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Annexure 'C'


DivisionofSyllabusfor TermII (OctoberMarch) SummativeAssessmentII Section Reading Writing Grammar Literature+Value Based Question FormativeAssessment Marks 20 25 20 25 TotalWeightageAssigned


20% 90 marks 50%


The questionpaper will includeValueBasedQuestion(s) from Literature Sectiontotheextent of35marks

Note: 1. The total weightage assigned to Summative Assessment (SA I&II) IS 60%. The total weightage assigned to Formative Assessment (FA1, 2, 3, &4) is 40%. Out of the 40% assigned to Formative Assessment, 10% weightage is assigned to conversation skills (5% each in Term I&II) and 10% weightage to the Reading Project (at least 1 Book is to be read in each term and the Project will carry a weightage of 5% in each term) 2. The Summative Assessment I and Summative Assessment II is for ninety marks. The weighatge assigned to Summative Assessment I is 30% and the weightage assigned to Summative Assessment II is 30%


SECTION A: READING Qs 1-3 The reading section will have three unseen texts as shown below: Text Number Text 1 Factual/Discursive/ Literary 450 - 500 words 10 marks ( 7 + 3) Text Type Length Marks

20 Marks

Type of Questions.
Supply Type - 7 Qs (Gap filling, sentence completion, Table completion, w, short answer questions and Reference questions) Vocabulary/ word attack skills 3 Qs

Text 2 Text 3

Factual/Discursi ve/Literary Factual/Discursive/Litera ry/

200 300 words 200 300 words In case of a poem, it may be shorter than 200 words.

5 marks 5 marks

Multiple Questions. Multiple Questions

Choice Choice

The total length of the three passages will be between 850 1100 words. There will be at least 5 marks for assessing vocabulary. All questions on vocabulary will not be from the same passage. Care should be taken to cover all the three text types, ie factual, discursive and literary while selecting the passages. A poem may or may not be used as one of the three texts. Text I will be either factual or discursive. Apart from a poem, prose literary texts may include excerpts from authentic literature such as short story, autobiography, biography, travelogue, novel etc. Whenever a poem or a prose literary text is used, the other two texts should be discursive and factual, thus covering all the three text types.


SECTION B: WRITING The writing section comprises six writing tasks as indicated below. Q.4 Writing a Notice in 50 -60 words Q. 5 Writing a Message or a Diary Entry in 50-60 words Q. 6 A composition of up to 80-100 words in the form of Biographical sketch, Interpretation, or Description (people, objects or events)

25 Marks

3 marks 3 marks

4 marks

Q. 7 An extended writing task of length up to 120 150 words in the form of a Formal/Informal Letter or Email. The long piece of writing will assess the use of appropriate style, language, content and expression. Q. 8 An extended writing task of 120 -150 words in the form of a Story or a Report. Q. 9 An extended writing task of 120 - 150 words in the form of an Article or a Speech 5 marks All the above questions will assess students skill of expressing ideas in clear and grammatically correct English, presenting ideas coherently and concisely, writing a clear description, a clear account of events, expanding notes into a piece of writing, transcoding information from one form to another or using a style appropriate for a notice, message or diary entry. Students skill in expressing ideas in clear and grammatically correct English, planning, organising and presenting ideas coherently by introducing, developing and concluding a topic, comparing and contrasting ideas and arriving at a conclusion, presenting an argument with supporting examples, using an appropriate style and format and expanding notes into longer pieces of writing and creative expression of ideas will be assessed. Qs 6, 7, 8 & 9 will make use of a visual/ verbal stimulus.

5 marks 5 marks

Important Note on Format and Word Limit: Format will not carry any separate marks and in most cases, format will be given in the question paper. The word limit given is the suggested minimum word limit. No candidate may be penalised for writing more or less than the suggested word limit provided the topic is covered and adequately. Stress should be on content, expression, coherence and relevance of the content presented.



