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Mufon UFO Journal

Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967

Number 287
March 1992


A Foreward by John E. Mack, M.D.
Mufon UFO Journal
March 1992 Number 287






LOOKING BACK Bob Gribble 15

CURRENT CASES Donald M. Ware 17

LETTERS Willett, Hicks, Beckjord, Vallee, Clark 19




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By Ann Druffel
he concept that various mental and physical resistance to as "angels," which according to great works such as the

T techniques can ward off unwanted "UFO" entities, par- Koran and the Old and New Testaments, are messengers from
ticularly of the type known as "bedroom visitors" or God, who specifically deliver warnings of personal or group
"grays," first appeared in this Journal (1). Since that time, danger. The popular concept that human beings have "guar-
much new data has come to light. The response to the initial dian" angels who help guide and direct us throughout our
article has been gratifying; about three dozen additional cases life is also commonly held. Although books on angels are
have surfaced to date, and gradually a 200-case catalogue will currently popular, very little is known definitely about the
be assembled. The pros and cons of this controversial sub- essential nature of these spiritual beings (4).
ject are being debated, and researchers and witnesses alike The evolutionary process of humankind — that is, our
are giving valuable input. Some say it is impossible to fend transformation into more spiritual beings (5) — is not prov-
off contact; they reason that UFO entities are technological- en to be in the hands of any known order of creation, except
ly superior to us. Others contend that some witnesses are ourselves. Some literature in the field takes the position that
merely permitted by the entities to believe that they have "extraterrestrials" have been influencing our evolution for
broken contact. Other witnesses tentatively accept the thousands of years, but as yet there is no firm proof of this.
possibility of successful resistance and ask for advice on how A controversial idea in the UFO field postulates that UFO
to accomplish this. Others, who share a feeling that "UFO abductions are for the purpose of genetic experiments, inter-
entities" are helping the human race evolve spiritually, have breeding and are thus part of an evolutionary process. If this
no interest in fending off contact. were so, I think that two things would be evident: 1) The
In more than twenty years of abduction research, I have process would be mentioned in the literature of our major
always worked on the principle that each witness philosophies and religions; and 2) The process
knows better than anyone what he or she has would take place without major trauma.
seen and experienced, and that witnesses are the Although many witnesses are able to withstand
best judges concerning the motives of entities abduction and emerge as stronger human be-
who contact them. I am open to the possibility ings, many more are damaged for life.
that the UFO Phenomenon might be composed Those in the field who favor the extrater-
of several groups of unknown intelligences, restrial hypothesis assume that outer space be-
whose motives can range all the way from ings who travel in spacecraft must necessarily
positive to negative and whose effects on witnesses range all be technologically and intellectually superior to us, and that
the way from terror to euphoria. Resistance techniques are ETs use superior technology to render witnesses compliant
recommended only for those witnesses who experience trauma during their experiments. Although the fact of compliance
as a result of UFO encounters, and who feel a sense of viola- — generally through paralysis — is undeniably a part of the
tion from ongoing contact. "abduction" process, there is no convincing evidence that
Not all UFO contact causes trauma. Numerous cases in superior technology causes it.
which landed UFOs are unexpectedly encountered out-of- The entities may just as well have ways of mentally affect-
doors by witnesses seem to be of a more benign nature. In ing witness. There is mounting evidence that indoor UFO
such cases, the occupants seem eager to depart the scene when abductions, at least, take place when the witness is already
discovered (2). Other cases, occuring both outdoors and in- in an altered state, such as some phase of sleep, drowsily
doors, suggest close contact by benign beings (3). As a rule, watching television, etc. The creatures may know how to
however, benign entities are described as appearing quite dif- deepen altered states, which often involve temporary paralysis
ferent from the typical short, large-headed "grays." of large muscle groups (6). This does not constitute proof
It seems undeniable, however, that various forms of trauma of mental superiority, merely that they are aware of certain
are sustained by close encounter witnesses during typical "ab- facts of human physiology.
duction scenarios." The human race has a basic right to Even though the human race is still somewhat savage,
preserve itself from unwanted interference, especially from
unidentifiable beings. As regards the common notion in the Ann Druffel is the Journal's Contributing Editor and a well-known
field that UFO entities are helping the human race evolve, writer in the field. Her most recent appearance in these pages was
nothing is stated in the great works of philosophy or religion "Missing Fetus Case Solved" in the November 1991 issue. She lives
in Pasadena, California.
about other orders of creation being responsible for us. The
sole exception to this is, possibly, a class of beings referred

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

Isn't it logical to hypothesize that our modern another matter.
"UFO abducting entity" is simply an old Applying the above to our main purpose here, we reiterate
human problem, dressed in space suits to fit that if these entities are not technologically superior to us
and are not a permanent part of our space-time, human be-
our present cultural expectations? ings should be able to break off contact with them if they
there are large portions of the earth where great civilizations choose.
recognize that each human individual has inalienable rights. The human mind is a powerful instrument — a bridge be-
Yet, most abducting entities treat human beings as having no tween a superbly evolved physical body and the human spirit
rights. The contention that these entities necessarily regard of life esssnce, sometimes called the elan vital or, more simp-
us as "lab animals" because they are so far above us on the ly, the soul. The mind is capable of curing physical and mental
evolutionary scale does not hold water. If the entities are as disease, it is even capable of affecting matter, as demonstrated
advanced as some believe, they should recognize our race by psychokinetic experiments in parapsychological labs
as a struggling, but essentially spiritual, form of life. worldwide. Why should we not believe that it can fend off
My working hypothesis at the present time is that "abduct- invasion by other-dimensional creatures?
ing entities" are not extraterrestrial. If they were, they would
be undoubtedly superior to us — at least technologically — esearch over the past two years has demonstrated that
and resistance techniques simply would not work against them.
Yet more and more evidence is surfacing that these bedroom
intruders can be driven off. It is more logical to hypothesize
R the techniques which witnesses use successfully are,
for the most part, ordinary abilities of the human mind.
In my prior article in this Journal, Jan Whitley's technique
that these unidentified intelligences are from an intradimen- of righteous anger was described (12). Jan was a person of
sional source or sources, and are very possibly perceived by great will power. She had survived an unhappy childhood,
witnesses in altered states of consciousness. "Intradimen- moved away from home, found loving foster parents, and
sional" creatures such as the Celtic "faery folk" (7), the worked part-time until she finished school. When the repeated
Muslim jinns (8), the incubi of medieval times (9), the "Old attacks began, at the age of 23, she was living alone. She in-
Hag" (10) of Newfoundland, and other unworldly creatures stinctively used mental struggle against them, successfully
have reportedly been harassing, kidnapping, and imposing each time as far as she was aware. The attacks continued,
sexual encounters upon members of the human race for however, and Jan got fed up with the invasion of her privacy.
thousands of years. Isn't it logical to hypothesize that our She began to mentally scream at them, "Go away and leave
modern "UFO abducting entity" is simply an old human prob- me alone." This technique of righteous anger worked faster
lem, dressed in space suits to fit our present cultural for Jan than mental struggle.
expectations? The technique of mental struggle was also used by Emily
The intradimensional hypothesis does not take away from Cronin (13). For several months in 1956 and 1957, she was
the fact that such encounters are "real" to the percipient. There visited repeatedly in the middle of the night by white-skinned
is ample data to indicate that these entities are temporarily entities with large eyes and oversize heads. She found that,
physical during at least some phase of the encounters and able by combined physical and mental struggle, she could manage
to produce real physical effects. to move one finger or toe, upon which the paralysis and the
It is important to the hypothesis of "resistance techniques" presences would vanish. Emily Cronin, like Jan Whitley, is
to present evidence that abducting entities, at least, are not strongly aware of her rights as a Person, with an inner con-
extraterrestrial. "UFO entities" associated with abduction viction that her individual dignity is inviolable.
scenarios seem to be intradimensional in nature because they Another witness, Robert Nolan (14) served in the military
are reported to materialize and dematerialize and to move in Vietnam. He learned to sense the presence of the Viet-
through solid, physical matter (11). They also, in some cases, cong before any of his five normal senses could logically in-
seem to be able to shape-shift according to the demands of dicate that they were in the vicinity; this intuition saved his
the moment. The transitory nature of entities seems to in- life several times. Upon returning to the U.S., Robert began
dicate that they are only temporarily visible in our space-time. to have encounters at night with typical UFO-type entities,
If this is so, we can postulate that when their purpose is com- reportedly experiencing abductions, examinations, etc. Robert
pleted, the energy from which their temporarily physical learned to sense when an encounter was about to happen. He
bodies are formed returns to the source from which it finds it rather difficult to verbalize adequately just what he
originated, leaving us no real clue as to their true nature or senses, but likens it to the same type of intuition which had
appearance. served him on the battlefield. The creatures still occasional-
If the entities are only temporarily physical, then the craft ly try to contact him, but he has found that resistance — in
to which they transfer the abducted witnesses are logically his case, mental struggle — in the very early stages of ap-
also temporarily physical. This could be the reason why no proach works much faster than if he waits until the entities
abducting craft or entities are described in exactly the same materialize.
way. Of course, abductees who have ongoing encounters often Robert's experiences seem to add strength to the intradimen-
see the same craft and entities repeatedly, but this is quite sional hypothesis. It is logical to assume that, if the visitors

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

are physical in the sense that we ourselves are physical, that Witnesses who feel that their rights are be-
the environment in which an encounter occurs would not be ing violated seem to be more likely to try,
disturbed overly by their presence. However, if we theorize and succeed with, resistance techniques.
that the entities are entering our space-time from another
dimension, it seems more logical that our space-time environ- neurologist finally diagnosed it as fibromyecitis and told
ment would be disturbed — disturbances that might be de- Morgana that this condition results from severe trauma to the
tectable intuitively. body, such as car accidents and rape. Neither of these had
The technique of appealing to spiritual personages, which happened to Morgana, and she was forced to "wait it out"
was also described in my initial article, seems to be com- for seven months, drinking large quantities of water at her
monly used; it has been reported to me by several witnesses doctor's orders, in order to wash the toxins out of her muscles
as being effective; the spiritual personage differs with each and nerve endings. The doctor told Morgana that the severi-
witness' personal beliefs. Whether or not a person believes ty and length of her disorder were exceptional.
in spiritual personages, a basic fact remains: If witnesses in- Her last, apparently isolated, entity encounter occurred in
volved in UFO encounters feel within themselves that they May 1991 when one of the white-skinned creatures material-
have inviolable rights, they are protected by that knowledge, ized by her bedside. Morgana was able to break through
and likewise, if witnesses feel that they can be protected by paralysis and lunge at it in an effort to protect herself. When
a spiritual source outside themselves, they are protected by she pushed the creature, it disappeared.
that knowledge. A similar technique of a supportive family link, sharing
Another case, where the witnesses used a variety of techni- in the entity encounters and providing help and advice which
ques, is that of Morgana Van Klausen, whose possible had been of invaluable help to Morgana Van Klausen was also
backyard UFO landing trace and entity encounters have been used by a correspondent of mine from Florida, whom I shall
described in IUR (15) and this Journal (16). This author and call Jean. She had numerous experiences with a frightening
MUFON investigator Georgeanne Cifarelli have researched figure which harassed her as a child. The entity, in her words,
this case together. Beginning in December of 1987 through was "almost like an electronic force, trying to pull me out
May 1991, Morgana experienced monthly, disturbing occur- of my body." She confided in her grandmother, and learned
rences. During some of these experiences, large-eyed creatures that the older woman had had the same problem and had
materialized in her home, generally at night; other experiences defended herself with prayer. The grandmother even had a
involved unexplained time lapses, one of which was associated name for the creature — "medvet," or "creature that comes
with the sighting of a large light moving about her yard. Her in the night" (18). At her grandmother's suggestion, Jean
five-year-old son also reported seeing creatures in his room, armed herself with pictures of the Sacred Heart, a Catholic
and he sketched the exterior and interior of "space craft" concept of Christ.
which he reportedly had seen.
Frightened, Morgana left lights on at night in the hall and uring subsequent encounters, the witness informed
bath, and this seemed to prevent the experiences from recur-
ring. Her husband, a well-known professional man, thought
her experiences were imaginary and argued with her about
D the creature that the Sacred Heart was protecting her
against it. She controlled her terror and asked the
entity questions, such as "Who are you?" and "What do you
leaving the lights on. Then, her husband viewed the entities want?" She never received an answer; instead, the creature
one night while in a paralyzed state; he immediately became would come closer, right up to her face, and at this point the
more supportive and no longer argued about keeping lights witness would leap out of bed and run out of the room. The
on at night! protection Jean felt she had from spiritual forces did not stop
the thing from coming, but she had confidence that her align-
organa was strengthened by his support. When ment with a protecting power kept her from harm.

