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Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website Bibliography Primary Sources Boys in a Cannery. Photograph. Library Of Congress.

Accessed October 12, 2013. This website embodies a picture of young boys in Indianapolis uploading new tomato cans from freight cars in August 1908. I cited this website because it contains a picture of children working and my topic is related to child labor. Boys Working in an Arcade Bowling Alley, Trenton, NJ. Photograph. National Archives. December 20, 1909. Accessed December 18, 2013. This website contains an image of juvenile boys working in an Arcade Bowling Alley. This image was captured by Lewis Hine on December 20, 1909. This relates to my topic as I am researching on Child Labor The Carrying-in Boys. Photograph. Library of Congress. Accessed October 12, 2013. This is an image of boys working in a glass factory in highly dangerous conditions. At the time of industrial revolution, children were forced to work at minimal wages to support their families instead of going to school. This relates to my topic because I am researching on Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution in America. Child Factory Worker. Image. ABC Clio. Accessed November 6, 2013. This image shows a child working in a factory in Alexandria, Virginia in 1911, during the Industrial Revolution. Child Labor was an integral part of the economy in the 19th century. This relates to my topic, Child Labor, as it was an important part of the society during the 19th century in America. "Child Labor in America 1908-1912." The History Place. Accessed November 16, 2013. This website includes a lot of photographs captured by Lewis Hine during the Industrial Revolution. This was a very useful primary source as it contains a lot of images of the children working. I used some these pictures in slideshows and the banner.

"Child Labor." American Treasures of the Library of Congress. Last modified July 27, 20110. Accessed October 12, 2013.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website This Document is the report by Lewis Hine, who was hired by the National Child Committee. Lewis Hine was a teacher who left his teaching profession to work as an investigator for the committee. His works provide us with a ton of evidence about child labor and that helped me a lot while researching about child labor.

Children "Helped" Their Parents to Make Meager Family Wages Prior to the Federal Law. Photograph. Harvard University Library. Accessed November 6, 2013. This website contains pictures of children who financially helped their parents prior to the Federal Law. Child labor was very common during the Industrial Revolution. I cited this because it shows the hardships faced by the children and it relates to my topic. Children Protesting against Child Labor in New York City. Photograph. Jewish Labor Committee. Accessed October 12, 2013. This website contains a photo which shows children protesting against Child Labor and Slavery. In 1909, the children protested against child labor and slavery in New York City. This relates to my topic since I am researching on Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution in America.

Children working in a factory. Photograph. History Tunes. Accessed October 12, 2013. This image shows children who are working in order to earn minimal wages. Children were forced by their employers to work very long hours. The conditions in the factories they worked in were also very hazardous and they were not paid a sufficient amount of money for their jobs. Cigar factory. Boys in foreground. Indianapolis, Ind. Photograph. National Archives. Accessed October 12, 2013. This is a picture of young boys working in a cigar factory. It was taken in Indianapolis in 1908. This picture was captured by Lewis Hine and it serves as an evidence of child labor and it relates to my topic as well.

Crosby, Fanny J. "Hymn for the Working Children." 1913. In NA. Accessed December 18, 2013.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website This is a poem by Fanny J. Crosby about Child Labor. It reflects the true feelings of the Children who were forced to work instead of enjoying their childhood. I used this as a primary source on my site. Fight Slavery Now. Accessed December 19, 2013. This website contains a quote by Kofi Annan. I used this quote on my website as it relates to Child Labor. Florence Kelley. Photograph. Famous Quotes. Accessed December 26, 2013. This is a useful source. This contains a picture of Florence Kelley. She played a key role in ending child labor in the US. "Florence Kelley Speaks Out on Child Labor." Austin Community College. Accessed March 16, 2014. This website is useful as it contains a quote by Florence Kelley. I used this quote on my website.

Good Reads. Accessed December 19, 2013. This is a valuable source. It contains a quote by President Roosevelt about child labor. I used this as a primary source on my site. A group of "breaker boys" who broke up coal in the Woodward Coal Mines of Kingston, Pennsylvania, around 1900. Photograph. eLibrary. Accessed November 6, 2013. This picture shows the miserable conditions of the children who were forced to work in the mines to earn a living. Children had no other option. They worked to earn minimal wages instead of going to school. I included this citation because it relates to my topic. History. Accessed December 19, 2013. This website contains a quote about Child Labor. Child Labor was at it extreme during the 1900's. I used this quote on my site.

