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ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 2

European Custody Guide

The Investor Services Journal European Sub Custody Market Guide aims to
provide insight into the securities services market on the Continent.
In this Guide, we highlight the developments of the sub custody landscape
and provide an insight into what lies ahead.









Caught in the Custody Net?

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European Custody Guide

For any investor, venturing into an unknown market can

be quite a nervy experience. You may not be physically
present but you still want to know that your assets are
being properly cared for.
The potential of Europe’s existing and emerging mar-
kets make them hard to ignore, especially when they
Welcome to the fourth in our series have so much to offer.
Fortunately for wary investors, the European financial
of service provider guides, following services landscape’s erstwhile investment opportunities
our Data Services and Hedge Fund are backed by safety guarantees. The safety aspect is at
the core of most investment policies and financial regula-
Services Market Guides. tors continue to exert their influence to ensure investors’
In the European Sub-Custody interests are protected. New and pending rules, such as
Market Guide we examine the market Basel II and the Markets in Financial Instruments
Directive (MiFID) place an onus on the investor services
of services for data management at a provider to have enough capital and the systems to
time when data is under scrutiny by report the details of every transaction.
regulators. While these regulatory developments may put investors
off, it is worth knowing that the organisations most capa-
ble of meeting them are Europe’s sub custodians. As the
level of cross border investment continues to increase,
custodians are required to have the scale and geographi-
cal reach to keep up with regulatory enhancements.
These requirements have allowed providers, with the
scale to support on going systems enhancements on
behalf of the client, to benefit from this competitive
advantage. Owing to the scale requirement, the sub cus-
tody stage in Europe looks very different now, compared
to several years ago. At the beginning of the century, this
community faced the prospect of more regulatory intru-
sion and a heightened emphasis on scale. The Nordic
region, which historically consisted of a range of different
providers, has become smaller as investors increasingly
perceive the Nordics as one country. This makes good
sense for a single services provider, who is able to serve
the entire Nordic market. The perception of the Nordics
as one region has spurred the emergence of a handful of
providers, which have spread their reach across the
region or joined forces with other Nordic providers.
This form of integration has led to one of the most
advanced custody networks in Europe, which can only be
good for investors.

Ready to The development of the sub custody landscape contin-

ues apace and investors can rest assured they are dealing

with providers who have the expertise, the local language
and the systems to make investing into an unknown mar-
ket an easier process. In its first European Sub-Custody
Market Guide, Investor Services Journal presents the
development of Europe’s major markets and showcases
the financial strength of the Continent’s major providers.
As investment trends continue to diversify and the
Janet Du Chenne highlights the appeal of emerging markets gathers momentum, we
present Europe’s sub custody providers, which can help
changing investment landscape in investors to focus on managing money while their assets
Europe and the ability of its are taken care of. Investors can be assured of top credit
sub-custodians to meet this evolution ratings and a range of core and value added services in
each market.
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European Custody Guide

A subcustodian is an agent bank used by a

Introduction to global custodian for custody services in the
designated country. A subcustodian is either

Sub-Custody “proprietary” (owned by the global custodian

bank, such as a branch operation) or “non-pro-
prietary” (e.g. a foreign bank relationship).
In some cases, a global custodian may select
more than one subcustodian in a country to
more effectively meet local processing require-
Buttonwood International Group ments for specific business or simply, to pro-
provides meaning and scope to the vide a safety net in a local market.
word sub custody. The decision to add a country location to a
global custody network relies heavily on an
investor’s decision to enter a foreign market.
A change in a planned investment strategy
may affect the timing and decision about
adding a new country location to a worldwide
Also, adding a new country location involves
numerous activities, especially a comprehensive
due diligence by both the global custodian and
The lead time is normally in the range of three
to six months, with more time being needed in
some cases. In 2004, the expansion of subcus-
todian networks into new foreign countries
came to a virtual standstill.
The average number of countries covered by a
global custodian was slightly under 94
countries - the same number as a year earlier.
In 2005, only four global custodians plan very
modest increases in market coverage, while six
custodians planned no country additions.

Network Expansion Plans

The expansion of a worldwide network by
each global custodian is an on-going activity
and a substantial operational investment.
Experienced Network Management teams
embark on “due diligence” forays into local
markets to choose the best agent for addition to
their network.
At times, these assignments have been
marked by perilous in-country experiences.
Once an agent bank(s) is selected in a given
country and folded into the global custodians
network, Network Management continues to
work with the entity to develop operational poli-
cies and procedures, to ensure compliance and
to collect local market information.

The Ever Changing Network

The use of local agent banks in a global custo-
dian's worldwide network is a common practice.
The approach is a practical way to gain an


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 3

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ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 4

European Custody Guide

understanding of local regulations, market prac- scene, i.e., Austria, Hungary.

tices and market participants. - On the other hand, agent bank coverage
In some markets, the global custodian may increased in a handful of countries such as
have a strong presence, thus, using one of its Australia, Cyprus and Latvia.
own branch operations to deal with local
country issues. Sub custodians
In 1984, regulation SEC 17f-5 was drafted for
The use of local agent banks in a the purpose of protecting U.S. investor assets in
global custodian’s worldwide a foreign country. Although the rule applies to
network is a common practice U.S. registered mutual funds, it is considered by
the industry as a good regulatory standard for
Network Management Teams at global custo- all investors. Most subcustodians meet the
dians are responsible for maintaining their regulatory requirement, although in some cases
worldwide networks. The Teams monitor the the qualification is unmet or awaiting
performance of local agents banks to ensure approval.
that the best possible services are used in each
foreign country. Foreign Depositories
Also, the selection of an agent bank for a new In addition to a subcustodian network, global
foreign location is the responsibility of the custodians have a relationship with a depository
Network Management Team. facility in a foreign country. The global custodi-
As can be expected, network changes are an may access the facilities directly or through
inevitable and an on-going concern. A number their local country agents for various securities
of observations follow about the current state of processing activities such as securities settle-
worldwide networks: ment and safekeeping.
- In some foreign countries, all “eggs are in one The use of a foreign depository in an emerg-
basket” with global custodians depending on ing markets represents a wide range of possibil-
a single agent bank to maintain custody assets. ities. For example, some countries have no cen-
Notable examples include Bahrain, Benin, tral depository while other countries may have
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, multiple facilities.
Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malawi, In addition, different depositories in a foreign
Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Niger, Oman, Palestine, country may be used depending on securities
Puerto, Rico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, type such as stocks, bonds, government debt,
Senegal, Slovenia, Togo, Trindad & Tobago, commercial paper, etc.
Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Emirates and Foreign depositories are required to meet reg-
Uzbekistan. ulation SEC 17f-7 which became effective in July,
- A handful of countries - which previously had 2001. SEC 17f-71 is based on the principle that
only one agent - are now covered by more the risk associated with the use of a foreign
than one agent bank: Bermuda, Bulgaria and depository should be considered, along with
Cyprus. other factors, by a fund's board or investment
- In 2004, other countries showed a decline in adviser when the fund decides whether to invest
the number of agent banks covering the local in securities that trade in a particular country's
Global Coverage - Average number of subcustodians
100 in a global custodian network The rule recognizes that foreign risk is a mat-
90 93 94 94 95 ter of degree, and that different funds are
80 82
87 willing to accept different levels of risk, depend-
ing on their investment objectives.
61 In order that funds make their decisions on
No. of Countries 50
40 46 an informed basis, rule SEC 17f-7 relies on dis-
30 closure in the form of an analysis of the risk
20 associated with the depository. The fund's cus-
10 todian must provide this analysis, subject to a
duty to exercise reasonable care.


2005 plan




No. of
Year Ending Source: Buttonwood Further information can be found by visiting the
global 13 19 20 19 15 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 website
in survey


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 5

European Custody Guide

the necessary investment if the business is not

Perfect important to the organisation?”

One can almost hear the sound of plugs being
pulled as he speaks, and it is not difficult to visu-
Evolution alise an extended game of Custody Musical Chairs,
in which Europe replicates the UK market in the
1990s, player after player exiting every time the
music stops. But while some market participants
share Bodart’s belief that a single Euroclear plat-
Is the sub-custody landscape in form will virtually eliminate the sub-custodian from
Europe on the verge of major their own business plans, and will present enor-
change? Brian Bollen finds out mous challenges to banks such as BNP Paribas
and Citigroup who have large sub-custody net-
works, there are of course always at least two sides
to every story. And nothing could be further from
the truth, according to BNP Paribas.
Depending upon which vested interest you talk to, Moving up the value chain will become more
the answer is, it seems, simultaneously yes, no, important than ever for banks with a large sub-cus-
maybe, and even the occasional don’t know. The tody element in their business. This is hardly a
arguments in each case sound very rational, even newly minted view.
convincing. Agreement is widespread, almost unanimous,
“What will happen?” asks Paul Bodart, of The that sub-custodians will be some of the biggest
Bank of New York, Brussels branch, which is the losers, although the largest will respond not by
global custody hub of the Bank. “Currently BoNY exiting the business but by changing the very
uses a sub-custodian in each European country. nature of their business. “I’m convinced that the
Euroclear is consolidating to one platform, from local local players will find it increasingly difficult
six, and once the Euroclear platform is in place I'll to survive,” argued Charles Cock, then Head of
be connected to Euroclear for equities as well as Sub-Custody and Clearing at BNP Paribas
bonds. We won't need sub-custodians for the local Securities Services, in mid-2005. “None of us has
market if we can go direct to Euronext France, for a crystal ball, but the institutions with a large pan-
instance. Fees will drop dramatically, as the sub- European presence will become bigger and
custodian is disintermediated. I hope and believe stronger at their expense. If you don’t already have
that the decline in revenue will be offset by a pan-European network it is too late to build one
automation and increasing volumes. You will see and add value. Fragmentation has been a bonanza
in continental Europe what we have already seen in for the bigger players but a further wave of consoli-
the US and the UK, a massive consolidation of the dation is inevitable; the only question marks sur-
business.” round its pace and shape. We will see more stock
“The steps that are taking place to defragment exchanges being acquired and greater harmonisa-
CSDs in Europe prove there is a drive to reduce tion of regulations and market practices.”
the number of players,” he continues. “This will Many of his arguments remain valid, but his suc-
enable banks like ours, and investment banks, to cessor in that specialist role paints a picture with a
hold their assets in one location rather than sever- slightly different nuance. “The landscape is very
al. The efficiencies and cost savings that we can very competitive, and evolving rapidly at least in
achieve by holding assets in one location are self- terms of the number of providers in the market
evidently a good thing, but it’s bad news for sub- place,” observes Steve Chew. Rather than shrinking
custodians. Merrill Lynch has already made public into their home market and withering on the vine,
its decision to move its French equities business a growing number of providers are looking to
from BNP Paribas to Euroclear; I am convinced develop a regional service. “We’ve taken the multi-
that more people will move.” direct approach in recent years, and Citigroup have
There is no escaping the commercial argument a similar strategy, but the likes of Kas, and
in favour of change driven by the pursuit of greater Deutsche Bank, and Societe Generale are increas-
efficiences and reduced costs. Bodart cites figures ingly picking up market share wherever they can
showing that transaction fees and safekeeping fees outside their domestic market,” he says. “The
have virtually halved since 1997, and there is no purely local domestic providers will dwindle in
let-up in the downward trend. “Customer pressure numbers but the survivors will be very focused.” In
means margins are becoming thinner and thin- any event, the onward march of Euroclear into
ner,” he says. This demands scale, which demands Western Europe’s custody world will not bring
investment, which prompts smaller players to about the elimination of the sub-custodian there.
reconsider their place in the sub-custody universe. “Of course we have a continuing role to play,
“How do you persuade top management to make providing sub-custody, clearing, outsourcing and


