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Career Paths for 3d6 Fantasy

Modified for use with Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rules by Goodman Games, Inc.


by Arnold Kemp !CC mod"f"#at"ons by Bret $oore http%&&'obl"np(n#h)blo'spot)#om Febr(ary * $ar#h +,-.
shared (nder a Creat"/e Commons Attr"b(t"on0NonCommer#"al01hareAl"2e 3), Unported L"#ense "ma'e by an'elf"re34,5 and shared (nder a Creat"/e Commons Attr"b(t"on01hare Al"2e 3), L"#ense

6h"s pamphlet "s meant as an alternat"/e to the 3d60"n0order method of #hara#ter 'enerat"on) It prod(#es #hara#ters 7"th the same spread of stats8 b(t "n a 7ay that "n#orporates ba#2'ro(nd8 h"story8 and player #ho"#e 9yo( 'et to p"#2 a #areer:8 7h"#h "s pretty 'ood #ons"der"n' the 'ame hasn;t e/en started yet) 6here are 3 steps) <a#h 7"ll add -d6 of the e/ent(al 3d6 per ab"l"ty s#ore) -) Ch"ldhood "s br"ef) Ch"ldren don;t ha/e m(#h say "n ho7 the"r l"fe (nfolds8 and so th"s se#t"on #ompr"ses random tables8 ea#h one 'enerat"n' a random aspe#t of yo(r #hara#ter;s #h"ldhood) +) Adoles#en#e "s a t"me 7hen people be'"n to ma2e "mportant de#"s"ons8 and de#"de 7hat they /al(e) =o(r #hara#ter 7"ll ma2e 3 #ho"#es "n th"s se#t"on 97h"#h 7"ll ha/e a m"ld effe#t on stats): 3) Ad(lthood allo7s for #areers) =o(r #hara#ter has 6 years8 ea#h of 7h"#h "s spent "n a #areer to learn a ne7 s2"ll or alter the odds for the f"nal -d6 roll)

>ead th"s last% 1ome 6"ps for Gett"n' the $ost O(t of 6h"s 6h"n' As yo( roll the res(lts8 add deta"ls to them) 6hey;re amb"'(o(s for a reason) If yo( are "n the Ch"ldhood se#t"on and rolled ?=o( ne/er 'ot eno('h to eat)@ "s "t be#a(se there 7as a fam"neA Bere they a pr"n#el"n' lo#2ed a7ay "n some star/el"n' to7erA Or 7ere they C(st a fat 2"d 7ho al7ays 7anted to eat more food) If yo( #an8 ma2e a narrat"/e o(t of the p"e#es yo(;/e been '"/en) 6he Adoles#en#e se#t"on as2s yo( D(est"ons abo(t 7hat yo(r #hara#ter 7o(ld do "n #erta"n s"t(at"ons) 6h"s "s p(EEl"n' at f"rst8 be#a(se ho7 #an yo( 2no7 7hat yo(r #hara#ter 7o(ld do before play e/en startsA 6he tr"#2 "s to C(st loo2 at the #h"ldhood) Bhat sort of person 7o(ld emer'e from that #h"ldhoodA !on;t o/erth"n2 the D(est"ons "n the Adoles#en#e se#t"on) 6ry to /"s(al"Ee yo(r teena'e #hara#ter and p"#2 the f"rst th"n' that pops "nto yo(r head) If noth"n' pops "nto yo(r head8 C(st s2"p the D(est"on and add -d6 to ea#h of the stats "ndependently) I'nore d(pl"#ate rolls "n the Ad(lthood se#t"on) Unless yo( don;t 7ant to) 6he >andom s2"ll rolls are some of the most f(n th"n's to "nterpret "n here) If yo( roll ?6he real reason yo( tra/el to the #"ty% L(tes@8 the #hara#ter most l"2ely "s a bard af"#"onado) Or they are a bard8 and they;re loo2"n' to b(y a l(te) 6ry not to thro7 a7ay nonsens"#al res(lts) If yo( 'et ?6he real reason yo( tra/el to the #"ty% $o(nta"ns@8 maybe that means that yo(r #hara#ter has a po7erf(l #r(sh on the 'lad"ator from the t(ndra8 and 'oes to the arena e/ery day to #hat ;em (p) 6hat;s 7hat yo( sho(ld tell the !$ 7hen he as2s yo( ho7 #ome the farmer 2no7s so m(#h abo(t "#e #l"mb"n')

