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Upper-intermediate Word List

Word class abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in the word list: (n) = noun, (v) = verb, (adv) = adverb, (adj) = adjective and (phr v) = phrasal verb. Unit 1 RELATIONSHIPS Page 9 context (n) marketing (n) mate (n) occasionall (adv) odd (adj) Pages 10 11 ac!uaintance (n) attribute (n) bond (n) characteristic (n) companion (n) compound (n) curiosit (n) fair"weather friend (n) fellow (adj) founder (n) fulfil (v) girlfriend (n) hug (v) hunt (v) striking (adj) viewer (n) workmate (n) wrestle (v) Pages 1! 1" admire (v) aspiration (n) burden (n) concept (n) confuse (v) critical (adj) debate (n) dut (n) ideolog (n) measurement (n) rebellious (adj) representative (adj) selfish (adj) slang (n) spoil (v) supplant (v) supportive (adj) surpass (v) unavoidable (adj) Pages 1# 1$ announcement (n) dedication (n) desire (n) ethnic (adj) free spirit (n) forgetful (adj) intrigue (v) melting pot (n) pride (n) profession (n) railroad (n) reunion (n) settle (v) Pages 1% 1& fanc (v) regard (n) rude (adj) rush (n) tanned (adj) Page 19 contend with (v) democrac (n) discrimination (n) hardship (n) harsh (adj) homeland (n) leap (n) partition (v) tenement (n) t picall (adv) wave (n) welcoming (adj) Unit ! STOR'TELLIN( Page !1

anecdote (n) archive (n) biased (adj) biograph (n) essentiall (adv) focus (v) gripping (adj) impartial (adj) manipulate (v) narrator (n) objective (adj) rivalr (n) sentimental (adj) superior (adj) s mpathetic (adj) unfair (adj) Pages !! !" adaptation (n) alienate (v) author (n) best"seller (n) blockbuster (n) box office (n) budget (n) cast (n) chapter (n) compensate (v) faithful (adj) flop (n) flow (v) ingredient (n) lo al (adj) portra al (n) producer (n) publisher (n) reader (n) scene (n) scener (n) screenwriter (n) script (n) setting (n) spectacular (adj) spirit (n) stor line (n) substantial (adj) theme (n) trilog (n) Pages !# !$ bonnet (n) bullet (n)

crack (v) crash (v) distract (v) encounter (n) fre!uentl (adv) frightening (adj) gouge (v) guard (n) hurriedl (adv) incident (n) instinct (n) kick (v) leap (v) rifle (n) shave (n) skid (v) slam (v) sprint (v) stretch (v) tarmac (n) uninterested (adj) veer (v) Pages !% !& coarseness (n) collection (n) core (n) devote (v) edition (n) emphasise (v) folklore (n) footnote (n) gender (n) magic (n) medieval (adj) nann (n) obe (v) occup (v) oral (adj) patriotic (adj) peasant (n) polish (v) popularit (n) punishment (n) reshape (v) ro alt (n) scholarl (adj) strive (v) suppress (v) tale (n) thrive (v)

universal (adj) villain (n) wise (adj) Pages !) !9 bend (v) burst (v) cr (v) handle (n) moan (v) occupant (n) panic"stricken (adj) reboot (v) snap (v) store (n) stranded (adj) tear (v) temporar (adj) trudge (v) Page "1 agilit (n) arcade (n) aristocrac (n) cabinet (n) captivate (n) entrancing (adj) envision (v) flickering (adj) illusion (n) imagination (n) inauguration (n) inconceivable (adj) landmark (n) loop (n) melodrama (n) nickelodeon (n) peep (v) projection (n) spectacle (n) tinseltown (n) tremendous (adj) unravel (v) vaudeville (n) Unit " S*IEN*E AN+ TE*HNOLO(' Page "" commercial (adj) Pages "# "$ adjust (v) biofuel (n) bomb (n)

boost (v) colon (n) committee (n) consume (v) densit (n) disappointed (adj) dud (n) economist (n) expectanc (n) famine (n) fee (n) hopeful (adj) la# (adj) mankind (n) nanotechnolog (n) optimism (n) overpopulation (n) sincere (adj) specific (adj) starve (v) wartime (n) Pages "% "& absorb (v) $T% (n) augment (v) enormousl (adv) etch (v) float (v) generate (v) inconspicuous (adj) interface (n) marine (n) overload (v) project (v) realit (n) sophisticated (adj) superimpose (v) transcript (n) unfamiliar (adj) user"friendl (adj) virtual (adj) wraparound (adj) Pages ") "9 capabilit (n) deplo (v) emission (n) empower (v) fleet (n) harness (v) industrialised (adj)

