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MV electrical network management

Easergy range

T200 & Flair 200C

MV substation control and monitoring units

Modbus communication
Appendix to the User Manual

Easergy T200 & F200C


1 2 3

5 6 7

INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 3 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................. 3 PRINCIPLES.................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 ISO MODEL ................................................................................................................................................ 4 3.3 TRANSMISSION MODES ................................................................................................................................ 4 3.4 DATA .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.5 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.6 MODBUS TCP............................................................................................................................................. 8 CONFIGURATION......................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 GENERAL CONFIGURATION OF THE PROTOCOL ............................................................................................ 10 4.2 SPECIFIC PROTOCOL-RELATED OPERATION ................................................................................................. 16 4.3 SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION RELATED TO TRANSMISSION MEDIA ..................................................................... 19 DIAGNOSTIC................................................................................................................................................. 20 5.1 TRACING EXCHANGES WITH THE SUPERVISOR ............................................................................................ 20 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................... 23 OBJECT ADDRESSING ............................................................................................................................... 25 7.1 LEGEND .................................................................................................................................................... 25 7.2 T200 P..................................................................................................................................................... 26 7.3 T200 I ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 7.4 FLAIR 200C .............................................................................................................................................. 34 MODBUS APPENDICES............................................................................................................................... 37 8.1 MODBUS TABLE ...................................................................................................................................... 37 8.2 MODBUS FUNCTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 46 8.3 MODBUS CONTROL FIELD ........................................................................................................................ 52


Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

1 Introduction
This appendix to the User Manual is designed to provide aid with setting up a telecontrol network using the MODBUS protocol. It will therefore provide information to help choose an operating mode, to make the corresponding configuration settings and to analyse any problems faced. For this purpose, the following will be found: References of documents relating to this protocol Operating principles, with - a brief description of the specification and fundamentals of the protocol; - a description of the various operating modes with help in choosing between them; - a list of the types of data exchanged; - a description of the main functionalities. - a description of the MODBUS TCP protocol. The configuration settings to be made, with - general configuration of the protocol; - specific configuration. Maintenance aid facilities A glossary of specific terms Object addressing tables which can serve as a model for establishing databases for the T200 and the Flair 200C The descriptive documents specified in the protocol specifications. All along the documentation, the T200 is taken as an example. The software features of the T200 and Flair 200C are the same. As a result, the same information can be used indifferently with the T200 or with the Flair 200C.

2 References
As mentioned above, the purpose of this appendix is to help the user set up a network. It is not intended to provide a detailed explanation of the protocol specified in the documents referenced below. It is not necessary to read these documents. However, the user faced with a specific problem or wanting to have a more precise knowledge of this protocol will find it useful to read them. They are available on the website of the Modbus-IDA organization ( which brings together independent users and suppliers. Their references are as follows: Modicon - Modbus Protocol - Reference Guide (June 1996) MODBUS Protocol Application Specification - V1.1b (28 December 2006) MODBUS over Serial Line - Specification and Implementation Guide - V1.02 (20 December 2006)

3 Principles
3.1 General
1 2 3 MODBUS is a messaging protocol which allows client/server type communications between devices connected to various types of bus or networks. It was originally developed by the company Modicon and, from 1979, became the de facto industrial standard for serial transmission. Nowadays, millions of devices in the automatic control field use it for their communications. The enthusiasm for this simple and elegant structure has enabled it to become established in other fields, and its use is constantly expanding. The Internet community can obtain access to it on port 502 (reserved port) of the TCP/IP stack. This protocol uses a question-and-answer system and offers services specified by function codes.


Easergy T200 & F200C

3.2 ISO Model

Modbus Communication

MODBUS is positioned on level 7 (application layer) of the ISO model. The document entitled "MODBUS over Serial Line" provides a complement by describing, in the specific case of a serial link, levels 1 (physical layer) and 2 (link layer), thus providing a complete description based on the EPA (Enhanced Performance Architecture) 3-layer ISO model which is a simplified version of the 7-layer ISO model.

User layer

Application layer The three layers described are as follows: Physical layer; Link layer; Application layer.

Link layer

Physical layer

Communication medium

3.3 Transmission modes

General: The MODBUS protocol operates in master/slave mode. The Supervisor is the master and questions the T200 which, as slave, merely replies to the master's requests. The SCADA system therefore operates by polling to know the T200 states. However, to be able to limit communications on non-permanent transmission media, the T200 is capable of generating a call to the SCADA. The latter, in reply, can obtain, by a method that we shall describe in detail later, the address of the calling T200, and thus obtain the changes that the T200 wants to report to it. This operating mode is called Report by exception. Transmission takes place asynchronously at speeds ranging from 200 to 38400 baud depending on the transmission medium. Each MODBUS frame consists of a start bit, 8 data bits and a stop bit.


Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

The MODBUS protocol makes it possible to read or write one or more bits, one or more words and the diagnostic counters at a write/read address specified by the master. Upon receiving a request from the master, the device sends the desired information in accordance with the MODBUS specification and is capable of replying with an exception message if it does not recognize the request. MODBUS functions supported: - No. 01: Reading of n output or internal bits; - No. 02: Reading of n input bits; - No. 03: Reading of n output or internal words; - No. 04: Reading of n input words; - No. 05: Writing of 1 bit; - No. 06: Writing of 1 word; - No. 08: Reading of diagnostic counters; - No. 15: Writing of n bits; - No. 16: Writing of n words. Exception codes supported: - 01: Unknown function code; - 02: Incorrect address; - 03: Incorrect data; - 04: Not ready: impossible to handle the request.

Each message or frame exchanged between the master and slave contains 4 types of information: - Slave number (1 byte): it specifies the destination slave (0 to 255). If it is equal to 0, the request concerns all the slaves (broadcast) and there is no response from the slaves. - The function code (1 byte): It makes it possible to select a read or write type command and check whether the response is correct. - The data field (n bytes): it contains parameters relating to the function: bit address, word address, bit value, word value, number of bits, number of words. - The control field (2 bytes): it contains a CRC16 used to detect transmission errors.
Slave number 1 byte Function code 1 byte Data field n bytes Control field 2 bytes

Comment: - The length of a frame can range from 4 to 255 bytes depending on the function code.


Easergy T200 & F200C

Operating procedure:

Modbus Communication

In general, when it starts up, the Supervisor makes several requests to address a device: - It may perform time setting on one or more devices (broadcasting). - It repatriates events from the T200. - It repatriates states from the T200.

Operation in "No Report By Exception" mode The Supervisor operates by polling, regularly repatriating all the states from the T200s or repatriating only the changes (reading the event stack) and thus updating its database. The Supervisor can send a command to the T200s at any time. In this operating procedure, the SCADA system controls the communication load. Operation is simple, but results in intense use of communication media, because the more quickly one wants to be informed of a change, the more often the T200s must be interrogated. The polling cycle limit corresponds to the shortest cycle for interrogating all the T200s. The great majority of these exchanges are "unproductive", because in most cases the T200 interrogated has nothing to report.

Operation in "Report By Exception" mode Messages are sent only to provide unknown information. For example, when a change occurs, the T200 will call the SCADA system via the "Report By Exception" function. This will make it possible to initiate dialogue and the SCADA system will then retrieve the change. Likewise, the Supervisor will send messages to the T200 when the operator requests order execution. This operating mode does not heavily load the communication facilities (a device speaks only when it has something to say). On the other hand, the SCADA system no longer controls the data flow because it can be called at any time. Collisions between messages can occur when, at a given point in time, several devices take control to speak. We shall see further on how this problem of collisions is dealt with.


Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

3.4 Data
The MODBUS protocol can be used to exchange various types of data. The numerous items of information to which the protocol gives access include: Signals (single or double); Measurements (in several formats); Counters; Commands; Parameters.

3.5 Functions
With the data are associated various functionalities, including, for example: State reading The Supervisor can ask to read the state of all the configured variables. Time setting Can be performed by the Supervisor in two different ways: - Individually: Frame sent to a single device with confirmation from the latter. - Universally: Frame broadcast to all the devices without response from them. Event reading (time-tagged changes of state). Since the MODBUS protocol proposes no standard for time tagging of events, a process has been established allowing exchange of events between a master and a slave. The slave provides the master with an event reading table the address of which is configurable. Alarm transmission: A change of state can be configured as an alarm to be sent spontaneously to the telecontrol centre. Specific counter functions. The counters can be reset. Command sending: Two modes are available: Direct Execution and Select before Execute. Parameter writing. Certain parameters can be changed.