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European Custody Guide

other related services around derivatives and exe- though, that it is under severe threat from fee
cution to clients,” he says. “If you need to do pressure in combination with ever increasing serv-
something, you can either do it yourself, or use a ice level requirements. “Trends for regional supply
specialist. In our case here, to do it yourself you are growing stronger by the year and we are seeing
need an enormous infrastructure and expertise the growth of quasi-regional providers in the
and an intimate knowledge of fine detail in the region,” he says. “Competition is becoming severe
market to make sure you’re properly positioned at as local suppliers deploy the only weapon they
all times. If you use a sub-custodian, you tap into have to counteract the regionalisation trend
their intimacy with and knowledge of the market in (price), while European regionals expand their
question.” In any event, Euroclear's and regional reach, often by playing the price and credit
Clearstream's market participation is much more game. Utility-type competitors, meanwhile, are
geared to Financial Intermediaries than to end- entering the sub-custodian space by expanding
investors, says Etienne Deniau, deputy head of their utility offer into various commercial banking
Investor Services at SGSS. arenas.” In other words, we live in interesting
times. And most market participants would proba-
“The landscape is very competitive, bly regard that as a curse, rather than a blessing.
“The regionalisation trend has always been a bit
and evolving rapidly at least ahead of the consolidation in the
in terms of the number of market infrastructure,” continues Ulf Noren. “In
our own region, OMX has done a lot of good
providers in the market” things in achieving a technology solution that is
common for eight markets, having a full or partial
"The most successful firms in the custody and ownership in six of the eight markets and striving
sub-custody markets will be those who have scale for more. On the CSD side the two largest markets
and experience, and are investing in technology have merged and are working flat out to achieve
that will help them keep pace with their clients' more consolidation benefits while the other six are
needs,” says Mary Baker Balady, global head of everywhere on the scale from
Custody for JPMorgan Worldwide Securities. very positive to outspokenly negative” (the eight
“Clients are looking for firms that can provide markets to which Ulf Noren refers are: Denmark,
more than custody services, including a wide array Finland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania,
of value added services and solutions such as Estonia and Germany).
securities lending and capabilities and expertise to Does the latest bid for the London Stock
support alternative investments. Most of all, those Exchange have any implications for sub-custody
firms that are focused on making their clients suc- providers and their customers? ISJ asked Ulf
cessful will do well." Noren. Not directly, he replied, but he is not alone
Not the least of the problems presenting them- in seeing it as a catalyst for a further round of
selves is the widespread disparity between differ- empire-building, market-exiting, and shape-shift-
ent EU countries, exacerbated by the expansion to ing. “The bid itself, not really, but it fits well into
25 countries. Until a United States of Europe the bigger picture, sure,” he replied. “It focuses a
comes into existence, with harmonised tax, legal, lot on the value proposition offered by an
and regulatory systems, those differences will Exchange and the effects that can be achieved by
remain. Harmonisation looks a long, long way into consolidation. The London debate has been inter-
the future, possibly stretching to infinity given the esting as national power interests, as well as per-
French and Dutch rejections of the proposed sonal power interests, have been so openly
European constitution in May and June respective- exposed. Maybe the most interesting characteristic
ly last year. “Until that happens, sub-custodians of the London bid is that the debate has been
have value to offer,” says Steve Chew. A similar more about clearing and settlement than it has
CSD consolidation process to that being witnessed been about trading! I believe that anyone who
in western Europe is under way in the Nordic believes that a merger of London with any other
countries, where the Swedish and Finnish CSDs exchange group will leave them unaffected must
are in the process of merging. “Here again we may re-think. It will be a new trigger for a massive wave
consider whether The Bank of New York will be a of additional mergers. I also cannot believe that
direct member than use a local sub-custodian,” the most important financial centre in Europe, and
says Paul Bodart. maybe in the world, will let this go by without
While we wait with bated breath for CSD consoli- securing at least as much influence over the value
dation to transform the face of the industry, the chain as it has today and probably more.”
European sub-custody market is booming both in “I see a possibility that the NYSE bid could suc-
terms of rising transaction volumes and the recov- ceed, and we could see the creation of the NYLE,
ery that is taking place in the continent’s equity while talks between Deutsche Borse and Euronext
markets, observes Ulf Noren, of SEB. He agrees, could result in DEX,” adds Jorgen Kragor, the


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European Custody Guide

soon-to-retire in-house guru at DnBNor in Oslo. and establishing a new bank in the Baltics.
“This will represent a shift away from the Euroclear DnbNort is 51 per cent owned by DnbNor, and 49
versus Deutsche Borse stand-off of recent years per cent owned by Norddeutschelandesbank. This
towards an Anglo-Saxon versus European debate. expansion wlll enable the bank to establish custody
And competition is, of course, good.” operations in Russia and the Baltics, and provide
While the drive towards consolidation in the local sub-custody services to Nordic and other
European Union could accelerate if the European investors, but there are currently no plans to do
Commission forces individual countries to literally so.
get their act together, no observer of the European There are clearly too many providers, he argues
Union would gamble the mortgage on that hap- passionately. “This is, above all, a volume-driven
pening any time soon, or action unfolding rapidly business and without substantial volume additions
if it does. combined with efficient operative solutions and
Jorgen Kragor agrees that there is change ahead, the inclusion of more layers in the value chain,
but is at pains to stress that it will not happen in business will not be sustainable. Relying on one
the near future. There is a lot of ambition around, individual market’s growth might save a niche
and a lot of talk being talked, he says. “The plans provider or two but on a different scale than we
and the strategies are all in place but there see the single market providers have today. All
remains a lot of hard and complicated work to har- across Europe, single market providers will go,
monise rules and regulations across borders. “The regional providers will stay on and fight with other
merging process has already been underway for regional providers and CSDs/ICSDs.
around 10 years, but even in regions such as the DnBNor’s own ambition is to be the best
Nordic area where most of the neighbouring coun- provider of Norwegian custody services to domes-
tries share so many similarities with each other, tic and international investors. The message has
differences of language, culture, law and regulation recently been passed down from the CEO that
still get in the way of progress.” Sweden is to be included in the bank’s definition
of its home turf, meaning that it will be looking to
establish the same level of performance and serv-
“Anyone who believes that a ice there as in Norway. We realised we are at pres-
merger of London with any other ent unable to establish the required processes in
the other Nordic countries because of the cost and
exchange group will leave them the time it takes to translate an idea into a market
unaffected must re-think” offering.” The bank has in the meantime struck up
what it calls a Nordic custody alliance with
Swedbank (Sweden), OKObank (Finland) and
The clear consensus is, though, that there are Amagerbank (Denmark). Jorgen Kragor belongs to
too many custody providers and further consolida- the school of thought that although Euroclear is
tion is inevitable. It will be survival of the fittest, emerging as an alternative custody and sub-cus-
except for those cases where a bank has an excep- tody provider, it does not represent a clear and
tionally large local custody customer base. At the present danger to BNP Paribas and Citigroup. He
extreme end of the scale of views, sub-custodians does not believe that all clients will automatically
will disappear from view, slowly, but as surely, as move to Euroclear. “It’s not sound for us if we face
the famous Cheshire Cat. Albeit without the trade- a monopoly,” he elaborates. “Euroclear might be a
mark grin to be left behind. quality provider but we see it as a European CSD, a
"Consolidation in the European sub-custody huge and dominant European CSD. If they’re to be
market is creating more competition that ever a bank, a custodian and a CSD, I’m reluctant to
before,” says Ed Neeck, SVP, JPMorgan Network see those roles mixed. I want competition; monop-
Management. “Global custodians are faced with oly provision is not good for clients. I don’t believe
several options such as using existing traditional it will ever happen. It is undoubtedly in the process
sub-custodians, having a direct interface, a combi- of growing, though, and it could be a signal to the
nation of both, or buying services ala carte. The rest of the community if giants such as Merrill
question remains whether the current level of com- Lynch successfully implements its decision to
petition and options will remain once consolida- move assets to Euroclear.”
tion is completed." He sees comparisons between what is happen-
Who will leave the business? “It’s tough to men- ing in the Euronext zone and the experience of the
tion names,” says Jorgen Kragor. DnbNor will, of Nordic countries. “Big players have hesitated to
course, be one to survive, he predicts with a smile, use the services of just one institution for the
but then his own bank is itself the result of a rela- whole region. For quality and security they are
tively recent merger. DnBNor is positioning itself instead using the dominant provider in each indi-
to take advantage opportunities that might arise vidual market, rather than putting all their eggs in
elsewhere, recently buying Monche Bank in Russia, one basket.” Who could possibly argue with that?


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European Custody Guide

The outlook is very different, though, beyond EU tributed to have this done quicker than would oth-
boundaries, and sub-custodians will continue to erwise have been the case. In any new market for
play a vital role in the wider world, enabling access an investor, it is important to conduct thorough
to markets what would otherwise remain stubborn- due diligence and to never take for granted that the
ly out of bounds. ING Bank and BankAustria markets are run just like the traditional hemisphere
Creditanstalt Bankverein in its various guises, of mature markets. An investor should also be thor-
remain the major players in Central and Eastern ough in outlining expectations at agreement level.
Europe. But they, and Citigroup, have most recent- Don’t underestimate the level of engagement
ly been joined by RZB, and Deutsche Bank as it required initially. Take a close look at how manage-
makes an intriguing new move to extend its sub- ment is executed – is it a culture you know or a cul-
custody beyond its own borders, with the sale of ture you do not know? Having done this and in a
direct relationship, don’t make the mistake of
“Consolidation in the European always thinking that the mature market representa-
sub-custody market is creating tive is always a representative of the best industry
more competition than ever before” practice……

Could the more developed markets learn a lesson

its global custody business to State Street still or two from any of the emerging, or less developed
fresh in the industry’s mind. “It’s unusual to see
so many providers in one region, but it is a grow- markets?
ing market,” observes Stephen Brown, regional Yes, certainly. We see that what normally takes a
head of network management at Northern Trust. year to do in any of our mature markets is normally
“We’ve seen over 100% increase in assets over the done in three months in the Baltic markets. The
past 12 months. Eastern Europe has firmly entered work force is very well educated and motivated, and
its next phase of development.” Switzerland, of it has so far been relatively easy to recruit in line
course, is geographically part of Europe but keeps with our desired profile. We often face infrastruc-
its distance from the European Union, and is one ture and technological solutions that are more
of the few countries with enough wealth for the modern and less fragmented than the ones we find
sub-custody business of one its banks to make a in the West. This naturally comes from the fact that
living purely from the domestic market. the countries we are facing have made a giant leap
“Indigenous banks like to argue that they can from a central planning economy to state of the art
offer the same levels of service, competitive pricing in business. It is noticeable but is still often ignored
and infrastructure investment as the larger banks, or overlooked by mature market peers.
and provide innovative solutions just as they do,
but how can you compete with a smaller scale in a Postcard From Estonia
single market?” concludes Stephen Brown. “UBS, Hansabank Estonia’s Head of Securities and
Northern Trust’s Swiss subcustodian certainly can, Correspondent Banking Services Department Helen
but it is uncommon.” Poolake on recent developments in the Baltic
region: There haven’t been any major infrastructure
changes in the Baltics in recent years except for the
implementation of the SAXESS trading system on
European Custody all three Baltic exchanges. Additional integration
efforts at the exchange have related to harmonisa-
Roundup tion of rules and regulations and common market-
ing. Depositories have established mutual links for
Do any of the emerging, or less developed free of payment and stock exchange transactions.
markets, present particular difficulties that The ultimate goal is to have a common clearing
investors should be aware of and build into their and settlement solution and system. Given today’s
decision-making? solution and the fact that the Lithuanian CSD is
In the emerging markets that fall under the 60% owned by Bank of Lithuania, no significant
Nordic influence (the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia changes are expected in the short term. As a custo-
and Lithuania), liberalisation has taken placevery dian with a direct banking presence in all Baltic
quickly and few obstacles remain, argues Ulf markets, we would like to see more efforts in devel-
Noren. “If we look at the Baltics after independence oping the local market instead of some of the
(where many banks went bust and depositors lost regional efforts creating limited value or resulting in
all savings) and compare that with today’s legal the depository competing with local market
framework and protective measures being taken, I providers. There is also insufficient opportunity to
am in very little doubt that we and other strong for- influence depository activities (since the Estonian
eign entrants to the market have greatly con- and Latvian CSD's are exchange owned) and the


