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Copyright © 2014 by George F.


All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Crown Archetype, an imprint of
the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC,
a Penguin Random House Company, New York.

Crown Archetype with colophon is a trademark of Random House


Text credits appear on pages 215–216.

Photo credits appear on page 217.

Library of Congress Cataloging-­in-­Publication Data

Will, George F.
A nice little place on the North Side : Wrigley Field at one hundred /
George F. Will.
pages cm
1. Wrigley Field (Chicago, Ill.)—History. 2. Chicago Cubs (Baseball
team)—History. I. Title.
GV417.W75W55 2014

ISBN 978-­0 -­385-­34931-­4

eBook ISBN 978-­0 -­385-­34932-­1

Printed in the United States of America

Ivy illustration by Fred Haynes

Jacket photographs: Victoria Will (front), Chase Swift/Corbis
Images (back)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

First Edition

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2 4
On June 20, 1941, the poet Robert Frost, then sixty-­seven,
recited for the first time in public his poem “The Lesson
for Today.” Its last line is perhaps his most famous:

I would have written of me on my stone:

I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.

Frost died in 1963, and this line is carved on the head-

stone of his grave in Bennington, Vermont. My lover’s
quarrel is less spacious than Frost’s. Mine is with the Chi-
cago National League Ball Club. The world is what it is
and has been very good to me. The Cubs, however, are
another matter. They have been generally disappointing
and often annoying for most of my life, which began forty-­
seven days before Frost announced his quarrel. Why, then,
have I, like many millions of similarly vexed and irritated
fans, continued to love this team? There are, no doubt,
many reasons. Or, because reason rarely regulates love, let
us say there are many factors that explain the durability of
my affection, and that of others, for the Cubs. Surely the
most important ingredient in the chemistry of this peculiar
loyalty is the place where the team has played its home
games for a century. Wrigley Field really is a nice little
place. Granted, few people would care about it if the Cubs

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12  G E O R G E F. W I L L

did not play there. But a lot fewer people would care about
the Cubs if they did not play there. What follows is a short
stroll through the braided histories of the place and the
team, both of which are facets of one of America’s singular
cities. I will begin with my beginning.
I was born on Sunday morning, May 4, 1941, in Cham-
paign, Illinois. The Chicago Tribune that morning reported
that on Saturday the Cubs had been “characteristically
docile” through the first five innings while losing to the
Brooklyn Dodgers, 4–­3, in Ebbets Field. On Sunday the
Cubs crossed the East River and lost to the New York Gi-
ants, 9–­4. It was their third loss in a row. Had I been paying
attention then, this book might not have been written. But
one thing led to another, as things have a way of doing, and
in 1948, when I was still not as discerning as one should be
when making life-­shaping decisions, I became a Cub fan.
The Catholic Church thinks seven-­year-­olds have reached
an age of reasoning. The church might want to rethink
The 1948 Cubs may have been the worst squad in the
history of the franchise, finishing in eighth place—­which
in those days was last place—­and 27½ games out of first.
The dreadful team inspired a Norman Rockwell cover on
the September 4 Saturday Evening Post. Titled The Dug-
out, it featured a dejected and embarrassed Cubs dugout,
behind which fans jeered. Their well-­named manager was
Charlie Grimm. He was, however, known as “Jolly Cholly”
Grimm because he was so cheerful. Why was he?
On August 30, 1948, the Cubs’ owner, Philip K. Wrig-

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ley, ran an ad in the Tribune, which thirty-­three years later

would buy the Cubs from Wrigley’s estate, to apologize for
the team. The ad told the unvarnished truth: “This year’s
rebuilding job has been a flop.” You might say that. The
last-­place Cubs’ record was 64–­90. The 1940s, my first de-
cade, was the first losing decade the Cubs ever had. Since
then, the Cubs have not had a winning decade. Since May
4, 1941, and through the 2013 season, they have lost 693
more games than they have won. What could compensate
Cub fans for such a performance on the field? The field.
Wrigley Field. This little book is about a little space. It is
not, regardless of what some unhinged enthusiasts say, a
sacred space. Wrigley Field’s footprint on a city block is a
tad smaller than that of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The
enthusiasts think the ballpark is a kind of cathedral, and
that Wrigley Field is to baseball what Rome is, or was once
said to be, to religion: All roads lead there, or should.
This book is, in a sense, about a frame around a picture.
The point of Wrigley Field is to display baseball games.
People go to museums of fine art to see the paintings, not
the frames that display them. Few people admire the ped-
estal more than the statue. Many people do, however, de-
cide to go to Chicago Cubs games because they are played
within this lovely frame. And just as a frame can serve, or
be inappropriate for, a particular painting, ballparks can
display ball games well or poorly. It is frequently noted that
Wrigley Field is lovelier than the baseball often played on
the field. It is a hypothesis of this book that the ballpark is
part cause and part symptom of the Cubs’ dysfunctional

