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From farms to factories: The development of copper production at Faynan,
southern Jordan, during the Early Bronze Age

Russell B. Adams

Excavations of several key sites relating to the production of copper ore in the Wadi Faynan region
of southern Jordan during the years 1990 1993 have revealed a sequence of development for the
period 3600 2000 BC, which suggests a change from small-scale non-intensive smelting of
copper, to highly-developed large-scale intensive production on the scale of a manufactory. In
particular, the primary change from this low-scale production to the more intensive industrialised
production takes place at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age II (c.2900 BC), at a time when
other social changes include the development of specialised horticulture on a large scale and of the
first fortified towns in the Levant. Previous scholarship has noted extensive changes in the
appearance of copper products at this time throughout the eastern Mediterranean, from the Aegean
to Egypt. Recent work at Faynan in Jordan, however, provides the first evidence of these processes
from the perspective of the copper production sites. This paper will report on these changes in
production occurring in the early third millennium BC, the evidence for this specialisation and
intensification, and the likely social mechanisms that effect this rapid change.
The investigation of copper metallurgy in the southern Levant has for many years focused upon the
origins of metallurgy, rooted in the fifth millennium Chalcolithic cultures, c.5000 3600 BC
(Joffe and Dessel 1995). Since the pioneering work of Mallon (Mallon et al. 1934, 1940) and later
Perrot (1955) in defining these cultures, this period and the development of copper metallurgy in the
Levant have been investigated in great detail. In particular the discovery of the Nahal Mishmar
hoard (Bar Adon 1962, 1980) led many scholars to assume that the introduction and use of copper
in this period was both widespread and highly sophisticated. More recently, Levy (1995) has
demonstrated quite convincingly, through his work in the Beersheva Basin and especially at
Shiqmim in the northern Negev Desert, that in fact quite the opposite was true. Levy has suggested
that the production and use of copper metal during the Chalcolithic was most likely highly-
specialised and restricted knowledge, and may have amounted to a near monopoly on this activity in
the southern Levant by the Beersheva Valley cultures. Nevertheless, investigation of this earliest
phase of the use of copper metal in the Levant has for many years overshadowed research into the
expansion of the use of metals and their widespread adoption in society.
Copper Sources in the Levant
As late as the early 1980s only two of the three primary copper sources in the Levant, in Sinai and
at Timna, had been investigated to any extent. Disappointingly, investigations at Timna provided
little in the way of material culture or occupation sites, and the primary evidence in the region has
come from the remains of extensive mining activities. These mines have been difficult to date
accurately, since most were reused repeatedly in later periods, often obscuring to a large degree the
earliest evidence of use (Conrad and Rothenberg 1980). It was not until the mid-1980s that attention
shifted to the examination of the third as yet poorly-explored copper resource zone in the Levant at
Faynan, in the eastern Wadi Arabah of Jordan.

Metallurgical Investigations at Faynan
From 1985, the German Mining Museum (Deutsches Bergbau Museum, hereafter DBM) project in
early metallurgy carried out detailed investigation of the mines, smelting and processing sites
related to prehistoric copper production at Faynan. Numerous publications resulted from this
research, which documented the full range of copper metallurgy in the region and has recently been
summarised by Hauptmann (2000). The DBM project was chiefly successful in defining the
technological changes in copper production and putting these within a temporal framework through
an extensive series of radiocarbon dates. Being concerned as they were with the technical aspects of
metallurgy, the DBM team was somewhat less successful in the analysis of its social impact, and in
documenting the social changes that accompanied these advances.

In cooperation with the DBM project, the writer undertook four field seasons of survey and
excavation work at the western end of the Faynan drainage in the Wadi Fidan from 1989 1992, as
part of doctoral research at the University of Sheffield, UK (Adams 1999). The main emphasis of
this research was to examine the evidence for early copper production through the study of related
habitation sites in this area. These sites dated to the Early Bronze Age and excavations produced
extensive amounts of data relating to metallurgy in this period, which in conjunction with the work
on the mines and smelting sites by the DBM team allowed for the first time a detailed analysis of
the important developmental phases of metallurgy during the Early Bronze Age, and the ensuing
cultural and social changes which accompanied these technological advances. This period, as will
be shown below, marks the transition from small-scale low intensity production to large-scale
intensive production on a near industrial scale by the end of the period.
The Early Bronze Age at Faynan
The Early Bronze Age in the Levant spans a period of over 1500 years, from the mid-fourth
millennium to the beginning of the second millennium BC (c.3600 2000 BC). Traditional
chronology divides the EBA into four main phases: EBA IIII, and a fourth terminal phase known
as EBA IV (often referred to as EB/MB or MB I by various regional schools of archaeology). In
practical terms, however, despite the increase in use of radiocarbon dating, chronological
distinctions are most marked between EBA I, EBA IIIII, and EBA IV when clear and
demonstrable differences in material culture (especially ceramics) provide visible markers of
change. In the Faynan region these distinctions are particularly obvious with clear and significant
changes between the EBA I and EBA II/III periods noted in a complete change in ceramic tradition
from a regionally distinctive style to one in the EBA II/III which is broadly homogenous across the
southern Levant. In the Faynan region this transition can be seen clearly in the ceramic repertoire
and also in significant changes that take place in the technology and social process related to