20 Marks

This section will assess Grammar items in context for 20 Marks. It will carry 5 questions of 4 marks each. Questions no 10 will have Multiple Choice Questions. The test types for MCQs include the following: Gap filling Sentence completion Dialogue completion

Questions 11, 12,13 & 14 will be based on response supplied by students (Supply Type). The test types will include the following: Sentence reordering Editing/ Omission Sentence transformation

These questions will test grammar items which have been dealt with in class IX. Different structures such as verb forms, sentence structure, connectors, determiners, pronouns, prepositions, clauses, phrases etc., can be tested through formative assessment over a period of time. As far as the summative assessment is concerned, it will recycle grammar items learnt over a period of time and will test them in context. Tests types used will include gap-filling, cloze (gap filling exercise with blanks at regular intervals), sentence completion, recording word groups into sentences, editing, dialogue-completion and sentence-transformation. The grammar syllabus will be sampled each year, with marks allotted for: Verbs forms Sentence structures Other areas etc. Note: Jumbled words in reordering exercise to test syntax will involve sentences in a context. Each sentence will be split into sense groups (not necessarily into single words) and jumbled up.

SECTION D: LITERATURE Q. 15 will have the following arrangement:

25 Marks

15 A: An extract from poetry with three Multiple Choice Questions based on reference to context. the students to supply the answers. students to supply the answers. 3 marks 3 marks 3 marks 15 B: An extract from a short story with three reference to context questions requiring 15 C: An extract from a play with three reference to context questions requiring the Q. 16 Three out of four short answer type questions in 50 -60 words based on prose, poetry and play of 2 marks each. The questions will not test recall but inference and evaluation. 6 marks

Q. 17 One question based on values and key messages brought out on the basis of prescribed texts based on prose or play in about 120-150 words. 5 marks Q 18 One out of two long answer type questions to assess personal response to text (story, poem or play) by going beyond the text/ poem/story or extract. Creativity, imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across two texts will also be assessed in 120-150 words. Prescribed Books/ Materials 1. Interact in English X Main Course Book Revised edition 2. Interact in English X Literature Reader Revised edition 3. Interact in English X Workbook Revised edition Reading Section: Reading for comprehension, critical evaluation, inference and analysis is a skill to be tested formatively as well as summatively. There will be no division of passages for this section, however, for reading purpose. The Interact in English Main Course Book will be read in two terms i.e. Term I (April-September) and Term II (October-March). Published by CBSE Delhi-110092 5 marks


Writing Section: All types of short and extended writing tasks will be dealt with in both I and II Term Summative as well as in Formative Assessment. For purpose of assessment all themes dealt with in Main Course Book and other themes may be used. Note on assessing Writing Tasks. Long Answer Question (LAQ)I (80-100 words) Q. 4 Content Expression Total : 2 marks : 2 marks (Accuracy & Fluency) : 4 marks

Upto one mark may be deducted for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. Long Answer Question II (120-150 words) Q. 5 Content Fluency Accuracy Total : 3 marks : 1 mark : 1 mark : 5 marks

Though marks have been allotted specifically for Content, they should not be awarded in a mechanical manner. For instance, if a student has merely mentioned the value points (content) as per the marking scheme, the examiner should assess whether the content has been expressed/communicated in a coherent and cohesive manner. It means content and expression are perceived as interlinked aspects of writing. Similarly in all the writing tasks credit should be given to creativity in the realm of ideas and language use. What it means for the examiner is that students who think differently and are able to use the language with felicity in terms of structures as well as vocabulary should be given due weightage. This need not necessarily be seen as leaning towards subjectivity in marking. A proper balance of content, expression (accuracy, fluency, cohesion and coherence) and creativity would encourage students to aim for higher standards in written communication. Errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar should be penalised to the extent of marks allotted for Accuracy. Grammar: Grammar items mentioned in the syllabus will be taught and assessed summatively as well as formatively over a period of time. There will be no division of syllabus for Grammar in the


summative of formative assessments for the terms. However a suggested split up of the Work Book for the two terms is given to help teachers in planning their classroom teaching. NOTE: PLEASE NOTE THE MODIFIED WEIGHTAGE ALLOCATED TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXTBOOKS SECTION.


ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE COURSE CLASS X Syllabus for Second Term Textbooks Literature Reader
PROSE 1. A Shady Plot 2 Patol Babu, Film Star 3. Virtually True POETRY 1. Ozymandias 2. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 3. Snake DRAMA 1. Julius Caesar Main Course Book 1. Environment 2. Travel and Tourism 3. National Integration * NOTE ON WORKBOOK The suggested split up of the units of the Workbook reflects a distribution for the purpose of classroom teaching only. Since grammar and usage is not to be tested discreetly, but in an integrated manner, the split up as shown above will not restrict questions in the grammar section of SA I and SA II question papers to the specific units shown in the split up of Workbook units. Grammar will be tested recycling grammar items learnt over a period of time in

a comprehensive manner. Teachers may adapt this suggested distribution for classroom teaching making modifications according to their specific needs. Writing, Speaking and Listening as well as Literature. Similarly Formative Assessment of grammar items may also be carried out in an integrated manner along with the skills of Reading,

Note: 1. Formative Assessment is assessment for learning. Thus schools may adapt the above break-up as per their convenience. 2. All activities related to Formative Assessment such as Language games, quizzes, projects, role plays, dramatization, script writing etc must be done as in class and in school activities. In case, a field survey or visit is taken up it must be under the direct supervision of the teacher.


Design of Questio Paper English (Communicative) (101) Class-X 9 (2012-13) DivisionofSyllabusfor TermII (October March) SummativeAssessmentII Section Reading Writing Grammar Literature+Value Based Question FormativeAssessment Marks 20 25 20 25 TotalWeightageAssigned


20% 90 marks 50%


The questionpaper will includeValueBasedQuestion(s) from Literature Sectiontotheextent of35marks

Sr. No. 1.

Skills to be tested


No. of Questions

Total Marks 10



One Literary unseen comprehension passage of 450-500 words with questions based on any of the following Very Short Answer Questions, Gap Filling or Sentences Completion or Table Completion and Reference to context Vocabulary/ Attack Skills Word

10 VSAQs x 1 07

10 Very Short 03 Answer






One Factual unseen comprehension passage of 200-300 words with questions based on Inference and Interpretation and Vocabulary One Discursive unseen comprehension passage of 200-300 words based on Inference and Interpretation and Vocabulary

5 MCQs x 1


5 MCQs x 1


Total 20 marks for Reading Section

TOTAL MARKS 4. WRITING A composition of 50-60 words in the form of a Notice A Message or a Diary Entry in 50-60 words A composition of 100120 words in the form of Biographical Sketch or Data Interpretation or Description of (People or Objects or Events) An extended writing task of 120-150 words in the form of a Formal/ Informal Letter or Email. The long piece of writing will assess the use of appropriate style, language, content and expression. An extended writing task of 120-150 words in the form of a story or a report An extended writing task 120-150 words in the form of an Article or a Speech. 1 SAQ II

20 03






1 LAQ I x 5=



1 LAQ IIx5 =




1 LAQ II x 5 =




1 LAQ II x 5 =


Total marks for Writing Section 25






Question 10 will have Multiple Choice Questions on Gap filling, Sentence Completion, Dialogue Completion Questions 11 will be based on response supplied by students (Supply Type). Sentence reordering Questions 12 will be based on response supplied by students (Supply Type). Editing/ Omission

4 MCQs x 1 =




4 VSAQs x 1 =




4 VSAQs x 1 =






Questions 13 will be based on response supplied by students (Supply Type). Sentence transformation Questions 14 will be based on response supplied by students (Supply Type). Sentence transformation

4 VSAQs x 1 =


4 VSAQs x 1 =


Total Marks for Grammar Section 20

TOTAL MARKS 15 (a) LITERATURE Question 15 A an extract from poetry based on reference to context. Question 15 B an extract from a short story with three reference to context questions requiring the students to supply the answers. Question 15 C, an extract from a play with three references to context questions requiring the students to supply the answers. 3 MCQs x 1 =

20 03

15 (b)


3 VSAQs x 1 =


15 (c)


3 VSAQs x 1 =





Question 16 Three out of four answer type questions based on prose, poetry and play testing inference and evaluation 50-60 words each

3 SAQs I x 2 =




Question 17 One question based values and key message brought out on the basis of prescribed texts based on prose or play in about 120-150 words.

1 LAQ II x 1=




Question 18 One out of two long answer type questions to assess personal response to text (story, poem play) by going beyond the text/ poem/ story or extract. Creativity, imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across two texts will also be assessed in 120150 words.