"Industrialization through the Eyes of Children." Mamie's Journal, December 1, 1908. Accessed October 13, 2013.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website 50ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvUERGL0dyN0xhbmdBcnRzVzEucGRmCkluZHVzdHJpYW xpemF0aW9uIFRocm91Z2ggdGhlIEV5ZXMgb2YgQ2hpbGRyZW4gQW4gQURFIC4u Lg==. This is a journal written by a 13 years old girl, Mamie, who worked in a mill since she was 4 years old. I used this journal as a primary source as it tells us about the issues faced by the children during the industrial revolution. The History Place. Accessed December 18, 2013. This website contains a lot of images captured by Lewis Hine. These pictures show the miserable conditions of the children during the 1900's. I used these pictures to create slideshows for my site. "Industrialization & Child Labor in New York." New York State Archives. Accessed March 30, 2014. This is a telegram by a lady who is against child labor reforms. It shows how parents wanted their kids to work in order to fulfill their needs. Jane Addams. Photograph. All Posters. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a picture of Jane Addams, who was a social reformer. She played a vital role in ending child labor during the industrial revolution in the United States. I used this picture on one of the pages on my site with her achievements. Jane Addams. Photograph. FoGlobe. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a picture of Jane Addams. She was a social worker. She played an important role in abolishing child labor. I used this image with her accomplishments on my site. "Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 (1916)." Our Documents. Accessed November 6, 2013. This document from is an online version of the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 (1916). This was helpful because it provides us with information about the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916. This act limited the working hours of the children and made life easier for them. Kelley, Florence A. "Speaks Out on Child Labor and Woman Suffrage." Speech, Philadelphia, PA, July 22, 1905.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website This is a very important and useful primary source. This is an influential speech by Florence A. Kelley against Child Labor. In this speech she talked about the issues faced by the children during the industrial revolution. A letter written by Edward F. Brown describing the number of children working in a factory. American Treasures of the Library Congress. Last modified July 27, 2010. Accessed October 12, 2013. This website contains a letter written by Edward F. Brown describing the number of children working in a factory. It also include their ages. It provides us more information about the condition of the children who were forced to work. Lewis Hine. Photograph. Luis A. Avils. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a valueable source as it comprehends a picture of Lewis Hine. Lewis Hine played an important role in ending Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution. I used this image on my site with his accomplishments. Lewis Hine. Photograph. George Eastman House. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a beneficial source as it comprehends a picture of Lewis Hine. Lewis Hine played a key role in ending Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution. I used this image on my site with his accomplishments. Library of Congress. "Declaration of Dependence by the Children of America." American Treasures of the Library of Congress. Last modified 1913. Accessed December 18, 2013. This website embodies a document known as the "Declaration of Dependence by the Children of America." This document reflects over how the children during the Industrialization period felt about Child Labor. It was written by A. J. McKelway. Library of Congress. Accessed December 18, 2013. This website contains a lot of images captured by Lewis Hine. These pictures show the miserable conditions of the children during the 1900's. I used these pictures to create slideshows for my site. Library of Congress. Accessed March 16, 2014. This is a very useful primary source. It contains a quote by Charlie Brazell who was a child laborer during the industrial revolution.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website Manuel, the young shrimp-picker, five years old, and a mountain of child-labor oyster shells behind him. Photograph. The Social Welfare History Project. Accessed November 6, 2013. This picture shows us how melancholic life was for the children during the Industrial Revolution in America. Children as young as 4 also worked to add to their family income. It was helpful as it helps us understand the difficulties faced by the children. Montagar, James L. Child Labor. 1913. In NA. Accessed December 18, 2013. This is a poem by James L. Montagar about Child Labor. It reflects the true feelings of the Children who were forced to work instead of enjoying their childhood. I used this as a primary source on my site. NA. "Florence A. Kelley." This website contains a newspaper article about Florence Kelley. She played an important role in ending child labor. I used this article as a primary source.

National Archives. Accessed December 19, 2013. This is a very useful source. It contains a quote by Lewis Hine. I used it on my site as a primary source.

A nine year old newsgirl. Photograph. National Archives. 2003. Accessed October 12, 2013. This includes an image of a nine years old girl who sold newspaper in order to support her family. This picture was taken in Hartford, Connecticut on 03/06/1909. Children had to work at midnight to earn money since they had no other option. Oshkosh Northwestern (Oshkosh). "Lewis W. Hine, Famed Photographer, Dies at Eastern Hospital." November 4, 1940. This website contains a Newspaper article about Lewis Hine. It is a valuable source as it describes his background. It also includes his works and is an overall summary of his life. Prezi. Last modified October 24, 2012. Accessed December 26, 2013.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website This website contains a quote by Florence Kelley about child labor. I used this as a primary source. Quotes Storage. Accessed March 7, 2014. This is a useful source as it contains a quote related to Child Labor by Michael Moore. I used the quote as a primary source. It expresses Moores opinion about Child Labor.