Throughout the Levant during the Chalcolithic period society is dominated by chiefdom-based
societies living in small nucleated villages, situated in a two-tier settlement hierarchy of numerous
villages and larger regional village centres. With the decline of Chalcolithic society in the early
fourth millennium, this pattern of nucleated villages continues into the EBA I period. It is in such a
small village community that the earliest evidence for metallurgy at Faynan comes, from the site of
Wadi Fidan 4.
Metallurgy at Faynan during the Early Bronze Age I period
The site at Wadi Fidan 4 is a small village complex of rectilinear and apsidal houses that occupy a
terrace located some 25 metres above the wadi. On this terrace the arrangement of houses,
courtyards and open spaces is much as one would find in any village complex in fourth-millennium
BC Levant (Adams and Genz 1995). The site has been known since the initial survey work of
Raikes (1980), and was the subject of some controversy about its dating based largely upon the

ceramic data from surface survey, until radiocarbon dates from the excavations established that the
site dates to the last half of the fourth millennium BC (Adams 1999: 112).

Preliminary excavations in 1993 in three areas of the site and a nearby midden deposit produced a
substantial amount of material, including ceramics, flint and worked stone objects, all of which
suggested that the site was a domestic habitation. Alongside the evidence for this domestic
occupation was also a significant body of data which indicated that the occupants of the village used
the local copper ores from the Faynan district for the production of beads and copper metal.

There was significant evidence for bead production throughout the village structures and from the
off-site midden where a number of broken beads were found. The vast majority of the beads were
made from the variety of copper minerals from the Faynan region, in a range of shapes: cylindrical,
barrel shaped and diskoid. Evidence of a stone grinding slab for bead shaping was also recovered
from the village, indicating that bead production may have been a specialised activity at the site,
enough at least for the investment of time in the production of a specific tool for bead shaping.

Initial evidence for copper production at Wadi Fidan 4 came from the earliest surveys, since the site
was covered in several areas by small copper prills and pieces of slag. Hauptmanns (1989) early
analysis of slags and metals from the survey suggested that it was most likely a crucible-based
metallurgy. From the excavations, the primary evidence for metallurgy came from one large
building and a related courtyard in Area D in the eastern end of the site, where 26 clay crucible
fragments with adhering slag and melted copper were found. These probably indicate a minimum of
46 crucibles. The volume of these crucibles was quite small, with each crucible averaging about 10
cm in diameter and 810 cm in depth. These are considerably smaller than known examples from
several of the Beersheva Valley Chalcolithic sites. In area D the crucible fragments were found in
association with a courtyard that had the remains of eight small clay ovens, all of which contained
grey ash. Analysis of the botanical remains from the ovens suggested that they were fired by animal
dung, and although no direct evidence exists for their use in metallurgical activities, this cannot be
discounted (Adams 1999: 117; Meadows 1996).

Copper prills or droplets of copper as well as small but significant volumes of slag were found
throughout the site, but their concentration was more dense in and around the building and
courtyard in Area D. There were also quantities of copper ore and waste ore/host rock pieces
suggesting on-site dressing of the ores prior to smelting or bead production. Only one finished
copper object was found in the preliminary excavations, and this was the point of a small copper

It has been suggested that the form of crucible smelting undertaken at the site was carried out in a
crucible set in an oven or charcoal bed but heated primarily from above by blowpipes (Hauptmann
2000; Rehder 1994). Hauptmann also suggests that the volumes of slag produced were extremely
low and that it was virtually slagless copper production, with the producers selecting nearly pure
pieces of copper ore with a high copper content for smelting. Evidence from the excavations
indicates that some volume of slag was produced, and that rather than a one-step process as
suggested by Hauptmann, smelting was probably a multi-stage process, with preliminary smelting
followed by crushing of the smelted charge to select pieces for secondary smelting. This may have
been inevitable given the method of smelting, since the reduction process is likely to have been
extremely difficult due to the infusion of oxygen from the blowpipes in the heating operation.
Significant amounts of the ore were probably first reduced to cuprite and then reheated in the final
smelt to form a relatively pure copper ingot.

