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Homage / vandan......................................................................... 02 The Three Refuges / tisaraa............................................................ 02 Salutation to the Buddha / buddha vandan........................................ 04 Salutation to the Dhamma / dhamma vandan.................................... 04 Salutation to the Sagha / sagha vandan......................................... 04 Salutation to the Three Main Objects of Venerations / cetiya vandan...... 06 Forgiveness of Short-comings / khama ycana.................................... 06 Salutation to the Bodhi Tree / bodhi vandan...................................... 06 Salutation / pj............................................................................. 08 Invitation to Deities / samant cakkavesu ....................................... 08 Auspicious Signs / mangala sutta..................................................... 10 Jewels / ratana sutta ...................................................................... 14 Discourse on Loving Kindness / karaya metta sutta ......................... 20 Stanzas of Victory / jayamagala gth ............................................ 24 Dependent Origination / paiccasamuppda ....................................... 26 The First Word of the Buddha / pahama buddhavacana ...................... 30 The Advice of the Buddhas / dhammapada gth ............................... 30 Stanzas of Supreme Blessings / mahjayamagala gth .................... 32


Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One! Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One! Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One!

namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm sambuddhassa namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm sambuddhassa namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm sambuddhassa

The Three Refuges

I go to the Buddha as my Refuge; I go to the Dhamma as my Refuge; I go to the Sagha as my Refuge. For the second time, I go to the Buddha as my Refuge; For the second time, I go to the Dhamma as my Refuge; For the second time, I go to the Sagha as my Refuge. For the third time, I go to the Buddha as my Refuge; For the third time, I go to the Dhamma as my Refuge; For the third time, I go to the Sagha as my Refuge.

buddha saraa gacchmi dhamma saraa gacchmi sagha saraa gacchmi dutiyampi buddha saraa gacchmi dutiyampi dhamma saraa gacchmi dutiyampi sagha saraa gacchmi tatiyampi buddha saraa gacchmi tatiyampi dhamma saraa gacchmi tatiyampi sagha saraa gacchmi



Salutation to the Buddha

Such, indeed, is that Blessed One; Worthy, Omniscient, Endowed with knowledge and virtue,Well-gone, Knower of worlds, an Incomparable Charioteer for the training of persons, Teacher of gods and men, Enlightened and Blessed.

buddha vandan
iti pi so bhagav araha sammsambuddho vijjcaraasampanno sugato lokavid anuttaro purisadhammasrath satth devamanussna buddho bhagav ti

Salutation to the Dhamma

Well-expounded is the Dhamma (doctrine) by the Lord, to be self-realized, with immediate fruit, inviting investigation, leading on to Nibbna, to be comprehended by the wise, each for himself.

dhamma vandan
svakkhto bhagavat dhammo sandihiko akliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccatta veditabbo vih ti

Salutation to the Sagha

Of good conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One; of upright conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One; of wise conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One; of dutiful conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One namely, these Four Pairs of Persons, the Eight Kinds of Individuals is worthy of offerings, is worthy of hospitality, is worthy of gifts, is worthy of reverential salutation, is an incomparable field of merit to the world.

sagha vandan
supaipanno bhagavato svakasagho ujupaipanno bhagavato svakasagho yapaipanno bhagavato svakasagho smcipaipanno bhagavato svakasagho yadida cattri purisayugni aha purisapuggal, esa bhagavato svakasagho hueyyo, phueyyo dakkhieyyo ajalikaraiyo anuttara puakkhetta lokassti



Salutation to the Three Main Objects of Venerations

I salute every cetiya that may stand in any place, the bodily relics, the Great Bodhi, and all images of the Buddha.

cetiya vandan
vandmi cetiya sabba sabbahnesu patihita srrika-dhtu-mah-bodhi buddharpa sakala sad

Forgiveness of Short-comings
I worship thee with my body, words and mind, Tathgata, if any mistakes that I have made, may I be forgiven so that I can too practice to attain supreme wisdom.

khama ycana
kyena vc cittena pamdena may kata accaya khama me bhante bhri pao tathgato

