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Bharath Niketan Engineering College, Aundipatty 625 536

Department of Information e!hnology Format No: BNEC"2#$3%$&"I "'(")I 'E**+N ('AN Subject Code and Name: C*2353 +B,EC +-IEN ED ANA'.*I* AND DE*I/N Class : III year IT Name of the Faculty, Designation & Dept : ! "#$%&'&T(&, &", IT +01e!ti2e34 To learn basic )) analysis and design s*ills through an elaborate case study To identify conceptual classes related to the current iteration, creating and modeling the domain model To use the +%' interaction diagrams to identify system e,ents and to create system se-uence diagrams for the use case scenarios To apply the appropriate design patterns To introduce +%' state diagram notations .ith e/amples and ,arious modeling applications5 +ut!ome34 &bility to understand the ,arious +%' %odeling &bility to understand the basic principle of 0#&S" "atterns &bility to Design and implement a reusable soft.are code &bility to Identify and Sol,e problems in such a .ay as to pro,e that they ha,e made a responsible choice, based on critical and creati,e thin*ing (re3!ri0ed te6t Book4 %$ Craig 'arman,1&pplying +%' and "atterns: &n Introduction to object2oriented &nalysis and Design and iterati,e de,elopment3, Third $dition, "earson $ducation, 4556 -eferen!e Book34 -%$ %i*e )7Docherty, 8)bject2)riented &nalysis & Design: +nderstanding System De,elopment .ith +%' 4 53, 9ohn :iley & Sons, 4556 -%2 9ames :2 Cooper, &ddison2:esley, 89a,a Design "atterns ; & Tutorial3, 4555 -%3 %icheal <laha, 9ames #ambaugh, 8)bject2)riented %odeling and Design .ith +%'3, Second $dition, "rentice (all of India "ri,ate 'imited, 455= -%& $rich 0amma, #ichard (elm, #alph 9ohnson, 9ohn !lissides,8Design patterns: $lements of #eusable object2oriented soft.are3, &ddison2:esley, >??6
7NI %I *l5 No5 > 4 B C No5 of hour3 re:uired > > > > opi!3 to 0e !o2ered Introduction to ))&D :hat is ))&D :hat is +%' :hat are the +nified "rocess "hases
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Case Study2Ne/t 0en "os System Inception +se Case %odeling2<asics +se Case %odeling2$/amples #elating use cases2Include, $/tend and 0eneraliDation $laboration Domain %odels Finding Conceptual & Description Classes &ssociations, &ttributes Domain %odel #efinement Finding Conceptual Class (ierarchies &ggregation Composition +%' &cti,ity diagrams & %odeling System se-uence diagrams ESSDsF ; Introduction, %oti,ation #elation bet.een SSDs and use cases 'ogical architecture 2 'ayers, Soft.are &rchitecture +%' "ac*age diagrams 'ogical architecture refinement +%' interaction diagrams 2 Se-uence and Communication diagrams, Strengths and .ea*ness, Notation +%' class diagrams ; Introduction, Notation, designing class diagram, Classifier +%' class diagrams 2)perations and methods, #elationships +%' class diagrams ; $/amples

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arget 8our34 #9 > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0#&S"2Designing objects .ith #esponsibilities Creator, Information e/pert, 'o. coupling Controller (igh Cohesion Designing for !isibility &pplying 0of Design "atterns &dapter, Singleton Factory "atterns )bser,er "atterns +%' State Diagrams and <asics $/amples of +%' State %odeling )peration Contracts %apping Design to Code
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+%' Deployment2<asics $/amples of +%' Deployment diagrams +%' Component <asics %odeling a Component Interface +%' Component diagrams2$/amples

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e3t3 and E6am4 Sl No > 4 B Name of the $/am Internal Test I Internal Test II %odel $/am "ortions I EfullF & II E>st halfF unit II E4nd halfF & III EfullF unit &ll fi,e units Tentati,e schedule >= 54 >C to 44 54 >C >= 5B >C to 44 5B >C >6 5C >C to 4> 5C >C

A33ignment34 Sl No > 4 B C 6 No of &ssignments &ssignment I &ssignment II &ssignment III &ssignment I! &ssignment ! Topics Implement %onopoly 0ame system Different relationship of Class Diagram Comparison SSD & Collaboration Diagram Compare Different "atterns Conference %anagement Implementation Diagram Date of &ssign gi,en >= 5> >C 5= 54 >C 5@ 5B >C 4C 5@ >C 5B 5C >C Submission Date 4C 5> >C >C 54 >C >B 5B >C B> 5B >C >5 5C >C

Prepared by <a!ulty%in%!harge ! "#$%&'&T(& *teering !ommittee Cour3e file

Approved by 8ead of the Department

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