842 (Application For An Offshore Humanitarian Visa)

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Application for an Offshore Humanitarian visa

Refugee and Humanitarian (Class XB) visa



The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the department) acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the traditional custodians of the Australian land.

About this form

Important Please read this information carefully before you complete your application. When you have completed your application we recommend that you keep a copy for your records.

Life in Australia Australian values

The Australian Government encourages people to gain an understanding of Australia, its people and their way of life, before applying for a visa to live in Australia. This includes understanding that the English language, as the national language, is an important unifying element of Australian society. Australian society is also united through the following shared values: respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual; freedom of religion; commitment to the rule of law; Parliamentary democracy; equality of men and women; a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play and compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good; equality of opportunity for individuals, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic background. The Life in Australia booklet provides more information on the values that Australians share and their way of life. This booklet is available in a wide range of languages. If you have not already received a copy then it can be obtained from www.immi.gov.au You must have read the Life in Australia booklet before completing this application form. If you have difficulty, or are unable to read the booklet, you may have the content of it explained to you, for example, by a friend or relative. This form contains a statement, that you must sign, that confirms you understand and will respect the values of Australian society (as explained in the booklet) and will obey the laws of Australia. This includes acknowledging what would be required if you later applied for Australian citizenship. This statement must also be signed by each person aged 18 years or over, who is included in this form.

Australias offshore humanitarian program

There are a limited number of places available each year under the program. In setting the size of the program, the Australian Government considers: the views of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); the views of the Australian community; and Australias capacity to settle refugees and people in need.

Requirements for each visa subclass

Your application will be assessed against the 5 visa subclasses of the Refugee and Humanitarian (Class XB) visa class. To be granted a visa, you must be assessed as meeting the requirements for one of these subclasses. These are set out in Australias Migration Act and Regulations and the main requirements for each subclass are:

Refugee (subclass 200)

You are living outside your home country; and subject to persecution in your home country; and in need of resettlement. The UNHCR provides advice to the Australian Government on the need for resettlement.

In-country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201)

You are in your home country; and subject to persecution. Only a small number of places are available under this subclass.

Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202)

You are living outside your home country; and you are subject to substantial discrimination amounting to gross violation of your human rights in your home country; and have included a valid form 681 Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal with your application. Form 681 needs to be completed by an Australian citizen or permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or community organisation in Australia (a proposer), who is willing to support your application. As the government does not fund travel costs for this visa subclass, your proposer is expected to assist you and any dependants in meeting costs associated with travel to Australia and initial settlement after arrival.

Who should use this application?

You should use this form if you are outside Australia and wish to apply for entry to Australia on humanitarian grounds. This class of visa includes the following 5 subclasses: Refugee (subclass 200) In-country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201) Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) Emergency Rescue (subclass 203) Woman at Risk (subclass 204). You should also use this form if you are applying for one of the above visas in the Community Proposal Pilot Program.

Emergency Rescue (subclass 203)

You are subject to persecution in your home country; and there are urgent and compelling reasons for you to be resettled in Australia. Requests for urgent assistance under this subclass are usually made on your behalf by the UNHCR.


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Woman at Risk (subclass 204)

You are a woman living outside your home country; and subject to persecution in your home country or are registered with the UNHCR as being of concern; and without the protection of a male relative; and in danger of victimisation, harassment or serious abuse because you are female.

Children under 18
Children under the age of 18 who have no parents, or who have been separated from their parents, may also be granted a visa in one of the subclasses listed above. However, the Australian Government must be satisfied the childs entry to Australia is in the best interest of the child and that the rights of the parents, if any, are properly considered. If any children under 18 who are members of the family unit and included in this application are not your biological children, you must provide information and documentation as to who their birth parents are/were.

To be eligible for the grant of a humanitarian visa under the split family provisions for immediate family: you must apply within 5 years of the permanent Protection, permanent humanitarian or Resolution of Status visa being granted to your proposer; your proposer must complete a form 681 Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal (available from offices of the department in Australia or the immigration website) for you to submit together with your own visa application; your proposer must have declared you to the department as an immediate family member before the grant of their own visa.

Partner means your spouse or de facto partner (including same-sex partners).

Residential address
You must advise the department where you intend to live while your application is being dealt with, or if you change your residential address after your application has been lodged. Failure to give a residential address will result in your application being invalid. A post office box address will not be accepted as your residential address.

Community Proposal Pilot

The Community Proposal Pilot allows community organisations within Australia to identify and support individuals and families in humanitarian situations outside Australia, to apply for Refugee and Humanitarian (Class XB) visas. Only Approved Proposing Organisations (APOs) may propose people for entry into Australia in the Community Proposal Pilot. Information about the Community Proposal Pilot is available from the department's website www.immi.gov.au/visas/ humanitarian/offshore/community-proposal-pilot.htm Note: Your APO must complete form 1417 Proposal for refugee and special humanitarian entrants by Approved Proposing Organisation. Your APO must lodge both of these forms (form 842 and form 1417) by post or courier at the department's Victoria Offshore Humanitarian Processing Centre (OHPC). The department will share your personal information that was collected during the processing of your application with your APO. If a visa is granted, this information may be used by the APO to enable delivery of settlement services and support. Your APO may also share your personal information with other organisations, known as Supporting Community Organisations, so they can provide services to you to help you settle in Australia.

Your application
You should answer the questions in this form truthfully and fully and attach any supporting documents. Forms that are incomplete could delay a decision being made on your application, or your application could be refused. Not all applicants are interviewed and a decision may be taken on the information provided in your application only. You need to make sure you include all details about your situation in your application. If you need more space than is provided in this form for any of your answers, attach a separate page, clearly marking the question number the page relates to. Additional pages must be signed and dated by each person aged 18 years or over included in this application.

Who should be included in this application?

