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AlAA 94-0560 Drop Deformation and Breakup due to Shock Wave and Steady Disturbances L.-P.

Hsiang and G. M. Faeth Department of Aerospace Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan

32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit January 10-13, 1994 / Reno, NV
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L.-P. Hsiang" and G. M. Faetht Depamnent of Aerospace Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor. MI 48109-2118

An experimental study of drop deformation properties induced by both shock wave and steady disturbances is described. Three test facilities were used, as follows: a shock tube facility for measurements of effects of shock wave disturbances on drops in gases, a IO m high drop tube facility for measurements of effects of steady disturbances on drops in gases, and a 1 m high drop tube facility for measurements of effects of steady disturbances on drops in liquids. Various dispersed and continuous phase gases and liquids were considered to provide dispersdcontinuous phase density ratios of 1.15-12000, Ohnesorge numbers of 0.0006-600, Weber and Reynolds numbers of 0.03-16000. numbers of 0.004-700 At low Ohnesorge numbers (< 0.1) for all types of disturbances, significant drop deformation (ca. 5%) began at Weber numbers of roughly unity, with the deformation regime ending due IO the onset of breakup at Weber numbers of 10-20. These transitions were relatively unaffected by the Ohnesorge number for steady disturbances, however, increasing Ohnesorge numbers caused progressive increases of the Weber number range for both deformation and breakup regimes for shock wave disturbances - an effect that could be explained using phenomenological theory. Another transition, between dome- and bowl-shaped drops (related to the transition between bag and shear breakup), was correlated mainly in terms of Weber and Reynolds numbers for present conditions. Drop deformation for steady disturbances was relatively independent of dispersdcontinuous phase density ratios but generally was smaller than for shock wave disturbances at comparable conditions due to the absence of overshoot fmm inertial effects. In contrast, drop drag coefficients, normalized by the drag coefficient of a solid sphere at the same Reynolds number, correlated quite well by the degree of deformation alone.


We AP*



=drop breakup time = characteristic breakup time, d,(pd I pc)li2 I uo = streamwise relative velocity = Weber number of drop, P,doui 1 a =effective pressure coefficient, Eg. (14) = molecular viscosity =density =surface tension =characteristic deformation time at large Oh, Pd I (PcU$ = shear suess
= continuous-phase pmpemes


cr d

=critical value for a transition = dispersed-phase pmperties =initial condition = local ambient condition

L . .


=drop acceleration =empirical constants co,TD =drop drag coefficient, mean value of CD =drag coefficient for equivalent sphere CDSP =drop diameter d dmax,dmin =maximum and minimum dimensions of a drop Eo = ~ a t v number, ~s apdd21a or glPd-Pcld% g = acceleration of gravity K,K =empirical constants 112 Oh = Ohnesorge number, Pd I (Pddoa) Re = Reynolds number, PcdouolCI, t = time

Processes of deformation and secondary breakup of drops have received significant attention as important classical multiphase flow phenomena with numerous practical applications, e.g., industrial and agricultural sprays, liquidfueled power and propulsion systems, and rainfall, among others. In pmicular. recent studies suggest that secondary breakup is a rate-controlling process in the near-injector region of pressure-atomized sprays. through its effect on drop sizes. 1 Additionally, primary breakup at the surface of nonturbulent and turbulent liquids yields drops that intrinsically are unstable to secondan breakuD.14 sumortine the classical descrintion that atomiiation occurs h y ' p r i m G breaku near a liquid surface followed by secondary breakup.? Finally, high pressure combustion involves conditions where the drop surface tension becomes small because the liquid surface approaches the thermodynamic critical point: such conditions also imply significant effects of secondary breakup.5 Motivated by these observations, the objectives of the present investigation were to extend earlier studies of secondary drop deformation and breakup in this laboratory, due to Hsiang and Faeth, 6.7 emphasizing the properties of drop deformation from both shock wave and continuous disturbances. Past work on drop deformation and breakup will only be considered bncfly. see Wienba and Takayam,* Giffen and Muraszew? Hinze,]" Krzcczkowski.1' Clift ct a]..'* and references cited therein, for more complete reviews. Past work generally has been limited to two kinds of well defined disturbances that cause deformation and breakup of drops: shock wave disturbances that provide step changes in the ambient environment of a drop, e.g., representing a drop at the end of rapid primary breakup; and steady disturbances, e.g., representing freely-falling drops in a rainstorm or a mixing column. Effects of shock wave disturbances have received the most attention with high-speed photography used to identif deformation and secondary breakup regimes.5-22 Measurements of transitions between breakup regimes have

*Graduate Student Research Assistant

?Professor, Fellow AIAA Copyright 0 1994 by G.M. Faeth. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with permission.

