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Human Sexuality and Fertility

Cherish your human connections: Your relationships with friends and family.
Barbara Bush


LEA R NING T AR G ET S At the completion of this chapter, the student will be able to:

Discuss the nurses role in providing sexual and reproductive health care. Identify advantages and disadvantages of barrier and hormonal contraceptive methods, intrauterine devices and permanent sterilization. Teach patients how to use various methods of contraception. Assess a patient for short-term complications after an induced abortion. Analyze the nurses role in infertility care. Differentiate among the various advanced reproductive technologies. Identify potential alternatives to childbearing for the infertile couple.

moving toward evidence-based practice Therapy for Unexplained Infertility

Harrison, E.C., & Taylor, J.S. (2006). IVF therapy for unexplained infertility [Electronic version]. American Family Physician, 73(1), 6366.

The purpose of this review was to determine whether in vitro fertilization (IVF) improves the probability of live births in the context of unexplained infertility, compared to alternative management approaches. Unexplained infertility was dened as failure to conceive after 1 year in couples in whom no abnormalities were found during an infertility work-up. IVF is a process that involves stimulation of the ovaries with gonadotropins, egg retrieval, and fertilization in the laboratory. Pregnancy rates achieved with IVF therapy have been reported to reach 30%. Alternative management approaches to achieve live births included: (1) expectant management, (2) the administration of clomiphene citrate (Clomid), (3) intrauterine insemination (IUI) with or without controlled ovarian stimulation, and (4) gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT). Of the ten randomized controlled trials (RCT) reviewed, six met the study criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. Signicant variations among study outcomes and therapies were found; the live-birth rate per patient was considered to be the outcome of interest.

Data analysis revealed the following: (1) IVF was found to be signicantly better than expectant management in two studies; (2) there were no signicant differences in live birth rates among patients who received IVF and those who received intrauterine insemination; and (3) one study reported a greater live birth rate associated with IVF as compared with GIFT. The use of clomiphene citrate (Clomid) was not compared with other infertility therapies in any of the studies. The researchers concluded that there were insufcient data to allow for the comparison of IVF with other methods of infertility treatment and recommended larger randomized trials. It was noted that the cost of a single cycle of IVF reportedly exceeds $10,000.00. Insurance coverage for IVF varies from zero to 100% reimbursement. Risks associated with infertility therapies include psychological stress (e.g., anxiety and depression), multiple gestations, operative risks, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Approximately 25% of IVF pregnancies involve multiple gestations, which are frequently associated with maternalfetal complications.
(continued) 137


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

moving toward evidence-based practice (continued) Operative risks associated with egg retrieval include a potential for bleeding and infection. 1. Does this study provide sufcient evidence to suggest that IVF therapy is more effective than other forms of infertility management, when compared to the risks associated with this treatment modality? 2. How is this information useful to clinical nursing practice? See Suggested Responses for Moving Toward Evidence-Based Practice on the Electronic Study Guide or DavisPlus.

Sexuality is a multidimensional concept that encompasses ones sexual nature, activity, and interest. Inuenced by ethical, spiritual, cultural, and moral factors, sexuality constitutes an important component of womens health. A central role for nurses involves helping women to understand their sexual health and assist them with reproductive life planning. This chapter explores the nurses roles in various aspects of reproductive health care and concludes with a brief overview of some of the legal and ethical issues that surround methods of advanced reproductive technology.

nurse in the ambulatory care setting. Hence, the nurse may need to assume the role of educator, counselor, or care provider when dealing with sexual and reproductive health matters. It is essential that nurses who practice in reproductive care settings develop an awareness and understanding of personal feelings, values, and attitudes about sexuality. These insights allow the nurse to provide sensitive, individualized care to women who have their own set of values and beliefs. Nurses must have current, evidence-based information about anatomy and physiology and about topics related to sexuality and reproductive health. Nurses must also be sensitive to the relationship dynamics they may observe when women arrive for care accompanied by their partners.

Sexuality and Reproductive Health Care

Womens health care is a broad term that encompasses the provision of holistic care to women within the context of their day-to-day lives. This approach to health recognizes that a womans physical, mental, and spiritual states are interdependent and all affect the present level of wellness. In any therapeutic setting, eliciting the womans view of her situation, and assessing her needs, values, beliefs, and supports constitute essential components in formulating an appropriate plan of care. Nurses have an opportunity to work with women in a variety of settings. Teaching about health promotion can take place at community centers, schools, clinics, private ofces, and senior centers. The majority of womens health care is delivered outside of the acute care setting. Approaching womens health from a community-based perspective enables nurses to recognize each persons autonomy and provide holistic care that is sensitive to physical, emotional, sociocultural, and situational needs. Sexuality and its reproductive implications are woven into the fabric of human behavior. Because it is such an emotion-laden aspect of life, people have many concerns, problems, and questions about sex roles, behaviors, inhibitions, education, morality, and related components such as contraception. The reproductive implications of sexual behavior must also be considered. Some people desire pregnancy; others wish to avoid it. Health concerns constitute yet another issue that must be addressed. The rising incidence of sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV/AIDS and herpes virus, has prompted many individuals to modify their sexual practices. Women often ask questions and voice concerns about these issues to the


In the 1960s, the research work of Masters and Johnson (1966) helped to dene sexuality as a natural component of a healthy human personality. Before that time, human sexuality was often viewed as a negative or nonexistent, sometimes shameful, aspect that needed to be shrouded in secrecy. The work of the two sexuality researchers gave new insights into the physical components of human pleasure during sexual response and orgasm. Masters and Johnson described four human sexual response phases: excitement, plateau, orgasmic, and resolution. The excitement phase is characterized by physiological responses to internal and/or external cues. Women experience vaginal lubrication, breast and pelvic engorgement, and increased heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. Clitoral and labial tissues become swollen, the nipples become erect, and the vagina becomes distended and elongated. Men experience penile engorgement with an increase in circumference and length (erection) along with scrotal thickening and elevation. During the plateau phase, women experience the most heightened sense of sexual tension. The labia become more congested, the vagina becomes more fully expanded and the uterus rises out of the pelvis in preparation for intercourse. Most women also experience sexual ushing, tachycardia, and hyperventilation. In men, the testicles enlarge and become elevated and the coronal circumference of the penis increases. Both genders experience a generalized muscular tension. The orgasmic phase is characterized by an intense desire for sexual release due to congestion of the blood vessels. Tachycardia, blood pressure, and hyperventilation are intensied. These sensations build until orgasm is reached.

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


Muscular contractions occur in the mans accessory reproductive organs (vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and ejaculatory duct). There is a relaxation of the bladder sphincter muscles along with contractions of the urethra and perirectal muscles followed by ejaculation as orgasm occurs. An overall release of muscular tension takes place during the resolution phase. Both genders experience a feeling of warmth and relaxation and women may experience a brief refractory period or rest time before they are interested in sexual intercourse again. Women are capable of experiencing multiple orgasms. Masters and Johnson were instrumental in opening the topic of human sexual response for discussion and study in the United States. The media often send the message that sexuality involves only a physical expression such as the act of sexual intercourse. In actuality, human sexuality is a multidimensional phenomenon that touches and permeates many aspects of human behavior.


Sexual Orientations

Even though it constitutes an integral and normal dimension of every human being, sexuality evokes controversy when it involves alternative sexual orientation or sexual expression at either end of the age spectrum. Heterosexual sexual orientation is the sexual attraction to or sexual activity with a person of the opposite sex or gender. Heterosexuality is often considered the norm in America, and any other form of sexual expression is viewed as being outside the realm of normal. Homosexuality is the sexual attraction to or sexual activity of a person with another individual belonging to the same sex or gender. The term gay is often used for homosexual males; lesbian is used for females. An estimated 2.3 million women in the United States presently identify themselves as lesbians (Marrazzo, 2004). Although a genetic factor has been linked with male homosexuality, no such etiology has been identied for lesbians (Ridley, 2000). Thus, the origin of this sexual orientation in women remains basically unknown. Masters and Johnson (1966) refuted the idea that homosexuality is a mental health disorder. Yet lesbians and bisexuals (individuals who are sexually active with others of both sexes) are more likely to report that they experience poor physical and mental health (Mays, Yancey, Cochran, Weber, & Fielding, 2002). Although the exact etiology of diminished health status among this population is not clear, one factor may relate to homosexual/bisexual womens hesitancy in seeking health care. The mental and physical discomforts associated with seeking medical attention may translate into a failure to obtain timely professional help for health concerns or illnesses. Some lesbians may be reluctant to disclose their sexual orientation to their health care provider owing to fears related to hostility, inadequate health care, or breach of condentiality. Also, in many health care settings, patient heterosexuality is assumed and interview questions are structured toward a heterosexual orientation. Lesbians who decide to bear a child often must undergo a number of medical procedures in order to conceive. In general, lesbian women who choose to have children are rmly committed to their decision, for they must work

harder at achieving conception than other women. Signicant health issues also exist for this population. Women who are lesbians are more at risk for breast cancer due to their lower rates of breastfeeding. They are also at risk for sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) and cervical cancer. However, woman-to-woman transmission of sexually transmitted infections is much lower than in heterosexual relationships. Since not all gynecological cancers are related to sexual activity, lesbian women who have never had children may be at an increased risk for endometrial and ovarian cancer. Further, their risk for other cancers (e.g., lung and colon) and heart disease is not different from that of heterosexual women. It is essential that health care providers give correct advice and conduct appropriate cancer and other disease screening for these women. The nurse should develop an approach that does not assume that all patients are heterosexual (Martinez, 2007; Stevens & Hall, 2001). As is true with any group, homosexual women deserve to have their healthcare concerns addressed by compassionate, nonjudgmental healthcare providers who are knowledgeable about the healthcare needs of women with alternative sexual preferences.

A Nursing Framework for Promoting Womens Sexual and Reproductive Health

Nurses who work with women in reproductive care settings must understand what is meant by healthy sexual function before they can begin to recognize and understand how a behavior becomes dysfunctional. A newer vision of sexuality in women (Basson, 2002; Katz, 2007) takes into account relationships for women by including emotional intimacy, sexual stimuli, and relationship satisfaction as a model of sexual response. Thus, womens sexual response is far more complex and complicated than the achievement of an orgasm with intercourse. Sexuality for women encompasses much more than the physical dimension of the sex act. Sexual dysfunction for women is dened as any sexual situation that causes distress for the woman herself. If the woman is comfortable with a situation, there is no dysfunction. If she is distressed by any physical, emotional, or relationship aspect of her sexuality, she may be experiencing a dysfunction (Hicks, 2004). Dysfunction can be manifested in the form of pain, arousal disorder, orgasmic disorder, or desire disorder (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000).

A rst step in the sexual and reproductive health assessment involves the establishment of a trusting relationship where the patient feels safe asking questions and sharing concerns. Discussion of sexual issues can be embarrassing for women. Nurses need to be aware of their own sexual biases and beliefs and educate themselves about the many aspects of sexuality. When assessing women for sexual concerns, it is important not to make assumptions about partner preferences or sexual


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

activity. Misguided assumptions can bring an abrupt ending to any therapeutic communications. For example, speaking with a woman about contraceptive choices may halt further dialogue with the patient who is lesbian and has sexual concerns unrelated to a heterosexual relationship (Martinez, 2007). When working with very young patients, the nurse must avoid communicating personal views that adolescent sexual behavior is wrong or shameful. Regardless of involvement in sexual activity, teenagers need a reliable source of education and information. They must rst feel accepted before they can ask questions and share concerns about sexuality and sexual behavior. Assessing women for current or past problems that may interfere with or contraindicate pregnancy or the use of certain types of contraception (products that prevent pregnancy) is an important nursing role in reproductive health care. For example, women with chronic health problems such as diabetes, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cancer, or pain may be taking medications that are contraindicated with certain contraceptives or are associated with fetal anomalies (Table 6-1). Individualized counseling, guidance, and reliable information helps empower them to make informed, realistic choices about reproductive planning. Other chronic conditions, including endometriosis and polycystic ovarian disease, may interfere with fertility and create a sense of powerlessness in those who desire pregnancy. Nurses are in a unique position to listen generously to these women, make appropriate referrals, and assist them in resolving their grief and feelings of loss (Katz, 2007; Martinez, 2007). Women also need to be counseled about the ideal age for childbearing and the implications of delaying pregnancy too long. Those who have not conceived by the mid- to late 30s may remain childless and burdened with guilt. Outside pressures exerted by cultural inuences and family expectations often compound the feelings of remorse. Providing all women with current, factual information about the natural aging process and its inuence on fertility empowers women of all ages to make informed decisions that best suit their needs.
Obtaining the Sexual History

each sexual partner, this information is very important for women whose reproductive life plan includes future pregnancy. Sexual health promotion includes providing correct information about the implications of multiple sexual partners; this information empowers women to make knowledgeable, informed choices. Depending on the situation and purpose of the visit, other appropriate components of the patient assessment may include a physical examination and diagnostic testing.
Now Can You Discuss the nurses role in reproductive
health care? 1. Explain why nurses who work in a reproductive health care setting must be comfortable with their own sexuality? 2. Develop six questions that will assist with taking a patients sexual history? 3. Analyze the nurses role in the reproductive health assessment?


Depending on the purpose of the visit and analysis of the assessment ndings, a number of nursing diagnoses may be appropriate. For women seeking contraception, diagnoses may include decisional conict regarding choice of birth control because of a health concern, contraceptive alternatives, or the partners willingness to agree on the contraceptive method. Other possible nursing diagnoses are listed in Box 6-1.