The combination of the evidence for ore dressing, smelting, crushing and grinding installations and
associated smelting and waste products suggests that there was significant production of copper on

site, albeit perhaps concentrated in specific areas of the village. The evidence indicates a specialised
technology, most likely limited to a specific portion of the Wadi Fidan 4 community. The
concentration of metallurgical activity at Wadi Fidan 4 seems to support the suggestion that early
metallurgy may have been a restricted form of knowledge (Budd and Taylor 1995). Although the
actual technology of production was of a specialised nature, there is not enough evidence to suggest
that the primary function of the site of Wadi Fidan 4 was to exploit ores for either bead production
or metallurgy. The overall evidence suggests a largely domestic setting, which may have had a sort
of community specialisation, perhaps by virtue of proximity to the copper ore resources. The
occupants may have also been involved in mining (as evidenced by stone mining hammers and
hammer blanks found at the site), as well as the trading of ores and copper production activities as
a supplement to general subsistence activities.

The evidence from the DBM work at Faynan suggests that a significant amount of mining took
place there during the fourth millennium BC, with open gallery mines cut into the Umm Ishrin
Sandstone formation (Rabba 1994) (also known as the Massive Brown Sandstone or MBS
formation (Bender 1974)). The copper deposits from the lower Burj Dolomite Shale formation
(Rabba 1994) (also known as the DLS (Bender 1974)), seem to have only been exploited where
this was exposed by faulting and erosion. The mining of copper during this period was done with
the use of crude stone hammers, and the resulting open gallery mines are similar to those at Timna,
with irregular and rounded galleries cut only a short distance into the rock formation, following
veins of ore (Conrad and Rothenberg 1980, Hauptmann 2000, fig. 52). The available evidence
supports the trade of these ores further afield and Faynan ores are known from Chalcolithic sites in
the Beersheva Basin and Egypt (Hauptmann and Pernicka 1989). It is likely that this trade in ore
continued well into Early Bronze Age I, perhaps supplemented by trade in beads and to some extent
copper metal, either in a finished or semi-finished state.

The overall impression, then, of mining and copper production during Early Bronze Age I is that it
is very similar to that known from the Chalcolithic period (Levy 1995). Due to the available
technology, mining was confined to exposed or easily mined ore bodies in the sandstone cliffs of
Faynan. The mined ore was used for both bead and copper production undertaken on a limited basis
within the village, perhaps by specialist members of the community.
The Early Bronze Age II period in the Levant
At the beginning of the Early Bronze Age II period, c.2900 BC, there is evidence for social changes
affecting populations at Faynan. Throughout the Levant at this time, changing demographic
conditions and a continued trend towards an urban way of life are well underway. This trend,
which began in the later EBA I, possibly as a result of contact with Egypt, reaches a peak during the
EBA II, with major town centres springing up throughout the region. The overall increase in
population and a reduction in the actual numbers of sites suggest that larger sites began to play an
increasingly important role in EBA II society. In addition to the trend towards walled towns during
this period, other major societal changes are taking place, with increased centralisation and control,
and the development of large-scale building projects (Amiran and Gophna 1989). Joffe (1993: 73)
has suggested that the trend towards what he calls population agglomeration and the functional
differentiation and specialisation of sites at this time lead to new relationships between these town
centres and their surrounding hinterlands that foster the concept of urban and rural space.

During this period there is evidence of increased specialisation of production in a variety of
technologies, including ceramic and flint tool production, and especially in terms of horticultural
developments. The combined evidence from this movement towards specialisation suggests
changing patterns of consumption and the production of commodities for trade. The term
commodity is used here for convenience, to refer to an object or material that, simply stated, has a
value which is determined within a specific social context. This value can be a result of a number of

factors whether an item be used as a marker of prestige or simply as a useful and utilitarian
Changes in metallurgy at Faynan during the Early Bronze Age II period
At Faynan the beginning of the EBA II period is when the first evidence for major changes in
copper production was noted by the DBM project. Unlike the preceding period when metallurgy
was undertaken within the confines of the village, there is now significant evidence for the smelting
of ores at close proximity to the mines. This is no doubt as a result of developments in the smelting
process, since there is a move away from small volume crucible smelting to larger smelting
furnaces that no doubt produced significant amounts of atmospheric pollutants. These furnaces, well
documented by Hauptmann and his team, appear to be large-scale operations with multiple
installations being operated in close proximity to one another, possibly by natural draft as they are
constructed on the windward side of high hills in the region. The best-preserved example of these
furnaces is at the site of Faynan 9, where multiple furnaces were excavated indicating continued
rebuilding on the same locality with furnaces superimposed one on another (Hauptmann 2000: 74-
77, fig. 49).

