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NASA TT F-16170


-N75-22904 6 1 7 0) WIND ENGINES AND WIND (NASA-TT-F-1 INSTALLATIONS (Kanner (Leo) Associates) 391 p HC $10.25 CSCL 10A Unclas



Translation of 'Vetrodvigateli i Vetroustanovki , Moscow, State Publishing House of Agricultural Litr" c ~r' erature, 1948, pp 1-544


STANDARD TITLE PAGE 1. 4. Report No. Title and Subtitle 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.

NASA TT F-16170
5. 6.

Report Date

March 1975

7. Author(s)

Performing Organization Code


Performing Organization Report No.

Ye. M. Fateyev, Doctor of Technical Science

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

10. Work Unit No.

11. Contract or Grant No.

Leo Kanner Associates,

California 94063
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

Redwood City,

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

D.C. 20546

National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-



Supplementary Notes

Translation of "Vetrodvigateli i Vetroustanovki", Moscow, State Publishing House of Agricultural Literature, 1948, pp 1-544

16. Abstract A comprehensive theoretical treatment of aerodynamics

precedes the description of wind engines and wind installations. Wind tunnels, the aeordynamic characteristics of wind engines, towers and related equipment, used for testing wind engines, are described in detail. Three methods of adjustment of wind engines to the wind are described, as are several ways for regulating the number of revolutions and the power of wind engines. A chapter on wind engine design ends the first part of the book. Under the heading "Wind Installations," wind energy, anemographs, wind engines working with piston an centrifugal pumps and with various agricultural machines are described. Windmills and windpower stations are discussed. The book ends with a chapter on installation and maintenance of wind engines.


Key Words (Selected by Author(s))


Distribution Statement



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21. No. of Pages







TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Development of Wind Utilization 2. Utilization of Wind Engines in Agriculture PART I. WIND ENGINES CHAPTER 1. BRIEF OUTLINE OF AERODYNAMICS 6 6 10 19 1 3

3. The Air and its Properties 4. The Continuity Equation. The Bernoulli Equation 5. The Concept of Turbulent Motion

6. Viscosity
7. The Law of Similarity 8. The Border Layer and the Turbulence CHAPTER 2. MAIN CONCEPTS OF EXPERIMENTAL AERODYNAMICS 9. Axes of Coordinates and Aerodynamic Coefficients 10. Determination of Aerodynamic Coefficients. Lilientals

30 33 38 38

Polar 11. Induced Drag of the Wing 12. N. E. Zhukovskiy's Theorem on the Lifting Force of the Wing 13. Transition from oneeWing Span to Another CHAPTER 3. SYSTEMS OF WIND ENGINES 14. Classification of Wind Engines According to the Principle of Their Operation 15. Advandages and Disadvantages of Various Systems of Wind Engines CHAPTER 4. THEORY OF THE IDEAL WIND ENGINE 16. The Classical Theory of the Ideal Wind Engine 17. The Theory of the Ideal Wind Engine of Prof. G. Kh. Sabinin CHAPTER 5. THE THEORY OF THE REAL WIND ENGINE OF PROF. G. KH. SABININ

40 43 46 52 58 58 65 68 68 72 82

18. Work of the Elementary Blades of the Wind Wheel. First Equation of Relation 82 19. Second Equation of Relation 86 20. Moment and Power of the Whole Wind Engine 88 21. Losses of Wind Engines 90 22. Aerodynamic Analysis of the Wind Wheel 93 23. Calculation of the Performance of the Wind Wheel 97 24. The Profiles "Espero" and Their Construction 101 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WIND ENGINES 107 25. Method for Obtaining the Experimental Characteristics 107 26. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Wind Engines 116

27. Experimental Testing of the Theory of Wind Engines CHAPTER 7. EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF WIND ENGINES 28. Equipment of Towers for the Testing of Wind Engines 29. Correspondence Between the Performance of the Wind Engine and Its Model CHAPTER 8. ADJUSTMENT OF THE WIND ENGINES TO THE WIND

121 125 125 129 133 133 141 143 145 146 154 154 160 162 163 164 176 181 181 196 197 200 202

30. Adjustment by Means of the Tail 31. Adjustment by Means of Windroses 32. Adjustment by Disposition of the Wind-Driven Wheel Behind the Tower CHAPTER 9. REGULATION OF THE NUMBER OF REVOLUTIONS AND OF THE POWER OF WIND ENGINES 33. Regulation by Removing the Wind-Driven Wheel from the Wind 34. Regulation by Decreasing the Area of the Wings 35. Regulation by Rotation of the Blade or Part of it Around the Axis of the Flap 36. Regulation by Means of Air Brakes CHAPTER 10. WIND ENGINE DESIGN

37. Multi-Bladed Wind Engines) 38. Rapid (Sparsely-Bladed) Wind Engines 39. Weight of the Wind Engine CHAPTER 11. CALCULATION OF THE STRENGTH OF WIND ENGINES 40. Wind Load on the Wings and Calculations of the Strength of the Wings 41. The Wing Load on the Tail and on the Regulating Lateral Blade 42. Calculation of the Head of the Wind Engine 43. The Gyroscopic Moment of the Wind-Driven Wheel 44. The Power of Wind Engines PART TWO WIND POWER INSTALLATIONS CHAPTER 12. THE WIND AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY

212 212 214 232 235 242 242 258

45. The Origin of the Wind 46. Principal Magnitudes Which Characterize the Wind From the Energetic Viewpoint 47. The Energy of the Wind ,48. Accumulation of the Wind Energy CHAPTER 13. CHARACTERISTICS OF WIND POWER UNITS 49. Pdrf6rmnance of Wind Engines and. of Piston Pumps 50. Operation of Wind Engines with Centrifugal Pumps

51. Operation of Wind Engines with Millstones and Agricultural Machines 278 CHAPTER 14. 52. 53. 54. 55. WIND-DRIVEN PUMP INSTALLATIONS 293 293 299 301 307 311 318 318 319 322 324 334 340 341 345 347 Wind-Driven Pump Installations for Water Supply Water Tanks and Water Towers in Wind Pump Installations Standard Designs of Wind Pump Installations Experience with Exploitation of Wind Pump Installations for Water Supply in Agriculture 56. Wind-Driven Irrigation Installations CHAPTER 15. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. WINDMILLS

Types of Windmills Technical Characteristics of Windmills Increasing the Power of Old Windmills The New Type of Windmill Performance Characteristics of Windmills WIND POWER STATIONS


62. Types of Generators for Operation With Wind Engine and Voltage Regulator 63. Wind Charging Units 64. Low-Power Wind Power Stations 65. Parallel Operation of Wind Power Stations in a General Circuit with Large Thermic Stations and Hydropower3 Stations 66. Experimental Testing of the Operation of Wind Power Stations Connected Parallel in the Circuit 67. High-Power Power Stations Connected in Parallel 68. Brief Data on Foreig Wind Power Stations CHAPTER 17. BRIEF DATA ON THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WIND ENGINES 69. Installation of a Low-Power Wind Engine, from 1 to 15 hp 70. Maintenance and Servicing of Wind Engines 71. Safety Measures During Installation and Servicing of Wind Engines REFERENCES

348 352 359 365 371 371 375 378 382



Ye. M. Fateyev Doctor of Technical Sciences

Introduction /3*


Development of Wind Utilization

In our country,the energy of the wind has been widely utilized for a long time, mainly in the rural flour-mill industry. The namge of windmills reached 200,000 and in some large villages,there were up to 80 flour mills. These were wooden mills manufactured by the local farmers which had ,an average power of approximately '" 5 hp ',as a rule; rarely large windmills were found with a diameter of the wheel of 20-24 meters, and a power of 15-20, hp.-,In such a manner, the homemade mills had an average established power The average annual production of such a of 1,000,000 hp. mill amounted to around 8500,,hp hours;ccooemquently; ,all the

existing mills produced 170 0 million p. urs mer year., ' Considering that the specific output of a mill was kg/per hp hour, we find that all the windmills of Russia ground around S 34 million tons,or 2 billion pood of grain per year. s was based merely on the practical The construction of windcing experience of many years. The foreme:h taught the future generations not from books,but from their practical work. The development of engineering by the end of the nineteenth century has made it possible to create a new type of wind engine, with automatic adjustment to the wind and with control of the number of revolutions. The mass production of multi-blade windmotors of metallic construction started to developi , The development of aviation, the enormous success of which is due to the true creator of modern aerodynamics, the renowned Russian scientist N. Ye. Zhukovskiy, created the conditions for solving anew
he theoretical problems of utilization of wind energy. In 1914/4

1918, N. Ye. Zhukovskiy., and hi s distiples, who are now ,eminent scIin' tists in the ISS ,V. P. 'Vetchinkin, G. Kh. Sabinin, G. FR.'Proskura and others, eadratedfor the first time the theory of wind engines. The theory and experimental testing of airplane wing and propeller/ has been applied to the study of phenomena, taking place during the passage of the air flow,-.through the wind-driven:wheel.iIn t he :USSR; in the Central AerodynamiclInstitute, the Central Wind Energy Institute and in the All Union IMstitite for Mechanization and * Numbers in the margin indicate pagination in the foreign text. 1

Electrification of Agriculture, several original theoretical and experimental studies have been performed on wind engines and winddriven installations which t.odate *6rm the basis of thed.,evelopmenit of(, Soviet wind technology. At the same time an expansion is observed in the field of application of wind engines intthe national economy. In addition to flourmill industry and water supply, they are used for a wider mechanization in agriculture, for example, for the preparation of forage in animal husbandry, the irrigation of fields and vegetable cultures, the lighting of villages, etc. In the Soviet Union,' wind installations have found wide application and are acquiring a growing importance. The favorable wind conditions of the South, which is characterized by high annual averages of wind velocity, make it possible to use the adjustable B-12 wind engine, which gives completely uniform current voltage, and meets the demands of, electrical energy. The energy of the wind can be utilized almost everywhere; therefore, it has special importance among the other sources of energy. Wind utilization in the USSR ."has been regarded as an important State problem. As early as 1918, Vi. I. Lenin considered itit imperative to instruct the Acadamy of Sciencestto include in its plan of reorganization of the industry and fdr the,econ.omical development/5 of Russia,among other problems, water power and wind engines in genA eral, and their application to agriculture in particular. The 18th Congress of the VKP, in its resolution based on the reportofof Comrade V. M. Molotov indicated: "TObdevelop(' more extensively the construction of small wind-drivenel9tro-sttions -for

purposes' of fuel,,economy."
"To developu widely the construction of small kolkhoz hydrostations, wind power and gas generator ,..,elbctro6-installations based

on local fuel."
"To organize mass production of wind engines."

The' law on the five-year plan for iestorattontand development of national economy in the USSR in the years 1946-1 9 5 0 says: "To ensure mass construction in rural localities of small hydroelectrostations,-,wind stations and thermal-electro-stations with portable steam 'and gas generator engines., V~ I. Lenin, "Outline of the plan of ' V. scientific and technical works" Sochinenya [works], Vol. XXII, 1931, p. 232 21 VKP (b) in . -resolutions and decisions of congresses, confer-

ences and jlenums//" of'Tsk, 2


2, '1941I pp' 735-739


Utilization of Wind Engines in Agriculture

The energy of the wind is utilized in various branches of the national economy, ,but, /- wind installations have received massive development in the agriculture. In the area of water supply, it is most advantageous and conWith the aid of a water tower venient to utilize wind engines. with a container for the storage of water for one or two days, it is possible to supply the farm with water by means of the energy of the wind. By pumping up the water into the reservoir, the wind engine accumulates the energy of the wind in the form of lifted water. In such a manner it is possible to liberate completely man still widely used power,which in many places of the .7 USSR is for the transport of water. The wind engines acquire an extreme -importance in-the water supply of animal husbandry-in the steppe ,' -regions where water is mainly- obtained from deep -holes--and.. /6 wells. Here, the utilization of wind-driven installations is the most accessible method for themechanization of water lifting. Irrigation is one of the main parts . i,!'of the complex measMechanization of water lifting ures in the campaign for high crops. in irrigationnsystems - , meets with serious difficulties due to the lack of local energy resources. The utilization of wind energy,may in several cases solve quite sag.,isfactorily the task of mechanization of irrigation, especially with regard to small parcels with vegetable cultures and fields ~ i ta where the, sch'edue -"oft-'watering~i, n-tt ti igorou. ' 'V'g bl e c u l t u r e s '--require-arti-ficial irrigation-almost-- everywhere and not only in dry years. Here, wind engines can be conveniently utilized for lifting the water to a height of 4 to 20:~meters. A wind engine with a power during a season( )up to 15-20 hp"if~ting the of 15,' hP.,j can irrigate wte' p to' .0 mn i - t It is advisable to combine the' work of the wind engine,aas far as irrigation is concerned, with some other kind of work,ffor example, electrical lighting or grinding, in those periods when boiArrigatiomaris required. The drying of swampy landgS.iacase in'which wind-engines vhave been most wc6nverIiientiyj used in agriculture. Here there is no need for storage battery installations, nor for the daily presnce of man in order to start and stop the wind engine; the engine can operate and pump up the water from the -drainage system.. I':i . all the time,nas long as there is wind. The agriculture of Holland is very much indebted to the work of wind engines which transformed swampy lands into fertile fields. It is not accidental that the grinding of seeds in wiidmills

has its history of many centuries. Long ago, windmills played the /7 most important the rural flour mill industry. This type of work, while quite cumbersome, has a highly flexible schedule of loading. In addition, the possibility of performing the grinding in the stock:, makes it possible for the wind engine to operate all the time, as long as there is wind. In this case,.it is completely unnecessary to store energy; the energy accumulates in the product of the flour mill industry itself. In such a manner, windmills allow for a fairly complete utilization of wind energy. The windmills in the USSR, can grind, on the average, around 2.5 billions If the same amount of grinding were to of pood of grain per year. be performed with common engines, around 1.3 millions of tons of a nominal 7000-calorie fuel would have to be used yearly. By using wind engines for this kind of work, an enormous amount of fuel is being saved, and at the same time both railway and animal transport are freed of the transportation of this fuel. The preparation of forage for animal husbandry, such as grinding of seeds and of oil cake, cutting of silo and washing of root crops, make a fairly cumbersome process of production which should be mechanized entirely. The utilization of windmills encounters no difficulties in ithis respect, since the processing of seeds, of oil cakes, and of straw, can be performed in stock. Complications may arise only when preparing root crops on calm days. However, since one has in reserve horse-drawn actuators, one can always ensure the work of machines for the preparation of root crops. The charging of storage batteries for electrical lighting, radio and automobile transportation, can be performed anytime during the day. Consequently, the utilization of low-power windmills, ranging from 100 to 1000vWt, as wind charging units encounter no difficulties due to the inconsistency of the wind in the course of time, and should find wide app'ication. The electrification of the agriculture by means of wind engines forms an essential task. The operation of wind engines with generators, makes it possible to utilize the energy of the wind in almost all kinds of agricultural work and fo'r lighting. However, a serious handicap in the utilization of wind energy for electrification, especially in those regions where the annual average wind speed is below 5 m/sec, is the necessity of accumula- /8 ting energy in order to obtain a constant voltage current and to ensure the supply of electrical energy on calm days. Large wind electro-stations, can obviously be efficiently utilized parallel with other electro-stations, such as therial and hydraulic.


The above presented list of the main branches of agriculture w where wind engines are widely and successfully utilized shows the importance and the significance in the development of wind utilization in our socialist economy. Mechanization of agricultural work by means of wind energy is quite simple and is.accessible to the abilities and means of the k. In those regions where the annual average wind speed is kolkhozes. above 4 m/sec, the cost of production of wind engines is lower than the cost of production of thermal engines under identical conditions. The cost of operation of wind power units is not higher than the cost of operation of thermal and hydraulic engines, and is about 10 times cheaper than the work of horse-drawn gear. Wind installations are used abroad for various agricultural works; wind-driven pump installations have gained the widest distribution. The wind engines produced for this purpose are of the multi-blade type and are geared to a piston pump.



Wind engines., are engines which transform the energy of-_llthe wind' injto mechanical work. The inconstancy and rarity of this energy determine the construction features of wind .engines 1. thevppresencee of devices nsuring the operation of wind engines at high wind speeds, with ian,. approximately constant power and a limited number of revolutions; 2. the awkwardness of wind engines at somewhat higher values of power. The complexity of scientific and practical problems of utilization of wind energy by means of wind engines, is pi@ently a technical discipline called wind technology. The main task of wind technology is to create wind engines and wind installations which are capable of providing a-motive fbrce ,which.,is convenient'for utilization and to work withia highoutput' coefficient of wind energy. Wind technology can be divided into the following parts: 1. the theory and experimenta i nvestigation of wind engines; 2. the construction of effective wind engines; 3. the study df the energy problems related to wind; 4. the construction of wind installations and their , :,rational exploitation. The main section of wind technology is the theory and experimental investigation of wind engines, which are based on aerodynamics -- the science studying ;,? air movement and the action of air on the bodies which come inr, contact with it. , Aerodynamics can be divided into theoretical and experimental. Theoretical aerodynamics is based on the laws of mechanics applied ' to gas-like bodies; experimental aerodynamics is based on test's

-Performed in wind tunnels' and under :atur6,l'c6dnditi6i-s'T.

: '

We shall be concerned with aerodynamics only insofar as it isdirecty related to. the 4tud ,Kof wihd engine s.<




The Air and its Properties

The air blanket surrounding the Earth is called the Earth's atmosphere. The height of the upper limit of the atmosphere has not been established, however, it is known that meteorites catch fire at the height of 200-300 km, while the Northern Lights are observed at even greater altitudes, from 300 to 750 km. This phenomenon attestst {o to the fact that the Earth's atmosphere has an upper limit of no less than 300 km.

The troposphere. The lower layer of the atmosphere up to an altitude of about 11 km, is called troposphere. With the change in latitude, the average annual altitude of the troposphere changes from 8 kmat.the poles to 17 km at the equator. It is convenient to consider The it equal to anaverage of 11 km at a latitude of 500 to 600. topography and thermal changes of the Earth, as well as solar radiation, influence the state of the troposphere. This is .whene -theivertical dlouds are formed, precipitation falls, flow of the air takes place In such a manner,the troposphere is in a state and the wind blows. of constant agitation of its layers,. a s a result of which, the composition of the air in the troposphere is quite homogeneous. Dry air contains in percentage by volume: Nitrogen.....N 2 78.03 Oxygen.......02 20.99 Argon........Ar 0.94 Carbon dioxide.....C0 2 0.03 Neon............... Ne 0.0012 0.0004 Helium.............He

and insignificant amount((.t races) of krypton and xenon. By weight, the air contains 23162% oxygen and 76.8% .other gases. The stratosphere. Thelilayers of the atmosphere situated above the The state of the stratosphere troposphere form the stratosphere. is characterized by the fact that there is almost no vertical dis- /13 The winds are characterized by great constancy; placement of layers. there are neithe)S.( louds')nor fog'g the temperature is,'almoSt consttant and equals-5'.5 5 Investigations of the stratosphere are performed by means of sounding balloons which contain recording meteorological instruments. the stratosphere is studied by Prof. Molchanov, by In the ,,USSR means of radio sounding balloons, which automatically transmit the readings of the instruments;to the Earth by radio. Until today; a.layer of the atmospherewith ajthickness of 20 km The highest altitude reabhed by some sounding has been investigat'ed. balloons is 37 km while the height reached by man equals 22 km. In such a manner, the upper layer of the atmosphere has not been studied 'i) by various yet and any conclusions about it,6s state were expounded, investigators on the basis of theoretical assumptions ,.My comparing with observed phenomenait of nature as for example, the brightness of twilight. The chemical composition of the stratosphere air has not For been determined as yet, there are merely assumptions about it. ,at a height of 10kiim, the percenexample,, according to Henfry, tages by.volume are: Nitrogen N 2 -2.95, water vapor H 2 0-0.04, Oxygen 02-0.11, Hydrogen H 2-95.58, Helium He-1.31, dveral pressure 0.0067 mm Hgand at the height of 140 km: Nitrogen-0.01, water vapor 0, Oxygen-0, Hydrogen-99.15, Helium-0.84 and overall! pressure ' 0.00o40 mmi Hg. u'

The composition of the air remains unchanged,i.e.,just like near the surface of the Earth, up .to ah altitude of about 22 km. The elasticity of the air is manifested in the Air pressure. The pressure it exerts on the bodies which come in contact with it. pressure of the air on a body is perpendicular to its surface and is the limit of the ratio of the pressure AP to the area AF:
.P dP

In aerodynamics it is convenient to measure the pressure in kilograms per square meters (kg/m2 ). In measuring the air pressure by barometer, the magnitude of the pressure is expressed in mm Hg. The normal pressure of the atmosphere measured by a barometer, at sea level, equals: po = 760 mm Hg In the technical system of measurement, this pressure equals:
p0 10 333 ir/I= 1,033i kg/cm 2

The unit of pressure in tebhnical calculations is:'the atm6' sphere,'which equals , kg/cm2 .


hence: Often it is not the absolute pressure of the atmosphere which is used in calculations, but the excess pressure over the atmospherid

p' = p-p

where po is the atmospheric pressure. Air temperature. The temperature of the air is usually measured in degrees Celsius. In thermal calculations, the temperature is taIen taken.iin absolute degrees, which is called the absolute temperature. The zero of the absolute temperature is' 2730 below the zero of the Celsius scale. Denoting the absolute temperature by T, we obtain:
T = 273+t.

The normal temperature t of the air in the TJSSR is assumed to be equal to 150 C; in other countries, the standard temperature is convened at 200 C. 8

The temperature in theitroposphere at altitudes ,lbwer ,than 11 km is

tT = 15 0 -6.5H,
while 6.5 is the average annual change in. the temperature troposphere per km of increase in altitude H ::=11 km. Of:,the


The pressure at altitudes,lower than 11 km is equal to:

P7= PO (


The mass density of the air in the Vicihity,'of the& Earth,: q:-sec i where. y is the specific weight of the air, g =.,9181leration of the force of gravity. is the acce-

At a temperature -<,' to 1500C and a pressure B = 760 mm Hg, the value of the air density near the Earth equals:


Under other

conditions,the density equals:




H < 11 km,

The mass density in the troposphere at an altitude of is determined accordingto the formula:


For rapid calculations of the mass density in the region of the troposphere, one can use an approximate formula: P?= Po2)


where H is the altitude in kilometers. The pressure and mass density of the air at altitudesaabove 11 km, are calculated according to Galle's formula:



where H is the altitude in kilometers.


The Continuity Equation.

The Bernoulli Equation

The velocity field in the vicinity of a streamlined'body3' ~ .u.. Ihnstdying the-flow of -air around bodies, the movement is ekamihed i ndependently of -whether the body movBs in' the air or whether-the air moves around an immobile,body, since the forces operatingrin both:.cases: are' similar. When an air stream flows around a body, the velocity of the particles at a distance from the body are similar everywhere; in the vicinity of the body,the velocity of each particle at various points in the stream will be different both in magnitude and in direction. A so-called velocity field is formed around the body; this illustrates the pattern of the velocities in any given moment in time in a space filled with ,fluid. In studying the velocity field, one has to consider the conThe flow line is a cepts of flow lineS.of the fluid in movement. -Line to which the vector of veloctItyof thefluidis tangent'inh every, poin at1 a given-moment., flow. The flow lines,'which the fluid forms:a round'a,body can be reproduced if a small grain of powder is th own on the surface of a fluid. Each particle of the powder floating on the surface of the fluid >will leave on the photographic film a trace in the form of a drawing. The totality ofaall the drawings yields the pattern of .the flow lines. Their frequency characterizes the magnitude~ 6f the v.elocityin a'given paft lof the field. If during the movement of a fluid, the velocity, pressure, den sity, etc, stay constant in time for any point in space, then the pattern of the flow line is also constant. Such a movement is called steady state. The movement where the velocity changes in the course of time, throughout the space occupied or in a part of it, is called non-steady state. The part of the fluid limited by the flow lines, which are drawn through all'ithe points of a small-and simple closed contour in the region occupied by the fluid, is called elementary stream tube. Since the flow lines have,thedirect'ionof the velocities in all points, the fluid can neither go in nor out through imaginary walls of the tube, and the stream tube can be represented as rigid underi' steady stat e movement conditions. The fluid flowing in this tube is called a jet which cannot mix with the neighboring jet. In such a way,each such jet can be represented as being isolated from the mass of the fluid and consequently,the whole flow can be regarded as being composed of individual jets. 10 /16

The totality of the flow lines is sometimes called the field of

The Continuity Equation. Let us distinguishin thgenera flow of the tube, the flow AB,and let us make two cross sections I and II perThe mass of fluid passpendicular to the axis of the tube (Fig. 1). ing through section second is equal to Mkg

At the same time a'mass of :fluid passes through secti'on II,


size of which equals:

where: m-mass p-density F-area of the cross section df the V-velocity through the section.

/17 t~reamitlibe

Under conditions of steady state, the mass of fluid:'in the limited by I and II, can neither increase nor examined sector,decrease. Otherwise, there would be a change in pressure, density, and velocity of the fluid particles in the section. We can therefore write:

mi = m

= m = Const,
p V p2 F pCo


F, 1

Expression (6) is called the continuity

equation ofta'i ljet.

For a noncomppessible fluid, p = and equation (6) can be written in 1 the following form:



F2V 2 = Const.



This expression represents the volumetric

flow rate of the tube and shows that the volume of fluid coming i,;in -,the tube must equal the volume of the fluid leaving the tube per unit time.

Fig. 1:

Stream tube

Bernoulli's equation.::Behrnoulli's equationtis the law of conservation of energy applied to a jet of fluid in steady state movem .ht... Fr"rbWs Secti6nsI land II ( Fig. 1) the continuity equation 11

In the time dt,a column of fluid Vldt, passes through section 1./18 The volume of this column equals F Vldt; by multiplying this volume by the mass densitywe obtain the mass,passing through the section I in time dt. PlF 1 V 1 dt = mdt. During the same time,a column of fluid V dt passes through the section:lII. Its volume equals ,F 2 V 2 dt and its mass: P 2 F 2 V 2 dt = mdt. The mass of fluid entering through section I brings a supply of energy which, according to the law of conservation of energy, must b be constant between the sections I and II. The total supply of energy ,'to the stream tube through section I is composed of the kinetic energy,il.e. the massiof fluid movingmwith, avelocity, and I equaling:;

ptential energy of the pressure of thefluid, equalingthe :, ,krk performed by the particles of the fluid on their pathway atithe left of section I. This work equals:thU

P 1 F 1 V dt


where pF I is the pressure on the column of fluid';Jith/section F 1 , while Vldt is thepatih which this column has to cross in posiit:on tion I. Multiplying and dividing expression (a) by pl,: wel^ obtain:

where: pl -pj --

pressure, density of the fluid at the left of section I;

potential energy of the weight which equals the potential work of thi the fluid crossing section I. This fluid is at a height Z 1 , count'" ing_6Yfrom any level, for example, 0 -- 0. The height Zl is called the level height. The potential energy of the weight equals: ZlGdt; since the weight of the fluid G = mg,

Z1 Gdt = Zlmgdt;


interhal energy; -for an elastic fluid,'liie., gas, one has to' /19 take into consideration the internal thermal energy brought along by the mass mdt through section I in the tube. It is knowlffrom thermodynamics that the internal energy of the gas U, is usually Its magniexpressed in calories per kilogram weight of the gas. tude is dependent on the temperature of the gas, and consequently, will be different in different sections through the stream tube. The internal energy crossing section I will equal:; Ulmgdt. Since the mechanical equivalent of heat is A= cai

the internal energy in kgmwill equal

.- mgdt.

By the same,r'method one can find the energy of the fluid: :kinetic energy. flowing through section II, .i.e.,'the

The potential energy of the pressure:

.mdt. *

The potential energy of the weight: The potential thermal energy:


Z 2 mgdt.


In the case of flow of a fluid without friction losses and losses of heat through the walls of the tube, the sum of the energies of the flow through section I ; should equal the corresponding sumo.of energies,;throughl section II. If mechanical (friction) and heat losses of energy take place in the region between the sections I and II, which could be assigned the" magnitude K, than the incoming energAv should equal the Outgoing one plus the losses K.

Summing up the energy for sections I and II, we obtain the .equation of the energy balanoe':



mV 2

dt +



mdt -+- Zmgd


mgdt =

- de+

- mdt -Z,-Zmg


the weight

Dividing all the terms of this equation by mgdt -of the flowing fluid, we obtain:
+ -f! . U. KI

In this equation gpl = Yl; gp 2 = Y2; denoting the losses through Ke. .

we finally obtain:
V 2 p2 U,


+, +;Z +





Expression (8) represents the general form of the Bernou l_. equation for any fluid including gases. After dividing the terms of the given equation by:the~eight mgt,,. we obtained a linear dimension in meters. The Bernbuil{ equation for a noncompressible fluid is derived Since for a noncompressible fluid, from the general equation (8).
T1ia= and U= U\,

equation (8) can be rewritten in the following form:

I pTi i,,


Most practical problems are-solved .by means of this equation. All the terms of eqcat'ien(9) have a linear dimension, therefore, they are called heights: -vel-ocit-y heig .of, dynamic pressure;

y Z ----

piezometric height; level;.i ,height; height of losses.

If the equation of the balance were to beexessed.not per kg, /21 but per meter of fluid, thenwecould multii5ly equationq (9) by y and



Pi i .- i--p,-Z",,

d 1



The terms of this equation receive:: the dimensions of presg' /mj 2 ,and are called: pV 2 -2 dynamic pressure;

Vpp -- static pressure or hydrodynamic pressure; yZ -- ,hydrstatic pressure; y -- pressure of the losses. The sum of all the terms in the Bernoulli equation is called total head. If the equation of Bernoulli,:. is applied to air,then flows Which are nearly:.horizOntal. arelusually 'examined,'cons6qubntly Z::is veryslamall. Comparing the small level height Z and the losses c with the ternms V 2 /2g, which in moderna~-plane,- are very large, Z and c can be-1 ---disregarded since they are small; we then-ebtain ,-a -simple expression of the Bernoulli equation which is constantly applied in theoretical aerodynamics;
2. PI't=jp
2 " =c-nst


The pressure in the critical poiht.- i.Let us assume that there is a flow with velocity V 1 around a certain body. If we draw an infinitely small contour abc in section I (Fig. 2), we obtain a jet. of an infinitely small cress section which becomes wider and wider as it approaches the body and receives a finite section around the body since the letter has finite dimensions. S_


Based on the equation of contin-/22 uity of the jet (7) for sections I and II, we can write:


Fig. 2: a body



Flow around


since F 2 is very large by comparison with dF 1 , the ratio dF 1 over F 2 tends to zero and consequently V2 also tends to zero.

The point K, where V 2 = 0, is talled the 'critical point. Ac" cording to.Bernoulli's equation, we can find the pressure at this For sections I and II we have: point..




Since at the critical point V 2


0, then.:(11)


In such a manner the:cpressure at the critical point is the highest to be found in the flow around a body. Cavitation. The discontinuity of a flowing fluid which is accqmpanied by; -the formation of gaps filled with vapor and gases to be found in the fluid is called cavitation. The discontinuity of the flow takes place when the pressure of the fluid becomes ne,gative ; in this moment, the pressure ,hangesinto tensile stress.~ The usual fluids can not withstand anytensile Stres ' and tear up.. Let us write the Bernoulli equation for a large reservoir,from and let which the water is being sucked out by means of a pipe, us observe the velocity of the water in the tube at which cavitation If we take L.a.plane . passing through a section of the sets in.
tubesituated.!the vwater level.4n the reservoir!,

wevshall have:

= 0 and pl = P0,,

i.e. atmospheric pressure.

The velocity of motion of the water india large reservoir is which has a very small if compared with the rate V 2 in the pip 6 smal-1cross, section and therefore it can be taken zero, due to friction in -the reservoir can be i.e. V 1 = 0. The.losses disregarded as they are small, and we obtain::


P,=Po- ki -yz

the smaller the This equation shows that the larger ; i.i,', 2 pressure p'2.)-he highest velocity V 2 will be seen at the pressure 1fllowing equatidn;holds: P2 = 0; inderithe'se coriditions,the

Hence the limiting velocity of the water in the be:



V,= J/2z

+ ).


the :pipe This velocity will be mihiiirlm&l .when sucked out will be. close to' which the water is the water level in the reservoir, i.e. when Zl = 0.


In this case: V=.~ 2(12a)

For wateryY= 1000 kg/me; po = 10330 kg/m 2 and g = 9.81 m/sec. Substituting these values in equation (12a),we obtain:
V2 2.9,81. 3= 14.15 m/sec.

At this rate of motion of the water,cavitation may set in. Formulat(12) is applicable only at low temperatures. At high temperatures,the discontinuity in the fluid is facilitated d by the elasticity of its vapor, and cavitation sets in at a much lower rate. The equation of Bernoulli for gases.
to use equation (8). "therefore, one ,has,

At high velocities,

above 100 m/sec, one cannot disregard in Bernoulli's equation the

terms containing the value of the internal energy of the gasl and /24 In most cases of the aviation practice, one deals with high velocities,when the air has no time to exchange heat with the body
around which it flows, and consequently the processeotakhs place adiabatically i.e. :@ee


" .... nst .

where k is the adiabatic exponent.

On the basis of this law, the Bernoulli equation (8) becomes

[551: 2 UV-



For airjk = 1.41, and consequently we can write:

2g.gI -



Pressureof the' gas in;the'critical point. Fig. 2 represents a jet which approaches the body in critical point k; let us write equation (13)for this point. Since ain the critical point V 2 = 0; jet, this equation 1 = Z2 , and one can neglect the losses 5 in the can be written in the following form: 2 ~z_Sv z (a)


By dividing this equation to kpl and multiplying by k-i and y, we obtain:

V2 A-







The formula of the velocity of the sound is well known from

physics [1, p.1113]:




a 2gkp


Introducing a into equation(b), we obtain:







The ratio of the velocity of the gas V in any point to the /25 velocity of the sound k in the same point is called the Mach number -- Ma.

By substituting this number in equation (16) and s,olving the equation for p 2 /l,we obtain:
= (1.205M4)3.4S.

In such a manner, the pressure of the gas in the critical point depends., merely on the initial pressure and on the imachinumber. In order to solve the problem,i.e. to find the velocity at 'which a correction has to be introduced for the compressibility of the air, let us make the following transformation of I, ,equation (17):


Let us expound the right part of this equation into a series according to thebinomial theorum ,Twhile neglecting the terms of the higher order with. regard: to Vl/ai; assuming that(Vl/a<l, we obtain:


Let us change the right hand side of this equation using equa(15) for the velocity of the sound and substituting, instead


of a 2 , its value k pl/

P 1 +pT,

in equation 1(b):



P. = (18)

Comparing this equation with equation (11) for a noncompressible fluid, we see that these two equations differ in the term ----27in the right hand side of equation (18)_. It follows that the smaller the velocity of the flow by comparison with the velocity of the sound, the lesser th@fdVifference in pressure between the compressible and noncompressible flow in the chosen point. Considering the series of velocities-, V 1 , let usi,.seewhat1;is : the relationship:between .the pre-ssures ' of a nrbncompressible and a campressible fluid.

Velocity of flow
1 a,5--o

too 0.333



Mach number
At sound velocity ,= 339TA :i
%=--P 1 dIAo mpressible compressible ssibl



On-comp 0.(7






8 7

where the ratio



noncomressibe .P. compressible



obtained by dividing equation :( 1) by equation (i8). The presented calculation shows that at velocities below 100 m/secsof'eth6 flow,cora.,Ofthe body in a quiet flow, the effect of the compressibility of the air on the pressure in the examined point is insignificant. 5'. The Concept of Turbulent Motion

Turbulent motion is the movement of fluid in a region wh1cift~1filed with whirls. This motion can be observed in nature in the form of which sometimes appear in quiet weather or in the tLubulentdustprsb form of powerful whirlwinds or typhoons.,(FiR. 3). Vhbrtexes appear also in the form of rings'which can be observed in the exhaust of internal combustion engines iforabove,' the pipe 6,foa steam engine. The most intensive turbulent motion is formed behirid a body which moves in a fluid, for example, a ship or a motoriboat (Fig. 4).


Demonstration of the vortexes and their properties. If an impeller is introduced along the long axis of a container filled with water and ;,set in-a, fapid:. rotary motion, -theni . /27 a turbulent column is obtained inside the vessel,Aand the surrounding fluid is. subject to a general cyclic. movement. The experiment for the formation of a-:vortex can be performed by means of the instrument illustrated in Fig. 5. A hollow pul'ley v~with several plane radial partitions which however do not reach the axis, is set in rapid rotational motion by means of a machine. A vat filled with water is placed at the distance of 3 m under the pulley. In order for the experiment to be successful, the water should be slightly heated. In its rotary motion, the pulley twists around a column of air. As a result of the lower pressure in the middle of the newly formed vqr(tex,the water- begins to raise and is set inarotary motion as we$ll. After some time, a water column is formed, in the form of a /28 thin string, which extends from the level of the water to the center of the pulley. Under the pullyy the turbulent string consists of very small drops which are thrown in all directions by the partitions of the pulley. [8]. Another interesting experiment pn' the formation of turbulent rings can be performed by means of the instrument illustrated in Fig. 6, which is a wooden box. The rear wall of the box is formed by an elastic membrane, while the front wall has a round opening. If we were to fill this box with smoke, then, as a result of knocks produced by means of a small hammer on tie rear wall, vortex-like rings Wulicome out through the front Some smokers can let out wall. smoke in the form of similar rings from their mouth. The smoke from the pipes of steam engines sometimes emerges '1: in the form of rings.
In calm air the vbortex-like rings

Fig. 3, The typhoon or whirlwind

have their own movement.


Fig. 4: Vortex formation behind the propeller of a motorboat,

is known from the theory of turbulent motion that the vortex and the velocity field are in4 terdependent, therefore, in the experiments on the formation of vortex-like rings, we see that neighboring parts of the ring act on each point inside it and, the ring flies rapidly in. the air. An air flow is obtained as a result of


this,as illustrated in the right side of ~i :. Fig. 6 : the air inside the ring moves forward as a result of which the vortex-like /29 ring carries with it a certain volume of air. This volume of air forms the atmosphere of the ring. If two vortex-like rings are released in succession from the instrument illustrated in Fig. 6, then the rear ring is sucked up by the leading one, is compressed and passes: inLater it widensland runs ahead of side it. the first, after which they again change places. The example demonstrates the extreme complexity of turbulent motion.
I The rotation of a fluid is essentially different from the rotation of a solid body. The particles of the rotating solid obey a, linear law,'kof the change of velocity with the change of radias, which is expressed by the formula: V

Fig. 5: Instrument for the formation of vortexes.

= wr,


where w is the angular velocity of rotatiohKfhile r is the



The particles of the fluid

can rotate with various anguInstrument for the forFig. 6: mation of vortex-like rings lar velocities. In thesame'luid particle the radii can rotate with different angular velocities, different both in mag1. elastic bottom Key: 2. vortex-like ring: nitude and in size. According to Helmholz, the fluid particle moves forward with the rate6of fits center of gravity, becomes deformed and rotates. In presenting the main concepts of aerodynamics- only from the we shall alpoint of view of their experimental'applCation, ways consider only noncompressible fluids without friction. Such a . fluid is called ideal nohcompressible. In order -to study the', motion of a fluid, a few special magnitudes and concepts are introi~ichJKform the theoremscof aeroduced,, the relationshipsh~betweenwh dynamics. The velocity flow. Let us draw an arbitrary line OABC through a flowing ideal fluid (Fig. 7). In any point A of this line, the fluid will have a certain velocity V. Point A can be assumed to be at a distance S from the initial point 0 along the curve. The ,n 21

magnitude S can be considered to be positive in the direction of the arrow 7 and negative in the opposite direction. Let us single out on this curve the /30 element, -dS with point: -A, and let us project the velocity of the flow V to the direction of the tangent to this point. Multiplying.the:p ogjtio Vs of this velocity by the element dS, we obtain the veloelement, i.e.: city flow dri along this

. -ids

Circulation Fig. 7: of the velocity alongside a contour

(19) Addingupsall the elementary velocity flows,"along the line OABC, we obtain, ,the velocity flow along the curve: S-I~i(19a)


The dimensioniof the velocity flow is m 2 sec The velocity circulation. The velocity flow in a closed contour is called the velocity circulation. Let us single out in a flowing fluid a closed contour withtthe circumference S (Fig. 8). In any (; point of this contour,the fluid will have a certain velocity V. ,The projection of the velocity V in point A of element dS to the tangent of the curve through this point, multipliedpbyiBthe -element dS, gives-) then elementary flow::


where V s is the tangential component of the velocity flow. ... -ds \ Adding up all the elementary velocityo flows on the closed contour, we obtain the velocity circulation: dS;' (20)

where -- the sign of the integral along a closed contour. If the contour were to be circumvented in the reverse change as well. direction, the sign wbuid

Fig. ve~lcity Fig. 8: The velecity circulation in a closed contour 9 (Fig. 8), form:

Denoting the angle between the 1,positiVe direction ofoithe tangent and the velocity by/31 the receiving formula can be reWritten in the following
= V dS-= V c::s'od5,

where Vcost = V s -- projection of the velocity of the fluid to the tangent in point A of element dS. 22

We can see from equation (19)athatethe concept of circulation is analogous to the concept of the work of force along any path dS. The dimension of circulation is E 2 sec -1. Velocity potential. The velocity potential is defined as the function of space 4(x,y,z), the detivative of which in any direction gives the projection of velocity V to this direction: VS= a(a)

Equation (a:) :givesurthe partial derivative since function 4 depends upon three coordinates of space and time. The flow wi'thh the velocity potential is called potential flow. If a fixed contour is represented in space, then instead of the partial derivative,the full derivative is written: P1 (b) hence:
d = V,dS. (c)

Integrating once in the limits from point A to point B (Fig. 7.) i obtain and again along the whole closed contour (Fig. 8), we the following two equalities:

-- ?

VsS. =



i.e. the potential difference for two points is equal to the velocity flow along any line uniting these points:,


VdS=0, vA


i.e. in the case of a single-valued velocityyiptential of flow, the velocity circulation for any closed contour equals 0. Consequently, in order to solve the problem whether there is a potential flow in any particular case, it is sufficient to prove/32 that the circulation r on any contour is or is not equal to 0. ,Baic theorems, about vortexes. In analyzing the motionof particle, in any plane which passes through its center of gravity, the concept of the average angular velocity of rotation is used. In order to determine the velocity of rotation of a fluid in point A (9), a .plane.;pp is passed through this point, the contour k is drawn ".'and the magnitude of.'the circulation r along the contour is determined. Therefore the projection of the average velocity of rotation of the fluid in point A relative to the normal to the area, is the following magnitude: (22)

The smaller the contour taken, the more accurate will the expression be, and in the limiting case we obtain: ) dr



idl'=2d ,2
a= 2wda.

The derivative wde is called the flow of ? the vortex through the area ,- do;, it is analogous to the flow rate Vda.

By rotating the area in all directions around point A, one can find the situation in which w will have aui;maximum value. The maghnituideoYf w and its direction determine i the vorticity of the fluid in point A. The.-Vctor w is called the vorticity vector. In order to study turbulent motion, several concepts are introduced about the component elements of turbulent motion, which facilitate the formulation of its laws.. (Fig 10) is the line to which The vortex line, the Vector of turbulent velocity of the fluid is tangent in eac7io6int' at a given moment. The surface. ,to .which->the ,Vector,. ofotubulent 'at a given moment, velocity of the fluid is tangeht ineach point is called the vortex surface (Fig. 10) /33 ng rte:x ! eslpa That part of the fluid.. which is Oimittedibthee; through all the points of some small,simple closed contour in the area occupied by the fluid, is called vortex tube. The fluid confined in the vortex tube is called vortex filament. If w were to be taken as velocity,then the vortex tube can be The considered similar to a jet of fluid with a cross section do. derivative 6do is called, as : said above, the vortex flow through the area do. In such a manner formula (22b) shows that the velocity circulation in an infinitely small contour ,is equal to twice the vortex flow through the area confined by this contour. It should be mentioned that Helmholtz calls the derivative wda the stress .rof the vortex filament [8]. Stokes theorem. Breaking down an arbitrary surface S, confined by the contour K, (Fig. 11) into infinately small areas,which can be considered plane, this following formula can be written for each of/34 them: dr = 2wda

The vector of of the the average angular velocity


l8expB R

Adding ub. these expressions for all the elementary areas, we obtain:


17 aU T /



2 A




each internal side of the rectantwo circulations in opposite directions are found which innul each other. After reduction and as a result of the add-


can be seen in Fig.

11 that on

ition, in the left part -only the derivative V dS is left behind, which is related to the element of the contour K. The :"sum

Fig. 10:

The vortex line,

the vortex surface and the

vortexitube Key: 1. vortex line 2. contour

of,. the sedePivatives :.'7

gives the circulation of the velocity along' ontour K.. =

V o2


3. vortex surface
4. vortex tube o. --i.e. the circulation of the velocity on any contour equals twice thecerallIflow of the vortex through any area confined by

this contour.

Fig. 11:

According ,to
write: dS2

formula 20, we can also (24)

The contour

of the surface

The integral of the area is represented in the right hand side of formula (24), while the integral of the contour is shown in the left hand side. We should note that both the surface and the contour K do not necessarily

have to be plane. The Helmholtz theorem. If we single out on the vortex surface a closed coourFig(12), then we shall have w = 0 in any point on the surface. This can be seen from the fact that the vector w is tangent to the given surface. ' (it can be lateral to the surface of the vortex tube) and the vortex flow through it equals 0,wwhibh according to the-Stoks theorem givesr = 0, i.e. the velocity circulation on the contour lying on the vortex surface equals 0. i4

If we .drw the

contour'' shown

in the 'right 'hand side


of Fig. 12, on the surface of the vortex tube- with infinitely small distances (1-4 and 5-8, then the velocity circulation on this contour will be equal to 0 as shown above (Fig. 12, left). The circulation on the section 1-2-3-4 on the contour equals Fr while on the.


section 5-6-7-8 it equas r2; on the portions 5-1 and 4-8 the velocity 35 flows are equal but have opposite directions. Consequently if we in denote the circulation in the direction. 1-2-3-4-8-7-6-5-1 by r,. the direction 1-2-3-4-1 by r4 . by r 5 in:lt.h,-direction 8-7-6-5-8 and by r6 in the direction 8-5-6-7-8, we obtain:


In such a manner the velocity circulation on the contour confined

2 z.

" 1

by the vortex tube is constant

throughout its length.

According to equation (22):

Fig. 12: The closed contour on the vortex surface and the contour on the surface of the vortex tube

consequently,:)if r is constant, then the vector w should be continuousthroughout the space of fluid flow if we neglect the special cases a = 0 and a = m.

Hence, we obtain the Helmholtz the vortex filament cantheorem: not end suddenly in the fluid; either they extend to infinity or they close into rings or else they lean against the surface of the fluid (Fig. 13).

If in afluid!with nonturbulent .'f lw,, a vorVortex strings., tex region is formed, which is confined by a vortex surface in the shape of ',a tube of finite thickness, then such a tube is called '/36 The whirlwind observed in nature represents a vortex string., kind of vortex string'. of huge dimensions. The simplestype .of vortex st, ,, (Fig. 14)-'are the uniformly turbulent strings,> in which w is constant inside each section; w can have a different value in ano.ther, se,ction. v.~l,; I The flow inside the strength is turbulent while outside it, it is not. Any contour inside the vortex gives a circulation r, which
is equal, according to Stokes theorm,to twice the vortex flow

through the area confined by the contour. The contour lying outside the vortex string'. has a

Fig. 13: 26

The shape of vortexes

velocity circulation equal to zero . since no vortex flow can pass through it.,According to equation 21a, the condition E = 0 indicates

that a velocity potential 4 exists in the flow, consequently the flow has a velocity potential, while the flow outside the vortex string inside the string has no potential. Hence, the expression "potential flow" which means nonvortex flow in aerodynamics. Since the vortex flow wda is not equal to while zero and exists only inside the string, will flow vortex the it, it equals zero outside be equal to the flow inside the string .',regardless of the size and shape of the contour. Consequently, the circulation r existing around the/37 r vortex string'. can be taken as a measure of its strength. The velocity circulation in any contour confined by the vortex string.. ,is constant and independent of the magnitude and shape of the 14: The vortex Fig. contour. This can be seen from the fact that ist.nvg.ox strig. regardless of how we draw the contour, the same, vortex flow will pass through it,,w-hich'is , theorem to:.:' Stokes equal,according to
Fr== 2swd3CaCnst.


The velocity field appearing in the vicinity of the vortex string'. )is related to its, circulation. ' ,Let ,us findlthe' velo,' city field in the simplest, infinite linear string' I with a cire-endi If.- asection with" ap'area. p is draw culation r (Fig. 15). then, we note cular tothe axis (of the,string, that the rate of : ' flow of the fluid particles at equal distances from the axis, will be equal. Let us draw a circle passing through The velocity point A with.';the center on 'the axis of the string. in point A, will be constant and tangent V elicited by the string. of '.'the yelocity "' to the surface, consequently the projection will be equal to the velocity itself, i.e. V,=V= Cons The velocity circulation on thisvsurface will be equal to:


Vf dS



In such a manner, the particles of the fluid surrounding the vortex string , move with veilocities which are inversely related 'The direction of to their distance from the axis of the string.. these velocities coincides with the direction of rotation of the string.

w = Const and the string Inside the simplest vortex string, radius r, can be obtained /38 at velocity The body. rotates like a solid by the usual formula:, V = wr,


i.e. V will change in a linear fashion. The highest velocity is obtained on the surface ofthestring.The flow lines, both outside and inform a circle. Outside we shall find a velocity side the string be no potential but no rotating particles, while inside there will velocity potential but there will-be rotating.particles. .r 6. Viscosity


Fig. 15: The velocity field of a vortex string

The da6iVations made in Sectio.n 5 refer mainly to an ideal fluid, where no internal forces or friction operate. In reality all real fluids have forces of internal Therefriction which are called viscosity. formulas presented above fore,almost all the for the ideal fluid 'are only approximate The phyfor the case of a viscous fluid. in the lies viscosity of sical importance fricinside of appearance of forces fluid flowing a in layers tion between the moveirregular the by which are produced ment of its molecules.

The forces of viscosity tend, to retard the rapidly moving parts In a viscous fluid, the vortexes are gradually resorbed of the fluid. and disappear. However, the viscosity can also create vortexes. The strongest vortex formation is observed near the surface of the body On the surface of the body itself, the around which there is a flow. fluid is immobile,as it adheres to the body. At even a small distance from the body, the fluid acquires a large velocity which equals the velocity of the flow. The thin layer adhering to the surface of the body where the velocity which differs growth in velocity takes place from zero to the is u by 1% from the velocity of the potential flow around the body produces which viscosity, of result a As layer. border the called and tangential forces, the fluid in this layer is strongly turbulent therefore, issomethies,called the layer of surface turbulence. If we single out two elementary The viscosity coefficient. 16) with the distance between them (Fig. layer theborder' in areas dS /39 being '6y then the increase in velocity during the passage from one by magnitude this Dividing 'y. )aV/ay equal will other the area to velocity gradient ay, we obtain aV/ay. This magnitude is called the along the normal to the surface of the body. Since the velocities between the areas are different, a force appears between them which is tangent to the surfaces' and is produced by the viscosity of the fluid. This force will 'depend on the velocity gradient and on the area dS: 2dS. (26)


v6, d /~"

In this..equation, i is called the coefficient of viscosity.


the force dx to the area dS,

will obtain the stress, of the force of vis-

Fig. 16: The interaction between layers due to viscosity

which is equal to:



This..stress:, acts the surfaces and is called tangential stress.

The dimension of the viscosity coefficient p is obtained from formula (27):


gsec/ _

For the sake of convenience in comparing the viscosity forces, which depend on p, with the forces of inertia which depend. 'on the mass density p, the concept kinematic coefficient of viscosity,v is introduced: (28) We can see that the dimension of Y is the same as in circulation or velocity, flow.

The magnitude of the coefficient p and v for air at t = 150 and B = 760 mm Hg has"-the following values:
o= 1, 82-10-6.





or ' V.-i45cm /sec.

v for other atmosThe kinematic coefficient of viscosity'. pheric conditions can be found from the graph of L. Prandtl, which is presented in Fig. 17; on the abscissa the temperature is represented in degrees C, while on the ordinate the coefficient,, of kinematic viscosity in cm2 per second. The coefficient of kinematic viscosity for water at 150 is:
V=. L 1.164-10-4.9,81

The ratio of the kinematic viscosities of air and water equals:



The Law of Similarity


SI A 1

_Criteria i0 of similarity. Those 76 phenomena: in aerodynamics ar*e called similar. in which all the 'character- /41 j istics homogeneous physical magnitude, are in identical relation in L O. -.- any point in space [55, 56].
' ,


Fig. 17: Graph for the determination of the coefficeht of kinematicoiviscosity of the air Key: i. cm 2 per second 2. atmospheric pressure mm Hg

Conclusions on the flying properties of the airplane, on the effectiveness of wind wheels in wind. tunnel tests .of small models of this machine, either complete or in part, are based on the law ofoaero-.. dynamic similarity. The similarity of model and~enature is expressed in the proportionality of all the linear dimensions of model and nature and in the equality of the corresponding angles.

The ratio of similar dimensions of model and nature isccalled the model scale and is expressed by the relationship: This means that if a section in nature is equal to 1, then the similar factor in the model will be equal to::

Analogically we determine the scale of force,time, density, etc., For example, the ratio of densities;in two :--similar points of compara-7 able phenomenanis called the scale of densities:

. Analogically the scale of viscosity, velocity and force is thel y following:

I-- --.- k=vJ]



The magnitudes with the index refer to the model. The linear scale -- kl, of force -called the main scale of the phenomena. kR and of time - kt are

The main feature of these scales consists in the fact that in observing their similarities, they appear tobecoAstat throughout the space where tie comparable phenomena takeK place.


We can formulate the following,law of aerodynamic similaritv, after we presented the concept about the scales of phenomena: two phenomena are called similar if identical scale are obtained for+ uni orm.magnitudes .in.all'their compatible points. , ~he scales fulfill this condition, then one ,,il /42 If not all speaks about approximate o ipartial similarity. It is sufficient to observe the approximate or partial similarity for using the aerodynamic coefficient :'in solving many pracThis means tical tasks, as well as for obtaining these'coefficients. that, let us say, in two phenomena, i.e. in the wind tunnel and in the real airplane, it is sufficient to observe the consistency of the scale of, for example, Viscosity or elasticity of the environment, or of the force of the weight, etc., which play in each individual case the most important role, and it is not necessary to have consistency of the scale of all physical magnitudes. Recent investigations have shown that the aerodynamic coefficient depends not only on the shape of the body and the angles.od'f orientation but also on a number of abstract,'numbers which have been These numbers are called criteria determined by various scientists. by the first letters of the names denoted are they and of similarity numbers a,c,~ount-s 'for-a certain these of one of the authors. Each flow. the factor which aTfects In observing theequality of a certain number of criteria /in model and in nature, one can obtain approximate similarity. Inmodern wind technology, the following criteria of similarity are used: The criterion of Reynolds (Re) which evaluates the vicosity of the fluid andoffMach (Ma)'which evaluates the elasticity of the fluid. These numbers have the following expressions: Re
o Const,


Ma=K = =KConst,

where V and Vl are the velocities of the flow; 1 and 11 are the linear dimensions of nature and model v and v 1 are the coefficients of kinematic Viscosity' The Reynolds number (Rd) evalutes the forces of viscosity which retards the motion of the fluid. This magnitude has an exrIemely important role in solving problems of aero- and aerodynamics. Under normal conditions, the kinematic viscosity /for air is:


consequently, the Reynolds number for air is:



69 000 V.

In those cases when the kinematic coefficient of viscosity, is similar for model and nature, the following equality holds: VI Q =V1 (31)

The derivative V9"is called the characteristic of the experiment which is used instead of Re in the case of the same v for model and nature. In such a manner, the following conditions have to be fulfilled in order to obtain similarity in the presence of viscosity forces: 1. model and nature must be geometrically similar; 2. the orientation of model and nature with regard to the flow should be similar; 3. model and nature should have identical Reynold's numbers. The transition from model to nature. VIR1' V1 = Const we have: From the equation

where k1 =

i 1/

is linear case.

In such:ia manner in testing the model in the wind tunnel, where , similarity will be observed if the velocity in 0 and Pl = a a the wind tunnel will be taken equal to:

I V=


i.e. the velocity V 1 in the model should be greater '' than the velocity V in nature, iby "-the same factor 'a's nature. in 'han smaller are model the linear dimensions of the The fulfillment of this requirement in testing airplane models meets with great difficulty since the velocity of airplanes to date exceeds 10'm/sec.As a matter of fact, in order to obtain a'similarity of phenomena 'for a model at a scale of 1/10, one would have to obtain in the model a 'flow velocity equal to 1000 m/sec. It is impossible to reach such a velocity in the wind tunnel, since the power for the creation of the flow would have to be several hundred of thousands hp. In addition, at such velocities, the similarity would be destroyed due to the elasticity of the air which strongly affects the flow around bodies already at a velocity similar to that
of the sound -- 330 m/sec. In the given case, the effect of the /44

number of Mach will be predominant: 32

In order to obtain satisfactory results in the experiments with airplane models, wind tunnels of. high pressure or of gigantic dimenThe latter make it possible to fly naturalsions are constructed. sized airplanes. It has been . established .experimentally' that 'at lo w ' Reynold's numbers, th , coefficient of resistance of. bodies is larger, while with the increase in V 1 L1 the resistance decreasesand it stays practically constant at a certain value of V 1 1 . J.I "' I

... -- 3Tp

.lc. cpecarried

-J 6e pe



rpy6aT-l JapT 3

01 01e1




Change in the coefFig. 18: ficient of resistance of a numsphere inrelation tothe ber of Reynolds. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rx tube tube tube tube Tl with grid Tlwithout grid T closed NK-l

Interesting experiments were out at,'TsAGI in various wind with sphees of various dimensions. The obtained-curves:'of-resistance wei e ' reconstructed fromrbeing dependent on the velocity of the flow o being dependent on the number of Reynolds, and were -represented in the form of diagrams as the one shown This diagram shows that in Fig. 18. the coefficient of resistance R x changes markedly for all experimental curves at Reynold's numbers Re3"*10 5 ; as Re>3-10 5 the coefficient of resistance stays practically constant. Hence it can be concluded that in /45 testing models, ,a ,Reynold's number which is larger than a certain magnitude., has to be obtained. For ex, ample, for the wing: Re

we see on the graph in Fig. 18. that the smallest resistance is obtained at Assuming He Reynold's numbers starting with 300,000 and above. Re = 440, 000, we obtalh:
" >Re 440 000



ni 00
V 1l1 1 > 3m-.


The Border Layer :. and the Turbulence

During the flow of an object in the air, the air layers in the immediate vicinity of the surface of the body are retarded due to the viscosity of. the fluid,,and' vortexes 'are !formed.:, Thdse levortexes are;iQarried away with the general, flow and are extended 'irregular turbulent tails (-see Fig.' 19).. The turbulent' layer of. the airflow in the immediate vicinity of the body, is' cal-l'ed the, border layer, as was' shown in Sec. 6, or the layer of surface turbulence.


In order tQdeonstrate 'thevorticitycofthis layer, let us take the contour abed (Fig. 19, below) and let. us calculate, according to this sides ad and bc have the contour, the velocity circulation. direction of the flow velocity, while the sides cd and ab are perthe circulation will be equal to: Since be. =ad pendicular to. it.

rabcda = V 2 bc However V 2 is larger than V 1 the flow is turbulent.

- V 1 ad = ad

(V 2 - V 1 ). 0, consequently,

and r does not equal

The flow outside the turbulentlaytr can be considered potential The main role in the border layer [see equations (21) and (21a)]. the forces of is played by the forces of viscosity and partly by the fluid are of particles the vicosity, of As a result inertia. ,behind the forming away carried are and twisted in vortex rings, the lesser play viscosity of forces a turbulent tail, while the body role.

//46 A clear distinction between the border layer and the. external of surface the on 0 from increases the velocity flow does not exist: the body,to the velocity of the flow, at a distance from the body. The thickness of the border layer may be taken to be the distance the a from the surface of the body where the velocity differs from thickthe Theoretically velocity of the potential current by 1%. ness of the layer a changes depending on X according to a parabolic law."(Fig. 19, below), where X is the distance of the measured thidkflows. ness from the leading edge of the body around which the air

-At snall..numbers of Rey-

nolds ,

he fluid'.flows!in the
in the form

border layer,,,

Such a of nonmixing layers. laminar. called is flow - ! Inorp.*HH



Investigations have


lished that in the case of

flow around a plate with a length Z, situated parallel to the flow, the laminarflow is obtained only for small When numbers of Reynolds. this number increases on a certain length 1 k, the flow

V. . c 1L a
v2 ' -


Fig. 19:

The border layer


1. the border layer

remains ilaminar, but later ,it

passes into a strongly churnli ing,.'state which is called turbulent (Fig. 20). by' flow is : laminar is "determined'

The length on which the the8iritical number:

Re34 4s500= 'ok


Hence the length of the laminar part will equal:',

4 5000


For normal air, we obtain:

' 485000.1,4510 V, 7,035

The initial turbulence of the flow changes sharply :athe magniThis takes place tude of the coefficient obtained in wind tunnels. as a resultofthe facti,'that turbulence has a strong effect on the border layer of bodies surrounded by the flow. For example, if instead ' an initial turbulence around the of the'Taminar flow, ther'ewas plate illustrated in Fig. 20, then as known from the experiment, the laminar part would be considerably diminished.a At large initial turbulence, the laminar part of the border layer can be entirely absent. ,he r'sistance of the plate increases under such conditions, since the c,6efficient of resistance of the plate is larger in the turbulent layer than in the laminar one. However, the increase in turbulence increasesithe coefficient 'of resistance only in such bodies where the main part of resistance --is formed by friction and not by pressure. . . Examples of such bodies are a plate situated ---'and other along the flow, wings, air ships bodies which have a good aerodynamic shape. In the case of bodies in which (Fig. 21a). the resistance depends mainly on pressure, Fig. (sphere, plate perpendicular to the flow, airfrom laminar to turbulent flow ship placed across the flow, etc. )(Fig. 21b,c), the resistance in the turbulent flow can be smaller than in the laminariflow. The decrease in J ,I the magitude of the coefficient of {esistance takes place at the same time with the :transitio, of ,,the border layer of the sphere, from laminar to turbulent flow. Fig. 22 a, b, c shows several consecutive stages of formation of/48 Fig. 22a vortexes behind a sphere which is surrounded by flowing air. illustrate the flow of the air around a sphere immediately after the transition from a state of rest to a state of movement. At'this mo:. mentthe flow takes place without any disturbance; a high pressure is formed7' both in front and behind, while a negative pressure is In the next moment ,the border layer starts to formed on the side. flow from the region with high pressure to the region with low presas a, 'result of this, near the middle section a collision sure; takes place between this flow and the layer flowing in the front As a result of the collision, the flow is disrupted at (Fig. 22b.). The the surface of the sphere and formsivortexes (Fig. 22c). /50 pressure behind the sphere becomes negative which causes large resistance. The coefficientodgresi:stance reaches Rx = 0..48.



The coefficient of head resistance Rx for . .)several bodies4







Round plate

c2 ",- e
3 aone

0.4 -it"h
0 1 22

rounded top


Eiiipsoid" of, . -evoplate

.; ,_



aI XbT 7


I solpere




7 R loo




a '9

S -

0.63 0.23
71Xd 0.7

op G'36




positions in

the fl6w.

If the flow around the sphere takes place at large numbers of In ,Reynold-;4then the border layer passes into the turbulent state. this case the disruption of the border layer takes place at a point Due to this situated farther than in the case of the laminar layer. obtained and the coefficient of fact a smallerpotehtiail ,adiantis -spite head resistance decreases down to a value of Rx = 0.J0.. the fact that the friction at the surface of the sphere is higher.< I. The turbulent flow in the border" layer can' be inc eas'e'd. this by making a ring out of wire aon the front side of the sphere; decreases the coefficient of resistance 50%.


Rx for head resistance of the authos coefficient the 2 presents a few Table bodies which were obtained by various in investgatiosphere on the If flow around bodies.







of Coordinatesand Aerodynamic Coefficidnt s

Three systems of coordinates are used in experimental aeroterrestrial, flow,and related. dynamics, In the terrestrial system of coordinatesone of the1,axes'; ,,upwards, while the other Vertically usually OYo, is directed'two, OX0 and OZ o are disposed in the horizontal plane. This - coordinates system : is used mainly for setting up wind tunnels and for certain models used in the latter. In the flow system of coordinatesthe axisnOX is directed along a vector of unperturbed flow velocity V; the axis OY is directed in the plane of symmetry of the model; it is the axis of the lifting force; the axis OZ (lateral) is disposed perpendicularly to the axes OX and OY. The planes formed by the axes of coordinatesare called XY -plane of the flow; XZ -- plane of sliding,and YZ frontal ' plane. In testing .the flow in wind tunnels, the flow coordinates are truly coincidental with the terrestrial axe-s of the wind tunnel. The origin of the coordinate axes of flow for airplane and airship models is placed at the center of gravity of the machines -represented by these models wh&filel.or an isolated wing, at 'its lead-

-ing edge.
The axe's of coordinate, which during the experiment are considered to be Closely 'related with the model, are called related ax!s of coordinatesor model coordinates. /52

The,Korigin /of these axes of coordinates is: usually placed in a point which corresponds to the center of gravity of thdenatural airplane-, or in any arbitrary point. The axis OX 1 which is called the long axis, is directed in the plane of symmetry of the model;," in the airplane, it is parallel to the center core of the upper wing, while in the airship, it runs parellelitolits4ajis. The axis OY 1 is called normal axis, and it is passed in the plane of symmetry of the model,which is perpendicular to the axis OX 1 . The OZ axis is called the transversal axis and it is directed perpendicularly to the axis OX 1 and OY 1 . The plane X 1 Y 1 is called the plane of symmetry, the plane X1Z is called the main plane,while-the plane Y 1 Z is the transversal plane. Figa.,v,23 illustrates the disposition of the three systems of coordinates in relationnto the model; the vector V represents the velocity of the flow, while the dotted line shows the direction of


the wing chor'd. By rotating the wing around the OZ axis, the angle between the vector of the flow of velocity Z and the of the wing X 1 Z, will change. This angle is called the true angle of attack, and is noted by a. Force and moment aerodynamic .oefficients. In solving practical tasks, the model is replaced by nature with the aid of aerodynamic coefficients. These coefficients are expressed in abstract numbers.


Splane , \

, Fig. 23: Coordinate systems Key: 1. direction of flow


It is convenient for practical purposes, to break down into components, according to the flow axe:s of coordinatesp,both the total aerodynamic. :,cforce R, acting on the body around which the flow takes place, and the corresponding coefficient CR as a result of which the following is obtained (Fig. 24): Head resistance:

Lifting force: Lateral force:

X=G,Sq =CS E.


CSq-=C,S PY'




/ Fig. 24: Resofutfionof the coefficient CR acates of flow

note:Here the coefficients Cx, Cy, C z denote: Cx -- coefficient of head resistance, Cy -- coefficient of lifting force, C z -- coefficient of lateral force. It can be seen from Fig. 24, that the/54 force R and the coefficient CR are the resultants of the corresponding compon-

cording to the coordin-



.e. c, c = .(33) Yc c

By resolving. the moments according to the axe's of coordinates,,we obtain: Rolling moment: =C,,,,sqLC= C,,,,XSL . Yawing moment:
n-31C,,,SSqL =C USL



Pitching moment:
-,= .

The resultant



total moment:

er e


were Cmx , Cmy and Cmz are the coefficients of the moments and are nondimensional numbers. Cm is called the coefficient of the total aerodynamic moment. In such a manner, the.basicformula of aerodynamics for the moment can be written in the following form: - C, ,SLF, (36)

where S is the area of the wings or another characteristic area of the body; ,and L is the conditional length.



of Aerodynamic Coefficients.

Liliental's Polar..

As a result of a experimental investigationsoof the flow of air around bodiessin wind tunnels, aerodynamic coefficients are obtained whibh can be expressed by the following formulas:


Coefficient of the resistance force: Coefficient of the lifting force:


/55 (37)

Coefficient of the lateral force: The corresponding moment coefficients are:

S'LF 2





The indexes refer to the magnitudes corresponding to the model. The forces acting on a certain construction are calculated usihg the following coefficients: Resistance force: Lifting Force: Lateral Force: The moments:: X=CS

S 2





S40,=,SL e
't M, = ,.SL --


The action of the fdrce on a body of . -arbitrary ually determined by means of the following equation:

shape is us-/56

where F is the surface of the midsection of the body,, i.e. of the projection of the area of the body on a plane perpendicular to the direction of air flow. The change in the aerodynamic coefficients C Cx Cm in. relation to he angle of attack a intHe, circular of the profile of a finite span wing are shown in Fig. 25. Liliental s polar. The curve characterizing the aerodynamic properties of the wings in general, are called aeroThe dynamic characteristics.
curve illustrating the relations


. -

U i


I i

H ~H.


Characteristics of the Fig. 25: coefficients C , C, and Cm of the wing obtained during circular

of Cy -- Cx in a rectangular with system of th crdinates of of coordinates, marking

anglesof attack at 'which ." these coefficients were'..obtfained flow is called the curve or polar (according to of Liliental, the name of the scientist who suggested this method of illustration of the relationship). Construction of the polar is performed in the following manner:/57 a, the values Cy and Cx corresponding to For each angle of Iattack and C x = f(a)are introduced into the = f(a) Cy characteristics the Cy -- Cx.'"For each point, the magcoordinates -system of rectangular is marked in nitude of the angle of atta-k C value The 26). (Fig. degrees -' x is several PCA times smaller than Cy, therefore, it is convened' to take the scale for Cx five times larger too 13 o-10 for Cy.

marking on the curve of the-


The line drawn from the origin of the coordinate 0 to any point M on the curve of Liliental marked in the same scale C and C x gives

the sector OM which is equal to


R, the co-

!and 0,1 C Fig. 26: Liliental's curve

i E ll.!'

efficient of the resultant forces of twisting resistance.. Thiedimensiohal magriitude'of the forces can be obtained from Liliental's curve by multiplying each coefficient by the measured area S and the dynamic pressure pV 2 /2, i.e.: X= c "R -uS = S 41 2 LfnS 41

The vector CR makes the angle e with the axis of the abscissa,
the tangent of which is equal to tar 1 =, (42)

The ratio

Cy/Cx is called the lift drag ratiov

The reverse ratio-

U y - Y(
is called the reverse lift drag ratio.


The best values of lift drag ratios to date are around K = 22. The center of pressureY The concept center of pressure or /58
in the old terminology, center of the effort of s'ail area, was cre" ated in relation with the study of stability in the symnetric'.flowaround

objects., The location of the center of pressure is determined by the coordinate xl and is found at the point of intersection of the total aerodynamic force R withthe axis OX ('Fig. 27). Therefore, the center of pressure is called the point in which the total aerodynamic force intersects the axis OX of the body. The center of pressure is expressed by a nondimensional magnitude since the ratio X 1 to the chord of the wing or the length of the body in general, is:

This ratiou:is called the coefficient of the center of pressure.


For the wing, Cg is expressed in percent of the chord df the

wing b, i.e.: CO=. %

If the origin of the coordinatesis in point 0 near the leading edge of the wing,( (Fig. 27), then Cy and C pass through the origin of the coordinates. THe total resultant passes through the center of pressure, consequently the moment of the aerodynamic forces relative y _R to the center of pressure should be equal to zero under conditions of equilibrium:
M=CS o ~b-CS X


or Fig. 27.: pressure Determin.

atibn)jof the center of

jP- b c, x_

1L '=C


For small angles of attack, up .to a = 20,C'

Cy, consequently/59

this equation can be rewritten in the, following Form: (r44a) The magnitudesC m and Cy are known from the flow, consequently doefficient Cg can be determined with their aid according to formula (44a). The coefficientsof the moment.Cmandof the center of pressure conCg are illustrated in the form of curveson the same graph which tains the curvesof Liliental: Cm as a function of Cy and Cg as a
function of a, i.e.:
-C. = (C,); C,=f 0)



Drag of the Wing

The resistance force of an infinite span wing appears as a result of thefrictbineof air against the surface and as a result of the breakdown of the flow. The magnitude of this force of resistance, depends on the state of the surface and on the shape of the wing profile. This force is called profile drag. In the case of a finite span wing, in addition to Profile drag, there appear other resistances.eaded by turbulent strings which are scattered away from the wing. The vortex line or a whole system of vortex lines whiih pass along the wing span, are called bound vortexes.
These vortexes are dragged withthe flow and they

N1 II , Fig. 28: Vortexes starting at a finite span wing form behind the wing the vortex sheet. Key: 1. Vortex sheet

form behind the wing the vortex sheet. This sheet is unstable and soon after it leaves the wing, it twists into two vortex strings (Fig. 28). As a result of a diminished pressure above the wing, and the increased pressure under it, for a wing of finite span, the mass of the airEnear the face end of the wing, will /60 tend to go upward and twist into vortexes. These vortexes, as they are not connected with the wing at its tips-, are carried away with the.. general flow and are drawn into vortex strings which go to infinity((Fig. 29). In a viscous and appear extinguish fluid, these strings will the wing, from finite at a certain distance as a result of friction.

iiThe vortex strings running away from the wing elicit! the vertical velocity W, which acts on the flow and deflects its direction the angle of a-ack 'a by a magnitude of aa. to d~ecrease so The lifting This angle is called the angle of indidence <(Fig. 30). 43

force of the wing changes by a magnitude equal to the angle of incidence of the flow As as compared to. thel. direction which .it-,,6uld take, in the abse.nce of the vertical velocity W. With the change in the direction of the lifting force, an additional resistance force appears 'drag. Qi which is called the induced /61 The angle of incidence has a small value, It taken be can V velocity resulting therefore the 1 to be equal to the velocity of the flow V, i.e. = V and the angle of incidence of the flow can be calculated in radians..,,'according to the formula:

Fig. 29: Vortex strings startingat the tips'of a finite wing of


-a /) taking the_angle and its tangents as e qual, dueto their small value. j, It is knows from the theory of induction that the average velocity of the slant flow, is determined by means of the

formula: ,n
w S. ..

. W.



where X is the ratio of the length lof the wing ' to its width b, i. e.:

Graphic illusFig. 30: tration of the induc6d' drag. Substituting the value

(47) and is called the relative.:,ingaspan or the aspect ratio. W in equation (45) we obtain in radians

or in degrees:


a =57.3P.A

Consequently, the angle of incidence of the flow near the wing will have the following value in degrees:
----,-O--.. 5 7 .. 5 . c , a o 57,3 =57,3"=18,235.

We can see that, the larger the-value bf -- the aspect ratio, the smaller the angle of incidence of'the flow and the larger the true angle of 'attack )a, at a given Cy.


In such a manner, if the flow dashes over a finite span wing -at an : angle of attacks , then the truel angle will be smaller than a, i.e.: aj = a - Aa. (51) For an infinite span wing, quently Ac = 0, i.e.:
Cti =

X is equal to infinity, and consec.