Regardless of the patients age and contraceptive method selected, the nurse must rst seek the womans conrmation that she truly wants contraception. Birth control is always an individual choice. Feelings of helplessness and manipulation may result when the woman believes that someone else has decided what is best for her or coerces her into contraceptive use. One of the primary goals during the contraceptive care visit is to determine and provide the contraceptive method of best t for the woman or couple. Obtaining the medical, social, and cultural history helps to safeguard the

The sexual history elicits information concerning prior treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pain with intercourse (dyspareunia), postcoital spotting or bleeding, and frequency of intercourse. Women who have intercourse more frequently and on a regular basis are more likely to become pregnant. The probability for pregnancy with each unprotected intercourse is about 20% (Nelson & Marshall, 2004). An important component of holistic reproductive care centers on helping women to understand their bodys natural functioning in relation to the menstrual cycle, so that they can problemsolve about the timing of intercourse to achieve pregnancy, if desired. The nurse also inquires about the number of past sexual partners. This information is useful in developing an estimate of the patients risk for STIs and guides the nurse in providing appropriate education about safe sex practices. It is estimated that 4 out of 10 Americans between 18 and 59 years of age have had ve or more partners (Haffner & Stayton, 2004). Since the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection increases with

Box 6-1 Possible Nursing Diagnoses for Reproductive Care

Ineffective Sexuality patterns related to fear of pregnancy Knowledge Decit related to new use of the contraceptive method of choice Effective Therapeutic Management related to birth control method of choice Risk for Spiritual Distress related to discrepancy between religious or cultural beliefs and choice of contraception Risk for Infection related to use of contraceptive method or unprotected sexual intercourse Broken skin or mucous membrane after surgery or intrauterine device (IUD) insertion Fear related to contraceptive method side effects

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


Table 6-1 Drugs that Adversely Affect the Female Reproductive System
Drug Class Androgens Drug Danazol Fluoxymesterone, methyltestosterone, testosterone Antidepressants Tricyclic antidepressants Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Antihypertensives Clonidine, reserpine Methyldopa Antipsychotics Chlorpromazine, perphenazine, prochlorperazine, thioridazine, triuoperazine, haloperidol Atenolol, labetalol hydrochloride, nadolol, propanolol hydrochloride, metoprolol Digoxin Dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, prednisone Busulfan Possible Adverse Reactions Vaginitis, with itching, dryness, burning, or bleeding; amenorrhea Amenorrhea and other menstrual irregularities; virilization, including clitoral enlargement Changed libido, menstrual irregularity Decreased libido, anorgasmia Decreased libido Decreased libido, amenorrhea Inhibition of ovulation (chlorpromazine only), menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, change in libido Decreased libido Changes in cellular layer of vaginal walls in postmenopausal women Amenorrhea and menstrual irregularities Amenorrhea with menopausal symptoms in premenopausal women, ovarian suppression, ovarian brosis and atrophy Amenorrhea Gonadal suppression (possibly irreversible), amenorrhea, ovarian brosis Menstrual dysfunction, infertility Vaginal discharge or bleeding, menstrual irregularities, pruritus vulvae (intense itching of the female external genitalia) Amenorrhea Altered menstrual ow, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cervical erosion or abnormal secretions, enlargement of uterine bromas, vaginal candidiasis Vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding with excessive use Breakthrough bleeding, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cervical erosion, and abnormal secretions Menstrual irregularities with excessive doses Decreased libido Decreased libido Menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, possible polycystic ovarian syndrome

Beta blockers Cardiac glycosides Corticosteroids Cytotoxics

Chlorambucil Cyclophosphamide Methotrexate Tamoxifen

Thiotepa Estrogens Conjugated estrogens, esteried estrogens, estradiol, estrone, ethinyl estradiol Dienestrol Progestins Medroxyprogesterone acetate, norethindrone, norgestrel, progesterone Levothyroxine, sodium, thyroid USP, and others Lithium carbonate

Thyroid hormones Miscellaneous


Source: Dillon, P.M. (2007). Nursing health assessment. Clinical pocket guide (pp. 234235). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Reprinted with permission.

patients health and guide discussion of the contraceptive choices available to her. Patients often come for care with a specic birth control method in mind. However, it is essential that the nurse explore the womans knowledge and understanding of contraceptive choices, her motiva-

tions for using a method, and her level of commitment to use the method consistently. On occasion, the desired contraceptive method is contraindicated or associated with side effects that outweigh the personal benets. Open, honest discussion where appropriate information


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

can be provided in a nonthreatening environment empowers the patient to make an informed choice of a birth control method that is best suited to her lifestyle (Fig. 6-1).

Across Care Settings: Enhancing contraceptive

decision making
The choice of a contraceptive method usually rests with the individual, although certain types of birth control may not be the best t for special populations. Methods that require planning ahead, visiting a restroom for insertion, or are considered messy may not be the best choice for adolescents. Combination hormonal methods may be contraindicated in women with a history of breast cancer or diabetes, and these patients need assistance in nding another method that safely suits their lifestyle and health needs. An essential nursing role centers on obtaining a comprehensive history and educating patients about options, special considerations, and side effects. Often the nurse enlists the assistance of other health professionals such as health educators, social workers, translators, and home health workers in teaching about contraception and in managing appropriate follow-up care.

method are at risk for pregnancy. Ideally, patients should be reassessed within a few weeks after initiating a new method. At this time, appropriate outcomes may include the following. The patient: Has used the contraceptive method correctly and consistently. Has experienced no adverse side effects from use of the contraceptive method. Voices continued satisfaction with the selected contraceptive method. Consistently uses the contraceptive method without pregnancy for the following year.

Toward Achieving the National Goals for Reproductive Life Planning

The Healthy People 2010 national initiative includes a number of goals that directly address reproductive health (Box 6-2). Individuals and couples who seek assistance with this aspect of their lives may need counseling about fertility and methods of contraception. Seeking guidance and making decisions about contraception are prompted by a number of inuences but generally center on a desire to take control over ones reproductive life. Nurses can be instrumental in helping the nation to achieve the objectives by assisting women who want to practice safe sex and providing effective contraception when they do not desire to be pregnant. Women of all ages are capable of responsible sexual behavior when given enough education, motivation, and opportunity. One of the challenges for nurses in the community concerns poor women who are unable to afford contraception as well as those with fertility problems who cannot afford special treatments to achieve pregnancy. Nurses must advocate for all women to ensure that reproductive care is available to all persons, regardless of socioeconomic status.

When obtaining contraception is the purpose of the reproductive health visit, an immediate evaluation may take place at the conclusion of the patient encounter. This evaluation centers on mutually agreed upon outcomes that reect the patients understanding of, and comfort level with, the chosen method. Examples of possible outcomes are listed below. The patient: Voices understanding about the selected contraceptive method. Voices an understanding of all information necessary to provide informed consent. Voices a comfort level with use of the contraceptive method selected. Intermediate and long-term evaluation of outcomes is especially important in the area of contraceptive care because patients who discontinue use of a birth control

Box 6-2 Healthy People 2010 National Goals Related to Reproductive Life Planning
Several of the National Health Goals are related to reproductive life planning. These include the following: Reduce the proportion of women experiencing pregnancy despite use of a reversible contraceptive method from a baseline of 13% to a target of 7%. Increase the proportion of pregnancies that are intended from a baseline of 51% to a target of 70%. Decrease the proportion of births occurring within 24 months of a previous birth from a baseline of 11% to a target of 6%. Increase the proportion of females at risk for unintended pregnancy (and their partners) who use contraception from a baseline of 93% to a target of 100%. Increase the number of health care providers who provide emergency contraception. Increase male involvement in pregnancy prevention and family planning efforts (new goal; baseline to be determined).

Figure 6-1 Teaching about contraception is an essential component of reproductive health care.

Source: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). (2000). Healthy People 2010. Washington, DC: DHHS.

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


Although the rate of unintended pregnancies in the United States has declined, the rate of unintentional pregnancy remains highest among young, less educated women with low income (American Medical Womens Association, 2005). These individuals, who may be less likely to afford birth control or reach a health care clinic, must be a major focus for education and support from nurses in the community. All women deserve holistic health care along with culturally, educationally, and developmentally appropriate information to empower them to make realistic decisions about reproductive life planning.

The kits vary in price and procedure but most are similar to home pregnancy tests and are performed on the womans urine. Intercourse can then be timed to avoid or achieve pregnancy.

Coitus interruptus or the withdrawal method involves the man withdrawing his penis from the vagina before ejaculation. However, ejaculation may occur before withdrawal is complete and spermatozoa may be present in the preejaculation uid. Men with unpredictable or premature ejaculation have difculty using this method successfully.

Providing Contraceptive Care: Methods of Contraception

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a contraceptive method that involves identifying the fertile time period and avoiding intercourse during that time every cycle. It is the only method of contraception acceptable to the Roman Catholic Church. Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs) identify the fertile time during the cycle and use abstinence or other contraceptive methods during the fertile periods. These methods require motivation and considerable counseling to be used effectively. They may interfere with sexual spontaneity and require several months of symptom/ cycle charting before they may be used effectively.

The typical effectiveness rate for this method is about 71%.


Breastfeeding can be a form of contraception, although it is used more effectively in underdeveloped countries where mothers breastfeed their infants exclusively. Some lactating mothers may ovulate but not menstruate. It is difcult to determine when fertility is restored. This
Days of Menstrual Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 SAFE 4 2 99.0 8 6 4 2 98.0 Menstruation 8 6 4 2 97.0 Example line only SAFE DAYS Ovulation


The effectiveness in preventing pregnancy depends on the exact method used, but it is generally around 75% effective. Optimizing Outcomes When teaching about NFP
and FAMs of contraception


The patient and her partner need to be fully committed to use these methods successfully. There are several variations: (1) the calendar, or rhythm method in which the fertile days are calculated; (2) the standard days method in which color-coded strung beads are used to track infertile days; (3) the cervical mucus method (also called the ovulation detection method or the Billings method) where the changes in cervical mucus are used to track fertile periods; (4) the basal body temperature (BBT) method in which body temperature changes are used to detect the fertile period (Fig. 6-2; Box 6-3); and the symptothermal method that combines the BBT and cervical mucus methods and involves recording various symptoms such as changes in cervical mucus, mittelschmerz (abdominal pain at midcycle), abdominal bloating, and the BBT to recognize signs of ovulation (Hatcher et al., 2005). The woman needs to realize that stress or illness can affect her cycle and cause a variation in the fertile days. These methods are not best suited for adolescents or couples who would be devastated by an unplanned pregnancy. Since the natural methods identify fertile periods, couples who are attempting to conceive may also wish to use them. Ovulation predictor kits detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs 2436 hours before ovulation.

1234 (Not safe)

Figure 6-2 A basal body temperature chart.

Box 6-3 Basal Body Temperature as an Indicator of Ovulation

During the preovulatory phase, the basal temperature is usually below 98F (36.7C). As ovulation approaches, estrogen production increases. At its peak, estrogen may cause a slight drop, then a rise, in the basal temperature. Before ovulation, a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the production of progesterone. The LH surge causes a 0.5F1F (0.3C0.6C) rise in the basal temperature. These changes in the basal temperature create the biphasic pattern consistent with ovulation. Progesterone, a thermogenic, or heat-producing hormone, maintains the temperature increase during the second half of the menstrual cycle. Although the temperature elevation does not predict the exact day of ovulation, it does provide evidence of ovulation about one day after it has occurred. Release of the ovum probably occurs 2436 hours before the rst temperature elevation.


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

method works best when the mother exclusively breastfeeds, has had no menstrual period since giving birth, and whose infant is younger than 6 months of age.

When the above conditions are met, the effectiveness rate for this method is about 98% (Hatcher et al., 2005).

Abstinence is the only contraceptive method with a 100% effectiveness rate. If a couple chooses to be abstinent (refrain from vaginal intercourse), intimacy and sexuality may be expressed in many other ways. Abstinence requires commitment and self-control, but success with this method can lead to increased self-esteem and enhanced communication about emotions and feelings. Abstinence can help adolescents learn negotiation skills (Hatcher et al., 2005).

Figure 6-3 Diaphragm insertion.

Barrier methods are relatively inexpensive and some types can be used more than once. Although less effective than certain other forms of contraception, barrier methods have gained in popularity as a protective measure against the spread of STIs. If the woman is under 30 years of age, uses alcohol or recreational drugs, or has intercourse three or more times weekly, barrier methods are usually not as effective because of a decreased likelihood to use them consistently (Cates & Stewart, 2004). Many women dislike barrier methods because they must be inserted or applied before intercourse. Most require a water-based lubricant and these should never be used with an oil-based lubricant (i.e., baby oil, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil) or vaginal yeast cream as these products cause latex deterioration. Barrier methods have few side effects, although latex allergy may lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis. There is evidence that consistent use of latex condoms reduces the rate of HIV transmission, and both condoms and diaphragms can reduce the risk of cervical STIs (Hatcher et al., 2005). Each of the barrier methods must be applied or inserted with clean hands. The key to success with these contraceptives is consistent and correct use, and the nurse must ensure that women know how to use their barrier method correctly and that they are satised with their choice.

diaphragm should be replaced every 2 years, and it may need to be retted after weight loss or weight gain, term birth or second trimester abortion (Hatcher et al., 2005).
SIDE EFFECTS. Other than occasional allergic reactions to the diaphragm or spermicide, there are no side effects from a well-tted device. There is an increased risk of urinary tract infections due to pressure of the diaphragm against the urethra, which may interfere with complete emptying of the bladder. Thus, women with a history of frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) should avoid this method. The diaphragm should not be used during menses due to the risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a rare, sometimes fatal disease caused by toxins produced by certain strains of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Women with pelvic relaxation syndrome or a large cystocele are not suitable candidates for the diaphragm. EFFECTIVENESS. The effectiveness in preventing pregnancy for typical use is 84% (Bachmann, 2007). For this reason, the diaphragm may not be the best choice for a woman who would consider pregnancy a disaster in her life or for a woman who feels uncomfortable touching her genital area. Since it is made of latex, the diaphragm is contraindicated in women with latex allergies.

