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5 Troubleshooting

5 Troubleshooting
5-1 No Power
LAMP off, power indicator LED red color? Yes No Check a connection a power cable.

Does proper DC 12V appear at C801, C807?


Change a Assy PCB Power.

Yes Does proper DC A3.3V, A5V appear at C865, C863?


Check a IC812, IC801. Change a main PCB ass'y.

Yes Does proper DC 5V, 3.3V, 1.9V appear at C870, C861, C847?


Check a IC813, IC811, IC807. Change a main PCB ass'y.

Yes Check a other function. (No picture part) Replace a lcd panel.

A power is supplied to set?



5 Troubleshooting

5-2 No Video (Analog PC Signal)

Power Indicator is off. Lamp on, no video. Yes Check a PC source and check the connection of DSUB cable? Yes Does the signal appear at #3, 5, 7(R, G, B) of IC906? Yes Does the signal appear at #21,19,15(R,G,B)of IC906? Yes Does the digital data appear at output of DIN(0:23)of IC312? Yes Does the digital data appear at output of LVDS TX(FT250~253)? Yes Check a LVDS cable? Replace a lcd panel? No No Check a IC201. Change a main PCB ass'y. No Check a IC312. Change a main PCB ass'y. No Check a IC906. Change a main PCB ass'y. No PC cable. Change a PC cable. Change a main PCB ass'y. No Input a analog PC signal and connected cable(DPMS).

Please, Call to Samsung Co. LTD.


5 Troubleshooting

1 R,G,B Output Signal of IC906 2 R,G,B Output Signal of IC312

3 Digital Output Data of IC201


5 Troubleshooting

5-3 No Video (HDMI-Digital Signal)

Power Indicator is off. Lamp on, no video. Yes Check the connectionn of HDMI cable? Yes Does the digital data IC311 DIN(0:23), HDMI(Data, Clk +/-)? Yes Does the digital data appear at output of IC201 LVDS(FX250~253)? Yes Check a LVDS cable? Replacea lcd panel? No No Check a IC201. Change a main PCB ass'y. No Check a a IC 311. Change a main PCB assy. No

Input a HDMI cable.

Please, Call to Samsung Co. LTD.


5 Troubleshooting

3 Digital Output Data of IC201 4 Signal of HDMI(Data)


5 Troubleshooting

5-4 No Picture (Tuner_CVBS)

Power Indicator is off. Lamp on, no picure. Yes Dose the signal appear at #14 of IC203? Yes Does the signal appear at #13 of IC203? Yes Does the digital data appear at output of FT250~FT253 ? Yes Check a LVDS cable? Replacea lcd panel? No No Check a IC201. Change a main PCB ass'y. No No Check a B+ voltage (#7 of Tuner) : 5V change a main PCB ass'y No Connect the RF cable and check RF signal.

Check a IC203. Change a main PCB ass'y.

Please, Call to Samsung Co. LTD.


5 Troubleshooting

3 Digital Output Data of IC201 5 Tuner_CVBS Output Signal


5 Troubleshooting

5-5 No Picture (Video_CVBS)

Power Indicator is off. Lamp on, no picure. Yes Dose the signal appear at #11 of IC203? Yes Does the signal appear at #13 of IC203? Yes Does the digital data appear at output of FT250~FT253? Yes Check a LVDS cable? Replacea lcd panel? No No Check a IC515. Change a main PCB ass'y. No No No Check a A/V cable and video signal.

Check a connection harness.

Check a IC203. Change a main PCB ass'y.

Please, Call to Samsung Co. LTD.


5 Troubleshooting

3 Digital Output Data of IC515 5 Tuner_CVBS Output Signal


5 Troubleshooting

5-6 No Picture (S-VIDEO_Y,C)

Power Indicator is off. Lamp on, no picure. Yes


Connect the s-video cable. Operating a video player.

Dose the signal appear at R722, R721 of IC201? Yes Does the digital data appear at Output of FT250~FT253? Yes Check a LVDS cable? Replacea lcd panel?


Check a connection harness.


Check a IC201. Change a main PCB ass'y.


Please, Call to Samsung Co. LTD.


5 Troubleshooting

3 Digital Output Data of IC201 6 Analog Signal(Y,C) to IC201


5 Troubleshooting

5-7 No Sound
Picture is display, no sound. No Connect a sound cable. control a volume.

Yes Does the signal appear at Pin 51, 50(CH1_L, R Sound) 7 and Pin 57, 58 (CH2_L, R Sound) of IC610 (MSP4410K)? Yes


Check a connection harness and headphone jack.

Check the DC 8V of IC610?


Check a IC813. Change a main PCB ass'y.


Does the signal appear at L617?


Check a IC611. Change a main PCB ass'y.


Replace the speaker ass'y?


5 Troubleshooting

7 The Signal are Inputed to IC610 8 DC +8V

9 Output WaveForm


5 Troubleshooting



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