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1. According to Indian standard specifications, a grey case iron designated by FG 200 means that the [ ] a) carbon content is 2% b) maximum compressive strength is 200 N/mm2 c) minimum tensile strength is 200 N/mm2 d) maximum shear strength is 200N/mm2 2. According to Indian standard specification, a plain carbon steel designated by 40C8 means that [ ] a) carbon content is 0.04 percent and manganese is 0.08 percent b) carbon content is 0.4 percent and manganese is 0.8 percent c) carbon content is 0.35 to 0.45 percent and manganese is 0.60 to 0.90 percent d) carbon content is 0.60 to 0.80 percent and manganese is 0.8 to 1.2 percent 3. According to Indian standards, total number of tolerance grades is [ ] a) 8 b) 12 c) 18 d) 20 4. According to Indian standard specification, 100 H6/g5 means that [ ] a) tolerance grade for the hole is 6 and for the shaft is 5 b) tolerance grade for the shaft is 6 and for the hole is 5 c) tolerance grade for the shaft is 4 to 8 and for the hole is 3 to 7 d) tolerance grade for the hole is 4 to 8 and for the shaft is 3 to 7 5. The energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limit is known as [ ] a) resilience b) proof resilience c) strain energy d) impact energy 6. If the elongation is less than ------------- %, the material is considered brittle [ ] 7. If is the yield stress, modulus of resilience is proportional to [ ] a) b) 2 c) 3 d) 8. Two shafts A and B are made from the same material; B has double the diameter of A. The torque B can carry is -------------- times that A can carry. [ ] a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 16 9. Sresses in X and Y directions in a body are X = 200 MPa and Y= 100 MPa The maximum principal stress in the body is [ ]

a)50 MPa

b) 100 MPa

c) 150 MPa

d) 200 MPa

10. 1 and2 are principal stresses. Maximum shear stress will be [ ] a) 1 b) 2 c) 1 - 2 d) (1 - 2)/2 11. Factor of safety in fatigue loading is the ratio of [ ] a) yield stress to working stress b) ultimate stress to working stress c) Endurance limit to working stress d) yield stress to endurance limit 12. The ratio of endurance limit in shear to endurance limit in flexure is [ ] a) 0.45 b) 0.65 c) 0.55 d) 0.70 13. Soderberg and Goodmans equations are meant for determining [ ] a) endurance limits for ductile materials b) endurance limit for brittle materials c) yield stress for elastic materials d) factor of safety under variable stresses 14. In static loading, stress concentration is more serious for a) ductile materials b) brittle materials c) elastic materials

d) all materials

15. For steel, the ratio of endurance limit and ultimate strength can be taken as [ ] a) 0.4 b) 0.5 c) 0.55 d ) 0.70 16. Distance between a line joining the centers of rivets and parallel to the edge of the plate is known as (a) back pitch (b) marginal pitch (c) gauge line (d) pitch line 17. The objective of caulking in a riveted joint is to make (a) free from corrosion (b) stronger in tension (c) free from stresses (d) leak- proof 18. A double strap butt joint with equal straps is always in (a) single shear (b) double shear (c) triple shear

(d) no shear failure

19. Efficiency of the riveted joint is the ratio of .. to the tensile strength of un riveted plate

(a) tensile strength of perforated plate (b) shear strength or crushing strength of rivets (c) minimum of the above three strengths (d) maximum of the above three strengths 20. According to Indian Boiler Regulations, for double shear , the shear strength of rivet may be taken as (a) 2*(/4)d2 * (b) 1.875*(/4)d2 * (c) 0.5*(/4)d2 * (d) 4*(/4)d2 * 21. In a steam engine the piston rod is usually connected to the cross head by means of a [ ] a) knuckle joint b) universal joint c) flange coupling d) cotter joint 22. A key made from the circular disc having segmental cross section, is known as [ ] a) feather key b) gib head key c) Woodruff key d) flat saddle key 23. A feather key is generally [ ] a) loose in shaft and tight in hub b) tight in shaft and loose in hub c) tight in both shaft and hub d) loose in both shaft and hub 24. A keyway reduces [ ] a) the strength of the shaft b) the rigidity of the shaft c) both the strength and rigidity of the shaft d) ductility of the material of the shaft 25. The following can connect only perfectly aligned shafts [ ] a) flange coupling b) muff coupling c) Oldham coupling 26. . Oldham coupling is used to connect two shafts [ ] a) which are perfectly aligned b) which are not in exact alignment c) which have lateral misalignment d) whose axes intersect at a small angle 27. A cotter is used to transmit [ ] a) axial tensile load only b) axial compressive load only c) combined axial land twisting loads

d) flexible coupling

d) axial tensile or compressive loads 28. In designing a sleeve and cotter joint for a shaft of diameter d , the outside diameter of the sleeve is taken as. [ ] a)1.5 d b) 2.5 d c) 3 d d) 4d 29. The following is the application of knuckle joint [ ] a) link of a cycle chain b) valve rod joint with eccentric rod c) tension link in bridge structure d) all the above 30. Two shafts A and B are made of the same material. The diameter of the shaft A is twice as hat of shaft B. the power transmitted by the shaft A will be . of the shaft B.{} a) twice b) four times c) eight times d) sixteen times 31. When a nut is tightened by placing a washer below it, the bolt will be subjected to stress [ ] a) tensile b) compressive c) bending d) shear 32. Railway carriage coupling have [ ] a) square threads b) acme threads

c) knuckle threads

d) buttress threads

33. A bolt of uniform strength can be developed by [ ] a) keeping the core diameter of the threads is equal to the diameter of the un-threaded portion of the bolt. b) keeping the core diameter of the threads smaller than the diameter of the un-threaded portion of the bolt. c) keeping the nominal diameter of the threads is equal to the diameter of the un-threaded portion of the bolt. d) none of the above 34. Resilience of a bolt may be increased by [ ] a) increasing its shank diameter b) increasing its length c) decreasing its shank diameter d) decreasing its length 35) A bolt of M 24X2 means that [ ] a) the pitch of the thread is 24 mm and depth is 2mm.

b) cross sectional area of the thread is 24mm2 c) the nominal diameter of the bolt is 24mm and pitch is 2mm. d) the effective diameter of the bolt is 24mm and there are two threads per 2cm.

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