In addition to these changes in smelting technology, there is also associated evidence for significant
new developments in mining, with the introduction of shaft and gallery mines. Vertical shafts,
which were dug down several metres to the DLS ore horizon, were then expanded into galleries
following the narrow ore bodies often 11.5 metres in height. The excavation along the ore bodies,
constructing a chamber and pillar system to ensure roof support, allowed the miners to dig very
extensive galleries. It is clear from the available evidence that primary beneficiation took place
within the mines themselves, and that the surplus mining waste was used to backfill the workings to
ensure roof support (Hauptmann 2000, figs 54 and 55). The size and number of these mines
documented by the DBM (in the Wadi Khaled, a total of 56 mines were found) suggest a dramatic
increase in the scale of mining activities during Early Bronze Age II. The increasing sophistication
of the mine construction suggests that mining activity may have been carried out by specialists. The
primary reason for the shift away from open gallery mining in the MBS formation towards the
much more difficult to mine ore deposits in the DLS is probably due to the fact that the copper ore
was of a higher quality and more plentiful in the DLS deposits.

These changes in the mining and smelting of copper are only the visible remains of the developing
complexity of copper production at Faynan during Early Bronze Age II. In order to support this
level of activity, the transport of the ores to the smelting sites, and the production and transport of
the large amounts of fuel now required for the expanded smelting activity would have required a
significant amount of organisation and manpower. Analysis of the wood species used in the
smelting operation suggests that much of the fuel used in these early periods most likely came from
the Mediterranean forest, still in existence at this time on the Jordanian plateau (Engle and Frey
1996). Lastly, Hauptmanns (2000: 153) smelting experiments in replica furnaces suggest that the
furnace contents once smelted would have to be crushed and processed to extract the copper metal
from the slag. This is supported by evidence from the smelting site at Ras en-Naqb, a site very
similar to Faynan 9, which is in close proximity to an extensive series of rock-cut mortars for the
crushing of furnace slag (Hauptmann 2000, 85-86, figs 59 and 60).

The picture that we can see developing from all of the above is one of increasing sophistication and
innovation in the technical processes, and a dramatic shift in the scale and intensity of copper
production. The development of these operations required a significant amount of organisation of
both labour and resources in order to support the production activities. In order to organise both the
labour and resources needed, a degree of centralisation of control as well as manipulation of the
labour base would have been required. The shift from small-scale community specialisation in

EBA I to this highly-sophisticated and extensive production process in early EBA II seems to have
occurred in a relatively short span of time, perhaps no more than a few hundred years.
Social Change at Faynan during the Early Bronze Age II period
The changes that occurred in the copper production processes at Faynan take place at a point when
we can identify significant changes in cultural markers in the this region. Excavations at the site of
Barqa el-Hetiye only a few kilometeres south of the Wadi Faynan have revealed a large rectilinear
structure destroyed by fire and dated to the beginning of the Early Bronze Age II period on the basis
of both radiocarbon and ceramic evidence. This structure, an isolated building on a prominent ridge
near to one of the major smelting sites in the region, was partially constructed of dressed stone and
surrounded by a stone wall which formed a courtyard for the building. The excavator has suggested
it was a domestic structure of a unique kind (Fritz 1994), but it has been proposed elsewhere that
specific aspects of its construction and its similarities to other known cult structures of the EBA II
period may identify it as a cultic building (Adams 1999, Chapter 6). The peculiarities of the
building aside, its primary importance lies in the ceramic evidence from the site which shows that
the EBA I indigenous ceramic style has now been replaced by what can be described as a normative
EBA II style, broadly similar to the western Levantine styles, with no trace of the indigenous EBA I
forms known from Wadi Fidan 4. Petrological study indicates that the ceramics found on site were
both imported from the western Levant and produced locally. There is little difference in styles or
wares, suggesting external influence on developments in Faynan at this time (Adams in prep).
Specialised Copper Production at Faynan during the Early Bronze Age III period
The evidence for the changes in mining and smelting activities that were documented by the DBM
team can also be supplemented by material from the excavations at the site of Khirbat Hamra Ifdan
(hereafter KHI). Excavations at this site in 1990 and 1992 (and subsequently in 1999 and 2000)
revealed a portion of a well-built structure containing significant amounts of copper production
debris, including numerous casting moulds and other evidence for the production of copper ingots
and objects. The site is dated to EBA III on the basis of the ceramics and two radiocarbon dates that
place it in the period 2600 2300 cal BC. The evidence from the site for extensive copper
manufacturing suggests that the trend toward specialisation and an increased scale of production
continued to the end of the main phase of the Early Bronze Age and into Early Bronze Age IV, a
period often referred to as the end of the urban phase and one of societal collapse. The very
extensive evidence for the final production of ingots and copper objects from this site suggests that
this was a highly specialised operation for the final treatment of copper, prior to distribution. The
evidence is of such an industrialised scale of production that it has been suggested that this site be
termed a manufactory installation (Adams 1999; Levy et al. 2002).