M alone in the house, she began to verbalize a strong

rejection toward the entities, telling them to "Go
away and don't come back!" Through a combination of techni-
Besides common mental and physical techniques such as
mental and physical struggle, righteous anger, empathetic sup-
port from family adults, and appeals to spiritual personages,
ques — her verbal rejections, leaving lights on at night, and there are various metaphysical techniques which are also
hanging a rosary on her lamp stand — she eventually felt pro- reportedly effective and are capable of being learned. A com-
tected and was able to resume a normal life free from terror mon one seems to be the process of "wrapping oneself with
for several months. white light."
In March 1990, Morgana experienced a traumatic miscar- There are various ways of performing this mental act, all
riage which she associated, at first, with a possible "miss- of which seem equally effective. Some persons envision the
ing fetus" situation (17). In June of the same year, she began light as coming in through the top of the head (also called
to have pain throughout her entire body. Her personal physi- the crown chakra), spreading throughout the body, and ex-
cian suspected it was lupus, but tests could not confirm this. tending out a few inches. It is commonly used during medita-
The pain intensified into burning sensations; numerous tests, tion and during hypnosis by metaphysically-inclined clinicians.
including CAT scans, could not identify the cause. A It basically is a means of protecting the human being from

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

intrusion by unwholesome forces, which are believed by many technique by a witness apparently interferred with a maneuver
to gain easy entry into a person's psyche while in altered states. on the part of the entities which the witness considered
If one considers intrusive and abducting "UFO entities" as deceptive.
unwholesome forces, and believes in the efficacy of the "white The contacts are ongoing, causing the witness much frustra-
light" technique, it can be an effective means of resisting con- tion and concern, but Davidson states she does not want to
tact, as demonstrated by several cases I have collected. Other break off contact altogether. She is profoundly curious about
metaphysical techniques, such as the "internal sound" used the entities and wants to see if she can communicate mean-
by Lori Briggs (19), are available, and will be discussed in ingfully and honestly with them, in order to find out what
future articles. they really are and why they are contacting her. She feels that
Many witnesses' descriptions in the literature emphasize judicious use of resistance techniques might help bring this
that the eyes of abducting entities are "almost hypnotic" and about.
have the ability to bring on paralysis and compliance. The This leads us to the subject of another technique which,
case of Licia Davidson is a case in point. Together with her although related to righteous anger as used by Jan Whitley,
roommate (20), she has reportedly experienced multiple ab- nevertheless has essential differences. Protective rage has been
ductions during the past five and one-half years; their case used successfully by several witnesses and brings about rather
has been closely followed by John Miller, M.D. of San Pedro. rapid departure of intrusive entities (22). It is the strong ver-
Licia has conscious recall of many of the experiences; she balization of rejection, directed toward the entities, often stem-
has also been regressed by a hypnotherapist in the Southern ming from the witnesses' desire to protect others besides
California area. themselves. Essentially, righteous anger is a somewhat milder
During one hypnotic session with her therapist, Licia went emotion; it can be demonstrated without words, is often
into a very deep trance, and recognized with some surprise used during an encounter itself and the motive is often pro-
that is seemed to be the same type of altered state she tection of oneself. Protective rage, on the other hand, uses
remembered from her abduction experiences. Her therapist verbalization in strong, rejecting language, intends protec-
gave her post-hypnotic suggestions that she would be able to tion for other members of the household, and can be used
"expand her subconscious" whenever she felt she was hav- not only during encounters, but after them. When used in
ing an encounter, permitting her to remember and control the latter fashion, it possibly establishes a protective shield,
events in the encounter itself. Since her anger level was ris- so to speak, around the witnesses, their family and home.
ing because of the frequent intrusions, Licia was also en- Morgana Van Klausen used it effectively in association with
couraged by Dr. Miller to try warding off any contact she other techniques, as described above.
felt was intrusive. She agreed to try and practiced her techni- For resistance techniques to work, witnesses (and the re-
que of "expanding the subconscious" daily in 15-minute searchers who work with them) must concede the possibility
meditative periods, using a brain synchronization machine, that they can work. Witnesses and researchers who are con-
which supposedly uses light and sound to synchronize the vinced that the entities' motive are associated with our spiritual
hemispheres of the brain. The theory behind this is that brain evolution, tend to downplay the possibility of resistance techni-
chemical activity is stimulated by these two channels (21). ques and are not inclined to try them, even though trauma
results from ongoing encounters.
t a subsequent abduction experience, smaller gray be- Witnesses who feel that their rights are being violated seem

A ings whom she refers to as "workers" fit her with a

hearing device and told her she would hear "the voice
of God." The voice she heard through the device was flat,
to be more likely to try, and succeed with, resistance techni-
ques. The controversy thus far has brought up a basic ques-
tion: "Since these entities appear superior to us, aren't we
unfeeling and mechanical. Licia concluded that the small gray obliged to do what they say?" In my opinion, if unknown
beings were lying to her and refused to listen further through types of entities want something from us, let them explain
the device. She turned her back to them and avoided eye con- what they need, ask us for our cooperation, and somehow
tact. She felt "an explosion of temper" from the beings and provide verification to our satisfaction that they are telling
sensed confusion and chaos among them. the truth (23). This, in itself, could be a very long process'.
Presently a five-foot gray being came in and established In summary, even though "UFO entities" easily paralyze
order among them, and led Licia into another room. Glanc- and render most of their victims pliable and cooperative, this
ing at the smaller beings, she saw them standing motionless does not necessarily indicate technological and/or mental
in rows, "parked like statues." She felt that she might be killed superiority. The entities probably know that the humans they
because of her resistance, and so decided to be compliant. approach without warning will be terrorized. Human beings
However, in spite of her resistance, that particular encounter fear the unknown; fear is part of our normal survival pro-
ended on a benign note. cess. It is possible that the paralysis which is part of most
Licia could not tell whether this feeling that she "was go- abduction scenarios is at least partially self-produced; we are
ing to be killed" came from her own subconscious or from all familiar with the concept of "self-paralyzing fear." Con-
some mental suggestion by the entities. Her case is very com- versely, perhaps the state of altered consciousness in which
plex, but what is important here is that a deliberate resistance the majority of these experiences occur brings about tem-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

porary paralysis in large muscle groups; similar types of (13) Ibid pp. 96-97, 281.
paralysis occur in other altered states, such as some phases
of hypnosis and dreaming. This is not to say that "UFO ab- (14) A pseudonym to preserve the witness's anonymity. Research into this
case is ongoing.
ductions" occur in ordinary dreaming. It is evident that these
events have a reality of their own. (15) IUR, "CE 01 - and CE II?," by Druffel, INTERNATIONAL UFO
Much more study needs to be done. A 200-case catalogue REPORTER, May/June 1989, Vol. 14, No. 3, Chicago, J. Allen Hynek
which I am assembling will allow statistical and psychological Center For UFO Studies.
studies to be made. Personality profiles of witnesses who suc-
(16) MUFON UFO Journal, "Missing Fetus Case Solved," by Druffel,
cessfully fend off unwanted contact can be compared with Number 283, November 1991.
personality traits of witnesses who report being unable, or
unwilling, to try. Researchers, investigators and witnesses who (17) The Fund for UFO Research provided a grant to the author to investigate
know of such cases are invited to share reports of this type. this situation. To obtain their report, one can contact the Fund at Box 277,
The controversial nature of this subject is fully recognized, Mt. Rainier, MD 20712.
and both positive and negative input is welcome. (18) Personal correspondence, Druffel files.

REFERENCES (19) Druffel & Rogo, op. cit, pp. 184-187.

(1) Druffel, Ann, "Abductions: Can We Battle Back?" MUFON UFO Jour- (20) The name of this second witness, who participates to a considerable
nal, Number 247, Nov. 1988. extent in Licia's experiences, is not used in order to preserve her anonymity.

(2) Flying Saucers Review, Vol. Number, Quarter. In this Polish case, oc- (21) Different types of machines which are available use this principle.
curring in Czluchow on 10 August 1979, two beings in "diving suits and Their use should be monitored by professionals.
helmets" walked rapidly away from a witness, outdistancing him.
(22) A recent Pensacola, Florida entity report incorporates this techni-
(3) For example, the case of Emily Cronin, The Tujunga Canyon Con- que. See Wright, Dan, "Current Case Log," MUFON UFO Journal,
tacts, by Druffel and Rogo, New York, New American Library, 1988 (paper- Number 264, April 1990. Case cited is Log #900105, April 1987, Investigator
back), pp. 75-77. Indoor benign visitors also are reported, described various- Joe Barren, MUFON Pensacola Chapter.
ly as "a golden man" or other non-threatening depictions.
(23) Numerous cases in the literature give examples of deception by "UFO"
(4) Some persons in the field equate "UFO entities" with "angels." Until entities. Contradictory "information" from entities as to their source and
more is known about abducting entities, however, it might be wise, seman- motives is common. Even if the entities come from different sources, as
tically, to use another name other than "angel" to define them so as to many researchers hypothesize, this does not explain deception evident in
avoid confusion in the field. numerous cases. For example, a common ploy used by "UFO entities"
is to promise the witness that they will return on a certain date; the en-
(5) de Chardin, Pierre Theilhard, The Appearance of Man, New York, tities never return even though the witness might wish them to do so.
Harper & Row, 1956.

(6) Tart, Dr. Charles T., Altered States of Consciousness, New York, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1969. UFO
(7) Proud, Brian & Lee, Alan, Faeries, Ed. David Larkin New York, Harry NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
N. Adams, Inc., Souvenir Press, 1978. The UFO Newsclipping Service will keep you informed
of all the latest United States and World-Wide UFO reports
(8) Creighton, Gordon, "A Brief Account of the True Nature of the UFO
(i.e., little known photographic cases, close encounters and
Entities," Flying Saucer Review, VOL. 33, NO. 3, Sept. Qtr. 1988.
landing reports, occupant cases) and all other UFO reports,
(9) Vallee, Jacques, Dimensions, Chicago, New York, Contemporary Books. many of which are carried only in small town and foreign
1988. newspapers.
Our UFO Newsclipping Service issues are 20-page mon-
(10) Hufford, David J., The Terror That Comes in the Night, Philadelphia, thly reports, reproduced by photo-offset, containing the
Univ. of Penn. Press, 1982. latest United States and Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
our foreign section carrying the latest British, Australian,
(11) In my opinion, UFOs seen far off, as those in apparent orbit about New Zealand and other foreign press reports. Also included
the earth or outside the earth's atmosphere, might be extraterrestrial. If is a3-5 page section of "Fortean" clippings (i.e., Bigfoot and
so, "entities" (possibly robotic) associated with such craft which seem other "monster" reports). Let us keep you informed of the
to monitor/survey earth without active intrusion would logically be physical latest happenings in the UFO and Fortean fields.
and "extraterrestrial." The states of consciousness in which witnesses view For subscription information and sample pages from our
such craft and their "occupants" seems different from those involved in service, write today to:
the dreamlike abduction-scenarios. Paralysis, for example, reportedly is
induced by a hand-held instrument used by the entities, and the encounter UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
seldom begins in the "dreamlike" atmosphere commonly reported in ab- Route 1 - Box 220
ductions by "bedroom visitors." Plumerville, Arkansas 72127

(12) Druffel and Rogo, op. cit., pp. 97, 111-113.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

By John E. Mack, M.Q
he idea that men, women and children can be taken currently available to modern science. In Jacobs' cases, as