Comment: Time-tagged event management concerns signals only. Counter and measurement type events are not managed.


Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

3.6 Modbus TCP

MODBUS protocol was originally designed for serial point-to-point communication (e.g. RS-232) with limited support for half duplex serial networks (e.g. RS-485). In order for the T200 to exchange MODBUS messages in a local or wide area network, the MODBUS protocol is also implemented over Ethernet via TCP/IP protocols. We will call it MODBUS TCP. Its implementation in the ISO model can be interpreted as followed:

Modbus layer application Modbus on TCP TCP IP Ethernet, Link layer

} TCP/IP layer

Protocol characteristics: As we can see above, a service called Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is implemented. TCP is one of the core protocols used for internet and other similar networks. In our case, TCP is used because it provides reliable and order delivery of messages for point to point communication.

Background TCP: For a TCP connection to take place one side must be the server and one side must be the client. Client-Server architecture is therefore provided. The side of the link that initiates the connection is the client and the side of the link that waits for a connection request is the server. The client requests a connection by specifying the IP address and port number of the server. Once the connection is made, data is transferred without either side having to specify the IP address and port number. The T200 is usually associated to the server and can hold four different TCP connections with a SCADA. Each connection with a client is managed by a disconnection delay if no data is exchanged.

Default port used for MODBUS IP: The T200 support TCP communications on port number 502. All connection requests and all data are sent to this port number. It can be changed for particular reasons.


Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Frames structure: The addressing system and the functions used are the same. The frames have the same structure, except the "slave number" byte which is replaced by an "MBAP header" with the following structure:

Transaction Id
(2 bytes)

Protocol Id
(2 bytes)

(2 bytes)

Unit Id
(1 byte)

- Transaction Identifier (2 bytes): Used to associate transactions (questions and responses). The Modbus server copies the question "transaction identifier" to the response. - Protocol Identifier (2 bytes): Used for intra-system multiplexing. The Modbus protocol is identified by the value 0. - Length (2 bytes): number of bytes following this field, including the "Unit Identifier" and the data. - Unit Identifier (1 byte): This field is used for intra-system routing (see the Gateway function). The default value is 0xFF.


Easergy T200 & F200C

4 Configuration

Modbus Communication

4.1 General configuration of the protocol

A configuration screen contains all the parameters directly related to the Protocol.

Parameters Setup Page / Protocol

Standard MODBUS parameters: In "standard" communication, the Supervisor can obtain access to a data field called the MODBUS Table. It is thus possible to come and read and write data on the "external address" of a variable. However, it is not possible to export events, since the "standard" MODBUS protocol offers no way of sending time-tagged data. In such a case, therefore, simply fill in the "Device Address" field on the configuration page: Device address: Corresponds to the T200 address.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Specific MODBUS parameters: 1/ "Select before execute an order" function:

Modbus Communication

There are two possible modes of execution of writing commands: - "Direct" mode: Commands are implemented by direct writing to the memory addresses defined for each command (external address). The command is executed upon receiving the command. - "Select before Execute" mode: Writing commands are executed in two transactions for secure writing, the command being finally executed upon receipt of an "Execute" command. Command type: Choice of mode. Selection timeout: Maximum waiting time for execution after selection. Selection word address: This field specifies the command execution address. 2/ "Event management" function: Since the MODBUS protocol proposes no standard for time tagging of events, a process has been established allowing exchange of events in MODBUS mode between a master and a slave (cf. 4.3). The time tagging function allows a precise date and time to be attributed to changes of state, so as to be able to classify them precisely in time. These events are accessible from a table whose address and size must be entered. Event table address: Indicates the event table start address. Number of events to be read: Indicates the length of the event table Event loss TSS index: The event table having a defined capacity, a "loss of information" event can be inserted by the T200 when reading the event table. The "Loss of event TSS index" allows the address of this event to be defined. In the event of loss of events, the old events are kept. 3/ "Server Gateway" function: The Server Gateway function allows the device to be used as a gateway to a MODBUS slave to which it is connected. If this function is enabled, and if the device receives a Modbus frame that is not intended for it (MODBUS address different from the device address), the device transfers the frame from its remote communication port (port 1 or port 2) to its local port and then sends the response received to the port of origination of the request. 4/ "Remote measurement reading mode" function: Each analogue value (measurement) is a signed integer encoded on 16 bits by two's-complement system. The measurements can be sent with scaling. Two modes are proposed: - "Raw" (or "Normalized") mode: the measure is scaled and converted depending to the Min and Max values defined for the measure. - "Direct" (or "Adjusted" or "Scaled") mode: the variable is sent as it is measured (except if the measure exceeds the Max value defined for the measure). Note: for details of mode used, see chapter "8.1 - MODBUS table", paragraph "Telemetry and counters zones". Comment: This function can be used only by the protocol by changing the value of bit 0 in the Status register. Bit 0 = 0, Raw mode. Bit 0 = 1, Direct mode. 5/ "Exception if undeclared element" function: Case of the "Exception if undeclared element" parameter set to "No": If the Supervisor interrogates a memory address (external address) in which no element is declared, the device will associate the integer 0 with the undeclared bit or word and return this integer (instead of returning a frame indicating an incorrect address).



Easergy T200 & F200C

6/ Telecontrol function:

Modbus Communication

The TCD function allows certain advanced settings to be made for sending telecontrols: Double command by writing 1 bit enabled: Enables telecontrols with writing of a single bit. CR code address: telecontrol fault indication address. => The CR code gives information on the processing of the remote control order carried out by the T200: Bit 0: Remote control in progress. Bit 1: Fault concerning the initial remote control order Bit 2: Serious fault detected during internal check. Bit 3: External fault; the switch has not reached the desired status within the time allotted. Bit 4: Remote control not executed due to Station in Local mode or other disabling condition Bit 5: Failure to execute for an unknown reason. Each change of state of one of this bit will produce a MODBUS event that could be seen on the event log. The telecontrol center system may reset these codes by writing a 0 to the relevant address.

7/ 32 bits mode: Measures of F200C and T200 are coded in 16 bits. Nevertheless, energy counters can be coded in 32 bits. So, counters will be sent to the SCADA with using 2 frames of 16 bits. In case of 32 bits mode, this parameter determines the order of transmission: MSB / LSB (H/L) or LSB/MSB (L/H).

MODBUS TCP Server parameters: We saw on chapter 3.6 that MODBUS protocol can also be used over Ethernet. Consequently, there are some new parameters related to the TCP/IP layer that must be set. Beforehand, the MODBUS IP protocol must be activated. (Operating mode menu)

Server port: Server TCP port number (Listen). Typical Application: It is used when the T200 is waiting for a connection request. Timeout: link fault detection delay. It is used to end a session with a client if no data is exchanged.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Collision avoidance parameters setup:

Modbus Communication

When the Report By Exception operating mode is selected (and saved), an additional window opens in the Protocol Parameters screen. This window is related to the problem of collisions that can occur when the T200 calls to send an exception. It depends on the transmission medium used. For point-to-point systems (telephone, GSM), the window is that which conventionally appears when using these types of medium, i.e. the window for configuration of the port used for transmission (it is therefore described in the T200 User Manual in the chapter corresponding to these media). In this case, no configuration appears in the "Protocol" parameters setup window. However, for multipoint systems (radio, radio type leased line, etc.), the following window appears in the "Protocol" parameters setup window:

Collision avoidance: Collisions may occur: - between frames sent by the SCADA and frames sent by a remote terminal unit; - between frames sent by various remote terminal units. To avoid collisions insofar as possible, one must know the network occupancy state. The more reliable this information, the more efficient the system. The system can be forced to send only if the network is free. However, this has its limits, since two devices may see the network free and start sending simultaneously. Even apart from this case, there is always a time lag for detection of network occupancy. Let us consider a device going into sending mode. Throughout the time needed for detection of this state, another device will consider the network as free and will therefore be enabled to send. To overcome this, collision avoidance can be used. Depending on the transmission medium, there will be several possible options: - Non-activated or Standard; - Non-activated, Standard (squelch used for busy state), Standard (CD used for busy state). The first group of options is proposed when the transmission medium can provide the occupancy state via the CD signal. This is the case when the sent frames are delimited by a signal (generally RTS), said signal being linked to the CD or causing its activation (case in which the RTS signal causes rising of a carrier detected on CD by the other device). The second group of options is proposed when using a radio medium. There are generally 2 signals: the CD (Carrier Detect) signal and the Squelch signal. When the squelch signal is available, it should be preferred to the CD signal. This is because carrier detection can be caused by noise on the line, whereas the squelch is generally more "secure" and gives more reliable information. In the second option, when collision avoidance is activated, an additional window appears in the Protocol Parameters screen.