The magnitude of the induced.',drag can be found in Fig. 30. ,= Y tgaz= \ (52)


then: but; consequently:

Q, ,(52a) (52a)

We can see from equation (53) that the coefficient of the induced drag is equal to:the-

In such a manner, under conditions of air flow finite span the subjecttotheihead resistance of:: 1. the profile drag X , which depends only on and on the friction of the ir .against its iurface; 2. the induced, drag Qi which depends on the sions of the wing in the plane: i

ove, a wing of inX which consists the wing profile shape and dimen-

The curve Ci of the induced drag is represented on Liliental's curve in the form of a parabola, the top of which is at the origin of the coordinates and is called the parabola of the induced "drag. In order to obtain the complete picture characterizing the given wing profile, the curve C -- a and the curve K = C /Cx of the lift drag ratio are drawn on te same diagram (Sec. 13, 1rig. 35).



N. E. Zhukoiskiy's Theorem on the Lifting Force of the Wing.

When the air flowssadbound the wing, a decrease in pressure i' obtained above the wing, and an increasedpressure below it. The /63 pattern of distribution of pressure above and below the wing is shown N" Fig. 31a. On t1c R On the basis of Bernoulli's theorem for

a noncompressible fluid, this means that the

velocity of the jets flowin directly under the wing, is higher than the velocity at a distance from the wing and is lower under -V: the wing. If we draw a contour around the wing (Fig. 31b),then the portion of the contour above the wing will have a higher velocity of flow than the negative flow in the that This indicates wing. lifting portion below the Fig. 31a: Distribution Fig. 31a: Distribution witha force, around a-<wing with'a lifting force, of pressure above and of pressure above and Velocity circulation exists, and since velocity circulation exists also around a vortex ri: :, string, aN>, E. Zhukcvskiy suggested to replace in various calculations, the wing by a e bundle of vortexes which were called by him,, S.K bound vortexes. N. E. Zhukovskiy's formula of the lifting force of the wing of an infinite span., finds wide utilization in laboratory investigations, computations: of propellers and wi wings of airplanes, ventilators engines. It has the following simple expression: and wind

cFig wing.



Y==J'V 0 J


where Y is a force perpendicular to the velocity V o and acting on a wing sector of length k; p -- mass density r -- velocity circulation Vo-- velocity of unperturbed flow. The direction of the flow Y is obtained according to the following rule: the velocity vector should be turned at a right angle , which is 6pposite to theoirculation. to the(side B. N. Yur'ye, suggested ,h the following demonstration:,, /64 for this theorem. Let us replace the wing by the bound vortex of a string with circulation r, equal to the circulation in the vi:ciity of the wing, and let us draw around the axis of this vortex a


cylinder with. length k and a radius R whieh is very large by comparison l :ththe dimensions of the wing (Fig. 32). In the velocity field caused by. this vortex string, let 'us repre sent ,a forward- :flow; the overall . flow for the distant pointwill be equivalent to the fbbrce around the wing. The fbrcre acting on the . . wing is equal to the fdrce acting on the cylinder detail. Let us find this force. It is composed of the forces of pressure acting on the surface of this cylinder and -of 'the resulting amount of movement which is carried into the cylinder and out of it per second. Let us now find what pressures are obtained on the surface of the cylinder. I S, 1 Applying Bernoulli's theorem to any jet of air which intersects the cylinder, the following equation can be written:





The velocity V is the geometrical sum of the velocities of the forward mov. ing flow, V o and the velocity Vk , caused by the vortex. The velocity V o N. E. Zhukovskiy's Fig. 32: theores constant throughout while Vk(is theorem also constant and, being' i-directed , along the tangents to the cylinder, ~" is variable .direction and. equ"l tb.f~

Assuming that the element,is situated with reference to the surface,of the cylinder at,-an angle 4, the resulting velocity is:

Vr= -V -Vt - 2V v cos (90'fi

cos (90 we can write:


i)= si;

- F 21*Ov, Sin p.

Substituting the value V 2 in equation (a), we obtain equation:(b),

P, - P--=
"P =


2V Vsillp V sin - ~ ,2V

Let us now pass to calculation of the lifting force.developed by an element of the cylinder with a length on the generating line k


and a circumference of

length Rd ; its area is: dS = 1Rdp

The pressure on this element equals (Po - P). Projecting the force acting on this element on the axis OY, perpendicular to the velocity V 6 , we obtain: SdY, (Po - P)dS cs (90 -- - ~. (P ..-- Rsin :'?,

dYp-z-(Vi .-j-2FVJsin )lRsin ,dp= = plToVkF sin 2pdd. dy -j1RY sin

The total lifting force is obtained by adding up all the elementary forces, i.e. 2
y Ip= IRY~,V
* o


dz-- 1lRV2 sin ody.


The first integral equals since:

n, the second equals 0.





In addition to the forces of pressure, the cylinder is also subjected to pulse forces,for the calculations of which we have to /66 find the total increment in the amount of motion of the fluid in the direction of the axis OY. Let us first find the amount of motion carried in through the same element of the cylinder with an area:

Let us find the mass per second. The tangential component of the velocity V k gives no projection perpendicular to the element of the surface. The perpendicular velocity Vn is obtained only on account of the velocity V o and equals V o cos q. Consequently, the elementary
mass per second is:

p,dS V= = plRVcsd

The amount of movement carried by this mass in the direction of axis OY, will be equal to. the elementary pulse lift dYm. The component of the velocity Vo gives no projection in this direction -rojection will be obtained only from the velocity Vk and will equal Vk cos 4. Consequently:
= d48nl cus = pl RTJ:T cos


The total pulse force is obtained as a result' of adding up all 22 .the elementary.forces, i.e. V cos ld- = pIRVJV r. Y,= ,, -lRVoi Replacing Vk by its value r/2,R, we obtain:

The total magnitude of the lifting force will be equal to:

;= Y, + Y, = prvo.


We see that half of the force was obtained on account of the pressure and the other half on account of the.pulse, i/e. creation in the fluid of a certain amount of movement. It should be noted that the force of resistance in the case of such a flow equals 0. This can be seen.from the fact that the velocity in the left and right hand side elements, relative to the axis OY of the cylinder are equal, consequently, the pressures will also be e equal. Therefore, no force of pressure is obtained on the axis OX, in /67 the same way, the amount of movement in the fluid coming in and leaving through these elements.of the cylinder, in the direction of the axis OX, are equal. Consequently, the force of the head resistance near a wing in an ideal fluid equals zero. N. E.Z The lifting sity of the the flow at wing. Zhukoyskiyifformulated his theorem in the following way: force acting on an infinite span wing is equal to the denfluid multiplied by the circulation,by the velocity of infinity and by the length of a detailed portion of the

The direction of the force is obtained by turning the velocity vector a6t a right angle in the direction opposite to the circulation. For a wing of finite span with vortex strings behind it, a similar derivationto the one suggested by N. E. Zhukovskiy's theorem, can be done by an approximate method (56). Let us draw a plane at a distance from a wing, perpendicular to velocity of the flow; this plane intersects the the direction of : vortex strings(I -- II), and we obtain the picture illustrated in These vortexes create velocities around themselves which Fig. 33. can be calculated by means of the formula (25):


Between the vortexes, the fluid acquires a velocity which is directed downward. As a result of this, a part of the fluid i.e.



T -.





Iflow ivy i

that part situated between the vortexes, receives an increment in.the amount of movement in this/68 direction. With regard to the part of the -- fluid which is situated outside the vortexes, receives an it can be shown that .it"generally' amount of vertical movement from an adjacent is equal to the amount : which vortex of movement received from: .a distant vortex i and may have an opposite direction. Consequently, the total incrementin the amount of movement for this part of the fluid equals 0. Thus, the action of a finite span wing on the of fluid around it -:consists in the fact, fiuid which is confined that the' part of ' receives an increment in vortexes the between the amount of movement in the vertical direction.


Fig. 33: Induced'drag

caused byvortexes behind the wing. 1. vortex Key: strings,

If a certain mass of air m is displaced

. by the wingn downward, then the wing presses on it from above, while the fluid presses on the wing from below- causing a lifting force which is equal to the increment in the amount of movement of the displaced mass per unit time.

Let us see what is the 'value of the amount of movement created by one vortex in an infinitely narrow strip with a weight and length equal to one unit in the direction of the flight. The vertical component of the velocity elicited in point A,

(Fig. 33) by the left vortex, equals:


-os -rcos


p equals the angle indicated in Fig. 33.

Noting that:
we obtain: V, -o

The amount of movement in the parallelepiped which has a length in the direction of the flight equal to 1,:-a height dy and a width dz, can be written in the following manner:
V. din VpdZdy.

Here dm -p --

mass of the p4rallelepiped mass density of the air .=.-

One can see from the figure, that:


Substituting this expression in: the precediftigformula, we obtain:


Let us denote dM, the amount of movement in the whole stf'ip which has a width dZ; then: .

This expression shows that dM does not depend on the coordinate Y. Consequently, for "all strips wiwitha- a : similar width dZ, the amount of movement would be- the same. Since we are dealing with two vortexes, their action adds up in the region between them and the amount of movement of this strip doubles and becomes equal to pr dZ; outside, where the vortexes act in the opposite direction, the amount of movement along the vertical equals zero. Consequently, in order to obtain the total amount of movement we have to addiupohonly those strips which lie between the vortexes. Thus, we find:

2M = 21I=pr dz =ri

This expression gives the amount of movement along the vertical of all the strips with width Z and 'a length equal to unity iftf the direction of the flight. The lifting forcecuof the wing is equal to the amount of movement per second. ,'An air colhumn 'With a length equal not to one, but to V,passes through the examined plane per second. Substituting V in the previous equation, we obtain the expression of N. E. Zhukovskiy's theorem: prVY, = Y. The equation of relation. In solving practical problems 'related to the calculation of velocity circulation around the wing, two equations are used: the theoretical formula (55) of N. E. ZhukoVskiy:( and the formula of experimental aerodynamics: Y


WCS 2(32)

For a rectangular wing, S = bt where b is the weight of the wing and Y: is the span. Substituting the value of S in equation (32), we obtain:

Y = C, -b51


The lifting force calculated by means of equation (55) (theoretical) should be equal to the lifting force obtained by the experimental formula, i.e. V=, hence:
2 I(56)

Equation (56) is called the equation of relation as it gives the relation between the experimental magnitude Cy and the theoretical r. 13. Trndsitioh from one Wing Span to Another In practice one has to replot the Liliental polar obtained in the wind tunnel for a wing with aspectrratior, 1 and construct another polar for a wing with a new aspect ratio X 2 or for a wing with infinite span. In the aerodynamic design of wind engines, the flows are calculated to an infinite span and in the process of the design, the induced drag is taken into consideration. Since the characteristics of the profiles obtained in the wind tunnel are plotted for wings of finite span, when utilized for the wingsvof wind engines, the Liliental polar has to be recalculated from a finite span to an infinite one. This recalculation is performed graphically. Let us assume that we have Liliental's polar for a wing with an aspect ratio X = 5 which has to be reconstructed to infinite span X = -. Since the induced drag of the wing with an infinite span equals zero, by subtracting the induced drag C: of the given wing from the head resistance Cxowe obtain the profile resistance Cp. This subtraction is done by means of the parabola of induced drag for X = 5 which is constructed according to formula (54) depending on Cy. Laying out in the diagram (Fig. 34) the result of the calculation, i.e. profile resistance Cp in relation to Cy, we obtain the curve of profile resistance. In practice, this construction can be done as follows: by means of the opening of the compass, the distance between the Liliental polar X = 5 and the parabola of the induced drag X = 5 is shifted to the left up the ordinate axis. Uniting the obtained points by a dotted line (Fig. 341 left), the characteristic of the profile resistance which is at the same time the Liliental polar for an infinite span wing is obtained. The opening of the angle of attack a has to be laid out on the new Liliental p[uo polar, which is performed graphically. Along with the Liliental polar for an infinite span, the curve Cyis drawn in relation to a for X = 5 of the profile under discussion (Fig. 34). Further, according to the formula of the flow islant: Aa ==57 ,3


11 pa6oa


,w.o "

,,p J

7 2

The magnitude of the flow slant /72 'plotted ,on 'the graph; the flow slant is calculated for a certain value, for example Cy = 1.0. The slant of the flow is represented by a straight line O--A which is constructed in the same scale as the angles of attack on the abscissa. Further,curve C is for which purpose each = Sdawn at A nue of Cy is shifted to the left by a corresponding segment
ab; a'b' etc. which corresponds

C Cp. I

- - - -- - - -- - -


g,_",. .

-----------c=c,-c, co'

to thedownwash angle Va,:(EFig. 341) .) Further, by means of the 6B-' tained curve Cy -- a or A = , Fig. 34: The shift of Liliental's thespan opening of the angles of atfrom to one wing curve =5 tack are placed on Liliental's nother polar which has previously been The constructed on the left. Key: 1. parabola.of induced' course of the determination of the drag ,,= 5' angles on the Liliental curve, is shown by a dotted line with an 2. Liliental'spor arrow (Fig. 34). In the transition from one finite span of the wing with an aspect ratio,Xj to another finite span A2 , the curve Cy -- a is shifted not by the whole value of the flow slant as in the case A = -,but by the difference in the flow slant between the two cases, i.e. by the i magnitude:

In this case one calculates on Liliental's curve not the total of .the drag, but the difference between the induceddrags induced'; two wings with aspect ratio,, of 1 l and A 2 :

- Ci



We can see that the recalculation from a wing with.span to another is performed by means of two curves of the characteristics of curve. the wings profile -- Liliental's curve and the Cy -Table$3 presents the numeric values of the aerodynamic characteristics of profiles, which can be used for wings of wind engines. The graphic illustration of the characteristics of these profiles is ajlvc given in Fig. 35 -- I, II, III, 'and IV. The prdi'hathes,1of the proA certain profile is chosen,.defiles are given in Table 4 [54]. pending on the construction of the wind wheels:; In Tables3- and 4 and 1i 35, the number of profiles correspond to the number of experimental series in the given laboratory.







Profile 910 TsAGI '

. Profile 730
-MAI c,,

Profile 796

aI C" I Cx

a I

4,00 -1,20

1 2 4 6 3 10 12 14 1t 18 20


2,80 -8 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


2,30 0,00

- 8 -13,80
6 4 -- 2 0 2 4 S 9 12 15 17 18 19 20

-28,00 0,20 14.00 261.60 40.00 53.00 fi550 7950 90,50 118100 13300 141:00 14300 41 :';'0 139320


1,70 4.00 - 7 -12,60

1.3030 1.30 10.70 - 2 0 1,54 13.60 2 2.00 16.'80 4 2.80 20,o14 4.00 23.71) 6 9 5,183 27.20 10 7.80 32.20 12 10,82 36.(i60 15 14,20 39.0 18 17:50 42,801 10 ,30 434n i19 21,30 43'0) 20 22 23.50 4 4 1 24

1.00 -10



. 9,40
25,20 30,80 54,20 68,40 81,20 91,00) 98,00 97,80 95,80 90,00


4,40 -6
7,ti) 11,00 14,40 17,160 20.40 22,80 24,80 27,80 --

-5.iO 7,40 20,50 33,60 46,46 60,50 74,20 87,40 09,20 110,40 120,20 126,50 128,20 125,00 119,20



-- 14

,7:30-0 8,00 21,00 1,20 11,20 1,60 14,40 34,50 2,20 17,80 47,40 )60,40 3,20 21,00 74,00 4,56 24,40 5,96 29,00 93,0 91,71) 33,75 112,00 126,00 13,211 37,20 130,40 18.80 40,0 120,40 21,20 40,80 23,90 41,00 127,6ti 122,00 24,40 115,20 :3i,80 8,00 -47,60 13,70 -10,09

0,98 1,58 2,41 3,74 5,24 7,20 12.18 21,36 27,60 -

1,22 1,1i6 1,34 1,74 2,42 3,44 4,66 6,04 7,56 9,24 11,06 13,2. 16,2 20,06 24,20

5,50 8,60 11,50 14,60 17,30 21,20 24,40 27,20 29,20 31,38 33,20 34,60 35.,41 31,0 36,40



Number of Profile, '111 - 73 91)0 fa% I - 909 II.the length of the rdinate in %


0 1.25 2.


e i er 1 pet0ow
Iw low
295 2 4t , 5(3 ,0 1.00 51


0 --- 0,70

lpo wer
3,~0 1 6.10 7-21

3.50 076

2.9 5,55


to' t5

19 .0 :1 i" 8s, 600 9:5 005 8, 0,03 42 , ' o0800 10 0 0 10.j 11.86
12. 0 0 10 66

6.60 0

-0 . 22

-1.43 -1.88

,86 t 10.01

0.03 0
-- ,s-1,57




- 30

6) 70 80 00 9.j 100

13.00 12',50 11.30

9.73 7,73 5 281 471 000

0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 ( 0



-2.20 -"1
-2,03 -1;81 -- 55 -1.19 -0.75 0,00

C.53 3.22 6.6' 4. j 2.42 1,250.

4.46 3.46 .43 2.34 1.17 0 0,03

13.O0 119
to.44 83 5 3:20 7 014


-l, -1. ,
-1,12 0 -0,73 -0,40 -0, -,01



1 .C 1




-v: IS




0 Ill'
Il 1




16) 7 0


[Legend illegible] Key: I. Profile


Since the induced, drag of the:wing is calculated in the aeroformulas, in dynamic design of windwTwheels by means of .6 using the above profile for wind wheels., the characteristics of the/7 selected profile have to be reconstructed for the characteristics of an infinite span. Thise reconstruction has to be done accordingi~sto

Fig. 34.
Example. Let us recalculate, . the characteristics presented in

Fig. 35 -- IV of the profile 796 with an aspect ratio X = 5 to 'an

infinite span and X = Recalculation is done using the above

presented method. By means of equation (54), let us calculate Ci for various values of Cy, the magnitudes of which are written in Table 3.


E!=0,0637C .

a=0 ; C, =0.0337 -0,.2052 = 0.0028i-the scale af the ga hi C, = 0.200 a= 2O; C ,=0.0337.0.336 2 =0.007i15 I )

; a==3o; I

Ci, =0.0337.0.46521=0,01370, C, - .370 ";=14; C , 0,03371. .0 ---0.07800 C =7.800

The points obtained for C i


are 1plotted on the graph in



Fig. 36, and through them, curve


,--, o

the parabola of C. is drawn -On the same graph, tie drag.


let us draw Liliental's curve,



( no
20i 42 8
2 Is 20

/ ix

i.e. Cy and Cxat.the,,correspond-.

-F ing anglesa which are given in ig. 35 -- IV. By means of these two curves, let us construct the

curve of the profile resistance


8' 10*12* If-

Fig. 36: Graphic representation of the characteristics of an in(example). finite span wing finite (example). span wing the opening of the compass.


20o 1-

The plotting of the point is

either by recalculation -using

equations Cp = C x - Ci, where-Cx

and Ci have to be takenat.thecorthe responding Cy,or by shifting segment taken between the Cy and rL on the graph up to the axis of the ordinate, by means of This pl6tting is done on the graph to
(X = m).

the left of the dotted curve Cp


Further, let us plot ini the,,right hand side of theligraph, cUr've Cy(\ = 5) -- a, which is given in Fig. 35 -- IV, and let us construct the downward angle . a. The magnitude of this angle at C = 1.0 is equal to: 5 7 -- ;3 -- 3iC=573 V5 5 . The segment in the scale of the angles on the abscissa for angle Aa = 3.650 is equal to 1.62 x 3,.65 = 5.92 mm. This segment is laid 'out on the horizontal t6 the left ofaxis C , against C = 100 and through its end we draw the oblique lie Aa passing t hrough the origin. By shifting the curve (X = 5) to the left by the magnitude of the segment al, a2, a 2 etc., we obtain the curve of Cy(X = =), which is shown by the dotted curve. The size of the angleson Liliental's curve plotted for infinite span Cp(X = -), is shown on the graph by means of dotted lines. It is suggested to do the recalculation of the other characteristics presented in Fig. 35 to .an,infinite span wing as an exercise. /78


CHAPTER 3. 14.



Classification of Wind Engines According to the Principle of Their Operation

The existing systems of wind engines can be divided into three catagories according to the type of construction of their wheel and it position in the wind stream. The first category includes those wind engines in which the wind wheel is situated in the vertical plane; the plane of rotation is perpendicular to the direction of the wind and consequently the /80 axis of the wind wheel is parallel to the flow. Such wind engines are called winged,
According to Gost 2656-44, depending on the type of wind wheels and on their rapidity,
winged wind engines are divided Sinlthree groups, (Fig. 37).




is the ratio

of the circular velocity of the bladel' end, to the velocity of

the wing:
=* 4 (59)

Fig. 37: Diagrams of the wheels in winged wind engines: 1 -- multibladed wing wheel; 2, 3, and 4 -sparsely bladed wind wheels.

Group 1 -- comprises wind engines which are multi-bladed low speed with a rapidity Zn 2 . Group 2 -- wind engines which are sparsely bladed low speed and of simple wood-metal construction comprising windmills with a rapidity Zn> 2 .

Group 3 -- wind engines which are sparsely bladed and rapid,

The second cat.egory comprises systems of wind engines which have a vertical axis of rotation of the winged wheel. They can be divided into groups according to the type of their construction: Rotating in which the nonoperational blades are either covered with a screen or are situated with their arms against the wind,(

(FiR. 38);


Rotor type Savonius wind engines (Fig. 39). To the third category belonga those


engines which operate by the principle

of the watermill wheel and are called drum type. In these wind engines, the axis of /81 rotation is horizontal and perpendicular to the direction of the wind (Fig. 40). There are in existehce other types of wind engines as well, however, they have not received practical application and have remained in the realm of suggestions of their

With regard to the above presented clas-s sifications let us examine the main principles of operation of the wind forces elicited by

wind engines. Work of the 'surface acted on. ' cross section Fig. 38: Diagram of the bythe wind. A wind .teamwith F possesses kinetic energy which is deterrotating wind engine
mined by the expression: mV, '


The mass of air flowing through crosssection F with a velocity V is equal to: /82


Substituting in the expression of the

kinetic energy pFV instead of m, we obtain:

hence, the energy of the wind changes proportionally to the cube of its velocity.

S 'I

Let us see what is the percentage of wind energy which can be transformed int use -, ful work by a surface situated perpendicularly to the direction of the wind and moving in the same direction, as, for example,
in wind engines of the rotatory type.

The work per second or the power T Fig. 39: The rotor type is determined by the product of the force wind engine P by the velocity V: T = PV.


The same work can be obtained either on account. of .a <large force at low speed of displacement of the working surface, or contrarily on account of a small force and consequently a small surface, but with a corresponding increase in the velocity of its displacement. Fig. 40: Diagram of the Let us assume that surface F is situated perpendicularly to the direction of the wind. Due to its retardation by, the surface, the air flow is dammed and will flow around it and produce a pressure with a force Px. Asa resultofthe:, action of this force, the surface is displaced in the direction of the flow with a certain velocity U (Fig. 41); the work under these conditionswill equal the product of the force by the velocity U, with which the surface F is displaced. i.e.: /83

drum type wind wheel.

I "I-

T = PxU,


while Px is the drag,which according to equation (41), equals: Fig. 41: Action of the windf'force on the surface. p=CF (V-U) P. . (b)

In this case the wind dashes over the surface with a relative velocity which is ,.11. equal to::

W= V - U


substituting the value of Ppifrhomtequation (b) into equation (a), we obtain:

The energy of the wind flow dashing over this surface, as determined by equation (62), equals:, Let us determine the ratio of the work produced by a moving surface and expressed by equation (d) to the energy of the wind stream which has a cross section equal to the surface, i.e.:


Cy.(vJUU _

C.(V- U)2

After transformationswe


0V V



The magnitude C is called the '-output coefficient of the wind energy. We can see grom equation (63) that depends on the. velocity of displacement of the surface in the direction of the wind i, ,At a certain value of the velocity U,the coefficient C receives its maximum value, which we shall now determine. Denoting the ratio U/V by e and substituting in equation (63), we obtain:
E= a(1 -e)2 e.1

(6 3a)

iis maximal, we shall make the, first /84 In order to find e, at which derivative of the equation (639) equal to zero:
= CZ - 4Ce-- 3Ce Hence: . 3ei-4e 1t

= 0. 0

In solvring this equation with regard to e, we obtain.two roots: el = 1/3 and e 2 = 1, a e = 1 E:?= 0. Consequently we have to take:

In such a manner, in order to obtain maximal E, the surface has to move with a velocity: U = 1/3V. (64)

Such a result is obtained on the basis of the following argument. If the velocity of displacement of the surface equals zero, U = 0, If U = V,:)ie., the then the work of the wind also equals zero. surface is displaced with the velocity of the wind, then the work. Since there is no drag on account of :v, will also be equal to zero. which the work is performed, it follows that the value of the velocity U is confined within the limitsU = 0 and U = V/, In order to find the value of the velocity U at which ma :imum C is obtained,, let us give various values to the ratio of the velocity of displacement of the surface to the velocity of the wing from 0 to: , and substituting these values in equation (63a), let us find at what ratio U/V is this maximum obtained. figures on the graph, we obtain the Plotting the calculated characteristic curve of the power for sufface F which works with drag/ (Fig. 42). Examining the curve, we see that the maximum value: /85




Eof Ir!
I J--tThe

s obtained when the velocity of displacement of the surface amounts to 1/3, of the. velocity

the wind,, i.e. when /a

y ae As c,. u=O

.... . _. . Character-30 Fig. 42: istics of the ideal ,output icoeffidient' of the wind energy by a surface displaced in the direction of the

coefficient of the head resistance C x for surfaces situated perpendicularito the wind flow, according to Table 1, equals about 1.30,-consequently we can write 0.192 0.192 max = 0148130 n i.e. the maximum output coefficie of the wind energy under conditions of the work of the surface" with drag, cannot be more than: 0.192. Work of the wind wheel in . winged)wind engines. Winged wind


of a wheels doperate on :acount ',,

slightly askew impact under condi-

a Sr

tions of movement on the blade,

perpendicularly to the direction of the wind velocity, as opposed which we exto the direct impact The amined in the previous case. construction of such a wheel is shown in Fig. 43.

Py Construction diaFig. of3: the uto din gram of the winged wind wheel

The wings.are attached to the horizontal shaft. The number of the wings in modern wind engines vanes from 2 to 24, and gener- /86 ally does not exceed 2 4. The wing of the wind wheel is made of the -flap a and the blade b which in such a manner that it forms with the is attached to the flap . This angle is called the plane of rotation a certain angle rigging angle of the blade,(Fig. 43). An air stream with a relative velocity W dashes over its elemen under an angle a, which is called the angle of attack, and with a force R. The angles and a deterThe mine to a significant extent the effectiveness of the wings. The (Fig. 44a). force R is distributed between the forces Px and P forces Px produce a pressure inithe direction of the wind which is called head pressure. The forces Py act in the plane y -- y of the rotation of the wind wheel and create a torque. 62

The maximum forces which cause the rotation of the




wheel, are obtained at. a certain value of the angle of attack a, i.e. the angle of the slope of the relative stream to the surface of the blade. In view of the fact that the /87


circular velocity is not uniform along the. length of the

wing, but rather increases as its elements are farther away


b Fig. 44: a--diagram of action of the forces of the air stream on an element of theb:lade; b--graphic representation of the relative stream'. dashing over the elements of the blade, situated at various radiLnof the wind wheel,. Key: 1. direction of rotation

from the axis of rotation of the winged wheel, the relative velocity W of the flow dashing over the blade, also increases. 'At the same time the angle of attack a decreases and at a certain circular velocity wR, where w is the angular velocity, this angle becomes negative (Fig. 44b). Consequently, not all the elements of the wing,)have maximaa lifting force.

.-If we decrease the angle p ofr ach element of the blade as it becomes removed from the axis of rotation, so that the most convenient angle of attack a is maintained more or less constant, then we obtain conditions under which almost all the elements of the A blade with a blade operate6with the same maximal lifting force. variable ri-g.,g angle q assumes the shape of ,a- propeller surface.. The correct rigging angles of the blade under conditions of inadequate lift-drag ratio, and of a width corresponding to the given rapidity, ensure a high output doefficient of the wind ' energy. For example, in high performance models, it reaches 46r.( Concerning the lifting force of the rotating cylinder. In addition to the above described two principles of the work of the wind during its action on the surface, one must recall the force elicited on a cylinder which rotates in the air stream. The work of the wind in this case can be performed on account of this force. If the cylinder is situated in the flow of an ideal fluid, perpendicular to its. direction, then the filament dashing over the cylinde issubdivided. surrounds the cylinder and again closes up behind it. In front of and behind the cylinder, two critical points A and B are obtained, oti( its surface, where the velocities are eaual to 0,


(Fig. 4 5 ), while in points C and D, the velocities will be maximal and equal between themselves. If a' cylinder placed in the air stream rotates around its own axis,.then it will drag with it particles of the fluid situated /88 the closest to the walls of the cylinder; Fig. 45: Diagram of flow of the latter will be coincident with the flow of,:' an air the direction of rotation of the cylinder. stream around a cyThus we obtain two flows. One:, which is the linder at rest. main flow surrounding the cylinder and another which is -induced by the.rotatiOn of the cylinder, which is analogdus to7the flw .surrounding a v6rtex strings Th',velocity of this flow'decreases as the distance from the cylinder

increases (see Sec. 8). Under conditions of a clockwise rotation of the movement of the main flow from the left to the right 46), the velocities of both flows add up and give. 'a velocity,while below,the velocities of the two flows and give a comparatively small resultant velocity. cylinder, and a .and upward (Fig. large combined are subtracted

Examining the spectrum of the stream lines around the cylinder (Fig. 46), we see that the stream lines above the cylinder are disposed very closely, while, on the contrary they are disposed very sparsely ,below the
cylinder. Using Bernoulli's equation for

the range of the flow outside the border Fig. 46: Diagram of layer, we see that above the cylinder a decrease in pressure takes place, while below formation of the it,an increase. This phenomenon causes force lifting force on a cylinder rotating P, which acts on the cylinder from above and . perpendicular to the flow. in the airstream. The magnitude of this force,* : in the particular case of N. E. Zhukov;skiy's theorem (equation 55), is equal to:

Since the lifting force is proportional to the circulation r, it depends to a large extent on the ratio -of the circular velocity of the cylinder U to the velocity of the main stream Vo, i.e. on U/V o . Experimental curves showing the dependence of C , the coefficient of the lifting force, and of Cx, the coefficyent of the head drag on the ratio. U/V, where U is the circular velocity of the rotating cylinder and V is the velocity of. the stream, are the Cy and Cx of these curves are shown in figures 47-48;



calculated accordingr to the formula:


4 AP4,71

where F = dl; d -1 -I.T r its length.

diameter of the cylinder,

. Fig. 47: Fig. 47: Character-

.The air-blast cylinders had discs at each end, which were called rings. The presence of rings in the cylinderI considerably increased the lifting force. The first engines with rotating cylinders iinstead of blades, were suggested in 1925, however, the experiments performed at that did not give positive results.

f(U/V) accordy ftime ing to flow. Key: 1. without

Since the drag of the cylindersis extremely high- as compared to the liftingi'force, their lift-drag ratio is very low. It is known from experiments, that in the best case the lift-drag ratio of cylinders at a certain ration of circular velocity to the velocity of the airstream, receives its maximall value around 7, i.e. 1/3.of the value . in the case of the wing. However, the circular velocity of displacement of thecylinders in the plane 6f.rotatiobnof' Consequently changes proportionally td its radius. the wind wheel the best ratio will be atasingle'distance of the section of the /90 cylinder from the axis of the winged wheel. As a result of this, telatter can not give an adequate effect on the whole. However, the construction of the winged wheel with the rotating cylinder near the axis of the flap,-,is extremely complicated as compared to the winged wind wheel.



Advandages and Disadvantages of Various

Systems of Wind Engines

Wind engines of the second and third catg gories (rotating and drum type) are distinguished by a very simple diagram of the work of the wind wheel. In rotating wind engines, the airstream dashing over the wind wheel -presses on the blades On.*,on' - side of the axis of rotation,. while on the other 2 side, it meets'either the screen covering those blades which go against the wind, or else the arms of the blades, if they are 2 4 " c revolving, as a result of<'which, the pressure Fig. 48: The polar of of the stream on them is. rather small. As a the rotor of Fig. 47. result of this, the force obtained in the Key: 11 with ring plane of rotation creates the torque of the 2. without ring wind wheel. An analogous phenomenon takes
S- -


place in drum type wind engines. However, in rotating wind engines, the position of the wind wheel in the wind stream is more favorable; it is always in the working position from whatever side the wind blows. In drum type wind engines, as in the.winged type (the first cat.dgory), a special device is needed in order to adjust the wind wheel to the wind with each change of its direction. The main shortcomings of rotating and drum type wind engines, resultffrom the principle of disposition of the working surfaces of the wind wheel in the wind stream, i.e.: 1. Since the working blades'of the wing are displaced in the direction of the airstream, the wind 'load does not act simultan" eously on all blades, but does so in succession. As a result, each blade is subjected to a discontinuous load, the magnitude of which equals for a blade oriented in the direction of the wind. where: CR -U -the coefficient of the force P, acting in the direction of rotation; the velocity of displacement of the blades.

The blades of the opposite side of the wind wheel, if they are covered with a screen (Figt; 38), are subjected to a drag, which is /91 equal to:P If they go with the armstto the wind:
PdC.F,'P(V + M

(here, Fp is the lateral surface of drag of the arms; C'x is the coefficient of the drag.) The torque of the wind -'wheel is the difference between the torque of these forces. As a result, the :.-utpUt epp fcient_ <J of wind energy is rather low, and does not exceed 10% , under the most favorable conditions, as determined by experimental investigations. The <output coefficient ' of wind energy, in the case of rotating wind engines, can be increased by improving the surfaces and the combination, of their dispositioh in the wind stream. However, due to elaborate construction, such a wind engine .becomes more complicated than the winged engine. 2. The movement of the surfaces of the wind wheel, in the direction of the wind, prevents the development of large revolutions, since the surfaces cannot move faster than the wind. 3. The dimensions of the utilized part df the wind stream (the marked-off surface), are small by comparison to the dimensions. of the wheel itself, which considerably increases its weight per unit of the established power of the wind engines.


In the. Savonius type wind engine (Fig. 39), the wind wheel also rotates in a horizontal plane, but the flow through the marked-offf' surface takes place quite differently than in the rotating and drum type wind en- /92 gines. In the given case, the wind wheel creates the lowest damming to thewird stream The wind stream which is directed as shown in figure 49, glides, past the convex surface a and acts with full force on surface b, which it surrounds and the Fig. 49: Diagram of creates an additional force which sets the the movement of the rotors in motion. Those drags which were airstream around the found in rotating wind engines, are not Svniustype found rotor. here. Therefore, the output coefficient of wind energy by the Savonius type wind engines, is approximately twice higher than in the rotating enginesr. The highest output i c6efficient of wind energy, 5 = 18%, was found with the Savonius model rotor in a wind tunnel. As confirmed by both theory and practice to a considerable extent, free of the above' of rotating and drum type wind engines. winged wind engines are enumerated shortcomings

The good aerodynamic properties of winged wind engines, the possibility of constructing them at high power (above 1000 hp in unIt ), the relatively light weight perunit power, all these one are the main advantages of winged engines of these categories. Therefore, they have now found widest distribution. The plants in exclusively winged USSR andjn other countries, manufacture to date wind engines.





The theory of the ideal wind engine was. first elaborated in 1914 by V. P. Vetchinkin, on the basis of the theory of the ideal screw propeller. In this work, he established the concept of the of windei energy by the ideal wind encoefficient output gine. In 1920, Prof. N. E. Zhukovskiy, elaborated the theory of "Windmill NEZh" where he derived the output 1coefficient of 'the'',engine [7]. Analogous theories _were later elaborated, again in our country, by Prof. G. Kh. Sabinin and academician G. F,. Proskura. The theory of the ideal oWind engine of Prof. N. E. Zhukovskiy, is a classical theory. It establishes that the maximal coefficient of utilization of the wind energy by an ideal wind engine is equal to 0.593. From the point of view of the practical application, the theory of the ideal wind engine was elaborated more completely by Prof, G. Kh. Sabinin, according to - him, ;the-output.' coeffici-ent of~the wind energy for an-ideal wind'engine,:equals 0.687. Ideal wind engine is called the wind wheel in which: 1. the axis of rotation is parallel to the velocity of the wings; 2. there is an infinitely large number of blades of small widths; 3. the profile drag of the wing equals zero, and the circulation along the blade is constant; 4. the velocity of the airstream on the wind wheel is constant throughout the marked-off area of the wind engine; 5. the angular ,velocity tends to infinity. 16. The Classical Theory of the Ideal Wind Engine /9.4

Let us represent a uniform wind stream dashing over an ideal wind wheel with a velocity Vacross section AA' (Fig. 50).. In the section BB', the velocity .of the winged wheel will be V 1 := V - Vl, while at a certain distance behind the wind engine, in section CC', the velocity will be V 2 = V - v2 The rotating wind wheel. creates a.damming'effect, as a result of which the velocity of the stream decreases as the distance to the wind engine for,_ard.behind,some'tiime dTinshes the wind engine 1,as shown by curve I in Fig. 50. At the same.time, the pressure of the air p increases as the distance to the wind engine decreases,


(curve II), and it decreases markedly during the passage through Behind the wind engine, a certain negative the marked-off, area._: pressure Po - P2, .is'formed, which asympt-otically, approaches 0 as the distance from the wind engine increases, i.e. the normal pressure is restored (curve III). The loss in velocity_ behind the ideal wind engine, can be determined by means of Bernoulli's equation:

--. t
V-VI 2

Since p2<Po,

V>V 2.


The kinetic energy, of thA/95

the wind in front of the wind engine, equals mV 2 /2, while behind the wind engine, it is m(V - v 2 ) 2 /2. IrThe difference between these energies is spent on the wind wheel and in the absence'of losses, it can be obtained as useful work:
T, ,m(V-v.

S Po

Characteristics of Fig. 50: air flow through wind wheel


Transforming the right hand side of equation (a), we obtain:


._T. .=m,(v-


The energy T 1 , perceive'dby the wind wheel, can be expressed as the product of the force of pressure of the wind T, by the velocity in the plane bf the wind engine,(V - vl), i.e.:

TT =p-,


The head pressure P is equal to. the increment in the movement i.e.: of the jet passing through the marked-off .area, P = mv 2 Substituting the value Of P in the equation (c), we obtain
T1=mv, (V-v,). (d)


Comparing equations (b) and (d), we find that:



) =mv,(V -),
V1 =-



e,=2,,,. =/

velocity in the of loss section of the wind wheel, but wind engine, while the total the loss on account of the wind

The equality (65) shows that the airstream takes place not only in the also at a certain distance behind the loss in velocity is twice larger than wheel.

A mass of air m, passes through marked-off' area F of the wind /96 wheel, t'he amount of which per second equals:

m;= PFVj


Substituting the value of the air mass into the expression of wheel, we obthe kinetic energy of the wing in front of the wind
; r'_ pF172


which corresponds with the equation (62) ind Sec. 14. Taking the ratio of the work per second, perceivedI by the ideal wind wheel: T 1 = P(V - v 1 ) to that energy of the wiid which would correspond to a cross section equal to the area marked-off by the wind engine: we obtain the idealik output. "io0efficient of the wind energy .'

Let us transform this equation:

P(V-~ )S-2-


(2 - V

2 P

2 is callrd--thie coefficient of loading per The expression 2P/Fp.V marked-ooff area or the coefficient of frontal pressure, and is denoted 2P by the B, i.e.:

B Fp.





this equation,,



and denoting vl/V = e, we obtain after reduction:

B=2pF (W - V,) 2V,

4(V - a,) vt

Proceeding in the same way 0it

Fp(YV- v,) 2v, 4 (V- v)

equation (66),
4 (VV

we obtain for

v) (V - t 1 )

2 =4e (1 - e) .


The ratio vl/V = e is called the drag coefficient. '.i willihhave the Let us determine the value of e, at which .maximal value. For this purpose, let us take the first derivative, make it equal to 0,,i.e.: and or: .
= 416e - 12e =0,





Solving this equation, we find that 5 has its maximal value when e = 1/3, but = From equation (66) let us find B, the coefficient of loading per marked-off area at maximal Ei:
B=4(1-1 =0.888.

In such a manner, the following main assumptions can be derived from the classical theory of the ideal wind engine. coefficient 1. The maximum output ideal wind wheel equals Ei = 0.593.

,of 7

9 wind energy of the

2. The loss of velocity in the plane of the wind wheel equals 1/3 of the velocity of the wind: 3. The total loss in the velocity .f the wind behind the wind wheel is twice larger than the loss in the velocity of the wind in _. -the plane of the wind wheel: In suchaa manner, the velocity of the wind behind the wind wheel amounts to 1/3 of the velocity of the wind in front of the wind wheel. 4. The coefficient of loading per marked-off area of the wind wheel equals B = 0.888.


/98 Assuming the drag coefficient e = vl/V varies in the limits from 0 to.1 and calculating by means. of eauation (66) and (68), we obtain the following values for coef'ficient Ei and B:

I "

0,1 0.2 1 0 1333!016

0,7 1

0. "0 1.0

S 0.324 0.512 0,53 0.57 0.001 960 1.000 0.360 0.640 0.8

334 0.:2521 0.120.30 0 0. 60036



The Theory of the Ideal Wind Engine of Prof",,G. Kh. Sabinin

The difference between this theory: and former theories, consists fact that in determining the axial force of pressure of the the in stream on the wind wheel, the pulse of the force is calculated according to the turbulent solenoid in that place where it has assumed a steady state, cylindrical shape, and not at the time of its formaSince the solenoid tion;as was assumed by the previous theories. section Whichis larger" cross of..the area in the cylindrical part has an axial force and the the wheel., than the area marked-off by the wind .'wind energy, according to the theory ;output . coefficient .&f of G. Kh. Sabinin, will be somewhat larger. As a consequence of the conditions accepted for determining the the axial veideal wind engine (Sec. 16),we obtain the following: which stream, the of section Idcities are constahtni throughout the E. N. of propeller screw resultsfrom the turbulent theory of the the inside contour closed any the circulation around Zhukovskiy: turbunot is flow the drifting stream equals 0, and consequently, lent and the tangential velocities are equal to 0. The circulation in the plane of-'. rotation of the wind engine equals 0, and The tip losses are equal to 0, as(d there is only a pressure jump. they are inversely proportional to the number of blades and to the' angular velocity of rotation. Let a homogeneous flow with a velocity V, dash over the wind Let us draw through' the circle desengine as shown in Fig. 50. cribed by the tips~of the blades, the flow lines forming a bottle shaped surface AA'BB'CC', which we shall call "bounidary,.surface.' /9'9 As the distance from the wind engine grows, the boundary .surface gradually passes into a cylindrical surface. Thatpt'~the.'stream which is, enclosed in the boundary surface is called working flow. The boundary surface BB'CC',. which is situated behind the wind en-gine, is a surface of division formed of an infinitely thin vortex layer, consisting of a series vortex ,stnjhnigssof infinitely low in-, tensity, which start off atthe tips- of the blades rand are wound. in the shape of a coil with infinitely small pitch on the surface of the division ('ig.' l). Insuch"a manner, the surface of the division is a vortex solenoid. The vortex layer of the solenoid, can be schmatically represented as consisting of a series of vortex/strings%, the


diameter of which equals the thickness of the vortex layer. The external particlesof such a vortexhave a velocity which is similar to the velocity of 'the adjacent nonturbulent ,layer. The velocities de,crease toward the'center 'of the vortex, iftweimagine that the vortelx rotates like a solid body. Such an infinitely thin vortex layer requires no formation of energy, since its kinetic energy is infinitely smalleas a result of the infinitely small mass of the layer, while its maximal velocities are finite.

Assuming that at a sufficient distance

Fig. 51: Formation of a vortex solenoid behind the wind wheel. from the wind engine, the vortex solenoid assumes a cylindrical shape and drifts into infinity, we obtain that the streams both inside and outside the solenoid are parallel and the pressures are constant in all the points of the flow which are sufficiently removed fromtthe wind engine.

The deformation of the flow caused by the ideal wind engine results in the application of velocities produced by the vortex solenoids on a homogeneous flow, while the velocities caused by the solenoids are directed intthe reverse direction with respect to the velocity of the flow. The increase in the amount of movement of the fluid caused by the wind engine equals the amount of movement caused by the newly formed cylindrical part of the solenoid.


Figure 52 represents the diagram of, h:,&' ,ar ' i, flow through the wind wheel. In a section A -- A', infinitely far from the wind engine, the flow has a velocity V and a surface F" In the section B -- B',,in the plane of the wind wheel, the axial ,velocity of the flow equals V -vvD where v 1 is the velocity caused by the vortex selonoid at its end; the marked-off area is Fl. In the section C -- C', infinitely far away from the wind engine, the velocity in the cylindrical part of the solenoid amounts to V - v 2 , where v 2 is the velocity caused by the solenoid at a sufficient distance from the wind engine. The velocity of the flow outside the cylindrical part of the solenoid will be V, since the solenoid causes no velocity in the external flow. The velocity of movement of an infinitely long vortex solenoid with respect to the flow, has been assumed by Prof. G. Kh. Sabinin to be equal to half the velocity caused by the solenoid inside it, ipe. equal to v 2 /2. Since the solenoid is carried by the flow with" the velocity V, thej. :absolute velocity of the solenoid will be


SIc V-vI

V - v2/2 ; this is the velocity/101 of formation of the vortex solenoid. Let us determine the circulation of the velocity of the

V-uZ V"

vortex solenoid per unit of its length, for which purpose let us describe a rectangular contour *". . abcd in such a manner that its sides ab and cd will be parallel [ I C' ' to the axis of the stream, while the sides bc and da will be perpendicular to it (Fig. 52). Diagram of the flow Iu Fig. 52: Going around the contour in am o' "o:f the a:irstream through the wind whee . clockwise direction, the circulation on the side ab, according to equation (19),'would be ab (V - v2), since the velocity V - v 2 is parallel to ab. The circulation along cdwill be cdV; the circulation along the sideslc and da will be equal to 0, since thesesides are perpendicular to the velocity V and V - v 2 ; the circulation at the side where these sides intersect the vortex solenoid is also equal to 0 since the vortex layer is infinitely thin while the circular velocity of rotation of the particles of the finite. The circulation throughout the contour will vortex layer 'oi"s be: v-v
-v2 ab (V

v,) -dV,



the circulation along the contour abcd will equal:

-ab V

The circulation per unit length of the solenoid will be:


Let us calculate the pulse of the force required for the formation of the vortex solenoid and for this purpose, let us use the following theorem. The pulse of the force PAt required for the formation of the vortex ring, equals the area of the vortex ring F multiplied by the circulation of the velocity r around the vortex and multiplied by the density of the fluid p: (b) Here the pulse of the force is in to the plane of the vortex ring. ;a',, direction perpendicular


If we were to break down the splen6idint elementary rings with /102 a length along the axis of the solenoid of dz, then per unit length of solenoid there will be 1/dz vortex rings. The force pulse for the formation of ahsingle vortex ring of the solenoid amounts to: pF dI, ,


where dr is the circulation of the velocity of one ring; F 2 'is the area of the cross section of the cylindrical part of the solenoid. Since the length of the solenoid increases in time dt by: over the same interval of time, the following rings are formed:


The pulse of the force and the wind enginenin term dt will be humerically equal to the sum of the pulses required for the formation of the vortex rings appearing during the same time. On the basis of equations (c) and (d), this,-sum will amount to: P F2( d' ' (e)

Let us rewrite this equation in the following manner: ,Pd pF, (V - d,_ but:


is the circulation of the velocity per unit length of the solenoid, which, according to equation (a) equals V2. Therefore, reducing equation (e) by lower dt and substituting in it, instead of r its value v 2 , we obtain: Let us transform this equation by representing it in the form of two components:

-P=[pF,(V-v,) v+pF



The expression in the square brackets of the first term in the right hand side of the equation is the mass of the air passing , T-hrougk-the marked-off area per unit ttime, while the whole first term i e;.: '_ , is the increment in the amount of movement of this mass which we shall denote by ml. The second term is in its dimension the same increment in the amount of movement per unit time. It cannot be broken down tottwo factors so that a certain mass of fluid would correspond to one factor, while a certain velocity which would be /103


the sameCfor all particles of this mass, would correspond to the second factor, since we do not know the characteristics of that process in which the formation of the amount of movement represented by takes place. For the sake of convenience in subsequent reasoning, let us multiply and divide this expression, i.e. the second term of equation (70), by v 2 : -P=J IPP2
VM V3 V3 1


The fraction in the square brackets cannot be reduced by v 2 , since in its physical essence,the numerator of this fraction is an . integral:
pF, 2 dm,

where the law of formation of function m and v is not known!itoius. The expression Let us note that:

is called the bound mass and is noted by m 2 .



Equation (70a) can be rewritten in the following manner:

The sum (ml + m 2 ) is called the drag,mass, while velocity v 2 is called the velocity of traction. In such a manner, equation the frontal pressure (71) can be formulated in the following way: caused by the flow on the wind engines, equals the product of the drag mass by the velocity of the traction with opposite sign. The diagram of the formation of the bound mass m2 is shown in Fig. 53. The particles of the airstream which in the first moment are situated /014 , in the plane of rotation of the wind engine AA and out-:.', 7 the sphere of influence of the wind engine, move to a distance side vAt after a certain interval of time At. and assume a position A'A'. The particles of the air which in the beginning are situated inside the marked-off area and represent the beginning of the stream passing through the wind engine, crdss- a distance(V - v 2 )At after a In this minute the vortex sotime At, and assume the position CC. lenoid will extend from the wind engine to the section bb and have In such a manner, the length of the a length of (V - v 2 /2)At. solenoid formed during the time At will be longer by v 2 /2At than The part of the column of fluid passing throughtthe wind engine. the solenoid cc -- bb will be filled with the air sucked by the This mass of air is the bound mass. solenoid from the end bb.



yiZd, LL



In : reality, the increment in the amount of movement of the mass over the time At can be written:



and related per unit time:

(V2_---Fig. 53: mass. Formation of the bound

" p-!" V., 1

where the expression in square

bracketsis the mass of air confined in the section of lenoid cc, bb, and v2 is crement in the velocity mass or the velocity of the sothe inof this traction.

The layer of fluid with a ringed-shapedsection enclosed be:L tween the surfaces ommccnn and aa bb, which is hatched in Fig. 53 and forms the walls of the bottle, is used for the formation of the bound mass. In reality, the phenomenon is not as simple" 1,m its movement the solenoid breaks down to individual vortex wings which gradually extinguish, but the amount of movement caused by them will be preserved. Let us write the balance of the energy of the air flowing through the wind wheel per second(.l, The energy impartedbyth-l flow


equals : the energy perc'eived by the wind engine: P (



the energy,:carried by the flow in the form of kinetic energy:

- =2

The losses related to the formation of the bound mass, calculated by the velocity of the traction [32]:


The equation of the balance of energy will have the following . _ (a 2 ~ - v (, n )V2 = P (V --., 2



Substituting in the equation (a) the value.P=(-, and dividing by. (ml + m2), we obtain:
Vl =2(V-




Substituting the values of ml and m 2 , in equation (b), obtain:

Sm,==pF,(V-- 2 r) 1m.2 ==?F 2 V,

V2 =2 (V


2 ) j+--'--?77 + - v 2

VI= 2(V 'v),+(v-v,) +-v.v


Solving equation (c) relative to v 2 , we find:


1+ i


This is the first velocity relation which differs from the analogous one in the classical theory. Let us write the equation of the flow assuming that a flow with a velocity V dashes over a wind engine staying in one place (Fig. 50):
J FV-F,(V-v)=F2(V-vo)

hence: and I


Substituting from equation (72), the value v 2 /V, we obtain:

or, reducing:



Setting the expression F/F 1 and F 2 /F 1 , we obtain:



i.e. The marked-offdarea is the arithmetical average of the areas of the working stream in front of and behind the wind engine. Determination of the magnitude of the drag mass (ml + m 2 ), is given by the theorm: The mass of fluid dragged by the wind engine or by its ggrtd, does not depend on the conditions of the wind engine and on the pemeability, of the .grid, and is equal to the volume corresponding to the area marked-off in the flow, multiplied by the density of the fluid. Let us use equation (71), divide both its parts by v2 and re- /107 place ml and m 2 by their values:

+m, 2

- [PF(V-v)]


Substituting the value of v 2 from equation (72) and F 2 from equation (73), we obtain: i _F,
(V + V- V).


after reduction, we obtain:

m, +m.= pFV =Const.


The frontal pressure on the wind engine, is obtained from equation (71), substituting the value m i + m 2 from equation (75):
P=(i+" -1
2 ) V=FV

V2 .1J


The load on the marked-off area is:

'-- P

"FPK" F,? K_

pF 1 Vv



B'=2'. Substitutingthe value v 2 from equation (72), we obtain:

49 B'---

where: 'consequently:

., e,

B'= 4

Taking into consideration equation (77), we obtain that the frontal pressure P is equal to: 4e V FB' V-(78) :P--p z ' P2" " I "/ The power of the shaft of the wind engine is, according to equation/108 (in Sec. 16), equal to:

Substituting the value P from equation (78), we obtain: The coefficient of utilization of the wind energy is equal to: T after reduction: .


, e

-e, e



B' (1-- e).

Assuming that the first derivative of expression (79) is equal to zero, we obtain:
dd )
(I + ee)2



e=-1 +F'=o,4,Ij
i.e. the maximum of C is obtained when:
1 0

' 41 ij

and not 0.333, as in ,the c lassical,'theory. Substituting the value e in equation (79), we obtain:
Em.. =4*0.414 - 0,41 em_.4O-. 4G87. ,087. _j


The load on the marked-off :area


amounts to:
= 1.172.


Table 5 presents for the sake of comparison, characteristic magnitudes of the ideal wind wheel obtained according to the classical theory of N.E.Zhukovskiy and according to the theory G. Kh. Sabinin.

TABLE 5 Total velocity of the-wind lost behind the wind wheel. Coefficient Drag coLoad B oeflloading effi6ient at max on the of te airMiAked-dtfstream surface B _v v. 1 /V at T , (max ax. ..

Maximals. omax tpu coefficieit -1of the wind energy

Classical theory Theory of G. H. Sabinin



2,0.414 i


: 0.687


In order to compare the two theories, Fig. 54 shows the depen-/109 dence of C on the function v 1 /V. In conclusion, let us present the main assumption of the classical theory and of the theory G. Kh. Sabinin. 1. According to the classical theory, the loss in the velocity of the wind behind the wind wheel equals twice the loss in the velocity of the wing in the plane of the wind engine, i.e. /110 v 2 = 2v 1 .





to the theory of G. Kh. Sabinin, the decrease if the velocity of the wind behind the wind engine, is expressed by the relation:
V 2v


e0 z2

2. The axial pressure according to the classical theory;

. 2 0 0.4 ,5 0O6 07 Qo8 . m


Fig. tween the output coefficient , , of wind energy and v l/V. 1 consideration.

According to the theory of Prof. Sabinin, in addition to the mass of air flowing through the area marked-off by the wind wheel, the mass of air m2 sucked into the vortex solenoid from the surrounding stream, is taken into The axial pressure equal : P (m 1)

The mass dragged by the wind engine equals:

t rmri+mz=F, V =Cons .

In, practice, It isnot ,possible to biild a wind engine With a ifinitely large number of blades' which would make an infinitely large, dumber of revolutions and would work without losses, as in the case of the In reality, we are dealing with a real wind ideal wind engine. engine, which has a finite number of blades (from 1 to 24), makes a finite number. of revolutions and works with losses.




18. Work of the Elementary Blades of the Wind Wheel. First Equation/ll1 of Relation. Let us single out 'in )the blades of the wind wheel, two concentric circles with radii r and r + dr, the winged surface dF = 2rdr. This ring cuts sections with the length dr <in the wings, which are called elementary blades (Fig. 55). Let us draw the flow lines through all the points of both surfaces, which form two bottle The fluid enclosed between shaped surfaces ABC, A'B'C' (Fig. 56). these surfaces is called elementary ring jet. Let us assume, as is commonly done in analysis theories, that the difference between the pressure on both sides of the winged wheel acting on the area of the wing, which is obtained from the intersection of the area marked-off by the elementary jet, is perceived by the elementary blades. On the basis of this assumpti6ni-, ,we can/ll2 write the first equation of relation: 2Trdr(pi-p,)=i(dY-coS" S (82) F/ where Y - the lifting force of the wing wI perpendicular to the flow; X -- the drag force of the wing (head drag of the wing)l:directed along the flow; " -- the angle between the plane of rotation of the winged wheel and the direction of the air flow dashing over the wing; i -- the number of blades of the winged wheel. .c .~ .axis , / S.c' In order to determine the direction of the forces acting on the elementary blade, let us draw its section in Fig. 57, where the Z is directed along the axis of the wind wheel, while the x -- x axis in the plane 6f its rotation; V -- direction of the wind velocity; W -- direction of the velocity of the relative flow, dashing over an element of the blade. Let us break down the force dR, acting on the elementary blade,


Fig. 55: Elementary blades singled out in the wind wheel.

Fig. 56: jet. di

Elementary annular


into two forces: dX, acting in the direction of the flow, and dY, directed perpendicular to the flow. The force dX induces the drag dY induces the circular effort of the wing-" of the wing element; element which is called lifting force. Asua result of the rotation of the winged wheel in the plane x --:&x, the air flow dashes over the winged wheel not with the velocity of the wind V, but with a relative velocity W, which is composed geometric:ally of the velocity of the wind V and the circular velocity wr, where w is the angular velocity and r is the distance of the blade element from the axis of rotation of the winged wheel. The velocity of the flow dashing over an element of the blade /113 in a relative motion is equal to:

Yr SW= T ( -0,9 -(83)

where V 1 = V - vl is the velocity of the wind in the plane of the wind engine. The velocity ul is obtained as a reaction of the torque developed by the blades. This velocity has an opposite direction to the torque; its magnitude is taken as the average for the whole region in which. the bblade s'oerate. I reality this velocity is equal to zero in front of the wind wheel and to u 2 immediately behind it. Since the law of the change of velocity is unknown, we can assume ae a first approximation that it is equal to:

-z z.






,this v

According to equation (39) /114 Fig. 57: Diagram of the velocities of an air flow dashg over ... in Sec. 10, the forces dY and dX an element of the blade. can be expressed as follows: Key: 1. axis of the wind wheel 2. plane of rotation 3. direction of rotation


'dX= bdr J fM,

where b is the width of the blade element on the choid . In addition, we can write on the basis of equation (76):

(87) 83

Substituting for dY, dX and pi (82), we obtain equation:

P2 their values in equation (8

H' sin

2nrdrpVv,z= i . bdrC L-cos-(brC -M 2lrQ c


after reductions, we obtain:


rVv 2 =ibCWV cos


tg ).

On the basis of Figat.57 ,

we can denote:

, =&(89) V _D
which is called the number of relative modules. From equation (89) we have:

or :--Ol -; ,) =(Vor: and knowing that Vl = V following way:


"),, \
can be rewritten in

equation (83) v l, 1

Iv= /(v

,,)2- q (v - v1)

(Vv ,,,)

+ .

(Pg o)

Let us substitute:

- = -

S(V -v V .
o (r -,) _

(92) -= .(93) (94)/115
+ " ""+

rever'se'lift drag ratio

and substitute them in equation (88): ,4.irV., = ibc (V- v' 1 ( ' 2"

Introducing into this equation e = vl/V, and replacing v2 by its value from equation (72), we obtain:
ibC =8r

+ (t- , (+.,V


-,, -(95)

This equation is called the equation of relation; it relates the width of the blade and the coefficient of the lifting force with

,t~ d. foi mati.on ofthe flow

characterized by magnitude e.

Adding up the projections of the forces of the blade ,eiement on the tangent to the circle on which it moves, we obtain the


circular effort developed by the elementary blade:

-dQ ibdr 2- (Csin cos .

Substituting the value of W, sin- and cos B and introducing Cx = PCy, we obtain: dQ = ibdr - (V -v )2 (1 ,)z CI (96) Substituting the value ibCy from equation (95) and reducing, we obtain:
dQ = .4-ritX e X


(V ,1 )
2 +21


4-rdrp -



(97) The moment relative to the axis of the wind engine is equal: /116
dM= dQr= 4 irdrp

e I t' (98)

The work of the elementary blades per second is:

+"e P I




The energy per second at a distance from the wind engine, enclosed in the flow, the cross section area of which is determined by the area :of'theringmarked-off by the elementary blade, is equal to: dTo= 2adr y. i Dividing the work per second of the elementary blades by this energy, we obtain the elementary 'out'pt' coefficient ibf''the wind enetgy:
4-rdr e V3e!=Hl!


4e-:. _

2rdr K

\-I+o. .+-7



Multiplying and dividing the expression (100) by (1 - e) we obtain:


Since the expression le 1 -ed/l + 6 represents the ideal . , ' the wind energy, we can wfite equation coefficient '.of output where:

(101) i



is called the relative mentary wind engine.

-@ffTThncy,of the ele:

In the case of a large number of modules one can consider with some approximation:

and then:


(102a) /117

Let us remember that the number of modules or rapidity of the wind engine, is the ratio of the circular velocity of the blade 'tip to the velocity of the kind.

S .


The number of modules of the blade element per radius h equals:



The number of modules for any radius h of the.wind engine with a known rapidity Z, can be expressed:

where R is the radius of the wind wheel.



Second Equation of Relation

The moment relative to the axis of the wind engine of the aerodynamic forces acting on the elementary blade, is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign, to the moment of the amount of movem'ent acquired It is assumed by the elementary jet dragged with the wind wheel. that in this process, the bound mass also takes part, since otherwise the theory of Helmholtzabout 'ivortex: preservatiBn would,,,, not hold (Fig. 13). The second equation of relation is derived from Fig. 57.
i(dYsin -dXcos )r=d(m + m.) 2u-r.



d(m, + n,) 2,rrdrpV.



Substituting the values of dY and dX from equations (85) and (86), and the value of d(ml = m 2 ) from equation (75), in equation (105), we obtain:
ibdr (C, sin - Ccos
I)V r=

2,rdr 2



Substituting in this equation sin B and cos B .by :.their values from equation (91) and (92) and reducingg; we obtain:
ib C, C-



= Cx/C from equation (94) and W 2 = (V Substituting 2 (1 + z u) from equation x(9), we obtain: .i~ tc - t,)z 2 - "1 l+

l) 2

From this equation, let us find the ratio;; uj/V, for which purpose we divide the right and left part by 8&TrV and we replace the ratio vl/V by its value e.

e)2 1_



Substituting the value ibCy/87r, from equation (95),

we obtain:

(t+-e) (tI-



After reduction we obtain:

' U -v


zi,+, .+e -

Transforming equation (89),

and z: 'P
U , v -r , or
V -I V-,-t

we Iind the relation between zu V

V . V-'

-e 7


Substituting the value ul/V from equation (106): ' -

" i
_U+o *


z = ZU--e)

Let us solve this equation relative t' z

.- 11-e





Since p has usually a small value, equations (109) and (110) can be simplified; takiigg = 0:




. .(109a)
1+ e

__+ _


_- s,,,




Equations (95), (103) and (110) make it possible to do a complete aerodynamic calculation of the wind wheel for the given wR and V, as well as of the shape of the wing profile. The diagram C and C x is used for this purpose, which was constructed for the given profile. Assuming that e varies between 0128 and 0.35, for the most convenient angle of attack, according to the diagram Cy and C x for the given profile, the following is obtained: p = Cx/Cy. Substituting the values of z, e, and v in equation (110), the number of the relative modules zu is found. Further, using equation (95), the total width of the blade ib is found: 8 e i Finally, the rigging angle of the blade with radius r is determined: Cy is found from the diagram Cy -cn the basis of/experimental data. 20. (112) a,which was constructed.

Moment and Power of the Whole Wind Engine

The moment of the whole wind engine is obtained by integrating equation (98) from r 0 tolQR, were r 0 is the distance from the axis of the wind engine to the origin of the blade,afd R is the distance from the axis of the wind engine to the edge of the blade.
i+M=dM V'd to"


This moment is expressed in abstract numbers and is denoted /120 by M. The right and left part of equation (113) is divided by 3 pV 2 /2 and the expression r = rR I/R is introduced which is called the relative radius:



Equation (114) is basic for calculating the moment characteris6 It can be used with variable values of e along r, if one


assumes that the elementary jets do not influence each other, which is acceptable in practice under conditions of smooth changes of e. For a wind engine with a constant e along the radius, e can be written outside the sign of the integral:

r2dr. -


This integral can be solved if the torsion of the jet is neglected, which is permissible in rapid wind engines. Consequently, we can take ul = 0,and the relative number of modules zu from equation (89) can be expressed as follows:
z,,= v-

-v-v, (- -



For the edge of the blade, one can write:

Sz"- v-Dividing equation (116) by (117), we obtain:




z =


With a series of transformations made for equation (115) and neglecting the small value_ 2 and z 3u 0 /Z 3 u, we obtain: I(= (It '-e)Z, L1 ).I /i from (116), we obtain: 3

R 7-


Substituting the value of zu i---e "Z3 [G


The power developed by the wind engine is equal to the Mw, and since from equation (114) the moment is equal to: Sn (114a)

the power developed by the wind engine can be written as follows:

_2 (122)

Substituting here Z = wR/V, instead of w = ZV/R, we obtain: T=K8(122a)


Replacing M -by

its value from equation (121), we obtain:






Dividing the power of the wind engine by the energy of the

output/ coefficient : 6of-' the" flow per second, we obtain the .. /122

wind energy:


4 .i


i -

-f\ (125)

In deriving this equation, no consideration was given to the losses which occur as a result of the formation of vortexes which startI off at the ,tip of the blade, and the tors:ion of the drifting jet was taken equal to 0, which is permissible in rapid wind engines. Consequently, the outp'ut coefficient' of wind' ven6rgy ' calculated according to formula (124), is considerably! higher than the one which can be obtained in practice. We shall "deal with the correction for losses below.(Sec. 21). 21. Losses of Wind Engines The losses of wind engines can be divided into four groups [351.

1. Blade-tip losses, which occur due to the formation of vortexes starting at the blade tip. These losses are determined on the.; basis of the theory of induced..drag. ,A of :t'hse losses was: aciicientt .'f i6d' counted for by deriving the ideal outpit, cboeff energy E; the part which was not accounted for is expressed by the formula t126): T-




2. Profile losses which the friction of the air/123 jet against the surface of the wing and depend si'olely on the profile of the blades. The power absorbed by the profile drag of the elementary ,blade of length dr, at a radius r of the wind engine, equals: dT= iCbdr y


where C is the doefficient of the profile drag which is equal to span-, i.e.: Cx for R wing of infinite Cp Cx Since Cx/Cy = or C- =C C which is equal to @7 and in equation (127), we obtain:
dT,= ibCLdr


C . ' ._
(V -

Substituting the value



V 1 +:.

Substituting the value ibCy from equation (95), let us transform this equation:
d ( 4rdre
( + Z2)

I/ 7z Z")

dTp= ( .e )

(V -

Let us substitute:

dr dz;

and let us neglect p in the denominator as being a small value by comparison ,with zu: .i 17 3 (. - e) zdz SdTp a 41
dT ,e)( -e)

-p P = ?

; [1

. t - J dLz .-

Integrating in the limi

0 to Z, we obtain:
Y 5 e (t e)2


The profile losses at the bladef tip e~jist , in the form of flp ", drag which. "is .:-thus approximately taken into account. As a result of integrating, we obtain the profile losses for the

whole wind engine:

17," -"R2


(2 V1A~~ -je; " 2Z'

where ii'

C/Cy is the average value for the whole blade. and



, substituting the values of these


expressions in the given equation and deriving the latter by exwe obtain the final formula for the profile T.pression losses in a ,dimensionless,'form:

+ - 3(-


3. The losses due to torsion of the jet behind the.wind engine are equal to the kinetic energy of the tangential velocities of the The magnitude of these losses is obtained by intetwisting jetbs grating the kinetic energy from the tangential velocities of all the limits ro to R; "'"in the elementary jets -.
. J. _ (2TrdrpV)



Let us replace in the given expression u 2 by its value which is equal to 2ul. Since, on the basis of equations
P -ju

(,106)aand (102):


if e)i+


we obtain:
e-- e

/125 t V



V . V .

Substituting the value u 2

' 2U,= _ in_equation (12_9),

R . 4,Z.2a_

(130) we obtain:

Placing the constants outside the sign of the integral andreplacing n by some value ru, which is average for the whole radius r, we obtain:
2U dr



Deriving both parts of this equality by the power of the ideal

wind engine:


we obtain the abstract magnitude for the losses due to the torsion of the jet behind the wind engine: e -R

4. Losses due to incomplete utilization of the whole markedoff area are accounted for by the relation: ,I


The useful power developed by the wind engine is obtained by subtracting all the losseSfrcathe power of the ideal wind engine:
' , rr

Tj T

T, - T,
Tp T. T'

Dividing by Ti we obtain:





Dividing the right and the left part of this equation by the expression of the wind energy '. 2,I we obtain the real wind engin,: . coefficht .:,oftput



iwind energy for the



Since according to equation (101), E = Ei ;, we find that the relative efficiency n of:,the wind engine euals i





Analysis:.',of;:the Wind Wheel.

The diagram of the construction of a four-blade wind wheel is The following data are required for theinalysis given in Fig. 58. 1. engine; The power N in hp which has to be obtained from the wind

2. The velocity of the wind V at which the wind engine should develop this power;o3wa(nc, 3. The number of modules or rapidity Z of the wind engine at the maximum , output cioefficient .,!of , (the:-. wind energy for the given type of wind engine; 4. The ;output_ 'coefficient of

.'wind energy E.

by determining the diameter of the The analysxs is started wind wheel D, based on the equation of the power of the wind engine in hp units, which is obtained by dividing equation (62) by 75 and wind energy 5, of' -the coefficient multiplying by the :.output i.e.: (135) -- the mass density of the air is taken at p==o0. where a temperature t = 150 C and atmospheric pressure BO = 760 mm/Hg.


Substituting the value p = 0.125 in equation (135), we obtain/127 the power of the wind engine, expressed in relation to the area marked off by the wind wheel of any type, for the conditions t - 150 and BO = 760 mm/Hg.
0t 25 FV 0FY 2-75F~. .



F-o-;Taer~a 2 nose.xHOcT,.

Since, for a winged wind engine,

the marked-off area F (Fig.

.F T=.785 D,


The power of the winged wind engine can be expressed in relation to its diameter D. i



The power of the wind engine /128 in kW is written as follows: kWt (138) t The diameter of the windwhe'6 for the given power in hp units, equals: n= y

Fig. 58:

Diagram of the wind wheel.


X (139)




Fl -marked-off

For another tenperature t and pressure B, the power should be determined for the corresponding mass density p, which is determined by formula 3.

Introducing this correction into the equation of the power, we B 288 273+1 ) N obtain: and correspondingly the diameter of the wind wheel will be equal to:

V'" .-



The velocity of the wind V at which the wind wheel should develope! the power given in the analysis, is usually taken as being equal to 8 -- 14.m/sec. (see chapt. IX). The number of modules Z is easily assumed or determined, if the number of revolutions of the wind wheel n is known: hence:
n =




Further, on the basis of construction considerations and experimental data, the thickness of the blade profile is selected. The blade tip should have a profile of a thickness of 6 = 0.1 b to 0.'151b, where b is the width of the blade. Towards the bush, the thickness of the profile 6 increases, reaching in wind engines with rotatory blades 0.2 b to 0.35 b near the flap axis. In order to solve the equation which determines the shape of the blade, their number and the ,out'put coefficient.of -wind energy areegiven by several values of the drag coefficient e, for example, e =-0.3; 0.35; 0.40, and the Ide.a~out, putf officientl of wind energy =4e\ is determined. Consequently C is determined by means bf-equations (126), (128), (131) and (133). /129 and the curve of the relationship E -- e is plotted, wherefrom. the e corresponding to max is chosen. The computation i!able, Tabler,7 is then set up where the m6in formulas are presented in the upper part,





Column 1 presents the radiiof the cross sections of the blade in relative units r/R. Each horizontal line in

L. _

3 4

. 4

. a aT,



the table with the figures,





represents the data for a certain cross section of the with radius r = r/R. The first contains the mulasaccording is line in Table/132 partial forto which the performed.


. 0, Scomputation


I I/
. 030 . o.0,0
~ +
i 0

In the first columns: in Table 6, 2-5, z u is computed by means of formula (110a);

if great accuracy is desired,

then equation (110) should be used. In columns 6-10, the expression ib C /R is computed In columns (95). b.ymeans of byL~I 11-14, the values of Cy, p and b are introduced on the basis of the diagram of values Cy and as a function of a (Fig. 59) which is set up for the given example. In columns 15-17, a is introduced, and the rigging angle of the blade =8 -(ais calculated. After the selection of the profile, the angle of


4o 4

.. oig. 59: Curve for the determination of C and p in relation to a. Key: i. 2. 3. 4. 5. serial number upper lower from therChord ! corrected to the obliqueness and angle of attack.




I D=f,36; Z=3,5;


S =4 '

-e i+= e


.,=0-6; 6 j




i=0..646 = (t-0.4-0% 13-0.075-0,034)=


=0.G7i (1-0.04-0.135-0,079-0.00)=

'-637(1-0.04--.085-0i 58-0036)=0,467


8 --








(1, 3) A3.5



(1+-,~ + 5) 1..5 . =0.,133


we. 'findV iz 0 113 4-35 12

+ :+,:L , (1 -0.,)


20j 2-0".2

3 , 5 _! -3+ 3 5 3 1 3U
2.3.52 231g -. 31g


2 0.02 r 1-.35 3.5

-0 35

35 3(1-035,


Analogically we find 7,=o,os =0,08.5-

"==2z2 S.

=0.034 0

-. 3,52



we Analogically T,=,0 ind:


Zu X." 2(l-) +z-



-(+e) V


, "

,c b=R__ __

R (ibCY] C
+bC y ctgrz -i


3 2(1-e) 1


t i78 'i CJ








+ i
2. 026


1 + e)(t

"Number jProfilj 4
0.016 .


3.5 1.3 3 1.3 0 1 11 3

0.8 2.