1tep - F Ch"ldhood
>oll on#e on ea#h table and add the res(lt to the appropr"ate ab"l"ty s#ore) 6he roll also re/eals a p"e#e of yo(r #h"ldhood) At the end of step -8 yo( 7"ll ha/e 'otten 6 res(lts 9one for ea#h ab"l"ty s#ore: and all of yo(r ab"l"ty s#ores 7"ll be bet7een - and 6) 16> -) =o( 7ere p"#2ed on) G+) =o( 2"lled yo(r mother "n #h"ldb"rth) G3) =o(r s"bl"n's ate yo(r food) G+ .) =o( ne/er 'ot eno('h to eat) G+ 4) =o( follo7ed yo(r mother aro(nd) G3 6) =o( lo/ed to #l"mb) G3 3) =o( 'ot "n a lot of f"'hts and lost most) G. 5) =o( 7restled yo(r father) G. H) =o( fo('ht a h('e do') G4 -,) =o( 7ere a fat 2"d) G4 --) =o( 'ot "nto a lot of f"'hts and 7on most) G6 -+) =o( 7ere a b(lly) G6 AGI -) =o( al7ays o/erslept) G+) =o( too2 a nasty fall) G3) =o( bro2e someth"n' pre#"o(s) G+ .) =o( #arr"ed a blan2et e/ery7here) G+ 4) =o( 7ere an "lle'"t"mate #h"ld) G3 6) =o( 'ot #a('ht steal"n') G3 3) =o(r father too2 yo( 7"th h"m) G. 5) =o( sa7 a man #omm"t s("#"de) G. H) =o( 7ere on#e trapped some7here) G4 -,) =o( stole #andy) G4 --) =o( ran for yo(r l"fe)G6 -+) =o( 2"lled an an"mal) G6 CON -) =o( almost d"ed from a fe/er) G+) =o( preferred to stay "ndoors) G3) =o( bro2e an arm) G+ .) =o(r fam"ly "s a small one) G+ 4) =o( had an a727ard p(berty) G3 6) =o( learned to #oo2 from yo(r mom) G3 3) =o( remember 7hen yo( be#ame an orphan)G. 5) =o( 2no7 yo(r fam"ly;s se#ret) G. H) =o(r s"bl"n's loo2ed (p to yo() G4 -,) =o( had the best hol"day meals) G4 --) =o( ha/e too many #o(s"ns) G6 -+) =o( 7al2ed a /ery lon' d"stan#e) G6 IN6 -) =o(;/e ne/er read a boo2) G+) =o( 7ere dropped on yo(r head) G3) =o( learned from doing8 not be"n' ta('ht) G+ .) =o( hated s#hool) G+ 4) =o( had a se#ret pla#e) G3 6) =o( "n/ented a #ode) G3 3) =o( #a('ht a parent do"n' someth"n' bad) G. 5) =o( met a 7"EardI G. H) =o( 2ept a d"ary) G4 -,) C(r"os"ty earned yo( more than a fe7 s#ars) G4 --) =o(r mother ta('ht yo( all the le'ends) G6 -+) =o( dre7 a map) G6 P<> -) =o( embarrassed yo(rself p(bl"#ly) G+) No one lo/ed yo() G3) =o(r fr"ends mo#2ed yo( beh"nd yo(r ba#2) G+ .) =o( d"dn;t tal2 (nt"l /ery late) G+ 4) =o( 're7 (p amon' stran'ers) G3 6) A tr(sted person h(rt yo( dearly) G3 3) =o( remember 7hen the stran'ers arr"/ed) G. 5) People tra/eled to see yo() G. H) =o( sol/ed a mystery) G4 -,) =o( had an army of fr"ends) G4 --) =o( 7ere the fa/or"te) G6 -+) An enemy be#ame a l"felon' fr"end) G6 LUC -) =o( ran a7ay from home) G+) =o( 'ot lost) Jery lost) G3) It 7as terr"fy"n') G+ .) =o( bel"e/ed 7hate/er yo(r s"bl"n's sa"d) G+ 4) =o( lo/ed to eKplore) =o( ne/er 'ot lost) G3 6) =o( 7ere s"#2 7hen the doomed #ara/an left) G3 3) =o( re#e"/ed a pre#"o(s '"ft) G. 5) =o( ha/e /ery early memor"es) G. H) =o(;d do anyth"n' on a dare) G4 -,) =o( sa7 a 'hostI G4 --) =o( had a belo/ed pet) G6 -+) 1ometh"n' seemed to be 7at#h"n' o/er yo() G6