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14  G E O R G E F. W I L L

performance. How can this high-­quality building be partly

responsible for the low quality of what has gone on in it?
Read on.
The story of the ballpark is braided with the story of the
baseball team, and of a city. The ballpark has not been
merely a passive ingredient in the Cubs’ story. It has shaped
what it has framed. And if architecture is inhabited sculp-
ture, Wrigley Field has shaped the scores of millions who
have, episodically and briefly, inhabited it. Ernest Dimnet
was a French abbé who frequently traveled and lectured in
the United States. His business was soul, and he said: “Ar-
chitecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most
A high
slowly, but the most surely, on the soul.” This is perhaps
especially true of architecture that does not set out to work
upon the soul—­architecture that is unself-­consciously util-
itarian, as Wrigley Field is. It has been well said that archi-
tecture exists not for the structure itself but for the space
the structure creates by enclosing it. The space Wrigley
Field encloses—­the playing field—­created Wrigley Field.
Because space dictated the configuration of the building, it
can be said that baseball built it. Which is why people care
about the corner of Clark and Addison Streets.
The home plate entrance to Wrigley is at that corner.
Clark, along the third-­base side of the ballpark, is named
for General George Rogers Clark, the son of Virginia land-
owners, who at age twenty went west in search of land
and adventure, finding much of both. He distinguished
himself in the Revolutionary War by projecting the new

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g be partly
on in it?

ory of the
not been
as shaped
ted sculp-
lions who
st Dimnet
ectured in
said: “Ar-
the most
A highlight of the Cubs’ first year at Clark and Addison.
s perhaps
ut to work nation’s power into what became the Northwest Territory,
ously util- including the state of Illinois.
hat archi- It is known that, but not why, Addison Street, along the
the space first-­base side of Wrigley Field, is named for Dr. Thomas
e Wrigley Addison of Guy’s Hospital in London. He identified a form
ley Field. of anemia that now bears his name—­Addisonian anemia.
uilding, it Please, let there be no tart remarks about the appropriate-
eople care ness, over the last half century, of the Cubs being associ-
ated with the anemic. Additionally, Addison’s anemia is not
at corner. Addison’s disease, which afflicted John F. Kennedy.
is named Balls hit over the right-field wall land on Sheffield Av-
inia land- enue, named for Joseph E. Sheffield, a go-­getter who, like
h of land many who made the Northwest Territory prosper, came
inguished from New England—­from Connecticut. In the 1830s, he
g the new started a farm and nursery and bought some of the land

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16  G E O R G E F. W I L L

that became the Lincoln Park neighborhood on the North

Side, about halfway between what now is the Loop to
the south and Wrigley Field to the north. But the basis
of S
­ heffield’s wealth was the business that made Chicago
boom: railroads. Sheffield was a founder of the Chicago,
Rock Island and Pacific Railroad and a builder of the New
Haven and Northampton Railroad back in Connecticut.
By 1914, many railroads were bringing people, and the pro-
duce of the prairies, to Chicago.
Balls hit over Wrigley Field’s left-field wall land on
Waveland Avenue. This name was chosen by Sheffield, the
developer and subdivider, because on stormy days some of
his land on the portion of the avenue near Lake Michigan
was inundated.

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There are no waves in central Illinois. There the land is flat,
so some people consider the vistas dull. But, then, there
are those who consider baseball dull, and as sportscaster
Red Barber once said, baseball is dull only to dull minds.
The highest hill in Champaign County is not much more
than a pitcher’s mound, but it’s quite high enough. The
vast spaces of America’s Great Plains are well configured
for endless baseball diamonds, with foul lines extending to
far horizons. Thanks to the slow work of glaciers over many
millennia, much of the land of central Illinois is astonish-