The evidence from KHI is an important link for understanding the nature of copper production and
trade in the later Early Bronze Age. While Hauptmann (2000) was successful in identifying various
copper objects from Levantine Early Bronze Age contexts as having come from the Faynan copper
sources, the evidence from KHI provided the first significant linkage in this distribution chain.
During the excavations at KHI, significant numbers of clay casting moulds for the production of a
copper objects (axes, pins, chisels) as well as a special type of bar ingot were found along with
pieces of copper ingots (Levy et al. 2002). These ingots were already known from hoards at several
excavations in the western Levant (Dever and Tadmor 1976; Maddin and Stech Wheeler 1976),
principally from sites in the Negev. The discovery of casting moulds at KHI confirmed that these
ingots had originated from Faynan. Although the Negev sites were dated to the Early Bronze Age
IV period, the shallow stratigraphy and the fact that most of the finds from these sites were of ingot
hoards may suggest that the exact dating of these ingots is in dispute, and that they may in fact be
EBA III in date. Despite the problems over the exact date, the correspondence of the ingots from the
Negev sites with the casting moulds from KHI suggests that, by the end of the Early Bronze Age,

copper was being produced in large quantities and exported as a commodity to the western Levant
and perhaps beyond.
Scales of copper production at Faynan
At Faynan, the changes in technology and organisation during the Early Bronze Age IIIII periods
greatly increased the scale of copper production. Hauptmann estimated that in Early Bronze Age I
copper production was probably in the range of a few hundred kilograms, although it was of such
limited extent that it is difficult to quantify (Hauptmann and Weisgerber 1992; Weisgerber and
Hauptmann 1988). Despite the difficulties in establishing estimates for Early Bronze Age IIIII,
Hauptmann estimated that between 300 and 500 metric tons of copper metal were produced
(Hauptmann and Weisgerber 1992). This figure was based on his quantification of visible slags of
the period although the true tonnage may in fact be much higher. The increase in scales of
production is of such an order of magnitude that it requires a serious appraisal of the conditions
under which such an increase might take place, and the factors that may have contributed to the
increased demand for copper at this time.
Specialisation and control of resources during the Early Bronze Age IIIII period
The intensification of copper production which can be seen in the archaeological record at Faynan
can also be seen in other developments elsewhere in the southern Levant, including the extensive
evidence of expansion in horticulture and viticulture (Miller Rosen 1997), trade in standardised flint
tools (Rosen 1997), and the development of specialised and standardised pottery industries (Esse
1989, 1991). All of these developments had at their heart one key feature, and this seems to have
been the centralisation and control of labour and resources.

In terms of the parallel developments in agriculture, Miller Rosen (1997) suggests that the
agricultural intensification which takes place in western Palestine at this time developed on two
levels, with production of cash crops (both primary and secondary products, such as olives and
olive oil, grapes and wine) for intra- and inter-regional trade, as well as subsistence crops (wheat
and other cereals). Miller Rosen also proposes that cash crops may have been regulated by elite
segments of society, while cereal production was conducted on an exploitative basis by family
units. Elites may have maintained control over agriculture through the extraction of cereals in the
form of taxes or through religious motivation of the farmers, with storage of cereals for
redistribution in times of drought or famine (see also Stein 1994). Another possible motivation may
have been provided by allowing access to walled towns for defence against marauders (Miller
Rosen 1997: 96). By means of these controls, the elites may also have gained control of the labour
of the population for the production of cash crops, as well as for the building of fortifications,
temples and other public construction projects. These elite managerial classes may therefore have
consolidated their control through the revenues from cash crops, control over staples and the trade
of prestige items such as copper, as well as through controlling access to religious and defensive

This model for agriculture can also be used to support the development of metallurgy, with copper
like horticultural surpluses being viewed as a specialised product requiring control and the
manipulation of labour resources for the advancement of elites through trade.
Resources and organisation
The significant changes referred to here that were taking place throughout the southern Levant at
the beginning of the Early Bronze Age II period should be seen against the changing situation in the
region with respect to population demographics and increased international contact, which had
begun at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age with the first contact with Egypt (Braun in press). It
is important to place the transformation of copper production in the Faynan area against the
background of these developments, since the rapid transformation of the copper industry and the
scale of the developments in this period both point in the direction of major social changes. These

were most likely of external origin, since the scale of development is difficult to account for on the
grounds of indigenous factors alone. To summarise, the increase in the scale of copper production at
the beginning of EBA II required several key innovations and developments:
mining on an increased scale and now exclusively in the DLS copper deposits, which
required new mining technology to build shaft and gallery mines;
new smelting furnace technology to deal with the massively increased scale of production,
and to smelt the ores more efficiently;
increased procurement of fuels for smelting;
increased manpower to work the mines, supply fuel for the smelting ovens and process the
ores before smelting, and the slags after smelting;
the organisation, co-ordination and control of these various activities.
When the evidence of extensive changes at Faynan are reviewed against the parameters put
forward by Costin (1991) (Figure 2), it is clear that these modifications in the scale, concentration,
intensity and context of production indicate that there were major transformations between Early
Bronze Age I metallurgy as seen at Wadi Fidan 4 and the later Early Bronze Age IIIII form of
In terms of the scale of production, the evidence is unambiguous in indicating a large increase in the
absolute volume of copper produced. This can be seen in the occurrence of the residual slags from
smelting that have been radiocarbon dated to this period, as well as from the evidence of the mine
waste or tailings which cover large portions of the landscape around the new shaft and gallery
mines. Although this mine waste is difficult to date precisely, large amounts of these tailings can be
dated to the Early Bronze Age IIIII period on the basis of associated ceramics.