1tep + F Adoles#en#e
Adoles#en#e poses 3 D(est"ons to yo(r #hara#ter) 6o f"nd o(t 7h"#h D(est"ons8 roll on e"ther the Fast $ethod or the 1tat"st"#ally Anal $ethod) No7 that yo( 2no7 7hat three D(est"ons yo(r #hara#ter "s ans7er"n'8 loo2 them (p belo7 and ans7er them) <a#h D(est"on has t7o #ho"#es8 and ea#h ans7er "s l"n2ed to a #erta"n stat) After yo(;/e ans7ered "t8 roll t7o d6s) Add the h"'her roll to the ab"l"ty s#ore l"n2ed to yo(r ans7er8 and add the lo7er roll to the other) 1o "f the poss"ble ans7ers are =es 9LUC: and No 9P<>:8 and yo(r #hara#ter ans7ers ?yes@8 then yo( 7"ll roll +d6) 6he h"'her d"e "s added to LUC8 the lo7er d"e "s added to P<>) By the end of step +8 yo( 7"ll ha/e ans7ered 3 D(est"ons8 and all of yo(r ab"l"ty s#ores 7"ll be bet7een + and -+) -a 6h"n's had ta2en a t(rn for the 7orse) =o( needed to s(##eed here8 b(t the r"s2s 7ere 'reat) !"d yo( 'r"t yo(r teeth and 7ade "n 916>: or ba#2 off and retry "t 7hen yo( 7ere better prepared 9AGI:A -b =o( 7ere abo(t to del"/er bad ne7s) It 7o(ld brea2 the"r heart) Bere yo( D("#2 and bl(nt 9IN6: or d"d yo( soften the blo7 7"th reass(ran#es and sympath"es 9CON:A -# !"d yo( let h"m h(' yo(A =es 9P<>: or No 9LUC:)

Fast Method 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 1a, 1b, 1c 2a, 2b, 2c 3a, 3b, 3c 4a, 4b, 4c 5a, 5b, 5c

Statistically Anal Method 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 1a, 1b, 1c 2a, 2b, 2c 3a, 3b, 3c 4a, 4b, 4c 5a, 5b, 5c 1a, 4c, 5c 1a, 2c, 3c 1c, 2a, 5b 2a, 3b, 4c 1c, 3a, 4b 2b, 3a, 5c 3c, 4a, 5b 1b, 2b, 4a 2c, 4b, 5a 1b, 3b, 5a

+a Bell8 yo( messed (p th"s t"me) 6hey;re 'one) And 7"th "t8 all the opport(n"t"es yo( on#e loo2ed for7ard to) !"d yo( #hase after them 916>: or a##ept the loss and mo/e on 9CON:A +b =o(r fr"end 7as "n an ar'(ment8 and ma2"n' some bold assert"ons) Ho7e/er8 yo( 2ne7 she 7as 7ron') !"d yo( stand (p for herA =es 9LUC: or no 9AGI:A +# !"d yo( d"/"de the food eD(ally 9IN6: or '"/e the h(n'r"er ones a l"ttle b"t more 9P<>:A

3a Bhen yo( 7ere "ns(lted8 d"d yo(r honor demand sat"sfa#t"on 916>: or d"d yo( C(st D("etly prom"se e/ent(al /en'ean#e 9IN6:A 3b It 7as none of yo(r b(s"ness8 really) B(t "t loo2ed l"2e th"n's 7ere es#alat"n'8 and somebody m"'ht 'et h(rt) !"d yo( meddle "n the affa"rs of others 9P<>: or stay o(t of "t 9AGI:A 3# =o( lost) 6hey 7ere all la('h"n' at yo() !"d yo( offer yo(r #on'rat(lat"ons and 7al2 a7ay 9CON: or #hallen'e them to a remat#h 9LUC:A .a It 7as s(pposed to be here by no78 b(t "t 7asn;t) People 7ere 'ett"n' 7orr"ed) !"d yo( 'o o(t yo(rself to fet#h "t 916>: or tr(st that "t 7o(ld arr"/e8 and (r'e others to do the same 9LUC:A .b =o( badly needed someth"n' that yo( #o(ldn;t afford) !"d yo( steal "t 9AGI: or resol/e to sa/e (p the money8 no matter ho7 lon' "t too2 9CON:A .# 1"n#e "t 7as so "mportant8 d"d yo( tal2 to them "n person 9P<>: or 7r"te a #aref(lly07r"tten letter8 be"n'

s(re to "n#l(de all the deta"ls 9IN6:A 4a !"d yo( #hoose lo/e 9LUC: or #areer 916>:A

4b 6h"s 7as ta2"n' lon'er than yo( tho('ht) !"d yo( as2 for help 9AGI: or try to f"nd a more eff"#"ent 7ay of do"n' "t 9IN6:A 4# 6he bastard had "t #om"n') 6he only th"n' "s8 he d"dn;t do the th"n' he;s a##(sed of) =o( d"d) !"d yo( step (p and ta2e yo(r p(n"shment 9P<>: or rema"n s"lent and 7at#h 2arma des#end 9CON:)