*20 07 t.3 SI1

42 2,07' 2


0.614 ,/, 0 20,10 ,4.42 II3. 1 O :.3,37 0.;*143 1,06 2.3 . 0,






0.7, 1.046


JL ,

1, 7 5.02 1.39


3.50 2.53



0.6,6 0.73,0

0.942 1.066

0.016 0.017

0.025 0.047

n!es /5 ' 1/5

.035 0030'





1 51 1/5

0 .0,13' O , 0.045 2..6'

0.,050 :1-5' J' 0,055 6O

2~ 0 2)' J8' 36

12o4' , ,~ 09


1t 1 1;: J'1, '

attack corresponding to the smallest v is calculated by means of the diagram (Fig. 59), and Cy is found. Assuming the number of blades is i, the thickness of the blade,

b is found:(



Finding the value for b, the finite value Cy is calculated:

',c cy . (142)


According to the diagram (Fig. 59), p and a, corresponding to the value C are found, and they are intfoduced into the columns 11, 12 and 5 of Table 6. Such .computations are done also for the cross section r = 0.2 of the blade. In this section, a thicker profile 6/b = 0.3 to 0.35 ,1s takeh in order to increase,the-strength of the flap,. In this case, Cy is also chosen large since otherwise the 'width of the blade would have to be excessively large. The width of the blades at the level of the bush, is taken equal to: b, , 1.3 no 2.0


Determining the width of the blade at the tip and at the bush, the width of the blade for any section can be found assuming it has the shape of a trapezoid:

where n is the number of sections of the blade; /133 k is the serial number of the section counting from the tip~ of the blade. Also determining b, Cy is found by means of equation (142), and then P and a from the curve (Fig. 59) and finally, P. If, as a result of constructional/elaborations the thickness proves to be insufficient, i.e. the flap of the wing cannot be placed in the contour of the profile, then increasing the thickness makes it necessary to recalculate starting with the llth column of Table 6. In this table an example of calculation is presented foraA-blade windgE wheel with D = 0.36 m and a number of modules Z = 3.5. 23. Calculation of the Performance of the Wind Wheel

The performance of abwind engineis the dependence of the relaIrv tive moment of the wind wheel M and of the.:output coefficient 5:t' of, 1the'wind energy E on the number of modules Z. These characteristics are necessary in order to find the main parameters of the wind wheel. In sections 26, 27 and 29, these are discussed in more detail; here we shall present the method of calculation df the performance of a wind wheel, theoretically. The characteristics are calculated for each section of the blade; an example is presented in Table 7, where the characteristics for each section of the blade are calculated in the horizontal line. Column 1 comprises the radii of the sections, columm 2 -- the rigging angles of the blades, column13 -- the total width of the blade in an abstract form, column 4 -- the angles of attack, as an independent argument. For the sake of convenience in calculations;, the


value of the angles is given in whole degrees. The formulas, by means of which the calculation is performed are presented in the same table in the corresponding columns, on page 97. In order to obtain the full performance, the angles a have to be taken starting with the angle at which C is very small or equal to 0, and up to a = 90 - 4. However, not aways diagrams C -for testing the profiles are available for all the angles o attack; in this case, one has to limit oneself to the construction of a part of the characteristics up to the angles of attack corresponding to Cy = max. This part of the characteristics is in fact the working part which is the most interesting. TABLE 7. PERFORMANCE OF A WIND ENGINE
_D=0,:;6; i=i;




) I+ +82= ib

10 11











-. 5 -4 .

1. + 2

6. 7 71; St 920.26 i17 0.021, 0 11,2! 4.217 .01f, 0. 17.2 3.23 7 1.10


7.97 7,9

2.7 0.058 0,110 19.:

12.t3 'O1
i733 37.10

' 0, 0, 22 0.27M 5 0..2 40. 2 , 0 . 0 21 . 0.13 0

0 22


5,12 4,59 4.42 0 540

5.98 5

-0,001 0.:540 0'821 07,0 0,932 .880


9 32 -30. 000 970 7.97 0. 118s 57l00 6'20 0.24003 4,330 442 0,330 3.11 3 28 0.3989 2.


0,3810 0 110

,2 0. 008 9

0021 0.028 0.037 0.050 0057

6.950 6,95 5,670 51 :7 4.320'I 3.00 3 2410 2.4

4 ,15. I- 1d;,,4 025

0.8-1410 2 1 + 2 16J4 I '4,0 .'6

6 SJ .03

'''2720 .3 1110 y 1. 022


0 4,77 1: 1.

.01144 00; , , )2

7.33 -0,0140

0.855 0.9t5 03 ,

4,70 3.48

S 23
0.6 18.3 0.81

12.3 4


0,303 0,25"3 0.30 9:7 0251 72 "9371. 08313 02230 3 .20. 0 275 2.5 2 4.8 3.68 0.078 0061 :,..97 13 1,0A

4.5 4.98 52,4

0(,19 10 0.28:)0 0,3110

6 370 ,4,390 34851 2..0 2.10.

(16.60 681

-0,340 0.773 0.901 0,957

2 753
188 3.97, 3. 272 2.25 194 3.53 "93 261 2,11 1 s 162 2.19 I,0 1.6 4 1.4) 123 1,13

0.0121 0.0323 0.1340 01940 0.2170 0,1990

.9541 0(.070

0 0!2 6.360 0.032 4. 0,043 3.41,0 0.058 2. 530 0 .0 03 2.030


4. 30 2.5 7.1, .

4 290 3.20 2.i33 193 1.6 1,414

3 2 2.70 236 .7.57 5.)2 4.9' :.73

4.000 3. 21;55 2.04 1705 1,,33

0.013 0,037 0.03,2 0.071 0.084 0.066

p 414 .3 32 3 300' 2 S 2123 2,730 i 24. 1 2.1 0.037 10 t 2 3 , 0

6, 17.2 330T 0.2 0 02 -4 28709 t,25) 04232089 2 0.02i0,4 1130 +12 2 02 016 07 S 1 I0o *0007 10 33.2 t53 00b)3' 1120 ' 1-27.91,89 2.30" 4 0u."


12,25 12 12,53 I

0"; 5 0.172 08 2 !0.013 (3 0 7 0.26 0:161 0.0059 0.1"7 0.28 0.347 0.352 0.295 0,4 .19 0 0 0036 0.1' 0,22 0.2,5 0,2.7

5.21 5.40 0.23

0,835 0,057 0.833 0;925 0.95:6 0,934 0,84 0.48 0.,89


2.933 1 . 0 4

( 189
'7,23 5,70 5.0 9 5.01 5,57 23,50 8.36 81.7 63 5,23 4. 5 .23

2.77 2.14 35 .3 2-05 16' 1.3 2, 012

0 1"I

0.0311 3.050 0.0503 2,/15 0.07, 2030 0. 11. 1. 605 0.10 137 0,123 I t'195 0,00928 0.0192

0.016 3.030 0.048 2:307 0.0;8 1.,62 0.092 1,513 1. 0 1 1 i,23i 0 117 1,078 0.023 0.0696 1.-77



0.233.2 1 + 2 5.91 00 S39,9 1, 00 0 7 6 10 4q.9 1,04 1000

0.0 15 i 13 0 1 8 1 1 1.70 0,2'j 02 1.23 11 0,3;0 0.252 12 14 0323 0,234


0.978 O.9056 0.907

0.0M2!i 00501 0.0487 0

1,80 1;500 I:305 1 054 0.895 79i )0

.8.8 .18 6.: 0.099 11.20 0.138 0.91 4:.' 58 0 168 0 ,727 3.3 .12 .0i4 3.07


The first three columns containithe initial data characterizing/13 6 the shape of a wind engine. In columns 4-8 the angles of attacka are calculated, the inflow .+ a, the number of the relative modules and of the magnitude Cy and 9, which are found from the curve plotted for the given profile. In columns 9-13, the expression is calculated from formula (95) and the magnitude of e is ~i I determined. This is done graphically from the curve which expresses the functional dependence ofth above.expressionhon e, which can be plotted using a small number of points. In columns 14-18, the specific moment is calculated in anabstract form by means of:,i
-" (145)





In the last four columns 19-23, the number of modules related to the blade tip is calculated. The characteristics of the abstradt moments for each section arelotted'from /137 the calculated data (Fig. 60); here the number of the modules from columns 22 (Table 7) are plotted on the abscissa, while on theordinate .- ,the Abstrat moment for each eiement of the blade from column 18. Subsequently, the diagram of the distribution of the moment along the bla&d&,is plotted; for this purpose, in Fig. 60 the ordinate , is drawn for the given number of modules, the intersection of which with the 'curve gives the magnitude' of the moments for all the sectibns. Transferring these values to the graph (Fig. 61), the magnitudes of the moment along the bladefare obtained. Each curve in Fig. 61 corresponds to a certain number of modules Z. In such a manner, the graph (Fig. 61) is in fact a solution of the integral of



0.0.. 2

I !

Fig. 60: Characteristics of the abstractimoment for each section of the wing. Key: 1. elementary characteristics of the moments of the wind engine

the equation


The area circumscribed by the abscissa and the curve of the moment is equal to the integral taken between the limits F = 0.2 to r = 1.0 = R. If the given area were replaced f-y an isometric quare, the base of which would be equal to r = 1, then its height in the ordinate scale would express the magnitude of moment.


r 0a5



Zo4 zThe /

Plotting on the ordinate the height of the squarestaken in Fig. 61, and on the abs<:in scissa -- the number acmodules, we obtain the aerodynamic performance of the entire wind engine, shown in Fig. 62. characteristics of the moment in Fig. 62, paxe.plotted on the basis of equation

045--10 _

1= 5s= S .2

(115) which does not take into account the tip losses. If we express these
losses by the moment of the losses, then we can substract them from the theoretical moand correct the characteristics. tip Dividing the power Tj of the losses by the angular velocity, we obtain the/138 moment of the l!adevftip losses: (146) Since: Then: Dividing this moment by the express:


Z=ment iz-r

Change in Fig. 61: the labstract moment along the bladehin relation to Z.1, Key: 1. distribution of the moment of the - i blade.


.< .:,,.o-=. i


we obt

ain it- in an abstract - -< ; ( form:

i ;-'--b-'-oB







- -i "i /o

Substituting here the value of Tfrom equation (126) and Ej from equation (79), we obtain: 2 __ _ . .. ___..




., __,__ _


_ .j-. 1t e /1+

g. 62: Calculated aerodynamiccharacterof the whole istics



The calculation of M, the moment of /139 the blade tip losses of tAis wind engine, is done in Table 8. By setting out in the losses scale of the moment, the blade tip below curve I in Fig. 62, we obtain curVe II of the characteristic of the moment which accounts for the bladetip losses and is in such a manner the final characteristic of the moment.



' 7n



I0.426 00248


0.0. 87

4 .285


5 0.28
6 0.27 7 0.26

0.265 0.228

0. "22 0.t23

9, 134

0.112 . 0.098

0.323 0.0072 )0 0.231. 3 . 0,8 0 .0 -'9

0,153 0:0363,0 0,7 0 .130 0.033201 0

Multiplying the value of the moment M by the corresponding magnitude of the number of modules Z, we obtain the output coefficient o, of the wind energy E = MZ. This coefficient,when plotted on the same graph, gives the characteristic of the power of the wind .engine shown by,a dotted curve(Fig. 62).


The Profiles"Espero'"

and Their Construction.

The profile of the wing plays a most important role in obtaining a high efficiency 'K. of the wind wheel. Numerous profiles of wings are utilized in the practice; among them, an important place is occupied by the "Esperb" profile. This profile was elaborated on atitTs AGI by engineer B. V. Korostelev, who named it "Espero". A series of the eprofileswas tested in the wind tunnel of Ts AGI at velocities of the airstream of approximately 30 m/sec. The angles of attack were taken from a = -14o to a = 900. The dimensions of /140 the handle wer@ 750 x 150 mm. The obtained results were calculated for an infinite span and are presented in the form of graphsin Fig. 63, 64. Fig. 63 gives the value of C as a function of a = -140 up,to a = 100, while Fig. 64 -- for angYes a = 100 to a = 900. On the abscissa, the thicknesses of the profile in fractions pf the chord: are plotted, while on the ordinate -- the coefficients of the lifting force of the wing :c,_= /V . Each thick curve corresponds to a certain angle of attack a in the given period. The angles a are denoted at the end of the corresponding curve. The thinner curves which intersect:ithe -thick 0 ones' 1 represent.' the curve a, p = const. i.e. each curve corresponds to a given p of the series. The value of P is shown in the middle of the curve. The curve Cy and P are constructed for a profile thickness of 6/b = 0.1 to 0.5.


Example 1.

Find C

and p for a profile


"Espero" with thickness 0.21 at an angle of = -10. Solution. On the abscissa we find the point 6/b = 0.21;startig.from it,' we go along a vertical line until the intersection with the thick/curve denoted -10o and we calculate the magnitude of the ordinate on the left scale; it will be equal to Cy = 0.827.


Fig. 65: "ispero"

Profile for the




0.2, and 0.3.

The magnitude of p is found by interpolating visually the distance of the point (6/b = 0.21; C = 0.827) from the nearest The un= 0. 0 1 and p = 0.015. thin curve known p is found to be equal to p = 0.012.

Using the graph 64, it should be kept in mind that the area circumscribed between the curve a = 10 and a = 280, gives the values of Cy and p rather inaccurately, since this region corresponds to the /142 angles of attack at which the jet is disrupted -and forms vortexes. Fig. 65 givestthe profile "E'spero" for a thickness 6/b = 0.1; 0.2 and 0.3, while Fig. 66 presents two graphs by means of which an "Espero" profile of any thickness can be constructed. On the abscissa,, the thicknesses of the profile expressed in fractions of the chord ,! n i of each curveIs for the absc'issa ofthe -profile whiCh-is' i n idi i cated..tthe ordinatejof the head of the graph -- a givesthe resentqd.The left profile for the abscissa from 0 to 0.3; the first graph -- b gives the ordinatesof the tail for the abscissas from 0.4 to 1.0. -The plotThe ting of the profile is done in the following manner (Fig. 67). axes of the coordinatesare plotted, and- thevalues of abscissas bb-

tainedby-!multiplying Ithe length of the profile chord o'f'the 'proj cted

wing by the number at the end of the curve are plotted on the,~bscis,sa Example 2. Find the ordinate of the profile of the proj'ected blade with a chord equal to 1000 mm and thickness 6/b = 0.3 for abscissa 0.2. Solution. Let us find the magnitude of the ordinate according to the curve at the end of which the number 0.2 is written. There are two such curves on the left diagram in Fig. 66; the upper curve, the ordinate of which gives a magnitude of the ordinate of:thetbackedge of'the profile equalling 0.289, and the lower carve, the ordinate of which equals' 0.0272, gives the magnitude of the ordinate of the lower part of the profile. Multiplying the obtained coordinatesby the length of the chord. we obtain for the abscissa of the projected profile,x = 0.2"1000 = 200 mm and for the ordinate,y = 0.289*1000 = 289mm and y = 0.027.2 1000 = 27.2 mm. 102






L~ ---

/ 0.,4



O 7r,-; t_~ ROP~/fiT-~'~;f/7;' :


. .~

-I 0









Fig. 63: Graph for theedetermination of C and p of wings with an Lninfinite span for " spero" profile in rela ion to a = 14 up to 100. -103


-t. -...





1J 6360


,, .







08 .86
-86o '.. -.-- , - -........ .--;-20 . o,

Fig. 64:

Graph for determination of C

span with "Eispero" profile, in


of wings of

relation to a = 10 to 90




0,2 -


Su. 04










Fig. 66: Graph of the ordinates of the "'Espero" profile, b. tail of the profile. a.. spout of the profile;


The remaining coordinates are determined in a similar manner, the pointsoare plotted, , they are united by means a Frenrch curve and the profile of the wing is obtained.




1 0.2 0,025








Fig. 67: Plotting of the "Espero" profile


CHAPTER 6. 25.



Method fdi6Obtaining the Experimental Characteristics,

The experimental characteristics of wind engines are obtained either in the wind tunnel, where an airstream is artificially created, or under natural conditions in a wind .power ... ,laboratory with a tower which is equipped with special instruments. Fig. .68represents the diagram of a wind tunnel with a diameter of 1.6 m et ipinone ofethe.l b6rato~i ",the'SSR., f ,he The main instrumentsfor testing models of wind engines in the wind tunnel are the following: 1. A micromanometer working with alcohol and with a TsAGIZ; tube for measuring the dynamic pressure of the airstream in the tube; 2. a recorder with a chronograph for recording the revolutions . of the wind whe. i'model; . 3. 4. h.':. a barometer for determining the atmospheric pressure; determining the temperature .during .i.

a thermometer for experiment.

The experimental characteristics of wind engines are obtained according to the inertia method of the Aerodynamic Institute in Kuchino. This method is based on the l1w of inertia of a revolving mass. In order to confer a known angular acceleration to a body revolving abput its own axis, a torque has to act on the body, whfch:"shouild beqequal,,' ih Kagh'i tude to the movement of inertia of the body, in this case the wind wheel,'relative to the axis of its rotati6n multiplied by /145 the angilar acceleration, i.e.: M=A -I

where M -- torque; I -- moment of inertia of the revolving body; dw/dt -- angular acceleration. In such a manner, moment in time and the ing wind wheel, we can caused by the external tunnel. knowing the angular acceleration at each moment of inertia of the model of a revolvdetermine the torque of the models M = Maer, forces,i.e. by the airstream in the wind

Determining the value of the angular velocity w, for each moment in time, the number of the mddul6s;.


corresponding to the obtained torque of the wind engine Maer is found, and subsequently the characteristics Maer = f(Z) are plotted. The diagram of wihd wheel testing fa_ W.idid'wheel is illustrated 'i> Fig. 69.

p 4


t JntH


10 c9

hll -

fit ll

kl,0 Big. 68: Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Diagram of thb wind tunnel. belt pulley four-bl.ade:ventilator hatch peep hole modelof the wind engine

7. 8. 9. 10.

fixed noz izle

devi'e foro testing wind engines container for the micromanometer sci~enfor rectifying the airstream cross section

The model of the wind engine 1 is placed in a wind tunnel 2, where an airstream is created by means of ventilator 3. On the shaft of the model, there is an electric contact 9 which onebi in the, course of a revolution of the shaft closes the circuit by making 8conact with the circuit of the electromagnet 4, which sets in motion pen 10 of chronograph 6. .The revolving of the chronograph drum takes place due to a .smallsynqhronal.dIectrom6tor'" via tranmneio-

Of the Recording t

adings ii

made on paperiblackened w*ith the

smio ~f a ker6sehe lamp, ,which covers the drum 6f 'the The recording has the shape of whit tracings on "a 4chronograph[.. black background. The drum must have a constant number of revolutions. The velocity of the airstream created by the ventilator should be 10 to 12 m/sec. As soon as a homogeneous stream is established in the wind tunnel, the mechanical stop which maintains the wind 108

engine model in a stationary state, is suddenly pulled back. Under the action of the wind stream, the wind engine is set in motion and picks up speed; after a certain interval of time, it reaches a maximum number of revolutions which.are called synchronal. As the current reaches a steady state, the number of revolutions does not change any more. At the time that the wind engine picks up speed, the two pens 10 and 11 start writing on the blackened paper; pen 10 marks its tracing after each revolutiop,,f the shaft of the wind engine model,/147

while pen 11 marks thetime each sedond.

is connected with a clock mechinism in the following manner: the penduglum of 12 o'clock, touches mercury drop 13 in its Jlo.west.' position and establishes contact closing the circuit of electro-a~,; magnet 5, and setting in motion the second pen 11.

This pen


Fig. 69: Diagram of the.,;7 devices for mfodel testing -in a windttunnel. At the same time, by means of micromanometer 15 which is connected to tube 16, the dynamic pressure of the airstream in the tunnel is measured in order to determine subsequently the velocity. The carriage with pen 10 and 11 is displaced parallel to the axis of the chronograph drum by means of screw 117. The instrument receives electrical current from the storage battery 14.


The experiment is stopped when the wind wheel, reahes'-a:synchronal 'number of- revolutions, which requires no more than 15 seconds. After the experiment, the paper is removed from the chronograph and placed in a solution of shellac which after drying fixes the soot on the paper and prevents the recording from being erased. The diagram of the recording,isshownh in Fig. 70. Processing of the experi! On the paper mental results. S - removed from the chronograph, it can be found at what time in seconds t from the beginning - .
the rotation, did the wind
3 J2


----... "-3a6n. oopooA

3 OopoTr

c..xpouE 4 co6x, oof



Diagram of ther-ectding Fig. 70: of revolutions and time. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. time after Ank revolutions revolutions synchronal revolutions after one revolution

engine reach synchronal revolutions. The seconds are denoted by figures 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,, 5, etc. above on the diagram. Synchronal revolutions are characterized by equal length of the segments An of the recording between two adjacent tracings of revolutions. On the diagram /148 these are denoted by the figures 4bov-the tiracings. 0, 1, 2, 33


bthe age length lay is found which second.

By measuring the length of the segment for each second ;-ftime of take-off, the averwas',itraced by the pen during one 7 .

where t is the number of seconds in the course of which the wind engine Ptbok off. For determining the angular velocity of the take-off of the model, the length of the segment An between the tracings of the first, second, third, etc. up to the sixth or eighth revolutions is measured. Further the segmentsof two revolutions are measured at the same time, then of three, etc. gradually increasing the measured part":Ahn after An revolutions. The smaller the difference between two segments of neighboring revolutions, the closer are the revolutions to being r" synchronal. The time Atk , in the course of whibh the wind engine made An revolutions on the singled out segment An k should be equal to: where k -- serial number of segments Ank on which An revolutions were performed (Fig. 70); ' -- length of the segment corresponding to 1 second. 110

The average angular velocity developed by the wind engine which

makes Ank revolutions corresponding to a given Ank segment,> is ob_ 2-n, radAL tained from the equation;

It is commonly considered that the average angular velocity wk of the wind engine is reached by the l1tter in the middle of the time interval Atk. Consequently, the average angular velocity wk is developed by the wind engine in the following time:

for all the individual segments ndt ftedetermining the value An, counting from the beginning of the motion and up to the on-sset !' of synchronal revolutions, the curvepeof the take-off w = f(t) is
plotted (Fig. 71).


-. - --




710 F.-Fig. 71:


position of the revolving cont depends mutual on the initial

Crv. Curve in a

of wAd

in'd .-- h-eel: elo of plot tunneland



- -

0,p on pen

interval of time at, the magnitude of which


be m


of the shaft and cotangt13 of the clockmechanism

(Fig. 69).

t = 0 (origin of the coordinates), the angular v Therefore, at The maga,,certain value, as shown in Fig. 71. my assume velocity nitude of -th angular velocity ir the same interval of time is de,by the course of the left part termined on the ordinakeaaxis ' slightly above the origin pass should which of the take-ofDcurve, smooth course. its of the coordinates, withoutdisturbing From the take-off curve, it is possible to determine graphically the angular acceleration dw/dt, corresponding to the selective values of time t and angular velocity ., For the sake of convenience in calculating the number of modules Z = oR/V, the magnitude dw/dt is determined for round values of w = 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. Fig. 71 is an example for graphic determination of the angular Let us select on the acceleration from the take-off curve w = f(t). curve points 1, 2, .... !7 through which tangent I, II, ....VII are drgawn.j On the continuation of the horizontal axis at the left, let us lay out segment OP = H which is called the polar distance, Let us draw rays P -- 1, P -- 2, while point P is called the pole. P -- 7, from point P, which are parallel to tangents I, II,... ..... VII. We can see from figure 71 that segments 01, 02, 03, 04, etc. on the axis w are proportional to the angular accelerationsin the points of the graph 1, 2, ... 7, since it can be seen from the plet of the that all these are proportional to the tangens of the slopes tangents, i:,e.: 01= tgfp; O2=HtgD\ etc.

In addition, heire al angular accelerations are also proportional to the tangenss of the slopes of the tangents on the graphs of the angular velocity. We can therefore take segments 01, 02 ... etc. as scaling values of the angular accelerations in the corresponding points. The relation between real angular and the scaling w is determined by::

analogically Differentiating the expressions, we obtain:

d dt =kl


~dt=k det,

where dw is the elementary scaling displacement,wwhile dt is the elementary scaling of time, kw and kt -- scales of the angular velocity and time. Since dw/dt = tg (Fig. 71), Let us determine the scale of the then -tg4 Z= ='

angular acceleration.


From thei p6ts (Fig. 71) for the scaling angular acceleration, for example, in point 1;

do _k



and solving equations (a), (b) obtain the unknown slcale:



(b) and (c) relative to.k[illglble], we ,k

In order to determine the aerodynamic moment of the wind wheel, the moment of its inertia relative to the axis of rotation should be known. This moment is determined by means of a three-thread hanger according to the methodfsuggested by Prof. V. P. Vetchinkin. The hanger is a three-blade symmetrical woodeni-,istar wheel, which is suspended by means of ' -.three threads (Fig. 72). The point of attachment of the threads to the starwwheel form an equilateral triangle; thus, the threads of the hanger form a circular cylinder with a vertical axis. There is an opening in the center of the /152 star wheel in which-the shaft is paced,with the model of the wind wheel attached to it; the axis of the shaft coincides with the It should be kept in mind that after it is axis of the cylinder. blast of model doas .not.move on the 7 shaf$ f . the1intrumnt, and the angle r = 1 does not change. The system of the hanger (thread'-- model + star wheel) is likened-toa body suspended on an elastic bar;-,- I! the star wheel is carefully rotated around its vertical axis at a small angle and then released. The system undergoes oscillations around its vertical axis in a horizontal plane, the period of which is determined by the following: _,e where Et. is the time in the course of which the system makes nc full oscillations. Subsequently the sy stem is deflected at;.a,-s all distance the star wheel starts to on. iffel2d4a small angle and then released; to describe flat oscillations. The period of these oscillations, analogically to the previous case, is equal to: iAfter obtaining t aperiod fthe oscillations, the radius of the inertia is determined by means of the following equationl~\\p, where r is the distance from the center of the star wheel to the point of attachment of the thread.


This expression was obtained on the basis of th the following conclusion. In his work "Method for the Experimental Determination of Inertia Moment of Solid Bodies by Means of a MutlipleThread Hanger", V. P. Vetchinkin, gives the formula for. ?.determining. _ the period of oscillation of the suspended system for the case when all the threads are situated-about the vertical /153 axis of a circular cylinder with"a p arallel .axipassing through he ceter of'gravit:

}ft= TCK


where r is the radius of the cylinder formed by the threads of the hanger with a length': ; c is the distance between the center of gravity of the body and the axis of the cylinder. If the center of gravity of the body is situated on the axis of the threads, then c = 0, as"is the ~case Vitk. '~i~t '3 thread ,hanger, and equation (a) assumes the aspect: hence the moment of inertia: , T~Mg,

Fig. 72: Threethread hanger

(c) (c)

Let us transform the expression in equation (c) and write it in the following form:

The expression inoparentheses is 'one divided by the period of oscillation of a mathematical -endulum- i.e: consequently

Substituting the right part of this equality in equation (c), we obtain: T2 S (d) I= li' in addition: (e) o= Mlp', where p is the radius of the inertia.


From equations (d) and (e) we find:

T2 -




radius of the inertia is equal to:

m is the mass of the star wheel;

r is 0.0801 m for the star wheel of the Aerodynamic Laboratory

in Kuchino. The moment of the inertia of the model should be equal to the moment of inertia of the hanger system with the model minusmment @f inertia of the star wheel, i.e.:

For the Aerodynamic Laboratory in Kuchino, Istw is known ad equal to:

Since the relative aerodynamic momentnof the wind engine, according to equation (114), is equal to:
K!pa2 VR3r


where of the


is the relative moment of inertia of the model wind engine. /155

Multiplying all the values of .i dw/dt by the magnitude I, elative aerodynamic moment M. of values for.the a series wethobtain

In determining the velocity of the airstream on the basis the micromanometer readings, the atmospheric pressure and air temperature have to be taken into account, as well as the correction factors of -. the micromanometer: T


where C is the correction coefficient of the given micromanometer =


0.132-- mass density of the air at 00 and 760 mm atmo". spheric pressure; ACn -- correction factor for 77-7 alcohol; Ab -- correction factor fo ",temperature and atmospheric pressure; Ab 273 . 5 -L -where: coefficient tub efm heom icl m met r0"l .2 ; height of the fluid in the micromarionmeter above 'O
L = L' - Lo,


L' is the height of the column of fluid in the micromanometer at the moment of.take-off; L o is the height of the fluid in the micromanometer prior to the creation of pressure.

After determining the velocity of the air flow, the number of modules Z is found for each given w, corresponding to the acceleraion tion dw/dt found according to graph' 71: z avi ,:: M and its corresponding Z, it is easy to plot the characteristic:M = f(z);~ further, by means of the equality MZ, the characteristic is readily plotted: C = f(Z). The tests are performed in duplicate and the average values of /156 two determinations are taken for plotting the characteristics of a given model. 26. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Wind Engines

The curve describing the relationship between the diverted moment and the outpatacoefficient of the wind energy on one hand, and number of modules on the other hand, are called aerodynamic characteristics of wind engines. The mainumagnitude characterizing a wind engine from the aerodynamic point of view are; in the opinion of G. Kh. Sabinin, the following (Fig. 73): Zn -- normal velocity or normal number of modules at which C = max. The magnitude Zn is situated on the abscissa opposite the point of int'ers6-tion with t1hh6rizohta i line with characteristic ,. Mn -- normal relative torque developed by the wind engine,with a normad numbqrof mpdules. MO -- initial relative moment or moment of pick4p therewith t Z6 = 0 . 116

Mma x -- maximal relative moment which can be developed by the wind engine. The ratio Mmax/Mn is called the overloading of -t'he 'wihd -engine. Z O -- the synchronal7 velocity is that number of modules at which M = 0. The aerodynamic characteristics of the.wind wheel change depending on the number and the shape of the bladesas well as on the position of the blade in the wind ow The change of theccharacteristics of the wind wheel at various rigging angles of the propeller blade can be seen in Fig. 74, /157 which presents the characteristic of .8 d widfd whee

modeli obtained in three experiments with the following rigging angles

P of

the blades: I Number ro of,,experiments


Distanc e from . . he ' 'I the axis ,.0 - 0ros

17 26-


i ............


. .







The model of the wind wheel has:

. 0,


0, 2

The conti uous lines in Fig. 74 show


the -curves IM, while the dotted lines are the E curves for all three experiments nde 'oprresp,ondingly r rI sfpt . The best paramters of %he chaaicter'rstics were obtained with smallest rigging angles (see curves M and E,Fig. 74 and table).

zo V

Fig. 73: Plotting of of the aerodynamic chardteristic of the wind wheel.

The effect of the wi g. s~ & .:', the characteristics of the wind wheel is shown by the curve in Fig. 75, obtained in a wind tunnel for two models of wind wheels of a four-winged windmill. Model I had flat blades with a constant width b-= 0.283 R and a constant rigging angle:
= 140; r /R = 0.2;

Model II with propeller,$b2ades, width b = 0.357, R = const;., the rigging angles are presented in the following table. The continuous lines in Fig. 75, illustrate the curves M, while the dotted lines show the E curves. 117

Wing wheel I gives a maximal output_ coefficie__nt olf 4the, wind energy, at E = 0.17; wind wheel II gives E = 0.316, Consequently, the blades with a variable rigging angle and a as compared to the flat bent profile, have f'almds twice,l arger-,I blades of a windmill with constant rigging. angle. /158 The shape of the wings affect strongly the magnitude of 5. The streamline\profile of the'wing of the wind wheel increases E to a larger extent thantthe variable rigging angle. Figure 76 shows the characteristics of a four-blade wind engine, with flat blades and streamlined profile a. <constant rigging angle ~in a wind tunnel. r'.-testing m'~ddel = 140, obtained during Comparing this characteristic with the characteristic of a four/159 blade windmill in which k blades ha-ccensant rigging angle 4 = 140 (see curves I in Fig. 75), we find that the ,outpu fi 4;U)---wind energy of the wind wheel with streamlined profila,"of the wings, is 2.3 times larger than in the same wind engine wi'th( ,, blades in the form of plates attached to the f Tests of wind wheel models of a rural windmill with three different profiles of the wings showed that the wing of this mill with a streamlined profile increases E almost twofold, even if it does so only from the rear, side (Fig. 77). This is explained by the fact the more streamlined the /161 body the smaller the drag which breaks the rotation of the wind


S 2-

-' l


In addition, the stream-

lined shape of the wing in the

rear side, makes it possible for the stream in this part to
flow with a higher sp. da6with3.


U2. 3 Z

out turbulence, which causes a Aerodynamic characFig. 74: teristic of an 18-blade wind wheel Table to Figure 74.
Experimenth S

larger lifting force. Let us establish further the effect of the number of blades and of the coefficient
of charge k on the character-

Pareter Ma . inal..ieff iient o u-ti0.on o win3 eerg

Ihitial torque MO
Number of modules Zn
0.35 0.35 0,33

istics. This coefficient represents the ratio of the.area of the blade to the surface
marked off by the wind wheel.











Denoting the coefficient of charge by k 3 , the area of the s ,by.S, _ad1the area marked
off by , welbtain:


. .2

" " -, -"

. 4



G. Kh. Sabinin performed experimental investigations of four.models with different numbers of blades and different coefficients of charge of
the marked off area, i.e.: 4 3 ;of blades I Number
.006 Coefficient of --. A o0

1.0 1.5

1 0 -.

6 0.295

Fig. 75: Characteristic of a 4-blade windmill I --



charge k

with flat blade and rigging angle p = 140 = const;

I -with propeller blade. Table (to Figure 75) Notations axi tro

The profiles(5)odf the tested


blades are shown in Fig. 80. The experimental characteristics for this wind engine are presented in Fig.78 and 79. Examining the obtained characteristics, we see that the

Distance from I theaxis

0,2 1 0, 0,6


de Eed< n .... o0535 S

291 2915-

25 7, 2557

2223 22'23' 0.0203

1811' 1811'

it5, 15'1 0.0108

number of blades .a'ffect little the coefficient of charge of

the wind energy.

Some increase




imug is observed only in the wind engine. However, this increase cannpt be attributed to the large number of blades. This increase could
be caused by other circumstances,





are hard to account for in the experimental model. Hence it follows that,,, the

power of the wind engine does not depend on the number of


of the wind wheel; It

depends only on the diameter of


._ "

the wind wheel, the shape of the blades and their position z

in the wind /f-low.v

"--I The change

Fig. 76: Characteristic of the 4-blade wind wheel with streamlined flat blades. Rigging angle p 7 140 = const.

in the number of blades 'Affects strongly the rapidity and the initial moment of the wind wheel. For example, according to Fig.778, the 6-blade wind engine has a normal rapidity
of Zn = 21.7 and an initial




--Swind '. . , ,
I acceleration

moment M0 = 0.067, while the 2-blade engine has a rapidity/163 Zn = 5 (Fig.779) and.M 0.01.
Ic n such a manner, the 6-blade

engine has a rapidity which is equal to approximately 1/2.5 of the <saje,.,magntd,_-!nthi 2-blade wind wheel, while the initial moment is 6.7 times
larger. If we compare the of.these wind engines which represent the


,f I,0 2.0 Fig. 77:


ratio of the initial moment to the normal one M0/Mn, we obtain fo the 6-blade engine


Characteristic of a,==

while f6r the 2-blade engine 0,

In such a.. manner, the acceleration is 3.3 times larger in the 6-blade engine than in the 2-blade wind engine. is observed between the initial

9ural wirimill. wind,.ze e , . -"a:: k;

.riou L , i arious p..... profiles of the wing

a. with flat blades; b. with streamlined spout; c. with streamlined back of blade

An even larger difference

Smoment i-

of multiple-blade wind engines and that of sparsely-

bladed ones.

For example, in
0.5, in'

M ,0 = 0.1, .. .I i.e. it is 1/50 of the value in the ulti-blade.? engine. Knowing the Sm Saerodynamic'characteristics and the -1 effect of various factors on their main magnitudes, we can give the L ' 2 34 D 6 7 s 9 0. 1 correct solution to several problems of construction of the wind wheel Fig. 78: Characteristic of wind wheels with various numunder definite conditiens of operation of the wind engine. For exbers of blades. Sample, a sparsely-bladed wind engine which is characterized by great rapidity and a small moment of pickup is most suited for .*: working with a generator which has a small moment of pickup and works with a:alarge number of revolutions. ' A> multiple-bladed wind engine isw more suited for working with a rotary piston pump which loads the engine with a large moment of pickup and requires few revolutions.

I the 2-blade wind engine

a 18-blade wind engine M 0


27. Experimental Testing of the Theory of Wind Engines. thept o f ind reiTine was tested by G.TKh-. Sabinin. [36] Preliminarily the aerodynamic-, characterization of a series of wind enSgines with number of blades i = 2, 3, 4 and 6, was performed according 'JiO IFtotthe classical theory and according to the theory of G. Kh. Sabinin. The models were designed with an"espero" blade profile and with an increasing thickness of the blade from the end to the bush i.e. 6/b = 0.12 to 6/b = 0.24. The drag coefficient for a 2-blade wind engine was 0I . - ............. y.. lo J assumed to be vl/V = 0.3, for the /166 Fig. 79: Characteristics of remaining ones vit was v 1 /V = 0.35. the moment of wind wheels For each element along the blade vl/V was taken const. The conwith various numbers of vblades s struction of the models and their blades. dimensions 4 are presented in Fig. 80. As a result of testig the model, the characteristics presented in Fig. 81, 82, 83, and 849, were obtained, where k.7 thick line 3 represents experimental characteristics of the moment, - thin line 1 was,:- obtained by calculations according to the classical theory and thin line 2,. was obtained by calculating according tbcthe theory of G. Kh. Sabinin.


Examination of the above presented characteristics shows that the curve obtained according to the'theory of G. Kh. Sabinin, in all cases attmaR/V < 4, i. e. in the right part of the graph, are above the experimental curves, while the curves obtained according to the classical theory are below them, with the exception of the 2-blade wind engine, in which both theoretical curves are below the experimental one at a number of modules which is similar to the synchroaal number. Let us note further that the theoretical characteristics to both G. Kh. Sabinin and the classical theory differ from the experimental ones to a large extent. The experimental curve at /168 wR/V > 4 seems to be the average curve drawn between the curves calculated by the two theories. Examining the curves at wR/V < 4, the left part of the graph, we see a completely different picture. Both theoretical curves almost coincide, while they are much b le 7 'i, the experimental








=2 8o

periments were performed in the wind tunnel D = 6 m with





two models of wind engines of larger dimensions: one model of a 3-bladed wind

wheel had D = 2.2 m and Zn



5-3 37 !030 -

3-blade, but with narrow

blades and more rapid, had D = 2.5 m and Zn = 7. These experiments are interesting in that, in addition to the characteristics of the moment, experimental characteristics the axial pressure of the stream on the wind wheel were obtained. The experimental and theoretical characteristics of these wind engines, are presented in Fig. 85 and


37.5 -,37.5-37.


.29oO 0


-- ""

0 o- 1
50 -

2.7 ,

6 270o .23.o

86, where the thin curveswere

by G. Kh. Sabinin's theory, while the thick dotted '- 'lines we~~abtinddexperimentFig. 86 illustrates the circles of the experimental characteristic of the model D = 0.5, a copy of which is the( model with D = 2.2 m. These points show that the experimental characteristics of both models in the right part are s imilar ,arnd , .:


,.ally. o-.5 o-_


Fig. 80: Models of wind wheels with various numbers of blades.

III - -are
S L.


very close to the theoret-

ical curve, while in the upper and left part of the graph, they

are markedly divergent. The same is noted for curve of

coefficientsB, characterizing the axial pressure. SI

where P -- is the force of the

axial pressure; this magnitude

Characteristics of Fig. 81: theoretical and experimental moments for 2-bladed models of wind wheels, 122

is also called frontal pressure, while B is the coefficient of (oading. These experiments are interesting in that they

u .1


0 i 1 2 3 4 5

confirm the correctness of both G. Kh. Sabinin's theory as.well as of the classical theory. The discrepancy between experiment and experiSment ['i',erItlafh.> charac. teristics4,-leav~esno doubt as to the. correctness of these theories ,j s, , the discrepancies are so insigInificant, that they are practically neg itglbe;,

Fig. 82: Characteristics of the moments for 3-bladed models of w wheels.







4. ri

S .
3 --


Fig. 83: Characteristics of the moments for 4-bladed models of wind wheels.


Fig. 84: Characteristics of the moments for a 6-bladed wind he



= -


0,05I I

ho 01 c

t eristics

00, t o ,O 0 % ,40,1,s a 0,00,t 3 0



wind enine D

2 5!m,

Experimental and Fig. 85: theoretical characteristics

of the wind engine D = 2.5 m;
Z = 7; i = 3




rection ttheoretical oth .. -.... ... -


theoretical with coriect

wind engine D = 2 .2; i =3. Key:

g. 86: Experimental and characteristics of

Z = 4 .5;

1. theoretical 2. experimental





The experimental testing of real wind wheels on towers with measured wind flow, is valuable and necessary because the.result obtained under these conditions illustrate most truly the operation of wind engines. The airstream in a wind tunnel, acts on the model with a velocity which is constant in magnitude and diredtion, while the wind flow dashing over the wind wheel under. real conditions changes both in velocity and inits direction. In addition, wind wheels have various details on their wings, whose purpose is to regulate the number of revolutions, and certain things which it is anot always possible to carry out on at-model. of Towers 28. !Equimenfht':, for the Testing of Wind Engines. The testing of wind engines under natural conditionsYis performed on towers equipped with special instruments and devices. Fig. 87 illustrates the upper part of the experimental tower of the Windpower Labor-

atory TsAGI,>", in which the

axis of the wind wheel is situated at the height of 45 m [52]. Fig. 87: General view of the upper part of an experimental tower. Such experimental towers have a wind engine which consists of a head of Eattice construction, as well as various electric, measuring and recording devices. The diagram of the elec tric machinery of an experimental tower is shown in Fig. 88. The DC generator with a power of 1.75 to 4.75 kW' at 900 to 12751pmi-the voltage"/171 230 '1has additional polesw ith independeht "'itat ion and a differential compound winding K which can be switched over to a compoundwinding. The motor generator with a power of 5.5 kW~. 1425 rpm, consists 125

Diagram of the electriFig. 88: cal equipment.

of a

DC generator with inde-

pendent excitation of 230 V

and a 3-phasei asynchronal motor of 220 V connected to the electrical, cirduit.Te



D. The. obtained electrical current goes 'r through a. switchboard $,' to motor generator M. This machine works as a miot . and sets in motion the asynchrod,na: generator r which sup/172

eng ne n B set6 _in :ntioin

plies the current to the cjmcuit


Such a diagram makes it possible to regulate the power and the number of revolutions limit from 0 to any value. The regulation is performed The regulation-is performed by means of. excitation $r ,t48 of the dynamo ipfS wind en . R1 and motorgenerator R 2.

Fig. 89: Electro-anemometer of the system designed by Prof.

of the wind wheel within the

6if,~j WCC .


The measuring equipment df the experiment l tower is selected so as to'obtain a complete aerodynamic performance of the wind engine. During the testing,the following parameters have to be measured: instantaneous and average wind velocities, torque and number of revolutions of the wind engine. The wind velocities are masured maof wind velocity by by meansof means of two elecof the system tret.. er s of Prof. Sabinin, which are built on the principle of a The DC generator (Fig. 89). recording of the velocities is performed on a recording.,volt 1 meter.. In order to avoid interference with.the readings of the anemometers by the wind engine, the anemometers "

Fig. 90: Diagram of measurement of wind velocity by means of two electro-anemometers. Key: 1. electro-anemometers 2. recorder 3. storage battery



' IR

are situated on poles in the plane of the wind wheel at a distance of 20 m f,, othe~ on bbth-sides of the axis of the wind wheel, at equal distance from it. The system of measurement of the wind velocity by means of two electroanemometers is shown in Fig. 90. Both instruments are Dconnected inn series to the same recorder., The reference reading of the recorder is obtained when the electro-anemometers have their blades removed. Voltmeter V serves for determination of the voltage of the, battery. When voltmeter V is disconnected and the switch _ is./ positioned on clamp, n both anemometers will give their total electro-imotik force to the recorder.




Fig. 91: Schematic of electrodynamometer.

The measurement of wind velocity in two points gives..a more /173 reliable result. Since the energy of the wind is proportional tolthe cube of its velocity, the error in the determination of the power increases to the same degree. For the sake 6f greater accuracy, the velocity of the wind should be measured not in two but in many points, however, the measurement is extremely complicated. ii For. measuring the torque, an electro-dynamometer is used (Fig. 91). The dynamo-starter and the gear casing are made of one unit and they.can revolve in their bearings. A , in is attached to the gear casing which is connected by means of .wash6hisosprings P 1 and In addition, brush C is connected on a support to the dynamoP2. meter; the brush glides along the winding of the reostat-rheometer R 1 . Under the effect of the magnetic field, the starter turns to reverse, and it compresses either spring P 1 or P 2 depending on the' direction where 'the.starter.tuns_. _TIn this momentsh C mosh es along rheometer R 1 which receives the current from battery A through clamps -a~ nd b. ' The milliammeter B with recorder, -is connected by means of a clamp to the clamp of rheostat a, and by means of the other clamp through regulating rheostat R 2 and switch E to brush C. When the switch is"poitioned chclamp 1, the recorder shows a certain voltage reading. The greater the compression of the spring, the larger the deflection of the brush and the larger the reading on/ 174 the recorder. The switch is set on clamp 2, in order to check the reference reading of recorder and circuit.


In order to soften the strokes and to obtain cording, an oil-damper is attached to the starter pass valve. Calibration of the springs P 1 and P 2 means of a weight suspended to the lever which is starter. The shorter of the levers is 1.385 m in varies from 1 kg to 45 kg.

a more smooth reby means of a bis performed by attached to the length, its weight

The number of revolutions of the wind wheel is recorded by means of a tachometrice machine, the diagram of which is represented in

Fig. 92.

The tachometric machine 1i, is connected by means of a belt-drive with the shaft of the wind engine by means of one of the intermediate shafts of the reduction gear. Recorder 4,<y records the revolutions. Battery 2 and rheostat 3 serve for reference tests. In such a manner, the recording of the wind velocities, torques ,and of the number of

revolutions d~TiEthe tst

Fig. 92: Diagram of a tachometric machine.

is pe6,em6d'

simultaneously on the recorders of the electroanemometers, electro-dynamometer and tachometric machine.

The processing of the recordings of the three observed magnitudes is performed each minute. The average values of the readings of the instruments are determined by means of a planimet-er*.2_,7 -and written on forms which contain the formulas by means 6-f-hih the unknown magnitudesfM and 5 are calculated. This processing yields one point of performance. Under conditions of large fluctuations in the rotation of the wind engine permminute, a correction is introduced for the increment in kinetic energy of the rotating mass, determined by the




where: I c -- moment of inertia of the wind wheel; angular velocities of rotation in the wl andww 2 beginning and end of each minute; velocity of the wind engine .ngular -average in minutes; t -time of the experiment in minutes.


The increment in moment AM is the average moment of aerodynamic forces per minute spent on the increasei,,in kineti6, energy of the rotating wind wheel.


The barometric pressure and the temperature on which the mass density of the air is dependent, are taken into consideration in processing the observations, and in . i.calculations of the performance. 29. Correspondence Between the Performance of the Wind Engine and Its Model. The testing of the theoretical performance of the wind engine is pefformed by testing a wind wheel under natural conditions and Comparing the theroetical performits model in the wind tunnel. ance of a wind engine with theexperimental performance, the degree of discrepancy between these performances is rqvealed.), jn ,accurate -tests; a'tly calculated, wind,. . 'wheel 'should give experimental performances which are near the theoretical ones. first The discrepancy between these performances may be caused of all by the fact that the wind wheel operating under natural conditions differs from the fodel tested in the wind tunnel. There are various devices for regulating the number of revolutions and power on the wings of the real ,wind engine, as well as fasteningswhich insure, its strength; th6se details are usually not reproduced on the model. AS 3blade Such a comparative test was performed at TsAGI, wind wheel was built. with a diameter D = 8 m, and a module number of the = 60 at the etei-tip Zn = 4.5, with a igg ng angle blade. The profile of the wing was calculated for six sections situated along the propeller line and without any steering ldevices 'on-theblade. The construction of the wing is shown in Fig. 93, while Fig. 9 4 shows the congruency of its sections; this gives the picture of the disposition of the blade sections relative to each other.., The main data of the aerodynamic anal si's,: of a wind engine (according to the theory G. Kh. Sabinin) are presented in Table 9. TABLE 9






. 0.7 .25

' ' 0 .1 3.~2 ' SlI l 3' 3.15 023' 0.7






0.68 0.0i71 0.35

0.17 0.19 0.21

0,7 - 0014
0.7 013 0.84 0,01 0.933 0.01

0.3 .3

0.55 2:47 0,4 I1J

0O33' 1417' 0455' 8 305'

O,S' 09,2

1.12 4*15

23'3' , 100





Fig. 93:

Construction of

he ing of an

experimental wind wheel, D = 8 m, Zn i = 3, m/b = 0.35.


The aerodynamic perform" /177 ance of this wind engine, obtained by testing under natural conditions, is shown in Fig. 95. S In addition, the model of such a wind engine was tested in a wind tunnel. The model showed complete similarity to the wind engine D = 8 m, tested ,


. 1

The performance obtained by calculation and by testing of the wind engine under natural conditions and of its 1. direction of the wind Key: model in a wind tunnel, are 2. plane of rotation presented in Fig. 96, where the thick'continuous curve is I-' is the theoretical curve (dots); II same curve obtained durthe is III obtained in the wind tunnel, and conditions. natural ing the test of the wind wheel under >good agreement /178 x.fairly Comparison of the curves shows a, between the theoretical and mfde1 p'erformances arth1e fil1-scalwieine = 0.497; testing of the model in the wind tunnel gives yifelds 7;while" under natural conditions Emax = 0.40. As we see, .m&0 ax of the the discrepancies are small, which confirms the correctness method of aerodynamic analysis according to the given theory.

secCongruency of the Fig. 9 4: tionsof the wing blade, shown in Fig. 93.

under natural conditions.


In order to explain the .



inf luencee of the rigging angle

on the performance, t'sts were performed at various rigging angles p of the blade of this wind engine, under natural conditions. The obtained /179 characteristics in relation to the rigging angle of the blade 4 are shown in Fig. 97. -in:agriculThe method .usd t, r f or testing wind- eh-, gines,differs somewhat from testing wind engines under laboratory conditions. In agriculture, an entire wind power unit- is usually tested for a definite type of work. The' 'ta'sk of these ;:test:s a.r@ obtaining the performance of agriculturAlmachines in relation to the revolutions and the search fortthe most convenient conditions of:-exploitation of the wind power unit, for a given type of work. As a result of the tests, guidelines have to be elaborated for the exploitation of the given machine with the wind engine. The following points should be included in the prografiN of the tests: 1. examination of the giicultural exploiconditions of tation of the wind installation; 2. compilation of its technical performance; 3. preparation of a wind power unit for tests corresponding to local conditions;



ope 0,6



SFig. 95: Experimental performance of the wind wheel (see Fig. 93). ,


0.06 0"5-1!N 0.04 0.02



6 7 9 0 Fig. 96: Characteristics of the wind wheel D = 8 m; Zn = 4.5; i = 3: I-theoretical curve; II-curve obtained in the wind tunnel; III-curve obtained by testing under natural conditions.




I !. ,


Il il il l J

4. testing of the wind in- /180 stallations with determination of: a. the. performance of the wind
engine while working.with band brake


or brake block if the local conditions permit it,



b. wind velocities at which the

wind engine starts to operate, is regulated and stops,


,--c. 4
i "N

losses dueitto friction in the wind engine and in the transmission to the power tool,



d. output of the wind power depending on the wind velocity

_and the revolutions of the wind

Fig. 97: wheel D = tested at angles of

Performance of a wind 8 m, Zn = 4.5, i = 3, various rigging the blade.

wheel, e. performance of the power tooLconnected to the wind engine. The results of the test are ent.ere-d: in protocols, summarizingi tables are set up and the performance of the wind installation is plotted, on the basis of which conclusions are made on the advis bility of using a wind engine for the work with a given machine.

Key: 1-calculated

The details of the performance test of wind engines are exposed in the author's book Metodika ispytaniya vetrodvigateley, rabotayushchikh s tsentrob'ezhnymi nasosami i s sel'skokhozyayst[Method for testing wind engines operating vennymi mashinami with centrifugal pumps and with agricultural machines], 1959.





The wind constantly. changes its direction, mainly in the horizontal plane. The wind engine operates most effectively at a time when the velocity of the wind is directed perpendicularly to the plane of rotation of the wind wheel. Hence it follows, that the wind wheel should be made by appropriat'e means to follow the changes in the direction of the airstreadm. These movements which follow, the direction of the wind are called adjusment of the wind engine to the wind. In the simple wind engine, the home-made adjustments of the , ,ind w.heel-t6 thewwindis made by hand, while in the factory-made improved model, the wind wheel is automatically adjusted to the wind. The manual adjustment means of an ordinary lever the mill, or by means of a more detail in the section to the wind is performed <l either by which is fastened to the rotating part of gearing. This question is discussed in on windmills (sections58 and 61).

The automaticaadjustment to the wind is performed by the following four methods: 1-by means of a tail which acts analogically to a wind vane; 2-by means of small wir:engines. called windroses - which act on the rotating part of the wind engine through gearing; 3-disposition of the wind wheel behind the t/ower of the wind engine by the principle of adjustment to the wihnd:by.mea"6f the tail; 4-adjustment to the wina:.>by means of an electrical motor. All of these methods of adjustment to the wind are applied in practice. /182


Adjustment by Means of the Tail.

In low-power wind engines, up to 15 hp, the wind wheel is adjusted to the wind by means of a tail which acts like a wind vane. When the wind is directed perpendicularly to the wind wheel (direction 1 in Fig. 98), no forces which shifftsthetail to any side appearcon the surface. As soon as the wind phanges its direction (direction 2 in Fig. 98), a lateral force PtZ appears on the surface of the tail which turns it and along with it, he head of the wind engine around the vertical axis. This rotation continues until the tail becomes parallel,while the plane of rotation of the windmill becomes perpendicular to the direction of the wind. The following forces act on iia system which rotates around its vertical axis (Fig. 99 and 100);


1. a force acting on the surface of the tail during deviationso;of the windyp to.Y = + 200; w,"h is: equal to: e.

, PtCF Ti--;





is the coefficient which accounts' for losses in velocity of. the airbehind the wind wheel;
2. aerodynamic forces acting

on the wind wheel: Fig. 98: Diagram of the adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind by means of the tail. Key: Key: . lateral view 2. top viewy SPtl

(153) =


wherei R is the radius of the wind lateral view wheel; _ and x are coefficients of the aerodynamic forces which are adj ust.ed.experime'ntal;ly duringthe ' testi3g of the whole wind wheel. This coef '/183 ficient is analogous to the coefficients C and C x which are obtained the blade. by (testing In Fig. 101 and 102Ajthe graphs showing the changes in y and x are shown for a-multi T15e- aded an-aa h e ! s arse ep y-badfed wm '' while Fig. 103 and 104 present the graphs for the determination of the point of application of forces "'X which are directed parallel to the axis of rotation of the wind wheel. These curves were plotted on the basis , of an experimental investigation in a wind tunnel performed by I. V. Smirnov, and may serve as a guide for calculating the aerodynamic forcesacting on a wind c : wheel.



Fig. 99: Diagram of the action of forces on a wind engine with a lateral blade. " Y.. l. . ' -.

Diagram of the action Fig. 100: a wind engine, the'of forces on axis of which is shifted relative,, to the vertical axis of the tower.


The force on the surface /186 from the side behind the wind wheel for purposes of regulaSattached

tion ( for': 'egulation Fig. 119), equals:


see sec. 33,



R b




.... .

In equations (152) and (155), CR is the coefficient of the drag force which is the resultant of the
lifting and drag forces appearing the surfaces, under the action

5 .on

Fig. 101: Curves of the coefficients Y and X of the aerodynamic forces acting on a 1 1t IDel-bladed wind wheel in relation to the angle of rotation of the wind enoginef frmed .iithenorm.pOP sition,M = const, n = 624 rpm 1 4 Zn = =
S ,-

of the flow which fbrms\with it an angle a. The magnitude of the coefIficient of the resultant force is equal to: Cl -(156) The coefficients C and C the plates, can fo theplates, can e taken from o the curve in Fig. 105.
In solving equations(152):iand /187

(155), we assume that the direction of the resultant forces of drag Ptl
and Pb

isaSperpendicular to the sur-

face, whichis riot entirely true.. The resultant .force of.the u face reistanc e whi h s inf +jclined :at anange a with re sp c to' t he flow, 'forms a" certain ~ le e o with the perendi1I'
-. --

:ular t6 the surface (at angles 7ttin the angeIofdeflection, f the rsultant R.does not exceedO'= .10 .

7 70

o .o3U

oo0 t 10



efficientsY and X of the aerodymanic forces : 'r model "Syur" 4-blade wind engine with load, in tail, without without tail, with load, in relation to the angle of formed with the normal position
i- the wind; n = 1860 rpm, Zn = 5.

that the point of application of this force, changes with the change in the angle of attack. Its position on the surface is determined by means of equation (4 4a) and Fig. es of the change 106, where the curv in the center of pressure are presented for blades with various ratios
of length 1/6). 135

Further,'iit should be mentioned

cord b (y-


-9/b = 1; 3; 6; 1/3;

of the plate to its

Forces Pt , Y, X and Pbl, which are expressed 5y equations (k52),, (153), (1.54), and (155), create moments relative to the vertical axis, which maintainh the system in equilibrium: (157)
MX= Xa . M= X ( .we Fig 9,9) -> -to (Accordin a)




where a, , is'the" distance from the

of pressure to the axis of rotation of the wind wheel; it is Fig. 103: Curves of the centers taken with a + sign when the center of pressure a = a/R of a 18-blade6f pressure is situated to the right wind engine, to Fig. 101. of the axis of rotation of the wind wheel and with a - sign when it is S03 SYI Ix situated to the left of the axis of /188 rotation.of the wind wheel; e is 0,2 ',:displacement the magnitude of 'l ' ' b ISof the axis of the wind wheel relative to the axis of the tower

(Fig. 100); L and L' are the dis60

400 2

0. 2

401 600

tance frmi the axis :of.._ otatin. o'f'' 'to the center of pressure 0 te.head of oI the surface corresponding to the

tail and to the blade.

Fig. 104: Curves of the centers of pressure a = a/R of a 4-blade "Syur" wind engine without tail with load in relation to the angle y. The revolutions of the model n = 1860 = const; Z = 5; to Figure 102. vertical axis((Fig. 107). The circular force which sets the pinion in motion, causes a reactiveinforcef Pp which acts on the arm r relative to the vertical axis. This force creates a torque of the whole head, which is able to turn around the vertical axis. The magnitude of the reactive moment is determined by means of the equation: P 76,2'-V (160) In wind engineswith vertical rotating shafts, the moment of the reactive force of the pinion piece on the vertical shaft .exerts a great influence on the position of the wind-driven wheel relative to the direction of the wind. This moment is called the reactive moment. It tends to turn the head of -t6 wind engine, relative to the


1cyu c


A. i

1-- .,v

the power of the wind where N is engine in h ;



-4C 1
40 60 '0 20 40 G 4 40 060~

n is the number of revolutions per minuteo)of the vertical shaft at a given power.
We can see from equation (160) that the reactive moment is equal to the torque of the shaft of the wind engine. OUr:system will L':e in equilibrium when the sum of the moment of the forces acting on it relative to the .vertical axis Z - Z will be equail ,to zero, i.e. Q I M.Z JI , + MA A! - Mp0.1O,+ and

Fig. 105: Changes in the coof the efficient Cy and C blades in relation to the angle a. Key: C ,Q:a.d 1. 2. fiat surkace flat surface ,quare 3.K

0 O

A9 e


for the system shown in

W.,,,, -



I[, , , o, - - O


the system shown in Fig. 100. From these equations, we can obtain the momentso~ftthe tail for the system shownin Fig. 99 and 100.



4o 0

o a iw

Fig. 106: Curves of the cenflat plates d ter of pressure & according to Eiffel.

+ , lp - ,-M (161) Mx.= M-M'. (162) i The forces causigthese moments,.' (153), '152), are given by equations

(154) and1


One can follow the effect of the position of the system in the wind flow from the magnitude of the moment caused by the action of the wind on the surface of the tailand the /%189 wind~diven wheel, in the experimental data obtained by I. V. Smirnov. Fig. 108 gives the experimental curve of the moments for those cases when the wind-driven wheel does not change its initial positbon, i.e. the tail is rigidly connected to the head of the wind engine. Fig. 109 and 110 show the curves nmde of the relative moments for wind engines regulated by the "Eklips" system with blades and with out it, Con regulation see section 33). These curves represent the change in the magnitude of the moment which rotate the head relative to the vertical axis,:, (:i n relation to the angle y formed between the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel and the direction of the wind. The relative (nondimensional) moment Mz is called the ratio.)of the dimensional moment Mz found : '


z tWi

experimentally to the area marked off by 2 , the radius of the wind-driven wheel the wind-driven wheel R and the dynamic /190 1 pressure pV 2 /2, i.e. MAt

where M z is the dimensional magnitude of the moment in kgm; R is the radius of the wind-driven wheel in m. It.folloWs from equation (163) that the dimensional moment is equal to: -(164) j

Z., l 1

Fig. 107: Diagram of the actiio of the reactive moment of transmission. Key: 1. M ,

The curve of the moment. shown in Fig. 108, 109 and 110 were obtained for models with the following ratio of the construction dimensions of thessysted:
Sweep of the wind-driven wheel --

.)/D = 0.125 for the curves in Fig. 108

Likewise -- A.4/D = 0.167 for the curves in

Fig. 109 and 110 Sweep of the surface of the tail from the axis of rotation to the external tip of the ~rfac --L/D = 1.0 for all the curves.
wheel and the axis of rotation of the head --

Eccentricity between the axis of rotation of the wind-driven s/D = 0 for the curves in Fig. 108. Eccentricity between axis of rotation of~athe wind-driven wheel and the axis of rotation of the hed ~D = 0.04 for the curves in Fig. 110. A ratio of the surface of the tail f to the area marked off by
the wind-driven wheel F -- f/F = 0.129 for all the curves.

In Fig. 108 and 110, curve I.represents the aerodynamic moment M. of the wind-driven wheel, curve II represents the total moment M of the wind-driven wheel and of the.tail, and curve III is the moment ofon&tail Cdepending on the angle y between the direction of ih the wind and the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel). In Fig. 109, we have the curve of the total moment Mz.(of the wind-driven wheel, of the tail and of the- lateralblade, with a square surface, Ethe A~desof the square are 0, 177 D). 138

_i _i


o14 So

Comparison of the. curves in Fig, 10:8 with the curves in Fig. and 110,. shows that the winddriven wheel is in the most favorable position with regard to the
wind, when the wind engine has no

addi tibnal devices for? envisaging the.deflection of the wind-driven /191 wheel for purposes of regulation
(Fig. 108).


In this case, when

040 300

wind is.deflected by even a

small angle, a moment is created


4) 50 6o 70

10 0,L_
S 1 10.0 ,T
0,03 0,12 0 ,4

which makes. it. possible for. the

1 system to.turn and place the wind-

driven . wheel , ihto the .Winhd

(see curve III).

In the presence.of a surface

or of eccentricity between the vertical axis and the axis of the wind-driven wheel, a moment appears which deflects the wind-driven wh
wheel from the direct action of



_2 D.--

the ,wind. up.on it'.

' Ift this'case,


i Fig. 108: Curve of the moments of the forces acting on the wind engine system during f dkecion changes changes in in the the di iobfthe :the.wind.

curve,,, II

of' the m


does not pass through the origin of the coordinates(Fig. 109 and 110). At the angle y = 0, there is a negative moment which deflects wind-driven wheel. Only at an angle y = 200 does the total moment /192 become positive (Fig. 110) and the In order to compensate for the system acquires a stable position. negative moment, the surface of the tail is given the shape of a handle with the convexity to the side of the regulating surface or Such a tail ,omakes it possibe'lBto compensate to of the eccentricity. a certain extent for the negative moment, and to decrease the angle of deflection of the wind-driven wheel. For this purpose, in prac tice the tail is made at a certain angle of deflection c (5 to 60)

relative to the axis of the wind-driven wheel ;Oh, the opposite of .th Io. ofof .e reglating Aurfac' ,sidet with regard to the dif ect.
9.eeitricity (Fig. 111).


Let us note that this measurement compensates also for the /193 reactive.moment MP; which takes place in wind engines with rotating vertical shafts. A characteristic feature of the tail adjustment to the wind in..; reacts rapidly. to allt, the r the wind-driven wheel, is that the tail changes in the direction of the wind. In such a manner, it is possible for the wind-driven wheel.,to be under the direct effect of the


i 02 o,2~

l 1

airstream for a longer time in the process of operation. This has an extremely-great importance, sinde


S1 is

the wind engine can develop its power only when the wind flow
is directed perpendicularly to the plane of rotation of the wind-

0o;0 o,64
8 ,90 0 60 0 43 30 20
=0,1 7Ona--la

driven wheel.
However, the rapid reaction
sor of the tail to all changes of direction. of the windf has also a As the head of aspect.

0 )0

.o0 s5


Cm o, I I., 020
022 7

the wind engine turns on the wings of the wind-driven wheel, gyroscopic forces appear during the These rotation of the wheel. icreate a bending moment which in the practice of wind power utilization is called gyroscopic moThis moment bends the ment [34] ,
flaps of the wings and the axis




the wind-driven wheel


In the course of one revo- /194 lution, the moment which bends the of the forces acting on the wind engine system during changes in Wind the wind. Wind of the the wind. the direction direction of engine with lateral blade.j Key: 1. Blade
and Mz Fig. Curves 109: of the moments wind flap,- becomes zero twice,, when

the flap assumes the horizontal position, and acquires a maximal acquires a maximal position, and when the flap assumes value twice, a vertical position (Fig. 113). Its magnitude is equal to:
- l~oeirelative to -d axis Z



I is the moment of inertia of the wing relative to the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheeli w is the angular velocity of the wind-drivenwheel; w 1 is the angular velocity of rotation of the whole system relative to the vertical axis.

Gyroscopic momentswill be treated in more detail in Section 43.

The magnitude wl depends on the length of the tail. From the point of view of the principle of .\- work of a surface, the maximal work is performed by the surface when it is displaced with-a velocity U = 1/3 V. Since the. surface of. the* tail is displacedaround a circle with a radius equal to the length of the tail L, which is taken




rfrom the vertical axis to the center of effort of the sail' area, we can write:







070 60 50 40 30


,0 ii10

34QU 0

7oOSJ 90yo

; -31.


Adjustment by Means of Wind-/195

The diagram of adjustment by means of wind rotors is presented in Fig. 114. At a certain sweep in distance behind the wind-driven wheel, two small wind engin.s are mounted called windro~esi>the of rotation of which is perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the wind-driven wheel,-,and parallel to the direction of the wind. As soon as the wind changes direction (arrdwsVx in Fig. 114), the windrpses, start to turn. The torque of the wind rotors is perceived by the transmission, wh which consists of conical and cylindrical pinions. The cylindrical


,-4 _ I li ,24


Fig. 110: Curves of the moment of the forces acting on the wind engine system during changes in the direction of the wind. The wind engine is removed from the ) wind by meansodfdadisplacement of the axis of the wind-driven }

wheel relative to the axis of


pinions ofthe last p...nbmc

engaged l)ha large geared wheel which is firmly attached to the crown of the tower. During the rotation of the windrbses ;the pinion revolves on the immobile gearwheel and drags with it the whole system of the head, turning it in a horizontal plane. This displacement continues until the windr.osesj stop which takes place when they become parallel to the flow, consequently, at this moment in time, the wind wheel is parallel to the direction of the wind. While in the case of tail adjustment to the wind, the velocity threatens a rapid wind engine with breakage, the latter is less likely in the case of windrhe s. .,. Thit is due to the possibility of selecting ahy gear ratio between the windroses; 7and the pinions on the tower. Consequently, the angular velocity of .P< deflection of the wind engine

of rotation of the system around the. vertical axis in. the dca se of


l s' i j~i:


w 1 which is a multiplier in the equation C165), depends on the selection of the transmission and not on accidental breakage by the wind.
(_ The adjustment to the wind by means


- is used in certain wind


the power of which exceeds 15 hp.

The angular velocity of rotation of the system around the vertical axis is

determined by equation:

where: Deflection Fig. ll: of the tail relative to the direction of the wind for purposes for wind satipurposes ofthe of compensation of the
moment:from the , ,


i is the gear ratio df the transmission from the windrosmes b to the gear pinion,: attached to the upper crown of the tower; is the angular velocity of the wind rotors, the magnituden6af which is determined by the equation: (168)

lateral blade and'the wind-driven wheel.

where Z 0 is the synchronal number of modthis magnitude ules of the wind rotors; characteristics experimental from is taken (Eig. 115); for other conditions, the characteristics of wind rotors are presented in Section 42, Fig. (184);

D is the diameter of the windross V is the velocity of the wind. The diameter of wind'odses - /is taken from 0.15 to 0.2,of the diameter of the wind-driven wheel. The dimensions of the blades of the wind rotors are chosen deDiagram of Fig. 112: the action of the gyroscopic moment on the wind driven wheel. pending oi' the diameter of the wind rotors the width at the external tip D, i.e.: = D/3, the width at the internal tip a b = D/6, length : = D/3. The number of blades in windrose i is

usually 4, 6 iormore. Using the characteristics in Fig. 115 and equations (167) and (168), the transmission can be selected in Tksuch a waytthat the gyroscopic moment will nbt be dangerous for the solidity of the construction of the wind engine. The value of wl is taken to be approximately equal to 0.05.




. ,


32. Adjustment by Disposition of /197 the Wind-Driven Wheel Behind the


If the wind-driven wheel is disposed behind the tower at a sufficiently large. distance,-then an .' aerodynamic moment, thei, ar- " acteristic of which is shown by the

Fig. 113: Characteristics of the gyroscopic moment of a 2-bladed wind driven wheel.

curvesin Fig. 108 and 110, will act on the system. The action of this moment will cause the wind-driven wheel to adjust itself behind the tower in the direction of the wind, since the wind-driven wheel itself vane would play the role of awid' (Fig. 116).
Since the magnitude of this


moment, shown by curve I in Fig.

Fig. 114: Diagram of wind wheel adjustment to the wind by means of windroses.

108 and 110, depends on the ratio-,

for a 18-bladed wind engine,

it will be obviously possible to use this curve for finding the required aerodynamicmoment which will adjust the wind-driven wheel in the direction of the wind. Let us denote the relative moment knownfrom experiments,by Mz and its corresponding ratio 1/D by a; the moment which is required in or-

2 3 P [)



.=der ~~~~
Y=0 Y=i; 00

to maintain the wind-driven

wheel in the direction of the wind,
will be denoted M', and correspond-

ingly *'1/D'
Y ss or

= a'; then:,
-/1 /198


.03 =75

1.5 2.0 2.5

Z= IConsequently,

the required aerody-

Fig. 115:


namic5 (dimensional))moment can be approximately determined by equation: ,


of the torque of wind dsos:s

for various angles between clon of the wind dtrect and the plane of rotation.

If such curves Mldare not available for determining the rapidity of 143




wind engines, experimental cur.vesof the aerodynamic forces X and. Y shown in Fig. Calculating the force 102 can be used. Y by means of equation (153) and multiplying it. by the sweep of the wind,driven we obtain the aerodi:, wheel 1' namic moment necessary in order to keep the wind-driven wheel in thbedirection the wind:
Adap, r Y rR2P 2


116: Fig.

Adjustment to

1. gince the sweep. of the wind-d wheel which in the given case plays driven the role of a tail surface, is several times smaller than the drift of the tail surface from the vertical axis/, on the (166), the angular velocity wl of the turn of the basis: of equatioan head will be several times larger than the angular velocity offthe turn of the head by means of the tail; bonsequently, the gyroscopic moment will be several times larger than in wind engines adjusted by means of the tail; 2. the center of gravity of the rotating system is shifted to one side relative to the vertical axis, which causes an overload of the bearing on the support. In wind engines with a power of 100 hp and more, which are used in wind power electrical stations, the adjustment to the wind is usually performed by means of an electrical motor. As soon as the direction of the wind performs a certain angle relative to the axis of rotation of a wind-driven wheel, a contact device connects the electrical motor which sets in motion.the transmission, rotating the system around the vertical axis. At the time when the wind-driven wheel becomes perpendicular to the direction of the wind, the contact switches the electrical motor-off automatically. 'The transmission from the electrical motor to the pinion attached to the tower is performed in the same manner as in the adjustment by means of windroies.'

the wind by disposition of the wind-driven wheel behind the tower.

This method of adjustment to the wind which is simple from the point of view of design, has serious shortcomings, i.e.:


CHAPTER 9. REGULATION OF THE NUMBER OF REVOLUTIONS AND'OF THE POWER/199 OF WIND ENGINES The lack of consistency of the wind energy, complicates to an extreme degree the technique of utilization-of this. energy.. If the velocity of the wind changes 2oto. 3 times per minute, the energy changes 8-27 times during the same period. Cases are known, from anemograph tracings,.when the velocity of the wind changedmore than 4 times in the course of one minute, which means that the wind energy change more than 64 times. However, certain power. tools attached to the wind engine require a certain power and number.of revolutions which have to stay constant throughout the time of operation of these tools. In order to fulfill this.requirement, the wind engine has to be regulated, i.e. it has to have a. constant number of revolutions at a given power, which is independent of the velocity of the wind. The transformation of wind energy into mechanical energy should naturally tend to complete utilization of the winde,,ner.~y-pa;if through the wind-driven wheel. If it were possible to per6iye the whole power of the wind by the wind engine at all possible velocities up to storm, the highest annual production would be obtained. However, in this case it would be necessary tu b1lisuch a" Istrong wind, engite, which would be able to bear the load at maximum wind velocity occurr-ing in a given region. The weight of such a wind engine would be enormous, while the service life with maximal load would be extremely short, : :.-u:rence.. as ofollows from the data on ... '"' (see Chapter 12, section 46). Moreover, the energy is needed by the consumer daily and in approximately .2, the same amount. Consequently, the maximal/200 energy which the wind installation can supply in a short period of time may appear quite useless. Finally, the working tools selected for the wind engine at, its maximal power, :hav, a very low output coefficieh at low velocities of the wind. Therefore, for the begin-ning of regulation,"and for insuring the strength of power o olharts.the calculated velocity of the wind is chosen acc6rding to the annual averages of wind velocities. In practice, the calculated wind velocity for determining the power of wind engines, is taken Vy = 8 m/sec for regions with annual average velocities up to 5 m/sec, Vy = 10 m/sec for regions with annual average wind velocities up to 7 m/ sec and finally Vy = 14 m/sec, for regions with annual average wind velocities about 7 m/sec. The power of the wind engine, determined for wind velocities Vy is called the adjusted power Ny. It is optimal for regions with a given average wind velocity. The regulation of wind engines consists in changing the position of the wind-driven wheel or of itsblades--,in the wind flow, in order ,to obtain approximately constant power.-and revolutions. The available method.of regulation of wind engines used in practice:-,can be divided into two main groups according to the nature of .. ..action of the regulating mechanism. 145

The first group comprises thosessystems of regulation. in which the main regulating mechanism is a centriftgd? regulator of -a cerIn this case certain systems of regulation can have,bilattain kind. eral action of the external forces. on the change in the position of on one. side the blade or of the wind-driven wheel in the air flow; side -other the flywegsitospn 4- centrifagal forces of regulating the force of the wind. In wind engines with such regulationi, .he number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel.increases in the P-'ocess of operation with the increase in the force of the wind, as a result of which there is an increase in the centrifigal forces of the regulating flyweiLghts,; which change the position of the blades. Consequently, the. lifting force is diminished and the revolutions decrease down to their normal value. The action of the wind force on the blade in relation to the /201 construction of the regulation system, can be either added up to the centrifugal forces of the regulating flyw~ight)is.or, subtracted, since the point of application of the resultant wind force (center of pressure) on the blade, may be either to the right or to the left of the axis of rotation of the blade. The second group, comprises the systems of regulation in which the change in the position of the blade or of the entire wind-driven wheel is performed under the action of the wind force. The correct determination of all the forces acting in a given system of regulation is the task of the designer. The quality of the regulation depends on how this task is fulfilled. 33. Regulation by Removing the Wind-Driven Wheel.From the Wind.. This method of regulation is the simplest and is based on the fact that the smallest _'. quantity of air flows through the winddriven wheel when the direction of the wind'is oblique to the direcIn addition, the lifting force changes due to the tion of the wheel. of attack on the wingsduring rotation. Both these angle the of change factors make it possible to limit the power of the wind engine at wind velocities ex6')eeding' 8 m/sec. In the simplest type of wind engines such as the goat-skin and t.-shaped wind-mill, rtemoval of the wind-driven wheel is per_te the formed manually; in the improved, modern wind engine, it is done automatically by means of regulating devices, fnom in ms The automatic regulation V., by removing 'the wind-driven wheel .i wind, is used in mu:ti-bladed low power wind engine;s. .th6 first, . is p rformed by two methods: n s ystme-m reglai


by means of a lateral surface.-- a so. called blade which. is fixed to the head of the wind engine behind the wind driven wheel to the right or left side of its axis of rotation;. second, by the.displacement of the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel to a certain distance (50 to 100 m) to the right or left of the vertical axis of rotation of the head of the wind engine. The diagram of regulation of the wind pressure on the lateral blade is YAshown in Fig. 117. In the second case, the deflection of the-wind-driven wheel takes place due to the moment of frontal pressure of the wind on the wheel relative to the vertical axis; the arm of the moment is equal to E :(Fig. 118) at y = 0. In Fig. 117 and 118, the wind engine is in the operating position, in position I, /202 at a wind velocity below 8 m/sec; in position II -- during regulation at wind velocity exdeeding 8 m/sec, and in position III, at a wind velocity exceeding 12 m/sec, at which it stops. In the examined system of regulation,,. the force of the wind acting on one side of the vertical axis, is balanced by means of a sprihg which is attached at one end to the tail of the wind engine, .and at the other to the lever attached to its head. Due to -its simpicity, reguiation by,

r.emoval o
Fig. 117: Diagram of regulation by removal of the wind-driven wheel from .. the.. wind by means of a lateral blade.

the .wndidiven'wheel.

from the wind has found , wide application in multi-bladed low power wind engines, which are mainly used for lifting water in agriculture. Let us examine the action of the forces in the given system of regulation.