> 500 and Re > 100.6-'2~For these . been limited to p conditions, Hinzeft shows that breakup regime transitions largely are functions of the ratio of drag to surface tension forces, represented by the Weber number, We, and the ratio of liquid viscous to surface tension forces, represented by the Ohnesorge number, Oh. At low Oh, drop deformation v becomes significant at We ca. 1 and drop breakup becomes significant at We ca. 10, with bag, multimode and shear breakup regimes observed at progressively larger We (see Refs. 8-12 for photographs and detailed descriptions of the various types of drop breakup). With increasing Oh, however, progressively larger We are required for the onset of drop deformation and breakup because viscous forces inhibit drop deformation which is the first stage of the breakup process. This behavior has been confmed by several investigations,&" however, maximum values of Oh < 4 so that behavior of large Oh has not been resolved. This is unfortunate because high pressure combustion processes involve large Oh as a result of drop surfaces approaching the thermodynamic critical point. This behavior occurs because surface tension becomes small while liquid viscosity remains finite as liquid surfaces approach their thermodynamic critical point.5 Thus, whether combustion at high pressures involves enhanced, or entirely suppressed, effects of secondary breakup has not yet been resolved. The time required for breakup is another aspect of secondary breakup that has received significant attention for shock wave disturbances at pdpC > 500. At low Oh, Liang et aLZ6found that breakup times normalized by the characteristic breakup time of Ranger and Nicholls,17 t*. were remarkably independent of both the breakup regime and We. As might be expected from the effect of Oh on breakup regimes, however, breakup times have been observed to increase with increasing Oh.6 Additionally, processes of drop deformation, and the variation of drop drag coefficient with time, also appear to scale systematically in terms oft' at low Oh but behavior at large Oh is uncertain. Finally, the outcome of secondary breakup for shock wave disturbances at p pc > 500 and small Oh also has received a t t e n t i ~ n$ . .z4 ~ , ~ It was found that drop size distributions after secondary breakup satisfied the universal root normal distribution of Simmons27 in all three breakup regimes, after removing the core (or drop forming) drop from the drop population for shear breakup. The size and velocity of the core drop after shear breakup then was correlated successfully based on the observation that the end of drop stripping corresponded to a constant EO.^ The relative velocities of the drop liquid were significantly reduced after secondary breakup, which could be correlated successfully based on simplified phenomenological theory.' These results showed that secondary breakup processes extend over a significant region, ca. 40 initial drop diameters. Thus, secondary breakup is not a particularly localized event which raises concerns about its dynamics, e.g., liquid motion during breakup, the distribution of drop liquid in space and time, etc. Work treating these issues, however, has not yet been reponed. Drop deformation and breakup for steady disturbances also has been studied, motivated by interest i n 2 p 3 q m t i e s of rain and liquid-liquid exuaction equipment. The main objective of this work has been to develop ways to estimate the velocity of fall of particular sized drops in gas and liquid o determine conditions for drop breakup. It environments, and t has been found that We for breakup m comparable for steady and shock wave disturbances. However, the properties of breakup for steady disturbances are not well understood due to the intrusion of processes of drop formation. For example, whether the mechanism of breakup is due to nozzle-induced disturbances, bag breakup, simple splitting into a few drops, or is significantly affected by collisions, still has not been resolved.33-34 Other areas of uncertainty involve relationships between drop deformation and drag, effects of large Oh, and the relationships between the parameters of dispersed and

continuous phases and the drop shape. Since steady disturbances provide conditions where drop deformation and breakup response to disturbance levels are relatively simple to interpret and to correlate, it is clear that more progress on effects of steady disturbances must be made before the more complex processes involving shock wave or more general disturbances can be understood. The objective of the present investigation was to extend the work of Hsiang and Faeth,6.7 in order to help resolve some of the issues discussed in the preceding review of the literature. Foremost among these issues is nature of the deformation and breakup regime map for shock wave disturbances at large Oh. Other issues considered involved factors influencing drop deformation and shape, emphasizing effects of the dispersedhontinuous phase density ratio, and the relationship between drop drag and deformation in various environments. These problems were addressed using three test facilities, as follows: a shock tube facility for measurements of effects of shock wave disturbances on drops in gases, a 10 m high drop tube facility for measurements of effects of steady disturbances on drops in gases, and a 1 m high drop tube facility for measurements of effects of steady disturbances on drops in liquids. Various dispersed and continuous phase gases and liquids were used to provide pd/pc of 1.15-12000, Oh of 0.0005-600, We of 0.004-700 and Re of 0.03-16000. Phenomenological analysis was used to help interpret and correlate some aspects of the measurements. The paper begins with a discussion of experimental methods. Results are then considered, treating drop deformation and breakup regimes, drop deformation and drop drag, in turn.


Fig. 1. The arrangement involved a driven section o n to the atmosphere, similar to earlier work in this laboratory.eJ7 The driven section had a rectangular cross section (38 mm wide x 6 4 mm high) and a length of 6.7m with the test location 4.Om from the downstream end. This provided test times of 17-21 ms in the uniform flow region behind the incident shock wave. The test location had quartz windows (25 mm high x 305 mm long, mounted flush with the interior side walls) to allow observation of drop breakup. Breakup was observed in air initially at 98 kPa and 297 2K in the driven section of the shock tube with shock Mach numbers in the range 1.08-1.31. Instrumentation was synchronized with the passing of the shock wave using the piezoelectric pressure transducers that monitored the suength of the shock wave in the driven section.