1tep 3 F Ad(lthood
Ad(lthood #ons"sts of 6 years 9altho('h not ne#essar"ly l"teral years:) <a#h year8 yo( 7"ll p"#2 a #areer to represent 7hat yo( ha/e been st(dy"n' that year F altho('h yo(;ll probably p(t all s"K years "nto a s"n'le #areer8 th"s "snLt reD("red% yo( #o(ld try p"#2"n' t7o or three #areer paths8 e)')8 a >(ral Army Cr"m"nal8 or 6o7n Noble Cler'y) <a#h year "s another roll on a #areer table) <a#h #areer "s s("table for a d"fferent set of ab"l"ty s#ores) For eKample8 "n the Army8 the three most (sef(l stats to ha/e are 16>8 AGI8 and CON8 s"n#e those are the stats that the #areer tests the most often) 6here are t7o 2"nds of res(lts on the #areer table) 6ests #hallen'e one of yo(r ab"l"ty s#ore and "nfl(en#e another) 6hey loo2 l"2e th"s% 6est 16> for AGI) 6o test an ab"l"ty s#ore8 roll a d-+) If the res(lt "s lo7er than the ab"l"ty s#ore8 the test "s a s(##ess) 96"es are fa"l(res:) If yo( s(##eeded on the test8 the other ab"l"ty s#ore "s "nfl(en#ed pos"t"/ely) If yo( fa"led8 "t;s "nfl(en#ed ne'at"/ely) !ra7 a G or F neKt to the ab"l"ty s#ore8 as appropr"ate) At the end of step 38 all of the ab"l"ty s#ores are 'o"n' to be "n#reased by -06) If there "s a G or F8 roll an eKtra d"e for e/ery G&0) If yo(;re deal"n' 7"th pl(ses8 add the h"'hest d"e to the ab"l"ty s#ore) For m"n(ses8 (se only the lo7est) 9e)') -d6 +d602eep0lo7est: Here;s an eKample% 16> + AGI 5 GG CON 6 0 IN6 4 P<> H LUC 3

AGI s#ore 7"ll be "n#reased by 3d602eep0h"'hest) CON s#ore 7"ll be "n#reased by +d602eep0lo7est) 6he other fo(r ab"l"ty s#ores 7"ll be "n#reased by -d6) 12"lls are pretty stra"'htfor7ard) If "t says that yo( learn a s2"ll8 yo( learn "t) If "t says yo( learn a s2"ll #alled ?>andom@8 roll a random s2"ll on the d-,, table) It;s on the last pa'e) After step 38 yo(;re done) =o(r #hara#ter;s ab"l"ty s#ores sho(ld be "n the 30-5 ran'e8 form"n' a bell #(r/e o/er the area of -,)4) =o(r #hara#ter 7"ll also ha/e M3 s2"lls)

6he #areer tables start on the neKt pa'e) 6here are 5 of them) Army + Cler'y 3 Cr"m"nal . Forest 4 Noble 6 >(ral 3 6o7n 5 B"Eard

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H Jery d"ff"#(lt tra"n"n') Carr"ed the hea/"est loads) 6he #ommander tested yo(r mar2smansh"p) Fled a los"n' battle) 1(sta"ned a maCor "nC(ry) Capt(redI Ho7 d"d yo( es#apeA >e#e"/ed off"#er tra"n"n') Fello7 s#o(t"n' party depended on yo() 1tar/"n' and for#ed to fora'e for yo(r o7n food) 6est 16> for AGI) 6est 16> for CON) 6est AGI for 16>) 6est AGI for CON) 6est CON for 16>) 6est CON for AGI) 6est 16> for IN6) 6est AGI for LUC) 6est CON for P<>) 6est IN6 for AGI) 6est LUC for 16>) 6est P<> for CON)

Usef(l% 16>8 AGI8 and CON

-3 H(n' o(t "n the off"#er;s #l(b) -. -4 Bor2ed 7"th the s(pply tra"n and lo'"st"#s) Bor2ed 7"th 7eapon sal/a'e and repa"r) Learn $"l"tary) Learn >oads) Learn Bla#2sm"th"n') Learn Beapons) Learn Heraldry) Learn Coo2"n' Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

-6 Kept yo(r 7eapons pr"st"ne) -3 -5 Learned the symbols and fla's for all sorts of arm"es) Prepared food for yo(r #ompan"ons)

-H Ass"'ned as a body'(ard) +, 1py "n an enemy #o(ntry) +1pent t"me '(ard"n' yo(r home8 a7ay from the front)

-, <n'a'ed "n stealth ta#t"#s) -- Bal2ed "nto an amb(sh) -+ Befr"ended the #oo2)

++ Had a l"ttle s"de b(s"ness) +3 Learned from a pr"soner) +. Fo('ht someth"n' (n(s(al8 or "n an (n(s(al #"r#(mstan#e)

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H >e#"ted s#r"pt(re from memory 6est IN6 for P<>) to an a(d"en#e) 6a('ht the do#tr"ne to neophytes) 6est IN6 for LUC) -3 -.