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients about

use of the diaphragm

The diaphragm is a latex dome-shaped barrier device with a spring rim that resembles half a tennis ball. It is lled with spermicide and inserted up into the vagina to cover the cervix. Diaphragms are available in several sizes and types and must be tted by a trained health care professional. Use of the diaphragm requires some planning ahead, so this method may not be the best choice for adolescents. The diaphragm is inserted by the woman using her ngers or an inserter up to 6 hours before intercourse, and it must be lled with a spermicide applied inside and along the rim before insertion (Fig. 6-3). The diaphragm must remain in place for 6 hours after intercourse. If intercourse occurs again before 6 hours have elapsed, the diaphragm should be left undisturbed and another applicator-full of spermicide should be inserted into the vagina. The diaphragm should remain in place for 6 hours after the last act of intercourse. To ensure continued protection, the

The diaphragm must be in the correct position for it to be comfortable and work effectively as a contraceptive. The patient should practice insertion and removal of the diaphragm before leaving the clinic, and be instructed to return with it in place for a recheck of proper t 1 week later. Before each use, the diaphragm is carefully inspected for tears, holes, or damage. After removal, the device is cleaned with mild soap and water, dried thoroughly, and stored in its case in a cool place. Oil-based vaginal medications or lubricants should never be used with the diaphragm (Hatcher et al., 2005).

Cervical Cap

The cervical cap is a thimble-shaped latex device that ts rmly around the base of the cervix close to the junction of the cervix and vaginal fornices (Hatcher et al., 2005, Fig. 6-4). The device has a pliable rim and is available in

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


Figure 6-4 Cervical cap insertion.

directly over the cervix. The woman is taught to use her nger to trace around the rim of the cap to make certain the entire cervix is covered. The cervical cap can be inserted up to 6 hours before intercourse and should remain in place for 6 hours after the last intercourse. No additional spermicide is necessary with repeated intercourse. The cap should never remain in place longer than 48 hours and it should never be used during menses or when a vaginal infection is present. To remove the cap, the woman pushes against the rim with her nger to dislodge it from the cervix, gently hooks her nger over the rim and removes it. The cap is then washed with mild soap and water. The cap should be dried thoroughly and stored in a cool, dry place. Oil-based vaginal medications or lubricants should never be used with the cervical cap (Hatcher et al., 2005).

four sizes. It is somewhat more difcult to use than the diaphragm because it must be placed exactly over the cervix where it is held in place by suction. The seal provides a physical barrier to sperm and the spermicide placed inside the cap provides a chemical barrier. Women who choose the cervical cap should practice insertion and removal after the tting and return in 1 week with the cap inserted to check for proper placement.

Be sure to Inquire about latex allergy

Before dispensing diaphragms, cervical caps, or male condoms, ask all patients about a personal or partner history of allergy to latex. Use of latex contraceptive devices is contraindicated in patients with latex sensitivity.

Nursing Insight When counseling patients

about the cervical cap
Certain women are not suitable candidates for the cervical cap. Patients who have a history of toxic shock syndrome, pelvic inammatory disease (PID), cervicitis, papillomavirus infection, a previous abnormal Pap smear or cervical cancer, and undiagnosed vaginal bleeding should choose another contraceptive method. Also, women who have an abnormally short or long cervix may not be able to use a cervical cap satisfactorily.


SIDE EFFECTS. There is evidence that the cervical cap can cause cervical irritation and erosion and it is not recommended for women who are at high risk for HIV (Hatcher et al., 2005). Because the device is made of latex, it is contraindicated in women with latex allergies. Since the cervical cap is associated with a high failure rate, women who choose this method should also be given emergency contraception pills. EFFECTIVENESS. With typical use, the FemCap cervical cap is about 74% effective in preventing pregnancy (Trussell, 2004), so it may not be the best choice for the woman who would consider a pregnancy to be a disaster in her life. It is not as effective for contraception in women who have had a pregnancy (Bachmann, 2007). Since proper use of the cervical cap requires planning ahead and strong motivation, it may not be the best contraceptive method for adolescents.

Condoms are generally considered to be a male contraceptive device although the female condom (vaginal sheath) is also available. Male condoms may be made of latex rubber, polyurethane, or natural membranes. Latex male condoms are widely recognized for their role in preventing HIV infection and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Natural skin condoms do not offer protection against HIV and STIs because they contain small pores that may permit the passage of viruses including HIV, hepatitis B, and herpes simplex. Although previous recommendations included combining condom use with the spermicide nonoxynol-9, recent data suggest that the spermicidal coating does not provide additional protection from pregnancy or STIs (Nelson & Le, 2007). Also, frequent use of condoms coated with nonoxynol-9 may increase the transmission of HIV and can cause genital lesions (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2007; Warner, Hatcher, & Steiner, 2004). Condoms are non-reusable and act as a mechanical barrier between the female and male genitalia.
MALE CONDOMS. Male condoms are one of the oldest known methods of contraception. When used correctly, male condoms are placed over the erect penis before any genital, oral, or anal contact. Condoms are inexpensive, require no prescription, and are available in a variety sizes, shapes, and colors. To prevent pregnancy and the spread of STIs, they must be used correctly at every act of intercourse. SIDE EFFECTS. Condoms may cause an anaphylactic reaction in patients who are allergic to latex. Individuals with latex allergies must choose condoms made of other materials. EFFECTIVENESS. With typical use, male condoms are about 85% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about use of the cervical cap

Before insertion, approximately one-third of the cap is lled with spermicide. Taking care not to spill the spermicide, the woman inserts the cap into the vagina and places it


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about use of the male condom


It is important to choose and use the correct size of condom. The condom is rolled onto the erect penis and should t snugly. The reservoir tip should be left unobstructed or extra space at the end (of a condom with no reservoir tip) should be provided for collection of the semen. Care must be taken not to tear the condom or spill its contents during removal. When possible, patients should practice placing a condom on a penile model to enhance understanding of the proper technique. Immediately after intercourse, the man should hold the condom at the base of the penis and withdraw the penis while still erect, then check the condom for the presence of tears after removal. Expiration dates should be checked often and out-of-date condoms discarded. Condoms should always be stored in a cool, dry place and latex condoms only used with water-based lubricants (Nelson & Le, 2007).

Spermicides are available in the form of gels, creams, lms, and suppositories. All are inserted into the vagina or used with diaphragms or cervical caps. Spermicidal condoms are no longer recommended for use. Spermicides act as chemical barriers that cause death of the spermatozoa before they can enter the cervix. Although spermicides can be messy, the lubrication afforded by the spermicide-based methods may improve sexual satisfaction for both partners. Women who are at risk for HIV should not use spermicides as their only method of birth control (Hatcher et al., 2005). Since spermicidal suppositories and lms require 15 minutes to become effective, women who feel they cannot comply with this time constraint may wish to use a spermicidal foam, cream, or gel instead. Because of the low effectiveness rates associated with spermicides, the woman who believes that pregnancy would be personally disastrous may wish to choose another contraceptive method.
SIDE EFFECTS. Spermicides should not be used in women with acute cervicitis because of the potential for further cervical irritation. Rarely, topical irritation may develop from contact with spermicides. When this occurs, the product should be discontinued and another contraceptive method selected. EFFECTIVENESS. The typical use effectiveness of spermicides in preventing pregnancy is 71%.

FEMALE CONDOMS. Made of polyurethane in a one size ts all, the female condom or vaginal sheath (Fig. 6-5) is less widely used than the male condom. The female condom resembles a sheath with a ring on each end: the closed end is inserted into the vagina and anchored around the cervix; the open end is placed at the vaginal introitus. Although no prescription is needed, female condoms are often difcult to nd, and they are more expensive than male condoms. Because they contain no latex, female condoms are safe for use in individuals with latex allergies.

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about the use of spermicides

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about use of the female condom

Female condoms cannot be used at the same time as male condoms. The man must carefully direct his penis into the condom to keep from inserting it between the condom and the vaginal wall. The female condom can be used during oral sex. Some individuals complain that female condoms generate noise during intercourse, but lubricant seems to help alleviate this problem.

The woman should wash her hands before inserting any spermicide. Spermicides are most effective when used with a diaphragm or cervical cap. Most contraceptive lms and suppositories require a period of 15 minutes to elapse after insertion to become effective and they should be inserted no longer than one hour before intercourse. The spermicide should be inserted deep into the vagina so that it makes contact with the cervix. Although douching is never recommended, it should be avoided for 6 hours after intercourse to avoid washing the spermicide away (Hatcher et al., 2004). Douching in and of itself is not a reliable form of birth control. Contraceptive Sponge

The contraceptive sponge was recently returned to the U.S. market. It is a soft, round disposable polyurethane device that ts over the cervix (one size ts all). The sponge is permeated with the spermicide nonoxynol-9. One side is concave to enhance t over the cervix; the other side contains a woven polyester loop to facilitate removal.
SIDE EFFECTS. The contraceptive sponge is contraindicated in women who are allergic to the spermicide nonoxynol-9. The sponge should not be left in place for more than 30 hours (which includes the 6-hour waiting period after the last act of intercourse) due to the risk of toxic shock syndrome. It should not be used during menstruation or immediately after abortion or childbirth or if a woman has a history of toxic shock syndrome.

Figure 6-5 Insertion of a female condom.

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility

EFFECTIVENESS. The typical use effectiveness of the contraceptive sponge in preventing pregnancy is 84% to 87%.


Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients about

use of the contraceptive sponge

The patient should wash her hands before inserting the sponge. The sponge is moistened thoroughly with tap water and inserted into the vagina prior to intercourse. It provides up to 24 hours of protection for repeated sexual intercourse. The sponge must remain in the vagina for at least 6 hours after the last act of intercourse. The contraceptive sponge offers no protection against STIs or HIV.

Be sure to Teach about toxic shock syndrome

Women who use the diaphragm, cervical cap, or contraceptive sponge should be aware of the possible association between these devices and toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Common signs of TSS include fever of sudden onset greater than 101.1F (38.4C), rash, and hypotension with a systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg.

tion primarily by creating a thickened cervical mucus (which produces a hostile environment for sperm penetration) and by causing endometrial atrophy. These alterations inhibit egg implantation and decrease the penetration of sperm and ovum transport (Rice & Thompson, 2006). In the United States, oral contraceptives are available in monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic preparations. Monophasic formulas provide xed doses of estrogen and progestin throughout a 21-day cycle. Biphasic preparations provide a constant amount of estrogen throughout the cycle but there is an increased amount of progestin during the last 11 days. Triphasic formulas, designed to more closely mimic a natural cycle, provide varied levels of estrogen and progestin throughout the cycle. Triphasic preparations reduce the incidence of breakthrough bleeding (bleeding that occurs outside of menstruation) in many women. Women who wish to use oral contraceptives are examined before the medication is prescribed and then yearly thereafter. The mandatory examination includes a history, weight, blood pressure, general physical and pelvic examination, and Pap smear. Most providers schedule women for a return visit approximately 3 months after initiating the medication to conrm patient acceptance and correct use of the method and to detect any complications. Optimizing Outcomes Counseling about
medications that decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptive methods include oral medications, the transdermal patch, the vaginal ring, long-acting injectables, the subdermal implant, and the progestinreleasing intrauterine device. Estrogen and progestins decrease the pituitarys release of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone to prevent ovulation. Progestins also thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration.
Oral Contraceptives

This method, known as the pill, or oral contraceptive pill (OCP), has been available for more than 40 years. Throughout that time, the dose of estrogen has signicantly decreased and newer generation progestins have become safer with fewer side effects. It was once recommended that patients occasionally take a break from the pill because of the high hormonal dosages they contained. With todays formulations however, patients can continue to take oral contraceptives into the perimenopausal years. Oral contraceptives are the most extensively studied medications in history (Hatcher, 2004). Hormonal contraceptives contain estrogen in the form of ethinyl estradiol or mestranol; ethinyl estradiol is the most common estrogen used. Estrogens work by preventing the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary. When FSH levels are kept low, the ovarian follicle is unable to form and ovulation is prevented (Rice & Thompson, 2006). Progestins provide effective contraception when used alone or in combination with estrogen. When combined with an estrogen, progestins inhibit the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, which is required for ovulation. When used alone, progestins are believed to inhibit ovulation inconsistently. Progestin-only contraceptives are thought to func-

It is essential for the nurse to take a thorough history on any patient who wishes to use oral contraceptives for birth control. Certain medications such as rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane), isoniazid, barbiturates, and griseofulvin (Fulvicin-U/F, Gris-PEG, Grifulvin V) can decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, and higher doses of estrogen must be used. Vomiting and diarrhea affect the absorption of oral contraceptives, thus patients who experience these symptoms should use a back-up method such as condoms. Recent research indicates that antibiotics do not affect the effectiveness of oral contraceptives (Hatcher et al., 2005). Interactions with certain drugs such as acetaminophen, anticoagulants, and some anticonvulsants (e.g., phenytoin sodium, carbamazepine, primidone, topiramate), may reduce efcacy of the OCP.