You should include in this form ALL members of your family unit. Your family unit includes your spouse, de facto partner (including same-sex partner), dependent children outside Australia and other dependent relatives who usually live with you (eg. a dependent parent). Dependent means wholly or substantially dependent on you or your partner for financial, psychological or physical support. Details of dependent family members NOT included in your visa application should be included at Question 11. If you fail to declare immediate family members in your application, they may not be able to access the split family provisions for immediate family members (referred to above) if they apply for a visa at a later time. Non-dependent family members (eg. married children or children over 18 who are independent) should complete their own form 842 if they wish to be considered for entry to Australia on humanitarian grounds.

Split family provisions for immediate family of permanent Protection (Class XA), permanent humanitarian (Class XB) or Resolution of Status (Class CD) visa holders.
You should use this form if, within the last 5 years a member of your immediate family was granted either a: permanent Protection visa (subclass 866); or permanent humanitarian visa (subclasses 200, 201, 202, 203 or 204); or Resolution of Status (Class CD) visa (subclass 851). Note: Your proposer must not have been an illegal maritime arrival. Note: Under the split family provisions, Immediate family means you are the spouse, de facto partner (including same-sex partner), dependent child or in certain circumstances a parent of the person in Australia who is proposing your entry (that is, your proposer has completed form 681). Note: You can only apply as a parent under these split family provisions if your child in Australia is under 18 years of age.

Integrity of application
The department is committed to maintaining the integrity of the visa and citizenship programs. Please be aware that if you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays or your application being refused.

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What documents should you attach to this application?

Eight (8) passport-sized photographs of each person included in the application, that have the name of the person written on the back.

For applicants residing in any other country apart from those listed above, applications must be lodged at the following address: NSW Offshore Humanitarian Processing Centre By Post: GPO Box 9984 Sydney NSW 2001 AUSTRALIA By Courier (no hand deliveries) 26 Lee Street Sydney NSW 2001 AUSTRALIA For further information, please see the information sheet Lodging Certain Humanitarian Applications in Australia available from the departments website www.immi.gov.au

Supporting documents
The documents you must provide are requested throughout this form. There is also a document checklist in Part O of this form and you should carefully check you have provided all the listed documents. You should also provide all documents necessary to support your humanitarian claims. Copies of documents must be certified as true copies of the original by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, or a person before whom a Statutory Declaration may be made under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959. Outside Australia, a person who is equivalent to a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner for Declarations must certify copies. If you do not provide all the necessary documents, a decision may be made on the information you have provided. It is in your interest to support your application with as much information as possible at the time of application. If you are not able to provide any of the documents listed at Part O, please provide a written explanation why the documents are not available. Under no circumstances should you submit false documents.

Is there an application or processing charge?

Applicants in the Community Proposal Pilot must pay a Visa Application Charge. Please refer to the Visa Pricing Table www.immi.gov.au/fees-charges/visa-pricing-table.htm Other applicants do not have a charge to lodge this application.

Is there a charge for the form?

No forms 681, 842 and 1417 are free and may be obtained from any office of the department in Australia and overseas or are available free-of-charge from the departments website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/

Where can you lodge this application?

Generally, your application for a Class XB visa should be lodged at the nearest office of the department (eg. an Australian processing centre; or an Embassy, High Commission, Consulate or Consulate-General overseas). Note: Applicants wishing to be considered for a Class XB visa under either the Global Special Humanitarian Program (subclass 202), the split family provisions for immediate family members or the Community Proposal Pilot, must lodge this form in accordance with the addresses specified below: For applicants residing in the Middle East*, Afghanistan or Pakistan and all applicants in the Community Proposal Pilot, applications must be lodged at the following address: Victoria Offshore Humanitarian Processing Centre By Post: GPO Box 241 Melbourne VIC 3001 AUSTRALIA By Courier (no hand deliveries) 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3001 AUSTRALIA (* Countries include Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.)

Interviews and requests for more information

Interviews are not always necessary. We will advise you if you are required to attend an interview or if you need to provide more documents or information.

Change of circumstances
If your circumstances change in any way after you have lodged this form (eg. if you or a family member enters into a new relationship, becomes engaged, or marries), you must inform the office where the application was lodged. If a child is born to you (or any other person included in this application) after the application is lodged, the child will be included in your application if details are provided before a final decision is made on your application.

Processing information
You should be aware that there is strong interest in this class of visa and it may take a long time to finalise your application. You may need to have a medical and an x-ray examination as part of the assessment of your application. You may also be asked to undergo medical treatment as part of the assessment of the visa application. The Australian Government reserves the right to conduct character checks on all adult applicants. Details of your application are not passed on to your home country. The Australian Government will pay the costs related to medical examinations for all humanitarian visa applicants, except visa applicants in the Community Proposal Pilot. All visa subclasses, except Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) visa holders and visa holders in the Community Proposal Pilot, will also have their travel costs paid by the Australian Government. Note: For applicants in the Community Proposal Pilot, the APO must pay the costs of medical examinations and, if a visa is granted, the cost of airfares to Australia.


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Important information about privacy

Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. Important information about the collection, use and disclosure (to other agencies and third parties, including overseas entities) of your personal information, including sensitive information, is contained in form 1442i Privacy notice. Form 1442i is available from the departments website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ or offices of the department. You should ensure that you read and understand form 1442i before completing this form. The department is careful to protect the privacy of all applicants. Care will be taken to make sure that details of your application do not reach your home country.

Migration agents outside Australia

Migration agents who operate outside Australia do not have to be registered. The department may give some overseas agents an ID number. This number does not mean that they are registered. Note: Some Australian registered migration agents operate overseas.