Before describing the various parameters used, we shall explain how collision avoidance operates. We shall consider two types of frame: - acknowledgement frames; - other frames. When a T200 receives a frame from the Supervisor and this must be acknowledged by it, the acknowledgement frame is sent immediately.
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Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

For the other frames, the T200 will allow for a waiting time before sending: This time is calculated by the following formula: time = (priority x min. random time) + random time The random time ranges between the min. random time and the max. random time. Priority This parameter can be used to hierarchize various T200s. The smaller the number, the more priority is assigned to the T200 (it will wait for a shorter time). Usually, this priority is left at 0. Min. random timeout Max. random timeout The random timeout, added to the wait related to the priority, is in a range between the minimum and maximum values defined here. There are no typical values for these parameters. Setting should be performed taking into account the following comments: - The timeouts are to be set according to the sending time for a frame. - The smaller the minimum timeout, the smaller the added timeout can be. - The greater the difference between the minimum timeout and the maximum timeout, the smaller the risk of sending by two T200s at the same time. - The preceding condition is achieved by increasing the maximum timeout. But one should allow for the fact that the greater this timeout, the longer the T200 risks waiting before sending. Generally, therefore, one opts for a value that will not be too high. The ideal solution, therefore, is to choose parameters in accordance with the above rules, and then refine them in the field.

The other parameters concern the signal used to obtain the network occupancy state. Active squelch level Depending on the equipment, the squelch active state will be a low level or a high level. One should therefore choose, here, the appropriate level. Squelch protection The squelch is an occupancy signal provided by analogue type radio equipment. With this transmission medium, the transmission conditions vary with time. For example, transmission conditions differ depending on whether or not there are leaves on the trees. Therefore, reception levels generally vary throughout the year. Accordingly, the squelch is related to the value to which its detection level has been set. This setting is normally performed in the field and in periods when reception is least satisfactory. However, despite all the precautions taken, squelch detection may become active permanently or over long periods of time. This means that, in this case, the T200 is therefore no longer enabled to send. To avoid this, squelch protection can be activated. When it is activated, this protection system will ensure that, when the squelch is active at the time when the T200 wants to send and when it remains active permanently during the time defined below, sending by the T200 will be enabled after this time (this operation is known as squelch setting). Tsqu (squelch protection) When squelch protection is activated, it will ensure that, when the squelch is active at the time when the T200 wants to send and remains active permanently during the time defined below, sending by the T200 will be enabled after this time (this operation is known as squelch setting). This time is the time referred to above. The customary value is approximately 10 s.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Explanatory diagrams Normal case The T200 needs to send here Squelch T200 sending waiting for free network

Modbus Communication

waiting for calculated time

Case of permanent squelch - with squelch protection The T200 needs to send here Squelch T200 sending waiting for set time - without squelch protection The T200 needs to send here Squelch T200 sending The T200 is not enabled to send



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

4.2 Specific protocol-related operation

"Report By Exception" mode. The slave device sends spontaneously upon condition to a master; for this purpose it initializes an alarm sequence which allows the master to identify the sending slave. - In the case of a non-permanent link (PSTN, GSM, etc.) requiring the use of a modem to establish the link with a master, connection is managed by the device. When connection is established, the master sends a MODBUS request for identification of the slave: broadcast transmission of a frame with null function code. The device replies to this frame with an exception frame containing its slave address. - In the case of a permanent link (private line, fibre optic, radio), an exception request allowing it to be identified is sent spontaneously to the master. The master can thus retrieve the slave address and continue the Master/Slave type MODBUS procedure (reading of fields, events, alarm acknowledgement). The exception frame sent is: XX 00 00 YY YY Where: - XX is the slave number of the device; - YY YY is the frame CRC 16. Activation of this procedure is available for each physical port from the "operating mode" menu.

"Report By Exception" mode with Modbus TCP.

In order to limit the quantity of data transferred via the IP link (to limit GPRS costs for example), the Report by Exception process is adapted to Modbus TCP. In this case, the connection is still open by the supervisor, but once it is open, the supervisor has not to pull the slave too frequently: alarmed changes of state will be signalled by an Exception. The exception frame sent is: 00 00 00 00 00 04 FF 00 00 00 - Transaction ID =0 - Function code =0 This Exception can be repeated with a configurable delay if the alarm is not acknowledged. A thirty second delay has been introduced between two exceptions to prevent network overload. This procedure can be activated from the "Operating mode" menu.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

"Event management": Event processing requires that the master have access to the T200 event table in write and read mode. An example of an exchange will be described in detail in section 5.1. Event reading: The slave provides the master with an event table. The master reads the event table and acknowledges by writing an exchange word. The slave updates the event table. Exchange word: The exchange word can be used to manage a specific protocol to be sure not to lose events following a communication problem. For this purpose, the event table is numbered. The exchange word comprises 2 fields: - Most significant byte = exchange number (8 bits): 0..255 The exchange number contains a numbering byte which can identify exchanges. The exchange number is initialized to zero following a power up. When it reaches its maximum value (0xFF), it automatically returns to 0. The exchange numbering is established by the slave and acknowledged by the master. - Least significant byte = number of events (8 bits): 0..X. The slave indicates the number of significant events in the event table in the least significant byte of the exchange word. This number is limited to the size of the window (e.g. 4 events), even if the number of events available internally is larger. Each word of the non-significant events is initialized to zero. Acknowledgement of the event table: To notify the slave of satisfactory reception of the block it has just read, the master must write, in the "Exchange number" field, the number of the last exchange performed by it, and must reset the "Number of events" field of the exchange word. Following this acknowledgement, the events in the event table are initialized to zero, and the old acknowledged events are erased in the slave. So long as the exchange word written by the master is not equal to "X,0" (where X = number of the preceding exchange that the Supervisor wants to acknowledge), the exchange word in the table remains at "X, number of preceding events". The slave increments the exchange number only if new events are present (X+1, number of new events). If the event table is empty, the slave performs no processing upon reading by the Supervisor of the event table or the exchange word. Loss of information: The slave has an internal storage queue of a defined capacity, which may reach saturation. In the event of saturation of this queue, a "loss of information" event can be inserted by the slave when reading each event table. The address of this event is configurable. (cf. Event loss TSS index). So long as this event is present in the stack, no other event can be saved, so as to save and not erase the oldest events in the case of a queue overflow. This event disappears automatically when the Supervisor retrieves all the events and the queue becomes empty.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Description of event coding: An event is coded on 8 words with the following structure:

Modbus Communication

- Word 1: event type 08 00 (signals). - Word 2: event address Bit addresses for digital events. - Words 3 and 4: 00 00 00 00 Falling edge 00 00 00 01 Rising edge - Word 5: year 00 0 to 99 (year) - Word 6: month-day 1 to 12 (months) (most significant) 1 to 31 (day) (least significant) - Word 7: hours-minutes 0 to 23 (hours) (most significant) 0 to 59 (minutes) (least significant) - Word 8: milliseconds 0 to 59999

"Select then execute" function This function allows a selection message to be sent before a command message: In this mode, In this mode, sending the command takes place in two phases: - Writing of "Select" message : writing of word address for the control order to be executed. - Writing of "Execute" message : confirmation of the control order. The command is executed by the device only after receiving the 2 messages. The "Execute" message must be received at least n seconds (configurable timeout) after the "Select" message. In the event of a fault an exception message is returned to the master. (Exception code 3).



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

4.3 Specific configuration related to transmission media

Synchronization of communications Any character received after a silence exceeding 3 characters is considered as a start of frame. A silence on the line of minimum duration 3 characters (by definition, exceeding 1.5 characters) is considered as an end of frame. For example: At 9600 baud, this time is equal to approximately 3 milliseconds. Some modems or transmission modes such as GSM or PSTN sometimes result in longer timeouts in the frames. For this reason, the end-of-frame timeout is in that case increased to 25 characters. For example: At 9600 baud, this time will be equal to about 25 milliseconds.