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European Custody Guide

infrastructure does not always serve the interests of investor services' environment. The belief that
the market participants. At the end of the day we asset managers will become obliged to outsource
do, however, support the idea of a single Baltic their back office is widely held by many in the
market in line with developing the services provid- investor services industry. As investors’ attitudes
ed to market participants in each of the markets. evolve, third party product distribution will also
increase. Despite the current large amount of of
‘Top Tips’ on selecting a custodian for customers investor services outsourcing propositions, a large
who require sub-custody services number of asset managers still perform their own
Top Tips: Dos middle and back office functions. RBC Dexia
Look at the structure of the potential supplier, is Investor Services foresees great opportunities to
it technology-wise fit to handle geographical expan- help managers with some of these functions as
sion What has driven the addition of more mar- well as banks, thanks to pending regulation. It is
kets? Is it a growth plan or a survival strategy? important to understand that current regulation
What ideology does your potential supplier protects the end investor; however, new regulation
embrace; is it protectionist or expansionist? What is coming from the SEC in the US and the European
the value proposition [compared with your current authorities (CESR, ESC) will drive the de-concen-
supplier]? If there is no financial benefit, the resist- tration of the industry whereby certain functions
ance within your organisation to change will be will need to be taken care of by specialist
obstructive. Is your supplier of choice today also providers. While speaking of funds, on 4
your supplier of choice tomorrow? If not, act now. November 2005, the Spanish collective investment
Examine very carefully the underlying case for institutions regulation introduced for the first time
investing in a new, unfamiliar geography in Spanish legislation, both hedge funds (free
investment collective investment instruments) and
Top Tips: Don’t fund of hedge funds, providing a regulatory frame-
Don’t do nothing. Don’t put competition in the work that is expected to allow for the growth of
driver’s seat by sticking to tradition and avoiding hedge funds. This will mean that collective invest-
the additional work that follows from a sub-custodi- ment vehicles will be able to invest in new prod-
an change. It can be a pain but it can be worth it. ucts to make their offer more attractive. The regu-
Don’t rely purely on the remote, impersonal RFP lation allows the use of omnibus accounts by non-
process in making your choice. The selection residents which will aid commercialisation. Are
process must be hands-on, and interactive. You are there too many providers? Are we likely to see fur-
buying a three- to five to 10-year relationship; you ther consolidation in the sector? In terms of com-
need to know who you’re climbing into bed with. petition, there is a definite market for outsourcing
Don’t worry about due diligence of the sub-custody and regulation is driving the depolarisation of
provider; that is the custodian’s responsibility. functions typically performed by asset managers.
In order to be able to compete in the bundled serv-
Thoughts from Madrid ice arena, the third-party service provider is
Sally Maddick, Head of International Sales and required to maintain high standards in all areas of
Relationship Management, RBC Dexia Investor activity. This leads to a concentration of investor
Services Madridof RBC Dexia Services views the service providers who are top-notch all around.
market from the Spanish perspective. In terms of Likewise, competition in the value-added services
custody, fund administration and transfer agency, arena is increasing. As clients tend to look toward
bundled services can be most helpful to the end service providers for additional value added servic-
user. Larger end-users look for integrated solutions es such as data analytic tools and performance
in each local market or directly via a global network. enhancement tools, those providers that are capa-
Integrated solutions provide for additional syner- ble of efficiently servicing these needs and that are
gies and increased efficiencies. In Europe there is a an expert in this domain, will also distinguish
definite market for outsourcing and regulation is themselves from the competition. Iberclear, Spain’s
modifying the current landscape. Proximity central depositary, is likely to harmonise the settle-
remains an important criterion for smaller end- ment platforms which are currently separated
users and market harmonisation allows for between equities and fixed income. This will
increased transparency in processes as well as an undoubtedly change the settlement processes as
extended geographical choice of custodians and they are known today. Iberclear has been instru-
sub-custodians. With increased market harmonisa- mental in making moves to bring the market up to
tion, the need for strict compliance and increased date and has implemented various measures to
system investments follow. increase the efficiency of the Spanish market. The
Directives such as Mifid, an extension of ISD, latest of these has been the implementation of the
are important to take into account in the changing SUC pre-matching system.


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 10

European Custody Guide

Frankfurt. Due to its vertical silo structure,
which has often been subject to criticism at

in Depth
European level recently, Deutsche Börse AG is
the operator of the Frankfurt stock exchange
(FWB) with its electronic Xetra trading platform
and at the same time the sole proprietor of the
German CSD Clearstream Banking Frankfurt
(CBF). Furthermore, Deutsche Börse is the
owner of the ICSD Clearstream Banking
Luxembourg (CBL) and holds 50% of the
world's largest futures exchange Eurex . It
remains to be seen whether this silo structure
might be broken up in the near future under
competition law. The German market partici-
pants appreciate the close link between trading
Cornelia Keth and clearing and settlement as it simplifies
processes and minimises infrastructure costs.
highlights the Experience has furthermore shown that estab-
strengths of the lished structures in securities clearing and set-
German tlement tend to be maintained even if legal
parameters change. For example, although
custody market Deutsche Börse opened up its structures at the
beginning of 2004 to allow CSDs other than
CBF to clear and settle transactions, no other
market participant has applied for a licence to
Cornelia Keth do so yet.

Even if the entire German securities market

with its seven stock exchanges and the electron-
ic Xetra trading platform might appear to have
fallen victim to the German phenomenon of
regional particularism, a closer look reveals that
The German custody market has undergone the Xetra trading platform, which was founded
many changes in recent years and has thus in 1997 and meanwhile holds a market share of
been a frequent topic of discussions. It was not 84%, has clearly prevailed over its regional com-
just the big deals that hit the headlines – such petitors. If you include Frankfurt floor trading
as the long-standing number one German cus- with a further 7%, the predominance of
tody provider Dresdner Bank selling its institu- Deutsche Börse is indisputable. It is therefore
tional sub-custody business to Deutsche Bank hardly surprising that the Supervisory Board of
and the latter selling its global custody business Deutsche Börse has once again rekindled dis-
to State Street – a wealth of regulatory changes cussions about the regional stock exchanges
also attracted a great deal of attention to the merging to a “super-exchange” which - local
German custody market. The new German patriotism notwithstanding - would clearly bring
Investment Act, which now allows hedge funds a number of economic benefits. However, the
to be sold in Germany, is just as important in regional stock exchanges have their merits, too.
this context as the boom in private retirement Whilst Deutsche Börse primarily focuses on
provisions following the introduction of the institutional trading, the Stuttgart stock
state-subsidised “Riester pension”. And nobody exchange and its subsidiary Euwax renders out-
really expects the years of massive change to standing services in warrant trading and the
come to an end now that the grand coalition is Munich stock exchange in terms of catering for
in power… private investors. Should the “super-exchange"
come into being, the trading platforms will
The German securities market is built around probably take less account of the requirements
the infrastructure of Deutsche Börse Group in of private investors.


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 11

European Custody Guide

Another initiative aimed at harmonising the owned savings banks and cooperative institutes
German stock exchange structures was taken by (according to the German central bank 2,149
the federal government in 2003 in an effort to institutions had a banking licence in Germany
centralise the regional authorities supervising as at 16 January 2006) is very fragmented,
the stock exchanges in the German Federal transaction banks are a very promising business
Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). segment. dwpbank, which is already managing
Although this topic was soon out of the news, it securities worth almost EUR 1 trillion, is one of
the most prominent players in this segment. Its
In the last few years we have competitors in the transaction banking league
include TxB Transaktionsbank and Xchanging.
seen more and more German International Transaction Services GmbH, a
institutional investors looking joint venture founded by HSBC Trinkaus &
Burkhardt and T-Systems in 2005 is a newcom-
for best of breed providers er on the market.

has been taken up again in the current coalition The global custodians on the German market
agreement. This kind of merger would in any include the “usual suspects” that are looking to
case make sense from an overall German per- get a fair share in the German securities market
spective. In addition to concentrating know- worth EUR 4.6 trillion in total. In 2004, State
how, it would also put an end to supervisory Street won, for example, the mandates from the
arbitrage between the regional states. German airline Lufthansa and the insurance
group VHV. BNP Paribas was able to profit
As far as post-trading activities are concerned, from the transfer of Deutsche Bank’s global
the German market, and clearing business in custody business to State Street by acquiring a
particular, has gone through fundamental few of their clients.
change in recent years. Once the central coun-
terparty (CCP) was introduced at Deutsche KAS-Bank is successful as a regional custodi-
Börse in May 2003, the number of transactions an with top marks in the relevant surveys. The
cleared via Clearstream in 2003 fell from 82.1 positive assessment was confirmed when they
million to 61.8 million. The number of transac- won the VW custody mandate worth EUR 75
tions traded via Xetra rose in the same period million in October 2005.
from 60 million to 71.4 million. While only
domestic papers held in collective custody prof- The local custodians in Germany paint a
ited from the new netting function in the early rather ambivalent picture. On the one hand,
days of the CCP, the new system now also Dresdner Bank, which had been the leading
caters for foreign securities held in collective German sub-custodian for decades, decided to
custody. With the export of the CCP concept to exit this business in 2003. On the other, BHF-
Ireland in December 2005, Eurex Clearing AG BANK, which had withdrawn from this segment
was officially recognised as one of the most in 1995, rejoined the market in the same year.
important central counterparties. BHF-BANK has shown that even small fish can
be very successful. The bank won the sub-cus-
The German custody market has also been tody mandate from The Bank of New York in the
quite dynamic in the past few years. A look at autumn of 2004. Acquiring Tradition as a new
the number of foreign custody providers enter- client also underlined BHF-BANK’s standing as
ing the German market in the recent past sug- a very attractive clearing house.
gests that Germany still offers a great deal of
business potential. State Street took over the So what is it that makes niche providers such
global custody business of Deutsche Bank, BNP as HVB, Commerzbank and BHF-BANK on the
expanded by building up its own marketing and German market so attractive? The complexity of
sales channels in Germany and The Bank of German tax law, the numerous regulations that
New York cooperates with BHF-BANK in their vary in the different German states and the well-
joint venture BHF BNY Securities GmbH. As known German perfectionism in administrative
the German banking market with its traditional processes all make it very difficult for foreign
three-pillar structure of private banks, state- investors to operate in the German custody
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European Custody Guide

market. This is where German custodians can ing permanent changes, the legal parameters
offer market know-how and networks that can are changing as well. One of the most impor-
hardly be matched by a non-German provider. tant changes was the introduction of the new
Investment Act in Germany in 2004 with hedge
A change in the perspective from the custody funds being admitted to this market for the first
suppliers on the German market to those time. The pace of reform is expected to acceler-
requiring this service, shows that historical ate further under the grand coalition: the intro-
duction of REITs is to make headway, corpora-
One of the most important tion tax is to be reformed and the corporate
changes was the introduction governance rules are to be adjusted to meet the
international standards. There has also been a
of the new Investment Act in lot of talk in the specialist papers that the inter-
Germany in 2004 est withholding tax, which is considered to be
an advance income tax payment, might be
structures are disintegrating. In the last few replaced by a final tax on capital gains. On top
years we have seen more and more German of this, the federal government is busy dealing
institutional investors looking for best of breed with a number of European regulations in proj-
providers instead of sticking with their house ects on the MiFID and the Giovannini barriers.
banks. It is, however, interesting to see that “Within the EU we are often like preachers in
their market research does not always lead the desert,” Jochen Sanio, president of the
them to the global custodians as many press German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority,
releases would suggest. Based on the results of recently commented on his efforts to prevent
their analyses, some decide to keep their net- the most excessive EU regulation.
work of depository banks or opt for a combina-
tion of local and global custodians. But whatev- Yet, irrespective of the legal parameters that
er the outcome of these analyses, there will be are applied, the German custody market will
many changes to come before the German cus- grow further. The growing domestic demand for
tody market calms down, if it ever does. investments as part of the increasing interest in
private retirement provisions and the low capi-
The new trends are very evident in investment tal market interest rates are just two factors that
fund business. Whereas the investment compa- will help to expand this market. Foreign
ny in a banking group would normally also investors have also rediscovered the German
assume the role of asset manager, there is now investment market, which has been strength-
a clear trend towards separating the asset man- ened by the crises of the last few years.
agement and fund administration functions.
This resulted in the new concept of a Master- We are very keen to see what will happen on
KAG (master investment company). The activi- the German market in the near future. Who will
ties of the different asset managers are pooled be there and get what part of the market? Will
in a central fund administration unit which pro- there be new ingredients and new products?
vides the investor with all the required informa- We cannot wait to see what happens next...
tion in an aggregated form. A master custodian
bank can offer even more as it can provide con- Cornelia Keth started her career at Dresdner
solidated reporting services for the entire secu- Bank’s securities settlement department. In 1991
rities portfolio. In addition to third-party assets she became head of marketing at BHF-BANK’s
(usually investment funds for institutional Custodial Services department. Following BHF-
investors called special funds) managed by BANK’s leave from Custody Business she started
asset managers, this reporting service also working in 1997 as Sales and Relationship
includes the assets managed by the investor. In Manager for Deutsche’s Global Securities Services
both cases, pooling the different depositories division, where she witnessed the transfer to State
means that investors benefit from clearer and Street in 2003. In 2004 Cornelia was appointed
more concise information so that the best of head of Custody Sales & Solutions at BHF-BANK,
breed strategy can be fully implemented. where she is now promoting German sub-custody
and depotbanking business.
But it is not just the market that is undergo-