The increased scale of copper production is also clear from the evidence in the vicinity of the
smelting installations, which include extensive furnace production areas and proof of the continuous
refurbishment of smelters, as well as the proximity of numerous crushing installations. On the basis
of this evidence, we must also assume a large increase in the amount of fuel required for smelting.
This implies an increase in manpower required for the movement of the fuel, as well as of the ores
from the mines to the smelting sites.
The concentration of this smelting activity is equally clear from the archaeological evidence. In
contrast to the evidence for the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age when production was dispersed
in domestic village contexts either outside the mining zones or, as in the case of Wadi Fidan 4,
somewhat removed from the mines, Early Bronze Age IIIII smelting activities were near the
mines, in the closest areas suitable for natural draft furnace smelting.

This concentration can also be seen in the occurrence of closely-arranged smelting installations at
sites such as Faynan 9, where numerous furnaces are located in a small area, as well as from the
evidence of spatially-concentrated crushing and processing installations near to the smelters, as at
Ras en-Naqb. These sites were most likely used for the preparation of the smelting charge and the
separation of copper metal from the slag after smelting. That this spatial distribution of activity is
related to large-scale workshops rather than many nucleated individual producers is best evidenced
by the tightly-packed nature of the smelting installations, which suggests workshop activity away
from domestic habitations, in an area exclusively reserved for this activity.
Assessment of the intensity of copper production during the Early Bronze Age IIIII periods at
Faynan relies to a large degree on circumstantial evidence related to both its scale and

concentration. It is difficult to say with absolute confidence that the production activities were being
conducted by full-time specialists, but there is evidence which may indicate this to be the case.
Perhaps the best evidence for a shift to full-time specialists is the dramatic increase in the number
of different operations that are being carried out, many of which by this time had become quite
specialised in technological terms. Included in the latter is a very specialised type of mining
activity that required careful and expert knowledge to ensure the creation of a stable mine with
sufficient roof support and suitable circulation of air. Other specialised activities probably
included ore dressing, fuel procurement (the felling of trees and possibly charcoal production),
transportation (of both ores and fuel), the manufacture as well as the operation of smelting furnaces,
the crushing of slags and, most likely, recasting operations to form the primary smelted metal into
ingots and objects. All of these activities suggest a degree of specialisation, and many are best
attributed to full-time specialists.
All this evidence of large-scale, concentrated workshop activity by full-time specialists suggests
that these activities were being carried out by attached specialists, rather than independent
producers. This seems the most likely interpretation on the basis of both the archaeological data and
an understanding of the rapid nature of the transition to large-scale production. It is unlikely that the
scale of production and the rapidity of technological changes were driven by supply and demand
alone. It seems more likely that the high degree of organisation and co-ordination of the labour
involved, as well as the large number of individuals required to carry out the copper production,
were the result of some form of attached specialisation. Whether these attached specialists were
working under the patronage of a major centre or, alternatively, some other interest group who
provided the basic subsistence requirements of the production community remains an open
Changing Patterns of Consumption in the later Early Bronze Age
All of these developments and the general intensification of copper production point to a rapidly
increased demand for copper as a specialised product. To understand fully the changing patterns of
production at Faynan during Early Bronze Age IIIII, it is necessary to understand the changing
nature of consumption during this period that leads to this increased production.

Any discussion of consumption should be firmly rooted in an understanding of it as a social
process, and in an acknowledgment of the role that materials (such as copper in this case) play in
societies as reflections of prestige, social markers or wealth. The close association of metal objects
as markers of prestige in burials has often been seen as a hallmark of the early periods of metal use
throughout the Old World. That metal objects played a role in early society primarily as a display of
personal social ranking, as a form of elite display, and also in creating and maintaining social
networks of bonding and obligation, is now commonly accepted. Renfrew (1986), however, in his
study of the Varna cemetery on the Black Sea, has stressed that it is important to note the circularity
of these arguments regarding the association between rich burials with numerous metal objects and
supposed ranking. He suggests, and then demonstrates with reference to Varna, that it is both
necessary and possible to show a conjunction between the perceived value of metal and social
ranking in early metal-using societies.