T against their wills from their homes, cars and

schoolyards by strange humanoid beings, lifted onto
spacecraft and subjected to intrusive and threatening pro-
in the work of other investigators, hypnosis has proven to be
an essential tool in overcoming the amnesia of his subjects.
Lest this lead skeptical readers to question the validity of
cedures is so terrifying, and yet so shattering to our notions Jacobs' findings, it must be pointed out that we have no
of what is possible in our universe, that the actuality of the evidence from this or any other study that abductees have
phenomenon has been largely rejected out of hand or bizarrely invented or distorted significantly under hypnosis their
distorted in most media accounts. This is altogether under- memories of the abduction experience. On the contrary,
standable, given the disturbing nature of UFO abductions and memories brought forth in hypnotic regressions have been
our prevailing notions of reality. The fact remains, however, repeatedly shown to be consistent with what these and other
that for 30 years, and possibly longer, thousands of individuals abductees are able to recall consciously. Hypnosis appears
who appear to be sincere, of sound mind and are seeking no to complete or add greatly to the process of remembering and
personal benefit from their stories, have been providing to has proved in this field to be a valuable therapeutic and in-
those who will listen to them consistent reports of precisely vestigative tool.
such events. Jacobs' work covers a broad range of phenomena associated
Population surveys suggest that hundreds of thousands and with UFO encounters. His focus, however, is upon the struc-
possibly more than a million persons in the United States alone ture of the abduction experience itself. In case after case he
may be abductees or "experiencers" as they are sometimes demonstrates a pattern that is consistent, even in minute
called. The abduction phenomenon is, therefore, of great details, among individuals who have had no opportunity to
clinical importance if for no other reason than the fact that communicate their experiences to one another, specific
abductees are often deeply traumatized by their experiences elements that are not available in the mass media.
and need appropriate help. At the same time the subject is This pattern consists of what Jacobs calls "primary" ex-
of obvious scientific interest, however much it may challenge periences — physical examination, staring and urological and
our notions of reality and truth. gynecological procedures; "secondary" experiences —
The relevant professional communities in mental health, machine examination, visualization and child presentation;
medicine, biology, physics, electronics and other disciplines and "ancillary" experiences consisting of various other
are understandably skeptical of a phenomenon as strange as physical phenomena, mental displays and sexually-related ac-
UFO abduction which defies our accepted notions of reality. tivities. At the heart of the abduction process there appears
The effort to enable these communities to take abduction to be some sort of complex reproductive enterprise involv-
reports seriously will be best served through scrupulously ing the conception, gestation or incubation of human or alien-
conducted research by investigators who.bring a scholarly and human hybrid babies. In Jacobs' words, "the focus of the ab-
dispassionate yet appropriately caring attitude toward their duction is the production of children."
work. In this way patterns and meanings may be discovered Another investigator might place greater emphasis upon
which can lead to fuller and deeper knowledge and, even- phenomena that Jacobs regards as less central, such as the
tually, to the development of convincing theoretical visualizations of planetary destruction and their impact upon
understanding. the consciousness of abductees. But whatever the emphasis
In this book Temple University historian David Jacobs has or interpretation of these data we might provide, Jacobs' work
provided us with work of just this kind. In a field that lends has given us a solid foundation of carefully documented ex-
itself to sensationalistic treatment, we have already come to perience upon which investigators can now build as we add
expect of Jacobs a special standard of rigorous scholarship to our knowledge and explore further the meaning of this
and careful observation. His 1975 book, The UFO Controversy puzzling and disturbing matter.
in America, remains a classic history of the early years of Through his meticulous documentation of the structure and
UFO-related events. In the present work Jacobs presents his content of the UFO abduction phenomenon 'Jacobs has
findings from the investigation of 57 abductees over a six year deepened the mystery that lies before us while at the same
period, using interviews and hypnosis to overcome their time bringing us close to some form of understanding. He
amnesia. His study uncovered approximately 300 abduction
experiences. John E. Mack, M.D., is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical
Jacobs' findings will, I believe, impress those who are open School, Cambridge Hospital, and a MUFON consultant in psychiatry.
The above article is the Foreward to Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts
at least to the possibility that something important is hap- of UFO Abductions, by David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., scheduled to be
pening in the lives of these individuals and countless others published by Simon & Schuster this month.
that cannot readily be explained by the theories and categories

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

has made clear that we are dealing with a phenomenon that as the abduction phenomenon itself, to have cut ourselves off
has a hard edge, a huge, strange inter-species or inter-being almost totally from awareness of any form of higher in-
breeding program that has invaded our physical reality and telligence. But let us suppose that such an intelligence did
is affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions exist, and, what is more, it was not indifferent to the fate of
of people and perhaps in some way the consciousness of the the earth, regarding its life forms and transcendent beauty
entire planet. Jacobs has given us no explanation, but he has as one of its better or more advanced creations. And let us
set forth explicitly the phenomena for which any theory must imagine that the imbalance created by the overgrowth of cer-
account. tain human faculties, a kind of techno-destructive and fear-
driven acquisitiveness, were "diagnosed" (perceived? fath-
mong ufologists and abduction researchers expla- omed? felt? — we really do not know how the divinity might

A nations have generally fallen into psychosocial (or

cultural) and extraterrestrial categories. Psychosocial
hypotheses, at least in the Western materialist sense, are dif-
experience itself and its creation) as the basic problem. What
could be done as a corrective?
The two natural approaches of which we can conceive would
ficult to take seriously. For unless we are willing to extend be the genetic and the environmental. Is it possible that
our notions of the powers of the psyche to include the crea- through a vast hybridization program affecting countless
tion of cuts, scars; hemorrhages and bruises, the simultaneous numbers of people, while simultaneously invading our con-
production of highly elaborate and traumatic experiences sciousness with transforming images of the destruction we
similar to one another in minute detail among individuals who are doing to ourselves, an effort is being made to place the
have not communicated with one another, and all of the planet under a kind of receivership?
physical phenomena associated with the UFOs themselves, This would not necessarily be for "our" good — for this
such explanations appear quite inadequate. planet, on which humankind has broken the harmony of be-
At the same time a literalist extraterrestrial hypothesis must ing, does not exist just for our pleasure — but in order to
account for the relative paucity of solid physical information arrest the destruction of life and to make possible the further
— the lack of photographs of the beings, for example — and evolution of consciousness or whatever the anima mundi has
the virtually insurmountable problems related to accounting in store. I do not say that this is true, or offer it as a theory.
for the location, origins and lives of the aliens themselves I would merely suggest that if we could allow ourselves to
within the framework of the physical laws of our space/time reintroduce the possibility of a higher form of intelligence
universe. into the universe, and experience the numinous mystery of
This last frustration has led some ufologists to posit a creation, this story is consistent with the facts of the abduc-
"multiverse" and the intrusion into our tamiliar reality of other tion phenomenon.
dimensions or forces outside of the known physical universe. David Jacobs has written in his book, "No significant body
Others have turned to alternative notions of the nature of the of thought has come about that presents strong evidence that
cosmos, more familiar to eastern religions and philosophy, anything else is happening other than what the abductees have
that depict the universe and all its realities as a vast play of stated." He has made his case well and has greatly enriched
consciousness with physical manifestations. our knowledge of what the abductees have to tell of their ex-
My own work with abductees has impressed me with the periences. We must now go on from here.
powerful dimension of personal growth that accompanies the
traumatic experiences that David Jacobs so accurately JOURNALISM AWARD
describes, especially when they receive appropriate help in
The Fund for UFO Research, a nonprofit scientific organization based
exploring their abduction histories. An intense concern for in Washington, D.C., offers a cash award for the best article or story
the planet's survival and a powerful ecological consciousness published or broadcast in 1991 concerning the subject of Unidentified
seems to develop for many abductees. Whether this is a Flying Objects.
specific element, or even purpose, of the abduction enter- The award was established in memory of Major Donald E. Keyhoe,
prise or an inadvertant byproduct of integrating a self- a retired Marine Corps pilot and former director NICAP, the National
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. He passed away on
destroying traumatic narrative remains to be explored. November 29, 1988, at the age of 91.
Abduction research for me and other investigators has had Any journalist working for a newspaper, magazine, radio or televi-
a shattering impact on our views of the nature of the cosmos. sion station whose story on UFOs was printed or broadcast between
This has led me to offer at least a parable, if not a theory, January 1 and December 21, 1991, is eligible to enter the competition.
to illuminate what is going on. Virtually all peoples throughout In order to be considered, the story must be submitted with an entry
form, signed by the principal author of the story, and a newspaper or
history, with the exception of the Western culture of the Newto- magazine clipping, audio cassette or VHS videotape.
nian/Cartesian era, have experienced the universe as possess- A winning entry will be one which — in the opinion of the judges
ing some sort of intelligence or consciousness in which human — makes the most significant contribution to public understanding of
beings participate with other animate beings and inanimate the UFO phenomenon. Entries should emphasize scientific research.
things in an enterprise that has meaning, purpose and direc- Winners will be announced in April of 1992. Mail entries to: Journalism
Award, FUFOR, Box 277, Mt. Rainier, MD, 20712, or call Don Berliner
tion, however unfathomable these may be. (703) 684-6032 for an entry form.
We in the West seem, for reasons perhaps as mysterious

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

By Dan Wright
ecently I received a phone call from a MUFON State

R Director inquiring about the morphology and known

behavior of a particular alien type described to him
by an alleged abductee.
• What were the verbatim questions and responses under
• What were the common charactertistics of those accounts
ultimately determined not to be credible?
I had to tell the gentlemen that, amazingly, MUFON still Without answers, we are left to accept that all potential glit-
has only a smattering of completed case reports in the critical ches were resolved satisfactorily — somehow. That collateral
area of alleged abductions. Moreover, we have no access to contacts and an on-site investigation eliminated any possibility
two separate abduction databases ostensibly compiled out- of a psychological stimulus or outright hoax. That the hyp-
side our organization over the past few years. notist followed a pre-hypnosis routine with the witnesses (e.g.,
During the 1987-1991 period, when I evaluated all submitted as prescribed by Richard Haines, Ph.D). And that no leading
case reports, only a tiny handful were abduction-related. To questions or comments were uttered by the hypnotist during
the credit of Oklahoma MUFON, each abduction case aris- the sessions.
ing there was promptly handled and a thorough report sub-
mitted. It is more than a little disappointing that there were
only a few other such reports from anywhere else in the U.S.
or Canada for any time period.
T o be sure, most abduction chroniclers engage in this
activity largely out of genuine concern for their clients.
But, in practical terms, the effect is this:
Consider the implication: By a fair reading of MUFON's Undeniably, nearly all the individuals who have initiated
case files, one would have to conclude that abductions rare- or arranged hypnosis of claimed abductees have refused to
ly occur! share their complete findings. And that is intolerable!
I have discussed many abduction cases at length, and been Perhaps these folks believe that no one else is capable of
present at regressive hypnosis sessions, with several promi- competently evaluating an abduction account. By absence of
nent persons engaged in this area as their primary UFO pur- communication, that seems to be one conclusion. To the ex-
suit. In total, they have no doubt regressed hundreds of alleged tent that this reasoning is present, I believe it is grounded
abductees. Yet, MUFON has not received even one formal in vanity rather than logic.
case report from them. Books have been produced, certain- Perhaps every hypnotist engaged in this endeavor is very
ly, but not investigative reports. capable of consistently placing individuals in a genuinely hyp-
It is past high time for all who have held back information notic state and extracting valid information. This, despite the
to submit their findings. At this point, failure to report aliens' fact that some of the most well known practitioners have no
basic physical and behavioral charactertistics is simply background in psychology or even a hypnosis training cer-
cheating MUFON in two crucial ways: tificate. Nevertheless, such ability does not necessarily
First, field investigators do not have data they need to com- translate to solid analytical skills.
pare and contrast with other types of close encounter cases. Frankly, we do not know whether any of them botched a
Second, we have scores of consultants and researchers with given case outright with insufficient background work, poor
advanced degrees in the sciences and technologies who could technique or leading questions. (At least as made public, that
be called upon to evaluate various aspects of abduction cases. is. No account I have ever read in a book or heard at a con-
Yet, MUFON has little to share with them. ference concluded that the initiator screwed up.)
Ten years ago, the claim was and could reasonably be made Various reasons (i.e., excuses) were offered to me over the
that this avenue of investigations was quite new, that there years as to why abduction case reports have not been pro-
had been little time to sort and analyze the input. Fine. But, duced. Among them:
at this late date that argument no longer holds water.
Personally, I am no longer willing to patiently wait several 1. // w a very time-consuming task.
years after an event for a book which only summarizes a
scant few cases determined by the author alone to be worthy I agree completely. On the other hand, how long is enough?
of publication. For the questions usually left unanswered Are two or three years not sufficient?
are critical:
• How were the witnesses determined to be credible?
• Did anyone check out the circumstance with police, air-
ports, employers, neighbors and other acquaintances; how
were these checks conducted; and what was learned? Dan Wright of Michigan is MUFON's Deputy Director, Investigations.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

2. Cases are left open for an extended period because the either plainly or by their silence, that the rest of us are simp-
subject might (a) recall more details or (b) have additional ly not entitled to know either what they are up to or how they
experiences. go about it!
Compare this sad situation to the standard operating pro-
By extension of this reasoning, nothing should be publicized cedure for any other UFO case:
in any form until the subject dies! No, this does not hold water, • One or more field investigators are dispatched by the state
either. There comes a time to compartmentalize that segment director. They engage in a discourse on methods and con-
of the subject's life and prepare a case report. Later addenda tacts to pursue.
are fully acceptable. Ray Fowler's voluminous initial report • A comprehensive report is prepared by the investigator(s)
on Betty Andreasson Luca and subsequent follow-ups is a and sent to the state director for review.
prime example. • After any suggested follow-ups or clarifications, it is ap-
proved and sent on to the regional director for evaluation.
3. The person handling the case is not a MUFON field in- • Theregionaldirector either approves the report or declares
vestigator per se and so not subject to case reporting it to be incomplete and asks for further corroboration and
requirements. resubmittal.
• Having passed these tests, it is submitted for computer
Let me get this straight: An individual is a member of the encoding and storage.
MUFON Board of Directors, Staff, or Advisory Board of That is proper case procedure.
Consultants as a validation of his/her credentials. MUFON Over four years and 500+ case reports, I held to an infor-
forwards promising cases to these persons. mal rule coined long before my time: Extraordinary claims
(S)he publishes articles in the Journal, speaks at MUFON demand extraordinary evidence. That is, a minor investigative
symposia or regional conferences, and/or represents us at felling that could be overlooked in a nocturnal light case would
abduction-related seminars, for invitees only, from time to be cited in a close encounter claim.
time. Shockingly, there is virtually no oversight in terms of ab-
Yet, the person feels no obligation to submit findings to duction investigations. Through the good, the bad and the
MUFON for independent analysis? Authority without respon- ugly, these people go blithely on their way, toying with sub-
sibility. Ah, if life could be so sweet for us all! ject's lives and thumbing their collective noses at procedures
established by the MUFON Board.
4. The person is concerned only with helping abductees In reality, we simply do not know who all is involved or
through a traumatic period in their lives. how many cases have been initiated. Is it several hundred?
Is it several thousand?
That is certainly a magnanimous and commendable attitude. It should go without saying that this tragic circumstance
However, it is at odds with MUFON's basic mission: to gather will not be turned around overnight. As a first step, I call
data by which to understand the origins and purposes of alien upon all MUFON state and provincial directors to compile,
intelligences. prepare and submit to Walt Andrus a brief report specifying
the following:
his series of excuses encompasses the "household '• What persons in your state/province have ever conducted