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 13

Ask the Experts

“There have been a lot of

changes to the German BHF Bank
market structure in recent
years. Which provider will
emerge victorious?”
Moritz Ostwald BHF Bank

As the transfer from one custodian to anoth- think local is supported by another trend.
er is connected with high efforts and costs, Cost saving seams to stop being the one and
we understand that custody clients have to only goal of the demand side. Quality is part
rely on long term business relations. This is of the game again.
why customers are very interested in a mar-
ket player’s future concept when talking to So its not only about having a long term
potential custody providers. We at BHF- strategy but also to present a unique selling
BANK are pleased to provide potential cus- proposition to the market. Although the shift
tomers with the statement that our custody in the German market has not yet come to an
services have just recently been confirmed as end, we see good chance for specialised local
a strategic business segment. players with long term commitment to lead
the market to a new era.
It is quite natural that - especially when
observing the German market, where several
participants have sold their business, have
committed themselves to custody while with-
drawing within a glimpse of time - one gets
concerned about its custody provider’s future
plans. From our point of view, many of the
custodians seem to be obliged to present an
ongoing flow of headlines in order to satisfy
the information desire of the financial com-
munity. Private owners on the other hand
have the time to see their seed bear fruits
and are therefore more likely to presume long
term strategies.

Regarding the future market structure, we

observe a trend towards local sub-custodians. Moritz Ostwald started his career in custody
The volume of client assets in major markets business in 2000 at Deutsche’s Global Securities
like Germany is growing significantly in line Services division in Frankfurt, where he attended
with the service demands of these clients. a one-year trainee programme for business ana-
Especially in the very complex German mar- lysts. After working as a project manager for cus-
ket e.g. with regards to taxes and corporate tody – where he was inter alia responsible for
actions it is essential that custodians know the development and implementation of
their market well, have fast flexible processes Deutsche’s custody portal - he was promoted to
and close and long standing contacts to the the position of a product manager at State
major authorities and market movers. This is Street Bank GmbH in 2003. Since June 2004 he
what local custodians focussed on and what has been working for BHF-BANK’s Custody &
is their competitive advantage vis-à-vis Derivatives Services as a Sales & Relationship
regional and global custodians. This trend to Manager for custody.
ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 14

Ask the Experts

“Which rules govern the DnB NOR

Registration of Securities
Accounts in Norway?”

Bente Hoem DnB NOR

All Norwegian shares are held in fully ficial owners upon request. This is one of
dematerialised and registered in book-entry the criteria to be accepted upon seeking a
form in which ownership and transactions nominee licence.
related to securities are recorded. There are
no physical securities. All listed securities A further consequence of such registra-
and limited companies must be registered tion is that shares registered in nominee
at the VPS - The Norwegian Central accounts are without voting rights. It is,
Securities Depository. A majority of the however, possible to reinstate the voting
most frequently traded, unlisted equities rights by transferring the subject shares
are also registered in the records of the into a securities account, which reflects the
VPS, whereof Limited Companies on a vol- real beneficial owner.
untary basis.
Transfer of the shares to sub-accounts
Shares cannot be held in Street Name in must take place ahead of the general meet-
Norway. The Norwegian Companies Act ing and will be transferred back once voting
requires all shares to be registered in the has taken place.
name of the beneficial owner.
However, according to the Norwegian
Public Limited Companies Act, a foreign
trustee or custodian can be registered as
such in the VPS, and thereby represent a
number of beneficial owners in the share-
holder registers.

Such trustee/nominee registration is sub-

ject to an application being approved by the
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway

In accordance with the new regulation relat- Bente Iren Hoem is Head of Global
ing to registration of nominees in a securi- Relations and Support at the leading
ties fund register of unit holders, which Norwegian provider of securities services DnB
came into force as per 01.01.04, a NOR, a position she has held since December
Norwegian or a foreign bank 2003. Prior to that she worked as a project
leader in DnB within the securities services
may be granted permission to be listed as a area. She has 15 years of experience within the
nominee in the register of a unit holder. custody business, from Christiania Bank og
A separate licence application to the Kreditkasse, where she headed up
FSAN must be made. In addition, the nomi- International Securities Services and from SEB
nee must provide the issuing company or where she established and headed up its
the authorities with the identity of the bene- Norwegian securities operations.


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Ask the Experts

“I am a prime broker and my client

wants to set up a hedge fund in
Germany. How can the custodian Citigroup
help us to promptly and successfully
launch and service a hedge fund?”

Giulio di Cerbo Citigroup

The reorganisation of the German regulatory and risk control as well as report-
Investment Laws in 2004 has permitted the ing of HF performance.
establishment of hedge funds (HF) for the
first time and allowed institutional investors Citigroup’s Master KAG is recognized to be
such as insurance companies and pension one of the largest in servicing several large
schemes to invest in this asset class. This single HF in Germany. Citigroup has estab-
has created a strong business potential for lished capabilities to also provide services to
HF in Germany. Despite a slower than funds of HF as well as long funds.
expected initial pickup of HF in Germany, we
have recently started to see increased activity
in this arena with market volume expected to
double in 2006.

Prime brokers with a good track record are

making headway in positioning themselves to
service HF demand in Germany and capture
a large share of an estimated EURO 60bn
wallet potential. Germany has a unique
model for HF where a separate legal entity
(the KAG) is responsible for the launch and
the servicing of the HF. It is the market’s
view that the easiest and fastest way to
access the German market is to use an expe-
rienced third party Master KAG.
Giulio di Cerbo Managing Director, EMEA,
Given Citigroup’s long standing experience Head of Intermediaries, Banks and Broker-
in the German market and our service com- Dealers Citigroup Global Transaction Services
mitment to clients, we were among the first Giulio di Cerbo is Managing Director, EMEA,
to establish Master KAG services in Germany. Head of Intermediaries, Banks and Broker-
Today Citigroup is the natural local partner Dealers for Citigroup Global Transaction
for prime brokers. We offer a unique, simple, Services. He is based in London. Prior to his
turnkey solution in the German market cover- appointment to his current role in 1993, Giulio
ing all KAG and Depotbank services. Our served in various senior positions at Citigroup
service provides prompt entry to the German from treasury financial institutions to corporate
market and allows managers and prime bro- and consumer banking in countries such as
kers a fast and efficient time to market. Italy, Belgium and Greece. Giulio is well-known
Citigroup’s unique solution includes: Launch within the financial industry, and is an active
of HF with the German regulator, production participant in forums, roundtable discussions,
of prospectus, fund administration and cus- and conferences and seminars in the United
todian bank services in compliance with Kingdom, Asia and Europe. He holds a BA
German laws, in addition to tax efficiency, degree in Finance.
ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 16

Ask the Experts

How is safekeeping of International

Global Custodian clients’ Moscow
underlying assets Bank

Vasiliy Permyakov IM Bank

There is no Nominee Concept for foreign custodians How is the registration process performed?
currently according to Russian legislation. The Registration of shares is performed in most cases by
Nominee Concept is in place only for Russian custodi- registrars, which are professional market participants
ans. Foreign custodian will be recognized as a licensed by market regulator (Federal Services for
Beneficial Owner of securities held at the custody Financial Markets), and act under an agreement with
account. In that case foreign custodians should take an issuer of shares. For joint stock companies with
into consideration the following aspects: number of shareholders under 50 there is a possibility
- taxes relevant to foreign custodian’s tax domicile will to keep register by their own. There is also a number
apply irrespective to the foreign custodian clients’ of Settlement Depositories in Russia. The major are
countries of incorporation. National Depository Centre (NDC), which provides
- dividend and interest proceeds are being paid to the safekeeping and settlement services for MICEX Stock
foreign custodian as to the beneficial owner of securi- Exchange, and Depository Clearing Centre (DCC) serv-
ties icing RTS trading system. There is a possibility to use
- voting might be performed only by the foreign custo- these Settlement Depositories for OTC settlements. In
dian (not by its underlying clients) and no split voting that case Settlement Depository becomes an addition-
is possible al entity in the registration chain. It is up to a foreign
- disclosure requirements will apply to the total hold- custodian to decide whether to use Settlement
ing at the foreign custodian’s account and disclosure Depository for OTC settlements and shares safekeep-
reporting should be performed by the foreign custodi- ing or not. It is required that foreign custodian
an – account owner instructs its local sub-custodian in Russia on the
Therefore, IMB has developed various account place of safekeeping: directly at registrar or at a
structures for its foreign custodian clients: 1. A foreign Settlement Depository.
custodian opens accounts for each client in IMB nom- Corporate and Municipal Bonds. It is a market prac-
inee. The Custody agreement between IMB and each tice that corporate bonds are placed for centralised
client of the foreign custodian is signed by the foreign safekeeping with a Settlement Depository. Currently
custodian on the basis of the power of attorney the majority of corporate bonds issues are at safe-
received from each client. In this way each client will keeping at NDC.
be recognized as beneficial owner of Russian securi- RUB denominated Government Bonds.
ties and will be disclosed as such. Although submit- Centralized safekeeping of these securities is per-
ting standard sets of documents (including Custody formed by NDC. Bookkeeping of RUB denominated
Agreement between IMB and each client of the for- Government Bonds requires disclosure of the benefi-
eign custodian) may be deemed as burdensome and cial owner, according to the terms of the Russian
inconvenient for the foreign custodian, it is the only Federation legislation. Only exchange trading is possi-
way for the foreign custodian not to be recognized the ble for RUB denominated Government Bonds.
beneficial owner according to the Russian legislation. MinFin Bonds.
2. A foreign custodian opens a master account with MinFin bonds are USD denominated bearer securi-
IMB with sub-accounts allocated to each client of the ties, issued in individual certificates form. Custody
foreign custodian. No documents are submitted for safekeeping of these securities is not compulsory, but
the clients of the foreign custodian. The foreign custo- a market practice. Over 90% of MinFin bonds are
dian will be recognized as beneficial owner of Russian dematerialized at Vneshtorgbank and
securities kept on sub-accounts of each client. Clients Vnesheconombank, which are de-facto Clearing
will not be disclosed and thus the sub-accounts can Depositories for them. Each MinFin bond certificate
be deemed to be opened only for convenience/recon- has a unique number. Records of each bond are kept
ciliation purposes. 3. A foreign custodian opens one in connection with its unique number and holder.
omnibus account for all clients and is recognized as Vasiliy Permyakov has worked in Custody Sales &
beneficial owner of Russian securities kept on this Relationship management at International Moscow
account as a foreign nominee concept is not recog- Bank since May 2005. Prior to joining IMB, Vasiliy spent
nized in Russia. There is no CSD currently in Russia. four years working for Vneshtorgbank Custody and being
Safekeeping and registration of securities vary responsible for sales & business development.
depending on their type.