Migration agent information

A migration agent is someone who can: advise you on the visa that may best suit you; tell you the documents you need to submit with your application; help you fill in the application and submit it; and communicate with the department on your behalf. If you appoint a migration agent, the department will assume that your migration agent will be your authorised recipient, unless you indicate otherwise. Your migration agent will be the person with whom the department will discuss your application and from whom it will seek further information when required. You are not required to use a migration agent. However, if you use a migration agent, the department encourages you to use a registered migration agent. Registered agents are bound by the Migration Agents Code of Conduct, which requires them to act professionally in their clients lawful best interests. Information on migration agents, including a list of registered migration agents, is available on the Office of the MARA website www.mara.gov.au You can also access information about migration agents on the departments website www.immi.gov.au

Review rights
If your application is refused, it is not possible to obtain a review of the decision by the Migration Review Tribunal or the Refugee Review Tribunal.

Settlement services
If you are granted a humanitarian visa (subclasses 200, 201, 202, 203 or 204), information on the personal possessions that you may take with you to Australia is available from the office that granted your visa. The Australian Government provides a range of services to help refugee and humanitarian entrants settle in Australia. This assistance may include being met on arrival by a service provider and taken to accommodation, help to register for income support, help to arrange medical appointments, information about your new community, and attending English language classes. Note: If you are granted a humanitarian visa in the Community Proposal Pilot, settlement services will be provided to you by your APO, in conjunction with any Supporting Community Organisation.

Exempt persons
The following people do not have to be a registered migration agent in order to provide immigration assistance, but they must not charge a fee for their service: a close family member (spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, brother or sister); a member of parliament or their staff; an official whose duties include providing immigration assistance (eg. a Legal Aid provider); a member of a diplomatic mission, consular post or international organisation.

Immigration assistance
A person gives immigration assistance to you if he or she uses, or claims to use, his or her knowledge or experience in migration procedure to assist you with your visa application, request for ministerial intervention, cancellation review application, sponsorship or nomination. In Australia a person may only lawfully give immigration assistance if he or she is a registered migration agent or is exempt from being registered. Only registered migration agents may receive a fee or reward for providing immigration assistance. If an unregistered person in Australia, who is not exempt from registration, gives you immigration assistance they are committing a criminal offence and may be prosecuted. Restrictions on giving immigration assistance, charging fees for immigration assistance and restrictions on charging fees for immigration representations apply even where the APO lodges form 842 (this form) on behalf of a client in the Community Proposal Pilot.

Appointing a migration agent/exempt person

To appoint a migration agent/exempt person you should complete Part M Options for receiving written communications. Your migration agent/exempt person should complete form 956 Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance. Form 956 is available from the departments website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/

Migration agents in Australia

Migration agents in Australia must be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (Office of the MARA) unless they are exempt from registration.

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Options for receiving written communications

If you do not appoint a migration agent/exempt person you may still authorise another person, in writing, to receive written communications on your behalf. This person is called the authorised recipient.

Authorised recipient information

All written communication about your application will be sent to your authorised recipient, unless you indicate that you wish to have health and/or character information sent directly to you. If your visa application is subject to proposal form 681 or form 1417 and you wish all written communication to be sent to your proposer, you will need to complete Question 17 and Question 46 on this form. The department will communicate with the most recently appointed authorised recipient as you may only appoint one authorised recipient at any time for a particular application. You will be taken to have received any documents sent to that person as if they had been sent to you.

Consent to communicate electronically

The department may use a range of means to communicate with you. However, electronic means such as fax or email will only be used if you indicate your agreement to receiving communication in this way. To process your application the department may need to communicate with you about sensitive information, for example, health, police checks, financial viability and personal relationships. Electronic communications, unless adequately encrypted, are not secure and may be viewed by others or interfered with. If you agree to the department communicating with you by electronic means, the details you provide will only be used by the department for the purpose for which you have provided them, unless there is a legal obligation or necessity to use them for another purpose, or you have consented to use for another purpose. They will not be added to any mailing list. The Australian Government accepts no responsibility for the security or integrity of any information sent to the department over the internet or by other electronic means. If you authorise another person to receive documents on your behalf and they wish to be contacted electronically, their signature is required on form 956, form 956A, form 681 or form 1417 to indicate their consent to this form of communication. Note: Electronic communication is the fastest means of communication available and the department prefers to communicate electronically because this results in faster processing.

Home page www.immi.gov.au General Telephone 131 881 during business hours enquiry line in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded
information available outside these hours). If you are outside Australia, please contact your nearest Australian mission.

Please keep these information pages for your reference

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 5

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Application for an Offshore Humanitarian visa

Refugee and Humanitarian (Class XB) visa


Please attach eight (8) recent passport sized photographs of yourself AND all members of your family unit included in this application Note: Clearly write the name of the person on the back of each photograph

Please use a pen, and write neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS.

Tick where applicable

Part A Summary of people included in this application

Only include members of your family who are dependent on you or your partner. A dependant is a person who is wholly or substantially dependent on you or your partner for financial, psychological or physical support. The term partner in this form, means your spouse or de facto partner (including same-sex partners). Non-dependent family members (eg. adult independent children, married children or children over 18 who have their own income) should complete their own application form. However you should still list any non-dependent children at Question 13 and Question 14 of Part D on this form. You must attach evidence of the identity of each person (eg. certified copy of birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport), wherever this is available. If you do not have identity documents, please attach an explanation as to why you no longer have them. For each person included who is not the main applicants partner or child under 18 years, you must attach a statement explaining why this person is dependent on the main applicant. It is important that all names are spelled correctly and dates of birth are accurate.