1 LAQ x 1=


Total marks for Literature Section 25




MCQs 1 markseach

VSA 1 markeach

SAI 3040 2 marks

SAII 5060 words 3 marks

LAQI 80100words 4 marks

LAQII 120150 words 5 marks



SECTION:A 20 Marks
Q Read the passage given below carefully. DAIJA
It was Monday morning when the phone rang. It was my mother. After talking for a minute, she said I am giving the phone to someone. Talk to her." "Hello," came a familiar voice and I immediately knew who was at the other end. I was very happy to hear that voice. It had been too long. "Daija! How are you? When did you come there?" "Just yesterday. I am fine. How are you?" said Daija Daija was my grandparents' helping hand for many years. She came to work for them almost 51 years ago. My mother was just seven years old then. Daija came unannounced. She had heard that my grandparents were looking for a maid and she travelled for two days to apply for the job. She was around 20 years old then. Daija was puny. She frequently laughed out loud. Her husband had left her for another woman but this had not embittered her about life. Slowly, she became part of the family. Her real name was Kamlaben but my mother would call her Daija" affectionately and it stuck to her for the rest of her life. Her personality was such that she became the life of every festival and get-together. She was a good dancer and though she did not have a good voice she enjoyed singing too. When my mother was married and moved to another town, Daija cried more than my grandmother. When my mother was pregnant she came to live with her. Every winter, we used to go to our grandparents place for holidays and she became our playmate. She would hide some special food from my grandmother to give us later. My grandmother could not do without her. When my grandfather died 10 years ago, she became my grandmother's sole companion. They had disagreements but that didn't bother either of them. But once grandfather was gone, Daija started feeling insecure. My grandmother, who was six years older than Daija, was also not keeping well. Daija would take care of her but who would take care of Daija? She was already 72. One day, she came to my mother and took out about Rs. 6,000, which she had saved. She said "Kamala, please secure a place for me in an old age home. I may not be staying here for a long time." My mother dismissed her but that act remained in her mind. Sometimes, she would discuss Daijas future with my father.

10 marks


Daija, too old by now to do everything herself, had other maids helping her. She was now the task manager. At times, we could not differentiate her from our grandmother. She was as influential. Then, one day after 45 years, without warning, her husband came to visit her. She had no feelings. She had not seen him for all these years. The other woman had passed away leaving her grown-up son, who was earning decent lives for themselves. The husband himself had made a name in palmistry. Now he was expecting her to come back. She was not sure. He left without an answer. It took her a long time to decide. She finally decided to go .The day she left, a vacuum was created in our lives. There was no one to take her place. Today, we miss her laughs, her unconditional love and her spontaneity. She still visits my grandmother on every festival. These days, Daija has been travelling around with her husband, and his son takes care of her. Some people like Daija leave a void in lives, and are always remembered.

Q Onthebasisofyour readingoftheabovepassage,completethefollowing statementbriefly. 1x6= 6 marks

1. Daija came to their house _____________________________________. 2. Daijas personality was ________________________________________. 3. Her husband had _____________________________________________. 4. The narrator could not differentiate between Daija and her grandmother because_____________________. 5. Daija wanted to go to an old age home because_________________________. 6. She eventually decided to _____________________________.

Q Answerthefollowingquestionsbriefly.


a) What was Daijas husband doing?

Q Find wordsfromthepassage whichmeanthe sameasthewords givenbelow: 1x3=3 marks

a) space b) avoided c) readiness

Q Readthefollowingpassagecarefully: 5 marks

Haveyou heard peoplesaying thatthe'rupiah makestheworld go round? Do you knowthestoryofthe rupee? Theword rupee comesfrom theSanskritterm RupyaorRupawhich meanssilver.Thevery earlycoins beforethesecond century BC,wereall madeofsilverbutthecoinswereneitherofany standard weight norhad any faceorvalueprinted on them.ItwasSherShah Suriwho firstgavethenamerupia to the 67

silvercoins. Thelastsilver coinswere minted in 1940 with the faceofKing GeorgeVI on them.In 1942 the silvercoin wasreplacedby acupronickelcoinforthe firsttime. Money wasinventedby man to getpower butnowmoney has becomemorepowerfulthan man.Allover theworld,money and powergo together. Themoremoney aperson has,themoresuccessful heisjudged tobe.Arich manisacceptedbysocietyevenifheiscorruptorevil. Man workshard to earn moreand moremoney and savesalotofit.Hethinksthatmoney willgive him morefreedom to enjoy himselfand to havelotsoffun.Hethinkshewillnotbeanyone'sslavebutbehis ownmaster. But soon he becomes the slaveofmoney.Themorehe has,themorehe wants. Heis never satisfied withwhathehasgotbutalwayswantssomething moreeventhough he knowsthatin theend,he cannotcarryanything with him.Money can buy everything butitcannot buy peaceor happinessoraticket toheaven.