Salutation to the Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi tree under which the Buddha attained Enlightenment defeating Mara and his army of anger (hatred and delusion). I offer my salutations to the Bodhi Tree. This Bodhi tree is also worshipped by the Loknatha Buddha. I too worship the Bodhi Tree King of the Bodhi Trees! My salutations to you. Firstly to the Bodhi Tree, secondly to the stpa of unwinking gaze, thirdly to the walking meditation spot, fourthly to the shrine of causal law, fifthly to the Ajapala Nigrodha tree, sixthly the Mucalinda spot, seventhly to the Rjayatana tree, to these seven holy places I bow my head in salutation.

bodhi vandan
yassa mle nissinnova sabbari vijaya ak patto sabbauta satth vandeta bodhipdapa ime ete mahbodhi lokanthena pjit aham pi te namassmi bodhirj namatthute Pahama bodhipallaka dutiya animisampi ca tatiya cakamaaseha catuttha ratanaghara pacama ajaplaca mucalindaca chahama sattama rjayatana vande ta bodhipdapa



Taking the Dhamma (teachings) as a symbol, I worship the Buddha; Taking the Dhamma (teachings) as a symbol, I worship the Dhamma; Taking the Dhamma (teachings) as a symbol, I worship the Sagha; I pray that through this worship I be freed from the cycle of birth, sickness, old-age and death.

imya dhammnudhamm paipattiy buddha pjemi imya dhammnudhamm paipattiy dhamma pjemi imya dhammnudhamm paipattiy sagha pjemi addh imya dhammnudhamm paipattiy jti-jar-vydhi maraamh parimucissmi

Invitation to Deities
May the deities of all the world systems assemble here and listen to the sublime Dhamma of the Great Sage (the Buddha) which confers the bliss of heaven and deliverance (Nibbna). Good friends, now it is time to listen to the Dhamma.

samant cakkavesu
samant cakkavesu atrgacchantu devat saddhamma munirjassa suantu saggamokkhada dhamma savaaklo aya bhaddant dhamma savaaklo aya bhaddant paritta dhamma savaaklo aya bhaddant

Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One! Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One! Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the Fully Enlightened One!

namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammsambuddhassa namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammsambuddhassa namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammsambuddhassa



Auspicious Signs
Thus have I heard: Once the Blessed One was dwelling near Svatthi in the Jetavana monastery of Anthapiika (a wealthy merchant of Svatthi). Then a certain deity, at midnight, having illuminated the whole Jeta-grove with surpassing splendor, came to the presence of the Blessed One. Having worshipped the Blessed One, he very respectfully stood at a suitable place, and then addressed the Blessed One in verse: 1. Many gods and men, have pondered on auspicious signs Wishing for blessing, please tell us the most auspicious signs.

mangala sutta
eva me suta. eka samaya bhagav svatthiya viharati jetavane anthapiikassa rme. atha kho aatar devat abhikkantya rattiy abhikkantava kevalakappa jetavana obhsetv yena bhagav tenupasakami upasakamitv bhagavanta abhivdetv ekamanta ahsi. ekamanta hit kho s devat bhagavanta gthya ajjhabhsi: 1. bah dev manuss ca, magalni acintayu kakhamn sotthna, brhi magalamuttama

2. Not to associate with fools, but to associate with the wise And to honour those worthy of honour, this is the most auspicious sign.

2. asevan ca blnam, paitna ca sevan pj ca pjanyna, eta magalamuttama

3. Living in a suitable locality, and good deeds done in the past, To set oneself in the right course, this is the most auspicious sign.

3. patirpa desavso ca, pubbe ca katapuat attasammpaidhi ca, eta magalamuttama

4. Great learning and skill in work, a highly trained discipline And well-spoken speech, this is the most auspicious sign.

4. bahusacca ca sippa ca, vinayo ca susikkhito subhsit ca y vc, eta magalamuttma

5. Looking after ones mother and father, caring for ones wife and children And unconfused actions, this is the most auspicious sign.

5. mtpitu upahna, puttadrassa sagaho ankul ca kammant, eta magalamuttama

6. Generosity and a righteous life, caring for ones relatives And blameless actions, this is the most auspicious sign.

6. dna ca dhammacariy ca, takna ca sagaho anavajjni kammni, eta magalamuttama





7. Giving up and avoiding wrong-doing, not drinking intoxicants And diligence in righteousness, this is the most auspicious sign.

7. rat virat pp, majjapn ca saamo appamdo ca dhammesu, eta magalamuttama

8. Reverence, humility, contentment and gratitude Hearing the Dhamma at the right time, this is the most auspicious sign.