1 2

How many people are included in this application? Give details of the main applicant Family name Given names Name in own language or ethnic script Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Male

Relationship status Married legally


Engaged De facto Separated Divorced

Widowed Never married or been in a de facto relationship

Married by tradition/custom Married religiously

For your relationship status (other than never married or been in a de facto relationship), give the following details:

Date this happened Female


Place this happened Your previous name (if applicable)

Do you currently have more than one partner (other than any partner included in this visa application)? No Yes Please provide details

If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship

Current country of residence
Date you arrived in this country

Status in this country

See below for codes to be used

If you have indicated you are never married or been in a de facto relationship or engaged to be married, are you currently in any other form of a relationship (eg. boyfriend/girlfriend)? No Yes Please provide details

Status in this country codes C = Citizen PR = Permanent resident TR = Temporary resident S = Student V = Visitor/Tourist R = Refugee I = Illegal resident A = Asylum/protection applicant O = Other give details on a separate page


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Give details of all other people included in this application 1. Family name Given names

2. Family name Given names


Name in own language or ethnic script Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Male

Name in own language or ethnic script Female


Sex Date of birth



Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship

If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship

Relationship status Married legally Married by tradition/custom Married religiously Relationship to main applicant Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? No Explain how they are related to the main applicant Engaged De facto Separated Divorced Widowed Never married or been in a de facto relationship

If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship

Relationship status Married legally Married by tradition/custom Married religiously Relationship to main applicant Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? No Explain how they are related to the main applicant Engaged De facto Separated Divorced Widowed Never married or been in a de facto relationship


Describe the precise biological relationship


Describe the precise biological relationship

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3. Family name Given names


4. Family name Given names


Name in own language or ethnic script Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Male

Name in own language or ethnic script Female


Sex Date of birth



Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship

If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship

Relationship status Married legally Married by tradition/custom Married religiously Relationship to main applicant Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? No Explain how they are related to the main applicant Engaged De facto Separated Divorced Widowed Never married or been in a de facto relationship

If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship

Relationship status Married legally Married by tradition/custom Married religiously Relationship to main applicant Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? No Explain how they are related to the main applicant Engaged De facto Separated Divorced Widowed Never married or been in a de facto relationship


Describe the precise biological relationship


Describe the precise biological relationship


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5. Family name Given names


6. Family name Given names


Name in own language or ethnic script Sex Date of birth Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship Male

Name in own language or ethnic script Female


Sex Date of birth



Place of birth Town/city Country Citizenship

If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship

Relationship status Married legally Married by tradition/custom Married religiously Relationship to main applicant Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? No Explain how they are related to the main applicant Engaged De facto Separated Divorced Widowed Never married or been in a de facto relationship

If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship

Relationship status Married legally Married by tradition/custom Married religiously Relationship to main applicant Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? No Explain how they are related to the main applicant Engaged De facto Separated Divorced Widowed Never married or been in a de facto relationship


Describe the precise biological relationship


Describe the precise biological relationship

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach evidence of identity of each person included in this application (eg. certified copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates, passport, national identity card)

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Part B Mandated or registered applicants

Has any person included in this application been mandated as a refugee or registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)? No Yes Give details Name Refugee Mandate number(s) Country of mandate


Refugee Registration number(s)

Country of registration

Attach a certified copy of evidence of your mandate/registration

Part C Contact details

Your current residential address (not postal address) Note: You must tell us if your address changes after you lodge this form

Do you agree to the department communicating with you by fax, email or other electronic means? No Yes Give details


Fax number Email address

Address where we should write to you about this application if different from your residential address Note: You must tell us if your address changes after you lodge this form

Note: If you wish to nominate a person other than yourself to receive written communications about this application, you must indicate this at Part M.


Your contact telephone numbers (if available)


Telephone number Mobile/cell

( (


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Part D Family background

Have you or any other person included in this visa application previously been legally married, in a de facto relationship or in a customary/traditional/religious marriage that is not legally recognised? No Yes Give details of each person below Previous partners full name Dates of relationship

3. Family name Given names

1. Family name Given names

Previous partners full name Dates of relationship


How did the relationship end? Names of all children from this previous relationship

How did the relationship end? Names of all children from this previous relationship

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach a certified copy of previous marriage/divorce documents or death certificate (if applicable/available)

2. Family name Given names

Do you or any other person included in this application have children from a previous marriage/relationship, including customary/traditional marriage? No Yes Do they have sole custody of any children under 18 years of age who are included in this application? No Yes Attach a certified copy of the custody documents (if available)

Previous partners full name Dates of relationship


Note: Where custody documents are not provided or assessed as unsatisfactory, the former partner will need to provide evidence that he/she consents to any children of that relationship entering Australia.

How did the relationship end? Names of all children from this previous relationship

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10 Are there any children included in this application who are not the
biological children of either you (the main applicant) or your partner? No Yes Give details of each child

3. Family name Given names




1. Family name Given names

Date of birth Relationship to you Full name of biological father Full name of biological mother Whereabouts of biological parents (if deceased or unknown, please state)




Date of birth Relationship to you Full name of biological father Full name of biological mother Whereabouts of biological parents (if deceased or unknown, please state)

Has this child been adopted (formally, customarily or traditionally) by the main applicant and/or partner? No Yes Date custody commenced

Has this child been adopted (formally, customarily or traditionally) by the main applicant and/or partner? No Yes Date custody commenced

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

For each adopted child, attach a certified copy of the adoption papers (if available) or attach a statement which explains the circumstances of the adoption

2. Family name Given names




Date of birth Relationship to you Full name of biological father Full name of biological mother Whereabouts of biological parents (if deceased or unknown, please state)

Has this child been adopted (formally, customarily or traditionally) by the main applicant and/or partner? No Yes Date custody commenced


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11 Do you have a husband, wife, de facto partner or any dependants who

normally live with you but who are not included in this application?