lshdak ADDaratus. The shock tube apparatus is illusuated in

Two different drop generator systems were used for the shock tube experiments. Operation at low and moderate Oh involved the use of vibrating capillary tube drop generator, similar to Dabora,35 which generated a sueam of drops. This drop sueam passed thmugh 6 mm diameter holes in the top and bottom of the shock tube, crossing the central plane of the driven section at the test location. An elecuostatic drop selection system, similar to Sanjiovanni and Kestin,x was used to deflect a fraction of the drops out of the sueam. This yielded a drop spacing of roughly 7 mm so that drops always were present in the region observed while interactions between drops during secondary breakup were eliminated. Drop generation for large Oh conditions required a different approach. In panicular, it is very difficult to form a drop that has a large Oh; instead, such drops generally evolve to these conditions after formation at low Oh, e.g., large Oh conditions are approached during high pressure combustion because the drop surface eventually becomes heated to conditions near the thermodynamic critical point. The

approach taken during the present investigation was to form a . low Oh drop from a liquid solution, and to levitate the drop at the test location until the solvent evaporated away, leaving a small drop consisting of a highly viscous liquid which provided the desired large Oh condition. Dow Corning 200 Fluids having unusually large viscosities, (10,000 and 30,000mP) were used for the viscous liquids, with n-heptane used as the volatile solvent. Original drop diameters were in the range 320-700 pm, with final drop diameters of 160-350 ,pm, which required several minutes i o complete evaporation of the solvent The levitation system used for the evaporanon process to prepare large Oh drops is illustrated in Fig. 2. The arrangement consists of a horn and reflector having diameters of 10 mm that were positioned near the top and bottom of the test section (roughly 55 mm apan). Two 50 mm diameter piezoelectric ceramic elements, combined with a central mount and a resonator, were used to power the horn. The horn operated at a frequency of roughly 47 lrHz with the tip of the horn having an amplitude of roughly 200 pm. The piezoelectric ceramic elements were actuated using a Wilcoxan, Model PA8-1 power supply (110 V, 8A maximum output conditions) operating at the required frequency. A step up transformer was used to increase the output voltage to loo0 V in order to properly drive the ceramic elements. This circuit also incorporated proper impedance matching circuitry for the ceramic elements. The horn driving unit was cooled with an air blower system. The long shank of the horn also helped to minimize thermal disturbances, due to the large power dissipation of the horn driving unit. within the test section. The drops were placed in the acoustic field of the horn and reflector system using a hypodermic syringe. Access to the test section for the syringe (not shown in Fig. 2) was provided by a port that could be sealed by a cap screw, whose inner end was flush with the inside wall of the test section.

0.0006-560, We of 0.5-680and Re of 340-15760. The We range includes processes from no deformation into the shear breakup regime of interest to phenomena within dense s rays,5 but does not reach the catastro hic breakup regime s d e d by Reinecke and c o w o r k e r s . l d The Re range of these measurements is higher than conditions where gas viscosity plays a strong role in drop drag properties; within the present Reynolds number range, the drag coefficient for spheres only . 6 . 0 . 4 . 5 . 3 8 Shock Mach numbers were varies in the range 0 modest so that physical properties of the gas were essentially the same as room temperature air.

were used for tests with steady disturbances. The gas-liquid drop tower was constructed of PVC pipe having an inside diameter of 300 nun and a height of 9.2m, that was open at the top and the bottom. Drops were released along the axis of the tube, at its top, using a simple buret system. The drops were widely spaced, and reached terminal velocities at roughly Sm, well before the tube exit. Measurements were made when the drops were roughly 200 mm below the bottom of the tube. Instrumentation was synchronized with the passing of the drop using a simple light interception triggering system based on a HeNe laser directed across the exit of the PVC pipe. Drops were collected in a flask at the end of their fall. The liquid-liquid drop tower was constructed of Plexiglas to provide a 150 x 150 mm cross section and a vertical height of 1.2 m. The dispersed (drop) and continuous phase liquids were immiscible, and were fully saturated with the other liquid prior to testing. The drop liquid was released using a buret discharging under the surface of the continuous phase liquid. The method of drop introduction was not important for present results, however, because terminal velocity conditions were reached well before the region where measurements were made. Present test conditions did not involve oscillating drops. Measurements were made roughly 300 nun above the bottom of the tank. Drop motion for these conditions was very slow so that it was possible to use manual synchronization when obtaining test records. Drops simply collected at the bottom of the drop tower as an immiscible liquid layer that was removed from time to time.

IhuwsLs Anoaratus. Gas-liquid and liquid-liquid drop towers


~ & Q .L I The deformation and breakup process J was observed using ulsed shadowgraph motion pictures, A copper v a p r laser was used as the similar to earlier w o r k ! . 7 light source with a 35 mm drum camera used to record the shadowgraph images at unity magnification. A function generator was used to pulse the laser when the shock wave neared the drop stream locaaon, with pulse frequencies of 6-8 kHz for 20 pulses. Each laser pulse duration was 30 ns, which was sufficient to stop the motion of the drop on the rotating film drum. The drum camera recorded the images with an open shutter within a darkened room. The time between shadowgraph pictures was monitored by recording the signal generator output using a digital oscilloscope.

The film records were analyzed using a Gould FD So00 Image Display. The procedure was to obtain three motion picture shadowgraphs for a particular test condition and group the data to obtain statistically-signifcant results as ensemble averages. Experimental uncertainties (95% confidence) of the measurements reported here are as follows: initial drop diameter and subsequent drop dimensions, less than 10%;and drop drag coefficients, less than 30%, limited by the accuracy of finding drop centroid motion at small times after passage of the shock wave. Test conditions are summarized in of earlier work? test drops of water, Table s t% % % ? ,$ I n-heptane. mercury, two Dow Coming 200 Fluids and various glycerol mixtures were used to provide a wide range of liquid properties. The liquid properties listed in Table 1 were obtained from L a ~ ~ gexcept e . ~ ~for the properties of the Daw Corning 200 Fluids which were obtained from the manufacnuer. and the surface tensions of the glycerol mixtures which were measured in the same manner as Wu et al.* Initial drop diameters were in the range 150-1550 pm. Ranges of other variables are as follows: pd/p, of 500-12ooO, Oh of

