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DIAGNOSTIC TEST Name: _________________________________________________________ Date:

WRITING: 2.- L.O: Past Simple. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the past simple. (6 marks)

Example: Yesterday my sister ______ (tidy) the house.

1. When I got home Mia _____________________ (cook) the dinner. 2. Sharon couldnt listen to music because the batteries of her MP4 ____________________ (run out). 3. I ran to the station but the train ____________________ (leave). 4. Sam gave me his newspaper to read but I _____________________ (read) it earlier that morning. 5. We didnt need much dinner because we _______________________ (had) a big lunch. 6. I __________________ (study) English at school. 3.- (L.O: Unit 7: Reality TV) Identify Past simple or Past Perfect. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or the past perfect form of the verbs in the brackets. (10 marks) Example: I went (go) to London last week. I had been (be) there twice before. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. George ________________ (finish) his lunch when his friends ______________ (arrive) at the restaurant. We _________________ (travel) around all of Europe by the time we _______________ (stop) in Paris. Michael __________ (be) very happy because he ______________ (receive) a letter from his best friend. When I had saved enough money I ___________________ (buy) a new bike. The child ______________ (have) a nightmare because he _______________________ (watch) a horror film. When I got to the supermarket I _________________ (realise) that I _________________ (lose) my wallet. I was very annoyed when I ______________ (see) the TV on sale for half price; I ___________________ (buy) the same TV for the full price.

4.- (L.O: Unit 7: Identify vocabulary related to unit) Vocabulary: Noun suffixes. Write the words for the people. Use the correct suffix: r, -er, -or, or ist. (5 marks) Example: Journal 1. Travel 2. Present 3. Invent 4. Farm Journalist ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 5. archaeology _______________

5.- (L.O: Unit 7: Identify vocabulary related to unit) Vocabulary: Noun suffixes. Underline the correct answer. (5 marks) Example: He was a butterfly collector / collectist.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Id like to be an inventer / inventor, but I dont know what to invent! Hes the manager / managor of a big company. Astronomists / Astronomers study the stars. Van Gogh was the artist / artister who cut off his own ear. My mother is a school governer / governor.

READING 6. (L.O: Understanding some reading) Read texts. Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Underline the correct answer: a), b) or c). (10 marks)

a) Anita wants Marcus to apologize to John. b) Anita wants John to apologize to Marcus. c) Anita wants to apologize to John

John, I was going to the gym when I met Marcus. Hes furious with you about last night. Give him a ring to say sorry, please! Anita

1. Rachel phoned.

between 6.30 and 9 Rita

a) Rita wants to go to the Indian restaurant. b) Rachel didnt like the Indian restaurant. c) They dont think the Thai restaurant is better. 2. To: All marketing staff
From: Andrew Jacobson Subject: Tomorrows meeting Dear team, As we discussed, the new publicity campaign has to make it clear that the new software comes FREE with the computer. I would also like you to stress that there is a three-year guarantee included in the price too. Looking forward to hearing your ideas, Andy

a) Andy wants a free computer. b) Customers dont have to pay for the new software when they buy the computer. c) Customers can pay for the computer in three years. 3. Dear Molly,

Were having a lovely time here. Yesterday we visited an island and we sat on the beach and saw the most beautiful sunset. Mike had already visited the island but he says that with me he saw it in a different way. See you soon, Georgia

a) Mike wants to visit a different island. b) Georgia wants to visit the island in a different way. c) Mike thought the island was more interesting when he visited it with Georgia. 4. Doctor Morton is not in the surgery this week. For urgent appointments please contact Dr Thomas on 0986 546707. For any other
problems, Dr Morton will be back on Monday.

a) Dr Morton is away all week. b) Dr Thomas is a surgeon. c) If you have an urgent problem you have to wait until Monday. 5. Rick, if you hadnt been so stupid last night, we wouldnt have got into trouble. You have to phone my parents and explain. T hey are
very worried. Do it NOW!! Simon

a) Simon behaved stupidly and got into trouble. b) Rick wants to speak to Simon parents. c) Simon thinks it was Ricks fault that they got into trouble.

7. (L.O: Understanding an extensive reading) Extensive reading: Eight Great American Tales (tales: III, IV and V). Choose the correct alternative. (12 marks)

1. Sue and Johanna live together in _______________ a) California b) Maine c) Greenwich Village d) Naples 2. Joe Larabee and Delia Carruthers find work in a _________________ a) factory b) Restaurant c) laundry d) drugstore 3. Ikey Schoenstein works in a ________________ a) drugstore b) restaurant c) laundry d) stationery store 4. Sue and Johanna are _______________ a) shopkeepers b) criminals c) artist d) doctors 5. Mr Berman is a _________________ a) an artist b) a detective c) shopkeepers d) a farmer 6. Delia Carruthers is a _________________ student. a) an art b) a music c) an English d) a dance 7. Joe Larabee is a __________________ student. a) an art b) a music c) an English d) a dance 8. Mr Berman gets pneumonia when _________________ a) he paints a leaf on a wall in bad weather b) he falls from a ladder c) Sue draws him

9. 10. 11. 12.

d) he drinks a lot Delia tells Joe that she's giving music lesson to ______________ a) General Pinkney b) Tinkle c) Clementina d) Mr Rosenstock Joe tells Delia that he's selling pictures to ________________ a) Mr Magister b) a fat man from Arizona c)Tinkle d) Mr Rosenstock Delia hurts her hand ______________________ a) on an iron b) when hot cheese falls on it c) when hot oil falls on it d) on an engine Ikey Schoenstein gives chunk McGowan ________________ a) cough medicine b) stomach medicine c) a love potion d) a sleeping potion


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