12 Is any person included in this application physically separated from

you (eg. missing or living at a separate address/location)? No Yes Give details and explain when and where you were last in contact with them

A dependant is a person who is wholly or substantially dependent on you or your partner for financial, psychological or physical support.
No Yes Give details and explain why they do not intend to migrate with you as part of this visa application

1. Family name Given names

1. Family name Given names

Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)


Relationship to you Last contact (when, where and how you were separated) Full residential address (if known)

Date of birth Relationship to you Reason they are not applying with you

2. Family name Given names 2. Family name Given names


Date of birth Relationship to you Reason they are not applying with you

Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Relationship to you Last contact (when, where and how you were separated) Full residential address (if known)

3. Family name Given names




Date of birth Relationship to you Reason they are not applying with you

3. Family name Given names

Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Relationship to you Last contact (when, where and how you were separated) Full residential address (if known)

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

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13 Relatives of MAIN APPLICANT

Give details of ALL YOUR parents, brothers and sisters and non-dependent children. You must include half, step and adopted relatives. If any person listed below is not biologically related to you, you must clearly indicate this. Note: You must list ALL relatives, whether they are living, deceased, or their whereabouts are unknown. If any relative is deceased or missing/whereabouts unknown, then you must write DECEASED or UNKNOWN in the Country where they are now living column.
Relationship status
(use codes on right)


Sex M/F

Date of birth

Relationship to main applicant Place and country of birth

(use codes on right)

Country where they are now living

Status in country of residence

(use codes on right)

Your parents




Mothers maiden name Your brothers and sisters

Relationship status codes N = Never married or been in a de facto relationship M = Married legally E = Engaged to be married S = Separated F = In a de facto relationship D = Divorced W = Widowed MT = Married by tradition/custom MR = Married religiously Relationship to main applicant codes PB = Parent Biological PA = Parent Adoptive PS = Parent Step PO = Parent Other (attach explanation) SB = Sibling Biological (full) SA = Sibling Adoptive SS = Sibling Step SO = Sibling Other (attach explanation) CB = Child Biological CA = Child Adoptive CS = Child Step CO = Child Other (attach explanation) Status in country of residence codes C = Citizen PR = Permanent resident TR = Temporary resident S = Student V = Visitor/Tourist R = Refugee I = Illegal resident A = Asylum/protection applicant O = Other give details on a separate page




Your non-dependent children (all children who are not included as dependants in this application)



If you need more space, please attach a separate page listing further names
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 15

14 Relatives of main applicants PARTNER

Give details of ALL YOUR PARTNERs parents, brothers and sisters and non-dependent children, including children your partner has had with other partners. You must include half, step and adopted relatives. If any person listed below is not biologically related to your partner, you must clearly indicate this. Note: You must list ALL YOUR PARTNERs relatives, whether they are living, deceased, or their whereabouts are unknown. If any relative is deceased or missing/whereabouts unknown, then you must write DECEASED or UNKNOWN in the Country where they are now living column.
Relationship to main applicants partner Place and country of birth
(use codes on right)


Sex M/F

Date of birth

Relationship status
(use codes on right)

Country where they are now living

Status in country of residence

(use codes on right)

Your partners parents




Your partners mothers maiden name Your partners brothers and sisters

Relationship status codes N = Never married or been in a de facto relationship M = Married legally E = Engaged to be married S = Separated F = In a de facto relationship D = Divorced W = Widowed MT = Married by tradition/custom MR = Married religiously




Relationship to main applicants partner codes PB = Parent Biological PA = Parent Adoptive PS = Parent Step PO = Parent Other (attach explanation) SB = Sibling Biological (full) SA = Sibling Adoptive SS = Sibling Step SO = Sibling Other (attach explanation) CB = Child Biological CA = Child Adoptive CS = Child Step CO = Child Other (attach explanation)

Your partners non-dependent children (all children who are not included as dependants in this application)



Status in country of residence codes C = Citizen PR = Permanent resident TR = Temporary resident S = Student V = Visitor/Tourist R = Refugee I = Illegal resident A = Asylum/protection applicant O = Other give details on a separate page

If you need more space, please attach a separate page listing further names
842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 16 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014

Part E Links to Australia

15 Has any person included in this application ever applied for
an Australian visa (permanent or temporary) before? No Yes Give details
Date of application

Family and given name (If all persons included in this application, write ALL)

Where was the application lodged?

File number (if known)

Application approved? No Yes Not decided

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

16 Do you or your partner have any relatives NOT INCLUDED IN THIS VISA APPLICATION
who have current Australian visa applications under consideration? No Yes Give details
Family and given name

Date of application

Where was the application lodged?

File number (if known)

Type of visa application (if known)

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

17 Is any person included in this application being proposed (on form 681 or form 1417)
for entry to Australia by a person or organisation in Australia? No Yes Give details of your proposer or Approved Proposing Organisation (in case of a Community Proposal Pilot application) Family name Given names OR Organisation name Contact person Relationship of the proposer to you Address of the proposer


Telephone number


Note: Proposers in the Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) program must complete form 681 Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal and lodge both form 681 and this form (form 842) together. There is no charge for lodging or processing form 681. Note: APOs under the Community Proposal Pilot must complete form 1417 Proposal for refugee and special humanitarian entrants by Approved Proposing Organisation and lodge both form 1417 and this form (form 842) together. For charges associated with lodging and processing form 1417, refer to the Visa Pricing Table www.immi.gov.au/fees-charges/visa-pricing-table.htm These forms are available from the department's website www.immi.gov.au
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 17

18 Split family provisions for immediate family members

Are any people included in this application members of the immediate family of a person in Australia who, in the last 5 years, was granted a Refugee/Humanitarian visa outside Australia, or a Protection or Resolution of Status (Class CD) visa inside Australia?

Immediate family means a spouse or de facto partner (including same-sex partner), dependent children, or parent (if your child in Australia is under 18 years of age)
No Yes Give details of the immediate family member who was granted the visa Family name Given names File number (if known) Name of the person in this application they are related to Relationship Where did they last live together?