Usef(l% IN68 P<>8 and LUC

6ra"ned to o/er#ome the e/"l that l(r2s "n the 7orld) =o(r #h(r#h&temple "s h"stor"#ally s"'n"f"#ant) Learn !emons) Learn H"story)

!ebated the fa"th 7"th "nf"dels) 6est P<> for IN6) A tra'edy shoo2 yo(r fa"th) Had a 'reat&horr"ble relat"onsh"p 7& a mentor) >e#e"/ed a /"s"tat"on from yo(r 'od) Called the fa"thf(l to da"ly prayer) Attempted a 'reat labor for yo(r 'od 9(nt"l eKha(sted:) Carr"ed and prepared bod"es for f(neral r"tes) 6est P<> for LUC) 6est LUC for IN6) 6est LUC for P<>) 6est IN6 for AGI) 6est P<> for CON) 6est LUC for 16>) 6est CON for IN6)

-4 On#e a ser/ant of Nthe Forest GodO) Learn >el"'"on) -6 On#e a ser/ant of Nthe $oon GodO) Learn >el"'"on) -3 On#e a ser/ant of Nthe O#ean GodO) Learn >el"'"on) Learn >el"'"on) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

-5 On#e a ser/ant of Nthe 1(n GodO) -H +, +++ +3 =o( l"fe 7as d"fferent before yo( #omm"tted yo(rself to yo(r 'od) =o(r #h(r#h&temple "s famo(s for someth"n') A /"s"on of yo(r 'od "mb(ed yo( 7"th 2no7led'e)

-, 6ra/eled to st(dy 7"th a se#t)

=o( 7ere reD("red to learn a Learn >andom) #erta"n s2"ll before yo(r ed(#at"on) =o(;/e tra/eled far prea#h"n' the do#tr"ne of yo(r 'od) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

-- Helped b("ld&repa"r a holy s"te) 6est 16> for P<>) -+ 6r"ed to a/ert d"saster d(r"n' 7edd"n'&bapt"sm) 6est AGI for LUC)

+. Bh"le l"/"n' 7"th heathens8 yo( learned some of the"r 7ays)

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H 6he boss as2ed yo( to #ra#2 a lot of s2(lls) 6est 16> for AGI)

Usef(l% 16>8 AGI8 and LUC

-3 Been to some "ntense part"es) -. 6hey;re fam"ly) -4 B(r'led D("te a fe7 ho(ses) -6 =o( 2no7 7hat money "s for) -3 1tran'ers pa"d for yo(r meals) -5 =o(;ll ne/er for'et that brothel) -H +, Cr"me "s yo(r b(s"ness8 b(t yo( ha/e another pass"on) 6he boss had an "nterest"n' #olle#t"on) Learn Caro(se) Learn Cr"m"nals) Learn Lo#2s) Learn Gambl"n') Learn P"#2 Po#2et) Learn 1eK) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

=o( s(r/"/ed yo(r "n"t"at"on "n a 6est 16> for LUC) dramat"# fash"on) =o(;ll ne/er for'et the f"rst t"me 6est AGI for 16>) yo( 2"lled someone) 6he boss personally as2ed yo( to steal someth"n' "mportant) K"lled a fr"end to pro/e loyalty) 6est AGI for LUC) 6est LUC for 16>)

=o( had a relat"onsh"p 7"th the 6est P<> for AGI) people yo( eKtorted) <ntered a lethal0for#e d(el) 1tole from a 7"Eard) =o(r r"/al "s a fan of po"son) 6est 16> for P<>) 6est AGI for IN6) 6est LUC for CON) 6est CON for 16>) 6est IN6 for AGI) 6est P<> for LUC)

+- =o( #anLt ret(rn to yo(r old l"fe) ++ Had a l"ttle a#t"on on the s"de) +3 Learned someth"n' "n pr"son) +. 1tole someth"n' /ery stran'e on#e)

-, 1pent some t"me "n pr"son) -- Had a mentor) -+ =o( made lots of fr"ends&enem"es on that street)

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H -, Fo('ht off a beast 7"th only a 2n"fe) 6est 16> for AGI)