"Radishes! Penny a bunch!" Boys and girls sell all day until 11 P.M. Cincinnati, OH. Photograph. National Archives. Accessed October 12, 2013. This website contains an image of young boys and girls who are trying to sell radishes until 11:00 p.m. This picture was taken by Lewis Hine in Cincinnati, OH on 08/22/1908. Children had to work till late at night to support their family. "State Ratifications of Child Labor Amendment, 1924 - 1937." National Archives. Accessed November 6, 2013. This includes the Child Labor Amendment of 1924. This amendment is a ratification of the state of Arizona. It is a very important document in the history of child labor. Successories. Accessed March 7, 2014. This website contains a quote about Child Labor by Alexis Herman. I used this quote on my site as a primary source. This focuses on the dangers the future generations might face due to child labor. Voices in Wartime. Accessed March 7, 2014. This website contains a quote about Child Labor by Jane Addams. I used it on my site as a primary source. It focuses on the importance of education. Workers Stringing Beans, Baltimore, MD. Photograph. National Archives. June 7, 1909. Accessed December 18, 2013. This is an image of young children stringing beans. It was captured by Lewis Hine in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1909. Children were forced to work in order to support their families. I used this source because it relates to my topic.

The World Bank. Accessed March 7, 2014.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website SDARTPROGRAM/0,,contentMDK:22458315~pagePK:219320~piPK:219325~theSiteP K:254046,00.html. This website contains a quote about Child Labor. I used this quote on my website as a primary source. It emphasizes on how child labor can destroy the society.

Secondary Sources Arizona Department of Education. "Industrialization through the Eyes of Children." In Go Bookee. Accessed October 13, 2013. 50ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvUERGL0dyN0xhbmdBcnRzVzEucGRmCkluZHVzdHJpYW xpemF0aW9uIFRocm91Z2ggdGhlIEV5ZXMgb2YgQ2hpbGRyZW4gQW4gQURFIC4u Lg==. The "Work of Lewis Hine" passage on page 4 provides information about Lewis Hine's work as an investigative reporter and photographer for the National Child Labor Committee. Hine's images of working children stirred America's conscience and helped change the nation's labor laws. His work made a difference in the lives of American workers , and most importantly children.

"Causes For the Decline in Child Labor in the U.S." Digital Commons. Last modified April 1, 2004. Accessed October 13, 2013. This contains an article about the causes for the decline in Child Labor in the U.S. It shows us how child labor was reduced back in the day. A lot of steps were taken to stop child labor.

"Causes For the Decline in Child Labor in the U.S." Digital Commons. Last modified April 1, 2004. Accessed October 13, 2013. This provides an article that gives a snapshot of the 19th century child labor in America. In the 19th century, there were no laws that prohibited child labor. Children had to work in

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website hazardous conditions to earn money. A lot of accidents took place in the factories and they did not end up well for the children. Child Labor. Image. August 30, 2007. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a poster created by The National Child Labor Committee. This was useful as it persuades people to help reduce child labor. I used this image on one of the pages of my website. "Child Labor." History. Accessed November 6, 2013. This website summarizes the time period of the industrial revolution. It shows us how child labor originated and how reforms were made to end it. It also tells us about the problems caused due to child labor. It relates to the topic as I am researching about Child Labor and it provides a whole lot of information.

"Child Labor Video." History. Streaming Video, 1:39. Accessed November 6, 2013. This video shows how unions put an end to child labor in factories during the early 1900's. It also shows us how the unions took steps to cut excessive work hours and pay cuts. This was very beneficial to the children working at that time. "Children Who Built America." Ocala. Accessed October 13, 2013. This source supplies the background of Child Labor during Industrial Revolution in America. It talks about the misfortune and hardships faced by the children. It shows us the struggle the children at that time had to face. I used this source because it relates to the theme. A child's hands covered in mud. Photograph. Malia Litman. April 2012. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a picture of a child who had been working. His hands were dirty because of the nature of labor he had to do. This image was useful as I used it to create the banner for my site.

