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Name the first bank in the country to launch the reserve mortage scheme


Which of the following banks is appointed as the bank who will refund Income Tax to Tax Payers ? 1. AXIS Bank 2. PNB 3. ICICI Bank 4. SBI 5. None of these Which of the following is / are the major reforms the Govt. has introduced in the banking sector ? A. Dismantling the complex system of interest rate controls B. Eliminating prior approval of the RBI for large loans C. Introduciton of capital adequacy norms and a few other prudential norms 1. Only A 2. Only B 3. All of these 4. None of these Inflation has become a major area of concern in India these days. What measures do the Govt of India / RBI normally take to control the same ? A. Fixation of Maximum Prices of the Commodities. B. System of Dual Prices C. Increase in supply of food-grains. D. Control on credit and liquidity in market. 1. Only A 2. Only B 3. Only C 4. Only B, C and D 5. All A, B, C and D Govt. of India these days is very keen about the credit to the rural people, Which of the following is the product launched by the banks to provide loan / credit to the farmers quickly ? 1. Kissan Vikas Patra 2. Indira Vikas Patra 3. Kissan Credit Card 4. National Savings Scheme 5. All of these Which of the following statements is / are true ? 1. SEBI was established in 1988 2. It was made a fully autonomous body in 1992 3. It regulates the securities market and protect the interests of investors in securities 4. All of these 5. None of these Mutual Funds are regulated by Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

Which of the following committees has given its recommendations on "Financial Inclusion" ? 1. Vaghul Committee 2. Raghuram Rajan Committee 3. Rakesh Mohan Committee 4. Kelkar Committee 5. None of these The main function of IMF is ? 1. to help solve balance-of-payments problem of member countries 2. to arrange international deposits from banks 3. to act as private sector lending arm of the World Bank 4. to finance investment loans to developing countries 5. none of these Which of the following banks is limitted to the needs of agriculture and rural finance ? 1. RBI 2. SBI 3. IFC 4. NABARD 5. Axis Bank As we all know that the Govt. of India has re-sorted to disinvestment of its equity holding in some of the public sector undertakings. The funds so generated have been __________ A. Earmarked for the development of those undertakings B. Approximated by the govt to reduce fiscal deficit. C. Given as loans to the public udnertakings. 1. A and C 2. A and B 3. Only B 4. A, B and C 5. None of these Which one fo the following is NOT correct regarding the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12) 1. Targeted GDP growth rate is 9% p.a. 2. Incremental Capital Output Ratio is 4:1 3. Share of the states in total public sector outlay is mor ethan that of the center 4. Aims at rapid growth that reduces poverty and creates employment opportunities 5. None of these Which of the following is the Regulator of the credit rating agencies of India ? 1. RBI 2. SBI 3. SIDBI 4. SEBI 5. None of these

Which of the following terms is NOT associated with bankign operations ? 1. Repo Rate 2. Prime Lending Rate 3. Equator 4. Corporate Finance 5. Cash Reserve Ratio Total Agricultural advances must be ____ percent of Net Bank Credit (NBC) for domestic banks ? 1. 24 2. 60 3. 15 4. 32 5. 18 Joint Liability Groups (JLG) replicate the _____________ 1. Sole Help Group 2. Sole Help Grain 3. Stone Help Group 4. Second Help Group 5. Self Help Group Which of the following is NOT a foreign bank operating in India ? A. Shinhan Bank B. DBS Bank Ltd. C. J. P. MOrgan Chase Bank D. Sonali Bank Choose the correct option 1. A only 2. D only 3. B only 4. All are foreign banks 5. None of these Which of the following has been officially changed to the Axis Bank Ltd. ? 1. U.T.I Bank 2. Lord Krishna Bank 3. Centurian Bank 4. Imperial Bank 5. None of these Which of the following is NOT a welfare scheme launched by the Govt of India ? 1. Villiage Grain Bank Scheme 2. Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana 3. Annapurna Scheme 4. Mid-Day Meal Scheme

5. Bharat Nirman Yojana Which of the following cannot be called as a Value Added service offered by a bank ? 1. Special Accounts for poor sections of society 2. Accident Insurance Cover 3. Instant Credcit of outstation cheques 4. Free cheque books 5. All of these The minimum number of women required for foramation of women groups under Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) is? 10 Which state has been able to improve enrollement of girls in schools became of its "Mukhya Mantri Balika Cycle Yojana" that gives Rs. 2000 to every girl to buy herself a cycle? Bihar Which of the following is NOT correctly matched ? 1. IFCI - 1948 2. ICICI - 1956 3. IDBI - 1964 4. SIDBI - 1988 5. None of these Which of the following measure have been taken to enlarge resources available to RRBs ? 1. Lines of credit at a reasonable rate of Interest from sponsor banks. 2. Accepts to inter-RRB term money / borrowings. 3. Access to Repo/CBLO markets 4. All of these 5. None of these Currency of U.A.E. Dirham

The Land Development Bank secure short term acommodation from the 1. State Governments 2. Commercial Banks 3. State Co-Operative Banks 4. All of these 5. None of these GNP Stands for Gross National Product Financial Inclusion Network and Operations 2

What is the full form of "FINO"?