T names" among published abduction researchers as well

as others with whom I am personally familiar. But what
of the less well-known researchers? Untold numbers of
or arranged hypnosis in one or more instance of an alleged
• How many cases has each person been involved in?
MUFON members in investigative positions are dabbling in • For each person involved, how many cases can still
abduction cases, perhaps with little or no concept of how to legitimately be considered "open" (i.e., in active pursuit of
go about it properly. Yet, they too fail to submit their results relevant information regarding that period of the client's life)?
for scrutiny. • How many cases engaged in by each person should be
Does it even bear reminding that the individuals, or even considered closed at this point?
our organization, could be sued into oblivion by a dis- If all the hypnosis practitioners were known, such an in-
gruntled client? quiry might be directed to them per se. Frankly, however,
In my 14-year association with MUFON, no aspect of the after so long a time with so little forthcoming, most of them
subject has had more significance than so-called "abduction should properly be regarded as investigative renegades. Ob-
phenomena." From an investigative standpoint, however, these viously, any of them who read this article are invited to sub-
are potentially the most widely mishandled investigations. And mit their data — and their case reports — independently.
that is caused solely by the utter secrecy of the self-appointed This has been a dirty secret over the past decade. Hopefully,
"experts" handling these cases. in the not-too-distant future, I will joyfully report that
Given the scarcity of the data submitted, who are we to MUFON is inundated with comprehensive abduction case
righteously accuse our federal government of withholding reports. Hopefully.
UFO information? Some of our own people have made it clear,

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

By Ginna Meyer
Ginna is an Oklahoma State Section Director and Investigator. She the thought process resulting in recurrent intrusive memories,
is presently in her last year of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While memory impairment and trouble concentrating (Haber et al.
attending school Ginna has worked two years in a Post-Coronary Care 1987, p. 547). Haber and her colleagues define PTSD "as
Unit and for the past year has been working in the Labor and Delivery a reliving of a very stressful experience, with accompanying
Area, Obstetrics. Ginna's interest in Ufology and abductions stem from
her own experience as a seven-year-old child, with five other children. guilt and personal dysfunction."
Her encounter is presently under investigation.

ecently I attended a workshop with a panel of re-
covering burn patients. While listening to their stories As I continued to do some light research on the subject
I noted how each had coped with the traumatic ex- I discovered another disorder that may be more appropriate:
perience of being burned. The degree to which these in- Dissociative Disorder. Again according to Haber et al, this
dividuals was burned was severe, yet varied. The way each refers to those reactions in which there is a sudden, temporary
victim coped with the situation was also dissimilar. Each had alteration in the normally integrated functions of con-
developed a form of amnesia, some for a longer time span sciousness, identity or motor behavior. Such individuals block
than others. off part of their lives from conscious recognition because of
One individual responded with great concern for her the threat of overwhelming anxiety (possibly related to a
business and those who depended on her. She gave very traumatic experience).
specific details to her assistant on how to close down the One symptom of the dissociative disorder is amnesia.
business and how to fulfill her responsibilities to her clients. Amnesia is an alteration in consciousness that may include
During this time the emergency medical team was respon- either a loss of memory for a specific period of time or a
ding to her second and third-degree burn wounds. She stated loss of all past memories. The forgotten material is still pre-
that she was totally unaware of the severity of her situation sent beneath the level of consciousness and is accessible to
and did not realize that she almost died. recall at a later time (Haber et al, p. 566).
Another burn victim was able to speak of the factual in- My thoughts now are these: There are three theories for
formation of what had happened to him only after a witness, the inability of abductees to completely recall their ex-
family and friends related the details to him. Unfortunately, periences. As some of you know, abductees are allegedly given
or fortunately, as he put it, he had no recollection from ap- "hypnotic suggestions" by their abductors, so as not to
proximately 24 hours before the incident until approximate- remember the encounter. In itself, this may be the only reason
ly one week before he was discharged from the hospital. He why a good many abductees require professional hypnosis
was a patient in the hospital for about three months. At the to assist them in recalling events.
time of the narration he was still unable to recall anything Personally, I doubt it. It may be more likely that it is a com-
about that time period. bination of the abductors' hypnotic suggestion and the above
described coping mechanism of dissociative disorder resulting
Recall in varied amounts of amnesia.
Or could it be that we are blaming the "little guys" for
After listening to the panel, I started to think about how our inability to cope with their "alien presence" and that we
abductees cope with their experiences. Some claim to recall respond with the acquired amnesia, and that they are not really
approximately 80 to 90 percent of the incident without hyp- giving us strong hypnotic suggestions?
nosis, while others are, allegedly, walking around not even I doubt that the latter is true.
realizing that they have had an encounter.
I, myself, am frustrated with the fact that I cannot remember REFERENCE
but maybe five to ten percent of my experience without hyp-
nosis. I am sure that some of you can relate to my situation. D. Haber, P.P. Hoskins, A.M. Leach, and B.F. Sideleau, Comprehensive
Psychiatric Nursing, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1987.
As a result of this I have done some research. I initially
thought this form of coping mechanism might be called Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD includes certain
behavioral symptoms, such as: recurrent dreams and
nightmares; acting as if one is reliving the traumatic event;
social numbness, withdrawl, or both; sleep disturbance;
avoidance of activities perceived to arouse recollection of the
event; hyperalertness or "startle response:" etc. It affects

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

By Sean Casteel
acques Vallee, in his recently released Revelations: Alien God breathed His breath into dead Earth. But the Earth

J Contact and Human Deception, makes the following

statement in regard to attitudes toward the UFO phen-
omenon from the mainstream of science and mythology:
isn't dead. The Earth is alive. And matter isn't dead. Matter
is alive. And matter is not anti-spiritual. Spirit can be
understood as the bouquet, you know?
"The fact that the genuine UFO cases have been ignored And many of the traditions that are counter to the orthodox
by professional scientists, and that even the great mythologists tradition of our world, for instance, some of the Arthurian
of our time like Joseph Campbell have remained utterly blind romances, are based on the idea that the spirit is not blown
to them, makes the phenomenon, with all its wonderful into man from without, but comes forth from the living of
physical and psychic complexity, a convenient medium that the noble heart, that it's a quality of man himself.
can be sculpted with impunity by the manufacturers of alter- If we get used to the idea that spirit comes from outside
native theologies and the professional manipulators of the in, that the savior has come from elsewhere to us, and is not
human mind." a fulfillment of the potentialities of human life itself, then
For those of you unfamiliar with the name of Joseph Camp- it may be that the fascination that more spirit, more messages,
bell, he was the "star," if you will, of the PBS program "The more truth, more wonder would come from outside. So that,
Power of Myth," which consisted of six hours of Bill Moyers whether there are UFOs or not, the fascination with the UFO
probing Campbell's large store of comparative mythology and I regard as a continuation of this notion that the spirit and
ancient wisdom. Campbell is also the author of classic works the giver of the spirit and the power and the glory are "out
of comparative mythology — the study of common threads there" somehow, and not right here within us.
among differing world religions — including The Hero With
The Thousand Faces and the four-part The Masks of God. Toms: Would that be the same kind of fascination with ex-
Admittedly, little was said by the great mythologist on the traterrestrial intelligence?
spiritual mysteries that accompany the UFO phenomenon,
and Campbell himself did not consider his opinions to be truly Campbell: Yes, that would be the same thing, that "out there"
educated on the subject. However, in a radio interview on would be somehow greater than here. I received a couple of
the program "New Dimensions," shortly before his death in very amusing phone calls from columnists in the women's
1987, Campbell was caught off guard by interviewer Michael pages and so forth, in New York when the rocket took pic-
Toms' question on UFOs. tures of Mars. And there were no little twinkly Martians there.
I was stunned. Two phone calls saying, "You know, this is
Michael Toms: Joseph, one of the myths that has come out a terrible disillusionment for people — that there are no Mar-
of modern times, and perhaps it reflects our predilection to tians. What do you think of that?" I said, "Well, I suppose
technology, is the UFO, the Unidentified Flying Object. And the whole Santa Claus thing is a disillusionment, too! But
I think back to ancient times, and there were UFOs in an- disillusionment's not bad for people, after all." I'm not speak-
cient times — there's Elijah and the fiery chariot, and the ing about the possibility of there being UFOs. I was speak-
Lady of Fatima, and such as that. So, there have been UFOs, ing about this fascination, and I think that it's all a function
perhaps, over the centuries. How do you see UFOs? Do you of this notion that the great power's outside and not within us.
see that as some recurring theme from ancient tradition?
Toms: There's a popular writer of books, Eric Von Daniken,
Joseph Campbell: Well, in fact, in interpreting your ques- who has brought out the idea that perhaps human beings were
tion, I've never seen a UFO, and don't expect to see one. But, populated from other planets, and came here to the Earth.
I really don't know what to think of it, because there are cer-
tain things I've heard that would indicate there may be Campbell: Well, I think actually I don't know what to say
something, you know, that it's not all an illusion. But the in- about that, because I haven't read his book, although every
teresting thing is the fascination with it — why the fascina- where I go people ask me about it. But I just don't have time,
tion? I'm interested also in these theories that men from outer because there's so much I have to read now. Golly, this has
space have come or beings from outer space have come and been a period of marvelous discoveries in archeology and
instituted civilizations, and the beginnings of many of our ethnology and historical background. And fine things are com-
civilizations are from visitors from outer space. I think this ing out.
is a continuation of something that's at the core of our religious
heritage, and it's not a very good aspect of our religious Casteel is a freelance writer living in Ventura, California. This is his
heritage. Namely, that the spiritual power is from outside — first appearance in the Journal.
it comes into us.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

I've just discovered a small book which I'm reading right
now by a man named Chester Chard on Northeast Asia in
pre-history. It's been a blank, but the Russians and Japanese
have done researches there, and those aren't languages that
Calendar of
most people in our quarters can read. This man has pulled UFO Conferences
the whole thing together, and a whole world of history opens
up. Pre-history, which is particularly exciting. This is the pre- for 1992
history of Alaska. You know it's from there that the crossing March 13,14,15, & 16 — Second Annual National New
of the Bering landbridge happened — that was there from Age and "Truth About UFOs" Conference -
the vernal glaciations — and it's reading things like that that Doubletree Hotel, San Diego, California.
are holding me rather than these fantastic things that are com- (619-492-8588)
ing out from Von Daniken. I think we know enough about
March 20, 21 & 22 — The 3rd UFO/ET Alien and
evolution and we know enough about the pre-history of man
Abduction Congress - Days Inn, Bordentown, New
— we don't know every thing but we know enough to know Jersey. (Pat J. Marcattilio, 609-888-1358)
that kind of interpretation is unnecessary.
April 3,4 & 5 — Fourth Annual Ozark UFO Conference
The point here is basically one of historical record keep- - Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
ing. Vallee is without question a megastar among UFO re- (Lou Parish, 501-354-2558)
searchers, and his contention that UFOs continue to rate very
April 9-12 — Fourth Conference on Treatment and
little respectable attention from scientists and mythologists
Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma,
is well-founded. But for the sake of perhaps hair-splitting ac- Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia.
curacy, I thought I would offer the preceding commentary (914-693-8827)
from Campbell, a master of myth and scholar of the ancient
world, giving his completely off-the-cuff opinion on the UFO May 1,2 & 3 — Exploring Unexplained Phenomena IV -
phenomenon. Nebraska Center, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln,
Nebraska. (Scott Colborn, 402-483-7284)
Perhaps if Campbell had lived to see the success of Com-
munion and Intruders, both released in 1987, the year of his May 1,2 & 3 — Sixth European Lyon Congress - Lyon,
death, his opinion would have been altered by dramatic public France. (SOS OVNI 33. 42. 27 26. 18)
response to the abduction phenomenon and UFOs in general. May 23, 24 & 25 — International Symposium on UFO
Certainly his comments were made before Zechariah Sitchin Research - Red Lion Inn, Denver, Colorado.
became a New Age household word. (Carol Wagner, 303-482-3731)
Campbell's repeated admonition that one should spend one's
June 25, 26 & 27 — 13th Rocky Mountain Conference
life "following your bliss" may have meaning for those in
on UFO Investigation, University of Wyoming,
the UFO field who continue to look into the mystery that cap- Laramie, Wyoming. (307-766-2124 or
tivates and even obsesses those who read this publication. 1-800-448-7801)
This possible interweaving of historical myth with the ad-
vanced technology of an alien race both fascinates and humbles July 10, 11 & 12 — MUFON 1992 International UFO
those who take it seriously. Unfortunately, Campbell did not Symposium -The Doubletree Hotel, Albuquerque,
New Mexico. (Teresa Brito-Asenap, 505-247-4082)
take the idea seriously, and we can only speculate as to the
impact a statement from the renowned mythologist would have July 17,18 & 19 — First International Conference on
had on the field of UFOs and the public at large. Crop Circles, The Enigma for the Nineties • The
Great Hall, Winchester, England (Beth Davis, 11B
Fitzwilliam Road, Cambridge CB2 2BN, England)
UFOs, MJ-12 and the
A Report on Government
Involvement in the UFO Crash
Retrievals MUFON 1991 International UFO
Symposium Proceedings
by Grant Cameron & T. Scott Grain
113 pp. $19, plus $1.50 p&h, from: 301 pp. $20, plus $1.50 p&h, from:
MUFON, 103OldtowneRoad MUFON, 103OldtowneRoad
Seguin. TX 78155-4099 Seguin, TX 78155-4099