intermediate (adj) means (n) philosoph (n) purifier (n) relativel (adv) reliant (adj) shell (v) straw (n) value (v) ventilation (n) Pages #0 #1 direction (n) paste (v) possibilit (n) trouble (n) Page #" as lum (n) blueprints (n) cockpit (n) determine (v) firefighter (n) handheld (adj) imager (n) laborious (adj) motivation (n) obscure (v) oriented (adj) overla (v) pedestrian (adj) protot pe (n) tracking (n) windscreen (n) Unit # ART AN+ *REATI,IT' Page #$ acrobat (n) circus (n) impose (v) poetr (n) private (adj) sh (adj) Pages #% #& accessible (adj) appreciate (v) artistic (adj) bu## (n) carnival (n) cosmopolitan (adj) difference (n) fringe (n)

inhabitant (n) minorit (n) mudd (adj) participate (v) venue (n) Pages #) #9 campaign (n) commission (v) consideration (n) dirt (n) drastic (adj) fire (v) fixed (adj) graffiti (n) hose (n) involve (v) merel (adv) motorist (n) pleasing (adj) political (adj) portrait (n) reverse (v) scrape (v) statement (n) suspicious (adj) uncomfortable (adj) various (adj) Pages $0 $1 alle wa (n) bankrupt (n) booming (adj) brag (v) chant (v) conscious (adj) defiant (adj) den (v) disc joke (n) distribution (n) embrace (v) explode (v) expose (v) globe (n) injustice (n) looped (adj) macho (adj) out"chat (v) outrage (n) pavement (n) permeate (v) pose (v)

scratch (v) suburban (adj) suffering (n) turntable (n) version (n) Pages $! $" bear (v) comic (n) complement (v) congregate (v) convex (adj) curve (n) delightful (adj) exception (n) generall (adv) moving (adj) nerve (n) particularl (adv) plains (n) recommend (v) spellbound (adj) tint (n) visuall (adv) Page $$ caution (v) collector (n) dimension (n) distinctive (adj) exposure (n) highlight (v) innovative (adj) inventive (adj) piece (n) reversal (n) uninhibited (adj) urban (adj) vilif (v) Unit $ +E,ELOP-ENT Page $& congestion (n) simultaneous (adj) Pages $) $9 capitalist (n) consider (v) convert (v) creek (n) demolish (v) dock (v) fantas (n)

gatewa (n) heritage (n) intersection (n) invest (v) lend (v) modernise (v) pearl (n) redevelop (v) residential (adj) sleep (adj) waterfront (n) Pages %0 %1 cultivate (v) demonstrator (n) e!ual (adj) fertile (adj) hectic (adj) lagoon (n) literate (adj) model (n) mortalit (n) regret (v) remarkable (adj) sociological (adj) strike (n) tolerant (adj) tran!uil (adj) well"off (adj) Pages %! %" activist (n) amenit (n) bamboo (n) convenient (adj) estimate (v) fauna (n) flora (n) fund (v) harm (n) h droelectric (adj) infrastructure (n) livelihood (n) readjust (v) rel (v) resettle (v) revitalise (v) safeguard (n) sanitation (n) showpiece (n) stalk (n) standard (n)

Pages %# %$ arrogant (adj) complete (v) facilit (n) la (v) monument (n) prepare (v) recreation (n) summar (n) wrong (adj) Page %& advantageous (adj) camouflage (n) law er (n) major (v) mess up (v) overall (adj) poison dart (n) vehicle (n) Unit % ALTERNATI,E TRA,EL Page %9 carve (v) chandelier (n) chill (adj) dramatic (adj) fitting (n) ice (n) obvious (adj) Pages &0 &1 attractive (adj) drumming (n) pack (v) postcard (n) sight (n) souvenir (n) thrill (n) Pages &! &" accommodation (n) airfare (n) building (n) bush (n) cub (n) expense (n) fence (n) field (n) gap (n) monaster (n) opt (v) poach (v)