In India Nationalization of banks took place in how many phases?

Industrial Exit policy means?

Allowing business units to close down

Which of the following is NOT the feature of Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) ? 1. Payments are settled transaction by transaction 2. Settlement of funds is recoverable 3. Settlement is done in real time 4. It is a fully secured system which uses digital signatures and public key encryption for safe and secure message transmission. 5. None of these The 2011 Census is the __________ 1. 11th Census 2. 15th Census 3. 14th Census 4. 12th Census 5. None of these Lending done by financing institutions including banks to customers not meeting with normally required credit appraisal standards is known as? Sub-Prime The name of which of the following great leaders is associated with National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme? 1. Indira Gandhi 2. Mahatma Gandhi 3. Jawaharlal Nehru 4. Rajiv Gandhi 5. None of these Which of the following terms is used in Banking? 1. Epicenter 2. Pascal 3. Latency 4. Verticity 5. Inflation Standard & Poor is a Credit Rating Agency

Which of the following is the Banker of the Banks? 1. IDBI 2. SBI 3. RBI 4. SBI and RBI 5. SEBI Which of the following Mahatma Gandhi series of currency notes issued by the RBI has a drawing of the 'Parliament House' depicted on it?

Rs. 50 Which Stock Exchange and United Bank of India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with for offering an internet based equity trading platform? Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd. The committee which has been set by the government of India regarding the issues of merging of AirIndia and Indian airlines staff into Air India Ltd. Dharmadhikari Committee What is meant by Public Sector Bank? Govt. of India or RBI or Both have 51% shares in Bank An important source of capital formation in India has been __Household savings__ The term 'insider trading' is associated with __Stock Markets__ If a cheque bearing date prior to the date, when it was actually drawn, it is called__Anti-dated Cheque__

Which of the following organizations / agencies has specifically been set up to boost overall rural development in India? NABARD Reserve Bank of India is funding to encourage advance training and research on banking issues, economic Growth. It is funding National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM) at__Pune__ Foreign Exchange Reserves are kept in the custody of __RBI__ Banking Regulation Act was passed in which year? 1949 Andhra Bank's head office is at __Hyderabad__ 'e - Choupal' is the Rural marketing network initiative of ITC GAAR General Anti-Avoidance Rules Country which is going to be the 2nd largest producer of crude steel in the world by 2015? Which card provides the instant and needy loan to farmers in India - Kissan Credit Card


RBI buys and sells the government securities in the open market. By buying the securities, it increases the circulation of money and by selling it decreases the circulation of money. This process is called as? Open Market Operations Bank note Press Dewas is in the state of Madhya Pradesh The first phase of Indian banking runs between 1786 to 1969. Common man account Saving account On 15th August, which country also celebrates Independence Day like India? Rise in Stock Market is usually referred to as Bull

South Korea

ICICI Bank made an agreement with ECO bank to extend the banking regulations on 15th October 2012. ECO bank original base is in __Africa__ Which of the following term is NOT related with Banking / Finance ? 1. Annuity 2. Line of Credit 3. Heir

4. Fore Closure 5. Lipitor Which of the following Negotiable Instruments can be crossed to the banks ? 1. Cheques 2. Bills of Exchange 3. Drafts 4. All of these 5. None of these "The Global Enabling Trade Report" is released by? Coins are minted at __________ 1. Mumbai 2. Hyderabad 3. Noida 4. Kolkata 5. All of these The set of directive principles issued by the Central Bank of a country or the process adopted by it to control the supply of money, availability of money, cost of money and rate of interest, etc, in order to bring stability and growth of the "economy" are commonly known as ? Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of the country Which of the following is NOT a funciton of a commercial bank ? 1. Providing project finance 2. Selling Mutual Funds 3. Deciding policy rates like CRR, Repo Rates and SLR etc 4. Settlement of Payments on behalf of the customers 5. Providing services such as locker facilities, remittances etc Banks do not issue _________ 1. Cheque Book 2. PAN Card 3. Demand Draft 4. Letter of Credit 5. Withdrawal Form Out of the 27 members of the European Union, which country is India's biggest trading partner? Petro Dollar Means Money owned by Oil rich countries invested in USA Germany World Economic Forum

Which of the following Acts was framed specially to deal more effectively with the problem of Non Performing Assets in Banking system? 1. Industrial Disputes Act 2. Banking Regulation Act

3. 4. 5.