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

6000 feet over Northern Japan. As an F-84 jet fighter passed
his aircraft he noticed a brilliant light form streaking out of
LOOKING BACK the sky heading directly for the jet. The intensity of the light
decreased as it approached the jet, revealing a metallic nucleus
that took the form of a revolving disc-shaped object. Brigham
By Bob Gribble reported, as quoted in the official Air Force Intelligence files,
that the disc was "about eight inches in diameter, very thin,
March 1952 • Colonel Goddard, Chief of the Air Force round, and as shiny as polished chromium; had no apparent
Photo Reconnaissance Laboratories, reported that three of his projections and left no exhaust trails."
men flying a B-29 bomber were tracking a weather balloon Just before it would have flown into the jet's fuselage, the
over Georgia (date unknown) when an unidentified flying ob- disc instantly decelerated to the jet's airspeed, flipping on
ject suddenly appeared and flew alongside the balloon. After edge in approximately a 90-degree bank. It appeared to flut-
a few moments the object dived and made a pass at the ter about 20 feet from the fuselage for perhaps two or three
balloon, then proceeded to disappear. When the balloon was seconds before it pulled away and around the right wing, ap-
recovered it had a six-foot vent in it. Colonel Goddard's men pearing to flip once as it hit the slipstream behind the jet's
believed the UFO made the tear in the balloon. Goddard wingtip fuel tank. Brigham said it then passed the jet, pulled
vouched for his men making the report, stating that they were in front of it and then up abruptly, appearing to accelerate,
highly experienced and reliable Air Force personnel. and finally shot out of sight in what appeared to be a steep,
(Documentary movie "UFO" 1956) almost vertical climb. Because of the proximity of the jet,
Brigham was able to fairly accurately judge the distance, about
• On the 29th, two fiery discs were sighted over uranium 30 to 50 feet away. Although the sighting lasted only about
mines located in the southern part of the Belgian Congo in 10 seconds, Brigham got a good look at the object. (Flying
the Elisabethville district, east of the Luapula River which Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion From Outer
connects the Meru and Bangweolo lakes. The discs glided Space, by Coral Lorenzen; Fate magazine, date unknown)
in elegant curves and changed their position many times, so
that from below they sometimes appeared as plates, ovals or • 1957 Victor Hancock and Guy Miller, pilots for Ten-
simply lines. Suddenly, both discs stopped, hovered in one nessee Gas Transmission Company, were flying a company
spot, then took off in a unique zig-zag flight. A penetrating DC-3 from Beaumont to Houston, Texas, when they en-
hissing and buzzing sound was audible to the onlookers below. countered a UFO. About 9:45 p.m. on the eighth, as they
The performance lasted from 10 to 12 minutes. were passing over Pasadena at 1500 feet, an object with three
Commander Pierre of the small Elisabethville airport im- large, white, brilliant lights crossed in front of their aircraft.
mediately set out in pursuit with a fighter plane. On his first "It was going from south to north," said Hancock, a veteran
approach he came within about 120 meters of one of the discs. of 12 years in the air. "We were going at least 200 miles an
According to his estimates, the disc had a diameter of 12 to hour, and it went by us easily." He said that it hovered; then
15 meters and was discus-shaped. The inner core remained sped off, had no navigation lights, and acted unlike an airplane.
absolutely still; a knob coming out from the center and several The brilliance of the object's lights kept the pilots from get-
small openings could plainly be seen. The outer rim was com- ting a definite idea of its shape. "I still don't know what it
pletely veiled in fire and must have had an enormous speed was," Miller said. "When it wanted to, it kept ahead of us
of rotation. The color of the metal was similar to that of easily. It would stop, or seem to stop, just under us. We would
aluminum. bank around, get close to it and it would be gone again."
The discs traveled in a precise and light manner, both ver- They got within a quarter-mile of the object. "I got the
tically and horizontally. Changes in elevation from 800 to 1000 idea that it was at least the size of our plane," Hancock said.
meters could be accomplished in a few seconds; the discs "I felt that it was just messing around with us. I know that
often streaked down to within 20 meters of the tree tops. Pierre it knew we were following it." The object was seen ap-
did not regard it possible that the discs could be manned, proaching the Ellington Air Force Base main runway by the
since the irregular speed as well as the heat would make it pilots, where it cut across military traffic. At the time the
impossible for a person to stay inside the stable core. Pierre object vanished it seemed to be 200 feet over the runway, pro-
had to give up the pursuit after 15 minutes since both discs, ceeding southward. Hancock said the radar operator at
with a loud whistling sound which he heard despite the noise Houston International Airport reported to him by radio that
of his own plane, disappeared in a straight line toward Lake he had picked up an object close to the plane's position, then
Tanganyika. He estimated their speed at about 1500 km/hr. lost it. United Press reported that the "Air Force was unable
(Declassified CIA document 8/16/52; UFOs: A History 1952, to pick up the flying object on its radar." (The Chronicle,
Jan-May) Houston, TX, 3/9/57; The Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, TX,
3/9/57; The Post & Times Herald, Washington, D.C., 3/10/57;
• About 11:20 a.m. on the 29th, Lieutenant David C. The Times, New York, NY, 3/10/57)
Brigham was flying a prop-driven reconnaissance plane at

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

• Four UFOs, clocked over California at 3600 mph, were landed near an electrical power substation at Eureka, Utah.
tracked on radar by Civil Aeronautics Administration con- The Air Force spokesman at Stead Air Force Base at Reno
trol tower operators on the night of the 23rd. At least one admitted that the object had landed and that the power substa-
of the four UFOs tracked by radar was almost directly over tion had not been in operation during the 42 minutes the ob-
Oxnard Air Force Base (Oxnard, CA) at this time, accord- ject was on the ground nearby. He also told newsmen that
ing to a CAA control operator's signed report. The time was the presence of this object had not been admitted to newsmen
11:50 p.m. With several other CAA personnel, the radar until the power station was in operation again, after the ob-
operator was on duty in the Municipal Airport control tower ject had left. Jet interceptors had admittedly been summoned
at Santa Monica, California. "I was watching the radar scope," from the base at Phoenix, Arizona, and also from Stead Field.
his report states, "when I noticed a target about 15 miles north- They were pursuing the object at the time it exploded over
west and moving northwest. At first I thought it was a jet, the Mesquite Range in Nevada.
then I noticed it was moving much faster than anything I had All these things happened on the night of April 18, 1962,
ever seen on the scope. and were confirmed by official spokesmen for the U.S. Air
"About 40 miles northwest it came to an abrupt stop and Force. But, the story was suppressed on or by the news ser-
reversed course, all within a period of about three seconds. vices. Fortunately, the Las Vegas Sun checked the story and
It then traveled back along its course for about 20 miles, gave it the front page banner headlines it deserved. (Strange
reversed course again and disappeared off the scope at 50 World by Frank Edwards; Flying Saucers-Serious Business
miles." Approximately five minutes later, two more unknown by Frank Edwards)
objects appeared, also traveling at tremendous speed. This
time he quickly called on the other control tower operators 1967 • On the night of thefifth,an unknownflyingobject
to help him track the UFOs. "These two disappeared off the was tracked by an Air Force radar station near Minot, North
scope in the same direction as the first," the operator said. Dakota. It was heading for one of the Minuteman grids, where
"We had time to clock their speed, 30 miles in 30 seconds. the missiles are kept in deep silos, pointed skyward for launch-
This figures out to 3600 mph. A minute or so later, a fourth ing. In seconds, alarms were flashed to Minot Air Force Base
target appeared in the same area," the operator said. "It went and to the missile defenders, Air Force strike teams equipped
off the scope at 3600 mph." with armed trucks. A minute later the UFO came into sight,
a circular metallic craft over 100 feet in diameter. The missile
• At 2:47 a.m., on the 24th, a low flying UFO with bright guards, ready for action, tensely watched the descending disc.
lights chased a Port Hueneme sailor as he was returning to Lights flashing around the rim reflected off of a dome at the
Point Mugu Naval Air Station. Port Hueneme is about two center. As the craft turned toward the nearest missile site three
miles south of Oxnard. Virgil Atkinson told sheriffs deputies strike teams raced after it. Abruptly the disc stopped and
that he was driving along Hueneme Road when a UFO hovered at 500 feet. Then it moved to an area directly over
swished down over the car and sped along in front of him, the launch control facility, the heart of the grid system. After
then darted around behind him and pursued him all the way a short pause the craft swerved upward and streaked out of
to the naval station. (The UFO Investigator, NICAP, July 1957; sight. (Aliens From Space by Major Donald Key hoe)
The Star-Free Press, Ventura, CA, 3/25/57)
1972 • Afierycone or funnel of light startled and amazed
1962 • About 7:30 on the night of the 18th, there was a hundreds of viewers, including at least three seasoned airline
blinding flash in the sky over the desolate Mesquite Range pilots, as it streaked across the evening sky over six Euro-
in southern Nevada, about 70 miles south of Reno. The glare pean countries on the 18th. It was approximately 7:20. Capt.
was so intense that witnesses said the streets of Reno were Alexander Raab was flying his Austrian Airlines DC-9 over
lighted as though by a gigantic photographic flash bulb. The Linz, Austria, with 30 passengers aboard. Suddenly the direc-
glare was reported from five states. Could this thing have been tion finding system experienced a break-down and warning
a meteor, reporters inquired of the authorities at Nellis Air lights flashed in the cockpit. Then he looked up, out his
Force Base, near Las Vegas, Nevada? Not a meteor, certain- cockpit window. "It was to my left, a huge white funnel in
ly, was the official reply. This thing was being tracked on radar the sky. At first it was motionless. Then it seemed headed
and followed by armed jet interceptors at the time it exploded. for us on a collision course. It was traveling at an unbelievable
Other reporters reached Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Rolph speed, its color changing from white to red. Suddenly, the
of the North American Air Defense Command at Colorado object swerved in a horizontal direction away from us and
Springs, Colorado. He told newsmen that a Ground Observer to the west (toward southern Germany and France)," Capt.
Corps center at Oneida, New York, had reported a red, glow- Raab told airline officials later.
ing object moving westward at great altitude. Radar tracking At about the same time Raab and his crew were seeing the
had determined that it was neither plane, missile, nor meteor. UFO over Linz, a Lufthansa Boenig 737 encountered it 30
The object was listed as a UFO and tracked as far west miles northwest of Raab's location. Two other Lufthansa
as Gridley, Kansas. It turned northwest and descended until planes, one over Austria and the other over Prague, Czech-
it was lost from the radar screens. A few mintues later a UFO oslovakia also saw the object. Ground observers in Poland,