Time synchronization The device can be synchronized by reception of a time message frame over the communications network. A general broadcast can be performed with the slave number 0. The time message frame is used both for time setting and for slave synchronization. For each new time frame received, the slave's internal clock is reset immediately as of the end of frame reception. The precision depends on the master, and its control of the time for transmission of the time frame over the communications network. The time for transmission of the frame over the network largely depends on the type of medium used. When slave synchronization is to be performed, the time setting frame should be sent regularly at closely spaced intervals (between 10 and 60 seconds) to obtain a synchronous time.



Easergy T200 & F200C

5 Diagnostic

Modbus Communication

This chapter provides information which may be necessary when operating problems are encountered. It may help with problem resolution in such cases.

5.1 Tracing exchanges with the Supervisor

In order to clarify the operation of the protocol, we shall give here a few specific examples of exchanges viewed by means of the Trace provided by the T200. Comment: The following screens were obtained by sending frames step-by-step so as to show the operation in detail - from a simulator; the time tags are therefore not significant. Example 1a: After starting, the Supervisor performs time setting on the first device. (Device address = 1)

Observation: The Supervisor writes the date in IEC format (time tag on 4 words) at address 0x02. The T200 replies with the updated time.

Example 1b: After starting, the Supervisor sends a time setting frame to all the devices (in broadcast mode).

Observation: 1/ - The T200 receives the time setting frame. - The T200 returns no response. 2/ - The T200 receives a read request from the master, and one observes that the time has changed.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Example 1c:

Modbus Communication

After setting the time on the T200, the Supervisor interrogates the device to find out whether events have been recorded and have not yet been read. - Device address: 1 - The event field is set to address 0xF with a maximum of 4 events.

Observations: 1/ Exchange word reading: The Supervisor reads the exchange word to find out whether events have occurred. The T200 replies by specifying that 3 events are available. 2/ Event field reading: The Supervisor reads the events present in the stack, and the T200 sends them to it. 3/ Event acknowledgement: The Supervisor acknowledges its request. It writes the exchange word, resetting the number of events to 0. 4/ New reading cycle: The Supervisor reads the exchange word again to find out whether events are available. The T200 replies by specifying that no event is available. The exchange number has changed (1 -> 2). Analysis of the 3 events read: - Event 1: 08 00 03 96 00 00 00 00 00 08 08 0B 11 0A 15 80 Single address signal 918 (word 57, bit 6), value = 0, on 11/08/2008 at 17:10:05 - Event 2: 08 00 03 96 00 00 00 01 00 08 08 0B 11 0A 1C 4C Single address signal 918 (word 57, bit 6), value = 1, on 11/08/2008 at 17:10:07 - Event 3: 08 00 03 96 00 00 00 00 00 08 08 0B 11 0A 26 CA Single address signal 918 (word 57, bit 6), value = 0, on 11/08/2008 at 17:10:09 Comment: In our case, the single address signal 918 corresponds to the device's Local/Remote selector switch.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Example 1d:

Modbus Communication

After reading the device's event table, the Supervisor performs one or more read operation(s) to find out the current states of the device's variables (signals, measurements, etc.).

Observations: In our example, for sake of simplicity, the Supervisor simply requests the signal state. It can be observed that the address signal 918 (0x396, word 57 bit 6) is in 0x0 state. This is consistent with the reading for the preceding events in which the last event showed a transition to state 0 (Remote) of the Local/Remote selector switch.

Example 2: The Supervisor sends a telecontrol to the device in "Select and Execute" mode. The T200 must be in remote mode. (In direct mode, simply write at the address defined for the command). Protocol configuration: - "Select and Execute" mode, Timeout 20s, selection word address = 0x100. - Write command at 1 on TCD of external address 12.0. (Word 0xC0, bit 0)

Observations: 1/ Select: The Supervisor writes the execution address in the selection word. 2/ Execute: The device receives the execution request, the command can be tripped. If the device is in "No Report By Exception" mode, the Supervisor suspends polling to send the command. Once the command is ended and in reply to the next Supervisor polling, the T200 can return a change of state (event) on the signal associated with this telecontrol. If the device is in "Report By Exception" mode and once the telecontrol is ended, the T200 may take the initiative of indicating to the Supervisor a change of state (event) of the signal associated with this telecontrol.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

6 Glossary
B Binary Input Single and double signals are treated as objects of the binary input type. Broadcast The Supervisor can send a message to all the remote terminal units. This is called broadcasting. The destination address in that case equals 0x00. In this case, the destination units will not reply to the received frame. D Device address MODBUS address of the T200 by which the Supervisor can obtain access to the device. Direct execution In this command execution mode, the command, when it is authorized, is executed upon receiving this message. The wanted selection relay is actuated, and, after verification, it is the execution relay's turn. During all the command sequences, checks are performed. Any detected anomaly causes immediate stoppage of the command. Direct operate See Direct Execution. E Event acknowledgement Process by which the master can notify the device that the events have been read. Resets the number of events contained in the T200's stack. The old events acknowledged are erased from the slave. Event stack See time tagged events. Exchange word This can be used to manage a specific MODBUS protocol for the T220 to be sure not to lose events following a communication problem. It contains two essential items of information, the exchange number and the number of events present in the stack. F Function code Byte contained in each frame sent by the master and by which the slave can know the nature of the request (read, write, etc.). Upon an error, the slave replies by setting the most significant bit of the function code to 1. M Master Refers, in a MODBUS communication system, to the device that enters into dialogue with one or more slaves. Measurement Refers to an analogue input coded on 16 bits which can adopt several formats. P Polling This term designates a method for repatriation of information from the T200. The Supervisor interrogates each T200 in succession so that it may return its information. R Reading The Supervisor works by Reading or Writing data to or from the remote terminal units.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Report By Exception Can be used to manage a specific MODBUS protocol or the T200 which is the slave can take the initiative of dialogue to send an alarm. Mode often used in place of Supervisor polling to avoid overloading the communication media. S Select then Execute (Select then Operate) In this command execution mode, the command, when it is authorized, is executed in two stages. The T200 first receives a selection message. It then receives an execution message. It then checks that the same device is involved. If this check is satisfactory, it executes the command sequence. Throughout the command's duration, checks are performed. Any detected anomaly causes immediate stoppage of the command. Moreover, if, after receiving the selection message, an excessive time elapses without the T200 receiving the execution message, the command is cancelled. This time is configured in the Selection Timeout section. Slave Refers, in a MODBUS communication system, to the device that merely replies to the requests of a master. Squelch Occupancy signal provided by analogue type radio equipment. T TCD Tlcommande (telecontrol) (coded on 2 bits) Time synchronization field Contains the internal date and time of the device for time tagging of events. The field can only be read or written to as a whole. Time tagged events: Can be used to manage a specific MODBUS protocol or a date can be associated with the change of state of a signal. These events are stored within the T200 in an event stack that can be accessed in read/write mode by the Supervisor. TM Tlmesure (remote measurement) (coded on 16 bits) TSD Tlsignalisation double (double telesignal) (coded on 2 bits) TSS Tlsignalisation simple (single telesignal) (coded on 1 bit) TCP Network Protocol used by the T200 to manage MODBUS communications over an IP Link. It is implemented in the Transport layer of the OSI Model.

W Writing The Supervisor works by Writing or Reading data to or from the remote terminal units.



Easergy T200 & F200C

7 Object addressing

Modbus Communication

In the following tables will be found the default settings for the external addresses of variables.