Readthefollowingquestionsandwritetheoption youconsider themostappropriatein youranswer sheet: (a)Theearlycoinsweremadeof. (i)copper (iii)silver (ii)gold (iv)lead

(b)Thecupronickelcoinscameintoexistenceintheyear (i)1924 (iii)1429 (ii)1942 (iv)1294

(c)Todaymoneyis.. (i)lesspowerfulthanman (iii)morepowerfulthan man (ii)equalto man (iv)noneoftheabove

(d)Societywillinglyaccepts...fromarichman. (i)honesty (iii)bribery (ii)corruption (iv)noneoftheabove

(e)Thewordsatisfied can bereplacedby (i)contended (iii)fulfilled (ii)happy (iv)overjoyed


Q Notice: Yourschool hasplannedan interclassdebate competition.Write anoticeforthe schoolnotice
board informing studentsofthe competition giving detailslikedate,time venue,contactperson etc in 50 60 words. 3marks

You have to rush for your tuition class, and nobody is at home. Leave a message for your mother 3 marks



Yourmother promised you to buy a new IPad or any gadget,on achieving agood result.You areawaiting thegoodresult,aswellastheIPad.Explainyouranticipationinadiary entry.

Q Recently yourcolony haswitnessedand sufferedacutewater shortage.AstheSecretary ofyourRWA,

write alettertotheChairmanDJBhighlightingtheproblemandsuggestingwaystosolvetheissue. Or Writealettertoyouryoungerbrother,whohasgotadmissioninahostel,emphasizingtheimportanceofa good breakfast. 5marks HINTS:energyinthemorningtoperform Importantmeal nutritionandhealthy Neverskip Willleadtofatigue

Q Itwasadarknight.Therewasno oneathomesuddenlyitstartedraining.Icouldhearthedistant howlingofthewildcatsandsuddenly. 5marks

Q ThestudentsoftodayarebecomingCouchPotatoesdueto theirexcessT.V. viewinghabit.Thishasa negativeeffectnotonlyandtheirhealth,butoverallpersonality.Writeanarticle,expressingyourviewson thesame. 5 marks 69

QWriteaspeech,tobegiveninthemorningassembly,talkingabouttheimportance ofeducationinones life. 5marks HINTS: education helps in making one *independent *confident *aware *access to information *wise *lead a better quality of life

Section C:Grammar 20 Marks

Q Readtheparagraphgivenbelowandfillsintheblankswiththehelp ofoptionsthatfollow.

Humans have always thought of the moon as living. In earlier times, it was seen that it had always been changing. Since it was the brightest star in the dark sky, humans watched and wondered why it (i) afraid of the dark, so the bright light (iii) Humans (ii) always both welcome and mysterious. Today, we still feel fear or mystery when

we (iv)...................... at the moon. It is these feelings which keep the old superstitions about the moon alive. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (a) change (a) had (a) were (a) looks (b) (b) (b) (b) is changing have been was looking (c) (c) (c) (c) changed were had look (d) (d) (d) (d) was changing got has looked

Q Completethefollowing passagebyfillinguptheblanks.Writethecorrectioninyouranswersheet. 4marks Pollution(a).thedestroying ofenvironment. It(b).tothedegenerationofsoil,air water.Soil,airandwater(c)beendegradedbywaste,smokeand chemicals.Inmetrocities problem(d).becomeveryserious.Smokefrom chimneysandautomobiles(e) pollutingtheair.Theacidrain(f).todegeneration ofbuildings.Governmentshouldtake strictmeasuresifit(g)toprotecttheearth.Man's greedandselfishness (h).themajorcausesofpollution.