Many noncontraceptive benets are associated with OCPs (Box 6-4). Perimenopausal women who do not smoke, who maintain a normal blood pressure and who have a normal well-woman annual exam can safely use oral contraceptives. Oral contraceptives can moderate the irregular bleeding that often occurs during the perimenopausal period and provide contraception as well. When used on an extended cycle basis, hot ashes and vaginal dryness may also be alleviated (Clark & Burkman, 2006). The onset of menopause in women who use hormonal contraception may be difcult to detect.
CONTRAINDICATIONS. There are several absolute and relative contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptive pills and the nurse must be fully aware of


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

Box 6-4 Noncontraceptive Benets of Oral Contraceptive Pills

Oral contraceptive pills are associated with a decreased incidence of: Fibrocystic breast disease Iron-deciency anemia, due to a reduced amount of menstrual ow Colorectal, endometrial, and ovarian cancer and the formation of ovarian cysts Mittelschmerz and dysmenorrhea, due to the lack of ovulation Premenstrual dysphoric syndrome, due to increased progesterone levels Acute pelvic inammatory disease (PID) and scarring of the fallopian tubes Ectopic pregnancy Osteopenia and osteoporosis

instructions, it is imperative that all women receive written information to take home with them and encouraged to call if they have questions or experience any problems. Oral contraceptive pills offer no protection against STIs or HIV.

critical nursing action Recognizing Contraindications to Oral Contraceptive Use

When counseling patients about oral contraceptive pills, the nurse must be aware of the following absolute contraindications to use: Smoking and age greater than 35 years Moderate to severe hypertension (BP 160/100) Undiagnosed uterine bleeding Diabetes of more than 20 years duration or with vascular complications History of pulmonary embolism or deep venous thrombosis Ischemic heart disease or stroke Severe migraine headaches Known or suspected breast cancer Marked liver function impairment Pregnancy Major immobilizing surgery within the past month Cholecystitis

them. Relative contraindications include hypertension, migraine headaches, epilepsy, obstructive jaundice in pregnancy, gallbladder disease, surgery with prolonged immobilization, and sickle cell disease (Rice & Thompson, 2006).
SIDE EFFECTS. A number of unpleasant and often troublesome side effects may accompany OCP use, especially during the rst 3 months after initiation of the method. Nurses should teach patients that they might experience scanty periods, bleeding between periods (breakthrough bleeding), nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, and cyclic weight gain from uid retention. If patients understand that these side effects may occur, they are more likely to seek health care provider advice before arbitrarily discontinuing use of the OCP. The symptoms often subside after a few months of use or they may be diminished with a change in routine or in the brand of contraceptive. EFFECTIVENESS. The typical user effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives is 95% (Family Health International, 2006).

A major emphasis in patient teaching concerns warning signs that must be immediately reported to the health care provider. The acronym ACHES can prompt the health care provider and patient to remember the warning signs. ACHES uses the rst letter of each sign of cardiovascular, liver, gallbladder, or thromboembolic complications that are side effects of estrogen use and can be lifethreatening. If patients experience any of these signs, they must stop taking the pill and promptly contact the health care provider. In addition to the ACHES signs, patients who become depressed or jaundiced, or who develop a breast lump should notify their health care provider.

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients about

use of oral contraceptive pills

Be sure to Teach the patient taking oral contraceptives to report ACHES

Abdominal pain (problem with liver or gall bladder) Chest pain or shortness of breath (blood clot in lungs or heart) Headaches: Sudden or persistent (hypertension, cardiovascular accident) Eye problems (hypertension, vascular accident) Severe leg pain (thromboembolism)

The woman should identify a convenient and obvious place to keep her pills so that she will remember to take one every day. Ovulation suppressants work only when they are taken consistently and conscientiously. OCPs are not effective for the rst 7 days, so a second form of contraception should be used during the rst 7 days that the initial package of pills is taken. OCPs should be taken at approximately the same time each day. Many OCPs are available. Most are taken daily for 21 days, beginning on the Sunday after the rst day of the menstrual cycle. Withdrawal bleeding usually occurs within 14 days after the last pill is taken. This schedule was developed on the assumption that women would desire to have monthly periods (Dominguez, Moore, & Wysocki, 2005). Seven days after taking the last pill, the woman begins a new package (she always begins a new pack on the same day). Some OCP packages contain seven inert or iron pills during the fourth week so that the woman never stops taking a pill. In addition to the nurses verbal

Nursing Insight Postponing initiation of OCPs

in adolescents
Adolescent girls should have well-established menstrual cycles before beginning OCPs. Waiting until 2 years of monthly cycles have occurred reduces the chance that the oral contraceptive will cause permanent suppression of the pituitaryregulating center. In addition, estrogen prompts closure of the long bone epiphyses; postponing initiation of OCPs ensures that the preadolescent growth spurt will not be prematurely halted.

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


Low-Dose Progestin-Only Contraceptive Pills

Low-dose progestin-only contraceptive pills are often referred to as the mini pill because they contain no estrogen. Although ovulation may occur, the progestins cause thickening of the cervical mucus and endometrial atrophy. These changes inhibit implantation and decrease the penetration of sperm and ovum transport (Rice & Thompson, 2006). The minipill is used primarily by women who have a contraindication to the estrogen component of the combination OCP. It must be taken at the same time every day. The minipill may be used during breastfeeding because it does not interfere with milk production.
SIDE EFFECTS. Irregular menses frequently occur with the

trations of ethinyl estradiol (the estrogen component). There is a potential for increased adverse events in women using the patch (Rice & Thompson, 2006).
EFFECTIVENESS. The patch is about 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. Due to concerns that excessive adipose tissue may be associated with inconsistent levels of hormonal absorption, it is not recommended for women who weigh more than 198 pounds. In general, patient compliance is enhanced because of the once-weekly administration (Potts & Lobo, 2005).

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about use of the transdermal contraceptive patch

progestin-only pills. Also, this type of oral contraceptive may be associated with an increased number of persistent ovarian follicles (Hatcher et al., 2005). Women with a history of functional ovarian cysts, a history of ectopic pregnancy or those with unexplained vaginal bleeding should not take the progestin-only oral contraceptive pills.
EFFECTIVENESS. The progestin-only contraceptive pills are 92% effective in preventing pregnancy (Hatcher et al., 2005).

case study Young Woman Who Believes

She Is Infertile
Jana, who is 16 years old, arrives at the family planning clinic with her 17-year-old girlfriend who has brought her in for a check up. During the health history, she tells the nurse that she believes she cannot have children. She condes that she has been having occasional unprotected sex with different boyfriends for the past year, and has never gotten pregnant. But she believes she should use something, just in case. 1. What are the major teaching needs for Jana? 2. The nurse determines that this will be Janas first gynecolo gical examination. What are some teaching needs and strategies? 3. In addition to specic instruction about the prescribed oral contraceptive, what other information should be emphasized?
See Suggested Answers to Case Studies in text on the

The patch can cause skin irritation, particularly if it is placed on damp skin or in the same location every time. Thus, rotating the application site is recommended. Hypopigmentation at the site of the patch placement has been reported (Hatcher et al., 2005). Some women have complained that the patch adhesive catches bers from their clothing; placing the patch on the buttock under the underpants may be desirable. Bathing and swimming should not interfere with the patch. If the patch becomes detached for more than 24 hours, a new one should be applied and another form of contraception used for the following 7 days (Burki, 2005). The transdermal contraceptive patch offers no protection against STIs or HIV. Vaginal Contraceptive Ring

The vaginal contraceptive ring contains estrogen and etonogestrel, a progestin. It is a exible ring that is inserted deep into the vagina by the fth day of the menstrual cycle, and left in place for 3 weeks. It is removed during the fourth week to allow withdrawal bleeding and a new ring is inserted at approximately the same time of day that the old ring was removed.
SIDE EFFECTS. The vaginal contraceptive ring is associated with a higher incidence of vaginitis, vaginal discomfort, and vaginal infections when compared to other forms of hormonal contraception. It is not recommended for patients with cystocele, rectocele, or uterine prolapse (Rice & Thompson, 2006). EFFECTIVENESS. The ring slowly releases estrogen and progestin. Its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is about 98% (Rice & Thompson, 2006).

Electronic Study Guide or DavisPlus.

Transdermal Contraceptive Patch

The transdermal contraceptive patch is applied to the abdomen, buttock, upper outer arm, or upper torso once weekly for 3 weeks, followed by one patch-free week. It should not be placed on the breasts. During the patch-free week, withdrawal bleeding occurs. The patch delivers low levels of estrogen and a progestin (norelgestromin) that are readily absorbed into the skin on a daily basis. The contraceptive patch costs slightly more than combined oral contraceptive pills.
SIDE EFFECTS. The side effects and contraindications and warning signs for the patch are the same as for the oral contraceptive pills. However, the patch exposes patients to higher steady-state concentrations and lower peak concen-

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about use of the vaginal contraceptive ring

The contraceptive ring should not be removed before, during, or after intercourse. The patient should not douche. If the contraceptive ring comes out of the vagina, it should be washed with plain hand soap and warm water before reinsertion. If the woman has a supply of more than four rings, they should be stored in the refrigerator (Hatcher et al., 2005). Before discarding a used contraceptive ring, the patient should take care to protect the environment by sealing the used ring in a closed plastic bag. If the ring is removed for more than 3 hours, it should be reinserted and


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

another method of contraception should be used for the following 7 days (Burki, 2005). Unopened vaginal rings must be protected from sunlight and high temperatures. The vaginal contraceptive ring offers no protection against STIs or HIV.

Emergency Postcoital Contraception

Emergency contraception (EC) is available to women whose birth control methods fail or who have been the victims of sexual assault. Two forms of emergency post coital contraception are available: hormonal methods, which include estrogen and progestin or progestin-only oral contraceptive pills; and the insertion of a copper releasing intrauterine device (IUD). Emergency contraception is available by prescription, ofce visit or, in some states, over the counter.
HORMONAL METHOD. Often referred-to as the morning

thicken cervical mucus, alter sperm transport to prevent fertilization, and interfere with normal endometrial development. Emergency contraception is ineffective if implantation has already occurred and it does not harm a developing embryo (Smith, 2007). The IUD is suitable for women who wish to have the benet of long-term contraception. Insertion of the IUD within 5 days after intercourse causes an alteration in the endometrium to prevent implantation. Patients should contact their health care providers if no period occurs within 3 weeks after insertion (Lever, 2005). Emergency contraception offers no protection against STIs or HIV.


Depo-Provera (DMPA), Depo-SubQ Provera 104 (Depot Medroxyprogesterone)

after pill, or the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP), there are two FDA-approved OC products specically packaged for emergency contraception. Preven is a kit that contains four combination estrogen/progestin tablets and a pregnancy test. Plan B contains two progestin-only tablets. The hormonal preparations are most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse. The rst dose should be taken within 72 hours (after intercourse); the second dose 12 hours later. Nausea and vomiting is a common side effect with both products and may be minimized by taking an antiemetic 1 hour before the rst EC dose (Burki, 2005; Lever, 2005). Although regular OCPs can be taken for emergency contraception, the dose varies with the brand and may require taking a large number of tablets. The risk of pregnancy is reduced by 75% after completion of the EC dose.
IUD METHOD. The copper IUD can be inserted within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. Because of the products cost and the need for insertion by a trained professional, the IUD is used less frequently than the ECPs. The IUD is not recommended for women who have been raped or are at risk for STIs and pelvic infections (Burki, 2005). SIDE EFFECTS. Fewer side effects are associated with oral emergency contraceptive pills than with continuous oral contraceptives. Side effects include nausea and vomiting and bleeding within a few days after administration. The side effects for the IUD are the same whether it is being used as an emergency contraception method or as a long-term contraceptive. (See later discussion in this chapter.) EFFECTIVENESS. Emergency contraceptive pills are 98.9% effective in preventing pregnancy if used correctly and the IUD is 99% to 100% effective (Hatcher et al., 2005).

Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) is a progestinonly long-term contraceptive. Its effects last about 3 months, and it is injected either intramuscularly (150 mg) or subcutaneously (104 mg). The rst injection should be given within the rst 5 days of menstruation to ensure the patient is not pregnant. Medroxyprogesterone 150 mg is injected into the deltoid or gluteal muscle and functions by suppressing ovulation and altering the cervical environment (Rice & Thompson, 2006). The administration site should not be massaged after injection, as it may reduce the effectiveness of DMPA. Depo-SubQProvera 104 was the rst subcutaneous hormonal contraceptive product available. It is administered into the anterior thigh or the abdomen and functions by preventing ovulation and producing thinning of the endometrium. On average, ovulation is restored within 10 months after discontinuation of the medication (both dosages).
SIDE EFFECTS. Irregular bleeding is the most common side effect of Depo-Provera. Most women who use this method experience spotting during the rst few months, usually until the second injection. Amenorrhea often occurs after about 6 months of use. Other side effects include weight gain, depression, headache, and breast tenderness. Although Depo-Provera may reduce bone mineral density, the subcutaneous injectable form may not be associated with a loss in bone density (Hatcher et al., 2005). EFFECTIVENESS. The typical effectiveness for the 150-mg intramuscular dose of Depo-Provera is 98% to 99%. The typical effectiveness rate of the subcutaneous 104-mg Depo-Provera injection appears to be greater than 99% (Hatcher et al., 2005).