8. gravo ca nivto ca, santuh ca kataut klena dhammasavana, eta magalamuttama

9. Patience, obedience, and meeting the monks Opportune discussion of the Dhamma, this is the most auspicious sign.

9. khant ca sovacassat, samana ca dassana klena dhammaskacch, eta magalamuttama

10. Self-restraint and a holy life, seeing the Four Noble Truths And realizing Nibbna, this is the most auspicious sign.

10. tapo ca brahmacariya ca, ariyasaccna dassana nibbna-sacchikiriy ca, eta magalamuttama

11. When affected by worldly conditions, if ones mind remains unshaken Sorrowless, stainless and secure, this is the most auspicious sign.

11. phuhassa lokadhammehi, citta yassa na kampati asoka viraja khema, eta magalamuttama

12. Those who perform such auspicious deeds, are undefeated by all enemies And gain happiness everywhere, these are the most auspicious signs.

12. etdisni katvna, sabbattha aparjit sabbattha sotthi gacchanti, ta tesa magalamuttama ti





1. Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, let all such beings be happy; let them, moreover, attentively listen to what is said.

ratana sutta
1. yndha bhtni samgatni bhummni v yniva antalikkhe sabbeva bht suman bhavantu athopi sakkacca suantu bhsita 2. tasm hi bht nismetha sabbe metta karotha mnusiy pajya div ca ratto ca haranti ye bali tasm hi ne rakkhattha appamatt

2. Therefore, O beings, do you all pay attention, diffuse loving-kindness towards mankind who day and night bring offerings to you. Protect them, therefore, with earnestness.

3. Whatever treasure there be either here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathgata. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace!

3. ya kici vitta idha v hura v saggesu v ya ratana pata na no sama atthi tathgatena ida pi buddhe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

4. The sage of the Sakyas of a tranquil mind, realized that cessation which is passionless. Immortal and excellent. There is nothing equal to that state. This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace!

4. khaya virga amata pata yaddajjhag sakyamun samhito na tena dhammena samatthi kici ida pi dhamme ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

5. The Supreme Buddha praised pure meditation which gives instantaneous results. There is nothing equal to that meditation, This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace!

5. ya buddha seho parivaay suci samdhi mnantarikaamhu samdhin tena samo na vijjati ida pi dhamme ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu





6. Eight individuals are praised by good people. They constitute the four pairs. They are the disciple of the Buddha, worthy of offerings. Whatever is offered to them yields abundant fruit. This precious jewel is in the Sagha. By this truth may there be peace! 7. Those who are freed from desires are well established in the teaching of Gotama with firm mind. They have attained to that which should be attained, having plunged into immortal nibbna. They enjoy the Peace obtained without price. This precious jewel is in the Sagha. By this truth may there be peace!

6. ye puggal aha sata pasatth cattri etni yugni honti te dakkhieyy sugatassa svak etesu dinnni mahpphalni ida pi saghe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

7. ye suppayutt manas dahena nikkmino gotamassanahi te pattipatt amata vigayha laddh mudh nibbuti bhujamn ida pi saghe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

8. Just as a city gate fixed in the earth is not shaken by the winds from the four directions, even so, do I declare to be a good man he who thoroughly perceives the noble truths.

8. yathindakhlo pahavi sito siy catubbhi vtebhi asampakampiyo tathpama sappurisam vadmi yo ariyasaccni avecca passati ida pi saghe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

9. Those who comprehend clearly the noble truths well taught by him who is endowed with profound wisdom, however exceedingly heedless they may be, do not take birth for the eighth time. This precious jewel is in the Sagha. By this truth may there be peace!

9. ye ariyasaccni vibhvayanti gambhrapaena sudesitni kicpi te honti bhusappamatt na te bhava ahama diyanti ida pi saghe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

10. Three conditions are forsaken by him at the instant of acquisition of insight, namely (i) self-delusion, (ii) uncertainty and (iii) the indulgence in rites and ceremonies should there be any. He is also absolutely freed from the four states of misery and is incapable of committing the six crimes. This precious jewel is in the Sagha. By the truth may there be peace!

10. sahvassa dassanasampadya tayassu dhamm jahit bhavanti sakkyadihi vicikicchita ca slabbata vpi yadatthi kici, cathapyehi ca vippamutto chacbhihnni abhabbo ktu ida pi saghe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu





11. Whatever evil deed he commits, either by his body, speech or thought, he is incapable of concealing it. For it has been said that such an act is impossible for one who has seen the Path. This precious jewel is in the Sagha. By this truth may there be peace!