Q Rearrangethefollowingjumbled wordstomakemeaningfulsentences and writethesamein theanswer


1x4= 4 marks

(a) in/other animals/elephant/an/excels/ intelligence


(b) displays/ he/ his intelligence/little actions/in his (c) with a difficulty/a way out/whenever/with/his intelligence/faced/he finds

Q The following paragraph hasnotbeen edited.Thereisoneerrorin eachline. Identifytheerrorin each line, and write it along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after in your answer sheet.Thefirstonehasbeendoneasanexample. 4 marks

Example: On reaching his room he entire broke down, and became a prey for the most violent agitation. The vulgarity of those twins, and the gross materialism of Mrs. Otis, was naturally extremely annoying, but what really distress him most was that he had been unable to wear the suit of mail.

he entirely broke i. ii. iii. iv. ________ ________ ________ ________

Q Read the following conversation between two friends, Ginnie and Dimpi and complete the paragraph thatfollows. 4marks

Ginnie:Whyhaveyounotbroughtmydress? Dimpi:Ihaventbroughtit becauseIhadgonetomycousin'shousewithmy mother, soIforgottokeepit. Ginnie:Don'tgivemelameexcuses.Iwantto knowthetruth. Dimpi:IamsorryGinnie.I wasplaying withmyfriendstilllate.Iforgotthatyou neededittoday. Ginnie asked Dimpi (a) .. .Dimpi said that she (b) . .Ginnie (c) and furtheraddedthat(d) Dimpisaid that hewassorry and further added thatshewasplayingwithherfriends andshehadforgottenthatsheneededitthatday.



Q Read the extractgiven below and answer the questions thatfollow by writing thecorrectoption in the answer sheet. 1x3= 3 marks Gainstdeath andallobliviousenmity shallyoupaceforth,yourparadiseshallstillfindroom. Evenin theeyesofallposterity, Thatwearthisworldouttotheendingdoom.

a) Whywouldtheyoung manberememberedbythefuturegenerations? i) ii) iii) iv) Becauseheisverybrave Becauseheisveryphilanthropic Becausehehaswrittenimmortalverses Becauseheisveryreligions

b) Whatdoesthepoet meanbyendingdoom? i) ii) iii) iv) Thedaywhenwarwouldcometoanend. Thedaywhenthewholemankindwilldie Thedaywhenthewholeearthwillbedestroyed Thedayon whichGodwilldecidethefateofallmortalbeings.

c) Whatisthetoneoftheselines? i) ii) iii) iv) Pessimistic Sad Confident optimistic 72

Q Read the following extract carefully and answers the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriatealternativefromthose givenbelow:

Ive seen a weekend cottage near Darking that I should rather like to buy, said Miss Mebbin with seeming irrelevance.Sixhundredand eighty,freehold.Quite abargain,onlyI donthappento have themoney. 1x3= 3 marks

a) WhoisMissMebbin talking to? b) WhyisMissMebbintalkingaboutthecottagewhenshecantafford tobuyit? c) Whatdoesthephraseseemingirrelevanceheremeans?

Q Readtheextractgivenbelowandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: Whataretheycomingfor? Theyhaventbeenhereforages. (a) Whoiscoming? (b) Whyaretheycoming? (c) Whyhaventtheybeenhereforages?

1x3= 3 marks

Q Answer thefollowinginabout5060 wordseach.

2x3 =6 marks

a.) We do many things, sir. Explain this statement with reference to the context. b.) Why had the tiger turned to eating of small animals? c.) Why did the postmaster call Ali a pest?


QAnswer any one ofthefollowinginabout125words.

5 marks

Toughdaysneverlastbuttoughpeopledo.Explainthisstatementwithreferencetothetwoboys. OR Doyouadmirethefrogforhisintelligenceorcriticize himforhiscruelty?Explain,withsuitableexamples.



5 marks Patol Babu, Film Star .. They just got hold of some people, got them to go through certain motions, paid them for their labours and forgot all about it. Paid them, yes, but how much? Ten, fifteen, twenty rupees? It is true that he needed money very badly, but what was twenty rupees when measured against the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication. At the end it was not money which would have given so much happiness as he got from playing his role well. Motivated by his story, you decide to write an e mail to your friend telling him about the value of putting in ones best in everything one does be it at work, home or play because the quality of ones work is a measure of the quality of the person himself. Marking scheme: Content 3 +2 marks Expression1 mark Value points: Award one mark each for any three points covered from the list below. Accept any other relevant point brought out by the candidate. Accomplishing tasks to perfection gives one a sense of pride and self esteem Job well done gives happiness and contentment Perfection leads to excellence One learns to respect the job be it small or big Perfection should be made a habit Working towards perfection is a healthy attitude


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