When did they last live together? How did they become separated?

Attach a completed form 681 Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal to this application (there is no charge for lodging or processing form 681) Your proposer should complete form 681 for lodgement with this visa application. Form 681 is available from any office of the department, or from the departments website www.immi.gov.au Attach a certified copy of the immediate family members Australian visa and evidence of the relationship (eg. a marriage certificate, birth certificate etc.) if available Provide details of humanitarian claims at Part G, Questions 24 36

842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 18


19 Do any people included in this application have any other relatives residing in Australia?
No Yes Give details

Details of the relative in Australia Date of birth

Details of the person in this application they are related to


Resident status in Australia

(use codes below)


Given names

Relationship to applicant






If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

20 Do any people included in this application have any

other past or present links to Australia? No Yes Indicate the types of links and give details Education Employment Business Friend Other
Resident status in Australia codes C = Citizen PR = Permanent resident TR = Temporary resident S = Student V = Visitor/Tourist I = Illegal resident U = Unlawful non-citizen O = Other give details on a separate page
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 19

Part F Background information

21 Give details of any valid travel documents (eg. passports) or identity
cards/documents held by all people included in this application Note: If you do not have any documents, please explain why do not obtain fraudulent documents.

A3 Given names

Does this person have a travel or identity document? No Yes Attach a statement explaining what happened to your documents Give details


Main applicant

Type of document (use codes below) Passport number

(or document number)

Do you have a travel or identity document? No Yes Attach a statement explaining what happened to your documents Give details

Country of issue


Date of issue Date of expiry Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)

Type of document (use codes below) Passport number

(or document number)

Country of issue

Date of issue Date of expiry Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
A4 Given names

Does this person have a travel or identity document? No Yes Attach a statement explaining what happened to your documents Give details


Other applicants
A2 Given names

Type of document (use codes below) Passport number

(or document number)

Does this person have a travel or identity document? No Yes Attach a statement explaining what happened to your documents Give details

Country of issue

Date of issue Date of expiry


Type of document (use codes below) Passport number

(or document number)

Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)

Country of issue

A5 Given names

Date of issue Date of expiry Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)

Does this person have a travel or identity document? No Yes Attach a statement explaining what happened to your documents Give details


Type of document (use codes below) Passport number

(or document number)

Country of issue

Date of issue Date of expiry Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
Type of document codes P = Passport UN = UN Convention travel document or Titre de voyage A = Alien/Asylum Registration Card CI = Certificate or document of identity S = Seafarer identity document NIC = National identity card
842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 20 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014

A6 Given names

Does this person have a travel or identity document? No Yes Attach a statement explaining what happened to your documents Give details


Type of document (use codes below) Passport number

(or document number)

Country of passport

Date of issue Date of expiry Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)

A7 Given names

Does this person have a travel or identity document? No Yes Attach a statement explaining what happened to your documents Give details


Type of document (use codes below) Passport number

(or document number)

Country of issue

Date of issue Date of expiry Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

Attach certified copies of the travel documents and identity documents, if available

Type of document codes P = Passport UN = UN Convention travel document or Titre de voyage A = Alien/Asylum Registration Card CI = Certificate or document of identity S = Seafarer identity document NIC = National identity card
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 21

22 Has any person included in this application applied to migrate to another

country, or applied for refugee resettlement or asylum in any country? No Yes Give details
Date of application

Family and given names (If all persons included in this application, write ALL)

Which country?

Type of application (eg. refugee resettlement, migration, asylum etc.)

Application approved? No Yes Not decided

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

23 For EACH person included in this application list every address where they
have lived during the last 10 years
Address where you are living now Date you started to live at this address

Given names of people included in this application who live at this address (if all, write ALL)


Country Previous addresses Period at this address


Given names of people included in this application who lived at this address (if all, write ALL)































Attach certified copies of any visas/residence permits held by your family

842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 22


Part G Humanitarian claims

It is important for all applicants (including those proposed by a person or organisation in Australia) to provide all details of your humanitarian claims. An assessment of your humanitarian claims will include consideration against the following four factors: the degree of persecution or discrimination to which you are subject in your home country, and the extent of your connection with Australia, and whether or not there is any suitable country available, other than Australia, that can provide for your settlement and protection from discrimination, and the capacity of the Australian community or (in the case of a Community Proposal Pilot application) any proposers of your application, to provide for the permanent settlement of persons such as you in Australia. So that the decision-maker can give full consideration to your application you should include as much information against these factors as possible. Not all applicants are interviewed. Your answers should pay special attention to what happened to you and your family, not to the general situation in the country you fear returning to. When answering, you should tell us everything about why you and your family think you should be considered for entry to Australia under the Humanitarian Program. In answering these questions, you should tell us if you think any events/occurrences you refer to are because of: your race your religion your nationality your membership of a particular social group your political opinion other reasons. You should, wherever possible, provide as much information relating to dates, locations etc. in respect of any events/occurrences to which you refer.

24 For ALL the people included in this application list the ethnic group to which
they belong, their religion and any political party/group to which they belong
Given names

Ethnic group or clan

Religion (if any)

Membership of political party/group (if any)

Main applicant Other applicants







If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 23

25 What is the name of the country you have a

fear of returning to?

26 When did you leave the country you

fear returning to?




27 Why did you leave the country you fear returning to?
Your answer should pay special attention to what happened to you, not the general situation in that country.

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with details

842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 24


28 How did you leave the country you fear returning to?
Legally Illegally Give details of your exit permit Describe how you arranged to leave illegally


What do you believe may happen to you, or the people included in your application, if you were to return to that country?