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 17

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ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 18

Ask the Experts

“Can banks continue to act as

a local and global custodian
for their clients in the years

Titus van Heur ING

The above question has been raised by differ- investments required. Value added products will
ent participants in the market. On the one hand have much shorter life cycles and require higher
it seems very logical to provide these services investments in the future. The time-to market
both globally and locally and many banks are becomes shorter year by year. Price erosion will
doing so. The reason behind this seems straight continue and can only be compensated by
forward. Some universal banks are providing growth in volume. The quality of service will
their global custody services purely for their need to increase too. Each provider needs to
internal business and are trying to generate focus on that what he is either good at and or
additional revenues by providing these same what he will be able to provide in the future
services to third party clients. It is all about the given industry developments. Most banks, that
law of large numbers, i.e. optimizing the cost are not part of the selective group of truly global
structure of the bank’s operations by allowing custodians will need to make up their mind and
other clients to use its services. Sometimes it is decide to depart the arena of global custody or
used as a commercial argument, i.e. if you want to form alliances or joint ventures with the
to provide custody to your clients you can only Global Custodians in the world. The same
be taken seriously if you can directly offer local focus will imply that local custody becomes a
custody in a selection of countries combined more important area for these banks that do
with a ‘third party’ global custody network. accordingly. The true Global custodians will in
Custody business has over the years expand- the future only do business with true local cus-
ed with all kinds of value added services. In an todians only. That is an inevitable trend of spe-
adult stage of the product-life cycle value added cialization in the market of custody in the years
services can quite quickly be regarded as a com- ahead of us. Obviously there are always excep-
modity. Only in developing markets like for tions like some global custodians that maintain
example Central and Eastern Europe profit mar- a network that includes a number of their own
gins are still relatively high due to all kind of affiliates but this always concerns the large
market imperfections like differences in proce- global custodians. ING is considering changing
dures, cultural elements and regulations. its strategy given these future developments.
Once that becomes effective ING intends to
What kind of developments can we see further? transfer its global assets to the alliance part-
The global world around us becomes smaller ner/global custodian and at the same time
due to technical developments, more interna- focus on local custody in a large number of
tional cooperation by governments, perform- European countries. The question that remains
ance issues that drive market-participants more is not will there be other second tier providers
internationally and so on. In an environment who will follow this strategy but how quickly will
like this, large financial institutions tend to they react to the changing environment in the
become larger and larger as empiral evidence interest of their clients and shareholders ?
shows these days.
What does this all mean for custody-providers Titus van Heur, Director Custody and Clearing,
in the future ahead of us given above develop- ING. Titus began his career at Euronext and has
ments? In a few years time assets under cus- worked at Kas Bank. His expertise include sales
tody with global custody providers will be quot- and risk management within clearing and settle-
ed in trillion of euros or dollars. Billions will not ment. Van Heurs was Managing Director of a semi
be sufficient in order to maintain the high hedge fund firm before rejoining ING.


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 19

Ask the Experts

“What does the future RBC Dexia

map of custody look like
in Europe?

Jim Harris RBC Dexia

On the face of it the current structure of ket will continue to feel marginalized, as contin-
Custodians in Europe looks as it has always ued pressure on revenue lines is balanced with
done, a mixture of local domestic banks and the cost of additional investment to meet the
foreign providers all vying to offer an increasing- new environment. Custodians who are unable
ly similar level of service delivery. The pace of to offer a solution in at least, the Euronext mar-
change in the custody map has been slow since kets or provide a mini regional service (say 3-4
the introduction of a single currency environ- markets) will struggle against those who have a
ment, through the Euro in 2001, deemed at the larger presence in the medium term. However,
time to be one of the biggest barriers to cross those offering a single regional solution through
border investment. People outside of the cus- a Pan European offering will be in the best posi-
tody industry could be forgiven for thinking that tion. In conclusion, RBC Dexia Investor
nothing has changed in the last five years, but Services continues to monitor the changes in
this is not the case. Perhaps the largest change the structure in Europe, both in custody and
has been through the expansion policies beyond. As the European Union continues to
employed by Euroclear. The addition of the expand the number of member countries and
French, Dutch and Belgian depositories have greater investment flows are seen it will be
clearly shown Euroclear’s intent and drawn cries those providers who are able to offer standard-
of foul play from custodians in these markets. ized servicing across multi jurisdictional coun-
Further expansion has been delayed while these tries that are best equipped to continue to offer
concerns and the full impact of a Single business in Europe.
Settlement Engine are both understood and
addressed. At an industry level recommenda-
tions to standardise trading and minimise
Operational and Financial Risk environments Jim Harris is senior manager, Network
through Giovannini, G30, Basel II and CESAR Management for RBC Dexia Investor Services in
are bringing both challenges and opportunities the United Kingdom. Harris is responsible for the
to organizations, truly testing their flexibility and development of the global business strategy for
willingness to change. Many of the changes markets and relationships within the Americas and
noted above make considerable alterations in Asia regions, and for our Global Market
the way in which custodians in Europe will oper- Information products. Jim also has responsibility
ate in the future. The result has been that a for the custody and related services relationship
series of strategic partnerships and alliances with Euroclear. Jim joined RBC Dexia Investor
have been announced through either full inte- Services’ predecessor business, RBC Global
gration of businesses or agreements to partner Services, in 1994. Prior to his current role, he was
in specific areas. The creation of RBC Dexia responsible for the European markets within the
Investor Services is an excellent example of tak- Network Management team.
ing investor services to a new level by the com- Jim’s career includes close to two decades with
bination of two businesses to create a premier TSB Bank, now Lloyds TSB, in a variety of roles
provider of services beyond the realms of a core with the Securities Department and Internal Audit
custody product, facing and servicing clients in and Banking divisions. Mr. Harris is a member of
Europe through its network of branches. The the Association of Global Custodians Depository
future map will therefore be one where the Information Gathering Project and has just com-
providers of domestic custody in a single mar- pleted his tenure as chair of this committee.


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Ask the Experts

“How are corporate

actions treated in Russia?” Ros Bank

Stepan Tomlianovich Ros Bank

Corporate actions in Russia are traditionally ly realize the importance of capital markets as a
understood (similar to the Anglo-Saxon securi- source of funding and change their attitude to
ties market model) as actions of the issuer of investors respectively.
securities, resulting in the change in structure A new level of corporate governance of com-
and size of its shareholder capital, including the panies was achieved after the wide adoption of
change in rights of shareholders and the distri- the Code of Corporate Conduct proposed by the
bution of earnings. Federal Securities Markets Commission in
They were made possible by the improvement 2002. The remaining inefficiencies of the corpo-
of realization and protection of shareholder rate actions infrastructure are caused by its frag-
rights, better disclosure of corporate informa- mented state.
tion, higher level of corporate governance and In these circumstances the leading domestic
improving of the legal environment. custodians play an important role of a “shock-
Armed with a “toolbox” of corporate actions absorber” for foreign and local investors, taking
offered by mature markets, Russian companies the responsibility for collection, verification and
are implementing them in practice, demonstrat- consolidation of data related to corporate
ing a rapid pace of corporate transformation events and their timely reporting to clients, as
despite imperfect legislation and regulation, well as for proxy voting, income payment and
shortcomings in the securities market infra- tax withholding and reclaiming.
structure, lack of expertise, automation and The sources of corporate events information
market-wide standards. range from specialized on-line databases to
Some issuers are still unmotivated to pay regional press to news releases of issuers.
attention to the requirements of their minority Further improvement of the shareholder rights
shareholders. Shareholder rights abuses still protection infrastructure will become possible
remain the most serious problem. Although the after the emerging of the Central Securities
situation has markedly improved in the last Depository (CSD) in Russia.
years, techniques like capital dilution, stripping The fully-functional CSD will speed up disclo-
of strategic assets; abuse of pre-emptive right; sure of beneficial owners, unify communication
manipulation of board and shareholders’ deci- channels used by registrars and custodians,
sions; forcing out of minority shareholders, are possibly centralize income payments and act as
still common and have become even more a common source of reliable corporate actions
sophisticated. information (at least for actively traded shares).
This requires close attention of a custodian to
corporate actions involving securities from a
“risk group” and makes monitoring of the gen-
eral market situation for such cases a necessity.
Nevertheless, the general market environment Stepan Tomlianovich currently holds the position
is developing in a positive direction. of the Head of ROSBANK Custody Division. He
Russian regulation protecting shareholder joined ROSBANK in 1998 after over two years
rights is quite adequate; although the problems with UNEXIM Bank as the Head of Custody.
with its enforcement still exist. Stepan is a member of the Board of Directors of
Competition among registrars and custodians The National Registry Company as well as a mem-
provides for more efficient distribution of corpo- ber of the committee for organizational and legal
rate information, while corporations increasing- support of PARTAD.


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 21

Ask the Experts

What sets us apart from

our competitors?

Jürgen Sattler RZB

RZB Group has a leading market position in

the CEE as measured both by the geograph-
ic coverage of its subsidiaries as well as by
our local market shares. RZB Group proofs
a strong track record in CEE with a rock-
solid future expansion strategy. Moreover,
due to the ownership (cooperative) struc-
ture of RZB our organisation will never be a
takeover candidate.

Being present in the various markets for a

long time, RZB has the ability to combine
local expertise with high quality service and
efficiency standards of international finan-
cial institutions. This factor clearly differen-
tiates us from both our local and regional

In terms of the current market share RZB

Group in the global custodian and
broker/dealer client segment we are small
enough to grant our top tier clients a VIP
status in areas such as tailor made prod-
ucts and services. Innovative products and
specific reporting tools are implemented
quickly due to the excellent co-operation of
the regional custody team in Vienna and
the local custody units in the various mar-

RZB Group’s well trained, motivated

workforce allows us to provide tailor made
service for our customers and to operate
efficiently. Mr. Jürgen Sattler
Head of Sales and Relationship Management
Jürgen joined RZB as of January2005 in order to
position RZB as a leading custody player in
CEE. He gained his experience and know-how at
Bank Austria Creditanstalt’s custody area build-
ing up the regional custody business in CEE over
the last years.
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European Custody Guide

A-Z of sub-custody

About the Company: Amagerbanken was established in 1903 as a local-based bank on the island of
Amager. In 1981 the Bank established branches outside the island of Amager. Amagerbanken has devel-
oped into a regional bank providing services that make the Bank a full-service commercial bank and one
of the larger banks in Denmark. Today, the Bank includes 26 branches, 13 on the island of Amager, 10 in
the rest of Copenhagen, two in Aarhus and one in Odense.