7.1 Legend
Type Internal No. Meaning TCD Tlcommande double (double telecontrol) TSS Tlsignalisation simple (single telesignal) TSD Tlsignalisation double (double telesignal) TM Tlmesure (remote measurement) CNT Counter Access VISU EXPL ADMIN Options I U P 2U Object Defined as Viewing Operator Administrator Required commercial option I, IU, IUP, I2UP TR IU, IUP, I2UP TR IUP, I2UP TR I2UP TR Meaning In this column appears the type of (static) object used in transmission Meaning Not Accessible by SCADA: no external address has been configured. For the SCADA to be able to access the Object, simply configure an address (which is not already used)

Index NA

Reminder: External address syntax The external address makes the variable accessible in read or write mode from the Supervisor via the MODBUS protocol. The MODBUS addresses of the digital variables are parameterized as follows: "Word, bit". Calculation of a decimal address from a word bit: Decimal address = word address x 16 + bit address Example: Word 15, bit 10 15 x 16 + 10 = 250 Calculation of a word bit from a decimal address: Word address = decimal address modulo 16 (integer value) Bit address = decimal part * 16 Example: address 255 255 / 16 = 15.9375 (Word = 15) 0.9375 * 16 = 15 (Bit = 15)



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

7.2 T200 P
Type Internal No. Channel 1 Switch position Switch locked Switch command Operation counter Operation counter preset command Auxiliary DI MV voltage present Earth fault Phase fault Phase current 1 Phase current 2 Phase current 3 Neutral current Average current U21 voltage measurement V1 voltage measurement Frequency Active power Reactive power Apparent power Power factor Active energy Active energy preset command Reactive energy Reactive energy preset command TSD 1 TSS 49 TCD 1 CT 1 TCD 25 TSS 51 TSS 73 TSS 71 TSS 77 TM 2 TM 3 TM 4 TM 5 TM 6 TM 47 TM 50 TM 8 TM 53 TM 54 TM 55 TM 7 CNT 5 TCD 29 CNT 13 TCD 37 Access Options Object Index (Dec) Index (Hex)



Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Analogue input, 16 bits Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Relay output control block Analogue input, 16 bits Relay output control block

52.0 56.8 48.0 NA NA NA NA 56.1 56.0 NA NA NA NA 64 66 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

340 388 300 NA NA NA NA 381 380 NA NA NA NA 400 420 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Type Internal No. Channel 2 Switch position Switch locked Switch command Operation counter Operation counter preset command Auxiliary DI MV voltage present Earth fault Phase fault Phase current 1 Phase current 2 Phase current 3 Neutral current Average current U21 voltage measurement V1 voltage measurement Frequency Active power Reactive power Apparent power Power factor Active energy Active energy preset command Reactive energy Reactive energy preset command Common objects Local/Remote position Door opening Fault detection reset command Immediate AC power supply defect Time-delayed AC power supply defect Power cut imminent TSD 2 TSS 81 TCD 2 CT 2 TCD 26 TSS 83 TSS 105 TSS 103 TSS 109 TM 9 TM 10 TM 11 TM 12 TM 13 TM 56 TM 59 TM 15 TM 62 TM 63 TM 64 TM 14 CNT 6 TCD 30 CNT 14 TCD 38

Access Options


Index (Dec)

Index (Hex)



Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Analogue input, 16 bits Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Relay output control block Analogue input, 16 bits Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input

52.2 56.9 48.2 NA NA NA 57.3 56.3 56.2 NA NA NA NA 65 67 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

342 389 302 NA NA NA 393 383 382 NA NA NA NA 410 430 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

TSS 23 TSS 24 TCD 17 TSS 17 TSS 18 TSS 25


57.6 57.2 NA 57.7 57.12 NA

396 392 NA 397 39C NA



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Type Internal No. Automatic controls Automatic control ON/OFF position Automatic control ON/OFF command Automatic control has operated Internal faults Motorization power supply failure Accessory equipment power supply failure Charger fault Battery fault Digital Inputs/Outputs Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Digital input 3 Digital input 4 Digital input 5 Digital input 6 Digital input 7 Digital input 8 Digital output 1 position Digital output 1 command Digital output 2 position Digital output 2 command Digital output 3 position Digital output 3 command TSD 9 TCD 9 TSS 57 TSS 19 TSS 20 TSS 21 TSS 22 TSS 1 TSS 2 TSS 3 TSS 4 TSS 5 TSS 6 TSS 7 TSS 8 TSD 5 TCD 5 TSD 6 TCD 6 TSD 7 TCD 7

Access Options


Index (Dec)

Index (Hex)


Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Relay output control block

52.6 48.6 57.13 57.11 NA 57.9 57.10 57.0 57.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

346 306 39D 39B NA 399 39A 390 391 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

7.3 T200 I
Type Internal No. Channel 1 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 2 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 3 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 4 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current TSD 1 TSS 49 TCD 1 TSS 54 TSS 71 TSS 77 TM 2 Access Options Object Index (Dec) Index (Hex)


Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits

52.0 56.8 48.0 57.2 56.1 56.0 64

341 388 300 392 381 380 400

TSD 2 TSS 81 TCD 2 TSS 86 TSS 103 TSS 109 TM 9


52.2 56.9 48.2 57.3 56.3 56.2 65

342 389 302 393 383 382 410

TSD 3 TSS 113 TCD 3 TSS 118 TSS 135 TSS 141 TM 17


52.4 56.10 48.4 57.4 56.5 56.4 66

344 38A 304 394 385 384 420

TSD 4 TSS 145 TCD 4 TSS 150 TSS 167 TSS 173 TM 24


52.6 56.11 48.6 57.5 56.7 56.6 67

346 38B 306 395 387 386 430



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Type Internal No. Channel 5 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 6 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 7 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 8 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current TSD 41 TSS 321 TCD 41 TSS 326 TSS 343 TSS 349 TM 84

Access Options


Index (Dec)

Index (Hex)


Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits

52.8 58.8 48.8 59.2 58.1 58.0 68

348 3A8 308 3B2 3A1 3A0 440

TSD 42 TSS 353 TCD 42 TSS 358 TSS 375 TSS 381 TM 91


52.10 58.9 48.10 59.3 58.3 58.2 69

34A 3A9 30A 3B3 3A3 3A2 450

TSD 43 TSS 385 TCD 43 TSS 390 TSS 407 TSS 413 TM 99


52.12 58.10 48.12 59.4 58.5 58.4 70

34C 3AA 30C 3B4 3A5 3A4 460

TSD 44 TSS 417 TCD 44 TSS 422 TSS 439 TSS 445 TM 106


52.14 58.11 52.14 59.5 58.7 58.6 71

34E 3AB 30E 3B5 3A7 3A6 470



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Type Internal No. Channel 9 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 10 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 11 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 12 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current TSD 81 TSS 593 TCD 81 TSS 598 TSS 615 TSS 621 TM 166

Access Options


Index (Dec)

Index (Hex)


Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits

53.0 60.8 49.0 61.2 60.1 60.0 72

350 3C8 310 3D2 3C1 3C0 480

TSD 82 TSS 625 TCD 82 TSS 630 TSS 647 TSS 653 TM 173


53.2 60.9 53.2 61.3 60.3 60.2 73

352 3C9 312 3D3 3C3 3C2 490

TSD 83 TSS 657 TCD 83 TSS 662 TSS 679 TSS 685 TM 181


53.4 60.10 49.4 61.4 60.5 60.4 74

354 3CA 314 3D4 3C5 3C4 4A0

TSD 84 TSS 689 TCD 84 TSS 694 TSS 711 TSS 717 TM 188


53.6 60.11 49.6 61.5 60.7 60.8 75

356 3CB 316 3D5 3C7 3C8 4B0



Easergy T200 & F200C

Type Internal No. Channel 13 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 14 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 15 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Channel 16 Switch position Switch locked Switch command MV voltage present (auxiliary DI) Earth fault Phase fault Phase current Common objects Local/Remote position Fault detection reset command channels 1 to 4 Fault detection reset command channels 5 to 8 Fault detection reset command channels 9 to 12 Fault detection reset command channels 13 to 16 Immediate AC power supply defect Time-delayed AC power supply defect Power cut imminent

Modbus Communication
Access Options Object Index (Dec) Index (Hex)

TSD 121 TSS 865 TCD 121 TSS 870 TSS 887 TSS 893 TM 248


Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Relay output control block Relay output control block Relay output control block Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input

53.8 62.8 49.8 63.2 62.1 62.0 76

358 3E8 318 3F2 3E1 3E0 4C0

TSD 122 TSS 897 TCD 122 TSS 902 TSS 919 TSS 925 TM 255


53.10 62.9 53.10 63.3 62.3 62.2 77

35A 3E9 31A 3F3 3E3 3E2 4D0

TSD 123 TSS 929 TCD 123 TSS 934 TSS 951 TSS 957 TM 263


53.12 62.10 49.12 63.4 62.5 62.4 78

35C 3EA 31C 3F4 3E5 3E4 4E0

TSD 124 TSS 961 TCD 124 TSS 966 TSS 983 TSS 989 TM 270


53.14 62.11 49.14 63.5 62.7 62.6 79

35E 3EB 31E 3F5 3E7 3E6 4F0

TSS 23 TCD 17 TCD 57 TCD 97 TCD 137 TSS 17 TSS 18 TSS 25


57.6 NA NA NA NA 57.7 57.12 NA


396 NA NA NA NA 397 39C NA

Easergy T200 & F200C

Type Internal No. Automatic controls Automatic control ON/OFF position channels 1 to 4 Automatic control ON/OFF command channels 1 to 4 Automatic control ON/OFF position channels 5 to 8 Automatic control ON/OFF command channels 5 to 8 Automatic control ON/OFF position channels 9 to 12 Automatic control ON/OFF command channels 9 to 12 Automatic control ON/OFF position channels 13 to 16 Automatic control ON/OFF command channels 13 to 16 Internal faults Motorization power supply failure Accessory equipment power supply failure Charger fault Battery fault Fault detector link defect Digital inputs Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Digital input 3 Digital input 4 Digital input 5 Digital input 6 Digital input 7 Digital input 8 Digital input 9 Digital input 10 Digital input 11 Digital input 12 Digital input 13 Digital input 14 Digital input 15 Digital input 16 Digital input 17 Digital input 18 Digital input 19 Digital input 20 Digital input 21 Digital input 22 Digital input 23 Digital input 24 TSD 9 TCD 9 TSD 49 TCD 49 TSD 89 TCD 89