Moments created relative to the. vertical axis of the 'system act. on a wind wheel which is disposed perpendicularly to the direction of the wind. In wind engines with vertical rotating shafts and with lateral blades, this moment is equal to: Mb = PbL - Mrea (a)


If the deflection of the wind


driven wheel. is performed on ac-/203 count of eccentricity c, then according to.equation (158), the moment is equal to':' t(ie XSf ...... b)

forms a certain angle y with the direction of the wind, then the following forces act on the sysforce X, tem (Fig. 119 and 120): perpendicular to the plane, and force Y which acts in the plane of the wind-driven wheel. These forces as well as the force on the lateral blade create during /204 the regulation a moment relative to tthe txistsof rotation of the head, the magnitude of which is equal to::,

Diagram of regulaFig. 118: tion by means of removal of the wind-driven wheel nrom i hfrtng _th twb Y ,wind , shifting .'the wind-driven wheel axis relative to the axis of the tower. .Rib'n - L , !

14 = YiZ+ Ya)

-- M


(d) The internal force of the spring Ps with the arm relative to the axis of the system rf balances this moment. Consideris given to the fact that all these Torces, cainot remOve, the tail from the position parallel to the wind, i.e.:


P.,L = Y1 + X (i a).


. Fig. 119: Diagram of the regulation of the wind force in a wind engine system regulated by means of a lateral blade.

In the presented equation,,/205 a plus sign should be put before a when the center of effort of the sail area passes '_n the side-1 of,thb blade or of the eccentricity, and a minus sign -- when it passes through the opposite side of the blade.

In the process of regulation, u ~ r he action of the examined"Kf6rces, the system turns somewhat relative to the axis of the tower. As a result of ithik;ithe tail


P 1

S. .all

forms an angle which is larger than Due-o :tlhis" factt, ahlequilibrium is formed between the forces which fix the system in a certain position in the air- ijr- e S stream at each velocity of the wind.
prior.regu at'ioni

Diagram of the Fig. 120: action of forces on the wind engine system regulated by remesoviggthe wind-driven wheel from thpeirwindr j.l '
by-shiftin-gathe sfi":in e t.

The spring should be calculated in such a manner,.that the moment formed by its internal force, acting with arm rx,should be equal to the moment breated by the aerodynamic forces acting on the winddriven wheel and on the blade, i.e.: ,/Afi In equations c, d,.e, and f, the distance a from the center of effort of the sail area to the axis
- the wind-driven wheel is deter-ni mined by the relation ~\ ( .

axis of the wind-driven wheel relative to the axis of the tower.


where a is taken for multi-bladed wind-driven wheels from Fig. 103, while for winddriven wheels with


a few blades,-- from Fig. 104; the values a/R which lie above the

0.4 0.6 0, 2 1.

abscissa have a minustsign, while

those lying below the abscissa have


2 02.2

Characteristic of Fig. 121: a 18-bladed wind-driven wheel in relation tolthe.deflection angle y of the axis of rotation from the direction of the wind.

Y-. =

,o7 ,

a plus sign. This is explained by the fact, that the arm of force X decreases during the passage of the center of effort of the sail area t ~60 the left of the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel, and increases by the magnitude a during the passage of the center of effort This of the sail area to the right. refers to the case whenjthe axis of the wind-driven wheel is shifted to the right relative to the axis of the tower. For example, for multibladed wind-driven wheels, when :4 y < 270, the ratio a/R shiuld be'
positive while at large angles y,the curve passes .above the abscissa and consequently, in this case a/R should

be negative. This.means. that at Fig. 122: Characteristic of a. large. angles y., the center of effort 4-blade wind engine in relation of the sail area is shifted to the to deflection angle y of the axis of the wind engine .formed with th direction of),he wind. 149

t~ 0 . ci q00 o6


other.side of the axis of iotation of the wind-driven wheel, i.e. to left of its axis. Forces X and Y are taken fr6m,,the ,rightiside, of the graphsin Fig. 101 and 102. change Forces X, Y, and P proportionally to the square of the wind velocity and of the coefficients determin~,dft-pmntghe x, y, C7 and C graphs in Fig. 101, 102, and 105.
90' T


v. 0
.o 10* 203 040 30 W 0

Fig. 123: Characteristic SOlin relation to the ang es of the wind-driven wheel.

. r4cT ;
0.7 I

.i "'



i i

3 20 30



Characteristic of Fig. 124: R -umal ;and synchronal velocity of rotation of winddriven wheels.

Characteristics of the wind-/206 driven wheel at various deflection angles y formed- between the axis "'of rotation and the direction of the wind, the velocity of which does not Tn Fig1,';21 the curves change [33]. of the change in the output coefficient of the wind energy E in relation to Z are presented for various angles of a slow 18-bladed wind engine, while Fig. 122 presents the c eur-s~isof a rapid 4-bladed wind engine. The curves show that the output coefficient of the wind energy decreases to an insignificant extent at angles y varying from 0 /207 to 200, while it decreases sharply at angles exceeding 200. The a tl n- to in reliio change in 5, the deflection angle y .off,the wind-driven wheel fromi:.the -'di.rection of the wind. is shown in Fig. 123, where the curves are plotted for for the rati6o E to Ey " 4 models of wind-driven wheels: 18bladed, 4-winged mill, 4 bladedand 2 bladed. For practical purposes it is entirely possible to consider that the power of a wind engine during its.removal from t ' wtil",,hd.

Echanges proportionally.. t.o ... the .cube

-of te co6sine of the angle of de- 3 flection of the wind wheel from the direction of the wind, i.e. S= o 0 cos' y, which is seen from the curve cos 3 y in Fig. 123.


Let us denote will be equal to:

"; = Nn etc.::then N = f(y)

N = Nn cos 3 y


The change in the velocity of,rotation of the wind-driven wheel,-\ is shown in the graph of Fig. 124. Curve I refers to an 18-bladed engine; II -- to a 4-bladed mill;.III -- to a 4-bladed wheel and IV -- to a 2-bladed wheel. The curve cos y almost coincides with the curve describing the relationship etween the synchronal velocity of these wind engines and the angle ' y, i.e. cit can be considered/208 that : or,=cos ,

cos 0 Z ,,

At a' constant velocity of the wind, Z changes proportionally to the angular velocity of the wind-driven wheel, i.e.:
a = n os y,

hence: n = nn cos . Consequently, the synchronal revolutions of a wind-driven wheel change proportionally to cos y at V = const.

30 .26




a -

.locity > llation



20 30 405 60

80 Curves of the Fig. 125: changes in the angles in relation to the wind1B velocity at which N = const and w = const.

practical calculations of the of removal of a winddriven wheel from the wi.iYd,. is important to know the angle y at which the wind-driven wheel is supposed to deflect during the increase in wind velocity, in order to preserve the revolutions and the power developed at th d particular wind ve, these were taken as wher.eb constant in the calculation of regui.e. it is important to know the relation connecting the angles with the wind velocity at which the revolutions and the power will be constant. From equations (135) and (172) it follows: . I hence: R I='



' V,



Assuming that V n is the.vel-ocity of the wind at which the wind engine should be removed from the, wind, and .the, work4i: velocities of the wind V >>Vn, let us find the cosine of the angles, and /209 subsequently the angle corresponding to these velocities. After calculating a series of points and plotting them on the graph (Fig. 125), we obtain the curve of the angle at which the wind-driven wheel showed a _j deflection at the wqind velocities V >VYn, in order to Curve I was calculated for Vn = 8 m/sec; preserve N and w constant. These II -- for V n = 10 m/sec; III -- 12 m/sec and IV -- 14 m/sec. curves refer to any wind-driven wheel. It is simpler to determine the angles y graphically (Fig. 126). On the straight line OB let us lay out in the scale of wind velocity Vn, Vl, V 2 etc.; further, let us draw the arc CD with a radius Vn; from the ends of the pinions V 1 , V 2 , V 3 , etc. let us draw the tangents. Each radius drawn, from 0 perpendicular to the corresponding tangent will be deflected from the straight line OB by an angle y which is necessary in order to have constant revolutions and power of /210 the wind-driven wheel at various velocities of the wind V > V n . From Fig. 126 we have: hence, it follows: which was also obtained above -equation (173). In final account, dal-.: _ of regulation by re,moving the wind-driven wheel V2 .. from the, Windambuntsto to 4_ __ finding the relation,,tie(B :.t'heI ...... change in the moment of the spring, which insures its present position of the wind-driven Fig. 126: Graphic determination wheel with regard_ to the direcof the angle y. tion of the wind at ian angle y ,corresponding - to a given power N = const and w = const. For this purpose, let us first plot the curve of the aerodynamic moment in relation to y for various wind velocities (Fig. 127) according aculation e\

, o I V_

Y, t

to equation:

.arY1'+ P1



for a wind engine, which is deflected on account of its lateral blade, and %(b) _ _, for a wind engine which is deflected on account of eccentricity 5.


Subsequently, using this graph and curves V = f(y) (Fig. 125), /211 let us plot in Fig. 127 -)the points corresponding td6the given wind velocity and the angle y which should be found on6 te curves of aerodynamic moment at the given wind velocity opposite the corresponding anglesy (Fig. 125). Uniting the points thus found by a line, we obtain curve A which shows how the moment of the spring should change in various positions of the wind-driven wheel relative to the direction of the wind. The vertical hatching below, shows the magnitude of the reactive moment Mreact = const.
!er. m.

0Il! I

I N I1 11 1 1Z N i



iI V\
S-*Z sec

Fig. 127 shows a graph plotted for a TV- 8 Iwind engine; it can be used in calculating the regulation of theowind engine of the same type and For another type of wind enpower. gine, a different graph has to be plotted by the presented method. hS For a problem-free action of the of _system regulation by removal of the wind wheel from the. wind,,


the friction in the supports should be



4j 61


Fig. 127: Curves of the aerodynamic moment of the

small as possible. The friction in /212 the supports influences the regulation in the sense that the wind-driven wheel is-lae; in coming out from .the wind during its increase in velocity


-. wind engine.

and is.,,r,'eturning to the wind during the decrease in wind7velocity.

The larger the friction in the supports, the coarser the regulation. The regulation by removal of the wind-driven wheel from the wind, in rapid wind engines ,is inconvenient because it increases the effect of the gyroscopic moment. As a matter of fact, during regulation.: by this system, the head with the wind-driven wheel is in constant movement around the vertical axis, onoone hand on account of the work of the tail, and on the other hand, on account of the deflection of the wind-driven wheel according to the conditions;.of the ,given regu.lation., As they have the same direction, these two movementsowill Since in equation (165) give a large angular velocity wl as a result. of the gyroscopic moment, the angular velocity of the wind-driven wheel is a term which in rapid wind engines is also large, the resultant gyroscopic moment may threaten the dirability of the wind engine. This is why, in practice, regulation is mainly used for lowspeed multi-bladed wind engines. Exceptionally,rapid wind engines with this type of regulation are found, in view of the simplicity of the design of thidslsystem.



Regulation by Decreasing the Area: of the' Wngs.


This method of regulation is used in the old tert-shaped windmills. Under conditions of low4Wind, the wings work with their whole surface; if the wind increases to the extent that the number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel startsto increase rapidly, the ,area- of the, blades is decreased. In the simplest homemadel wings this decrease is done manually by removing from the wings a In sail certain part of the boards which compose its surface. wings, the sail which covers the net of the winguis rolled up manually. Such a method of regulation is understandably, extremely imperfect, and at the same time, it is attended with great difficulty. When the velocity of the wind changes rapidly, it is difficult to perform in time the necessary operation, and the wind engine may break before the : area of the wing can be diminished. In more recent designs of windmills which are regulated by the /213 examined principle, the surface of the wing is manufactured of either longitudinal or transversal folds which have the a 'Iect of venetian blinds. When the wind-driven wheel develops a higher number of revolutions thn is necessary for normal operation,%, the folds or blinds open up and openings appear in the working surface of the wings as a result of which,, the effect of the wind force on the wings decreases and the number of revolutions of the wheel becomes smaller. The folds/214 as well as the blinds are opened manually by means of a linkage mechanism, while in improved models,-- automatically by means of centrifgal flyweightswhich are placed on the wings, or by means of a special centrifugal regulator. a -Fig. 128 shows a wind engine with automatic regulation; wind engine prior to regulation; b -- with open blinds during a hold. The adjustment to the wind is accomplished by means of windroses' . Thecmain drawback of this regulation consists in the fact that a wing with blinds can be given no streamlinreOprofile; this causes large drag and leads to a low output coefficient of the wind energy Moreover, the numerous hinges on which the blinds rotate complicate the manufacture of the wings. This regulation is not used in modern wind engines. Regulation by Rotation of the Bladei or Part of it Around the 35. Axis of the Flap,. Any change in the slope of the blade relative to the wind, causes a change in the lifting force and consequently, in its component which acts in the direction of rotation of the wind-driven


wheel. This pattern lies at the basis of regulation by rotation of the blade or of part of it around the axis of the flap. SI The rotation of the blade around the axis of the flap is performed by two methods.

First, by the direct action of

IX the wind on the wing which, being freely sitted on the axis of the flap -,which passes near the start of the wing, is deflected by the pressure of the wind and, as it is maintained in balance by means of the flyweight, it allows regulation of the revolutions Second, the roto be made. tation of the blade is performed by means of centrifugal forces developed either by a normal centrifugal reguor by flyweights siton the wings of the

A\ S-lator

- __-


wind-driven wheel. As the revolutions of the wheel inFig. 128: Wind engine which is crease, the flyweightsiare displaced along the axis of regulated by - 'decreasing the _ gar'of the wings. the flap undehthe action of centrifugal forces and set in motion the rodswqwhich are connected by means of a linkage mechanism with the blades;, the latter are tprned to decrease the angle of attack. Consequently, the lifting force on the wing decreases and the torque and revolutions of the wind-driven wheel are diminished. During the regulation, ,,". balance is maintained/215 between the regulator spring and the centrifugal force of the flyweights. Prof. G. Kh. Sabinin suggested a system of regulation in which the turning of the blade is performed by the action of the wind force on the stub-wing- attached to the axis at the rear edge of the wing. This .stub,-wing is called stabilizer, and the regulation is called N. V. Krasovskiy completed this regulation stabilizing (Fig. 129). by means of a rod passing through the center of the flap tube. The process of regulation takes place in the following manner. In the resting state, blade ol, and stabilizer t,2oare on a line


comforming to: the direction of the wind (

(position I, Fig. 130).


As the wind engine


is turned on, spring 3 which was tight until then is now released, and acting through arm 4 and rod 5, it shifts the stabilizer 2 by a certain angle; relative to the chord of the wing (position II, Fig. 130) and at the same time places it at a certain angle to the direction of the wind. As a result of this a lifting force appears on the surface of the stabilizer which turns the wings relative to the axis of the flap with the following moment: (7) where: f -- surface of the stabilizer in m; r -- distance from the center of ef-/216 fort of the sail area of the stabilizer to the axis of the flap; Cr -- coefficient of the- iftin'

Under the action of this moment, the blade will turn around the axis of the flap as long M, as there is an equilibrium between the moment of the aerodynamic forces acting on the surface of the stabilizer and the blade of the Diagam the cord of the blade will form with Fig. 129: wing; Fig. 129: Diagram the direction of the relative flow, a certain o~f regulation by angle a' At the same time, lifting forces turningtheblades developed on the blade which leads to the aronnd the bare - rotation of the wind-driven wheel (position flapeaxms III Fig. 130). In this case, the airstream by of means msai . will dash over the wing and the stabilizer with a relative velocity W, which is equal to: 1. blade 2. stabilizer 'W=VVF~7r .


3. spring
As a result of the increase in angle B of the relative flow, the moment of the stabilizer increases and the blade turns as long as a balance sets in again. between the aerodynamic forces on the wing and the stabilizer, and as long as angle a is not equal to the initial angle. In such a manner, the blade maintains a constant angle of attack-'with the direction of the flow, at a constant angle of rotation of the stabilizer B,.under all conditions of operation;of the wind engines (Z =.wR/V) to-the. limit of /217 regulation; the stabilizer lies in the plane of the blade. 4. arm 5. rod


wn V
wR a

11 !When I wR Sweight ---V

Fig. 130: Position of the wing during the regulation by means

the number of revolutions increases above the under the action of centrifugal forces, fly6 is displaced on the axis of the wing and by means of arm 7, it turns the stabi' lizer 2 by another angle (position III).. The balance which had ,existed until then between the moment of the stabilizer and of the blade, is disturbed, i.e. the moment of the stabilizer becomes slightly larger than the moment of the blade relative to the axis of the flap, and consequently, the blade tarns in the reverse direction decreasing the angle of attack a. At the same time the lifting force of the wing decreases and the number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel is reduced down to a v value which is slightly below the initial one.

disturbed, i.e. the moment of

In addition to the moment

from the aerodynamic forces actin on the blade relative acting on the blade relative flyweightsg 1. compensating . compensating flyweight to the axis of the flap, centri2. stabilizer. fugal forces of the mass of the blade and of the stabilizer appeanr during the movement of the wind-driven wheel. The components of these forces also produce a imoment relative to the axis of the flap in all positions of the wing, in addition to the position which coincides either with the plane of rotation of the wind-driven wheel, or with the plane which is perpendicular to it. This moment hinders the turning of the blade on account of aerodynamic forces. Therefore, in order to compensate )t the moment from the mass forces, additional flyweights,which have o been calculated accordingly, are attached in front of the spout of the wings,(see1inFig. 131)... -The centrifugal forces of these flyweights i , [Pages 218 and'2191missing in origichE O; a~,d.dnamic equilibrium to 'that 'in addition to the forces of /220 gravity, centrifugal forces also act--on the wings. Wing with stabilizer Fig. 131: and compensating flyweights: ' ,Let us examine the 'method:of calculation of, ~rof . G. Kh. Sabinin for the dynamic equilibrium of the blade [311]. 157

Let a flat"i ,wing, which can rotate freely on axis OZ coinciding withathegeometric axis of the flap, rotate on the shaft XX' with an Let us take point A on the wing with angular velocity w (Fig. 134). mass m and find the moment of the. centrifugal force relative to the axis OZ, obtained from the rotation of the shaft XX'. Let us drop a perpendicular AD from point A to OZand another;perpendicular AC'.tb,.the Joining C and D, we obtain the right angle ACD. Let us plane ,XOZ. denote the projection of the centrifugal force R on direction AC by the letter Q; the moment of centrifugal force relative to the axis OZ will be expressed; M = QCD ytriangles AQR and O'AC are similar, we can Since the two





(c) (d) (e)

but: and:

AC = ADsin a, CD= AD cos ,

where a is the angle formed between AD and CD.



Substituting the values Q and CD from (b), (c), (d) and (e) i t (a), we obtain
after reduction:
IdM = dnw2 -AD sin2cos-.



AD is the distance between the point /221 A and the axis OZ. Assuming that the blade is sufficiently thin and flat, we can consider angle a as being constant In all the points of:,the blade. The moment of the centrifugal forces rotating the blade will be equal to:
Y M=

.sina cos


(g) (h)

The forces Fig. 134: acting on a rotating blade.


where I is the moment of inertia,!hof the blade

relative to the axis OZ.





This moment tends to turncthe blade in the direction of the arrow so that the blade will be perpendicular to the shaft as shown by the

dotted linein Fig. 134.


The moment zero ,becomes at a =.00 and a =90;

the position is unfavorable. The maximum value is assumed by the moment at: a = 450 and sin 2a = 1, consequently: Al


Hence, we can see that in order to obtain the least possible unbalance, the moment of inertia I of the wing relative to the axis of the flap, should be decreased as afar as possible. In wind engines regulated by ', rotation of the blade under the action of the stabilizer, the ~oment of inertia is composed of the moment of inertia of the win<IIwand the moment of inertia of the stabilizer with its fastenings Ist:

The moment of inertia of the stabilizer reaches 75% of the total moment of inertia of the wing. It is therefore necessary to tend to decrease the moment of inertia of the stabilizer in particularl This can be obtained by decreasing the weight of the stabilizer and of its fastenings. In order to obtain a dynamic equilibrium of the blade relative to the axis of the flap, compensating flyweights are mounted in front of the spout of the wing, as was said earlier (Fig. 131). /2.22 In wind engines which are regulated by rotation of the blade6. tips by means of a stabilizer, a flyweight is mounted .An the spout of the rotating part of the blade in order to reach dynamic equilibrium. If the weight of the compensating flyweight is taken slightly above the weight necessary for complete compensation, overcompen-, sation can be obtained. In this case the blade will tend to turn in the same direction in which it should turn under the action of the regulator in the given case of the stabilizer. The effect of overcompensation .was used by engineer V. S. Shamanin, who suggested a system of regulation based on the principle of the dynamic unbalance of a rotating wing or part of it. In order for the blade to be able to turn in a reverse direction..- relative to the moment of the dynamic forces of the blade, the above author suggested a rod to pass through the axis of rotation of the blade (Fig. 135). The centrifugal flyweight a, situated at the end of rod b, tends to stay in the plane y -- y during the rotation of the wind-driven wheel under the action of centrifugal forces. Amoment appears under these conditions which turns the blade in the direction shown,.,. by arrow M. The magnitude of this moment is determined by e uation (175).


In order to obtain aa: regulating effect, it is sufficient to have the moment of. inertia of.the compensating flyweight 30% larger than the moment of inertia of the blade, i.e.: Icomp = 1 3 1 bl use as a/223 The author -of .;this bok agge sted to .. regulating factor, the forces of inertia of the blade which turn it in the plane of rotation of the wind-driven wheel. The magnitude of the moment of these forces can be determined by means of equation (175).



Fig. 135:


aof the regulation . according to V. S. Shamanin.

When the blade is situated at an angle 1l to the plane of rotation of the wind-driven wheel, a lifting force Y acts on it, the projection of which on the plane X -- X is directed in the sense of rotation of the wind-driven wheel (Fig. The projection of this force will de136, a). crease with the decrease q and when the blade assumes the position shown by the dotted line, the projection of force Y will be >minimal.. In order to continue the deflection of the /224 blade until the point where it reaches a position with negative angle cp (Fig. 136,b), one has to add flyweight A with mass m situated on arm r. The moment of inertia of this mass will turn the blade in the same direction in which it turned prior to the position shown by the dotted line in Fig. 136,a. As a result, the component of the lifting force Y' will act in the reverse sense causing breakagelof the wind-driven wheel.

Under conditions of a normal number of revolutions, the blade is adjusted at an angle to the plane of rotation of the wind-driven wheel by means of the spring. The first experimental testing of this regulation system was performed at the polygon of VIME, which showed that this regulation can be applied just like : 2,other analogical systems. A shortcoming of thiss regulation is the high frontal pressure, since it is the plane of the blade rather than its arm which is adjusted to the wind during the regulation. Air Brakes.


Regulation by Means of

During the rotation of the wind-driven wheel, a lifting force and a drag force appear on its blades. One of the components of the lifting force turns the wheel, while the drag bra:ke ' s this rotatiobn. 160

_ .

If it were possible to change the drag by means of a certain device,. so that it

would hinder the increase in the number



of revolutions of the wind-driven.wheel, a brakihngdevice could be used as regulator. The diagram of regulation by means ,.,'i of air brakes, is Fig. 137. Turning vallJves are mounted on the blade of the wind-driven wheel, which are parallel to the direction of the circular velocity of the wheel and cause almost no drag under conditions of a In this normal number of revolutions. normal situation, the valv&s are contained by~'the ,spring. As the number of revolutions increases, the centriffugal forces turn it in a direction perpendicular to the direction of In this position, the valves rotation. are displaced with a large circular velocity and increase the drag to such an extent, that the excess torque of the wind-driven wheel is surmounted by the drag and the wind-driven wheel is slowed down. This same valves can be mounted on the blade in a:,different place. For example, engineer S. V..,'erli placed them at the tips of the wings in wind engines designed by him. The author of this book suggested to design an air brake in the form of a bi-plan or tri-plan by dividing the general surface : Ito severa1',stub-wings. This makes it possible to use air brakes for wingP of large dimensions D = .16 (Fig. 297).

.v a


1 S. * Fig. 136: Inertia type regulation of E. M. Fate.yev. i

1 o


Diagram of Fig. 137: IBilau's system of regulation by means of-air brake. Key: 1. brake valve




The design of modern winged wind engines 'has been in.accbrdance with the requirements of the conditions of their, xploitation in the agricultural production. For example, in order to lift water by means of wind engines i from a hole at a depth of 100 m and more, the rotary system pump of single action is widely used, which is characterized by a large moment of pickup Q and a small number of piston strbkes. According to this characteristic, the multi-bladed low-speed wind engine was designed which has a large moment of pickup and a small speed (Fig. 74),and responds entirely by its technical requirements to lifting water from deep holes by means of a rotary system pump.

With the development of the mechanization of production processes in agriculture, the".motorforce was required,not only for milling and water supplies, but also for the preparation of forage, the irrigation of vegetable cultures, belectrification of economic and daily lifeAs needs, sawing of lumber, etc. The power tools of these processes require a large number of revolutions and do not need a: <large moment of ,pickupl, since theirastart is idl6e In order to satisfy the new technical requirements, rapid wind engines were designed which are convenient in the work with machines requirh&g' large numbers of revolutions. Wind engines of the rapid type .'with <"a small number of blades, have a small initial moment (Fig. 79),therefore they are more convenient for the work J'with those machines which are distinguished by a large number of revolutions and a small moment of piokup/227 such as generators, centPifugal pumps, etc. According to the main technical requirements of production processes in agriculture, in general, two types of wind engines have been developed -- the rapid and the slow types, which have different dimensions, designsdof the transmissions mechanisms and systems of regulation. According to GOST 2656, the wind engines can be divided into three groups. The first group comprises the multi-bladed engines with a diameter of the wheel of 3.5 and 8 m; the second group comprises the engineswith a small number of blades with the number of modules Zn from 2 to 3, the diameter of the wind-driven wheel from 8 to 16 m (windmills), and the third group -- the rapid ones, with the number of modules Z from4.5 to 7.5, and the diameter of the wind-driven wheel

1.5; 3; 5; 18; 12 and 18 m.

The types of wind engines built in the USSR have been elaborated in the Central Aerodynamic Institute and the Central Wind Energy Institute and later in the All Union Scientific Research of Mechanization and Electrificaton of the Agriculture (VIME), in the All Union Institute 162

of Agricultural Engineering (VISKhOM) and in the UkranianScientific Research Institute fdr~the VMechani'at'ion of.Agriculture. Multi-,bladed . low-speed wind engines were released under the brand namesTV-5 (low-speed wind engines with the diameter of the wind-driven wheel of 5 m) and TV-8, while the rapid wind engines were released under the brand names VIME D-12, VISKhOM D-3.5. VINE-USMP D-18 (VIME and the Main Directorateof .theNorthern Maritimes), UNDIM D-10, etc.



.sWind Engines.

wind enginef TV-5 (Fig. 138) is intended for The multi-bladedwork with piston pumps only. The wind-driven wheel has a diameter of 5 m and consists of 24 The cord of blades with a variable rigging angle along the blade. an of rotation, the blade at the internal tip makes, with the plane angle of 450, while at the external tip, the angle is 170. The head of the wind engine,, (Fig. 139) is an iron cast crankcase in which a crank operated mechanism is mounted. The crank makes it possible to adjust the rod of the pump to 300 and 400 mm, for which purpose two openings are made in the large gear wheel under the /228.. one has a radius of 150 mm, and the pins of the connecting rod; other has the radius of 200 mm. The adjustment to the wind is performed by means of a tail which is built in the form of a triangular girder made of iron carbide with a trapezoidttail, the dimension of which is 2.82 m 2 , made of plates of galvanized iron. The surface of the tail is>confc7ave :at the side of the regulating spring, the purpose of which is to compensate for the aerodynamic moment of the wind-driven wheel', which appears as a result of the displacement of the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel relative to the vertical axis of rotation of the head. The wind engine is mounted on a four-legged steel tower with a height of approximately 15 m. At the base of the tower, a horse/229 drawn winch is situated which sets in motion the piston pump,,. oi calm days.

Regulation of the wind engine is performed by removing the windThe wind engine starts its driven wheel from the wind (Fig. 118). operation and is stopped below, by means of a manual winch attached to the leg of the tower. A cable goes from the winch upward and is 139.) which moves longitudinally along,cldtch 13 (Fig. att ached to,stpClutch 13 contains ring 15 whichxcaf turn 'around the support tube 14. the clutch and at the same time move longitudinally. The ring has


,J,1 ,

.on one side which contains/230 bracket 16 made of,:tround iron, attached to the head of the wind engine. As it turns around the vertical axis, the head turns a~ thering while the directional c,~l a.cut'

Sclutch 13 does not turn due to a

key which is welded to the wall of support tube 14. The power of the wind engine at a wind velocity of 8 m/sec equals 2.5 hp; the number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel at full The output for load is 40 rpm. lifting water with a pressure head of 10 m amounts to 10 m3 at a wind velocity of 8 m/sec. The multi-b. ded TV48'"w ,id engine is ihtended for work with agricultural machines in animal husbandry in kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Fig. 138: Multi bladedl wind engine TV-5. The general view of such a wind engine is presented in Fig. 140.


A wind-driven wheel with a diameter of 8 m has 18 blades made of pl-tes of galvanized iron with a thickness of 1.25mmm, which are attached to three wings, interconnected by means of spokes made of iron carbide. 45x45:;,mm. The blades are mounted with a variable rigging angle, i.e. at the external ring, the angle between the cord of the blade and the plane of rotation of the wind-driven wheel equals 220, while at the internal ring, thisangle equals 470. The length of the blade is 2 450 mm, its width at the external ring is 674 mm, while at the internal one it is 410 mm. The spokes are attached to flanges of the hub of the wind-driven wheel by means of two bolts each. The head of the wind engine (Fig. 141) is the shapedelongated cast iron 5, into the root of which axis 2 is pressed .under, an angle 6.50 to the horizontal. This deflection is made in order to bring the wind-driven wheel nearer to the tower and avoid touching the leg of the latter with the blades. Two conical roller 'bearings are fitted to this axis, which,cary .the hub. of the wind-driven wheel. The rim of the conical gear wheel 3 is attached to the rear flange of the hub; wheel 3 is engaged with conical pinion 4 which is fitted on the vertical shaft 12 of the wind engine. The number of teeth of the large wheel Z I = 63, at the pinion Z. = 17. The lower base of the head is fitted to tube 6, which rotates freely in"Iitwonsupport's. In the upper support 7, it turns on ball bearings which are placed


4 1


on a self-aligningtircular pivot. The /232 cast iron shell of the lower support 8 is attached by means of bracing wires to the of the tower. Through its:center passes the sharp tip of the support tube which, with its fitted head turns freely in the support; this takes place upon starting, stopping and regulation of the
wind engine. The tail for adjusting the wind engine




to the wind consists of girder 11 which has a length of 7,370 mm. The end of this girder has the shape of a trapezoid and a surface made of galvanized iron is attached to it. The area of the surface ftis equal to 41185 m 2 , which amounts to ftg/F:= 0.097, where F is the surface marked off by the wind-driVen wheel. The wind engine is mounted on a metallic lattice construction on tower 13 with
a height of 14.85 m. The winch (Fig. 141)

Fig. 139: Head of wind engine TV-5: 1-hub

of the wind-driven wiii

wheel; 2-shaft of the wheel; 3-small driving pinions; 4-large pinions with crank mechanism; 5-connecting rods; 6-rollers; 7guide arc for the :ro, roller; 8-crank case; 9-girder of the tail; 10-bracket for regu- latng the sprihg; ,11 13-stop 12-bumper; cable; clutch; 14-support tube; 15-ring of the stop clutch; 16-bracket.

at the base of the tower perceives the work of the vertical shaft and transmits it either to a piston pump,1' orvi o an agricultural machine -- 'straw-cutter, .oil cakeola breaker, root cutter, cornmill, millstone, etc. In the absence of wind, the same winch can be used to set in motion a piston pump which is either horse-drawn or tractor-driven; the vertical shaft of the engine:iis disconnected from the winch by f i clutches means on the upper and the lower compartments of the vertical shaft. Regulation of the wind engine by removing the wind-driven wheel from the wind, is performedby means of a lateral The area of the blade blade (Fig. 117). equals 1.95 m 2 , which amounts to 3.19% from the area marked off by the wind-driven wheel.

The wind engine is started and stopped by means of a manual winch, situated below, which is fastened to the leg of the tower at its base. Cable 14, which goes from the winch upward, is connected at its two ends to clutch 9 which moves longitudinally along the support tube. The clutch has an arm with a slit which contains iron 165

rod 10, fastened at one end btetheAupper support, and at theoother end to the lower one. This rod serves as a guide during the upward and downward displacement of the clutch. W 918 The upper end of the stop cable is faswotened to the tail wherefrom,j it passes via two rollers through the support tube where it is connected to a rod; the latter.has a salient on its lower end, which goes into'!the Out-/233 longitudinal slit of the support tube. side the tube, this salient seizes up the base of the clutch which is carried by the support tube. In such a manner a connection is established between the mobile head of .l the wind engine and the stoppage mechanism, which can only move forward along the support tube. The power of the wind engine at the wind velocity of 8 m/sec equals 6.5 hp on the shaft of the wind-driven wheel, while the number of its revolutions at full load is 25 rpm.

Fig. 140: The TV-8 wind engine.



(Spas ely-bladed) ',Wind Engine.

The wind engine VIME D-12 (Fig. 142) has a three-bladed winddriven wheel with a diameter of 12, m. The blades of the wings have a streamlined profile and are made of wodd and metal; they are attached to the steel tubesof the flap. The head of the wind engine (Fig. 143) is shaped like an iron cast crankcaseca which contains the support of the horizontal shaft 2 as well as a couple of conical gear pinions 3-5, which transmit., the rotation of the wind-driven wheel 1 to the vertical shaft 5. The crankcase of the head is attached to support tube 6 which rotates wh ich is'' e around a vertical axis in two supports : )the uppr.7,, a roller support, and the lower 8 which is bal-shaped. case The grease is poured from the upper transmission into the crank-/235 of "the head up to a certain level.

The stoppage and starting of the wind engine is performed by means of a winch which is mounted to the leg of the tower by means of a screw. The screw is connected to stop clutch 14 by means. of As the cable is tightened by the screw, the lever of cable 16. shifting device 17 displaces clutch 10 around the horizontal shaft; clutch 10 act on clutch 9 by a kinematic link. The latter clutch


3 4

acts on stabilizer 19 by means of cranks 11. and rod 12 which pass inside the flaps, and.adjusts the stabilizer atalarge negative angle. Due to this fact, -a negative moment which is transmitted to the main shaft appears on the revolvThis moing part of blade 20. mopositive the ment balances part. fixed rigidily the ment of of the blade 18, and the wind engine stops.


16 is released upon stopping the wind engine, and by the action of spring 13 and rod ,14 21 with a lever mechanism, the istabilizersare i!i automatically adjusted at a certain angle of attack which was determined during the design for a given set of conditions of operations. Under the -2 action of the wind, the stabilizers are displaced relative to the ithe axis of the flap and adjust' blade tips ;in the working position. The wind engine starts to work at a velocity of the wind around 4 m/sec. Due to the fact that wind engines of this design work with an almost constant number of revolutions, they are suitable for small istations. wind-driven . power They can be equally used for setting in rotation machine tools in workshops ~f agricultural machine parts as well as driving agricultural machines and centrifugal pumps for irrigation. At a wind velocity of 8 m/sec,/237 the VINE D-12 wind engine i'can develop a power of approximately 15 hp obpithe shaft of the wind-driven wheel. The normal number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel is 55-60 rpm.

Head of the TV-8 wind Fig. 141: engine: 1-hub of the wind-driven wheel; 2-axis of the wind-driven wheel; 3-conical gear wheel; 4. conical pinion; 5-conusof tube; 6supporting the head; 7-upper support of the head; 8-lower support of the head; 9-stop clutch; 10-guide 'pr clutch"9; 11-tail girder; 12vertical shaft; 13-tower; 14stop cable;

1 6,b

The VIME D-5 wind engine has a three-bladed wind-driven wheel with a diameter of 4 m (Fig. 144). The rotation of the wind-driven wheel is transmitted to the vertical shaft which is connected to the reducing gear at the base of the tower, by means of a couple of conical gear pinions. The. regulation is achieved by the rotation of the blade around the axis of the flap. The power of the ' wind engine at a wind velocity o.f /238 8 m/sec equals 2.7 hp on the wheel. shaft of the wind-driven The normal number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel is n = 180 rpm. The head (Fig. 145)lnhas crankcase just like wind a ,.cast D-12, with the only VIME engine The rapid VIMiE D-12 Fig. 142: that the cover of the ,difference wind engine. crankcase is made above and it contains the support of the upper bearing of the vertical shaft.

The reducing gear mounted at the base of the tower has two pulleys which can set in motion a centrifugal pump or low-power agricultural machines as well as a generator. Wind engine PD-5. This wind engine is intended for operation The two-bladed wind-driven wheel of wood ? power pump. with a and meta'l(construction 'turns the main shaft, which has two supports The rotation of the wind-driven with ball-bearings (Fig. 146). wheel is transmitted through a couple of conical wheels to the vertical shaft., The transmission ratio of the revolutions of the wind-dfiven wheel J to the revolutions of the vertical shaft equals 1:2.5. Regulation is performed by means of a lateral blade and of valves which are The placed on the tips of the blades of the wind-driven wheel. ,t.he wind-driven wheel from valves work like air brakes and prevent separating during the shedding of the load. Below, in the upper compartment of the vertical shaft, a centrifugal clutch is mounted (Fig. 147), which at certain numbers of revolutions connects the lower compartment of the shaft, joined with a The crank-driven mechpower-driven winch, which has worm gearinge. anism of the winch sets in forward motion a yoke which is joined with the rod of the I.pump. - This wind installation is experimental and operation of a rapid wind engine serves to.find the potential, ,of with pbwer'pump.


9 10



The wind engine starts to work idly, therefore, it is set in motion 'low wind velocities. ' The VIME-GUSMP D-18 wind en- /239


gine is a rapid wind engine of all--


metallic construction with a tower of a he;ight of 19 m (Fig. 148). The wind-driven wheel has a diameter of 18.m and.has three
7 wings with streamlined blades (Fig.

l. ,\i rr L

"1_ ,:


Regulation of the revolutions

6 5

of the wind-driven wheel, is per-ing by Prof. G. Kh. Sabinin and/240 N. V. Krasovskiy's system, by turnthe terminal part of the wing which amounts to [fraction illegible] of the length of the wing. The head of the wind engine of a metallic frame on which the reducing gear with a transmission ratio,.:of 1:3 is placed, as -are'a :mechanical ,brake blockk and a -mechanism for adjustment to the wind by means of a hand wheel and windroses-. The head is fastened to the support tube 325x9 mm (Fig. -150) which turns on rollers in a ring attached to the upper part of the tower; the lower end of the in a support with a /241 turns tube, e b
ball bearing.

i ~ 2-consists S , , I 7I..~: " S16 Li



Fig. 143:

Head of the VIMKE D-12

wind engine:

1-crankcaseof the

head; 2-stop of the wind-driven wheel; 3-conical wheel; 4-conical

pinion; 5-vertical shaft; 6-support tube; 7-upper support; 8lower support; 9-stop clutch; 10-second stop clutch; 11-lever of stoppage and regulation; 126od , of stoppage and regulation; 13-reguating spring; 14-clutch for start and stoppage; 15-rod
for setting the clutch 9 in

wind engine is performed like in the VIME D-12 wind engine, by means of a manual winch which Passes-to the foot of the tower. The windroses,,., which adjust the wind-driven wheel to the wind
are 18-bladed wind-driven wheels

cable; 17-lever motion; for starting and stopping the wind engine; 18-rigid part of the blade; 19-tabilizer; 20-: rotating par'tlof the wing; 21-centrifugal flyweight.

1 6 -stop

with a diameter of 2'17 m. The ,are made blades of the windr6ss a thickwith planks of pine wood ness of 10 m. The rotation of the shaft of the windroses 'is transmitted through a conical gear to 167

the axial horizontal shaft and further through a worm gearing to the lantern wheel ring fixed to the upper belt 1'of.the tower. The overall transmission ratio equals 1:5000 The tower of the wind engine has a height.Of approximately 19 m and consists of a lower riveted pyramidal part with the side of the ' square at the base equalling 4.8.m and an up~ e per prismatic all-rounded construction with the side of the square equalling 0.735 m The tower is constructed of iron (Fig. 151). carbide 100 x I00 x 14 mm and 60 x 60x 8 mm.

D-5 Fig. VIbe rapid wind engine.

The vertical shaft has a diameter of 70 mm and it turns in three spherical ball bearings mounted on the center of the tower on horizontal bracing wires. Below,.the vertical shaft is attached to a reducing gear((Fig. 152) with a transmission ratio of 1:3. Two pulleys, 800 mm diameter each, are fitted" on the horizontal shaft of the reducing gear, from where the generator caii/2 4 set in motion and the transmission of the movement to the machinery can be performed,

The legs of the tower are built in a foundation with rough walling at a depth of 2.4rm. Wind engine of the system Ufimtsef-Vetchinkin D-10 (Fig. 153). The aerodynamic analysis was performed on the basis of the turbulence theory of N. E. Zhukovskiy under the leadership of Prof. V. P Veta-chikin; the electrical machinery and the automation were elaborated by A. G. Ufimtsev The distinctive feature in the design , i of this wind engine is the small weight per kw power. The wind-driven wheel has three blades of wooden-metallic construction, with an aerodynamic profile 2 43 similar to a wing of the aerodynamic type with an inverted parabolic' airfoil, suggested by N. E. Zhukovskiy ahd S.AA,,AChaplygin. The blades are rigidly attached to the tubular flaps, which rotate freely on ball bearings fastened to a special trilling, which is carried on the horizontal shaft of the wind engine. The regulation of the power is performed by turning the blades around. the axis of the flap in the direction of the wind. For this purpose, the flaps are.passed in the vicinity of the spout of the blades, in.such a manner that the center of effort of the sail area is displaced relative to the axis of rotation of the wing to'the rear edge.


The rotation of the wind-driven wheel is transmitted to.a vertical shaft through a couple of conical teeth with a transmission ratio

of 1:3.5.

" . _ i I 9 _

On the vertical shaft

below, a large wooden pulley is p1: placed,wherefrom the rotation of the .dc. generator is~transmitted with a transmission ratio of 1:10 by means of a belt drive. A pulley is fi.t,.ted -to the shaft of. the dcigeld ator, which has a free pace so that it can lag behind when the shaft of the generator is rotated by meansobf another motive force. This is v caused by the fact, that t:he shaft/244 of the generator is a continua L.'i:. of the shaft of the flywheel inA. G, Ufimtsev's system. As the number of revolutions of the wind engine decreases, the flywheel ro bato tates the generator for 2-3 min-




utes, due to the given system of transmission; the lag of the wind engine is not eflectedi'initheiwork of the flywheel. In such a manner,
design makes it possible to

ion out the number of revolutions of the generator for short inter" vals of time, under conditions of puls6d wind. Fig. 145: Head of the VIME D-5 wind engine: 1-flap of the winddriven wheel; 2-crankcase; 3-shaft of the wind-driven wheel; 4-conical wheel; 5-conical pinion; 6 -vertical shaft; 7upper support; 8 -lower support; 9-support tube; 10-stop clutch; 11-axis of the tail; 12-tube of the tail; 13-guide rol lers,' and .top'.cable, ~ The dc generator has a nominal power of 3.5 kw, 1750 rpm, 220 V, 17 A. It was possible to increase the voltage to 350 V when the wind velocity increased. Due to the presence of the flywheel, which abolishes the rapid transition from one set of conditions of operation of the installation toanother, the wind-driven power ,station could be regulated manually by one of three methods i.e.: 1-by the change of the angle of attack of the blade by means of the manual stop winch; 2-by decreasing or increasing the current of excitation in the magnets by means of the shunt rheostat;




3-by increasing or decreasing the load on. the station which was done by connecting additional lamps and
motors-; .

The adjustment of the wind=.3-

Vl7 _tice

wheel to the wind is per. formed by means of a tail of latconstruction which has a biplane unit mounted on its end (this is why such a tail is called biplane). The tail unit is slightly a'we

arched in order to compensate for t, the reactive moment of the vertical shaft, which appears during engagement of the upper transmission. Without this, the wind engine could not stand exactly in the direction of the wind during its operation. Besides, a curved surface has greater strength.
Fig. 146: Head of the PD-5 wind

engine:, 1-shaft of the winddriven engine;2-conical wheel; 3-conical pinion; 4-crank of the head; 5-ball bearing of the vertical shaft; 6-upper support.

The tower with a height- of 40 m is of lattice construction with indentic-al )square sections throughout its height; it is maintained in vertical position by means of brac.n ing wires. The wind engine Ts AGI D-18. The project of this wind engine (Fig. 154) was elaborated under the direction of Prof. V. P. Vetchinkin, according to the system of the Ufimtsev-iVetchinkin D10 wind en-

ii i


Distinctive features of the

Ts AGI D-18 wind engine are the following: 1-connection of a flywheel of the proper type with a capacity of 10 minutes to the vertical shaft of the wind engine; 2-the considerable height of the tower -- 40 mm; 3-regulation by turning the blade /245 according to the Ufimtsev i system The wind-driven wheel has three blades which rotate around the axis

Fig. 147: Centrifugal clutch to wind engine PD-5 designed by engineer S. B. Perli.


of.the flaps; their axes pass in the spout of the wing in such a man, ner, that the resultant force of the airstream which passes close to the central axis of the blade, creates a moment relative to the axis of the flap. This moment rotates the blade with its arm towards the wind, which is counteracted by the flyweight suspended to:,the system of levers of the regulation mechanism. When the wind engine is addressed, the flyweight is raised, : and the wings are freely adjusted with the spout towards the wind J just like wind winch rings, which makes it possible to have small loads on the wheel at rest.

The flywheel (Fig. 155) is

built by the same diagram as the

wind engine of Ufimtsev,-Vetchinkin

/'from described above, and differs it only in its weight. The disc of the flywheel weighs,, approximately 1.25 tons; the number of revolutions is 2500-3500 per minute. In order'to decrease the re'sistance of the air, the disc is placed on a rotating housing. This , decreases the drag approximately

Fig. 148:



wind engine.



The tower is all metallic of welded construction and has/a

height of 40 m. With such a high tower, the wind engine can work more hours per year than with a low tower. The adjustment to the wind is by means of a triplane .performed
tail, which is done in order to


decrease the angular velocity of -_ . rotation of the tail during side gusts. The weikhts of the wind engine's parts are:- for the tower-7.5' tons,

Fig. 149: Wing with partially removed casing.



head of the wind engine-3.5 tons; flywheel-1.5 tons, overall weightS12.5 tons.


[Pages 248 and 24 9 are missing from the original text. Figures 157, 158, and 159 are also missing.] /252 The oil in one of the guides. is collected by means of a pump from the oil vat of the crank. The wind engine has roller bearings and automatic lubrication. The compact transmission mechanism of the Fairbanks wind engines, is manufactured according to diagram IV (Fig. 156). A wall is fitted,'to the shaft of the
wind-driven wheel (Fig. 160), which

Support tube: 1-supFig. 150: port under the frame of the head; 2-rollers.



is engaged with a worm wheel; a connecting rod mechanism is mounted on the rim of the worm wheel. The transmission mechanism of multi-bladed wind engines "Aeromotor" is built according to diaThe crank 2gram VI (Fig. 156). The prismatic part Fig. 151: mechanism of multi-bladed wina of the tower: 1-girder; 2-ring engines "Hercules" and "Climax" in with latern pinion; 3-pintle to England, are built according to the the support tube shown in same diagram. The design of the Fig. 150. head of wind engine "Aeromotor" is shown in Fig. 161, whilethat o'f "HerThe cules" is shown in Fig. 162. difference between them consists only in the mechanism of starting and stopping. In the first, this mechanism consists of a series of levers connected with the clutch which rotates on the support tube and is displaced longitudinally along it,,(Fig. 161), while in the second, two guide rollers replace the levers; a chain is thrown v over the two rollers,whih, at its upper end is fastened to the tail, while its lower end passes inside the support tub'e and is fastened to the clutch which can only glide along the support tube upwards-add downwards,(Fig. 162). The design of the transmission mechanism in the "Gigant" wind engine is quite simple (Fig. 163). The forward 'movement is communicated by the connecting rods to the rod of the pump; the connecting /253 rod in its turn is connected to a yoke, one end of which is hinged to an immobile support (diagram VII, Fig. 156). 172 ORIGINAL PAGE IS OF POOR QUALITY

. .'


Reducing gear for the Fig. 152: D-18 wind engine. Technical Characteristics Power of the wind engine at the wind velocity of 8 m/sec.....38 hp Normal number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel ........ 42 rpm Revolutions of the body of the reducing gear................378 rpm Weight of the individual units of the wind engine: 2250 kg wind-driven wheel Fig. 153: Wind engine of the system head, regulation, mechanism Ufimtse i-Vetchinkin D-10. for stoppage and turnin'g'to the wind.............. j.3025 kg --1 tower...................4825 kg redacing gear with vertical shaft...................2400 kg I.YtTotal weight...........12.5P00kg

Fig. 154: The wind engine TsAGP D-18 according to the system of Prof. Vetchinkin. 173

The wind engine "IZI" has a

transmission mechanism with internal toothed gearing (diagram VIII, SFig. 156). The general aspect of the head of this engine and the cylindrical transmission with internal gearing, are shown in Fig.





the rapid wind: engines for electrical installations, we Jshall mention the six-bladed wind engines with a diameter of the
wind-driven wheel varying from 5

to 12.5 m of the Danish firm

1 2S,.: . 4
Fig. 155:

The flywheel of the

"Agrico" (Fig. 165). The wings of these wind engines have flaps made of steel pipes. The regulation is performed by turning the blades of the wings ' around the axis of the flaps. All six blades kinematically interconnected so that they turn simultaneously in the process of regulation.


D-18 wind engine.






Fig. 156: Diagram of the transmission mechanism of wind engines, working with piston pumps,.. 174


Head of the wind Fig. 160: engine "Fairbanks".

Fig. 162: Head of the wind engine S"Hercules".

For small wind-driven power,. installations, the American firm "Roralight" releases the model


Fig. 161: Head of the wind engine "Aeromotor".


"1000" with a 3-bladed wind-driven wheel, diameter 3.45 m. The number of revolutions is limited by turning the blade by means of a centrifugal regulator mounted on the shaft of the wind-driven wheel (Fig. 166). Power -1 kWt at 300 rpm; fourpole shunt generator -- 1 kWt,,at 32-40 v, with maximal number of revolutions 1200 rpm, displaced behind the wind-drivenwheel.





Fig. engine. 163: Head of the wind


Fig. 165:

Wind engine "Agrico".

Fig. 16:

Head of the
:- g ' !)

39. a Weight of the wind engine is Wind the Engine creation of The main element)in the design a wind engine which would have the lowest weight with high performance. from is derived requirement This s avings, of metal the necessity as well as-saving in the transportation of the excessively heavy wind engines to the site of their ex. ploitation. Generally speaking,

Fig. 164:

Head of the wind

and the transengine "IZI" mechanism. mission


-kind engines have an extremely

high metal content.. The.weight of rapid wind engines averages/256 from 300-400 kg per. lhp, while of the low speed engines -from 500-800 kg per 1 hp. Table 10 presents the weight of wind engines of Soviet and foreign production. Let us note in this table the values of column 10 which contains the weight of engines related to unit area marked off by the wind-driven wheel.. It appears that the multi bladed wind engines, which belong .,fto the group of lowspeed engines, are almost twice heavier than the rapid engines with a'(smallanumber of blades. The curve-s :in Figs. 167, and , iresent a comparison be68_p tween the weight of wind engines produced in the USSR. In Fig. 167, the weight of the low- and high-speed wind engines are given, taking into account the weight of the tower, while Fig. 168 presents the curve of the weight of the wind engine without accounting for the weight of the tower. These curves show that the low-speed wind engines are 30-65% heavier than the rapid ones when the weight of the tower 'is taken into account, and from 80-125%Iheavier when the weight of the tower is not considered. /257 The curve in Fig. 169 illustrates the change in the relative TsVEI weight of rapid wind engines VIME D-5, VIME D-12, VTME D-3 and D-50 with similar aerodynamic param~ters,' constructed and designed in Soviet plants. /260 Hence, we see that the specific weight of wind engines, i.e. the weight related to unit area marked off by the wind-driven wheel, increases markedly withtthe increase in the diameter of the winddriven wheel. This indicates that one should not be carried away by the large dimensions3of wind engines. Fig. 170 presents t hweighticurves in relation to the diameter of the wind-driven wheel in foreign wind engines.with multiple II--for the "Hercules"; blades: -I--for the English wind engine "Aeromotor"; engine Wind III-American "Samson"; engine wind America! Wind-driven electrical Fig. 166: engine "Roralight". .





b. aamep




Fig. 167: Curves of the over"all weight of wind engines; 1-weight of low-speed wind engines; 2weight of high-speed wind engines; 3-curve of the excess weight of low-speed wind engines above the weight of rapid ones in %. Key: a-weight of the wind-

Fig. 168: Weight curves of wind engines without the tower: 1weight of low-speed wind engines; 2-weight of rapid wind engines. Key: a-weight of the wind engine b-diameter of the winddriven wheel c-kg d-m

engine b-diameter of the wind

driven wheel -kg





.~an-m L



5 10 15 20 S

3-0 O


2 AX31Me!p



Fig. 169: Characteristics of the weight of wind-driven wheels per squarerim of the marked off area in rapid wind engines. Key:

Fig. 170: Characteristic of the weight of wind engines. 1-kg 2-kg/m

Key: 1-kg/m2 2_diameter of the wind-drive s, ven wheel in m.




P -



eNam igne-

d... whn



affts of a parts dual ,.-. I

t 4 o.o F



lti~la n (TV-) Rapid VIME D-VIME

Soviet Producn (TV-5) miltibla


8 12


18 3

19,6 50,3 113,0 1.9,6 707 7,07 113

344 820 796


92 160 195

500 122)


380 1 950 sh ft2 755 2(5-c 306i



1 291

3. 38,8 24,3

.1198 s15 19o00 15 1682 16

t 300 i5



D-30 D-3, wings

R f a _ ma . Ck-lh'ean TsAGI--D-30 Su erpower TsVEI D-50

30 3 12

3 3 3

7526 7 1129

10125 2,4 25 794 1021

7949 -

25600 44.4 2944.

36,2 6,25 26,0

16 134 15.3 2553

2i 4
23 50 13,5
40 12


Sane ro

3 3 2+2



373 850


33 90 cdedis000 S6f head Vertical .


48 55 65

15170 52000 173



tor TsVEI F=13,D=2m

ngine- of UfimtseVetchkikin


420 250



Multi-bladed Foreign




- 14

"Samson" USA 4,9
3,05 4,3

t8 24

7,3 1,8
7,3 14,5


237 1010 22 950 254 ?' 920 1000

_ _ _ 252 772

35,6 54 38,0 50,5 35 3. .49 42

_ 34,5 53,0

"Stover" "Star" USA


"Hercules" England

3,05 4,9 3,05 4,9 5,5

_ _

18 18 18 18 1 18

7,3 18,8 -7,3 1I -18,8 23,7

_ _ _

495 1090 640 9 S0 1040

_ _


15,2 15,2


IV-durve of the average weight of the wind engine in relation to the diameter of the wind-driven wheel, which was plotted on the basis of curves I, II, and III; V-curve of the average weight of the wind engine per square m of area marked off by the winddriven wheel. wind engines with The last curves shows that multi-bladed'. a diameter of 3 to 3.5 m have the minimal weight.





The calculation of the strength of a mechanism or structure is determined by the,.fmiagniitudesload and permissible stress. The methods presented below make it possible: to determine the magnitude of the load; standardization of the stress related to. calculations of wind engines is presently extremely difficult due to the insufficient experience wit.h-this-method. 40. Wind Load on the Wings and Calculations of the Strength of the Wings. The load on an elementary area of the blade with a width b and length dr, is equal,according to equation (85),to: Pd=C bd where: Cy is the coefficient of the lifting force of the wing; p is the density of the air; W is the relative velocity of the airstream which dashes over ahielement of the blade; r is the distance of the blade from the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel. The relative velocity of the airstream: W= VWo r+TV Where: wr is the circular velocity of an element of the blade; V is the velocity of the wind.




Assuming that Cb .are :constant thiobugh6ut t ,le'legth of the wig and' /262 integrating, we obtain the total:load. on the wings:


2(r + V2)

dr =


Placing (R - r 0 ) in front of the bracket, we obtain:

Let us note:




b(R - ro) = S -S , Rr --

area of the blade, hypothetical radius of the (4i(8,i; wings.


Substituting S and rm in equation (c), we obtain the over-all to: the wing:


s ( 2 +y

(179) 181

During wind gusts which come with high velocities and to which the wind-driven wheel cannot instantaneously adapt, the wings may be overloaded. The ratio of the maximal possible load on the wings Pmax which appears during wind gusts to. the working load at a calculated velocity. of the wind Pp is called the coefficient of overloading.


Let us denote the velocity of the wind during a wind gust Vn and let us write the equation of the load on the wings as V and Vn:

,_x Cy S


v )i\


where:Cyn is the doefficient of the lifting force during a wind gust. Taking the ratio of the equation (179a) to (179), we obtain the expression forthe coefficient of overload in the following form:
S , c,,, ( ,, +V )



Since forces P and Pmax are calculated at a maximal value Cy = Cyn, we can assume:
Cyn/Cy= 1; consequently:


(d) Let us note: and -hypothetical number of modules at,,r = rm.

Substituting these values in equation (d) and dividing the numerator and denominator of the right_ side by V 2 , we obtain:

Vi V2


the value of Cy in equation (179) should be taken as maximal. In determining the internal force on the bearings as well as on the tower, Pf <i.e. the overalll frontal pressure on the winddriven wheel. should be known. The magnitude of this pressure is obtaindd by multiplying equation (179) by the number of blades i and by the coefficient of overloading n, i.e.: 182
VC=Wr+ .cs )


The maximal load on the wings:




Let us examine two cases of operation of. the wind-driven wheel; 1-underlhoad and 2-without load. In both casesthe direction of the wind is perpendicular to the plane of 'rotation of the wind-driven wheel. CasetiI. The wind engine is under load. on"tthe blade:
-- ~ I ... .. .. .

The equation of pressure

](l179 )

where C

-- maximal coefficient of the lifting force, the value of which f~r mult ibladed wind engines is presented in the table below.
Width of the
- h t o10 14 20 0 2 225

the arch C m axiumm


, .

1.56 1. 6 1

.3 6 1





For a rapid wind engine with "espero" profile, the value of /264 C istaken fromt heraph (Fig. 171) where the value of C was obtained for an angle of attack a = 10. For other profiles, Cy should be selected according to their wind ltuhel,,tests.',: :;The characteristics of certain profiles were presented in Fig. 35 I, II, III and IV in Chapter 2. Case II. The wind-driven

c""- .

wheel stands in the plane of rotation perpendicular to the wind flow at a working velocity V; the load of the working machine is excluded:

Where: X is the frontal pressure on the wind-driven wheel Graph of C in relation Fig,l171: measured in Kuchinp's- , to,6/b for an "esperoy profile.
"U.1 0,3 04 '"


wind tunnel; is the Inumber -of blades.




The values of x -- coefficientsof the. frontal pressure, when the wind engine is without any load: /265 Multiple bladed wind-driven wheel with cylindrical arch x = 0..642 x profile aerodynamic with wheel Four bladed "Syun," wind-driven 0.412 load on the Example 1. Determine the frontal pressure and the m/sec. 10 = wing of the wind engine at a wind velocity V m; The wind-driven wheel has a diameter D = 16 m; rQ = 0.1 D = 1.6 : neares't't is whichj the width of the blade at the level of the section exthe at m,while 1.8 = the center of the wind-driven wheel is b 1 ternal end it is b2 = 0.8 m; </6b = 0.16. The number of modules Zn = 3 and the number of blades i = 4. The frontal pressure equals, according to equation (182):
,P,=C LS(W2r 2

Cy = 1.2 -- maximum coefficient of the lifting force which is found from the graph in Fig. 171 at 6/b = 0.15. p = 0.125 -- mass density of the air at 150 and(760 mm Hg.



area of the blade.

angular velocity of the wind-dri-

2 ,6


2 +Rro+r




hypothetical radius of the_ wing.


- kf V 4-1

1,932+1i52 2










3.75-5 14 0to

Substituting numerical values in equation (182), we obtain:

P, =1,2. -2 . 8,3(3.752.5.142

+10). 1G6-4 =1990kg4


The load on the wing is found fromthe equation (183):

PA 1990

The load is distriDistribution of the wind,'load on the wing. to the distances proportionally blade the of length the buted along the wind-driven of rotation of axis the from sections blade's of the in the graphically load this represent to usage common is It wheel. flap. the of axis the with anglecertain a forms which form of a.filine a of shape the in wing the of cord the on load is distributed The triangle (Fig. 172).


- The load on the blade is determined by the method of A. I. Makar.evskiy, who represented it as the volume of a trihedral cut pyramid, with. its tip directed towards the center of the wind-driven
wheel (Fig. 173).


. Fig. 172: Distribution of the load along the length and the cord of the blade.

The volume of such a pyramid is equal to: -

According to the notation*,in Fig. 173, we have:

Fig. 173: h-ri

Volumetric load on the blade. height of the pyramid;



base of the pyramid, nearest to the center of the wind-driven wheel;

base of the pyramid, removed from the cen-


ter. Substituting these expressions, we obtain:

(RL ro)(

b b,R



b, b

Let us replace the subradical expression b 1 by its value,

obtained from relation:



hence: b,_b.
Substituting under ther_adical, we .obtain:
(R - r0 ) R

(R-)[ f 6,r, _6

R ~=, (bR+ 1)]

Assuming that the ordinate x = 1 m, we obtain: '.

. . ..


If we consider the volume of the load in the shape of a prismatoid with two parallel. sides, welcane:,write the following formula for such a volume: v= F + 4M),\ where, according to Fig. 173, we have: -height of the prismatoid;

,-- area of the first bases of the prismatoid; r=*'


-RR--ro 1.

area of the second basks,o)parallel to the first; area of the middle section, which is equidistant from the parallel bases.


Substituting the values of h, f, F and M in the equation of the volume of the prismatoid, we obtain: R

V=: R- 6-T

r o. 2


+._. ,

After./transformation of this equation.f6 x - I, we obtain: .... R. R1, R)] a b, 1 +


Equation (185) is recommended for wings with a trapezoid shape /269 of the blade, which narrows towards the center of the wind-driven wheel, used in multi-bladed wind engines. Equation (186) is more suitable for wings with a trapezoid shape of the blade, which narrows towards the center of the wind-driven wheel, as used in rapid wind engines. Specific 'load. The ratio of the load on the wing to the volumetric load is called specific load, the magnitude of which is:
P V R rOb t


- b2l 'r.(187)

for blades, which narrow towards the: center,


.186. . ..


for blades which widen; towards the center. The position of the center of effort of the' sail area or of the resultant load P, is found in the following way,using the notations

in Fig. 173.
The cord of. any section at a distance 1 from the base ,of the blade is expressed by the equality:
(Rb - b.)


The largest load at the level of the spout of the blade for the same section is equal to:

The elementary volume of the load is:
dV ' dl = (b 1) r( d.


Let us write the general expression for the position of the

center of effort of the sail area:!



where V -- the over-all volumetric load on the wing. Solving the integral and dividing the results by V, which is known from equation (186), we obtain: Lyn.
R-r * R-r




= R-


- b-

b,)-b (--r)






Dividing this expression by the right hand side of equation (186)

and taking x

:1', 'we ob'$ain: L,.. ' at the base ,of the blade:, , R \ .. _,, R : , + 3b, h,b, , 2, f b,6, {2b,+ i2,[ "
2 6, .t -2' r,


Adding up ro, we obtain L

wind wheel:

from the axis of rotation of the

- b ,+_b,t o __

+,'-*._, ____

=b r+ .L



0.'2R for almost The dimension of the wing is usually radius ro 1/2 bl; in the all wings, the rapid wind engines have a width b2 wind engine;s, wing of windmills b 2 = bl, while in multi-bladed' b 2 = 2bl. Substituting these values in equa'tions (186) and (190), we obtain simple expressions for a rapid calculation of the volumetric load V and :'for the position of the center of effort of the sail area Ly for different wings. n For rapid wings with a narrow tip of the blade;
SL,= 0.833R. (a)

For multi-blad :'wing's:,, /271

v ==.74R,
L,, =0,724R.

(c )

For the wings of windmills:

V= 1,2Rb,,
L,,= 0.688R.

( )

Load on the rib of the wings. Let us take the distance between the ribs equal to a, consequently, the load over this distance is distributed betweent.the two ribs in such a manner that one part of it over distance a/2 corresponds to one rib,while another part over distance a/2 corresponds to the other. The magnitude of the load on the rib is found by multiplying the specific load [see equation (187) and (188)] by the volume AV of the areodynamic load on(,the rib. Let us determine the volume AV by integrating: _o I- b,S-dV

) (b 1 R--bro-b=r

ro- br

)rdr =

2 * (R -rPO) (R2,.= r.) [(bR - b,r). r,(b, -

dr,. b) rj]

If we denote the distance between the center of the wind-driven wheel and the rib by rx, the unknown volume; will be between the limits from rx - a/2 to r x + a/2, i.e.:



Substituting here the value of dV and integrating, we obtain the volume of the load on one rib:
AV a

Lb (bIR - b(11) r. -)



Multiplying the specific load p by this volume, we obtain the load on one rib:




[(bR-b ro) r-/


where: a -- distance between the ribs; r x -- distance from the rib to the axis of the wind-driven wheel; bl -- width of the blade at the tip which is turned towards the center of the wind-driven wheel; b 2 -- width of the blade at the external tip; p -- specific load on the blade which widens towards the center of the wind-driven wheel [equation (188)]. Those blades which rise towards the external circumference are used only in the multi-bladed 'wind-driven wheelsof small diameters, and usually have-nno ribs. Example 2. Determine the load on the rib of a wing of previous example 1, if the distance between the ribs and the axis of the winddriven wheel rx = 5 m; the distance between the ribs is a = 0.6 m. r 0 = 1.6 m; R = 8 m; b 1 = 1.8 m; b 2 = 0.8 m (Fig. 173). Solution. The load Jon the wing, according to example 1, is equal to Pmax = 498 kg. Let us find the volume of the load on the wings, according to
equation (186): V=R-r [b( tro .

The specific load p is found according to equation (188):

(4+(++i] -

= 3 .5 k

The load on the rib of the wing at a distance rx = 5 m from the axis of the wind-driven wheel, is equal, ./according to: equation (191),



- 1'6) (8 2. .6


+ (52

517 kg.

The load on the rigidly attached part of the wing during regu- /273 lation by rotation of the blade tip. The rigidly attached part of the wing is subjected to'the highest load during a storm. Therefore, in determining the load on this part of the wing, the maximum velocity of the wind Vst for regions with annual average, 'wind velocity

up to 5.5 m/sec ................ 40 m/sec, from 5.5 to 7 m/sec.............50 m/sec, and above 7 m/sec.............. 60 m/sec. The frontal pressure on the rigid part of the blade is equal, according to equation (179), to:


Cy ~a1.28 -- coefficient of the lifting force; Sri -- area of the rigid part of the blade;

rm -- hypothetical radius of the wing, which is determined by means of equation (178), where R is taken from the center of the winddriven wheel to the tip of the rigid part of the blade. The load on the rotating part operates under a storm, the moment Mro acts in the opposite direction developed by the rigid part of the of the blade. When the wind engine of the rotating part of the blade and balances the excess moment Mex blade Mr, i.e.:

where Mba is the moment developed by the blade when the power of the engine is balanced [see equation (193)]. Hence, the force applied at the rotating part of the blade/"will / be equal to:

p where:

_ kb J




Res-.:distance of the point of application of force Pro to the axis/274 of rotation of the wind-driven wheel. 190

The power of a wind-driven wheel which has a diameter D be4;. tween '.the limits of a dircumference which passes through the tips of the rigid part of the blade,. equals, according to equation (137);
6 54 Dit. oio00


here (st should-be determined on the basis of the number of modules according to the aerodynamic characteristic of the given wind-driven wheel. where: Let us find Est on the basis of a given Zst according to the The norcharacteristic and let us substitute it in equation (137a). mal power Nba is found at max. Having the numerical values of Nri and Nba, let us find Mri and Mba and, finally, Pro [see equations (192), (193) and (194)]. After determining the pressure Pro on the rotating part of the wing, let us find Cy by means of equation (179):




After we obtain Cy for a given ratio 6/b, let us find from the graph in Fig. 63, the angle of attach a, which/,,should be expected to be negative. The load cpnn the turning blade stabilizer is equal'to:
.- st2.t,




where: Cy is thewmaximal coefficient of the lifting force; Cy 0.9 at 6/b = 0.17; Sst is the area of the stabilizer; w is the angle of velocity of the wind-driven wheel; rst is the radius of the stabilizer, which is equal to the distance from the center of effort of the sail area of the stabilizer to the axis of the shaft of the wind-driven wheel; V is the working velocity of the wind in m/sec, at which the engine develops its full power. The distribution of the load along the length of the turning power of the wing is homogeneous while the distribution along the cord is triangular. /275

The load on the flap. Two cases of loading are examined in this calculation of the strength of the flap. 191

Case 1. The axis of the flap has a horizontal position; 0 and D a' supports of the flap; E and K are'supports of the wing (Fig.


The flap is subjected to the action of a moment of the,weight) fprces, Mg, the moment of the aerodynamic forces Ma and the elongation caused by the centrifugal forces C: Mg = G(Lcg - k), Where G is the weight of the wing determined by its outline; Lc is the distance between the center of gravity of the wind and its oxis of rotation; it is assumed to be Lcg = 0.48 R; 2 distance from the axis of rotation to the dangerou section; R = 0.2 up 0.25 R.

The moment in the dangerous section

equals: M,= G(048r--0.25R)=G03


Fig. 174: Diagram of the wing for calculathi6nu of the flap in its horizontal position.

where: Lcg is the distance from the center of effort of the sail area to the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel; P is the load on the wing, which is determinemxby means of equations (182) and (183); the calculated moment:
Mad=l / M+


the centrifugal force:





the stress in the dangerous section of the flap:

PT (200)


F is the area of the section of the flap; M is the overiI' moment which bends the flap.

Case 2. The axis of the flap has a vertical position; the wing/276 points downward. The flap is subjected to the action of: 1-the moment of the aerodynamic forces Ma; 2-the moment of the gyroscopic forces Mg; 3-the moment of centrifugal forces Mcf ,and 4-the weight forces of the wing G.




dnr m



where the difference between the integral equal to:

inside the

brackets is

I -- the moment of inertia of the wing relative to the axis of rotation of the wind-driven wheel; w -angular. -velocity of I rotation of the wing; W, -- angular -velocity of rotation of the head with the winddriven wheel relative to the axis of the tower. Consequently; (201a) The stress in the dangerous section of the flap:, - - + S-_ (202)

In calculating the spars of the wing, the gyroscopic moment is not accounted for, since the mass of the spars themselves is a very small value. In calculating the flap, the gyroscopic moment cannot be neglected, since this moment is determined by the entire mass of the wing (spars,, ribs, 'support, regulating flyweights, ect.O. The stress which appears on account of the moment of cehtrifugal forces has to be added to the stress oi'n the dangerous section of the flap. The magnitude of this moment can be found by means oceqiuaitiopb (175): - wMsin2 lwiis the moment of inertia of the wing with the stabilizer where: relative to the axis of the flap; is the rigging angle. The r atios of the momentsoff inertia'of the blade and of the stabilizer are of approximately equal. j-I 0,75 LV; 1j0,25A :Calculation, of the strength of the wings:with stabilizersjis performed in the following sequence. '(T7j9): Second, the strength of the flap is calculated from equation ' (202) and Third, using the obtained dimensions of the flap, the 6/b of the profile is determined based on the d*ispsitaton of the flap, after which one can proceed to design the wing; a tracing is made of the matched s%\ctions of the wing and the spans are placed in it. . VL 277

First, the calculated load on the wing is estimated from equation



After having obtained the


design shape of the wing, the spars are calculated We shall present the cal-

culation of a two-spar wing The wind S (Fig. 175 and 176).