Usef(l% 16>8 AGI8 and P<>

-3 <yes are al7ays t(rned s2y7ard) -. Flesh "s food and food "s stren'th) -4 =o( are most #omfortable here) -6 <as"er than h(nt"n') -3 =o(L/e 7andered far) -5 -H <yes are al7ays t(rned to the 'ro(nd) Learn Beather) Learn B(t#her) Learn Forests) Learn F"sh"n') Learn Na/"'at"on) Learn 6ra#2)

Unable to f"nd yo(r 7ay home8 6est 16> for P<>) yo( made a ne7 home) 6rapped for days) =o( tho('ht yo( 7ere 'o"n' to d"e) <n#o(ntered the el/es) H(n'er made yo( 7ea2) Heard /o"#es on the 7"nd) 6r(sted a stran'er eno('h to share food 7"th them) =o( ha/e been h(nted) 6est AGI for 16>) 6est AGI for P<>) 6est P<> for 16>) 6est P<> for AGI) 6est 16> for P<>) 6est AGI for CON)

1tran'e th"n's are shared aro(nd a Learn >andom) #ampf"re) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

+, Born "n the #"ty) +6he real reason yo( 'o ba#2 to to7n)

Follo7ed tra#2s that yo( d"dn;t 6est P<> for IN6) re#o'n"Ee) 6ra#2ed do7n a h(man8 and fo('ht them) 6est IN6 for 16>) 6est P<> for LUC) 6est CON for AGI)

++ 6he real reason 7hy yo( tra/el) +3 =o( learned "t from a 7"Eard) +. =o( learned "t from a b"rd)

-- <n#o(ntered the fey) -+ !ysentery 7as a7f(l)

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H -, --+ Attempted to read all of the boo2s that yo( o7n) 1ed(#ed someone of a h"'her&lo7er so#"al #lass) In/ol/ed "n bla#2ma"l) Asp"rat"ons to 7ear the #ro7n) A s#andalo(s relat"onsh"pI L"ed to yo(r t(tor 9old fool:) =o( lo/e&hate pra#t"#"n' 7"th yo(r s7ordmaster) 6est AGI for IN6) 6est AGI for LUC) 6est IN6 for AGI) 6est IN6 for LUC) 6est LUC for AGI) 6est LUC for IN6) 6est AGI for CON) -3 -.

Usef(l% AGI8 IN68 and LUC

Pol"teness opens many doors 9b(t not as many as money:) =o( are a f"sh amon' f"sh "n a /ery eKpens"/e o#ean) Learn <t"D(ette) Learn Nobles) Learn Fash"on) Learn $oney) Learn !r('s) Learn Poetry) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

-4 Form before f(n#t"on) -6 =o( are 7ealthy8 and 7ant more) -3 </eryth"n' else "s bor"n') -5 -H +, +++ +3 =o(r noteboo2 "s al7ays #lose at hand8 sho(ld "nsp"rat"on str"2e) =o(;/e been to some stran'e part"es) No one s(spe#ts 7hat really 'oes on "ns"de yo(r pr"/ate so#"al #l(b) C(lt"/ated a hobby 9yo( loathe: to ma2e yo(rself seem "nterest"n') =o(;/e tra/eled to some d"stant shores) 6hey 7ere bor"n'8 too) An eKot"# /"s"tor l"/ed "n yo(r ho(se for a 'ood len'th of t"me)

On#e sa7 a demon s(mmoned 6est IN6 for P<>) at a party) A/o"ded f"'ht"n' "n the 7ar) $ember of an ar#hery & polo & ya#ht #l(b) $ember of 9mostly so#"al8 b(t stran'e: se#ret so#"ety) $an"p(lated 7"th yo(r o7n betrothal) 6est LUC for 16>) 6est CON for AGI) 6est 16> for IN6) 6est P<> for LUC)

+. Only one th"n' 2eeps yo( sane)

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H -, Ab(ndant #rops means eKha(st"n' har/ests) After that day8 yo( 7ere the only one left at the farm) Fam"neI !ran2 too m(#h at a fest"/al) 6est 16> for CON) 6est 16> for P<>) 6est CON for 16>) 6est CON for P<>) -3 =o(r p"' tr(sts yo() -.