Modbus Communication
Access Options Object Index (Dec) Index (Hex)


Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input

54.8 50.8 54.10 50.10 54.12 50.12 54.14 50.14

368 328 36A 32A 36C 32C 36E 32E

TSD 129 TCD 129

TSS 19 TSS 20 TSS 21 TSS 22 TSS 47 TSS 1 TSS 2 TSS 3 TSS 4 TSS 5 TSS 6 TSS273 TSS274 TSS275 TSS276 TSS277 TSS278 TSS545 TSS546 TSS547 TSS548 TSS549 TSS550 TSS817 TSS818 TSS819 TSS820 TSS821 TSS822


57.11 NA 57.9 57.10 NA 57.0 57.1 57.8 57.13 57.14 57.15 59.0 59.1 59.8 59.13 59.14 59.15 61.0 61.1 61.8 61.13 61.14 61.15 63.0 63.1 63.8 63.13 63.14 63.15

39B NA 399 39A NA 390 391 398 39D 39E 39F 3B0 3B1 3B8 3BD 3BE 3BF 3D0 3D1 3D8 3DD 3DE 3DF 3F0 3F1 3F8 3FD 3FE 3FF



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

7.4 Flair 200C

Type Internal No. Flair 200C state Fault current indicator reset Missing voltage Charger fault Battery fault General shutdown Battery disconnected Battery low Equipment start Test communication Measure Frequency Voltage measure Measure channel 1 Current P1 Current P2 Current P3 Io Current Mean phase current Power factor Active power Reactive power Apparent power Active energy Reactive energy Fault channel 1 Fast earth fault Earth fault Fast phase fault Phase fault Counter fast earth fault Counter earth fault Counter fast phase fault Counter phase fault

Access Options


Index (Dec)

Index (Hex)

TCD17 TSS17 TSS21 TSS22 TSS25 TSS26 TSS27 TSS31 TSS32 TM20 TM42


Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits

48,6 52,8 51,6 51,7 NA 51,8 NA NA NA 70 80

306 348 336 337 NA 338 NA NA NA 46 50

TM21 TM26 TM31 TM36 TM41 TM47 TM48 TM52 TM56 CNT101 CNT103


64 65 66 67 68 69 81 82 83 160 NA

40 41 42 43 44 45 51 52 53 A0 NA



52,7 52,6 52,13 52,12 NA NA NA NA

347 346 34D 34C NA NA NA NA


Easergy T200 & F200C

Measure channel 2 Current P1 Current P2 Current P3 Io Current Mean phase current Power factor Active power Reactive power Apparent power Active energy Reactive energy Fault channel 2 Fast earth fault Earth fault Fast phase fault Phase fault Counter fast earth fault Counter earth fault Counter fast phase fault Counter phase fault Temperature measurement Internal temperature External temperature estimated Digital inputs Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Digital input 3 Digital input 4 Digital input 5 Digital input 6 TM71 TM76 TM81 TM86 TM91 TM97 TM98

Modbus Communication


TM102 TM106 CNT102 CNT104

Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input Binary input

71 72 73 74 75 76 84 85 86 162 NA

47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 54 55 56 A2 NA

TSS103 TSS104 TSS108 TSS109 CNT12 CNT13 CNT15 CNT16


53,7 53,6 53,13 NA NA NA NA NA

357 356 35D NA NA NA NA NA

TM10 TM11


NA 79




51,0 51,1 51,2 51,3 51,4 51,5

330 331 332 333 334 335



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

Digital inputs counters Counter digital input 1 Counter digital input 2 Counter digital input 3 Counter digital input 4 Counter digital input 5 Counter digital input 6 Digital outputs Digital output 1 Digital output 2 Digital output 3 Digital output 1 Digital output 2 Digital output 3 Double digital outputs Digital output 1-2 Digital input 1-2



Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Analogue input, 16 bits Relay output control block Relay output control block Relay output control block Binary input Binary input Binary input Relay output control block Binary input





48,0 48,2 48,4 49,0 49,2 49,4 NA NA

300 302 304 310 312 314 NA NA



Easergy T200 & F200C

8 MODBUS appendices
8.1 MODBUS table
Identification/configuration field

Modbus Communication

Software version Status Status bit 0:

Word address 0000h to 0001h 0000h 0001h

Access mode Read Read/Write Status bit 15:

Authorized function 3,4 3,4,6

Bit 0 = 0: "Direct" TM mode. Bit 0 = 1: "Raw" TM mode. By default, T200 is in "Direct" mode.

Bit 15 = 0: No loss of events Bit 15 = 1: Loss of events This bit is enabled when the event stack is full. The "event loss" event is then placed in the stack. So long as this event is present in the stack, no other event is placed there. This bit is erased when the stack becomes empty. The disappearance of this bit generates no event.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

Time synchronization field This field contains the internal date The field can only be read or
and time of the device for time tagging of events. written to as a whole.

Date in binary code Year Month+day Hours+minutes Milliseconds

Word address 0002h to 0005h 0002h 0003h 0004h 0005h

Access mode Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write

Authorized function 3,4,16 3,4 3,4 3,4

b15 b8 b7

Year (0 to 99)


Month (1 to 12)
b8 b7

Day (1 to 31)


b8 b7

minute (0 to 59)

Millisecond (0 to 59999)
b15 b8 b7 b0

Test field

This field contains 9 words accessible in read and write modes. This field, initially in zero state, is available to the user to facilitate debugging tests.

The content of this field has no influence on the functionalities of the T200.

Test field 9 words

Word address

Access mode

0006h to 000Eh Read/Write

Authorized function 1,2,3,4,5,6,16



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Event field

This memory area is configurable. It stores in memory and time tags device changes of state.

Example: - Base address = 15 - Max. number of events = configurable from 1 to 100.

Event field Exchange word Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4

Word address 000Fh 0010h to 0017h 0018h to 001Fh 0020h to 0027h 0028h to 002Fh

Access mode Read/Write Read Read Read Read

Authorized function 3,4,6,16 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4

Only the exchange word can be The exchange word comprises 2 written. bytes: It is possible to read the exchange field as a whole or the exchange Most significant byte = exchange word alone. number allowing each event block to be identified. It is initialized to The exchange word can be used zero after a power up; when it to manage a specific protocol so reaches its maximum value (FFh / as not to lose events following a 255) it automatically returns to 0. MODBUS communication The exchange numbering is problem. established by the T200 and acknowledged by the master. Least significant byte = number of valid events in the event field. Note: for the details of coding and acknowledgement of events, see paragraph "4.2 - Specific protocolrelated operation - Event Management"



