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LEAVE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT made this 1st day of December, Two Thousand Twelve BETWEEN

ASHOK SHARMA son of Late Mani Lal Sharma, residing at Jyangra Battala, FU/6, Bankim Sarani, Kathgola, P S. Beguiati, Kolkata -700059 by faith Hindu, by occupation -Business, hereinafter called LICENSOR (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include his heirs successors, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns) of the ONE PART. AND

Tapan Tapadar, son of Narayan Tapadar. residing at E/F-17/2 Jyangra, Hatiara Road, Opposite 4 no. colony P.S- Baguiati, Pin 700059, hereinafter called LICENSEE (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include his heirs, successors, executors, administrators, representatives, and assigns) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of land with two storied building standing thereupon being numbered as Jyangra Battala FU/6. Bankim Sarani, Kathgola , P S Beguiati Kolkata 700059 AND WHEREAS the Licensee has requested the LICENSOR to allow the LICENSEE to occupy and use temporarily on Ground floor measuring about 140 sft. of the said building on leave and license basis for residential purpose till the LICENSEE gets an alternative accommodation for his residence. AND WHEREAS the LICENSOR has agreed to allow on leave and license basis the LICENSEE to occupy and use the said room on the ground floor of the said budding on temporary basis simply as a permissive user. NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH and the parties hereby agree as follows 1. The LICENSOR hereby allows the LICENSEE on leave and license basis to use the room for residential purpose on the ground floor of the said building situate at Jyangra Battala, FU/6, Bankim Sarani, Kathgola, P.S Baguiati. Kolkata - 700059 belonging to the LICENSOR for a period of 11 months from the date of execution thereof in the first instance i.e. from 1st December 2012 to 31st October, 2013 only on request of Licensee. 2. The LICENSOR and his family members shall have the right to use and to enter upon the licensed portion at any lime to inspect the premises. The LICENSOR shall be responsible for all sorts of repairs and painting to be carried out not more than once a year (if required). 4 The LICENSEE agrees to vacate the said premises on the expiry of 11 month or earlier if the LICENSEE secures an alternative accommodation. Be it noted that the Licensee vacate the said premises within 31st October, 2013.


The LICENSEE shall pay to the LICENSOR a sum or Rs 12 000/- (Rupees T w e l v e thousand) only as security Deposit and Rs 2,300/- (Rupees two thousand three hundred) only as license fees payable in advance within 5th day of each month Be it noted that the license fees shall be payable in advance of each month without fail. The LICENSEE shall not be responsible for any repairs or payment of any rates, taxes or levies in respect of the said licensed portion. The LICENSEE shall pay the electric charges and water charges (if any) on the basis of the actual consumption by the LICENSEE and for this purpose a separate Electric Sub meter would be provided in the said licensed portion but in any circumstances no Electric meter would be provided in the name of LICENSEE The LICENSEE shall not use the licensed portion save and except for residential purpose . It is pertinent to mention here that if any nuisance being committed or any misbehave which seems to be unnatural be found by the LICENSEE, then the LICENSOR be at liberty to terminate the LICENSE immediately without giving prior notice to this effect. The LICENSEE each and every day shall reached her license portion within 10.30 P.M. positively, in any condition it is not be permitted to remain outside after 11. 00 P.M.



The license is given on a personal basis and the LICENSEE will not be entitled to transfer the benefit of this agreement or give sub-license to anybody else, be it noted that she must live alone and not be permitted to live with other person or anybody else. Security Deposit amount i . e. 12,000/- is not to be adjusted against the monthly License fees. It will be refunded at the time of termination of the License to the LICENSEE and the amount shall not bear any interest. The LICENSEE undertakes not to cause any damages or defacement of the ceiling walls or floors of the licensed portion If any damage cause by the Licensee than the licensee will be liable for the said damage.




The LICENSEE shall not carry out any structural repairs, additions or alterations and shall not cause any nuisance or annoyance to the neighbors or store any hazardous goods or do anything which would damage the premises or Jeopardize others.


If the LICENSOR or the LICENSEE is wiling to rescind from this agreement then both parties will give at least one month notice to each party as agreed upon. On any breach of any of the terms of the agreement the LICENSOR will be entitled to terminate the LICENSE on given two days notice. On termination of the LICENSE or on expiry of period of the license the LICENSEE shall make over vacant and peaceful possession of the licensed portion to the LICENSOR in good condition.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents on the day, month and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED by the above named in presence of : WITNESSES 1. 2.



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