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ingly black, fertile, and valuable. It is also heavy, and for

the first farmers who settled there, it was very difficult to
plow. But in the 1830s, in the village of Grand Detour, a
young blacksmith took up the challenge of designing a self-­
scouring steel plow to turn the heavy soil. He succeeded,
and today his name is on big green machines all over the
world: John Deere. And on little green machines, like the
riding mowers that trim suburban lawns. And urban in-
fields and outfields.
The twin cities of Champaign and Urbana are the
home of one of the main branches of the University of Il-
linois, where for thirty-­seven years my father was a profes-
sor of philosophy. One of his interests was the concept of
probability, concerning which he tried to tutor me, using
Cubs players like Roy Smalley. Smalley was the Cubs’
shortstop from the fateful 1948 season through 1953. His
career batting average was .227. He would come to the
plate batting about that, and the Cubs’ radio announcer
Bert Wilson would cheerfully say, “Smalley is overdue
for a hot streak.” My father would patiently explain to
me that Stan Musial batting .227—­not that he ever did
that—­would be overdue but that Smalley was just being
himself. In 1950, Smalley did, however, lead the league
in two categories: He struck out 114 times and made 51
errors. So, fifty-­one times that season the shortstop, the
most important defensive player in fair territory (that is,
excluding the catcher), gave a major league opponent an
extra out in an inning. It is a wonder the 1950 Cubs man-
aged to finish only 26½ games out of first place. I should

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have paid more attention to logic, but Cub fans obviously

don’t. The Cubs do, however, make many of their fans
philosophical, as Merriam-­Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary
defines that: “calm or unflinching in the face of trouble,
defeat, or loss.”
Champaign and Urbana are cheek by jowl because of
the Illinois Central Railroad. It is mostly gone, a victim of
a merger and the disappearing railroad blues, but once it
was so mighty it moved towns. When the first passenger
train arrived in the area, in 1854, it came on tracks laid
two miles west of the Champaign County Courthouse,
in Urbana—­a courthouse in which some cases had been
argued by a canny and successful, hence prosperous, rail-
road lawyer named Abraham Lincoln. The land west of
Urbana was cheaper, and the town of West Urbana grew
up around the tracks. Soon Urbana tried to incorporate the
upstart town, but the upstart had acquired, as upstarts will
do, pride. It asserted its independence and took the name
Champaign. So it became the stopping point for evoca-
tively named passenger trains—­the Panama Limited, the
City of New Orleans, the City of Miami, and the Semi-
nole. They steamed, and then were diesel-­drawn, from the
Deep South to Chicago.
Back in what are now regarded as the Dark Ages of
Parenting, before Baby Boomer parents made their origi-
nal discovery that the world has sharp edges and abrasive
surfaces, before society achieved today’s degree of pitiless
enlightenment and decided that children should be envel-
oped in bubble wrap, like Dresden porcelain, lest they get

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chipped or otherwise damaged, and forced to wear crash

helmets, back then we, the potentially lost youth of central
Illinois, would ride our balloon-­tire Schwinn bikes down to
the railroad tracks and amuse ourselves by clambering over
the boxcars on sidings while trains rumbled past nearby.
All the while, we thought of the destination of the north-
bound trains: Chicago.
It certainly is natural and probably is healthy for young
people in small communities to have metropolitan yearn-
ings. Many such yearnings have been directed east, toward
New York. Mine were directed north, toward Chicago, for
two reasons. One reason was those passenger trains, which
seemed drawn with their riders to Chicago, as iron filings
are drawn to a magnet, by an invisible force. The other
reason was radio, by which Chicago reached out to inform,
entertain, and entice. For this downstate Illinois boy, the
railroad pointed toward a destination from which the most
interesting radio broadcasts originated: Wrigley Field.
Baseball fans, an otherwise sensible and agreeable co-
hort, are given to gushing. It is a grating attribute. Many
people in this modern age are relentless in sharing their
feelings about this and that, and baseball fans can be es-
pecially so. They have a high-­octane sentimentality about
everything from playing catch with Dad to baseball’s re-
semblance to heaven—­how do they know?—­or Pericles’s
Athens, or the Federal Reserve Board. Is there anything
that baseball has not been said to resemble? Or to be a
metaphor for? And the gushing is never worse than when
Cub fans get going about Wrigley Field. It is, they think,