11. kic pi so kamma karoti ppaka kyena vc uda cetas v abhabbo so tassa paicchdya abhabbat dihapadassa vutt ida pi saghe ratana pata etena sacena suvatthi hotu

12. As a clump of trees whose tops are blossoming during the first heat of the summer months, so the sublime doctrine leading to Nibbna was taught for the highest goal. This precious jewel is in the Sagha. By this truth may there be peace! 13. The excellent one, the knower of the excellent, the giver of the excellent and bringer of excellence has expounded the excellent doctrine. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace!

12. vanappagumbe yath phussitagge gimhnamse pahamasmi gimhe tathpama dhammavara adesay nibbnagmi parama hitya ida pi buddhe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu 13. varo vara varado varharo anuttaro dhammavara adesay ida pi buddhe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

14. With the old (kamma) extinct, nothing new (kamma) to be reproduced, the mind detached from future birth they have destroyed the seeds of existence. Their desires do not spring up again and those wise ones go out even as this lamp. This precious jewel is in the Sagha. By this truth may there be peace!

14. kha pura nava natthi sambhava virattacitt yatike bhavasmi te khiabj aviruhicchand nibbanti dhr yathya padpo ida pi saghe ratana pata etena saccena suvatthi hotu

15. Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial of celestial, let us salute the Buddha. The Tathgata is honoured by gods and men! May there be peace!

15. yndha bhtni samgatni bhummni v yni va antalikkhe tathgata devamanussapjita buddha namassma suvatthi hotu





16. Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, let us salute the Dhamma. The Tathgata is honoured by gods and men! May there be peace!

16. yndha bhtni samgatni bhummni v yni va antalikkhe tathgata devamanussapjita dhamma namassma suvathi hotu

17. Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, let us salute the Sagha. The Tathgata is honoured by gods and men! May there be peace! 17. yndha bhtni samgatni bhummni v yni va antalikkhe tathgata devamanussapjita sangha namassma suvatthi hotu

Discourse on Loving Kindness

1. He who is skilled in welfare, who wishes to attain that calm state (Nibbna), should act thus; he should be able, upright, perfectly upright, of noble speech, gentle and humble.

karaya metta sutta

1. karayam attakusalena ya ta santa pada abhisamecca Sakko uj ca sj ca suvaco cassa mudu anatimni

2. Contented, easily supportable with few duties, of light livelihood, with senses calmed, discreet, not impudent, not greedily attached to families.

2. santussako ca subharo ca appakicco ca sallahukavutti santindriyo ca nipako ca appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho

3. He should not purse the slightest thing for which other wise men might censure him. May all beings be happy and secure, may their hearts be wholesome!

3. na ca khudda samcare kici yena vi pare upavedeyyu sukhino v khemino hontu sabbe satt bhavantu sukhitatt





4-5. Whatever living beings there be feeble or strong, tall, stout or medium, short, small or large, without exception, seen or unseen, those dwelling far or near, those who are born or those who are yet to be born, may all beings be happy!

4. Ye keci pabhtatthi tas v thvara v anavases dgh v ye mahant v majjhim rassak aukathl

5. dih v yeva addih ye ca dre vasanti avidre bht v sambhaves v sabbe satt bhavantu sukhitatt.

6. Let none deceive another, nor despise any person whatsoever in any place. Let him not wish any harm to another out of anger or ill-will.

6. na paro para nikubbetha ntimaetha katthacina kaci vyrosan paighasaa namaassa dukkhamiccheyya

7. Just as a mother would protect her only child at the risk of her own life, even so, let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings. 8. Let his thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world: above, below and across without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity. 9. Whether he stands, walks, sits or lies down, as long as he is awake, he should develop this mindfulness. This they say is the noblest living here.

7. mt yath niya putta yus ekaputtamanurakkhe eva pi sabbabhtesu mnasa bhvaye aparima

8. metta ca sabba-lokasmi mnasa bhvaye aparimna uddha adho ca tiriya ca asambdha avera asapatta

9. tiha cara nisinno v sayno v yvatassa vigatamiddho eta sati adhiheyya brahmameta vihra idhamhu

10. Not falling into wrong views, being virtuous and endowed with insight, by discarding attachment to sense desires, never again is he reborn.