Indeed, a number of scholars analysing patterns of early copper metal utilisation in the Old World
have suggested that the earliest use probably had little to do with the utilitarian aspects of the
material, and that copper items were primarily seen as objects of high prestige and value for display,
rather than as useful commodities (Renfrew 1986: 144, emphasis in original). Budd and Taylor
(1995: 139) remark that the processes of copper production may have played a significant role in
this prestige, in as much as the ability to put on a show of colourful, transmogrifying
pyrotechnics may have commanded considerable respect. Both Renfrew, and Budd and Taylor

argue (contra Childe 1944) that the introduction of metal-producing technologies, rather than being
significant technological stages, were in fact not immediately significant events in their own right.
Renfrew (1986: 146) also suggests that the innovation of metallurgy was not in its discovery, but
in the eventual adoption of metals as useful commodities in considerably later times, when the
technology had progressed to a stage where production promoted efficiency in a way that is
adaptively advantageous.

Nakou (1995) hints at just this scenario in the context of the development of the use of copper in the
Aegean Bronze Age. There, the archaeological evidence for the use of metal in the Neolithic period
is in such a stark contrast to the Early Bronze Age 2 period as to produce a Metallschock, with the
sudden appearance of increased amounts of copper and other metal objects as conspicuous
consumption in the burials of elite males. Nakou attributes this largely to the changing social
strategies and behavioural patterns in which metal objects, and especially weapons, are used as a
means of identifying emergent (male) groups, and as markers of membership in a successful
groupdefined by participation in esoteric knowledge, of which metal was the material
embodiment (1995: 23).

This evident change in the patterns of deposition of metal objects is also seen in other parts of the
Mediterranean and notably in the Levant, where it is similarly visible in the context of changing
patterns of burial that move from the collective to the individual (Joffe in prep). Likewise in Egypt,
the development of an elite can be seen in the changing style and scale of the burial monuments
themselves, as well as in the deposition of imported goods perceived to be elite in nature, many of
which are the products of specialised production (Dreyer 1992).

This notion of the value and prestige of metal objects as documenting personal ranking, through
individual ownership and the deposition of objects in burials, may in fact be viewed from a slightly
different perspective. Following Hodder (1982), Renfrew (1986: 156) suggests that, rather than
merely reflecting an expression of social ranking, the ownership and display of such valuable
objects may have contributed to the establishment of prestige and rank and constituted an
essential part of the prominence of the owner. This of course lends an active role to material
culture, rather than simply seeing artefacts as a material reflection of embedded social structures.

The shift from curation in the earlier stages of metallurgy to a tendency for conspicuous
consumption through deposition (and hence loss from circulation) is an obvious example of the
changing patterns of metal consumption during the Bronze Age. It can be argued, however, that
there is a further step to the consumption trend, in that during the developed Bronze Age there was
a tendency away from high quality objects that showed considerable input of labour in production
to more mass-produced items (this trend is clearly visible in the numerous casting moulds for
multiple copper objects found at KHI (Levy et al. 2002)). There is evidence of a change in pattern
or a transition, when metal objects were no longer regarded as important in their own right as
specific objects of production, rather as much for the value of the material (in this case copper).
This shift marks the move toward metal being perceived as a true commodity, and as having a value
on the basis of the material rather than as an individual crafted object. This tendency can be
suggested to parallel the continued intensification of metal production, and at the same time marks a
decline in the prestige aspect of objects and a shift towards the utilitarian characteristics of the
material. In addition, this transformation most likely reflects a developing trend toward the
accumulation of wealth in the form of copper as a tradable commodity for exchange in a semi-
finished form, often in the shape of ingots.
Copper consumption during the later Early Bronze Age
It remains to explore the nature of this increased demand, and suggest the reasons for and probable
end-users of this large supply of copper. It is unlikely on the basis of the current evidence from

excavations that the majority of the copper produced at Faynan was for the direct use of the
communities in the Levant. The sheer volume of copper produced during this period of expansion is
not reflected in finds from the known excavated sites. It is more likely that intra-regional trade was
simply one avenue of distribution, and that the largest demand for copper came from outside the