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if thinking can be said to enter into such talk, a little fore-

taste of—­you guessed it—­the hereafter. The only real re-
semblance between Wrigley Field and heaven is that the
ballpark is indeed the final destination of some Cub fans.
Every once in a while someone in the bleachers leans
out from the front row and, pursuant to the wishes of the
deceased, pours onto the outfield a small billowing gray
cloud of dust that is the ashes of Uncle Ralph or Aunt Min,
who, one hopes, really meant it when he or she said, “You
know, when I die I wish . . .” This use of Wrigley Field is
officially frowned upon, but it is believably said, sotto voce,
that ushers and other representatives of officialdom have
been known to enable this by pretending not to see it.
Never mind that before this heavenly place on the
North Side could be built, a Lutheran seminary had to
be torn down. Or that the Chicago National League Ball
Club wanted to evict the Lutherans so it could escape a
neighborhood that contained too many people who were,
well, just not the right sort, if you get my drift—­immigrants
and other members of the lower orders. Never mind, too,
that those neighbors included a secular saint of American
history: Jane Addams, the founder of Hull House, where
you might encounter young idealists destined for greatness.
One such who worked at Hull House was a New Yorker,
Frances Perkins, a social reformer whose zeal, already hot,
had been further quickened on March 25, 1911. She had
been taking tea in the heart of Manhattan, near the Trian-
gle Shirtwaist factory, when it caught fire. The blaze killed
146 workers, mostly young immigrant women trapped by

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locked doors, and ignited a new era of government regu-

lations to improve conditions for working people. Perkins
became President Franklin Roosevelt’s secretary of labor—­
America’s first female member of a president’s c­ abinet.
Another person whose ascent to greatness included
time spent at Hull House was Paul Douglas. In 1920, at age
twenty-­eight, he became a professor of industrial relations
at the University of Chicago, which he left in 1942 to enlist
as a fifty-­year-­old private in the Marine Corps, rising to the
rank of lieutenant colonel. He was elected to the U.S. Sen-
ate in 1948, for the first of three terms. He, too, lived in the
neighborhood the Cubs fled in 1914.
Chicago has a rich history of remarkable people. It also
has a deserved reputation as a tough town. Wrigley Field is
a green and pleasant jewel that was set, one hundred years
ago, in a city with dark, satanic aspects.
If Chicago, a no-­nonsense city of prose, ever had a poet,
it was, of course, Carl Sandburg. Since his death in 1967,
at age eighty-­nine, his reputation has fallen on hard times,
and has fallen from quite a height. In the 1950s and 1960s,
he was what now seems like an oxymoron, a celebrity poet.
He appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show—­after Elvis but
before the Beatles—­and the Today show with Dave Gar-
roway, and Texaco Star Theater with the comedian Milton
Berle, and he was interviewed by the high priest of broad-
cast journalism, Edward R. Murrow. It is, however, safe
to say that almost no one reads Sandburg anymore, and
he has become the object of withering witticisms. Clichés,
wrote the essayist Joseph Epstein, run through Sandburg’s

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­ riting like calories through cheesecake. Of Sandburg’s

thick and weird “biography” of Abraham Lincoln—­ no
citations, just unoriginal narrative laced with Sandburg’s
musings—­ Edmund Wilson said, “There are moments
when one is tempted to feel that the cruelest thing that
has happened to Lincoln since he was shot by Booth has
been to fall into the hands of Carl Sandburg.” Sandburg’s
law was the photographer Edward Steichen,
who said that when God created Sandburg, He did not do
anything else that day. Others have said that perhaps He
thought he had done enough damage for one day. And yet.
Sandburg helped bring poetry out from the parlor with
the white curtains and into the streets that churned up the
urban grime that soiled the white curtains that were “white
prayers” for gentility in an industrial world:

Dust and the thundering trucks won—­the

barrages of the street wheels and the
lawless wind took their way—­was it five
weeks or six the little mother, the new
neighbors, battled and then took away the
white prayers in the windows?

Sandburg’s Chicago Poems, published in 1916, the year

the Cubs moved into what would come to be called Wrig-
ley Field, contain his most famous lines:

Hog Butcher for the World,

Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,

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Player with Railroads and the Nation’s Freight

Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders.

Turning, however, from this celebratory tone, he wrote

an indictment that begins:

They tell me you are wicked and I believe

them . . .

Then, turning again “to those who sneer at this my

city,” at this “tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft
cities,” he says:

Come and show me another city with lifted head

singing so proud to be alive and coarse and
strong and cunning.

When Frank Algernon Cowperwood, the cunning pro-

tagonist of Theodore Dreiser’s boisterous Chicago novel
The Titan, emerges, as he does in the book’s first paragraph,
from the Eastern District Penitentiary in Philadelphia, he
heads for Chicago, where, Dreiser wrote, thirty railroads
terminated, “as though it were the end of the world.” Cow-
perwood arrived in something made there—­a Pullman car
produced by the Pullman Palace Car Company of George
Mortimer Pullman. He owned the town of Pullman, which
has long since been absorbed by Chicago’s sprawl.