You should give full details of what you think may happen to you and reasons why that would happen

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with details

30 Who do you think may harm or mistreat you if you go back to that country?

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with details


842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 25

31 Do you think the authorities of that country can and will protect you if you return to that country?
No Please explain why Yes

32 Did you travel through, or stay, in any other countries before arriving in the country where you are now living?
No Yes Give details including length of stay and dates
Dates From Country


33 Has this application been lodged based on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
referring you to Australia for refugee resettlement? No Yes Attach a full copy of your UNHCR Resettlement Registration Form (RRF)

34 Has any person included in this application served in a military

organisation (army/airforce/navy) or in a paramilitary organisation? No Yes Give details

Given names Country served Name of military/paramilitary organisation Rank in this organisation Dates of membership of this organisation Why did this person leave this organisation?

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach certified copies of any discharge papers if available

842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 26


35 Has any person included in this application ever lived in a refugee camp,
collective accommodation centre for refugees, or detention centre? No Yes Give details
Name of camp/centre Location Who ran the camp/centre?

Dates lived there


Given names of people included in this application who lived there (if all, write ALL)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

36 If selected for an interview about your application, will you need an interpreter?
No Yes Which language(s)?

If you are selected for an interview we will advise you if you are required to provide your own interpreter


842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 27

Part H Employment history

37 For EACH person included in this application, list all the jobs that they have had in the last 15 years and show any periods of unemployment
For each person, start with the latest period of employment and work backwards
Dates of employment

Name of employer

Location of employer

Type of business

Occupation and main duties


Main applicant

Other applicants






842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 28


(Question 37 continued)
Dates of employment

Name of employer

Location of employer

Type of business

Occupation and main duties









If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 29

Part I Language and education

38 For EACH person included in this application, give details of their language
How well this person speaks English Given names
A1 (insert code from below)

Main language spoken

Other languages spoken

Main applicant Other applicants

A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

39 For EACH person included in this application, give details of their education
Primary school Given names

Secondary school

Post-secondary education

Highest educational qualification obtained (eg. school certificate, electrician certificate, BA, PhD)

Main applicant Other applicants


















If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
English language codes 1 = Very well (eg. can speak English with little hesitation and few errors in most situations) 2 = Well (eg. can speak English well enough to deal with basic social and work situations) 3 = Not well (eg. can speak only a little English) 4 = Not at all
842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 30 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014

Part J Health
40 Have you, or any other person included in this application, undertaken a
health examination for an Australian visa in the last 12 months? No Yes Give details (including HAP ID if available)

Part L Assistance with this form

42 Did you receive assistance (other than clerical or translation assistance)
in completing this form? No Yes Title: Mr Go to Part M Please give details of the person or organisation who assisted you Mrs Miss Ms Other

Family name Given names Organisation

Part K Character
41 Has any person included in this application ever:
been convicted of a crime or offence in any country? been charged with any offence that is currently awaiting legal action? been found guilty or acquitted of any criminal or other offence on the grounds of mental illness, insanity or unsoundness of mind? been deported from any country? left any country voluntarily prior to the execution of a deportation order? been excluded from or required to leave any country? been involved in any activities that would represent a risk to Australian national security? committed or been involved in the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity or human rights? been involved in any activity, or been convicted of any offence, relating to the illegal movement of people to any country (including Australia)? had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia? No No Yes Yes



Telephone number or daytime contact


Office hours No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mobile/cell

43 Is the person an agent registered with the Office of the Migration Agents
Registration Authority (Office of the MARA)? No Yes Go to Part M

44 Is the person/agent in Australia?

No Yes Go to Part M



45 Did you pay the person/agent and/or give a gift for this assistance?
No Yes No Yes



Part M Options for receiving written communications

46 All written communications about this application should be sent to:
(Tick one box only)

served in a military force or state sponsored/private militia, undergone any military/paramilitary training, or been trained in weapons/explosives use (however described)? No


Myself OR Proposer OR All written communications will be sent to the address of the proposer provided in this form. Note: If you are applying in the Community Proposal Pilot, you should select this option. You should complete form 956A Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient Your migration agent/exempt person should complete form 956 Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance
842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 31

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, provide all details below. If the matters relate to a criminal conviction, please give the nature of the offence, full details of sentence and dates of any period of imprisonment or other detention.

Authorised recipient OR Migration agent OR

If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details

Exempt person


Part N Australian values statement

This statement must be signed by the main applicant and each person aged 18 years or over who is included in this application. Signature of main applicant

I confirm that I have read, or had explained to me, information provided by the Australian Government on Australian society and values. I understand: Australian society values respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual, freedom of religion, commitment to the rule of law, Parliamentary democracy, equality of men and women and a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play and compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good; Australian society values equality of opportunity for individuals, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic background; the English language, as the national language, is an important unifying element of Australian society. I undertake to respect these values of Australian society during my stay in Australia and to obey the laws of Australia. I understand that, if I should seek to become an Australian citizen: Australian citizenship is a shared identity, a common bond which unites all Australians while respecting their diversity; Australian citizenship involves reciprocal rights and responsibilities. The responsibilities of Australian citizenship include obeying Australian laws, including those relating to voting at elections and serving on a jury. If I meet the legal qualifications for becoming an Australian citizen and my application is approved I understand that I would have to pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people.


Signature of dependent applicant Name

Signature of dependent applicant Name

Signature of dependent applicant Name

Signature of dependent applicant Name

Signature of dependent applicant Name

Signature of dependent applicant Name

Signature of dependent applicant Name

842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 32


Part O Declaration and consent

Warning: The Migration Act contains a power to cancel a visa if a person has made an incorrect statement in relation to their application. If it is determined that you have concealed information, such as an offence, your application to enter Australia may be refused. If you have already been granted a visa and it is subsequently discovered that you have concealed information, such as an offence, your visa will be liable to cancellation and you may be refused entry to Australia. In the event that you have already entered Australia your visa will be liable to cancellation and, if cancelled, you may be detained and removed from Australia.