register (v) reserve (n) restoration (n) safari (n) wildlife (n) Pages &# &$ anti!ue (adj) balustrade (n) cabin (n) claustrophobic (adj) corridor (n) ghost (n) gold"rush (n) hang up (phr v) historical (adj) hospitalit (n) inhabit (v) iron (n) jail (n) mattress (n) mutinous (adj) open"air (adj) primitive (adj) prison (n) prospector (n) publicit (n) sailor (n) sweet (adj) tourism (n) unpleasant (adj) vision (n) Pages &% && complicated (adj) couch (n) crossroad (n) hop (v) obligation (n) Page &9 anxious (adj) asset (n) emerging (adj) expatriate (n) go"ahead (n) intrepid (adj) meagre (adj) militia (n) predicament (n) rampage (v) recover (n) relation (n)

ruin (v) stunned (adj) Unit & NATURAL RESOUR*ES Page )1 broken (adj) decorating (n) rec clable (adj) switch off (phr v) Pages )! )" basin (n) brine (n) bring up (phr v) brush (v) conserve (v) desalination (n) divert (v) rainwater (n) recharge (v) run out of (phr v) spring (n) waste (n) wetlands (n) Pages )# )$ appoint (v) block (v) compensation (n) conse!uence (n) extract (v) hectare (n) initiative (n) madness (n) oil field (n) oil refiner (n) oil reserves (n) oil rig (n) oil slick (n) oil tanker (n) oil well (n) proposal (n) spokesperson (n) Pages )% )& ama#ement (n) axe (n) blessed (adj) casualt (n) cheerful (adj) conservator (n) c clone (n) deplore (v) erode (v)

exceptional (adj) majestic (adj) medicinal (adj) monetar (adj) obsess (v) optimistic (adj) rejoice (v) riches (n) target (n) tension (n) timber (n) trap (n) wide"e ed (adj) Pages )) )9 analog (n) environmental (adj) excuse (n) global warming (n) pollute (v) prevent (v) regional (adj) Page 91 adverse (adj) alien (adj) archipelago (n) barrier (n) clich& (n) contaminant (n) corporation (n) destruction (n) domain (n) eruption (n) evolve (v) footprint (n) haven (n) isolation (n) lava (n) leak (n) mainland (n) newcomer (n) old"timer (n) relic (n) revenue (n) run aground (v) salvation (n) sk rocket (v) splendid (adj) wake"up call (n) Unit ) THE NEWS

Page 9" correspondent (n) g m (n) mass (n) parental (adj) polic (n) report (n) sleep"in (phr v) urge (v) witness (v) Pages 9# 9$ admit (v) agree (v) carefree (adj) erase (v) iconic (adj) refugee (n) stranger (n) unt pical (adj) weathered (v) Pages 9% 9& amusing (adj) antioxidant (n) appealing (adj) charming (adj) cure (n) deca (n) encouraging (adj) gra#e (v) greed (adj) hunter (n) h drate (v) inconclusive (adj) inspiring (adj) povert (n) !uirk (adj) sign (n) snack (n) supplement (n) wrinkle (n) #inc (n) Pages 9) 99 accuse (v) betra (v) depressed (adj) en!uir (n) evacuate (v) hero (n) incompetent (adj) investigation (n)

invitation (n) issue (v) ma da call (n) miraculousl (adv) pla bo (n) praise (v) refuse (v) risk (adj) runwa (n) sense (v) split"second (n) ultimatel (adv) voluntar redundanc (n) wrongdoing (n) Pages 100 101 argument (n) driver (n) frustrated (adj) heated (adj) narrow (adj) noise (n) opposite (adj) pinch (n) proportion (n) !uestioning (n) reckon (v) supposedl (adv) surprisingl (adv) tend (v) wake (v) Page 10" amusement park (n) appease (v) bento box (n) bonding (n) bulldo#er (n) conical (adj) emotional (adj) goddess (n) matter (n) mist (adj) persevere (v) pilgrimage (n) purification (n) spiritual (adj) t phoon (n) vending machine (n) worship (v) Unit 9 TALENTE+ PEOPLE