10. dihi ca anupagamma slav dassanena sampanno kmesu vineyya gedha na hi jtu gabbhaseyya punaretti.





Stanzas of Victory
1. Creating a thousand hands, with weapons armed was Mara seated on the trumpeting ferocious elephant, Girimekhala. Him, together with his army, did the Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

jayamagala gth
1. bhu sahassamabhinimmitasyudhanta girimekhala udita ghora sasenamra dndi dhamma vidhin jitav munindo tam tejs bhavatu te jayamagalni

2. More violent than Mara was the indocile obstinate demon Alavaka, who battled with the Buddha throughout the whole night. Him, did the Lord of Sages subdue by means of his patience and self control. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

2. mrtirekamabhiyujjhitasabbaratti ghorampanlavakamakkhamathaddhayakkha khant sudantavidhin jitav munindo ta tejas bhavatu te jayamagalni

3. Nlgiri the might elephant, highly intoxicated, was raging like a forest fire and was terrible as a thunderbolt. Sprinkling the water of loving-kindness, this ferocious beast did the Lord of Sages subdue. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

3. nlgiri gajavara atimattabhta dvaggicakkamasanva sudruanta mettambusekavidhin jitav munindo ta tejas bhavatu te jayamagalni

4. With uplifted sword for a distance of three leagues, did wicked Agulimla run. Him, did the Lord of Sages subdue by his psychic powers. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

4. ukkhittakhaggamatihatthasudrunata dhvantiyojanapathagulimlavanta iddhbhisakhatamano jitav munindo ta tejas bhavatu te jayamagalni

5. Her belly bound with faggots to simulate the bigness of pregnancy, Cic, with harsh words made foul accusation in the midst of an assemblage. Her, did the Lord of Sages subdue by this serene and peaceful bearing. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

5. katvna kahamudara iva gabbiny cicya duhavacana janakyamajjhe santena somavidhin jitav munindo ta tejas bhavatu te jayamagalni





6. Haughty Saccaka, who ignored truth, was like a banner in controversy, and his vision was blinded by his own disputation. Lighting the lamp of wisdom, him, did the Lord of Sages subdue. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

6. saccam vihya matisaccakavdaketu vdbhiropitamana atiandhabhta papadpajalito jitav munindo ta tejas bhavatu te jayamagalni

7. The wise and powerful serpent Nandopananda, the Noble Sage subdued by psychic powers through his disciple son Thera Moggallana. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

7. nandopanandabhujaga vibudha mahiddhi puttena therabhujagena dampayanto iddhpadesavidhin jitav munindo ta tejas bhavatu te jayamagalni

8. The pure, radiant, majestic Brahma, named Baka, whose hand was grievously bitten by the snake of tenacious heresies. Did the Lord of Sages cure with the medicine of wisdom. By its grace may joyous victory be yours!

8. dugghadihibhujagena sudahahattha brahma visuddhijutimiddhibakbhidhna ngadena vidhin jitav munindo ta tejas bhavatu te jayamagalni

9. The wise one, who daily recites and earnestly remembers these eight verses of joyous victory of the Buddha, will get rid of diverse misfortunes and gain the bliss of Nibbna.

9. etpi buddhajayamagala ahagth yo vcako dinadine sarate matand hitvnanekavividhni cuppaddavni mokkha sukha adhigameyya naro sapao

Dependent Origination
In order of arising: Conditioned by Ignorance, Intentional Activities arise; Conditioned by Intentional Activities, Re-linking Consciousness arises; Conditioned by Re-linking Consciousness, Mind and Matter arise; Conditioned by Mind and Matter, the Six-fold Base arises;

anuloma (in direct order) avijj-paccay sakhr sakhr-paccay via via-paccay nma-rpa nma-rpa-paccay sayatana





Conditioned by the Six-fold Base, Contact arises; Conditioned by Contact, Feeling arises; Conditioned by Feeling, Craving arises; Conditioned by Craving, Grasping arises; Conditioned by Grasping, Becoming arises; Conditioned by Birth, Ageing, Death, Sorrow, Lamentation, Pain, Grief, and Despair arise; Thus does this entire aggregation of suffering arise.

sayatana-paccay phasso phassa-paccay vedan vedan-paccay tah tah-paccay updna updna-paccay bhavo bhava-paccay jti jti-pacay jar-maraa soka-parideva-dukkha-domanassupys sabhavanti evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkandhassa samudayo hoti