2L1 PS_

load on the blade causes forces P1 and P2 on the spar:

Fig. 175: wing. Key:

Diagram of a two-spar

1-spar 2-rib 3-Lcg

These formulas are derived according to Fig. 176. The force Qx -- the load on the ribs, is determined by means of equation (191).

trated forces P and P 2 the ribs,(yig. 176).

The spars are calculated as cantilever beams on two'supports E and K (Fig. 175). The concenare applied at the sides of attachment of 7 /278

Calculation of the itabilizer. The load on the stabilizer of rapid wind engines is determined according to equation: This load, which is distributed uniformly along the length of the spar and as a triangle along its cord, bends the spar with a moment: I o_ (0 (203) where: kst is the length of the stabilizer (Fig. 177).

In addition, the torque Mt which appears

S 1 as a result of the shift in the center of effort of the sail area relative to the axis of the spar, acts on the spar of the-;stabilizer. Sinqj the load is distributed in the shape of a trion the cord, the center of effort of the sail area is at a distance of 1/3 of the cord from the spout of the stabilizer, consequently; S- isA j where bst and mst are given in Fig. 177. When the ratio of the permissible stress of flection k) to /279 kt of the torsion is kfg/kt 1.3, the over-all stress on the torsion of the spar equals: (205) 194 (204)


Fig. 176: Section through a two-spar


where 1,o . 7




4 !


Wfg and Wt are respectively the moment of flection and the. torque. The load on the rib of the stabilizer equals:




where n is the number of ribs.


Eig. 177: The load on the stabilizer. Key: 1-section across 6-b 2-stanchion 3-ribs 4-spar 5-Pst 6-bst 7-mst

For calculation of the fleption, the rib is considered to be a beam with sealed ends. The flection moment is equal to M.o.(l bst-" (207)

The stanchions of the stabilizer are subjected to flection by force Q and to centrifugal force C (Fig. 178). Stanchion I is subjected to flection by the aerodynamic force Q/2 and to elongation by the -force C 2 /2,1 Stanchion II is subjected to flection by force Q/2, to compression by force S, which is obtained by resolution of force to the direction aB of the guide rope and, of stanchion II,,and to elongation by force C 2 /2 (Fig. 178).

a ,c cCl

Fig. 178: Action of the forces on the stabilizer.

The guide rope.aB is 1cl- /280 culated as being subject ,_ o elongation by force T which is obtained as a component of the resolving force Cl into the direction of stanchion II and of guide rope aB. The loads on the wing of the rapid wing engine without regulation, which, ,ds, conheted in paraile~ is determined .on the basis of its performance. The performance of wind engines with Z = 6 and higher, under conditions of n = const; N = f(V) is given in Fig. 179, where V = the velocity of the wind at which the wind-driven wheel works wPth maximal power; Vlim is the limiting velocity of the wing at which the engine stops.



V Vlim.

Examples of calculation :for the wing. a-The engine works at a wind velocity The load on the wing is:

V.. . ..1
Fig. 179: Performance of a wind enginemax working without regulation.


the frontal pressure will be: is taken from the curve in Fig. 171. Cymax is taken from the curve in Fig. 171. The load is distributed throughout the length of the wing ,-accoring to Fig.

+1AI _=C,.mS(maTr


.b-The engine is at rest. Velocity of the wind during a storm; Vs 40 - 50 m/s The load on the wiZgs: O08 . Si; (210)

The load on Fig. d the tail hinged to a spring. Key: l-Pspw 2-Ptk

180: Fig.

The load is distrib ted on the length of the wing proportionally to the cord. The load on the cord is distributed uni-

41. The Wing Load on the Tail and in the/281 Regulating Lateral Blade. The folding tail (Fig. 180) has to be calculated on the basis of the internal force of the spring, the dimensionrof which are determined as shown in Chapter VIII on regulation (section 33). Drawing the perpendicular r x from the point of torsion of the tail to the direction of the force Psp, we can write the following equation: PIt-b;


Fig. 181: The load on the tail with rigid attachment to the head of engine.(212) the wind engine.


(212) The stress in the tail rod caused by force Ptk: k_ (213) (rx, a and b see Fig. 180).


The stress caused by the weight of the tail unit G;

The lateral regulating blade. Msp = Mbl k = MblWW.

k ==

The area

of the lateral regulating blade, is usually taken in the limits from 0.01 to 0.03 F; where F is the area marked off by the wind-driven wheel.
The unfolding (rigid) tail (Fig. 181) should be calculated by the lateral force, which is determined by equation:


where Cy = 1.0 to 1.2; f is the area of the tail in m 2 which is assumed on the basis of statistical data f = 0.03 to 0.06F, where F is the area marked off by the wind wheel.
The stress caused by the aerodynamic force Ptk:


-(215) (216)

The load caused by the weight of the tail G: k- _GL 42. Calculation of the Head of the Wind Engine.

Girder of the head. The following load acting on the girder of the head should be known in order to calculate it (Fig. 182). 1. Frontal pressure P on the wind-driven wheel, which can be calculated for stabilizers of wind engines according to equation (182), and for engines without regulation:, :by means of equation (209). 2. Weight load, acting on the girder, i.e. Gw weight of winddriven wheel and Gtl weight of the tail. The moment caused by the gyroscopic forces of the entire winddrivenowheel Mg = I0w1 (Sec. 43) for a wind engine with a number of
blades higher than 2; Mg = 21 0wwl, for a twok3baded wind engine. M2-.

l..The 1

horizontal shaft is:s&,Pjected to the action of: a. the torque M:= 716.20 = N/n kg;

b. c.

a deflecting moment caused by a moment caused by the gyro-

the weight of the wind-driven wheel and

.Fig.head of the the Load 182: winLoad on engine .Fig.

h Key: 1. Gtl oscopic

forces of the entire wind-driven

2. Mg 197

a 4-





Determination of the forces of friction in the supportsof the head during adjustment of the winddriven wheel to the wind by means Let us compare of windr ses. the equation of the sum of the moment and of the projection of the forces according to the notagiven in Fig. 183. For determining the readtionsBli ahd B 2 , we obtain the following equality: S\-Ga - Bh, Ph + Gb=O; PB,--,= O. /283 Hence: B =Ph +C.b- Ca S h ' (217) " B =B--p, and
SB=-Ph+,G 2b-Ga. p.


Fig. 183: Diagram of the head for determination of the forces of friction.

The moments of friction are caused by the force G -- wwightedf the head, B 1 and B 2 . Let us note: M, -- moment of friction from of the head; weight the from M2 -- moment of friction .,; M,=L(ar,-lr forces B 1 and B 2 ;M,=;Gr 2

2 );

The windros 6s!'i-

and their main dimensions are determined by the

characteristics of small wind engines (Fig. 184).

The characteristics

indicate that most convenient are the small wind engi es withiy<'W p = 200 and 30 . trapezoid blades and ,a rigging angle

The moment of friction in the bearings of the windrb'ses:' where P' = 0.10 -- coefficient of friction of metal against metal; Gw -- weight of the windrses; /284

d --

diameter of the shaft of the wind rotors.

During adjustments of the wind-driven wheel to the wind, this moment of friction should be surmounted by the aerodynamic moment of the wind rotor, which can be found be means of the characteristics in Fig. 184. The moment developed by the windi6se ,:

is equal to:



1.d S0 0I

0.03 0.04-


0.02 0.04





A= 75 and Z


0.125 mass = --

0.0p density




wind Characteristics of the -Fig. 18: 1average annuactl 0

in the given region;

P = 0.125


mass density of the air;

0.4 -- coefficient which accounts for the decrease in wind velocity behind the wind-driven wheel; D -- diameter of the wind rotors. After reductions, we obtain for oneWwindose'

= 0,02

V 3.


The gear ratio of the wind rotors:


(221) :.

For two wind rotors:

-- 2i--i (Mw 1 ).;'-


where n is taken equal to 0.9 for conical 'and cylindrical transmissionsand 0.45 -- for worm gearing. The transmission should correspond to aw (see Sec. 43).



The Gyroscopic Moment of the Wind-Driven Wheel

During the rotation of the head around the axis of the tower z' -- z' (Fig. 185), in addition to the aerodynamic forces, centrifagal and gyroscopic forces act on the wings of the rotating winddriven wheel. Let us take on the blade point A with mass m and let us writethe expression for these forces: Q = mw 2 r -- the centrifugal force appearing as a result of the rotation of the wind-driven wheel around its axis; Q = mw 1 2 k -- the centrifugal force appearing /286 The force during the rotation of the head around the axis z' -- z'. of acceleration of Coriolis:
P= 2mw1 U sin ,1\

where Z is the distance of point A from the axis z' -- z'.-, The force Q 1 is directed from axis z' -- z' parallel to R; U = wr is'the relative velocity, which in a given case is equal to iLthe circular velocity of rotation of point A around the axis X-,.X. The direction of the force P is perpendicular relative to velocity U and the axis Angle B1 is formedby of rotation of the entire system z' -- z'. velocity U and the axis z' -- z'. These forces cause moments Mx, My and M z relative to the ax s OX, OY and OZ.

0 z

The over-all moment which breaks the flap at the bush is equal to [34]
M.g 21) J'sin :,



where I -- moment of inertia of the wing relative to the axis OX. The calculated :m mmal ibrhent,'which bebnds the flap) when the flap is vertical: f,$imu) (224)

jz Fig. 185:

Action of

the gyroscopic moment on the winddriven wheel.

The shaft is bent by the gyroscopic moment of the entire wind-driven wheel. It is obtained by the summation of the moments of all the flaps (for three or more blades) = y= I' (225)

where I0 is the moment of inertial of the entire wind-driven wheel relative to the axis OX. For a 2-bladed wind engine., If 2W1 The angle of velocity w is found by means of equation: (226)

where n is the number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel per minute. 200

The.head of the wind engine turns with an angular velocity /287 which is equal to: 0-\ (227) where: Z O = wORO/V -- synchronal number of modules of the wind :.v'228) rotors which is found according to the characteristics in Fig. 184; i -- gear ratio of the transmission from the wind rotors to the pinions on the tower; RO -- radius of the wind rotors; WO -- angular velocity of the wind rotors. On the basis of equation (224) and (227), the moment which bends the flap/ /is equal to: -M=Z


The stress in the flap -=




where: W -- moment of the drag of the flap at the bush; D -- diameter of the wind rotors; V -- velocity of the wing in m/sec; Z O -- number of synchronal modules of the wind rotors. The stress on the shaft of the multi-bladed ' wind engine (231) Determination of the angular velocity of rotation wi of the wind engine relative to the axis of the tower. The angular velocity wl for the rotation of the windroses is deter'mined under,the(fll611owing conditions: a. the velocity of the wind 20 m/sec; b. direction perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the windrqses,, (Y = O ; c. the windroses. are considered as working with a synd'hronal

number of modules:

where: Z 0 -V -D -synchronal number of modules taken from wind tunnel velocity of the wind taken equal to 20 m/sec at the head; 0 diameter of the windroses." 0

tests (Fig. 184);

where i -- gear ratio of the transmission from the small wind engires288 to the pinion on the tower.

The measurement of the strength of windoses ' is performed under the same conditions under which the value of wl was determined. 44. The Power of ',Wind Engines

The wind engine consists of two main parts: the head of the wind engine with all the machinery and the tower on which the head is mounted. In winged wind engines, the towers play, an extremely important role; they make it possible to raise the wind-driven wheel to any height, as required by the local topographical conditions. Different kinds of obstacles on the surface of the groindmay disturb the linear motion of the airstream causing turbulence. The tower makes it pos sible to raise the wind-driven wheel beyond the limits of this turbulence. Since the power of the wind engine changes proportionally to the cube of the wind velocity, i.e. we can write the equation of the power of the wind engine as a function of height, using equation (248) (Sec. 46):



No -- power at the height H 0 ; N -- power at the height H.

The approximate characteristic of the power of the wind engine in relation to the height of the wind-driven wheel above the ground is shown in Fig. 186a. H-3

n / HF-oM
, ./


However, in selecting the height of the tower, it is impor-. tant to pay attention to the technical possibilities and the conditions of exploitation of the

wind installation.

1 -

The minimal height of the tower should be equal to (Fig.

where: (234) h -- height of the obsta-

o o Fig. 186a:

, .. .o _ Characteristic of the

power of the wind engine in relation to the height of the tower. Key: 1. hp 202

cles in the vicinity of the wind installation;

c -- distance from the top of the obstacle to the lowest point on the marked-off area, assumed to be 1.5 to 2 m; R -- radius of the wind-drivenwwheel. The opening between the legs of the tower with a height above 10 m B=.22H I to 0.25H.j For, towers below 10 m, B = 0.30 H m. The distance between neighboring wind engines with the same height of the tower and diameter of the winddriven wheel, is assumed to be equal to 15 D, where D is the diameter of the wind-driven wheel. The construction diagrams of towers f67windwengines are shown in /289

& T

Fig. 187 and 188.

. 186b DThe first three diagrams of piy/291 Fig. 186b: Determination used for tower are type of the height of the wind A engines with usually a power up to,,p p wind engines with a power up to tower.


Fig. 187: Construction diagram of. type A towers. I -- VIII refer to type A, IX refers to type B, and X -- XI refer to type C.


the other diagrams of towers


, 0c -riA


vll ,J Fig. 188: Construction diagram of types A, B, and C towers. -group A.T" T


of this type are used for winl enhgines of higher power. The type B and C towers, according to the diagrams, are used in the construction of towers with bracing wires. The ratio of the weights of these towers is presented in the graph of Fig. 189, where the curves describing the relationship between the weight of the tower and the /292 ratio H/R are presented: GIX/GA -- ratio of the weight of type IX rotating tewer to the weght of any of the A non-rotating towers; GXI/GA -- ratio of the weight of group C towers to the w: i wight of group A towers; GX/GA -- ratio of the weight of type X towers -- rotatory, to the weight of the group A towers.

These curves show that with the increase in the relative height HXR, the weight of the rotating towers is considerably smaller than the weight of Group A towers. Towers with bracing wires have a smaller weight than the group A tower. However, the towers of group A are more convenient and more reliable in the exploitation.
GGa Gs


The preliminary weight of

the type A tower, constructed




Fig. 189: Graph of the relative weightsof towers

according to diagrams I, II, III and IV, can be calculated by means of an equation which was derived by the author on the basis of statistical data according to metallic towers of this type, i.e.:
G== (16,5HR+ 0.723H3 5.3R3) (235)

where: H is the height of the tower in m; R is the radius of the wind-driven wheel in m; K is the coefficient accounting for the weight of


Staken . -.1

construction and is
in relation to D and

H from the graph in Fig. 190. The expression 16.5 HR 2 accounts for the flection moment caused by the action

of the wind force on the

head of the wind engine;

2Z -//_ 2.0-

3 xprgession' 0.,723,H


fllction moment caused by the pressure of the wind on

the tower and expression 5.3 R3 , is.-the momentcausea by the weight of the tail. S

If the wind engine is removed from thd windby

means of a blade, then instead of expression 5.3 R 3 , 6.4 R 3 should be substituted in equation (235). Example. ,Determine the

Fig. 190: Graph of the coefficient K for determination of the preliminary weight of the tower.

weight of a tower with a height H = 15 m of a multibladed wid' '

c:engine D = 5 m.

From the graphs in Fig. 190, we find the value k = 2.6; substituting the values of the other magnitudes in equation (235), we
obtain the weight of the.tower:
G=(16,5.15.2,52 0,723-151+ 5,32,5-) .2-0


The wind

oads on the towers of wind engines are determined


according to an equation obtained experimentally at TsAGI for the

models shown in Fig. 191: /294 (236)

where: V = 40 m/sec for regions with an annual average wind velocity up to 5.5 m/sec;
R x -- coefficient of the head pressure, taken from Table 11; H -- measured height of'ithe tower in m; Hmod -- height of the tower model in m.

Assuming V = 40 m/sec. and Hmod = 0.486 m and substituting /295 these values in equation (236), we obtain: P = 6 770RxH2 . (237) For a four-legged latti.c etower Rx = 0.00085 and P = 5.75 H2 kg.



. . .


.. .

Fig. 191: Types of tower models tested in the wind tunnel. TABLE 11
Coefficient Distance of the point (,i' of application of the of head pressure resultant from the base
x/H :(in %).

Type of Model (Fig. 191)

4-legqed lattice, tower................ Cylindrical solid ........................

Conical solid

o00ooes .:O.ibu5
0.0013 0.007. 0...002

32,1 28,5

Trihedral slid.dasposed with1 tl edge towar s t e win ........................ Trihedral s6id ' disposed with the

, ...


slaes towaras the wina ................. Tetrathdraldsolid disposed with the edge . or the side towarAs the wind ...........


Cylindral Jbttice tower ....................



Hence, we see that the load in kg per 1 m height of the tower

amounts to 5.75 H.

Aralogically to the'previous cas,

s-olid tower

we obtain for a cylindrical

P-, 'H kg (239)

K -- correction coefficient for cylindrical sc(:6aid tow6r, determined from the graph in Fig. 192, in relation to H/D, while D is the diameter of the cylindrical tower. For calculation of the towers, the head pressure on the winddriven wheel has to be determined. On the basis of experimental data, the following formulas are derived for wind loads on a multibladdd wind-driven wheel (Fig. 193): P= (240) (241)


x and y -- load coefficient s/29 6

obtained experimentally 'a.d presented in Table 12: p -- mass density of the air (at a barometric pressure of 760mm Hg and 150 C, p = 0.125); F = IR 2 -- the area marked off by the wind-driven wheel; V -- velocity of the wind in /297 which,d!epending on the angle y is assumed to be equal to 8-30 m/sec, according to the



curve in Fig. 125.

4 r a




14 4L


Relationship between Fig. 192: the coefficient K of cylindrical towers and the ratio of height t to diameter of the tower. P =o 0
1 900

" pressure for Head Fig. 193: different positions ~6f )the wind-driven wheel.


Determine the forces Px and Py, acting on a wind-driven wheel D = 5 m of type, fin "-the multi-bladd the case of operation with load, V = 10 m/sec, regulation according to curve 'I, Fig. 125. 125, the windFig. to According driven wheel should deflect at an angle y = 400 at a wind velocity of 10 m/sec. In Table inthe 12, ' olumn of y = 400 two lower lines, we find x = Sub 0.475 and y = 0.20. ting the numerical values of


Type of ope 4lln e.

of -rotation

Load coef-


" o c.~iwind-dtdv, ivn

10 o


ficient of

thde w1'dof I o


0 3



operatio th loa

. . . . . . 0.625 0.610 0.575 0 510 0,374

'.075 0. 13


. . . .

pf .Y

.. . . .ing

0.780 0,760 0.730 0 625 0.47

. .

0.1010o .200 0.o000 0 . o 100 f Angle of rotation ee1 v qipd


ILoad-coefType of *operatin filen of

the wind Idle qperatio





. . . . . . 0.250 0.150 0.07

....... .

0:225 Q,220 0,180 0,150 0,140

,i'th 164 loa ing' of,

. 1... 0.350 0.2735 0,180 0.100 . . . . . . 180 0.240 0.260



the given magnitudes in equations (24Q)


and (241), we obtain:



0 0.I-)-I


j F-=0.20


In determining the head pressure in

rapid wind engines, equation (182) has

Values of the Fig. 194: coefficient C x in relation to 6/b,

to be used, since in a given case, the airstream dashes over the wind-driven wheel perpendicularly to the plane of rotation of the wind-driven wheel, and this has to be taken into consideration.

The forces Pbl/ in rapid wind engines, with only a few blades, wind engines, which are regulated and Px and Py in multi-blded by the removalof iithe wind-driven Wheel from the wind, create moments which deflect the tower relative to its base-,, or the belt, <where the bracing wires are fastened in type X and XI towers (Fig. 188). The wind loads on the tower offwindenkines with stabilizer are determined by the following procedure. 1. The head pressure on the wings and head: P=ics2v6-OsFV62 (242)

C x -- aerodynamic coefficient of the wing at an angle of attack / corresponding to C = 0 (Fig. 194); V s -- wind velocity in the storm (40 m/sec); /298 F -- area of the middle section of the head in m

2. Pressure of the wind on the girder of the tower,baccording

to formula (237), is equal to:
= 4,25RJ]H_

(243) (refersto the whole tower).; ',2/3 of Pt are assumed to act on the frontal side of the tower, while 1/3 of Pt acts on the rear side of the tower. The load is assumed to be uniform throughout the height of the
tower. H -- height of the tower; Vt = 40 m/sec; R -- for a four-

legged tower = 0.00085, for a(cylindrical tower = 6.0014. 3. Moment caused by the gyroscopic forces. The maximal gyroscopic moment relative to the y -- y axis for a three-bladed wind engine and for the multi-bladedq_ ,,engine, according to equation
(225): . =I

For two-bladed wind engines, according to equation (226):

Mg 2I208ow


The calculated overall

moment: M = Ma + Mg,

where Ma is, the moment caused by the aerodynamic forces on the winddriven wheel. The moment caused by the weight forces on the wind engine, ob .ih:fi tained duetto the lack of balance between the part of the head relative to the axis of the tower (Fig. 195): Me) = R1. The tower is subjected to weight loads: a. weight of the engine: Q=q+dQ : where: Qww -Qtl -is weight of the wind-driven wheel; weight of the tail; Qtr -- weight of the upper transmission with crank house; b. the tower's own weight Qt*

The foundation under the tower of the wind engine, should 1. it should be suffi'etlli$ satisfy the following main requirements: and dynamic load; 2. the static the for accounting in ciently strong /299 -,especially not a sedi~'nt, large no give foundation should construction. the of slanting cause homogeneous pne which could ''~re most likely to appear when the foundation of the SediTgnj tower foot!.>is built on sand of small or average density. In order to abolish the slant of the tower, the center of gravity of the entire mass of the foundation of the foot tower ,'should be on the same vertical line. The allowable specific pressures of

weak soils (clay, and loam in the ductile

state, sandy loam of average density and powdered sand saturated with water, as well as ground with interlayers of silt or peat) are up to 1.5 kg/cm 2 . For the same soil of average density, the allowable specific load should be assumed to be 1.5 to 3.5 kg/cm 2 , while for strong soils -from 3.5 to 6 kg/cm 2 . In determining the allowable pressures on various soils, OST 90004-38 should be used (Table 13).


Weight load Fig. 195: on the tower.

The depth .'at which the foundationsare in..a .eging ld~3 are taken 0.1 to 0.25 m deeper than the depth of f. given region. The first number corresponds to humid, sandy soii, while the larger number corresponds to water-permeable clay soil.


The depth of freezing in,the European part of USSR is assumed to be: For the northern and eastern regions ............. 2.0 m For the northwestern region.......................1.6 " For the central region............................ 1.5 " For the western region............................1.3 " For the southern region:................................ 1.1 " The foundations under the foot of the tower, are built of brick or stone on,: cement mortar. The bending loads caused by /300 the head pressure of the wind on the tower and the wind engine, cause at the base of the tower, a moment M = PhH + PHt, where H and Ht"are the distances between the ,.point of application of the forces and the base of the foundation (Fig. 196).

Name,:ofso-i I. Sandy and gravelly soils ._dry sandy loam humid sany loam Sowdered ry sand Snmid dry sand 5. fne dry sana 6. Ine humid sand

o.i : average



7. ayerage snd egardess of numl ly gravely .san 8, rough and reardle s of h uditv 9. gravel and pebbles fe gardles sc f humidity
1. clay
2. loam

20 3.0 25 4,5

2.0 1.5


2.0 i,2 3.5


II. Clay soils

stated state 2.5--t . 6.0-2.5

4'0-2.5 5-1.0

n hard in do9il-

The compression forces are the weight of the wind engine and of the tower Q; the weight of the foundation G$. The maximal internal forces on the legs are encountered when under these conditions the wind blows diagonally through the tower:
the following equality holds:

_ -

where 1.4B --

\ p.=
distance between the foundationalong a diagonal line. The calculated force on the frontal legl' equals: P, -G,, (244)

on the hind leg:.

210(244a) 210

Assuming that the area at the base of the foundation in cm 2 is F, the pressure on the ground'is determined:


Fig. 196:

Foundations under

the feet of the tower.




The Origin of the Wind

The main cause of the formation of wind is the uneven heating of the Earth' surface by the:sun Let us assume that as a result of the uneven heat given by the sun's rays, segment AR on the horizontal surface of the Earth has The been warmed up to a greater extent than segment EB (Fig. 197'). air which comes in contact with the Earth is warmer about AF than above the segment FB. The air column above segment AF widens while above segment FB,it is compressed. At the same time, at a certain ;CE becomes greater than before, level CD, the pressure on segment ED,it decreases. Therefore, the air flows in whle on segment, the direction CED. At the level AFB, i.e. on the Earth's surface, the pressure above segment AF decreases as a result of the displacement of the air; the pressure above the colder segment FB increases. Therefore, the air flows from segment FB to segments AF below, i.e. in a direction opposite to the displacement above. As a result, the circulation of air illustrated in Fig. 197 Tby means of arrows is obtained. The uneven distribution of heat between various regions of the EarthJ determines the circulation of the air in',the Earth's atmos.phere The Earth's surface is irregular: the dry land, oceans, mountains and forest cause variable heating of the surface at the same latitude. The revolution of the Earth also causes deviations in the air flow. All these causes complicate the general circulation of the atmosphere. A series of individual circulations appear, which are to some extent, related to each other. A calm zone with weak variable winds is found at the equator /306 near the Earth's surface. Eastern winds of considerable strength blow in the upper layers above this zone. To the north and to the south of the calm zone pare situated the zones of the trade winds, which as a result of the revolutions of the Earth from west to east, In such a manner, constant winds blow in are deviated to the west. the Northern Hemisphere from the northeast, while in the Southern Hemisphere they blow from the soutth ast,as shown in the diagram in The trade winds extend approximately to the 30th degree Fig. 198. northern and southern latitudes and are distinguished by the regularity of the airstreams as far as direction and velocity are


concerned. The average velocity of the southeastern trade winds in the Northern Hemisphere reaches near the surface of the Earth 6-8 m m/sec. In the v/tcinity of the large continents, these winds are disturbed by the strong annual fluctuations in temperature and pressure above the continents. Above the Iaye' of trade winds, there is a layer of variable winds, and beyond that layer we have the zone of the counter-trade winds which blow in a direction opposite to that of the trade winds. The height of the layer /307 oifi"counter-trade winds varies from 4-8 km, depending on the time of the year and on the region. In the subtropical latitudes, the zones of the trade winds are replaced by calm regions in the belts? of high pressure. To the north and the south of these regions, approximately up to 70 0 ,the winds blow at all altitudes between the western and southwestern points in the northern hemisphere, and between the western and the northwestern points in the In addition, southern hemisphere. at these latitudes, turbulent movements appear and disappear continuously and complicate the simple diagram of the general circulation of the atmosphere shown in Fig. 198. Local winds. The particular

- -- - --





, -to

Fr 7-7 /

Fig. 197: Diagram of formation of airstreams. Key: 1. upward current 2. wind 3. downward current


local topographic conditions of the

Earth's surface (seas, mountains, etc.) cause local winds.




As a result of the

-) __

changes-:in-'day and night> temperature, sea winds are formed on the shores which are called breezes.

nepemeunu e


Fig. 198: Diagram of the general circulation in the Earth's atmosphere. Key: 1. variable winds 2. calm 3. 30lNorthern latitude 4. 300 southern latitude

During the day, in sunny weather, the land warms up to a greater extent than the surface of the sea, therefore the warm air becomes less dense and flows upwards. At the same time the cold sea air flows towards the forming a seashore wind. The land air lifted above the land flows towards the sea in the upper layer and subsides at acertaih distance from the shore.


In such a manner, a circulation of the air sets in which is directe below to the seashore and above, from the land to the sea. At night the air above the land is cooled to a greater extent thantthe air above the sea and therefore, the direction of the circulation below,the air flows to the sea and above, from the sea to changes: the land. The zone of the breeze extends approximately 40 km towards the sea and 40 km towards the land. The height of the breezes extends in our latitude to 200 -- 300 m. In tropical countries, breezes are observed almost throughout the year, while in the moderate zone, only in hot weather during the summer. In our country, breezes are observed in he summeru!near the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas. The annual changes of temperature near the shores The monsoons. of large seas and oceans cause a circulation which is analogou sto the breezes but has an annual cycle. This circulation which has larger dimensions than the breezes is called monsoon. The monsoons appear In the summer the dry land is heated to due to the raowingreasos . a greater extent than the surrounding seas and oceans; due to this fact, a low-pressure is formed above the land, and below, the air /308 flows from the oceans towards the land while above on the contrary, fr ~6m the land to the surrounding ocean. These winds are called sea monsoons. In the winter, the lands are much colder than the surface of the sea; a region of high-pressure is formed above the lands as a result of which the lower layer of the air assume a direction from the land towards the ocean, while the upper layer, on the contrary, from the oceans to the land. These winds are called continental monsoons. Strong monsoons can be observed on the southern shores of Asia -- in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, where they have a southwestern direction in the summer and aunnortheastern direction in the winter. Monsoons are also observed near the eastern shores of Asia. Strong northwestern continental winds blow during the winter; during the summer, southwestern and southern humid sea winds are observed. These winds effect considerably the climate of the far eastern regions.. 46. Princip.: Magnitudes Which Characterize the Wind From the ::n Energetic Viewpoint. The velocity of The velocity of the wind and its measurement-.the wind is defined as the distance in m which is passed by a mass of The velocity of the wind changes conair in the course of 1 second. stantly in magnitude, and direction. The cause of this change is the uneven heating of the Earth's surface and the irregularity of the local topography. The velocity of the wind is the most important characteristic of the technical properties of the wind. It is measured by means of


special instruments which are called anemometers. Various types of instruments are in use by means of which the velocity and the direction of the wind are determined. All these instruments can be divided into two groups according to the method of determination of the magnitudes. 1. Instruments which city and direction of the 2. Instruments which tion of the wind during a indicate or record the instantaneous velo-i.ity wind; indicate or record the velocity and direccertain time interval.

Wild's wind vane indicates the instantaneous velocity and direction of the wind. This instrument is utilized in many meteorolo/309 Its general view is shown in Fig. 199. logical stations. The wind vane has a metallic board suspended on an axis, perpen-' dicular to the indicator of the wind direction in such a manner, that during the revolutions of the vane, its plane is constantly disposed towards the direction of the wind, which deflects it by a certain angle. The magnitude of this angle depends of the velocity of the wind. During its deflections,Lthe board passes along sector B with 8 pins numbered from 1 to 8 which indicate the magnitude of the wind The magnitude of the wind velocity corre" velocity in a given moment. sponding to each pin, for a wind vane with a 200 g, 150 x 300 mm board, is presented in Table 14. In addition, the velocity of wind can be determined from the readings of a3fWild wind vane with a 200 g board by means of the following equation which are varied for deflections of the board up to pin 7: V = 2Nk - 1 V = 2(N 1), (a) (b)


where: Nk is the number of the lower pins of the two between which the /310 board moves at the time of the observation; N -- number of the pins around which the board moves at the time of observation. Fig. 199: Wild's wind vane. Equations (a) and (b) have been suggested by the author for use when no conversion table is available.

The wind vane with a 200 g board (is used in regions which have low wind velocities. Where Vir' , the velocities are large, a wind vane with a 800 g board is used, as shown in Table 15.



No o


. .I


5 5 -6

6 6-77-S i


b ve
above above,


of the'
wind in

0 12

12 1tO

14 17





1- , 3 13-


5 5 5-6 6 1a 7


Velocity of, the ty

wid n


14 t

sI 20 24

34 40

II0and ove

The advantage of Wild's wind vane consists in the fact that due to the simplicity of its design, it is not expensive and has a great durability. Readingsby means of the wind vanes, are usually taken 3-4 times Comparison of the readings obtained on an hourly basis with a day. the usual readings taken 3-4 times a day, show that the latter are sufficiently reliable for preliminary calculations. For example: V3 = 0.93 V I
V 4 = 0.99 V,

where V 3 , V 4 and V 2 4 are ,the ,avera'gevelocitis of the' wind 'btai'ed from the readings of; a Wild wind vane', 3, 4 and 24 times a day We can see that the readings taken four times a day give an average daily wind velocity with an error of 1% as compared to the average wind velocity obtained on the basis of 24 readings per day. Observations of the instantaneous wind velocities at various meteorological stations can be quite inaccurate, since the recording of the observations on wind velocity'in a given case, depend mentirely on the observer who is susposed to estimate the velocity of /311 the wind by the average position of the wind vane board in an interval of two minutes. The average velocity of the wind canbe deterAnemometers.~ mined . -accurately by means of an anemometer. The main part of t this instrument is a fly which consists of a crosspiece with


hemispheres at its ends. On one side of the axis of rotation, the wind encounters the convexity while on the other -- the concavity of the hemisphere. The uneven shape of the surfaces causes pressure differences between the two sides of the vertical axis of the crosspiece, as a result of which it turns; the hemispheres are subjected to the following pressures of the wind: (VU) 2 (a)

where: Pl and P 2 -- pressure of the wind corresponding to the convex hemisphere .... othe wind and the concave hemisphere in the direction of the wind; Cl and C2'-'drag coefficients of the hemisphere; p -- mass density of the air6' F -- projection of the surface of the hemisphere on the plane perpendicular to the direction of-ovement'; . '' V -- velocity of the wind; U -- circular velocity of displacement of the hemisphere. Since the friction of the axis of the crosspiece during its rotation with the hemisphere is insignificlantras compared to the acting forces, the right hand side of equations (a) and (b) can be

S-' After reduction, we obtain: I(V +U)=c,(V-U),

or: C1( =C( 2)

(c) (d) (e)

Substituting in this equation the values of the drag coefficient obtained experimentally, Cl = 0.34 and C2 = 1.32, we find that the circular velocity of the hemisphere amounts to approximately 1/3 of the velocity of the wind, i.e.:

Expression (e) shows that the ratio of the linear velocity of /312 the wind does not depend on the(idensity of the air, and consequently, the number of revolutions of the crosspiece with the hemisphere 'is proportionalilo the velocity of the wind. This simple relationship facilitates the determination of the It should be mentioned, tfansission mechanism of the anemometer. however, that ;.U = 1/3V is obtained on the assumption that the ratio C1/C2 = const throughout the pathof displacement of two diametrically opposed hemispheres of the anemometer. 'n reality, the ratio U/V changes somewhat with the change in the wind velocity V. However, these changes are so insignificant that they are practically negligible.



Anemometer Fig. 200: produced by j n In measurements of wind velocity, the Metpribor". face of the anemometer should be placed at an angle of 450 to the direction of the wind, which is extremely important when calibrating this instrument. The investigations,of Prof. G. Kh. Sabinin and I. V. Smirnov at the Kuchino .,wind tunnel established that a change of +4.4 to -9.4% is observed in the readings dependi~g on the position,oof the anemometer with regard to the stream, as shown in Fig. 201. Before utilization, the anemometershave to be calibrated, as a result of which, tables or graphs are obtained for the conversion of the wind velocities,obtained according to the readings of the anemometer,to real velocities which are determineddby calibrations using another accurate and tested instrument.

The most widely distributed anemometer:iis the "Metpribor" hand anemometer (Fig. 200), which consists of a crosspiece with cups-hemispheres at each end and of a box with a counter which indicates the path)in meters passed by the airstream during a given time interval. Calculation of the time is performed by means of a stop watch or by means of a watch which has a second hand. The counter of the anemometer and the stop watch are started at the same time or else the time on the watch is noted, and after the elapse of the desired time interval, the stop watch and the anemometer are stopped at the same time or the time at the end of the observation is noted on the watch. The numbers on the face of the anemometer show the number of meters by which the airstream was displaced during the period of the observation. Dividing this number by the time of observation in seconds, we obtain the value of the average /313 wind velocity in m/sec for the time interval of the observation.

The electroanemometerveis used for instantaneous determinations of wind velocities. A crosspiece with hemispheres turns a small dc generator. The elaborated electrical current is fed to a volt meter, the scale divisions of which indicate directly the magnitude of the/314 wind velocity in a given moment. Anemographs. Anemometer~s,the readings of which are recorded are called anemographs. This is; the most convenient instrument for recording wind velocities; if i is well calibratedzl the velocity values recorded by it are of course more accurate than those determined by the eye.


Two types of electroanemometers with recorder, are in :.r. an electroanemo/ "existe.nce; .2 . meter-. ' With vl'tagge . . .' dependent. operation,' and 2. a contact anemometer and os , n-0 recorder which are fed from an electrical storage battery. In the first case, the recording is a smooth and continuous curve it is a while in the second -2 2 ' straight interrupted line. A contact anemometer with recorder A line is shown in Fig. 202. with transversal streaks recorded by the pin at the time of the Change in the readings Fig. 201: contact is seen on the paper .. of the anemometer covers the drum of the which differento its in relation to Each distance between recorder. stream. wind in the positions the two streaks corresponds in this recorder to a certain pat;h-Key: 1. position of the If a segS passed by the wind. anemometer corresponds line mm on the ment 2. direction of the wind to t seconds, then it is easy to determine the average velocity of the wind pper t calculating the number of n i.e., of the intervals between the streaks on a portion of the line
f. mm: - sn

-4 ~

A more accurate determinationof the velocity of the air=stream, can be performed by means of Pito's .t1Ube. This tube7 is mounted with the . open end of the wind vane into~. the wind. The'dynamic pressure of the wind stream Fig. 202: Contact anemometer with c causes a pressure on the air /315 inside the tiubhe. A diagram of the Pito tube is shown in Fig. 203. It consists of two tubes:, an internal one which is thin with an open front end where the airstream exerts its pressure, and- an external tu:bhewhich is fixed and forms a closed airspace united wih, the atmosphere of the lateral openings in the_ front part of the-_0e The rear end of the thin tubeis connected either directlyVor via a rubber tube (depending of the design of the instrument) with the tube of ai~idh:idcolumn pressure gauge; the other end of the latter is connected with the air space df the thick tube,. The pressure of


S pv2 2 -which,


the airstream in the thin tube is trans" mitted by the liquid in the U-shaped tube of the pressure gauge, as a result of the level of the liquid in this tube is establised at different heights. For this purpose, colored alcohol is usually utilized. The pressure of the airstream is determined from the differ" ence of height between the levelsof the liquid while thevelocity of the wind in a -given moment is determined by means of Berioulli's equation. In section I (Fig. 203), the air pressure in the thin tube is equal to pl and the velocity is VI; in section II,the pressure is p while the velocity is' V.

Fig. 203:

Pito's tube.

Consequently, for these two sections, BernOuii's 4quation isA written in the following manner: p-fvzI~ V, P (a) since the velocity in the same tube is equal to zero (V1 = 0), can write: SP+ or: we


This pressure difference causes the difference in the position -. , of the liquid levels in the tube of the pressure gauge. Consequently, we can write: . (d) Hence, we obtain: P .(246) where: p -h -y -mass density of the air; height of the column of liquid in mm; specific weight of the liquid in the pressure gauge.

The relationship between the mass density of the air p, the temperature t and the barometric pressure is given by equation (3) (see first chapter) . Substituting p in equation we obtain: , ,

(246) by its value from equation (3), -B




The specific weight of the water yw = 1, while thait;aIlcoholi's 079. Expressing h in mm water, and substituting the numerical values of the specific weight, we obtain:. for the water:column pressure gauge:
*V=6.5 /'h (73

for the alcohol pressure gauge:

\V 6.,5

7 9h -(''

Under normal conditions,-t = 150 C, B = 760 mm Hg. Substituting these values, we obtain the 'Tollowing simple expressions; for the water column pressure gauge:
hV=4 1 /_2\


for the alcohol pressure gauge:

Anemograph. An instrument which records not only the velocity /317 of the wind but also its direction is called anemograph.' The recording made by this instrument givesa clear representation of the specific pattern of changes in the velocity and direction of the wind. The general view of the receiving; part, of the anemograph is shown in Fig. 204, where v$. is a worm gearing with contact for tracing the velocity of the wind; 2. is a box with an electrical device which perceives the direction of the wind. The tracings are transmitted via an , electric conductor to a recorder which is mounted in the building of the meteorological station. Micromanometer. At low velocities of the airstream which are measurable by means of Pito's tube, the height h in a normal manometer is too small, which hinders accurate readings. A more sensitive instrument for use with Pito's tube is the micromanometer [26].

Ii .

Fig. 205 illustrates the diagram of the commonest micromanometer with tilted tube. In the newest design, it is possible to change the slope of the tube, which is convenient for changing the sensitivity of the micromanometer depending on the experimental conditions. Closedvessel A, which is connected by means of t(bing B with Pito's tube,

Fig. 204: Anemograph.

1. [Translator's note: A different word is used in Russian from the word in the heading of the previous section, which however ,,h~ the same meaning in English.]


usually contains alcohol. Due to the difference in pressure -dynamic pressure between the side of Pito's tube and the surface pressure on the side of the open tilted tube C, the level in the tube assumes a certain position above the level in vessel A at a height h. Measuring the length of the liquid column2.t in the tilted tube at a known angle a of, tilting and a specific weight of the liquid y we obtain: h = k sin ay (a) The slope of the tube in micromanometers of this type is made /318 in such a way that the sinya is a proper fraction: 1/2; 1/4, etc. Example. At the slope of the tube sin a = 1/10 and a displacement in the meniscus inside the- tilted tube k = 5 mm, specific weight h = 5 - 1/10 * 0-8 = 0.4 mm water of the alcohol y = 0.8, we obtain: column Since we adjusted the height of

the alcohol column to that of the


water column, the obtained value h can be substituted in equation (247);

the obtained velocity is:


OA-.063-.53 -rd/sec

micromanometer. m n

Avereage monthly and average annual wind velocities. The average velocity of the wind is called the average arithmetic magnitude:i.,composed of several observed velocities over a given interval of time. For

example, 6 measurements of wind velocity, were performed every 10 minutes in the course of an hour, consequently, the average velocity of the wind for this time interval

This method of calculating the average wind velocity gives an approximate value. The average velocity of the wind can be obtained more accurately by means of anemometers. The average velocity of the/319 wind determined by means of the anemometeris obtained by dividing the number of meters shown by the anemometer, by the time in seconds of operation of the anemometer. For example, in the beginning of the observation, the point of the anemometer counter indicated the number 425 m; after 1 hour of operation the anemometer showed'the number 18,784 m. Consequently, the average velocity of the wind per hour .6 ... r equaled in this hour:
SVah -= ,lmn/se.

If we add up the average wind velocities E'per hour observed in the course of every hour for one day and divide by 24, we obtainthe average daily wind velocity, i.e.:


In an analogical way, the average annual velocity of the wind is determined by the expression: --

On the basis of recordings of average daily velocities of the wind, performed by meteorological stations in the course of several years, tables are compiled of the average monthly and average annual velocity of the wind. These tables are of great practical interest, not only for wind technology, but also for many other branches of the national economy. According to the data of meteorological stations obtained from observations performed for many years, general conclusions can be made about the distribution of the average velocities of the wind. The daily course of the wind velocity is characterized by the fact that the maximal velocities are usually observed in the middle of the day, from ' l",v .. to 3 PM, with a maximum at 1 .PMi~. ' The annual course of the average monthly wind velocities_..! characterized for most regions in the USSR by a minimum in the summer months andra maximum in tispring and in the fall. On the contrary, in the Northern Ural and Nothern Siberia, the maximal wind velocity is7 observed in the summer. In the plains, the velocities of the wind are highest during the day and lowest at night; in the highlands, on the contrary; the Hi night wind velocities are greater than those reported during the day. In the winter, the velocity of the wind is similar at night and during the day. As a rule, the regions situated near the seashores .aredis/32( tinguished by the strongest winds, for example, the coastlandsocft'the Arctic and Pacific ,Oceans,of the Black and Caspian Seas, and of the Baikal and Balkhash Lakes. In the mainlands, the regions with comparatively large wind velocities are our semi-arid regions in the southeastern European part of USSR. The lowest velocities of the wind are observed in regions of the central part of Yakutia. Comparatively weak wind velocities are observed in the northeastern regions of the European part of the USSR, where the effect of forestr:areas is felt. The highest wind vc velocities are observed in the central regions of the Central Asian part of the USSR. It is common usage to judge on the possible amount of wind energy which passes in a certain region in the course of the year from the annual average veloci esof the wind. The latter however, may give entirely different amounts of energy because they are similar for regions which are situated at a certain distance from one another. This is explained by the fact that the annual average 223

velocities of the wind are arithmetical averages of the values of numbers to the first power - while the energies of the wind are s;ums of the cubes of these numbers. The sum of the cubes of a -seies(C of numbers with small fluctuation in their values-., is smaller than of a series of numbers with marked variations in their values, which give the same sum as the first series ,whentaken to the -first power. The effect of obstacles on the wind velocity. When the airstream flows around -,an,obstacle, aipart of it is transformed from a linear movement into an irregular turb'ulent one. The air jets which flow around the edge of obstacles,,in their immediate vicinity,are broken., and form vortexes which are dragged away into the direction of the airstream. New vortexes appear at the sites of the streams which have been carried away, and so forth. This turbulence which starts at the sides of the obstacle is gradually extinguised at a distance from it, and disappears completely at a distance of approximately 15 time the height of the obstacle. Investigations in the wind tunnel showed that the velocity of the airstream which passes above the roof of a house is markedly increased and consequently, an anemometer placed in the vicinity of /321 the tip of a roof, if the latter stands in an entirely open area, gives excessively high values of wind velocity for the given region. Behind the obstacle the velocity of the airstream decreases, not only dt the level of the obstacle, but even at a slightly greater height. The data obtained in the Kuchino!!wind tunnel about the movement of an airstream around models of individual houses, as well as groups of houses are shown in Fig. 206. The drawing shows that an anemometer placed in the vicinity of buildings cannot give true values of the wind velocity. The underlying surface and the local topography exert a great


,on the velocity of the wind. An anemo6re'eonnaissance

instrument has established that, at the height of 10,"20 m, the velocity of the wind in plain-steppes changes, depending on local topography. The velocity of the wind above mountain tops in open mountain chains with regular streamlined slopes' "without any sudden change in topography- increases 1.5-2 fold. If the elevation does not have regular slopes or the relietf is disrupted by precipices, ravines, etc, the velocity of the wind is usally low. Elevations with steep, ,,precipito s, stony slopes cause very low wind velocities; .- e'dec-lsiveI& ;ffeCth belongs here to the ascendant and descendant streams. The local topography creates the so-called local winds. If the airstream encounters an isolated top, then under certain conditions it can surround it and blow in the valley, and not above its reach. In the valley between the elevations, a kind of gangway is formed where the airstream is forced through. In such a manner, local winds 224


= >Y4K< '>

Anemo-reconnaissance. Most meteorological stations perform recordings of wind velocities according to the indications of Wild's wind vane and only 3 times per day, at 7 AM, 1 PM and 9 PM local time; the accuracy of this data is insufficient for thorough technical calculations. Therefore, in those cases when complete information is needed about the wind resources of a certain region, an expd\ition is sent out for anemometric reconnaissance. These ex.peditions study the structure of the wind, at the same time performing observations on the velocity and direction in several sites of the selected region. Anemometric reconnaissance establishes: 1. the degree of uniformity of the airstream, 2. the effect of topographical conditions and various obstacles in a given region on :the velocity and direction of the wind, 3. the dependence of the velocity and direction of the wind on the height above regions with changing configuration. In addition, parallel observations performed in various places of the same region and in the neighboring meteorological stations, facilitate the finding of conversi6lrcoefficients for the(!approximate determination of the average wind conditions in each of the sites of reconnaissance on the basis of corresponding average data about the velocities at other meteorological stations. The data of anemometric reconnaissance serve as a basis for selecting the site of construction of wind-driven installations as well as other structures which are related to aicertain extent with the wind conditions of a given locality, for example, meteorological stations, airports, bases of airships, new towns, etc. Interesting information was obtained for example, by the anemometric expedition in the mountainous regions of Crimea., ' The observations were.performed by means of an anemometer with hemispheres fastened to rods with a length of 4 m. The duration of the readings on the anemometer was from 30-60 minutes. In the course of 45 days,/323 1400 separate observations were made; the following was found. The velocity of the wind in valleys decreases considerably as compared to the general flowY In those places where the valley loses its steep slopes, the extinguishing effect disappears and the In the valleys of rivers, the winds reach almost normal velocities. when directed across the valley. speed of its 50-60% loses Wind'.stream 225

Fig. 206: Aerodynamic Fig 206: Aerodynamic Spct:Urm around houseg n odes

are created which sometimes /322 great strength under conditions where the velocities of the wind are comparatively low in the neighboring open part. The velocity of the wind also increases when the airstream surrounds hills with a,,more of less regular outline of their surface.

In mountainous crossing points, high wind velocities were observed on the most streamlined tops which had regular outlines; topswith large stony precipices slackened the wind. Regions of high plateaus are characterized by high velocities of the wind; the increase in velocity ',above, .,the normal flow reaches 100%. Despite their higher position with regards to the center plateau, those points on the elevation which have wooded slopes also have lower wind velocity. Recurrence of the wind. The wind recurrence is defined as the sumcof the hours in the course of which wind with the same velocity vblows in a certain place at difT ernt times. The recurrence is the main magnitude characterizing the wind In view of the inconsistency of the wind, from an energetic viewpoint. the study of its recurrence is a very difficult task. Science -has dealt with this matter for a long time. On the basis of long term investigation, several scientistshave given mathematical relations which make it possible to find the theoretical magnitude of wind recurrence in a given region with a certain degree of accuracy. As early as 1889, Prof. Sreznevskiy derived the mathematical relation which gives a relatively close coincidence of the theoretical recurrence of the wind with the practical one, for Leningrad. M. M. Pomortsev was the first to determine the r'elation whifc h gives values of wind recurrence close to the real ones, for regions with annual average velocities not exceeding 5 m/sec. He arrived at the conclusion that this relation is characteristic and yields a normal Gaussian probability curve: =A =-Ae-(V-V), where the parameters A and B can be determined either by the method /324 of the least squares from actual observations, for whole values of V 0 , or from a theoretical relation which is derived from Pomortsev's assumption on the applicability of_ Gauss's law to the given case.

B-I (V Yj


1' 4V 3 V

V -- velocity of the wind; V0 -- average velocity of the wind in the examined time inteva ; n -- number of components. The recurrence curves of the winds according to Pomortsev are presented in Fig. 207, while Table 16 illustrates the recurrence in hours [27]. Mor'e reent th6oretical data 'on wind recurrance was suggested by Gullen.:'




l I 0

I !The

curves of wind recur- /325

rences according to Gullen 0



elaborated by S. L. Rozentul presented in Fig. 208; Thable17 gives the recurrence

i .

corresponding to these curves

in hours.



For a comparison of the theoretical recurrence with the recurrence of the winds observed

;; I

o 4 2 C

6 oo,

e lera M/.. e

in nature, Fig. 209 and 210 /326 illustrate the recurrence curves according to Gullen, Pomortsev
and according to actual data.

Fig. 207: Curves of wind recurrence according to M. Pomortsev. Key: 1. recurrence in % 2. wind velocity in

leads order rence it is

Examination of these curves to the conclusion that in to determine the recurof various wind velocities quite possible to use the

1 ,,,,<,)

curves and tables of Gullen and M. M. Pomortsev. It is recom-

'o tt

. ,

mened to use Gullen's curves Xfor the determination of the

~.recurrence of wind velocities

1 1 11 1in regions with average velo-4 cities from 6 m/sec above, while Pomortsev's curves need

more accurate values of recurrence in regions with average

_ _ ____
600 400 _7

wind velocities below 6 m/sec.

Change in wind velocity with altitude.,.- The given obstacles on the Earth's surface effect considerably the
J6 4



IN aw

. 'i

Jz -' 1

velocity and direction of air-

Fig. 208: Curves of wind recurrence according to Gullen. Key: i. in hours

streams. As the altitude n, above the Earth's surface in' creases, this infl'uience di''-"':" . minishes and it disappears almost completely at a certain altitude.

Fig. 211 presents the changes in the velocity of the wind, recorded by a special instrument which was mounted in a kite, in an Aerological dbservatory in the USSR. Curve a shows the change in the velocity of the wind in a short time period at an altitude of 250 m, while curve b shows the wind velocity during the same time /327 .intervals iin the vicinity of the Earth's surface. These graphs 227

I aI


aZ . AiI i.

I i
4 6

o2 S


12 14 16 18 20

,3 32


S. Jb

Copo Cb sp B

Fig. 209: Comparison of the recurrence curves according to Pomortsev and according to Gullen with the rear recurrences in nature: 1-recurrence according to Pomortsev; 2-according to Gullen; 3-according to tracings. Key: a. recurrence in % b. wind velocityl in m/sec.



I t / I


show that the flow of airstreams in the upper layers of the atmosphere takes place with less pulsations than below,in the vicinity of the Earth's surface. Observations on the changes in the wind velocity with altitude,above various kinds of underlying surfaces, show that the greatest decrease in velocity in the vicinity of the Earth's atmosphere is caused by urban development, even in the plains. When the underlying surface is an open plain, the velocity of the wind decreases in the vicinity of the The lowest Earth's surface. radiants of decrease in wind velocity is observed above a convex surface with a:sniooothout-/329 line of its relief; here.thfere: is< even a slight increase in wind velocity in the vicinity of the surface. For example, in Nbvorossiysk, there is an increase in wind velocity in the vicinity of the Earth's surface which amounts to 1/1/2 fold as compared to the general


stream flowing above the Earth's

surface :in the Markhotsk Pass. Fig. 212 give curves obtained according to observations performed in the Aerological observatory in the USSR,,which

2 3 4


10 I)

b cKOpoCb SeTpa a H/C.. Comparison of the Fig. 210: recurrence curves according to Gullen and according to Pomort, sev with the actual recurrences for Moscow: 1-recurrence according to Pomortsev; 2-according ing to Pomortsev; to Gullen; 3-according to recordings,

gives the values of wind velocity during the winter and during the summer; it can be seen in the layers above 1000, there is a slight change in wind velocity with altitude while at an altitud&about 500m velocidecreases with the awind the wind velocity de'creases with an increase in altitude. This phenomenon should probably be related with the circumstance that on calm-days, when the Earth's surface is sufficiently heated by the sun, air currents of a local character resembling


a. recurrence in % a. recurrence in Key: b. wind velocity in m/sec.



Wind yelo verage-;4g wind velocities (:in m/sec) secity n.. I ssis e Hours dfwind- recurrence
0 . . . S. . .
2 . . .

2230 876 500 3600 2020 1030

219 87

307 630

17.5 376

87 228

52 149

44 88

18 62

0 13 1t8)
280 520 876 70

2590 1700 1070


653 2020 1990 1445 1003

873 171011 610 11310 525 '51 ) 070 1 310i 0 152 26 -------------

963 1


100 92


5 ...
6 .

330 t050'1 445 141 5 1210 193 62


U 10




7. 8

10 . .
t . . 12 13 ... 14...
t5 ..

9 . .


640 1050 12-8 315 700 t 000

376 70U 70 52 26 --262 131 52 26

1tS I 030 1 120 1 100



52 183 438 7'0 886 0001. 8l

5001 70 312 516 170 350 70 220


8 0l 6S' 96) 783

1000 850 700 520 36S

87i 796 68S 520



17 . . . 18 .. 19..






16 --

26 17

87 52

193 131 79









17 . .--

17 7

the Earth, which increase the/330 general movement of the air

during the day. When the velo-



city of the general circula-


tion is low, these local winds



,-r- -r-12r 3

_- -r-

--- ,L-----

S' ". -r-r----12


---. _ ...

L -1-I _L-


3 4 5 6 7


7: 1892

course considerably inthe wind in the vicinity Earth's surface. The of the local wind is quenched under conditions of increase in the winds of the , general circulation, and what comes to the fore aret f'e6ts ' of .:a: general order [23] . In the lower layers and up to 500 m
above the Earth's surface, a

of crease of the effect

9101f112 13 1415 1617181920

marked increase in wind veloI increasiI. with observea is city the of Fig. 211: Characteristic ing distance from the ground. wind: a-at an altitude of 250m; A comparison of the velocities b-on the surface of the Earth. between winter and summer shows that the change in wind veloKey: 1-m/sec city with altitude is much /331 less expressed in the summer than in the winter, which is explained by lower values of the vert.,ical temperaturengradient in winter time as compared to the summetr.



Wind vplo-4verage annmalwindvelocities in mr/se' city in m/sec Hours of wind recurrence Up, tb'l . .
1 2.
. .

1200 1 540


850 1




300 520 250 450

3. 4. 5..

. .

1450 1 220 930

660 470 330 220 150 90 S0 0 36 20 17 to -

1250 1 150 950

780 630 480 350 260 200. 140 too 60 40 30 22 13 10


810 680

630 930

400 475 7-,0 20

100 650
450 360 280 220 t70 40 100 70 60 40 30 20 18 15

870) 736 0 77 S86o 770

780 700 600 5.0 40 30 280 230 190 150 125 100 75 58 36 27 22




S6. . 7 . 8. . 9... 10 . . 12-. 13 .. 4. .

. . . . .




5 ..
16 . . 17.. 18. -7 19 . . 20. 21. 22 .

675 6 0 530 475 410 345 290 20 200 170 "0 120 99 75 60 50



5 -


25 22 18 15 12

670 650 600 550 4W 440 380 330 280 240 200 175 150 130 110 835 75

620 600

540 490 450 400 360 320 280 )4)







6 4 -

26 . 27.
28 .

50 40 35 30

70 60 50 40

29 31... 32. 33 35.


. .-



*22 '18





9 7

34 . . . 37. 38.39.


15 14 6 5

10 4 3






On the basis of the given observations on whid velocity in relation to altitude, several investigators derived general formulasfor / determining the velocity of the wind according to altitudes. Of these formulas, the simplest relation for a height of 5 m and

above is the following expression: (248)

where: V 0 and ho -- are correspondingly the velocity and the height, measured in the vicinity of the ground; V -- 4,velocigy determined for a height h. The shortcoming ' of this(: formula is that it does not account for the effect of the underlying surface on wind velocity, as well as for the turbulence seen in the vicinity of the ground. D. L. Laykht:.o man took into consideration the effect of these factors and admitting




that at a certain height ho, the

velocity of the wind V = 0, he obtained the following formula: h

, V= V,


'where V -- unknown velocity of the

atwin Vat -- known velocity of i; h 0 -- height at at wind the
7 9

Swind o0,10:
S3 10 i,11

which the velocity of the wind is

equal to 0. Usually h 0 is regarded its magnitude

1 .


as a measure of the roughness of

the underlying surface;

Sequals 1,0 .a

6.7 cm in the case of a sugar__ beet field; 3.2 cm in the case of field covered with low grass, and 0.5 cm, if the underlying surface is covered with snow. A comparison of this equation -<


4 147

, 11113 14

with the resultsof direct


1 "/ Characteristic of Fig. 212: .the change in wind velocity in relation to altitude:
a-winter at 1 AM; b-summer

at 1 PM Key: 1. m/sec

tions which include the air layer close to the ground starting with several cm, confirmed the validity of this equation for calculating the changes in wind velocity in relation to altitude under conditions of an adiabatic gradient (Laykhman, "Wind profile and interchange in the atmospheric layer'close to the ground",Izvestiya Akademii nauk

USSR 8(1) (1944).

The change in wind velocity in th 'Nlaybr extending from 1-5 m above the surface of the ground, according to the observations of RykacheV)performed in 1917-2 and published in the collection Ydstestvepniyeproizvoditel'nye sily .Rbossii [Naturailproduction forces f /332 Russia] Vol. I, Part 1, is characterized by the following values ( in m/sec). In the lower layer, the winds follow the local relief. The irregularities of the surface encountered by the wind cause turbulence,which is unfavorable for the work of wind engines. The instability of the wind with regard to bothovelocity and direction extends up to a height of approximately 80 m above the ground.


( fc2.+Icora


The Energy




3C.e~ii noipon . .. ..... cc 4C e;m[iban


Seii 2 "






Deb upo,;ri

nac 8/11

o2iV 1917 r.

,Or roNR. Oe-



6,23 6,40


Section 14, the energy of the to wind changes proportionally

According to equation (62), ) r y v o

the cube of its velocity:


It is of practical interest to determine what amount of the wind energy can be utilized by modern ,,technology. Modern wind technology has given as yet no exhaustive answer to this question. The inconsistency of the wind velocity in time and with altitude, the lack of experience in the exploitation of groups of wind engines, as well as of individual powerful wind engines with a power above 200 hp, do not allow to determine the magnitude of the windenergy, which can be put to practical use. Let us,ohowever, present some theoretical considerations on this matter. N. Krasovskiy distributed the wind engineson the surface of the land in a checkerboandd pattern over.a distance-.which was 15 fold the diameter of the wind-driven wheel. This author found that the following amount of wind energy could be obtained per :square km of

1i. underlying surface 2. height (in m) 3. snow cover 4. with snow cover gone (April-May) 5. average value of the velocity in the period from Feb. 8 to May 24, 1917

grbund surface (Table 18)..

The over-all power determined for the USSR can amount to 10,701 million kW with an annual average energy output of 18, 281 billions of kW hours [18]. Approximate theoretical calculation of the wind energy. Ad/333 hering to the checkerboard pattern of wind engines on the surface of the groundi let us calculate the amount of wind energy per square km. The area underorne-wind engine should be equal to:

F = 0.7850D2
where: D = 15 D -D --


diameter of the circular area under one wind engine; diameter of the wind driven wheel.

The closest disposition of wind engines can be obtained if oone assumes that the area under each wind engine has the shape of ;a." regular hexagon. The area of such a hexagon will be equal to: Fhe = 0.87D 2
2 = 196 D 2 = 0.87(15D.)



Annual. av-[

POwe ~yin kW !generators. woring with. wind ' engnes petr. sq 297 435 1000.of kW -hrs, 5 btained f68106 persq 4
Cuai-utAt it


790 1t00 i480 1880 2400

1550 2220 3040 3950


Dividing one sq. km. by 196 D 2 , we obtain thennumber of wind engines which can be accommodated per sq. km., i.e.:

The power -Of each

(137) ] :

ind engine :equals [Section '22; &qation. iV= o.ooo00065 DW


Multiplying this expression by 5100/D mined power per sq. km.: 2 V : .000654D e OV

, we obtain the deter-

" .(25)4V

deb=2,46 Va 2

/334 kW

If 5 = 0.30 we obtain a simple expression for the steady 1 de = power: i

25p1) (251)

where Vdedt is the velocity of the wind corresponding to the determined or hominal power of the wind engine (see chapter IX). For determining the annual output of a wind engine, its characteristics&fBid the recurrence of th :'wind in the regfonii dofthe -wid.. . instllation 'sho.uld be know:. Knowing the characteristics, the output coefficient of the wind energy can be determined at various wind velocities. From the recurrence curve, the number of work hours of the wind engine can be determined in the course of the year for each velocity of the wind. Having this data, the annual output can be calculated by means of the equation: -i~" -0 654 r -t ( 252 (252)


where: D -n -V --tp --

diameter of the wind-driven wheel; mechanical output coefficient of the wind engine; velocity of the wind at which the wind engine can operate; output coefficient of the wind'..: energy; number of hours of recurrence for each wind velocity.

In working with centrifugal pumps, g nerators, millstones and several agricultural machines, the coefficient ( canbe assumed tobe. constant, while it is variable in the case of piston pumps. In calculating the number of hours of wind recurrence, all the hours t of wind recurrence at a velocity above ty should be added to the number of hours t of wind recurrence at a velocity equal to Vy, up to a Vy at which te power of the wind engine becomes limiting, i.e.:
t = t + t.

By means of equation
IN = 0,00654D 2 V3.r

the power of the wind engine can be calculated at velocities of the /335 wind 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 and 8 m/sec, if V = 8 m/sec (a wind velocity of 3 m/sec is taken into consideration oly for wind-driven pumptinstallations). The number of hours per year in which the wind blows with each of these velocities can be found in Table 16 or 17, which de"scribes the recurrence of the wind. Consequently, by multiplying the power of the wind engine by the number of hours of recurrence at the given Velocity and adding up the products,we obtain the annual output of the wind engine. The magnitude of the output coefficient of wind energy and the output coefficient of the engine should be taken from the characteristic of the wind engine which operates with a given machine [45]. Table 19 presents the calculations of the annual output in hp hours ,rfor an arbitrary wind engine with a diameter of the wind-driven wheel D = 1 m and different annual average wind velocities. The power was calculated for the shaft of the wind-driven wheel, where n = 1.0 and 5 = 0,30 = const. TABLE 19

Annual outputI lof wind engine D = I . M (in hp'.

87 196 314 435 544 628 692


Since the power of the wind engine is proportional to the square of the diameter of the wind-driven wheel, its outpbfoIi~~.drif.ferent dimensions can be calculated for any annual average wind velocity by D D! , 2v means of equation: - 1-2 .. (2 5 3 ) whereth vales of'N are presented in''Table 19 for average annual


ranging from 3 to 9 m/sec.

48. Accumulation of the>Wind Energy., The periods of fluctuation in wind energy are of the order of seconds, minutes, hours, months and even years. As an example, Fig. 213 presents the anemographic tracing of the wind velocity at a height of 190 m during aasperiod of 20 seconds. We can see from the graph that the change in wind velocity in intervals /336 of 2 _seconds may reach 10 m/sec. For example, from the 13th to the /,dc,,c 15th and from the 20th to the 21st second, the velocity of the wind changed from 5 to 15 m/sec, i.e. increased 3 fold. Consequently, the energy of the wind in this moment increased 27 fold. These fluctuations of energy are ironed out by various regulating devices of the wind engine. The inconsistency of the wind in time, with friequentccalm
periods extending from 1 to 5 days,

2requires :-structuresof storage

devices which make it possible to accumulate the energy during the At this moment in time, the matter constitutes an :qalm,,period. extremely complex problem in the practice of wind energy utilization.

-r -r
01 2 1-t---I

r17M 1/ex " L--I-

The changes in wind velocity

which take place both in

Types of storage devices.


---- =--

, -i 18 19 21

nitude and in the course of time make it possible to use

in practice both buffer and

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1I0I1 f2 1314 1518

capacitance types of energy storage devices.

Fig. 213: Anemographic tracing of the velocity of the wind during 20 sec. at the height of 190 m.

The buffer storage devices can accumulate and return to the consumer the stored energy in short periods of time in the order of seconds, minutes, and upfto .one hour. The capacitance storage device can store and return to the consumer the energy accLuulated:in the course of a prolonged :time -from 1 hour to several hours.

According to their principle of operation, the storage devices used in wind technology can be subdivided into the following groups:


1. mechanical 2. electric, 3. 6. hydrogen storage device.

hydraulic, 4. thermic, 5. pneumatic and

The mechanical accumulator storesthe excess energy and returns it when reeded by means of mechanisms such as flywheels, springs, jacks,/337 etc. These mechanisms return the stored energy to the power tool intermiftntly like the flywheel, or at/ceitain moments in time, like the spring;. Of the existing mechanical accumulators the one designed by Ufimtsev-Vetchinkin is well known. This storage device consists of a steel disc:with an axis, suspended on ball bearings; the dis.c is enclosed in' a hermetically closed housing. The axis of the disc. is connected by means of a special clutch to the generator and is in fact a continuation of the axis of the latter. This generator is set in motion by means of a belt transmission from the vertical shaft of the wind engine. The clutch which connects the axis of the disc,' to the axis of the generator is designed in such a way that when the number of revolutions increases, like when the wind velocity increases, the disc accumulates kinetic energy just like the flywheel of a steam engine. As soon as the wind slackens and the number bf revolutions of the wind engines decreases, the disc continues%, to rotate with the same number of revolutions which it had in a given moment, and the clutch rotates the generator on account of the energy which it accumulated during the increase in wind velocity. In such a manner, the generator is operated either directly 1 by the wind engine or by the storage device. The. frequency at which 'the clutch is i switched over depends an the duration af the wind guAs a result, the wind power installations gives to a certain extent an equal amount of energy regardless of the pulsating nature of the wind. This is the buffer type of energy storage device. The diagram of operation of a wind engine with energy storage device is shown iniFig. 215. The smallest weight per unit 6f ehergy accumulated b6 thee *torage device is held by a disc of equal resistance. The weight of the
disc per 1 hp equals:_


(25 4)
where a -- tensile strength per kg/mm 2 . Table 20, presents approximate weights and the main data of energy storage devices, compiled by Prof. V. P. Vetchinkin. The main drawbackhiof energy storage devices is the losses caused by air friction. With regard to the losses caused by the friction in the bearings, these form an extremely low percentage- of the losses of air friction when the bearings are properly mad, andVwel . lubricated.



U) d 0R



2. 'Theoretical weigh

of rotor;kg/hp .hr,



btal.weight of

and : " hIungsdhaft bearings) kg/hp hr. 4. Material'-of the

rotor ' "_






r steel ,





rotor kg/mm

Stress of2the



Circular v'elocitt
350 700


7. Weight -of stcrage device per. kWt - hr o stored e rergy, gc/kt

hr.. " :





In order to decrease the velocity caused by friction of the

air, a rotating disc is included in a hermetically closed housing, in which some vacuum hadbeen created. This method was applied by


inventor Ufimtsev for the wind installation built by him in the town Kursk.
Ththemechanical storage devices belong also the elastic energy storage devices in which the elastic properties of bodies are utilized for the accumulation of energy., An example of the simplest

buffer storage device are the rubber shock absorbers used in aviation for the. undercarriage Of 'afrlanes. Electric energy storage devices -- devices which make it pos- /339 sible to accumulate and preserve the electric energy in the form of constant current for its expenditure according to the graph of consumption. The element of an electric storage device consists of a ,the electrodes battery filled with dilute '' sulfuric acid and placed in it, which are lead-plates. The number of.ampere-hours which the storage device can supply to the net is called the capacitancheof the storage device. The capacity depends on the number and dimensions of the plates of each


element and on the intensity of the charged current,.under conditions where the dimensions of the plates are the same. Experience shows that the slower the discharge, the larger the capacitance of the storage device, i.e. the larger the number of.ampere-hours which it develops, as long as the voltage of each element does not decrease from 2.05 to 1.8 V. For example, if during its discharge the battery can give 70 amperes in the course of 3 hours, it had a capacitance of 210 ampere-hours. When the current of this battery is only 28 amperes, 3 and not 10 hours are needed for it to be charged, i.e. under this condition the capacitance increases up to 28 x 10 = 280 ampere-hours. The output coefficient of the storage device is called the ratio of the work obtained during complete discharge to the work consumed during the charging. The magnitude of this coefficient varies between the limits 70-80%. Electric storage devices operate. ,' only with constant current. Therefore, in alternating current circdfits'the .alternatihg current is transformed into constant current prior to discharge; while,during te discharge, the constant current of the battery is transformed into the alternating current dircuit..' Such a double transformation decreases the output coefficient b6 the battery and increases the measured losses of the installation. Hydrostorage devices. The hydrostorage device is a power installation where the energy of the wind or any other energy is transformed into potential energy in the form of water raised to a certain height, which in its fall can perform work. The diagram of a wind installation with hydrostorage device is shown in Fig. 214. The w wind engine is situated at-the highest point in a place open to the wind and is operated by a generator. Machine building 2 of the hydrostorage device ,/is situated in the vicinity of 'water 'source 3 -- a river, pond or lake. The electrical current obtained from the /340 wind-driven installation is transmitted via line 7 and setsin motion the electrical engine with centrifugal pumps which supply the water via a pipe to the forebay pipe. In the absence of wind, the water passes throeghthe same pip intb o a turbinei, which sets in motion the generator. When sufficient water is available, it can be led into an irrigation system [16]. The amount of water required per 1 hp hr of accumulated energy is determined frof the equati'on for the.,: ' power of the hydroturbine:


75.-3ii =


i000QHr= 75.3600.k



This expression yields:/341

Swhere: -






H -- height from the lower to the upper level of the water in the fore.&y in m; efficien y '.pf -the hydrostorage device; 2 Q -- amount of water in m.

The efficiency 'of

the hydrostorage device is de-. termined bymultiplying the ", efficiencies ;of the unitsof the installation, i.e.:

Fig. 214:

,= -. TrU 4p~i ri::;


Diagram of a windssuming

power installation with hydro-

assuming ntr = the 0.95 transmission -effi'cienc.,.of

storage device.
Key: 1. line of transmission of the energy

romstorage the device engine to the pump, - :effii" ef 0.8 p in Pu = 0.8 icaency 0 of the pump, mp, fi S _-tur = 0.9 -ciency, i,,of the pipe,

clincy ur;of . the turbine,

nVp = 0.9 -e fii


= 0.85 -- ~7effi-

cieiicy,,of the forebay(evaporation, seepage)7 and'substituting the numerical values in equation (256), we obtain:
-=O 95-0.8-0o.9o.85.0.9=0.525.

Substituting n = 0.525 in equation (255), we obtain the volume

of water per 1 hp hr.

o5 ,.-5 H M_




The most important structure of the hydrostorage device is the forbay for the storage of water. At a pressure head H = 10 m per 1 hp hr, the capacity of the forebay should be 51.5 _m2 . In such a manner, the hydrostorage device with a "steadypower Ny = 10 hp per 10 hours of work, should have a forebay with a capacity of:
W 5 N 1 o. 10 =5 150 -

It is ntmoconvenient to build such a large forebay for a wind installation of low power. Therefore, for building hydrostorage devices, natural water reservoirs have to be sought, which are situated at the required height. It may appearadvisabi t.o. b.uild dams in ravines and gulleys.


Thermic storage devices are structures in which the energy of /342 the wind is transformed into heat, which is stored either in the form of hot water for the .lheating of premises or in the form of vapor which is used in steam engines or turbines for central heating. The thermic storage device which is intended for heating purIn those periods poses is builtaccording to the following plan., when the power of the wind-driven installation exceeds the load required by the consumer, the excess electrical energy is directed to electrical boilers in which the water is heated up to vapor formation and is then used in heating systems. An attempt of utilizing a thermic storage device for heating was made by G. A.Ufimtsev at the wind-driven electrical installation in the town Kursk. The compressed air storage devices make use of the elastic properties of a. 1i_..'~ The compressed air is stored under great press sure in gas balloons or in reservoirs. In such a manner, the kinetic energy of the wind can be transformed into the potential energy of compressed air by means of a wind-driven compressor installation; the compressed air can be used for the operation of either power tools or air turbine s. The work of expanding ,'the air in the engine constitutes not more than 60% of the work spent on compressing this air in the compresssor. Regardless of the degree of .icom--' pression, the weight of the compressed air storage device equals approximately 18 kg per kg of air. The hydrogen storage device. G. A. Ufimtsev suggested in 1918 to accumulate the energy of the wind by electric dissociation of water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is used for industrial purposes, while the hydrogen is used for burning in',internal combustion engines. Since the hydrogen can be stored in gas balloons, it is possible to store energy in the form of hydrogen fuel which can be spent according to need on the work of a thermic engine. The diagram of such a wind-driven hydrogen installation is shown in Fig. 215. The wind engine set's in motion the energy storage device a which is fitted on axis b. The electrical current goes to the storage battery c and the electrolyser3d where the process of dissociation of water to oxygen and hydrogen takes place. The oxygen is accumulated in reservoir e and can be used for various purposes. The hydrogen is stored in reservoir f -,from which it is used for the work of turning engine g which sets in motion generator h. This unit is /343 started in order to cover the excess load. As an example, the same figure shows the daily graph of the load of a wind-driven electric station. Curve I -- I shows the change of this load. The daily income of energy on account of the work of the wind engine is shown by curve k. The consumption of energy during the time from 3 PM to9 PM is covered by the electrical storage device.