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients
about postcoital emergency contraception about injectable hormonal contraception

Emergency contraception in either form (pills or IUD) does not cause abortion although it is often confused with the medical abortion procedure. The high hormone levels in the oral contraceptive pills prevent or delay ovulation,

Women who desire pregnancy within the next year may wish to choose another contraceptive method that is more easily reversible. Depo-Provera is associated with weight gain and a reduction in bone mineral density. Patients who use DMPA should include adequate calcium in their diet

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


(1200 mg/day) and perform daily weight-bearing exercise to enhance bone density maintenance and to offset weight gain. Clinic visits must be scheduled every 3 months for the contraceptive injection. Providing a reminder card that includes the date of the next injection is helpful, and some women set their PDA calendars or cell phones to alarm on the date. Since DMPA is injected, it cannot be reversed or stopped abruptly. Women who wish to hide their use of contraception from a partner or others may nd this method to be particularly appealing. Because it contains no estrogen, DMPA can be safely given to breastfeeding mothers. Injectable hormonal contraception offers no protection against STIs or HIV.

weight increase, headache, depression, dysmenorrhea, and acne.

EFFECTIVENESS. Effectiveness rates approach 100%.

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about the contraceptive implant

where research and practice meet:

Detrimental Effects of Depo-Provera on Bone Mineral Density in Adolescents Findings from a 2005 prospective cohort trial established that adolescents are at increased risk for detrimental effects of Depo-Provera on bone mineral density (BMD). Study participants included 14- to 18-year-old women, in whom bone density is expected to increase due to continued bone growth and development. Those who used Depo-Provera experienced signicant losses in bone mineral density at both the hip and spine in comparison to participants not using Depo-Provera, whose bone mineral density increased. After discontinuation of Depo-Provera, BMD signicantly improved (Scholes et al., 2005). These ndings suggest that the adverse effect is reversible in adolescents if therapy is withdrawn. Recommendations from professional organizations including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Society for Adolescent Medicine (SAM), and the World Health Organization (WHO) state that for the majority of adolescents, the benets of DMPA use outweigh the potential risks (Arias, Kaunitz, & McClung, 2007). During contraceptive counseling, nurses must empower young patients with information about decreased bone mineral density and DepoProvera and assist them in making appropriate contraceptive choices (Rice & Thompson, 2006).

The Implanon contraceptive is appropriate for women who desire long-term reversible contraception and who have no objections to the insertion/removal procedures or to palpating the implant when it is in place. It must be removed and replaced every 3 years if continued contraception is desired. After removal, ovulation occurs within 3 to 6 weeks. Contraceptive efcacy in obese women (130% of ideal body weight) has not been studied (Darney & Mishell, 2006). The contraceptive implant offers no protection against STIs or HIV.

The intrauterine device (IUD) is a small plastic device that is inserted into the uterus and left in place for an extended period of time, providing continuous contraception. The exact mechanism of action is not fully understood although it is believed that the IUD causes a sterile inammatory response that results in a spermicidal intrauterine environment. Few sperm are able to reach the fallopian tubes and if fertilization does occur, the intrauterine environment is unfavorable for implantation (Epsey, 2005). Two types of intrauterine devices (IUDs) are currently available in the United States: the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) (Mirena), which releases a progestin, and the copper T380A (ParaGard) (Fig. 6-6). The Dalkon Shield IUD was removed from the market in the 1970s due to pelvic infections associated with it. Todays IUD manufacturers have corrected the design problem that accompanied the Dalkon Shield, and IUDs are once again safe to use. LNG-IUS (Mirena) slowly releases a small amount of levonorgestrel, a progestin, on a constant basis. It must be replaced every 5 years. The ParaGard IUD has copper wire



Implanon is a subdermal contraceptive that is effective for 3 years. The single-rod implant, which is inserted on the inner side of the womans upper arm, contains etonogestrel (ENG), a progestin. It is simpler to insert and remove than the previously available six-capsule levonorgestrel implant (Norplant) (Schulman, 2007). Implanon functions to prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation and by creating a thickened cervical mucus that hinders sperm penetration. Etonogestrel is metabolized by the liver. Hepatic-enzyme inducers, including certain antiepileptic agents, may interfere with absorption and contraceptive effectiveness (Clinician Reviews, 2006; Darney & Mishell, 2006).
SIDE EFFECTS. Bleeding irregularities frequently occur during the rst several months after insertion; amenorrhea becomes more common with increasing duration of use. Other symptoms include emotional lability,

Drug reservoir (progesterone) Rate controlling membrane Monofilament thread (string)

Figure 6-6 Intrauterine device (IUD) properly positioned in the uterus.


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

wrapped around it and this device may remain in place for 10 years. Both types of IUDs are shaped like the letter T. They are inserted in a collapsed position and then expand into shape in the uterus once the inserter is withdrawn. The IUD is contained wholly within the uterus and the attached plastic string, or tail, extends through the cervix and into the vagina. Both are impregnated with barium sulfate for radiopacity. The IUD is inserted during menses to ensure that pregnancy has not occurred; it may also be inserted immediately after childbirth or rst trimester abortion (Clark & Arias, 2007; Hatcher et al., 2005). Once in place, the IUD has several advantages over other methods of contraception. There is no continued expense, no daily attention is required and the device does not interfere with sexual enjoyment. The IUD may decrease the incidence of endometrial cancer. The IUD is appropriate for women who are at risk for developing complications related to OCPs or who desire to avoid the systemic effects of hormonal preparations. When pregnancy is desired, the IUD is removed by the health care provider.
SIDE EFFECTS. Irregular bleeding and/or spotting may occur about 3 months following insertion. The Mirena IUD may produce amenorrhea (Rice & Thompson, 2006). Pelvic infections may occur and the likelihood of occurrence is greatest during the rst month after insertion (Epsey, 2005). Contraindications to IUDs include pregnancy, current sexually transmitted diseases, abnormal vaginal bleeding, cancer of the genital tract, known uterine anomalies or broid tumors (which may make insertion difcult), or allergy to any of the IUD components. EFFECTIVENESS. Both types of IUDs have a failure rate of 1% to 2% (Hatcher et al., 2005).

critial nursing action Teach PAINS Warning Signs to IUD Users

Period late (pregnancy) Abdominal pain, pain with intercourse (infection) Infection exposure or vaginal discharge Not feeling well, fever, or chills (infection) String missing, shorter or longer (IUD expelled)

Optimizing Outcomes With the IUD as a

contraceptive choice

Appropriate candidates for intrauterine contraception include nulliparas; women with previous ectopic pregnancies; women receiving treatment for pelvic inammatory disease; lactating women; women testing positive for human immunodeciency virus; and women immediately postpartum or postabortion (World Health Organization, 2004). Before insertion, patients should have a negative pregnancy test, treatment for dysplasia if present, cervical cultures to rule out STIs and a consent form that has been signed.

Sterilization should be considered a permanent and irreversible form of birth control. Although both the male and female procedures are theoretically reversible, the permanency of the method should be emphasized. An essential nursing role centers on counseling to empower the couple to make an informed decision. The nurse must also ensure that informed consent documentation has been obtained and is attached to the patients chart.
Female Sterilization

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about the IUD

The IUD should be considered a long-term form of contraceptionit is relatively expensive if used for only a short period of time. Sharp cramping may occur at the time of insertion. The IUD offers no protection against STIs or HIV. Women who use the IUD may experience irregular bleeding, menorrhagia (heavy menstrual ow), or dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) for several months following insertion. The progestin releasing IUD can decrease menstrual bleeding and dysmenorrhea; the copper-bearing IUD can increase menstrual ow and cramping (Clark & Arias, 2007). Women who become pregnant using the IUD are more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous abortion. All IUD patients must understand warning signs (PAINS) that may indicate infection or ectopic pregnancy. A vaginal string check should be performed each month to ensure that the IUD remains in place. If the strings are not felt or if they seem to be longer or shorter than they were previously, the woman should return to her health care provider for evaluation. If pregnancy occurs with the IUD in place, the device is usually removed vaginally to decrease the possibility of infection or spontaneous abortion. IUD users should obtain a yearly pelvic examination and Pap smear.

Bilateral tubal ligation (BTL) or tying the tubes causes interruption in the patency of the fallopian tubes. This permanent birth control method is most easily performed during cesarean birth or in the rst 48 hours following a vaginal birth because at this time, the uterine fundus is located near the umbilicus and the fallopian tubes are immediately below the abdominal wall. At other times, the procedure is performed in an outpatient surgery clinic, usually under general anesthesia. Tubal ligation may be accomplished in various ways. In the postpartum period, a minilaparotomy incision is made near the umbilicus or just above the symphysis pubis at other times. The fallopian tubes are brought through the incision and a small segment is removed. The remaining ends are cauterized or tied, or both. Another method of tubal ligation is accomplished with a laparoscope. The surgeon locates the fallopian tubes and obstructs them with clips or rings or destroys a portion of them with electrocoagulation. A nonincisional method, called a hysteroscopic tubal ligation, is also available. This procedure is performed in the physicians ofce or as an outpatient procedure with a local anesthetic to the cervix. Microinserts are placed into the openings of the fallopian tubes. During the following months, scar tissue grows into the inserts, causing tubal

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blockage. A hysterosalpingogram (dye test to evaluate tubal patency) is performed at 3 months to ensure that both tubes have been blocked. Patients are instructed to use an alternate form of contraception until bilateral tubal blockage has been conrmed (Holloway, Moredich, & Aduddell, 2006).
SIDE EFFECTS. As with any surgery, complications include infection, hemorrhage and blood vessel injury, damage to adjacent organs, and complications from anesthesia (Hatcher et al., 2005; Holloway et al., 2006). EFFECTIVENESS. The effectiveness depends on the type of procedure used and ranges from 96.3% with the clip procedure to better than 99% with the postpartum procedure (Hatcher et al., 2005).

viability (usually 20 to 24 weeks) varies from state to state. Abortion has been legal in the United States since the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. An abortion performed at the patients request is termed an elective abortion; when performed for reasons of maternal or fetal health or disease, the term therapeutic abortion applies. Abortions performed during the rst trimester are technically easier and safer than abortions performed during the second trimester. Methods for performing early elective abortion include vacuum aspiration and medical methods. Second-trimester abortion is associated with increased complications and costs and involves cervical dilation and removal of the fetus and placenta.

Male Sterilization

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves a small incision in the scrotum. The vas deferens is cauterized, clipped, or cut to interrupt the passage of sperm into the seminal uid. Following vasectomy, the semen no longer contains sperm. Vasectomy should be considered a permanent method.
SIDE EFFECTS. Complications following vasectomy include infection, hematoma, and excessive pain and swelling. EFFECTIVENESS. Vasectomy is greater than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.


Holistic nursing care for women who are considering abortion includes guidance for pregnancy testing, ultrasonography to accurately determine the weeks of gestation, and individualized counseling about the available options. Any woman who is unsure of her decision deserves emotional support and time to allow her to make the choice that she feels is the appropriate one for her. The decision for nearly every woman is difcult and complicated. Once a decision has been made for an abortion, a medical history and physical examination with appropriate screening tests (e.g., complete blood count [CBC], blood typing and Rh, gonococcal smear, serological test for syphilis (STS), urinalysis, and Pap smear) are obtained. Informed consent documents are signed and placed on the patients chart. The nurse counsels the patient about potential complications such as excessive bleeding and infection, reinforces information about follow-up visits, and offers strategies for self-care. The nurse must ensure that the patient understands how to contact a health care provider if needed. Women who are Rh0D-negative should receive Rh0(D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) if they do not have a preexisting sensitivity to Rh-positive blood. Since fertility returns quickly after a pregnancy termination, the nurse should also provide information about contraception.

Optimizing Outcomes When teaching patients

about permanent sterilization

There is a high rate of ectopic pregnancies in tubal ligation procedures that fail. BTL has been found to decrease the risk of ovarian cancer and ovarian cancer mortality (Schulman & Westhoff, 2006). Menstruation and menopause are unaffected. After vasectomy, the man should rest, apply ice to the scrotum, and wear snug underwear for scrotal support. Complete sterilization has not occurred until all sperm have left the system. This process may take several weeks. The man will need to submit semen specimens for analysis until two specimens show no sperm present; he should also plan to have periodic sperm counts every few years (Hatcher et al., 2005). Permanent sterilization methods offer no protection against STIs or HIV.


Vacuum Aspiration

Now Can You Teach about contraception?

1. Explain what is meant by natural family planning? 2. Compare and contrast barrier and hormonal methods of contraception? 3. Identify ve danger signs associated with OCPs and intrauterine devices?