In order of cessation: With the entire cessation of this Ignorance, Intentional Activities cease; With the cessation of Intentional Activities, Re-linking Consciousness ceases; With the cessation of Re-linking Consciousness, Mind and Matter cease; With the cessation of Mind and Matter, the Six-fold Base ceases; With the cessation of the Six-fold Base, Contact ceases; With the cessation of Contact, Feeling ceases; With the cessation of Feeling, Craving ceases; With the cessation of Craving, Grasping ceases; With the cessation of Grasping, Becoming ceases; With the cessation of Becoming, Birth ceases; With the cessation of Birth, Ageing, Death, Sorrow, Lamentation, Pain, Grief and Despair cease; Thus does the cessation of this entire aggregation of suffering result.

pailoma (in reverse order) avijjya tveva asesa-virga-nirodh sakhra-nirodho sakhra-nirodh via-nirodho via-nirodh nma-rpa-nirodho nma-rpa-nirodh sayatana-nirodho sayatana-nirodh phassa-nirodho phassa-nirodh vedan-nirodho vedan-nirodh tah-nirodho tah-nirodh updna-nirodho updna-nirodh bhava-nirodho bhava-nirodh jti-nirodho jti-nirodh jar-maraa soka-parideva-dukkha-domanassupys nirujjhanti evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkandhassa nirodho hoti





The First Word of the Buddha

Through many births I wandered in sasra; seeking, but not finding the builder of this house, painful is repeated existence! Housebuilder! You are seen now, you shall build no house again. Your rafters (the mental defilements) are broken! Your ridge-pole (Ignorance) is shattered. To dissolution goes my mind. Achieved is the destruction of craving. The Advice of the Buddhas Not to do any evil; To cultivate good, To purify ones mind, -this is the advice of the Buddhas. Forbearing patience is highest asceticism, Nibbna is supreme, say the Buddhas. For he is not a recluse who harms another, Nor is he an ascetic who molests others. Not insulting, not harming, restraint in the fundamental precepts, moderation in food, secluded abode, intent on higher thoughts, -this is the advice of the Buddhas.

pahama buddhavacana
anekajti sasra, sandhvissa anibbisa gahakra gavesanto, dukkh jti punappuna gahakraka dihosi, puna geha na khasi sabb te phsuk bhagg, gahaka visakhita visakhra gata citta, tahna khayamajjhag

dhammapada gth sabbappassa akaraa kusalassa upasampad sacittapariyodapana eta buddhna ssana khant parama tapo titikkh nibbna parama vadanti buddh na hi pabbajito parpaghti samao hoti para vihehayanto anpavdo anpaghto patimokkhe ca savaro mattaut ca bhattasmim panta ca sayansana adhicitte ca yogo eta buddhna ssana





Stanzas of Supreme Blessings

1. The Great Merciful Lord, for the good of all living beings, practiced all Perfections and attained supreme Enlightenment. By these true words may joyous victory, be yours!

mahjayamagala gth
1. mahkruiko ntho hitya sabba-pina pretv pram sabb patto sambodhimuttama etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala

2. He who enhanced the happiness of the Sakyas who was victorious at the foot of the Bodhi Tree. Likewise may there be victory to me, and may I ever be blessed!

2. jayanto bodhiy mle sakyna nandivahano eva tuyha jayo hotu jayassu jayamagala

3. I revere the Buddha jewel, highest balm and best, ever beneficial to gods and men. By the Buddhas glory safely may all obstacles and sufferings cease!

3. sakkatv buddha-ratana osadha uttama vara hita deva-manussna buddha-tejena sotthin nassantupaddav sabbe dukkh vpasamentu te

4. I revere the Dhamma jewel, highest balm and best, that cools down the heat. By the power of that Dhamma safely may all obstacles and fears cease!

4. sakkatv dhamma-ratana osadha uttama vara parihpasamana dhamma-tejena sotthin nassantupaddav sabbe bhay vpasamentu te

5. I revere the Sagha jewel, highest balm and best, worthy of offerings, worthy of hospitality. By the power of that Sagha safely may all obstacles and diseases cease!

