghulnavala, achulanshil *ivaliya Anidra rog, alpanidra Ajay, (o praast na kiya ja sakay. &eech main dalna &eech main aana, Hastakshep karna &ina vasiyat, itchha patrahin Atmavishleshan Ajey, jisay jita na ja sakay Adarashya, ojhal $urakshit, abhedya Kattar, mail na karnay +ala apas na mil saknay yogya, $ada ke liye hone +ala Aprasangik, bematlab Apurniya, jisay sudhara na ja sakay Atal, Aprivartaniya -hiddachida, krodhi &hramanashil .atra vivran

$nything pushed inside "eins One who dies without a Will 0he action of looking back on past ti e 0hat which cannot be con?uered $ thing that cannot be seen with hu an eyes 0hat which cannot be hurt *ncapable of being reconciled! *ncapable of reco"ered. regained! >ot applicable $ loss of da age that cannot be co pensated 0hat cannot be altered or withdrawn $ an who is easily irritated place to place

One who tra"els fro

$ planned route or ;ourney. details of tra"el

Vocabulary >> $-% >> '-( >> +-O >> #-,


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