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No 287 March 1992

Austria, Germany, Switzerland and France deluged European • Log #91060E: 19 Sept. 1990: 9-9:30 p.m. event in Gulf
newspapers, radio and TV stations with phone calls. Scien- Breeze, FL; investigator Joe Barron. Two witnesses observed
tists said the object was a large meteor. But Raab brushed a very bright red light come from the east to overhead where
that explanation aside. "I'm very familiar with all kinds of it stopped. Apparent diameter was one and '/2 fingers width
atmospheric phenomena and I've observed dozens of artificial at arm's length. It ejected six or eight smaller red lights. After
satellites. That object did not look like a meteor. It was very 10 minutes it "switched off with a loud boom. The witness
distinct," said Raab. He added that his instruments functioned called his friend who observed it from several blocks away
normally after the UFO disappeared. "Why would our in- while he spoke on a portable phone. One witness was an F-14
struments have gone haywire if it had been a meteor that technician.
crossed our path?" he asked. Raab simply laughed at the
meteor theory. (A.P.R.O. Bulletin, March-April 1972; National • Log #910802E: 13 Jan. 1990: 10-minute sighting at 9:45
Enquirer, 10/22/72) p.m. by a 28-year-old real estate investor, his sister, niece
and friend south of Syracuse, NY. While showing friends
1982 I About 1:45 p.m. on the eighth, a bright silver disc, a renovated house, they saw a bright white/orange light about
about 10 feet in diameter and one foot thick, was observed 3/4 of a mile to the north. It appeared the size of a full
approaching a corporate jet on a collision course about 60 moon. They went out back and saw a house-sized sphere
miles southwest of Allendale, South Carolina. Within a few that illuminated the hill at least a quarter mile in each di-
seconds the disc passed the jet on the left side and was no rection. The object faded into blackness, and quickly, hun-
more than 25 feet off the left wingtip at the same altitude. dreds of little flashes running in a horizontal line a quarter
The aircraft was at 6500 feet. The pilot had 10 years flying mile each side of the object again illuminated the hill. The
experience and the two corporate passengers were both former flashes winked out, starting from the ends, until only one
Air Force pilots. (National UFO Reporting Center) flashing light was left. Then a vertical red streak was seen
where the sphere had been. Investigators found that the ob-
ject was low over an electrical transformer, and the many
CURRENT CASES white flashes were probably arcing between power lines run-
ning east and west.
Complied by Donald M. Ware
• Log #910901E: 27 July 1991: One-minute sighting at 7:25
Eastern Regional Director p.m. by a 42-year-old man, his three children, and three other
children in Vero Beach, FL. While watching the children,
The following summarizes case reports recently received ages 8 to 12, play in a tree, the father saw a squarish, light-
which are well-prepared and represent events of significance grey object with "antennas" all over it move from the
to ufology. Unless noted, no sound, vibration or odor was southwest to the north. It was about the size of a compact
detected. All times listed are local. car and just above the tree tops as it passed about 150 feet
from them at 35 to 40 mph. After it left, they each drew what
• Log #910401E: 22 Feb. 91: 8:00 p.m. event in Mechan- they saw. The man, who had Vietnam experience, said a
icsville, VA; investigators Mark Blashak and Don Lovett. helicopter circled close to the site of the encounter 30 minutes
While returning home Mr. CT, with his wife and two boys, later.
saw a strange light. After getting out of their car at home,
the object rapidly approached from the east and slowed to • Log #910902E: 6 Oct. 1990: At about 9:45 p.m., a
about five m.p.h. directly across the street. It was estimated 32-year-old salesman saw a disk-shaped object for about 20
to be about 100 feet away, just above the trees. All they saw seconds in Maiden, MA. The metallic-gray disk with six lights
was about 15 round white lights in the formation of a triangle. around the perimeter hovered over a church about 350 feet
Each light was estimated to be two feet in diameter. After away. The lights were blue/green, orange/yellow and pur-
10-15 seconds it departed rapidly to the north. ple/blue. When the witness got out of the car and pointed
to it, it moved about 400 feet to the right in less than a sec-
• Log #910601E: 1954: 8:30 p.m. event 60 miles S.E. of ond, hovered for a moment behind some trees, and then
Albany, NY; investigator Joe Barron of Gulf Breeze, FL. vanished. He said that as he approached the church, he could
Witness was flying a Navy AD-4D Skyraider at 7,500 feet feel the presence of the object, like a vibration in his head.
when he saw a row of 15 to 20 dull-yellow triangular win- The other witness, who drove the car, refused to talk about
dows come straight at him. They passed a few feet from his it. A few minutes prior to this close sighting, both gentlemen
right wing. Each window appeared to be about two feet by had seen two lights in the sky that appeared too low to be stars.
three feet and the whole extended over an area of about 80
feet. As they went behind him, he did a rapid 180° turn, but • Log #91U01E: 24 July 1991: 25-second sighting at 11:35
saw nothing. a.m. by a 49-year-old housewife while driving near Port
Crane, NY; investigator, Ronald V. Hamilton. An object

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

shaped like a "baseball cap without visor" appearing the size man saw a glowing white object with a yellow center for 15
of a full moon was seen through the windshield. It was sta- to 20 seconds in his backyard in Pensacola, FL; investigator,
tionary, reflected sunlight, and looked like brushed aluminum. Boots Eckert. He was listening to a CD in his living room
Then it appeared to shrink in vertical dimension to a horizontal when he felt a vibration and a tightness in his head that he
line that disappeared. recognized from previous UFO encounters. He went out back
and saw the circular object about 3000 feet overhead. It ap-
• Log #911201E: About 15 July 1985; a 15-minute sighting peared about three-fourths the size of a full moon and as bright
at 2:00 a.m. by a 25-year-old computer-aided draftsman and as a welding torch. It then moved southeast, angled upward
part-time evangelist who saw two UFOs from the rear win- about 40 degrees, and zoomed out of sight in the clear night
dow of his home near Cobbtown, GA; investigators, Donald sky in about nine seconds.
Ware and Chris Early. Witness was awakened by a strobing
light and high-pitched noise. He saw two apparently similar • Log #911206E: On 9 April 1991: at about 8:10 p.m. Robert,
objects out back, the closest about 150 feet away. It was some his wife and their 28-year-old daughter were driving east on
70 feet in diameter with a row of white lights strobing US 98 in Gulf Breeze, FL when they saw an object "bathed
clockwise on the outer edge and alternating red and white in red light" with a circle of red lights on it; investigator, Joe
lights counter-clockwise a few feet from the edge. A six-or- Barron. At the closest point it would take four fingers at arms'
eight sided "opening" was emitting white light from the center length to cover the lights. Robert reported a "heavy struc-
of the bottom. The object caused his tin roof to rattle, and ture" and a surface resembling the skin of a blimp. Near the
he felt like it had him in a trance. When he managed to say time of this sighting, about 35 attendees from the monthly
"Jesus" it disappeared, causing the tin roof to make a loud Pensacola MUFON meeting observed this object from
noise. After that most of the appliances and wiring in the house Shoreline Park South, about five miles away. (I watched for
were useless, and three dogs in the neighborhood were never four minutes through my 30-power birding scope; while I saw
seen again. His wife heard the noises and confirmed the the red and white light appear briefly, I did not see nearly
effects. the detail these witnesses saw. This was my third sighting of
what appears to be the same type of object.)
• Log #911203E: 23 Nov., 1990: at 8:45 p.m. a retired Air
Force officer, his wife and son watched an anomalous red • Log #911207E: On 5 Dec. 1990: at 8:30 p.m., a couple
light over Gulf Breeze, FL for about four minutes; investigator, and their four children, ages 5-12, had a 30-minute sighting
Joe Barron. It was stationary at about 30 degrees elevation from their Pensacola, FL backyard. The mother was in bed
to the north and appeared the size of a "furniture tack" at with a cold when the 11-year-old daughter said "there is a
arm's length. The object was observed at the same time by space ship outside." After seeing a round, lighted object out
several MUFON investigators from the south end of the Pen- the back window, they went outside. The object was hover-
sacola Bay bridge, one mile to the west. ing over the bushes near the tops of 60-foot tall trees behind
two unoccupied houses across the side street. They were afraid
• Log #911204E: On 3 April, 1988: at 2:45 a.m. a teacher to go closer than about 100 feet. It was described as black
and her daughter in Gulf Breeze, FL observed through a and silver, the size of a compact car, with bright red lights
bedroom window a UFO about 150 feet away; investigators, swirling around the top and a bright white light on the bot-
Vicki Lyons and Charles Flannigan. The witnesses were tom. It departed slowly to the east. About an hour later, the
awakened by the sound of a dead tree falling across their mother went back out and saw a large helicopter flying very
backyard fence. They looked out the window and saw the ob- low and circling the neighborhood.
ject hovering about 50 feet above the ground. A circle of
"porthole-like structures" emanated orange beams. When such • Log #920201E: About September 1981, a young bride was
a beam struck the mother it made her feel "unique" as if she returning home at 3 a.m. with her husband, near Lithia, FL,
were being seen by the occupants. The teenage daughter when a UFO hovered about 50 feet over their car; investigator
became afraid. Then they both laid down on the bed and held Fearon L. Hicks, Jr. Two lights on the UFO, that looked like
hands until they saw the light depart two hours later. The an approaching car, were seen for some distance before the
mother said she heard a throbbing sound, similar to a heart UFO lifted up and hovered over their car. They stopped, leaned
beating, during the entire sighting. The daughter heard out of the windows, and saw an undefined silvery object cover-
nothing. The witnesses were neighbors of Ed and Frances ing the roadway and the power lines along the side. Her next
Walters. (Charles Flannigan, the lead investigator at the time, recollection is waking up in bed the next morning. She had
did not submit a formal report in 1988 because of the workload a rash on her left arm, neck, and the side of her chest. The
related to the Walters' case. Vicki Lyon, then an investigator area where the rash was still becomes dark red when exposed
trainee, felt it was important and recently submitted a for- to heat, but does not cause discomfort. The witness's sister
mal report.) also suspects UFO encounters.

• Log 1911205E; 4 April, 1991: at 4:30 a.m. a 49-year-old Continued on page 19

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

Dear Editor: 3.) Meaden states that the "generalized
Terence Meaden's letter in the January 1992
issue of the Mufon UFO Journal, in which
LETTERS plasma vortex theory is well and getting
healthier with each year that passes." That,
he castigates George Wingfield for some scientific lapses in of course, is only PR. The specific problems advancing on
an earlier letter (May 1991), is a prime example of an all- his generalised theory are even healthier and growing with
too-common failing in science: its refusal to consider all the each year, as recent articles in the Journal demonstrate. There
available evidence, and its concomitant tendency to form may be a natural explanation for the phenomenon, but the
reductive theories in advance of the facts. time for theories is not yet here. First facts, then theories.
I pass over the scientific lapses, since they have no real One would like to see a little more respect for Newton's
bearing on Mr. Meaden's case, and take up his points in the "Hypotheses non fingo."
order made. 4.) Meaden notes that his book, The Goddess of the Stones,
1.) Plasma vortices may exist, and there may even be cold has extended the plasma votex theory back to the Neolithic
plasma vortices that would not burn crops (a point he does Age. Other scholars have not been impressed with the attempt.
not discuss), but Meaden cannot have the cause both ways. Christopher Chippingdale, editor of Antiquity, reviewed it in
He cannot at one point say that a hill or obstacle "is not an the Times Literary Supplement (Oct. 18, 1991) and noted that
essential requirement" to form the upspinning eddy-vortex its engaging (and politically correct) picture of a prehistoric
that breaks downward to form crop patterns and then con- Britain that worshipped a Great Goddess and lived in peaceful
tinue to argue that windfields generate eddies when they en- coexistence is not supported by any evidence. His general sum-
counter obstacles. All the accounts of vortex formation in mary of the book as archaeology is worth quoting: "The
paragraph 4 of his letter involve an "invading windfield as preface to the book is a self-promoting puff, its treatment of
it butts against and flows around the hill ..." The unpleasant evidence is quite unfair, and the whole performance is
fact is that a very large number of crop patterns, including calculated to reduce confidence in that science of which the
those of 1991, were not formed in the lee of any hill or of author is so proud" (p. 7).
any obstacle large enough to create the requisite eddy. A vortex 5.) Meaden stresses that very few crop circles were seen
theory must apply equally to situations with and without an before 1980. This may be so, but is unsupported. Lack of
obstacle. Because Meaden's theory cannot accommodate the reports is no confirmation of lack of existence. On the con-
facts, he notes the possibility of non-obstacle formation and trary, one would certainly expect a natural phenomenon like
then lets it die silently. the plasma vortex to be well known throughout history the
2.) Meaden dismisses the large increase in crop patterns way, say, dust devils are. But if you attribute the majority
in the past few years as due primarily to hoaxing and secon- of circles since Meaden's own research began in 1980 to
darily to increased public awareness. I deal only with hoaxing. hoaxes, then the evidence has been quite nicely cooked in
That there have been a few hoaxes, mostly crude and mostly his favor.
discovered, cannot be stretched by fiat to cover the enormous
number of very well documented crop patterns. It would be — Steven J. Willett
a physical impossibility for a small army — let alone two men MUFON Consultant
— to create these complex patterns in all kinds of weather Hamakita City
and lighting. Even Dr. Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki of Waseda Univer- Japan
sity, whom Meaden cites in support of the plasma vortex
theory, does not subscribe to his version of the hoax theory.
In a Japanese NTV network documentary on "Mystery
Circles" broadcast on October 3, 1991, Dr. Ohtsuki stated CURRENT CASES, Continued
that circles made by human hand were in his opinion "shab-
by" (kitanai in Japanese) whereas true circles were beauti- • Log #920203E: 19 Jan. 91, at 8:30 p.m. a 31-year-old
fully formed, and even elegantly made hoaxes did not "shine" respiratory therapist in Bridgeport, CT saw a UFO hovering
(hikatte inai) from the air the way true circles did (pre- over and slightly beyond a 35-foot-tall tree across the street
sumably due to the violent and irregular way the former about 360 feet away; investigators Anastasia Wietrzychowski
were laid down). Dr. Ohtsuki's statement was in response and Bob Elmore. The object was a domed disk with a large
to the claim by two Englishmen to have hoaxed the crop square "window" on the upper portion emitting brilliant white
circles. It was clear he did not consider the vast majority light. Two smaller "windows" emitted dimmer white light,
of circles hoaxed. and the object appeared to be outlined by white light.
The hoax theory is more important to Meaden than appears. A truck passed, backed up and stopped. The light dis-
Without it, his plasma vortex must plausibly explain: a) the appeared and reappeared in another location. The witness
multi-stage construction of the patterns; b) the increasing observed this for about 30 seconds through a glass door while
complexity and intelligence of the patterns; c) the physical talking on the phone, and static was reported.
and chemical changes in the plants; and d) the extreme rapidity
of formation under relative calm or windless conditions.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