Insrmmentation. Drops were observed using singleand double-pulsed shadowgraph photographs. The light source was a General Radio lamp (type U-31A) with a flash duration of roughly 1 ws. The lamp output was collimated and directed horizontally through the axis of the drop tower. The image was recorded using a Graphlex camera (4 x 5 inch film format, Polaroid Type 55 film) at a magnification of 6:l. The photographs were obtained in a darkened room using an open camera shutter. The time of separation between pulses was controlled by a function generator. As noted earlier, the time of the fust photograph was controlled by a light interception system for the liquid-gas experiments, and manually for the liquid-liquid experiments. These images were processed similar to the shock tube measurements. Experimental uncertainties (95% confidence) of the measurements reported here are as follows: drop dimensions, less than 5%; and drop drag coefficient, less than 10%. Both these uncertainties were dominated by finite sampling accuracy.
The effective diameters of the drops were computed similar to earlier work.6.7 This involved measuring maximum and minimum diameters through the centroid of the image; d m a and dmin.Assuming ellipsoidal shapes, the diameter was then taken to be the dia ter of a sphere having the same Qf dmX, volume; namely, d3 = dmm

lk&hdbm Test conditions for drops falling at their terminal velocities in air arc summarized in Table 2. In this case, test liquids were limited to water and various glycerol


mixtures, with properties found as described for Table 1. Initial drop diameters were in the range 2.0-7.8 mm while the , of 845 1070, ranges of other variables were as follows: p I p Oh of O.oO12-2.9, We of 1.2-9.8 and Re of%30-4600. in this case, the range of We was rather n m w because smaller values resulted in negligible drop deformation, while larger values caused drop breakup, over the available range of larger Oh. Similar to the test conditions of Table 1, the present Reynolds number range involves a rather modest variation of drop drag coefficients. Test conditions for the liquid-liquid drop tower experiments are summarized in Table 3. Test liquids for the dispersed phase included water, ethylene glycol, various glycerol mixtures, carbon disulfide and a Dow Coming 200 Fluid having a viscosity of 30,000 cP. Test liquids for the continuous phase included paraffin oil and water. Liquid properties were found as described in Table 1, except that the properties of the paraffin oil also were obtained from the manufacturer. Initial drop diameters were in the range 0.1-58 mm while ranges of other variables were as follows: p I p of 1.15-1.45, Oh of O.ooo5-215, We of 0.004-24 and d e 0.03-1190. The We range was limited to conditions where interesting effects of deformation were observed but limited by the onset of breakup. The Re range extends from the Stokes regime to the region wher t e drag coefficient becomes relatively independent of Re.

Oh also disappear with increasing Oh, e&. oscillatory deformation at Oh ca. 0.3 and bag breakup at Oh ca. 4. Hinze'O observed this tendency for the limited range of Oh available at the time (Oh < 1) and conjectured that breakup might no longer be observed for Oh > 2. However, the large Oh behavior observed in Fig. 3 does not suggest such a limitation; rather, there is a progressive (almost linear) increase of We at the deformation and breakup transitions. with increasing Oh. Clearly it is crucial to establish whether large Oh im lies no deformation or breakup as suggested by Hinze,g or simply rather large values of We at the transitions, as suggested by the measurements illusuated in Fig. 3. Thus, phenomenological analysis is considered next in order to gain more insight about effects of large Oh on deformation and breakup regime transitions. Based on drop deformations results for steady disturbances, to be discussed subsequently, it did not appear that the liquid viscosity had a significant effect on the shape and hydrodynamic state of a deformed drop. Instead,the liquid viscosity for shock wave disNbances appeared to be reduction of the rate of deformation of the drop. This behavior allows more time for drop relaxation to the local ambient velocity. tending to reduce the relative velocity, and thus the driving potential for drop deformation at each stage of the deformation process. A simple analysis incorporating these ideas was carried out, in order to quantify the effect of liquid viscosity (represented by large Oh behavior) on deformation and breakuo reeime transitions.