Page 10$ assign (v) bathe (v) command (n) extreme (adj) extremel (adv) intimate (adj) pair (n) patience (n) traditionall (adv) understanding (n) Pages 10% 10& accept (v) aerospace (n) aircraft (n) attention (n) corporate (adj) experimental (adj) oblige (v) opening (n) propulsion (n) public (n) reflection (n) remain (v) talented (adj) visor (n) Pages 10) 109 anthropolog (n) award (n) common (n) marine (adj) stor teller (n) undiscovered (adj) Pages 110 111 affairs (n) assume (v) beard (n) coffin (n) convention (n) custom (n) divine (adj) frustration (n) headdress (n) heir (n) inscribe (v) iron (n) minor (adj) obelisk (n) positivel (adv) precise (adj)

proclaim (v) radicall (adv) relegate (v) reunite (v) revenge (n) sarcophagus (n) shrine (n) smash (v) stepson (n) successor (n) supreme (adj) tomb (n) undisturbed (adj) Pages 11! 11" bright (adj) committed (adj) consultanc (n) cope (v) economics (n) faith (n) familiar (adj) follow"up (phr v) knowledgeable (adj) paperwork (n) program (n) software (n) specialised (adj) spreadsheet (n) Page 11$ charmed (adj) controvers (n) distort (v) elegant (adj) grief (n) infuriate (v) murder (n) overjo ed (adj) pursuit (n) sei#e (v) uncertain (adj) Unit 10 *USTO-S AN+ .EHA,IOUR Page 11& behave (v) behaviour (adj) courtes (n) interrupt (v) manners (n) nutshell (n)

offensive (adj) !uotation (n) slouch (v) stare (v) well"behaved (adj) Pages 11) 119 contribution (n) controversial (adj) demands (n) direct (adj) doubt (n) hesitate (v) homemade (adj) honest (n) laid"back (adj) misbehave (v) nag (v) pester (v) rear (v) rebel (v) self"discipline (n) shame (v) soft (adj) stereot pical (adj) Pages 1!0 1!1 carboh drate (n) chocolate bar (n) consist (v) disgusted (adj) fungi (n) indigestible (adj) moss (n) offering (n) protein (n) rice (n) unconventional (adj) Pages 1!! 1!" bored (adj) bow (v) comparison (n) distracted (adj) e ebrow (n) facial (adj) frown (v) gesture (n) glass (adj) greet (v) insult (n) outstretched (adj) posture (n)

restless (adj) role (n) sensitivit (n) shake (v) tap (v) Pages 1!# 1!$ bride (n) hen night (n) henna (n) stag night (n) veil (n) Page 1!& brim (v) bug (n) cand (n) caramel (n) garnish (n) gourmet (n) munch (v) niche (n) revolting (adj) snob (n) stomach (v) swat (v) toffee (n) trend (n) Unit 11 /NOWLE+(E AN+ LEARNIN( Page 1!9 grasp (n) intuition (n) judgement (n) mechanics (n) motoring (adj) reasoned (adj) suitable (adj) Pages 1"0 1"1 distinguish (v) engage (v) fascination (n) ignorant (adj) indigenous (adj) mish"mash (n) take in (phr v) Pages 1"! 1"" blank (adj) curse (v) evoke (v) exact (adj)

internal (adj) retrieve (v) selective (adj) stimulate (v) Pages 1"# 1"$ capable (adj) cartoon (n) categorise (v) cognitive (adj) deliberatel (adv) d namics (n) edible (adj) entirel (adv) evidence (n) futile (adj) mood (adj) ripe (adj) troublesome (adj) unripe (adj) walnut (n) Pages 1"% 1"& appreciation (n) basicall (adv) comment (v) composition (n) examination (n) histor (n) register (v) Page 1"9 cancer (n) chant (n) diabetes (n) e!uivalent (adj) fever (n) folk healer (n) herb (n) malaria (n) multipl (v) priorit (n) renowned (adj) transmit (v) Unit 1! THE E*ONO-' Page 1#1 classif (v) definition (n) depend (v) earnings (n) goods (n) hard"up (adj)

loaded (adj) luxur (n) necessit (n) price (adj) reasonable (adj) service (n) Pages 1#! 1#" childcare (n) emigrate (v) ethic (n) leave (n) maternit (n) modest (adj) paternit (n) pension (n) productivit (n) sitting prett (v) s!uander (v) subsidise (v) thrift (n) Pages 1## 1#$ artisan (n) au pair (n) automatic (adj) carwash (n) catering (n) child minder (n) chore (n) cleaner (n) cook (n) dog walker (n) gardener (n) hairdresser (n) hand man (n) personal shopper (n) pleasure (n) satirist (n) unthinkable (adj) willing (adj) worker (n) Pages 1#% 1#& abundance (n) accurac (n)

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