Usef(l% 16>8 CON8 and P<>

Learn An"mal Handl"n') Learn Farm"n') Learn Horses) Learn Beather) Learn BooEe) Learn $er#hants) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

And yo(r an#estors 7ere farmers8 as far ba#2 as anyone remembers)

-4 =o( ha/e a pass"on for eD("nes) -6 Al7ays tal2"n' abo(t the 7eather) -3 =o( m"'ht be an al#ohol"#) -5 6he 7ell0to0do men 7ho b(y yo(r #rops are not stran'ers)

<ntered yo(r #rops&an"mals "n a 6est LUC for 16>) #o(nty fa"r) O/ersa7 a b"rth "n the absen#e 6est P<> for CON) of anyone more D(al"f"ed) On#e8 "n emer'en#y8 #arr"ed an 6est 16> for LUC) an"mal&person a 'reat d"stan#e) Ca('ht the pla'(e) B(r"ed yo(r o7n parents beh"nd the farm) For#ed to "mpro/"se 7hen a d"sease ra/a'ed yo(r #rops) 6est CON for AGI) 6est P<> for IN6) 6est IN6 for CON) 6est LUC for P<>) 6est AGI for 16>)

-H =o( read a boo2 on#e) +, +++ =o( and fr"ends ha/e a trad"t"on yo( all do on fest"/al days) =o(;re pretty s(re that th"s "s 7hat yo( learned "n #h(r#h) One of yo(r s"bl"n's 'a/e (p farm"n') 6hey /"s"t somet"mes)

-- Got marr"ed) -+ >an for yo(r l"fe)

+3 Asp"rat"ons of a better l"fe) +. 6al2ed 7& #ara/an '(ards often)

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H Apprent"#esh"p 7as not 7hat yo( eKpe#ted) 1(r/"/ed the slo7 poK) Not"#ed a##o(nt"n' "ss(es) Helped loo2 for a m"ss"n' #h"ld) Called for help 7h"le be"n' m(''ed) 6est CON for IN6) 6est CON for P<>) 6est IN6 for CON) 6est IN6 for P<>) 6est P<> for CON)

Usef(l% CON8 IN68 and P<>

-3 =o( for'ed yo(r o7n 7eapon) Learn Bla#2sm"th"n')

-. B("lt all the f(rn"t(re "n yo(r ho(se) Learn Carpentry) -4 =o( ha/e fed h(n'ry mo(ths) -6 A re'(lar at the ta/ern) -3 -5 A fo(nta"n of 'ood h(mor amon' yo(r fr"ends) L"2e most8 yo(;/e str(''led 7"th taKes8 perm"ts8 and passes) Learn Coo2"n') Learn Goss"p) Learn Comedy) Learn B(rea(#ra#y) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

>an for a pos"t"on "n yo(r '("ld) 6est P<> for IN6) 1ometh"n' stran'e happened 7h"le yo( 7ere 7or2"n' late) Helped h(nt for a 7"t#h) <p"# bar bra7l) =o( st"ll o7e money for dama'es) 6est CON for AGI) 6est IN6 for LUC) 6est LUC for 16>) 6est AGI for CON) 6est 16> for IN6) 6est LUC for P<>)

-H No one 2no7s abo(t yo(r se#ret) +, A l"ttle b(s"ness on the s"de) +A remnant of yo(r mea'er ed(#at"on)

-, 6rampled by a mob) -- Ab(sed by a noble;s th('s) -+ 6hey tr"ed to #heat yo()

++ One t"me yo( tra/eled some7here) Learn >andom) +3 =o(r fam"ly "s 2no7n for "t) +. =o( 7eren;t born here) =o( st"ll remember yo(r former l"fe /"/"dly) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

+ 3 . 4 6 3 5 H <ndless ho(rs of s#r"b"n' teKt) 1ometh"n' d"dn;t 'o as planned) 6r"ed to #ast a spell "n an emer'en#y) 6r"ed to #ast a spell that yo( had not been ta('ht) 6est AGI for IN6) 6est AGI for LUC) 6est IN6 for AGI) 6est IN6 for LUC) -3

Usef(l% AGI8 IN68 and LUC

=o( master had a##ess to an "n#red"ble obser/atory) Learn Astronomy) Learn <l/es)

-. 1t(d"ed br"efly amon' el/es) -4 -6 -3

1t(d"ed from an#"ent boo2s 7r"tten Learn L"n'("st"#s) "n (n(s(al lan'(a'es) =o(r master had a##ess to an "n#red"ble l"brary) =o(r master had a##ess to a ma'n"f"#ent al#hemy lab) Learn L"terat(re) Learn Al#hemy) Learn B"Eards) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom) Learn >andom)

Body temporar"ly possessed by 6est LUC for AGI) other7orldly po7ers) 6r"ed to sa/e yo(r master;s l"fe) 6est P<> for IN6) In #har'e of 7ran'l"n' yo(r master;s ma'"#al beasts) Ne'le#ted yo(r st(d"es "n order to so#"al"Ee) =o( tr"ed the 7e"rd dr('s) 6est AGI for 16>) 6est IN6 for P<>) 6est LUC for CON) 6est CON for IN6)