. -

L -

The major assumptions of regime transition analysis were similar to earlier analysis of drop motion during breakup,6n1 as follows: virtual mass, Bassett history and gravitational forces were ignored; gas velocities, and other ShQck Wave D&u~bmc& Results for shock wave properties, were assumed to be constant; drop mass was disturbances mainly involved extending the deformation and assumed to be constant; and a constant average drag coefficient breakup regime map of Ref. 6 to higher Oh, based on present was used over the period of interest. For present conditions, results using the Dow Coming 200 Fluids. The resulting virtual mass and Bossett history forces are small because pdtk deformation and breakup regime map, showing transitions as is large.5 Simi~ar~y, gravitational forces are not a factor because functions of We and Oh similar to Hinze'O and drop motion was nearly horizontal and drag forces were much Krzeczkowski," is illusuated in Fig. 3. As noted in Ref. 6, the greater than gravitational forces. Additionally, uniform gas various breakup regimes identified by Hinzelo and velocities, and other properties, were a condition of the Krzeczkowski" arc in excellent agreement with the present experiments. Similarly, present considerations are limited to measurements in the region where they overlap. This includes deformation and breakup regime transitions so that there is no bag breakup at the onset of breakup, shear breakup that mass loss of the drop. Finally, although drop drag coefficients involves the snipping of liquid from the periphery of the drop, vary considerably when drops are deformed, use of the original and the complex multimode breakup regime between them diameter and a constant average drag coefficient have been which merges aspects of the two bounding breakup regimes. effective for earlier considerations of drop motion.' Based on these assumptions, the quation governing the relative velocity, The transitions to the nonoscillatory and oscillatory deformation regimes illustrated in Fig. 3 have not hen U, Of the drop Can be written as follow:' reponed by others but are important because they define I (%do) u' du I dt = - 3 ~ ~ p ~ (1) conditions where drop drae behavior deoans sienificantlv from that of a solid sphere. Thus, the first defokation ;egime where the initial relative velocity is equal to u,and C D is an dimension (normalized involves the maximum (cross seeam) appropriate average drag coefficient. Now, previous results by the original drop diameter) in the range 1.05-1.10; with showed that the time required for breakup, etc., of large Oh subsequent deformation regimes defined by this ratio being in drops could not be scaled systematically in terms of the the range 1.10-1.20 and greater than 1.20but prim to transition characteristic low Oh breakup time, t, of Ranger and to oscillatory deformation (at low Oh) or bag breakup (at large Thus, the more appropriate characteristic time for Ni~holls.'~ j Ref, 6: Oh). The oscillatory deformation regime is discus& , large Oh conditions defined by Hinze39 was used instead as it is defined by conditions where the drop oscillated with a follows: weakly dilmped amplitude (where the second peak of the drop diameter Fluctuations exceeds a diameter ratio of 1.1) Perhaps the most striking feature of Fig. 3 is that while the We required for particular deformation and beakup regime transitions remain relatively constant for small o h (,,duesless that 0.1), the We required for the various transitions h at large Oh (values progressively increase with increasing O greater than 1). Thus the onset of deformation (5-10% deformation) and breakup (bag breakup) occur at We of ca. 0.6 and 13 for Oh c 0.1; however, breakup no longer is observed for We < lo00 when Oh > 10 while deformation (5-10% deformation) disappears for a similar We range when Oh > 1ooO. Other deformation and breakup regimes observed at low

Then, it was assumed that the maximum deformation condition, or the onset of breakup condition, occurs at a time, tK I , where K is an empirical constant for the process being considered. Thus, Completing the integration of Q. (1) from t=O where u=u, to t=kT where U=U, yields:
UdU=l+l('M(Pd do Ug)






using Eq. (3), the local Weber number of the drop can be expressed as follows: pCu2do/ a = We / (I + K'Oh(p, / pd)1'2 / We1/2)2

surface tension gradients. Other major assumptions for these considerations are as follows: shear stresses are approxlmated by conditions for a laminar plane boundary layer, dispersed phase velocities are assumed to be small so that relative f the center of mass of velocities are directly related velocity o the dispersed phase, and fluid properties are assumed to be constant. Then taking the length of the boundary layer to be proportional to the initial drop diameter, the characteristic shear stress becomes,
'Tw =

where We=p, u:d, / c is the value based on initial conditions. Then it was assumed that the local Weber number must reach a particular value. We,. for the regime transition of interest to occur. Finally, solving for the initial We to achieve the required We,,, yields: We = (1 + (1 + (4K/We~n(pJpd)ln)2Wecr/4

c kd(kcdlpouo)'n



Values of Wecr and K were fitted to Eq. (6) to yield best-tit predicted transitions for the 5-IO%, 10-20% and 20% deformation regime transitions as well as the first breakup regime transition (typically for bag breakup). The resulting theoretical predictions of the regime transitions are illustrated in Fig. 3. In view of the simplifications of the theory, the agreement between predicted and measured regime transitions is seen to be reasonably good. Notably, Eq. (6) suggests that the transition We Oh at large Oh rather than an ultimate limit for particular transitions at large Oh, as suggested by Hinze.Io This is a very important difference i n behavior that has significant relevance for processes of high pressure combustion, as noted earlier: therefor, the issue clearly merits additional study.

where C is a constant of proportionality. The corresponding is proportional to a/&, assuming that & surface tension swss is a reasonable measure of the curvature of the drop surface. Equating these stresses then yields an expression for the transition Weber number between dome-and Bowl-shaped drops, as follows: We=c'Reln where C is a constant of proportionality The dome-to bowl-shaped drop transition expression of Eq. (8) was evaluated using available data for both steady and shock wave disturbances. The results are plotted according to the variables of Eq. (8) in Fig. 5. The results for steady disturbances involve both liquid-liquid and liquid-gas systems, however, the liquid-gas systems generally involve relatively large Re and relatively small We so that these conditions are well within the dome-shaped drop regime. Thus, the transition criterion illustrated in the figure was found using the liquidliquid measurements, to yield the following correlation base on Eq. (8) We = 0.5 Re'n, steady disturbances (9)


' -

. D The present drop tower experiments were designed to define the properties of deformed drop, and did not reveal strong effects of Oh over the available test range. Thus, a deformation and breakup regime map analogous to Fig. 3 for shock wave disturbances was not developed for steady disturbances (although effects of We on deformation for steady disturbances will be considered subsequently). However, a transition in drop shape, from dome- to bowl-shaped drops, was explored which will be discussed in the following.
Dome-and bowl-shaped drops are observed for both shock wave and steady disturbances. Typical examples of these deformation regimes are illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5 for steady disturbances with liquid drops in liquid continuous phases. The windward or forward stagnation point side of a dome-shaped drop (Fig. 4) is flattened while the downstream side is rounded. This shape is similar to the appearance of a drop during bag breakup for shock wave disturbances, just at rhe stm of the period where the bag begins to grow due to deformation of the center of the drop in a downsueam dmction.6 Thus, conditions for dome-shaped drops are somewhat analogous to conditions for bag breakup, and appear to involve interactions between drag and surface tension forces.
A typical bowl-shaped drop is illustrated in fig. 5 . In this case, the forward stagnation region is rounded while the downsbeam side of the drop tends to be flattened, or even cup shaped in some instances. This shape is similar to the appearance of a drop during shear breakup for shock wave disturbances, just at the start of the period where drops are suip ed from the periphery of the core (or drop forming) drop. I; Thus, conditions for bowl-shaped drops are somewhat analogous to conditions for shear breakup, and appear to involve interactions between drag and viscous forces.