"Exploited Children Organize, Defeat Newspaper Titans." The American Postal Worker magazine, May/June 2012. This article provides a summary of the working conditions of the Newspaper boys in New York in the 19th century. It talks about a Newsboys strike in 1899. This strike captured the whole nations attention and their struggle exposed the exploitation of children to fight for better pay and working conditions.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website "Florence Kelley Movie (Education 225)." Youtube. Video file, 06:10. Posted April 14, 2013. Accessed December 26, 2013. This is a useful source. It gives an overview of Florence Kelley's life Hindman, Hugh D. "Child Labor: An American History." In Child Labor: An American History. N.p.: EH.NET, 2003. Accessed October 13, 2013. This book answers several questions about child labor during the industrial revolution in America. It tells us about the struggle faced by the children. The children had to work in miserable conditions. They also risked their lives by working in such conditions. Hirsch, Emil G., Dr. "The Evil Of Child Labor." Cleveland Journal, April 22, 1905. Accessed October 12, 2013. This is an article by Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, in which he discusses how child labor impacts the future of a person. It tells us about the cons of child labor. I cited this article because it provides a lot of useful about child labor. "Industrial Revolution, Focus on Women and Children." Youtube. Video file, 02:37. Posted December 16, 2009. Accessed October 12, 2013. This video shows child labor during the Industrial Revolution. Under the feudal system, children spent hours working for negligible wages. It is a useful source as it provides an overview of child labor. International Labour Organization. Last modified October 8, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013. This website was a very useful source as it contains a song against Child Labor. This song was composed by children from Dante Alighieri Middle School, Turin (Italy) in the framework of IPEC's "supporting Children's Rights through Education, Arts, and the Media (SCREAM) program. I used this song for the background of one of my pages.

Michelle Li. "Silent Tears." Cutting Edge Lounge. Accessed November 16, 2013. This website contains the lyrics of a song that I used on my site. This was beneficial as it provides the listener with a follow up of what is being said.

"Reformers." Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute. Accessed October 13, 2013.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website This includes the people who played a vital to end child labor during in America. Some people stood up to stop the practice of child labor. They took steps to change the lives of the children. It is important because it explains how reforms were made by these reformers. The Scranton Republic. "New Child Labor Laws Sends Many Youths Back to School." January 1910. This is a Newspaper article. It talks about how the Child Labor Laws changed the children's lives. It relates to my topic as the Child Labor Reforms caused a drastic change in the lives of the children.

"Searching For A Real President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Wages And Child Labor." Youtube. Video file, 01:04. Accessed November 24, 2011. This is a short speech by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In this speech, he talks about child labor and wages. It related to my topic, child labor, so I embedded this video on my website.

"A Snapshot of Nineteenth Century Labor." Digital Commons. Last modified April 1, 2004. Accessed October 13, 2013. "Causes For the Decline in Child Labor in the U.S." Digital Commons. Last modified April 1, 2004. Accessed October 13, 2013. This contains an article about the causes for the decline in Child Labor in the U.S. This article gives a snapshot of the 19th century child labor in America. Child Labor was an outcome of the industrial revolution in America. This was a useful source as it provides us with the bitter reality of Child Labor. Sorrowful Rhymes of Working Children. Accessed October 13, 2013. This embodies a poem about working children. This poem shows us how the children felt and helps us better understand the issues they faced. A teenage boy working in a factory. Photograph. Let's Practice English. November 14, 2011. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a picture of a boy working in a factory. This picture was helpful in adding visuals to the thesis page on my website.

Basra Bashir Senior Individual Website "U.S. Child Labor, 1908-1920." Youtube. Video file, 09:22. Posted October 13, 2007. Accessed November 16, 2013. This is a look at child labor in the early 20th century in the United States as represented through the photography of Lewis W. Hine. This video is valuable as it explains the pathetic condition of the children who worked during the Industrial Revolution. It also tells us how the children were exploited back in the day.

"Using Lewis Hine's Child Labor Photographs." The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Online. Accessed October 13, 2013. This article provides a detailed analysis of how Lewis Hine's work helped reduce child labor. Lewis Hine dedicated his life to work with other reformers to end child labor. This is useful as his photography gives a graphical evidence of child labor. "Working Conditions in Factories (Issue)." Gale Cengage Learning. Last modified 1999. Accessed October 11, 2013. =SRC1&tabID=T001&subjectParam=Locale%2528en%252C%252C%2529%253AFQE%253 D%2528su%252CNone%252C11%2529child%2Blabor%2524&resultListType=RESUL T_LIST&searchId=R1&displaySubject=&searchType=BasicSearchForm&currentPositio n=2&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28SU%2CNone%2C11%29 child+labor%24&subjectAction=DISPLAY_SUBJECTS&inPS=true&userGroupName= alex95762&sgCurrentPosition=0&contentSet=GSRC&docId=EJ1667500768&docType= GSRC. This article provides an overview of the miserable working conditions in the factories during the 18th and 19th century. This is a useful source as it recapitulates child labor during the industrial revolution in America.

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