Foreign Exchange Management Act All of these None of these Basel Acord

The New Capital Adequacy Framework prescribed for the banks is commonly known as? PFRDA stands for Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

Which of the following origanizations / agencies recently prepared a charter of the Banking Codes and Services ? (All banks are required to sign the same) 1. Indian Bank Association (IBA) 2. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) 3. All India Bank Employee's Union 4. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 5. None of these Which of the following agencies / bodies has asked all foreign funds to come forward and register themselves as Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) prior to any investment in India? SEBI Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was launched in __2000__ As compared to traditional budgeting, in case 0of Performance and Programme Budgeting System (PPBS), which one of the following statements is correct ? 1. It stresses on outcome only 2. It stresses on expenditure allocation only 3. It stresses more on outcome and less on expenditure allocation 4. It stresses less on outcome and less on expenditure allocation 5. None of these Which one of the following partnership in the domestic insurance sector is incorrect? 1. HDFC - Standard Life 2. Birla - Sun Life 3. Tata - Allianz 4. Max - New York Life 5. None of these Consider the following statements (I) If the beneficiary of a cheque has lost the cheque, he can instruct the paying bank to stop payment of the cheque without waiting for the account holder's instruction (II) While outsourcing, the only consideration should be cost savings Which among the statements given above is / are correct ? 1. Only I 2. Only II 3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II


None of these

Regional Rural Banks are empowered to transact the business of Banking as defined under _Banking Regulation Ace, 1949_ According to the Securities and Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill 201, who amongst the following will be Vice Chairman of joint commission to resolve differences amongst the financial regulators? RBI, Governor In which circumstance Dear money policy will be adopted by Reserve Bank of India? Banking companies (Acquisition and transfer of Undertaking) Act was passed in? The money which is accepted temporary in lieu of gold is called? Fiat Money Rise in Money Supply Inflation 1970

Which leads to the rise in the demand, the rise in price level and a fall in the interest rate?

Name of the organization that was established by State Bank of India for buying and selling the Govt. Securities? SBI Gilts Ltd. Stagflation refers to? Inflation with Recession 17% Y.V. Reddy Committee Greshnams Law M3 and M4

Growth in M0 (Reserve money) during 2009-10 was?

Which committee recommended the measurements like M0, M1, M2 and M3? Which law states that Bad money drives good money out of circulation? Time deposits with banks are included in which measures of money stock? The RBI can increase the demand deposit component of the money supply by? Lowering reserve requirements and increasing the volume of reserves Open Market Operations means sale or purchase in the open market of? In an economy high-powered money is equal to?

Government Securities

Monetary liabilities of Central Bank and Govt. Money They are not used as medium of exchange Loan taken by one commercial bank

Saving deposits are not a part of money stock measure M1 because?

Which factor does not affect the balance sheet of Reserve Bank of India? from the other The most liquid of all assets is? Money

If reserve Bank of India raises the Cash Reserve Ration than? Other things being equal, an increase in the supply of money? demand The function of World Bank (IBRD) is?

The value of money multiplier decreases Lowers nominal interest rate and raises aggregate

Promote growth of International trade and equilibrium

The supply of money consists of?

Notes, Coins and Demand Deposits

Which bill related to provide Operational flexibility to central bank to fix SLR and CRR for different banks? The RBI (Amendment) Bill 2005 In India which is the biggest commercial bank in public sector? State Bank of India Differential rate of Interest Scheme was introduced in which year? From which date banks were allowed free to fix base rates by RBI? Foreign Direct Investment limit in private sector banks is? First chairman of private sector banks association is? 74% 1972 April 1, 2011

P.N. Joshi 1995 11%

RBI introduced Banking Ombudsman scheme in which year?

The proportion of Non - Banking financial companies assets in the total assets of the financial systems? Under which act Local Area Banks can be established by private promoters? Company Act - 1956

Who is the chairman of the working group constituted by RBI to provide suggestions on regulating loans to organized sector? S.C. Gupta Monetary policy is a policy adopted by? At the liquidity trap which will be very low? Interest rate policy is a part of which policy? Which is not an instrument of monetary policy? Financial market department was setup in RBI in? Dena bank was established in? july 19th , 1969 PNB RBI The rate of Interest Monetary Policy Import duty July, 2005

With which bank of September 4, 1993, new bank of India was merged? Number of deputy governors of RBI is? Ways and means Advances was in force since? The main function of NABARD is? 4 (Four) 1977, April 1st

To Provide refinancing Facility

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