Pgine i



The reserve hydrogen eng and the generator are started automatically each time that the charge supply of the battery is consumed up to a given limit of its voltage. The automatic starting is performed by means of the current which passes through the

, 1


dc generator of the engine.

In this case the generator turns into m~m tor.which ael erates the reserve engine-d)r itig its starting. No practical data on this matter are available to It is hard to speak date. about the prospect of energy storage on account of hydrogen production.


Fig. 215: Ufimtsev's diagram of a hydrogen installation. Key: 1. power in hp 2. tiimenA.of day





' engines are designed according to the conditions of ,Wind . operation of different agricultural machines. The graph of energy utilization and the characteristics of power tools are the conditions which determine the type of wind engine.

the lowTwo types of wind engines are available to date; sparsely bladed. The ,and the rapid -speed -- multi-bladed output coefficientseof wind energy in wind engines of both types with the exception of the rotor type, are almost identical, however the starting moments are largely different. The higher the rapidity the wind engine, the lower its relative moment. Fig. 216 presents the aerodynamic characteristics of the main types of wind engines; in the upper part of the graph are aiventhe characteristics of the output coefficients(,df wind energy,i.e. ( = f(Z), and in the lower part -- the characteristics of the relative moments M = f(Z) are given. The curvesin Fig. 216 show the change in the main magnitude of the wind engine characteristics: the initial and working moments, the rapidity of the wind-driven wheel Zn with load,and synchronal Z -0 without load. On the basis of thesemagnitudes, it is possible to sn make a correct selection of the wind engine for work with a given machine and to find out the advantages of a certain type ofi.,wind engine by comparing the main parameters of its aerodynamic characteristics. For example, comparing the output coefficients of wind energy , we find that winged wind engines are more effective than rotor ones. Comparison of the initial moment MO shows that the winged sparsley bladed wind engines are characterized by high ra- /345 ded winged pidity and very small initial moment; the multi 'a wind engines, as well as the rotor type, are distinguished by a large initial moment but very low rapidity, which should be taken into consideration in selecting the type of wind engine. In projecting a wind power installation, the most favorable set of conditions of operation of the wind power unit should be sought for a definite type of work and considering the local wind conditions. In order to performrithsetasks in the proper way, in addition to the aerodynamic characteristics, the performance of the wind engine should be known as well as the characteristics of the power tools which are operated at the same time.


Performance of Wind Engines and of 's$ton


The performance of a wind engine is definedas the relationship between the power of the wind engine at a certain wind velocity



and the number of revolutions

N=f (n).


S' i , . __


These-,characteristics s /346 are plotted -on the basis of the aerodynamic characteristic '
S_= f(Z) by its scaling to the

performance N = f(M). The values of rapidity X ZlZ 2 etc. obtained from the
aerodynamic characteristics


S 2 Aerodynamic characterFig. 216: istics of wind-driven wheels in

various systems.

are written out in a series together with their corresponding output coefficientsof wihd energy. The number of revolhtions of the wind-driven wheel is, determined by means of equation (140) at wind velocities of



5, and 6 m/sec, etc.


Further, according to
equation (137)


power of the wind engine is

calculated for the same wind ve-


,0.02 0.

locities and their corresponding

Z, E and n; the result of the calculation is recorded in a table ao c, according to which the graph of the performance is






Aerodynamic charFig. 217: acteristics and performance of the VIME D-16 wind engine.

plotted. Example. In Fig. 217 left, the aerodynamic characteristic,')l= f(Z), bf,,therwind -

driven wheel is given for an improved type of the VIME D-16 windmill. Let us recalculate this in characteristic to the performance N = f(n), as shown above; Table 21, where V is ,in m/sec, n is-rpm, N is hp on the shaft of the wind-driven wheel. According to the,,data of Table 21, let us plot the curve of the /347 power of the wind engine for each working velocity of the wind in relation to the number of revolutions of the wind engine (Fig. 217, right).


rpidity of
wh e no o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 .2,5 .0 3t5

inDdules Z

iof the .wind;:
energy 0.0530 0,125 0.20 0,245 0.230 0.175 0.110 0.020


. Y=6 V=7

1t80 3.60 5.40 7,20 9.00 10.80 12.60 n N 0,26 O 3 0.90 .l o104 0,79 0 ~ 0 0V.0 14.40 16.80 19.,2 I0 in 2,40 4.80 7.60 9.60 12
N 0,53 1.34 2.14

3.00 6. 00

2.62 2.47 1.87 1.19 0.1 9.00 12,00 15i 00 18.00 21-,00 24.01)
4 .24 4, .90 3.70 2 36

S9N 1.96 2 66


n 3.60 7,20 10.80 14.40 118.00 21.60 25.20 28.501 a 1.83 4:60 7,35 0.00 .0 6,40 410 04! Jn 4.20 8.40 12.60 16,80 21.00 25,20 29.40 32.V

S =9 S
ii V-10 V 1:

{v X 2.90 7.30 11,0 1i.30'i13 50 O10.20 6.50o,.66 19,.20 12.00 28,80 33.601 3. 0 9.60 14.40 in N 4.80 4..32 [4.30 17,50 21, 40 2020 15.20 9.70 0.9N t10.SO 16. 2 o 1,6 2 00 32.40 37.8) 4.:", i{Jn (N 5.40 615 20.40 25.00 30 50 28.8 2. 0 L 13.7o i,
{~n 18.01) 24.00 30"0 12.00 34.20 6.00 29.80 42.00 18,80 402.00 39.40 36.00 43 1, ,

Examining these curves, we note that the wind engine develops

itsmaximal power corresponding to each wind velocity, only at certain revolutions of the wind-driven wheel. This characteristic

should be used in selecting the power tools for a certain wind engine. It is much more complicated to select the power tool for a
wind ehgine.,than it is for a thermic engine. The thermic engine

works with an almost constant power and number of revolutions, therefore the selection amounts to determining,_ from:a;ccatalogiie, ;'

the corresponding power of a power tool and its revolutions. The L3 wind engine has both variable 'revolutions and variable power. The task of selecting a power tool for a wind engine consists ii selecting a certain gear ratio of revolutions of the wind engine to fit the revolutions of the power tool, at which the unit can operate the longest time with maximal output coefficient of the wind energy. By means of the characteristics of the wind engine and of the power tool, it, is easy to determine the gear ration'at which the unit will have the most favorable operating conditions. These operating con-ditions are obtained when in trying to superimpose the characteris-:'i tic of the power to61l over that of the wind engine, the former will pass through the peak of the performance curve of the wind engine, as shown by curve A in Fig. 218. Curves B and B' characterize an unfavorable set of operating conditions since in this case,the power consumed by the power tool is smaller than the power of the wind engine developed at each wind velocity. Moreover, curve B characten izes unstable operating conditions. In this case, with the V;'


increase in the number of revolutions, the power of the power tool Sincreases more rapidly -than the power of the wind engine; therefore, the load will brake the wind engine in each moment by increasing or decreasing the revolutions with the changes in wind velocity.

The power N required for lift-

ing water by means of a pump is determined by the equation:

7sN 'j


. ~output, flow rate /349 where Q -or feeding of the water by means of the pump, in liters per second; Ipressure head in m. H -1 20, Fig. 218: Performance of a wind n -- overall efficiency of the power unitunder various operapump, which consists of the mechanting conditions. ical efficiency nm of the pump, accounting for the mechanical losses Key: 1. hp due to the friction of the piston 2. rpm against the wallsiodf the cylinder, of the bar in the bearings, in the hinges, etc; nh -- the hydraulic efficiency of the pump, accounting for the degree of faultlessness of the pump in the hydraulic sense, i.e. accounting for the losses in pressure head during the flow through the pump, and finally nv -- volumetric efficiency of the pump.



For liquids, the specific weight of which differs from that of water, the factor y -- specific weight of the given liquid, should be introduced in equation (257). The output of a single acting piston pump is determined by equation (-" (259)
where: h -piston stroke in dm;

-- area of the cross section of the piston pump in sq. dm.; nv -- volumetric efficiency or coefficient of filling; its value fluctuates between the limits 0.9 and 0.05; n -- number of double piston strokes or revolutions per minute of the pump crank;
H -- overall pressure head in m. with which the pump operates or the manometric pressure. The magnitude H consists of a static or geometric pressure head, Hst and of the sum of all the losses in the pressure head Eh, in the suction intake pipe and in the delivery pipe.



Substituting the value of the theoretical output of the pump Q in equation (257), we obtain: I h 0.7s85d afrrtnr ' 7 Gd (261) In this- equation t.1 values of hg. are constant ?,Assuming that t'epressure /350 head H is also constant, and :den6tingthese magnitudes in equation (261) as C, we obtain: N = Cn. (262) This equation shows that the power spent:> for the operation of thepistonpunp is _directly related to the number of strokes n of the pistonIor the number of revolutions of the crankcase, at certain values of the piston's stroke h and of the pressure head H without c: accounting for the losses of pressure during the movement of the water in the pipeline. Hence we see that the characteristics of the pump power, plotted according to n, is-a straight line which: passes through the origin of the coordinatesforming a certain angle with the axis. Congruency of the performances of piston pumps and wind engines. In designing a wind-driven pump unit, one I Ihas to determine the power of the wind engine at which the pump should be connected. If the piston pump were connected at the maximal power of the wind engine,which it develops Jat the wind velocity of 8 m/sec, the characteristic of such a 2 a HBe..BeToar pump (Fig. 2191,dotted straight line), when superimposed on Congruent characteristics Fig. 219: the characteristic of the wind of wind engine and piston pumps of engine would cross , t at point different power, a. This straight line does not Key: 1. hp intersect the characteristic of/351 Key: hp 1. the wind engine at wind veloci'f 2. rpm of the wind engine 3. m/sec ties below 6 m/sec., consequent.3. sec ly, at this velocity the wind enginewill not operate due to overload. However, we know from the tables of wind occurrence that winds with a velocity of 3 to 6 m/sec blow during the largest number of hours per year. In such a manner, a pump computed for the full power of the wind engine would prevent it from operating for the greatest part of the year. The husbandry needs water daily, therefore, the wind engine should work at those wind velocities which occur most frequently. In Table 16 which describes the occurrence ".wind we find that most frequent are those winds, the velocities of which are equal to the annual .


average velocity. Consequently, by adjusting the pump to the power which the wind engine develops at a wind velocity equal to the average annual value, we permit the wind engine to a wide range of windIevlocities and to insure the regular water supply of the husbandry. This means that if the average annual wind velocity in a given region equals 3 m/sec, the characteristic of the pump should intersect the peak of the curve describing the power of the wind engine at a wind velocity of 3/m/sec, as is shown by ray I in Fig. 219. If the average annual wind velocity in a given region is 4 m/sec, the characteristic of thecpump should correspond to ray II, and finally, if the average annual velocity of the wind equals 5 m/sec, the characteristic of the pump should follow ray III. It should be kept in mind, that in calculating the losses in the pipeline which change proportionally to V 2 /2g,; the straight linesI, II, and III assume the shape of a flat curve as shown by the dotted line for ray II. Determination of the output and of the dimensions of the pump. Let us assume that the most appropriate operating conditions of-a wind-driven pump unit corresponding to the average annual wind velocities in a given region, correspond to the characteristic of the pump illustrated by ray III in Fig. 219. The point of intersection of the ray with the peak of the curve describing the power at a wind velocity of 5 m/sec, determines the power of the wind engine which is equal to the power taken up by the pump. Consequently, from equation (255) we can determine the output of the pump:



In addition, knowing the diameter of the piston d, its stroke /352 h and the revolutions of the crankcase n, the output of a single acting piston pump Q can be expressed by the equation:((0,'!).,, O.785 dnh - 0 , (264)

From equations (263) and (264) we obtain':


d hence75.6 llln(



The generhlimechknical efficiency of piston pumps which operate with the wind engine can be assumed to be equal on the average to 1 = 0.60, while the volumetric coefficient is equal to nv = 0.95. Substituting these values in equation (265), we obtain:



where: H -- total pressure head in m; n -- number of double piston strokes of the pump or revolutions per minute of the crank mechanism:


h -N --

piston stroke in dm; power of the wind engine in hp, which is determined by:

the velocity of the wind V is assumed to be the velocity at which the unit operates with maximal output coefficient of the wind energy (Fig. 219). The diameter of the piston pump is determined by means of equation (265); pressure head H is computed on the basis of the ground . .f and high level condition of the pump installation, the sites. wa.erl consumption, the length of the pipeline and of its parts which cause local losses in pressure head. The piston stroke h is given by construction conditions, as well as by the average velocity of movement of piston d which varies between 0.2 and 1.0 m/sec. The average velocity of the pump piston is determined by means of equation: 2hn .

where h -- piston stroke in m.

3 m/sec, \


In solving equation (265), the revolutions of the pump are taken/3,53 from the performance plotted according to Fig. (219) against thepoints of intersection of the characteristicsoof the pump with the peak of the power curve of the wind engine. In order for the characteristics shown in Fig. 219 for a given pump to remain unchanged during the changes of static pressure head, the piston stroke should be correspondingly changed in such a manner that the.product of the piston stroke h by pressure head H should remain constant for a given diameter of the pump piston, i.e.

h=hV11 =Const
This rule is derived Denoting by CO 5 "n] "from the main equation of power (261). weobbtain:


and for another pressure head: I N=Cd2H from which we derive equation (267). In order for the characteristic of the pump to stay unchanged during the changes in the diameter of the piston, h and H for a given characteristic should be correspondingly changed, i.e.:
: hHd = h,Hdp= Cot (268)


Congruency of the characteristics of the moments of wind engine and piston pump. In computing the output of a wind-driven pump installation, the velocity of the wind at which the wind engine starts and stops should be known. The simplest solution d'f this problem is by congruency of the characteristics of the loading moment of the piston pump with the characteristic of the moment of the wind engine plotted for various wind :velocities. Fig. 216 shows the characteristic of the relative moments M of the wind-driven wheel in relation to the rapidity Z. This characteristic is scaled to the characteristic of the dimensional moments the moments are determinedby", M by a method presented on page 243; the equation: .3 where: R -radius of the wind-driven wheel. TABLE 22
Ra4 idity

. o









Rl1ative Imelvt 3
i . . . . . ..










VelOcityw of Vwind om/fsc' f0. (n

w /s in e
6.85 0 S

11.40 4.80

14.30 9.60 25.30 12.00 39.60 14.40 56,70

15.80 5.20 28.10 18.00 44,00 2t.60 63.00

13.90 19.20 24,.70 24.00 38.00 28.80 45.40

10.50 24 00 1. ,50 30.00 29.10 36.00 41.80




350 3.60 6.34



28.80 1 11.70 36.00 18.30 43.20 26,40

V.4 .



6.00 31.60 7.20 45 .41)

48.00 1,58 57.0 22.80

0 n5 S49.00 V=6 a . 0 " Al 27.30

42.00 9,95 50,40 14.30

V=7 V=8

nV= 0 1 37.1 0 n S 1M 48.50

8.40 61.80 9,00 80.60

16.80 77,00

25.20 80.o0o

33.40 75.50 38.40 98.50

42.00 56.80 43.00 74.20

50,40 35,80 59,00 4,0O

58.8 19.40 67.20 25.40

3,10 76.43 4.04

28.80 19.20 10u1.0 112.00

Table 22 presents a general example of scaling of the relative /355 moment M to the dimensional moment M kgm for a 4-bladed wind-driven wheel with a diameter of 8 m. According to this table, ~aph a (Fig. 220) is plotted, which can be used for comparing the momentsof the wind-driven wheel D = 8 m, and of the tool of the corresponding power. The moment of the piston pump of single action changes during a complete revolution of.'a crank driven mechanism, proportionally to the sinus of the angle of rotation of the crank (Fig. 221). 249

KM. =Pr sinf


where: P --

force acting on the bar; angle of rotation of

r = h/2 -- radius of the

crank; -9

the crank, which changes from 0


to w during the forward motion; i -- gear ratio of crank to /357

wind-driven wheel;


n -- total efficiency of the pump determined according to equar


2 Oopo"ie...on ...




Fig. 220: Characteristic of the dimensional moments of the VIME D-8 wind-driven wheel. Key. 1. kgm 2. revolutions of the wind-driven wheel 3. m/sec

Assuming P = 1, r 1, i = 1 expression the and n = 1, we obtain for plotting the relative characteristic of the loading moment: ,, sin. (270) The moment reaches its greatest value when the radius of the crank and rod of the pump subtend an angle = 900. In this case sin = 1, consequently Mma 1,.while at 1800 and C = 0, he loading momeit equals 0.

Fig. 221: Characteristic of the moment in the crank of the piston pump: 1-pin on the shaft of the winddriven wheel; 2-pin of the crank driven mechanism; 3-connecting rod; 4-rod of the pump; 5-pump. Key: a. forward motion b. return stroke


During its operation, the wind-driven wheel surmounts the average loading moment, the magnitude of which can be de termined by dividing the area circumscribed by the curve of the sinusoid during one stroke by the path' nadelby thel pin of the crank during a forward motion and a&oreturn stroke, i.e. 2ff. When the angle 0 changes from 0 to 7r, the moment area will be equal to: M = ~ (271)

The magnitude of the relative average moment will be equal to:

This moment is shown in Fig. 221 by the hatched area. Multiplying M = 1 and Mav9 = 1/w by the magnitude of the dimensional loading moment from equation (269), we obtain:
Af,,= Pri., a where:


Pri ,



the internal force orn the rod of -the' puifnp; caused-by thei;water column; d -- diameter of the piston in cm; /358 H -- pressure in m; n -- total efficiency of the pump [see equation (258)]. Substituting the value of in equations ( 272) and (273), we
dhHi ........ i


'l " L. =
M i -

Hri tof

rd:h hi == ,-02i'" il Tkgm

here, d, i in cm while-h is in _mfters.

The maximal moment is surmounted by the moment of the wind-driven wheel during the start of the latter if the pressure pipeline is ~iIl filled with water, while the average moment is surmounted by the working moment of the wind-driven wheel. Upon matching the characteristics of the moment of wind-driven wheel and pump, the characteristic of the average moment appears in the form of a straight line parallel to the absdissa. The maximal moment is obtained when the revolutions equal O,i.e. when the wind-driven wheel is set in motion. Comparison of the characteristic of slow and rapid engines makes it possible to determine which of the two types of wind engines is more suitable to operate with the piston pump. Fig. 222 presents the curve ofrhe working moment: the continuous line corresponds to the multiLaded slow engine, while the dotted line -- to a <3-bladed


rapid engine. The moment of the piston pump attached to the slow wind engine is shown by the upper straight line 1, while the lower line 2, which is parallel to the horizontal axis, corresponds to the rapid engine. We can see from the figure that, n_ thbeginninigf the operation, the moment of the slow wind engine is situated above the working moment of the pump, as shownby the continuous curve. The moment of the rapid wind engine during its starting is several times smaller than the moment of the piston pump, as shown by the dotted curve. Asalresult of this: 1. the slow wind engine starts to operate at a considerablyy lower wind velocity than the rapid one, and 2. since the piston pump requires a smaller number of movements, the transmission from the wind-driven wheel to the crank of the pump in the case of the slow wind engine ,,than in the case is simpler of the rapid one. Theoretically, the rapid wind engine could work with the piston pump if it were fitted with: 1. a centrifugal clutch allowing the idle running of the winddriven wheel and operatihga piston pump, when the moment of the centrifugal forces of the clutch is able to surmount the initial /359 moment df the piston pump; 2. a reducing gear with large gear ratio for reducing the number of revolutions of the crank-driven mechanism. Determination of losses ef pressure in the pipeline. The charig acteristicsI, II, and III in Fig. 219 were plotted without .ac.counin for the losses of pressure in the pipeline and assuming that the pump operates with a small number of strokes with a short pipeline (up to 30 m), with a small number of joints and without valves along e e>o,work ,with a long pipeline, these, the pipeline. If the pump los-ses would. a.ffectponsiderably the:p 6jf ormance of the pump. The pressure losses are determined in the following manner: Sh , 41 --v !(275 ) where: -2g -' losses in meters in the suction intake and delivery parts;

- local losses in the joints, valves, reducer, etc;

Z --. length of the pipeline; d -- diameter of the pipes; v -- rate of water movement in the pipes; -- coefficient, which depends on the diameter of the pipes, the roughness of their walls and the rate of water movement in them. The values of these coefficients in relation to the diameter of iron pipes are presented in Table 23, which was compiled according







to the data of Darcy, Cutter and This table can be used for rough calculations of the losses in

the pipes.

according to Darcy resembles

The graph of the X mag-

that of new pipes with smooth walls; I according to Cutter approaches ,

pipes with very rough walls and a

| SiR-5 ScI Trp.D-5 0 0 1 40



o () 10 12

is so 6 240 1?


roughness coefficient K = 0.25, and finally, Manning's data, who assumed a roughness coefficient n = 0.012, correspond to pipes where the walls have a lower roughness L241. [


H5 oc


2".... o...

Fig. 222: Comparison of the characteristics of the momentsof a slow and rapid wind engine. Key: 1. moment of the winddriven wheel 2. number of revolutions 3. TJV5 . 4. rapid D-5 . 5. pump 6, rapid 7. slow

For more accurate calculations , of the losses in the pipes, Lang's formula can be used =1,


where X 0 should be taken equal to 0.01 to 0.021 for smooth pipes, and X 0 = 0.02, for rough cast iron and iron pipes. Re -- Reynold's number is determined by means of formula (29), where d should substitute k, i.e., Re:= Vd

the coefficient of kineat t = 200 C.

matic viscosity for water equals v -

1.10 - 6


50 75 100 125 150 175 200

0.0300 0.0266 0.0250 0.0240 0.0233 0.0229 0.0224

0*0820 0.0625 0.0523 0.0458 0.9412 0.0378 0.0352

0.0488 0.0425 0.0386 0.0359 0.0338 0.0321 0,0307









For determining the coefficient Edfthe local losses, the rough /361 estimates presented in Table 24 can be used.



Designation of the local obstacle

Re sistance coefficien

Pipe inlet with no rounded-off edge of the Inlet opening.............................; C .n eamewhed ed..... openin well-rjundedpe out leadsolar capaclt. .
reservoir..................... ... ..


Sha transllOn bend of t n the ange p e h hgt .p ed-off If1 .. bendD% 2~ 1,51 Kree t eoin ananale at a radius ofI-. ' Same at optimal relation Rk=(3-7)d ...........

Gate valve on round pipe at medium opening... g=, ............ 1g=0.10 Open gate valve on round pipe .... c:ive gr l Ba ORlvce ........... I E"9n n c le ion water ).pe ine1pro1' -'I s- to oc Icna vI ecive gri wl

The graph in Fig. 223 shows the pattern of the changes in the losses of head in the valve and grid in relation to the rate of movement of the water in pipes of various diameters. This graph can be used r determining the losses of head in the valve and grid of the given pipeline. The characteristic of the pump is plotted in relation to the number of revolutions, and therefore the calculation of

head should be done for several numbers sof revolutions. In order to solve equation (275), the output Q should first of all be determined in relation to the number of strokes. sof the pump piston. The output of the pump is equal to: Q5Nn


where N -- the power developed by the wind engine at a wind velocity/362 < 3 to 4 m/sec. This power is determined on the work characteristic (Fig. 219) by the point of intersection of ray I or II with the peak of the power curve of the wind engine. TT " 3 i 2-4

I -

In computing the output Q, the static pressure H is assigned. Since the output of the pump changes proportionally to the revolutions of its crank, at different revolutions, the output will be equal to Z -

! , -

Q1J=Q; Q2Qn
where Q and n without subscript, refer to the
power of the pump in the point where its characteristic intersects the peak of the power


...... 8a *pyee

curve of the wind engine. Fig. 223: Graph for determination of the losses in the valves and in the grid,. Key: 1. losses of pressure in the valve and in the With the increase in the number of revolutions, the losses increase as well; their magnitude is determined by means of equation (275). Introducing these losses in equation (261), the equation of the power sjpent; on the work of the pump, we obtain at different revolutions nl: -0.785dhr,.n ,I)

2. velocity-, of: water "pvement



the pipe -,

On the basis of equations((61).,and (261d), we obtain:

u-hlh) S ---


This equation serves to determine the points for plotting the power curve of the pump in relation to the revolutions of its crankdriven mechanism. The larger the static pressure, the smaller the ratio Ehr/H, which is a K:term in ' the multiplier of.)equation (277) describing the power of the pump. When the number of revolutions of the crank /363 is small, the average velocity of the piston is also small, and consequently the velocity of the liquid moving in the pipe is small, which causes losses in the pressure head, so that the curve of the pump characteristic approaches a straight line. In practice, in order to simplify the calculations, the characteristics of piston pumps are assumed to be straight lines, and a constant pressure head is assumed accounting for the losses caused 'during'nbrmal' revolutions of'-the crank.


Method of changing the characteristic of the piston pump according to the charasteristic of the wind engine. Examining the congruent characteristic of a wind-driven pump unit (Fig. 219), we see that rays I, II, and III of the pump characteristic intersect the curve of the power characteristic of the wind engine in the point of maximal power, only at a certain velocity which corresponds to a certain number of revolutions, while at higher wind velocities, these rays intersect the curves in points of lower power. This indicates t; that the piston pump cannot load the wind engine completely, according to the power developed by it at each wind velocity. This is explained by the fact that the power of the wind engine changes proportionally to the cube of the wind velocity, while the power of the piston pump changes proportionally to the first power of revolutions of the crank-driven mechanism. Let us draw curve A which obviously corresponds to the highest output coefficient of wind energy E (Fig. 218) through the peak of The curve shows in the power characteristic of the wind engine. what manner the power of the machine tool should change, in our case the piston pump,with the change in the number ofrevdlutiofls, in order for the unit to work at a maximal 5.

Let us examine whether the piston pump can be induced to work in such a manner that the power required by it should change according to curve(A (Fig. 218). Let us denote by C the constant for the given pump in equation (261) excluding the piston stroke and the revolutions from the constant in this equation; under this condition, the power can be expressed in a simple manner:
SN_= Chxn.

If we change h or n in this equation, according to the change in the power of the wind engine, i.e. proportionally to the cube of /364 wind velocity, we can obtain instead of a straight line for the power characteristic of the pump, a curve i.e. a cubical parabola. This curve, passes through the peak of the power curve of the wind engine since it is congruent with the characteristics of the latter, as shown in Fig. 218, and consequently for a given wind velocity we can write: N = Chn, and for another wind velocity: Nx = Chxnx. Taking the ratio of these equations we obtain: (278a). (278)


hence: where Nx, h x and n x -- power, stroke and revolutions of the piston crank at different wind velocities. Since:

we can write: h=h (279)

This equation shows that if we change the stroke of the piston pump proportionally to the cube of the wind velocity and inversely to the number of piston strokes, then a power characteristic of the pump can be obtained which corresponds to the work of the wind engine with maximal output coefficient of the wind energy. Leaving in the equation N=Chn\ arnd

the piston'stroke constant, we can write: hence:


Vi (280)

It follows that the characteristic of the pump which corresponds to the characteristic of the wind engine, can be obtained also by changing the number of piston strokes of the pump proportionally to the cube of the wind velocity. In such a manner, two methods are available for inducing the wind engine to work with the piston pump at maximal values of the output coefficient of wind energy: 1. change of the path of the piston stroke proportionally to the cube of the wind velocity and inversely to the number of piston strokes [equation (279)]; 2. the change in the number of piston strokes should be proportional to the cube of wind velocity [equation (280)]. Testing of a wind engine with the device for changing the number of piston strokes, was performed in the former TsVEI in 1935. The characteristic obtained experimentally was very close to the theoretical one. However, this device was not brought up to practical application.


50. Operation ofT:Wind Engines with Centrifugal Pumps The main advantage of centrifugal pumps over the piston pumps is the absence of a piston with packings which wear out rapidly, high output at low overall dimensions of the pump, and long service life. However, the operation of wind engines with centrifugal pumps has also certain negative aspects: the centrifugal .purp operates with a high efficiency only at certain revolutions, while the wind engine operates with a variable number of revolutions; since the centrifugal pump raises the water with a high efficiency in a small range of revolutions, while the revolutions of the wind engines with load may change two-fold during a change of the wind velocity from 3 to 8 m/sec, the feed system of the pump may prove to be effective only in a small range of wind velocities if the pump is not properly matched to the wind engine. Therefore, for a proper matching cf thecentrifugalpu to /366 the wind engine, the characteristic of these machines, plotted in telation to the number of revolutiofs should be known. Method for recalculating the common characteristics of centrifugal pumps H -- Q, N -- Q and n = const to the characteristics related to'n :at<H = const. Usually the characteristics of centrifugal pumps are plotted in relation to the feed (flow rate) Q, set out on the horizontal axis of the graph; the power N, the pressure head H and the efficiencyyload ri are set out on the vertical axis (Fig. 224). In

this form, the characteristics n =(const, cannot be directly used for matching the pump to the wind engine. Therefore, the given characteristic has to be scaled in relation to the number of revolutions n in order to establish the matching between the operating conditions of the centrifugal pump and the operation of the wind engine.'
Scaling of the characteristics H -nl

Q of



the centrifugal pump to the characteristics in

S. relation to the number of revolutions is based on the law of dynamic similitude, which establishes a relation between Q, H and N and the /367



number of revolutions n, i.e.: 1. the flow rate is related to the revolutions,


4 s k,,.

of the revolutions,
3. the power is.related to the cube of the revolutions, i.e.:

Fig: 224: Characteristic H -- Q and N -- Q
with n = const for cen-



trifugal pump.


Key: 1-rpm 2-P/se 1. The method of scaling was suggested by engineer S. S. Rudnev.


where Q, H, N and n -- are,respectively, the flow rate, pressure head, power and number of revolutions of the pump. In order to simplify the scaling of the characteristics to a differentvset of conditions, it must be assumed that the pressure head is constant during the change in the number of revolutions, with a short pipeline. However, the increase in i.e. the pump work the pressure head/"may reach 10% of the static pressure even when the pipeline is short. The change in pressure head during the work of a centrifugal pump is shown in Fig. 225, where Qx -- flow rate; the ordinate a shows the magnitude of the static pressure; the segment Hr gives the increment in pres-

sure on account of losses in the pipeline.

I o a The curve.s H -- Q showsthe change in pressure depending on the flow rate Q and is called characteristic curve of the.pipeline. In addition, the efficiency of the pump n is assumed to be constant in the scaling operation, which is permissible in practical calculations as it changes _-to an insignificant degree. Let us examine, for example, the curve of the change in.the efficiency

istic curvf the pipee

(Fig. 226); we see that withifn the limits n = 900 -- 1300, n = 77-78%, i:e. the efficiency is almost constant /368 and only in the range of 600 to 1500 rpm does it fall 'to "64-63%. It is convenient to follow the range'within which the efficiency of the centrifugal pump changes with the change in the number of revolutions and other magnitudes of the characteristics,by means of The the universal characteristic curve of a .centrifugal punp (Fig:~;'27). relationshipsH -- Q and N -- Q are given inthis characteristic curye J 0.7n, 0.8n, 0.9n, l.ln and 1.2n. The curves corresponding to identical efficiencies of the pump, have the shape of elongated curves which l are closed below and also closed above if continued over a /369 sufficient distance. The universal characteristic curve ofthis pup, makes it possible to determine the optimaloQ, H, n, and also to determine the values of these magnitudes if one of them is known. For example, at hr = const (see horizontal line) and assuming that the pump operates at n revolutions, the work point on the char-

acteristicburve.of tl pipeline H -- Q will bepoint A.. - Under these conditions, thepumnp requiresa. power: Ne = NA and creates a pressure head HA at a flow rate QA and an efficiency fn = nmax. If the conditions of the system change, for example hr increases to hr,, then assuming

1QAI(. 50*

' s-


,cI o .the

that the pump works with a constant of revolutions, work point A is displaced to A , and the flow rate will be QA'consumed power Ne = NF < NA, the created pressure head HA' at
efficiency of the pump an'

h600 soo
/ 2b0


I 200

Fig. 226: Characteristic curve ofiia centrifugal pump inrelatibn to the number of revolutions. Key: 1. 2/min 2. rpm



In order to preserve the 0.7n. previous flow rate of the pump, the latter has to operate with a number of revolutions which is 1.09n larger than n. The work point under this condition will be A 2 and the corresponding pressure head will be H'A. The power of the pump consumed at a number of revolutions O'.09n will be almost equal to N'A andiv\the!6efficiency of the pump will ".be approximately 0.79n. The universal c characteri a st ic ,, curve. shows that thei pup can operate in the range of good efficiency under variable conditions by changing the number of revolutions [511.
In such a manner, with this characteristic curve for,determining the type of centrifugal pump, it is possible to determine rapidly the main magnitude of the pump characteristics for various conditions of its operation. In the absence of the universal characteristic. curve of the: pup,-",the., characteristics for different sets of conditions can be determined by


Fig. 227: Universal characteristic curve of centrifugal pumps. Key:

means of calculations. On the basis of relations (281)-(284), let us write the equations of scaling the normal characteristics at nn = const totthe i characteristics'with variable n at constant pressure head Hn = const, which is convenient for matching the pump to the wind engine, i.e.:


7n n==n




/370 (285) (28) (286) variable magnitudes at Hn ='const.

hence: where nx, Qx, Nx --

Solving this equation relative to the magnitude with the subscript x, we can scale the normal characteristicsH -- Q (known from the factory catalogue and from data of testing) and plot the curve Qx, Nx, Tx in relation to n x at Hh = const. us scale the! characteristic of the centrifugal A's 'an example, let pumps showh in Fig. .224 at n =.const,, 'to the characteri,tic, under conditions of variable revolutions. The first point, according to equations (284)-(286), is:



2,74 hp

The other calculated values are presented in Table 25. TABLE 25.


. .

Known .values for -I n lculatedqvalues of characteristics. H-- charac.testics for =1450 - variable and f, / I 'andiN--O cnnat 2An= + number --coHs--4 x nx N H HQx -Q of point p m n /see Im /

38.4 40.1
40 6

3.10 3,85

0 27.8

1 39) 1 3160
1 350

0 1.88
3.73 7.72

8 2.74 3.19
4.08 6.82

t 2

0 2



39 6



1, 93

5.'67 5.35 1O.)0





8 9

14 16

8:70 0.55 31 4 9.3 2358 18'.2 10.10


1 450


4 4 38.5


16.35 22.26

15.88 27.20

The data of Table 25 are plotted on the graph in Fig. 228 /371 which shows the curves of a centrifugal pump in relation to the number of revolutions n at Hn = 35.3 m = const, as assumed in the calculations. In scaling the normal characteristics to another set of conditions, it is convenient to utilize nondimensional characteristics ofpumps 'with various coefficients of 'rapidity..-

4 2


Let us remember that the rapidity or the specific number of revolutions of the pump,, is the number of revolutions of a new wheel which in all its details is geometrically simi-

5I 30 2O S
0 UI


l -



lar to the pump wheel of interThe dimensions of the ... 600

new wheel


selected in



a manner that the magnitude of

Fig. 228: Scal'd hract eristic a centrifugal pump in curve ,T ,. of) n at H = const. to relation

the feed equals 75 R/sec at a height of 1m and an e

power of 1 hp.

The rapidity is expressed by equation: n,=3. n \ (287) where n rpm -- number of revolutions of the given centrifugal pump; Q -- mi/sec, its feed (for pumps with bilateral suction, Q should be divided by 2); H -- pressure head in m, corresponding to one .stage;consequent y (wheeIs),,the head created by each ly, if the pump has several -stages must be divided by the number of t es. The.magnitudesi H, Q and n, substituted in equation (287), refer /372 The expression to the optimal conditions of operation of the pump. of the relative magnitudes,;.are obtained by dividing the right and to as well as equality of equations((284)-(286); left hand sides ' . q i.e.: by nn, Qn, Nn and nn, respectively, nx =





The values in the right hand side of these formulas are determined by,meanscthenormal., characteristics of the pumps H -- Q, and subsequently the characteristics are plotted in relative values at Hn = const in relation to nx/n. Fig. 229 presents the curves of the/373 nondimensional characteristics of power and flow rate for two pumps with rapidity 82.0 and 76.7, while Tables 26 and 27 present the numerical values of the relative magnitudes for these characteristics. These tables give the known dimensional values of the characteristics H -- Q and N -- Q at 'Inn = const (the four columns on the left) and the nondimensional values of the characteristics scaled to equations (288), (289), (290) for variable revolutions at H.= Hn = const (the three columns on the right under the lettersB, C, and D); column A for l/n refers to both the right and the left hand side of the table.

26 2


... I


.. tables should

be computed for a series of

Sii,_ pumps with different rapidities. These tables can be useful in calculations performed in pract-







o. .

I I 1,
. ". ".2



1 T II I '

an example, let us scale the characteristics :'in (Fig. 224) to another number of revolutions and its corre" sponding optimal H, Q, and N; in order to show how to use the


known dimensional characteristics.


Fig. 229: Known dimensional characteristic, curve Nx/NnandQx/Qn in relation to nx/nn for pumps with various rapidities,,.

Let us find the main mag) nitude for the new set of conQ'n and N'n at ditions H'-, n'n = const by means of

TABLE 26. KNOWN DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUMP WITH A RAPIDITY ns = 82.0 nnaqam'"acens.onal Known 1Si' ia charac istic at varibe',iristic H--Q= const
N -QBa


c I


4 'i HIN Q

2. vyu


0.0 0.2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.087 0.356 1.136 0.4425 1.150 0.580 1.122 0.730 1.07410.874 1.0 1 .0 0.889 1098

0 0,513 0:7915 0.921 0,932 00 0.970

0 0.183, 0.373 0.567 0.772



0.951 0.939 0.933 0.945 0.965 1.0 1.060t

0.315 0.3(16 0.470 0 15 0 .78 1'0 .3S0

equations (284)-(286). For example, for a pressure head H'n = 22, m, the values of the other magnitudes corresponding to the optimal conditions of the pump, the characteristics of which arx given in Fig. 224, would be equal to: /374
=1450 =1450-0.92 =1 150 rpin;,

Q3 = 10. 1V= 8. 7

100792= 7.92 X/seq -_ - 8"7(0.792) 8- 7.0.492 = 4.27 hp.


. Known dimen7own dim Known dimensional charactersio~al ic ha'r ' T = isicdonst at variablen and H = Hn te~s h -.ti





= =


In Q



,11 N.-Ni

0 1

S0.33 1'221 1.6S9 0.555 1,20~ ),800



0,586 0,8.4

0,303 0.508

0.908 0:913

0.516 0.608 -I 1.0

0.777 1.122 ,i.9 9 ,04. 1.110.931 t 3330,779 112



0,963 1.o 0.992 0,9 8



0.758 . 1.165 1.630

1.153 1.513

1.037 1.133

Multiplying the obtained values by the corresponding ratio :for the given pump presented in Table 26 (see the columns on the left), we obtain the normal characteristics H -- Q, N -- Q, for the new number of revolutions n'n = const. Multiplying the same values by the corresponding ratio in Table 26 right, we obtain the characteristics of the given pump at a variable n and constant H = H'n = const, which is required for the operation of the wind engine with this pump. The results of the computations are presented in Table 28. TABLE 28. SCALING OF THE NONDIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS (TABLE 26) TO THE DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS

No-- c aract Sharacteristic i of at n -= 1150,=, poiiins const (obta.ned by scalin-g) .wo


of' ump at variable n nd r ;'n (abtained y Cscalang)) i

1.89 2.48 3.12 3.73 4.27 4,69

_- __!___

t. 1
i .2.)1 2,63 3,35 4,27 5,60

1 1
2 3 4 6 11 13

1.584 317 475 6.35 7.92 9,52

31 4
25.0 25.3 21.6 21.7 22.0 19.55

27.8 '42 9 49 9 I '2 54,2 52.6

1079 10(70 1085 1110 1 150 1220

1.49 2 96 4 5 612 10


Let us compare the obtained characteristics with the characterFor this purpose, let us plot the istics shown in Fig. 224 and 228. points from Tble 28, left in Fig. 224,. and the point of the right hand side in Table 28 in Fig. 228; the graphs obtained are shown in Fig. 230 and 231, which give a clear representation of the changes /375 in the characteristics of)a centrifugal pump with the change in the parameters of the optimal conditions. i H ..-OL
4o0 7C0


These figures show that the shape of the curves is maintained,

soIS' .con,$

while the optimal values are shifted

to the left,,(see pointsQ' , N'n and

n on the vertical in Fig. 230 and

-e l-

4, 0 0

The sequence of scaling the /376 normal characteristics of the pump , 20 at n= const to the characteristics in relation to the number of revolutions at Hn = const or H'n = const 20 14 12 10 2 4 can be briefly formulated as follows Characteristic curves), on the basis of what has been said. Fig. 230: H -- Q: N -- Q; n -- Q for 2 1. The main magnitudes of the sets of conditions n = 1450 optimal conditions are found in', rpm and n = 1150 rpm of the the catalogue of; GOST 2545-46 (see centrifugal pump. Fig. 239 a hand b). Key: 1. hp 2. R/sec 2. By means of equation (287) 239, the coefficient of grapht: or 3. rpm rapidity n s is determined, and according to it, the nondimensional characteristic are selected, which are plotted from Tables 26 or 27 with similar rapidity coefficients. -- ,0o

I i ,
." 1 I4I


I ,.


5 Q,

1 -25


fi~ 5

0 0.



3. The main magnitudes nr, Qn' n and Nn are multiplied by the measured values of the relative magnitudespresented in the table under letters ABCD for a pump with identical rapidity and the dimensional values of the characteristic Nx, Q , Hx and nx are found for variable n and constant pressure head H. 4. If the main magnitude Qn, Hn, Nn and nn from the catalogue or' the characteristic H -- Q do not correspond to the conditions of the suggested operation of the pump, then these magnitudes are recalculated to a different set 265

Recalculated charFig. 231: acteristic, curve- ofa'centrifugal pump in relation to n-at Hn 35.3 m = const and H = 22 m = const. Key: 1. hp 2. R/sec 3. rpm

of conditions by means of equations (284), (285) and (286), on the basis ofthe pressure head H;!,n at which': it is suggested to operate the


Thus n',




T 'are obtained;-r

= n.


of the variablesn'x, Q' , N'x and n'x is made By means of the table of nondimensional magni udes,i.e.:


Q-= Q,B;


The numerical values of ABCD are given in the right hand side of these tables. /377

recalculation of the characteristics of a cenAn example of . trifugal pump to the characteristicsas a function of the revolutions.

Let us assume, that we selected a centrifugal pump characterized-by the following data for the VIME D-12 wind engine:
Q,,=30 1'111r =0,00834 = 4 6hp ; ."! n= 1450 r 224 m:; 2H.= !tj =0 60; d = 80 m;
k=2 step


The rapidity of the pump is eaual. according to equation (287),

to: n==\3,65- 1450 =. 3.65.1450 5.1.

The computed rapidity ns = 75.1 approaches the rapidity of the pump, the nondimensional characteristics of which are presented in Table 27. Let us perform a scaling by means of this table. For example, the second line of Table 27 gives:
i, O=A=0,60 X0.586=Oq

Q,B =30 O.303==9.1m nf= n,C =1 450 X 0.908 1 410 rpm

=ND=4.,6 X 0. 16 = 2.3s hpetc.

The results of the computations are illustrated graphically in Fig. 232. The congruent characteristics of this pump and of the VIME D-12 wind engine, are shown in Fig. 233, where the determination of the


power N, the output Q and of th.e efficiency are shown by a straight line (dotted line). Characteristics of a wind-driven pump unit at various pressure heads. :'Inasmuch .as it is possible in practice to have a wind-driv,en('pump unitcoperate at different pressure heads H, for example, /378 by changing the level of the water in the source (high.water), etc, it is useful to know how the selected pump will operate under these new conditions. This makes it possible to determine the limitSof the pressure head H, between which effective work of the given wind-

driven pump unit is possible.

liA s2



These limits can be found/379 by means of the universal characteristic curve of the given pump or by the characteristics of the pump replotted for , other pressure heads. This
is done as shown



a o
0 130

4 i



I I1



1 1900

IL 1 I . 2000 2100
O /,,.3

Recalculated charac' Fig. 232: a cerittifugal pump :curve of, teristic in relation to n at H = 24 m = const. Key: 1. hp

with the only difference that in this case we use for the calculation instead of the pressure head Hn, which is given in the catalogue for the given pump, the new pressure head H'n, and we find the main Q'n and N'oi magnitudesn'n (see Table 29) by means of equatiorns (281)-(283). The normal conditions for

2. k/sec 3this
20 .

3. rpm

pump are given in column 5.

S1 Subsequently, we find from Tables 26, 27 or from analogical tables the values of the parameters for plotting the dimen4--0




_______ ___-__


0 0

10 20 280 560

30 4o0 6U 0 7 0 80 90 100 oX 840 1120 1400 1690 1960 2240 2520 2900 3080 3360 noG/m.

sional characteristics in relation to the number of revolutions: = nA; Qx = nB; n = nC N = N' D ; nC; N = N'n

..Fig. 233: Congruent characteristic.,curve,oftheVIMEID-12 wind' engine and of the centrifugal pump. Key: 1. power on the pulley of the reducing gear N hp 2. r m 3. m /hr

The result of the computatiorsis illustrated in Fig. 234, where the characteristic of the VIME D-12 wind engine is given together with the a~' characteristics of the pump at various pressure heads.



vari ous condi.Hh -m . . . tions
Poer N-' n hp--.. . .





eaos under



m / n ' n ....


4.16 725.6



8.33 9.30 10.2 1450 1620 1 775


The curves of the power of the pump at various pressure heads, appear in a common bundle which passes through the peak of the power curve of the wind engine. Consequently, the output coefficient of the wind energy can be assumed to be practically constant and equal to maximal output in the operation of a wind-driven pump unit. We shall note further, that a change in the pressure head, i.e..passing/380 to a new set of conditions of operation of the wind-driven pump unit, does not require any change in the gear ratio of the wind-driven wheel to the pump. The change in pressure head effects only the Ki, first stage ,iof the water supply by the pump. The smaller the pressure head, the lower the wind velocity at which, at a given gear ratioi the pump starts to feed the water. The characteristic of the
beginning of :'waterl feeding ted curve below [501.

:is shown in these graphs by the dot-



-,e p

-= lFT r~


rTh Ii ipropeller t l

It is convenient to use

pumps which are _.3,

characterized by -their high
output, for powerful winddriven pump units which raise





50 60

the water to small height (up In addition, the to 5 m). small number of revolutions
of this pump, makesit posi)




20 5.60


a 7u

o ,

1120 1400

1580 1960 2240 2520 28W0 3090

3nepm.orTom.w 1=:28

2 '

sible to solve in a simpler way the problem of designing


gears for the me-

Fig. 234: Congruenitcharacteristic .. Icur~e cfthVIVED-12wind engine .nd of the centrifugal pump at various water heads. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 268 hp rpm pump gear ratio 1 = 1:28 line of the beginning of water supply

chanical actuator. Fig. 235 presents the nondimensional characteristics of a propeller pump Nn = 183 hp, Hn= 4 m, Qn = 2.6 m 3 /sec, nn = 500 rpm, ln: = 0.76. This characteristic is shown in dimensional magnitudes in Fig. 236.


3l . ./H =

, =, -,

driven y,, pump unit at various gear ratios. In examining the characteristicsin Fig. 234,

3.4. . Ai3

o06.. 0 S -i
2. 1.--1

we see that by properly selecting the gear ratio of winddriven wheel to the pump, the
characteristicsof the


5. Q4.6I



pump can be obtained at various pressure heads witho.ut Pchanging the transmission. Let us ex- /382

amine the superposition of the

o M o

05 o

pump characteristics over the

characteristics of the wind engine at various gear ratios.

Fig. 235: Nondimensional characteristics of a propeller pump

N = 183 hp, n = 500 rpm, Q = 2.6 m 3 /sec, H = 14 m; i = 0.76.

Let us superimpose the characteristicsof Fig. 232 on the characteristicsof the VIME D-12
wind engine, at gear ratios of wind-driven wheel to pump equal

Key: 1. h 2. m /sec 2 rpm

1., 9., 8

.. 1




to 1:20; 1:25; 1:30; 1:35 and 1:40. The position of this characteristic curve at the indicated gear ratios is shown in Fig.. 237. It can be seen that the supply of water starts at higher wind velocities at low gear ratios (see characteristic i = 1:20).
Consequently, those wind velo-




cities which occur most frequently i.e. 4-5 m/sec, cannot.~

be utilized in this case. If

we i_ /_

induce the pump to work at

large gear,,ratio (see char-


acteristic at i = 1:40),


with the increase in the num-



o. o


.... 3

ber of revolutions corresponding to the wind velocity, its power will change more rapidly than the power of the wind en-

Fig. 236: Dimensional characteri-stics of a propeller pump N = 183 hp; n = 500 rpm. Key: I. hi 2. m /sec 3. rpm

gine; the characteristic of the power of the pump exceeds the limits of the power curve of the wind engine. In this case, the operation of the winddriven installation will be unstable and the unit will (,
operate at a low 5. The char-

acteristics at the gear ratio


It !1:30

and 1:28 occupy the optimal position. Let us note

that the limits of the optimal gear ratio are insignif;-

icant, which should be taken

o20 30 40 so IO 7 O "090 f10 Itu 1I0 r O

into consideration in its determination.

Method of matching cen4





Fig. 237: Congruent characteristic curves of the VIE D-12;wind, engine and the centrifugal pump at various gear ratios. Key: 1. hp 2. number of revolutions of the wind-driven wheel 3. m/sec 4. rpm

trifugal pumps to the wind engine. It was shown above

that the efficien cy.of the centrifugal pump changes insignificantly with its passage to another set of operating This makes it conditions. possible to utilize centrifugal pumps, the normal power of which is several times higher than the power of the wind engine according to the catalogue.

In selecting the required gear ratio, we can give any number of revolutions to the pump, while the data of the catalogue refer to the number of revolutions of electrical motors, i.e. 2900; 2000; 1450; 960 etc. rpm. In the selection of centrifugal pumps to wind engines, the problem of the operating conditions of the pump should be solved first. These conditions are caused by the pressure head which the pump is supposed to develop. Knowing this pressure head, it is easy to determine the magnitudes 'n, N'h and N', for the new set of conditions of different dimensions of pumps, by means of equations((281),

(282) and (283). The next question to solved is what is the power of the pump corresponding to the actual pressure head, with which the wind engine will operate or in other words, what is the velocity of the wind to which the power of the wind engine corresponding to a given pressure head H'n should be related, in order to obtain the optimal conditions of operation of the entire wind-driven pump unit? Since the efficiency.'Idecreases rapidly to zero (Fig. 232) with a change in the nofrmal number of its revolutions n in the direction of a decrease, the matching of the pump to the wind engine should be done in such a way that the optimal minimal revolutions would correspond to the wind velocity at.which the maximal annual energy flowing through the wind-driven wheel is obtained. In order to find the velocity of the wind corresponding to the maximal annual output, it is sufficient to calculate V 3 t for each working velocity of the wind from equation (252) in whicE all the


magnitudes except for V 3 t are constant and the occurance of tp from M. M. Pomortsevs.' table. This calculation was performed for annual average wind velocities V 0 from 3 to 6 m/sec. The result of the calculation is presented in the graph of Fig. 238. It appears that there is velocity V (see the velocity on the horizdntal scale against the point o intersection of the dotted curve with the V 3 t ),/ 3 84 at which the maximal annual output of the wind-driven installation is obtained for each average annual wind velocity V0. This optimal velocity of the wind is approximately 1.5-1.67 times larger than 4 the V 0 , i.e.:
V.=6 6,5
, 1.62



r= The average hence:

1 67

v, V,= 1,55Vo. (291)

1 7S

In selecting a set of conditions for the operation of the pump.,which corresponds to this wind velocity, we obtain the optimal conditions of op-eration i of the wind-driven pump unit. 3-, Fr' example, at an average annual wind velocity of V 0 = 3 m/sec, the maximal output is obtained at windvel6cities Vy = 5 m/sec. Consequently,/385 the normal power of the centrifugal pump should not be largely different from the power of the wind engine which it develops at a wind velocity V = 5 m/sec, i.e.:
N,-= No = O00654D^]V

' .a 2

a, .v /sec

Fig. 238: Graph for the determination of the optimal

wind velocity,

For TV-8,
have: N.=N,

5 = 0.35, n = 0.65, we Cat) 0.b-. .. s 19 h

Key: 1. in thousands 2. working wind velocities V m/sec

In regions with an annual average wind velocity of V 0 = 5 m/sec, the normal power of the pump working with TV-8 should be determined at a wind velocity V,=T.5 5=7.5mE/
N,=.N. - 0.000654.82. 7.5 - 3.94 -,hp

In the selection of a centrifugal pump, GOST 2545-46 must be used, where the characteristics of various types of centrifugal pumps are recorded. It is very convenient to use these graphs as


S 7




0 0


to 0 ------






M = --





5 74f4

0 145


0 90


80 70






jrI i
-- -9
9 -

-2290_ _3

- 6-

+ I

0 -/

- I


N " 220 I0 4

S-JK 6



pumps of type

Z "

.- I


Key: . type;











6so 0

0 10/0
. . 00


60000 ~ I -6-1000

I-1-1 500


A 20


F. 9 G











2. ma/hr 3. aux. tank

4. MS



7 3 9/ f



to so tatonk 2. MSo




"" QU


2. MS


applied to a given standard (Fig. 239,,a;and b), which gives the tracings of the limits of output Q and pressure head H at n = const. The region Q and H of each pump is traced and inside this region, the make of the pump and its: normal revolutions per minute are recorded. The make (notation) of the pump consists of: a. letters -- type of the pump; b. figures before the letter -- diameter of the inlet .pipe in mm, 1/25 of the dimension, rounded off; c. figures after the dash, coefficient of rapidity, 1/10 of the value, rounded off; d. figures after the multiplication sign in multi-stage pumps -number of stages. The "K" "D" "M" type8sof the pumps are denoted byt',he following1letters: -- single stage, cantilever, with one-way inletlimpeller -- single stage with two-way inlet impeller: -- multiple stage, with horizontal parting in the housing and with one-way inlet impeller; "MD" -- multiple stage with horizontal parting of the housing, the first impeller with two-way inlet and the other impeller with one-way inlet; "MS" -- multiple stage ring type, with one-way inlet, impeller;/386
!1Pr" -single stage propeller pump.

The total head with which the centrifugal pump actually operates at the site of the installation must be determined by the equation: l=M + V V (292) where: M and V are the readings of the manometer and vacuum meter reduced to the axis of the pump in met6rs:of i'i iquid column;.1. vh and v.,- are the velocities in the head and suction parts of the pump at the sides of junction of the manometer and vacuum meter, in m/sec. Example. Using the graphs in Fig. 239a, select a pump for operation with a head up to 10 m and an output up to 20 m 3/hr. Examining the graphs in Fig. 239a, let us find in the left corner below the contour of the field of the recommended limits of head H and output Q of the pump, the make of which -- 2K-13-2900 is given in the contour of the field. This is a single stage overhang type pump with a diameter of the suction pipe of 50 mm, coefficient of rapidity n s = 130, and normal number of revolutions nn = 2900 rpm. It can operate with good efficiency in the limit of 6-15 m head and an output of 3 to 6.5 Z/sec. The optimal conditions of operation of the pump are marked by means of a thick vertical line.. Under these conditions H = 18 m and Q = 5.5 R/sec. In the table of GOST 2545-46, the efficiency of this pump is equal to n = 0.62. The


power needed for the operation of this pump should equal:

N,= , = 1.3 hp;\

A pump with a different characteristic is needed for an output of 4.5 R/sec at a head of H = 70 m. In the graph of Fig. 239a, the pump corresponding to this condition is of the make 2 2/2 MS 8 x 4 -- 2900. This is a four-stage pump with a diameter of the suction pipe of 62.5 mm, n = 83, nn 290 rpm. According to the table of GOST 2545-46, n = s 0.55. The power' neded for the operation of such a pump equals:
N .4-= 7. 6 5 hp

Priming of a centrifugal pump working with a wind engine. One /387 of the main operations in starting a centrifugal pump is its priming with water and the removal of air from the chamber of the pump, without which the feeding of the water does not start. A centrifugal pump with an electrical motor or with an oil engine works at a constant number revolutions, therefore the pump is primed only when it is started. Under thse conditions, even manual priming is no difficulty. The situation is different in the case of the pump operating with a wind engine. In the former case, the constant revolutions maintain the pump in operation throughout the whole period, while in k:the latter,Ycase, the pump operates with variable revolutions which decrease in some moments down to zero, according to the changes in wind velocities. The delivery of the water can only start at a certain minimum number of revolutions. Since the moment of starting of the pump is quite small, the wind engine will rotate the pump without any delivery at all wind velocities below 4-5 m/sec. And if the velocity of the wind does not reach 4-5 m/sec in the course of,illet us say, 3-4 hours, then the water may leave the pump. An ob.server standing behind the wind
installation, seeing the rotation of the wind-driven wheel, may not

realize that the water is not delivered due to its absence in the pump. He may assume that the water is not delivered by the pump due to an insufficient number of revolutions. Therefore, the manual
method cannot fully insure the priming of the centrifugal pump op-

erating with a wind engine.

always be primed

mount the pump below the level of the water source, so that it would
(see diagram in Fig. 240a), dr supply the installa-

In this case it is necessary either to

tion with automatic priming, as shown in Fig. 240b. In the latter case, during the operation of the pump, the water is partially guided from force pipe A via pipe B into container C with foa t- type lock D. As soon as the container is full, the float closes the tap. During the leak-off of the water from the pump and the suction pipe, the water flows from the container via pipe E into the

suction pipe and fills both it and the pump.

Pipe E is fitted with


reflux valve V which does not permit the water to enter the container during the operation of the pump. Valve G is open all the time and closes only when the pump stops working for a longer period of time. The capacity of the container depends on the capacity of the suction pipe and the housing of the pump, as well as on the magnitude of It should be assumed that a water losses through the foot valve. /388 container with a capacity of 0.,5 m 3 insures the.priming provided that the pump does not stop for more than 24 hours. In addition, the pump will be constantly primed, also in the case that an auxiliary piston pump is attached to the w nd engine, as shown in/Fig. 241. In this case, as soon as the engine starts operating, ver water and primes the pump. This diagram of operation of a


the piston pump starts to deli-/3 8 9

. wind-driven pump unit has an

.additional advantage. The centrifugal pupp.starts to:deliver at

wind velocities of 4-5 m/sec, while at lower velocities, the

wind engine rotates the pump

B -without delivering water. When the wind engine operates with an additional piston pump, the water delivery will take place as soon as the pump is started, consequently, the flow of water willibe continuous even at a

wind velocity of 3 m/sec.


- ---

power of the piston pump may

Fig. 240: a) Diagram of the disposition of the pamp below the level of the water source. b) Diagram of the automatic priming of a centrifugal pump. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. tower of the wind engine centrifugal pump water source B C

not be higher than the power at which the centrifugal pump starts to deliver the water. Unnecessary losses of energy on account of rotation of the centrifugal pump at low wind velocities, can be avoided by means of a device called the automatic connection of the centrifugal pump at certain numbers of revolutions of the winddriven wheel.

6. 7. 8. 9.



51. Operat ion of Wind Engines with Millstones and Agricultural Machines.
2L The utilization of wind engines for operation with agricultural machines is of great. importance for sovkhozes and Grinding, preparation d6 kolkhozesi.~ processing of grain, wood-pulp etc, can be carried out any time during the day, whenever there is a wind, which determines the flexible graph of loading. Characteristic of the millstone. The torque created by the wind engine must surmount the moment caused by the friction forces of the millstone, which takes place during the grinding of grain into flour. The forces of friction between the /390 working surfaces of the millstone dreate a moment Mm which is in fact the sum of the elementary moments dM caused by ringshaped areas dS, situated at various distances r from the axis of rotation of

3forage, .I..... . .processing,

Fig. 241: Diagram of the parallel operation of centrifugal and piston pumps. Key: 1. tower of the wind engine, 2. centrifugal pump 3. piston pump 4. trough

the millstone

(Fig. 242).

The elementary 'ring-shaped area is equal to: The moment of the forces of friction on this ring-shaped area can be expressed as follows:
dM ==pdFr= p2rdr-r\

hence: -d Fig. 242: Elementary area of the working surface of the millstone.

f !z,


where: p -- drag per .unit working , In the presurface of the millstone. paration flour for baking and when the millstone operat-esat top power: p 500'9kg/i 2 Adding up the moments of the r:ing-shaped areas on the working sui face of the millstone, we obtain the over-all moment of drag of i.e.: the given machine tool,


.p2 .. dr.

2 (-'



2 p(R I

- r).

Here: R -- radius of the millstone including its. external circumference; ro -- radius of the throat of the millstone, where no grinding takes place but only feeding of the grain 1>ito the milling belt. In this equation, the force p is unknown; it depends on the sharpness of the millstone, on the hardness of the process~d material and on the amount of the grainl Knowing the working moment of 'the stonemill, ;we can determine /391 the power which is required for its rotation,

where: n -w --

mechanical efficiency of transmission; angular velocity of rotation of the stonemill'.

Substituting in equation (293) the values of the moment and of the angular velocity w = rr/30, while n is the number of revolutions per minute, we obtain:



For :. given dimqnsions of the stone and for a given type of grain, all the magnitudes in the right hand side of equation (294) are constant, except for the revolutions n. Denoting the constant magnitudes by A, we obtain:
N = An.

This equation shows that the theoretical power of the stone. i"ll and of similar agricultural machines changes proportionally to the revolutions of the stoneGmill. ' Consequently, the characteristics of the theoretical power should be represented graphically by a straight line which passes through the origin and subtends a certain angle with the axes of the abscissa. In practice, the characteristics differ markedlyy from a straight line. The drag of the working surface of the stonemill:)changes-along with the change ,inh' the feeding of the grain. In addition, this drag can change due to changes of pressure between the working surfaces of the stone mill. In the simplest mills, this pressure is created by the stone mill's own weight; in small grinding mills of the "farmer" type, the pressure is created by a special spring. In such a manner, the characteristics can be changed. in any desired manner by changing the feeding of the grain and the degreeoof its grinding. This makes it possible to adjust to the work of agricultural machines according to the charactertcs which are optimal for its operation with a wind engine.


The peculiar feature of operation of wind installations require characteristics of. the power tools in relation to of the conjtru9ieoer of the characteristics can be designed theoSome the revolutions. generator), others can only /392 centrifukal(pumps, and retically (piston data (stone mills, straw experimental of be constructed on the basis characteristics assist in These cutters, crushers, winnowers, etc.). of a-'wind power unit and conditions determining the optimal operation these onditions. with acordanc~ in . 6'transmis in "to design the For example, only the maximal parametersare given in the catao,,., '~ - . logues for the existing stone mills of various dimensions. Conse-, this would be quently, each stone mill should have its own engine; all right and in such a case the unit would operate most effectively. However, in the practice of kolkhoz flour milling, several departures choice of such a unit. have to be made from. th& If the normal power of the wind engine is smaller than the nominal power of the stone mill., then a certain velocity of the wind should be sought at which the wind('Iengine can develop the required power, while the revolutions should be found from the characteristics of the stone mill at which the power of the stone mill equals the power of the wind engine. Example. A stone mill of 6/4 arshin with a diameter of 1067 mm requiresat full loading a power of N = 16.8 hp; the revolutions of the stone mill amount under these conditions to 176 rpm. What' is the velocity of the wind at which a'type) D-12 wind engine can develop.,a power of 16.8 hp if at V = 8 m,/sec and 28 rpm this wind engine has The velocity is found from the following relations: a power of 12 hp?

The number of revolutions of the wind engine at a wind velocity of 9 m/sec can be found from the relations:
nl Vl


n = 28 = 32 rpm

Consequently, the gear ratio of the revolutions of the stone mill to the revolutions of the wind wheel should be equal to:

If we were to solve this problem by means of a characteristic of the stone mill N = f(n) (Fig. 243), then it is easy to see that a power of 12 hp corresponds to 150 revolutions of the stone mill



per minute. Dividing 150 revolutions by the number of revolutions of the wind wheel which it developsr,.at a power of 12 hp, we obtain s5 the gbnera.l ' gear ratio:

Fig. 244 illustrates a nomogram, compiled by the 'author ii whic'h one -can'.readily- find, the general Fatio

.of t--

revolittions of va'i-ous stone--mfv


mills -b
gines f

t, Berevolutons
different power':

wiod en-

The upper part of the nomogram




approximate characteristics of stone mills (poweroin relation to constructed on the basis Srevolutions),


of tracihgs of the output according to revolutions whichvwere recalculated to the characteristics of power according to revolutions. The lower /394
part of the diagram contains rays : for wind engines of known power and


so so0


Fig. 24 3 : Characteristics of the stone mill in relation to the revolutions. Key: 1. hp 2. rpm

revolutions, such as VIME D-8, N = 5*:3 hp at n = 40 rpm; D-10, N = 8 hp D-12,N = 12 hp atv; atO n = 32 rpm; n = 28 rpm and D-16, N = 20 hp at n = 20 rpm. Only the upper part of the nomogram can be used for wind engines of other characteristics.

A VIME D-8 wind engine Example. with a stone mill of diameter D = 550 mm ensures full power of the stone mill at its maximal revolutions 350 rpm. Consequently, in the/395 given case the gear ratio will be equal to: _i= .8.5. connected to the same wind engine, then If a 6/4 stone mill' ,is the transmission must be made in such a way that it can give only a 100 revolutions at the full power of the wind engine, which-is obtained by passing a line from the scale of the 5.3 hp to the intersection i:r , of the stone mill 6/4, and then down with-thee characteristic curve' In such a manner, the i = 2.5. D-8, ray to the intersection with that the transmisprovided mill stone any wind engine will mill with for the work of "required power the If sion is suitably calculated. the stone mill is less than the power developed by the wind engine, then the latter will be underloaded and consequently, the wind engine will work with a low output coefficient of wind energy at high wiInd velocities.

28 1

C. 25,

-0 /1

d61 4

,,, ..


Method for regulation of ?

stone mill.

Regulation of

work of the stone mill con-


sists in changing the height of

the cleft h between the working

surfaces of the stone mill i.e.

= 4 !/


the runner and the bedstone In the common wind(Fig. 245).

. mills this is done manually by

means of wheel A, which is en-4i

tirely acceptable in the older

systems of windmills, since they are not sensitive to sharp changes

,so Sopo,

300oo 3

... ,1

in wind velocity and the miller

has time to adjust the technTj7-



logical process according to the velocity of the wind. However in the rapid wind engine, /396

which has lighter wings, sensitive to even weak wind gusts,



this operation is hard to accomplish i.e. the miller would be compelled,to stand by the mill Fig. 244:nomogram and regulate the stone mill. Fig. 244: M. Fateyev's nomogram These difficulties can be solved for matching stone mills to wind *by means of automatic regulation, engines.
which is used in the improved

Key: I. power spent on the work of stone the mill

gear ratio

modelsof windmills,. The location of the working surface of the stone mill on the belt and the
forging of the grooves or' the working surface are shown in Fig.

2. igen = ns/nw general

3. revolutions of the
stone mill


Fig. 246 illustrates the di~agram of an automatically regulated windmill with two millstone sets, tested by the author. The action

of the centrifugal regulator mounted on the girder 'in. front ofl'the' mill,
is .ransmittedthrouggh 1-1, thelrod dyoke 22', -to levers 3-3 which support the step bearings of the shaft of the stone mill. During the increase in the number of revolutions, the centrifugal loadsUC come apart and lift the clutch, and together with it the long end N of the yoke 1-1. At this moment, the short external ends T g'-F'down at the same time with the shaft and the stone; the height of the cleft h between the stone mills diminishes, and the feeding of the grain increases, which is obtained by increasing the slope of the

connected with yoke 1-1 by means of -is inclination.44, Which strings thrown across blocks 5-5. The ratio of the angular velocity of rotation of the regulator and the angle a which is formed by the lever ''with the centrifugal /397 loads at their ends is given by N. E. Zhukovskiy's equation:


P Oj


I5 e
_ 6leepreoI7



where: w is the angular velocity of rotation of the regulator; = 9.81 m/sec 2 , acceleration of 10

c" 11 Eer

_t C,!4t

eC 5

the terr,e'strial gravitation.

Other indications are given in *~ Fig. 247. By means of this equation, it is to determine the height of the cleft h between the working surfaces of the stone mill in relation to the wind velocity at any point in time. The height of the cleft h changes proportionally to the travel of the Since the clutch H of the regulator. travel of the clutch H changes proportionally to cos a, assuming that the maximal initial height of the cleft between the stone mills is equal to h 0 , wenobtain the change in the height of the cleft in the following form: h = h

C_ 11.aI 12-

u - -

15poa nu

aor 15


Fig. 245: Manually regulated stone mill. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. hopper jolting millstone rim runner bedstone shaft pinion discharge of

cos C.


9. 10. 11. l1a. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. bin

section a-b runner bedstone ragging grooves grinding belt throat shims

The cos a is found from equation (295). (297) -cos .o . . i" o 1) i (297) r

by means of

All the magnitudes in this equation, with exception of w, are known from the For construction of the regulator. wings of known characteristics, w is In also known for each wind velocity. such a manner, a complete computation of the regulator 'for windmills can be made requations((295), (296) and (297).

In determining the magnitudeswhich enter, equation (297), one should use the dimensions of the system of regulation which were determined on the basis of constructional considerationj. According to the symbols-'- shown in Fig. 246: Q/2 L = SP; G0, = S L1 + L1),


\.L=Sl; Gl-= S(L,+



(298) For a stone mill 6/4 with Example. a weight G = 700 kg and the following dimensions of the arms of the levers (Fig. 246):; = 0.12 m; k1 =0.10 m; L = 1.5 m;



1.3 m,

the magnitude Q will be equal

\__Q__ kg

3 r3

, it

1 =

k i

The centrifugal loads"'M are chosen with a weight; P of 5-8 kg each. 3Substituting these values in equation
(297) at constructional dimensiorsof the centrifugal regulator adjusted to the

o1: o70 80901000 3040o0 2 060pOU

Fig. 246: Diagram of automatic regulation of stone mills. Key: 1. height of the cleft between the working surfaces of the stone mill 2. revolutions of centrifugal regulator 3. rpm

type VIME D-16 windmill (Fig. 247), we obtain cos a for various revolutions of the windmill and the corresponding clefts between the working surfaces of the stone mill 6/4. The computation is presented in Table 30. The relation between the height of the cleft h and the revolutions is shown in Fig. 246.<w1v,),,,

This simple automatic construction not only permits regulation of the work of the stone mill but . makes it possible to correct the conditions of operation of the windmill unit, i.e. to confer to the stone mill the characteristicwhich pass t rough the peak of the power curve of the wind engine. We know from what has been said above that the theoretical characteristics of the stone mill change ?as a function of the revolutions in a linear manner, the straight line forming a certain angle with the horizontal axis; the curve is obtained by changing manually the loadji.e. the larger the loadthe steeper the curve. In the case of a centrifugal regulator, the slope of the curve changes according to the automatic. change of the load depending on the magnitude of the gear ratio of the revolutions of the wind wheel 1. [Translator's note: Errata checked and found to be illegible.]

2 84

to, the revolutions of the regulator. The the larger the. gear ratio the steeper mill. power curve of the stone L /399 By determining the various gear ratios between wind wheel and regulator, we obtain a series of curves, one of the peaks of the Swhich will pass through as shown power curves of the wind engine we see by curve i in Fig. 247,blow. Hence the that at.a correct gear ratio i of centrifugal regulator to the wind wheel, the stone mill will operate under optimal
if the transmission between




wind wheel and stone mill is properly selected. Let us recall that in the manual method of regulation like in t ,automatic


O6opoTu serpo oiec3. w 060pcbl sepPoB3 11 ,

ones, one has to utilize the nomogram shown in Fig. 244 for determining the

Centrifugal Fig. 247: regulator and its effect on the characteristics of the stone mill.

the wind gear ratio of the revolutions of stone wheel to the revolutions of the mill.

Operation of the TV-8 wind engine with ZD corn mill. The ZD corn millfodder crusher (Fig. 248) is used in Key: 1. theoretical animal husbandries for the grinding or 2. revolutions of crushing of grain for the po paration of the wind wheel /400 fodder. The serrated rolls of the manw rotathe during grain the grind chine of 3. revolutions tion of the main rolls which takes the stone mill place at a rate of 133-150 rpm. When ns one couple of pinions is disengaged from the transmission of the machine, i.e. 400-450 both rolls work with the same number of revolutions crusher. a as works rpm, and in this case the machine mill .'-presented in The experimental performance of the corn the wind velocity Fig. 249. The output is obtained in relation to grain, which makes the of and the revolutions at a variable feeding to work under optimal condiit possible for the wind-driven unit tions. regard to Table 31 presents the output of this machine with of the quality of the product grinding and crushing,with indication per hp/hour. and the specific output i.e. the output


Computed parameters Wind velocity (m/sec)

1 8

s .

20 23 13 17 -Revolutions of the wind wheel Revolutiosfof the vertichl Revolutions of the centrifugal 69 39 51s 60 reguLator Angular velocity o the centrifugal regu-ator 4.1 5.3 6.25 7,2 0w= Trn/30
cos a 9,81 Lt OD .)Q
) 0.99 0,71

26 78 g

29 87





0.535 0.36



h=h. cos d'!at,'

h.=3 M

. . 2.

h =2

.... .



2.04 1,07

1.6 0.8


.e o 1.08 1.0 0,8

0.54 0t5 O




Thevoverall output prein Table 31 was given

by the corn mill-fodder
crushe' at a wind velocity of

L, . ,

.400 _

der these conqitions were 390per minute. Operation of the .VIME



wind engine with No. 2

"FArmer". The No. 2 "Farmer"

Fig. 248: The ZD corn millfodder crusher.

coarse milling in animal husbandry.

(Fig. 250) is widely used for

Asua result of the processing ofctesting mate-rials for. wind

engines and "No. 2 Farmer", the output characteristics of the unit presented in Fig. 251 and 252 were obtained. In the left hand side of the figure, the output curves are given for various degrees of coarseness of grinding in relation to wind velocity, while in the right hand side, in relation to the revolutions of the wind wheel. Since the stabilizing regulation of the wind engine ensures the constancy of the revolutions at any wind velocity above 8 m/sec, the load can be increased in ,.such a way as the wind velocity increases that the curve! becomes a.vertical, ooverloading the wind engine withbut. "'increasing the number of revolutions so that it i not possible to determine by eyethe'exitent 'of overloading of the wind 28 6




Therefore at wind

i Y0715

epoac . ue 3a i=i7

velocities above 8 m/sec, the load should not be increased -oop. to a larger extent than corresponding to the power.of the wind enginelat a wind velocity

of 8-9 m/sec.