Clinical Termination of Pregnancy

A clinical termination of pregnancy, or abortion, is a procedure performed to deliberately end a pregnancy before the fetus reaches a viable age. The legal denition of

Vacuum aspiration is the most common method for surgical abortion for pregnancies up to 12 weeks gestation. Very early (5 to 7 weeks after the LMP) procedures, called menstrual extraction and endometrial aspiration, can be done with a small exible plastic cannula with no cervical dilation or anesthesia. Laminaria, dried seaweed that swells as it absorbs moisture and mechanically dilates the cervix, may be inserted 4 to 24 hours before the pregnancy termination. Upon removal, the cervix has usually dilated two to three times its original diameter and further instrumental dilation is unnecessary. Abortions performed between 8 and 12 weeks gestation require mechanical cervical dilation after injection of a local anesthetic. A plastic cannula is then inserted into the uterine cavity. The contents are aspirated with negative pressure and the uterine cavity is often scraped with


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a curet to ensure that the uterus is empty. Patients may experience cramping for 20 to 30 minutes following the procedure. Complications include uterine perforation, cervical lacerations, hemorrhage, infection, and adverse reactions to the anesthetic agent. Abortion during the second trimester involves cervical dilation with removal of the fetus and placenta. This procedure is termed dilation and evacuation (D & E). Similar to vacuum curettage, greater cervical dilation and use of a larger cannula are required because of the increased volume in the products of conception. Laminaria are inserted 24 hours before the procedure to dilate the cervix. D & E may be associated with long-term adverse effects from cervical trauma. Nursing care during surgical abortion includes continued patient assessment and emotional support. The woman should be informed about what to expect: abdominal cramping and sounds emitted by the suction machine. After the procedure, the patient rests in a recovery area for 1 to 3 hours to ensure that no excessive cramping or bleeding occurs. The aspirated uterine contents are inspected to ascertain that all fetal parts and adequate placental tissue have been aspirated. Although check-up visits are usually scheduled between 2 weeks and 6 weeks postabortion, serum levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) may remain elevated even if the abortion successfully ended the pregnancy. Women whose hCG levels are still present in the urine (at the follow-up appointment) should be encouraged to return for urine hCG levels every 2 weeks until the test is negative. Persistently elevated hCG levels are associated with a delay in the return of menses. clinical alert
Signs of short-term complications after clinical termination of pregnancy Fever of 40C (104F) Abdominal pain or tenderness in the abdomen Prolonged or heavy bleeding or passing large clots Foul vaginal discharge No menstrual period within 6 weeks

analogue that promotes expulsion of the pregnancy. Misoprostol is commonly associated with nausea, vomiting, and cramping. Uterine bleeding begins several days after medication administration, and most patients experience a period of painless heavy bleeding along with the expulsion of tissue (the products of conception). This experience may trigger strong emotions. The nurse should advise the patient that she would most likely benet from the presence of a caring, trusted close friend, or relative who can help her through the experience and lend emotional and physical support (Stewart et al., 2004). Follow-up visits include ultrasonography (to conrm that the uterus is empty) and assessment of hCG levels. A surgical abortion procedure may be necessary if medical attempts are unsuccessful. Medical termination of pregnancy is probably not the ideal choice for adolescents, and for this reason, some clinics offer this method of abortion only to women 18 years of age or older. Interestingly, this method has been proven useful in evacuating pregnancies that occur in the fallopian tubes. Medical termination of a tubal pregnancy has enabled many women to avoid surgery and preserve the fallopian tubes for future pregnancy conceptions. Medical termination during the second trimester most often includes an administration of prostaglandins via vaginal suppository, gel, or by intrauterine injection. Repeated doses are often needed and side effects including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping usually occur. Rarely used methods include the intrauterine instillation of hypertonic solutions such as saline or urea and uterotonic agents (e.g., misoprostol and dinoprostone).

Source: Hatcher et al. (2004).


Medical abortion is an alternative for the surgical form of abortion, and for some women this method is more natural and more closely resembles a miscarriage (Stewart et al., 2004). A medical abortion can be performed for up to 63 days of gestation. The woman who considers medical abortion should be carefully educated about what to expect. Specic medications are used to induce uterine contractions to end the pregnancy. These include mifepristone (Mifeprex, originally called RU-486), an abortifacient, and methotrexate (amethopterin, Folex, Rheumatrex, Trexall), an antimetabolite used to treat certain types of cancer. Both medications may be followed by a vaginal administration of misoprostol (Cytotec), a prostaglandin

Legal abortion is actually safer than pregnancy, especially when performed early in pregnancy. All patients should be told to expect cramping and some bleeding after an abortion. Some of the rare complications associated with abortion include infection, incomplete abortion, hemorrhage, Asherman syndrome (condition characterized by the presence of endometrial adhesions or scar tissue), and postabortal syndrome (severe abdominal cramping and pain from intrauterine blood clots) (Hatcher et al., 2005). Patients should be cautioned to call the ofce should any signs of short-term complications (i.e., excessive bleeding, pain, fever) occur. Most complications develop within the rst few days after the abortion. All patients should return in 2 weeks for a follow-up examination.

The Nurses Role in Infertility Care

Fertility requires that the sperm and the ovum can meet, that the sperm is viable, normal, and able to penetrate a viable, normal egg, and that the lining of the uterus can support the implanted embryo. Sterility is the term applied when there is an absolute factor that prevents reproduction. Infertility is diagnosed if a woman has not conceived within 12 months of actively attempting pregnancy. At present, 10% to 15% of heterosexual couples in

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the United States are infertile (Nelson & Marshall, 2004). Approximately 40% of cases of infertility can be attributed to female problems, 40% can be attributed to male causes, and the remaining cases of infertility are attributable to a combination of male and female factors, or are undeterminable (Mooney, 2005). Delays in childbearing and increased consumer awareness of reproductive technology have prompted more heterosexual couples, single women, and same-sex couples to seek fertility assistance than ever before. The nurses role in infertility care begins with education and counseling during the initial assessment.

ovarian function, cervical mucus (amount and receptivity to sperm), sperm adequacy, tubal patency, and the general condition of the pelvic organs. Instructions about recording the basal body temperature are usually provided at the initial visit. An in-depth interview, preferably with both partners, may reveal medical problems (i.e., chronic illness), lifestyle patterns (i.e., substance abuse, sexual orientation) or other factors such as advanced age that can adversely affect fertility. The physical examination includes evaluation of the pelvis (bimanual and rectovaginal assessment) and laboratory testing.

Nursing Insight Toward meeting the Healthy

People 2010 national goals
The Healthy People 2010 goal that directly addresses infertility states: Reduce the proportion of married couples whose ability to conceive or maintain a pregnancy is impaired from a baseline of 13% to a target of 10% (DHHS, 2000). To help achieve this goal, nurses must be proactive in health promotion strategies for all childbearing aged individuals. Empowering young adults with knowledge about nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and safe sex practices helps them to make lifestyle choices that foster optimal health and preservation of fertility.


A thyroid function test, glucose tolerance test, serum prolactin levels, and specic hormonal assays (i.e., estradiol, LH, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA], androstenedione, testosterone, 17 alpha-hydroxy progesterone [17-OHP]) may also be ordered along with ultrasonography (abdominal or transvaginal) to visualize the pelvic structures. Other diagnostic tests may include an endometrial biopsy to assess the endometrial response to progesterone, a hysterosalpingography (transcervical instillation of a radiopaque dye to provide visualization of the interior dimensions of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes), and a laparoscopy to allow direct visualization of the internal pelvic structures. Selected methods of fertility evaluation in the female along with nursing implications are presented in Table 6-2. Evaluation of the man begins with a semen analysis to assess the quality and quantity of sperm. The nurse explains the purpose of the test and advises the man to collect the semen specimen by masturbation following a 2- to 3-day abstinence. He is instructed to note the time the specimen was obtained. This information allows the laboratory to evaluate liquefaction of the semen. The specimen should be transported near the body (to preserve warmth) and should arrive at the laboratory within 1 hour after collection. Additional testing may include serum samples for evaluation of endocrine function (testosterone, estradiol, LH, FSH), ultrasonography, testicular biopsy, and sperm penetration assay. Referral to a urologist may be indicated. A post coital test (PCT) may be ordered to assess the cervical mucus, sperm, and degree of sperm penetration through the cervical mucus. The test is performed on a sample of cervical mucus obtained several hours after intercourse.
Labs: Basic Infertility Evaluation and Workup
Woman: CBC Urinalysis Pap smear and wet mount Serology Luteinizing-hormone-surge ovulation predictor kit FSH cycle day 3 if 35 years old Rh factor, blood grouping Hysterosalpingogram (to reveal uterine or tubal obstruction or abnormalities) Man: Semen analysis: sperm count should be Volume of 26 mL of semen 20 million sperm per 1 mL of semen 50% forward moving sperm 30% normal sperm 1 million WBCs per mL of semen

Before extensive testing for infertility, it is important to establish that the timing of intercourse and length of coital exposure are adequate. The nurse assesses the couples understanding about the most fertile times to have intercourse during the menstrual cycle. Teaching about the signs and timing of ovulation, the most effective times for intercourse (every 48 hours around ovulation) and positions to enhance sperm retention is an important nursing intervention during the initial evaluation.

Ethnocultural Considerations Obtaining a

sexual history for infertility care
Culturally inuenced practices and taboos may create feelings of discomfort for couples when asked specic details of their intimate lives during the infertility care interview. Nurses must be sensitive to these issues and aware of cultural variations. For example, Orthodox Jewish law forbids a couple from engaging in sexual intercourse for 7 days after the menstrual period. This tenet can create an infertility problem if ovulation occurs during the early days after menstruation.

Providing an overview of what to expect during the initial and subsequent visits empowers the couple to make an informed decision about their level of commitment to the evaluation and possible treatment and affords them some sense of control over their situation. The nurse explains what is involved in the basic infertility work-up in a sensitive, unhurried manner that conveys caring and promotes a trusting, therapeutic relationship. Depending on ndings from the history and physical examination, the evaluation will most likely include an assessment of


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

Table 6-2 Common Diagnostic Methods Used in the Evaluation of Female Infertility
Type/Name of Test
Prediction of Ovulation

Role of the Nurse

To identify the LH surge precedes ovulation by 2436 hours. Also identies the absence of ovulation. Tests include basal body temperature, commercial ovulation predictor kits, and assessment of cervical mucus.
Postcoital Test (PCT); Huhner Test

Teach the couple how the information helps to determine timing of intercourse to coincide with ovulation. Instruct the woman about recording the BBT and assessing cervical mucus; reinforce directions for using commercial ovulation predictor kits.

Assessment of the quality and quantity of cervical mucus and sperm function at the time of ovulation.
Ultrasound Examination

Instruct the patient to arrange to come in 612 hours after intercourse for evaluation of the cervical mucus.

To evaluate structure of the pelvic organs; identify maturing ovarian follicles and the timing of ovulation.

Reassure the patient that sonography uses sound waves, not radiation, to evaluate the pelvic structures. The examination may be conducted transabdominally or transvaginally and specic instructions are given, depending on method.


(see Diagnostic Tools)

Tests of Endocrine Function

To evaluate the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. Various assays determine levels of FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone. Depending on the history and physical ndings, additional testing may be indicated.
Endometrial Biopsy

Inform the patient that testing is performed on serum samples and timing is an important consideration in interpretation of the results. Explain that FSH and LH stimulate ovulation; and estrogen and progesterone make the endometrium receptive for implantation of the fertilized ovum.

Involves the removal of a sample of the endometrium with a small pipette attached to suction. Provides information about the effects of progesterone (produced by the corpus luteum after ovulation) on the endometrium.
Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy

Teach the patient about the purpose and appropriate timing of the test: it should be performed not earlier than 1012 days after ovulation (23 days before menstruation is expected). Cramping, pelvic discomfort, and vaginal spotting may occur; a mild analgesic (i.e., ibuprofen) may be used to alleviate the discomfort.

Procedures that involve the use of an endoscope to examine the interior of the uterus and the pelvic organs under general anesthesia. Hysteroscopy may be performed without general anesthesia in the ofce. Abnormalities such as polyps, myomata (broid tumors) and endometrial adhesions are identied.

Explain the purpose of the test and other procedures that may be done at the same time. When general anesthesia is to be used, the patient should take nothing by mouth for several hours before the planned procedure. Advise her that since carbon dioxide gas will be instilled in the abdomen to enhance organ visibility, she may experience post-operative cramping and referred shoulder pain, which can be relieved with a mild analgesic.

diagnostic tools: Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

During hysterosalpingography, radiopaque dye is injected through the cervix. The dye enters the uterus and fallopian tubes and through x-ray examination, any abnormalities in the uterine structure or tubal patency can be identied. It is performed during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle to avoid interrupting an early pregnancy. It may exert a therapeutic effect as well: instillation of the water-based dye may ush out debris or adhesions in the uterine cavity. Moderate to severe cramping and shoulder pain referred from the subdiaphragmatic collection of gas may occur. All patients should be warned about the possibility of pain during the test. The patient should be given a nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drug (NSAID) (i.e., ibuprofen) 30 minutes to 1 hour before the procedure. Recurrence of pelvic inammatory disease may result from the test; prophylactic antibiotics are recommended to prevent infection. The patient is instructed to report severe cramping, bleeding, fever or malodorous discharge that develops within a week following the procedure, although spotting and slight cramping for a few days may occur. She should be advised to take an NSAID after the procedure for these symptoms.