Key Sub custody Services: Clearing and settlement

Value added sub custody services
Total sub custody assets (Europe): DKK 50bn
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
Credit Rating: N.A.
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): 75
Global Custody Assets: DKK 68bn
Target clients: Banks

Arion Custody Services

About the Company: Arion Custody Services is a financial institute fully owned by Kaupthing Bank and
operates under license of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and is under supervision of the
Financial Supervisory Authority.
Key Sub custody Services: Arion Custody Services is a Global Custodian offering full settlement and cus-
tody in all major markets and offers clearing, settlement and custody of all available Icelandic instru-
ments, dematerialised and physical, to institutional clients. Opening an account with Arion gives
investors access to all major global markets in a simple but at the same time multi-connected and secure
Value added sub custody services
Total sub custody assets (Europe): ISK 1.750.000 m
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
Credit Rating: Arion Custody Services is not rated. Arion is part of the Kaupthing Group and the parent
company Kaupthing Banki hf has received A from Fitch Rating and A1 from Moody's.
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): 20
Global Custody Assets:
Target clients: Global Custodians


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European Custody Guide

Banca Intesa
About the Company: Banca Intesa is the major Italian Banking Group
resulting from the merging (completed in 2003) of three important players in Italy’s banking system:
Banco Ambrosiano Veneto, Cariplo, Banca Commerciale Italiana.
Please find following relevant Financial Highlights:
- customers :11 million
- branches: 3, 681
- market capitalization: Euro 26 bn
Key Sub custody Services: Banca Intesa is one of Italy’s leading custodian with more than Eur 600 billion
in assets held under custody, for more than 500 Institutional Clients
Core services include:
i. Clearing and Settlement
ii. Automatic Securities Lending
iii. Corporate Actions and Income
iv. Proxy Voting
v. Tax Services
vi. Tailored account structures solutions
vii. Targeted and customised Market News and Information
viii. Value added services: sophisticated Internet tools, special reports on corporate events, income, com-
panies meetings
Banca Intesa offers innovative, powerful and flexible solutions on the top of traditional custody products
to foreign and domestic institutional customers.
Remote trading Banca Intesa is uniquely qualified in Italy to meet the needs of brokers/dealers worldwide,
as a specialized provider of customized clearing solutions for remote traders accessing all the Italian
equities, bonds and derivatives markets
Value added sub custody services - securities lending, tailored taxation solutions, market intelligence high
level service
Banca Intesa has recently developed the following services: Coupon stripping, Bulk Trades, Tri - Party
Agreement for remote trading

Total sub custody assets (Europe): EUR 250 billion

Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: At present, Banca Intesa offers sub
– custody services to foreign institutional clients only cover the Italian market place. Credit Rating:
Fitch: LT: A+1; ST:F1
Moody’s: LT: A1; ST: P-1
Standard & Poors: LT: A; ST: A -1
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): 200 non resident sub – custody clients
Global Custody Assets: Total assets in custody for Global Custody business: Euro 350 billions
Target clients: Global Custodians, Banks, Investment Banks, Broker/dealers, CSD, ISCDs, Mutual Funds,
Pension Funds, Real Estate Funds, Asset Managers, Corporates


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European Custody Guide

About the Company: Citco Bank is a recognized world leader in
custody and fund trading for financial institutions and fund of
funds, offering unrivalled expertise in the execution, settlement and custody of funds from strategic cen-
tres in The Netherlands, Switzerland, Curacao, Ireland, the Bahamas, Cayman Islands and Italy. Citco
Bank provides an integrated service platform across banking and custody tailored to the needs of banks,
financial institutions and funds of funds.
Key Sub custody Services: Citco Bank’s custody services cover the entire trading, clearing, settlement and
custody life-cycle: locating funds, placing subscriptions/redemptions, completing paperwork and register-
ing funds, addressing corporate actions, providing monthly statements of
holdings and NAVs and sending out all documents.More importantly, either directly or through its long-
term relationships with major third party banks and prime brokers, Citco Bank can provide
clients with all the bridge, margin or leverage credit they require.
Value added sub custody services
Total sub custody assets (Europe): USD $ 150bn
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Strategic centres include
The Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland and Italy.
Credit Rating:
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): Over 25,000 funds.
Global Custody Assets:
Target clients: Financial institutions and fund of funds

About the Company: Citigroup Global Transaction Services pro-
vides corporations, financial institutions and public sector entities with access to Citigroup’s full range of
cash management, trade, securities and funds capabilities along with an on-the-ground presence and in-
depth knowledge of more than 100 local markets.
Key Sub custody Services: Instruction repair and processing, pre-matching, alleged trade management,
settlement and clearing, cash management, foreign exchange, detailed transaction reporting, corporate
actions, income, tax reclamation and proxy voting
Value added sub custody services: Fails coverage, on-exchange services, general clearing member servic-
es, collateral management, collateralised financing, derivatives clearing, direct member services
Total sub custody assets (Europe): $1.2 Trillion
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Ireland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia
and Poland
Credit Rating: AA
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): 300+
Global Custody Assets: $400bn
Target clients: Broker dealers, banks, fund managers, insurance companies, global custodians and infra-


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European Custody Guide

About the Company: DnB NOR is the largest domestic bank in Norway
and the largest participant in the Norwegian financial market. DnB
NOR Securities Services is the leading provider of Custody, Clearing and Remote membership Services in
Norway and act as registrar for approximately 60% of Norwegian Companies registered at the Norwegian
CSD (VPS). In addition, DnB NOR provides a wide range of value added services to both foreign and
domestic clients.
Key Sub custody Services: Within the Securities Services area, DnB NOR Bank offers global custody serv-
ices, remote brokerage services, securities lending, derivatives clearing, clearing and settlement of Nordic
securities, and company registrar services.
Value added sub custody services: DnB NOR Bank also provides brokerage services for Nordic securities,
FX and Money Market trading, Cash Account Services, and MIS reporting
Total sub custody assets (Europe): December 2005: NOK1.116 bn
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: All Nordic markets through a
Nordic Alliance with Swedbank in Sweden, OKO bank in Finland and Amagerbanken in Denmark
Credit Rating: Standard & Poors: Long Term Rating A+; Short Term Rating A-1. Moody's: Long Term
Rating Aa3; Short Term Rating P-1
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): More than 220,000 domestic and foreign clients.
Target clients: Global Custodians, Universal banks, Investment Banks

About the Company: Handelsbanken (est 1871) is a universal bank that has provided institutional custody
services in Sweden since 1983. Since then, Handelsbanken has developed a Nordic concept, which allows
for the same high level of service throughout the Nordics.
Key Sub custody Services: Offers specialised and tailor-made custody services in Denmark, Finland,
Norway and Sweden to institutional clients.
Key services: Clearing and settlement of equities, bonds and derivatives, clearing agent services for
remote members, safekeeping of securities, trustee operations, Baltic custody via Finland also in EUR in
Estonia, cross-border settlement via APK’s E-link in Finland
Value added sub custody services: Value-added services: Complete corporate actions services, outstand-
ing proxy voting services, securities lending - automatic and strategic borrowing, netting services, tax
services, Nordic-i – Handelsbanken’s new web tool, tri-party solutions, MIS reporting (and other tailor-
made reporting). Handelsbanken uses the same systems and routines in all countries, though adapted to
the local market practices. Reporting and communications are harmonised in one single format.
Total sub custody assets (Europe): $1.2 Trillion
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Ireland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia
and Poland Credit Rating: AA Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): 300+
Global Custody Assets: $400bn Target clients: Broker dealers, banks, fund managers, insurance com-
panies, global custodians and infrastructures


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European Custody Guide

HSBC Securities Services

About the Company: HSBC Securities Services (HSS) provides a full range of
securities services to clients worldwide. HSS is part of Global Transaction
Banking, a division of the Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets business line of the HSBC Group.
HSBC Holdings plc, the Group’s holding company, is a public company listed in London, New York,
Hong Kong, Paris and Bermuda. Serving over 125 million customers worldwide, the HSBC Group has
more than 9,500 offices in 76 countries and territories. HSBC has been in the custody business for over
100 years and HSS achieved an AA rating from independent industry consultant group Thomas Murray in
2005. HSS continues to be the only custodian to agree to publicly reveal this rating.
Key Sub custody Services: Cash sweeping and repo facilities, clearing and netting, collateral management
services, corporate actions administration, custody for futures and options, depository service for ADR
and GDR programmes, derivatives clearing, direct access to local stock exchange(s), dividend/Income
collection, fund administration, internet based proprietary system: HSBCnet, issuing and paying agency,
nostro account services, outsourcing services, performance measurement, proxy voting services, SWIFT
reporting, tax reclaim services, trade portfolio cash reporting, transaction cost management, transaction
settlement, transfer agent/registrar services, transition management, trustee services
Value added sub custody services: Foreign exchange services, securities lending, treasury and cash management
Total sub custody assets (Europe): USD 246 billion as at 31 December 2005
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Germany, Greece, Malta, Turkey,
UK. We arrange sub-custody via agents in other European markets, in accordance with customer demand.
Credit Rating: HSBC Holdings plc has long-term credit ratings of A+ (S&P), Aa2 (Moody’s), AA (Fitch).
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): Not published
Global Custody Assets: USD3.2 trillion total assets under custody at 31 December 2005
Target clients: Financial institutions including (but not limited to) investment trusts, global custodians,
overseas banks and UK banks.

ING Wholesale Banking

About the Company: ING Wholesale Banking - Securities Services
is part of ING Group and is specialised in asset related services such as Local and Regional custody and
settlement. Other activities of ING Wholesale Banking - Securities Services are Paying Agency Services
and web-based management of employee stock option & share plans. Under the brand ING/BNY
Securities Services, a commercial global alliance with Bank of New York, global custody services is
ING Wholesale Banking / Securities Services is the largest foreign provider in terms of assets and num-
ber of foreign clients in Central & Eastern Europe. ING has been long committed to the securities busi-
ness, providing Custody Services in this region since 1994.
Key Sub custody Services: ING Wholesale Banking / Securities Services is specialised in asset related
services such as Local and Regional custody and settlement.
Value added sub custody services: New value added services: E-Filing (Tax Reclaim), Web based securities
reporting (only Belgium) Other services: Safekeeping of securities, clearing & Settlement, OTC settle-
ments, dividend and coupon collection, corporate actions, order execution, forex transactions, cash man-
agement, customer reporting, proxy voting
Total sub custody assets (Europe): EURO 265 billion
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Hungary, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia , Slovak Republic and Ukraine.
Credit Rating: ++A
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): ING services over a thousand foreign clients in Europe.
Target clients: • Financial Institutions including Global Custodians, commercial banks, broker dealers and
hedge funds. • Institutional investors including pension funds, asset managers, insurance companies •
corporates including listed companies and market makers • Finally ING is preferred Supplier for all ING
Group entities.
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European Custody Guide

International Moscow Bank

About the Company: International Moscow Bank (IMB) is one of the 10 largest banks
in Russia offering a full range of services. It was founded in 1989 and used to be one of
the first banks in Russia. IMB is owned by a number of well-known international finan-
cial institutions: HVB Group have 53% of voting shares, Nordea Bank Finland Plc – 26%, BCEN –
Eurobank (Banque Commerciale pour l’Europe du Nord) – about 16% and European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development – 5%. International Moscow Bank started providing custody services in
1996 to both foreign and domestic clients and for less than 10 years of perfect practice managed to take
leading positions in the Russian market. International Moscow Bank is considered to be an integral part
of Bank Austria Creditanstalt/HVB Custody network in Central and Eastern Europe.
Key Sub custody Services: IMB Custody provides all types of custodial services to both domestic and for-
eign clients: Safekeeping (including physical safekeeping of certificates), securities settlements both free
of payment and DVP, corporate actions support and Income collection
Market information support and distribution among clients, proxy voting and custody servicing of pledge
Value added sub custody services: Taxation consultancy - assistance in documentation provision arrange-
ments for taxation purposes. Participation in documentation arrangements under POA of a client with
respect to corporate actions events
Total sub custody assets (Europe): USD 4bn as of December, 2005
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Russia. Projected - CIS countries
(former USSR)
Credit Rating: Standard & Poor's: Long-term credit rating BB; Short-term partner rating and ADR rating B;
Rating change forecast Positive
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): 267
Target clients: Foreign clients, Global custodians, Custodian banks, Broker/dealers, Asset managers,
Commercial banks, Other institutional clients, Large corporate clients, Domestic clients, Global custodi-
ans, Custodian banks, Broker/dealers, Asset managers, Commercial banks, Other institutional clients,
Large corporate clientsans, overseas banks and UK banks.

About the Company: Nordea has a prominent presence in all the four
Nordic markets: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Nordea is the leading provider of custody
services in the Nordic region by market share. Key Sub custody Services: Automated settlement
(STP), Safekeeping, Corporate actions and income collection, Tax services, Proxy voting, Extensive
reporting, Netting of on-exchange trades, Remote membership services, Dedicated client service
teams, Comprehensive product sheets, Market information by: monthly newsletter, ad-hoc news-
flashes, Custody Portal
Value added sub custody services: Broker-custody, Cash management, Issuer services, incl. paying
agent services for warrant issuers, Prime brokerage, Securities borrowing & lending services
Total sub custody assets (Europe): January 2006: EUR 549.5bn under custody
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Denmark, Finland, Norway,
Sweden and the Baltic countries.
Credit Rating: Moody's Short: P-1 Long: Aa3; Standard & Poor's Short: A-1+ Long: AA-;
Fitch Short: F1+ Long: AA-
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): Not disclosed
Global Custody Assets: December 2005: EUR168.3bn
Target clients: Global custodians, banks, broker dealers. In the recent years, Nordea has actively
offered a Nordic sub custody service for clients wishing to use a regional provider.