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Chicago was just the place for a man with Cow­

perwood’s high ratio of energy to scruples. As his train
­approached Chicago, he saw “here and there, a lone working-
man’s cottage, the home of some adventurous soul who
had planted his bare hut thus far out in order to reap the
small but certain advantage that the growth of the city
would bring.” “Seething” Chicago, with its “snap,” its “swirl-
ing, increasing life,” and its “tang of the future,” convinced
Dreiser—­as it had convinced Henry Adams at the city’s
1893 Columbian Exposition—­that “the world was young
here. Life was doing something new.” Adams, as he fa-
mously recorded in The Education of Henry Adams, re-
coiled in dismay from this something new. Cowperwood
embraced it. As did Dreiser, who was stirred by Chicago to
some seriously overwrought sentences:

This singing flame of a city, this all America,

this poet in chaps and buckskin, this rude, raw
Titan. . . . By its shimmering lake it lay, a king of
shreds and patches, a maundering yokel with an
epic in its mouth, a tramp, a hobo among cities,
with the grip of Caesar in its mind, the dramatic
force of Euripides in its soul. A very bard of a city
this, singing of high deeds and high hopes, its
heavy brogans buried deep in the mire of circum-
stance. . . . Here hungry men, raw from the shops
and fields, idyls and romances in their minds,
builded them an empire crying glory in the mud.

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Good grief. Sandburg was pithier: “Here’s the differ-

ence between us and Dante: He wrote a lot about Hell
and never saw the place. We’re writing about Chicago after
looking the town over.”
Long before Carl Sandburg called Chicago the city
of the big shoulders, it was a city of clenched fists. Today,
Wrigley Field is called—­it is written on the roof of the visit-
ing team’s dugout—­“the Friendly Confines.” In 1914, the
year The Titan was published, “friendly” was not the first
adjective Chicago called to mind. And of queasy stomachs
and an uneasy conscience: When, in 1906, Upton Sin-
clair’s novel The Jungle depicted the immigrants’ living
and working conditions in and around the stockyards and
meatpacking plants on Chicago’s South Side, food safety
became a federal issue.
Chicago was no stranger to the rawest aspects of this
process of accommodation. In 1886, in the city’s Haymar-
ket Square, at a rally of fifteen hundred men and women
demanding an eight-­hour day, a bomb exploded, killing
eleven, including seven policemen, and injuring one hun-
dred. Consider the impression Chicago made on an im-
pressionable eighteen-­year-­old from Morton, Illinois, in
1917, the year after the Cubs moved into Wrigley Field.
David Lilienthal would, in his long public career, serve
Wisconsin’s Governor Philip La Follette on that state’s
public service commission, would serve President Frank-
lin Roosevelt as a director of the Tennessee Valley Author-
ity, and would serve President Truman as chairman of the

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Atomic Energy Commission. The journal he kept through-

out his life contains an entry for July 31, 1917, concerning
“one of the most disgusting things I have ever witnessed”:

It had rained violently the day before, and here

and there were large puddles of water, which had
collected in the low places of the street. Around
one of these puddles a large group of men had
gathered. I noticed them from a distance—­men
of all classes, some in Palm Beach suits, others
in stylish tailor-­mades, and a few messenger boys
and errand boys. A cab was standing in the pud-
dle also, so I thought this was what had attracted
the crowd. I stepped through the throng and was
both surprised and shocked to see what these
busy men-­of-­the-­world were watching with such
evident enjoyment was but a tiny mouse, swim-
ming around in the pool. Whenever he would
struggle to a place of safety—­a clump of mud,
perhaps—­someone would stick out his mahogany
cane and throw the poor quivering thing back to
its death. When this would happen some portly
comfortable-­looking son-­of-­a-­gun would shift his
cigar and chuckle!

A toddling town, indeed. And one much in need of

some friendly confines. But life in the early twentieth
century was still rough and raw. The late Julian Simon,
an economist, noted that back then “most people in the

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United States died of environmental pollution—­that is,

from infectious diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculo-
sis, and gastroenteritis.” Healthy people—­who might more
accurately have been said to be relatively and temporarily
healthy—­took arduous and hazardous treks across the city
to jobs where they worked long, hard, and dangerous days.
So they seized their pleasures where they could. Beginning
in 1914, many came to the ballpark on the North Side.

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