If we are to look for an alternative end-user of the copper being produced during the later Early
Bronze Age, the most likely consumer is Egypt. The possible role of Egypt in providing an external
stimulus to urban processes in the Levant is generally accepted (Brandl 1992; Braun in press; Levy
et al. 1995, 1997), and the importation of specialised products such as wine, oil and bitumen into
Egypt from at least the Pre-Dynastic period is well documented (Dreyer 1992, Oren 1973, 1989).
Given that Egypt was a resource-poor society it is logical to assume that it was also eager to attain
copper. Numerous scholars have over the years pointed to Egypt as an importer of Levantine copper
(Ben Tor 1986; Gophna 1976; Kempinski 1989, 1992; Stager 1992), but little direct evidence has
ever been presented in support of this theory. Marfoe (1987: 26) has suggested that this factor may
have been a primary one in developing centralisation in Early Dynastic Egypt:
In Egypt a monopoly of this lucrative link particularly in copper may have contributed to
the further centralisation of the state between Dynasties I and III, if not earlier.
Impressionistically, at least, there seems to be a significant rise in copper found in Egyptian
contexts from Nagada III onwards. In a tomb dating to the reign of Djer (Dynasty I: Emery
1949), 700 copper objects (including 75 ingots) were found. By Dynasty II, a smaller but
similar cache was deposited in the tomb of Khasekhemwi, suggesting perhaps that a control
over this strategic resource was a royal and/or elite prerogative. By Dynasty V, copper was
sufficiently common to be used for a long drainpipe in Sahures funerary complex, indicating
that the deployment of wealth that surely preceded the Old Kingdom was laid mainly in the late
Pre-dynastic and Early Dynastic times.
This demand for copper, which provided a new and useful resource to the expanding elites in Egypt,
may perhaps be the ultimate answer to the question of who were the primary end-users of this
increasing copper production at Faynan. Marfoe (1987: 28) has suggested that copper may well
have played a significant role in the creation and maintenance of Egyptian elites:
A state monopoly of an inflow of goods especially metals can be a factor in a states
capabilities to mobilise human energy, a phenomenon that was spectacularly successful in the
Egyptian case. As durable, reputable, quality controllable resources with a degree of scarcity,
metals have possessed a substantial potential for binding allegiances in later timesthe early
centralisation of the state structure may have been in part achieved by the deployment of capital
through proscribed yet legitimate channels that restricted the range of alternate modes of

The evidence for the importation of copper into Egypt seems clear. There is evidence from at least
the Nagada I (Late Chalcolithic) period at Maadi, which continued during Nagada II (Early Bronze
Age Ia) when finds of over 50 copper objects, including fish hooks, chisels, axes and adzes, sheet
metal and three ingots, point to the centre as a major importer of copper objects. The ingots (two of
which are the same shape) are all within a very close weight range, which may be indicative of a
degree of standardisation in ingots (Rizkana and Seeher 1989: 17). Hauptmann and Pernicka (1989:
137141), analysing seven ore samples and five objects from Maadi, suggested, on the basis of
texture, mineralogy and chemistry, that the majority of copper ores and objects are probably derived
from the same source. This is most likely the DLS levels at Faynan, although Timna cannot be
totally excluded as a possibility (Hauptmann 1989: 129).

The end-users of the copper produced at Faynan during the later Early Bronze Age cannot at present
be proven conclusively, but the available evidence suggests that, in addition to the increasing level
of demand for copper amongst the developing urban polities of western Palestine, the emerging

Egyptian state perhaps provided the necessary large-scale endusers of copper. The changing
patterns of consumption in Egypt, often in the form of conspicuous consumption by elites for burial
and deposition, may have resulted in dramatic changes in demand for copper at this time and caused
the increase in copper production at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age II period at Faynan.
To summarise, the evidence for copper production at Faynan outlined here suggests that the most
significant changes in its organisation occurred in Early Bronze Age IIIII. These changes can be
seen as a transition in the type of production occurring in these periods. There is a clear change
from a dispersed, low-scale, low-intensity and independent form of production at Wadi Fidan 4,
where there is possible evidence of a community specialisation that exploited the nearby copper
resources during Early Bronze Age I, to a large-scale, high-intensity, nucleated form of production
that suggests attached specialisation during Early Bronze Age IIIII. The evidence at Faynan
suggests that these changes were probably in reaction to external factors, such as the increasing
consumption of copper by other regions, including the emerging urban towns in the western Levant
and Egypt. The social changes occurring at Faynan during the EBA also suggest that this region
experienced change as a result of contact with the western Levantine, as evidenced through changes
in regional ceramic styles. The effect of these contacts was most likely far reaching and long
lasting, and resulted in significant reorganisation of both the copper industry and local cultural
traditions. These developments should been seen in the context of similar changes in other aspects
of social organisation and production throughout the Levant at this time, and must also be viewed
against an overall changing pattern of consumption and trade networks both within the Levant and
between the Levant and Egypt during the early third millennium BC.

I thank Barbara Ottaway for the invitation to write this paper, and Emma Wagner and Barbara
Ottaway for their patience and helpful editorial remarks. I also thank Dr. Eliot Braun for reviewing
an earlier draft of this paper and providing numerous useful comments.

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Figure 1 Sites mentioned in the text.

Independent Attached
(Degree of Elite Sponsorship)
Dispersed Nucleated
Small, Kin-based Factory
Part-time Full-time

Figure 2. Primary parameters which characterise the organisation of production (after Costin 1991: 9).

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