Results for shock wave disturbances of drops in gases at low Oh also were considered. This transition was based on the observation that dome-and bowl-shaped drops are observed within the multimode breakup regime, near the end of the deformation period for values of We smaller and larger than roughly 40, respectively. This implies, for Ob e 0.1, the following relationship

. 7Rein, shock wave disNbances w e =0

which has been entered on the plot as well.


In spite of the wide range of conditions, the different kinds of disturbances, and the different density ratios, the dome- to bowl-shaped drop transition illustrated in Fig. 5 is reasonably consistent with Eq. (8). Funhermore, the transition over the present test range is reasonably expressed by either Eq. (9) or Eq. (10). Perhaps this is not surprising; in fact, a number of investigators have suggested Eq. (8) as a criterion for the onset of shear breakup, as discussed by Borisov et a l . 2 However, it should be noted that this result generally pertains to conditions where Re is substantially greater than the stokes regime (typically Re > 10). In contrast, othcr criteria known for the stokes flow regime where a somewhat similar transition (from an oblate to a prelate spheroid) has been studied for some time, see Wellek et al.32 and references cited therein. Thus, more work is needed to reconcile these drop shape and breakup regime transitions within the Stokes and moderate Reynolds number regimes.

The observations discussed in connection with Figs. 4 and 5 suggest a simple means for establishmg dome-or bowlshaped drop regimes from the ratio of shear smsses to surface tension stresses. In doing this shear stresses shall be estimated for the continuous phase, exploiting the fact that shear stresses are continuous at the drop surface, barring significant effects of

Earlier work for shock wave disturbances found a relatively simple relationship between drop deformation and Weber number at small Oh.6 This result was based on phenomenological analysis of the interaction between surface tension and pressure forces when a drop is drawn into a


flattened (oblate spheroid) shape due to relative motion of the continuous phase. The main assumptions of this analysis were as follow: the pressure difference between the bulk of the drop liouid and the continuous ohase at the oerioherv of the d r o is ~ ~, a s b e d to be proportional to the d y n a k c 'heaiof the flow: pc u2/2; this pressure difference is assumed IO be stabilized by surface tension forces acting near the drop periphery: and the voluny of t p . drop is assumed to he preserved, e.g., -,do. These ideas yielded the following expressions dm,d,. lor the maximum and minimum dimensions of a droo. at the

discussed in connection with Fig. 3. Thus, inertial effects Cause the drop deformation to overshoot levels pertinent to steady disturbances at the same We. The nature of overshoot effects on drop deformation is illustrated more thoroughly in Fig. 8. In this figure, drop shapes are plotted for We = 1. 5 and IO for both steady (left hand column) and shock wave (right hand column) disturbances. AS before, the shock wave disturbances pertain to the condition of maximum deformation of the drop for the indicated We. Additionally both sets of measurements are for liquid drops in gases. Finally, all the results illustrated in Fig. 8 are for We lower than required for the onset of secondary breakup, and are within the dome-shaped drop regime. The effect of overshoot is quite evident for the shock wave disturbances, which exhibit substantially larger maximum deformations than the steady disturbances at each value of We. finally, the progressive increase of deformation with increasing We is very evident. This increased deformation provides a substantial increase of the drag forces acting on the drop due to the increased cross sectional area of the drop alone; furthermore. subsequent considerations will show that drag coefficients are increased by deformation as well. Thus, drop deformation near the conditions for the onset of secondary breakup have a significant effect on drop dynamics.
I h Q O n i ? .

During the present investigation, drop deformation measurements were summarized as dma/dmin. Thus, based on Eq. (1 1) this ratio becomes:

In view of earlier findings for deformation and breakup regime transitions for shock wave disturbances, it seemed reasonable that drop deformation for steady disturbances might satisfy and expression similar to Eq. (12) for both small and large Oh. In particular, the main effect of Oh for shock wave disturbances was to slow the rate of drop deformation so that local We at particular levels of deformation were reduced, rather than to modify the nature of the deformation at a particular local We condition. Thus, since drops have unlimited time to accommodate to a steady disNhance, it Seems reasonable that the effect of Oh on deformation might be much reduced, as well. Drop deformations for steady disturbances are plotted as suggested by Eq. (12) in Fig. 7. Results illustrated in the figure include drops at their terminal velocities in both gases and liquids. A representative result for water drops subjected to shock wave disturbances in air also is illustrated on the plot, where these results pertain to the maximum state of deformation of the drop during the period of interaction between the drop and the gas. A best-fit correlation of the steady disturbance measurements, according to J3q. (12) also is shown on the plot, as follows:

The drop shape results for steady disturbances illustrated in Fig. 8 were used to obtain some insight about drop drag properties. This was done by estimating the static pressure distribution around the drop. allowing for hydrostatic and surface tension forces. The major assumptions of these calculations were as follows: effects of liquid motion within the drop were neglected, drops were assumed to be axisymmetric, effects of surface tension gradients were ignored and the hydrostatic pressure variation in the gas phase was neglected The resulting static pressure estimates are plotted in Fig. 8 in terms of an effective pressure coefficient, defmed as follows:

The corresponding variation of Ap' for flow over a solid sphere for a comparable Re range found from White,38 also is illustrated on the figure for reference purposes (dashed line illustrated for We =I). There are several interesting features about the static pressure dishibutions plotted in Fig. 8 for steady disturbances. First of all, Ap* is unity at the forward stagnation point by definition. Secondly, static pressures decrease with increased angle from the forward stagnation point and tend to reach a minimum slightly before or near the 90" condition. Static pressures in the wake, however, do not recover to levels near the forward stagnation point because Re > 10 and the flow is separated in the wake region. This implies that 80-95% of the drag is due to form drag, caused by the static pressure distribution around the drop. Additionally, the increased drop deformation as We increases tends to increase the extent of the region of high static pressures near the forward stagnation point. which causes corresponding increases of the drag coefficient with deformation that will he discussed subsequently. Thus, while shear forces affect the mechanism of breakup of the drop, as well as the uansition between domeand bowl-shaped drops, they really do not play a major role in the development of drop drag propenies. Drop drag coefficients were defined in the usual manner, based on the maximum cmss sueam dimension of the drop and the relative velocity between the drop and continuous phases. The resulting drag coefficients for steady disturbances are plotted in Fig. 9. These results are plotted as Q/C-. where Chp is the drag coefficient of a sphere at the same Re,

The measurements illustrated in Fig. 7 only are in fair agreement with the correlation of Eq. (13). First of all, dmaJdmin for liquid-liquid systems are consistently larger than gas-liquid systems at a particular We. This behavior could be due to the effect of motion within the dispersed phase, which represents a larger fraction of the velocity difference between the dispersed and continuous phases for liquid-liquld than gasliquid systems. In addition, significant circulatory motion within the dispersed phase would be expected to increase dma due to ceumfugal forces, as seen in the measurements of Fig. 7. another deficiency of Eq. (13) is that the measurements decrease more rapidly as We decreases than is suggested by the correlation even though behavior at large We is represented reasonably well. This deficiency, however, is less significant because the discrepancies between the measurements and the correlation in this region are relatively small in comparison to experimental uncertainties. Thus, Eq. (13) is provisional at best. pending more detailed measurements. Nevertheless. the measurements illustrated in Fig. 7 indicate that deformation mainly depends on We with density ratio, Oh and Re being secondary factors over the range of present measurements. Comparing results for shock wave and steady disturbances in Fig. 7 shows that the maximum deformations for shock wave disturbances are greater than for steady disNhances at comparable conditions. This behavior is Caused w' by inertial phenomena analogous to oscillatory deformation

as a function of We. The values of We range from 0.1 to roughly 20, with the latter corresponding to maximum values of We without secondary breakup for steady disturbances. The measurements include results for drops in both gases and liquids. Even though drops in gases exhibit a somewhat smaller deformation than drops in liquids at the same We, see Fig. 7, the results illustrated in Fig. 9 show that they generally have somewhat larger drag coefficients. In fact, drops in liquids have somewhat smaller drag coefficients than solid spheres for We < 4. This effect probably is due to motion of the drop liquid which ,is a larger fraction of the relative velocity for drops in liquids than drops in gases, e.g.. the characteristic velocity for the drop phase is (pJpd)'&, see Refs. 6 and 7. Nevertheless, this reduction drag coefficient is not major in comparison to experimental uncertainties, e.g., CD/CDsp is roughly 0.9 and 1.0 for We < 4 for drops in liquids and gases, respectively. Thus, it does not appear that density ratio has a significant effect on the drag coefficient for drops. Considering all available data for the drag coefficients of drops in gases and liquids, and for shock wave and steady disturbances, it appears that CD largely is a function of degree of deformation of the drop. This behavior is illustrated in Fig. IO. where Present measurements of CD for steady disturbances, and those of Ref. 6 for shock wave dihrbance; are plotted as a function drn,/drnin. It is evident that the results yield a single correlation with the main difference between the steady and shock wave disturbances being the larger range of drnax/drnin available prior to the onset of breakup for the latter. The range of the measurements id C D / C D of ~ ~1.0-3.5 for d,,,/d,,;, of 1.0-7.5. Thus there is roughly a 3:1 increase of drag coefficient in going from a round drop to a highly deformed and flattened drop, which is reasonable because the change is comparable to the change of CD between a round sphere and a thin disk.38 This behavior, combined with the increased crossectional area of the drop, causes a substantial increase in the drag forces acting on deformed drops in comparison to the original undeformed droo. For examnle. the ratios of the drae forces is (drndd#(C!ddDsp) which becomes (drnaxIdmd"(CD/CD ) from Eqs. (11) and (12). Applying this equanon to the r e d s illustrated in Fig. IO then yields deformednondeformed drag force ratios of roughly 4 and 13 for drops having maximum deformations for steady and shock wave disturbances, respectively.


An imponant transition from dome- to bowl-shaped drops (which is related to the transition between ba and shear breakup) appears to be conuolled by for the present Re range, but other criteria known for analogous transitions in the Stokes flow regimes must still be reconciled with this behavior.