4 C


6 00




7L a

The output of the unit in relation to the coarseness of



is presented in Table
Performance of the wind /403

+ KM
4 6 8 10 /A


engine with straw cutters. Tests with the straw cutters system show "Goliwer the "Goliif' Performance of the corn- of the Fig. 249: the power and output of the irltthat Fmig.l mill in elation to wind velocity machine depends o many factors, and revolutions of the wind wheel i.e.: moisture i.e.: moisture content content of of the the straw, length of the cut, sharpKey: kg/hour 1. ness of the knives, etc. The 2. m/sec effect of these factors on the 3. rpm performance of the machine is 4. wind wheel .illustrated graphically in Fig. 5. very coarse grinding 253 and 254. 6. coarse grinding 7. medium grinding 8. fine grinding TABLE 31. OUTPUT-OF THE ZD CORN'MILL OPERATING WITH THE
crushing grinding Characteristic of the grinding of barley Specific t Specifc than 50% When tpt Dutput output hr per welg of the Type of particles inthe V=81 g (kg/h (kg/, Grinding milling have a dia- m/sec) er h meter (mm) Fine grinding
Medium grinding Coarse grinding Very coarse grinding and crushing





Z itG/


5 2.5 310

310 500 800

.62 100 160 825 1700 117 23s

0.5 n 1.5



Characteristic of milling Diameter cf particles (in Type of mm) when they formmore than 60% of the amount milling milled by weight Eine milling 0.5 no 1 0.5 i.Oto 1.5 Meium mill:ng Medium mll~ng 1.0 1.5 :o 2.0 2 Coarse millin 2.5 go 3.0 2.0; 1il m coarse Very Ing.

0utpt (kg/hr) at V=8 /sec


Specific output (kg/hp-hr)

320 910





The power characteristics as a function of the revolutionsis represented by a straight line: by superposing it on the characteristic curve of -the'tind engine ,we obt.aln a' se: 'f "un-favorable conditions which are similar to those obtained with the wind engine operating with a rotary pump i.e. the wind engine can /404 velociwind low at only work with maximal E ties. However, while a complex mechanism is required in order to increase the effec" tiveness of the wind-driven pump unit working with a rotary piston, no special mechanism is required in the given case in order to imFig. 250: The "No. 2 Farmer" grinding mill. prove the characteristics. I: Since 'in the . se) of the straw cutter, be processed is performed manually, smaller to loading of the material amounts of straw can be fed at low wind velocities; in this way the work performed by the straw cutter is smaller and consequently the wind engine is in a position to. cope with the load.. As the.wind velocity increases, the loading of the straw can be increased as well. In such a manner, in the range of ve1ocities 4-8 m/sec, we obtain /405


a characteristic curve.e o:tmadhine


which passes through the point of maximal power of the wind engine, i.e., a similar characteristic is obtained to that


shown in Fig. 247,below,for the stone mill. Generally speaking, the



charicterfstic curves of the straw cutters, root

S1definite, o _
I b
8.,0 " 9,0 . '

saw, etc. have no shape which could be obtained by means of computations. This is explained by the fact that the main cutters,
parameter, i.e. revolutions






G,O ,0

L 1_
:10 40 50

1e Sb

and output which characterize the work of similar ma-billi

Fig. 251: Characteristics of the output of the VIME D-12 wind engine with "Farmer" at various degrees of grinding in wrelation relation to

Fig. 252: Characteristics of the output of the VIME D-12 wind engine with "Farmer" in' relation to the number of revolutions.

chines, are not as closely revolutions of a pump with output output. In most of these machines, the feeding of the material to be processed is to be processed is'performed manually, and the output depends on the feeding. Therefore, naturally, the correspondKey. ence . very f the given power :out-, deengine wind .put .,of the pends on the individual habits of the servicing personnel. Another factor which .affects to a great extent the characteristicsof agricultural machines is the tool which performs the processing of the material, i.e., the knife:liin the case of the straw cutter, the sharpness of the working surfaces of the stone mill . in )grinding mills, the teeth in the case of the saw, etc. The properties of these tools changes in. the courseic-of time and consequently the performance of their work

Key. 1. very unue coarse milling; 2. coarse milling; 3. medium milling; milling.

a. kg/hr b. m/sec
c. output d. wind velocity e. revolutions of the ind wheel per

e. revo-

2 89

,o ,,

, I I



and along with it the required powerI.for their movement. For example,. the power expenditure of the straw cutter "Goliaf" during 8 hours of operation.following sharpening of" theknives increases twofold With sharp knives (see Fig. 253). the power expenditure was 0.8 hp while at the end of 8 hours of work, it increased to 1.6 hp while the output stayed the same. Adjusting the agricultural machines to the wind engine. The initial parameters in adjusting agricultural machines to wind engines are their power N and the number of revolutions n. The normal power of the machine should correspond to that value of power of the wind engine at which it gives the maximal output throughout the year in a given region characterized by a given annual average of the wind velocity. Therefore, in selecting a certain machine, the graph illustrated in Fig. 238 should be used which indicates the wind velocities Vy at which the wind gives itsmaximal output during the year in a region with a given /406 average annual wind velocity V 0 . Table 33 presents the power values on the shaft of the wind wheel in wind enginesVIME D-5, TV-8 and VIME D-12 for wind velocities Vy which were calculated by means of equation (291) and were rounded off. The same table gives the values of the power of the tools at which they give the highest annual output when connected to the wind engine at a given average annual wind velocity. In order to determine the gear ratio of the revolutions of the tool to the revolutions of the wind wheel, the number of revolutions of the wind engine corresponding tothe power are also presented.



' .0

+ ,

| 1

.I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8qac

Fig. 253: Power expenditure on the straw cutter in relation to the time of operation from the moment of sharpening of the knives. Key: 1. hp 2. hr 2

N "_ I

i iengine i I

too-a ,0

I 111 +

I l I 9t 11

Fig. 254: Power expenditure ofitthe work of the straw cutter in relation to revolutions and output (fresh, dry straw). Key: 1. hp 2. kg/hr

29 0 A



VIME D-5, Rapid Power on the shaft of the wind wheel N)(ihp). Power of the machine corresponding to a

vra e annual n sec) velocty v 3 4 5 6 timaL wind velocity Vy 5 16 s 9 0.5 1.2




2.. 2,7

given power of the wind engine (hp).... 0.39 Number of revolutions of the wind wheel .... 130

o' 3.0 2.0 20

6 1 40 50

TV-8, Low Speed

Power of the wind engine

erWr Oofthe machtine (h) 9wer of revo utions or

(hp)............... i1


.... i


-2 12.0


45 '25


VIME D-12, Rapid

Power of the wind engine (hp) ............... 5 Power of the machine (hp) ................. 16 Numberof revolutions or the wind wheel.....j 4*

7,8 60'



The power of agricultural machines is determined by the relation: Np = Nl, where n is assumed to be equal to 0.65, the mechanical efficiency. Table 33 makes it possible to determine the wind engine in com- /407 bination with which the work of a given agricultural machine will be optimal knowing its normal power, as well as to determine the gear ratio of the revolutions of the wind wheel to the revolutions of the machine if the latter are known. Example 1. Determine the wind engine which will operate optimally with a root cutter with a power N = 0.75 hp at n = 80 rpm,and determine the gear ratio.

Examining_:!Table 33, we find that this machine works in a'.region with an average annual velocity of the wind V 0 = 4 m/sec with a wind engine VIME D-5, while the gear ratio of revolutions of the wind wheel to the revolutions of the machineis equal to:
It is not advisable to connect this machine to a VIME D-5 wind engine in a region with an annual average wind velocity V0 = 3 m/sec, since under. these conditions it would only work a small.number of hours per year. At a wind velocity V 0 = 3 m/sec, it would be more convenient to connect this machine to a TV-8 wind engine. In this

case the gear ratio will be: Example 2. Determine the type of wind engine which would be fully loaded with an oil cake breaker, the normal power of which In Table 33 we find that this power corresponds to equals 5 hp. This machine a power of the TV-8 wind engine as V 0 = 5-6 m/sec. can give a satifactory loading also with type VIME D-12 wind engine as V 0 = 4-5 m/sec. When the wind engine works with several agricultural machines, it is not required that the power of the machine corresponds to the maximal annual output of the wind engine, since in this case the wind engine works simultaneously with several machines. Thus, in adjusting a certain power of the machine to the wind engine, not only the type of the wind engine should be considered, but also the average annual wind velocity at which the machine will The same machine will require different dimensions of wind operate. engines at different values of the annual average wind velocity.




Wind engines are widely utilized both in the USSR and abroad

for the lifting!-of water from Pits, wells and resevoirs. Wind-driven pump installations can be divided according to their purpose into: 1. wind-driven pump installation for water supply; these lift the water for drinking and domestic needs;
2. wind-driven irrigation installations, which lift the water for irrigating plots of land; 3. wind-driven pumpsinstallations for drainingimarshy an d ts:

fos'deeply-flooded land.52. Wind-Driven Pump Installations for Water Supply

The main components of a wind-driven pump installation are: 1. the wind engine,designed for operation With a piston or centrifugal pump, Ardhimedean screw etc.; 2. pump equipment consisting of a pump, suction intake and delivery pipes and various devices which ensure the correct and most effective operation 6f the pump installation (air chamber, balancer, devices for priming and discharging the water, etc.); 3. resevoir or tank for storing the water on calm days; 4. net of distributor pipes which feeds the water to the places where it is consumed. For designing wind-driven pump installations, it is imperative to know the amount of consumed water for the needs of a given hus- /409 bandry, the nature of the source and its output and finally, the relief and wind conditions of the place where it is suggested to sett up the wind-driven pump installation. The constructional diagram of the commonest type for the water supply of animal husbandries is shown in Fig. 255. The deep bedding of the water in pits or wells requires a piston pump for its lifting to the surface, while lifting of the water from open resevoirs or small pits which have a large output can be perIn the first case, a multiformed by means of a centrifugal pump. bladed 'low speed wind "hgine isrequired which is characterized by a- large moment of stopping and small number of revolutions, while in the second case .a sparse-bladed rapid wind engine is required which is

characterized by a large number of revolutions and small stopping moment.

The wind and topographical conditions of the place determine the system of regulation of the wind power unit and the type of equipment (the intake, net of pipes, actuatator, etc.)

29 3'

The daily expenditure as well as the output of the water source determine the power of the wind-driven pump installation. The wind-driven pump unit should be/410 chosen in. such a way that the inflow of water from a given source should cover the expenditure. A water deficiency in the source can disturb the normal operation of the wind engine and may be the reason for cluttering of the well by engulfed sand. The expenditure of the water Q should be equal or smaller than the output of the source Q6 i.e.:


In such a manner, the following

rule is obtained:

a. in adjusting a certain winddriven pump unit to a source with a limited output, the power of the unit should be established on the basis of the output of the water source,and when Constructional Fig. 255: the latter is deficient, in order to diagram of a wind-driven ensure the supply of the husbandry, other water sources should be considered where other wind-driven pump units can be set up: pump unit to a water source with wind-driven the b. in adjusting unit should be determined on the of power the an unlimited output, for the given husbandry. water of the basis of the required amount Usually the water from open resevoirs which have a large output are used for production and irrigation purposes. Water from pits and wells with a limited output is usually hauled'only for drinking The latter type is most common in steppe regions. Their needs. 3 characteristic feature is a small output, from 0.2 to 2.0 m /hr. However in certain regions of our South, wells with a very high out3 The water from such wells can be put are found, reaching 30 m /hr. but also for irrigation. purposes drinking for lifted not only The amount of water which can be supplied by a wind-driven pump installation per day, taking into account a water reserve for (.L2 calm days, is determined according to the existing standards of water . Multiplying. the!standard pe requirements q liters per day. daily the obtain we consumer by their number n and adding up, water expenditure Q: (300) Q=n


For example, according to the standards of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, the daily water consumption of animals including watering places, preparation of fodder and sanitaryhygienic measures is determined by the following figures given in Table 34. TABLE 34: WATER CONSUMPTION BY ANIMALS [151 IDaily water conmikig ow .. calves fHom 6-i


With in without a rspie water.pie 10


months of age ...... 60 60 40


working ox.......................... . working horse ....................... . foal from 6-12 months of age . sow with piglets up to 2 months pTet. from 2-6 months i summer safe, in the winter.................9 fattened pigs, 9 months .... male swine .......................... see w1t a .. see goa............................... .............................. rabbt chicken....................... .......
sm, in te summer) ............... in the witer.....



so o 30
33 2 20


59 . 1.5



The distribution of water consumption in the course of one day /411 is shown in the graph in Fig. 256, which illustrates the water consumption in a cattle yard in the presence of an automatic drinking bowl. In order to fully supply the consumerswwith water.: by utilizing the energy of the wind, the power of the wind-driven pump installation should be calculated not Ver daily water feed, but per the amount which would ensure the consumer with supply on both windy and calm days. On windy days, the wind installation should ensure the daily water consumption and should store the water for the subsequent calm periods, the length of which may be 1-2 days. The calm period is defined as dayswith an average wind velocity of 2 m/sec and below, with a duration of 1 day and more. Let us assume that for a given region, the variation in the average daily wind velocities during a certain period of time took place as illustrated in Fig. 257, where the hatched areas give a /412 picture of the fluctuations in wind velocities,. T is the. number of , days with an average wind velocity higher than 2 m/sec betweentwb adjacent calm periods, t is the number of-days in the calm period.


Such a graph is entirely

possible since.the sequence and

duration of the calm periodsdo

_ Sbut

not obey a certain law. There are regions, where the calm /413 periods may last from 2-3 days,


17 ]1

-~ / ~

in the same regions, there are cases when the average daily wind velocity does not exceed 2 m/sec for a whole month. This is a rare occurrence but it does happen. According to the graph in


oK 1-1 LqcY C L


2 3

Fig. 256: Daily graph of water consumption for animals. Key: 1. hour 6f the day
7 I

257, water- can be fed to the wind-driven pump installation in an amount which would ensure the supply to the consumer under less favorable conditions of wind, when the period of calm days t is longFig.

est, and the number of windy days T is smallest. Under

these conditions, the amount

.. Fig. 27:
2. 4

of water stored in the resevoir can be determined in the

following way.

The wind installation should ensure a daily water consumption or a daily expendQ M3a iture Q m/day; in addition, it should haul the water into the stock during the period of calm days; the magnitude of this stock is determined by the expression:

Graph of the possible daily fluctuations in Saverage average daily wind velocities. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. wind velocity V m/sec wind calm days

(301) In such a manner, ,.aisregarding the water expenditure required for covering the peaks of the graphs of water consumption, the power of the wind-driven pump installation should be calculated for an overall amount of water which is equal to:
<Q =Q+


If there is a large variation in the daily water consumption, the installation can.haud water into the stock the amount of which we shall assume to be equal to: the daily requirement;,consequently the amount stocked per day will be equal to Q/T.


In this case, the overall amount. of water is:

\Q;=I " "

V--( :


Power of the wind-driven pump unit. The power of the winddriven pump unit required for supplying the daily water expenditure is determined by equation: (304) N60 ; where: Q is the daily water consumption in m 3 ; /414 tp is the number of working hours of the wind engine per day; H is the pressure head in m, which is determined by accounting for the losses in pressure heads; n is the efficiency of the pump. If in addition the unit is supposed to feed water into the stock in order to be consumed on calm days, the power will be expressed according to equations('(302) and (303), by: N =N(1


or accounting for the inconstancy of the consumption:

In addition, the volume of the tank should correspond to Lthe volume of water supplied by the wind-driven installation over and above the daily consumption. If the amount of supplied water is determined by means of equation <(302), then the volume of the tank should equal:
W = Qt. (307)

If the water in the tank mu:st < suffice, also for covering the peak of the graph of water expenditure, according to equation (303), then the volume should equal:

W'---Q+Qt=Q (r


However, it should be stres-sed that a wind-driven pump installation which ensures complete water supply to the consumer on account of the wind energy, is practically unsuitable in regions with long calm periods.


Let us assume that in a certain region where it is planned to set up a wind-driven pump installation, the duration of calm periods average.s 5 days, while the number of windy days between two calm periods is T = 2 days. Determining the required power by means of /415 equations (305) and (306), we obtain:

N,=T(I+ 2+5)=4.,V

In such a manner, for a 5-day calm period which was preceded by two windy days, the power of the wind-driven pump installation should be 3.5 times larger than the power needed to lift the water in the course of one day, and 4 times larger if the peak of the consumption graph has to be covered. Under these conditions, the tanks for storing the water should have the following capacity:

i! w'=Q (t +1=Q (5+1)=6Q

How will the wind-driven installation operate if two windy In this case days will be followed by letus. say two calm days?
the required power will be: .


N, =N (1 +-) = 2N. 2N' (2 2)= 2.5N. The examined examples show that a wind-driven installation calculated for 5 calm days would stand still during' ,',jalm periods which last less than 5 days and would not supply the required water to the consumer if calculated for a smaller number of calm days. Our conclusion is that in regions with low wind velocities, it is not advisable in practice to design wind-driven pump installations toqc.o ver the, water supply of the consumer only on account of the wind energy. 'the wind-driven pump installation can supply the Evidently'l consumer with water only in those regions where the calm periods do not exceed 2-3 days while the windy periods between them lasts no less than 1-2 days. A wind-driven pump installation with a reserve engine which does A suitable renot work with wind energy would be more advisable. rural condiunder installations pump wind-driven serve engine for actuator. a horse-drawn tions is In this case the tariks for storing the water can be much smaller i.e. to contain no more than a one-day supply.



Water Tanks and Water Towers in Wind Pump Installations


Wind pump installations can not operate without a resevoir or a tank for storing water. In the absence of a tank,I the wind engine would have to work only at the time of water consumption i.e. with interruptions;the wind installation would have to stop as soon as the it consumption of the water stops, ":and
would have to start again when the requirement for water is renewed. However, in order to start a wind engine 'wi which is charged by means of a rotary pump, a wind velocity of at least 4 m/sec is required&. while the operation can take place at a velocity of 3 m/sec. The initial loading moment is approximately 3 times larger than the working moment. In such a manner, the intermittent operation of the wind installation as a result of the absence of a tank or a water stock, would be the reason for frequent idle periods in the operation of the wind engine not only when there is no need for water but also when it is needed. Such an installation would be of little use in practice.

The water tank is the main element

in any wind pump installation. The wind Fig. 258: Wind installa- energy can be accumulated in the form of the water stored in the tank on calm tion with a 20 m 3 metalAs a result of this, the idle perdays. lic tank in brick walliods of the wind installation are shortened ing. and at the same time the production becomes cheaper, which pays the expenses for the /417 construction of the water tank. The daily water consumption is characterized by for example, the water conlarge fluctuations as shown in Fig. 256: than between 6 am and higher sumption from 12 md until 2 pm is much period of time can of short a within 10 am. This maximal consumption The presence of water installation. course not be ensured by the wind peak consumption the cover stored in the tank makes it possible to not in the given or works regardless of whether the wind installation moment. Let us present a few examples of the construction of resevoirs Fig. 258 illastrates and tanks used with wind pump installations. 3 eapacity. _The; m 20, a wind pump installation with a tank of cylindrical tankmade:of iron sheets has a diameter of approximately It is surrounded by brick wall2.5 m and atr.height of about 2.8 m. The brick wall prevents the water from ing up to a height of 2 m. freezing in the winter.

29 9'

S -=_.

Iron-concrete storage 'tariks .the:construction of which is sh-6wn in Fig. 259, are quite common. Approximately 8 tons of cement and about 600 kg of iron are

needed for the construction of such:a storage

with a capacity of 30 mS;

_ I,
,resevoirs, -1935. -

these are distinguishedby their great durability. The construction and computations of iron-concrete storage tanhk are presented,for, example, in the book of


rezerB. A. Shebuyev, Zhelezobetonnye '

vuary, bdu9:-e:ry i silosy,
bunkers and silos] Moscow,


. /I .Stone

resevoirs are durable and can

[Pages 418 and 419 are missing in the available copy of this book.] In the woody regions of the northern/ 4 20 ig. 259: A 30 and central strips of the European part Fig. 259: A 30 m ironof the USSR and in Siberia, it is most concrete storage tank.
convenient to build wooden water towers. The height of these towers is determined depending on the losses in pressure head in the distributor net and on the height of the points of. : water consumption. If the water from the tank is also utilized for extin-, If the water m. guishing fires, then its height is taken as 12-18 tower is water the of height the then is only used for drinking, taken as 8-10 m. Key: 1. section at B-B For the sake of illustration, Fig. 261 presents the general view of the construction of a wooden water tower. Wooden tahks are most commonly used with such towers. An example of a wooden cylingeneral height of /421 di'ical tank with an internal diameter of 3.7 m, a The Fig. 262. in shown is 1.85,.m 2.35 m, and a filling height of made rings with fastened is and thick tank is made of boards 5 cm mm. 16 of diameter a of round iron with If the tank is fastened with packed rings, then it is given a conical shape, as shown in Fig. 26.2, right. In order to. prevent the water from freezing, the tank is 6ncased in a skeleton frame cabin with double casing filled with a heating material which may be sawdust or another cheap heat isolating material.


__O f 1






.. 3, 3 ,/ ,s -Q1
OPWC.a.. B;e6.

All the wooden elements of the main construction of the tower are connected by.means of Below, the and bolts. feet of the tower are supported on foundations made of rubble or concrete blocks and are fasto them by means..of connectwhich pass through ing bolts: the rods consisting of two logs for each pair of feet, (Fig. 263). tower has a planking and a lining: the space between these is filled with a heating layer which protects the tank from the cold coming from below. A duct passes along the axis of the tower from the floor of the cabin to the well, consisting of a skeleton frame with double casing; a heating filling fills the space between the walls. The duct serves for heating the feeding and The pipe prooutlet pipes. vided with valves for switching the water into the direction of the tank or directly to the consumer and it is mounted in a timbered pit situated at the base of the tower under the duct.

m7 N6ia .no-DDw "" 5


Fig. 262: Cylindrical and conical wooden tanks. Key: 1. cross section through the riveting of the conical tank 2. section through the riveting of the cylindrical tank 3. socket for fastening the rings/ 4. adjoining bottom with the walls and passage of the pipesthrough the bottom of the tank, 5. rubber spring 6. sections along A-B 6a. sections along C-D 7. top View

The tentative requirement in materials for the wooden tank shown in Fig. 263 with different The capacities, is presented in Table 35 (see also Fig. 264). for wind laboratory the table was compiled according to the data of power utilization VIME.



Designs of Wind Pump Installations.


The mass distribution of wind pump installation in the USSR dates back to. 1936, when about 1300 installations with the wind engines TV-5 and TV-8 were constructed in various regions for the lifting of water. Let us characterized,two of the most common installations in more detail.



"' oc 0d . S By r o.0o


The wind pump installation with the TV-5 Wind engine. The wind pump installation with the TV-5 wind engine (Fig. 265) is one of the most common instalations in the USSR. Due to /424
power it is suitable for



use in many kolkhoz and sovkhoz husbandries. The TV-5 wind installation



is mainly found in "1the steppe

S,.regionsand . is used for supplying water to the cattle in the field. It is recommended also to build these wind pump installations in animal husbandries when the water sources are at relatively large distances from the cattle yard. co:he-,Joutput of this installation with a rotary pump was computed by means of equation (264) and the characteristics constructed according to Fig. 219, on the condition that the characteristic

d 20

Fig. 23: Foundation under the feet of the water tower. Key: i. bar 3. bare layers

4. concrete or rubble foundat

n. b

of the pump follows ray I.

The result of the computation

5. bolsters
6. groove in the floor of the wood 7. cut along 1-l.

is presented in Table 36.

The.measured expenditure on a type TV-5 wind pump installation consists of the following losses:

1. Wind engine with pump

equipment ............. k 2. Tank for the storage water with heated cabin..................k 2
3. Construction of cap


__ _

Main dimensionsof Fig. 264: wooden tanks.

and base under the wind engine............k 3 4. assembly and hoisting of the wind engine....k 4 K = Zk.

The sum of the major investments equals

The annual expenditures for exploitation consists of the following elements: 302




,i I

10 15 20 25 2.94 3.38 3.71) 3.86 t.82 2.01 2.20 2.47 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 8 6 7 9

'12 16 16 16 131.8 187.7 225.9 284.8 1.49 2.15 2.74 3.65

* 30
35 40 50

4.34 4 52 488

2,74 2.83 3.0:3

6.0 6.5 7.0

6.0 6.5 7,0

9 9 9

19 19 22

438.3 494.6 646.6

4.91 5.93 7.16










1. Damping of the structural part l 0.054 k 2. Damping o the equipment

/42 5

y2 = 0.07(kl + k2) 3. Routine maintenance of the

tank "l,"y, = 0.02 k

4. Routine maintenance of the equipment


= 0.05(kl + k4).

5. Maintenance of the windmill installation.....y5 S.6.


Lubrication and cleaning

materials.... y6


Sum of the annual expenditures:

The cost of 1 m 3 of lifted water is obtained by dividing ithe annual exploita-



Wind pump in" Fig. 265: stallation with TV-5 wind engine.

tion expenditure by the amount of water lifted in the course of the year c s/,rut_ c'=y-etc. . "Y QY m where Ey is a constant magnitude, while the annual production (Qy) changes with the change in the average annual wind velocity. c,



,TABLE 36.

TotalI, ~d %
10 20

:wind velocities 3
2121 1060

(m/se) more :
10230 12

4000 2000i

5600 2800
1400 1 120

7200 3600

i 9000 ,500




0 186I

2 l40
1800 14f40

2 250' O 1 800

13 4A0
1710, 46 0
1 560 '040.

40 50

60 . 80

530 425


1000 "800


1030 900


. 266


1 12 5


Consequently, we can write:

relating the cost C to an average

\ _annual wind velocity of 3 m/sec

and a head H = 10 m, we find the

costs in relative magnitudes for other average annual wind veloci-

ties and head values (see Table 37).

---" ---i:= --:::

The cost in rubles is obtained by multiplying 422, calculated for

_ ,.

: r

an annual average wind velocity of

3 m/sec and a head H = 10 m, by the derived values given in Table 37.

The TV-8 wind installation





for water supply and milling. The work of the wind engine for water

supply and milling represents one :.--_-.---=

of the most rational methods of utilization of the wind energy. Fig. 266: The TV-8 Wind instalThe work required for the water lation for water supply and supply of medium kolkhozes can milling. not fully load a TV-8 wind engine; more t:han. 60% of the annual power remains unutilized. In order to decrease the cost per unit produc- /427 tion, this excess should be utilized on some other type of work for which no particular location of the wind installation is required. Milling is one of those types of work which can be carried out in any Therefore, the TV-8 wind installation is recommended kolkhoz farm. to be set up in combination with a mill for the water supply of kolThe general view of such a wind installation is shown in khozes. The wind engine sets in motion a rotary piston, the diaFig. 266. meter of which is established independently of the head, and a grinding wheel with stone of a diameter 550 or 710 mm. The water is fed into a


head 10 20 30 40

nnal average wirnd velocity-: tn/sec) ota


(in m)

s 0.62 124 1.86 2.48


2 3 4

0.46 0.92 1.38 1.84


0.37 0.74 1.11 1. 48











tank with a capacity of 20m 3'mounted on a wooden tower with a height of approximately 8 m. The station of a grinding mill has dimensions 6 x 6 x 3.5 m and is a very simple construction with log or frameWh@ k > walls, or adobe walls in the southern steppes regions. When the wind engine works with a rotary piston and with a characteristic curves passing through ray l (Fig. 21.9),,the output is obtained from Table 38. TABLE 38. OUTPUT OF A TV-8 WIND PUMP INSTALLATION WITH ROTARY PUMP
Wind yelodity (m/sec)



20 30 40 50 60 70

1;700 it o / . 3 3.0 i;. 5 57 4 77)

.3500 2 340 1 750 1 400 1170 1000

6 550 4 330. 3 260 2 620 2 180 1870

20 000
10 000 6 700 5000 4 000 3 340 2 860

25 400
12,700 8 500 6 340 5 OS) 4 230 3640





2 500

3 180

14 5UO 9 700 7250 5 800 4820 4 140

3 630

4 1-.j

Ther TV-8 wind installation used for the preparation of fodder. The TV-8 wind engine can supply: energy in excess for the work of

fodder-preparing machines which is sufficient for 160 head of cattle, 175 horses, 150 pigs and about 50 sheep. The wind engine operates /428 with a transmission (Fig. 267), by means of which anoil cake breaker 305

and a corn mill situated in a separate building on one side of the gear exit are set in motion by means of belt transmissions, as are a root cutter and root washer situated in another building on the other side of the gear exit. Other agrisituated cultural machines in separate buildings are set in motion by means of a counter shaft. The straw cutter is set up outside the building under an awning which covers part of
the transmission to which the

Fig. 267: The TV-8 wind installation operating in a fodder workshop.

shaft of a horse-drawn actuator is connected by means of a Hooke's joint. The latter is tif: set up as a reserve for opera timn mof the root cutter and root vasher ' on calm days, since it is not possible to do the cutting of the root crops in stalls due to the possibility of damage. A water tower with a 20,m3 tank was constructed in order to feed water directly to the automatic drinking bowl in the stalls.

The amount of energy required for preparation of fodder in the workshop, )without washing of the grain, amounts to 49 40 hp hr. The /429 TV-8 wind engine can supply up to 8620 hp hr in a region with an annual average wind velocity of V 0 = 4 m/sec and up to 19200 hp hr in regions with V 0 = 6 m/sec. Since the excess power of the wind engine during its operation in the fodder workshoDp accumulates mainly during the night hours, this power can obviously be utilized conveniently for milling. Therefore, a mill with a diameter of 550 or 710 mm should be added to the fodder workshop,., The wind engine can operate simultaneously with the fodder workshppuand with airotary pump,A:if the head does not exceed 50 m. The transmission and the rotary pump should be disconnected during the operation of the wind engine with the grinding mill. Under strong /430 wind, 7 m/sec and above, the rotary pump can be connected in addition to the grinding mill. The amount of milling supplied by a TV-8 wind installation operating in a medium animal husbandry workshop, in relation to the average annual wind velocity, is.presented in Table 39. One can see in this table that in.a wind installation which operates with several machines, which however do not load the wind engine throughout the day, milling of the grain assumes the role of a storage 306



f prn


' "Ene

for t


processin,, :.,

odu ... ,, " .ive
Grain milling............ 158.4 2642

'in %oftl over


esuied hi u y a rage: ocUty 0 .rq/sec ,n ____i sed sm/se

30.60 10.70 .40
31 90




Cutting ana wasinlng Qfro ot ops ......


cake milling ........

.. .

5 .9o

e.80 r 6.

Lifting of water ........ Total

658 4 940

7150 57.10%

475 36.!3%

.1j5 '

Milling grain by means of the unutilized energy in the fodder shp atVo=4 m/sec Same at VO = 5 m/sec ..... Same at V0 = 6 m/sec.....

98 ?s38 390

3680 8889 14464





63.87 10%


battery of the wind energy, which is stored in the form of the

finished product i.e. the flour. 55. Experience with Exploitation of Wind Pump Installations for Water Supply in Agriculture When properly mounted and with suitable maintenance, wind installations have a long life and a high productivity. For example, in the kolkhoz "Sotsstroyka", ofthePlastunov'.regin, Krashodar territory, a TV-8.wind installation operating cna mill'producing farm with 250 head of cattle,promoted a 25% increase in the milk yield of cows and gave an economic gain in manpower amounting to 21000 rubles. The No:,!'i6l22s1.2t-0khZ'in Donskoy stanitsa , , krasn odart,,e.ritory, which had an installation of tfreewTV8 wind engines for water supply and preparation of fodder for 3000 head of cattle, had an economic gain amounting to 32400 rubles *teto the de6reas'


ex enditures in manpower.

An approximately similar eco-

nomic gain is obtained in other kolkhozes and sovkhozes which have wind engines installed b their farms [146].

[Translator's note: a large Cossack village]


3 _

Fig. 268: The TV-5 wind pump installation in the Leski village, Kiev region.

Fig. 268 illustrated a wind pump installation with a TV-5 wind engine, constructed in the kolkhoz of the Leski village, Kiev region, on the stopping place of a field team. Due to proper use, this wind installation has been operating effectively for several years. A wind engine with a 3 3/4" 'rotary pump, during a travel of the piston of 400 mm, lifts the water from the well into a 19.5 m 3 capacity tank. The well has'a depthhof 51 m; 25 m of this is formed by a concrete' pit and 27 thewell.', The height of the water column is 25.5 m, the lifting height is 30 m, counting from the dynamic level.. During prolonged calm.periods, the water is /431 lifted by means of a horse-drawn actuator mounted on two horses. The shaft of the horse-drawn actu" at dr is directly connected with the shaft of the grinder by means of a Hookers joint. The travel of the pump piston during its operation from the grinder amounts to 200 mm.

The water supplies the drinking needs of about 700 kolkhoznics working in field teams as well as for watering places of 260 head In addition, the water is used for irrigation of vegeof cattle. table cultures (top dressing) during one month in spring. Prior to the construction of the well and of the wind pump installation, 22 horses had been used for the daily transportation of the water to the consumer. After construction of the wind pump installation, 7 horses were sufficient in order to supply the water to the consumers. The VIME wind power laboratory carried out observations on this installation in the course of oneyear.. The output was determined by counting the number of travels of the pump rod and /435 determining the wind velocity by means of an anemometerfour times

The observations were processed in the form of graphs which are presented in Fig. 269, for a period of 12 months starting with Oct. The daily output of the installation is shown 1 through Sept. 30. The broken lines above the hatched areas by the hatched areas. show,' the change in the average daily wind velocity.






2 4. 2 2p


2c0 y26283 IC
e 1

1e 2 .

0I r1

I 20 22 4 2 I


ri .s6 'd %I 1

. S



i :5
. 1C4 1 122 4 Key:1 16 18 2.aP7 a

3411 - -tp P4.0 22 24 26 2 8



5 p

50 -4.

2 1..e /dae

4 iea

626 8 28 30 m


16 1
K. _ -h

20 22 24 .




__.10i ,












6i 6 !

-L t i



. -2504 ,l,
. =

2 ,_,



2 4 6 0


2 11


'0 22 '4 2b 28

Fig. 269: Graph of the annual operation of the

TV-5 wind pump installation shown in Fig. 268. Key: i. m/sec 6. October 2. days 3. m 3 /day 4. average monthly 7. November 8. December 9. January 5. average daily 10. February

11. March

12. April

13. May

4 2.
2 4 6

S, 6

IVc. Mec.'4.3eK jUQCP.CyT.=23 1 y

H 1


this wind installation a-

The average daily output


0 12 I

14 16 1
Oki0b V


2 2 24 26 28 30 4 C.Mei.=MCeK<


mounted to approximately 30 m 3 at an average monthly wind veThe work of 5 m/sec. of two horses connected to a horse-drawn actuator amounted to approximately 7.5% of the time of the annual number of work hours of the wind engine; the output coefficient of the wind installation amounted to


1022 i

2 28 30
1 _3

2 4 1 4,C

6 I 20 22
k eK

Wind pump installations

are sometimes used in agriculture for the transfer of


4 =4.5Mc l.
SOcplC18T. - 34cT

fuel by pumping.
2 0

2 "0 :&i:_
2 4. 6 02 2

For example, one of the agricultural machine stationsin

the Stalingrad region has a

Cejp ,l .p6cy

16 20 22 24 4 vep.,~Mec. 4,1 ceK. p--32. r. a.cT

26 .2 30

wind pump installation with


t S20
24 6



a TV-5 wind engine for the transfer of fuel by pumping

10i 2
14 H li 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

into storage tanks (Fig. 270).

The husbandry needs approximately 1 000 tons of fuel
while the wind engine can


Fig. 269: Graph of the annual operation of the TV-5 wind pump installation shown in Fig. 268 (continuation). Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. m/sec days m 3/day average monthly average daily June July August September

transfer up to 15000 tons per In spite of this small ye'ar. loading of the wind engine, it is nevertheless convenient for the husbandry to exploit this installation. In addition, the wind installation presents no fire haza d.'

Wind pump installations are also used for production purposes in local industries. For example, in one of the brick factories in the Kiev , region, there is a wind pump installation for the feeding of water for clay mixing. The overall amount of water consumed per /436 day is 14 M . ,The TV-5 wind engine with a 30 m 3 tank can cov'er the water supply of the industry almost completely.

' 0 '3+1

The TV-8 wind engine is used for supplying large amounts of water from wells with a high output to the kolkhozes. Fig. 271 shows a wind pump installation type TV-8, set up in a kolkhoz. in the Chesmenskiy, region, Chelyabinskaya -prov-nce. This wind installation li "ts the water by means of a d

5 3/4", h = 450 mm rotary

pump from a well with an out3 put of 11 m 3 /hr into two 28 m installation wooden tanks. These tanks are Fig. 270: TV-5 wind installation mounted on fixed iron concrete for :fuell transfer by pumping. columns with a height of 4 m and have a skeleton frame cabin with heated walls (when the picture was taken, the cabin was not yet ready, therefore it does not appear in the figure). This wind installation supplies with water a

kolkhoz with 63 cattle yards, which has 353 head of large cattle, 98 head of young stock,

,!ifi/i{iir /

. .....

163 head of pigs, 8-9hMead of /437

and 77 horses. The

total amount of water consumed

per day amounts to about 55 m 3
The TV-8 wind pump installa-

I -J-L~ - iL

tion satisfies entirely the - required water consumption; with an actual head of 17 m, feeds the following amounts
of water: i1. at wind velocities of....


Fig. 271: The TV-8 wind pump of installation in a kolIkhoz A the Chesmenskiy regionj Chelyabinskaya province'.

3 4

4 4 6.5

5 9.18

6 12.5

2. output in m3/hour .......

56. Wind-Driven Irrigation Installations Depending on the nature of the water source, the disposition of the irrigated area with respect to these sources, the climatic and s,oili,,. conditions as well as the agricultural works and the economic possibilities, the following types of water management can be distinguished [14].


I. Constant irrigation from rivers, storage lakes or ground water by gravitation or mechanically. II. Periodic irrigation (high water) performed by means of irrigation channels (in the period of high water in the river) and byyliman water by holding back the spring waters. III. Wetting works, i.e. the retention and utilization on the spot of atmospheric precipitations. IV. Irrigation of the terrain by the construction of storage lakes (ponds) to be used for domestic needs and for irrigation. The permaneht,irrigation management can be divided into two main systems depending on the location of the irrigated area with regard to the water source; by gravity and mechanical. The gravitational system can be set up in the vicinity of rivers whereby the water is collected into a main irrigation channel which is tracked at a certain inclination so ,ias to promote gravitational feeding of thewwater to the lands situated between the channelv: and the river. The irrigation system in which the lifting of the water to the land to be irrigated is performed by means of pump installations is called mechanical irrigation system,, This system makes it possible to adjust to the complex topographical conditions and to utilize the /438 ground water which is extremely important in the steppe regions which are removed from rivers, and where the only water source are wells and pits. The utilization of wind engines for irrigation has not yet received full development, nevertheless wind engines may play a very important role in this matter. It cannot be stated that wind engines will be widely utilized for the irrigation of agriculture, since many cultures require regular watering schedules and a certain magnitude of hydromodules which wind engines cannot supply due to the inconstancy of wind tanks -:for storing the water to be energy. The construction of used on calm days requires great investments. Therefore, in the present state of wind technology, wind engines should be recommended for the irrigation of cultureswhich do not have a rigorous watering schedule. Small plots of 10-25 hecta:res as well as gardens are most suitable for irrigation by means of wind engines. Such plots can be irrigated from rivers and open resevoirs as well as from wells and pits if the output of the latter corresponds to the required amount of water for irrigation. The water expenditure for irrigation in various regions and for various cultures is determined on the basis of existent agr6, technological standards. The amount of water in m 3 which is


required for the irrigation of one hec,tare'of a given culture per season is called standard irrigation requirement. The magnitude of this,, requirement changes depending on the region and the irrigated culture. For example, in the Ukrainean-Crimean regions, the net standard irrigation requirement for wheat amounts to 2500 m 3 per hectar', while for Central Asia and Southern Kazakhstan, it amounts to 4200 m 3 per hectare. The net standard irrigation requirement for vegetables in the same regions is 3000:~aand 5000 m 3 per hectare, respectively. The standard irrigation requirement is fulfilled in several stages at the determined time of watering. The amount of water in m 3 per hectaiV in one watering is called irrigation rate.

0' r l






0 0





10 1 .o.


10 A.ryc






A ce.




0"6 -a


1 1b


30 10 20 30 10 20 20 3



2 20










7. Augusteo.y 3. April


cantaloupe 14 alfalfa I0.

Fig. 272:

Graphs of hydromodules: a-nonte isted; bvariable and depends.

Key: 1. hydromodule, liter/sec 2. March

2. March

8..September, .9: cotton climate, soil, 9as nacottoural classifications, 10. aOl1falfaa 11. ,wheat 12;. :sorghum 13. green gram 14. cantaloupe

3. April
4. May

5. June 6. July 7. August

The magnitude of the irrigation rate is variable and depends on many ,fdctors such as climate, soil, natural classifications,
cultures, etc. For example, in Crimea,the irrigation rate for clay and loamy soils amounts to 400-600 m 3 per hect,',r.while it is 300400 m 3 per hect.aeof alkaline clay soil. The irrigation rate for , 3:13

tomatoes equals 300-500 m 3 per hectare,,while for potatoes it is 400- /440 600 m 3 per hectare. The water expenditure per second, obtained by dividing the irrigation rate by the duration of watering in seconds is called the watering module.

Multiplying this magnitude by the

0 composition of the given culture in the crop rotation in per cent, we obtain the irrigation module or hydromodule of the given culture.

The hydromodule for a complex of irrigated culturesis represented graphically in Fig. 272. The water expenditure per second in simultaneous time intervals is laid out on the ordinate, while on the abscissa the time of watering is indicated; as a , result, a preliminary watering graph is obtained. Since the peaks of water expenditure on the preliminary graph are not suitable for loading the net of channels and of the pump station (see upper graph a), this graph is fitted i.e. it is leveled by eliminating as far as possible the peaks and windLow-power Fig. 273: a As a dips of water expenditures. As installadriven irrigation a more uniform hydromodule tionresult, in graph is obtained, as shown in Fig. 272. JThis graph shows in addition to the time schedule which should be observed in watering, also the characteristics of loading of the pump station. In determining the power of the station, this graph /441 should be used as a guide.

In determining the overall power of a wind-driven pump installation, the power should be distributed among the separate irrigated plots taking in consideration-ithe location and relief of each plot. The availability of wind engines produced by our industries should guide the selection ofacertain type of wind engine. The VIME D-12 rapid wind engine with a power of 14 hp and the VIME-GUSMP-D-18 are most suitable for irrigation purposes of all the existent types of wind engines for operating at a wind velocity These types can be adjusted for operating with centriof 8 m/sec. fugal pumps of any system. The TV-8 wind enginel;is most suitable for the irrigation of small land plots up to 5 hectares; this wind engine can set in motion


at the same time a rotary and /442 a centrifugal pump. The presence of the rotary pump ensures priming of the centrifugal pump without any additional accessories.

Fig. 273 shows a low-power

wind-driven irrigation installation with a power of 2-3 hp which lifts the water to the waterbed,whence it is distri-

3 I\
_~ i
_ __the

buted to the plot.


wind installations operate with ~otary pumps and collect

water from wells.

Fig. 274: Construction diagram of a wind-driven irrigation installation with the VIME D-12 wind engine: 1-wind engine; 2-mill; 3-grinding mill "No. 2 Farmer"; 4-centrifugal pump; 5-construction for automatic priming of the pump; 64trough for transfer of the water to the waterbed; 7-intake; 8-waterbed.

Such wind installations were used in the southern regions of the USSR for irriga4 ting gardens. They are found in large numbers in the United States. One of the structures of the wind-driven pump installations is a basin for storing the water, with pipes which transfer the water to the plot,

The construction diagram of a wind-driven irrigation installation with a D-12 wind engine which feeds water from an open waterbed to a trough through which it is transferred by gravitation to a basin situated at a higher point of the irrigated plot is shown in Fig. 274. An open trough made of planks for feeding water by gravitation is a cheap construction but suffers from great shortcomingsi As a result of the intermittent character of the operation, the planks of the trough dry out and slits are formed in the joints between them through which the water leaves the trough so that the latter works with large losses. Sometimes a wooden pipe or a galvanized iron pipe is added for delivering the water from the basin. The basin for water storage is a no less complicated matter in irrigation. The capacity of the basin as well as the power of the wind engine should be extremely high if they are to cover.fully the . water supply on calm days, according to the computations presented in Section 53 [see equation 808)l. 31.5

The capacity of the storage lake is large even in the case that it is calculated per one watering, by multiplying the irrigation rate by the number of hectares of the irrigated plot. Jt' The main drawback of open storage is in addition to infiltration lakes of the water into the ground, the large volatility which averages from 500-1000 mm of the thickness of the water surface per season, depending on the climate. These losses can be diminished if the storage lake is protected from the wind by means of some plantations. How- /443 everit is not recommended to plant trees on the barrage forming the wall of the storage lakensince the roots of the trees can weaken the ground and increase the 6f '1 the water. losses due to seepage The experience of utilizing wind engines for irrigation in the USSR has been garden and vegetable obtained _ from cultures on small plots only.

~ ._..

The TV-8 Fig. 275: wind-driven irrigation installation in the Saratov region.

For this purpose, a well is dug on an area which rises above the plot of the garden or vegetable garden; a multi-bladed wind engine is set up above the well and a waterbbd is built next to it. The water moves in the wind engine as long as the wind has a sufficient velocity, and stops only for examination and maintenance of the wind installation. In such a manner, the wind engine can store water long before the beginning of the irrigation season. Fig. 275 shows a TV-8 wind-driven irrigation installation built in the "Proletarskaya volya" kolkhoz in the Saratov region. The wind engine works with a rotary pump d = L4" i and a piston pump d = 5 3/4", which works alone when the wind is weak, and together with the centrifugal pump, in strong winds. The river water is fed /444 into a wooden trough from which it goes by gravitation to a 10 hecta're'plot of the garden to be irrigated. When the wind installation feeds water for irrigation, the wind engine works with a stone mill with a diameter of 8-10 mm (Fig. 276).





Worth mentioning is the experiment of irrigation of vegetable cultures' the Gur'ye ,jegion along the river Ural where more than 800 homemade wind-driven irrigation installations were set up. Low-power homemade&,wind engines guide the water from the river by means of rotary pumps di-

rectly to the irrigated plots,.

Construction diagram of Fig. 276: the wind installation shown in Fig. 275. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 7. 8. VD-8 miwind engine wooden trough grinding mill centrifugal pump VD-8 m winch guide rods movab~legqte river





57. Types of Windmills Wooden wind installations which are homemade and operate with one or two stone mills are called windmills. There are two main types of windmills: goatskin and tent-shaped. The goatskin windmill (Fig. 277) has the following construc" tional features. 1. The building of the millj: with the milling equipment is freely supported by its lower girders on a foundation with a stanchion in the center. The mill can be rotated about this stanchion when the wind wheel has to be adjusted to the wind or when it has to be removed from the wind., In some old small windmills, the foundation was made in the shape of a goatskin or of tilted stools between which the stanchion was fitted. Hence the name goatskin windmill. 2. The rotation of the wind wheel is transmitted to the stone mill through a simple transmission. The main cam-operated wheel of the main shaft is connected to a pinion which fits directlyQn~ the shaft of the stone mill. 3. During iadjustment of the wind wheel to the wind, the whole building of the mill with the milling equipment is tiunediwhich requires a large muscular effort during rotation of the mill to the wind or its removal from the wind. 4. The building of the mill, which is freely supported on the foundation is unstable and this.hinders lifting of the wings to a larger height and the increase of their span. The virtue of goatskin windmills is the simplicity of their construction. Very few metallic details are required in one trans- /446 mission from the wind wheel to the stone mill; there is no vertical shaft and therefore the construction of such mills can be performed by the kolkhoznics themselves. The main drawback in the construction of goatskin windmills is the requirement for rotating the entire building of the windmill together with the equipment during the adjustment of the wings/447 to the wind. The following shortcomings and inconveniences of this construction resultifrom the above facts. 1. Large expenditure of effort in rotating the windmill to the wind. 2. When the wind wheel is adjusted to the wind, with simultaneous rotation of the building together with the whole system of transmission, the fineiadjustment of the various part of the windmill is disturbed and so are the supportsof the stone mill. 3. Limitation of the height at which the shaft of the wind wheel is situated, since with increase of this height, the entire


building has to be made taller .stabilwhich da+mirnishes its ity.1 The diameters of the wind wheels of this mill are therefore made not larger than

15 m.

i ........
SI, 7



15 m4. Due to its construca tional design, the goatskin windmill cannot' be made with i dopen walls which would allow of the wind. m The tent-shaped windmill (Fig. 278) usually hs a 8side tower which is covered on outside with a 1/2,, i n t it All the milling equipment is placed inside this tower. The tower ends upward in a rim on which a frame made of thick bark is freely supported. The shaft of the wind wheel with the bearings is mounted on the frame and the rafters of the roof are fastened; the latter are built in the shape of a tent hence the name of the tent-shaped windmill. The tent can be rotatedIduring the adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind or during its removal from the :,wind.

I !I-ii TI 1the S-board.



S-_ ... L


3630f. --

Fig. 277: Section through a goatskin windmill. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. stone mill flap vame fastening post casing

The construction of the tent-shaped windmill has the following characteristics. 1. The tent is lighter than the body of the goatskin windmill, therefore less effort is required in rotating the tent during adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind than in the case of the goatskin windmills. 2. The tower of the tent-shaped windmill permits the lifting of the wind wheel to a large height. 3. The rotation of the stone mill in most tent-shaped windmills is accomplished by a two-stage transmission.

58. Technical Characteristics of Windmills Tent-shaped windmills are much more sophisticated than the goatskinaiTwindmills from the standpoint of construction. Due to thit


factit is easier to rotate the tent than the whole building of the /449 windmill,especially ifothe.itent is placed on rolls;, tent-shaped windmills can be automatized with regard to adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind by means of a tail or by means of windros.e's ,and other devices. In addition, the wind wheel in these windmills can be raised to a large height due merely "to a tower constructed in the shape of This makes a girder, which is not feasible in thev goatskin windmill. it possible to leave the tower of tent-shaped windmills open, and close only the building below where the milling equipment is mounted. open tower is less durable should be However, the fact that an the wood should be protected from Therefore, consideration. in taken it with iron sheets, with a roofing, premature destruction by covering etc. If no covering is made, it is advisable to putty in and paint those parts which are exposed to the effect of atmospheric precipitations. Tent-shaped windmills differ:merely by the metho'd of'" ' rotating the tent and by the disposition of the windmill. In some of the simpler windmills, rotation of the tent is performed manually by means of a so-called lead. Usually, the tent in such windmills li'des:'during its rotation on wooden bars; the tower The torque which surmounts the resistance undergoes the longest.' trip. caused by friction in ti 'supportIc the tent loosens the joints of the tower, twists the,s pports, etc. An improved windmill is one in which the tent has a rail supported on rolls or, contrarily, rolls which are supported on rails; the rotation is performed by transmission with 2-3 pairs of pinions. This transmission is rotated either manually or as in the windmill shown in Fig. 278, by winch oes,iouned6.on brackets.behind the tent,

(Fig. 279).
: which are usually used only for adjusting the The windroses wind wheel to the wind, are suitable only for windmills which have either sail wings or wings with folds Which pbssible to reduce thei working surfaces or fially, wings with-vanes ' which are adjusted edge-on to the wind.

If the wind wheel is built with rigidly fastened vanes, it is advisable to rotate the tent manually, since in such a case it is possible to remove the wind wheel from the wind also when the windmill is not required to operate. However, in this case the windmill, being removed from the wind, should have its brake -put on because when it stops, the wind may pass in front of the wind whee:l which if not being slowed down,. rayoverspeed..., The wind load affects -.. ./450 b 4,ly the wind wheel, especially if-it works in the absence .of any wiia and besides it is not desirable to have the windmill stop under the wind. Therefore, when the operation of the windmill is properly organized, the brakes are obviusly used 6nly-under exceptional circumstances. Hence we see that in the given case, the manual


method makes it possible to

regulate the work of the windmill better than the wind' ' roses\which can only adjust the windmill to the wind. The wind wheel can be put into any position with regard to the wind by the manual method, which is

,o Ha,l

convenient when the power of the windmill has to be regue.

lated under strong winds.
g4 1/.

HY .

' twith

i'/ ._
. .. I


Shortcomings of the wings windmills. In the simplest windmills, the wings are made a constant rigging angle

1 \imately

theYvane, which
magnitude of 14-15'.

has a
The out-

put coefficient of the wind energy of such wings is approx1/1.5 of the value of wings .-. with propeller.;

S . blades. However it is much simpler to make wings with a


constant rigging angle. A certain shape of wings was selected not on the basis of theoretical consideration , rather depending on the ' knowledgeability oflthe \ /451 farmer who built the given

" .... ... ...

-J "but


windmill. Fig. 278: Section through a tentshaped windmill. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. direction of the wind tent flap fastening post stringers In some tent-shaped mills, the wings are made with a variable rigging angle; at the tip from 0-100 and at the base from 16-300, i.e.: at the external tip of the wing....................100 at a distance of 2/3 R..150 at a distance of 1/3 R..200 at the.(linternal tip, about
1/5 R ...................!300

where R is the length of the wing counting from the axis of the shaft up to the tip of the wing.


The wings are the main part of a windmill. The bet-

2 BpoaH

ter their condition, the higher


the wings and consequently; decrease to the same extent the output of the windmill. Key: 1. tent By merely .bringin g 2. windrose, the' shape of the .wings in working windmills "'to- the designed shape,the'output could -be a considerably inereased without any complicated constructional transformations. The output can be increased more than two fold by placing the wing with the right rigging angles of the bladb bars -which are called fastening posts, forming a propeller blade. Wings with streamlined profiles and right rigging angles of the bladescan increase the output 3 -4 fold in accordance with the required rapidity. 59. Increasing the Power of Old. Windmills

Fig. 279: .!Windrosels for djusting the windmill to the wind.

the output of the mill if of course the other parts (stone mill, transmission) are also in good condition. However, one can often see wings in_ ' poor shape with cracks, coarse, closely fitted.(1/2 in)boards on the planking of the wing, torn linen on the sail wings, etc. which decrease several
times the lifting force of

The power of existing old windmills can be increased by simple reconstruction of the wings. Testing of several operating windmills with measurements of the wind velocity, revolutions of the wind wheel and of the output showed that these work with a very low output coefficient, i.e. from 4-10%. The results of tests performed with 3 windmills are presented in Table 40. The main cause for the low output '6'fexisting windmills is the unsatisfactory condition of the wings. Proper maintenance of these wings or their replacements by new wings of a better shape could increase the output of old windmills more~than 3 fold. The results of tests with-old windmills created the impetus- for the task of reconstructing old windmills in order*to increase their power. /453

'3 2''.


Wind velocity (m/sec)




Goatskin windmill D = 15.4 m

Output (kg/hr)..........
aevu stone


0 0



Tent-shaped Windmill D = 24.8 m with sail win s Revolutions

Eo stone mill 874


so 6




8.21 81


9 97.

Wooden-metallic tent-shaped ~indmill 20 m D

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .(kg/hr Outpu ons (kg/hr.............. Revluons owin weeLpm.. Revo~utons cstonem.L Revolutlons of stone milt/4 Output 72

45 "L8


0 70

127 6




14 78 7

i v 15 83 7 ,a



88 ' I

An experimental reconstruction of windmills was performed under/454 the authors supervision in 1941-1942 in the Chuvash ASSR; new wings of the simplest construction were elaborated at VIME, Which wre dis-,; tinguished by low rapidity and relatively high output coefficient of the wind energy. Models of these wings were tested in the: wind tunnel of VISKhOM and in the tower of TsAGI. Fig. 280 illustrates the construction of wings with plane propeller blades, while Fig. 281 shows the construction of wings with semistreamlined profile. The aerodynamic performance at rigging angles /455 of the blade tip r = 6', w = 100 and fr = 200 for semi-streamlined wings are presented in Fig. 282. Understandably, it is easy to make wings without coefficients of the wind energy between 0.35 and 0.40, but such wings would be distinguished by high rapidity and would have to be factory-made. The existing windmills are distinguished by low rapidity; their transmission with wooden teeth of the gear wheel and pin teeth of pinions is calculated for a rapidity of the wind wheel Zn = 2.0-2.5. The simplest new wings (Fig. 280 and 281) were mounted during the reconstruction of windmills, and forging of the stone mills was performed i.e. grooves were notched on the working surfaces according to Fig. 245, below. Tests Were performed prior to and.after reconstruction of these windmills, the results of which are presented in Table41. -One can see. from':, ia comparison of the figures obtained during the-.testing prior to and after reconstruction that the output of existing windmills can be increased 2-3 fold when the old

,3 3




wings are replaced by new wings which are as simple as the old ones but have the right shape of the blade.

"ii " SMany


60. The New Type of Windmill /456

kolkhozes take the initiative of constructing
windmills on their own, which

has a great economic importance.

The number of wind engines

S.. . required by agriculture is so large that the industry cannot supply all the kolkhozes with

_ _ _ _

factory-made wind engines within a short time. Therefore, the

construction of Windmills by


the kolkhozes out of local materials may increase considerably the rate at which wind

power is utilized. Fig. 280: Construction of wings with plane propeller blades. Key: 1. section through fastening posts. 2. number of fastening posts
3. 4. 5. 6. fastening posts flap wing blade

VIME, under the author's supervision, designed the construction of simplified windmills of a new type VIME D-8, D-10 and D-12, in order to help in such a manner the kol-

Simplification was khozes. achieved by eliminating the automatic devices on the basis of experience with exploitation of old windmills which were manually controlled. These windmills are made entirely of wood with the exception of fastenings, axis of the bush and rods (Fig. 283) The wind wheel has four wings,.w here the blades have a semi-stream/ 14 57 lined profile (Fig. 281). The wing flaps are fastened in lugs of the main shaft by means of wedges. A gear wheel is fasteneddon the main shaft behind the vertical axis and it is engaged with a lantern wheelopinion fitted on the vertical shaft. The main shaft makes an angle of 80 with the horizon, which is caused by the inclination of the legs of the tower. The head of the wind engine is built on the principle of tent-shaped windmills. The tent with ,ifour-sided roof covers the upper transmission and protects it from atmospheric Vrecipitations,.


Transmission of the ro-

! __ . J S,

tation from the vertical shaft to the stone:,mill is performed by means of a;second pair of gear engagement, mounted below under the platform of the mill. The gear wheel fitted on the vertical shaft is engaged with the lantern wheel pinion of the stone mill. The wind engine is started/458
by manual adjustment of the



wind wheel to the wind. For this purpose, a lead is fastened behind the tent on bars of the supporting rframe; the lead consists of three poles which are joined at the base of the tower into a unit and are suspended on bolts made of 3/4" iron bars. Limitation of the number of revolutions of the wind wheel is performed by its removal from the wind; for this purpose, when there is a strong wind, the tent is rotated by means of the lead as long as the wind wheel performs the right number of revolutions.

Fig. 281: Construction of wings with semi-streamlined profile. Key: 1. fastening post 2. blade 3. flap

The wind engine is mounted on a wooden tower of lattice cons struction with a height of 9.5 m. The tower is covered with a 1/2 in board below the plane of rotation of the wind wheel. In such a manner, all the milling equipment is placed in a closed building. A skeleton frame building with a four-sided roof and the tower of the /459 wind engine in the center of the building is constructed,when sufficient lumber is available. For the sake of convenience in servicing the milling !equipment, an annex is built in the front part of the skeleton frame which increases the area of servicing. These wind installations are intended for grinding the grain in kolkhozes. However, they can also be utilized for other types of work which requires low power such as preparation of fodder, grain cleaning, thrashingetc. Such windmills are built in the Ryazan, Kursk, Kiev and other regions of the USSR. The exploitation parametersof these windmills are presented in Section 61. 325


v ,


The VIME D-16

windmill (Fig. 284)

above described "T
of VIME design by the


distinguished from te

simplest windmill

fact that its power supplies two windmills. When the wind wheel is adjusted to the wind, the tent rotates by means of a transmission situated in the tower.

q0.94 02

The wings have a straight blade with

semi-streamlined aerodynamic profile

(Fig. 285) and are distinguished from the simple wing by the fact that the


post passes:throughthe


(;r2 i

and the submast support forming a skeleton frame to which ribs are fastened by means of nails to the sides, forming
S 2

the streamlined profile of the wing.

Fig. 282: Characteristics of wings with semi-streamlined profile. Key:



The casing of the blade is made of a board with the thickness of 6 mm and a width of 100 mm which is nailed onto the ribs through a strip of galvanized iron, which encircles the blade opposite the ribs. Attachment of the flaps to the shaft

2. m/sec


uWind velocity (mLsec)

-Output ( I
Windi ll With stone mill 6/4 ore constru tion er consruct on With stone mill 6/4 Before construction After construction

with D-= 15.5 m wings tdid not 6 '2 30 /to 115 55 didno .wor 60 160 80 0

WFidmill with- D wor t ore const ucton Wer recons ruc lon with90 reforged stone mill

12.5 m wings 55 30


of the wind wheel is windmills.

made by means of wedges just like in thesimtplest

The wings of this mill can also be made with a semi-streamlined/460

profile (Fig. 281) by forming a rigging angle at the tip of Tr = 5%.


Fig. 284 shows a general view of wings with a semi-streamlined profile. Technical Characteristics of D-16 Windmill
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 m Diameter of the wind wheel .




Number of wings ......................... 4 Width of wings .......................... 2 m Power on the shaft of the wind wheel, .. at a wind velocity of 8 m/sec ........... 25 hp Coefficient of the wind energy........... 0.30 Rapidity................................. 2.9 Number of revolutions of the wind wheel 26 rpm 8 m/sec .......................... at V m 11 ..................... tower the of Height

Construction of the main details for ,.:,,. A large number of wind VIME D-16 windmill. mills which have been built in the USSR have parts and details which are almost identical Fig. 283: Simplest wind- to the design. Any deviation from the generally convenient construction forms are usually mill of VIME type. caused by local circumstances such as availibility of materials, experience of


the foreman, etc.


I C~ iI

In order to get acquainted with the construction of certain details of windmills, we present the description of the main parts for the VIME D-16 windmill which are representative of the construction of homemade and semi-homemade windmills. The shaft of the windmill is /461 made entirely of wood (oak) with a diameter of 550 mm in the bulging butt. The front bearing is made of

L-this -2o -

pocket the oil is fed to the journal of the shaft by means of a

small scoop which is fastened to t462 the front side of journal (Fig. 287-. D-16 windmill. The VIME Fig. 284: rotation more advisable to make the y 1. direction It ofis front bearing on a roller support as . re Fig. 287. The ring attached 2. rubble walling a cement mortar shown shown in in Fig. 287. The ring attached to the shaft moves on two rollers fitted on the axis by means of two ball bearings each. The rear ball bearing is thrust.radially and M mounted in a cast iron shell which is fastened to the frame by means
of 4 bolts (Fig. 288). The wheel and pinions are wooden of standard type like in the existing windmills (Fig. 289). 327


The gear ratio of the upper couple equals 1:3 while that of the lower coupe of pinions is 1 2.34. The overall gear ratio equals I : 7. In such a manner, at a.wind velocity of 8.m/sec, the stone mill will make 182 revolutions per minute, 'which is quite normal for 6/4 stone mills as mounted here. The tent (Fig. 290) is a large skeleton frame The stanchions of the casing planked with a board. skeleton lean on 8 angles which are suspended by 2 squares; the latter are made of bars and are shifted with respect with each other in the horizontal plane The frame of the tent at an angle of 450 (Fig. 291). are mounted the bearon it lies above these squares; ings of the horizontal and vertical shaft while below, the rim of the tent is attached to the bars

~of _-oo----

the squares by means of bolts; the rim leans on

support attached to the rim of the tower. The roller support of the tent consists of 16 horizontal roller supports and of 8 supports which /463 are made of both horizontal and lateral rolls (Fig.

Fig. 285. Wings of the t he roller

VIME D-16 windmill with streamlined





loads are perceived by 24 rolls while the lateral loads are perceived by In such a system of sup8 rolls. ports, the moment required for rotatSing the tent amounts to-about 1010 kgm.


Thesuch a manner, the vertical

The mechanism of rotation of the

, Fig. 286:

.~~ x

of the

Front bearing

main shaft ina windmill.

Key: 1. scoop for lifting the oil 2. yoke This pinion is engaged fitted on vertical shaft 7, of cylindrical pinions 8 is to the internal wall of the

-tent is built in the following way (Fig. 293): the conical pulley 2 is attached to vertical shaft 1; the pulley is frictionally engaged with a similar pulley 3, fitted on horizontal shaft 4, which has conical p inion 5 at its other end.

with a large conical pinion 6 which is the rotation of which through a couple transmitted to toothed rack 9, attached tent rim.



Il Komo 2

On l


./k , r

A special branch 10 mounted on the bush of the frictional

L _t T

pulley which is fitted to the H


horizontal shaft connectsand disconnects the frictional pulleys. .Cast iron pinions can be used instead of the frictional pulmission must be connected when


the wind wheel is at standstill.

When the wind wheel is adjusted

to the wind, this mechanism is'

set in motion manually; for

5 _ae, 6. -o

this purpose, a wooden wheel 11 is rotated from below by

means of cable 12 is fitted on
the same horizontal shaft which


9 -

:. .,S-




carries the conical frictional pulley. This construction it possible for the wind wheel to remove itself from the wind,which protects it froi'.: breaking in storms. This mechanism is not characteristic and/46 5

is used here for the first time

in windmills.


The experience of exploitation of the first D-16 wind-

mill constructed with this mechanism in the village Kolonshchino, Kiev region, r~ showed that the frictional transmission with wooden pulKey: 1. ring 2. wedge leys is acceptable when the tent rotates easily on rollers. 3. horizontal shaft 4. stop In the opposite case the pul5. carriage leys may slide through which 6. roller mayocause their ignition. It 7. section along I-I is better to replace the wooden 8. body of the roller pulleys by cast iron conical 9. roller bearing pinions with a gear ratio of 1 : 2 (small pinion on a verIn this case, /466 tical shaft). at rest. is the pinions must be connected when the wind engine Fig. 287: Roller support of the front bearing on the main shaft. The tower of the wind engine has 8 legs (Fig. 294), by means of which the following is achieved: 1. a high resistance to torque, the horizontal clamps and 2. of disposition due to the convenient with regard to the leg of wings of the a more convenient situation the distance to decrease possible it makes the tower, which ~~29



2 Ce Jne n3 A-R

S. o

between the support of the front bearihg on the shaft and the Increasing axis of the flaps. this distance leads to increased
load on the front bearing which

I I'

is not desirable.

The UNDIM D-10 windmill.

The. Ukrainian) Institute for


Fig. 288: Rear bearing of the main shaft. Key: 1. yoke level2. section at theA-B

Agricultural Mechanization (UNDIM) built the D-10 windmill of wooden-metallic construction in 1945 according to S. B. Perli's project (Fig. 295). Regulation of the revolutions of the wind wheel is automatic and is performed by means of ,controlled flaps (acdording to asuggestion of B. B. Kazhinsky) which are built into the wings; ' the latter rotates with a large number of revolutions by the action of centrifugal loads, like the blade in the regulation system of V. S. Shamanin. The windmill operates with

a 6/4 stone mill. The head of the wind engine is made of cast iron and the sup. portsof the ball bearings on the

main shaft as well as the upper



conical transmission are mounted

in it. The test of the first modeiof this mill gave satisfactory results and hence, the production of the first series of mills was started." The TsAGI D-10 windmill. This mill was built by TsAGI

I1 f



E 41jfl

engineer M. G. Sorokin in 1945 in a kolkhoz of the Moscow reC diameter of 10 m and ha.-s 3 wings with streamlined blades. The
gion. The wind wheel hasiaa /468

rear reduction gear of an autom o bile is used for transmission transmis. lower and Uppper Fig. 289: of the rotation from the wind sion of the windmill. wheel to the vertical shaft. Key: 1. axis of the vertical shaft 330

This reducer is mounted on a

v J

- ..


T 'i


ii i



small iron carbide girder, fastened to the support with balls) which are placed on4,4ithe -ring of. the upper corona of the tower. A lead made of two ' poles is situated behind the girder; this lead leans with its lower end on a rail which surrounds the building The lead serves of the mill. to rotate the head during the adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind or during its
from the wind.


Fig. 290: Tent df a windmill


A pulley is fitted on the lower end of the vertical shaft; from it, a 6/4 stone mill is set in motion by means of abelt transmission.


An improved type of windAn experimental wind-


.k 1

mill of an improved type with the above described VIME D-16

wind engine was constructed in
Oi, '

1945 in the village Kolonshchino,

Makarov region',

Kiev provinle




The building of the wind-/469 mill is made of brig-k and has

a cylindrical shape. The equipment is distributed on the three floors of the building. Two "No. 2 Farmerg",aa

hulling mill, a separator and

the first transmi~sion are sit-

uated on the third floor; the

Fig. 291: Frame work and rim of the tent. Key: I. frame work 2. rim 3. average diameter of the tent rim.

"second transmission and two revolving wings are situated on the second floor, while the outlet of the flour is situated on the first floor. The first floor also contains the transmission with a pulley situated outside the building for utilization of the windmill with other machines such as thrasher, ,1 3'312

o6 ,o,,

saw, etc. A belt transmission



from the vertical shaft

of the wind engine to the transand generator of an

Smission Z .M1
73Pb -7H

automobile type with storage battery are situated on the fourth floor. The electricity
is consumed only for lighting of the mill building.

. o-s-oi



a ""6

;the grain up to the 'Varmer" and to the hulling mill is performed by

means of four drag conveyors. The practice of exploita-

/2/o"6a6 . -

Fig. 292: Roller support of the tent of VIME D-16 windmill Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. rim of the tent toothed rack rail lateral rolls horizontal rolls rim of the tower

tion showed that the "Farmers" which do not have regulating devices are less convenient in operating with the windmill/470 than the stone mills.

" Sof

2with small levers attached to the axis of When the number of revolutions the surfaces. 10 is a normal number, the brake areas go edgeon in the direction of rotation, while when the number of revolutions exceeds the normal number, the centrifugal forces of the, fyweight Fig. 293: Diagram of and of the rod overcome the force of the rotation of the tent primary tie-beam and rotate the surfaces with by means of transA the plane in the direction of movement. mission. spring is fastened with one end to the rod connecting the brake surfaces and wit'the:othe end to the flap of the wing in the vicinity of the shaft. (Fig. 297). The diameter of the spring is '140 mm, the diameter of the wire is The overall surface of '1 loops is 115. 3 mm, while the number of the brakes developod braking moment MTr.which equals the excess moment of the wind wheel and can be determined by means of the following equation:

In order to limit the number of revolutions of the winduiwheel and to protect it from over-speed, air brakes designed by the author are placed on two Wings. These consistof 12 streamlined stubwings with an overall area of 2.25 m 2 , fastened to axes,, th Ja diameter of 20 mm, which are directed downward through The axes rotate in the bearings the flap. under the action of the centrifugal forces a flyweight ~nd ofa rod which are hinged



...... Jl r--"d --

p.(Vz -V)



In addition:




The overall surface is obtained from equations (a) and (b):


(3 0 9 )

_ . T ;N ;


where: V 1 is the velocity of the wind at which the number of revolutions of the wind wheel s--hould be limited; V 2 is the maximal velocity of the wind at which the windmill is supposed to operate up to its removal from the wind; W is the relative velocity of the air flow which dashes over the stub wings of the aerial brake, situated on radius R : Cx is the drag coefficient. Substituting the value of W' in equation .2V 21R (309), we obtain:
CRi (W2R +v)


Fig. 294: 8-legged tower.

Assuming that the maximal number of revolutions of the wind wheel is n = 32 rpm at a wind velocity V 2 = 12 m/sec, let us de/ termine the overall ,area ,'of the brakes S for the VIME D-16 windmill. We assume a wind velocity of 12 m/sec on the basis of the fact that when the wind has a higher velocity,tthe wind wheel - .must be removed from the wind at the angle y at which the power of the wind wheel does not increase. Subsequently let us assume that the

angle suspended by the stub wings and

the flow is -_ The UNDIM Fig. 295: D-10 windmill. . a = 900, and C


and M = 0.1. The lowest wind velocity at which the number of revolutions has to be limited is V 1 = 8 m/sec,. Substituting numerical values, we obtain: s
12 900 0.10-3.14.83 (122 - 82) 1.28.7. 3. 0 7 -3 1225j

For the wings VIME D-16, R 1 = 7 m


2 25


When 6 stubwings are mounted/472 on each o&f the two wi ngs,; -the.area of eah"'equals:
20.188 mP.


. -

When two pieces are mounted o/473 each of the four wings:


These brakes work entirely

satisfactorily upon,::


61. Performance Characteristics of Windmills In the exploitation of wind installations, it is imperative to strive for utilization of the working velocities of the wind through-

Fig. 295a: The TsAGI D-10


out the year. The idle periods of a windmill in the presence of a wind lead to a decrease in the annual-pr6ductivity __ and consequently increase, the cost of milling:. Hence, it follows that the exploitation of windmills should be organized in such a way that the latter should operate:1Va thetime when there is a wind. A 42 presents computations of the power of VIME D-8, D-10, D-12 and D-16 windmills, as well as their output and number of revolutions depending on the velocity of the wind, while Table 43 presents the potentialannual output of these mills depending on the average annual windvelocity.
The hours of the annual operations




presented in Table 43 are given for: 1. the VIME D-8 windmill assuming impoved that itvstarts working at a wind velocity An Fig. 296 of 4 m/sec; type of windmill of oftype Prof windmill of 2. for D-iO0, D-12 and D-16 wind engines, on the assumption that they start to work yekt with the rIME at a wind velocity of 3 m/sec. D-16 wind engine. The testihg of windmills in. ope'ration was. performed by VIME in various regions of the USSR.

1O ...w

0, OPa-



the results of short time tests performed in kolkhozes with windmills SVIME D-8 and VIME D-10. The following measurements were performed during the tests, at the same time 3,, (by signaling): is the wind velocity which was measured every 2 minutes with an anemometer; Q is the output which.was measured every 2 minutes by weighing, n is the number of revolutions of the wind wheel. data of these tests are graphs 298 and 299. The calculated outputpdf these/475 windmills were presented above, in Table 42. The VIME D-10 windmill was tested in the beginting with a stone mill which had been running without forgitg and then with the same stone mill which had been newly forged. This was done in order to find out the effect of forging of the stone mill on increasing the output.

As an example let us present

2np-e .=



Fig. 297: Wings with aerial brakes of the windmill shown in Fig. 296. Key: 1. stub wings of the aerial brake 2. view from arrow A 3. rod 4. spring

The graph in Fig. 299 shows that after forging, the stone mill increases considerably its output, while this increase is not noticeable at low wind velocities; at wind velocities above 5 m/sec, the curves are noticeably divergent, i.e. the output increases up to 50%. The exploitation parameters of three windmills of VIME type, obtained as a result of prolonged observations of their operation in kolkhozes of the Ryazan, are presented in Table 45. /477

According to Pomortsev'sdata on the occurrence of wind, the possible number of working hours at average monthly wind velocities of 3-4 m/sec should amount to. 400-500 hours a month. Hence we obtain the actual and calculated (potential) coefficient of exploitation /4 (see Table 46).



