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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code: E3127

B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, MAY/JUNE 2010 Regulations 2008 Second Semester

Common to Civil, Aeronautical, Automobile, Marine, Mechanical, Production, Chemical, Petroleum Engineering and to Biotechnology, Polymer, Textile, Textile(Fashion), Rubber and Plastics Technology ME2151 Engineering Mechanics Time: Three Hours

1. Dene t he following terms : (a) Coplanar forces (b) Concurrent forces. 2. State t he necessary a nd sucient conditions for static equilibrium of a particle in two dimensions. 3. Why t he couple moment is said to be a free vector?

4. State t he necessary an d sucient conditions for equilibrium o f rigid bodies i n two dimensions. 5. When will t he product of inertia of a lamina become zero?

6. Write t he SI units of t he mass moment of inertia a nd o f t he area moment of inertia of a lamina.

8. A particle o f mass 10 kg falls vertically from a height of 100 m from ground. What is t he change in potential energy when it has reached a height o f 50 m ? 9. State th e laws o f dry friction.

10. What i s general plane motion?


7. A body moves along a straight line so that its displacement from a xed point on t he line is given by s = 3t2 + 2t. Find t he velocity an d acceleration at t he end o f 3 seconds.

4 21
Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions

4 21
Maximum: 100 Marks
Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) (i) Determine t he resultant of the concurrent force system shown in gure.

(ii) Figure shows a 10 kg lamp supported by two cables AB a nd AC. Find th e tension i n each cable. (8)

11. (b) In t he gure shown, three wires a re joined at D.



OR E3127

Two ends A and B ar e on the wall an d t he other end C i s on t he ground. The wire CD is vertical. A force of 60 kN i s applied at D and it passes through a point E on th e ground as shown i n gure. Find t he forces i n all the three wires. (16)


(i) Sketch t he free body diagrams o f the two rollers. (ii) Assuming smooth surfaces, nd th e reactions at the support points.

12. (b) Two identical rollers, each of weight 500 N, a re supported by a n inclined plane making a n angle of 30 to the horizontal and a vertical wall as shown in t he gure.


(i) Determine t he equivalent force-couple system at O. (12) (ii) Determine a single equivalent force and its location along th e longitudinal axis of t he ship. (4)

(4) (12) 13. (a) (i) Derive, from rst principle, th e second moments o f area Ixx a nd Iyy for t he rectangular area when the axes ar e as shown below:


(6) E3127

12. (a) Four tugboats ar e used to bring an ocean large ship to its pier. Each tugboat exerts a 22.5 kN force i n th e direction as shown i n t he gure.

13. (b) (i) Explain the steps to be followed to nd the principal moments of inertia o f a given section. How will you nd t he inclination o f the principal axes? (6) (ii) A rectangular prism is shown in gure. The origin i s at th e geometric centre o f t he prism. The x, y a nd z-axes pass through the mid points of faces.

Derive the mass moment of inertia o f t he prism about t he x-axis.

OR (10) 4 E3127

(ii) Locate the centroid of t he area shown i n gure below. The dimensions a re in mm. (10)

14. (a) Two trains A and B leave th e same station on parallel lines. A starts with a uniform acceleration of 0.15 m/s2 a nd attains th e speed o f 24 km/hour, after which, its speed remains constant. B leaves 40 seconds later with uniform acceleration o f 0.30 m/s2 to attain a maximum speed o f 48 km/hour. Its speed also becomes constant thereafter. When will B overtake A? (16) OR

14. (b) A ball of mass 2 kg, moving with a velocity of 3 m/s, impinges on a ball o f mass 4 kg moving with a velocity of 1 m/s. The velocities o f th e two balls a re parallel a nd inclined at 30 to t he line of joining their centres at the instant of impact.

If t he coecient of restitution i s 0.5, nd (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Direction, i n which t he 4 kg ball will move after impact; Velocity of the 4 kg ball after impact; Direction, in which t he 2 kg ball will move after impact; Velocity of t he 2 kg ball after impact.


(8) (2) (4) (2)


If a 750 N weight is applied at a distance o f 3 m from the top of ladder, it i s at t he point o f sliding. Determine the coecient of friction between ladder and th e oor. (10) (ii) A rope i s wrapped three times around a rod as shown i n gure.

15. (a) (i) A ladder o f weight 1000 N a nd length 4 m rests as shown in gure.



Determine t he force required on the free end of the rope, to support a load of W = 20 kN. Take as 0.30. (6) OR

15. (b) In t he engine system shown i n gure, t he crank AB has a constant clockwise angular speed of 3000 r.p.m.

For the crank position indicated, nd (i) the angular velocity of t he connecting rod BP (ii) velocity o f piston P.

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6 E3127


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