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European Custody Guide

About the Company: RZB-Austria (Raiffeisen Zentralbank Oesterreich AG) is the central institution of the
Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group (RBG). RBG represents approximately a quarter of all domestic bank-
ing business and comprises the country's largest banking network with nearly 2,300 offices and more
than 23,000 employees. The Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group consists of Raiffeisen Banks on the local
level, Regional Raiffeisen Banks on the provincial level and RZB as central institution. RZB Austria is a
wholesale bank and only serves institutional clients.
Our main services besides securities services business are: corporate finance, export and trade finance,
cash management, asset management.
Key Sub custody Services: Custody services have been offered for more than 25 years to institutional
clients for settlement and safekeeping of Austrian securities. The recent decision – 3 years ago – to set-up
custody services within the CEE network and the investments in infrastructure, product development and
staff performed over the last years underline our commitment to the custody business and its long-term
nature. Today, RZB is offering regional custody in 18 markets in the Central and Eastern European
Region. The market value of assets under custody as of 28th February 2006 amounts to EUR 207.7bn.
RZB Group is offering an integrated & sophisticated custody solutions-package that includes cash man-
agement, treasury and foreign exchange, full range of safekeeping and settlement services, overall per-
formance measurement and reporting with compliance, and a number of value-added services (e.g. con-
tractual dividend, contractual tax reclamation, securities lending).
Value added sub custody services: Two years ago we introduced e.Custody, a state of the art internet
reporting tool. Just recently we again set new standards and provide our clients with an additional value
added: RZB implemented a new corporate action notification tool (CAN). The notification of a corporate
action, which RZB receives from its sub custodians (MT 564 IN), is automatically processed into CAN.
RZB’s corporate actions department is editing this information (e.g. changing instruction deadlines).
Within 15 minutes after the receipt of the notification all information is processed. e.Custody gives our
clients the possibility of an online access to their custody accounts. This means that our clients receive a
proactive and highly professional information tool, enabling them to trace their business more effectively.

Total sub custody assets (Europe): EUR 17,5 bn

Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech
Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan (via 3rd party sub-custodian), Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria,
Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina (incl. Republic of Srpska) and the Baltics (via 3rd party
Credit Rating: Standard & Poor´s: Short Term A1. Moody´s: Short term - P-1, Long Term - A1, Financial
Strength - C+
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): +50
Global Custody Assets: EUR 207.7bn
Target clients: Given the fact that RZB Group is a very strong player on all domestic custody markets, we
will continue to grow these business lines while increasing the focus on the international client side.
Being a relatively small organisation, we see one of our strongest assets in growing our market share on
the cross-border segment, by providing true tailor-made solutions for our international client base.
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European Custody Guide

About the Company: The SEB Group is a North European financial group for 400,000 corporate cus-
tomers and institutions, and 5 million private customers. SEB has local presence in the Nordic and Baltic
countries, Germany, Poland and the Ukraine. Approximately half of SEB's customers use the internet for
their banking transactions. On 31 December 2005, the Group's total assets amounted to SEK 1,890bn
while its assets under management totalled SEK 1,118bn. The Group is represented in some 20 countries
around the world and has a staff of about 20,000. Read more about SEB at
Key Sub custody Services: Settlement & safekeeping, clearing service for remote members of Nordic
Exchanges, corporate Action services, tax services, global securities lending

Value added sub custody services: Reporting and Market Information Services, like: monthly consolidat-
ed MIS report for all Nordic markets, real-time online services covering all four Nordic markets, threshold
Alert Report, uninstructed Balance Report (Corp Actions), query tracking system
and a number of client specific reports and services
Total sub custody assets (Europe): SEK 2,1 Trillion (USD 300 BN)
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine
Credit Rating: Moody’s Outlook Stable, Standard & Poor’s Outlook positive, Fitch Outlook stable
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): 312
Global Custody Assets: SEK 2,4 trillion (USD 320 BN)
Target clients: Broker dealers, banks, global custodian, ICSD's and hedge funds

Societe Generale
About the Company: Société Générale Securities Services currently ranks 3rd among securities custodians
in Europe, and 10th worldwide with EUR 2,000 billion* in assets held. Through its subsidiary Euro-VL,
Société Générale Securities Services provides valuations for 4,184 funds* representing assets of EUR 380
billion*. Fimat, another Société Générale Securities Services subsidiary, acts as broker for 5.3% of the
clearing of international listed derivatives transactions on the major markets for which Fimat is a mem-
ber. Société Générale Securities Services ranks among the European leaders in stock option management,
serving more than 480,000 beneficiaries.

Key Sub custody Services: Société Générale Securities Services offers a full range of securities services in:
i. Execution, clearing, delivery and settlement ii. Securities back-office outsourcing services iii. custody,
trustee, fund and portfolio administration iv. employee share plan management
Value added sub custody services: In order to facilitate the business of our clients, SGSS has implement-
ed a wide set of value added services covering: integrated multi-instruments brokerage / custody services
in partnership with Fimat, treasury and foreign exchange execution, ADRs – local depository agent servic-
es, securities lending and borrowing.
Total sub custody assets (Europe): Not disclosable
Names of markets in Europe where you provide sub custody services: France, Germany, Greece, Poland,
Credit Rating: The group ‘s financial strengths are recognised by rating Agencies (AA- by Standard &
Poor’s and Fitch, and Aa2 by Moody’s. SGSS quality of service is recognised by Fitch : CU2+ in global
custody and TR2+ for trustee and depository functions.
Number of Sub custody Clients (Europe): Not disclosable
Global Custody Assets: Including Unicredit (pro forma) EURO 2 000 billions
Target clients: Non resident financial intermediaries


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European Custody Guide

Point of of all the upcoming changes and it is doubtful whether

all market participants are willing to take up the chal-
View Please comment on the level of STP among
European sub custody providers and their clients.
Are we any closer towards full automation?
Moritz Ostwald shares his
views on the state of the When looking at the STP rates of our clients we can
see a moderate increase in recent years. Due to the
European sub custody market ever increasing complexity of products and process-
es it still seems a long way to reach full automation.
Also the various current EU initiatives might not
contribute significantly to rising STP rates.

How sophisticated are your clients in terms their

attitude towards front, middle and back office out-

Especially when it comes to Depotbanking in the

domestic business, we experience a trend towards a
modular purchase of services. This development
spans the whole range of institutional asset services
Moritz Ostwald such as fund administration, asset management,
risk management or performance measurement.
When looking at our international clientele no clear
tendency towards outsourcing can be observed.
From lift-offs, to classical outsourcing, from insourc-
What are the key developments and main drivers of
ing to keeping services inhouse everything is possi-
growth for sub-custodians in Europe?
ble. Only outsourcing does not seem to be the one
and only solution anymore. As our clients expect a
In Germany we currently experience a continuous
first-class and one-stop-service, we ourselves have
rise in assets. On the one hand this is due to
just recently confirmed our decision against the out-
increased pension savings, on the other hand the
sourcing of any part within custody business.
disproportionate rise of the DAX in comparison to
other European markets has contributed its part.
What are the key challenges for European sub cus-
Regarding the number of market participants, we
tody providers in the years ahead?
expect further consolidation amongst sub-custodi-
ans as well as liaisons between domestic and inter-
As most of the European markets encounter a very
national custody providers. Due to the complexity of
tough competition between global, regional and
the European custody market the current trend
domestic custody providers, sub-custodians must
seems to favor local or regional custody providers
present a very clear strategy and a strong commit-
over large global custodians.
ment to the business. They have to differentiate
themselves against other competitors and should
How favorable are existing and pending European
offer unique selling propositions to their clients.
regulations towards the clients you serve and your
Besides that, its mainly the ongoing pressure on
business in general?
fees that forces sub-custodians to further reduce
their cost base in order to stay profitable. I believe
Regulations in Europe are about to experience a sub-
that further consolidation will take place as not all
stantial change; just to name MiFID and Giovannini.
providers are willing to accept the necessary invest-
Once MiFID will be implemented throughout Europe
ments in order to keep up pace with the ever chang-
the situation for international investors will become
ing regulatory landscape due to projects such as
much more transparent and we expect rising invest-
MiFID or Giovannini. Pushing against this trend of
ments in Europe as a result. The same effect is expect-
ever reducing costs, there are also some first prom-
ed regarding the removal of the 15 Giovannini barriers.
ising signs that the future will not only belong to the
In the end investors will gain more confidence in the
lowest cost providers but that also quality of
European market. But of course it will be a long and
services will play its role again.
rocky path towards the full technical implementation


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 31

Service Providers - Azdex

ROS BANK Company Brief: Joint Stock Commercial Bank “ROSBANK” is

one of the largest privately owned banks in Russia. It has consis-
tently maintained its presence in the top 10 banks in Russia. The
Banker ranks ROSBANK 19th among Central and Eastern Europe’s
banking companies and 785th globally in terms of shareholders’
equity. ROSBANK’s primary activities include retail and corporate
banking, investment banking, treasury related operations, trade
finance, asset management, private banking, custody and depositary
services, international and domestic settlement services, credit card
services. ROSBANK was rated by Moody’s (Ba3), Standard & Poor’s
(B) and Fitch (B). ROSBANK Custody Division specializes in render-
ing complex custody and related services to resident and non-resi-
dent custodians, securities brokers & dealers, investment funds,
corporations and private individuals. Custody Division is a major
structural division of the Bank. It was created in 1998 in conformi-
ty with international requirements to custodians such as securities
safety, a wide range of additional services, high-quality professional
customized services.

Key Services: -
Free Custody Account Opening
Stepan Safekeeping of Dematerialized Securities
Tomlianovich Full Corporate Actions Support, including AGMs/EGMs participation
Settlement of OTC Trades in Registrars
BANK CUSTODY DIVISION Safekeeping of Loans Collateral
Settlement on DVP or “near-DVP” basis
STEPAN TOMLIANOVICH CURRENTLY Custody Services for mutual and pension funds (“Specialized
ROSBANK IN 1998 AFTER OVER TWO Safekeeping of Securities Certificates
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Rosbank’s Custody Division supports custody services for the follow-
AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE FOR Russian Government and MinFin Bonds, Municipal Bonds,
ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL SUPPORT OF Corporate Bonds, Equities, ADRs/GDRs, Promissory Notes and other
PARTAD, A SELF-REGULATORY ORGANISA- “irregular” securities, Euroclear/Clearstream & DTC Settled Foreign
TION OF REGISTRARS AND CUSTODIANS. Securities, CIS Securities (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan)
MARKET AND THE AUTHOR OF MANY PUB- Key Contacts: Stepan Tomlianovich - Head of Custody
LICATIONS ON TOPICAL ISSUES RELATED Division Bank Address: 11 Masha Poryvaeva Str.,
DEVELOPMENTS. OVER LAST 10 YEARS P.O. Box 208, Moscow 107078, Russian Federation
STEPAN HAS BEEN ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN Tel: +7 (495) 725 05 95 / Fax: +7 (495) 725 05 11
A NUMBER OF MARKET WIDE INITIATIVES. E-mail: [email protected]

Key Locations: Address: 6 Veresaeva Str, Moscow

121357, Russian Federation
Tel: +7(495) 956-92-38,
Fax: +7(495) 725-76-98
E-mail: [email protected]


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 32

Service Providers - Asset Control

BHF BANK Company Brief: BHF-BANK is one of Germany's most

prestigious private banks. Its roots date back to the year
1854. As an advisory, service and sales & trading bank,
we offer our discerning clientele a comprehensive array
of customised solutions. BHF-BANK combines the
strengths of a private bank with a long track record of
capital market competence. Trust, an individual approach
and impartiality - these qualities are at the very heart of
the long-term guidance and advice we provide for our
discerning clients.
Our bank's activities are grouped within the divisions
Asset Management & Financial Services, Financial
Markets & Corporates and Private Banking.
Financial Services comprises the bank’s custody services,
investment company (depotbank) services and its securi-
ties and derivatives clearing business.