4. Drop deformation for steady disturbances mainly varied with We, while minor effects of pd I pc on deformation mainly were attributed to correspondmg variations of Re. Thus, the main effect of increased drop viscosity (represented by Oh) on drop deformation and breakup for general disturbances is to reduce rates of drop distortion so that drop relaxation reduces relative velocities when the maximum deformation is reached, and thus the propensity for drop deformation and breakup. . relatively 5. Drop drag coefficient ratios, ,CD/ C D ~ were independent of the type of disturbance. pd I pc We, Oh and Re; instead, these ratios correlated mainly with drop deformation. while evolving from values near unity for small distoriions to values $tal of thin disks for large distortions. This increase in CD and the corresponding increase of the cross sectional area of the drop, due to distortion, causes drag forces to increase by factors of roughly 4 and 13 at deformation conditions typical of the onset of breakup for steady and shock wave disturbances, respectively, which clearly has an important impact on breakup dynamics.

This research was sponsod by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Grant No. F49620-92-1-0399, undcr the technical management of J. N. Tishkoff. The authors would like to thank C. W. Kauffman for loan of shock tube facility and advice concerning its operation. The US.Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute copies for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation therwn.

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For shock wave disturbances at small Oh (Oh e O.l), significant drop deformation (510% deformation regime) was observed at We ca. 0.6 while bag, multimode and shear breakup began at We = 13.35 and 80, respectively.

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2. For shock wave disNrbances at large Oh (Oh > 1) the critical We for the onset of various deformation and breakup regimes became roughly proportional to Oh, which could be attributed to increased resistance of drops to deformation at large Oh, based on phenomenological analvsis. In addition, the oscillatorv deformation and the bag 'breakup rcgimes disappeared h t h increasing Oh, at Oh = 0 3 and 3. respecovely.

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. . I .

Table 1 Summary of liquid/air shock t be test ConditimSa Dispersed Phase Water n-Heptane Mercury DC200 Fluidb DC200 Fluidb Glycerol 21% Glycerol 63% Glycerol 75% Glycerol 84% Glycerol 92% Glycerol 97% Glycerol WS%


MXX~(Y( a ~ 1 0 3 (kg/ms) (Nh) R.94 ~~. 3.94 15.0 100,ooO 300,000 16.0 108.0 356.0 1~~. 00 3270 8350 12,500

1.0 0.5 0.85 0.15-0.35 0.15-0.35 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.55




997 ~ . . 683 13,600 980


1240 1253 1260

70.8 20.0 475.0 20.0 20.0 67.3 61.8 63.8 63.2 62.5 62.4 62.0

0.5-236 14-137 10-13 35-100 100-580 8-130 1-129 2-128 1-127 1-268 1-205 1-612

365-555 0.0390 0.0990 0.260 1.050 1.700 3.850


1170-5200 1540-6390 ~. R O -MZO . . 730-6270 500.6210 530-8330 600-8880 630-15,760

~~ ~~~ ~~

aAir initially at 98.8 kPa and 298 f 3K in the driven section of the shock tube with shock Mach numbers in the range 1.01-1.24. Roperties of air taken at normal temperatux and pressure: pc = 1.18 kg/m3, k = 18.5 x l o 6 kg/ms.

bDow C o r n i n g 200 Fluid.

Table 2 Summary of liquid/air drop tower test conditionsa

D i s p e r s e d
Phase Water Glycerol 42% Glycerol 63% Glycerol 84% Glycerol92% Glycerol 99.5%




8.94 35.0 108 1Mx) 3270 12,500

ax103 (N/m) 70.8 65.4

do (mm) 2.0-7.8 2.0-7.8 2.0-7.8 2.1-7.8 2.5-6.4 2.4-6.4




997 1105 1162 1219


63.2 62.5 62.0


1.2-9.8 1.4-9.5 1.5-9.8 1.7-9.5 2.5-8.6 2.3-8.6

0.0012-0.0024 0.0046-0.0091 0.0140-0.0275 0.126-0.248 0.455-0.729 1.74-2.90

830-4600 870-4210 880-4390 940-4260 1180-3500 1060-3450

awops falling in air at 98.8 kPa and 297 f 2K. Properties of air taken at normal temperature and pressure: pc= 1.18 kg/m3, Pc = 18.5 x 10-6 kg/ms.


Fig. 2

Sketch of the drop levitation system.






1 1 1 1


. 0 4

Fig. 3

Drop deformation and breakup regime map for shock wave disturbances.


Fig. 4 Fig. 1

Sketch of the shock tube apparatus.

Photoeraoh of a twical dome-shaoed&OD: free falling water drop mau, We=7 2, Re3200 and . , Oh=O 002
1 .





Fig. 5

Photograph of a typical bowl-shaped drop: water drop in paraffin oil, p& = 1.15, We = 12.4, Oh = 0.0007and Re = 39.


' """'I

' """'I

' """'I




Fig. 8
10.' 1' O





Drop shape and pressure disuibution for steady (left-hand column) and shock wave (right-hand column) disturbances.

Fig. 6

Dome- and bowl-shaped drop regime map.


F; A

, : , ; , , ;, , , ,, ;



CARBON 013"LnDf W A R l


Fig. 7




Drop deformation as a function of Weher number.


Fig. 9

Drop drag coefficient as a function of deformation for steady disturbances.



5 s


0 4.w



2 00 2.00

4W 4.W

6W 6.W

8W 8.W

1000 10.00

d -

I dmn

Fig. 1 0

Drop drag coefficient as a function o f deformation for both shock wave and steady disturbances.


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