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

TC / TSD / TSS zones

T200P : TCD / TSD / TSS TCD 1, 2, 9 TSD 1, 2, 9 TSS 77, 71, 109, 103 TSS 49, 81 TSS 1, 2, 24, 105 TSS 23, 17 TSS 21 TSS 22, 19, 18, 57 T200I : TCD / TSD / TSS TCD 1-4 TCD 41-44 TCD 81-84 TCD 121-124 TCD 9, 49, 89, 129 TSD 1-4 TSD 41-44 TSD 81-84 TSD 121-124 TSD 9, 49, 89, 129 TSS 77, 71, 109, 103, 141, 135, 173, 167, 49, 81, 113, 145 TSS 1,2,54,86,118, 150,23,17,3,21,22,19, 18,4,5,6,349,343,381, 375,413,407,445,439, 321,353,385,417 TSS 273,274,326, 358,390,422 TSS 275 TSS 276,277,278, 621,615,653,647,685, 679,717,711,593,625, 657,689 TSS 545,546,598, 630,662,694 TSS 547 TSS 548 to 550 TSS 893,887,925,919 ,957,951,989,983,865 ,897,929,961 TSS 817,818,870, 902,934,966 TSS 819 TSS 820 to 822 Word address 0300 to 306h 0308 to 30Eh 0310 to 316h 0318 to 31Eh 0328 to 32Eh 0340 to 346h 0348 to 34Eh 0350 to 356h 0358 to 35Eh 0368 to 36Eh 0380 to 38Bh Access mode Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read Read Read Read Read Read Function allowed 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Word address 0300, 302, 306h 0340, 342, 346h 0380h to 383h 0388h to 389h 0390h to 393h 0396h to 397h 0399h 039Ah to 39Dh Access mode Read/Write Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Function allowed 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

0390 to 3ABh



03B0 to 3B5h 03B8h 03BD to 3CBh

Read Read Read

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

03D0 to 3D5h 03D8h 03DD to 3DFh 03E1 to 3EBh

Read Read Read Read

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

03F0 to 3F5h 03F8h 03FD to 3FFh

Read Read Read

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4



Easergy T200 & F200C

F200C : TCD / TSD / TSS TCD 1, 2, 3, 17 TSD 1 to 3 TSS 1 to 6, 21, 22, 26 TSS 72, 71, 17, TSS 77, 76 TSS 104, 103 TSS 108

Modbus Communication

Word address 0300 to 306h 0310 to 314 0330 to 338h 0346 to 348h 034D to 34Ch 0356 to 357h 035Dh

Access mode Read/Write Read Read Read Read Read Read

Function allowed 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

Each TCD word is encoded as follows:













A TCD is encoded in 2 bits C, O : 01 = open order 10 = close order The TCDs are assigned as follows: TCD 1 to 4 : O/C control - channels 1 to 4. TCD 41 to 45 : O/C control - channels 5 to 8. TCD 81 to 85 : O/C control - channels 9 to 12. TCD 121 to 125 : O/C control - channels 13 to 16. TCD 17 : Reset of fault detection - channels 1 to 4 TCD 57 : Reset of fault detection - channels 5 to 8 TCD 97 : Reset of fault detection - channels 9 to 12 TCD 137 : Reset of fault detection - channels 13 to 16 TCD 9 : Automation ON/OFF control - channels 1 to 4. TCD 49 : Automation ON/OFF control - channels 5 to 8. TCD 89 : Automation ON/OFF control - channels 9 to 12. TCD 129 : Automation ON/OFF control - channels 13 to 16. TCD 25 : Operation counter preset activation - channel 1. TCD 26 : Operation counter preset activation - channel 2. TCD 29 : Active energy preset - channel 1 TCD 30 : Active energy preset - channel 2 TCD 37 : Reactive energy preset - channel 1 TCD 38 : Reactive energy preset - channel 2 TCD 5 to 7 : Digital outputs control 1 to 3 TCD 4 : O/C switch control via digital outputs 1 and 2 Note: depending on the type of equipment used, the TCDs listed above are not all managed. Remote control orders are performed by writing a TCD word. Only one remote control order at a time may be requested. The order type is the status complementary to the TSD status (only one bit should be included in the word written). It is only accepted if the T200 is not already processing a remote control order. The control order zone ( TCD) may be read with bit and word read function code. As it contains no information the data is 0.
NT00188-EN-04 41

Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

Each TSD word is encoded as follows:













A TSD is encoded in 2 bits, C,O : 01 = switch open. 10 = switch closed. 00 or 11 = undetermined. For automation only : 11 = automatism locked by internal problem 00 = automatism locked by external TSS. The TSDs are assigned as follows: TSD 1 to 4 : O/C position - channel 1 to 4. TSD 41 to 45 : O/C position - channel 5 to 8. TSD 81 to 85 : O/C position - channel 9 to 12. TSD 121 to 125 : O/C position - channel 13 to 16. TSD 9 : ON/OFF automation status - channel 1 to 4. TSD 49 : ON/OFF automation status - channel 5 to 8. TSD 89 : ON/OFF automation status - channel 9 to 12. TSD 129 : ON/OFF automation status - channel 13 to 16. TSD 5 to 7 : Digital outputs positions 1 to 3 TSD 4 : O/C switch position via digital outputs 1 and 2 Note: depending on the type of equipment used, the TSDs listed above are not all managed.

Each TSS word is encoded as follows:






Depending on the type of equipment, TSS 1 to TSS 989 and are not all managed. For the details of TSS used for each type of equipment, see object addressing table (see: paragraph "7 - objects addressing")



Easergy T200 & F200C

Measurement and counter zones
T200P : TM 32

Modbus Communication

TM 6 - average current - channel 1 TM 13 - average current - channel 2 TM 47 - voltage U21 - channel 1 TM 56 - voltage U21 - channel 2 T200I : TM 32 TM 2 - phase current channel 1 TM 9 - phase current channel 2 TM 17 - phase current channel 3 TM 24 - phase current channel 4 TM 84 - phase current channel 5 TM 91 - phase current channel 6 TM 99 - phase current channel 7 TM 106 - phase current channel 8 TM 166 - phase current channel 9 TM 173 - phase current channel 10 TM 181 - phase current channel 11 TM 188 - phase current channel 12 TM 248 - phase current channel 13 TM 255 - phase current channel 14 TM 263 - phase current channel 15 TM 270 - phase current channel 16 F200C : TM 32 TM 21 - current I1 - channel 1 TM 26 - current I2 - channel 1 TM 31 - current I3 - channel 1 TM 36 - current I0 - channel 1 TM 41 - average current 3I - channel 1 TM 47 - power factor - channel 1 TM 20 - frequency TM 71 - current I1 - channel 2 TM 76 - current I2 - channel 2 TM 81 - current I3 - channel 2 TM 86 - current I0 - channel 2 TM 91 - average current 3I - channel 2 TM 97 - power factor - channel 2 TM 11 - delta temperature int/ext TM 42 - voltage measurement TM 48 - active power - channel 1 TM 52 - reactive power - channel 1 TM 56 - apparent power - channel 1 TM 98 - active power - channel 2 TM 102 - reactive power - channel 2 TM 106 - apparent power - channel 2 CNT 101 - active energy - channel 1 CNT 102 - active energy - channel 2

Word address 0040h 0041h 0042h 0043h

Access mode Read Read Read Read

Function allowed 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4

Word address 0040h 0041h 0042h 0043h 0044h 0045h 0046h 0047h 0048h 0049h 004Ah 004Bh 004Ch 004Dh 004Eh 004Fh

Access mode Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read

Function allowed 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4

Word address 0040h 0041h 0042h 0043h 0044h 0045h 0046h 0047h 0048h 0049h 004Ah 004Bh 004Ch 004Fh 0050h 0051h 0052h 0053h 0054h 0055h 0056h 00A0h 00A2h

Access mode Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read

Function allowed 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

Each TM value is a signed value encoded in 2's complement 16-bit word. Depending on the calibration mode configured (in the identification zone), the value should be interpreted as follows:

"Direct" mode (or "Adjusted" or "Scaling" mode) :

Following rules are applied to "Direct" mode: - Any invalid value (the value cant be read properly by the equipment) will be transmitted with the value 0x8000, and the invalid quality bit set - Any 16bits measurement will be transferred without conversion - The 32 bits measurements will be converted depending on their Max value parameter.

o If the Max Value has not been set (= 0, default value), the biggest value (=0x7FFFFFFF) is used instead o If the measurement is bigger than the Max Value, it will be transferred as 0x7FFF with the overflow quality bit set o If the measurement is lower than the (-Max Value), it will be transferred as 0x8000 with the overflow quality bit set o The measurement will be divided by ten as many times as the Max value must be divided by ten to fit into the -32768 to 32767 interval. The transmitted value is rounded. Examples: scaled value transmitted, depending on the internal value and the max value: For 16 bits types (TM16) : Internal value 0 Max value (parameter) 0 0 4000 0 400000 0 For 32 bits types (TM32) : Internal value 0 Max value (parameter) 0 0 4000 0 400000 0