Dear Editor: wings, perhaps 200 feet wide. These were similar to an eagle's
R. H. Coddington's letter that appeared in the February 1992 wings, not a "flying wing." There was no head, nor tail, just
issue was one of the best to date that I have had the pleasure giant flapping wings, with feathery tips. Amazed, I dove for
of reading in your column. His brevity and sincerity in ad- my movie camera. When I raised this up, it was — zap —
dressing a situation that has gotten out of hand within the pages gone. The other two men saw nothing, except for the first glint.
of our Journal is to be applauded. I, like anyone else, appreciate I did have some sleep that night, so I cannot blame this on
a good discussion, but when it comes to "nitpicking" and "I'd lack of sleep. I am also a keen observer. I now think I know
like to point outs," I would prefer reading articles concerning why the military is not concerned that we see things. What
UFOs and the latest updates. These knights who are swinging we see is so fantasic and unbelievable that — just like tales
wildly with their broad swords, clashing up against each other's of abductions — even if we tell the people, they can't grasp
shields, are causing too much noise and commotion. When it, and they don't believe what we tell them anyway.
the dust clears, most of us are really unsure what the joust
was all about: ego-deflation, character assassination, witness — Jon Erik Beckjord
tampering? Who cares!? As a suggestion, you could print the Malibu, CA
address of the article's author, that way those who wish to point
"this or that" out, could then correspond directly with the
author and save the pages of our Journal for more construc-
tive purpose's. I am sure that either you or Walt Andrus will NEW RELEASES
insert a disclaimer to any article that you are unsure of. I seem
to recall a couple of issues back that you wrote about this very Several new items arrived too late for review this issue. The
same situation and in,so many words said that this type of abuse first is The Summer 1991 Crop Circles: The Data Emerges,
of our Journal would cease. I hope you can get control of this by Michael Chorost, published by the Fund for UFO Research,
soon, it has gone on for too long as it is. "Sheathe your swords, Box 277, Mount Rainier, MD, 20712 ($25, plus $2.50 p&h,
gentlemen, the battle is not within our ranks, but in the halls $5 foreign).
of our representatives and government." A condensed version of this report originally appeared in
the October 1991 issue of the Journal. The final expanded
— Fearon L. Hicks
report runs to 73 pages and contains much new material, in-
State Section Director
cluding several other photographs, technical appendices, and
Auburndale, FL
a partial catalog of crop circles with diagrams of some of the
(As mentioned earlier, human beings what they are, we don't many various patterns and formations. There is much to mull
anticipate that personality disputes will vanish overnight. Nor over here.
do we expect everyone to agree on a single viewpoint or inter- The second item is Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO
pretation of the UFO phenomenon. Honest and open debate Abductions by David M. Jacobs, Ph.D. (see elsewhere in this
on the issues and data must go forward. In the future, however, issue for the Foreward by John E. Mack, M.D.), which is now
feature articles must let the facts speak for themselves. More or soon to be available from Simon & Schuster, 336 pages,
opinionated pieces, if they appear at all, will be confined to $21.00. The official publication date is March 12, 1992. Jacobs,
the letters column. We're not trying to stifle debate in the Jour- of course, is a familiar contributor to these pages. A professor
nal's pages; we're just trying to raise the plane on which it of history at Temple University, he is the author of The UFO
takes place.) Controversy in America, one of the true landmark classics in
the field.
Dear Editor: The third is Cropcircle Communique, a stunning 77-minute
I enjoyed Bill Hamilton's article on the sightings in the video on the crop circle phenomenon by Englishman John Mac-
Antelope Valley, and wish to add some information. I was there Nish, with soundtrack by John Thomas and Emily Burridge.
in the same area, late April 1991, and spent a night within view This is a top-flight, Hi-Fi VHS stereo production, sure to stun
of the Northrop facility with CBS, Bill Hamilton and a dozen even the most jaded skeptic wide awake. Can't be recommended
or so other watchers. I saw, and filmed several orange-tinged too highly. Write to the American distributor, Linda Moulton
UFOs in 16mm, and these are similar to what Bill has des- Howe, for specifics: P.O. Box 538, Huntingdon Valley, PA,
cribed. They also change form as they fly, upon analysis. What 19006-0538. Tel: (215) 938-7869.
is even more intriguing is that the next day, on leaving the area Chorost's report is available directly from the Fund. Jacobs'
(I was the last one left at dawn), I was driving out and I stopped book should be in your local book store soon. In the mean-
to chat with two other watchers who were driving back up. time, an always reliable source for any UFO publication or
As we talked, I had what seems to be a very abnormal sighting. related material, including videos, is Bob Girard's Arcturus
I saw a glint, and noted a bright disk high up, perhaps at 5000 Book Service, P.O. Box 831383, Stone Mountain, GA,
feet, which seemed to act as if it wanted me to notice it. So 30083-0023, Tel: (404) 297-4624.
I grabbed my binoculars and watched it. As soon as I did, Full reviews of these items will appear in future issues of
this object changed. It suddenly became a flying set of white the Journal.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

by Jacques Vallee
Several individuals have been kind enough to send me copies
of Jacques Vallee's privately circulated A Letter to Readers of
In the Sept./Oct. 91 issue of its magazine, known as IUR 'Revelations! a response of sorts to my review of his most re-
(the International UFO Reporter), the Center for UFO Studies cent book (see "Somebody Must Be Behind It," IUR,
has published a review of my most recent book, Revelations, September/October 1991). There is nothing in Vallee's remarks
signed by Jerome Clark. It claims that (1) the book contains to cause me to reconsider or withdraw any of my criticisms.
errors in names and citations, (2) its summary of alleged Those who have read both Revelations and "Somebody" may
crashes is "a disaster" because several dates are wrong, (3) judge for themselves whether Vallee has addressed my major
it pays too much attention to claims that should be summari- arguments and, if so, how successfully.
ly dismissed as fraudulent, (4) it does not reveal the names From my perspective Vallee seems fixated on small points
of all sources and (5) it fails to quote ufologists with differ- while studiously avoiding the larger ones, most notably my charge
ing views. that he has made extraordinary conspiratorial claims which
neither logic nor evidence begins to validate.
These claims, except for the very first one, are false. Where cover-up yarns are concerned, Vallee has missed my
(1) I have relied too much on memory and I have occasional- point: that when one enters this treacherous area, one ought to
ly fallen victim to typos. For instance, CUFOS has indeed realize that there are elements not only of disinformation but of
moved to Chicago rather than staying a few miles away in plain, old-fashioned con-jobbing. This issue is'discussed on page
Evanston. Dr. Bronk's first name should be spelled Detlev, 22, first column, second and third paragraphs, of my IUR review.
not Detley (it is spelled correctly in the index). Two letters I did not claim, as Vallee has it, that Revelations simply "fails
got inverted in Jamison's name and I did not catch it. And to mention contrasting views." My charge, a far more damning
it is undoubtedly true that JUFOS (the Journal of UFO Studies) one, was that Vallee is unfamiliar with — in other words, ig-
is a refereed journal. norant of — the most intellectually serious writing ufology has
(2) Crash data are notoriously unreliable, as IUR itself has produced in the last decade or so; thus, when he attacks ufologists
often pointed out. However my "1933 or 1934" date for as he does relentlessly, he does not always know whereof he
Ubatuba was not a typo. Similarly, from the data I have I must speaks. Vallee unintentionally makes my point when all he can
stand by the quoted date of May 1947 for the Spitzbergen cite to rebut this "unfounded" claim is, for God's sake, a
crash. newspaper clipping, usually not regarded as a reliable source,
(3) It is true that I did not castigate the claims of John Lear, in which I am briefly, and distortedly, quoted.
Right or wrong, my views on UFO matters are voluminously
Bill Cooper and Bob Lazar as outright frauds. I believe that documented in my many writings, which Vallee could have con-
these men are wrong but I cannot conclude that they lie. sulted if he wanted to level substantive criticism. That may be
Somebody is using Lazar. Somebody invented the MJ-12 Vallee's problem in a nutshell: reading clippings when he should
documents. Somebody typed the papers that Richard Doty be studying actual UFO literature. For my views on the Voronezh
gave Linda Howe. I did not hesitate, on the other hand, to case, see my UFOs in the 1980s, pages 213-14. As for Vallee's
denounce the Meier case and the Ed Walters claims. statement that this is "one of the most important UFO events
(4) I am being taken to task for suggesting that Len in the last 10 years," I hope he's right. All I can say in the mean-
Stringfield should have revealed his sources' names, then time is, let's see the evidence.
neglecting to publish my own. This is another bad faith argu- If Vallee wants to believe the Ubatuba incident occurred in
ment. I have never implied that Mr. Stringfield should violate "1933 or 1934," he is welcome to do so. The rest of us can turn
the trust of his informants by making their names public in to the relevant literature (e.g., Coral Lorenzen's The Great Fly-
a book, and I certainly will not be guilty of such a violation ing Saucer Hoax, page 90) and learn, or be reminded, that the
myself. In fact the very same issue of IUR prints an interesting event allegedly took place in late August or early September
article by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, hinting at unnamed infor- 1957. The Spitzbergen crash, for which Vallee falsely cites
mants. My argument with Mr. Stringfield's sources is that Dorothy Kilgallen as source (and adds the equally untrue asser-
tion that she mentioned bodies in association with flying discs),
bona fide independent scientists have not been able to talk first appeared in print in the June 28, 1952 issue of Germany's
to them on a confidential basis. How do we know that we Saarbrucker Zeitung. It is, European researchers who present-
are not simply dealing with another "Aviary?" ly will be publishing the results of their investigation tell me,
(5) As for the claim that the book fails to mention con- a virtually certain hoax.
trasting views, I believe it is equally unfounded. Many such Vallee also mentions the famous Tex/Mex crash, listing the
researchers were cited verbatim. On page 216 I even quoted date as 1948, evidently unaware that investigators long ago con-
Jerome Clark's interview with the Hartford Courant, where cluded this was incorrect and put it later, in December 1950.
he summarily dismissed the Voronezh case, one of the most The guy who hoaxed the MJ-12 document, incidentally, knew
important UFO events of the last ten years. as much. Vallee should, too. And, by the way, Vallee to the con-
trary, the genesis of the story is not vague at all; the names of
the Army informants from whom Todd Zechel got the tale have
been known for years.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