-5 1o#"al"Eed 7"th a 'ro(p of 7"Eards) -H +, +6ra/eled to a d"stant pla#e 7"th yo(r master) For#ed to learn stran'e s2"lls before be"n' learn"n' ma'"#) =o( learned ma'"# thro('h a /ery (northodoK method)

-, <ndless ho(rs of med"tat"on) --+

++ =o(r master had e#le#t"# "nterests) +3 +. Learned someth"n' from another apprent"#e) 1t"ll remember 7hat yo( learned before be#om"n' an apprent"#e)

Comm(n"#ated 7"th a /ast and 6est P<> for LUC) "nh(man "ntell"'en#e) $opped (p after messy eKper"ments) 6est 16> for AGI)

A s2"ll system "s o(ts"de of the s#ope of th"s do#(ment) I;ll lea/e the a#t(al "mplementat"on of s2"lls (p to yo(8 the !$) 1(ff"#e "t to say that a #hara#ter 7"th F"sh"n' sho(ld be better at #at#h"n' tro(t than the a/era'e b(mp2"n) I;/e also a/o"ded (s"n' athlet"# s2"lls8 per#ept"on&stealth s2"lls8 and so#"al s2"lls) $y reason"n' "s that athlet"#s 9C(mp&#l"mb&s7"m: are better modeled 7"th an ab"l"ty s#ore #he#28 and so#"al s2"lls stran'(late roleplay"n') Ho7e/er8 there are #(lt(ral and et"D(ette s2"lls on th"s l"st8 "n #ase yo(r #hara#ter e/er needs to f"t "n amon' th"e/es or 2no7 7h"#h spoon to (se for the saladP) I;/e (sed some shorthand here8 s"n#e I don;t 2no7 7hat the spe#"f"#s of yo(r 'ame 7orld are) If yo( see ?1(n God@8 C(st f"ll "n the blan2s 7"th 7hate/er "s most appropr"ate "n yo(r sett"n') By ?1) Co(ntry@ I mean 7hate/er #o(ntry "s d"re#tly so(th of 7here the 'ame "s #(rrently ta2"n' pla#e) And by ?Northspea2@ I mean 7hate/er the barbar"ans "n the north spea2) =o( #an f"'(re o(t the rest) !-,, >andom 12"lls - Al#hemy + An"mal Handl"n' 3 Ar#h"te#t(re . Astronomy 4 B(rea(#ra#y 6 Be' 3 Bla#2sm"th"n' 5 BooEe H B(t#her -, Carpentry -- Caro(se -+ Ca/es -3 Comedy -. Coo2"n' -4 Cr"m"nals -6 C(lts -3 !an#e -5 !emons -H !eserts +, !"s'("se +- !r('s ++ !r(ms +3 !7ar/es +. <l/es +4 <n'"neer"n' P(se the for2) +6 <t"D(ette +3 Fash"on +5 Farms +H F"sh"n' 3, Fl(tes 3- Fol2lore 3+ Forests 33 For'ery 3. Fort(ne 6ell"n' 34 Gambl"n' 36 Geo'raphy 33 Geolo'y 35 Goss"p 3H G("tars ., Halfl"n's .- Harps .+ Heraldry .3 H"story .. Horses .4 Qe7elry .6 Q(n'le .3 La2es .5 Lan') 9Northspea2: .H Lan') 9Oldspea2: 4, Lan') 91o(thspea2: 4- La7 4+ L"n'("st"#s 43L"terat(re 4. Lo#ale 9<) Co(ntry: 44 Lo#ale 9N) Co(ntry: 46 Lo#ale 91) Co(ntry: 43 Lo#ale 9B) Co(ntry: 45 Lo#ale 9Far Co(ntry: 4H Lo#2s 6, L(tes 6- $aps 6+ $ed"#"ne 63 $er#hants 6. $"l"tary 64 $oney 66 $o(nta"ns 63 Na/"'at"on 65 Ne#roman#ers 6H Nobles 3, O#eans 3- Or#s 3+ P"#2 Po#2ets 33 Ph"losophy 3. Pla"ns 34 Poetry 36 >el"'"on 9Forest God: 33 >el"'"on 9$oon God: 35 >el"'"on 9O#ean God: 3H >el"'"on 91(n God: 5, >esear#h 5- >"/ers 5+ >oads 53 >oyalty 5. 1#a/en'e 54 1a"l"n' 56 1eK 53 1"n' 55 1m(''l"n' 5H 17amps H, 6a"lor"n' H- 6ea#h H+ 6ra#2 H3 6r(mpets H. 6(ndras H4 Pa"nt"n's H6 Barfare H3 Beapons H5 Beather HH B"Eards -,, Br"t"n'

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