10000 10000 10000 10000

357 357 357 357

-5000 -5000 -5000 -5000

Invalid 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000

10000 0 0x7FFF 100

357 0 357 3

80000 0 0x7FFF 800

552000 5 0x7FFF 0x7FFF

-700 0 -7

-5000 0 0x8000 -50

-75000 0 0x8000 -750

Invalid 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

"Raw" mode (or "Normalized" mode) :

Following rules are applied to "Raw" mode: - Any invalid value (the value cant be read properly by the equipment) will be transmitted with the value 0x8000, and the invalid quality bit set - The 16 bits and 32 bits measurements will be converted depending on their Min value and Max value parameters.

o If the Max value = Min value (= 0, default value), the biggest interval is used instead (-32768 to 32767 for 16 bits, -2147483648 to -2147483647 for 32 bits. o If the measurement is bigger than the Max Value, it will be transferred as 0x7FFF with the Overflow quality bit set o If the measurement is lower the Min Value, it will be transferred as 0x8000 with the overflow quality bit set o The measurement will be converted using a bijection from the min-max interval to the -32768 to 32767 interval, or 0 to 32767 (depending on the min and max) The applied formulas are: - If Min >=0 and Max > 0: Transmitted value = (Internal value Min)*32767 / (Max Min). - If Min < 0 and Max <= 0: Transmitted value = (Internal value Max)*32768 / (Max Min). - If Min < 0 and Max > 0: Transmitted value = (Internal value Min)*65535 / (Max Min) 32768. The transmitted value is rounded. Examples: normalized value transmitted, depending on the internal value and the min and max values : Internal value Min/Max Value (parameters) 0 / 0 (TM16) 0 / 0 (TM32) 0 / 4000 0 / 400000 -4000 / 4000 -4000 / 400000 -400000 / 400000 -32768 / 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 -32119 0 0 10000 10000 0 0x7FFF 819 0x7FFF -30496 818 10000 357 357 0 2924 29 2924 -32061 28 357 80000 0 0x7FFF 6553 0x7FFF -19141 6553 0x7FFF 552000 7 0x7FFF 0x7FFF 0x7FFF 0x7FFF 0x7FFF 0x7FFF -700 -700 0 0x8000 0x8000 -5734 -32232 -57 -700 -5000 -5000 0 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 -410 -5000 -75000 -1 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 -6144 0x8000 Invalid 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000

Scaling example: for a full scale at 400 amperes (= Max value), an internal TM value of 8192 (0x2000) corresponds to: 8192 * 400 / 32767 + 0 = 100 A (with Max = 400 and Min = 0)



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

8.2 MODBUS functions

MODBUS is a master - slave protocol. It is used to read or write one or more words (16 bits), as well as diagnostic counters. Functions available: 1: read n output bits. 2: read n input bits. 3: read n output words. 4: read n input words. 5: write a bit. 6: write a word. 8: read diagnostic counters. 16: write several words. Exchanges are carried out at the master's initiative and comprise a request from the master followed by the reply from the slave. The master's requests are addressed to a slave identified by its number in the first byte of the frame or else addressed to all the slaves (broadcast). Broadcast commands are necessarily write commands. No reply is transmitted by the slaves.

Structure of frames exchanged

All the frames exchanged (request and reply) have the same structure:
Slave number function code data zone check zone CRC16

Each message or frame contains 4 types of information: slave number (1 byte): it specifies the receiving equipment (0 to FFh). If it is equal to zero, the request concerns all the slaves (broadcast) and there is no reply message. function code (1 byte): it is used to select a command (read, write...) and check that the reply is correct. data zone (n bytes): it contains the parameters linked to the function. check zone (2 bytes): it is used to detect transmission errors. Please note that when 32 bits are used (for counters), words (2 bytes = 16 bits) can be transmitted as : MSB / LSB (H/L) or LSB/MSB weight (L/H).



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Checking of messages received by the slave

When the slave receives a frame, it checks the following, in order: CRC16, slave number, function code and function parameters. If the CRC16 or the slave number are incorrect, the slave does not reply. If the CRC16 and the slave number are correct, but the function code or parameters are not valid, the slave transmits an exception reply. If the CRC16, slave number, function code and parameters are correct, the slave replies to the master's request.

Exception reply transmitted by the slave

Slave number function code received with MSB set to 1 1 byte Exception code 01 unknown function code 02 incorrect address 03 incorrect data 1 byte CRC16

1 byte

2 bytes



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

Reading N bits: functions 1 and 2

Function 1: reading output bits. Function 2: reading input bits. Request
Slave number 1 byte 1 or 2 1 byte Address of 1st bit (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Number of bits 2 bytes CRC16 2 bytes

Slave number 1 byte 1 or 2 1 byte Number of bytes read 1 byte First byte read N bytes Last byte read CRC16 2 bytes

Reading N words: functions 3 and 4

Function 3: reading output words. Function 4: reading input words. Request
Slave number 1 byte 3 or 4 1 byte Address of 1st word (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Number of words (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes CRC16 2 bytes

Slave number 1 byte 3 or 4 Number of bytes read 1 byte First word read (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Last word read (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes CRC16

1 byte

2 bytes



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Writing a bit: function 5

Slave number 1 byte 5 1 byte Bit address (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Bit value 1 byte 0 1 byte CRC16 2 bytes

Bit value:

bit forced to 0: write 0 bit forced to 1: write FFh

Response The response is identical to the request frame.

Slave number 1 byte 5 1 byte Bit address (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Bit value 1 byte 0 1 byte CRC16 2 bytes

Writing a word: function 6

Slave number 1 byte 6 1 byte Word address (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Word value (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes CRC16 2 bytes

Response The response is an echo to the request indicating the slave's acknowledgment of the value contained in the request.
Slave number 1 byte 6 1 byte Word address (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Word value (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes CRC16 2 bytes



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

Reading of diagnostic counters: function 8

To each slave are assigned diagnostic counters. In all, there are 5 counters per slave. These counters are 16-bit words. When they reach FFFFh, they loop back to 0000h. For the request by the master, the most significant bit of the sub-function code is assigned by the sub-address of the T200 device and the data are at 0000h. For the response by the slave, the data contain the value of the counter concerned. Request/response
Slave number 1 byte 8 1 byte Sub-function code (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Data (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes CRC16 2 bytes

The slave must send the echo of the request Resetting of diagnostic counters Reading the total number of: frames received without CRC error (CPT1) frames received with CRC error (CPT2) exception responses (CPT3) frames sent to the station (CPT4) (excluding broadcasting) broadcasting requests received and executed correctly (CPT5)

Sub-function code xx00 xx0A xx0B xx0C xx0D xx0E xx0F


Sub-function 0 can be used to test transmission. The slave returns the echo of the data received.



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus Communication

Writing N consecutive words: function 16

The number of words to be written is in a range between 1 and 123 and the number of bytes is in a range between 2 and 246. The words are written by increasing order of the addresses. Request
Slave number 1 byte 10h Address of 1st word to be written 2 bytes Number of words to be written 2 bytes Number of bytes to be written 1 byte Values of words to be written N bytes CRC16

1 byte

2 bytes

Slave number 1 byte 10h 1 byte Address of 1st word written (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes Number of words written (MSB+LSB) 2 bytes CRC16 2 bytes



Easergy T200 & F200C

Modbus communication

8.3 MODBUS control field

Algorithm for calculation of CRC16

CRC 16


CRC 16


Shift to right CRC 16



yes CRC 16 poly CRC 16

n=n+1 no


yes Next byte


Messsage completed



n = number of data bits poly=polynomial for calculation of CRC16=1010 0000 0000 0001

Writing in C language of the CRC16 calculation

Calculates and returns crc16 to the "buf" field of length "len". *buf: pointer of the buffer on which calculation is performed. len: buffer length. unsigned crc16(char *buf, int len) { #define POLY 0xA001 char i; unsigned crc; for (crc = 0xFFFF; len != 0; len --) { crc ^= *buf ++; for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++) { if (crc & 0x0001) crc = (crc >> 1) ^ POLY; else crc >>= 1; } } return (crc); }
52 NT00188-EN-04

Easergy T200 & F200C

Personal notes



Schneider Electric Industries SAS Schneider Electric Telecontrol 839 chemin des Batterses Z.I. Ouest F-01700 St Maurice de Beynost Tel.: +33 (0)4 78 55 13 13 Fax: +33 (0)4 78 55 50 00 E-mail: [email protected] NT00188-EN-04 02/2011

As standards, specifications and designs develop from time to time, always ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

Publication, production and printing: Schneider Electric Telecontrol Made in France - Europe

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