Working wina velocity (m/sec) Name of characteristi

7 I

9 ,O

- Windmill VIME D-8 . 0.65 21 20. 1.3 27 40 2.2 32 70 3.5 38 100 5.3 40 130 7.5 45 180 10.3 50 230

Power on shaft of wheel (hp) ...... Revolutions of wind wheel rpm..... Output (kg/hr) ....................

Windmill VIME D-10

Power on shaft of wheel (hp) ...... 0.43 1.01 2.03 3.42 5.46 8.26 11.7 16.7 13 13 17 30 22 26

Revolutions of wind wheel rpm..... Output (kg/hr) ....................



43 310



175 218

Windmjill VIME D-12

Power on shaft of wheel (hp)...... 0 .63 10o 1 19 45

1.47 2.92 4,95 7.90 12.016,9 23.0

18 00 .21 158 25 2S 32' 36 520 220 270 360

Revolutions of wind wheel rpm. Output (kg/hr) .................... .

/Windmill-'VIME D-16Power on shaft of wheel (hp)......


3.2 76


ti.0 17.5 25,5 20 23 26 264 420 615



Revolutions of wind wheel rpm..... Output (kg/hr) .................... .

0.o 13 32

17 144

29 . 33 880 1200



average wind velocity '

Type of Windmil


-VIME' ,D. . VIME Dto.10 ..

8 10

5310 6 755

185 289

6 522 752

290 452

7325 8 0)2,

40.3 :i

VIME D 12... VIME ,D-16. . . .

12. 16

6755 416 6755 1224

7525 649 7 525 2029

8025 8025

io) 200


Wind- velocityl

Type of Windnmill
VIME D-10......
VIME D-8. .......

10 25 50


15 170












40 300oport





ae8pC / ei:


Fig. 298: Characteristic of the output in VIME D-8 windmill: A-output in relation to wind velocity; B-output in relation to the number of revolutions of the stone mill. Key: 1. kg/hr 2. wind velocity m/sec 3. revolutions of the stone mill

TABLE 4 56 Type of


f prk1
R-so . 4.18
3.30 3.70 4.28 to.2

A rge
rrs our 8230..
3707 .71



JulY- 58 O


VIMEE D-1O Oct., 15 to


15 82 ":

7 I 7875

z5 62

v. NOi

337 .

.Coefficient ofxploitation

Type of-Mill.
. ..

actual _actual S
0.161 0.176

0.70 0.70




Type of Wined-

Goatskin windmills D-15.4',m, Baryshev region, i -Kiev, province, built in 1910 Tent-shaped windmill D-24.8 m, Mensk,region, Cher"






ovskaya province, b~iilt:j '



O26 0 117


Tent-shaped windmill D-20 m, Ol'shansk..region, KievIprovince, built in 1937 VIME D-8 windmill built in 1943 in the Ryazan region, Ryazan province VIME D-10 windmill in 1944 in the Solo chinsk r gion'.- Ryazan provinc'e







10 .





It should be assumed that the tested windmills worked with a low coefficient of exploitation not because of slow wind but rather because thLe. . idaily working wind velocity was ;not fully utilized. Obviously, the mechanics had no obligation to operate.the windmill during the night, when the wind had sufficient strength. In order to show the increase in the output of new windmills above the output of the old ones, Table 47 presents the exploitation parameteresof old windmills, tested by the author in 1940, and of new ones constructed in the Ryazan provinceand tested by the same method For the sake of a more in 1944. convenient comparison, the last column of Table 47 presents a calculation of the output per m 2 Of the area marked off by the wind wheel.

I 6

F b

Fig. 299: Characteristics of the output in the VIME D-10 windmill: 1. after forging of the stone mill; 2. prior to forging of the stone mill. Key: a-output b-m/sec






Although wind power installations have not yet received wide distribution, the theoretical and experimental elaboration.?of this method in the USSR makes it possible to solve already the practical problems of building wind power stations of both low and high power. The main obstacle in applying wind engines for obtaining electric energy is the irregularity of the wind energy. However, the use of special generators (compound. generators) which are suited to variable numbers of revolutions, as well as of automatic voltage regulators makes it possible to elaborate in wind power stations a current which is suitable for practical purposes of lighting and for power loads. Fig. 300 and 301 illustrate one of the first automaticv, switches. The exploitation of the following wind power stations -- Crimean TsAGI D-30, VIME D-12, and of the Kursk system of Ufimtsev-Vetchinkin makes it possible to accelerate markedly the practical construc~ tion of wind power stations.


- ( "ii S, "

The parallel operation:- of wind and thermal or hydraulic power stations is Fig. 300: Automatic cututhnow being investigated experimentally. out. The main elements of a wind power station of the average type are the follow.'In

1. wind engine; 2. special type generator suited for operating with a variable number of revolutions; 3. storage battery which ensures the./481 supply of electrical energy to the consumer in short periods of calm weather; the storage battery is supplied with an autoFig. 301: Diagram of matic7 cutout; the switch. 4. reserve unit with thermal engine for operation in periods of prolonged calm weather, when the storage battery is insufficient. There are 10 to 40% calm days and days with nonworking wind erast their alterh.ation velocities per year; it is not possible to .. nor can the number of successive calm days be foreseen. 'i Therefore it is hard to build a storage battery with a capacity which can supply the consumer with electric energy in a satisfactory


manner. bue to this :fact, the--wind power stations should have a reserve engine which is not dependent on wind energy. 62. Type;of Generators for Operation With Wind Engine and Voltage Regulator /482

'1,4"8 m/sec, Usually, wind engines work at low wind velocities, with variable number of revolutions, while at wind velocities above 8 m/sec, the number of revolutions is constant if the wind engine is automatically regulated. The irregular,. ?.revlUtions fluctuate within the limits of 3-15% depending on the regulation system of the given wind engine. In such a manner, the generator connected to the wind engine should ensure the constancy of the voltage during the fluctuations of the number of revolutions. This condition .iis fulfilled by constant current generators which are mounted as a rule in low-power wind power stations. Alternating current generators- of synchronal , and asynchronal types can be used in high-power wind power stations for operation in parallel with other powerful thermal or hydraulic power stations in the general circit.< Shunt generators of constant current are used for operation with wind engines. This generator may be of a purely shunt excitation type, the diagram of which is illustrated in Fig. 302, or with mixed excitation, in which an additional series excitation winding is found aside. from. .th the main shunt winding. The additional winding is connected in such a way that its magnetic current ?addsptothe. main current of the shunt winding and we obtain the diagram of a generator with compound excitation (Fig. 303). Generators which are usually mounted on tractors and automobiles are used for low-power wind power stations, :-100-1000 Wcl.;Since these machines work with a variable number of revolutions, the generators used with them are made with a large magnetic saturation and they are also supplied with voltage regulators. Due to thi8fact, th'gy permit fluctuations of the number of revolutions within large ranges and this corresponds entirely to the irregularity of the op-, eration characteristic. of wind engines. The shortcoming of these generators which are known under the trademarks GPT, GAU and GBF, is their low efficiency. GBT generators are mounted on STZ and KhTZ tractors,,and have a /483 power, of 60-8 W, a voltage of 6 V, bipolar 'shunt winding of ex




excitation and they operate with an automatic The regulator permits voltage regulator. changing the number of revolutions when working with a load from 1100-2100 rpm, while the voltage is maintained constant. GBF 3-brush generatorsv are mounted on passenger automobiles M-2 and ZIS-101. Their power is 60-80 W, their voltage 6 V; they are bipolar with shunt winding of excitation. The advantage of the 3-brush generator is that it can work in charging the storage battery without any special voltage regulator in a range of revolutions from 700-4500 rpm. The plus end of the shunt winding of excitation is connected to a special third brush which is displaced with regard to therztidraL The effect of the by an angle of about 600. reaction of the armature winding on the distribution of the magnetic current in the poles of the generator is used in this case./484 The current created by the winding of the 6k armature has a function which is anaagous to that of the current,,in the anti-compound winding i.e. it demagnejtizes the poles. Due to this fact, the voltage in the clamps of the generators changes little even at

Fig. 302: Diagram of a constant current shunt generator: 1-generator; -ex2brushes; citation shunt winding. Key: a-work b-arm c-ex-cit.

large variations in'number of revolutions.

It should be mentioned that the limitation of voltage will occur only in that case that
the generator works with a storage battery

or under great loads. The voltage will change greatly under incomplete loads or under conditions of either operations, since in this
case there is no working current and conse-

Fig. 303: Diagram of the shunt generator with compound excitation. 1-generator; 2brushes;.13-shunt winding of excitation; 4-additional series excitation winding

quently no reaction of the armature. The change in the power of the charging current at variations of the number of revolutions in the range of 600-3200 per minute is shown in Fig. 3 0 4 . The GA 250/12 generator,' of the shunt type, P-pole, with a power of 250 W and a voltage of 12',V is intended for working on autobuses. It operates with an automatic voltage regulator of type RRT. This regulator ensures constancy of volatge in a range of revolutions form 1300-3000 rpm with load. The generator can be used with a wind engine with a diameter of the wind wheel of 3 im.


.I i J .I . i j -

The GT 1000/24 generator with a power of 1000 W and a voltage of 24 V works with a RRT.voltage regulator and r
ensures the constancy of the a range of revovoltage in


lutions of 950-3000.
2 This generator can be




used with wind engines which have a diameter of the wind wheel from 3-3.5 m and are intended for working in regions /485 Key: 1. amperes with high annual average wind 2. rpm velocities, as well as with wind engines which have a diameter of the wind wheel of 5 m, and are intended for work in regions with an annual average wind velocity below 5 m/sec. Constant current generators intended for general use have a magnetic system with normal fluctuations, as a result of which their characteristic curve: Jaha-s d a ilarge slope (with respect to the horizontal) and is distinguished by a low range of fluctuationof the number of revolutions. Such generators can work with wind engines which are characterized by a lesser irregularity of operation and a higher power. Conditions of operation with constant resistance in the circuit of excitation'. The characteristic of the shunt generators in relation to the number of revolutions at constant voltage is represented graphically as a straight line which makes an angle with the horizontal axis of coordinateq;ythis angle is determined by the magnitude of the excitation current In thec'ircuiit' of the shunt winding of the generator. By introducing a resistance in the shunt of the generator, we shift the characteristic curve','to the right .andthereby dedrease. the slope, as shown in Fig. 305. Curve I corresponds to a maximal current of excitation. Curve II corresponds to a l.medium magnitude while curve III corresponds to the minimal value of the excitation current. It is desirable to have constant voltage in the operation of a wind power unit, and this is obtained by regulating the load of the generator.

-Fig. 304: Characteristic curve cfthe GBF generator.


160 12000

2400 23X 3 2 o


1. According to data of the wind power laboratory VIME elaborated by electrical engineer I. B. Vershinin and G. A. Pechkovskyy




' l t< t I

.. -The


1 io/
Ioo 11C.



The simplest way of achieving such a regulation is by connecting the storage battery in parallel to the clamps of the generator (Fig. 306). role of the storage battery in the given case is to level off the fluctuations in the power of the wind engine and to maintain a normal magnitude of the vvoltage in the clamps of the generator. With 1 the decrease in the number of tevo7


U4O [l r

lutions of the wind engine, the

Fig. 305: Ch'r iicoi urve.of a shunt generator with different excitations. Key: 1. maximum 2. medium 3. minimum la,,... 0 2,

voltage in the clamps of the generator fa 1ls and if the storage battery is in a state ofnormal~:chage its voltage is higher than the voltage of the generator.

Due to this fact, the storage /48,6 battery assumes a part of the load at the extent of relieving the wind engine. At the same time its revoin number and the voltage of s increase utio ,'thhe generator is restored. If the number of
revolutions of the wind engine decreases so

much that the generator passes to operating under the conditions of a motor, then it has to switch off automatically. With the increase in the power and the number of revolutions of the wind engine, the voltage of the generator appears to be higher than the voltage of the over to conditions of charging.

Fig. 306: Connection of the storage battery to the clanpsof the generator (with buffer) Key:[Itl-load 2-storage battery 3-R Pr

Maintenance of normal voltage can also be /487 performed by means of automatic connecting and disconnecting of a part of the load in rhythm with the fluctuations in the power of the wind It is suitable to take for such a engine. work a shunt generator with anticompound winding. This generator has a softer characteristic N = f(6) and it limits the maximal charging current of the storage battery.,The voltage of the generator increases with the increase in'L the number.i'of revolutions and the current of loading,,and the current in the anticompound series ) i-winding increases at constant resistance of the external circuit. The increase in the current passing through the compound series winding enhances its counteracting .'


. ,l

effect .onthe main current of excitation and consequently limits the increase in voltage. Voltage regulator. A vibrational VR regulator is used for operation with the GBT and GAU generators, ,and'.it'smounted on the generator itself (Fig. 307). The action of the regulator consists in the following. When the voltage of the generator is below the normal value, the spring approaches armature 2 to contact 1 (Fig. 308); this leads to an increase in the additional resistance of the excitation winding of the generator. As soon as the voltage rises above the normal value, electromagnet:3 surmounts
the force of the spring and

Fig. 307: Voltage regulator for a dec generator.

+ o o ni




armature 2 :to its own /488 side; at the same time re" sistance Rn wilabe removed' from the shunt circuit, the
current of excitation decreases


and the tension in the generAs ator starts to fall, etc. as result of this, the armature starts fluctuating with

2 fpnyare,/p/ op~ ..

Fig. 308: VR voltage regulator Key: 1. winding of excitation 2. body of the generator

a frequency of up 30 periods per second, and consequently the fluctuations of the voltage become,.. so small and frequent, that the voltage can be considered practically constant.

The RR regulator-relay (Fig. 309), is also of the vibrational type; in addition to its own regulator 3, it has inverse current relay 2 of type TsB, which protects the storage battery from discharging in the generator. The regulator relay is intended for operation with GA 250/12 generator. It is manufactured as an independent instrument and is mounted separately from the generator. 63. Wind Charging Units

Low-power wind power installations intended for charging storage batteries are called wind charging units. F'r wind charging units, rapid wind engines of low-power and a diameter of the wind wheel /489 between 1.5_and 3.5:m are used,whileithe generators are of the autotype,adescribed above. Charging of the storage batteries is tmobile the most_ convenient load.for--a wind engine. Let us examine a few ,examples of wind power units.


VISKhOM D-3.5 wind

power unit.. This unit (Fig.

310 and 311) has a rapid wind engine with a two-blade wheel. The wind engine SLwind is regulated by removal of the 16 wind wheel from the wind. For 0 . this purpose, the wind wheel .4 L -i is somewhat displaced from the A GA 250/12 vertical axis. type generator with a power of 250 W and voltage 12 V is Kopnyc r HCpTOpa ,attached to the head of the In regions with wind engine. Fig. 309: Electrical circuit of the high average annual velocities, RR relay-regulator: 1-autobus genabove 5 m/sec, the unit is erator; 2-inversecurrent relay; equippedwith a type GT 1000 3-voltage regulator; 4-storage bat24 type generator with a power tery; 5-generator..excitation. lPkW and a voltage of 24 V. ' .winding;. ; 6-relay armature of inThe electrical part of this verse current; 7-conduit; 8-coil; unit envisages its use as a 9-current winding; 104shunt winding; charging installation for low11-core disc; 12-voltage regupower radio stations. The inlator-armature;._ 13-current wind/491 stallation is intended for ing; ,14-equalizing winding; 15charging two groups of storage winding; 16-main starter:' batteries, 12 V and 160 V. winding, Each battery consists of two When one of them feeds sets. charged. The conbeing is other the station, the of the instrument to a 12 V source battery storage V 160 the of necting for charging During the groups. 13 into it resolving by of current is performed the opera41in during while parallel in united are charging, the groups circuit. general the in series in connected are tion under load, they
9 13



In order to the generator is the beginning of group of storage

ensure sufficient voltage in charging the battery, given a voltage of up to 18 V which is reduced in charging in the rheostats which are found in each batteries.

The 100 W RD-1.5 wind The VISKhOM RD-1.5 wind charging unit. charging unit has a two-blade wind wheel with a diameter of 1.5 m. In the process of regulation of the flaps, the blades rotate in the bush under the action of centrifugal weight which are mounted on a rod fastened to the flap at an angle 900 with the cord of the profile in the lower section of the blade. This system of regulation was suggested by V. S. Shamanin. The electrical part of the unit was elaborated by I. B. Vershinin. The. wind wheel is attached airectly to the axis of the generator of type GAU with a power of 100 W- and a voltage of 6 V. The general appearance of the unit is shown in Fig. 312; the electrical circuit is given in Fig. 313.


VISKhOM UD-1.5 wind charging unit of the /492


same power (Fig. 314) was designed by V.v'V.

Utkin-Egor-ov. The characteristic feature of this wind engine is the highly accurate.regulation of the revolutions of the wind wheel.which is attached directly to the axis of the generator. This unit is computed for operation with a generator with variable current' in the course of up to bne-and :a half yearswithout :any.ser,vicing personel. It is used for automatic met'6i6dgical stations.


Low-Power Wind Power


Stations The windswhich blow:' on

I[ the shores of seas and oceans


are distinguished by their high

velocities and they represent a powerful source of energy. The first wind power station in the Mediterranean region of teh USSR which worked with a TsVEI D-8 wind engine, gave an electrical durrent with small fluctuations of voltage despite the absence of automatic electrical equipment.' This wind power station worked 6200 hours per year at full power out of the possible 8760 per year/ It is understandable that such a number of hours per year with full load is only possible in a region with high wind velocities. With regard to the small fluctuations in the voltage ofthe electric cur-/493 rent, this achievement is due exclusively to the regulation system of G. Kh. Sabinin and N. V. Krasovskiy, used in wind engines of this type (see Chapten IX, Section 35, Fig. 129). Fig. 310: The VISKhOM D-3.5 wind power unit. Due to the high wind velocities, many wind power stations work several months without any reserve. The extent of loading of the reserves in one station throughout the year can be seen in the operating schedules (Fig. 315, a and b): VES D-12 corresponds to the lower graph,while VIME D-5 corresponds to the upper figure, whereby the output of the reserve is shown by black columns, while the output of wind engine is illustrated by the hatched columns.


The construction of wind power/ 4 94

stations in regions which are far removed form thermic energy rec(ia sources makes it possible to reduce considerably the transport of fuel which is usually fraught with large difficulties E39].

,a'M aca a

ohr a

65. Parallel Operation of Wind Power/495

S2 Stations in a General, Circuiit.with Large, Thermic Stations and Hydropower Stations The wind power station working alone has an important shortcoming which consists in the fact that in order to ensure uniformeiii feeding of the energy, storage batteries and a reserve thermic engine have to be
up. As a result of this, power-




ful wind stations working with constant current are hard to realize
the cost of the obtained energy





very high.

Wind power installa-.

working alone should be built

whereverv the cost of other energy_ sources is very high. However, thes'e Fig. 311: Electrical circuit of wind installations have advantages if they:<operate with a mechanical the VISKhOM D-3.5 wind power a~rt:
unit: 1-generator; 2-regulator relay; 3-voltmeter; 4-ammeter in the ciruit of the storage battery; 5-storage battery connection clamps; 6-wind engine starter button; 7-line cutout for unit charger; 8-storage battery fuse; 9line fuse of unit charger; 10-fuse in switchboard outlet; 11-portable lamp outlet; 12-vi: voltmeter transfer switch; 13-instrument lamp switch; 14-storage battery switch; 15-switchboard or instrument pan'lli ghtcl6-generator circuit fuse; 17-storage battery. a-mast of the wind Key: engine b-loading circuit ""of S the unit actuator and the electrical energy is utilized for auxillary purposes such as lighting of service buildings, charging, etc.; in this case large capacity storage batteries are not required. A wind installation which is used for servicing electrical lighting and mechanical loading will have losses in both mechanical and electrical machines i.e. it will be less avantageous. The useful power of a wind installation working with a mechanical actuator is expressed by the following equality: N N==N


If the wind installation supplies electrical energy for power loading, then its useful work will be equal to:

where N' is the useful power; Nw is the power of the wind engine;
Tii m


0.6 to 0.8,

the mechanical

4the .

efficiency of transmission from the wind Swheel to the tool; ng = 0.7 to 0.8, the efficieny of the generator; ne = 0.7 to 0.8, the efficiency of electrical engine. take the upper limits of If wettii the efficiencies of the machine, we obtain:
N,=lN 0,8



. N, Q 512. N.7," In such a manner, our wind installa- /49E ,.(I : tions would give in the second case 0.8J: 0.512 = 1.56 i.e. 1/1.56 useful

Fig. 312: The VISKhOM

RD-1.5 wind charging




T0A 2o-2

Of extraordinary interest for the electrification cf the socialist economy, are the wind power stationsoof high power which work in the general
a o0em? the, inparle'lIwith circuit electric thermic and hydropower stations. The general circuit of large power

- L

stations is in this case an enormous battery which absorbs the excess electrical energy and covers the load of the wind power station In this case it is not on calm days. Fig: 313: Electrical circuit ofnecessary to have storage batteries with low efficiency added to the the VISKhOM RD-I.5 wind charging unit: 1-generator 100 W,installation which increase the cost 6-8 V; 2-inverse current relay; of the energy obtained in wind power


3-storage battery 6 V,

4-pushbutton of motor starter; By parallel operation of the 5-shunt winding of the generator; 6-series winding of the relay; wind power stations, it is possible to solve problems related to the 7-shunt winding of the relay. Key: a-lighting load stable operation of the station, without overloading the wind engine and the generator and excluding the

144 A-hr;



I ac---

movementsin the system so as to obtain a reliable operation. All this requires the. creation 'f mechanical electric ' :devices for automatic regulationnof the wind power station.

Generators for parallel


eration in the gneralfctit.Both

. synchronal and asynchronal generators can be parallel operations of wind power stations with alter-

nating current.
The former has a strictly determined constant number of revolutions which depends on the frequency of the,,circuit. The :asychronal generators allow a certain small fluctuation in the number of revolutions at constant frequency obfthe :,circu"t.


Fig. 314:

The VISKhOM UD-1.5

Asynchronal generators have a number of advantages over the synchronal one, i.e. they are cheap and of simple construction, do not A draw,requires a additional exciterand are stable under overloads. back of 'these generators is that they charge the circuit with reactive' current. Their efficiency decreases markedly with the decrease of the load. Synchronal generators require for connecting into a net of alternating currents a complete preliminary synchronization of the generator with the net. This can be performed by an automatic synchronizer. The reliability of this generator consists in the fact without deterioration bf the latter and thatitworks:intlcircuit has a high power coefficient cos 4. The load has little influence /497 on the magnitude of the efficiency. This generator is less suitable for operation in wind power stations due to the following reasons: elaborate synchronization; the generator requires a separate exciter; danger of overload, which is hard to proventi . electrically. Operation of the wind engine with asynchronal generator. Complete correspondence of the characteristics of the wind engine with those of the generator is required in order to obtain satisfactory byt teasynchronal The powersupplidi operation of the wind power unit. generator into the circuit equals O~at. a number of revolutions which is lower than the synchronal number. When the number of revolutions 350i

wind power unit.

"Bupa6ora _00
45eps2 400

3 .. ,'

exceeds the synchronal. number, the power increases rapidly and reaches its maximum by a 5% slip. The power ,fed into,thec.ircuit by the generator adecreases when the number of revolutions increases above this value.
In such a manner, the opera-

25 2-.0

S S::'

tion of the asynchronal generator

takes place between the highest

6 b 7 8

:: .power ,i ,llo.or ..

which changes proportionally

to the slip and 0 power which corresponds to the synchrohal_,number of revolutions. The wind engine and asynchronal generator should be calculated for a possible overload of up to 60%.

4 5
900 /

9 10 11 12 13 1415 2

,e" sIt

The operation of a wind power

station which asynchronal generator takes place in the following sequence.


The wind engine which is started at

a certain wind velocity picks up

iniAAiiin revolutions and as soon as

5 6

" ,.. .I .. 8 910. 1..123.1415

the synchronal" - number is reached, a circuit breaker connected with

Fig. 315: Operating schedule of a wind power station: a-VIME

D-5 wind power station; b-D-12

a centrifugal regulator connects f tie power station to the the cr-cuit general.ea an.oil

Key: 1. output 2. wind power station

(WPS) '

eircuit until.,the' wind, veloc ity decreases below a certain value. The inverse current relay discont

subsequently the wind power switch; station feeds current into the general


nects at this point the electric

" .
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. reserve reseanuarve February March April May 8. eMay, its' role of generatpr. Operation of the wind engine it with synchronal generator. ,'The operation of a wind engine with synchronal generator requires a regorously constant number of revolutions. The overload of a synchronal generator is permitted to a much lesser degree than in the case of the asynchronal generator. As. a reliable reresult of this, ". gulation of the wind power station is required either by regulation

9. June 10. July

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

AuJust September Octoember November December.,


of the wind engine or by regulation from the electrical circuit ofthe /4 9 8 station. In the opposite case, the generator may lose its synchronicity under .conditions of overload. In such a manner, automatization of the wind power station is more complicated with the synchronal generator. In the operation of wind power stations with regulation: of the wind engines, b6th with asynchronal and with synchronal generators, the wind engine must be regulated so that the number of its revolutions does not fall below the synchronal: number. If the wind engine is regulated in such a manner that the number of its revolutions is limited and does not reach the synchronal. number, then neither the synchronal nor the asynchronal generators can feed enough energy into the circuit at any wind velocity. Loading of the synchronal generator can take place only at synchronal' velocity and is determined by phase shift. However, when regulation of the wind engine is performed, the latter as well as the generator must be protected from overload. Since the power of the generator grows according to aih-ralmost vertical curve, with the increase in. .,wind velocity, the wind engine which is regulated under the effect of centrifugal weight.,' while maintaining its number of revolutions,will develop .a power which is proportional to almost the cube of wind velocity, and cause-'. overloading of the unit. Therefore,cn additional devicenis required which would protect the unit from overloading at high wind velocities/ The operation of wind power stations with synchronal generators is performed according to a diagram which is analogous to the asynchronal generator. The only difference is that the wind power station working with synchronal :generator must have a synchronal automatic device which acts on the maximal switch of the circ u it onlyjafter-a certain; number of revolutions of the generator as well as coincidence 6f the phases is> reached. In addition, automatic regulation of the excitation, connected with a power factor meter should be introduced in order to improve the condi tions ofthe circuit. Protection from overloading can be accomplished either by corresponding regulation of the wind engine or by additional mechanical device (hydraulic slip clutch). The electrical protection from overloading is made by switching from the synchronal generator to th asynchronal 1one, which permits slipping during the increase in the number of revolutions.

66. Experimental Testing of the Operation of Wind Power Stations Connected Parallel in the Circuit [53] The experimental investigations .on'the parallel operation of wind power stations were carried out for the first time under the *352_.


guidance of G. Kh. Sabinin in the TsAGI wind power laboratory. The wind power apparatus by means of which these investigations were performed consisted of a rapid wind engine and an inductive machine which worked in the capacity of a generator under asynchronal and synchronal operating conditions with a steady power of 5 kW at 220 V in the.circuit. The computation diagram of the experimental installation elaborated by I. B. Vershinin is presented in Fig. 316. This diagram allows operation under both asychronal and synchronal conditions however it is inadequate for a powerful wind power station since it lacks several elements of automation and protection. The operation of the instrument, accerding to the diagram, is performed in the ,following order. a. Asynchronal operating conditions. According to the diagram in Fig. 316, the knife switches, the circuits of the bcd rotor and knife a of the stator circuit should be connected prior to starting the wind engine with inductive generator. As soon as the wind engine conveys to the rotor a synchronal velocity, which is measured by tachometer 3 and 4, the circuit is closed by means of knob 6 of the automatic switch 2. The automatic device connects the generator tqthe.'circuit andif the number of revolutions of the rotor increases, the generator intercepts the load in the circuit iacc6ding t6 the given slip. When the wind velocity decreases, and consequently, the power supplied by the generator is below the calculated one, the relay of the reverse current is automatically disconnected. The diagram illustrates the manual connecting of the generator by means of knob 6 which acts on the solenOid ~of automatic circuit breaker 2. Protection of the generator from overloading in the absence of a maximally depending relay, is performed by means of fuses. When the wind power station works with a limited power of the generator which is achieved by automatic slip regulator 9, the sequence of operation of the instrument in connecting the generator is maintained the same as in the case of the shorted-out rotor. The only difference is that knife switch d which shorts out the /501 rotor must in this case be disconnected. b. Synchronal operating conditions. The transition of the inductive generator to synchromal conditions (Fig. 316) is performed by means of the automatic frequency relay 7. Knife switches a, b, and e are connected while b and c

3,5 3

are switched on prior to starting the wind power station. Subsequently, inductive generator 1 is connected t.o the net. Changeover switch f is placed in the left position, corresponding to the connecting of the excitation rails of the reel in frequency relay 7. The current of the slipping frequency flows around the second reel of the frequency relay which is connected in circuit 1 of the rotor phase while the knife switch is disconnected; when the current of the slipping frequency assumes its maximal value of the negative wave, a current is created which has the same direction as the flow of the reel. Under the effect of the overall flow of the -. reel, the frequency relay 7 closes its left working contact, and thus connects the rotor to the constant current machine. As a result of this, the inductive generator becomes synchronal and continuesv to work synchronally. If the generator ceases !to be synchronal as in the case of a considerable load jerk, the diagram provides for automatic switching off of the generator. Protection of the wind power station from overloading by regulation of the wind engine. When the wind engine works in parallel with the synchronal generator, the centrifugal regulator which limits the number of revolutions of the wind wheel cannot limit the power of the wind engine. This is explained by the fact that under conditions of a steady synchronal number of revolutions, which are maintained constant by the circuit, the centrifugal regulator cannot act on the mechanism which rotates the blades at the required angle of attack. In order to prevent the wind p6wer station from getting overloaded,)one has, either to act on the mechanism which changes the angle of the blade by some kind of device from the side which is not related to the revolutions of the wind wheel,crelse the wind engine must be connected to the generator not directly but rather by means of an intermediate hydraulic clutch. In the latter case, the power of the wind engine will bellimited by its regulation since in this case, the revolutions of the wind wheel may increase by 1.5-2% and set in motion the centrifugal regulator. The power of the generator is limited by the /502 operation of a hydraulic clutch which can only transmit a limiting torque established depending on the power of the machine tool. Any extra moment causes slipping of the clutch. In studying the operation of D-10 wind engine with stabilizing regulation to synchronal conditions of a wind power station, con4 nected in parallel, testswwere performed with three devices which acted on the mechanism of rotation of the blade tip without being connected with the revolutions of the wind wheel:, 1. with the "Askaniya" oil regulator; 2. by rotation of the stator; 3. by means of an additionalsmall wind engine whose blade can be longitudinally displaced along the axis of the flap under the /503 its centrifugal forces (Fig. 317) (suggestion of V. S. action -of Shamanin).

35 4

Mor3C _,__

Each one of these mechanisms

is connected to the regulating


clutch which rotates the stabi:.

lizers and along with them the

blade tip under the required angle of attack. In such a manner, the position of the rotating blade tip was determined entirely by the magnitude of the linear displacement of the regulating clutch a in millimeters, which is kinematically connected with the wing stabilizers. By means of the experi': mental characteristicsM and = f(a,Z), obtained for various positions of the regulating clutch, the dependence of the power of the wind wheel on wind velocity at each a 'at a constant number of revolutions can be plotted. Such a plot is presented in Fig. 318 for


So o I -7M


f I


I (ii



10, 13, 15, 17 and 20.

The wind engine works ji /504 most efficiently at a = 10, ice. at the smallest inclinaHowtion angle of the blade. the wind engine overloads the generator by 100% starting with

Fig. 316: Commutation circuit of an experimental windipower station for studying parallel operations

in the general circuit; 1. asynchronal generator; 2-automatic circuit breaker; 3-tachometertransmitter; 4-tachometerypgauge; o-measuring instrument; -recorders; 5-wind rotors; 6-on-off button; 7-automatic synchronization device; 8-excitation rheostat; 9-slipping regulator; 10-mtor,of tie beam of the spring for automatic cut-out. Key: a. b. c. d. to the tachometer gauge current breaker switch to the tachometer gauge

wind velocities of 9.3 m/sec,

which is inadmissible. In order to prevent overloading of the installation, the wind wheel must be changed to less efficient operating conditions when the wind velocity exceeds 8 m/sec, i.e. the regulating clutch connected with the rotating blade tip must be displaced with respect to its initial position by nor,e-than 10 mm. It is easy to determine the magnitude of a at which 3 25

the regulating clutch must be

I 'I


shifted depending on the wind velocity in order to maintain the constany.of the installation power by means of the graphs in Fig. 318; as an example,,the plot was made for a 4 kW power generator. When the wind engine operates with stabilizing regulation to an asynchronal generwith slipping regulator, revolutions of the wind wheel may increase by 1.5 to 2% as compared to the normal number. This increase in the number of revolutions immediately leads to a shift in the

sator 2 . -_ S ,the

Fig. 317: V. S. Shamanin's device

for limitation of the power of

wind engines which are regulated device for shifting the clutch by rotation of the blades under the action of centrifugal forces:magnitude a is needed in the given case. 1-fly; 2-lever; 3-slip clutch; 4-rod.; 5-spring; 6-clutch,the course of which is measured by The results of the tests magnitude~a ; 7-regulating 7-regulating magnitudesag yielded recordings where the clutch; 8-lever; 9-rod to the yielded recordings where the Sof course of the regulating clutch stabilizer; 10-flap; 11-wing ois illustrated as a function of the wind wheel. wind velocity during operation of wind power unit with the indicated above 3 additional regulating devices. TheoAtracings of the course of the clutch during operation with the first and second regulator showed that these regulators do not give the required change of a as a function of V for maintaining the constancy of the wind engine power. Continuous variation of wind velocity must be accompanied by a corresponding change in the magnitude of a; nevertheless, the fluctuations in a, the course of the clutch, assumed the pattern of a course with peaks. The pattern of the clutch fluctuations depending on wind velocity is shown in Fig. 319 where the upper curve shows the change of a during the operation with "Askaniya"; the change in wind velocity is shown by the lower curve. More satisfactory results were obtained in the work with the fly suggested by V. S. Shamanin. Fig. 320 depicts the curves of wind velocity (lower curve) and of the clutch course a correspond- /505 ing to these velocities. The even pattern of variation of the

centrifugal flyweight \of the the entrifugal flyweight .on g stabilizer and turns the blade. In such a manner, no additional


.. /


clutch course shows that this device provides for constancy of the wind engine power with fluctuations between more or less narrow limits relative to the given magnitude. In such a manner, the problem of automatic protection of the wind engine from overloading in the case of operation with a parallel synchronal generator in a high power circuit and with wind velocities exceeding the calculated values, is technically solvable. Although the causes for t


the pulsation of the moment are not entirely known, the following assumptions can be forwarded on this matter. The wind veloFig. 318: Variation of the power city which pulsates in magniof the wind wheel at various ,tude and direction causes a positions of the clutch dependgreater pulsation of the forces ing on wind velocity. which rotate the wind wheel. But since the revolutions of the Key: 1. kW wind wheel during the operation 2. V m/set with a synchronal generator are maintained reasonably constant, the pulsating action of these forces is manifested india sharp pulsation of the torque of the wind wheel as can be seen from the equation of the power of the wind engine N, expressed by means of the torque /506 M and the angular velocity w:


.. .

N = Mw kg/m/sec Since w = const, the pulsation of the power on the whole corresponds to the pulsation of the torque. When the wind engine is loaded in such a manner that in_ , significant fluctuations in the angular velocity of the wind wheel are permitted,as for example during operation with an asynchronal generator, the peak of the torque decreasesto a smaller or greater extent, which is-immediately .reflected in'the ,power curve which assumes a more smooth course., When the wind engine operates .Lth a synchronal generator in the general circuit, it is extfemely important to exclude the possibility of transmission of the pulsating moment to the generator. Such operating conditions of the wind wheel can be fully provided for by the hydraulic clutch connected in the transmission


between the reduction gear and/507 the generator. This clutch permits slipping of the leading mechanism of the wind engine to the main shaft of .relative the generator. Consequently, the number of revolutions of the wind wheel will slightly increase without disturbing the strictlyl constant revolutions of the generator. It should be assumed that the operations of the wind engine with synchronal generator in the presence of a hydraulic clutch can be entirely satisfactory without any additional devices for limiting the power of the wind wheel which is regulated by means of centrifugal flywheels. Operation of a wind engine connected iniparallel without
regulation. On the basis of

Fig. 319: Tracings of thercourse a of the clutch during operation of the wind wheel with the "Askaniya" device acting on the clutch,in relation to wind velocity.
Key: 1. a -course of the clutch

a series of theoretical and experimental studies, G. Kh. Sabinin arrived at the conclusion that it is absolutely superfluous to regulate the torque at wind velocities exceeding the calculated values in the case of a winged type rapid wind engine (Zn = 6) which is connected in parallel. This assumption was experimentally tested in the wind power laboraory if TsAGI on a wind wheel model Dl10, i = 3, Zn = 7. It appears that starting with wind velocities about 12 m/sec, the power on the wings of the wind wheel not only does not increase but even decreases. At the same time the number of revolutions is limited by the circuit /508 itself, whose overall power is several times greater than'tlepower c the-," wind engine. The characteristic of a D-10, Zn = 7, i = 3 wind engine connected in parallel and operating without regulation is illustrated in Fig. 321. In such a manner, during the operation of a rapid wind engine connected in parallel, the danger of excessive overloading of the generator and of the racing of the wind wheel with increasing wind velocity is excluded. What is needed in this case, is merely a simple device which acts only during accidents in the circuit or following sudden removal of the load.

2. wind velocity



A f

67. High-Power Power Stations Connected in Parallel

The Crimean wind power station TsAGI D-30. The wind




station in Crimea (Fig. 322) had a purely experimental value and was constructed with the purpose of investigating the operation of a wind power station in parallel with a thermal power station in the same region. By the dimensions of the wind wheel D = 30

Fig. 320:

Recording of the course

m and the power of about 100 kW at 30 rpm, this station had no in the USSR or abroad. equals In 1942 the station was destroyed by the German f ist

a of the clutch during operation of the wind wheel with a fly which acts on the clutch, as a function of wind velocity. Key: l.,ta-- course of the clutch 2. wind velocity

The height of the wind

engine 23.3 m, m, the the engine tower tower was was 23.3 was
distance between the legs

6.0 m.

The cabin of the head


which contained the generator and the electrical apparatus had the length of 13.7 m, a


width of 3.5 m and the height of 3.8 m. The overall weight of the wind engine metal - < amounted to 49.1 tons. The volume of the foundation was

60 m.

The wind wheel has a

o * diameter of 30 m and has three

S. Fig. 321: Characteristic of the power of a wind power installation working in the general circuit without regulation.

The the and and was the

blades which rotate freely about their flaps under the action of stabilizers of the G. Kh. Sabinin and N. V. Krasovski 's.: regula.tion system. The blades had a streamlined Profile, analogous to the profile of an airpane win. blade was 11 m in length, 2 m wide at the base and 1 m wide at tip. The flapswwere made of steel pipes with a diameter of 350 mmwere connected by means of a light girder made of iron carbide and iron channels and pipes. A steel rim ,with a diameter of 3.4 m secured to the flaps by means of bolts. On its internal side, rim~had a rolling surface which was supported by two steel rolls 3 9


rotating oiball bearings fastened to the girder of the head. The wind wheel with the In &im turn on these rolls. addition, along with a smooth surface the rim"" has a surface with openings which contain /509 wooden teeth made of hornbeam. The teeth of the rim -are engaged with two cast iron pinions situated inside the wing. The pinions are fitted on the two shafts which transmits the rotation to the differential and from the latter to the shaft of the generator.

The differential gear is used

in the transmission for a uniform distribution of the power between the two transmission The overall gear ratio shafts. of the two gears equals 21 : 4.

The plane of rotation of the

wind wheel has an inclination of 120 with respect to the Svertical which is caused by the requirement of decreasing the gap between the wind wheel and the tower. ,The head of the Fig. 322: The Crimean TsAGI D-30 wind engine is mounted on iron wind station. carbide, and iron channels and leans through a spherical pivot on a spherical support secured on top of the tower. The wind engine turns about the vertical axis on this support during adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind. The girder of the head is hinged with thefl~0in'd. tail girder, to which a carriage with mot6orand winch are hinged at the lower end. The tail girder serves for regulating /510 the wind wheel to the wind during changes in its direction. The carriage is supported on a rail which surrounds the tower along a circle with a radius of 20.5 m. The movement of the carriage on the rail is performed by means of an electrical motor with a power of 1.5 kW with worm gearing. Connecting of the motor takes place automatically during changes in the direction of the wind. For this purpose, a wind vane with a size of 400 x 700 mm is mounted on top of the cabin. During changes in direction of the wind, the wind vane connects one of the rolls of the electromagnetic change-over switch which is found in the circuit of the motor of the tail carriage. The motor moves the carriage around the rail as long as the wind wheel does not stand into the wind and the wind vane does not open the A ladder is used in order to climb the tower and the tail dontact. girder.


-. "D-125

The asynchronal generator of the anit is a normal 3-phase motor of type hp at 600 rpm. The nominal power of the generator is 93 kV. The voltage of the starter phase is 220 V, the connection of the of a triangle, the linear current is




winding of the startet is made by means 300 amperes, cos n 0.83. The weight
of the generator is 2040 kg.



An aerial line of power transmission

_,3PeryaT op


e ....

of 6.3 kV with a cross section of the copper 3 x 10 mm and a length of 2600 m

passes from the building of the wind

power station; it is connected in the

4 AciuXp.

line of electrical transmission and works in parallel with a thermic power station.
ren -p 100 kw

The electrical diagram of the unit the basic diagram is shown in Fig. 323; of automatic connection and protection of the generator is shown in Fig. 324. The automatic device and the relay protection work with an alternating current Key: 1. series transAutomatic switching on and off of 220 V. former of the generator on the side of low Ia. transformer voltage is performed by means of a two2. electromagnetic pole electromagnetic switch of type MSWswitch In the third phase, a one-pole kif&. 34. 3. slip regulator The contact of each switch is seen. . 4. asynchronal p of the circuit breakers, calculated for generator 150 A, are connected in parallel to a 300 A current of the generator. The connecting takes place automatically, as soon as the synchronal' number of revolutions is. obtained. Closing of the switch contact is performed by means of a centrifugal mechanism which is turned by means of one of the intermediate transmission shafts of the wind engine. Electtical Fig. 323: diagram of the D-30 wind power station. Tests for exploitation of the wind power station D-30 were per- /511 formed Under two sets of operating conditions: at 19 and 30 rpm of It appears that the operating conditions of a wind the wind wheel. power station working with 30 rpm is considerably better. The characteristics obtained in the tests are shown in Fig. 325. The maximal output coefficient of wind energy of the wings E = 0.242 was obtained at the rapidity Zn = 4.75 which was in good agreement with the results of tests performed with the D-10 model on the tower of the wind power laboratory. The characteristics were taken in the following manner. The observed values of the power fed into the circuit at a low level


of the step up transformer 220/6300 V

Ka.. aI'T S

were averaged for 20 minutes.



H .


values were determined by the difference

the counter readings in kilowatt hours

4 Ban.pene -----


6 SAOK.T SKA. 9_3.H.1

.K. T S

, "'

and were checked with the recordings of the wattometer. The average wind velocity for the 20 minute time interval was measured on a mast at a height of 25 m, corresponding to the center of the ro-. The mast was tation of the wind wheel. up at a distance of 50 m from the wind engine. The recordings of wind velocity were/512 performed by means of the recording anembmeter with an electric cortact after 500 m of path crossed by the wind. The recorded power over an interval of 7 minutes is presented in Fig. 326. The curve shdws that the power fluct.iiations of the asynchronal generator over this short interval of time did not exceed 30% in the limits of permitted overload. The performance tests,,revealed the entirely adequate operation of the installation and of the automatic device [38].

Basic diagram Fig. 324: of automatic connection and protection of the

Key: 1. contact of the centrifugal mechanism 2. relay of the zero lever 3. to the transformer 4. block relay 5. switch 6. control block 7. circuit breaker 8. to the generator 9. key

Description of the project of

wind power station with the

D-50 m wind engine. Worth mentionis the project of the wind / I 2 power station with the D-50 m wind / I engine which was intended for parallel operation in the general cirS. cuit with a thermic power station 3 67 with a power of 7500 kW and with 2 poxown .. rz=WR a hydropower station with a power Fig. 325: Aerodynamic character- of 48000 kW. istics of the wings in the D-30



Z oing

wind power station.

Key: 1. efficiency of the wind energy 2. rapidity

power station is illustrated in Fig. 327. The cabin of the generator is situated on top of the tower and can turn about its vertical axis during adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind.

The general view of this wind /513




The transmission of rotation

o 3

Ii I1from

the shaft of the wind wheel to

5 . .HyT


the generator is performed through

a 2-stage reducing gear with a gear /514 The wind wheel ratio of 1 : 25.


makes 24 rpm, while the generator Fig. 326: Recording of the power' makes 600 rpm. The cutaway of the of D.c30 wind power station cabin in its general view is shown during operation with asynik Fig. 328. In addition, the cabin chronal generator connected of the wind engine contains the motor in parallel. of the adjustment to the wind and the on/off motor of the wind engine. ,All the remaining electrical equipKey: 1. minutes ment is situated below under the tower in the substations. The voltage of the synchronal generator equals 6300 V and 600 rpm; the power of the wind power station equals 1000 kW at 14 m/sec wind velocity. The annual average wind velocity in the region where it is suggested to build the wind installa: '

The tions amounts to 7-8 m/sec. number of working hours per yeart of the wind power station was calculated to be 2380 hours with the output of 10 D-50 units being 2.2 million kW hr per year. The project costper kW hnuis 1.8 ko ecks, while the cost of 'steady, kW of power is 425 rubles. The three-blade rapid (Zn = 6) wind engine;, ,of the power station with aerodynamic regulationnof the means of stob.ilizers blade tip'rotation was suggested by G. Kh. Sabinin and

N. V. Krasovskiy.
lq oUse of this type of regulation has enormous advantages in the sense of reliability of operation,:;,l which is known from the practice of oper-

Fig 327 The TsVEI D-50 r)wind ation of the D-12 wind engine regupower station, 1000 kW (project). lated by this system, as well as in the simplicity of construction and /515 low weight of the regulating device. Adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind is performed by means of an electromotor which is mounted on a cramp iron girder in the 36'3

lower part of the cabin. This motor is connected by means of a worm gearing with two long shafts which carry a second worm gearing, the latter engaged with pins of the rim fastened to the tower. The cabin contains the small wind engines with vertical plane passing through the axis of the shaft which rotates during the changes in wind direction; the stq:motor is connected by means of an electrical transmission and it operatbs as long as the wind wheel does not stand into the wind; in that"moment the small wind enIs turned off. gine



Fig. 328: Cabin of the TsVEI D-50 wind power station.

The height of the tower is 50 m; dimensions of the base 25 x 25 m. An elevator goes to the upper balcony of the tower. In addition, there is a ladder inrcase the elevator is out of use. At the base of the tower a building is situated, whichcontains,th1main distributing installation of the electrical parts., '' The pulsating nature of wind energy and its lack of constancy with regard'; j'to velocity and direction, as well as the complete automation of the controls were the consequence of complicating the commutation diagram. The following main elements were elaborated in the general commutation circuit: 1. automatic start and stop of the wind power station, determined by the presence or absence of wind; 2. automatic synchronization; 3. automatic regulation of voltage by a rapid voltage regulator; 4. automatic disconnecting of the wind power station by acdtation of one of the accident protection devices without repeated connection of the automatic device; 5. automatic adjustment of the wind engine to the wind; 6. limitation of the power at strong windagusts by means of a hydraulic clutch permitting slippnhg of the main shaft. For the sake of illustration, we present the weight of the wind engine parts: Wind wheel 35 t Girder of the head 20 t Mechanical part of the wind engine 63 t Tower, ladder and elevator 52 t Overall weight 160 t

3 4


The wind power station with /516 many wind engines. A. G. Ufimtsev and Prof. V. P. Vetchinkin suggested

t a solvelJv the problem of a powerful wind power station not

by increasing the dimension of the



wind wheel's diameter but rather

by means of a large number of wind

wheels with relatively small dia/517 meters, mounted on the general

tower of " frame construction (fig.

.2 no', . The frame with a chessbbardd distribution of the wind wheels is mounted on a girder rotating tower. Tie beams coming from the upper support maintain the tower in vertical position. Twelveqwiid engins with a diameter of the wind wheel of 20 m each are mounted on the frame. The overall power is about 500 hp at the wind velocity of 8 m/sec. A similar power can be given at the indicated wind velocity by a wind engine with a single wind wheel But wvU having a diameter of 70 m. while itlis very hard to make 70 m wind wheels, wind wheels with a diameter of 20 m are available in practice. This circumstance was the motive to suggesting a ;i)wind power station containing many wind engines. There are as yet not;such wind power stations in practice.


Fig. 329: Diagram of a wind power station with many wind engines in the A. G. Ufimtsev and V. P. Vetchinkin system. 1. guide rope to the Key: ground2. hoist

68. Brief Data on Foe g~:r'Wind Power Stations

Fig. 330 illustrates a wind power station with a power of 30 kW manufactured by the general electricity company, with a wind engine of the Kumme system. A.otor power of 45 kW is large Afor t e .. dicated wind* power station and requires a secondary machine; for this purpose a dc generator is used with parallel excitation, 44 kW, which is /518 set in motion by means of a reserve engine which is started in parallel with the wind engine during maximal energy comsumption i.e. during thrashing. The operation of both machines is quite adequate with the diagram shown in Fig. 331. Here a 3-wire system 2 x 230 V


is used with distribution of the voltage through a battery. The charging unit consists of a model with parallel excitation and a voltage augmenter. The storage battery contains 240 elements of type AK for the highest power of the charging current of 36 amperes. In the United States, low power wind charging units with two-blade propellers fitte' directly on the axis of the generator of a special low speed type are widely distributed. The dc generator of the "wind charger" low power wind charging unit gives a voltage of 6 V,while the current-, in relation to the number of revolutions is illustrated below: Revolutions of the dc 330 generator Fig. 330: The 30 kW wind power station with wind engine of the Kumme system. Amperes 1 /519 370 2 860 12 440 4 1060 14 500 5 600 8

Revolutions of the dc 700 generator Amperes 10

A two-blade propeller with the length 1.5 to 1.8 m can give 300 to 1000 rpm if the width of its blade and the rigging angle are computed for a rapidity Zn > 7. Wind charging units with a power exceeding 100 W are manufactured with a reducing gear since the propeller with a diameter exceeding 1.8 m cannot developethe number of revolutions required for the dc generator at a wind velocity of 8 m/sec. Fig. 332 shows the general view of the "Wincharger" wind chargeing unit with a 32 V dc generator. The power of the wind charging is 650 W. The gear ratio of the revolutions of the dc generator to the revolutions of the propeller equals about 5. LimitationS Iof the revolutions is achieved by means of an aerial brake, secured to the shaft of the wind wheel. At a certain radius from the axis /520 of rotation, surfaces which have a curvature along the radius of its rotation are secured, in order to obtain smallest resistance during normal revolutions of the propeller .. As soon as the wind wheel picks up in the number of revolutions and reaches a value above normal, these surfaces are deflected under the effect of


centrifugal forces.
I O1-----

When fully

come perpendicular to the di-

_ _I-_a

At A(-

rection of movement and create In the reverse. resistance. surfacesriare the position, stopped by the force of the
spring. The structure of the

1j J UP4

E -- :

reducing gear and of other parts of ig. the unit are illustrated in


Fig. 333.
"Wind-Impeller" company releases wind charging units (Fig. 334) of the same power as the "Wincharger" with the only difference that the aerial brake used for limiting the number of revolutions of the propeller is made of surfaces which rotate in the plane of rotation of the wind wheel (Fig. 335). The braking surfaces lie in the plane of rotation in normal revolutions
(see illustration, a); When

4 7

Fig. 331: Diagram of connection of the wind engine and of the reserve model.

the number of revolutions exceeds the normal value under the effect of cent:rifugal.forces Sf their o~n weight, the blades start tohove along 'the radiis arrnTay overcome e T___ /the'.force of the spring hownr in position b. These surfaces are fitted with their bushes on the axis, which is disposed in the plane of rotation of the wind wheel perpendicularly /521 to the propeller. IPins c passes through helical cuts a in the bushes, due to which Fig. 322: The "Winchahger.,l'" the surface turns about the wind charging unit. axis during the movement of the bush along the axis and is stopped by a plane in the direction of movement, as illustrated in Fig. d, and a resistance is created.

These wind charging units are released with a power 100 W to 5 kW. In recent years, attentionshas been accorded in the United States to high-power wind power stations.


Fig:,, 336 illustrates a 1000 kW wind power station built near the town
Sof Rutland innthe state of Vermont on top of the Grantp'ss "Mountain, the

. \ ,1


height of which is about 610 m above level.

tower of the wind engine is of girder construction, has a height of 35 m and is fastened to a steel lattice which is laid in a concrete

\. -The i

foundation at a depth of about 7 m.

The two-blade wing wheel with a

diameter of 53 m has a blade length

Fig. 333: Head of the wind charging unit shown in Fig. of 20 m and a width of 3.7 m, which is uniform throughoutthe length' The " power developed at a wind velocity


of 14 m/sec and 28.7 rpm

is 1000 kW.


The circular velocity of the blade tip is 80.3 m/sec which results in a rapidity of Z = 5.72. The overall weight of the wind wheel is 20 t. /522 Regulation of the revolutions is achieved by rotation of the blade The flaps about the axis of the flap.

of the wings are hinged to the shaft

in such a manner that during wind gusts they deviate in the direction of the wind by 200 under the effect of the:impact load, which helps the The revolutions "of the wind wheel. centrifugal forces of the blade turn..' to maintain it in the plane of rotation of the wind wheel. The generator Fig. 334: The "Wind-Impeldevelopes a nominal power of 1000 kW ler" wind charging unit. at cos p = 80%, voltage 230 V, 60.periods of 3-phase current. The electridal wiring from the generator goes down through central openings in the girder of the head and joins the rings. conta6t rings mounted on the hollow shank of the contadt: guide the /524 which cables the join rings contact The brushes on these for.the increased is voltage the where group current to the transfbermer y electrical the of transmission of line the with dconnection purpose power system. The shaft of the wind wheel has a diameter of 61 cm and rotates on two double roller bearings mounted at a distance of about 3.7 m from each other on the supporting frame of the head. The bearing situated directly behind the wind wheel is radial, while the bearing near the clutch for regulation of revolutions intercepts both loads, The shaft of the wind wheel is the radial and the head load.




to a two-stage reducing gear with chevron


gearing, which increases

the number of revolutions given by the generator t6 600 per minute. In the first stage, the reVolutions are increased by of teeth which are geared with the notches on wall from each side in one plane which passes through the shaft axis. The shaft of the second stage of transmission is connected with the shaft of the generator of a hydraulic clutch released by the American Blower Company. On the external side, the generator is directly connected with the exciter. The standard velocity regulator with additional electrical donduct is is set set electrical tonduct tbbtha through motion in gearing from the main shaft of the wind wheel.


Fig. 335: Regulation of "WindImpeller" by changing the position of the braking surfaces of the wind wheel:, a-at normal number of revolutions; b-braking surfaces,turn under the effect of centrifugal forces;c-kinematibceconnection of the surfaces.

Adjustment of the wind wheel to the wind is performed by means of a hydraulic mechanism which sets in motion the transmission mounted on the girder of the head which is engaged with a large gear wheel, fastened to the upper crown of the tower. The connecting and disconnecting of the mechanism of adjastment to the wind is performed by means of a wind vane which is constantly adjusted to the wind. The wind engine is stopped by means of a braking device with frictional transmission which is set in motion by means of an electric motor.


1 Hanane:e


From October 1941 through

March 1945, this wind power


station yielded 360, 000 kW hr. During this period it worked for 1030 hours, of which the installation worked for 838 hours with an average power of 431 kW while connected in parallel. In March 1945, an accident took place inL the wind engine, the 7 tonize blade of the wind wheel broke during the run. The accident occurred due to the inadequate system 6d regulation.

Fig. 336: The 1000 kW American wind power station.

1-velocity regulator 2-reducing gear 3-exciter 4-generator 5-hydraulic clutch 6-oil tank Key: 1. wind direction




The installation of factory made wind engines has an extraordinary importance for the introduction of wind engines in agriculture. Poor fitting of the parts of wind engines during the installation may cause not only poor operation of the wind installation but the latter may become entirely unserviceable. Detailed instructions on the sequence of installation of various types of wind engines are given in the instructiors compiled either by the manufacturer for each type of wind engine released or by the organization which designed the wind engine. 69. Installation of a Low-Power Wind Engine,from 1 to 15 hp. The installation team usually consists of 5 or 6 workers and one qualified foreman. The first work of the team consists of unpacking and checking the assembly parts of the wind engine which are supplied 'lO~ally During the checking they have to make use of the specifications contained in the instructions on " ' installation which come together with the given set of wind engine. If insufficiencies or unserviceable parts are discovered, a document is immediately compiled and sent to the manufacturer for timely completing of the set. Subsequently the foreman takes the measurements of the foundation pit under the legs of the tower .inthe place selected for setting up the wind installation. If the wind engine is built for the lifting of water, then the position of the pit with respect to the vertical axis of the tower is taken into accouht. Installation of the wind engine is started with assembly of /526 the tower. The main angle bars of the legs in one of its panels is laid out on logs in such a manner that after lifting the tower, its axis would correspond exactly with the mark made for the center of the tower at its base. If the axis of the tower does not coincide with the mark of its center on thefoundation, then considerable labor is required in order to shift the lifted wind engine. After assemblypf the tower, the head and the vertical shaft of the wind engine are assembled. Dirty parts of bearings and of the necks df axis and shaft are washed with kerosene and lubricated with fresh grease. The engaging of the upper transmission, which is assembled in'the head of the wind engine, is checked by several rotations about the hub of the wind wheel. During this operation, the head is turned with theaxis fithe- wind wheel pointing upward. The wind wheel and the mechanism of adjustment of wind engines with a power of up to 10 hp are assembled below at the same time with the assembly of the head.


The assembled wind engine is lifted in a tilted position and laid with the upper compartment on 'bouncesi (Fig. 337), and it is supplied with the rigging equipment. For the sake of reference, Table 48 presents data of the rigging equipment used in practice for lifting the TV-8 wind engine.


Fig. 337: Equipment 6d the wind engine with the rigging equipment prior to lifting. Key: 1. apply load 2. foundation -pit

Prior to lifting the wind engine, the strength of its rigging is checked; for this purpose the wind engine is lifted to several centimeters above the support by means of the loading winch and, leaving it in this position, an additional load is placed on the head of the wind engine. Usually this load is formed of 4 to 5 people who stand on top of the tower (Fig. 338). By this means, /528 the fitting and the checking of the equipment takes place since it is in this position that the forces directed along the cable are the largest. The general aspect of the lifting of'a. TV-8 wind engine is illustrated in Fig. 339.



.-.. Fig. 338: Checking the equipment of the. ind engine.

the wind engine is intended for lifting the water from a pit, then an excavation is made under the pit in order to setiaup the pump equipment between the legs of the tower; the walls of the pit are made of brick or rubble walling /529 in cement mortar. Fig. 340 shows the foundation and the pit of the pump equipment for the TV-8 wind engine with main installation dimensions.

3 72

TABLE14 8!84RIGGING FOR LIFTING OF THE TV-8 WIND ENGINE Name of Part and Accessory Dimension of the material Amount

1. Loading winch, 3 t 2. Single-drop block, 5 t 3. Block rollers under cable 17.5 mm 4. Anchor log for rear guide rope 5. Derricks 6. Cross beams 7, Log for supporting the legs of the tower 8. Foundation pit 9. Anchor log of lower cross beam 10. Anchor log of winch 11. Loading steel cable 12. Anchor cable of winch 13. anchor cable for cross beam 14. Bracing wire 6f cable derrick 15. Guide rope of cable 16. Support cramp for 16 ro,1ers o 17. Axis with nuts 18. Stud bolts with nuts 19. Washer 20. Yoke of junction 21. " " " 22. " " " 23. Steel block cable 24. Bolts with nuts 25. Support log for rear guide rope 26. Cross log under wind wheel

1 1 2

Pine d=22 cm k:=2mm Pine d=22 cm k=8 m Pine d=25 cm k=6 m Pine d=12 cm 1=5 m Pine 13x13 cm, =1 m Pine d=25 cm Z=5 m Pine d=25 cm k=3 m d=17.5 mm(6x37x0.8+1)elb0 m Steel (6x37x0.8+1)d=17.5mmR =15m Steel (6x27 8+1) d=17,~'5m, k = 20 m

1 1 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 1

Steel (6x30x0.5,5+l) d=10 to 12 mm, Z=20 m 1 Steel (6x30xO.5+1)(d=10-12mm,k=50m 2 Bar-iron 100x12 mm 1 Round-iron d=30mm, = mm 1 d=3/4" X= 36 cm Bar-iron 10x80 mm Round-iron d=3/4", Bar-iron 10x60 mm Round-iron 10x60 mm d=17Y.5mm, (6x37x0.8+1) k=8m d=3/4",J=5m,Round iron d=32 cm, Z=120 cm d=15 cm k=6 m 1 4 2 1 4 1 1 8 2 1

More powerful wind engines are also lifted in the assembled form, but without wind wheel and tail. These parts are lifted after the tower is secured to the foundation,for which purpose /530 the girder with two blocks is set up on the head of the wind engine (Fig. 341). A cable is thrown around these blocks to which first the wind wheel is secured which is lifted with the winch, and then the tail.

1. [Number in original illegible] 3173

After setting up the wind engine, the transmission from the wind engine to the power tool is assembled.

Wind engines with a power


above 25 hp are assembled in The tower is assembled parts. rOm scaffolding. The individual parts of the wind engine assembled below are lifted by means of a "derrick" crane. Fig. 342 illustrates the installation of the D-30 m Crimean wind power station by means of the "derrick" crane (for description of the station, see Section 67).

Fig. 339: General view of TV-8


15- 0-


I li(


Fig. 340: Foundation and pit of the pump equipment. Key: 1. Tower axis /531 Checking the installation and setting up the wind engine for regtransmission, the installation, completiennof Upon operation. ulation anhidadjustment to the wind are checked. The wind engine has to be regulated in such a manner that the mechanism starts to limit the revolutions at a given wind velocity. For example, in regions with an annual average wind velocity of 4-5,m/sec, the wind engine should start limiting the revolutions at a wind velocity of 8 m/sec. By means of a larger or smaller. tie , hbeam of the regulating spring it is achieved that the wind engine starts to limit kthe revolutions at the required wind velocity.



Checking of the regulation is performed by starting the wind engine.

: Those wind engines which are regua


S. '


lated by removal of the wind wheel from the wind are started under load. If the removal of the wind wheel is performed by the pressure of the wind either on the side blade or on the wind wheel which has a certain /532 eccentricity, than this checking must be performed at wind velocities which vary from 7 and Ab6ve;,: 8 m/sec in order to check the wind velocity at which the regulating mechanism is actuated. If the wind engine is regulated under the action of centrifugal check must be forces, than the performed also at low wind velocities but without load,since in the given case the centrifugal regulator starts to operate at a certain number of revolutions which has to be found out during the checking.


Fig. 341: Lifting of the wind wheel and of the tail by means of blocks. Key: 1. girder 2. to the winch

Measurement of the wind velocity checking of regulation during the .I,. 'is most con~ehienty perfiormed. by means of an anemometer which utains shows the instantaneous fuct in wind velocity. For this purpose, it is convenient to use an instrument with a voltmeter 'the scale of which is calibrated to wind velocity. At the same time with checking the regulation, the precision of the transmission and of other parts of the wind installation is checked. The installation team releases the wind installation to the If farm after checking its operation in the course of 24 hours. obmechanismsis different the of operation the any imprecision in installation, unsatisfactory of a result as time this served during than the detected shortcoming should be removed,.and only after this can the wind installation be sent to the farm with the document for putting in operation. 70. Maintenance and Servicing of Wind Engines,.

As compared to other engines, the wind engine ,'is, precipunder more difficult conditions of operation. Atmospheric loads variable create storms and itations (ice crust), gusty winds


which acts on its partsboth during operation and during standstill. In order to prevent breakage of the wind wheel and to keep the wind installation infgood condition, the man in charge should be acquadinted with the mechanism and should be able to remove any trouble noted during operation of the engine.


duties of the man in charge of the wind installation are compiled in instructions which should be hung up in the
building of the installation.



The same building contains a s6t. of the following tools:


Installation of the 342: Fig.

cold hammer, fitting can, 10 kg chisel, can for 0.5 oil

grease, 15 kg. can for oil,

wind engine by means of the

"derrick" crane,

spanner and adjustable wrenches, fire-fighting belt with spring and rope with a length of 4 m and a thickness of 45imm, an oil lamp -- hurricane lamp,and a set of overalls. The duties of the man in /533 charge which are common for all wind installations consist., in the following. Daily examination of the bolt joints, tightening loosened nuts, bolts and wood screws. During the examination, all the places where parts rub against each other must be lubricated. The oil used for automatic lubrication must be renewed once in six months. Processed and dirty oil should not be used for lubrication. The man ins(charge should not allow any outside people to climb on the tower. The following should also be kept in mind. The wind wheel must not be tied to the tower. If it has to be slowed down, then it may be tied only to the tail or to the head. The wind wheel may be tied to the tower only in the case that it is adjusted to the wind manually instead of by the tail. The wind engine should be loaded only to the power for which its transmission wasscalculated. If the wind engine is regulated by the action of centrifugal forces, then it can be overloaded at high wind velocities. The excess load will lower the increasing number of revolutions; under these conditions it will be able to operate with a load which corresponds to the power of.the wind engine increasfig proportionally with the cube of.the wind velocity. For example, if a D-12 wind engine with a calculated power of 15 hp at


a wind velocity of 8 m/sec were to be loaded with the increase in wind velocity above 8 m/sec, then at 16 m/sec it could provide for work with a load tcorresponding to 120 hp at an insignificant increase in the number of revolutions. Naturally, such an overload wouldcause breakage of the transmission mechanism. Maintenance of the wind engine~ as of other machines, consists in repairing old worn or broken parts and their replacement with new No standard has been yet set out for wind engines which wold parts. allow usage of a knownsystem of periodic preventive maintenance, and therefore, in order to prevent accidents caused by excessive wearing of parts, the general method of trouble shooting common for all ma"-P chines are used in the maintenance practice of wind engines. With regard to the organization of maintenance in wind engines, this has its own specific features which result from the conditions of operation of these machines. Undoubtedly, when wind engines will be introduced at a large scale, anyimproved maintenance system will be intro-/534 duced, like those ~hich are now used in the tractor and automobile business. Periodic preventive maintenance is used wherever the intervals after which a certain repair has to be performed can be established in advance and a definite maintenance plan can be set up. This maintenance system can be divided into current, medium and maljor maintenance. Technical maintenance is intended for removing insignificant defects in the equipment and is carried out by the servicing personnel without participation of the maintenance workshop or of the maintenance team. The current repair includes the repairs of parts which are accessible to examination as well as of parts which require immediate repai or replacement without involving complete dismantling of the machine. These repairs should remove any dete ted ideficiency as long as this is not reflected in other parts. In such a manner, current maintenance plays an important role during the service life of the wind engine as is the case for other machines. Medium repairs are distinguished from the current repairs by a more advanced dismantling of the machine. For example, for the maintenance of the wind engine, this includes removal of the wind whee, replacement of the rods or of pinions, etc. At the same time other accessories are repaired including all the operations of the current maintenance. Major repairs are performed after a certa!n period of operation of the machine when the latter is in a condition that neither the current nor the medium repairs can remove deficienies due to wearing of the machine. All the parts and accessories are checked and maintenance of the wind engine involves its'knocking down" to the ground.


In this case, participation of the entire team is required with rigging equipment and ac mpiplete set of tools which are used in maintenance and installation., During maintenance, the wind engine is put out of operation for a long period of time. Accidental defectsof the machine are removed either by the medium repairs or the major onesdepending on the degree of the damage and on the general condition of the machine after the accident. In the practice d6fYwind engine maintenance, two types of repairs are used, the current and the major repairs. The wind engine is subjected to wearing not only during its operation when the transmission and the bearings are exposed to /535 wearing but also during standstill of the wind engine as a result of During standing, the support in the constant action of w nd gusts. the head, the hinges in the tail, the supportsof the rotating blades etc. are being worn out. The constant action of the wind as well as of atmospheric precipitatior~on the working parts which are usually in the strongest wind flow, place the wind engine under quite difficult conditions of operation, Therefore, examination and current repairs of the wind engine must be performed daily. This maintenance includes several preventive measures which make it possible to decrease considerably the wearing of the parts and to reduce to a minumum the various troubles conIn order to performc the maSjor maintenance, the and accidents. should engine of the wind struction of the nuts and of the mechanisms Consequently, be known as well as of the interaction of its parts. field of in the qualified the leader of the maintenance should be wind installations. It is advisable to organize maintenance of the wind engine from mobile installation and maintenance workshops. This is a closed truck equipped with all the required mechanical equipment such as wall-mounted manual drilling machines, vice, a set of fitting and :; The truck should contain a store for reserve forging tools, etc. parts and small maintenance materials.


Safety Measures During Installation and Servicing of Wind Engines

The devices and structures which provide for the safety of the worker can be divided into: 1-individual protective devices, 2-barriers and 3-preventive equipment. The individual protective devices are intended for every worker, 7 the preventive (protective) glasses, overalls and workhere belong. ing boots, helmets and gloves for electrical welding, life belts and climbing irons for those who work at height.

3 78

The barriers are used in order to forbid the access of people to the dangerous sites as well as to protect them from dangerous objects and possible falls from high places. Preventive structures are intended for signaliigpthe advento of danger or for removing danger in the due moment. /536

Work at a high level takes place mainly during installation, maintenance and servicing of the wind engines. Thesewworks are It is forperformed by people who underwent medical examinations. cardiac epilepsy, from giddiness, bidden to allow people suffering is possible, diseases etc. to work at high levels. Wherever-itit constant areas of sufficient dimensions, with rails having a height of no less than 1 m and a continuous; sheathing below must be provided for works at heights in order to prevend disabling injuries to someone passing by from an object which might fall from the area. A ladder with hand rails should lead to the area situated at the high level. For work to be performed on the head of the wind engine, life. Safety of the work debelts should be used on grounds of safety. pends on the reliability of the belt and of the rope to which it is attached. Prior to use, the belt and the rope should be tested with a weight of 100 kg which is thrown five timesfrom a height of 2 m;) The the length of the rope for tying up the worker should be 2 m. belt and the rope should be preserved in a dry place in the store house. Sound climbing irons must be used in work to be performed on telephone poles and on wooden masts .fbthe wind engines. The most dangerous moment during the installation of the wind Careless and engine is its lifting from the ground (Fig. 339). hasty assembly of the equipment (Fig. 337) as well as incorrect organization of the installation may be the cause of serious accidents in which apart from the inevitable breaking of the wind engine, misfortunes involving people may occur. The foreman of the installation team should strictly observe the following elementary rules for a successful and safe lifting of the wind engine: 1. To use logs which correspond to the timber forseen by GOST for the rigging equipment. When used logs are utilized, such logs which are weakened by cuts, holes, kerfs as well as rotten logs should not be used. The thickness.of the logs should not be less /537 than the thickness indicated in the specificationsoof the dimensions which refer to the upper end of the log. and not to the butt.


2. The loading winch should have frictional brakes. the old model with band brakes should not be used.

Winches of

It is forbidden to do the. lifting or lowering of the flyweight with put off trigger since under these conditions the frictional brakes of the winch cannot operate. Lowering of the flyweight by means of the winch is performed by turning the handles to the side/P opposite to the direction of lifting. 3. In joining the wooden units of the lifting equipment, wide washers should be placed under the nut of the bolts.. 4. It is not allowed to have sharp bends in the steel cable If the at the knot where it is fastened to the lifted flyweight. cable lays on sharp angles of the flyweight to be lifted or on its wooden part, then special hempen mats or at least rags, pieces of boards, plywoodetc. should be placed under it. 5. It is forbidden to have the cable rotate during the winding of the winch on the drum since lasting twists in the wires cause an additional stress which may cause rupture. During the winding of the loading cable on the drum of the winch, one has to take care that it is disposed in even rolls without forming bulges, since slipping of the cable from the bulge is accompanied by vibrations of the lifted weight with an impact effect on the equipment which may cause breakage of the weakest knot. 6. In order to prevent rupture of the cable or of the knots in the equipment during the lifting, the strength of the equipment must be checked prior to lifting. The head of the wind engine is lifted by means of the winch to a height of 10 cm above the supports, the lifting unit is secured and the wind engine is left in the raised position. This position causes the greatest stress in the equipment. Subsequently an additional load is placed by having 4-5 people mount on the wind wheel (Fig. 338). Under such a load (about 300 kg), the cables of the equipment are tightened and if they do not rupture under these conditions then no rupture will occur during the subsequent increase of the tilt since with the increasecof the angle of inclination between the tower and the wind engine, the stress decreases and approaches zero when the tower assumes a vertical position. No load is admitted during the lifting or under the tower /538 when the latter is in an inclined position. 7. weather; It is desirable and preferable to do the lifting in calm if there is a wind, its velocity should not exceed 5 m/sec.

8. In winter time it is not possible to do the lifting at a temperature below 12-150, since at.Jlow temperatures the equipment becomes brittle and less durable.

3 80

-Practice. shows that even in the southern regions of the USSR, the installation works cost more in the winter and their quality suffers. 9. Use of the ladder for both climbing and descending is permitted without any load. Light objects must be placed in the.pockets Heavy accessories must be lifted or lowered by or hung on the belt. means of a rope or cable. The .guide rope and the loading cable should be released 10. only after the tower is fully secured. When the wind engine is started, no one should be in the 11. area on top of the tower. The leader of the lifting operation should give his instruc12. tions to the workers near the loading winch by means of prearranged signals. The workers near the winch are obliged to receive only those signals which are given by the leader of the lifting operation. In order to avoid confusion in the work, no other instructions should be given. A specially assigned man who is acquainted with the requirements of safety measures should be servicing the wind installation. This requirement can be reduced to the following: a. examination and lubrication of the wind engine parts when the wind engine is at standstill; b. foreign people and especially children should be prohibited from access to the tower. A barrier should be made at the base of the tower which will prevent children from going under the tower to the mobile mechanism; c. for stopping the wind engine, special devices should be used in all cases which are available for this purpose in every wind engine. Stopping the wind engine by slowing down the wind wheel of the pinion or pulley by means of a lever is forbidden since an acciL> dent may occur with breakage of parts of the wind engine and j Dossiblg a misfortune.

38 1

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