5. sakkatv sagha-ratana osadha uttama vara hueyya phueyya sagha-tejena sotthin nassantupaddav sabbe rog vpasamentu te

6. Whatever diverse precious jewels there be in this universe there is no jewel equal to the Buddha. By this truth let you be prosperous!

6. yakici ratana loke vijjati vividh puthu ratana buddha-sama natthi tasm sotthi bhavantu te





7. Whatever diverse precious jewels there be in this universe there is no jewel equal to the Dhamma. By this truth let you be prosperous!

7. yakici ratana loke vijjati vividh puthu ratana dhamma- sama natthi tasm sotthi bhavantu te

8. yakici ratana loke vijjati vividh puthu 8. Whatever diverse precious jewels there be in this universe there is no jewel equal to the Sagha. By this truth let you be prosperous! 9. natthi me sarana aam buddho me sarana vara 9. There is no other refuge for me. The Buddha is my matchless refuge. By these true words may joyous victory be yours! 10. natthi me sarana aam dhammo me sarana vara etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala ratana sagha- sama natthi tasm sotthi bhavantu te

10. There is no other refuge for me. The Dhamma is my matchless refuge. By these true words may joyous victory be yours!

11. There is no other refuge for me. The Sagha is my matchless refuge. By these true words may joyous victory be yours!

11. natthi me sarana aam sagho me sarana vara etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala

12. May all misfortunes be warded off, may all diseases be cured, may no danger befall me, may I live long in peace!

12. sabbtiyo vivajjantu sabbarogo vinassatu m te bhavatvantaryo sukh dghyuko bhava

13. May all blessings be to me. May all gods protect me. By the power of all the Buddhas may happiness ever be yours!

13. bhavatu sabbamagala rakkhantu sabbodevat sabbabuddhnubhvena sad sotthi bhavantu te

14. May all blessings to be me. May all gods protect me. By the power of all the Dhammas may happiness ever be yours!

14. bhavatu sabbamagala rakkhantu sabbadevata sabbadhammnubhvena sad sotthi bhavantu te

15. May all blessings to be me. May all gods protect me. By the power of all the Saghas may happiness ever be yours!

15. bhavatu sabbamagala rakkhantu sabbadevata sabbasanghnubhvena sad sotthi bhavantu te





16. By the power of this protection may no misfortune result through stars, demons, evil spirits, and evil planets. May my troubles come to nought! 17. May beings, celestial and terrestrial, Devas and Nagas or mighty power, share this merit of ours. May they long protect the Dispensation! 18. May beings, celestial and terrestrial, Devas and Nagas or mighty power, share this merit of ours. May they long protect the Teaching! 19. May beings, celestial and terrestrial, Devas and Nagas or might power, share this merit of ours. May they long protect me and others! 20. By the power of the Buddha may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjunctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective.

16. nakkhatta yakkha bhtna ppaggaha nivra parittassnubhvena hontu tesa upaddave.

17. ksah ca bhummah dev ng mahiddhik pua ta anumoditv cira rakkhantu loka ssana

18. ksah ca bhummah dev ng mahiddhik pua ta anumoditv cira rakkhantu desanam.

19. ksah ca bhummah dev ng mahiddhik pua ta anumoditv cira rakkhantu ma para ti

20. ya dunnimitta avamagala ca yo cmanpo sakuassa saddo ppaggaho dussupina akanta buddhnubhvena vinsamentu

21. ya dunnimitta avamagala ca yo cmanpo sakuassa saddo ppaggaho dussupina akanta dhammnubhvena vinasamentu.

21. By the power of the Dhamma may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjunctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective. 22. ya dunnimitta avamagala ca yo cmanpo sakuassa saddo ppaggaho dussupina akanta saghnubhvena vinsamentu

22. By the power of the Sagha may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjunctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective.





Mahabodhi Pilgrimage Chant Book

Compiled by: Venerable Deenanand and Venerable Dhammapala
Sponsored for Free Distribution by:

Bodhi Puja

Free Distributed by: Bodhgaya Temple Management Committee P. Bo. Box - 2, Bodhgaya 824231 Gaya, Bihar, India Tel: +91- 631- 2200735 Fax: +91- 631- 2200777 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected] Website: Acknowledgment We are grateful to the Hong Kong Society of Dharma Support (HKSDS) for their sponsorship of the printing cost of Bodhi Puja- Mahabodhi Pilgrimage Chant Book.

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First Edition: March 2014 Printed in Hong Kong

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