Key Services: BHF-BANK holds a strong position in

i Sub-custody services for German and CBL eligible
Cornelia Keth
CORNELIA KETH STARTED HER CAREER AT ii Depotbank (custodian bank) services for independent
MENT DEPARTMENT. IN 1991 SHE BECAME investment companies in Germany
HEAD OF MARKETING AT BHF-BANK’S iii Derivatives clearing services on the Eurex, the
CUSTODIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT. world’s largest derivatives exchange.
CUSTODY BUSINESS SHE STARTED WORK- These services are complemented by:
STREET IN 2003. IN 2004 CORNELIA WAS viii Derivatives trading
APPOINTED HEAD OF CUSTODY SALES & ix Securities lending and repo
AND DEPOTBANKING BUSINESS. The bank’s longstanding experience in the German secu-
rities services market goes hand in hand with a corporate
culture that values prompt acknowledgements and short
decision-making channels. BHF-BANK offers tailor-made
custody services to meet its clients’ particular require-
ments. It’s reporting services include a comprehensive
SWIFT reporting matrix as well as its Internet-based
reporting tool cds@web.

Key Contact Cornelia Keth

Head of Custody Sales & Solutions
[email protected]
T: +49 69 718 3738

Key Locations Head Office: Bockenheimer Landstrass10

D-60598 Frankfurt a.M.
Technical Centre: Strahlenbergerstraße 45
D-63067 Offenbach a.M.


ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 33

Cash correspondents Credit risk
Banks (or similar institutions) used to The risk that a counterparty will not
make or receive payments. settle an obligation for full value,
either when due or at any time there-

Cash deposit risk after. Credit risk includes replacement
The credit risk associated with the cost risk, principal risk and cash
holding of funds with an intermediary deposit risk.
for the purpose of settling securities

transactions. Cross-border settlement
Settlement that takes place in a
Central securities depository (or CSD) country other than the country in
An institution for holding securities which one trade counterparty or both

which enables securities transactions are located.
to be processed by means of book
entries. Physical securities may be Custodian
immobilised by the depository or An entity, often a bank, that safe-
securities may be dematerialised (so keeps and administers securities for

that they exist only as electronic its customers and that may provide
records). various other services, including
clearance and settlement, cash man-
Certificate agement, foreign exchange and secu-

The document which evidences the rities lending.
undertakings of an issuer of a securi-
ty or financial instrument. Custody risk
The risk of loss of securities held in

Clearance custody occasioned by the insolvency,
The term "clearance" has two mean- negligence or fraudulent action of the
ings in the securities markets. It may custodian or of a sub-custodian.
mean the process of calculating the

mutual obligations of market partici- Custody services
pants, usually on a net basis, for the Processing securities trades, keeping
exchange of securities and money. It financial assets safe and servicing
may also signify the process of trans- the associated portfolios

ferring securities on the settlement
date, and in this sense the term "clear- Daylight credit
ing system" is sometimes used to refer Credit extended for a period of less
to securities settlement systems. than one business day; in a credit

transfer system with end-of-day final
Clearing system settlement, daylight credit is tacitly
A mechanism for the calculation of extended by a receiving participant
mutual positions within a group of which accepts and acts on a payment
participants to facilitate the settle- order, even though it will not receive
Agent bank ment of their obligations on a net final funds until the end of the busi-
A custodian that provides custody basis. ness day.
services for securities traded and set-
tled in the country in which it is Collateral Default
located to trade counterparties and An asset or third-party commitment Failure to complete a funds or securi-
settlement intermediaries. that is accepted by the collateral ties transfer according to its terms for
taker to secure an obligation of the reasons that are not technical or tem-
Beneficial ownership collateral provider vis-à-vis the col- porary, usually as a result of bank-
Entitlement to receive some or all of lateral taker. ruptcy. Default is usually distin-
the benefits of ownership of a security guished from a "failed transaction".
or financial instrument (e.g. income, Confirmation
voting rights, power to transfer). The process by which a market partic- Delivery
Beneficial ownership is usually distin- ipant notifies its customers of the Final transfer of a security or finan-
guished from "legal ownership" of a details of a trade and allows the cus- cial instrument.
security or financial instrument. tomer to positively affirm or question
the trade. Depository receipt
Book-entry system An instrument issued in one country
An accounting system that permits Counterparty that establishes an entitlement to a
the electronic transfer of securities One party to a trade. security held in custody in another
without the movement of certificates. country.
ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 34

Domestic settlement A central securities depository that Matching

A settlement that takes place in the settles trades in international securi- The process for comparing the trade or
country in which both counterparties ties and in various domestic securities, settlement details provided by counter-
to the trade are located. usually through direct or indirect parties to ensure that they agree with
(through local agents) links to local respect to the terms of the transaction.
Domestic trade CSDs. Settlement instructions that have been
A trade between counterparties located successfully matched between coun-
in the same country. Irrevocable transfer terparties are referred to as matched
A transfer which cannot be revoked by settlement instructions. In some secu-
Failed transaction the transferor. rities settlement systems, penalties
A securities transaction that does not may apply to participants that unilat-
settle on the contractual settlement Issuer erally revoke matched settlement
date, usually because of technical or The entity that is obligated on a secu- instructions. In other systems, unilat-
temporary difficulties. rity or financial instrument. eral revocation of matched settlement
instructions may not be possible.
Finality risk Issuing agent
The risk that a provisional transfer of An institution that acts on behalf of Net settlement
funds or securities will be rescinded. the issuer of securities in distributing A settlement in which a number of
the securities and in realising the pro- transactions between or among coun-
Final transfer ceeds thereof for the benefit of the terparties are settled on a net basis.
An irrevocable and unconditional issuer.
transfer which effects a discharge of Netting
the obligation to make the transfer. Legal ownership An agreed offsetting of mutual posi-
Recognition in law as the owner of a tions or obligations by trading partners
Global custodian security or financial instrument. or participants in a system. The net-
A custodian that provides its cus- ting reduces a large number of individ-
tomers with custody services in respect Legal risk ual positions or obligations to a small-
of securities traded and settled not The risk of loss because of the unex- er number of positions. Netting may
only in the country in which the custo- pected application of a law or regula- take several forms which have varying
dian is located but also in numerous tion or because a contract or other degrees of legal enforceability in the
other countries throughout the world. right cannot be enforced. event of default of one of the parties.

Global custody Liquidity risk Nominee

Processing cross-border securities The risk that a counterparty will not A person or entity named by another to
trades, keeping financial assets safe settle an obligation for full value when act on his behalf. A nominee is com-
and servicing the associated portfo- due, but on some unspecified date monly used in a securities transaction
lios. thereafter. to obtain registration and legal owner-
ship of a security.
Gross settlement system Local agent
A transfer system in which the settle- A custodian that provides custody Obligation
ment of funds or securities transfer services for securities traded and set- A duty imposed by contract or law. It is
instructions occurs individually (on an tled in the country in which it is locat- also used to describe a security or
instruction-by-instruction basis). ed to trade counterparties and settle- financial instrument, such as a bond
ment intermediaries located in other or promissory note, which contains the
Haircut countries. issuer´s undertaking to pay the owner.
The difference between the market
value of a security and its collateral Local custodian Omnibus customer account
value. The haircut is intended to pro- A custodian that provides custody An account in which the securities held
tect a lender of funds or securities services for securities traded and set- by a participant on behalf of all (or at
from losses owing to declines in tled in the country in which the custo- least several) of its customers are
collateral values. dian is located. See global custodian. kept.

Internal settlement Marking to market Paying agent

A settlement that is effected through The practice of revaluing securities An institution that, acting on behalf of
transfers of securities and funds on and financial instruments using cur- an issuer, makes payments to holders
the books of a single intermediary. An rent market prices. In some cases of securities (e.g. payments of interest
internal settlement requires both coun- unsettled contracts to purchase and or principal).
terparties to maintain their securities sell securities are marked to market
and funds accounts with the same and the counterparty with an as yet Pre-matching process
intermediary. unrealised loss on the contract is Process for comparison of trade or
required to transfer funds or securities settlement information between coun-
International central securities equal to the value of the loss to the terparties that occurs before other
depository other counterparty. matching or comparison procedures.
ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 35

Generally, pre-matching does not bind of the borrower's settlement obliga- unable to meet their obligations when
counterparties as matching can do. tions. due.

Principal risk Securities settlement system (or SSS) Trade date

The risk that the seller of a security A system in which the settlement of The date on which a trade/bargain is
delivers a security but does not securities takes place. Often the SSS executed.
receive payment or that the buyer of a is a CSD.
security makes payment but does not Transfer
receive delivery. In this event, the full Segregation An act which transmits or creates an
principal value of the securities or Optional or compulsory separation of interest in a security, a financial
funds transferred is at risk. the securities held by a participant on instrument or money.
its own behalf from those held on
Real time behalf of its customers. Unwind
The processing of instructions on an A procedure followed in certain clear-
individual basis at the time they are Settlement ing and settlement systems in which
received rather than at some later The completion of a transaction, transfers of securities and funds are
time. wherein the seller transfers securities settled on a net basis, at the end of
or financial instruments to the buyer the processing cycle, with all trans-
Registration and the buyer transfers money to the fers provisional until all participants
The listing of ownership of securities seller. have discharged their settlement obli-
in the records of the issuer. This task gations. If a participant fails to set-
is often performed by an official reg- Settlement date tle, some or all of the provisional
istrar/tranfer agent. The date on which the parties to a transfers involving that participant
securities transaction agree that set- are deleted from the system and the
Replacement cost risk tlement is to take place. The intended settlement obligations from the
The risk that a counterparty to an out- date is sometimes referred to as the remaining transfers are then recalcu-
standing transaction for completion contractual settlement date. lated. Such a procedure has the effect
at a future date will fail to perform on of allocating liquidity liquidity pres-
the settlement date. This failure may Settlement interval sures and losses from the failure to
leave the solvent party with an The amount of time that elapses settle to the counterparties of the
unhedged or open market position or between the trade date (T) and the participant that fails to settle.
deny the solvent party unrealised settlement date (S). Typically meas- Unwinds can be distinguished from
gains on the position. The resulting ured relative to the trade date, e.g. if debits to securities accounts that do
exposure is the cost of replacing, at three days elapse, the settlement not imply the original transfer is
current market prices, the original interval is T+3.| rescinded (e.g. in cases where securi-
transaction. ties are discovered to be forged or
Settlement risk stolen).
Repurchase agreement A general term used to designate the
A contract to sell and subsequently risk that settlement in a transfer sys- Variation margin
repurchase securities at a specified tem will not take place as expected. The amount which is paid by a coun-
date and price. Also known as a Repo, This risk may comprise both credit terparty to reduce replacement cost
an RP or a buyback agreement. and liquidity risk. exposures resulting from changes in
market prices, following the revalua-
Rolling settlement Sub-custodian tion of securities or financial instru-
A situation in which settlement of Where one custodian (e.g. global cus- ments that are the subject of unset-
securities transactions takes place todian) holds its securities through tled trades.
each day, the settlement of an indi- another custodian (e.g. a local custo-
vidual transaction taking place a dian), the latter is known as a sub- Zero-hour rule
given number of days after the deal custodian. A provision in the insolvency law of
has been struck. This is in contrast to some countries whereby a bankruptcy
a situation in which settlement takes Substitution or similar procedure declared by a
place only on certain days - for exam- The process of amending a contract court during the day is considered to
ple, once a week or once a month - between two parties so that a third have been declared at 0.00 a.m. of
and the settlement of an individual party is interposed as an intermediary the same day. This generally has the
transaction takes place on the next creditor/debtor between the two par- effect of retroactively rendering inef-
settlement day (or sometimes the next ties and the original contract between fective all transactions of the closed
but one settlement day) following the the two parties is satisfied and dis- institution that have taken place after
day the deal is struck. charged. 0.00 a.m. on that date.

Securities borrowing and lending pro- Systemic risk SOURCE: WWW.GLOBALCUSTODY.NET

gramme The risk that the inability of one insti- (C) 2006 GLOBALCUSTODY.NET
A facility whereby a loan of securities tution to meet its obligations when
is made to facilitate timely fulfilment due will cause other institutions to be
ESCMG 2006 FINAL ML3 13/4/06 7:27 pm Page 36

How can we help you navigate

the challenges of custody business?

Your expectations are high. We meet them.

BHF-BANK – your sub-custodian for German securities.

For further information please contact Cornelia Keth on

+49 69 718-3738 or at [email protected]

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