Treatment Options for Infertility

Depending on the cause of infertility, a number of pharmacological methods are used to induce ovulation, supplement the womans levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), prepare the uterine endometrium for implantation, and support the pregnancy following conception and implantation (Table 6-3).
Induction of Ovulation

Medications are commonly used to stimulate follicle development in women who are anovulatory or who ovulate infrequently. Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) is frequently prescribed. It is an antiestrogenic agent that binds to hypothalamic estrogen receptors to trigger the release of FSH and LH. Patients who will be undergoing assisted

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


Table 6-3 Selected Medications Used in the Treatment of Infertility

Medication Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) Actions Antiestrogen that binds with estrogen receptors to trigger FSH and LH release. Nursing Considerations and Side Effects Contraindicated with hepatic impairment. Patients may experience ovarian enlargement, vasomotor ushes, abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness, blurred vision, headache, pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding. May cause multiple ovulation. Patients may experience nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, diarrhea, metallic taste, dry mouth, urticaria, rash.

Bromocriptine mesylate (Parlodel)

Reduces elevated prolactin secretion by the anterior pituitary, which improves gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion and normalizes follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone release. Ovulation is restored and increased progesterone by the corpus luteum supports early pregnancy. Stimulates release of pituitary FSH and LH in patients with decient hypothalamic GnRH secretion. FSH and LH stimulate ovulation (female) and testosterone and spermatogenesis (male). Reduces extent of endometriosis; used with medications that stimulate ovulation by suppressing LH and FSH. Used after failure to respond to therapy with clomiphene citrate, induces ovulation; used in conjunction with gonadotropins (FSH and LH [Pergonal], [Repronex], [Humegon]); ovulation usually occurs within 18 hours. Also stimulates production of progesterone by the corpus luteum. Provides luteal phase supportprepares the endometrial lining to promote implantation of the embryo.

GnRH agonists (gonadorelin); goserelin [Zoladex], leuprolide [Lupron], nafarelin [Synarel] GnRH antagonists; cetrorelix [Cetrotide], ganirelix [Antagon], abarelix [Plenaxis], histrelin [Supprelin] Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (Profasi HP, Pregnyl, Chorex)

Advise patients of potential side effects: headache, depression, nasal irritation (Synarel), vaginal dryness, breast swelling and tenderness, hot ashes, vaginal spotting, decreased libido, and impotence. Patients are closely monitored for ovarian hyperstimulation (ascites with or without pain, pleural effusion, ruptured ovarian cysts, multiple births), headache, nausea. When used with menotropins, risk for ovarian hyperstimulation, and arterial thromboembolism; other side effects include headache, irritability, restlessness, and depression.

Progesterone (IM, intravaginal)

Common side effects include nausea, weight gain, and uid retention.

reproductive techniques including in vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian transfer, and tubal embryo transfer may also receive agents to induce superovulation, or the release of several ova. After adequate follicular stimulation, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is administered to prompt ovulation. Induction of ovulation increases the risk of multiple births because many ova may be released and fertilized. Depending on the medications used, daily ultrasound examinations and serum estrogen levels may be obtained to monitor ovarian response. Ovarian hyperstimulation is a serious complication that may result from ovulation induction. It is characterized by marked ovarian enlargement, ascites with or without pain, and pleural effusion. When detected, hCG is not given, and ovulation will not occur. The patient undergoes a rest period and postponement of the infertility treatment until the following cycle. Careful monitoring and medication titration are usually successful in preventing this complication as well as high-order (triplets or more) multifetal pregnancy. Throughout therapy, which often requires repeated ofce visits and testing, nursing interventions center on continued education and patient support. Emotional instability, anxiety, and depression are common reactions to the dramatic hormonal alterations and need for frequent surveillance.

Surgical interventions using endoscopic techniques may be useful in correcting obstructions. Laparoscopic ablation (destruction) of endometrial implants may help patients with endometriosis achieve pregnancy, especially during the rst few months immediately following the procedure. Newer laser surgical techniques are minimally invasive and useful in reducing adhesions that have resulted from infection, prior surgical procedures, and endometriosis. Microsurgical techniques may be successful in correcting obstructions in the fallopian tubes or in the male tubal structures. Transcervical tuboplasty (surgery for correction of fallopian tube abnormalities) is a minimally invasive technique that involves insertion of a catheter through the cervix, into the uterus and the fallopian tube. A balloon is inated to clear any blockage.

Therapeutic insemination (previously termed articial insemination) involves the placement of semen at the cervical os or directly in the uterus (intrauterine insemination [IUI]) by mechanical means. Partner sperm (termed therapeutic husband insemination [THI]) or donor sperm (termed therapeutic donor insemination [TDI])


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

is used. Clomiphene citrate and ultrasound monitoring for follicle development are frequently used to ensure timing of the insemination with ovulation. Fertilization most often occurs in the fallopian tube. The technique involves the insertion of a small catheter into the vagina and through the cervix to facilitate the deposition of sperm directly into the uterus. Since seminal uid is rich in prostaglandins, IUI prevents the nausea, cramping, abdominal pain, and diarrhea that can result from the absorption of prostaglandins by the cervical lining. Before the IUI, the sperm are washed: they are removed from the seminal uid and placed in a special solution that enhances motility and improves the chances for fertilization. An added advantage of washing sperm concerns sperm antibodies. After infection or surgery, a womans immune system may produce antibodies that cause sperm clumping and adversely affect motility and ovum penetration. Sperm washing may correct the clumping, increase sperm motility and improve the likelihood of fertilization (Mooney, 2005).

the normally developing embryos are placed in the uterus (Fig. 6-7). Success with IVF is dependent upon many factors, such as the womans age and the indication for the procedure. On average, women who undergo three IVF cycles have a good chance of achieving pregnancy.
Embryo Cryopreservation


Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer

Cryopreservation, or freezing, is used in some instances to store sperm or ovarian tissue for future use or to freeze excess embryos that have resulted from an in vitro fertilization procedure. If no pregnancy results, the frozen embryos can be processed and replaced in the uterus. This option allows the couple to attempt another pregnancy without the need for ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval. An initial fee is charged for the freezing process; additional fees are incurred for the continued preservation of the frozen reproductive tissues. One of the ethical and sociocultural issues involved with cryopreservation arises when excess embryos are no longer needed or desired by the woman or couple. In most situations, the embryos are destroyed although a social debate presently concerns an alternate use of the embryos for research.

Advanced reproductive technologies (ARTs) are procedures intended to achieve pregnancy by placing gametes together to promote fertilization. Although assisted reproductive methods are more common today than in the past, they are very expensive, and are often unavailable to women of lower socioeconomic status. Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) is a technique that involves laparoscopy and ovulation induction. The patient must have at least one patent fallopian tube. Three to ve oocytes are harvested from the ovary and immediately placed into a catheter along with washed, motile donor or partner sperm. The sperm and oocytes are injected into the mbriated ends of the fallopian tube(s) through a laparoscope. Since fertilization normally takes place in the fallopian tube, this technique increases the likelihood of conception in situations where the sperm and ovum may be prevented from uniting. Supplemental progesterone is given to promote implantation and provide support for the early pregnancy.
Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer

Micromanipulation is a process that involves the use of micromanipulatorsne, specialized instrumentsto handle individual sperm and ova. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) allows a sperm cell to be directly injected into an ovum. Assisted embryo hatching is used as an IVF adjunct for women in whom the normal hatching process is impeded because of a thickening of the zona pellucida. A small opening created in the zona pellucida facilitates the hatching process by allowing the embryo to escape from the zona pellucida to interact with the endometrium for implantation. Blastomere analysis allows for chromosomal analysis using a single cell from the six-to eight-cell embryo before implantation.

Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) is a procedure that evolved from the GIFT procedure. Following ovulation induction, retrieved oocytes are fertilized outside the womans body and the subsequent zygotes are placed in the distal fallopian tube(s).
Tubal Embryo Transfer

Tubal embryo transfer (TET) involves placement at the embryo stage. The patient must have at least one patent fallopian tube. Exogenous progesterone is used to enhance endometrial preparation.
In Vitro Fertilization

In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves retrieval of the oocytes from the ovaries, usually via an intra-abdominal approach or a transvaginal approach under ultrasound guidance. The oocytes are then combined with partner or donor sperm in the laboratory. After fertilization,

Figure 6-7 The process of in vitro fertilization. A, Ovulation. B, Intra-abdominal retrieval of the ova. C, Ova fertilization and growth in culture medium. D, Fertilized ova is placed in the uterus.

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


ART and Legal Considerations

Before any ART procedure, patients must be given current, factual information about the advantages and limitations of techniques that involve the use of donor sperm or eggs for the purpose of conception. Informed consent must be obtained and documented in the patient record. Advanced reproductive technology is expensive (approximately $10,000.00 a cycle) and available only in specialized centers. Unfortunately, there is never a guarantee of a viable pregnancy that will result in a healthy child. Nursing responsibilities include ensuring that patients and their partners have ample opportunity to ask questions, thoughtfully explore available options, and freely express concerns. They must be able to verbalize an understanding of the chosen procedure(s), including the risks and potential complications. Ongoing support includes education, counseling, and strategies for continued follow-up. When donor ova or sperm are to used, patients and their partners require additional information. They need to be reassured that all gamete donors have undergone psychological and physical examinations and screening for medical and genetic disease. Clinical ndings from potential donors are made available to the woman or couple to allow them to make an informed decision. The donors and the recipients condentiality are closely guarded, and in most instances, their identities are not revealed without their specic permission.

Box 6-5 Potential Nursing Diagnoses for the Patient Experiencing Infertility
Risk for ineffective coping related to infertility Risk for posttrauma response related to infertility Risk for spiritual distress related to infertility Risk for situational low self-esteem related to infertility

Family Teaching Guidelines...

Fostering Relationships During Evaluation and Treatment for Infertility Couples should be encouraged to spend quality time with one another and enjoy sexual intimacy outside of the fertile times. Professional counseling may be appropriate if one member of a couple becomes depressed or obsessed with conceiving while the other remains less involved. The nurse may suggest involvement with infertility community support groups and contact with RESOLVE, a national education/support organization that is readily available at


Regular physical activity, adequate rest, stress reduction and balanced nutrition, essential strategies for health promotion, are especially important during the infertility work-up and treatment. Many seek holistic and complementary alternatives to enhance therapeutic regimens or promote a sense of personal control and well-being. Yoga is an example of a lifestyle choice that combines meditation, spirituality, exercise, and relaxation to promote balance and harmony. In addition, a number of herbal alternatives to fertility medications are available (Table 6-4) and this information may be shared with infertile couples.

Infertility, ART, and Potential Effects on the Couples Relationship

Infertility produces a great amount of emotional stress for most couples. Societal and cultural inuences may intensify the feelings of disappointment and failure. It is not unusual for the woman and her partner to experience a sense of loss: loss of perceived good health, loss of selfesteem, loss of a normal relationship with the spouse, loss of security and self-condence, and loss of the potential child. Affected individuals often move through the stages of grieving identied by Kubler-Ross: surprise, denial, anger, isolation, guilt, grief and resolution. For heterosexual couples, intercourse can transition from a shared loving, intimate moment into a clinical, goal-oriented procedure. Unfortunately, some relationships do not survive the stress of infertility. Even under the best of circumstances, infertile couples are subjected to a loss of privacy and often a lack of spontaneity. During treatment for infertility, menstrual periods become a regular and repeated reminder of failure. Patients are asked to share with others their most personal and emotionally laden information concerning sexual preferences and sexual practices. It is imperative that the nurse and other members of the health care team maintain condentiality and privacy for these patients as much as possible. The nurses caring demeanor and expressions of genuine concern are essential qualities when dealing with the sensitive and emotional circumstances that surround infertility testing and treatment. Depending on the patients unique situation, a number of nursing diagnoses may be appropriate (Box 6-5).

Complementary Care: Herbal supplements

and infertility
Chaste berry tree is believed to promote ovulation; false unicorn root powder has been used to enhance fertility and prevent miscarriage. However, little research has been conducted to conrm the safety or effectiveness of these herbs and patients should be warned about the lack of scientic data about herbal preparations. Certain herbs, including blue or black cohosh, goldenseal, poke root, pennyroyal, and maloe can be detrimental to a pregnancy and should be avoided by couples who are attempting to conceive (see Table 6-4).


For patients for whom advanced reproductive technologies are unsuccessful or undesirable, surrogacy, use of a gestational carrier or adoption may be the best option. Surrogate mothers contract to carry pregnancies for women who are unable to carry a pregnancy due to an


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

Table 6-4 Herbs to Avoid When Attempting to Achieve Pregnancy

Anthraquinone Laxatives

Herb Aloe Buckthorn Cascara sagrada Docks Meadow saffron Senna

Uterine Stimulants

American mandrake Black cohosh Blue cohosh Bloodroot Calamus Cayenne Fennel Feverfew Flax seed Goldenseal Ladys mantle Licorice Make fern Sage Tansy Thuja Thyme Wild cherry Wormwood Mayapple Mistletoe Passion ower Pennyroyal Periwinkle Poke root Rhubarb

absent or anomalous uterus or medical condition that would be life threatening during pregnancy. A gestational carrier contracts to carry a pregnancy that is not genetically her own offspring. Adoption may be considered after repeated attempts for pregnancy. Today, there are fewer infants and children available for adoption. Consequently, the adoptive process is often prolonged and difcult unless the couple considers a foreign-born or physically or cognitively challenged child. Surrogacy and the use of gestational carriers involve legal as well as ethical considerations. Financial resources, personal values, and religious beliefs are all factors that may prohibit these options from being viable alternatives to a traditional pregnancy. Individuals and couples who consider these options should be advised to see an attorney to ensure that their rights, the surrogates/carriers rights, and the rights of the child are protected. This very important visit for legal counsel may avoid later heartbreak and legal entanglements for the patient and her family. If the surrogate/carrier changes her mind or the parents change their minds, safeguards must be in place for all parties, including the child. Remaining childless is another option for fertile and infertile couples. Many advantages, such as opportunity for career fulllment, travel, and continued education make a child-free lifestyle the right choice for many couples. When working with couples who are exploring these alternative options, the nurses role centers on education, advocacy, and empowerment. Using a framework that encompasses the cultural, spiritual, and environmental domains, the nurse provides information and guidance to community and national resources to assist the couple in dealing with these important issues.