48 This declaration and consent must be signed by you (the main applicant)
and ALL persons aged 18 or over included in this application.

WARNING: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. Signature or mark of applicant Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Signature or mark of partner (if applicable) Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Signatures of persons aged 18 years or over who are included in this application (if applicable) Signature or mark Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

I declare that: the information I have supplied on and with this form is complete, correct and up-to-date in every detail. I did not marry or enter a de facto relationship to become eligible for entry to Australia. I understand that if I have given false or misleading information, my application may be refused, or, if a visa has been granted, the visa may be cancelled and I could be removed from Australia. I understand that if I am granted a visa, any person not included in this application will not have automatic right of entry to Australia by way of this application. I undertake to inform the Australian Government of any material changes to my circumstances while my application is being considered, or before I am immigration cleared. (Note: Your visa may be cancelled and you could be removed if you do not advise of changes in circumstances). I authorise the Australian Government to make any enquiries necessary to determine my eligibility for entry to Australia, and to use any information supplied in this application for that purpose. I understand that unless my qualifications have already been recognised by an Australian assessing authority before my departure, they may not be recognised after my arrival. I understand that it is my personal responsibility to assess my own employment prospects in Australia and acknowledge that labour market conditions there can vary significantly from time to time and between regions. I understand that grant of a visa provides no guarantee of employment once in Australia. I have read the information contained in form 1442i Privacy notice. I understand the department may collect, use and disclose my personal information (including biometric information and other sensitive information) as outlined in form 1442i Privacy notice. For offshore applicants who are required to provide their fingerprints and facial image: I understand that my fingerprints and facial image and my biographical information held by the department may be given to Australian law enforcement agencies to help identify me, to help determine my eligibility for grant of the visa I have applied for, and for law enforcement purposes. I consent to: Australian law enforcement agencies disclosing my biometric, biographical and criminal record information to the department for any of the purposes outlined above; and the department using the information obtained for the purposes of the Migration Act 1958 or the Citizenship Act 2007. For applicants applying in the Community Proposal Pilot: I understand that my Approved Proposing Organisation will be lodging this application on my behalf; and I understand that the information that I provide in this form may be shared with my Approved Proposing Organisation and that my Approved Proposing Organisation may also share this information with any Supporting Community Organisations it works with in order to provide services to help me settle in Australia.



Signature or mark Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Signature or mark Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Signature or mark Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Signature or mark Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Signature or mark Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

We strongly advise that you keep a copy of your application and all attachments for your records.

Important If your circumstances change after you lodge this application (eg. you change your address, marry or become engaged to be married, or have a baby), you must notify the office where you lodge this application. If your application is supported by a proposal form 681 Refugee and special humanitarian proposal or form 1417 Proposal for refugee and special humanitarian entrants by Approved Proposing Organisations and your proposers circumstances change after you have lodged this application, you should also notify the office where you lodge this application.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2014 842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 33

Part P Document checklist

This checklist is provided to help you submit a complete, decision-ready application. If you do not have any of the requested documents (originals or certified* copies) listed below, please provide an explanation as to why you no longer have these documents. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU SUBMIT FALSE DOCUMENTS Question Q21 Document Certified* copies of travel documents and/or identity cards held by any person included in this application (if available) OR A statement explaining why you have no travel/identity documents Q23 Attached? Q27 Certified* copies of any visas/residence permits held by any person included in this application (if available) A detailed written statement (in English), clearly explaining the reasons why you left the country you fear returning to OR If you have been referred for resettlement by the UNHCR, a full copy of your UNHCR Resettlement Registration Form (RRF) Q33 Certified* copies of any discharge papers (if available) Attached?

49 Have you attached the following documents?

Question Document Eight (8) recent passport size photographs of each person included in your application, with the full name of the person written on the back of each photograph Q2 & 3 Evidence of the identity of each person included in this application (eg. certified* copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates, passport, national identity card etc.), if available Evidence of registration with any international organisation dealing with refugees (eg. UNHCR), if applicable Certified* copies of previous marriage/divorce papers, or death certificates (if applicable) Certified* copies of child custody papers (if applicable) Certified* copies of adoption papers or a written statement which explains the circumstances of adoption (if applicable) If your entry to Australia is being proposed by a person or organisation in Australia, attach a fully completed form 681 completed by your proposer OR If your entry to Australia is being proposed by an Approved Proposing Organisation under the Community Proposal Pilot, attach a fully completed form 1417 completed by your Approved Proposing Organisation Q18 If you are applying under the split family provisions for immediate family members, please attach: a certified* copy of your proposers visa evidence of the relationship with your proposer (eg. a certified* copy of marriage or birth certificate) A form 681 completed by your immediate family member in Australia who is proposing you Note: If applying under split family provisions, form 681 must be lodged with the form 842 at the time you submit this application


Q8 Q9 Q10


If you have attached additional pages with answers, each page must be marked with the question number it refers to, and signed and dated by each person aged 18 years or over who is included in this application. Please ensure you, your partner and persons aged 18 years or over who are included in this application have signed the Declaration at Part O. If you do not provide all the necessary documents, or you have not provided an adequate explanation why you cannot provide these documents, a decision may be made on the information you have provided. It is in your interest to support your application with as much information as possible at the time of lodging this application. You must lodge your Class XB visa application at the relevant office of the department responsible for visa applications from your country of residence. To find out which office of the department you need to lodge your application with, refer to the departments website at www.immi.gov.au Note: Certain applicants must lodge their application in Australia (see Where can you lodge this application? on page 3).

*In Australia, copies of documents must be certified as true copies of the original by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, or a person before whom a Statutory Declaration may be made under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959. *Outside Australia, copies of documents must be certified by a person who is the equivalent of a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations in the country where the documents are being certified.

842 (Design date 03/14) - Page 34


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