slightly dimmer star can be watched through binoculars
around April 18 and 19. Vesta (magnitude 6.6) is located
THE NIGHT SKY on the 17th at R.A. llh 09m, Dec. +17°07' (2000 coor-
dinates). Note how the object's position changes each night
relative to the star.
By Walter N. Webb
UFO investigators should be alert for the refractive effects
April 1992 of rising and setting bright stars (and planets), especially
Vega, rising in the NE about 9 PM daylight time in mid-
• Bright Planets (Evening Sky): month, and Sirius, setting in the WSW about 11 PM.
Jupiter (magnitude -2.3), in Leo, stands high in the SE
at dusk. The conspicuous planet moves westward during
the night. The gibbous Moon lies in its vicinity on the 12th RED UFO RETURNS by Glen Bradley
and 13th.
Saturday, January 25, 1992. As a professional in the field
• Bright Planets (Morning Sky): of psychology, the continuing reports of UFO sightings from
Venus (-3.9) can be seen only early in the month very low residents in Pensacola Beach and Gulf Breeze area piqued
in the E just before sunrise. my curiosity. Could these people be seeing real UFOs?
Mars (1.1), in Aquarius, rises l'/2 hours before the Sun and On this night I joined a group of people at South Shoreline
lies in the ESE during midtwilight. The ruddy world is near Park in Gulf Breeze who gather nightly for the purpose of
the lunar crescent on April 28 and 29. hopefully witnessing a UFO. These people were very normal.
No guru or cult was in evidence, just friendly curious people
Jupiter sets in the W shortly after 4 AM daylight time in
like myself, looking for an answer to the local UFO mystery.
Suddenly somebody asked, "Is that an airplane?"
Saturn (0.8), in Capricornus, rises about 3:30 AM in mid- I am an active private pilot myself, having flown airplanes
April and can be found low in the SE at dawn. The Moon since the age of fifteen. I looked to the east and saw something
is nearby on the 25th and 26th. that was not like any airplane I had ever seen. It was a very
• Meteor Shower large red light of great intensity moving slowly to the south
(into the wind). It appeared to be about eight miles away;
The Lyrids unfortunately attain maximum this year when
it was a very clear night.
the gibbous Moon is also in the morning sky. Many of these
As this glowing, red unidentified flying object moved to
white meteors will be washed out by the moonlight. Nor-
the south, another identical red light appeared below and to
mally, a rate of about 15 per hour might be seen toward
its left. This second brilliant red light faded in and out occa-
dawn on April 21 and 22.
sionally, while the first light disappeared behind the trees that
• Moon Phases: were almost in front of me.
New moon — April 3 About a minute had gone by — it was 7:55 p.m. — when
I was handed a pair of binoculars so that I could see the ob-
First quarter — April 10 ject in more detail. Through the binoculars the light's inten-
Full moon — April 17 sity was really impressive; it had a very consistent reddish-
orange glow, much like that of a ruby laser. It was not at all
Last quarter — April 24 like any light I had seen in over 20 years and some 40,000-plus
• The Stars: hours of flying. I was impressed!
Several Mutual UFO Network investigators were busy
Leo the Lion crosses the meridian during midevening hours. photographing and recording the sighting. Investigator Mar-
Leo, its primary star Regulus, and the planet Jupiter all sha Athey used a car phone to call another team of in-
occupy the same region of the heavens this spring. The vestigators who were stationed near Fort Pickens. Chief In-
gathering would have been highly symbolic in ancient times. vestigator Gary Watson acknowledged that he could also see
The celestial lion, the star, and the king of planets all the red glowing object and was able to triangulate the loca-
signified royality and kingship. The Egyptian sphinx, with tion of the object (later calculated to be 6 and !4 miles east
its human face and body of a lion, may have been modeled of our location).
after the starry outline of Leo, associating the royal power Dozens of photographs were taken, including some with
of the kings with the constellation. Also known to the Egyp- two 1000mm lens cameras and a video camera. I look for-
tians: Their all-important day star, the Sun, appeared to ward to the detail the photos will provide. They often show
pass very near Regulus on the first day of summer. that the light is really a reddish-orange ring of great intensity.
The Lion contains another guest this month — the minor
planet Vesta, which can be found about 2° NW of Theta The above article originally appeared in The Islander of Pensacola,
Florida, on January 31, 1992.
Leonis, the hind quarters of Leo. Vesta's passage by a

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

MESSAGE, Continued dale, FL. According to Moseley, this is the largest collection
of miniature Peruvian ceramics in the United States. Jim per-
New Science was founded by Maurice Aibertson, Ph.D., sonally collected the donated pottery and gold artifacts while
and Brian O'Leary, Ph.D. Dr. Aibertson is a civil engineering on an expedition to Peru during the late 1950s. The Broward
professor at Colorado State University and co-founder of the County Archaelogical Society has named the "Moseley Ex-
Peace Corp. Dr. O'Leary is a former Apollo astronaut, former hibit" in honor of the Key West Donor.
astronomy/physics professor at Princeton University and Cor- James W. Moseley is best known in ufological circles as
nell University, author of Mars 1999, Exploring Inner and the editor of the controversial and humorous privately publish-
Outer Space and other space books. ed newsletter Saucer Smear. Mr. Moseley is to be commended
Some of the researchers participating in the symposium in- for this fabulous donation for posterity. As Jim would say in
clude Richard Andrews, Walt Andrus (MUFON), Mark Saucer Smear "way to go, Jim."
Carlotto, Ph.D., Michael Chorost, M.A., Jerome Clark,
(IUR), Edith Fiore, Ph.D., Stan Friedman, M.S., Steven
Greer, M.D., Richard Haines, Ph.D., James Harder, Ph.D., COMMUNICATING BY MODEM
Linda Moulton Howe, Scott Jones, Ph.D., Rima Laibow,
M.D., Brian O'Leary, Ph.D., John Salter, Jr., M.S., Don If you have a computer and modem why not log on to
Schmitt, Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., and Major General Albert the MUFON Bulletin Board System Network? As system
Stubblebines, (U.S.A. Ret). administrator I highly recommend this form of electronic
The steering committee for the International Symposium communication as a way for individual members and
of UFO Research consists of Steven M. Greer, M.D., founder groups to keep in touch with one another between
of The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence Journals.
(CSETI), Brian O'Leary, Ph.D., and Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., The requirements are really quite simple:
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and counselor at the Univer- • Use a modem which is "Hayes" compatible.
sity of Wyoming.
• Communications settings should be 8 bit, no parity, 1
For further information please write or call Carol Singer,
stop bit (8-N-l).
1304 South College, Fort Collins, CO 80524, (303) 482-3731.
• Your communications program should provide "ANSI"
The Top Ten terminal emulation.
The computer membership list for January 31, 1992 ranked • The monitor you are using should provide 80-column
the leading states in the following order with a few revisions display.
from the November standing: California, 378 (192 in northern • Modem baud rate must be a minimum of 300 baud;
California and 186 in southern California); Texas 266; Florida 1200 is acceptable, but 2400 baud would be ideal.
229; New York 163; Dlinois 146; Massachusetts 106; Michigan
For those members who feel communication by com-
100; Pennsylvania 94; Ohio 92 and Maryland 89.
puter might be too technical, not to fear. With the array
Rounding out the top ten above, other active states close
of communications programs currently available, connect-
behind were Washington 88, Missouri 83, Virginia 80, New
ing with a BBS over a telephone line is not nearly as com-
Jersey 78, North Carolina 72, Connecticut 61 and Arizona
plicated as it once was. Those members interested in ac-
56. Fully recognizing that the overall population of a state
cessing this type of communications media should write
could directly influence the number of members, the State
to me at the address below, and I'll be happy to forward
Directors and their teams are to be congratulated for their
an "On-Line Guide" which explains what is involved and
the information available. Or log on to the data number
Next month we will concentrate on the smaller states,
shown and leave me a message.
population-wise, where strong leadership could make signifi-
We are constantly seeking information concerning
cant differences. To be an effective UFO investigative
UFOs and related topics. I would like to request each State
organization, one of our goals is to have a state section director
Director to please include me on their mailing list for
responsible for every county in the U.S.A. Geographically,
local newsletters and any articles in which they think other
the smaller states in size have an advantage, compared to
members may be interested. Also, if you or a member
Texas, California, New York and obviously Alaska.
of your state group is interested in becoming more ac-
Jim Moseley Donates Private Collection tively involved with the MUFON-BBS Network, please
contact me directly.
The January 20, 1992 edition of the Key West Citizen
newspaper announced that Jim Moseley of Rose Lane Gardens
John Komar (State Director) 4769 Lake Ridge Drive
had made a rare gift to the Broward County Archaeological
Memphis, TN 38109
Society worth approximately $85,000. The special exhibit of
Computer Data Number: (901) 785-4943
pre-Columbian artifacts from Mr. Moseley's private collec-
tion opened at the Museum of Archaelogy in Fort Lauder-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

ville, Pickens, Anderson and Oconee Counties and John
"Randy" Cauthen (Rock Hill) for Lancaster and Chester
DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Counties. Arthur D. Hufford, II, M.B.A. (Pensacola, FL)
has been appointed State Section Director for Escambia and
Santa Rosa Counties. Mr. Hufford is also President of Pen-
News Around the Network sacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON.
by Walter Andrus Other new State Section Directors volunteering this past
month were the following: Stella Morgan (Boerne, TX) for
Kendall County; Herbert S. Taylor (Oceanside, NY), a
member since 1976, for Nassau County; Gregg B. Knight
The theme for the MUFON 1992 International UFO Sym- (St. Mary's, WV), for Pleasants, Tyler, Wood, Ritchie, Dod-
posium is "UFOs: The Ultimate Mystery of the Millennia." dridge and Harrison Counties; Homer Stanley Barnett (Por-
Hosted by MUFON New Mexico, the conference will take tales, NM) for Roosevelt and DeBaca Counties; and Jack
place the weekend of July 10, 11 and 12 at the Doubletree L. Leibfried (Harrisburg, PA) for Dauphin, Perry, Lebanon
Hotel in downtown Albuquerque. New Mexico State Direc- and York Counties.
tor Teresa Brito Asenap is the symposium chairperson. Major
New Consultants and Research Specialists
meetings will be held in the nearby convention center, which
is attached to the hotel by enclosed walkways. Nine academicians and professionals joined MUFON this
- Two-hundred rooms have been blocked for July 10 and 11, month as Consultants by volunteering their skills in the quest
and 60 rooms for July 9 and 12. The special group rates for to resolve the UFO enigma. They are Richard J. Boylan,
the symposium are single or double occupancy at $60 per Ph.D. (Sacramento, CA) in Psychology; Marion G. Simp-
night. Reservations are now being accepted by calling the son, M.D. (Covington, LA) in Pathology; D. Scott Phillips,
Doubletree Hotel at (505) 247-3344 and advising the reser- D.D.S. (Tacoma, WA) in Dental Surgery; Susan E Korbel,
vations desk that you will be attending the MUFON 1992 UFO Ph.D. (Mt. Prospect, IL) in Experimental Psychology; Wayne
Symposium in order to obtain the group rate. A. Wheeler, Ph.D. (Ladysmith, WI) in Scientific
Confirmed speakers are Stanton T. Friedman (Canada), Methodology; Robert W. Vater, J.D. (Fort Smith, AR) in
Philippe Piet van Putten (Brazil), Richard E Raines, Ph.D., Law; Charles A. Chrystal, Ph.D. (Amherst, NY) in
Budd Hopkins, Richard M. Neal, M.D., J. Antonio Psychology; Joseph D. Zeleznik, J.D. (Hancock, MI) in Law;
Huneeus, Linda Moulton Howe (keynote speaker), Jacques and Gerrit J. Gerwig, Ph.D. (Nieuwegein, Utrecht, The
Vallee, Ph.D., Montague Keen (England) on crop circles Netherlands) in Bio-Organic Chemistry.
and Clifford E. Stone. We anticipate receiving the names New Research Specialists applying their knowledge are
of two speakers from Moscow selected by Pavel Popovich, James A. Mott, M.S. (Duluth, GA) in Electrical Engineer-
President of the Soviet UFO Association, which will com- ing: Robert M. Bailey, M.B.A. (Troy, MI) in International
plete the speaking program. Relations; and Donna L. Drizin, M.A. (Leawood, KS) in
Registrations for the entire symposium are now being ac- Counseling. Translators available are Gary Burgansky (Far
cepted at $50 per person for five sessions on Saturday and Rockaway, NY) for Ukrainian and Dennis D. Chappell, M.S.
Sunday. The reception on Friday evening at 6 p.m. is $5 ex- (Pueblo, CO) for Russian. Karen M. Pennison (Bellville,
tra. When making your advance registrations, if your last name TX) has again offered her talents as a staff artist for the
starts with A-M, please write to MUFON-NM, P.O. Box MUFON UFO Journal.
14956, Albuquerque, NM 87191, or if N-Z, write to MUFON-
International Symposium on UFO Research
NM, P.O. Box 7191, Albuquerque, NM 87194, with a check
or money order payable to "MUFON 1992 UFO Symposium." The International Association for New Science, which has
American Airlines has again been selected as our official held four highly successful conferences on New Sciences, an-
carrier for the 1992 symposium with special group rates from nounces the first International Symposium on UFO Research
the 48 continguous states and Hawaii. Another group rate ap- to be held at the Red Lion Inn, 3203 Quebec in Denver, CO
plies to Canada. Individual reservations may be booked from Friday, May 22 through Monday, May 25, 1992.
through the American Airlines Meeting Service Desk toll free The subjects of UFOs, Abductees, Crash Retrieval, Govern-
number 1-800-433-1790 and identifying the symposium ac- ment Involvement, Cover-up, Crop Circles, Mars Anomolies,
count number Star #S02727L. Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind and Extraterrestrial In-
telligence will be the focus of this symposium. Over 20 of
New Officers
the top international researchers will present papers and con-
John Whitman Ray, M.S., formerly a member in New duct workshops on the state of the art UFO research and
Zealand, is the new Representative for the Cook Islands in related phenomenon.
the South Pacific. He resides in the city of Titikaveka on the The parent organization, International Association for the
island of Rarotonga. New State Section Directors for South
Carolina are Louisa S. Ewing, M.A. (Taylors) for Green- Continued on page 23

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 287 March 1992

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