Now Can You Provide sensitive, appropriate care for the

infertile couple? 1. Discuss emotions and stressors frequently experienced during infertility treatment? 2. Analyze the nurses role in infertility care? 3. Create a teaching plan that describes the various reproductive technologies available?

summar y poi nt s

Sexuality is a multidimensional concept that is inuenced by ethical, spiritual, cultural, and moral factors. A variety of contraceptives are available; contraceptive care should empower the patient to choose the method best suited for her. Tubal ligation and vasectomy are permanent sterilization procedures that have become increasingly popular. Infertility is the inability to conceive and carry a child when the couple wishes to do so. Abortion performed during the rst trimester is safer than abortion performed during the second trimester. Reproductive alternatives include IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, oocyte/embryo donation, TDI, surrogate motherhood, and adoption.

Alkaloids/Bitter Principles

Barberry Bloodroot Celandine Cinchona Ephedra Goldenseal

Adapted from Herbs to avoid during pregnancy. Pregnancy Today. Retrieved from

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


r e v i e w q u est io n s
Multiple Choice

1. The clinic nurse understands that according to Masters and Johnsons research about the four human sexual response phases, women experience the highest sense of sexual tension in the: A. Excitement phase B. Plateau phase C. Orgasmic phase D. Resolution phase 2. The Family Planning clinic nurse describes the contraceptive options for Janeen, an 18-year-old who has had a sexual partner who tested positive for HIV. Janeen has also been treated for gonorrhea. Janeens best option for contraception would be: A. Spermicide B. Cervical cap C. Latex male condom D. Progestin-only pill 3. The clinic nurse schedules Tina for her initial dose of Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) within: A. 24 hours of menstruation B. 48 hours of menstruation C. 34 days of menstruation D. 5 days of menstruation
True or False

10. As a part of health promotion, the clinic nurse reviews the diet and activity levels of every woman who is using Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) as a contraceptive method. The clinic nurse recommends: A. Daily weight bearing exercise B. 500 mg calcium daily C. 1200 mg calcium daily D. 1200 mg calcium daily with vitamin D See Answers to End of Chapter Review Questions on the Electronic Study Guide or DavisPlus.
American Medical Womens Association (2005). AMWAs Statement on emergency contraception. Retrieved from (Accessed August 9, 2005). American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). DSM IV: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). New York: American Psychiatric Press. Arias, R.D., Kaunitz, A.M., & McClung, M.R. (2007). Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate and bone density. Dialogues in Contraception 11(1), 34. Bachmann, G. (2007). Preventing pregnancy without hormones. The Clinical Advisor, 7679. Basson, R. (2002). A model of womens sexual arousal. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 28(1), 110. Bulechek, G., Butcher, H.M., & Dochterman, J. (2008). Nursing interventions classication (NIC) (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby. Burki, R.E. (May, 2005). Reversible hormonal contraceptives: Update. Clinical Advisor, 3438. Cates, W., & Stewart, F. (2004) Vaginal barriers. In Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Nelson, A., Cates, W., Guest, F. & Kowal, D. Contraceptive technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2007). HIV and AIDS: Are you at risk? Retrieved from resources/brochures/at-risk.htm. (Accessed March 4, 2008). Chen, P. (2004). Atrophic vaginitis. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved from 000892.htm (Accessed March 2, 2006). Clark, B., & Arias, R.D. (2007). Underuse of intrauterine contraception in the United States. The Female Patient, 32, 5758. Clark, B., & Burkman, R.T. (2006). Noncontraceptive health benets of hormonal contraception. The Female Patient, 31, 4245. Clinician Reviews. (2006). New Product Implanon. 16(11), 55. Darney, P.D., & Mishell, D.R., Jr. (2006). Etonogestrel-containing singlerod implant: A new contraceptive option. Dialogues in Contraception, 10(4), 6-7. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). (2000). Healthy People 2010. Washington, DC: DHHS. Dominguez, L., Moore, A., & Wysocki, S. (2005). The extendedcycle oral contraceptive: Six seasons and counting. The American Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(3), 5566. Epsey, E. (2005). Intrauterine device. ACOG Practice Bulletin, 59, 6. Haffner, D.W., & Stayton, W.R. (2004). Sexuality and reproductive health. In Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Nelson, A., Cates, W., Guest, F., & Kowal, D. Contraceptive technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media. Hatcher, R.A. (2004). Depo-provera injections, implants, and progestinonly pills (minipills). In Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Nelson, A., Cates, W., Guest, F., & Kowal, D. Contraceptive Technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media. Hatcher, R., Zieman, M., Creinin, M., Stosur, H., Cwiak, C., & Darney, P. (2004a). Retrieved from cmanager/publish/choices.shtml (Accessed April 6, 2007). Hatcher, R.A., Zieman M., Cwiak, C., Darney, P.D., Creinin, M.D., & Stosur, H.R. (2004b). A pocket guide to managing contraception. New York: Ardent Media. Herbs to avoid during pregnancy. Pregnancy Today. Retrieved from (Accessed September 16, 2008). Hicks, K.M. (2004). Womens sexual problemsA guide to integrating the new view approach (Clinical Update). Retrieved from (Accessed August 29, 2007).

4. The contemporary perinatal nurse must become aware of personal feelings, values, and attitudes about sexuality in order to sensitively practice woman-centered care. 5. The clinic nurse explains to the new nurse that an intrauterine device (IUD) is believed to cause a sterile inammatory response that results in a spermicidal intrauterine environment.

6. The rst step that the clinic nurse takes when initiating the interview and sexual history from a woman is to form a _________ __________ with her. 7. During discussion about pregnancy options, the clinic nurse explains to a young couple that _______ __ is the term used after 12 months of unprotected intercourse with no pregnancy. 8. A young woman who is concerned about the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy inquires about emergency contraception. The nurse explains that with Plan B, ____ progestin-only pills are taken immediately with an ____-_____ medication to minimize side effects.
Select All that Apply

9. When assisting a woman who is choosing a method of contraception, it is important for the clinic nurse to: A. Assess the womans knowledge of options. B. Assess her motivation for different options. C. Determine her level of commitment. D. Ask about methods she has used in the past.


unit two The Process of Human Reproduction

Potts, R.O., & Lobo, R.A. (2005). Transdermal drug delivery: clinical considerations for the obstetrician-gynecologist. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 105(5 pt 1), pp. 953961. Rice, C., & Thompson, J. (2006). Selecting a hormonal contraceptive that suits your patients needs. Womens Health Ob-GYN Edition. (NovemberDecember), 2634. Ridley, M. (2000). Genome. New York: Harper Collins. Scholes, D., LaCroix, A.Z., Ichikawa, L.E., et al. (2005). Change in bone mineral density among adolescent women using and discontinuing depot medroxyprogesterone acetate contraception. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 159(2), 139144. Schulman, L.P. (2007). New paradigms in hormonal contraception. The Forum, 5(1), 1922. Schulman, L.P., & Westhoff, C.L. (2006). Contraception and cancer. Dialogues in Contraception, 10(3), 58. Smith, D.M. (2007). Emergency contraception: An update. Dialogues in Contraception, 11(1), 89. St.Hill, P.F., Lipson, J.G., & Meleis, A.I. (2003). Caring for women crossculturally. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Stevens, P., & Hall, J. (2001). Sexuality and safer sex: The issue of lesbians and bisexual women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 30(4), 439447. Stewart, F. H., Elbertson, C., & Cates, W. Abortion. In Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Nelson, A., Cates, W., Guest, F., & Kowal, D. Contraceptive Technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media. Trussell, J. (2004). Contraceptive efcacy. In Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Nelson, A., Cates, W., Guest, F., & Kowal, D. Contraceptive technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media. Warner, L., Hatcher, R.A., & Steiner, M.J. (2004). In Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Nelson, A., Cates, W., Guest, F., & Kowal, D. Contraceptive technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media. World Health Organization. (2004). Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use (3rd ed.). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2004. Retrieved from publications/mec/index.htm (Accessed June 4, 2007).

Holloway, B., Moredich, C., & Aduddell, K. (2006). OB peds womens health notes. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Interventions labels and denitions. Nursing Interventions Classication (NIC). (4th ed.). Retrieved from centers/cncce/nic/labeldenitions.pdf (Accessed March 2, 2006). Johnson, M., Bulechek, G., Butcher, H., McCloskey Dochterman, J., Maas, M., Moorhead, S., & Swanson, E. (2006). NANDA, NOC, and NIC Linkages: nursing diagnoses, outcomes, & interventions (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Katz, A. (2007). Sexuality and women: The experts speak. Nursing for Womens Health, 11(1), 3842. Lever, K.A. (2005). Emergency contraception. Lifelines, 9(3), 218227. Marrazzo, J.M. (2004). Barriers to infectious disease care among lesbians. Emerging Infectious Disease [serial on the Internet]. Retrieved from htm (Accessed May 1, 2007). Martinez, L. (2007). Effective communication: Overcoming the embarrassment. The Female Patient, 32, 3335. Masters, W., & Johnson, V.E. (1966). Human sexual response. Boston: Little Brown. Mays, V.M., Yancey, A.K., Cochran, S.D., Weber, M., & Fielding, J.E. (2002). Heterogeneity of health disparities among African American, Hispanic, and Asian American women: Unrecognized inuences of sexual orientation. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 632639. Mooney, B. (2005). Catalyzing conception. Advance for Nurses, Southeastern States, August, 2527. Moorehead, S., Johnson, M., Mass, M., & Swanson, E. (2008). Nursing outcomes classication (NOC) (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby. NANDA International (2007). NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses: Denitions and Classications 2007-2008. Philadelphia: NANDA-I. Nelson, A.L., & Le, M.H.H. (2007). Modern male condoms: not your fathers rubbers. The Female Patient 32, 5966. Nelson, A.L., & Marshall, J.R. (2004). Impaired fertility. In Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Nelson, A., Cates, W., Guest, F., & Kowal, D. Contraceptive technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media.

For more information, go to

chapter 6 Human Sexuality and Fertility


Human Sexuality and Fertility
Nursing Insight: Not every woman is a candidate for cervical cap Be proactive with health promotion strategies When to begin OCP in adolescents

Sexual Response: Phases: Excitement Plateau Orgasmic Resolution

Sexual Dysfunction: Sexual stimulation that produces distress: Pain Arousal disorder Orgasmic disorder Desire disorder

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Homosexual - Gay, Lesbian

Nursing Assessment: Establish trusting relationship Be aware of own biases Dont make assumptions about sexual partners/ activity Avoid judgment shame Elicit sexual history

Across Care Settings: Fit birth control method to the needs of special populations

Healthy People 2010 : Reproductive Life Planning Decrease unwanted pregnancies Improve contraception access/use

Nursing Role: Infertility Care Assess: timing of intercourse & length of coital exposure; knowledge of fertile periods Assess for influencing factors: acute/chronic disease; lifestyle patterns; STIs; age Teach: signs of ovulation, positioning; recording basal temp Later assessment methods: - Labs: thyroid, glucose prolactin/other hormones - Endometrial biopsy - Hysterosalpingography - Laparoscopy - Semen analysis - Post coital test

Managing Infertility
Fertility treatments: Inducing ovulation: Medications Surgery Therapeutic insemination ARTs: - GIFT - ZIFT - TET - In vitro fertilization Embryo cryopreservation Micromanipulation

Preventing Conception
Methods: NFP: Natural family planning Fertility awareness - Coitus interruptus - Breastfeeding - Abstinence Barriers - Diaphragm, cervial cap, condoms, sponge, spermaticides Hormones - OCP, patch, vaginal ring, emergency contraceptives; sub-dermal implant; injected: DMPA IUD Sterilization

Clinical Termination of Pregnancy

Elective and therapeutic methods: Surgical: D&E, vacuum suction Medical: - Mifepristone - Methotrexate

Surrogacy Adoption Childless

Nursing: Emotional support Labs; history; exam; determine gestation Assess for post procedure complications Teach: - Birth control plan

Nursing: Assess Pts Knowledge of method Comfort level Correct/consistent use of contraceptive Satisfaction with chosen method

Optimizing Outcomes: Accurate and thorough teaching about all contraceptive methods Specific teaching: - Drug/drug interactions with OCP - Permanent sterilization

Complementary Care: Use caution when trying herbs for infertility

Clinical Alert: Watch for short term complications of abortion

Critical Nursing Actions: Teach absolute contraindications for OCP Teach PAINS to IUD users

Where Research And Practice Meet: Depoprovera can decrease bone density in adolescents

Be Sure To: Ask about latex allergies Teach about toxic shock syndrome Teach ACHES for OCP users

Now Can You: Develop questions that will assist with taking a sexual history Analyze the role of the nurse in dealing with patients seeking a contraceptive method Discuss the nurses overall role in reproductive health Provide teaching for patients regarding various reproductive technologies

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