What Is Perjury 08062013

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Perjury is the making of a materially false statement under oath with the knowledge that the statement is false. Under federal law, perjury is punishable by up to five years in jail. Perjury is also punishable under state laws. The purpose of perjury statutes is to keep the process of justice free from false testimony. However, this law was not used in Travis case to perjure both detectives since they consistently gave inconsistent statements. The best-known form of perjury is falsely answering a question while testifying as a witness at a trial. Before you can be found guilty of perjury, the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you knew what the question meant and that you gave knowingly untruthful and misleading answers in response to the questions. In other words, your knowledge and reasonable understanding as to what was meant by the person asking the question is critical to deciding whether you committed perjury. The government has to prove your statement was false at the time you made it. False testimony that's an honest mistake isn't perjury. In addition to perjury being a crime in itself, a defendant can receive increased punishment under the USSG for providing a materially false statement to a judge, law enforcement officer, or probation officer. If you to take an oath to tell the truth, it's important that you do so. Police officers in Jacksonville Florida are falsifying documents, conducting illegal searches, making warrantless arrests, making arrest without the benefit of probable cause to arrest, lying under oath in depositions, lying under oath on the witness stand. We are being denied our basic right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and incarcerated at an alarming rate. Violations by the police are constant. The corruption is spread throughout; it is so pervasive that it is accepted as the Norm the way to do business. We have no defense against these evil intruders. They do not uphold the law neither do they obey the Constitution as it is written. JSO have their own policy and procedures in place however, police officers are allowed to break and make up excuses for not following their own policy and procedures. They continue to break all the rules in the name of justice but whose justice is it? Certainly it is not ours.

We need help in Jacksonville Florida to guard its residents against the epidemic of overzealous police officers, and other governmental officials that is currently running rampart, oozing out from all four corners of the earth and plaguing our streets, homes, schools, churches, communities, businesses and every other that is plagued with this monstrosity of injustice. We are being denied our basic rights against these evil intruders. Our children are being incarcerated every day by these vile intruders. WE NEED HELP Something must be done now: Before this infestation takes over every facet of our lives.

FELONY PERJURY: I believe there are hundreds of thousands of police officers in the United States today that break the law and commit felony perjury as a calculated, premeditated offense designed to undercut the constitutional rights of defendants. They commit felony perjury; first by filing false affidavits, then by testilying in court. It is no longer in the dark and frankly should not be a shock that innocent people are presently incarcerated as a result of overzealous officer (s) committing felony perjury every fraction, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year. If we do not take a stand against this Egregious Monstrosity then we surrender what dignity, respect, and compassion we have while Florida becomes a Police State. I believe, Judges and prosecutors tolerate if not encourage police lying in court all in the name of gaining a conviction. When in fact they are the wrongdoer, reprobate, malefactor, degenerate, Villain, Scoundrel, all of which equal CRIMINAL with a Badge, Gun, Title, Position and Authority sitting in high places! Criminal cases often are decided according to the preponderance of perjury. Police perjury in criminal cases is so pervasive that "hundreds of thousands of lawenforcement officers commit felony perjury every year testilying to make the state case stronger against you and gain convictions at all costs; To You. The most heinous brand of lying perjury by police officers is the giving of false testimony that results in the imprisonment or execution of an innocent person. What does this mean? When prosecutors are preparing for a trial, they often arrange dry runs as part of the trial preparation procedure. As in Travis case I had firsthand knowledge how the prosecutor

(s) skirted along the edge of coercing and leading the police witness (s) to get the desired result. Police officers learn to tailor their testimony and commit perjury to the requirements of the law. What happened to Travis and others is the most heinous brand of lying as a result we have Mass Incarceration; mostly African American Males: Therefore, perjury that results in the conviction of a person (s) life and liberty boarders on inhumane treatment; which is a violation under the Eight Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Police here have no fear or deterrent against conducting illegal searches, making warrantless arrest without probable cause to do so. They commit felony perjury; first by filing false affidavits, then by testilying in court. Some examples are provided below: 1. When officers unlawfully stop and search a vehicle because they believe there are drugs in it, officers will falsely claim in police reports and under oath that the can ran a red light or committed some other traffic violation 2. Once pulled over, the police officer will search the occupants of the vehicle as well as the vehicle with or without consent although the police officer will always indicate that they had consent 3. If consent is adamantly opposed by the occupants, the police officer will report, under oath, that the contraband was in plain view 4. To conceal an unlawful search that does not involve a vehicle, police officers have been taught to report and testify that they saw a bulge in the persons pocket or saw drugs and money changing hands 5. To justify unlawfully entering a residence where officers believe drugs or cash can be found, cops commit felony perjury by claiming that they had information from an unidentified civilian informant Less egregious, but still quite serious, is false testimony that results in the conviction of a person who committed the criminal conduct, but whose rights were violated in a manner that would preclude conviction if the police were to testify truthfully. According to the Mollen Commission the practice of police falsification is so common that it has spawned its own word -- testilying Since the Mollen Report was published in 1994, police misconduct and felony perjury has not been curtailed. Police misconduct and felony perjury is at an all time high:

The situation here in Jacksonville, is getting worse not better. Jacksonville is infested with corrupt and criminal police mentality and because of such; we are thrust into a fullfledged police state. Law enforcement does what it wants; when it wants; to whomever it wants; with absolutely no accountability or restraint. This equals police misconduct and miscarriage of justice in Jacksonville Florida. Police misconduct, is often get handled absent criminal charges, prosecution, and incarceration; against the epidemic of overzealous police officers. Muckraker Report http://teamliberty.net To learn more about Ed's current and previous work, visit

Crafting Prose. [http://craftingprose.com]. If you enjoyed this article, please consider

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